JUNE 2012
1. Inspire Children’s Nursery
8. Super Dooper
2. The Kensington Nursery
9. Kidville
3. Willow Children’s Nursery
10. Rainbow Valley Nursery
4. Kids Cottage Nursery 5. Ladybird Private Nursery 6. Dubai Holiday Camps 7. The Blossom Children’s Nursery
11. Fun City 12. Splash ‘n’ Bounce
You’ve asked and we looked for answers! Over the past few months, mums have come to us asking what summer camps we recommend. With plenty of choices around the Emirates, we decided to pursue with this Summer Camp Guide to give mothers a compact, easily accessible and reliable reference. With the help of owners, directors and managers of various summer camp venues, we are offering you tips, suggestions and advice in picking the camp that will best fit your child’s qualities and meet your expectations as parents. Experts come onboard as well to render important health reminders to make the summer enjoyable whilst ensuring that your child is in tiptop shape. Please note however, that the nurseries are not in any sort of order--there is no rating scheme. We sure hope that this guide will take out a load off your shoulders as we know that you’ve got more than enough to look after as mums. So with
mother, baby and child summer camps
that... Happy summer camp hunting, Mummies! Sincerely, Your Team from Mother, Baby & Child Magazine
contents 26
10 Map and search
Take your pick
Inspire Children’s Nursery Skill-based intructions just how parents wanted it
The Kensington Nursery 33 Children from two to seven years old are most welcome Willow Children’s Nursery Giving their holistic approach to learning Kids Cottage Nursery Helping kids develop independence through creative play
Ladybird Private Nursery The ONLY nursery we’re recommending in Abu Dhabi The Blossom Children Nursery First class eco-friendly and safety initiatives Dubai Holiday Camps Action-packed acitivites in a safe environment
Rainbow Valley Nursery An up-and-coming nursery at the JLT area
Expert Tips
Mum, my tooth hurts… Advices from Dr Zeina
Hydrate to rejuvenate Drink up and stay healthy
Super Dooper Show Production - a truly unique theme from the rest
Kidville Various themes for different age groups
46 Kids snacks craze
Importance of healthy eating There is more to food than just being tasty
49 Vouchers and Competitions
mother, baby and child summer camps
2 Introduction
map and search the perfect camp
Inspire Children’s Nursery Umm Suqeim, Dubai 04 395 5473
Willow Children’s Nursery Al Wasl Road, Dubai 050 472 5890
Kids Cottage Nursery Jumeirah 3, Dubai 04 394 2145
Dubai Holiday Camps Dubai International Academy, Emirates Hills, Dubai
Super Dooper
056 157 9219, 050 163 6292
DAMAC Waves Bldg., Dubai Marina, Dubai
Rainbow Valley Nursery
mother, baby and child summer camps
04 454 8391
Jumeirah Lake Towers 050 440 4863
Kidville Jumeirah Beach Residences, Motorcity & Mirdiff, Dubai 04 440 1220 4
map and search the perfect camp
The Kensington Nursery Umm Al Sheif Road, Umm
Dubai Holiday Camps
Suqeim, Dubai
Deira International School,
04 394 4473
Festival City 050 882 4218, 050 163 6292
Dubai Holiday Camps Raffles International School South Campus, Umm Suqeim 3 055 682 5076, 050 163 6292
The Kensington Nursery Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai
The Blossom Children’s Nursery
04 342 3399
Umm Al Seif & Umm Suqeim, Dubai 04 348 6275, 04 394 8837
Summer Camp locations:
Ladybird Private Nursery Al Bateen Area, Abu Dhabi
Fun City Find the Fun City Summer Camp nearest you: www.funcity.ae
Splash ‘n’ Bounce SOURCE: Wikimapia.org
For more information, call 0502825257 5
mother, baby and child summer camps
02 667 3881
map and search the perfect camp
mother, baby and child summer camps
CREDITS: Asma Maladwala Co-Owner & Director Inspire Children’s Nursery Chris Wind Managing Director Dubai Holiday Camps
map and search the perfect camp and is laminated and on display near the entrance of the room. This coupled with the evacuation totals which are maintained throughout the day to ensure that we have accurate head counts for children in our care. The main exit route noted for each class is followed in our numerous fire drills and we are taught NEVER to disregard the alarm - even if it is a simple drill. A secondary route is always noted for all and exits are neither locked nor made inaccessible. Even our external gates are designed so they can
Better safe than sorry!
be opened by children and the compound has more than one exit door. All cooking/ heating is done in a separate building with no shared or common walls. Even a simple microwave, coffee maker or other
By Zahra Hamirani, Founder of The
mother, baby and child summer camps
Blossom Nursery
TIP: Ask about safety procedures and protocol. Summer camps must have staff who had undoergone paediatric first aid training, a qualified nurse present, CCTV and ensured awareness of emergency exits and process. At Blossom, our mission is to provide a secure and stimulating environment where each child will ‘blossom’ and this continues with our summer programs. In designing Blossom there were a number of factors we looked at - that each classroom had multiple exit points and a prepared fire exit plan was key. This fire plan is designed for each classroom
heating element is not in the teaching buildings. Fire safety starts with key equipment working; at each Blossom nursery we have a professionally installed and maintained Fire Protection System that is inspected by a Civil Defence approved external fire protection unit at least 4 times annually. Our last inspections were completed in April 2012 and all equipment was checked, noted and in good order. Our over 20 smoke detectors/heat detectors work at each centre and we have a direct 24/7 line to the Civil Defence if they or the fire alarms go off. Both nurseries are monitored by the Civil Defence via a GPS 24/7 system. We have had Civil Defence come in and speak to staff members in the past and have worked on Fire Safety as a key topic in our training program
map and search the perfect camp
and very
which has recently
all rooms have windows/balconies that
launched. Of special
are not sealed/locked shut. Another
importance are those
question I was asked was why are there
rooms on the second
no foldable ladders from second floor, the
floor. How do we
main reason is that any ladder would go
escape if our staircase
straight down right to the main entrance
is blocked? This is a
area which is obviously our ideal exit
very important issue
and thus the “fire” would be blocking
close to my own heart
this space should we choose to exit from
(I was in the 911 tragedy in NYC and
the second floor. Shading would allow
subsequently was the fire warden for the
distance from the burning building. We
55th floor of the tallest building on Wall
have multiple exit points throughout the
Street). After this tragedy I learned a lot
nursery which lead to open air and this is
about risk assessment and that is why
crucial (and seems to be the key issue in
Blossom has CCTV coverage with backups
the Doha tragedy).
