beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County

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Chester County ———— Thanks To our sponsor ————

presented by in partnership with area agency on aging


beyond50 Resource Directory is published annually by On-Line Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 8049 • Lancaster, PA 17604 • (717) 285-1350 • (610) 675-6240 •

Copyright ©2023 by On-Line Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the express written permission of the publisher. Each edition is carefully reviewed to assure accuracy. The publisher cannot, however, guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein nor does the publisher endorse services or products represented. PLEASE NOTE: We will not knowingly publish any advertisement or information not in compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act, Pennsylvania state laws, or other local laws. We reserve the right to revise or reject any advertising.

–––––– Abuse, Negle C t, e xploitAtioN ––––––

BaTTered Women’s Jus T ice proJ ecT (800) 903-0111

domes T ic Violence cen Ter of ches Ter counT y coaTesVille (610) 384-2774 oxford ................................................................................. (610) 932-8557 Wes T ches Ter (610) 431-3546; (610) 431-1430

naT ional domes T ic Violence h oTline ............................. (800) 799-7233

pennsylVania address confiden T iali T y program (acp) ....................................................................... (800) 563-6399 pennsylVania coali T ion agains T domes T ic Violence (800) 932-4632 pennsylVania coali T ion agains T rape (888) 772-7227

–––––– ADult DAy se RviCes ––––––

The services may include but are not limited to personal care, help with eating or using the toilet, assistance with taking medication, and social assistance for the aging. Centers offer a protective, supervised setting and generally operate during normal business hours.

acT iVe day of ex Ton (610) 363-8044 acT iVe day of kenne TT square (610) 388-1166 sarahcare of malVern (610) 251-0801 Tel hai re T iremen T communi T y (610) 273-9333

–––––– ADvoCACy ––––––Organizations that promote the health, dignity, rights, and quality of life of seniors and the disabled.

The a merican geriaTrics socie T y ........................................ (212) 308-1414 Bureau of Blindness & Visual serVices (866) 631-3892 (888) 870-4473 (TT y) ches Ter counT y d eparTmen T of aging serVices (610) 344-6350 d isaB ili T y righ T s n e TWork of pennsylVania (800) 692-7443 (877) 375-7139 (T dd) generaT ions u ni Ted (202) 289-3979 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550

o ffice of consumer adVocaTe (800) 684-6560 o ffice of VicT im adVocaTes (800) 563-6399 oxford n eigh Borhood serVices cen Ter ........................ (610) 932-8557 pennsylVania Bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices (610) 933-1105 quali T y insigh T s of pennsylVania (877) 346-6180

–––––– AlCohol & substANCe Abuse se RviCes ––––––Organizations offering prevention, treatment, and recovery programs. BoWling green/Brandy Wine (610) 347-5608

coaTesVille TreaTmen T cenTer (610) 466-9250 coaTesVille Va m edical cen Ter (610) 384-7711 cy Wa (610) 384-9592 gaudenzia coaTesVille (610) 383-9600 Wes T ches Ter .......................................................................... (610) 399-6929 h olcom B BehaVioral h ealT hcare kenne TT square (610) 388-9225 m alVern i ns T i TuTe (610) 647-0330 narcoT ics anonymous (215) 629-6757

–– ApARtme Nts (see housi Ng optioN s) ––

–––––– ARe A Age NCy oN Agi Ng ––––––Provides aging services and information on financial aid and local benefits programs in Chester County.

ches Ter counT y d eparTmen T of aging serVices (610) 344-6350

–––––– Assistive te ChNology/Devi Ces ––––––These technologies and devices can make the lives of seniors and the disabled easier.

pennsylVania a ssis T iVe Technology f oundaT ion (888) 744-1938 pennsylVania’s i ni T iaT iVe on a ssis T iVe Technology (piaT) (800) 204-7428

–––––– CARe Assessme Nt se RviCes ––––––Looks at a person’s needs and works with them to find the best methods to provide care, support, and specialized services.

ches Ter counT y d eparTmen T of aging serVices ......... (610) 344-6350 h ome i ns Tead senior care Wes T ches Ter (610) 431-7877 righ T aT h ome i n- h ome care & a ssis Tance (717) 407-5142 senior h elpers haVerToWn (610) 467-2805

–––––– CARegive R AssistANCe ––––––ches Ter counT y d eparTmen T of aging serVices .......... (610) 344-6350

–––––– Clothi Ng ResouRCes ––––––The Bridge f ood pan Try and cloT hes close T ................. (610) 869-9500 goodWill (610) 384-3206; (610) 558-3722 oxford n eigh Borhood serVices cen Ter ........................ (610) 932-8557 parkesBurg communi T y ouTreach (610) 568-5835 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices ........................... (610) 933-1105 salVaT ion army (610) 384-2954; (610) 692-0380; (800) 728-7825

–––––– CoNsume R pRote C tioN/Compl AiNts ––––––consumer producT safe T y commission ........................ (800) 638-2772

2 beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County
Resource Directory

Resource Directory

d eparTmen T of h ealT h (610) 344-6225 e nVironmen Tal proTecT ion agency (800) 424-9346 equifax fraud alerT (888) 766-0008 experian fraud alerT (888) 397-3742 federal Trade commission (202) 326-2222 m edicare/m edicaid fraud .................................................. (800) 447-8477 pennsylVania Bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555 pennsylVania d eparTmen T of Banking (800) 722-2657 quali T y i nsigh T s of pennsylVania (877) 346-6180 Transunion fraud alerT (800) 680-7289 Welfare fraud (800) 932-0582

