beyond50 Resource Directory is published annually by On-Line Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 8049 • Lancaster, PA 17604 • (717) 285-1350 • www.onlinepub.com
Copyright ©2024 by On-Line Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the express written permission of the publisher. Each edition is carefully reviewed to assure accuracy. The publisher cannot, however, guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein nor does the publisher endorse services or products represented.
PLEASE NOTE: We will not knowingly publish any advertisement or information not in compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act, Pennsylvania state laws, or other local laws. We reserve the right to revise or reject any advertising.
l ife t ime Adult Day Care
Providing daytime care and support to our clients and their caregivers. Engaging activities, trained staff, and lunch provided. New location! 27 Miller Street, Suite 103, lemoyne, PA 17043 (717) 975-9762 www.cparc.org jzarker@cparc.org –––––– ADvoCACy ––––––
Organizations that promote the health, dignity, rights, and quality of life of seniors and the disabled.
aarp (888) 687-2277
a merican civil l iberT ies u nion (212) 549-2500
a merican civil righ T s i ns T i TuTe ........................................... (916) 444-2278
arc of cumberland & perry counT ies (717) 249-2611
b lindness and visual services (bvs) (866) 375-8264
bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555
cen Ter for i ndependenT living (717) 731-1900
crisis i nTerven T ion program ............................................. (866) 350-4357
cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services – p4a (717) 240-6110
cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services – proTecT ive services .............................................(717) 240-6110
cumberland counT y vicT ims a ssis Tance cen Ter (ccpa) (717) 240-6220
o ffice for d eaf and hard of h earing (odhhh) .......... (800) 233-3008 v/TT y (717) 783-4912
pennsylvania homecare a ssociaT ion ............................. (717) 975-9448
pennsylvania h uman relaT ions commission (717) 787-9780
Tri-coun T y communi T y acT ion commission –harrisburg ................................................................................ (717) 232-9757 –––––– AlCohol & SubStAnCe AbuSe Se RviCe S ––––––Organizations offering prevention, treatment, and recovery programs. alcoholics anonymous ...................................................... (717) 234-5390
crisis i nTerven T ion
camp h ill (717) 763-2222
carlisle (717) 243-600 5
cumberland/perry d rug & alcohol commission
carlisle (717) 240-6300
all oT her areas (866) 240-6300
gaudenzia common ground (717) 238-4200
narcoT ics anonymous (717) 233-3733
naT ional council on alcoholism & d rug d ependency (800) 622-2255
roxbury TreaTmen T cenTer (800) 648-4673
salvaT ion army adulT rehab cen Ter (717) 541-0203
–– Alzhei M e R’ S/De M entiA CARe (See Reti Re M ent living oP tion S) ––
APAR tM ent S (See h ou S ing oP tion S) –––––––– ARe A AgenCy on Aging ––––––Provides aging services and information on financial aid and local benefits programs in Cumberland County.
Cumberland County Aging & Community Services
An agency dedicated to providing programs and services that allow older adults to maintain their health, welfare, and independence. 1100 Claremont Road, Carlisle, PA 17015 .............................. (717) 240-6110 www.cumberlandcountypa.gov ........ aging@cumberlandcountypa.gov
See our ad on page 3.
ASS i S te D living Re S i D en Ce S (See Reti Re M ent living oP tion S) –––––––– ASSi Stive te Chnology/Devi Ce S ––––––These technologies and devices can make the lives of seniors and the disabled easier.
pennsylvania’s i ni T iaT ive on a ssis T ive Technology foundaT ion ...............................................................................(484) 674-0506 Techowl (800) 204-7428 u ni Ted cerebral palsy of cenTral pennsylvania (717) 737-3477
• Loan Programs for assistive techno Logy • auT ism services keys Tone human resources (888) 377-6504
pennsylvania’s a ssis T ive Technology f oundaT ion (484) 674-0506 voice; (888) 744-1938 TT y –––––– AttoRneyS ––––––
Daley zucker, llC
From simple to complex estate planning, we offer clients the experience of our attorneys and attorney/CPAs in minimizing taxes and protecting loved ones.
645 north 12th Street, Suite 200, lemoyne, PA 17043 (717) 724-9821 www.daleyzucker.com ppatton@daleyzucker.com
See our ad on page 5.
–––––– CARe ASSe SSMent Se RviCe S ––––––
Looks at a person’s needs and works with them to find the best methods to provide care, support, and specialized services.
cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services (ccpa) (717) 240-6110
–––––– CARegive R ASSi StAnCe ––––––
cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services (ccpa) (717) 240-6110
family caregiver supporT program (cumberland counT y) (717) 240-6110
–––––– Clothing ––––––
caring close T (717) 697-0226
carlisle barracks T hrif T shop (717) 243-1434
cumberland counT y a ssis Tance (717) 240-2700
goodwill – lemoyne .............................................................. (717) 737-6134
m echanicsburg (717) 635-2881
T he mee T ing house – carlisle (717) 243-1863
salvaT ion army – camp h ill (717) 731-0576
carlisle (717) 249-1411
shining l igh T Thrif T shop (717) 234-2436
Trini T y u ni Ted m e T hodis T church (717) 532-7606
–––––– ConSuMe R PRote C tion/CoMPl Aint S ––––––
bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555
consumer producT safe T y commission ........................ (800) 638-2772
d isabili T y righ T s n e T work of pennsylvania (800) 692-7443
e nvironmen Tal proTecT ion agency (800) 424-9346
e quifax fraud alerT (888) 766-0008
e xperian fraud alerT (888) 397-3742
federal Trade commission ................................................. (202) 326-2222
m edicare/m edicaid fraud (800) 633-4227
n eighborhood d ispuTe se TTlemenT (800) 324-4453
o ffice for consumer advocaTe (800) 684-6560
o ffice for d ispuTe resoluT ion (800) 992-4334
o ffice of inspecTor general ............................................. (800) 447-8477
pennsylvania bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555
pennsylvania d eparTmen T of banking & securi T ies (800) 722-2657
pennsylvania d eparTmen T of elder abuse (800) 490-8505
pennsylvania h uman relaT ions commission (717) 787-4410
public uT ili T y commission .................................................... (800) 692-7380
quali T y i nsigh T s of pennsylvania (877) 346-6180
Transunion fraud alerT (800) 680-7289
usps cus Tomer service (800) 275-8777
usps m ail fraud (877) 876-2455
welfare fraud ......................................................................... (800) 932-0582
An agency dedicated to providing programs and services that assist older adults in maintaining their health, welfare, and independence.