are spongy 50 mm tiles, windows are
Another key focus is to ensure that a
lined shatterproof and most importantly
majority of adults on site are trained.
exits are neither locked nor blocked. In
There is no point in only having one
the event the staircases at Blossom are
person trained or only the management. It
deemed non accessible we have back up
is a joint responsibility for care and that is
roof access, a fire staircase attached to
why Blossom pays and arranges for all of
the building and if needed our shading
its staff to get Paediatric First Aid Training
has been mounted and secured using
(over fifty staff hold current certification)
very high tensile materials especially to
and we are working on ensuring further
ensure safe access out. When designing,
formal safety training to be implemented.
the shading panels were made tough
Practices of fire drills has happened at
enough and secured with high tensile
both centres in the past month for all
materials to not only consider extreme
classes and are often done by surprise
wind conditions but to also take human
so that we can evacuate even when it is
weight (up to 300 pounds) and are hung
inconvenient to do so. Emergencies can
just below the second floor windows as
happen anytime and the best outcome
opposed to above it. While this is not
in this is to ensure preparedness. We
an ideal exit and we do not practice this,
try to do this with a variety of measures
staff is aware to follow CALM procedures
including making “fire stations” around
and where windows can be released
the nursery with directions on who to call
critical and deadly smoke will be able
and how to use a fire extinguisher - check
to escape. Smoke often kills before fire
them out in your centre!
and as smoke rises we needed to ensure 9
mother, baby and child summer camps
maintained off site, external area floors
map and search the perfect camp
Choosing a summer camp? Easy as 1-2-3! School is out but we can’t just skip those
be in a new place and new environment.
days that we parents have to go to work,
• When choosing a summer camp, try to find
can we? Even if you are a home diva, still
activities that fall under arts, music, sports and
vacation can be worrisome – what with all
learning skills.
those idle times your kids spend in front
We want our kids to have fun. At the same
of the TV! Luckily, children nowadays
time we expect that they will learn new skills
are given the opportunity to explore
so let the learning be fun and enjoyable by
and make new friends through summer
enrolling them in activity centres that offer this
camps. With a number of fun and equally
kind of programmes.
dependable venues out there to choose from, picking the right summer camp destination for your child may prove to
- Nadine Chammas Bekhaazi, Super Dooper
be a challenge. We sure want to know
2. Find what suits your family
how you can choose a summer camp,
Before deciding where to place your children
so we went to those who know how to
this summer, here are some tips
make kids-at-work both interesting and
on how to find a summer camp
that meets not only the needs
1. Offer something new
of your child, but also those of the family:
mother, baby and child summer camps
School is over, it’s summertime now! • One important thing
• Determine what type of
about summer camp
summer camp you will need for your family’s
is that kids should be
particular situation. Summer Camps fall into
motivated and excited
two major categories: traditional camps
to wake up every day
and specialty camps. Are you looking for a
to go and spend good
traditional summer camp your child can attend
time and make new friends.
everyday during your working hours? Would
• It’s all in the way of presenting the
you prefer they attend a specialty camp where
program of activities and entertainment
they learn a skill such as art or tennis? Should
to the kids in a fun and creative way.
the camp be close to home or are you able to
• It’s preferable not to put the kids in
drive to drop off and pick up, or is there a bus
the summer camp of their school so kids
won’t associate it with studying. It should
• Determine a budget. It is important that you
determine in advance how much of a budget
important for
you are willing to allocate towards the summer
parents to learn
camp experience for your child.
to choose a camp
• Ask for recommendations from friends or
wisely. Regardless
look for feedback or reviews on the web for
of the age of your
the camp you are interested in. If you can find
child, it is important
someone who has been to a particular summer
that the ultimate selection of a camp
camp you are interested in, it would be wise
accommodate all or some of the needs,
to try and get some feedback as to what their
interests, goals, and expectations of both
experience was there so you can make an
parent and child. The parent must make
informed decision about the camp.
an effort to understand what the child
• Make sure the activities are age appropriate.
wants and why. A good way to begin is to
Your child has been at nursery/school all
sit down as a family and respond to the
year and needs a break from the educational
following questions:
structure of their routine. It is important
• What do you and your child want to
to make sure that the summer camp you
gain from the camp experience? Learn
choose is filled with fun activities that open
new skills, develop more self-confidence,
the child’s mind to new experiences. Art and
improving proficiency in certain areas,
craft activities, sports and games, theatrical
and become more independent?
activities and role play are all important parts
• What are the special interests that your
of summer camp.
child wants to explore?
• Plan well in advance of the camp to stay
• Are there any physical, intellectual,
organised and meet deadlines. Summer camps
or social limitations which need to be
are gaining popularity in the UAE as more
and more people stay here over the summer.
• You may have other concerns that you’ll
It is very important to book and pay for your
want to keep in mind as you go through
chosen summer camp well in advance and to
your selection process. If so, write them
meet the deadlines set down by the organiser.
down and review with together with your
Don’t forget that there are plenty of people
willing to take your place should you fail to
Once you gather answers to the above
secure a place for your child.
information you can proceed to the next points which need to be considered,
- Jane Gammage, The Kensington Nursery
3. Do your homework: research Because the camp experience will have
including: type of camp, program and activities, cost, size and location. - Krystyna Maciejewski, Kidville
significant impact on your child’s life, it’s
mother, baby and child summer camps
map and search the perfect camp
take your pick | inspire children’s nursery
Summer Camps
Inspire has heard and is responding to the needs of families in Dubai! Inspire is offering services all summer to current as well as new incoming families. The Inspire Summer Camp offers children skill-based instruction in language and arts, music and movement, dance, sports, swimming and so much more! The Camp is scheduled from July 8th till August 30th, 2012 with enrollment on a weekly basis with flexible timings. Summer Camp is a great opportunity for children to continue developing in a structured environment infused with play- and skill-based learning opportunities through play, exploration and discovery among new and old friends! Come join us and get to know how we plant the seeds for optimal growth and development in all our children through a holistic, play-based approach to early
mother, baby and child summer camps
childhood education.
