BusinessWoman magazine February 2015

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February 2015




versary Ann9i5-2015 19


WHAT’S 4 7

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR REbRanDIng vs. REpOsITIOnIng The right branding strategy makes all the difference.


THE paRacHuTE OR THE sTaIRs 9 risks you must take to build a sustainable business.

11 wOMEn’s ExpO HIgHLIgHTs The cure for cabin fever.

13 knOw yOuR RIgHTs In DIvORcE Plan accordingly so you can get what is best for you and your family.

16 THE basIcs OF cHILD anD spOusaL suppORT The methodology used by the courts to determine support.

18 THE HEaLTH pERks OF caFFEInE The latest research offers new insight of this potent pick-me-up.


20 waLk yOuR way TO a HEaLTHy HEaRT Find your target heart rate for best results.

21 wHILE wE wERE OuT See what your colleagues have been up to!

22 wOMEn TO waTcH New hires and promotions.

22 acHIEvEMEnTs & appLausE

Many Resources...One Network

Awards and accomplishments.

23 MEET anD gREET Regional networking events and meetings.

with a common vision of prosperity for York County

5 cOvER sTORy Shivanee Patel, CEO of Dignify Designs, discovered at an early age her talent of creating effective resumes. By the age of 18, she had been accepted for more than 50 jobs. Realizing the importance of a good resume in a job search, she began her branding business. Now she is known worldwide for the branding and marketing services her company offers in helping others grow their businesses. Photography courtesy of Deb Schell Photography. Location: Cleve J. Fredricksen Library

local businesses to resources and each other

on behalf of York County businesses




February 2015















February 2015 Vol. 12 - no. 2



his month is dedicated to all matters of the to reevaluate if your company’s brand is still in alignment heart. We not only celebrate romance with with what you are trying to portray to your customers and our significant other, but also turn our what your product is. There are several articles included in attention to cardiovascular disease. I know this issue that discuss the importance of branding. Ironically, there are also a couple of articles regarding I have mentioned this before, but it is divorce and child and spousal worth saying again: Heart support in this issue. It’s the disease is the No.1 killer of month of love, but love women … take care of your sometimes takes a wrong turn. heart, this month and forever. parachutes weren’t proven trustworthy Don’t become a statistic. These articles give a nice Walking is one way to get overview of what to expect if you by having people carry them around your heart in shape. A side are facing divorce, but each on their backs. The device showed its benefit is that you might lose person’s situation is different. reliability once someone jumped. Contact an attorney specializing weight and lower your bad in divorce and family affairs if cholesterol while raising your ~ Mary Manin Morrissey you find yourself in this good cholesterol. The nice thing circumstance. about walking is that the only Spring starts next month, and equipment you really need is a good pair of sneakers. You can so do our women’s expos. We walk in your neighborhood, on a home treadmill, or at a have some exciting additions to the event! Read more local fitness outlet. Read the article inside and find out about the day’s activities on page 11. It will definitely be a what your target heart rate should be while walking to be great way to spend your day! safe while building your heart muscle. Branding is an important aspect for all businesses, whether it’s your personal brand or a business’s brand. To grow your business, you need to cultivate both brands. In fact, each reflects positively or negatively on the other. Christianne Rupp After a number of years in business, it is often necessary Vice President and Managing Editor



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April 2, 2015




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June 9, 2015

9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Millersville University

9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Church Farm School 1001 East Lincoln Highway Exton

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~ February 2015 | buSInESSWoman


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businesswoman is published monthly by On-Line publishers, Inc., 3912 abel Drive, columbia, pa 17512, 717.285.1350. copyright On-Line publishers, Inc. 2015. all rights reserved. Reproduction or use without permission of editorial or graphic content in any manner is strictly prohibited. views expressed in opinion stories, contributions, articles and letters are not necessarily the views of the publisher. The appearance of advertisements for products or services does not constitute an endorsement of the particular product or service. although every effort is made to ensure factual information, businesswoman cannot be held responsible for errors in contributors’ material, nor does the editorial material necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. On-Line publishers, Inc. reserves the right to revise or reject any and all advertising. subscription information: $14 per year for home delivery of 12 monthly issues. subscribe online at or call 717.285.1350. Member Of:




A Brand All Her Own By LYNDA HUDZICK


randing can be defined as the promise a business makes to its customer: what that customer can expect of a business’s products and services and what makes that business different from its competitors. It reflects who the business owner is and where the business is headed. Shivanee A. Patel, founder and CEO of Dignify Designs, understands how important a good branding and marketing concept can be and how important it is to the success of her clients. These days, she is known worldwide for the services provided by her company, sometimes referred to as “The One-Stop Shop for Everything Branding.” But there was a time when her world was much smaller and she felt trapped “inside the box.” Born in California to parents who were raised in Gujaret, India, Patel moved to and grew up in Enola in a home where she was much loved but also very much isolated from her peers. “My parents emigrated from India in their teens and brought their traditional, overprotective, and strict regulations along with them,” she said. “When it came to afterschool entertainment, it was obvious for other students to count me out.” She did find opportunities to participate in some approved school activities by taking on various

Shivanee A. Patel, CEO of Dignify Designs.

leadership roles. Patel realized, however, that even though she often felt trapped in her room, she had a very important and powerful tool right at her fingertips that could help her escape—a tool that provided her with the chance to connect with the outside world. That tool, she said, was the World Wide Web. As she discovered all the avenues of opportunity available to her via the Internet, Patel was able to reach out to others and discovered that she had a creative flair that others could benefit from. One of her first endeavors that showcased her creative talents involved writing resumes.

“After being accepted for more than 50 jobs by the age of 18, I realized how easy it was to obtain a job through a proper resume,” she recalls. “Some of my friends saw my success and asked me to tweak their resumes.” Those who applied for jobs using the enhanced version of their resumes had no trouble finding jobs. “I was soon doing 20 to 30 [resumes] per week,” Patel said. “Even though the resume business was good, I started to expand.” And Dignify Designs was born. Since a good resume is, in effect, presenting the “brand” of that individual, Patel was pleased to discover that her talents for branding

could be used effectively in a variety of other ways. Today, her company has expanded into providing branding services through website development, social media, business cards, photography, graphic design, and logo design. Dignify Designs also provides services for those who wish to become published authors, encouraging them with a program that helps them write a book within as little as 90 days. Patel has published three books herself, the first of which she wrote at the age of 19. “I wrote all three of my books in one year, and it was largely due to the power of concentration,” Patel said.


February 2015




Patel firmly believes that many people are spending their workdays at a job that is “nowhere near their aspirations,” she said. “I turned my passion of designing and branding into a profession because I saw the need of expression everywhere I went … [I] did whatever it took to use my gift—even if it was on my own initiative.” It is her personal goal to ensure that every project her company takes on only reaches its conclusion when the client is completely satisfied. “From updating clients, managing projects, giving speeches, and taking care of my employees, there are various assignments and duties that are planned out in accordance with one another to ensure completion,” Patel said. Each day, she allocates time to communicate with existing customers, engage with new prospects, and touch base with previous clients. “In order to stay creative, I must travel, relax, read, and work—even if it’s all in the same day.”


I learn from others’ failures and mistakes … and with faith and determination, any barrier can be broken, both personally and professionally.

Although Patel does admit that any given day can consist of blessings and rewards but also of downfalls, tests, and trials, “every day is a good day for me,” she said. “More specifically, a good day is when someone is admiring my work in my presence without knowing who created it,” said Patel. Being a woman in the field of branding has opened many doors for Patel, but she also works hard to keep up with the latest technologies and updates in a field that can change daily.

/Harrisburg Regional chamber

“I make sure to align myself with national experts in my industry to ensure rapid growth,” she said. She also credits the many mentors she has been privileged to work with and gives back by being a mentor herself, sharing her expertise with others. Patel holds retreats for her staff, which present the opportunity to not only enjoy each other’s company, but also to review previous work and customer responses and how they can improve as a team.


“My staff members [also] communicate with me through Google Hangouts, Skype, phone, and email,” she said. “If we aren’t at the office, we are at a seminar or restaurant—learning and growing.” Since the inception of her business, Patel said that she learned quickly that her youth is an asset. “I learn from others’ failures and mistakes … and with faith and determination, any barrier can be broken, both personally and professionally.” Patel has also learned that if she is prepared and ready to serve as much as possible, she and her business will enjoy continued success. “If I have righteous desires, backed by faith, my business will grow organically,” she said. “Deep inside each of us are deep reservoirs that must be brought out … with faith and purpose, alongside with enthusiasm, the world will move for any man or woman who truly knows how to serve with love.”