PA MEDI (formerly APPRISE)—Medicare & Related Health Insurance Counseling
Caregiver and Grandparenting Support Program
Health and Wellness Programs
Home and Community-Based Services
Information and Referral
Older Adult Protective Services
Senior Community Centers
Transportation Volunteer Opportunities ... and much more!
Contact us at:
aging@cumberlandcountypa.gov www.cumberlandcountypa.gov
ent living oP tion S) –––––––– DentAl Se RviCe S ––––––
d en Tal lifeline n e T work (pa) (724) 568-4343 d en Tal services T hrough m edical a ssis Tance (800) 692-7462
senior denTal care (717) 234-5941 –– Develo PM entAl Di SAbilitie S (See Di SAbility Se Rvi Ce S) –––––––– Di SAbility Se RviCe S ––––––
arc of cumberland & perry counT ies (717) 249-2611
arc of pennsylvania ............................................................. (800) 692-7258
con TacT helpline (717) 652-4400
cumberland/perry mh - idd program (717) 240-6325
d isabili T y righ T s n e T work of pennsylvania (800) 692-7443 (877) 375-7139 (T dd)
mh - idd program: d isas Ter crisis ouTreach and referral Team (ccpa) (717) 240-6320 pennsylvania menTor ne T work (717) 657-2073
souT h cen Tral pennsylvania h ealT h care quali T y u ni T (717) 835-2270
u ni Ted d isabili T ies services (uds) (888) 837-4235 • Deve Lo PmentaL/PhysicaL •
i nTellecTual d isabili T ies cus Tomer service programs (888) 565-9435 • m entaL h eaLth/i nte LLectuaL • acquired brain injury ne T work of pennsylvania ...... (800) 516-8052
i nTellecTual disabili T ies program (717) 240-6320
m en Tal h ealT h a ssociaT ion of pennsylvania (866) 578-3659 nami (717) 240-8715
n orT hwes Tern h uman services (The sT evens cen Ter) ...(717) 243-6033
pennsylvania behavioral h ealT h & aging coali T ion (717) 541-4219
pennsylvania m en Tal h ealT h consumers’ a ssociaT ion (800) 887-6422
–––––– DoMe StiC violenCe ––––––
baTTered women’s j us T ice projecT (800) 903-0111
cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services – proTecT ive services (717) 240-6110
cumberland counT y d is TricT aTTorney vicT im services division (717) 240-6220
naT ional domes T ic violence hoTline (800) 799-7233; (800) 787-3224 (TT y)
naT ional e lder abuse h oTline (800) 490-8505
o lder adulT proTecT ive services (ccpa) (717) 240-6110
pennsylvania address confiden T iali T y program (acp) (800) 563-6399; (877) 349-1064 (TT y)
pennsylvania coali T ion agains T domes T ic violence.................................................................................... (717) 545-6400
proTecT ion from abuse (pfa) (ccpa) (800) 852-2102
proTecT ive services (ccpa) (800) 852-2102 hoTline
r ape, abuse & i nces T naT ional n e T work (rainn) (800) 656-4673
eM e RgenCy ––––––
a merican red cross, cumberland counT y chap Ter (717) 243-5211
carlisle cares (717) 249-1009
crisis i nTerven T ion – cumberland & perry counT ies (717) 763-2222
cumberland counT y d rug & alcohol commission (ccpa) .................................... (717) 240-6300; (866) 240-6300
e mergency shelTer 211
Tri-coun T y communi T y acT ion commission (ccpa) (717) 232-9757
m en Tal h ealT h crisis i nTerven T ion and e mergency services –cam p h ill (717) 763-2222
carlisle (717) 243-6005
all oThe r areas (866) 350-4357
pccd vicT ims compensaT ion program (717) 783-5153 (800) 233-2339
safe harbour (717) 249-2200
salvaT ion army – camp h ill (717) 731-0576
carlisle .................................................................................... (717) 249-1411
vicT i ms services (717) 761-5599
–––––– eMPloyMent ––––––
Training and services to help prepare you for the workforce.
aarp f oundaT ion senior e mploymen T (717) 234-5961
ahedd (800) 902-4333
careerl ink ................................................................................. (717) 243-4431
cumberland/perry m en Tal h ealT h (ccpa) (866) 902-4333
goodwill – carlisle (717) 249-0012
lemoyne ................................................................................... (717) 737-6134
m echanicsburg ................................................................... (717) 635-2881
o ffice of vocaT ional rehabili TaT ion (ovr) (800) 442-6352
salvaT ion army, i nc. (717) 249-1411
Ticke T To work program (866) 968-7842
Tri-coun T y communi T y acT ion commission (717) 232-9757 –––––– e ne Rgy ASSi StAnCe ––––––
$1 e nergy fund (dollar e nergy fund) (800) 683-7036
low- i ncome h ome e nergy a ssis Tance program (liheap) (717) 249-4422
low- i ncome u sage reducT ion program (liurp) (800) 675-0222
naT ional fuel gas business office .................................... (800) 365-3234
n ew h ope m inis Tries (717) 774-6255
pennsylvania o ffice of consumer advocaTe (800) 684-6560
pennsylvania power company reach hardship fund (800) 720-3600
pennsylvania power & ligh T (ppl) o nTrack ................... (800) 342-5775
pennsylvania public uT ili T y commission e lecTric service paymen T assis Tance ................................................ (800) 692-7380
pennsylvania wounded warriors (717) 761-4017 peoples naTural gas company (800) 400-9276
ppl o peraT ion h elp cumberland counT y: m echanicsburg & e as T – n ew h ope m inis Tries (717) 232-9757 souT hern communi T y services (717) 697-2255 Todd baird l indsey f oundaT ion ......................................... (717) 486-4121
ugi uT ili T ies i nc. – low- i ncome self- h elp program (lishp) (800) 844-9276 vickie’s angel foundaT ion (717) 774-3800
N. 12th Street, Suite 200, Lemoyne, PA 17043 717-724-9821 From simple to complex estate planning, we o er clients the experience of our Attorneys and Attorney/CPA in minimizing taxes and protecting loved ones. Experience. Compassion. Results. A Woman-Owned Business
Pl Anning & PRobAte ––––––
ugi uT ili T ies i nc. – o peraT ion share (800) 276-2722
u ni Ted way of carlisle and cumberland coun T y (717) 243-4805
e vent S ––––––
glaucoma program
50plus e XPos
50plus EXPOs are lively, one-day events that bring businesses and communities together on a personal level. Look for them in Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, and York counties.