Location: Al Safa 2nd near Spinney’s Center, Al Wasl Road Tel: 04 395 5473 Email: admin@inspireallchildren.com Web: www.inspireallchildren.com
mother, baby and child summer camps
Proud winner of the Early Childhood Service Provider of the Year Award
take your pick | inspire children’s nursery
We ask. They answer. Giving children an opportunity to and then makes their structured little ones says Inspire Children’s Nursery
have a ‘downtime’ every now programme much more enticing to the Co-Owner and Director Asma Maladwala.
mother, baby and child summer camps
Q: What is the special feature of your summer camp? A: “Our Summer camp has many designated areas for children to experience outdoor, creative & imaginative roles, and crafts: from our outdoor water playground housing splash pool and water activities, dramatic play area where children can experiment with puppet shows and dressing up to our amazing basement facility with soft play gym, climbing apparatus and bike park.” Q: How will the programme aid in a toddler and young child’s skills development? A: “We provide a wide variety of activities through weekly themes that promote gross motor, performing arts, crafts projects and story time. The environment fosters social growth, learning to interact with other children, share and take turns, be respectful and problem solve. It is a place where your child can explore, play and build their confidence through hands on experiences, developing auditory, tactile, visual and manipulating skills.” Q: Help put our mums and dads’ minds at ease... What makes your summer camp THE PLACE TO BE? A: “Our Summer Camp is all about FUN and giving curious little hands the chance to grow, laugh and learn. At Inspire we incorporate a wide variety of activities for all children whilst in a safe, well maintained environment and enthusiastic staff to take care of your little treasures. We have a daily structured program where children participate in many activities; however we are not too over structured and have designated ‘downtime’ (an opportunity for your child to rest and recharge.) The summer camp features weekly fun themes with games, crafts and social opportunities to meet peers. All the time they are making friendships and memories. We place high value on friendship and tradition in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Providing children with a community of caring adults who nurture education that results in self respect and appreciation. Our caring trained role models help children feel loved, capable and included.”
FuNcity FuN city Summer Camps
Incl. meal & snacks
TIMING Sunday - Thursday 10am till 2pm
summerfun@funcity.ae www.funcity.ae
summerfun@funcity.ae www.funcity.ae
ila tioedn stAorvesa a t r o p s Tran *for select onditions
C *Terms &
take your pick | the kensington nursery
Summer Camps
It is only natural that every parent wants the best for their child.
Dubai Silicon Oasis and Umm Sequim
We do too, And that is why The Kensington Nursery’s Summer Camp is specifically designed to engage and enthrall children from 2 years to 7 years of age.
650 AED PW
mother, baby and child summer camps
including meals
Camp activities present an exciting mix of age appropriate activities including arts & crafts, science, drama & creative expression, fitness & well-being, cookery and lots more. Half and full day options and transport options are available.
take your pick
The Early Years is the time to develop your child’s life-long love of learning. Children are naturally inquisitive and playful. The Kensington Nursery believes that encouraging this curiosity, fostering social and emotional development and building self-esteem and confidence, will help children develop a life-long love of learning. The Nursery offers the British Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum imbued with the world’s best learning approaches such as Reggio Emilia. The curriculum is designed to encourage children to use creativity, exploration and imagination to discover and develop their communication, social, cognitive and self-help skills. Environment plays a key role and The Kensington Nursery features a wonderful array of dedicated spaces including the Language and IT Majlis, The Art Attack Room, the Imagination Zone and the Petting Zone, as well as inspiring indoor and outdoor physical play areas. The Kensington’s team are qualified and passionate Early Years Practitioners, invested in creating engaging and meaningful experiences for children and parents too. Parent participation is key and through weekend events, newsletters, image galleries, parent seminars and more ,the team will help you to make the best of your child’s pre-school experience.
The Kensington Nursery is open for admission for children from four months to 4.5 years, for half or full day programmes and is open all year round.
For more information visit our website
www.thekensingtonnursery.com Umm Sequim T: 04 3944473 Dubai Silcon Oasis T: 04 3423399
mother, baby and child summer camps
The Kensington Nursery takes a holistic approach and with this in mind all children are provided with a nutritious menu, prepared by an on-site chef and a dedicated nurse manages health, safety and well-being activities.
take your pick | the kensington nursery
mother, baby and child summer camps
We ask. They answer. Jane Gammage, Experiential Learning Manager of The Kensington Nursery reiterates that they offer a programme specially designed for children two to seven years of age... Q: What is the special feature of your summer camp? A: “The Kensington Nursery Summer Camp is open for the whole of the summer holidays; this year we open on 3rd July and run throughout July and August. Summer Camp timings are 8am – 2pm and 8am – 6pm. Our days are set up especially so that working parents have an option for consistent care throughout the summer holidays. It is operated by qualified teachers with the support of teaching assistants. Our Summer Camp is made up of full time employees of the nursery so they are all familiar with working together and the Summer Camp programme. The Camp is made up of a series week long, themed activities.” Q: How will the programme aid in a toddler and young child’s skills development? A: “Toddlers and young children learn by ‘doing’. At The Kensington Nursery Summer Camp we provide the children with a range of exciting, age-appropriate activities to help them to master the skills they need to develop to their next developmental goal. There are music and movement sessions, games and physical activities to encourage motor development and reasoning. Arts and craft activities are designed to develop fine motor skills as well as to
encourage children to be expressive. There are science experiments, cooking, water play activities and a range of other activities that all have a ‘hands on’ element to help children to become inquisitive, independent learners.” Q: Help put our mums and dads’ minds at ease... What makes your summer camp THE PLACE TO BE? A: “The Kensington Nursery Summer Camp operates in 2 locations: Umm Sequim and Dubai Silicon Oasis. Both nurseries are designed with the safety and security of children as priority. We understand that parents are entrusting us with their most precious possession and we take every care to make sure that their minds are at ease before the children are left with us. Parents are welcomed on a tour of the nursery where they get to see all of the facilities – from the outdoor areas to the classrooms and dining area – and they can chat with the teachers and team at any time.Our summer camps are operated by fully qualified Early Years practitioners. There is a fully qualified nurse on site at all times as well as our team being First Aid certified. We also employ a chef to develop a nutritious meal plan for the children which is part of the Summer Camp offering.”
