January 2013
Jewel Cooper Love what you do
Workplace BULLYING
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4 7
TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE CLOUDS Learn what all the buzz is about.
11 LEADERSHIP AND THE ROLE OF ENGAGEMENT What are some tactics companies use to keep their employees engaged.
13 FAMILY TROUBLE GOES TO WORK Divorce, harassment, and domestic violence go with you to work.
15 FORCING THE ISSUE WITH DORMANT BULBS You can have beautiful blooms before their time using these techniques.
18 TOSS THE EYEGLASSES New ways to get clear vision.
21 WOMEN TO WATCH New hires and promotions.
21 ACHIEVEMENTS & APPLAUSE Awards and accomplishments.
23 MEET AND GREET Regional networking events and meetings.
5 COVER STORY Jewel Cooper has a vivacious personality that is contagious. She has had a successful career in the banking industry since 1989 and has a passion for what she does. One part of her current position is to develop employees and she believes in matching people with their strengths. Jewel is also very involved in helping the community. She’s even considered Superwoman in some circles! Cover photo courtesy of Camera Box Photography, Camp Hill. BusinessWomanPA.com
January 2013
January 2013
EDITORIAL Vice President and Managing Editor CHRISTIANNE RUPP Editor
appy New Year! The holidays have passed and now we reflect on the past year. Did you accomplish all of the career goals that you had planned? More than you had strived for? Not even near what you had intended to achieve? Why is that? Like the quote says, sometimes we don’t take the time to reflect and change the things that we can to produce a different outcome. There’s another saying that comes to mind: You can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Take some time now for quiet time … and make some adjustments in both your professional and personal lives. No matter what stage we are in life, we still should have dreams (or goals, if you prefer) and we need to put energy into making those dreams come true.
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~ January 2013 | BUSINESSWoman
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Love What You Do – It’s a Powerful Thing By LYNDA HUDZICK
magine growing up with a father who owned part of a traveling carnival, and for nine months out of the year, moving up and down the East Coast, staying in one place for only 10 days at a time. That was the “somewhat unusual” childhood enjoyed by Jewel Cooper— a childhood full of adventure and one that set her on a path of great enthusiasm for whatever came her way. Born in Ohio, Cooper and her family left the carnival life when she was in middle school and moved to the Harrisburg area, calling it home ever since. A Penn State University graduate with a degree in psychology, she remembers that upon graduation, she found the job market to be really tight, with few opportunities available in her field of study. “I always said I would never go into anything business related,” she explained. “But after nine months, my parents encouraged me to try it. I was hired at Household Finance
Corporation as a management trainee and worked there for 10 years.” She then decided that she wanted to go back to PSU to pursue a master’s degree, but about a month into it, “I realized that school wasn’t enough,” Cooper said. “I got a call from a head hunter who was recruiting for Fulton Bank. I was never interested in banking but thought it would be good experience. I really liked the people that I talked to and the philosophy of the company, so I decided to join them as branch manager in 1989.” Cooper found the job to be challenging and rewarding. She also realized that she “got great satisfaction in developing the talents of my staff and others, helping them to become their personal best,” she said. “This was the start of my passion for coaching employees and others … at the same time helping folks with financial needs and problem solving ... and all the while earning their trust and becoming a valued business partner.” The opportunity to become a
division manager in the Capital Region presented itself, and Cooper embraced that opportunity. She stayed with Fulton until she was asked to be a part of the startup of a new bank in the region: Graystone Bank. “I would say that the next seven years were the most challenging but rewarding and fun years of my career to date,” she said. “I worked with the most incredible people—still do—and together we built something special!” In February, Graystone merged with Susquehanna Bank, presenting Cooper with the new challenge of successfully “bringing together two cultures,” she said. “I wear a lot of hats and get involved in many different things every day. No one day is the same. I oversee our retail network in the region, have a seat at the table in formulating bank-wide and regional strategy, and develop our employees in helping them to become their personal best.” An important philosophy for Cooper and her fellow staff members is the “match your job to your
strengths philosophy,” she said. “And it really works! I am a big believer in having a passion for what you do and that’s all about matching up your strengths with what you do every day. “I’ve had the good fortune to be involved in so many impactful new programs throughout the years … but probably the most fun and energizing was implementing Gallup’s ‘strength finders’ in the workplace. The biggest challenge was to get all the leaders and managers on board … but at the end of the day if you can figure it out and implement it, going to work doesn’t feel like working at all.” A self-admitted extrovert, Cooper thoroughly enjoys her interactions with people—not only employees and coworkers, but with her customers as well. “Part of my value to our company is in helping to connect others,” she said. “I spend a lot of time connecting … my management style is very straightforward. I believe in modeling the type of behavior you expect in others. I coach and mentor in a loving
January 2013
and kind way while setting the bar high and making sure everyone has the tools they need to be successful.” Being part of the local community is a “part of our company’s expectations and job responsibilities, which is perfect for me,” Cooper said. “I am very involved in the community. I sit on the CREDC board, the Dixon University board, and the United Way Foundation board.” She also felt blessed to be the UW Campaign chair a few years ago. “It was one of the most terrifying but personally rewarding experiences of my life,” she recalls. “We are so fortunate to live in a generous community filled with so many wonderful people … It was life changing for me to witness so many folks reaching out to help others.” As a woman in the banking industry, Cooper said that she has never felt discriminated against in any way and has always been “respected by my male colleagues. My overall experiences have been positive,” she said. “The only ‘glass ceilings’ I have
experienced are self-imposed. I know what I am good at and my current role is perfect for me.” So how does a woman gain the kind of confidence and self-awareness that Cooper has been blessed with? Well, it does involve some effort and dedication. “First of all, find a mentor,” she said. “I have been mentored by several people over the years. I will be forever in their [debt]. And then when you have your act together, mentor others!” Her second piece of advice would be to keep a positive attitude. “It’s all about attitude,” she said. “The important thing is to keep your sense of humor. Be open to change and constructive feedback. Seek it out. It can only make you better.” And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, Cooper recommends striving to be a great communicator. “Be brutally honest in a loving and kind way and you will be respected and sought after,” she said. “I have many strengths and many weaknesses.
