beyond50 Resource Directory is published annually by On-Line Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 8049 • Lancaster, PA 17604 • (717) 285-1350 • www.onlinepub.com
Copyright ©2024 by On-Line Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the express written
however, guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein nor does the publisher endorse
–––––– ADuLt DAy se RviCes ––––––
Moravian Center Adult Day services 227 North Queen street, Lancaster, PA 17603 ........................ (717) 490-6225 www.moraviancenteradultday.org .... zoe.bracci@lancastermoravian.org –––––– ADvoCACy ––––––Organizations that promote the health, dignity, rights, and quality of life of seniors and the disabled.
The arc of Lancas Ter counT y (717) 394-7160 communi T y acT ion program of Lancas Ter counT y (717) 299-7301
confL icT reso LuT ion services (717) 293-7231
Disabi L i T y e mpowermen T cen Ter ..........................................(717) 394-1890
Disabi L i T y righ T s pennsyLvania (800) 692-7443; (877) 375-7139 (TDD)
Lancas Ter counT y bh/Ds (717) 299-8021
Lancas Ter counT y o ffice of aging (717) 299-7979
m en TaL h eaLTh a merica (717) 397-7461
narcoT ics anonymous (717) 393-4546
pennsyLvania h uman re L aT ions commission ..................(717) 787-4410
QuaL i T y i nsigh T s of pennsyLvania (877) 346-6180
–––––– ALCohoL & substANCe Abuse se RviCes ––––––Organizations offering prevention, treatment, and recovery programs.
aDD icT ion recovery sys Tems ................................................ (717) 394-7160
ars of e phraTa (717) 740-6910
bLueprin T s for aDD icT ion recovery (717) 361-1660
communi T y care & aDD icT ion recovery services (717) 296-8181
gaTehouse behavioraL heaLTh services ........................... (717) 393-3215
m anos house Drug an D aLcoho L rehab services (717) 285-0420
naaman cen Ter (717) 367-9115
narcoT ics anonymous......................................................... (717) 393-4546
n ues Tra cLinica Drug an D aLcoho L (717) 293-4150
pennsyLvania counse L ing services (717) 397-8081
ponessa behavioraL heaLTh (717) 560-7917
re TreaT behavioraL heaLTh ouT paT ien T (717) 859-8000
–––––– ALte RNAtive he ALiNg ––––––
the Way Acupuncture & healing Arts
Enjoy your life again without pain, digestive discomfort, neuropathy, insomnia, or other ailments. Natural healing through acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
313 West Liberty street, suite 137, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 204-2937 www.thewayacupuncture.com see our ad on page 12.
–– APARtM e Nts (see housi Ng oP tioN s) ––
–––––– ARe A Age NCy oN Agi Ng ––––––
Lancaster County o ffice of Aging
For assistance with a wide range of long-term living needs, call, stop by, or visit us on our website.
150 North Queen street, suite 415, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 299-7979 (800) 801-3070 www.lancoaging.org ................................ aging@lancastercountypa.gov see our ad on page 3. –––––– Assistive te ChNoLogy/Devi Ces ––––––
These technologies and devices can make the lives of seniors and the disabled easier.
pennsyLvania a ssis T ive Techno Logy f oun DaT ion (484) 674-0506 TechowL .................................................................................... (800) 204-7428
u ni Te D cerebraL paL sy of cen TraL pennsyLvania (717) 737-3477
–––––– AutisM se RviCes ––––––
keys Tone h uman services (888) 377-6504; (717) 232-7509
–––––– CARe AssessMe Nt se RviCes ––––––
Looks at a person’s needs and works with them to find the best methods to provide care, support, and specialized services.
Lancas Ter counT y o ffice of aging (717) 299-7979
–––––– CARegive R AssistANCe ––––––
Lancaster County o ffice of Aging
The Caregiver Support Program provides caregivers with benefits counseling and reimbursement for related expenses and home modifications.
150 North Queen street, suite 415, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 299-7979 (800) 801-3070 www.lancoaging.org ................................ aging@lancastercountypa.gov see our ad on this page.
va caregiver supporT program
–––––– CLothiNg ResouRCes ––––––
(717) 272-6621
caLvary church (717) 560-2341
communi T y ai D (717) 412-7706
cones Toga vaLLey chris T ian communi T y services ...... (717) 208-3711
e benezer bap T is T church (717) 392-4292
e phraTa area sociaL services (717) 733-0345
ferris whee L cLoT hing bank (717) 799-1933
goo Dwi LL................................................................................... (717) 394-0647
Lancas Ter coun T y foo D hub (717) 291-2261
L i T i T z chooses Love associaT ion (267) 326-1386
Lumina (717) 394-8412
manheim Township minis Terium (717) 569-9211
saLvaT ion army Thrif T sTore ................................................. (717) 290-1605
u ni Te D way of Lancas Ter counT y (717) 394-0731
zion evange L icaL LuT heran church (717) 569-1359 –––––– Coi Ns & CuRRe NCy –––
steinmetz Coins & Currency
Buy/sell all U.S. coins and currency; gold/silver bullion; foreign coins and currency; and jewelry. We will travel.
Dennis steinmetz (717) 757-6980
350 Centerville Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 (800) 334-3903 www.steinmetzcoins.com dsteinco@aol.com
Maintaining the independence and quality of life for Lancaster County’s aging population through information, protection, services, and community support.
v Information and Referral
v Long-Term Living Assessments & Care Management
v Home- and CommunityBased Support Services
v Protection from Abuse and Neglect
v PA MEDI – Medicare & Related Health Insurance Counseling
v Senior Community Centers
v Adult Day Services
v Caregiver Support
v Employment
v Ombudsman Program
v Transportation
v Legal Assistance
v Health and Wellness Programs
v Volunteer Opportunities
v LCOA Virtual Connections ... and much more!
