Dear Friends:
The start of 2024 is a time for renewal, goal setting, and fresh beginnings. Please know that your Dauphin County commissioners support you and will continue to do all we can to make your daily lives easier and more enjoyable.
The commissioners are pleased to offer you this 2024 Dauphin County Resource Directory, a comprehensive handbook for services and opportunities available to adults 50 and over, caregivers, and persons with disabilities.
This handbook was designed to help make things easier and more convenient for you, so please give it a look and keep it on hand. This book can be a reliable and valuable tool for you! It is important that we all stay up to date on what is happening — and what is available — in our communities.
From information about adult daycare and home care services to volunteer opportunities and Medicare, this comprehensive directory is designed to improve your quality of life.
For adults ages 60 and over: Dauphin County’s Area Agency on Aging also offers a variety of resources and programs, including one-on-one counseling services for Medicare enrollment, food vouchers for farmers markets, elder abuse protection and investigation, and much more. For more information about these programs, call the agency at (717) 780-6130 or visit dauphincounty.gov.
In addition to these services, On-Line Publishers will host its annual 50 plus EXPO in Dauphin County on May 10 at the Hershey Lodge. It’s another great opportunity to learn about programs in our area and to speak directly with service providers. Visit 50plusexpopa.com or call (717) 285-1350 for more information. It is our hope that 2024 is a fantastic year for you and your loved ones. We wish you and yours the very best as you continue in your journey.
Very truly yours,
George P. Hartwick III Chairman
Justin Douglas Vice Chairman
Mike Pries Secretary
beyond50 Resource Directory is published annually by On-Line Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 8049 • Lancaster, PA 17604 • (717) 285-1350 • onlinepub.com
Copyright ©2024 by On-Line Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the express written permission of the publisher. Each edition is carefully reviewed to assure accuracy. The publisher cannot, however, guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein nor does the publisher endorse services or products represented.
PLEASE NOTE: We will not knowingly publish any advertisement or information not in compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act, Pennsylvania state laws, or other local laws. We reserve the right to revise or reject any advertising. –––––– ADvoCACy ––––––
Organizations that promote the health, dignity, rights, and quality of life of seniors and the disabled.
aarp .............................................................................................(888) 687-2277
a merican civil l iberT ies u nion (212) 549-2500
bureau of b lindness & visual services (717) 787-7500; (888) 575-9420 (TTY)
consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555
dauphin counTY a ssis Tance o ffice (717) 787-2324
d isabili TY righ T s pennsYlvania (800) 692-7443; (877) 375-7139 (T dd)
harrisburg cen Ter for peace & Jus T ice ........................... (717) 233-3072
nami dauphin (717) 233-1164
o ffice for d eaf and hard of h earing (odhh) (800) 233-3008; (717) 783-4912 ( v/TTY)
pennsYlvania h uman relaT ions commission (717) 787-4410
–––––– ALCoHoL & SubStAnCe AbuSe Se RviCe S ––––––Organizations offering prevention, treatment, and recovery programs.
alcoholics anonYmous (717) 234-5390
bold s Teps bh: addicT ion TreaTmen T cenTer (717) 790-6670
caT holic chari T ies capi Tal region counseling .......... (717) 233-7978
dauphin counTY d eparTmen T of d rug & alcohol services (717) 635-2254
faces of recoverY (202) 737-0690
gaudenzia (addicT ion TreaTmen T) (717) 232-2970
narcoT ics anonYmous......................................................... (717) 233-3733
naT ional council on alcoholism & d rug d ependencY (800) 622-2255
pennsYlvania d eparTmen T of d rug and alcohol programs (800) 662-4357
–– AL z H eime R’ S/DementiA CARe (See Reti Rement Living o ption S) –––– ApAR tment S (See Hou S ing o ption S) ––
–––––– ARe A AgenCy on Aging ––––––
Provides aging services, information on financial aid, and local benefits programs in Dauphin County.
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners George P. Hartwick III, Mike Pries and Justin Douglas
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older.
Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 ........................ (717) 780-6130 www.dauphincounty.gov
See our ad on this page.
–––––– ASSi Stive te CHnoLogy/Devi Ce S ––––––
These technologies and devices can make the lives of seniors and disabled individuals easier.
The alzheimer’s associaT ion (800) 272-3900
o ffice of vocaT ional rehabili TaT ion, bureau of b lindness & visual services (800) 622-2842
pennsYlvania a ssis T ive TechnologY f oundaT ion (484) 674-0506; (888) 744-1938 (TTY)
recYcled e quipmenT e xchange program (reep) (484) 674-0506
ucp of cen Tral pa .................................................................. (800) 998-4827
u ni Ted spinal a ssociaT ion (718) 803-3782
–––––– CARe ASSe SSment Se RviCe S ––––––
Looks at a person’s needs and works with them to find the best methods to provide care, support, and specialized services.
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners George P. Hartwick III, Mike Pries and Justin Douglas Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older.
Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 ........................ (717) 780-6130 www.dauphincounty.gov
See our ad on this page.
v isiting Angels Living Assistance Services
Looks at a person’s needs and works with them to find the best methods to provide care, support, and specialized services. 4607 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, pA 17111 (717) 652-8899 www.visitingangels.com ............................................... ndsaia@comcast.net
Operating 14 senior centers
Providing information and referrals
Protecting seniors from abuse and neglect
Founding an innovative, award-winning Elder Abuse Task Force to combat nancial exploitation and abuse
Coordinating long-term care services
O ering volunteer opportunities
Sponsoring adult day care and domiciliary care programs
Providing caregiver support, transportation referrals, and much more
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners George P. Hartwick III, Mike Pries and Justin Douglas Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older. Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 (717) 780-6130 www.dauphincounty.gov
See our ad on page 3.
familY caregiver supporT program of dcaaa ........... (717) 780-6130
allison h ill communi TY minis TrY
(717) 238-2030
b e T hesda m en’s mission (717) 257-4440
communi TY aid (717) 412-7706
crosspoin T u ni Ted m e T hodis T (717) 545-1911
down Town dailY bread ........................................................ (717) 283-4717
f ounTain gaTe church (717) 232-0247
goodwill – ke Ys Tone area (717) 232-5876 pax Ton square (717) 652-5030
grace house minis Tries (717) 232-5299
h elp minis Tries ........................................................................... (717) 238-2851
Jubilee m inis Tries (717) 832-0400
n eighborhood cen Ter of T he u ni Ted
m e T hodis T church (717) 233-6541
salem u ni Ted church of chris T (717) 232-7145
The salvaT ion armY – capi Tal ci TY region (717) 233-6755 u nion deposi T (800) 728-7825
Trini TY uni Ted me T hodis T church (717) 566-0252
b e TTer business bureau ........................................................... (717) 364-3250
consumer producT safe TY commission (800) 638-2772
d isabili TY righ T s pennsYlvania (800) 692-7443
e nvironmen Tal proTecT ion agencY (800) 424-9346
e quifax fraud alerT .............................................................. (888) 525-6285
e xperian fraud alerT (888) 397-3742
federal Trade commission (202) 326-2222
m edicare/m edicaid fraud (800) 663-4227
n eighborhood d ispuTe (717) 233-8255
o ffice for consumer advocaTe (800) 684-6560
pennsYlvania bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555
pennsYlvania d eparTmen T of banking & securi T ies (800) 722-2657
pennsYlvania d eparTmen T of e lder abuse services (800) 490-8505
pennsYlvania h uman relaT ions commission ................. (717) 787-9780
professional compliance office (800) 822-2113
quali TY i nsigh T s of pennsYlvania (800) 642-8686
Transunion fraud alerT (800) 916-8800
u pper dauphin hsc................................................................... (717) 453-9352 usps cus Tomer service (800) 275-8777 welfare fraud (844) 347-8477
–––––– CounSe Ling Se RviCe S ––––––alcoholics anonYmous (717) 234-5390
caT holic chari T ies capi Tal region counseling (717) 233-7978
n eighborhood cen Ter of T he m e T hodis T church ....... (717) 233-6541
pennsYlvania counseling services harrisburg (717) 671-9610
–––––– CRem Ation Se RviCe S ––––––
We provide traditional funerals, cremation services, pre-planning services, and celebrations of life to the local community.
650 South 28th Street, Harrisburg, pA 17103 ........................... (717) 233-1933
www.daileyfuneralhome.com .............. contact@daileyfuneralhome.com
See our ad on page 7.
m usselman Funeral Home & Cremation Services
Since 1895, we have provided traditional funerals, on-site cremation services, pre-planning services, and celebrations of life to the local community.
324 Hummel Avenue, Lemoyne, pA 17043 ............................. (717) 763-7440 www.musselmanfuneralhome.com ............. info@musselmanfuneral.com
See our ad on this page.
–––––– DentAL Se RviCe S ––––––
d en Tal hYgiene program (hacc) (717) 780-2441
d en Tal services T hrough m edical a ssis Tance (800) 692-7462
hamilTon h ealTh cenTer ......................................................... (717) 230-3979
hamilTon h ealT h cen Ter aT h ha (717) 909-1475
hamilTon h ealT h cen Ter i nc (717) 232-9971
hope wi T hin den Tal (717) 367-9797
m iddle Town clinic (717) 836-6067
pennsYlvania d en Tal a ssociaT ion ..................................... (717) 234-5941
u nion deposi T familY pracT ice (717) 232-0500
Deve LopmentAL Di SAbi Litie S (See Di SAbi Lity Se Rvi Ce S) –––––––– Di SAbiLity Se RviCe S ––––––
The arc of dauphin counTY (717) 920-2727
cen Ter for i ndependenT living of cen Tral pa (717) 731-1900
crisis in Terven T ion (888) 596-4447
dauphin counTY mh/id program (717) 780-7050
d isabili TY righ T s pennsYlvania ...... (800) 692-7443; (877) 375-7139 (T dd)
ke Ys Tone human services (717) 232-7509
m en Tal h ealT h/i nTellecTual d isabili T ies (717) 780-7050 nami (717) 233-1164
pennsYlvania council on independen T living............... (717)234-2621
pennsYlvania men Tor (717) 657-2073
susquehanna service dogs (717) 599-5920 • Mental HealtH/Intellectual •
alcoholics anonYmous (717) 234-5390
caT holic chari T ies capi Tal region counseling (717) 233-7978
cmu – case m anagemenT u ni T ..............................................(717) 232-8761
crisis i nTerven T ion (888) 596-4447
dauphin counTY d rug & alcohol services (717) 635-2254
dauphin coun TY menTal healT h id program (717) 780-7050
good m en Tal h ealT h (717) 233-1164
hope wi T hin minis Tries ............................................................. (717) 367-9797
i nTellecTual d isabili T ies cus Tomer service (877) 395-8930
ke Ys Tone human services (717) 232-7509
m en Tal h ealT h a ssociaT ion of pennsYlvania (866) 578-3659
pennsYlvania menTal h ealTh consumers’ a ssociaTion (717) 221-1022
–––––– Dome StiC vioLenCe ––––––
baTTered women’s Jus T ice proJ ecT (800) 903-0111
naT ional domes T ic violence (800) 799-7233
pennsYlvania coali T ion agains T domes T ic violence ..(800) 545-6400
pennsYlvania coali T ion agains T r ape (888) 772-7227
vicT im wi Tness a ssis Tance program of dauphin counTY (717) 780-7075
Y wca domes T ic violence legal cen Ter harrisburg (717) 724-0516