Jewel Cooper, Mike Breslin, Jonathan Vipond, Joe Capita
I always say I know what I’m good at. And as for the things I’m not so good at, I try and bring together the team that can get it done. Give them lots of
encouragement and recognition. And stay out of their way! It’s a powerful thing when everybody loves what they do.”
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~ January 2013 | BUSINESSWoman
Wo rk pla c e Bullyi ng: How to Cope, Where to Turn By LYNDA RANDALL
hen consulting with companies to help improve their cultures, one of the most distressing findings is that the boss is a bully. According to the Workplace Bullying and Trauma Institute, founded by Dr. Ruth Namie and Dr. Gary Namie, workplace bullying is defined as repeated, malicious, health-endangering mistreatment by one or more employees. It prevents work from getting done and includes verbal abuse, threatening conduct, intimidation, and humiliation. Bullying is repeated behavior; the bully’s intent is negative and hurtful, and an imbalance of power exists between the bully and the target. It involves verbal or psychological forms of aggressive or hostile behavior that persists for six months or more. According to the 2010 Workplace Bullying Institute Survey, 35 percent of workers have experienced bullying firsthand. Women are targeted 58 percent of the time, and women bullies target women in 80 percent of the cases. The majority (68 percent) of bullying is samegender harassment. How does bullying manifest itself in the workplace? • False accusations and rumors • Glares and intimidating nonverbal behavior • Shouting • Exclusion and the silent treatment • Putdowns, insults, excessive harsh criticism • Unreasonably heavy work demands • Sabotage that prevents work from getting done • Stealing credit for work • Extreme micromanagement Bullying has an enormous impact on the workplace. Targets reported that
bullying affected their physical health: weight gain, high blood pressure, clinical depression, cardiovascular disease, and impaired immune system. Targets also reported being unable to concentrate, feeling a lack of motivation, and memory difficulties. Feelings of fear, panic attacks, anger, aggression, anxiety disorders, loss of identity, and PTSD were common. Targets had social difficulties and had their family life severely disrupted. The financial impact to them was great—through loss of income, career, and promotion. When made aware of bullying, employers did not help, despite losing an estimated 21-28 million workers because of bullying. Sadly, 77 percent of targets stop the bullying by leaving their jobs. Managers were either afraid to confront the bully or viewed the situation as a personal and private matter between the bully and the target. Making employers aware of the huge financial losses incurred by bullying should be a great incentive to have them pay more attention to this problem. The bully is focusing on his target instead of his work and the target is unable to concentrate. An Orlando Business Journal report of 9,000 federal workers indicated that bullying behavior over a two-year period resulted in $180 million in lost time and productivity. Another study estimated the cost in the United States as $74 billion annually. A study by Professor Christine Pearson of 775 targets or victims of bullying found that 28 percent lost work time to avoid bullies; 22 percent decreased effort at work; and 12 percent changed jobs. Forty-five percent of victims reported that bullying affected their health. Who Are These Bullies? Bullies are workplace politicians. Their goal is manipulation of the people they BusinessWomanPA.com
January 2013
Bullying is four times more common than racial or sexual discrimination.
target. Many workplace bullies were bullies at school who got away with their bad behavior and became lifetime bullies. The grownup bully uses deceit and cunning to obtain favor. They rationalize hurting people by blaming their targets and inventing flaws in them. Bullies can be callous, cynical, and contemptuous of the feelings, rights, and suffering of others. A major characteristic of bullies is that they lack empathy. Tough Boss or Bully Boss? A tough boss is thought of as objective and fair. She is results oriented and focused on achieving the goals of the organization. There is two-way communication and conflict is seen as fair. A bully boss will target an employee on a personal level and is more interested in her personal goals and agendas than the goals of the organization. Who Are the Targets? According to Dr. Ruth Namie, “Workplace bullies pick on people who pose a threat to them because they are good at their jobs.” Targets are often recognized in their fields, respected, well liked, and personable. Namie says that targets typically start out determined to rise above the verbal jabs, undermining tactics, and gossip, and encounter retaliation. The target just may be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Other reasons cited for being a target: • The target refuses to go along with the bully’s actions. • The target may be a whistleblower who was offended by unethical practices she observed. • The target may show vulnerability.