Contact us at:
150 North Queen Street, Suite 415 v Lancaster, PA 17603 717-299-7979 v 1-800-801-3070
aging@lancastercountypa.gov v www.lancoaging.org
(800) 680-7289
usps mai L frau D ........................................................................ (877) 876-2455
we Lfare frau D (800) 932-0582 –––––– CouNse LiNg se RviCes ––––––
cobys fami Ly services ............................................................ (800) 452-6517
communi T y acT ion program of Lancas Ter (717) 299-7301
gearT y an D ski Les counse L ing (717) 394-5334
pennsyLvania counse L ing services
chi LD ren’s services (717) 392-8485
eas T pe Tersburg (717) 560-1908 Lancas Ter ci T y (717) 397-8081
samari Tan counse L ing cen Ter ........................................... (717) 560-9969 –––––– De NtAL se RviCes ––––––
Den TaL access Lancas Ter counT y (DaLco) (717) 544-3279 D eparTmen T of human services (800) 692-7462
senior D en TaL care program (717) 234-5941
souT h e as T Lancas Ter h eaLTh services i nc. (717) 299-6371
waTer sTree T h eaLTh services (717) 393-7709
we L sh moun Tain me D icaL & D en TaL cen Ter (717) 354-4711 –– Deve Lo PM e NtAL DisAbi Lities (see DisAbi Lity se Rvi Ces) ––
–––––– DisAbiLity se RviCes ––––––
The arc of L ancas Ter coun T y ............................................. (717) 394-7160
Disabi L i T y e mpowermen T cen Ter (717) 394-1890
Disabi L i T y righ T s pennsyLvania ........................................... (800) 692-7443
Joni an D frien Ds (717) 522-1467
pennsyLvania men Tor ............................................................ (717) 657-2073
u Ds (717) 947-7446
u Ds service Dogs ................................................................... (888) 837-4235
arch sTree T cen Ter ................................................................. (717) 392-8536
behavioraL h eaLTh & Deve Lopmen TaL services (717) 299-8021
bh/Ds crisis i nTerven T ion (717) 394-2631
keys Tone h uman services (888) 377-6504; (717) 232-7509
Lancas Ter in Te LLecTuaL & D eve Lopmen T D isabi L i T y (717) 399-7355
m en TaL h eaLTh a merica .......................................................... (717) 397-7461
m en TaL h eaLTh a ssociaT ion of pennsyLvania (866) 578-3659
pennsyLvania behavioraL h eaLTh & aging coaLi T ion (717) 541-4219
pennsyLvania cL ien T a ssis Tance program......................(888) 745-2357
pennsyLvania m enTaL h eaLTh consumers’ a ssociaT ion (800) 887-6422
Teamcare behavioraL heaLTh (717) 391-0172
–––––– DoMesti C vioLe NCe ––––––
Domes T ic vio Lence LegaL cLinic ........................................ (717) 291-5826
Domes T ic vio Lence services of Lancas Ter (717) 299-1249
Lancas Ter counT y Dis TricT aTTorney’s
Domes T ic vio Lence u ni T (717) 299-8100
Lancas Ter women in crisis (717) 299-7301
naT ionaL Domes T ic vio Lence h oTL ine (800) 799-7233
pennsyLvania aDD ress confi D en T iaL i T y program (acp) (800) 563-6399; (877) 349-1064 (TT y)
pennsyLvania coaLi T ion agains T Domes T ic vio Lence (717) 545-6400
pennsyLvania coaL i T ion agains T rape .............................(888) 772-7227
r ape, abuse & i nces T naT ionaL n e T work (rainn) (800) 656-4673
safe communi T ies (717) 560-9989
sexuaL a ssau LT hoTL ine ........................................................... (717) 393-1735
ywca L ancas Ter (717) 393-1735
–––––– eM e Rge NCy ––––––
a merican re D cross, Lancas Ter ....................................... (717) 299-5561
communi T y acT ion program of Lancas Ter (717) 299-7301
communi T y services group (717) 390-1790
crisis in Terven T ion T eam (717) 394-2631
Lancas Ter counT y e mergency m anagemenT (717) 664-1200
Lancas Ter counT y o ffice of aging (717) 299-7979
men TaL heaLTh america – Lancas Ter ................................. (717) 397-7461
u ni Te D way of Lancas Ter counT y ...................................... (717) 394-0731
vicT im/ wi Tness services (717) 299-8048
ywca Lancas Ter (717) 393-1735
–––––– eMPLoyMe Nt ––––––
Training and services to help prepare you for the workforce.
a . h. e.D.D. ..................................................................................... (717) 560-1000
communi T y acT ion program of Lancas Ter ................. (717) 299-7301
communi T y services group (717) 390-0353
crispus aTT ucks communi T y cen Ter (717) 394-6604
goo Dwi LL i n D us Tries (717) 394-0647
Lancas Ter counT y careerLink (717) 509-5613
Lancas Ter counT y o ffice of aging J ob bank (717) 299-7979
n ew choices/new op T ions ( ywca) (717) 869-6363
occupaT ionaL Deve Lopmen T cen Ter ................................. (717) 397-4269 o ffice of vocaT ionaL rehabi L i TaT ion (ovr) (717) 771-4407 (voice) / (888) 575-9420 (TT y) pennsyLvania D eparTmen T of L abor & in D us Try (717) 787-5279
PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources - sA- 13
The Aging and Disability Resource Center is part of a nationwide effort to restructure services and supports for older adults, all persons with disabilities, veterans, family members, and care providers.
40 North Ninth street, Reading, PA 17601 (717) 380-9714 www.berkslancasterlebanonlink.org blllink@mail.com
see our ad on page 4.
u ni Te D Disabi L i T ies services (888) 837-4235
• eM ployM ent opportun ItI es •
Lancaster County o ffice of Aging
Our 55+ Job Bank provides workshops and access to a wide variety of job listings.
150 North Queen street, suite 415, Lancaster, PA 17603 ........ (717) 299-7979
e mployment Workshops and Job bank ................................. (800) 801-3070 www.lancoaging.org ............................... aging@lancastercountypa.gov see our ad on page 3.
eNe Rgy AssistANCe ––––––
$1 e nergy fun D (Do LL ar e nergy fun D) (800) 683-7036
communi T y acT ion parTnership (800) 732-0018
cus Tomer assis Tance program (cap) (800) 683-7036
cus Tomer assis Tance referraL an D evaLuaT ion program (cares) (800) 683-7036
e vaLuaT ion program (cares) ............................................. (800) 841-4141
Lancas Ter counT y a ssis Tance (717) 299-7411
L ancas Ter coun T y bh Ds (717) 299-8021
Low- i ncome home e nergy a ssisTance program (Liheap) (866) 857-7095
Low- i ncome usage re D ucT ion program (Liurp) (800) 675-0222
naT ionaL fue L gas n eighbor for n eighbor
h eaT fun D (814) 459-4581
pennsyLvania power company reach harDship fun D (866) 857-7095
pennsyLvania power & Ligh T (ppL) o nTrack (800) 358-6623
pennsyLvania uT i L i T y commission o ffice of consumer aDvocaTe (800) 684-6560
ugi uT i L i T ies i nc. – o peraT ion share ................................... (800) 844-9276
Nikolaus & h ohenadel, LLP
PLANNiNg & PRobAte
We offer counsel on estate planning, preparation of wills, and financial and healthcare powers of attorney; probate; and elder law.