Y wca domes T ic violence services (i nTerven T ion and shelTer) ................................................... (717) 234-7931
–––––– e me RgenCy ––––––
a me rican red cross cen Tral pennsYlvania (866) 311-3832
dauphin counTY crisis i nTerven T ion (717) 232-7511; (888) 596-4447
dauphin counTY e mergencY m anagemen T agencY .. (717) 558-6800
dauphin counTY m en Tal h ealT h & i nTellecTual disabili T ies program (717) 232-8761
communi TY life Team ems (717) 236-5947
salvaT ion armY (717) 233-6755
Ymca – camp curT in branch............................................... (717) 238-9622 e as T shore branch ................................................... (717) 232-9622 n orT hern dauphin branch (717) 362-9494
Y wca greaTer harrisburg (717) 234-7931
–––––– e mpLoyment ––––––
b lind and visual services (bvs) (866) 375-8264
communi TY acT ion commission (Tri- counTY) (717) 232-9757
pennsYlvania careerl ink (pennsYlvania workforce d evelopmen T) ....................... (717) 236-7144
pennsYlvania men Tor (717) 657-2073
poTen T ial reen TrY o pporTuni T ies in business and e ducaT ion (probe) (717) 939-2260
Ticke T To work program (866) 968-7842
Ymca – camp curT in ............................................................... (717) 238-9622
Ymca – e as T shore branch (717) 232-9622
Ymca – norT hern dauphin counTY (717) 362-9494
Thank you for utilizing the Resource Directory
If you would like copies for your organization, please call: (717)
–––––– e ne Rgy ASSi StAnCe ––––––
$1 e nergY fund (888) 282-6816
columbia gas of pennsYlvania –securi TY d eposi T a ssis Tance fund (s - daf) (888) 460-4332
cus Tomer assis Tance program (800) 774-1674
cus Tomer a ssis Tance referral and e valuaT ion program (cares) (800) 692-7380
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners George P. Hartwick III, Mike Pries and Justin Douglas Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older.
Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 ........................ (717) 780-6130 www.dauphincounty.gov
See our ad on page 3.
dollar e nergY fund ............................................................. (800) 683-7036
low- i ncome energY efficiencY (warm) (800) 774-1674
low- i ncome h ome e nergY a ssis Tance program (liheap) .................................................................... (866) 857-7095
n orT hern dauphin h uman services cen Ter, i nc. (717) 905-2700
pennsYlvania power companY – reach hardship fund ......................................................................... (800) 692-7380
pennsYlvania power & l igh T (ppl) – o nTrack (800) 342-5775
pennsYlvania uT ili TY commission o ffice of consumer advocaTe ...................................................... (800) 684-6560
proJ ecT reach (800) 774-1674
ugi uT ili T ies i nc.
low- i ncome self- h elp program (lishp) (800) 844-9276
low-income usage reducT ion (800) 844-9276
o peraT ion share (800) 962-1212
50plus e Xpos
50plus EXPOs are lively, one-day events that bring businesses and communities together on a personal level. Look for them in Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, and York counties.
p.o. box 8049, Lancaster, pA 17601 .......................................... (717) 285-1350
www.50plus e xpopA.com
Women’s e xpos
Premier women’s expos in the Susquehanna Valley featuring demonstrations, shopping, entertainment, the latest in women’s health, and much more!
p.o. box 8049, Lancaster, pA 17601 .......................................... (717) 285-1350
www.a g reatWaytoSpend myDay.com –––––– eye CARe Se RviCe S ––––––
a merican f oundaT ion for T he b lind (212) 502-7600
a merican m acular d egeneraT ion f oundaT ion (888) 622-8527
b lindness & visual services f orum place (866) 375-8264
eYe care a merica (202) 737-6662
hamilTon healT h cen Ter vision services (717) 232-9971
n eighborhood cen Ter of T he uni Ted me T hodis T church (717) 233-6541 n ew e Yes for The needY (973) 376-4903 o nesigh T’s e Yeglass referal program (888) 935-4589 pennsYlvania a ssociaT ion for T he b lind (717) 766-2020 sand hill lions club (717) 534-1700 seniors eYecare a merica (877) 887-6327 vision resources of cen Tral pennsYlvania (717) 238-2531
• eM ergency Food •
a merican red cross harrisburg chap Ter (866) 311-3832
• Food Banks •
allison hill communi TY food bank
(717) 238-2030
anT ioch Tabernacle (717) 233-8231
appna souT h-cen Tral pa food panTrY (717) 728-8888
The caring cupboard (717) 838-8149
cen TenarY u ni Ted m e T hodis T church (717) 939-7700
cen Tral pennsYlvania f ood bank (717) 564-1700
dauphin counTY a ssis Tance o ffice (800) 788-5616
down Town dailY bread (717) 283-4717
e mmanuel church of god & chris T f ood pan TrY harrisburg (717) 232-0475
grace h ouse (717) 238-1819
harrisburg area food panTrY (717) 233-6889 harrisburg bre T hren in chris T (717) 561-2170
h elping T he harrisburg familY ........................................... (717) 503-4455
h elping hands minis TrY ......................................................... (717) 919-4383
help minis Tries ........................................................................... (717) 238-2851
h ershe Y f ood bank (717) 520-3143
h ummels Town food pan TrY (717) 566-2589
k ingdom e mbassY (717) 236-8600
l iving waTer communi TY (717) 564-5003
lYkens u ni Ted m e T hodis T church (717) 453-9217
m acedonia m issionarY bap T is T church (717) 232-8946
m anna food panTrY (717) 564-1700
m essiah luT heran church (717) 233-6889
m idwes T food bank (717) 614-8103
n eighborhood cen Ter u ni Ted m e T hodis T church (717) 233-6541
n ew hope minis Tries (717) 602-5835
n orT h 17 T h sTree T church of god f ood panTrY (717) 233-2284
norT hern dauphin food bank (717) 905-2512
pennsYlvania deparTmen T of educaT ion .......................... (717) 787-3186
prince of peace parish .......................................................... (717) 985-1330
salvaT ion armY ci Tadel ......................................................... (717) 233-6755
u pper dauphin h uman service cen Ter .............................. (717) 453-9352
zion luT heran church (717) 921-8111 • Food s ta M ps •
dauphin counTY a ssis Tance o ffice (717) 787-2324
pennsYlvania deparTmen T of human services .............. (800) 451-5886
pennsYlvania d eparTmen T of public welfare (717) 787-2324
• Meals on WHeels •
h ome d eliverY — dauphin counTY area agencY on aging (717) 780-6130
Dailey Funeral Home
We provide traditional funerals, cremation services, pre-planning services, and celebrations of life to the local community.