~ January 2013 | BUSINESSWoman
Is Bullying Illegal? Since there is no state law, bullying or status-independent harassment is legal in the U.S. Bullying continues to occur because it is not yet illegal, although bullying is four times more common than racial or sexual discrimination, according to the Workplace Bullying Institute. Twenty-one states have introduced legislation to address workplace bullying. Only 3 percent of bullied targets file lawsuits. David Yamada, J.D., president of New Workplace Institute, is the author of the Healthy Workplace Bill, a model of antibullying legislation that has been the basis of bills introduced. What Can You Do If You Are Being Bullied? Recognize and name the behavior you are experiencing as bullying. Check your mental and physical health with professionals. Research legal options and see an attorney. In 25 percent of bullying cases, harassment plays a role. Have a letter written by an attorney to your workplace. Gather data about the impact of the bully on the productivity in the workplace and present it to the highest-level person you can. State the facts unemotionally. What Can Be Done to Prevent and Reduce Workplace Bullying? Managers need to take responsibility to create and maintain a safe workplace. They can’t ignore bullying behavior. Coworkers can stand by a bullied target immediately after the attack and refuse to participate in all forms of bullying behavior, including exclusionary practices. Employers need to develop stronger leadership training for supervisors. The ultimate solution places responsibility on senior management and executives to change the culture of the workplace. • Lynda Randall is a partner in New Level Advisors LLC, a consulting company. Randall’s passion is helping to transform workplace cultures through leadership, teamwork, and executive coaching. www.newleveladvisors.com
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loud computing has probably experienced that it seems to been a buzzword in the be the perfect time for your media as of late. A computers or servers to have an issue. term once only used by Cloud computing creates multiple scientists in academia, this new interest backups so that if a failure occurs, the in cloud computing has caught the likelihood of that failure affecting your attention of many business owners who company should be slim to none. are wondering if this is a solution for Normally these companies are set up so them. that each server has at least one mirror, While cloud computing seems to be a and then that mirrored server is set up to new term, if you’ve got an email account that take over in the event of a failure. You might you access through the Internet (like Gmail or notice a short outage, or you might not even Yahoo), you’re already taking advantage of cloud notice one at all. computing. With many businesses operating solely online these by JESSICA M. BROUGHTON When you access one of these accounts, instead of days, it’s important to keep up and running all the time, having the email generated and stored right on your computer, and cloud computing can make that happen. you log in to an intermediary site using the Internet. One of the big benefits to this method is that you’re able to adjust for This same concept applies to the bigger scope of a business. For businesses, your company size and workload much easier than you could in the past. By cloud computing means that instead of having to worry about owning and using solutions that take advantage of cloud computing, you’re able to grow your maintaining the hardware, software, and all the licenses you need for every IT solutions much faster than if you were managing everything yourself. employee, all your programs and applications are Web based. If you’re adding a new employee or a new division, you just contact your The cloud is the behind-the-scenes part that the user never really sees. This cloud company and request that a new user be added. If your employees are includes servers, computers, and data-storage systems that house and run the working with you in the office, you’ll have to provide them with a desktop setup, applications. Programs like virtual servers divide up a larger server’s systems and but, depending on what your needs are, that might be it. can add to the output of the servers that might not be used as much as others. With the workforce growing ever more fluid, many companies are One of the major benefits to using a cloud computing service is that you don’t discovering the benefits of having their employees work from home or from have to worry about redundancy. If you’ve ever had a major deadline, you’ve anywhere in the world. Cloud computing allows for employees to log in to a
with Cloud Computing
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~ January 2013 | BUSINESSWoman
dedicated system every day, gain secure access to the programs that they need, and connect with their coworkers through a company-based intranet. A new study released by Stanford, while only conducted on one company, confirms what many employees who have the option to work from home have known: When you at least have the option to work from home, you’re more productive and happier. With a solution this wonderful, are there any major downsides? The two biggest concerns for companies considering cloud computing are privacy and security. You don’t want a terminated employee to be able to access sensitive information, and you definitely don’t want your competitors to be able to access your secure logins either. Many companies circumvent this issue by relying on unique and multistep authentication processes that ensure only the authorized person logging in to their cloud. First, the person logging in needs a link to download the initial software that will allow the Citrix program to run. Then they log in using their unique ID and password. Many companies have taken to using RSA tokens, which are random number generators. The number changes every 60 seconds, giving a limited amount of time for the person trying to access the computer to get in. It sounds very James Bond, but many companies feel that the extra security measures are worth keeping their company data safe. There’s also the philosophical issue of who truly owns the data. Most cloud companies treat their services as something they host, and they do not hold any claim to the data you have on their servers. However, make sure that you address this issue, as you don’t want a custom program that you’ve created to become the property of someone else. Cloud computing has become more than just a buzzword thrown around by IT professionals and those in academia. With our economy becoming ever more global, cloud computing could be the solution that allows you and your business to operate from anywhere in the world.
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Leadership and the Role of Engagement By SUSAN STAMM
very year a new set of numbers hits the airwaves regarding engagement in the workplace. They are blogged about, published in business books, and discussed in numerous management meetings. The numbers are big. Employee engagement costs U.S. business $300 billion per year. Over 50 percent of employees worldwide are disengaged. These numbers are disturbing news given the serious talent shortage we face. According to Tony Bingham, president of the American Society of Training and Development, we are facing a global talent shortage
and our skill shortage is the top threat to business expansion in the U.S. and elsewhere. If we have a shortage of talent and half our employees are not engaged, we are in trouble. Yet, even in the midst of all these challenges, some organizations find it easy to attract, retain, and engage top talent. Their employees spread good will about these employers and consider these organizations great places to work. I wanted to find out the secret of these successful organizations and learn how they engage their team and create work environments that enable them to attract and retain top talent.