–––––– CouNseli Ng se RviCes ––––––aVersa counseling group of ches Ter coun T y (610) 363-7115 coaTesVille area senior cen Ter (610) 383-6900 The crime VicT ims’ cen Ter of ches Ter counT y (610) 692-1926 family serVice of ches Ter counT y (610) 696-4900 n e W life youT h & family serVices (610) 429-1432 Wes T ches Ter counseling ...................................................... (610) 431-1860 –––––– De NtAl se RviCes ––––––ches Ter counT y communi T y d en Tal cen Ter .................. (610) 383-3888 communi T y VolunTeers in m edicine (610) 836-5990 –– Developme NtAl DisAbilities (see DisAbility se Rvi Ces) –––––––– DisAbility se RviCes ––––––canine parTners for life (610) 869-4902 coaTesVille Va m edical cen Ter (610) 384-7711 communi T y serVices of d e Vereux (610) 933-8110 handi- craf Ters, i nc. .............................................................. (610) 384-6990 h uman serVices – doWningToWn (BooT road) (610) 873-1010 doWningToWn (l ancas Ter aVenue) (610) 873-1005 oxford (610) 998-1807 Wes T ches Ter .......................................................................... (610) 429-3033




beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County 3
• Developmental/physical • d isaB ili T y righ T s pennsylVania
• m ental health/i ntellectual •
Ter counT y d eparTmen T of m en Tal h ealT h
guidance resource cen Ter .....................................(610)
PA Food Merchants Association - Sept/Oct Full Page 4/c - 5”w x 11.25”h Players must be 18 or older. Please play responsibly. Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-800-GAMBLER Share yours: #MyLotteryLove See more: That’s LOTTERY LOVE
(800) 692-7443
(610) 344-6265 child
383-5635 creaT iVe h ealT h sys Tems (610) 948-6490 crisis i nTerVen T ion (610)
m en Tal h ealT h a ssociaT ion of pennsylVania (866)
naT ional alliance for T he m en Tally i ll (484)
pennsylVania clien T a ssis Tance program....................... (215) 557-7112 pennsylVania m en Tal h ealT h
a ssociaT ion (800) 887-6422

–––––– Domesti C viole NCe ––––––

BaTTered Woman’s Jus T ice proJ ecT (800) 903-0111 crime VicT ims’ cen Ter of ches Ter counT y (610) 692-1926

The domes T ic Violence cen Ter of ches Ter counT y (610) 431-3546 (610) 384-2774 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550

naT ional resource cen Ter on domes T ic Violence (nrcdV) (800) 799-7233; (800) 787-3224 (TT y) pennsylVania coali T ion agains T domes T ic Violence .. (800) 932-4632 pennsylVania coali T ion agains T rape ............................. (610) 692-7273 r ape, aBuse & i nces T naT ional n e TWork (rainn) (800) 656-4673 –––––– e me Rge NCy ––––––a merican red cross ................................................................ (215) 299-4000 chesTer counT y d eparTmenT of e mergency serVices ... (610) 344-5000

The crime VicT ims’ cenTer of chesTer counT y (610) 692-7420 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550 oxford n eigh Borhood serVices cenTer (610) 932-8557 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices (610) 933-1105 u ni Ted Way of ches Ter counT y (610) 429-9400 Valley creek crisis serVices (610) 280-3270 –––––– e mployme Nt ––––––Training and services to help prepare you for the workforce. The arc of ches Ter counT y (610) 696-8090 ches Ter counT y d eparTmen T of aging serVices .......... (610) 344-6350 ches Ter counT y oic ............................................................... (610) 692-2344 communi T y, youT h, Women’s alliance (610) 384-9592 handi- craf Ters, i nc. (610) 384-6990 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550 l ife Transforming m inis Tries (610) 384-5393 o ffice of VocaT ional rehaB ili TaT ion (oVr) (866) 375-8264 (Voice) (888) 575-9420 (TT y) serVice access m anagemenT (sam) (877) 236-4600 Ticke T To Work program (855) 835-0010 u ni Ted d isaB ili T ies serVices (888) 837-4235

–––––– eNe Rgy AssistANCe ––––––$1 e nergy fund (dollar e nergy fund) (800) 683-7036 acT in fai T h of greaTer Wes T ches Ter (484) 324-8492 eValuaT ion program (cares) (800) 692-7380 kenne TT area communi T y serVice ...................................... (610) 925-3556 loW- i ncome h ome e nergy a ssis Tance program (liheap) (866) 857-7095

loW- i ncome u sage reducT ion program (liurp) (800) 675-0222 naT ional fuel gas n eigh Bor for n eigh Bor h eaT fund (800) 365-3234 oxford n eigh Borhood serVices cen Ter (610) 932-8557 peco u niVersal serVice program (800) 774-7040

pennsylVania poWer company reach hardship fund (800) 720-3600 pennsylVania poWer & ligh T (ppl) o nTrack ................... (800) 342-5775 pennsylVania o ffice of consumer adVocaTe ............. (800) 684-6560 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices (610) 933-1105 pu B lic uT ili T y commission (800) 692-7380 ugi uT ili T ies i nc. – loW- i ncome self- h elp program (lishp) (800) 844-9276 ugi uT ili T ies i nc. – o peraT ion share (800) 962-1212

–––––– e ve Nts ––––––

50plus expos

50plus EXPOs are lively, one-day events that bring businesses and communities together on a personal level. Look for them in Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, and York counties. p o box 8049, lancaster, pA 17601 (717) 285-1350 www.50plus e

Women’s e xpos

Premier women’s expos in the Susquehanna Valley featuring demonstrations, shopping, entertainment, the latest in women’s health, and much more! p.o. box 8049, lancaster, pA 17601 .......................................... (717) 285-1350 www.a g reatWaytospend

–––––– eye CARe se RviCes ––––––a merican council of T he Blind (800) 424-8666 Blindness & Visual serVices (215) 560-5700

A v ision for e xcellence

For 50 years, CCEC has been the leader in eye surgery and multispecialty eye care in Chester County. 915 o ld Fern h ill Road, building b, suite 200 West Chester, pA 19380 ............................................................(610) 696-1230 e ye care a merica c/o T he a merican academy of o ph T halmology (800) 222-3937 phoenix Ville h ealT h care access Vision program (610) 935-3165

–––––– Fi NANCiAl se RviCes ––––––glendale morTgage (610) 853-6500; (888) 456-0988