SAVE THE DATE: April 1, 2015 5:30 PM Reception 6:30 PM Dinner




Keynote Speaker

Ross Shafer is a six-time Emmy Award Winning Comedian, Writer, and TV Host. Ross is one of the most sought after Keynote speakers and seminar leaders on the subjects of Customer Empathy, Personal Motivation, and Business Relevance. For more on Ross Shafer, visit

The Hershey Lodge 325 University Drive, Hershey

COST: Member Rate: $100 General Admission: $125

To register, call (717) 232-4099 or visit 6

~ February 2015 | buSInESSWoman




he right branding strategy makes all the difference. As companies grow, product lines expand, and market conditions change, business owners often find themselves with a company brand image that no longer reflects who they are or what they do. Perhaps they started in a niche market, or with a very specific product, and built their entire company identity around it— and the business now serves a different, bigger, or more diverse customer base. What to do? A sure symptom of this brand misalignment is the constant need to explain or clarify what the company really does. Or when an owner pines, “We’re more than just (fill in the service or product category).” At this point, a new brand strategy is obviously in order, but it begs the

question, “Do I need to reposition my company or completely rebrand it?” Reposition if the company name is right but the message and/or image is wrong Repositioning a company makes sense when the company brand name is well established and not in any way misleading. In other words, it’s not so much an issue with the identity as it is with the image and reputation. Apple expanded beyond its original core product line of computers, but that didn’t require a change in their name. They simply dropped the word “computers” and shifted the message to “Think Different.” They no longer position their brand as a “computer company” but more as a cool, digitallifestyle provider. Dale Jarrett Racing Adventure felt restricted by their brand image as strictly a racing school. It affected their

approach to advertising, marketing, and product development. After carefully determining their core value proposition, they reemerged with the tag line, “Full Throttle Living!” The emphasis shifted from the cars to the actual experience. And that experience has since been expanded to include World War II reenactments and real firefighting drills. They now position themselves as a lifetime adventure company that simulates a day in the life of an adrenaline-charged professional. That’s a big departure from a racing school, and that’s the power of repositioning. Old Spice has made a concerted effort to reposition its brand from a stodgy aftershave product line to a cool, contemporary array of “fragrant man goods.” Thanks to its viral video marketing, a whole new audience has embraced this once old-school cologne.

Rebrand if your company name causes confusion Rebranding comes into play when the original company identity has grown outdated, confusing, or outright misleading. The owners and staff can all agree on the brand’s current position and message, but the customer can’t get past the name itself. CompUSA struggles to brand itself as more than just computers. Radio Shack remains mentally tethered to an old technology and a dilapidated building. Burlington Coat Factory sells more than just coats. At some point, the cost of clarifying a brand becomes such a drag coefficient that it makes more sense to start with a clean slate. Would 3M be recognized as a global leader in innovation if it had remained The Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company? Popular consumer electronics company LG


February 2015




rebranded twice, from the original legacy name of Lak-Hui Chemical Industrial Corporation to Lucky Goldstar, and in 1995 to their current moniker of LG with the tag line, “Life’s Good.” Kentucky Fried Chicken rebranded to KFC to simplify their brand image and deemphasize the fried aspects of their foods. They are now able to offer grilled chicken without an apparent contradiction in the name. Rebranding eliminates the need to spend valuable ad dollars declaring: “We’re more than what we say we are!” And in this economy, that might save even more than money—it might just save the business. Repositioning and rebranding keep a company current, relevant, and profitable Both repositioning and rebranding serve the goal of greater brand clarity. Repositioning highlights a company’s emerging role and redefines its new territory in the marketplace (often while keeping the legacy name in place, e.g., Apple). Rebranding addresses the outwardfacing identity of the company, typically the name and visual components, and helps to alleviate and/or correct misconceptions about the direction of the business (e.g., 3M and KFC). Both rebranding and repositioning offer unique and specific benefits when applied correctly. Clarifying the brand identity and market position allows potential customers to place the company in the right mental “box” for easy and accurate recall. This type of intuitive branding reduces customer confusion, improves bottomline performance, and positions your company for continued success. With careful consideration, rebranding and repositioning will have your customers remembering and revisiting you more often. • With more than 250 brands names to his credit, Phillip Davis heads Tungsten Branding, a c omp a ny - n a m i n g firm based in western North Carolina. For more info, visit


~ February 2015 | buSInESSWoman


The Parachute or the Stairs?