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January 2013
They Promote a Clear Vision and Big Picture These organizations do an exceptional job of setting goals and making them visible. They track strategies in unique ways. For example, Heather Chandler’s organization, Sealstrip Corporation, uses themes to build excitement for goals. Sealstrip’s “Gone Fishing” theme illustrates their goal to increase revenue by attracting new customers. A large fishing net in their break room displays all new “catches,” which are represented according to size. Employees understand that all new customers, small or large, help Sealstrip achieve goals. They also know that a large whale can feed their village for a long time. Aimee Urban’s organization, Synapse Marketing Solutions, has the words “whatever it takes” painted on each office door. Additionally, their corporate values are plastered all over their walls, which include things like: accountability, commitment, and respect. In addition to having firm goals and strategies in place, Janet Morgan Riggs, president of Gettysburg College, feels that an organization needs to walk its values. Being family centered is an important value at the college. To demonstrate this, both fathers and mothers get a 15-week family leave for a new baby’s arrival. Additionally, the college is flexible with employees when family events come up. “We walk the talk with our benefits,” says Heather Chandler, as she shares Sealstrip’s commitment to cover 85 percent of their employees’ and their dependents’ healthcare coverage.
They Have Accountability without Micromanaging At Nxtbook Media, the year began with seven leaders setting seven key goals that would serve as their vision for the year. Each leader handles one goal with an employee committee dedicated to refining and achieving that initiative. Every two weeks, the committees meet for 90 minutes. Then, each reports to the entire organization on progress and challenges. “Goals are not in stone,” says Roxanne Edwards, partner and vice president of production. “If a committee finds there is something unrealistic about the goal, it is their job to refine and communicate their decisions to the larger organization.” At Gettysburg College, Morgan Riggs wants all the different perspectives at the table and realizes the way to get everyone’s voice heard is to facilitate the communication process rather than feel she has to have the answers all the time. Urban’s organization uses a football challenge as a visible way to track progress toward or away from goals. It is a team accountability tool without any blame that encourages the entire team to rally around a player that needs extra support to help the team win. They Make it Fun It is Friday afternoon, and it is “beer thirty” (4:30) at Nxtbook Media. According to Edwards, this is when you will find the team next door at the Cap and Cork Restaurant, enjoying a beverage of their choice while connecting with
~ January 2013 | BUSINESSWoman
From left: Heather Chandler, Sealstrip Corporation; Aimee Urban, Synapse Marketing Solutions; Janet Morgan Riggs, Gettysburg College; Roxanne Edwards, Nxtbook Media.
each other. Heather Chandler talks about how she builds excitement and fun at her all employee monthly meetings using specific songs to illustrate what is happening in the organization. These lively meetings are videotaped to ensure everyone stays “in tune” with Sealstrip’s progress and new challenges. Synapse Marketing offers a teambuilding event quarterly to keep it fun. They Build Connections through Communication Morgan Riggs makes it a point to visit employee orientation, offering her personal welcome and connecting personally with new employees while promoting the college’s vision. Chandler makes the time to listen to an employee who is struggling with a challenge. Edwards gets to know new people well enough to help identify their special talent and then works with each person to help them to find the best way to put this special talent to work for their mutual benefit and success. They Are Personally Engaged There is no template for becoming a great place to work, and what is successful for one organization may not work for another. However, the personal
engagement and passion for both their team and work was hard to miss in my conversations with these four leaders. Urban said it this way: “This is an amazing group of people I look forward to seeing every day.” Chandler said, “Take care of the team and create a great place to work, and everything else will follow.” To hear the full interview with each executive and tap into even more of the ideas that drive their success, please visit: www.bookendsbookclub.net • Susan Stamm is president of The TEAM Approach and author of 42 Rules of Employee Engagement. Visit Susan’s blog – Little Lessons in Learning: http://susanstamm.blogspot.com. www.teamapproach.com
ivorce, harassment, and domestic violence don’t just happen to families. Businesses, coworkers, and customers may find themselves involved as well. An absentee employee is not the only pitfall a business owner faces. Not only does the employee miss work for court dates, but the employer can also be drawn into the legal process. Safety concerns for coworkers and customers arise if domestic violence is involved. The best defense for a business owner is to stay informed. Susan Grosh, chair of the Family Law and Adoption Group of Blakinger Byler & Thomas, PC, advises clients and businesses on navigating the domestic court system. As a former special divorce master for the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, Grosh presided over divorce master hearings and issued master’s decisions. “An employer is being brought in the back end, and that’s normally kicking and screaming. ‘I want to help the employee, but I don’t want it to cost me an arm and a leg and I don’t want to put my other employees at risk,’” said Grosh. “As an employer, you
have to be sensitive to these issues.” A wage verification notice is an employer’s first contact with the support process. The employer is required to send income information prior to the Domestic Relations support conference. The court relies on this information in making support determinations, said Grosh. The court support order could require the employer to garnish the employee’s wages. “This is an order that employers can be potentially held in contempt of court if they do not garnish the wages,” said Grosh. “There are some small employers out there that say, ‘I’m not a party to this. Why do I have to do the bookkeeping?’ Why don’t they just write out the check?”