650 South 28th Street, Harrisburg, pA 17103 ........................... (717) 233-1933 www.daileyfuneralhome.com .............. contact@daileyfuneralhome.com
See our ad on this page.
m usselman Funeral Home & Cremation Services
Since 1895, we have provided traditional funerals, on-site cremation services, pre-planning services, and celebrations of life to the local community.
324 Hummel Avenue, Lemoyne, pA 17043 (717) 763-7440 www.musselmanfuneralhome.com info@musselmanfuneral.com
See our ad on page 4.
b errYsburg borough............................................................. (717) 362-9417
conewago Township (717) 534-8556
dauphin borough (717) 921-2633
d errY Township (717) 533-2057
e as T hanover Township ........................................................ (717) 469-0833
e lizabe T hville borough (717) 362-7945 graT z borough (717) 365-4115 halifax borough (717) 756-0565 halifax Township ..................................................................... (717) 896-3035 ci TY of harrisburg (717) 255-3040
h ighspire borough (717) 939-3303 h ummels Town borough (717) 566-2555 Jackson Township .................................................................. (717) 362-9909
Township (717) 362-2313
londonderrY Township (717) 944-1803 lower pax Ton Township (717) 657-5600
swaTara Township ..................................................... (717) 939-9377
lYkens borough (717) 453-7597
lYkens Township (717) 365-3617
m iddle pax Ton Township (717) 921-8128
m iddle Town borough ...........................................................(717) 948-3000
m ifflin Township (717) 362-9371
m illersburg borough (717) 692-2389
pax Tang borough (717) 564-4770
penbrook borough (717) 232-3733
pillow borough (717) 773-6412
reed Township (717) 896-8904
roYalTon borough (717) 944-4831
rush Township (717) 647-2332
souT h hanover Township ..................................................... (717) 566-0224
sT eelTon borough (717) 939-9842
susquehanna Township (717) 545-4751
swaTara Township (717) 564-2551
u pper pax Ton Township ......................................................... (717) 692-4655
washingTon Township (717) 362-3191
waYne Township (717) 362-3505
wes T hanover Township (717) 652-4841
wiconisco Township ............................................................. (717) 453-7571
williams Township (717) 647-4877
williams Town borough (717) 647-4848
• county •
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners George P. Hartwick III, Mike Pries and Justin Douglas Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older. Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 ........................ (717) 780-6130 www.dauphincounty.gov
See our ad on page 3.
d ivision of vi Tal records (717) 772-3480
regis Ter of wills (717) 780-6500
ve Terans affairs (717) 782-3954
• s tate •
a ssis Tance office (800) 788-5616
legislaT ive reference bureau (717) 787-4223
penn doT (717) 787-2838
pennsYlvania d eparTmen T of aging (717) 783-1550
• Federal •
naT ional passporT i nformaT ion cen Ter ......................... (877) 487-2778
u s state d epartment 24-hour automated appointment system.