212 North Queen street, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 299-3726
327 Locust street, Columbia, PA 17512 (717) 684-4422
222 south Market street, suite 201, e lizabethtown, PA 17022 ..(717) 367-1370
303 West Fourth street, Quarryville, PA 17566 .......................... (717) 786-4044 www.n-hlaw.com
50plus e XPos
50plus EXPOs are lively, one-day events that bring businesses and communities together on a personal level. Look for them in Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, and York counties.
P.o. box 8049, Lancaster, PA 17601 .......................................... (717) 285-1350 www.50plus e xpoPA.com
Women’s e xpo
Premier women’s expos where guests are able to unwind and have fun while shopping, enjoying free spa treatments, watching entertainment and demonstrations, and relishing “me” time.
P.o box 8049, Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 285-1350 www.a g reatWaytospendMyDay.com
–––––– eye CARe se RviCes ––––––a merican counci L of T he b L in D (800) 424-8666 bureau of b L in D ness & visuaL services (866) 375-8264 eyecare america (877) 887-6327 fai T h ouTreach
u ni Te D way
(717) 394-0731
• eM ergency •
a merican re D cross Lancas Ter counT y chap Ter (717) 299-5561
–––––– FitNess ––––––keys Tone sTaTe games .............................................................(570) 760-0352
Lancaster County o ffice of Aging Health and wellness programming, such as Chronic Disease SelfManagement and Diabetes Self-Management workshops, Healthy Steps for Older Adults fall-risk assessments, evidenced-based exercise classes, and aquatic exercise are offered at senior community centers and other community locations.
150 North Queen street, suite 415, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 299-7979 ........................................................................... (800) 801-3070 www.lancoaging.org ................................ aging@lancastercountypa.gov see our ad on page 3.
L ancas Ter senior games (717) 299-7979
–––––– FooD/NutRitioN ––––––
• e ducatI on/counselI ng •
communi T y acT ion parTnership of Lancas Ter counT y (caps) ..................................................... (717) 299-7301
The fami Ly h eaLTh counci L of cen TraL pennsyLvania (717) 761-7380
• eM ergency Food •
a merican re D cross Lancas Ter counT y chap Ter ....... (717) 299-5561
crispus aTT ucks communi T y cen Ter (717) 394-6604
emergency foo D assis Tance program ......................... (866) 348-6479
spanish a merican civic a ssociaT ion (717) 397-6267
waTer sTree T rescue m ission................................................. (717) 393-7709
• Food Banks •
aLpha & omega communi T y cen Ter (717) 394-3021
be T he L african me T ho D is T episcopaL church (717) 393-8379
caLvary church (717) 560-2341
communi T y acT ion program ............................................. (717) 299-7301
communi T y f oo D bank – mounT Joy (717) 653-5585
cones Toga vaLLey chris T ian communi T y services ...... (717) 208-3711
crispus aTT ucks communi T y (717) 394-6604
e benezer bap T is T church ....................................................... (717) 392-4292
eL re D en Tor & sT pau L’s new creaT ion (717) 393-3035
eL izabe T h Town communi T y cupboarD ............................... (717) 361-8149
facTory minis Tries (717) 687-9594
firs T presby Terian church of s Trasburg ......................... (717) 687-6030
h empfie LD area f oo D panTry (717) 898-2954
Jean po L i Te f oo D bank (717) 393-8379
L ancas Ter bre T hren in chris T (717) 569-5011
Lancas Ter counT y foo D hub (717) 291-2261
Ligh T house f oo D panTry (717) 354-0056
L i T i T z chooses Love associaT ion (717) 326-1386
L s Toge T her (717) 672-6234
m anheim cenTraL foo D bank (717) 665-2331, e x T. 13
mission church communi T y foo D pan Try (717) 393-9600
n ew h o LL an D area f oo D pan Try (717) 773-3034
pe Ter’s porch f oo D panTry (717) 299-7411
pe Tra foo D bank (717) 354-5394
saLvaT ion army (717) 397-7565
san Juan bauT is Ta (717) 392-4118
so L anco f oo D bank ..............................................................(717) 786-4308
sT. John’s LuT heran church (717) 394-2881
waTer sTree T rescue m ission................................................. (717) 393-7709
• Food s ta M ps •
Lancas Ter counT y a ssis Tance o ffice (717) 299-7411
pennsyLvania DeparTmen T of human services ............... (800) 692-7462
• Meals on WHeels •
Meals on Wheels i nc.
We provide home-delivered meals to those who cannot prepare meals for themselves.
1411 Columbia Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603 ........................ (717) 392-4842 www.mealsonwheelsoflancaster.org ..................... info@lancastermow.org
See our ad on page 15.
chris T iana/gap (717) 392-4842 co Lumbia (717) 684-4244
eL izabe T h Town/mounT Joy/m arie TTa.................................. (717) 689-3484
ephraTa/cocaL ico (717) 733-4846
L ancas Ter (717) 392-4842
Li T i T z (717) 626-2500
manheim (717) 664-1097
mi LLersvi LLe ................................................................................. (717) 872-2415
moun T J oy (717) 653-5493
n ew h o LL an D/Leo L a/ Terre hi LL (717) 354-9150
nex T gen services (717) 786-4770
paraD ise/sTrasburg ................................................................ (717) 392-4842
so L anco (717) 786-3426
aDams Town borough (717) 484-2280
akron borough (717) 859-1600
barT Township ........................................................................... (717) 786-2877
brecknock Township (717) 445-5933
caernarvon Township (717) 445-4244
chris T iana borough (610) 593-5199
cL ay Township .......................................................................... (717) 733-9675
co Lerain Township (717) 529-2570
co Lumbia borough (717) 684-2467
cones Toga Township (717) 872-4301
conoy Township ..................................................................... (717) 367-4927
Denver borough (717) 336-2831
Drumore Township (717) 548-2660
e arL Township (717) 354-0773
e as T cocaL ico Township ...................................................... (717) 336-1720
e as T DonegaL Township (717) 426-3167
e as T Drumore Township (717) 786-3622
e as T e arL Township (717) 354-5593
e as T h empfie LD Township ....................................................... (717) 898-3100
Take heart knowing you have the region’s most awarded surgeons and convenient
e as T Lampe Ter Township (717) 393-1567
e as T pe Tersburg borough .................................................... (717) 569-9282
eD en Township ...........................................................................(717) 786-7915
eL izabe T h Township (717) 626-4302
eL izabe T h Town borough (717) 367-1700
e phraTa borough (717) 738-9222
e phraTa Township (717) 733-1044
fu LTon Township (717) 548-3514
Lancas Ter ci T y (717) 291-4711
Lancas Ter Township (717) 291-1213
Leacock Township .................................................................. (717) 768-8585
Li T i T z borough (717) 626-2044
Li TTLe bri Tain Township (717) 529-2373
m anheim borough (717) 665-2461
m anheim Township (717) 569-6408
m anor Township (717) 397-4769
m arie TTa borough (717) 426-4143
m arT ic Township (717) 575-2292
m i LLersvi LLe borough ............................................................ (717) 872-4645
mounT Joy borough .............................................................. (717) 653-5938
mounT Joy Township (717) 367-8917
mounT vi LLe borough (717) 285-5547
n ew h o LL an D borough (717) 354-4567
paraD ise Township (717) 768-8222
penn Township (717) 665-4508
pe Quea Township (717) 464-2322
provi D ence Township ............................................................ (717) 786-7596
Quarryvi LLe borough ........................................................... (717) 786-2404
r apho Township (717) 665-3827
saDsbury Township (610) 593-6796
saL isbury Township (717) 768-8059
sTrasburg borough (717) 687-7732
sTrasburg Township (717) 687-6233
Terre h i LL borough (717) 445-4581
u pper Leacock Township ...................................................... (717) 656-9755
warwick Township .................................................................. (717) 626-8900
WellSpan Heart & Vascular.