The court order will include the current amount ordered for garnishment as well as any amount in arrears resulting in multiple garnishments. Grosh advises employers that they really need to stay on top of these adjustments as well as making sure the health insurance is in place. One party is usually required to provide the health insurance. “Sometimes a person gets a stupid idea that they can take someone off a policy,” said Grosh. “The employer must make available that insurance.” Parties to the support hearings can file appeals and these appeals take even more time away from the job for the employee. Grosh said as you go further up the appeal process, the employee will lose more work time.
The best defense for a business owner is to stay informed.
With each appeal, the employer can expect more changes to the garnishment notices, making the bookkeeping even more challenging. Failure to follow the court order places the employer in contempt of the garnishment order. The bookkeeping and added expense falls on the employer, and this can be particularly difficult for a small-business owner. Garnishment is something that is costly for both business owner and employee, but refusing to garnish the wages is not an option. “I know of no real defense against that,” said Grosh. “They will be required to pay the money.” The employer can charge a fee to the employee for garnishment, but that might not sit well with the employee, especially since the determination of support does not take into account if the employee will have enough for their own bills. Grosh said that the state has set support based on income and number of children only and can take up to 55 percent of the employee’s income. Although businesses need to be savvy to its obligations in support
January 2013
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hearings, the good news is that garnishment is a rare event but garnishment guarantees payment. A failure to pay could place the employee in jail. “A large portion of my clients appreciates the garnishment,� said Grosh. “The employer is on the outside looking in and is being pulled in for enforcement issues.� A Protection from Abuse (PFA) is another matter entirely. An accused abuser can be served with a PFA without any notice or any chance to defend themselves in court. PFAs are confidential, so an employer and coworkers may not realize that one has been issued. The employer may not even be aware of the situation. All that the employer can do is to encourage employees to come forth. If the employer knows about the PFA, they can address it for the safety of all. When a victim leaves their abuser and files for a PFA, Grosh noted this is the most dangerous time. “That lights a fire that you won’t believe,� said Grosh. “It really is an
incredibly difficult time for both parties and very volatile.� A volatile domestic situation could place not only the employee in danger, but also anyone at the employee’s place of business. If a business is open to the public, such as a department store, the employer cannot keep the one served with the PFA from the premises. If they are a workplace that only allows the employees to be there, then it is much easier to control who is on the premises and who is not, and restrictions can be placed. “You need to think about the safety of the employees and customers. This stuff can be a nightmare,� says Grosh. There are many things that are out of the control of the business. There are issues that employers will have to deal with. Grosh advises employers: Don’t ignore it; prepare for it. “Life has inherent risks. We can’t make this risk free. I don’t think you can be risk free and no business is risk free,� said Grosh. “It’s part of doing business.�
Chamber Names 2012 Athena Award Recipient
t its recent awards night presentation at the Radisson Hotel Harrisburg in Camp Hill, the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC proudly presented the 2012 Athena Award to Dr. Kim Phipps. The first female president of Messiah College, Kim Phipps, Ph.D., is an advocate for academic excellence and holistic learning. Phipps strongly believes in being an accessible leader. Building authentic relationships with colleagues and students is one of her top priorities. In recognition of her contributions to Christian higher education and local community involvement, Phipps has been awarded several honors, including being distinguished by
Christianity Today as one of 50 key leaders shaping the evangelical church and North American society and honored by the Salvation Army of the Harrisburg Capital Region for exemplary service and social responsibility. Phipps is also devoted to giving back to Central Pennsylvania community and demonstrates Messiah’s commitment to civic engagement by serving on many local boards of directors. She is vice chair of the board of directors for the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra; past board president of the YWCA of Greater Harrisburg; and serves as a board member for Keystone Human Services. Additionally, Phipps represents Messiah nationally as chair of the
~ January 2013 | BUSINESSWoman
board of directors of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities and as a board member of the Council for Independent Colleges. Other awards presented were: Catalyst Award, Russell Ford, Harristown Enterprises, Inc.; Government Leader 2012 Athena Award winner Dr. Kim Phipps of the Year Award, Glen Grell, PA House of Representatives; Small Business of the of the Year Award, Amy Shadday, Year Award, Brown Schultz Sheridan & Crowne Plaza Harrisburg – Hershey; Fritz; Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Ambassador of the Year Award, Donna Alex Hartzler, WCI Partners, LP; Opuszynski, Zynski Massage Co.; Business Diversity Champion Award, Diplomat of the Year Award, Patty Barbara Terry, PinnacleHealth System; Bowen, HACC; and Emissary of the Stay Invent the Future Award, Year Award, Karen Young, HR LaTorre Communications; Volunteer Resolutions, LLC.
ormant flower bulbs aren’t much to look at; by late summer they’re brown and drab, with little to no active shoot or root growth. But don’t be fooled by that withered appearance; dormancy is part of the bulb’s natural cycle. Their foliage, which continued the process of photosynthesis after blooming was complete, ensures that food stores were replenished in the bulbs. Like the promise of the butterfly, bursting from the camouflaged chrysalis, bulbs remain full of the promise of potential blooming beauty, come the next growing season. However, with some planned manipulation, you can fool Mother Nature by forcing the issue and induce bulbs to produce just in time for your Easter dinner centerpiece, providing sunny daffodils, fragrant hyacinths, billowing tulips, and delicate narcissus. A few key tips about the process and the flowers that make the best candidates will all but guarantee a bountiful bouquet as an early spring focal point.
Fill a container half full of washed stones.