• assistance •

ches Ter counT y a ssis Tance o ffice (610) 466-1000 ches Ter counT y Ve Terans affairs (610) 344-6375 d eparTmen T of human serVices ......................................... (800) 692-7462 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550 m ili Tary relief a ssis Tance program (866) 292-7201 oxford n eigh Borhood serVices cen Ter (610) 932-8557

4 beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County
Resource Directory

phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices (610) 933-1105

–––––– FitNess ––––––keys Tone sTaTe games (570) 760-0352

–––––– FooD/NutRitioN ––––––• e mergency FooD/FooD Banks •

acT in fai T h (484) 324-8492 aVon groVe church of nazarene (610) 869-9500 The Bridge f ood pan Try (610) 869-9500 ches Ter counT y f ood Bank (610) 873-6000 church of T he good samari Tan ...................................... (610) 644-4040 coali T ion agains T h unger ................................................ (215) 430-0556 coaTesVille communi T y food co- o p (610) 384-1344 communi T y, youT h, & Women’s alliance (610) 384-9591 f ood Trus T, The (215) 575-0444 grace crossing communi T y church (610) 933-4352

greaT Valley f ood cupBoard (610) 688-5445 Je Wish relief agency (610) 660-0190 Ju B ilee eVangelis T ic m inis Tries ............................................ (610) 380-9601 kenne TT area communi T y serVice ...................................... (610) 925-3556 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550 lord’s panTry of doWningToWn (610) 873-1149 n e W life presBy Terian church (215) 576-0892 n orT h coVen Try f ood panTry (610) 469-0288 oxford church of god (610) 932-3377 oxford n eigh Borhood serVices cen Ter (610) 932-8557 paoli presBy Terian church (610) 644-8250 paT h sTone ................................................................................... (610) 925-5600 people’s pan Try aT church road (610) 648-0707 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices (610) 933-1105 proJ ecT ouTreach f ood pan Try (610) 948-5111 salVaT ion army (610) 384-2954; (610) 696-8746 spring ci T y f ood pan Try aT f irs T ucc (610) 948-5119 sT agnes church (610) 692-2900 sT pe Ter’s e piscopal church (610) 933-2195 sT. rocco cen Ter..................................................................... (610) 268-3365

Trini T y presBy Terian church of BerW yn ...........................(610) 644-0932 Wes T ches Ter area senior cen Ter (610) 431-4242

Resource Directory

Wes T groVe uni Ted m e T hodis T church (610) 869-9334

• FooD s tamps • ches Ter counT y a ssis Tance o ffice (610) 466-1000 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550 pennsylVania d eparTmen T of human serVices (800) 692-7462 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices (610) 933-1105

• m eals on Wheels •

m ain l ine m eals on Wheels (610) 688-8170 m eals on Wheels of ches Ter counT y (610) 430-8500 –––––– gove RNme Nt ––––––• local •

West Chester Food Cupboard

Providing a variety of fresh and non-perishable healthy food at no cost to those in need in a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment. Food Cupboard open to West Chester residents. Express Pantry is open to anyone. Check for hours. 431 south bolmar street, West Chester, pA 19382................... (610) 344-3175 .............................................................

aTglen Borough ..................................................................... (610) 593-6854 aVondale Borough (610) 268-8501 Birmingham ToWnship (610) 793-2600 caln ToWnship (610) 384-0600 charles ToWn ToWnship (610) 240-0326 ci T y of coaTesVille (610) 384-0300 doWningToWn Borough (610) 269-0344 e as T Bradford ToWnship (610) 436-5108 e as T Brandy Wine ToWnship .................................................. (610) 269-8230 e as T caln ToWnship ................................................................. (610) 269-1989 e as T coVen Try ToWnship (610) 495-5443 e as T falloWfield ToWnship (610) 384-7144 e as T goshen ToWnship (610) 692-7171 e as T m arlBorough ToWnship (610) 444-0725 e as T nanTmeal ToWnship (610) 458-5780 e as T noTT ingham ToWnship (610) 932-8494 e as T pikeland ToWnship ......................................................... (610) 933-1770 e as T Vincen T ToWnship ........................................................... (610) 933-4424 e as T Whi Teland ToWnship (610) 648-0600 e as TToWn ToWnship (610) 687-3000 e lk ToWnship (610) 255-0634 e lVerson Borough (610) 286-6420 franklin ToWnship (610) 255-5212 h ighland ToWnship (610) 857-1791 h oney Brook Borough ........................................................ (610) 273-2020 h oney Brook ToWnship ......................................................... (610) 273-3970 kenne TT square Borough (610) 444-6020 kenne TT ToWnship (610) 388-1300 london Bri Tain ToWnship (610) 255-0388 london groVe ToWnship (610) 345-0100 londonderry ToWnship (610) 869-2138 loWer oxford ToWnship (610) 932-8150 malVern Borough (610) 644-2602

beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County 5

modena Borough (610) 384-6777

n e W garden ToWnship ........................................................... (610) 268-2915

n e W london ToWnship .......................................................... (610) 869-8658 n e Wlin ToWnship (610) 486-1141

n orT h coVen Try ToWnship (610) 323-1694 oxford Borough (610) 932-2500 parkesBurg Borough (610) 857-2616 penn ToWnship (610) 869-9620 pennsBury ToWnship (610) 388-7323 phoenix Ville Borough (610) 933-8801 pocopson ToWnship ............................................................... (610) 793-2151 sadsBury ToWnship (610) 857-9503 schuylkill ToWnship (610) 933-5843

souT h coaTesVille Borough (610) 384-1700 souT h coVen Try ToWnship (610) 469-0444

spring ci T y Borough (610) 948-3660

Thorn Bury ToWnship (610) 399-8383 Tredyffrin ToWnship (610) 644-1400 u pper oxford ToWnship ........................................................ (610) 932-9233 u pper uWchlan ToWnship ..................................................... (610) 458-9400

uWchlan ToWnship (610) 363-9450

Valley ToWnship (610) 384-5751 Wallace ToWnship (610) 942-2880

WarWick ToWnship (610) 286-5557

Wes T Bradford ToWnship (610) 269-4174

Wes T Brandy Wine ToWnship (610) 380-8200

Wes T caln ToWnship ...............................................................(610) 384-5643