Summer Camps
take your pick | willow children’s nursery
“The Wonder of learning” By Jan Webber, Area Director, Kid First Group
These are words that describe the early learning journey that your child embarks upon when you choose Willow Children’s
are paramount. Offering a wide variety of
additional activities such as Little Musicians,
Based on the Early Years Foundation
Ballet, Swimming lessons, Drumming, Arabic
Stage we impart a Holistic approach,
and Stretch and Grow we enhance our
encompassing the needs of the whole
already busy routine to ensure your children
child through innovative and creative
have an enriching and fun packed day!
learning experiences. During the hot summer month’s lots of fun Isaac Newton was not born knowing
can be had at Willow for a full five weeks
the laws of motion nor could he have
of activities and related outings. Willow
simply acquired the idea from imitating
Summer camp begins on the 1st July to the
others since these were new ideas! In
9th August and our theme this year is of
light of this, the idea that we construct
course the 2012 Olympics! Based on the Five
knowledge is exciting! At Willow
Olympic circles which represent: Africa, Asia,
we ensure that the excitement that
Australasia, Americas and Europe we will be
surrounds educational approaches is
traveling the world to find out more about
through direct and exploratory methods
all of the countries taking part in this year’s where the children are their own teachers London Olympic Games. and our highly trained Practitioners are the protagonists of that knowledge.
Incorporated in the weekly themes will be
mother, baby and child summer camps
an exciting field trip related to the relevant Willow Children’s Nursery offers parents
countries. To find out more about Summer
that peace of mind in the knowledge
at Willow, email us at willownurserydubai@
that our trained and experienced staff
gmail.com or call Claire on 043465078 for
are fully conversant with the up to date
more information and to register. We accept
EYFS and that ongoing professional
children up to 8 years old.
development is available for all staff. We strive to replicate a “Home from
Willow Children’s Nursery for care and early
Home” ethos where care and safety
years education that is… “Second to Mum!”
take your your pick pick take
Kids Cottage Nursery
By Jan Webber, Area Director, Kid First Group
Nervous about filling the endless summer We believe that each child is unique and
days and feeling lost for fun, educational
when nurtured, encouraged and supported,
activities for your child? Our summer
can undertake age appropriate challenges
program runs from 1st July until the 26th
and pursue natural curiosity. Our qualified
July and caters for both registered and
and experienced early childhood educators
non-registered children aged from 12
aim to create a rich and meaningful early
months to 6 years. The Summer Program
learning experience for your child through
follows a rhythm that is similar to our ‘term
the Reggio Emilia inspired Early Years
time’ with the addition of extra activities
Framework, which enables your child to
such as a Magic show, a visit from the tiny
develop independence, confidence, self-
petting zoo, out-door water play under
esteem and a love for learning through
our UVA/VB shading area, lots of arts and
creative play. Children are amazing, resilient crafts, baking, Monkeynastix and much more! The 4-week program follows weekly and creative beings. Left to their own devices, they are likely to not only survive…
themes, with ample opportunities for
but thrive. From both experience and
outdoor play too.
observations, the best we can offer them is wonderful materials, a few suggestions, and Our summer camp is staffed with the same high quality teachers who work throughout time to explore and create. the year. All staff are CPR and First Aid certified.
Cottage is committed to encouraging the development of the whole child
We’re looking forward to summer fun, so
within a lively, stimulating, and nurturing
come along to Kids cottage and join in our
environment. Kids Cottage Nursery is
action-packed program.
centrally located in Jumeirah on a spacious 12,000 sq. ft. facility. The nursery is easily
To discover more information, or to
accessible from Sheikh Zayed Road leading
register, please call the Registrar on
to and from Dubai through Al Wasl Road
04 3942145.
and Jumeirah Beach Road 23
mother, baby and child summer camps
As a Reggio Emilia inspired nursery, Kids
Summer Camps
Summer Camps
take your pick | ladybird private nursery
Ladybird Private Nursery
learning environment to enhance children’s learning. Our summer program offers children aged two to five a creative and enriching environment to enjoy. The
At Ladybird Private Nursery, Abu Dhabi,
program is designed to stimulate children
we encourage independent learning.
through a variety of exciting activities such
This means that children have ample
as arts, crafts, refreshing water play, sand
opportunities and time to plan and
play, baking, and musical movement games.
develop their play and interest. Within
We’re certain that the children will have a
child-initiated time, children are allowed to great time!
mother, baby and child summer camps
extend and apply their learning. They are encouraged to explore, take reasonable
Ladybird Nursery is conveniently located in
risks, make decisions, solve problems and
Al Bateen near the Abu Dhabi Co-Operative
share their achievements with others.
Society supermarket off 26th street. We
Child-initiated learning not only provides
are situated in a single story villa designed
opportunities to apply learning from
as an early childhood education center.
other curriculum areas, but also helps
Ladybird is a long established nursery and
children to develop skills, concentration,
has been successfully catering to the needs
perseverance, and the ability to work
of families and children in Abu Dhabi for
collaboratively. This can be applied to
over a decade!
all the learning that takes place at the nursery, at home and in all aspects of life!
