AArkstore enterprise 13th October 2014
Aarkstore - Credit Unions in New Zealand Browse Full Report @ http://www.aarkstore.com/industry-profile/45020/Credit-Unions-in-NewZealand Published: May 2014 | No. Of Pages: 27 Pages PDF: $350 | Enterprise Wide Licence: $875
Introduction Credit Unions in New Zealand industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market size (value and volume 2009-13, and forecast to 2018). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market. Essential resource for top-line data and analysis covering the New Zealand credit unions market. Includes market size data, textual and graphical analysis of market growth trends, leading companies and macroeconomic information.
Highlights • Credit unions are member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperatives that provide savings, credit and other financial services to their members. • The members of a credit union share a common bond, such as living in the same region. Credit unions do not raise funds from sources other than their members savings. There are no outside shareholders, and each union is run by directors elected by its members.
AArkstore enterprise • Cooperative banks are similar to credit unions, but members need not to share a common bond, financial products may be offered to non-members, and a certain amount of capital may be raised from sources other than savings. As a result cooperative banks are not included in this report. • Values relate to total assets held by credit unions in the relevent country at year end, whilst volumes relate to total members (customers) of credit unions. • Any currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2013 annual average exchange rates. • The New Zealand credit unions sector had total assets of $718.9m in 2013, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.6% between 2009 and 2013. • The number of members increased with a CAGR of 3.3% between 2009 and 2013, to reach a total of 193.8 thousand members in 2013. • The performance of the sector is forecast to accelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 5.7% for the five-year period 2013 - 2018, which is expected to drive the sector to a value of $919.8m by the end of 2018. Browse complete Report on: http://www.aarkstore.com/industry-profile/45020/Credit-Unions-inNew-Zealand Features
• Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, and leading players in the credit unions market in New Zealand • Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the credit unions market in New Zealand
AArkstore enterprise • Leading company profiles reveal details of key credit unions market players global operations and financial performance • Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the New Zealand credit unions market with five year forecasts by both value and volume • Macroeconomic indicators provide insight into general trends within the New Zealand economy
Key Questions Answered • What was the size of the New Zealand credit unions market by value in 2013? • What will be the size of the New Zealand credit unions market in 2018? • What factors are affecting the strength of competition in the New Zealand credit unions market? • How has the market performed over the last five years? • How large is New Zealands credit unions market in relation to its regional counterparts?
Browse complete Report on: http://www.aarkstore.com/industry-profile/45020/Credit-Unions-in-New-Zealand
Table of Contents: Executive Summary 2
AArkstore enterprise Market value 2 Market value forecast 2 Market volume 2 Market volume forecast 2 Geography segmentation 2 Market rivalry 2 Market Overview 7 Market definition 7 Market analysis 7 Market Data 8 Market value 8 Market volume 9 Market Segmentation 10 Geography segmentation 10 Market Outlook 11 Market value forecast 11 Market volume forecast 12 Five Forces Analysis 13 Summary 13 Buyer power 14 Supplier power 15 New entrants 16
AArkstore enterprise Threat of substitutes 18 Degree of rivalry 19 Leading Companies 20 Aotearoa Credit Union 20 AWHI Credit Union 21 New Zealand Credit Union Baywide 22 Macroeconomic Indicators 23 Country Data 23
Appendix 25 Methodology 25 Industry associations 26 Related MarketLine research 26
Table 1: New Zealand credit unions sector value: $ billion, 200913 8 Table 2: New Zealand credit unions sector volume: thousand members, 200913 9 Table 3: New Zealand credit unions sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2013 10 Table 4: New Zealand credit unions sector value forecast: $ billion, 201318 11 Table 5: New Zealand credit unions sector volume forecast: thousand members, 201318 12 Table 6: Aotearoa Credit Union: key facts 20
AArkstore enterprise Table 7: AWHI Credit Union: key facts 21 Table 8: New Zealand Credit Union Baywide: key facts 22 Table 9: New Zealand size of population (million), 200913 23 Table 10: New Zealand gdp (constant 2000 prices, $ billion), 200913 23 Table 11: New Zealand gdp (current prices, $ billion), 200913 23 Table 12: New Zealand inflation, 200913 24 Table 13: New Zealand consumer price index (absolute), 200913 24 Table 14: New Zealand exchange rate, 200913 24
Figure 1: New Zealand credit unions sector value: $ billion, 200913 8 Figure 2: New Zealand credit unions sector volume: thousand members, 200913 9 Figure 3: New Zealand credit unions sector geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2013 10 Figure 4: New Zealand credit unions sector value forecast: $ billion, 201318 11 Figure 5: New Zealand credit unions sector volume forecast: thousand members, 201318 12 Figure 6: Forces driving competition in the credit unions sector in New Zealand, 2013 13 Figure 7: Drivers of buyer power in the credit unions sector in New Zealand, 2013 14 Figure 8: Drivers of supplier power in the credit unions sector in New Zealand, 2013 15 Figure 9: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the credit unions sector in New Zealand, 2013 16 Figure 10: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the credit unions sector in New Zealand, 2013 18
AArkstore enterprise Figure 11: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the credit unions sector in New Zealand, 2013 19
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