For that we turn to Steven Norman, greenhouse buyer and supervisor for Stauffers of Kissel Hill. With 21 years rooted in the horticulture and garden business, his combined knowledge and experience lend themselves to advice on how to coax early blooms from those gnarly bulbs. “The easiest bulbs to force,” says Norman, “are paperwhites (narcissus) and amaryllis.” For starters, these two bulb types do not require chilling. Norman says that about six weeks after planting you can expect blooms that last two weeks or more. For paperwhites, choose either of the two following planting methods. According to Norman, one way to plant paperwhites is to fill a container half full with sand, gravel, or pebbles. To that material, add water to the top of its surface. Set your bulbs, pointed side up, on the surface and add enough of the gravel, sand, or pebbles to cover the lower half of the bulb. “Water,” Norman says, “should just touch the bulbs.” The containers should then be
Place firm bulbs on top of stones.
Fill stones around the bottoms of the bulbs to hold them in place. Add just enough water to maintain level at base of bulbs. Water it well once. Water again when bulb shows active growth, as in photo top left, and then again when stones look dry. BusinessWomanPA.com
January 2013
Choose a container no more than one or tow inches wider than bulb. Fill container half way with potting soil (packed firmly) or stones.
Set the bulb in place and pack more soil or stones around it, keeping top one third out of median.
placed in a cool (50-60 degrees) location with low light for about two to three weeks until they’re well rooted and shoots appear. “At the first sign of growth,” says Norman, “move the containers into direct sunlight and maintain the water level, covering the roots only throughout the growing period.” Because forcing in water uses all of the energy reserves, “the bulbs cannot be reclaimed or reused,” he explains. Norman says that the second planting method for paperwhites and the way to plant amaryllis is in a pot with drainage holes and potting soil, filled to a half inch below the rim. Nestle the bulbs, pointed tips up, firmly in the soil. Don’t hesitate to fill the diameter of the pot with bulbs, as long are they’re barely touching each other, keeping the top three-quarters of the bulbs above the soil when covering with it. Norman stresses not to bury the entire bulb. Next, add water gently until it runs out of the bottom of the pot. As your bulbs grow, keep the soil
~ January 2013 | BUSINESSWoman
moist, but not soggy. Set your containers in a cool place (50-60 degrees) with low light for about two to three weeks, again until well rooted and shoots appear. At the first sign of growth, move into direct sunlight and keep moist. Additional bulbs, such as tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths, offer more
Like the promise of the butterfly, bulbs remain full of the
promise of potential blooming beauty, come the next
growing season.
of a challenge to force, but Norman says they’re worth it. These bulb types require an initial “chilling” period and, while they’re not sold “pre-chilled,” he says it’s easy to accomplish. Temperatures need to be 35-40 degrees F, so an unheated basement, attic, old refrigerator (do not store bulbs with fruit), or garage that doesn’t freeze—any place that will mimic a cold, dark environment—will do the trick. The bulb type dictates the chilling time, with hyacinths needing eight weeks; tulips, 13-16 weeks; and daffodils, 12-14 weeks. Norman says personal preference determines whether you use ceramic, plastic, or clay containers or pots, although the pots should have drainage and measure 6 inches. He recommends planting six tulip bulbs, four to six daffodils, or three hyacinths per container. “Fill pots to the top with potting soil (not topsoil),” says Norman, “and plant the bulbs on top of the soil. Cover the bulbs partially with additional soil, water thoroughly,
and then tuck them away for their respective chill periods. Wherever you choose to chill the potted bulbs, check to make sure the soil remains moist. Norman says you can “pull them out into the heat and light” after they’ve been chilled for their appointed times. When the day arrives that you press your blooms into service as the focal
point for your table setting, you can add to the display by pressing moss segments into the exposed soil among your flowers. The added greenery provides a contrast that will further accent the presentation of the early blooms. Enjoy the beauty of the flowers while they last, and remember to discard them when they’ve peaked.
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maygrant.com • 397-8177 MAIN OFFICE: Women & Babies Hospital OTHER LOCATIONS: Brownstown • Columbia • Elizabethtown • Willow Street • Intercourse BusinessWomanPA.com
January 2013
Toss the Eyeglasses … There Are New Ways to Get Clear Vision
ired of wearing glasses or contact lenses? Well, there are several surgical methods that can correct your eyesight and give you the freedom of seeing well without corrective lenses. There is no best surgery to correct vision; there is only the best surgery
Hinged flap of thin corneal tissue is created.
for you. Once you have found a doctor who specializes in the types of surgeries you’re interested in, have a discussion of the pros and cons of each surgery as they relate to your eyes and make a decision together. Is LASIK the Right Choice for You? By far, LASIK is currently the most
Astigmatism – Laser reshapes the cornea to be more spherical.
popular vision-correcting or “refractive” surgery available. In LASIK, laser energy reshapes the curvatures of the eye’s clear front side (cornea) to alter the way light rays enter the eye. “LASIK surgery is recommended when a person is interested in being independent from glasses or contact
lenses and when their eyes meet certain criteria to make them good candidates for the surgery,” explains Rick Chotiner, M.D., F.A.C.S., LASIK surgery specialist at Memorial Eye Institute in Harrisburg and Camp Hill. “It is capable of correcting myopia, astigmatism, and (limited) hyperopia. Since it is totally
Farsightedness – Laser reshapes the cornea to be steeper.
Nearsightedness – Laser reshapes the cornea to be flatter.