By Jan Webber, Area Director, Kid First Group
We provide a well organise, stimulating 28
Thanks to your unwavering support, Mother, Baby & Child Magazine will now be available to more magazine shelves across the country! Don’t miss a single issue by visiting our existing and new outlets including the Union Co-operative branches and in cash counters of bookstores. Soon you will also find us in petrol stations and on the pages of news dailies too!
take your pick | the blossom nursery
Summer Camps
The Blossom Nursery continues to be the greenest nursery in town! From being a certified carbon neutral by Swiss organisation MyClimate to ensuring green cleaning and now thermal coating their roofs to make the centres more energy efficient, the Blossom team continues the place their ‘knowledge destiny’ as central. Director Zahra Hamirani says: “A space that impacts learning is central to teaching and learning habits that remain with us.”
mother, baby and child summer camps
Recycling and being aware that our actions have reactions is key and the brand new recycling centres that have been installed ensure families can participate in the reduce, reuse and recycle mantra and extend the work they have successfully been doing for over three years in the sector. Families are invited to sort their paper, plastic and cans and use the bins found in front of both centres. For more information, visit www.theblossomnursery.com 30
September Registration Now Open
Blossom Village Nursery Tel: +971 (0)4 394 8837 Fax: +971 (0)4 394 8847 Contact: admin@theblossomnursery.com Address: Villa #43, Street 21C, Umm Suqeim 1, Dubai, UAE
mother, baby and child summer camps
Blossom Children’s Nursery Tel: +971 (0)4 348 6275 Fax: +971 (0)4 394 8847 Contact: registrar@theblossomnursery.com Address: Villa #37, Street 10a, Umm Al Sheif, Dubai, UAE
take your pick | the blossom nursery
We ask. They answer.
Safety and the environment are The Blossom Nursery’s priorities says Founder Zahra Hamirani, Esq. (J.D., Honors B.A. with distinction).
mother, baby and child summer camps
Q: What is the special feature of your summer camp? A: “Our Blossom Passports summer camp is a weekly adventure with activities and a weekly dress up party each Thursday which links to the themes from Beach Buddies Luau Party to the Mad Scientists Explosive Excitement! There are Barn Dances, Pirates and Mermaids and even a Regal Ball! With swimming and water play, sports and games, popcorn and movies and more - each day will be another adventurous port of call.” Q: How will the programme aid in a toddler and young child’s skills development? A: “Blossom has a skilled and qualified early years team present that understands that education must be fun. From book time to math matters summer adventures continue to build on key skills and the planning is linked to the British Early Years Foundation Stage. This means that children have healthy snacks and lunch in age appropriate classrooms and are engaged in play with a purpose.”
Q: Help put our mums and dads’ minds at ease... What makes your summer camp THE PLACE TO BE? A: “The Blossom Nursery is a secure and stimulating environment where the space impacts learning!” In addition, Zahra teaches at the University of Dubai and is active in advocating safe, green spaces as first schools for children. She is developing the skygarden curriculum and actively speaks on topics of early education, law and the future of learning. Zahra has attended The Future of Learning Institute at The Harvard Graduate School of Education and is a graduate of the Ivy League Columbia Law School. www.theblossomnursery.com
take your pick
Dubai Holiday Camps What to do: The ultimate summer camp
Location: Dubai International
for your tots and kiddos (2 to 14 years
Academy, July 1 to August 30
of age)! Want your child to go athletic?
(Emirates Hills, on the road leading
They’ve got football, basketball, netball,
from T-com to Al Khail road)
martial arts, cricket, gymnastics, table tennis and (whew!) table football trainings. Or perhaps he or she is the artistic type? Not to worry, Dubai Holiday Camps provide dance, drama, arts & crafts, face
Raffles International School, June 24 to August 16 (South Campus, Umm Suqeim 3, close to Jumeirah Beach Hotel) Deira International School, July 1 to
painting, drawing, music & movements
August 16 (Festival City, next to Al
classes too! Techy and whiz kids, computer
Badia Golf Course)
club. Little movie buffs, movie time.
Raffles Lakes Nursery, July 1 to
Finally, bouncy castles, inflatable climbing
August 16 (close to Hayya Lakes
wall, team and fun games complete what
would be your child’s most action-packed and fun-filled summer yet! Get this: 20 percent sibling discount on weekly bookings; 100 percent money back guarantee with the siblings discount
Raffles Marina Nursery, July 1 to August 16 (The Walk, Dubai Marina) *Timings: 8.15 am to 2.00 pm (Half day), 8.15 am to 5.15 pm (Full day) For more information, visit www.dubaiholidaycamps.com
mother, baby and child summer camps
tennis, swimming, water polo, dodge ball,
take your pick
We ask. They answer.
Chris Wind, Managing Director of Dubai Holiday Camps, says they have only the best sports coaches to train children at their camps. Q: What is the special feature of your summer camp? A: “It is fun-filled and action-packed with activities in a safe environment.” Q: How will the programme aid in a toddler and young child’s skills development? A: “The kids will be exposed to a lot of new activities in the fields of sports and arts.”
mother, baby and child summer camps
Q: Help put our mums and dads’ minds at ease... What makes your summer camp THE PLACE TO BE? A: “We employ only the best school teachers and sports coaches with a wealth of experience in teaching kids of all ages. We are the only camp which has a full time nurse on duty at all times in case your child is unwell or has a small injury. Specific sign in and out procedures to ensure each and every child is safely accounted for. Security is in place that no child can ever leave the school premises unsupervised. We offer up to 25 different activities plus our surprise activity of the week which is often the highlight of the week.”
Summer Camps
take your pick
We ask. They answer. Nadine Chammas Bekhaazi, the Founder & Managing Partner of Super Dooper, shares why their summer camp will train kids on the performing arts
will use the scrapbooking area to sketch an invitation card or a greeting card and then they will try to bring their imagination to reality by choosing from our wide variety of accessories and finish it with their own style and signature. When sending out this invitation, kids will feel a great satisfaction that the person that will receive it will appreciate
mother, baby and child summer camps
it. this is one way of developing the kids’ self-esteem and self confidence. Encouraging the kids to Q: What is the special feature of write their own script and creating their own your summer camp? A: “Our summer camp is based on Show Production. characters bring out the frustration that kids fear We love to be on Stage and we encourage our kids to and help them become outspoken and awaken their be there as well. Every week we work on a theme and hidden talents. We want our kids to be unique, strong, creative and the most important thing healthy. The program musical play. We create the script, the characters; that we offer is unique and customised to meet the needs of We design the stage, the set up and the costumes; the kids living outside their home countries and especially in We create our invitation cards and send them out to our friends and parents to come and watch our work at Dubai.” the end of each week. We work closely with our kids to Q: Help put our mums and dads’ minds at ease... What be the ‘stars’ of their own SHOW.” makes your summer camp THE PLACE TO BE? A: “As a mother of 2 kids, Laeticia 8 years and Nicolas 6 years, Q: How will the programme aid in a toddler and I care a lot that my kids are in a safe and clean place. As a young child’s skills development? director, stage producer and drama therapist for more than 15 A: “The activities that we offer at Super Dooper years I know that the activities and the program I designed for complement each other. We try to teach the kids how to use each activity to complete one project. We Super Dooper in general and the summer camp in particular based on my experiences and the know how that I’ve teach them how to organise an event, brainstorm a learned all these years are an answer to every parent’s theme, choose the entertainment and produce the whole thing using our activities. For example: Kids worry.”