call 1-800-840-5905
wes T cocaL ico Township (717) 336-8720
wes T DonegaL Township (717) 367-7178
wes T e arL Township (717) 859-3201
wes T h empfie LD Township (717) 285-5554
wes T Lampe Ter Township (717) 464-3731
• county •
Division of vi TaL recorDs (724) 656-3100
L ancas Ter coun T y governmen T cenTer ........................ (717) 299-8000
Lancas Ter counT y o ffice of aging (717) 299-7979
regis Ter of wi LL s (717) 299-8243
sociaL securi T y aDminis TraT ion (800) 772-1213
ve Terans affairs (717) 299-7920
• s tAte •
LegisL aT ive reference bureau .............................................. (717) 787-4223
penn DoT (717) 412-5300
pennsyLvania D eparTmen T of aging (717) 783-1550
pennsyLvania D eparTmen T of s TaTe (717) 787-5280
• Federal •
phi L aD e Lphia passporT agency (877) 487-2778
U.S. State Department 24-hour automated appointment system.
presi D en T iaL commen T Line (202) 456-1111; (202) 456-6213 (TT y)
sociaL securi T y aDminis TraT ion (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TT y)
u s. aDminis TraT ion on aging (202) 401-4634
u. s. capi To L ................................................................................ (202) 224-3121 Senate and House of Representatives switchboard.
u s. immigraT ion an D naTuraL izaT ion service (800) 375-5283 (800) 767-1833 (TDD)
aL s a ssociaT ion (Lou gehrig’s Disease) (215) 643-5434
aL zheimer’s associaT ion of pennsyLvania (800) 272-3900
a merican a ssociaT ion on i nTe LLecTuaL an D Deve Lopmen TaL Disabi L i T ies (202) 387-1968
a merican Diabe Tes a ssociaT ion (eas Tern pa) (610) 828-5003
a merican h earT a ssociaT ion capi To L region Division (717) 730-1700
a merican Lung a ssociaT ion of T he mi D -aTL an T ic (610) 941-9595
The arc of Lancas Ter counT y (717) 394-5251
The arc of T he u ni Te D sTaTes (800) 433-5255
arT hri T is foun DaT ion (800) 776-0746
commission on accre D i TaT ion of rehabi L i TaT ion faci L i T ies (888) 281-6531
csg b ehavioraL h eaLTh services (717) 285-7121
Deaf & harD of h earing services of Lancas Ter counT y (717) 397-4741
e pi Lepsy f oun DaT ion of e as Tern pennsyLvania .............. (215) 629-5003
heaLTh & human services (717) 299-8000
i nTernaT ionaL re TT syn D rome a ssociaT ion (800) 818-7388
keys Tone heaLTh cen Ter fami Ly pracT ice ..................................................................... (717) 709-7999 hiv/ai Ds .................................................................................... (717) 709-7909
Lancas Ter counT y o ffice of aging (717) 299-7979
L ancas Ter Down syn D rome aDvocaTes (717) 478-8537
m en TaL h eaLTh a merica of Lancas Ter counT y (717) 397-7461
naT ionaL aTTen T ion Defici T DisorD er a ssociaT ion....... (800) 939-1019
naT ionaL counci L on i n D epen D en T Living (844) 778-7961
pennsyLvania Toure TTe syn D rome aLLiance, i nc. (800) 990-3300
pennsyLvania’s service n e T work for auT ism an D i nTe LLecTuaL Disabi L i T ies (717) 236-2374
smoking cessaT ion programs .......................................... (800) 784-8669
u ni Te D cerebraL paL sy (800) 998-4827
u ni Te D spinaL a ssociaT ion (800) 962-9629
he ALthCARe ––––––
PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources - sA- 13
The Aging and Disability Resource Center is part of a nationwide effort to restructure services and supports for older adults, all persons with disabilities, veterans, family members, and care providers.
40 North Ninth street, Reading, PA 17601 (717) 380-9714 www.berkslancasterlebanonlink.org blllink@mail.com see our ad on page 4.
the Way Acupuncture & healing Arts
Enjoy your life again without pain, digestive discomfort, neuropathy, insomnia, or other ailments. Natural healing through acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
313 West Liberty street, suite 137, Lancaster, PA 17603 ......... (717) 204-2937 www.thewayacupuncture.com see our ad on page 12.
Take heart knowing WellSpan offers the region’s most awarded heart and vascular care in Lancaster and Lebanon counties.
Well span Cardiology – e phrata
446 n orth reading road, suite 302 (717) 738-0167
Well span Cardiology – Lancaster
140 n orth pointe boulevard (717) 291-0700
Well span.org/heart e ast see our ad on page 8.
• F I nancIal ass I stance •
compass (866) 550-4355
DeparTmen T of human services ........................................... (717) 299-7411
L ancas Ter coun T y assis Tance (717) 299-7411
Lancas Ter counT y b ehavioraL h eaLTh
an D Deve Lopmen TaL services (717) 299-8021
m e D icai D (800) 537-8862
naT ionaL i ns T i TuTe on aging............................................... (800) 222-2225
pa me D i (800) 783-7067
pace/pacene T, pace pLus m e D icare programs (800) 225-7223
pennsyLvania DeparTmen T of h eaLTh (877) 724-3258
ve Terans h eaLTh care b enefi T s (717) 299-7920
–––––– he ARiNg se RviCes ––––––
cen Ter for i n D epen D en T Living of cen TraL pa (717) 731-1900
Deaf & harD of h earing services of Lancas Ter (717) 207-9822
hearing Loss associaT ion (717) 802-6918
naTionaL associaTion of The Deaf (301) 587-1788; (301) 587-1789 (TT y)
naT ionaL ins T i TuTe on D eafness .......................................... (800) 241-1044
pennsyLvania re L ay 711
–––––– hoMe CARe / hoMe he ALth se RviCes ––––––
Medical and non-medical services to qualified individuals in their home or in another community-based setting. Pennsylvania requires that all home care agencies and registries be licensed.