Wes T ches Ter Borough ........................................................... (610) 692-7574

Wes T falloWfield ToWnship (610) 593-5916

Wes T goshen ToWnship (610) 696-5266

Wes T groVe Borough (610) 869-2792

Wes T m arlBorough ToWnship (610) 383-5986

Wes T nanTmeal ToWnship (610) 286-9722

Wes T noTT ingham ToWnship (610) 932-4072

Wes T pikeland ToWnship ......................................................... (610) 827-7660

Wes T sadsBury ToWnship .........................................................(610) 857-5969

Wes T Vincen T ToWnship (610) 458-1601

Wes T Whi Teland ToWnship (610) 363-9525

Wes TToWn ToWnship (610) 692-1930

Willis ToWn ToWnship (610) 647-5300

• county •

ches Ter counT y d eparTmen T of aging serVices .......... (610) 344-6350 pennsylVania diVision of Vi Tal records (724) 656-3100 regis Ter of Wills (610) 344-6335 Ve Terans affairs (610) 344-6375

• s tate •

legislaT iVe reference Bureau (717) 787-4223 penndoT (800) 932-4600 (800) 228-0676 (Tdd) pennsylVania d eparTmen T of aging (717) 783-1550

• Fe Deral •

naT ional passporT informaT ion cen Ter (877) 487-2778 U.S. State Department 24-hour automated appointment system. presiden T ial commenT line (202) 456-1111; (202) 456-6213 (TT y) social securi T y adminis TraT ion (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TT y) u s adminis TraT ion (202) 401-4541 u. s. capi Tol ................................................................................ (202) 224-3121 Senate and House of Representatives switchboard. u. s. i mmigraT ion and naTuralizaT ion serVice .............. (800) 375-5283 (800) 767-1833 (T dd) –––––– he Alth ResouRCes ––––––als a ssociaT ion (lou gehrig’s disease) ........................... (800) 782-4747 a merican a ssociaT ion on i nTellecTual and d e Velopmen Tal d isaB ili T ies (800) 424-3688 a merican cancer socie T y (800) 227-2345 a merican d iaB e Tes a ssociaT ion ........................................ (888) 342-2383 a merican h earT a ssociaT ion capi Tol region d iVision (800) 242-8721

The arc of T he u ni Ted sTaTes (800) 433-5255 ches Ter counT y d eparTmen T of aging serVices .......... (610) 344-6350 i nTernaT ional re TT syndrome a ssociaT ion (800) 818-7388 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550 lupus f oundaT ion of pennsylVania .................................. (412) 261-5886 naT ional alliance on m en Tal i llness (800) 950-6264 naT ional aTT en T ion d efici T d isorder a ssociaT ion (800) 939-1019 The naT ional doWn syndrome socie T y (800) 221-4602 pennsylVania Toure TTe syndrome alliance, i nc. (800) 990-3300 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices (610) 933-1105 smoking cessaT ion programs (800) 784-8669 u ni Ted cere Bral palsy (800) 872-5827 u ni Ted spinal a ssociaT ion ................................................... (800) 404-2898 ––––––


AlthCARe ––––––

• Financial assistance • chespenn h ealT h cen Ter (610) 380-4660 ches Ter counT y a ssis Tance o ffice (610) 466-1000 ches Ter counT y h ealT h d eparTmen T .................................. (610) 344-6225 The clinic .................................................................................... (610) 935-1134 compass (800) 692-7462 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550 m edicaid deparTmen T of human serVices (800) 537-8862

6 beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County
Resource Directory

m edicare e x Tra h elp (social securi T y) (800) 772-1213 (800) 325-0778 (TT y) naT ional i ns T i TuTe on aging (800) 222-2225 pace/pacene T and pace plus m edicare programs (800) 225-7223 pennsylVania d eparTmen T of h ealT h ................................ (877) 724-3258 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices ........................... (610) 933-1105 phoenix Ville h ealT h care access program (877) 765-0477 Ve Terans h ealT h care Benefi T s (800) 409-8771 –––––– he ARiNg se RviCes ––––––Bureau of Blindness & Visual serVices ............................. (866) 631-3892 (888) 870-4473 (TT y) cen Ter for i ndependenT liVing of cen Tral pennsylVania ........................................................................... (800) 323-6060 h earing loss a ssociaT ion of a merica (301) 657-2248 naT ional a ssociaT ion of T he d eaf (301) 587-1788 (301) 587-1789 (TT y) pennsylVania relay 711 –––––– home CARe se RviCes ––––––Medical and non-medical services to qualified individuals in their home or in another community-based setting. Pennsylvania requires that all home care agencies and registries be licensed. acT iVe h ome care (610) 363-8044 alWays B es T care (610) 450-6776 a mada senior care (484) 653-6420 angel companions (610) 644-8780 anna care (610) 431-2662 aVeanna h ealT hcare (610) 518-2128 Bayada h ome h ealT h care................................................... (484) 875-0200 Brandy Wine home healT h & hospice (610) 998-1700 caring m aTTers h ome care

(610) 727-3717 comforcare home care — ches Ter coun T y norT h (610) 363-1485 comforcare home care — ches Ter coun T y souT h ..... (610) 241-1199 compassionaTe senior companions (610) 420-6943 day By day h ome Therapy

761-6602 e pic healT h serVices (610) 518-2128 f our seasons h ealT hcare

(610) 572-2034 grisWold home care (484) 483-1632 hardy helpers

Resource Directory

n exus care resources (610) 455-4030 penn h ome h ealT h care ........................................................ (484) 483-9413 penn m edicine aT h ome ......................................................... (610) 431-5000 personal healT h care (610) 200-6383 relaT iVe care (610) 269-2935 rele VanT h omecare (610) 880-0286 senior h elpers (484) 206-5384 senior i ndependenT liVing companions (610) 310-5497 seniors helping seniors (610) 590-4888 shanahan en Terprises home care & hospice (610) 314-1667 souT heas Tern home healT h serVices .................................. (610) 269-9876 sTafford h omecare agency (610) 688-5001 surrey home care serVices (610) 647-6404 synergy homecare (484) 341-8720 Tel hai h ome care (610) 273-9333

There’s no place like home (610) 644-3700

Touching hearT s aT home (610) 557-0270 Visi T ing angels (610) 280-3540 Ware presBy Terian h ome care ............................................ (610) 998-2400 Wellsprings h ome care ....................................................... (610) 463-0880 –––––– home i mpRoveme Nts ––––––

Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income people, the elderly, people with disabilities, families with children, and high residentialenergy users in Chester County, to reduce energy costs.