Summer Camps
take your pick
By Krystyna Maciejewski, Early
Childhood Development Asst. Manager Give your kids a super cool summer in Dubai! • 2, 8, 12 and 16-week options to accommodate busy Summer plans • Age-appropriate programs for kids 18 months to 5 years • Exciting structured activities including art, music gym and more • Air-conditioned, clean, and safe environment for kids • Super hygienic transitions; between snacks, after play dough, after art the teachers encourage the children to wash and sanitise their hands. • Healthy environment, teachers always ensure that when a child arrives in to Camp Kidville they are rested, happy and healthy.
Camp Kidville™ Ages: 18-24 months; 2 years, separation optional; 3, 4 & 5 years, drop-off Camp Kidville offers so many fun things to do and so many new friends to meet! Campers and their counselors visit different classrooms where specialists lead them through all kinds of activities - gym, arts and crafts, music, and hands-on exploration. We provide
semester. Camp Kidville is the hottest and coolest place to play in the spring and summer! (2-Week, 8-Week, 12-Week, and 16-Week Sessions)
Fairy Princess Camp™ Ages: 3, 4 & 5 years, drop-off ONE WEEK SPECIALTY CAMP! A royally good time for your little princess! Storybook heroines pop off the pages of favourite fairytales and into our camp where girls transform into a different princess each day. First they get an up-do in the salon, then they create the things all princesses need, like their own wands and wings. The girls will dream up a show to share with their loyal subjects (mom and dad) on the last day of camp! (Girls are welcome to dress in their favourite Princess costumes!) (120 minutes)
Superhero Training Camp™ Ages: 3, 4 & 5 years, drop-off ONE WEEK SPECIALTY CAMP! Get ready for an adventure of heroic proportions while learning to be a superhero! Your heroes get strong and mighty in the gym, and build super-smarts exploring science experiments. Campers design their own super-logos, masks, and more to create the perfect superhero secret identity. Non-stop, action-packed fun for all! (Children are welcome to dress in their favourite Superhero costumes!) (120 minutes)
a snack each day to keep the busy campers energised, and we also have exciting theme days throughout the 39
mother, baby and child summer camps
Camp Kidville for babies, toddlers and kids!
Summer Camps
expert tips for the season child gets acquainted and comfortable with the dental environment and the “toys” the dentists use, but will eventually
By Dr Zeina Armouche, DMD, C.A.G.S., Specialist Pediatric Dentist, Boston
become friends with the “dental team”
University, USA
every three to six months for his or her
How often have you heard this phrase?
and look forward to visiting the office check-up. During the first appointment, a Tell Show Do approach is used, where we tell your
And how often have you ignored it until
child what is going to happen, show him
you found yourself rushing to the dentist
or her the instruments that are being
because your child couldn’t sleep all
used and do (which is the comprehensive
night from his or her toothache?
exam). If your child comes in at a later
Contrary to the common belief, and
age, x-rays might need to be taken in
according to the American Academy
order to diagnose cavities or to see
of Pediatric Dentistry, your child’s
how deep the cavity is. Small cavities
first dental visit should be by the
in between the teeth cannot be seen
first birthday. The goal of this first
unless the teeth are x-rayed. Cavities
visit is to establish a dental home, in
in baby teeth progress much faster than
which the child begins a relationship
adult teeth and what can be a very small
with the paediatric dentist, where a
cavity will soon become large enough
comprehensive exam is performed, and
to cause pain and discomfort for your
the parents are counselled regarding
child. Cavities can affect your child’s
prevention, healthy diet, oral hygiene,
overall growth, nutrition, daily activities,
fluoride intake and injury prevention.
performance at school and overall quality
Bringing your child to the paediatric
of life. While baby teeth are replaced at
dentist at this early age also helps him
some point, they are very important for
orher have a good experience in what
the time they are in the mouth.
can be an unfamiliar and scary place.
Whenever possible, the ideal approach
And if your child’s first visit is because
to oral health care, including decay
of dental pain, it might lead to an
prevention and management, is the early
unpleasant experience and a bad first
establishment of a dental home. Help us
impression with the dentist due to the
prevent decay and promote the quality of
emergency treatment that needs to be
your child’s life.
done. It might take few visits until your
mother, baby and child summer camps
Mom, my tooth hurts…
expert tips for the season
Hydrate to rejuvenate By Jane Gammage, Experiential Learning Manager, The Kensington Nursery
At The Kensington Nursery, we promote the principles of a well-balanced diet and healthy eating habits. We believe that encouraging healthy food choices in the Early Years will have a significant impact on a child’s lifelong relationship with food and give them the best
mother, baby and child summer camps
opportunity to grow into healthy, confident adults.
other symptoms my include aches in
As the summer months approach and the
joints and muscles, and strong colour
temperatures rise keeping yourself and your
and odour in urine as well as dizziness
children dehydrated is vitally important.
and fatigue.
For younger children a good way to track
Severe dehydration requires immediate
hydration is to monitor how much urine is
medical attention so if your child has
being passed. Babies under 2 should have 4-8
parched lips, clammy skin, dry sunken
wet nappies daily, and older children should
eyes and a quickened pulse seek
be urinating at least 4 times a day.
immediate medical attention.