P.o. box 8049, lancaster, PA 17604 ......................................... (717) 285-1350 www.50plus e xpoPA.com
Women’s e xpos
Premier women’s expos where guests are able to unwind and have fun while shopping, enjoying free spa treatments, watching entertainment and demonstrations, and relishing “me” time.
P.o. box 8049, lancaster, PA 17604.......................................... (717) 285-1350 www.a g reatWaytoSpendMyDay.com
eye CARe Se RviCe S ––––––
a merican council of T he b lind
(800) 424-8666 bureau of b lindness & visual services ............................(866) 375-8264; (717) 787-5279
e yecare a merica (877) 887-6327
e yeglass referral program (888) 935-4589
Kilmore eye Associates
Ophthalmic/optometric eye care practice specializing in medical and routine eye care and cataract surgery. Eye care for life! 890 Century Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 697-1414 www.kilmoreeye.com
See our on this page.
(877) 887-6327
o peraT ion s igh T (703) 383-5703
pennsylvania a ssociaT ion for T he b lind (717) 766-2020
va b lind & low vision rehabili TaT ion ............................... (800) 409-8771
vision resources of cen Tral pennsylvania (717) 238-2531
f inanciaL services ––––––• e mergency •
a merican red cross (carlisle) .......................................... (717) 243-5211
cumberland counT y a ssis Tance o ffice (welfare)
carli sle (717) 240-2700 all oTher areas (800) 269-0173
n ew h ope m inis Tries (717) 766-7333
pennsylvania d eparTmen T of human services (800) 692-7462
salvaT ion army (717) 249-1411
samari Tan fellowship (717) 243-7338
social securi T y – carlisle (800) 772-1213 Todd baird l indsey f oundaT ion ......................................... (717) 486-4121 –––––– f itness ––––––ymca – carlisle family ......................................................... (717) 243-2525 wes T shore (717) 737-9622 ywca – carlisle (717) 243-3818 –––––– fooD/nutrition ––––––• eD ucation/counse Ling •
The family h ealT h council of cen Tral pennsylvania (717) 761-7380 • f oo D Banks/Pantries •
5 loaves f ood pan Try (717) 737-1903
b ig spring area f ood bank (717) 422-4603 bridge f ood panTry ............................................................... (717) 774-6255
chris T ian life assembly f ood bank (717) 737-6560
cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services (ccpa) (717) 240-6110
k ing’s ke TTle food panTry (717) 530-9200
mounT h olly springs f ood bank (717) 486-4883
n ew h ope m inis Tries
e no la (717) 996-9006
m echanicsburg (717) 766-7333
projecT s h a r e (717) 249-7773
salvaT ion army carlisle (717) 249-1411
shippensburg produce ou Treach (717) 477-9100
souT h cen Tral communi T y acT ion program ................ (717) 263-5060
souT hern communi T y services (717) 235-0446, e x T. 22
• f oo D s tam Ps •
cumberland counT y a ssis Tance o ffice (717) 240-2700
pennsylvania d eparTmen T of human services (877) 395-8930
• m eaL s on Whee L s •
carlisle (717) 245-0707
e as T pennsboro/m echanicsburg area (717) 697-5011
m echanicsburg (717) 697-5011
shippensburg (717) 300-3563
wes T shore (717) 737-0511
n ewville ..................................................................................... (717) 776-5650 –––––– gove RnMent ––––––• LocaL •
camp h ill borough ................................................................ (717) 737-3456
carlisle borough (717) 249-4422
cooke Township (717) 486-8114
d ickinson Township (717) 486-7424
e as T pennsboro Township (717) 732-0711
hampden Township (717) 761-0119
h opewell Township (717) 423-6582
lemoyne borough .................................................................. (717) 737-6843
lower allen Township (717) 975-7575
lower frankford Township (717) 243-0855
lower m ifflin Township (717) 776-6121
m echanicsburg borough (717) 691-3310
m iddlesex Township (717) 249-4409
monroe Township ................................................................... (717) 258-6642
mT. h olly springs borough .................................................. (717) 486-7613
n ew cumberland borough (717) 774-0404
n ewburg borough (717) 423-0050
n ewville borough (717) 776-7633
n orT h m iddle Ton Township (717) 243-8550
n orT h n ew Ton Township (717) 776-7665
penn Township (717) 486-3104
shippensburg borough (717) 532-2147
shippensburg Township (717) 532-7137
shiremans Town borough (717) 761-4169
s ilver spring Township............................................................(717) 766-0178
souT h m iddle Ton Township (717) 258-5324
souT h n ew Ton Township (717) 530-7626
souT hamp Ton Township (717) 532-9646
u pper allen Township (717) 766-0756
u pper frankford Township (717) 776-3117
u pper m ifflin Township (717) 776-5949
wes T pennsboro Township ...................................................(717) 243-8220
wormleysburg borough (717) 763-4483
• county •
cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services (ccpa) .........................................................................(717) 240-6110
cumberland coun T y va clinic (717) 590-1525
regis Ter of wills (717) 240-6345
ve Terans affairs (717) 240-6178
• s tate •
legislaT ive reference bureau (717) 787-4223
penndoT ............................................... (800) 932-4600; (800) 228-0676 (T dd) pennsylvania d eparTmen T of aging (717) 783-1550 • f e D eraL •
naT ional passporT i nformaT ion cen Ter ......................... (877) 487-2778
U.S. State Department 24-hour automated appointment system.
social securi T y adminis TraT ion (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TT y)
u s. adminis TraT ion on aging (202) 401-4634
u s. capi Tol (202) 224-3121
Senate and House of Representatives switchboard.
u s ci T izenship and i mmigraT ion services (800) 375-5283 (800) 767-1833 (T dd)
whi Te house commen T line (202) 456-1111; (202) 456-6213 (TT y)
Thank you for utilizing the Resource Directory
If you would like copies for your organization, please call: (717) 285-1350
Compassion. Dignity. Trust. When your loved one needs help, join hands with Homeland. We are privileged to o er a continuum of care options and to be part of your caregiving team. For a tour of Homeland Center, please call 717-221-7901. Homeland Hospice volunteers are always welcome.