Accessibility means breaking down barriers to ensure that everyone can fully participate in their communities and in society at large. For more than 20 years, Amramp has provided residential accessibility solutions that include purchase and rental options for our wheelchair ramps and stair lifts. Other home accessibility products include grab bars, lift chairs, vertical platform lifts, and many more. Start with a free evaluation for any of our products and let us help you find your forward! serving Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, lancaster, york, and surrounding counties. (717) 745-7267 See our ad on page 8.

(484) 580-9056

(610) 400-3402 harmony companion home care (610) 910-6015 harmony home care

h eron companions (610) 259-9701 h ome h elpers (610) 458-7550 h ome ins Tead senior care (610) 431-7877 i nTerim healT hcare (610) 524-1954 kendal h ome care (610) 388-1441 m axim healT hcare serVices (610) 363-6044

good n eigh Bors (610) 444-1860 good Works (610) 383-6311 haB i TaT for h umani T y of ches Ter counT y, i nc. (610) 384-7993 handi- craf Ters, i nc. (610) 384-6990 h ousing parTnership of ches Ter counT y ......................... (610) 518-1522

u ni Ted d isaB ili T ies serVices (888) 837-4235

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beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County 7

–––––– homeless se RviCes ––––––Bridge of hope @ good samari Tan serVices (610) 380-1360 ci T y gaTe shelTer ...................................................................... (610) 383-6915 communi T y, youT h, and Women’s alliance (800) 935-3181 domes T ic Violence cen Ter (610) 431-3546 friends a ssociaT ion (610) 431-3598 good samari Tan serVices (610) 933-9305 h is m ission (610) 444-2559 h uman serVices........................................................................ (610) 429-3033 safe harBor of ches Ter coun T y ........................................ (610) 692-6550 salVaT ion army of Wes T ches Ter shelTer for m en (610) 696-8746 sT m ary’s franciscan shelTer (610) 933-3097 W.c aT kinson m en’s cen Ter (610) 380-6195 –––––– hospi Ce se RviCes ––––––Provides comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatments. Brandy Wine riVer Valley h ome h ealT h & hospice (610) 998-1700 coaTesVille Va m edical cen Ter h ospice and palliaT iVe care (610) 384-7711 h olis T icare h ospice ................................................................(610) 995-0400 n eigh Borhood hospice ......................................................... (610) 696-6511 shanahan en Terprises home care & hospice (610) 314-1667

Resource Directory

WilloW Tree h ospice (610) 444-8733 –––––– hospitAls ––––––

Brandy Wine hospi Tal ToWer healT h (610) 383-8000 coaTesVille Va m edical cen Ter (610) 384-7711 JennersVille h ospi Tal ToWer healT h .................................. (610) 869-1000 m ain l ine h ealT h paoli h ospi Tal (866) 225-5654 penn medicine ches Ter counT y h ospi Tal (610) 431-5000 phoenix Ville h ospi Tal ToWer healT h (610) 983-1000 –––––– hotliNes ––––––alcoholic’s anonymous ..................................................... (215) 629-6757 alzheimer’s h elpline (800) 272-3900 a merican cancer socie T y i nformaT ion cen Ter (800) 227-2345 a merican h earT a ssociaT ion (800) 242-8721 a merican l iVer f oundaT ion (800) 465-4837 a merican lung a ssociaT ion (800) 586-4872 a merican parkinson’s d isease a ssociaT ion ................. (800) 223-2732 a merican sTroke a ssociaT ion ............................................ (888) 478-7653 a s T hma & allergy f oundaT ion of a merica (800) 727-8462 Bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555 cdc naT ional s Td and a ids h oTline (800) 232-4636 crohn’s & coli T is f oundaT ion of a merica, i nc. (800) 343-3637 d eparTmen T of human serVices (800) 537-8862 d iaB e Tes...................................................................................... (800) 342-2383 domes T ic Violence cen Ter of ches Ter counT y (888) 711-6270 e nVironmen Tal proTecT ion agency (800) 424-9346 e nVironmen Tal proTecT ion agency e mergency (800) 438-2474 h earing a id h elp l ine (800) 521-5247 k idney f oundaT ion h elpline (800) 622-9010 long-Term liVing helpline (866) 286-3636 m edicare ................................................................................... (800) 633-4227 naT ional cancer i ns T i TuTe (800) 422-6237 naT ional domes T ic Violence (800) 799-7233 naT ional e lder aBuse h oTline (855) 500-3537 naT ional h eadache f oundaT ion (888) 643-5552 naT ional i ns T i TuTe on aging (800) 222-2225 naT ional parkinson’s foundaT ion .................................. (800) 327-4545 naT ional sexual assaulT hoTline ....................................... (800) 656-4673 n uclear regulaTory commission (800) 368-5642 n urse a id regis Try (800) 852-0518 n ursing h ome complain T s (800) 254-5164 o rgan donaT ion (800) 528-2971 pace (800) 225-7223 penn doT ..................................................................................... (800) 932-4600