social securi TY adminis TraT ion (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TTY)
u. s. adminis TraT ion on aging .............................................(202) 401-4634
u. s. capi Tol ............................................................................... (202) 226-8000
u. s. ci T izenship and i mmigraT ion services ...................... (800) 375-5283
whi Te h ouse commenT line (202) 456-1111; (202) 456-6213 (TTY)
–––––– He ALtH Re SouRCe S ––––––
alcoholics anonYmous ...................................................... (717) 234-5390
als a ssociaT ion (lou gehrig’s d isease) ........................... (800) 782-4747
alzheimer’s a ssociaT ion greaTer pennsYlvania chap Ter .......................................................... (800) 272-3900
a merican cancer socie TY .................................................. (800) 227-2345
a merican d iabe Tes a ssociaT ion (800) 342-2383
a merican h earT a ssociaT ion – harrisburg (717) 730-1700
a merican lung a ssociaT ion of pennsYlvania cen Tral region (800) 586-4872
The arc of dauphin coun TY (717) 920-2727
arThri T is f oundaT ion cenTral pennsYlvania chap Ter (800) 283-7800
auT ism socie TY of a merica (717) 732-8408
commission on accredi TaT ion of rehabili TaT ion facili T ies ......................................................... (888) 281-6531
d iabe Tes supporT group pinnacle h ealT h aT os TeopaT hic h ospi Tal ........................................................ (717) 231-8900
e as Ter seals of cen Tral pennsYlvania ............................. (717) 901-9339
e pilepsY f oundaT ion (800) 332-1000
i nTernaT ional re TT sYndrome f oundaT ion (513) 874-3020
k idne Y f oundaT ion of cen Tral pennsYlvania (717) 652-8123 leukemia & lYmphoma socie TY (717) 652-6520
lupus f oundaT ion of a merica (866) 517-5070
m edical assis Tance benefi T s for workers wi T h disabili T ies (800) 788-5616
m en Tal h ealT h a merica (717) 346-0549
mulT iple sclerosis f oundaT ion (800) 344-4867
naT ional alliance on m en Tal i llness (nami) (717) 233-1164
naT ional aTT en T ion d efici T d isorder a ssociaT ion (800) 939-1019
naT ional council on i ndependenT living (202) 207-0334
The naT ional down sYndrome socie TY (800) 221-4602
pennsYlvania advocacY and resources for auT ism and i nTellecTual d isabili T ies (717) 236-2374
pennsYlvania Toure TTe sYndrome alliance, i nc. (800) 990-3300
spina b ifida a ssociaT ion (800) 621-3141
u ni Ted cerebral palsY (800) 998-4827
u ni Ted spinal a ssociaT ion (800) 962-9629
vision resources of cen Tral pennsYlvania ................... (717) 238-2531
–––––– He ALtHCARe ––––––
b eacon clinic for h ealT h & h ope (717) 775-1111
• F I nancIal ass I stance •
d eparTmen T of h uman services ......................................... (800) 537-8862
hope wi T hin minis Tries ............................................................. (717) 367-9797
lebanon va m edical cen Ter ............................................... (800) 409-8771
l ioncare clinic ....................................................................... (717) 257-4440
m edicaid (866) 550-4355
naT ional i ns T i TuTe on aging (800) 222-2225
pace/pacene T m edicare programs (800) 225-7223
social securi TY (m edicare e x Tra h elp) (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TTY)
u ni Ted waY conTacT To care (717) 678-1887
–––––– He ARing Se RviCe S ––––––
e as Ter seals (412) 281-7244
h earing aid proTecT (816) 895-2410
h earing loss a ssociaT ion of a merica (301) 657-2248
h ear now (484) 674-0506
h elp america hear (888) 580-8886
lifeline assis Tance (800) 692-7380
l ions club (717) 564-2586
m omentum Hearing Aid Services
Our team of experienced hearing instrument specialists provides comprehensive hearing healthcare and hearing protection to the Harrisburg area.
2360 Colonial Road, Harrisburg, pA 17112 (717) 734-7600 www.momentum-hearing.com admin@momentum-hearing.com
naT ional a ssociaT ion of T he d eaf (301) 810-3182
o ffice for d eaf & hard of h earing (800) 233-3008; (717) 783-4912 ( v/TTY)
o ffice of vocaT ional rehabili TaT ion, bureau of b lindness & visual services (717) 787-7500; (717) 787-1733 (TTY)
o p T imis T club (717) 566-6429
ve Terans healT h (800) 799-4889
–––––– Home CARe/Home HeALtH Se RviCe S ––––––
Medical and nonmedical services to qualified individuals in their home or in another community-based setting. Pennsylvania requires that all home care agencies and registries be licensed.
Homeland HomeCare and Homeland HomeHealth
encompassheal t h.com/mechanic sburgrehab
Homeland’s expert team is dedicated to providing a continuum of at-home services … from non-medical personal assistance to skilled nursing, cardiac care, and rehabilitation in the comfort of your home. 2300 vartan Way, Suite 270, Harrisburg, pA 17110 ............... (717) 857-7400 www.HomelandatHome.org
See our ad on page 12.
v isiting Angels Living Assistance Services
Medical and nonmedical services to qualified individuals in their home or in another community-based setting. Pennsylvania requires that all home care agencies and registries be licensed.
4607 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, pA 17111 .................................. (717) 652-8899 www.visitingangels.com ............................................... ndsaia@comcast.net
–––––– Home i mpRovement/Home moD iF iCAtion ––––––Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residential energy users in Dauphin County, to reduce energy costs.
h ousing rehabili TaT ion program 311
pennves T homeowner sep T ic program (855) 827-3466
u sda homeowner assis Tance (724) 261-3887
warmwise: audi T s & rebaTes (866) 956-0308
weaT herizaT ion assis Tance programs (833) 722-6778
whole home repairs (717) 780-6256
b e T hesda m is sion –
m en’s shelTer (717) 257-4440
women & children’s shelTer (717) 238-2851
capi Tal area coali T ion on homelessness (717) 255-6587
h elp m inis Tries (717) 238-2851
m en Tal h ealT h i nTellecTual d isabili T ies (mhid) (717) 780-7050
shalom h ouse (800) 732-0999
–––––– HoSpiCe Se RviCe S ––––––
Provides comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatments.
Homeland Hospice
Homeland Hospice provides the highest level of care and support at the end stages of life while serving as a compassionate resource for families. 2300 vartan Way, Suite 270, Harrisburg, pA 17110 ................ (717) 221-7890 www.HomelandHospice.org
See our ad on page 12.
Hospice for All Seasons
Different by design: offering a blend of Eastern and Western medicine for end-of-life care.
280 South Hill Drive, g rantville, pA 17028 ..............................(717) 234-2555 www.hospiceforallseasons.org
See our ad on page 14.