2300 Vartan Way, Harrisburg 717-857-7400 HomelandatHome.org 1901 N 5th St., Harrisburg 717-221-7900 HomelandCenter.org
We appreciate your trust in providing quality care for over 155 years!
als a ssociaT ion (lou gehrig’s d isease) .......................... (215) 643-5434
alzheimer’s a ssociaT ion of pennsylvania (717) 651-5020; (800) 272-3900
a merican a ssociaT ion on i nTellecTual and d evelopmen Tal d isabili T ies (202) 387-1968
a merican cancer socie T y (800) 227-2345
a merican d iabe Tes a ssociaT ion ........................................ (888) 342-2383
a merican h earT a ssociaT ion capi Tal region d ivision (800) 242-8721
a merican lung a ssociaT ion (800) 548-8252
arc of cumberland & perry coun T ies (717) 249-2611 arc of T he u ni Ted sTaTes (800) 433-5255
arT hri T is f oundaT ion (800) 776-0746 commission on accredi TaT ion of rehabili TaT ion facili T ies (carf) (888) 281-6531
communi T y check- u p harrisburg (717) 233-1700
cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services (ccpa) (717) 240-6110
cumberland counT y drug & alcohol commission (717) 240-6300
cumberland counT y m en Tal healT h & inTellecTual developmenT disabili T ies program.................................... (717) 240-6320
d iakon family l ife services (717) 795-0330
e pilepsy f oundaT ion of cen Tral pennsylvania (800) 336-0301
i nTellecTual d isabili T ies program (717) 240-6320
i nTernaT ional re TT syndrome foundaT ion .................... (800) 818-7388
keys Tone h ealT h cen Ter – family pracT ice (717) 709-7999 hiv/aids .................................................................................... (717) 709-7909
k idney f oundaT ion of cen Tral pennsylvania (800) 762-6202
leukemia & lymphoma socie T y (717) 652-6520; (800) 822-2873
lupus f oundaT ion of pennsylvania (800) 800-5776
m ission of m ercy ..................................................................... (717) 315-9813
mulT iple sclerosis f oundaT ion (717) 713-3910
naT ional alliance on m en Tal i llness (nami) (717) 620-9580
naT ional aTT en T ion d efici T d isorder a ssociaT ion (800) 939-1019
naT ional council on i ndependenT living ...................... (844) 778-7961
The naT ional down syndrome socie T y (800) 221-4602
naT ional m en Tal h ealT h a merica (800) 969-6642
pa medi/medicare counseling (717) 240-6110
pennsylvania advocacy and resources for auT ism and i nTellecTual d isabili T ies (par) – lemoyne (717) 236-2374
pennsylvania m edical socie T y – m echanicsburg....... (800) 228-7823
pennsylvania Toure TTe syndrome alliance, i nc. (800) 990-3300
shippensburg communi T y n urse (717) 530-7900
spina b ifida a ssociaT ion (800) 621-3141
u ni Ted cerebral palsy (ucp) (800) 998-4827
u ni Ted spinal a ssociaT ion (800) 962-9629
u. s. d eparTmen T of h ealT h and human services ........... (240) 453-8280 –––––– he AlthCARe ––––––
–––––– hoMe CARe/hoMe he Alth Se RviCe S ––––––
Medical and non-medical services to qualified individuals in their home or in another community-based setting. Pennsylvania requires that all home care agencies and registries be licensed.
h omeland at home
Well span family m edicine – carlisle
Finding a WellSpan primary care doctor in your neighborhood is simple with our Nurse Navigator as your guide.
354 Alexander Spring Road, Suite 3A, Carlisle, PA 17015 (717) 462-6873
See our ad on this page.
• f inanciaL assistance • cumberland counT y a ssis Tance o ffice (717) 240-2700
d eparTmen T of human services (800) 537-8862
m edicare (800) 633-4227
naT ional h ealT h i nformaT ion & referral service (240) 453-8280
naT ional i ns T i TuTe on aging............................................... (800) 222-2225
pa m edi (717) 240-6110
pace/pacene T and pace plus m edicare programs
pennsylvania d evelopmen Tal d isabili T ies council (717) 705-0819 (TT
pennsylvania link
social securi T y adminis TraT ion (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TT
ve Terans h ealT h care b enefi T s –cumberland coun T y
–––––– he ARing Se RviCe S ––––––
cen Ter for i ndependenT living of cen Tral pennsylvania
d eaf and hard of hearing
h earing loss a ssociaT ion of a merica
naT ional a ssociaT ion of T he d eaf
naT ional i ns T i TuTe on d eafness
(301) 587-1789 (TT
(800) 241-1055 (TT
Homeland Hospice, Palliative Care, HomeCare and HomeHealth are dedicated to providing a continuum of at-home care services ... from non-medical personal assistance and physician-ordered skilled nursing and rehab therapies to compassionate palliative and hospice care. 2300 vartan Way, Suite 270, harrisburg, PA 17110
h omeland at home .................................................................. (717) 857-7400
www. h omelandat h ome.org
See our ad on page 8.