Family Forever home healthcare
Our mission is to provide exceptional homecare services that empower individuals to live safely and comfortably in their own homes. Nottingham, PA 19362 .............................................................. (717) 955-0245 www.familyforeverhealthcare.com ............. familyforeverhhc@gmail.com
–––––– hoMe iMPRove Me Nts ––––––
Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residentialenergy users in Lancaster County, to reduce energy costs.
ProCare @ h ome
ProCare specializes in crafting personalized plans for your future, ensuring you can spend as many years as possible in your home. Contact us for a free consultation. 759 Flory Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 ................................ (717) 219-2311 www.procare-medical.com .................... at-home@procare-medical.com
sociaL securi T y (800) 772-1213
u ni Te D Disabi L i T ies services ................................................... (888) 837-4235
warmwise: au D i T s & rebaTes (866) 956-0308
weaT herizaT ion programs (717) 787-1984; (866) 466-3972 –––––– hoMe Less se RviCes ––––––
communi T y home Less ouTreach cenTer of Lancas Ter (717) 397-5182
ve Terans vicTory house (vvh) (717) 397-5182 –––––– hosPitAL s ––––––
penn me D icine Lancas Ter generaL h eaLTh (717) 544-5511
penn me D icine Lancas Ter generaL heaLTh women & babies (717) 544-3700
penn s TaTe chi LD ren’s hospi TaL ........................................... (717) 435-1000
upmc pinnacLe L ancas Ter (717) 291-8211
upmc pinnacLe L i T i T z (717) 625-5000
we LL span vna home care (717) 738-3220 –––––– hotLiNes ––––––aarp .............................................................................................(888) 687-2277
aL zheimer’s h e LpL ine (800) 272-3900
a merican cancer socie T y informaT ion cen Ter (800) 227-2345
a merican hearT associaT ion (800) 242-8721
a merican L iver foun DaT ion (800) 465-4837
a merican Lung associaT ion (800) 548-8252
a merican parkinson’s Disease a ssociaT ion (800) 223-2732
a merican sTroke a ssociaT ion ............................................ (888) 478-7653
a s T hma & aLLergy f oun DaT ion of a merica .................. (800) 727-8462
brain inJ ury (866) 412-4755
bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555
cD c naT ionaL s TD an D a i Ds h oTL ine (800) 232-4636
crohn’s & co L i T is f oun DaT ion of a merica, i nc. (800) 343-3637
DeparTmen T of heaLTh compL ain T s hoTL ine (800) 254-5164
f oo D safe T y m eaT & pou LTry h oTL ine (800) 535-4555
housing D iscriminaT ion hoTL ine ....................................... (800) 669-9777
k i D ney f oun DaT ion h e LpL ine ................................................(800) 762-6202
m e D icai D (800) 537-8862
narcoT ics anonymous (717) 393-4546
naT ionaL eLD er abuse h oTL ine (800) 490-8505
o rgan DonaT ion (800) 528-2971
pace (800) 225-7223
pennDoT (800) 932-4600
pennsyLvania crime sToppers (800) 472-8477
r aDon h oTL ine
(800) 237-2366
sexuaL assau LT hoTL ine .......................................................... (800) 656-4673
sociaL securi T y i nformaT ion .............................................. (800) 772-1213
sTroke & n euro LogicaL i nformaT ion (800) 352-9424
Tobacco Qui TL ine (800) 784-8669
u s. DeparTmen T of ve Terans affairs (800) 827-1000
u s pro D ucT s safe T y commission (800) 638-2772
we Lfare frau D (800) 932-0582 –––––– housi Ng ––––––• ass I stance •
communi T y acT ion parTnership ......................................... (717) 299-7301
communi T y basics, i nc. (717) 735-9590
communi T y f irs T fun D (717) 393-2351
habi TaT for h umani T y (717) 392-8836
h omeowners e mergency morTgage a ssis Tance program (hemap) (800) 342-2397
housing choice vouchers ................................................. (800) 955-2232
h ousing Deve Lopmen T corporaT ion m i DaTL anT ic (717) 291-1911
h ousing an D u rban Deve Lopmen T (800) 440-8647
Lancas Ter ci T y h ousing auT hori T y (717) 397-2835
Lancas Ter h ousing o pporTuni T y parTnership ................(717) 291-9945
L ancas Ter coun T y housing auT hori T y (717) 394-0793
pennsyLvania h ousing search (877) 428-8844
saca Deve Lopmen T corp. (717) 397-6267
Tabor communi T y services, i nc. (717) 397-5182
• F I nancIal ass I stance •
Lancas Ter ci T y h ousing auT hori T y ................................... (717) 397-2835
pennsyLvania housing finance agency (800) 342-2397
properT y Tax/ren T rebaTe program (888) 222-9190
Tenfo LD (717) 397-5182
ve Terans aDminis TraT ion (877) 424-3838
• rental ass I stance •
communi T y acT ion program – co Lumbia ......................(717) 684-8047
e conomic revi TaL izaT ion (717) 291-4711
emergency ren TaL assis Tance program (800) 692-7462
Lancas Ter ci T y h ousing auT hori T y (717) 397-2835
pennsyLvania h ousing an D h ousing choice program................................................................................... (800) 955-2232
The re D eve Lopmen T auT hori T y of T he counT y of Lancas Ter (717) 394-0793
–––––– housi Ng oP tioNs ––––––
• lIF e sHarI ng/Fa MI ly lIvI ng res I dences •
Supportive living that allows individuals with intellectual disabilities to live with independence and dignity with the assistance of a caring and experienced staff.