8 beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County

pennsylVania crime sToppers (800) 472-8477 pennsylVania d eparTmen T of aging e lder aBuse h oTline (610) 344-6350 pu B lic uT ili T y commission Bureau of consumer serVices (800) 692-7380 r adon h oTline (800) 237-2366 recycling hoTline (800) 346-4242 social securi T y i nformaT ion (800) 772-1213 sTroke & n eurological i nformaT ion (800) 352-9424 To Bacco qui Tline ................................................................... (800) 784-8669 u s d eparTmen T of Ve Terans affairs (800) 827-1000 u s producT s safe T y commission (800) 638-2772 usda m eaT & poulTry h oTline (800) 535-4555 Ve Terans ouTreach cen Ter (585) 295-7817 Welfare fraud (800) 932-0582

Resource Directory

phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices (610) 933-1105 salVaT ion army Wes T ches Ter corps (610) 696-8746

–––––– housi Ng optioNs ––––––• apartment-s tyle • Independent living in a residential area. Generally does not have programs designed specifically for residents. Properties where only seniors (55+ or 62+) and/ or those who are disabled may reside. freedom Valley d isaB ili T y e naB lemenT cen Ter (610) 353-6640 h ousing auT hori T y of T he counT y of ches Ter (610) 436-9200 h ousing d e Velopmen T corporaT ion (717) 291-1911 rose Tree place ......................................................................... (610) 616-5162

alliance for Be TTer h ousing (610) 925-1880 communi T y, youT h, and Women’s alliance (610) 384-9591 good Works (610) 383-6311 h omeoWners e mergency morTgage a ssis Tance program (hemap) (800) 569-4287 h ousing d iscriminaT ion h oTline ....................................... (800) 669-9777 h ousing parTnership of ches Ter counT y ......................... (610) 518-1522 h ousing and u rBan d e Velopmen T (800) 440-8647 h uman serVices (610) 429-3033 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550 oxford n eigh Borhood serVices cen Ter (610) 932-8557 pennsylVania h ousing search (877) 428-8844 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices ........................... (610) 933-1105 surrey serVice for seniors (610) 647-6404 • Financial assistance •

alliance for Be TTer h ousing (610) 925-1880 h omeoWner & morTgage a ssis Tance ............................. (800) 342-2397 oxford n eigh Borhood serVices cen Ter (610) 932-8557 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices (610) 933-1105 u s d eparTmen T of Ve Terans affairs (800) 827-1000 • rental assistance •

Bridge of hope @ good samari Tan serVices................. (610) 380-1360 friends a ssociaT ion (610) 431-3598 h uman serVices (610) 429-3033 kenne TT area communi T y serVice (610) 925-3556 n orT h s Tar of ches Ter counT y (610) 696-5675 oxford n eigh Borhood serVices cen Ter ........................ (610) 932-8557

• li F e sharing/Family living resi Dences • Supportive living that allows individuals with intellectual disabilities to live with independence and dignity with the assistance of a caring and experienced staff. camphill school .................................................................... (610) 469-9236 camphill solTane (610) 469-0933 camphill Village k im B erTon h ills (610) 935-0300 d e Vereux pa adulT serVices personal care h ome h illcres T coTTage (610) 296-6800 e lW yn ........................................................................................... (610) 891-2000

hum AN se RviCes

• pennsylvania Waiver programs • Waivers offer an array of services and benefits such as choice of qualified providers, due process, and health and safety assurances.

acT 150......................................................................................... (717) 787-8091 h ome- and community-based program for people with physical disabilities. To be eligible you must be able to choose and supervise your care worker(s), manage your own finances, and manage your own legal matters.

adulT auT ism WaiVer (866) 539-7689 provides long-term services and support to the specific needs of adults age 21 or older with an autism spectrum disorder (asd).

aging WaiVer (Transi T ioned To communi T y h ealT h choices) (888) 753-8827 a long-term living program that provides older pennsylvanians the help they need to live independently in their homes or community.

aids WaiVer (800) 922-9384 f or individuals 21 years of age or older who have symptomatic hiV disease.

commcare WaiVer (877) 550-4227 f or individuals with traumatic brain injury (TB i).

communi T y liVing WaiVer (717) 787-1870 provides community participation support, education support services, assistive technology, benefits counseling, home accessibility adaptations, and more for individuals with autism and id of all ages, and individuals with dd ages 0-8.

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beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County 9
housi Ng ––––––• assistance •

consolidaTed WaiVer for i ndiViduals Wi T h i nTellecTual d isaB ili T ies

.................................................................................. (800) 692-7462 f or individuals with an intellectual disability. d esigned to help them live more independently by providing a variety of services that promote community living.

i ndependence WaiVer (Transi T ioned To communi T y h ealT h choices) (800) 692-7462 f or adults with severe disability. may help them live or remain in the community and live as independently as possible.

life (l iVing independence f or The e lderly) program (844) 824-3655 a federal program that helps adults 55 and over meet their healthcare needs in the community.

n ursing h ome Transi T ion (nh T) program (800) 833-5196 The nhT was developed to assist and empower consumers who want to move from a nursing facility back to a home of their choice in the community. nhT provides the opportunity for individuals and their families or caregivers to be fully informed of all long-term service and support options.

o Bra WaiVer (877) 550-4227 covers services available for pennsylvania residents age 18–59 with severe developmental physical disability, helping them to remain as independent as possible.

o p T ions program ................................................................... (717) 299-7979 an array of community-based long-term care provided by the a rea agency on aging to help consumers function at optimal level while remaining in the most appropriate setting.

pennsylVania i ndependenT e nrollmenT Broker (877) 550-4227 a contracted statewide entity that facilitates and streamlines the eligibility/enrollment process for applicants seeking services.