magine you stand at the edge of an enormous cliff, a parachute strapped to your back. To your right is a winding staircase with a sturdy handrail. There are only two ways off the cliff: jump or take the stairs. If you jump, once you reach the bottom, you’ll be awarded the exact amount of money you and your family need to live a happy and comfortable life. If you take the stairs, you’ll reach the bottom and walk away—nothing gained, nothing lost. Will you take the risk knowing there’s a slight chance the parachute won’t open? Or will you take the safe way out, knowing a life of mediocrity awaits? This is the dilemma entrepreneurs face every day. Risk is eternally linked to opportunity. There is nothing wrong with taking the safe way out—millions make that choice—but successful entrepreneurs are a different breed. They are professional risk takers and they need to be willing to strap on that parachute every day. Here are some steps to follow if you want to build and run a sustainable, profitable business.

Be the pig. Are you a chicken or a pig? Think about a bacon-and-egg breakfast. The chicken is involved, but the pig is committed. Following your entrepreneurial dream by giving everything you have is like being the pig: You have to be fully committed. An entrepreneur’s commitment is personal; it includes an investment of money, time, and loss of opportunity from forgoing other opportunities. Once you decide to jump, if you want any chance for success, you need to go all in just like the pig. Finance the dream yourself. Giving up your hard-earned money is the ultimate risk. To pour life savings into an entrepreneurial pursuit is like walking the tightrope without the benefit of a safety net. It takes courage. Money buys resources, technology, and manpower—all critical elements in helping a new business succeed. If all capital investment is from your coffers, and not from outside sources, then you are truly committed. Of course, you might have to find a source for additional financial support, which means either giving up

9 Risks You Must Take (and Keep on Taking) to Build a Sustainable Business

a piece of your dream in the form of a partnership or taking on debt responsibility. Building a successful business when money is tight is a true accomplishment. The committed entrepreneur doesn’t allow a tight money situation to stop her. True entrepreneurial spirit promotes selfreliance and the willingness to find the money. Sacrifice your most precious possession: time. When you pursue a new enterprise, one resource that cannot be reimbursed, borrowed, or saved in an account for later use is time. Time is the most perishable resource of all. Time is finite; it’s more precious than money and more costly to waste.

How you invest your time is a test of your resourcefulness. Where is the best use of one’s time? How much time must you invest? Too little means less than a full effort. If there is too much, then other life segments suffer. The good news is eventually you will learn to navigate these challenges. Don’t be a non-decider. In business, you need to decide over and over again. The first decision you make is to jump in and pursue an entrepreneurial dream, but decisions don’t end there. And every time you make a decision, there’s a risk: These are the risks of failure, not being accepted, and making wrong choices. Don’t let that stop you.


February 2015




Change or die. Businesses are like sharks: They have to keep moving, or they will die. The rule is simple: Businesses must progress, and progress requires change. In the business world, fear of change probably is the single biggest obstacle businesses need to overcome to meet the evolving marketplace challenges. What makes embracing change even more difficult is that a business must be willing to simultaneously change internally and externally to keep progressing and remain competitive. Internal change can be organizational; there are changes in personnel, management, department, and staff reorganizations. It also refers to processes or systems, changes in attitude, and the business personality. While these three characteristics can and do change independently, they also can be linked, thus resulting in dramatic transformation. External change is always customer facing; it’s most noticeable to your customers and competition. Innovation, an external change, brings a new competitive edge to your business by introducing products or services that increase the value of a customer’s experience with your organization and is announced in the marketplace through branding and marketing. Forget the “If I had … ” excuse. Some entrepreneurs are like a little boy standing with his nose pressed to the candy-store window, hoping and thinking, “If I had a couple of pennies,

then I could buy some candy and everything would be great.” Sub in new technology, a bigger store, a larger advertising budget, and on and on, for those two pennies and you get excuses made by struggling entrepreneurs everywhere. Entrepreneurs must be self-reliant. You must get comfortable looking to yourself as the solution, not other people or objects. Expect to fail. To master the skill of learning to be a successful business leader, you must first embrace the risk of failure and expect to fail. You have to be resilient to the pain and embarrassment of failing and keep pushing ahead. What the entrepreneur must realize is that failure is not defeat but a signal that a change is necessary. Spend money on marketing. Marketing is key to building a successful business. But it is also something that many entrepreneurs are loath to spend their money on. Instead, they offer these handy excuses: “I tried it once and didn’t get any response, and so I stopped.” Or, “There’s just no money for marketing this quarter. Maybe I’ll try something next quarter.” It’s no doubt that it is hard to know what consumers think and what their day-to-day needs are, but a business void of a long-term and consistent marketing effort is doomed. Accepting marketing risk also means recognizing that some degree of