The cen Ter for i n D epen D en T Living (717) 394-1890
communi T y services group................................................. (717) 285-7121
fai T h frien Dship vi LL a of mounT vi LLe (717) 285-5596
frien Dship communi T y (717) 656-2466
keys Tone human services (717) 581-8229
parTners in achieving i n D epen D ence (pai) (717) 945-6273
share D supporT s. ..................................................................... (717) 735-2360 –––––– huMAN se RviCes ––––––
• pennsylvan Ia WaIver progra M s • Waivers offer an array of services and benefits such as choice of qualified providers, due process, and health and safety assurances.
acT 150 (717) 787-8091
h ome- and community-based program for people with physical disabilities. To be eligible you must be able to choose and supervise your care worker(s), manage your own finances, and manage your own legal matters.
aD u LT auT ism waiver (866) 539-7689 provides long-term services and support to the specific needs of adults age 21 or older with an autism spectrum disorder (asD).
aging waiver (Transi T ione D To communi T y h eaLT h choices) ....................................................................... (888) 753-8827 a long-term living program that provides older pennsylvanians the help they need to live independently in their homes or community.
ai Ds waiver (800) 922-9384 f or individuals 21 years of age or older who have symptomatic hiv disease.
commcare waiver (877) 550-4227 f or individuals with traumatic brain injury (Tbi).
communi T y Living waiver (717) 787-1870 provides community participation support, education support services, assistive technology, benefits counseling, home accessibility adaptations, and more for individuals with autism and i D of all ages, and individuals with DD ages 0-8.
conso L i DaTe D waiver for i n D ivi D uaL s wi T h i nTe LLecTuaL Disabi L i T ies (800) 692-7462 f or individuals with an intellectual disability. Designed to help them live more independently by providing a variety of services that promote community living.
heaLT hchoices ........................................................................ (844) 824-3655 pennsylvania’s managed care program for medical assistance recipients, behavioral, community, and physical services.
i n D epen D ence waiver (Transi T ione D To communi T y h eaLT h choices) (800) 692-7462 f or adults with severe disability. may help them live or remain in the community and live as independently as possible.
L ife (Living in D epen D ence f or The eLD erLy) program................................................................................... (844) 824-3655
a federal program that helps adults 55 and over meet their healthcare needs in the community.
n ursing h ome Transi T ion (nh T) program ...................... (800) 833-5196
The nhT was developed to assist and empower consumers who want to move from a nursing facility back to a home of their choice in the community. nhT provides the opportunity for individuals and their families or caregivers to be fully informed of all long-term service and support options.
obra waiver (877) 550-4227
covers services available for pennsylvania residents age 18–59 with severe developmental physical disability, helping them to remain as independent as possible.
o p T ions program (717) 299-7979
an array of community-based long-term care provided by the a rea agency on aging to help consumers function at optimal level while remaining in the most appropriate setting.
pennsyLvania i n D epen D en T e nro LL men T broker (877) 550-4227
a contracted statewide entity that facilitates and streamlines the eligibility/enrollment process for applicants seeking services.
person/fami Ly DirecTe D supporT waiver (800) 692-7462
Designed to help persons with developmental disabilities live more independently in their homes and communities and provides a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models.
Looking for The Way back to Wellness?
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, look no further than The Way Acupuncture and Healing Arts. We provide Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Nutrition & Lifestyle Education and Quantum Healing Hypnosis.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine has been used for thousands of years as a safe, gentle, and effective treatment for the following conditions plus more:
• Musculoskeletal: Chronic or acute back, neck, joint pain; arthritis; sciatica; muscle aches
• Neurological: Neuropathy, stroke recovery, high blood pressure
• Gastrointestinal: Acid reflux, poor digestion, weight loss, Crohn’s disease
• Emotional: Anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress
Let’s make you our next success story, call 717-204-2937 today!
The Way Acupuncture & Health Arts 313 W. Liberty Street, Suite #137 Lancaster, PA 17603 www.thewayacupuncture.com
Exclusive for Beyond50 Readers — $50 off when mentioning this ad
Lancas Ter counT y o ffice of aging (717) 299-7979
iNsuRANCe ––––––
i nsurance i nformaT ion h oTL ine ....................................... (800) 272-4232 –– iNte LLe C tuAL DisAbi Lities (see DisAbi Lity se Rvi Ces) ––
–––––– LegAL se RviCes ––––––
LancasTer bar a ssociaT ion Lawyer referraL service (717) 393-0737
Lancaster County o ffice of Aging
Lawyer referral service to local attorneys for reduced-cost consultation on a wide range of issues, for clients age 60 and above.
150 North Queen street, suite 415 (717) 299-7979 Lancaster, PA 17603
Lawyer Referral Program (800) 801-3070 www.lancoaging.org ................................ aging@lancastercountypa.gov see our ad on page 3.
m i D penn LegaL services (800) 732-0025
pennsyLvania bar a ssociaT ion Lawyer referraL service (800) 692-7375
pennsyLvania h uman re L aT ions commission –harrisburg o ffice (717) 787-4410
seniorL aw cen Ter (215) 988-1242
–––––– LibRARies ––––––
aDams Town area Library (717) 484-4200
co Lumbia pub L ic Library (717) 684-2255
e as Tern Lancas Ter counT y Library (717) 354-0525
eL izabe T h Town pub L ic Library (717) 367-7467
e phraTa pub L ic Library ........................................................... (717) 738-9291 in Tercourse (717) 768-3160
Lancas Ter pub L ic Library (717) 394-2651; (717) 394-2651
Lancas Ter pub L ic Library – mounT vi LLe branch (717) 285-3231
Li T i T z pub L ic Library (717) 626-2255
m anheim communi T y Library .............................................. (717) 665-6700 m anheim Township pub L ic Library (717) 560-6441
m i L anof- schock Library (717) 653-1510
moores m emoriaL Library (610) 593-6683
–––––– Me D iCAL eQui PMe Nt & suPPLies ––––––
u ni Te D Disabi L i T ies services (u Ds) (888) 837-4235
–––––– Me D iCAL se RviCes ––––––
the Way Acupuncture & healing Arts
Enjoy your life again without pain, digestive discomfort, neuropathy, insomnia, or other ailments. Natural healing through acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
313 West Liberty street, suite 137, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 204-2937 www.thewayacupuncture.com see our ad on page 12.
–––––– Me D iCARe ––––––• counselI ng •
Lancaster County o ffice of Aging – PA M e D i PA MEDI is an insurance counseling program to help older Pennsylvanians understand Medicare and provide objective information on insurance that’s secondary to Medicare and benefits that can help with the cost of Medicare and prescriptions. 150 North Queen street, suite 415, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 299-7979 (800) 801-3070 www.lancoaging.org aging@lancastercountypa.gov see our ad on page 3.