–––––– hoMe iMPRove Ment S ––––––
Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residentialenergy users, to reduce energy costs.
commonwealT h of pennsylvania – dep T of communi T y and economic developmen T –cumberland (717) 821-6896
cumberland counT y h ousing and redevelopmen T auT hori T y (717) 249-1315
e mergency repair loan program (717) 249-0789
o ffice of d eaf and hard of h earing (800) 233-3008; (717) 783-4912 (TT y)
pennsylvania relay ........................................................................... d ial 711
pennsylvania socie T y for T he advancemen T of T he d eaf (570) 309-0087
serToma ...................................................................................... (717) 249-5079
hoMele SS Se RviCe S ––––––
b e T hesda m ission – m en’s shelTer ........................................ (717) 257-4440
women & children’s shelTer (717) 257-4447
carlisle cares h omeless shelTer and resource cen Ter ..................................................................... (717) 249-1009
cumberland counT y h omeless a ssis Tance program..................................................................................... (717) 240-6112
family promise of harrisburg capi Tal region, camp hill (717) 737-1100
safe harbour (717) 249-2200
salvaT ion army (717) 249-1404
ve Teran h omeless services (717) 234-7931 –––––– hoSPiCe Se RviCe S ––––––
Provides comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatments.
h omeland hospice
Our compassionate team helps patients live as fully and comfortably as possible by providing symptom management and pain relief. Complementary therapies, spiritual support, and extra aide services are provided with the utmost compassion, helping families make the most of every precious moment together.
2300 vartan Way, Suite 270, harrisburg, PA 17110
h omeland hospice (717) 221-7890
www. h omeland h ospice.org
See our ad on page 8.
encompassheal t h.com/mechanic sburgrehab
hoSPitAl S ––––––
e ncompass health
As the largest acute rehabilitation provider in the country, Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Mechanicsburg is the expert in offering the most advanced, individualized rehabilitation programs for each patient. Experienced teams, advanced technologies, and physiciansupervised care provide a seamless approach to get patients home safer and sooner. After an illness, injury, or surgery, ask for us by name. 175 lancaster boulevard, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 691-3700 www.encompasshealth.com/mechanicsburgrehab
See our ad on this page. –––––– hotline S ––––––
aarp (888) 687-2277
advan Tage counseling service (888) 511-2227
alcoholics anonymous (866) 210-1303
alzheimer’s h elpline............................................................... (800) 272-3900
a merican cancer socie T y i nformaT ion cen Ter (800) 227-2345
a merican d iabe Tes associaT ion (800) 342-2383
a merican h earT a ssociaT ion (800) 242-8721
a merican l iver f oundaT ion ............................................... (215) 425-8080
a merican lung a ssociaT ion (800) 586-4872
a merican parkinson’s d isease a ssociaT ion (800) 223-2732
a merican sTroke a ssociaT ion (888) 478-7653
arT hri T is (800) 283-7800
a s T hma & allergy f oundaT ion of a merica .................. (800) 727-8462
bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555
cdc naT ional s Td and a ids h oTline (800) 232-4636
crohn’s & coli T is f oundaT ion (800) 932-2423
cumberland coun T y rape crisis hoTline (ywca) ......... (888) 727-2877
d eparTmen T of human services (e nergy a ssis Tance) (800) 692-7462
d eparTmen T of human services (medical assis Tance) (800) 537-8862
e nvironmen Tal proTecT ion agency (800) 424-9346
e nvironmen Tal proTecT ion agency e mergency (800) 438-2474
f ood safe T y m eaT & poulTry h oTline (888) 674-6854
h earing a id h elp l ine (800) 521-5247
h ousing d iscriminaT ion (855) 866-5718
irs (844) 545-5640
k idney f oundaT ion h elpline ................................................ (800) 622-9010
l ink To aging & disabili T y resource cenTer (866) 286-3636
m edicare (800) 633-4227
narcoT ics anonymous (800) 407-7195
naT ional cancer i ns T i TuTe .................................................. (800) 422-6237
naT ional h eadache f oundaT ion (800) 843-2256
naT ional h ealT h i nformaT ion cen Ter (800) 336-4797
naT ional i ns T i TuTe on aging (800) 222-2225
naT ional ins T i TuTe of neurological disorders ............ (800) 352-9424
naT ional parkinson’s f oundaT ion (800) 327-4545
n uclear regulaTory commission (800) 368-5642
home healT h/n ursing h ome complain T s (800) 254-5164
The living bank donaT ion ................................................... (800) 528-2971
o lder adulT proTecT ive services (717) 240-6110
pace (800) 225-7223
penn doT (800) 932-4600
pennsylvania compulsive gambling ............................... (800) 848-1880
pennsylvania crime sToppers (800) 472-8477
pennsylvania elder abuse hoTline (800) 490-8505
pennsylvania sTaTe h ealT h line (877) 724-3258
properT y Tax/ren T rebaTe ...................................................... (888) 222-9190
public uT ili T y commission bureau of consumer services .......................................................... (800) 692-7380
r adon h oTline (800) 237-2366
recycling (800) 346-4242
social securi T y i nformaT ion (800) 772-1213
Tobacco qui Tline (800) 784-8669
u s d eparTmen T of ve Terans affairs (800) 827-1000
u s. consumer producT s safe T y commission (800) 638-2772
welfare fraud ......................................................................... (800) 932-0582
–––––– houSing ––––––• assistance •
cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services (ccpa) (717) 240-6110
cumberland counT y h ousing and redevelopmen T auT hori T ies ................................................... (717) 249-1315
family public h ousing (717) 245-0516
habi TaT for h umani T y (717) 258-1830
h omeowners e mergency morTgage a ssis Tance program (hemap) (717) 780-3940; (800) 342-2397
h ousing d iscriminaT ion h oTline (800) 669-9777
m ission cen Tral ........................................................................(717) 766-1533
assistance •
cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services (ccpa) (717) 240-6110
cumberland counT y h ousing and redevelopmen T auT hori T ies (717) 249-1315
d eparTmen T of human services (800) 692-7462
h omeowner emergency morTgage a ssis Tance program (800) 342-2397
morTgage assis Tance program ....................................... (717) 780-3800
pennsylvania d eparTmen T of h ealT h (877) 724-3258
properT y Tax/ren T rebaTe program (888) 222-9190
salvaT ion army (717) 249-1411
ve Terans adminis TraT ion ......................................................(800) 827-1000
• rentaL assistance •
cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services (ccpa) (717) 240-6110
cumberland counT y h ousing and redevelopmen T auT hori T ies (717) 249-1315
pennsylvania deparTmen T of revenue (800) 222-9190
ren Tal assis Tance program ................................................ (717) 249-0189
salvaT ion army (717) 249-1411
u ni Ted way (717) 243-4805
• aPartment-s tyLe •
Independent living in a residential area. Generally do not have programs designed specifically for residents.