person/family d irecTed supporT WaiVer .......................... (800) 692-7462 d esigned to help persons with developmental disabilities live more independently in their homes and communities and provides a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models. ––

iNDepe NDe Nt livi Ng CommuN ities (see RetiReme Nt livi Ng optioN s) –––––––– iNFoR m AtioN AND Re Fe RRAl ––––––ches Ter counT y d eparTmen T of aging serVices .......... (610) 344-6350 l a comunidad h ispana ......................................................... (610) 444-7550 oxford n eigh Borhood serVices cen Ter (610) 932-8557 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices (610) 933-1105 phoenix Ville h ealT hcare access (610) 935-3165 –––––– iNsuRANCe ––––––apprise counseling (610) 344-6000 pennsylVania h ealT h l aW proJ ecT (800) 274-3258 pre- e xis T ing condi T ion i nsurance plan (pcip) (800) 220-7898 –– iNtelle C tuAl DisAbilities (see DisAbility se Rvi Ces) –––––––– legAl se RviCes ––––––ches Ter counT y Bar a ssociaT ion (610) 692-1889 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550 legal a id of souT heas Tern pennsylVania –ches Ter counT y d iVision ....................................................... (610) 436-4510

m id penn legal serVices (800) 732-0025 pennsylVania Bar a ssociaTes referral serVice ............. (800) 692-7375 pennsylVania legal a id n e TWork.......................................(800) 322-7572 ––––––

libRARies ––––––

aTglen pu B lic l i Brary (610) 593-6848 aVon groVe li Brary ............................................................... (610) 869-2004

Chester County l ibrary system

We provide informational, educational, and cultural services to support lifelong learning. Also available: mail-order delivery (MOD) of library materials to homebound Chester County residents. 450 e xton square parkway, e xton, pA 19341 (610) 344-5600 .......................... (610) 344-4220 – moD o utreach (moD)

ches Ter springs l i Brary (610) 827-9212 coaTesVille area pu B lic l i Brary (610) 384-4115 doWningToWn li Brary (610) 269-2741 e as TToWn li Brary and i nformaT ion cen Ter (610) 644-0138 h enrie TTa hankin li Brary........................................................ (610) 321-1700 h oney Brook communi T y li Brary ..................................... (610) 273-3303 kenne TT li Brary (610) 444-2702 m alVern pu B lic l i Brary (610) 644-7259 oxford li Brary (610) 932-9625 paoli l i Brary (610) 296-7996 parkesBurg free l i Brary (610) 857-5165 phoenix Ville pu B lic l i Brary (610) 933-3013 spring ci T y li Brary ................................................................. (610) 948-4130 Tredyffrin pu B lic l i Brary ...................................................... (610) 688-7092 Wes T ches Ter pu B lic l i Brary (610) 696-1721 –––––– m e D iCAl e quipme Nt & supplies ––––––u ni Ted d isaB ili T ies serVices (uds) (888) 837-4235

The apprise h ealT h i nsurance counseling and a ssis Tance program (610) 344-5004

m e NtAl he Alth (see DisAbility se Rvi Ces) ––

pe RsoNAl CARe homes/uN its (see RetiReme Nt livi Ng optioN s) ––

poliCe DepARtme Nts ––––––

In the event of an emergency, dial 911. aTglen Borough/chris T iana police (610) 593-2234 Birmingham ToWnship police (610) 793-3333 caln ToWnship police (610) 383-1821 cheyney u niVersi T y police (610) 399-2330

10 beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County
Resource Directory
–––––– m e D iCARe ––––––• counseling •

coaTesVille ci T y police (610) 384-2300 coaTesVille Va m edical cen Ter police (610) 383-0222 ches Ter counT y d e TecT iVes (610) 344-6866 ches Ter counT y d is TricT aTTorney (610) 344-6801 ches Ter counT y prison (610) 793-1510 ches Ter counT y sheriff (610) 344-6850 doWningToWn Borough police (610) 269-0263 e as T Brandy Wine ToWnship police (610) 269-4300 e as T coVen Try ToWnship police (610) 495-0119 e as T falloWfield ToWnship police (610) 384-9163 e as T m arlBorough ToWnship police (610) 444-5075 e as T pikeland ToWnship police (610) 935-0606 e as T Vincen T ToWnship police (610) 933-0115 e as T Whi Teland ToWnship police ......................................... (610) 647-2100 e as TToWn ToWnship police (610) 341-9780 h oney Brook Borough police........................................... (610) 273-9262 kenne TT square Borough police (610) 444-0501 kenne TT ToWnship police....................................................... (610) 388-1300 l incoln u niVersi T y police (484) 365-7212 m alVern Borough police .................................................... (610) 647-0261 n e W garden ToWnship police (610) 268-2907 n orT h coVen Try ToWnship police ..................................... (610) 323-8360 oxford Borough police (610) 998-0032 parkesBurg Borough police .............................................. (610) 857-3535 pennsylVania sTaTe police – aVondale (610) 268-2022 pennsylVania sTaTe police – e m Bree Ville ......................... (484) 340-3241 phoenix Ville Borough police (610) 933-8801 sadsBury ToWnship police (610) 857-9536 schuylkill ToWnship police (610) 933-5820 souT h coaTesVille Borough police/ modena Borough police ................................................ (610) 384-3500 spring ci T y Borough police (610) 948-3456

Tredyffrin ToWnship police .................................................. (610) 644-3221

u pper uWchlan ToWnship police (610) 458-5862

uWchlan ToWnship police ................................................... (610) 363-6947