–––––– HoSpitALS ––––––
e ncompass Health
Providing a higher level of rehabilitation for recovery from an illness, injury, or surgery. Services include physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
175 Lancaster boulevard, m echanicsburg, pA 17055 ........... (717) 691-3700 www.encompasshealth.com/mechanicsburgrehab
See our ad on page 10.
penn sTaTe m ilTon s h ershe Y m edical cen Ter (800) 243-1455 selecT specialTY (717) 724-6610
upmc pinnacle – communi TY os TeopaT hic (717) 918-9430 harrisburg (223) 488-7929
–––––– HotLine S ––––––
(888) 687-2277
alzheimer’s h elpline............................................................... (800) 272-3900
a merican cancer socie TY i nformaT ion cen Ter (800) 227-2345
a merican d iabe Tes a ssociaT ion (800) 342-2383
a merican h earT a ssociaT ion..............................................(800) 242-8721
a merican l iver f oundaT ion (800) 465-4837
a merican lung a ssociaT ion (800) 586-4872
a merican parkinson’s d isease a ssociaT ion ................. (800) 223-2732
a merican sTroke a ssociaT ion (888) 478-7653
arT hri T is f oundaT ion (404) 872-7100
a s T hma & allergY f oundaT ion of a merica .................. (800) 727-8462
bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555
cen Ter for disease conTrol and preven T ion (800) 232-4636
crohn’s & coli T is f oundaT ion of a merica, i nc. ......... (800) 343-3637
d eparTmen T of h uman services (800) 537-8862
e nvironmen Tal proTecT ion agencY (800) 438-2474
k idne Y f oundaT ion h elpline ................................................ (800) 622-9010
m edicare (800) 633-4227
naT ional cancer i ns T i TuTe (800) 422-6237
naT ional communi TY service.............................................. (800) 942-2677
naT ional e lder abuse (800) 490-8505
naT ional h eadache f oundaT ion (800) 843-2256
naT ional i ns T i TuTe on aging............................................... (800) 222-2225
naT ional parkinson’s f oundaT ion (800) 327-4545
n uclear regulaTorY commission (800) 368-5642
o ffice for The d eaf and hard of h earing (800) 233-3008
o rgan donaT ion (800) 528-2971
pace (800) 225-7223
penn doT (800) 932-4600
pennsYlvania coali T ion agains T rape (888) 772-7227
pennsYlvania crime sToppers (800) 472-8477
public uT ili TY commission bureau of consumer services (800) 692-7380
r adon h oTline (800) 237-2366
social securi TY i nformaT ion .............................................. (800) 772-1213
u s d eparTmen T of ve Terans affairs (800) 827-1000
u s producT safe TY commission (800) 638-2772
usda f ood safe TY m eaT & poulTrY h oTline ..................... (800) 535-4555
ve Terans ouTreach cen Ter (866) 732-0999
welfare fraud (800) 932-0582
–––––– Hum An Se RviCe S ––––––
• pennsylvan Ia WaIver progra M s •
Waivers offer an array of services and benefits such as choice of qualified providers, due process, and health and safety assurances.
acT 150......................................................................................... (717) 787-8091
h ome and community-based program for people with physical disabilities. This may be available so person can continue to live in the home and community with support and services.
adulT auT ism waiver
(866) 539-7689 provides long-term services and support for community living tailored to the specific needs of adults age 21 or older with an autism spectrum disorder (asd).
aging waiver (Transi T ioned To communi TY h ealT h choices)
(877) 550-4227
a long-term living program that provides older pennsylvanians the help they need to live independently in their homes or community with support and services.
aids waiver
(877) 550-4227
f or individuals 21 years of age or older who have symptomatic hiv disease.
commcare waiver
f or individuals with traumatic brain injury (Tbi).
communi TY living waiver
(877) 550-4227
(877) 550-4227
provides community participation support, education support services, assistive technology, benefits counseling, home accessibility adaptations, and more for individuals with autism, intellectual disability, and developmental disability.
consolidaTed waiver for i ndividuals wi T h i nTellecTual d isabili T ies (800) 692-7462 f or individuals with an intellectual disability, autism, or developmental disability. d esigned to help them live more independently by providing a variety of services that promote community living.
i ndependence waiver (Transi T ioned To communi TY h ealT h choices) (877) 550-4227
f or adults with severe disability. may help them live or remain in the community and live as independently as possible.
life (living independence f or The e lderlY) program (844) 824-3655 a federal program that helps adults 55 and over meet their healthcare needs in the community.
n ursing h ome Transi T ion (nh T) program (800) 833-5196
The nhT was developed to assist and empower consumers who want to move from a nursing facility back to a home of their choice in the community. nh T provides the opportunity for individuals and their families or caregivers to be fully informed of all long-term service and support options.
obra waiver (877) 550-4227 covers services available for pennsylvania residents age 18–59 with severe developmental physical disability, helping them to remain as independent as possible.
o p T ions program (717) 299-7979
an array of community-based long-term care provided by the a rea agency on aging to help consumers function at optimal level while remaining in the most appropriate setting.
pennsYlvania i ndependenT e nrollmenT broker (877) 550-4227 a contracted statewide entity that facilitates and streamlines the eligibility/enrollment process for applicants seeking services.
person/familY d irecTed supporT waiver (877) 540-4227 d esigned to help persons with developmental or mental disabilities, or autism live more independently in their homes and communities and provides a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models.
i nFoR m Ation AnD Re Fe RRAL ––––––con TacT h elpline – harrisburg (717) 652-4400
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners George P. Hartwick III, Mike Pries and Justin Douglas Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older.
Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 ........................ (717) 780-6130
See our ad on page 3.
i nte LLe C tuAL Di SAbi Litie S (See Di SAbi Lity Se Rvi Ce S) –––––––– LegAL Se RviCe S ––––––
a merican civil l iberT ies u nion ............................................ (717) 238-2258
dauphin counTY ve Terans courT (717) 780-6767
dauphin counTY vicT im wi Tness a ssis Tance program (717) 780-7075
m id penn legal services (800) 326-9177
penn sTaTe d ickinson school of l aw communi TY l aw clinic .......................................................... (717) 243-2968
pennsYlvania bar a ssociaT ion l aw Yer referral service (800) 932-0311
pennsYlvania legal a id n e T work (800) 322-7572
pennsYlvania seniorlaw h elpline (877) 727-7529
pro bono program ............................................................... (717) 232-7536 –––––– LibRARie S ––––––
e as T shore area librarY ........................................................ (717) 652-9380
e lizabe T hville area librarY (717) 362-9825
h ershe Y public l ibrarY (717) 533-6555
Johnson m emorial librarY (717) 692-2658
kline l ibrarY .............................................................................. (717) 234-3934
m adeline l o lewine m emorial librarY (717) 232-7286
mccormick riverfron T librarY (717) 234-4976
n orT hern dauphin l ibrarY (717) 523-0340
william h. & m arion c. alexander familY librarY ........ (717) 566-0949
LoAn CLoSet S ––––––
changing hands equipmen T reuse program (717) 737-3477
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners George P. Hartwick III, Mike Pries and Justin Douglas Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older. Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 ........................ (717) 780-6130 www.dauphincounty.gov
See our ad on page 3.
D iCAL e quipment & SuppLie S
m ission cen Tral (717) 766-1533
u ni Ted d isabili T ies services (uds) (800) 998-4827
m entAL He ALtH (See Di SAbi Lity Se Rvi Ce S) ––
pHAR m ACy ––––––• prescrI ptI on ass I stance •
h elp minis Tries ........................................................................... (717) 238-2851
lebanon va m edical cen Ter (800) 409-8771
m edicare e x Tra h elp (ss) (800) 783-7067
pace/pacene T m edicare programs (800) 225-7223
paT ien T assis Tance program (877) 267-2323
special pharmaceu T ical b enefi T s program (spbp) – m en Tal h ealT h (800) 922-9384
poLiCe DepARtment S ––––––
In the event of an emergency, dial 911.
dauphin coun TY sheriff’s deparTmen T (717) 780-6590
d errY Township police d eparTmen T (717) 534-2200
halifax police d eparTmen T................................................... (717) 896-3168
harrisburg police bureau .................................................... (717) 255-3131
h ighspire police d eparTmen T ............................................... (717) 939-9866
h ummels Town police d eparTmen T .....................................(717) 558-6900
lower pax Ton Township police d eparTmen T (717) 657-5656
lower swaTara Township police d eparTmen T (717) 939-0463
lYkens police d eparTmen T (717) 453-7001
m iddle Town police d eparTmen T (717) 902-0627
m illersburg borough police d eparTmen T (717) 692-2323
pennsYlvania sTaTe police (717) 783-5599
penbrook borough police d eparTmen T (717) 232-3844
sT eelTon police d eparTmen T (717) 939-9841
susquehanna Township police d eparTmen T (717) 652-8265
swaTara Township police d eparTmen T (717) 564-2550
wiconisco Township police d eparTmen T (717) 453-9220
williams Town police d eparTmen T (717) 647-2345 –––––– poSt oFF iCe S ––––––
b errYsburg m ain o ffice (717) 362-9700
dauphin m ain o ffice (717) 921-2101
d uncannon m ain o ffice (717) 567-3110
e lizabe T hville m ain o ffice (717) 362-8180 granT ville m ain o ffice ......................................................... (717) 469-0312
graT z m ain o ffice ................................................................... (717) 365-3126
halifax m ain o ffice
lYkens m ain o ffice
(717) 453-7595
m iddle Town m ain o ffice (717) 944-3911
m illersburg m ain o ffice (717) 692-4145
pillow (570) 758-8624
sT eelTon m ain o ffice (717) 939-2741
swaTara office (717) 564-6323
u p Town (717) 234-0919
wiconisco m ain o ffice (717) 453-7270
williams Town m ain o ffice (717) 647-9324
–––––– RetiRement Living optionS ––––––
• contI nu I ng care retIre M ent coMMun ItI es •
These communities offer a comprehensive package of services tailored to individual needs, abilities, and preferences as residents grow older, offering all levels of care.
Homeland Center
Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, hospice, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff. 1901 north Fifth Street, Harrisburg, pA 17102 ........................ (717) 221-7900 www.HomelandCenter.org
See our ad on page 12.
• de M entIa care FacI lItI es/un Its •
They are specialized areas or freestanding facilities that offer a sensitive environment that better meets the dementia residents’ needs.
Homeland Center
Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, hospice, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff. 1901 north Fifth Street, Harrisburg, pA 17102 ........................ (717) 221-7900 www.HomelandCenter.org
See our ad on page 12.
• nursI ng & re HaB FacI lItI es •
These facilities offer skilled nursing care and rehabilitation services. Other services generally offered are therapeutic, recreational, and social activities.
Homeland Center
Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, hospice, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff.
1901 north Fifth Street, Harrisburg, pA 17102 (717) 221-7900 www.HomelandCenter.org
See our ad on page 12.
• personal care HoM es/un Its •
These homes/units provide shelter, meals, supervision, and assistance with personal care tasks, typically for older people or people with physical, behavioral health, or cognitive disabilities who are unable to care for themselves but do not need nursing home or medical care. Inspected and licensed through the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare.