–– Me NtAL h e ALth (see DisAbi Lity se Rvi Ces) –––– NeuRo Logy (see su Rgeo N s) –––––––– PoLiCe De PARtMe Nts ––––––
In the event of an emergency, dial 911.
akron po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 859-6600
chris T iana borough po L ice D eparTmen T (610) 593-5199
co Lumbia borough po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 684-7735
e as T cocaL ico po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 336-1725
e as T e arL Township po L ice DeparTmen T ........................... (717) 355-5302
e as T h empfie LD Township po L ice DeparTmen T ................. (717) 898-3103
e as T Lampe Ter Township po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 291-4676
eL izabe T h Town po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 367-6540
e phraTa borough po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 738-9200
Lancas Ter ci T y bureau of po L ice (717) 664-1180
Lancas Ter counT y sheriff (717) 299-8200
L ancas Ter s TaTe po L ice (717) 299-7650
Li T i T z borough po L ice DeparTmen T ..................................... (717) 626-6393
m anheim borough po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 665-2481
m anheim Township po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 569-6401
m anor Township po L ice DeparTmen T ................................ (717) 299-5231
m i LLersvi LLe borough po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 872-4657
mounT Joy borough po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 653-1650
n ew h o LL an D po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 354-4647
n orT hern Lancas Ter counT y regionaL po L ice DeparTmen T .................................................................. (717) 733-0965
n orT hwes T regionaL po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 367-8481
pe Quea Township po L ice (717) 945-7546
Quarryvi LLe po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 786-2404
souT hern regionaL po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 235-3944
s Trasburg borough poL ice D eparTmen T .......................... (717) 687-7128
susQuehanna regionaL po L ice D eparTmen T (717) 426-1164
wes T e arL Township po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 859-1411
wes T h empfie LD Township po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 285-5191
wes T Lampe Ter Township po L ice DeparTmen T (717) 464-2421
york area regionaL po L ice .................................................. (717) 741-1259 –––––– Post oFF iCes ––––––
aDams Town (717) 484-4224
akron .......................................................................................... (717) 859-5546
bainbri Dge (717) 426-1085
barT (717) 786-2208
bausman (717) 397-6740
b irD -in- han D (717) 393-6191
bLue baLL .....................................................................................(717) 354-5465
bowmansvi LLe (717) 445-5821
browns Town (717) 656-7333
chris T iana (610) 593-5050
co Lumbia (717) 684-5391
cones Toga ................................................................................ (717) 872-5961
craLey (717) 244-6815
Denver (717) 336-2230
Down Town Lancas Ter (717) 509-7663
e as T e arL (717) 354-7253
e as T Lancas Ter ......................................................................... (717) 291-2905
eas T prospecT (717) 252-3814
eL izabe T h Town (717) 367-1307
eL m (717) 665-7070
e phraTa (717) 733-2390
gap ...............................................................................................(717) 442-4004
goo Dvi LLe (717) 445-5055
gorDonvi LLe (717) 768-3584
h o LT woo D (717) 284-2850
h ope L an D (717) 733-0151
i nTercourse .............................................................................. (800) 275-8777
k inzers (717) 442-4226
k irkwoo D (717) 529-2016
Lancas Ter (717) 396-6925
Lancas Ter Down Town .......................................................... (717) 509-7663
Lampe Ter (717) 464-4031
Lan D isvi LLe (717) 898-8812
Leo L a (717) 656-2401
Li T i T z (717) 626-2329
m anheim (717) 665-2122
m arie TTa (717) 426-1106
marT in DaLe (717) 445-4212
m ay Town (717) 426-1752
m i LLersvi LLe ................................................................................. (717) 872-5011
mounT Joy (717) 653-4231
mounT vi LLe (717) 285-7859
narvon (717) 354-5955
n effsvi LLe .................................................................................... (717) 569-0703
n ew h o LL an D (717) 354-2257
n ew provi D ence (717) 786-7111
paraD ise (717) 687-7752
peach boTTom ........................................................................... (717) 548-2646
penryn (717) 665-7200
pe Quea (717) 284-4401
Quarryvi LLe (717) 786-2420
reams Town ................................................................................ (717) 336-6101
ref Ton (717) 786-2707
reinho LDs (717) 336-2354
rexmon T (717) 274-3771
rheems......................................................................................... (717) 367-4938
rohrers Town (717) 394-0982
ronks (717) 687-8201
s i Lver spring (717) 285-4013
smoke Town ............................................................................... (717) 394-4841
sT evens (717) 336-6724
sTrasburg (717) 687-3942
TaL mage (717) 656-8355
Terre h i LL .................................................................................... (717) 445-5044
washingTon boro (717) 684-5727
wi LLow sTree T (717) 464-3540
wi Tmer (717) 299-3365
wrigh T svi LLe (717) 252-3411 –––––– PResCRi P tioNs ––––––• ass I stance •
b enefi T scheckup (800) 794-6559
fami Lywize ................................................................................. (844) 234-3057
Lancas Ter counT y counci L of churches (717) 291-2261
Lancas Ter counT y o ffice of aging –counT y services cen Ter (717) 299-7979
L ancasTer counT y me D icaT ion assis Tance program (717) 397-7461
me D icai D .................................................................................... (800) 692-7462
m e D icare e x Tra h e Lp (800) 633-4227; (877) 486-2048
pLus m e D icare
D rug carD (800) 901-2185 prescrip T ions nee Dyme Ds ............................................................................. (800) 503-6897 Toge T her rx (800) 444-4106 speciaL pharmaceu T icaL benefi T s program (800) 922-9384 ve Terans h eaLTh care b enefi T s (800) 409-8771
–––––– RetiRe Me Nt Livi Ng oP tioNs ––––––
These communities offer a comprehensive package of services tailored to individual needs, abilities, and preferences as residents grow older, offering all levels of care.
• ass I sted lIvI ng •
Providence Place senior Living of Lancaster
Offering independent living, assisted living, and two levels of memory care from a family-owned company between the countryside and downtown Lancaster.
1380 e lm Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603. (717) 392-4100 www.providence-place.com info@prov-place.com
• de M entIa care •
Providence Place senior Living of Lancaster
Offering independent living, assisted living, and two levels of memory care from a family-owned company between the countryside and downtown Lancaster.
1380 e lm Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603................................... (717) 392-4100 www.providence-place.com ...................................... info@prov-place.com
–––––– se NioR CoMMuNity Ce Nte Rs ––––––
Senior community centers throughout Lancaster County provide a wide range of educational and recreational activities. Lunchtime meals served. Transportation available.
co Lumbia senior cen Ter ...................................................... (717) 684-4850
eL izabe T h Town area senior cen Ter (717) 367-7984
Lancas Ter n eighborhoo D senior cen Ter ...................... (717) 299-3943
Lancas Ter rec senior cen Ter (717) 399-7671
Lcoa virTuaL connecT ions (717) 299-7979
Li T i T z senior cen Ter (717) 626-2800
m i LLersvi LLe senior cen Ter (717) 871-9600
n ex T gen senior cen Ter ......................................................... (717) 786-4770
saca senior cen Ter (717) 295-7989
–––––– se NioR se RviCes ––––––
Meals on Wheels i nc.