boiling springs aparTmen T s.................................................(717) 258-8387
bre T hren h ouse ........................................................................ (717) 233-6016
ches TnuT commons (717) 249-3484
college park aparTmen T s (717) 243-9121
coTTages of shippensburg (717) 530-1573
cumberland poin Te (717) 697-7200
e as T gaTe aparTmen T s (717) 249-9800
e nola commons senior aparTmen T s ................................ (717) 732-2811
e piscopal square aparTmen T s (717) 530-1277
e ssex h ouse (717) 730-7302
h ooke and suTer (717) 243-8555
i roquois h oTel senior aparTmen T s (717) 774-4500
m allard run aparTmen T s (717) 761-5414
m eadowood aparTmen T s ...................................................... (717) 697-9517
molly pi Tcher aparTmen T s ..................................... (717) 249-0789, ex T. 135
mounTain view aparTmen T s (717) 776-3292
o ne wes T penn (717) 249-7797
pine ridge e s TaTes (717) 486-4063
roT h village (717) 732-7006
roundhouse view aparTmen T s (717) 732-0622
shippen h ouse ........................................................................... (717) 532-7885
s ilver spring courT yards (717) 591-1413
s ilver spring gardens (717) 591-1918
susquehanna view aparTmen T s (717) 763-1184
Two wes T penn (717) 249-3484
valley ridge aparTmen T s (717) 258-9317
–– Reti Re M ent living (See Reti Re M ent living oP tion S) ––
• Life sharing/fami Ly Living resi D ences •
Supportive living that allows individuals with intellectual disabilities to live with independence and dignity with the assistance of a caring and experienced staff.
cen Ter for i ndependenT living ....... (800) 323-6060; (717) 731-1335 (TT y)
cumberland/perry h ousing & communi T y parTnership adminis TraT ive o ffices (717) 249-1315
–––––– huMAn Se RviCe S ––––––
• PennsyLvania Waiver Programs • Waivers offer an array of services and benefits such as choice of qualified providers, due process, and health and safety assurances.
acT 150......................................................................................... (717) 787-8091
h ome- and community-based program for people with physical disabilities. To be eligible you must be able to choose and supervise your care worker(s), manage your own finances, and manage your own legal matters.
adulT auT ism waiver
(866) 539-7689 provides long-term services and support to the specific needs of adults age 21 or older with an autism spectrum disorder (asd).
aging waiver (Transi T ioned To communi T y h ealT h choices) (888) 753-8827
a long-term living program that provides older pennsylvanians the help they need to live independently in their homes or community.
aids waiver
(800) 922-9384
f or individuals 21 years of age or older who have symptomatic hiv disease.
commcare waiver (877) 550-4227
f or individuals with traumatic brain injury (Tbi).
communi T y living waiver
(717) 787-1870
provides community participation support, education support services, assistive technology, benefits counseling, home accessibility adaptations, and more for individuals with autism and id of all ages, and individuals with dd ages 0-8.
consolidaTed waiver for i ndividuals wi T h i nTellecTual d isabili T ies (800) 692-7462
f or individuals with an intellectual disability. d esigned to help them live more independently by providing a variety of services that promote community living.
h ealT hchoices
(844) 824-3655 pennsylvania’s managed care programs for medical a ssistance recipients. behavioral, community, and physical services.
i ndependence waiver (Transi T ioned To communi T y h ealT h choices)
(800) 692-7462 f or adults with severe disability. may help them live or remain in the community and live as independently as possible.
life (l iving independence f or The e lderly) program (844) 824-3655 a federal program that helps adults 55 and over meet their healthcare needs in the community.
n ursing h ome Transi T ion (nh T) program (800) 833-5196
The nhT was developed to assist and empower consumers who want to move from a nursing facility back to a home of their choice in the community. nhT provides the opportunity for individuals and their families or caregivers to be fully informed of all long-term service and support options.
obra waiver (877) 550-4227
covers services available for pennsylvania residents age 18–59 with severe developmental physical disability, helping them to remain as independent as possible.
o p T ions program (717) 299-7979
an array of community-based long-term care provided by the a rea agency on aging to help consumers function at optimal level while remaining in the most appropriate setting.
pennsylvania i ndependenT e nrollmenT broker (877) 550-4227 a contracted statewide entity that facilitates and streamlines the eligibility/enrollment process for applicants seeking services.
person/family d irecTed supporT waiver (800) 692-7462 d esigned to help persons with developmental disabilities live more independently in their homes and communities and provides a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models.
An agency dedicated to providing programs and services that allow older adults to maintain their health, welfare, and independence. 1100 Claremont Road, Carlisle, PA 17015 (717) 240-6110 www.cumberlandcountypa.gov aging@cumberlandcountypa.gov
See our ad on page 3.