Valley ToWnship police (610) 384-8133

Wes T Brandy Wine ToWnship police (610) 380-8201

Wes T caln ToWnship police (610) 384-3115

Wes T ches Ter Borough police (610) 696-2700

Wes T ches Ter u niVersi T y police (610) 436-3311

Wes T falloWfield ToWnship police (610) 593-2442

Wes T goshen ToWnship police (610) 696-7400

Wes T groVe Borough police (610) 869-2024

Wes T noTT ingham ToWnship police (610) 467-0312

Wes T pikeland ToWnship police (610) 827-5007

Resource Directory

Wes T sadsBury ToWnship police (610) 857-5688

Wes T Vincen T ToWnship police (610) 458-3205

Wes T Whi Teland ToWnship police (610) 363-0200 Wes TToWn– e as T goshen regional police (610) 692-9600 Willis ToWn ToWnship police (610) 251-0222

pResCRiptioNs ––––––

• assistance •

ches Ter counT y d eparTmen T of aging serVices (610) 344-6350 communi T y VolunTeers in m edicine (610) 836-5990 kenne TT area communi T y serVice (610) 925-3556 l a comunidad h ispana ......................................................... (610) 444-7550 m edicare e x Tra h elp (social securi T y) ............................ (800) 772-1213 (800) 325-0778 (TT y) oxford area n eigh Borhood serVices (610) 932-8557 pace/pacene T and pace plus m edicare programs (800) 225-7223 parTnership for prescrip T ion a ssis Tance (888) 477-2669 phoenix Ville area communi T y serVices ........................... (610) 933-1105 phoenix Ville h ealT h care access program ..................(877) 765-0477 salVaT ion army (610) 384-2954 (610) 696-8746

special pharmaceu T ical Benefi T s program –hiV/aids (800) 922-9384 special pharmaceu T ical Benefi T s program (spB p) –m en Tal h ealT h (800) 433-4459

–––––– Re Al e stAte se RviCes ––––––coldWell Banker preferred (610) 212-1739 (cell) (610) 363-6006 (office)

m aureen robinson team – keller Williams We are a team of professionals providing a great experience and a smooth transaction in the selling, buying, or investing process. 276b Dilworthtown Road, West Chester, pA 19382 (484) 883-6248

–––––– RetiReme Nt livi Ng optioNs ––––––• i nDepenDent living communities •


harrison house Chester County Family owned and operated, we have provided independent living at an affordable price for 50 years! Enjoy newly renovated common spaces! 300 strode Avenue, e ast Fallowfield, pA 19320 (610) 486-5437

beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County 11

• personal care homes/units •

These homes/units provide shelter, meals, supervision, and assistance with personal care tasks, typically for older people or people with physical, behavioral health, or cognitive disabilities who are unable to care for themselves but do not need nursing home or medical care. Inspected and licensed through the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare.


harrison house Chester County

Family owned and operated, we have provided personal care at an affordable price for 50 years! Enjoy newly renovated common spaces! 300 strode Avenue, e ast Fallowfield, pA 19320 .................... (610) 486-5437

–––––– se NioR Ce Nte Rs ––––––

Great places to meet for social interaction and cultural and recreational activities. They are places to make new friends and maintain relationships with old friends.

coaTesVille area senior cen Ter (610) 383-6900

doWningToWn area senior cen Ter (610) 269-3939 greaT Valley senior cen Ter (610) 889-2121 kenne TT area senior cen Ter................................................. (610) 444-4819 oxford senior cen Ter ........................................................... (610) 932-5244 phoenix Ville area senior cen Ter (610) 935-1515 Wayne senior cen Ter (610) 688-6246 Wes T ches Ter senior cen Ter (610) 431-4242 –––––– se NioR se RviCes ––––––

domes T ic Violence (888) 711-6270 grief – JennersVille regional h ospi Tal............................ (610) 998-1700 l ife-ThreaTening i llness ..........................................................(610) 327-7555 ––––––

tA x AssistANCe ––––––aarp Tax-a ide (888) 227-7669 irs i nTernal re Venue serVice ............................................... (800) 829-1040 Volun Teer i ncome Tax a ssis Tance ..................................... (610) 380-9099

sarahcare of m alvern

Sarahcare provides respite and resources for caregivers to help keep families together through loving and supportive daycare and homecare options. 425 technology Drive, suite 200, m alvern, pA 19355 (610) 251-0801

–––––– se RviCe oRgANiz AtioNs ––––––A club of professional or businesspeople organized for their coordination of and participation in public service.

roTary clu B of Wes T ches Ter (610) 429-4015 Wes T ches Ter l ions clu B (610) 594-7021 –––––– suppoRt gRoups ––––––

A group of people whose members exchange give and receive both emotional and practical support, share ideas, and provide each other with information. alcoholics anonymous (215) 923-7900; (877) 934-2522 alzheimer’s d isease (800) 272-3900 for locaT ions cancer supporT (800) 227-2345 caregiVer (800) 677-1116 cen Tral pennsylVania aTaxia supporT group (610) 996-5814 children of aging paren T s ................................................. (215) 765-9040 d epression ..................................................................................(610) 327-7644 d iaB e Tes (610) 383-8358

–––––– tRANspoRtAtioN se RviCes ––––––Support from a governmental unit or the general public. May be free, reduced fare, or donations depending on entity. aging shared ride for seniors (877) 873-8415 ches Ter counT y d eparTmen T of aging serVices (610) 344-6350 l a comunidad h ispana (610) 444-7550 m edical a ssis Tance TransporTaT ion program (877) 873-8415 persons Wi T h d isaB ili T ies TransporTaT ion program (877) 873-8415 TransporTaT ion m anagemenT a ssociaT ion of ches Ter counT y (610) 993-0911 –– utilities (see eNe Rgy AssistANCe) –––––––– vete RANs se RviCes ––––––ches Ter counT y Ve Terans affairs ...................................... (610) 344-6375 coaTesVille Va m edical cen Ter (610) 384-7711 m ili Tary relief assis Tance program (866) 292-7201 pennsylVania d eparTmen T of m ili Tary and Ve Terans affairs (800) 547-2838 Ve Terans ouTreach cen Ter (866) 906-8387 u s d eparTmen T of Ve Terans affairs (800) 827-1000 –– visioN (see eye CARe se Rvi Ces) –––––––– We Athe Riz AtioN pRogRA ms ––––––Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income people, the elderly, people with disabilities, families with children, and high residentialenergy users in Chester County, to reduce energy costs. h ousing parTnership of ches Ter counT y ......................... (610) 518-1522 ugi’s WeaT herizaT ion program (800) 844-9276 WarmWise: audi T s & re BaTes ................................................. (866) 956-0308

FRequently CalleD numbeR s

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12 beyond50 Resource Directory – Chester County
Resource Directory

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