We provide home-delivered meals to those who cannot prepare meals for themselves.
1411 Columbia Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 392-4842 www.mealsonwheelsoflancaster.org info@lancastermow.org
See our ad on this page.
–––––– se RviCe oRgANiz AtioNs ––––––
A club of professional or businesspeople organized for their coordination of and participation in public service.
L ancas Ter L ions cLub (484) 525-3670
L i T i T z Lions cLub (717) 538-3128
make-a-wish ............................................................................. (717) 283-4880
roTary cLub of Lancas Ter (717) 581-8811
score- L ancas T er (717) 397-3092
wi LLow sTree T Lions cLub (717) 464-7176
–––––– suPPoRt gRouPs ––––––
A group of people whose members exchange give and receive both emotional and practical support, share ideas, and provide each other with information.
aLcoho L ics anonymous (717) 394-3238 for LocaT ions
aL zheimer’s Disease .................................. (800) 272-3900 for LocaT ions
a merican cancer socie T y (800) 227-2345
a mpuTee supporT Team of Lancas Ter ............................... (717) 406-3000
anxie T y an D panic supporT group (717) 397-7461
b ipo L ar ........................................................................................ (717) 397-7461
bL in D a ssociaT ion (717) 291-5951
breas T cancer
caregiver ................................................................................ (800) 677-1116
Lancas Ter (717) 531-7492; (717) 544-3755
cen TraL pennsyLvania aTaxia supporT group (215) 378-3496
Diabe Tes (717) 544-5075
Down syn D rome (717) 478-8537
e pi Lepsy (215) 629-5003
f ibromyaLgia (717) 544-3197
gamb Lers anonymous (717) 269-1867
gran D paren T s (717) 291-5462
grief supporT (717) 391-2413
h earT (717) 730-1700
hearT TranspL an T (717) 531-7459
k i D ney (800) 762-6202
L ancas Ter area brain inJ ury (717) 394-3466
m en’s Depression (717) 397-7461
m en TaL h eaLTh (717) 397-7461
moo D DisorD er supporT group (717) 397-7461
mu LT ipLe scLerosis (800) 344-4867
o bsessive compu L sive DisorD er supporT group ............ (717) 397-7461
parkinson’s Disease (717) 509-5494
parkinson’s supporT group ................................................. (717) 509-5494
scLero D erma (978) 624-4042
sLeep DisorD ers ........................................................................ (717) 531-8520
sTroke survivors supporT group (717) 406-3007
women’s D epression (717) 397-7461
is a nonprofit food service provider who offers freshly prepared homedelivered meals to those who are unable to provide meals for themselves.
This service extends beyond food & delivery. We offer a wellness check and companionship to clients experiencing isolation.
Volunteer: Delivery & Kitchen opportunities available Mon - Fri To Learn More: 717-392-4842 | info@lancastermow.org Mon-Fri 8 AM to 2 PM www.mealsonwheelsoflancaster.org
Together, we can deliver.
Get Services: Delivering weekdays: Regular Diet at $8.80/day Therapeutic Diets at $11/day
–––––– tAX AssistANCe ––––––
aarp Tax ai D (888) 227-7669
irs (i nTernaL revenue service) (844) 545-5640
Taxpayer a ssis Tance (717) 291-1994
vi Ta – vo Lun Teer i ncome Tax a ssis Tance program (800) 906-9887
–––––– te Le PhoNe AssistANCe ––––––
Te Lephone a ssis Tance programs .......................................(800) 788-5616
–––––– tRANsPoRtAtioN se RviCes ––––––
Support from a governmental unit or the general public. May be free, reduced fare, or donations depending on entity.
Reduced-fare, lottery-funded transportation is provided to senior centers, medical appointments, and other county locations through an agreement with the South Central Transportation Authority. 150 North Queen street, suite 415 (717) 299-7979 Lancaster, PA 17603 transportation Program (800) 801-3070 www.lancoaging.org ............................... aging@lancastercountypa.gov see our ad on page 3.
m e D icaL a ssis Tance TransporTaT ion program (maTp) (717) 291-1243
Red Rose transit
Seniors have great advantages with RRTA’s transportation services. Ride free on our bus routes or at a discounted rate on our shared-ride service. 45 e rick Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 397-4246 Red Rose Access ........................................................................ (717) 291-1243 www.redrosetransit.com see our ad on this page.
The share D - ri D e program ...................................... (717) 783-8025, e x T. 59
ve Terans TransporTaT ion services (717) 299-7920
–– uti Lities (see eNe Rgy AssistANCe) ––
–––––– vete RANs se RviCes ––––––
L ancas Ter coun T y va cL inic (717) 290-6900
pennsyLvania DeparTmen T of m i L i Tary an D ve Terans affairs (800) 547-2838
Tenfo LD housing ......................................................................(717) 397-5182
u s. DeparTmen T of ve Terans affairs (800) 827-1000
ve Terans affairs me D icaL cL inic (717) 272-6621
ve Terans affairs of Lancas Ter counT y (717) 299-7920
ve Terans crisis L ine 988 (press 1)
ve Terans heaLThcare benefi T s ............................................ (800) 409-8771
ve Terans m e D icaL cen Ter Te Lephone care (717) 228-6041 (800) 409-8771, ex T. 6041 –– visioN (see eye CARe se Rvi Ces) ––
voLuNtee R oPPoRtuNities ––––––
Lancaster County o ffice of Aging
Volunteers may work on a specific, time-limited project or assist older adults in a number of program areas to include PA MEDI, Ombudsman, Caregiver Support, Senior Community Centers, Lancaster Senior Games, and Property Tax/Rent Rebate programs.
150 North Queen street, suite 415, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 299-7979 ............................................................................ (800) 801-3070 www.lancoaging.org ............................... aging@lancastercountypa.gov
see our ad on page 3.
Meals on Wheels i nc.
We provide home-delivered meals to those who cannot prepare meals for themselves.
1411 Columbia Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603 ........................ (717) 392-4842 www.mealsonwheelsoflancaster.org ..................... info@lancastermow.org
See our ad on page 15.
vo Lun Teers of a merica (717) 236-1440
–––––– We Athe Riz AtioN PRogRAM s ––––––
Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residentialenergy users in Lancaster County, to reduce energy costs.
pennsyLvania D eparTmen T of communi T y an D economic D eve Lopmen T (866) 722-6778
pennsyLvania weaT herizaT ion a ssis Tance program ...(866) 466-3972
ugi’s weaT herizaT ion program (800) 276-2722
warmwise: au D i T s & rebaTes (888) 460-4332