cumberland link h elpline (717) 240-7887
u ni Ted way of carlisle & cumberland counT y (717) 243-4805
h ealT hy horizons – d eparTmen T of h uman services (877) 905-1495
pa medi (formerly apprise) – cumberland counT y area agency on aging (ccpa) (717) 240-6110
pennsylvania m edical a ssis Tance program ................. (717) 240-2700 –– i ntelle C tuAl Di SAbilitie S (See Di SAbility Se Rvi Ce S) ––
legAl Se RviCe S ––––––
aclu (717) 238-2258
cumberland counT y area agency on aging (ccpa) (717) 240-6110
cumberland counT y bar a ssociaT ion
l awyer referral service ...................................................... (800) 990-9108
harrisburg civil l aw clinic (widener l aw school) (717) 541-3900
m id penn legal services (717) 243-9400; (800) 822-5288
pennsylvania h uman relaT ions commission harrisburg o ffice (717) 787-4410
pennsylvania lawyer referral service (800) 692-7375
pennsylvania legal a id n e T work.......................................(800) 322-7572
proTecT ive services of cumberland counT y area on aging (ccap) (717) 240-6110
seniorlaw h elpline (877) 727-7529 –––––– libRARie S ––––––
a melia g ivin library (717) 486-3688
bosler memorial l ibrary – carlisle (717) 243-4642
coy public l ibrary – shippensburg..................................... (717) 532-4508
e as T pennsboro branch library (717) 732-4274
fredricksen l ibrary – camp h ill (717) 761-3900
j ohn graham public l ibrary (717) 776-5900
n ew cumberland public l ibrary (717) 774-7820
s impson l ibrary (717) 766-0171
–––––– Me D iCAl e quiPMent & SuPPlie S ––––––
camp h ill borough (717) 737-3456
changing hands – ucp .......................................................... (717) 766-0171
m edical loan close T: grace u ni Ted
m e T hodis T church .................................................................. (717) 763-7632
m ission cen Tral (717) 766-1533
u ni Ted d isabili T ies services (uds) (888) 837-4235
wes T shore senior cen Ter (717) 774-0409 –––––– Me D iCARe ––––––• counse Ling •
pa medi (formerly apprise) ....................................................(717) 240-6110
–– MentAl h e Alth (See Di SAbility Se Rvi Ce S) –––––––– oRthoPe D iCS ––––––
oSS health
Wait minutes, not hours. Let the caring orthopaedic experts at OSS Health fix your muscular and skeletal sprains, pops, twists, and breaks. 1926 good hope Road, e nola, PA 17025 ............................... (717) 848-4800 osshealth.com
See our ad on page 12.
–– PhyS i CAl the RAPie S (See the RAPie S) –––––––– Poli Ce De PARtMent S ––––––In the event of an emergency, dial 911.
camp h ill police
(717) 737-1570
carlisle police (717) 243-5252
e as T pennsboro Township police (717) 732-3633
hampden Township police (717) 761-2609
lower allen Township police (717) 975-7575
m echanicsburg police ......................................................... (717) 691-3300
m iddlesex Township police
(717) 249-7191
mT h olly police d eparTmen T (717) 486-7615
n ew cumberland police (717) 774-0400
n ewville police d eparTmen T (717) 776-5513
n orT h m iddle Ton Township police (717) 243-7910
pennsylvania sTaTe police – carlisle ................................. (717) 249-2121
shippensburg police (717) 532-7381
shiremans Town police d eparTmen T (717) 737-4356
s ilver spring Township police (717) 697-0607
u pper allen Township police (717) 766-0756
wes T shore regional police (717) 238-9676 –––––– Post offices ––––––
boiling springs ........................................................................ (717) 258-6668
camp h ill/lemoyne (717) 737-1461 carlisle (717) 243-3531
e nola (717) 732-2221
granT ham (717) 766-0953
lemoyne (717) 737-4129
m echanicsburg (717) 697-4641
mT h olly springs (717) 486-3468
n ew cumberland .................................................................... (717) 774-7092
n ew k ings Ton (717) 766-0172
n ewburg (717) 423-6105
n ewville (717) 776-5211
plainfield (717) 249-6438
shippensburg (717) 532-2314
shiremans Town (717) 737-0395
summerdale (717) 732-3408
walnuT boTTom ........................................................................ (717) 532-8935
b enefi T schecku p ...................................................................... (202) 479-1200 caTalys T scrip T s....................................................................... (866) 565-0100 cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services (ccap) (717) 240-6110 cumberland coun T y a ssis Tance office (717) 240-2700
h ealT hy rx (866) 723-5377 h elp minis Try (717) 238-2851 m edicaid (800) 692-7462
m edicare e x Tra h elp ........................ (800) 633-4227; (877) 486-2048 (TT y)
n eedy m eds ............................................................................... (800) 503-6897
pa medi (formerly apprise) (717) 772-0380
pace/pacene T and pace plus m edicare programs (800) 225-7223
pennsylvania drug card (800) 901-2185
pennsylvania paT ien T a ssis Tance program (pace) (800) 955-0989
special pharmaceu T ical b enefi T s program (spbp) (800) 922-9384
Toge T her rx .............................................................................. (800) 444-4106
ve Terans h ealT hcare b enefi T s ............................................ (800) 409-8771
• referraL services • cumberland counT y aging & communi T y services (ccap) (717) 240-6110
–––––– RetiRe Ment living oP tionS ––––––
• assiste D Living resi D ences •
Providence Place Senior l iving of Chambersburg
Offering independent living, assisted living, and two levels of memory care from a family-owned company. Conveniently located from routes 81 and 30.
2085 Wayne Road, Chambersburg, PA 17202. (717) 709-0668 www.providence-place.com info@prov-place.com
• ccrc/Life care communities • These communities offer a comprehensive package of services tailored to individual needs, abilities, and preferences as residents grow older, offering all levels of care.
bethany v illage
Bethany Village is a vibrant, not-for-profit retirement community for people 55 and better with an assortment of living arrangements to suit individual lifestyles.
325 Wesley Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 ........................ (717) 766-0279 www. bethanyv illage.org .............................. bvMarketingdept@asbury.org
See our ad on page 14.
Chapel Pointe
770 South h anover Street, Carlisle, PA 17013 .......................... (717) 249-1363 www.ChapelPointe.org ............................................. info@chapelpointe.org
Providence Place Senior l iving of Chambersburg
Offering independent living, assisted living, and two levels of memory care from a family-owned company. Conveniently located from routes 81 and 30.
2085 Wayne Road, Chambersburg, PA 17202. (717) 709-0668
www.providence-place.com info@prov-place.com
• n ursing & rehaB faci Lities • (see aL so ccrc/Life care communities)
These facilities offer skilled nursing care and rehabilitation services. Other services generally offered are therapeutic, recreational, and social activities.
h omeland Center
With a history of excellence, Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff.
1901 north f ifth street, harrisburg, Pa 17102 .......................... (717) 221-7900
See our ad on page 8.