Homeland Center
Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, hospice, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff.
1901 north Fifth Street, Harrisburg, pA 17102 ........................ (717) 221-7900
See our ad on page 12.
–––––– SenioR Cente RS ––––––
Great places to meet for social interaction and cultural and recreational activities. They are places to make new friends and maintain relationships with old friends. Due to the pandemic, please check website for hours of operation and online programs.
b’nai b’ri T h senior cen Ter (717) 232-7516
b is Tline senior cen Ter (717) 939-9301
e as T hanover senior cen Ter ................................................ (717) 469-7514
friendship communi TY senior cenTer (lower pax Ton)... (717) 657-1547
The h einz m enaker senior cen Ter ....................................... (717) 238-7860
h oY/l aT sha senior cen Ter (sT eelTon) (717) 939-9833
Jackson lick Towers cen Ter (717) 257-5421
Jewish communi TY cen Ter (717) 236-9555
leader cen Ter for acT ive life (717) 533-2002
l ick Towers senior cen Ter (717) 257-5421
lYkens senior cen Ter (717) 453-8350
m illersburg senior cen Ter (717) 692-2657
–––––– Se RviCe oRgAniz AtionS ––––––
A club of professional or businesspeople organized for their coordination of and participation in public service.
lower swaTara lions club .................................................. (717) 580-3440
m iddle pax Ton lions club (717) 645-2940
palmYra area lions club (717) 838-6000
roTarY club of colonial park (717) 443-3998
roTarY inTernaT ional (717) 213-5049
sand hill lions club (717) 534-1700
–––––– SuppoRt gRoupS ––––––
A group of people whose members exchange emotional and practical support, share ideas, and provide each other with information.
adulT children of alcoholics supporT group ............ (717) 526-9252
alcoholics anonYmous (717) 545-4542
alzheimer’s supporT group (717) 540-7018
counTrY m eadows of h ershe Y ................... (800) 272-3900
b ladder cancer (717) 531-0003
b lind and low-vision adulT s supporT group (717) 238-2531
b lood cancer (717) 531-0003
breas T cancer (717) 531-7492
cen Tral penn fi Tness & aquaT ics cenTer ........................ (800) 272-3900
cen Tral pennsYlvania aTaxia supporT group (610) 996-5814
d iabe Tes su pporT group (717) 531-8288
d rug & alcohol ...................................................................... (717) 635-2254
e aT ing d isorders supporT group (717) 712-9535
gamblers anonYmous (717) 737-7838
harrisburg adhd supporT group (717) 208-2343
harrisburg area f ibromYalgia supporT group (717) 763-0900
harrisburg area parkinson’s d isease caregiver supporT group (717) 580-7772
h earT Transplan T supporT group (717) 531-7459
leukemia and lYmphoma socie TY ....................................... (717) 652-6520
m en Tal illness (717) 623-3284
nami (717) 233-1164
pros TaTe cancer supporT group (717) 531-5784
sTroke supporT group (717) 531-0003
ve T s 4 warriors ....................................................................... (855) 838-8255
–––––– tAX ASSi StAnCe ––––––
aarp Tax-a ide (888) 227-7669
irs i nTernal revenue service (800) 829-1040
Tri counTY communi TY acT ion (717) 232-9757 –––––– te LepHone ASSi StAnCe ––––––
Telephone a ssis Tance programs (800) 692-7380 –––––– tHe RApie S ––––––
–––––– tRAnSpoRtAtion Se RviCe S ––––––
Services for elderly or disabled persons that receive a substantial part of their support from a governmental unit or the general public. May be free, reduced fare, or donations depending on entity.
capi Tal area Transi T (caT) share-a- ride (717) 232-6100
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners George P. Hartwick III, Mike Pries and Justin Douglas Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older.
Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 ........................ (717) 780-6130
See our ad on page 3.
d errY Township people movers (717) 533-3642
h ousing auT hori TY of T he counTY of dauphin (717) 939-9301
h ummels Town e lder e xpress (717) 566-7000
londonderrY Township v. i . p. van service ........................(717) 317-3402
lower pax Ton van service (717) 657-5600
m iddle pax Ton Township dauphin area senior Transi T (das T) (717) 921-8128
m iddle Town in Terfai T h council (717) 944-5668
susquehanna Township i ndian wheels ............................ (717) 909-9254 –––––– vete RAnS Se RviCe S ––––––
dauphin counTY ve Terans affairs (717) 780-6356
lebanon va m edical cen Ter ............................................... (800) 409-8771
pennsYlvania d eparTmen T of m ili TarY and ve Terans affairs (800) 547-2838
u s d eparTmen T of ve Terans affairs (800) 827-1000
–––––– voLuntee R oppoRtunitie S ––––––
a merican red cross (800) 733-2767
cen Tral pennsYlvania f ood bank (717) 564-1700
h ome-delivered meals (717) 780-6130
TransporTaT ion for office of aging .............................. (717) 780-6130
u ni Ted waY of T he capi Tal region (717) 732-0700
Y wca greaTer harrisburg (800) 654-1211
–––––– We AtHe Riz Ation pRogRA m S ––––––
e ncompass Health
Providing a higher level of rehabilitation for recovery from an illness, injury, or surgery. Services include physical, occupational, and speech therapy. 175 Lancaster boulevard m echanicsburg, pA 17055 (717) 691-3700
See our ad on page 10.
Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residential energy users in Dauphin County, to reduce energy costs.
pennsYlvania weaT herizaT ion a ssis Tance program (717) 334-7634
souT h cen Tral communi TY acT ion programs (717) 334-7634