Photos courtesy of Patient Education Concepts, Inc.
~ January 2013 | BUSINESSWoman
Photo Image Courtesy of STAAR Surgical
Photo Image Courtesy of STAAR Surgical
Visian ICL The Visian ICL (intraocular lens). It is clear, shown in blue for better clarity.
Natural lens
The Visian ICL sits behind the iris, the colored part of the eye, and in front of the natural lens.
The Excimer Laser Delivers Exact Correction In LASIK surgery, to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, surgeons use an Excimer laser. The laser is programmed based on calculations made from the measurements taken during the patient consultation. The laser then delivers the exact correction needed and sends tiny spots of light beams to certain predetermined positions on the cornea in order to change the shape to what is required to see well. There is little or no discomfort immediately after the procedure
and vision is usually clear within hours rather than days. Another Option to Consider for Those Who Don’t Want Glasses Unfortunately, corrective laser eye surgery is not suitable for all. For those with more than mild nearsightedness, or those who have thin corneas, implantable contact lenses (or ICLs) are now available for those between the ages of 21 and 45. In ICL eye surgery, the eye is first numbed with anesthetic drops and then held open with a special clip. A small incision is made behind the cornea, and then the implantable contact lens is placed in front of the natural lens of the eye but behind the iris. According to Geoffrey J. Brent, MD, Premier Eye Care Group in Harrisburg, ICL surgery is performed on individuals who have higher amounts of nearsightedness or who are poor LASIK candidates for other reasons. “Unlike LASIK surgery, which is performed on the outer surface of the eye, ICL surgery is performed inside the eye. Additionally, in the
performed on the surface of the eye, it is less invasive than some other procedures.” Chotiner says the best candidates for laser surgery are individuals with healthy eyes and a stable glass or contact lens prescription. “Today’s lasers can treat most amounts of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Adolescents and children are not suitable for LASIK surgery as their eyes and prescriptions are likely to change.”
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January 2013
United States, ICLs are only available to treat nearsightedness.” He adds that, “based on a complete eye exam and refractive surgery screening, it can be determined which is the better procedure for each individual. Any surgical procedure has risks and limitations, and a good doctor will go over all of these during a typical consultation.”
The Recovery Process Immediately after LASIK and ICL surgeries, the lenses will begin to heal on their own. Patients need a ride home following the procedure and are asked to rest at home. They need to schedule a follow-up visit for the next day to check on their progress. They are given a protective eye shield to wear at night to guard the eye from accidental injury or rubbing while they sleep. “Although most people report little to no pain, they can take overthe-counter pain medication as needed during recovery if there is irritation,” Brent comments. Often, patients comment that they see better as soon as the surgery is completed. However, most patients see the maximum effects of surgery one to seven days after the procedure. And although they can resume normal activities within 24 hours of surgery, the eye will actually take four to eight weeks to fully heal. Is There Anyone Not a Candidate for These Procedures? Corrective eye surgery is very popular. There are many people who would like to undergo one of these procedures but are not good candidates. In certain cases, health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure can make it risky for them to have such a procedure. How Costly are These Procedures? According to a survey of refractive surgeons conducted by a leading industry analyst that was commissioned by AllAboutVision.com, the average price for LASIK eye surgery
~ January 2013 | BUSINESSWoman
Based on a complete eye exam and
refractive surgery
screening, it can be determined which is the better (eye
surgery) procedure for each individual.
performed in the United States in early 2010 was approximately $2,150 per eye. On average, the out-of-pocket expenses incurred for ICL surgery range from $3,000 to $5,500 per eye. However, this estimate does include all aspects of the surgery process, including the cost of initial exam, follow-up visit, the anesthesiologist, and medical supplies needed. The costs vary among practices and many people have medical flex plans they can use to save on the procedure by using pre-tax dollars. So if you are considering corrective eye surgery, your best bet is to choose a qualified surgeon, get a thorough evaluation, and be sure all of your questions are answered.
Heather Eggert has joined the Henry & Beaver LLP firm as attorney at law. She earned her doctorate degree from Villanova University School of Law. Most recently, Eggert served an internship with Villanova University School of Law Civil Justice Clinic, Villanova, Pa.
Jasmine Gould is the new director of business development
Cydnie Kelly has been hired as community office manager
for Strategic Consulting Partners. Gould recently graduated from George Mason University with a degree in global affairs. She has just opened up new headquarters in Arlington, Va., in order to pursue work with the federal government in the DC area.
and financial services officer for F&M Trust’s new Mechanicsburg office. Kelly has nearly six years of banking experience, most recently as a retail banking branch manager at Sovereign Bank’s Enola branch. Previously, she served as a financial sales consultant as well as assistant branch manager.
Benay Nachin has recently been
Deirdre Sullivan has joined the law office of Hoffmeyer & Semmelman, LLP, as an associate. Sullivan will focus her 13 years of legal experience in the areas of wills, trusts, estate planning, decedent’s estates, and criminal defense, as well as other areas of general practice.
promoted to the position of chief compliance officer for Metro Bank. Nachin has 20 years in banking and most recently served as Metro’s compliance manager. She holds a degree in accounting from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Do you have an announcement? Please email your announcements of career advancements and professional new hires to crupp@onlinepub.com. Electronic photos should be saved as a tiff, jpeg, pdf or eps at 300 dpi. Or mail to: BUSINESSWOMAN, 3912 Abel Drive, Columbia, PA 17512. Photos sent through mail will not be returned. Please – no duplicate releases.