Avoiding dehydration is best achieved by
At The Kensington Nursery we
ensuring a regular intake of fluids. These fluids
promote the principles of a well-
include breast milk and formula with water
balanced diet and healthy eating
being the number one fluid to ensure proper
habits. We believe that encouraging
levels of hydration. Children also enjoy diluted
healthy food choices in the Early Years
fresh fruit juices and homemade ice lollies.
will have a significant impact on a
As well as drinking throughout the day it
child’s lifelong relationship with food
should also be remembered that fresh fruits
and give them the best opportunity to
and vegetables contain high quantities of
grow into healthy, confident adults.
water. It is a good idea to substitute morning
We have a weekly menu plan that is
and afternoon snacks with fresh watermelon
packed with plenty of chicken, fish
slices or carrots and cucumbers. Not only do
and vegetables; all of which are freshly
they hydrate but they are also lovely and cool
prepared and cooked on the premises.
on the palette.
We provide children with a selection of
Children are at the greatest risk of dehydration
fresh fruits and vegetables throughout
when they are engaged in outdoor play, beach
the day during the hot summer
or poolside activities or any activity which
months, particularly during Summer
involves working up a sweat.
Camp. All of the children have constant
Being thirsty along with a dry mouth and
access to their own water bottle; these
cracked lips are early signs of dehydration; 42
are refilled regularly during the day.
mother, baby and child summer camps
expert tips for the season healthier as well. Make your child feel special by taking time aside in the late afternoons to prepare lunch boxes for the next day. Allow them to create their own grocery list when buying groceries, however do encourage that they chose foods from the food pyramid. Ensure you provide a variety of foods, so your family gets all the vitamins and minerals their bodies need to function properly. A healthy plate should be divided into three portions, including grains, fruit/ vegetables and protein. ¼ whole grains inclusive of whole wheat pasts, whole grain
Importance of healthy eating
breads, brown rice, 1/4 lean protein such
Development Asst. Manager of Kidville
the fruit or vegetable is the higher in
By Krystyna Maciejewski, Early Childhood
Many children in the UAE are displaying symptoms of being overweight or obese. These conditions can cause many health problems for your child, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. These conditions can affect your child now and later as an adult. By helping your child establish a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can reduce mother, baby and child summer camps
his or her risk of experiencing these health
as chicken, lean beef, fish, egg and nuts and ½ of you plate should contain colourful fruit and vegetables; the deeper in colour antioxidants and vitamins, and. Healthy meal examples Breakfast: The first meal of the day is a good time to give your child foods that are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates to give them energy. Whole-grain breads, cereals, fruit, low-fat or nonfat cheeses and yogurt are also good breakfast foods. Use skim or low-fat milk. Many fruit juices and fruit blends are usually high in calories and
sugars, they have far fewer nutrients than
How to help guide your child in a healthy direction?
Lunch: Use whole-grain breads and rolls to
Set an example for your child. Prepare nutritious foods for your family and eat healthy foods yourself, your child will eat
whole fruit. make a healthier sandwich. Whole grains increase the total fiber in your child’s diet and are less processed than enriched white bread. Give your child whole-grain crackers with soups, chili and stew, and always serve
expert tips for the season fresh fruit (with the skin) with meals in
• Low-fat cheese makes a good sandwich with
place of chips or other high-calorie,
tomato slices and mustard on a whole-grain
low-nutrient options.
roll. • Slice leftover chicken strips and top with
How to create Healthy Camp Snack Sandwiches?
barbecue sauce for a hot or cold sandwich.
• Use a variety of colourful vegetables,
How do you know you’re getting enough?
cheeses and leftover meat from last
Living in Dubai many parents worry whether
night’s dinner. Try to avoid processed
their child is getting enough water, the truth
lunch meats with an array of additives
is there is no set amount of water which
and preservatives.
children need to drink every day. However
• Buy leaner meats, such as turkey,
we encourage children to drink every 20-30
chicken or veggie dogs.
minutes, and larger amounts after exercising
• Put leftover chicken or turkey strips
and after meals. We encourage all children
in a tortilla to make a cold fajita (add
to bring in a bottle of water with them to
strips of raw red and green peppers
keep hydrated throughout the day. When
and onions).
your body is deprived of water it goes into
• Stuff a pita-bread “pocket” with
dehydration which could lead to illness and
vegetables, fat-free cheese and bits of
weakness. It best to keep a bottle of water
leftover grilled chicken.
with you at all times and sip throughout the
• Grilled-cheese sandwiches are always
day. Your body is very clever and actually
a hit with children trying using low-fat
regulates the amount of water in your system
or fat-free cheese and serve them with
when it’s had enough it prompts you to get
raw carrot and celery sticks.
rid of it. If your pee has ever been very light
• Cut up vegetables such as carrot,
yellow, your body might have been getting
celery and red peppers, canned corn
rid of excess water. When your pee is very
to add to tuna salad. Mix vegetables
dark yellow, it’s holding on to water, so it’s
and water-packed tuna with fat-free
probably time to drink up.
mayonnaise or sweet chili sauce. • Chunky bits of leftover grilled fish mixed with fat-free mayonnaise, sliced almonds is a delicious salad. Serve it in small Arabic bread. • Mix cranberry sauce and fat-free mayonnaise to add to a turkey sandwich. • Use sliced all natural lean meat and low-fat or fat-free cheese with mustard is great on rye bread. 45
mother, baby and child summer camps
golden raisins, shredded carrots and
kids snacks
Lunchbox magic! Sometimes preparing your child’s snacks is a hit or miss. Either they DON’T like the taste or it isn’t enough to cover their nutritional requirements – given that they are a vessel of immense energy. And just when you thought that school’s over and the lunchbox is off for a holiday, your little one goes to a summer camp and you couldn’t help but think what you could prepare throughout these summer months. Have we got a treat for you, Mummies! These ladies from various summer camp destinations offer tips and recipes that not only you can use, your children can benefit from them most especially! In every lunchbox, we should have a bottle of water, juice, fresh fruits and The best snacks for children are those
light snacks like baby carrots, cheese
that contain complex carbohydrates and
sandwich or a cereal bar. Follow these
proteins that can keep them sustained
tips to make every lunchbox preparation
throughout their active day. Here are
a success:
some easy recipes you can enjoy making: • Keep them fresh. Put ice gels inside the •
Creamy Veggie Wrap – Fill
• Make it creative. Cut fruits in animal
wholegrain tortillas with cream cheese,
shapes, stars, hearts, etc.
tomatoes, carrots, peppers and sweet
• Put some decoration on the sandwich
potato. Roll them up and cut them into
• Don’t put one healthy and one
bite sized pieces.
unhealthy food because kids will likely
Fruity Kebabs – Thread
pineapple, strawberries, dried fruits, melon and grapes onto a mini skewer •
Savoury Kebabs – Thread
turkey, tomatoes, cucumber and cheese mother, baby and child summer camps
lunch box.
onto mini skewers •
Carrot & Muesli Muffins
Asma Maladwala, Inspire Children’s Nursery
choose the latter So let your choices always be healthy!