• PersonaL care h omes/u nits • (see aL so ccrc/Life care communities)
These homes/units provide shelter, meals, supervision, and assistance with personal care tasks, typically for older people or people with physical, behavioral health, or cognitive disabilities who are unable to care for themselves but do not need nursing home or medical care. Inspected and licensed through the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare.
h omeland Center
With a history of excellence, Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff. 1901 north f ifth street, harrisburg, Pa 17102 (717) 221-7900
See our ad on page 8.
h omeland Center
With a history of excellence, Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff. 1901 north f ifth street, harrisburg, Pa 17102 (717) 221-7900 www.homelandcenter.org
See our ad on page 8.
• Dementia care faci Lities/u nits •
They are specialized areas or freestanding facilities that offer a sensitive environment that better meets the dementia residents’ needs.
VibraLife Senior Living offers comfortable apartments to maintain seniors’ independence while assisting with activities of daily living and healthcare supervision.
707 Shepherdstown Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 .......... (717) 591-2100
h omeland Center
With a history of excellence, Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff. 1901 north f ifth street, harrisburg, Pa 17102 .......................... (717) 221-7900
See our ad on page 8.
SenioR Cente RS
Great places to meet for social interaction and cultural and recreational activities. They are places to make new friends and maintain relationships with old friends.
b ig spring senior cen Ter (717) 776-4478
carlisle senior acT ion cen Ter (717) 249-5007
m ary schaner senior cen Ter (717) 732-3915
m echanicsburg place senior adulT cen Ter .................. (717) 591-5581
shippensburg senior acT ivi T ies cen Ter ............................ (717) 300-3563
wes T shore senior ci T izens cen Ter (717) 774-0409
–––––– Se RviCe oRgAniz AtionS ––––––
A club of professional or businesspeople organized for their coordination of and participation in public service.
cumberland valley habi TaT for humani T y (717) 258-1830
h earT s and hands serToma club (717) 918-4790
l ions clubs pennsylvania sTaTe council ......................... (717) 564-2586
u ni Ted way – carlisle & cumberland ................................(717) 243-4805
–– SKille D n u RS ing (See Reti Re M ent living oP tion S) ––
–––––– SuPPoRt gRouPS ––––––
A group of people whose members exchange give and receive both emotional and practical support, share ideas, and provide each other with information.
alcoholics anonymous (717) 234-5390
alzheimer’s – cumberland crossings (717) 245-9941
m essiah l ifeways adulT day cen Ter................................. (717) 243-0447
a merican cancer socie T y (800) 227-2345
brain injury supporT group (717) 526-2111
cen Tral pennsylvania aTaxia supporT group (610) 996-5814
cumberland counT y aging and communi T y services (717) 240-6110
domes T ic violence services (717) 258-4806
e pilepsy (717) 449-1872
gamblers anonymous (877) 565-2112
grief supporT ........................................................................... (800) 395-5755
mulT iple sclerosis supporT group (boiling springs) (717) 249-8288
nami (717) 243-6005
narcoT ics anonymous (ccpa) (717) 234-5390
parkinson’s d isease caregivers supporT group (717) 580-7772
smoking cessaT ion (sadler h ealT h) (717) 218-6670
wes T shore brain injury supporT group (717) 697-3331
tAX ASSi StAnCe ––––––
aarp Tax-a ide ............................................................................ (888) 227-7669
bosler memorial library (717) 724-4077
cumberland coun T y aging & communi T y services (717) 240-6110
irs i nTernal revenue service (800) 829-1040
pennsylvania deparTmen T of revenue (800) 222-9190
Tri-coun T y communi T y acT ion (717) 724-4077
vi Ta – volun Teer i ncome Tax a ssis Tance program (800) 906-9887 –––––– the RAPie S ––––––
e ncompass health
As the largest acute rehabilitation provider in the country, Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Mechanicsburg is the expert in offering the most advanced, individualized rehabilitation programs for each patient. Experienced teams, advanced technologies, and physiciansupervised care provide a seamless approach to get patients home safer and sooner. After an illness, injury, or surgery, ask for us by name. 175 lancaster boulevard, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 691-3700 www.encompasshealth.com/mechanicsburgrehab See our ad on page 10. –––––– tRAnSPoRtAtion Se RviCe S ––––––
Support from a governmental unit or the general public. May be free, reduced fare, or donations depending on entity.
h earT s and hands serToma club ....................................... (717) 918-4790
m edical a ssis Tance TransporTaT ion program (maT p) (800) 632-9063
r abbi TTransi T ............................................................................ (800) 632-9063
road To recovery – a merican cancer socie T y (800) 227-2345
utilitie S (See e ne Rgy ASS i S tAn Ce) ––
vete RAnS Se RviCe S ––––––
cumberland counT y ve Terans affairs ............................ (717) 240-6178
pennsylvania d eparTmen T of m ili Tary and ve Terans affairs (800) 547-2838
u s d eparTmen T of ve Terans affairs (800) 827-1000
va camp hill clinic (717) 730-9782
ve Terans a ssis Tance ouTreach cen Ter (866) 906-8387
ve Terans medical clinic ...................................................... (717) 272-6621
ve Terans pension benefi T s (888) 482-2363 –– vi S ion (See e ye CARe Se Rvi Ce S) ––
acquired brain injury ne T work of pennsylvania (800) 516-8052 aging and communi T y services .........................................(717) 240-6110
a merican red cross (814) 237-3162
bureau of elecT ions (717) 240-6387
cumberland coun T y library sys Tem (888) 697-0371
l ibrary s Tar (service To adulT readers) (888) 697-0371
nami ............................................................................................. (717) 620-9580
ve Terans affairs (717) 240-6178
–––––– We Athe Riz Ation PRogRAMS ––––––
Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residentialenergy users, to reduce energy costs.
cumberland counT y h ousing and redevelopmen T auT hori T ies (717) 249-0789
ppl e lecTric uT ili T ies (wrap) (888) 232-6302
souT h cen Tral communi T y acT ion program ................ (800) 451-9869
ugi uT ili T ies, i nc. (800) 844-9276
warmwise: audi T s & rebaTes (866) 956-0308
weaT herizaT ion a ssis Tance program (866) 466-3972
You’re invited to our fall events! omen’s xpos E www.OLPevents.com