Lisa Stokes was recently installed as the corporate advisor to the Board of Executive Women International. Stokes, representing B.R.P. Entertainment and EWI of Harrisburg, looks forward to this new leadership role in one of the world’s top associations for businesswomen.
Claire Weaver, CPA, CSEP, AEP, a shareholder at SF&Company, CPAs and Business Advisors, has been appointed as audit committee chair of the York County Community Foundation. Weaver has also been appointed to sit on the Superintendent’s Lay Advisory Council of the York Suburban School District.
While We Were Out ...
Ashley Wise recently earned the designation of enrolled actuary. Wise is already an associate of the Society of Actuaries (ASA). The E.A. designation means that she is now approved by a joint board from the Department of the Treasury and the Department of Labor to perform actuarial tasks under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).
See more images online at BusinessWomanPA.com
Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC Expo From left: Anja Thompson and Megan Gingrich of Best Western.
From left: Lori Durborow, Marie Johnston, and Amy Beth Martin of HACC.
BusinessWoman would love to share what’s happening while you're out and about. Send your picture(s) and descriptions to: editor@businesswomanpa.com.
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~ January 2013 | BUSINESSWoman
American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) Continental Yorktowne Chapter 6 p.m. 4th Tuesday of the month The Roosevelt Tavern, 400 West Philadelphia St., York Jean Weicht jweicht1@verizon.net
Central PA Association for Female Executives (CPAFE) Jan. 9, 2013 7:30 – 9 a.m.(Registration Required) Giant Super Foods, Community Room, 3301 Trindle Road Camp Hill Jessica Warren info@cpafe.org, www.cpafe.org
Camelot Chapter 6 p.m. 3rd Monday of the month The Radisson Penn Harris Hotel & Convention Center, Camp Hill Tania Srouji, President abwacamelot@comcast.net, www.abwacamelot.com
Executive Women International Harrisburg Chapter 5:30 p.m. 3rd Thursday of the month Rotating location Cynthia A. Sudor, 717.469.7329 casudor@verizon.net, www.ewiharrisburg.org
Lancaster Area Express Network 7:30 – 9 a.m. 3rd Wednesday of the month Lancaster Country Club, 1466 New Holland Pike, Lancaster Lisa Horst, 717.381.7312 info@laen-abwa.org
Harrisburg Business Women 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. 2nd Tuesday of the month Best Western Premier Central Hotel & Conference Center 800 East Park Drive, Harrisburg Lynne Baker 717.975.1996 lynne.baker@proforma.com info@hbwluncheon.com, www.HBWLuncheon.com
Lebanon Valley Chapter 6:30 p.m. 4th Wednesday of the month Hebron Hose Fire Company, 701 E. Walnut St., Lebanon Barbara Arnold, 717.867.5227 www.abwalebanonpa.com Penn Square Chapter 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. 2nd Tuesday of the month Hamilton Club, 106 E. Orange St., Lancaster Dottie Horst, 717.295.5400 dhorst@realtysettlement.com Women at Work Express Network 11:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. 2nd Thursday of the month Heritage Hotel, 500 Centerville Road, Lancaster Virginia Klingensmith vklingensmith@unioncommunitybank.com Yellow Breeches Chapter 6 p.m. 4th Wednesday of the month Comfort Suites, 10 S. Hanover St., Carlisle Leslie Shatto leslie.shatto@hma.com
White Rose Chapter of York 6 p.m. 3rd Wednesday of the month Normandie Ridge, 1700 Normandie Ridge Drive, York Dorothy Keasey, 717.792.1410 djkeasey@comcast.net Mechanicsburg Business Women 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. 3rd Wednesday of the month Liberty Forge, 3804 Lisburn Road, Mechanicsburg abeer.srouji@mymetrobank.com Pennsylvania Public Relations Society 5:30 p.m. Last Thursday of the month Suzanne Graney, President, 717.910.2948 www.pprs-hbg.org Shippensburg Women’s Area Networking (SWAN) Noon 1st Wednesday of the month Rotating location Amanda Ridgway, 717.658.1657 shipswan@yahoo.com
Insurance Professionals of Lancaster County (IPLC) 5:45 p.m. 3rd Tuesday of the month Heritage Hotel, 500 Centerville Road, Lancaster Krista Reed, 717.945.4381 kmreed@glatfelters.com, www.naiw-pa.com/lancaster.htm
Women’s Business Center Organization (WBCO) 11:30 a.m. 2nd Tuesday of the month Alumni Hall, York College of PA Mimi Wasti mwasti@ycp.edu
International Association of Administrative Professionals Conestoga Chapter 5:30 p.m. 4th Tuesday of the month Woodcrest Villa, 2001 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster Barbara Tollinger btollinger@normandeau.com, www.iaaplancaster.com
Women’s Network of York 11:30 a.m. 3rd Tuesday of the month Outdoor Country Club, 1157 Detwiler Drive, York Jennifer Smyser, 717.495.7527 network@wnyork.com www.wnyork.com
Harrisburg Chapter 5:30 p.m. 3rd Monday of the month Holiday Inn Harrisburg East, Lindle Road, Harrisburg Karen Folk, CAP-OM, President Jodi Mattern, CPS, Webmaster jodi4psu@gmail.com www.iaap-harrisburg-pa.org
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