Nadine Chammas Bekhaazi, Super Dooper
kids snacks craze Fresh fruit and veggies are a must to keep the summer heat at bay. A fun way to do this is to eat the ‘rainbow’ everyday with blueberries, strawberries, carrots, melon and more arranged to build a colourful plate that ensures different nutrients and textures. You can pair these up in a bento box with rainbow sandwiches (recipe below) and host a rainbow tea party! It is essential that children drink loads of “skyjuice” (AKA water) to fuel their bodies and brains and so this is a must with our rainbow treats. Here are some fun cooking adventures that ensure your gets their health fix with a little fun thrown in...
Blossom Rainbow Bites • 12 slices white/brown sandwich bread (or mix them up!) • whipped cream cheese • a rainbow selection of jams/jellies/preserves (or even simple sliced fruit such as strawberry, marmalade, lemon curd, mint, etc.) • You can also add savoury rainbow sandwiches with avocado, salami, tuna, salmon, hummus and more!
1. Lay out six slices of sandwich bread. Spread whipped cream cheese on each of the slices from edge to edge.
2. Lay out the remaining six slices of bread and spread each one with a different fruit/ jam/jelly/ preserves.
3. Top each cream cheese-spread slice with a jelly4. Cut off the edges. Then, slice the sandwiches into four squares each.
5. Serve laid out in rainbow or half-rainbow order. Zahra Hamirani, The Blossom Nursery
mother, baby and child summer camps
spread slice.
kids snacks craze
For Lunch Boxes and Picnics
Chicken Sliders (Makes approximately 20)
3 slices white bread, crusts removed 4 tbsp milk 1 tbsp olive oil 1 red onion (approx 125g) chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 250g chicken 2 tsp soy sauce 3 tbsp tomato chutney 1 tsp tomato puree 2 tbsp sunflower oil
Lunch on a Stick
(This is one of the easiest things to make and it is a great recipe for children to help with. It also allows for the introduction of new food items that children may not have tasted before.) Any or all of the below, and whatever else you care to add! Slices of ham or turkey rolled up and
1. Put the bread in a food processor to make breadcrumbs. Add the milk and
wedges of pineapple
leave to soak.
Cherry tomatoes and mozzarella
2. Meanwhile, sautĂŠ the onion for 5
Carrot, cucumber, red pepper and cubes
minutes in the olive oil until softened.
of gruyere or Emmenthal cheese
Add the garlic and cook for a further
Cubes of cheese, cucumber and cherry
3. Combine all the ingredients together. Season to taste. Chop for about a minute in a food processor. mother, baby and child summer camps
interspersed with cubes of cheese and
Chicken Tikka with Cucumber
Squares of tortilla omelette Salami, mini balls of mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes Skewers for threading
4. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Drop the mixture by tablespoons into the pan. Press down slightly using a wet teaspoon.
5. SautĂŠ for 2 to 3 minutes on each side or until golden and cooked through. 48
1. Place of the food items on plates or in bowls and help your child to select the items he/she would most like to have on their skewer.
Jane Gammage, The Kensington Nursery
vouchers & competitions
10%discount for their Summer Camp! t - +971 4 4545391 m - +971 50 1516632
Dubai Marina, DAMAC WAVES Building, Marina Level www.superdooper.ae
mother, baby and child summer camps
Present this voucher at Super Dooper to avail
vouchers and competitions
Pay for any 4 consecutive weeks in advance for The Blossom Nursery Summer Camp and get Umm Al Sheif Tel: +971 (0)4 348 6275
Address: Villa #37, Street 10a, Umm Al Sheif, Dubai, UAE
Umm Suqeim Tel: +971 (0)4 394 8837
Address: Villa #43, Street 21C, Umm Suqeim 1, Dubai, UAE A secure and stimulating environment where each child will blossom! Winner - Nursery Provider of the Year!
10% OFF
Offer not valid in conjunction with other promotions.
Umm Al Sheif Tel: +971 (0)4 348 6275
mother, baby and child summer camps
Address: Villa #37, Street 10a, Umm Al Sheif, Dubai, UAE
Umm Suqeim Tel: +971 (0)4 394 8837
Address: Villa #43, Street 21C, Umm Suqeim 1, Dubai, UAE A secure and stimulating environment where each child will blossom! Winner - Nursery Provider of the Year!
Pay 3 days of Summer Camp at The Blossom Nursery and get 2 days FREE! Terms & Conditions: • All days must be used in one week. • Promo applies to either 8.00 am to 1.00 pm or 8.00 am to 3.00 pm enrolment. • Offer not valid in conjunction with other promotions.
vouchers and competitions
Win one (1) FREE week at The Kensington Nursery for up to 3 siblings (between 2 and 7 years of age) by filling in the blanks! 1. At The Kensington Nursery, we promote the principles of a _______________ and healthy eating habits. 2. The Kensington Nursery Summer Camp operates in two locations: Umm Suqeim and _____________. 3. The Kensington Nursery Summer Camp is open for the whole of the summer holidays; this year we open on 3rd July and run throughout July and __________. Send in your answers to competitions@motherbabychild.me until 25 June 2012. Clue: All answers are in this guide!
Summer Camps
Make a script of 1 to 2 pages long for a Funny Play! Don’t forget to include these two major characters: Witch and Newborn Baby. The Prize: One (1) week FREE admission at the Super Dooper Summer Camp. The script will be produced into a musical theatre play to be showcased on the end of the camp week (Thursday). Send in your answers to competitions@motherbabychild.me until 25 June 2012. Let your imagination shine! 51
mother, baby and child summer camps