failure is both inherent and necessary to find your right path. You must realize that your marketing message is going to be received by some who are not ready to buy. Therefore, you must commit to a consistent, ongoing strategy to ensure that your message gets in front of prospects when they are ready to buy. You can’t accomplish this by sending a single message and hoping prospects individually remember you and then respond months later. Get up close and personal with customers. Shortsighted business leaders assume that customers have unreasonable expectations or their demands will increase once you open the door of a relationship. After all, what if you start talking to them and they start wanting better pricing, extended credit, or other special considerations? The truth is customers require consistent care and investment. You must risk investing in the necessary resources to draw your customers closer. You start by understanding the customers’ experience, and then continue maintaining a consistent line of communication throughout your relationship. Sure, as a small business, money is tight, but the simplest solutions are just as effective as grand gestures. A short thank-you note after a customer places an order, whether it is done via email or by sending a handwritten thank-you card by regular mail, is an easy way to start building personal relationships

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~ February 2015 | buSInESSWoman

with your customers. Send birthday cards or holiday cards. Call them with information or updates on products they’ve purchased or have asked about in the past. To a small-business owner who has a small number of customers, losing just one customer has a significant impact on organizational health. If you lose a customer due to price or other circumstances beyond your control, then fine. However, losing a customer because they felt unappreciated or underserved is inexcusable; it indicates serious flaws in your internal business processes that lead to additional losses. The easiest way to avoid customer churn is by continuously reaching out and communicating; the sales process never ceases. The road to entrepreneurial success is not an easy one. You can’t simply take the stairs to a successful business. To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to recognize that taking advantage of opportunities—big and small—means embracing the risks that come with them. And then you have to be willing to embrace those risks day in and day out. Keep that parachute handy. • Tom Panaggio has enjoyed a 30-year entrepreneurial career as cofounder of two successful direct marketing companies: Direct Mail Express and Response Mail Express. He is the author of The Risk Advantage: Embracing the Entrepreneur’s Unexpected Edge.

The Cure for Cabin Fever March 21, 2015 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.


Hershey Lodge 325 University Drive, Hershey

By CHRISTIANNE RUPP Do you have cabin fever? Are you ready to get out of the house and spend some time with friends, Mom, or a sister – the girls – for a relaxing day that’s a lot of fun and good for the soul? The women’s expo is not far off, so mark your calendar now (and register today!) to attend on March 21, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Hershey Lodge in Hershey. Enjoy a massage, do some shopping, and chat with exhibitors. Women wear many hats throughout the day, and you’ll discover a wide array of products and services to meet the needs of your diverse life. Vendors include health and wellness, fitness, jewelry, home improvements, nonprofits, travel, nutrition, a variety of home-based businesses, and more. New this year will be the “Hottest and Bravest Firefighters” Contest. Invite your family and friends to support their local fire station. Votes at the women’s expo will help raise money for each firefighter’s respective station. ($1 donation for each vote.) The Firefighter Strut and announcement of the winner will be held on center stage at 1 p.m. Another exciting addition is the Bricktastic LEGO® Contest. Parents or guardians are invited to bring their child ages 5-12 to the women’s expo and register him or her in the Bricktastic LEGO®s area. Registered children will be using their imaginations to create an awesome house out of the LEGO®s provided. Prizes will be awarded! For full details, please visit and click on the “Contest” tab for the Dauphin County women’s expo.

Another special treat is entertainment by one of our own – Amma Jo Johnson, a.k.a., AMMA JO. AMMA JO is a singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur. You will love her music as her mission in life is to inspire those around her to pursue their dream and their passion. AMMA JO recently appeared on abc27’s Good Day PA for a live musical performance. Meet her at center stage and bring your hands together to the beat of her music! Another highlight of the event includes a trendy fashion show where Aju from Aanchel Apparel & Accessories in Hummelstown will highlight exquisite East Indian clothing, including traditional Indian, Indo-Western, and bridal outfits. She will also be showing pieces from her collection of children’s and men’s lines. I’m not giving it all away right now, so check back next month for some additions to our demonstrations and entertainment lineup. Sponsors of the event include Emerald Springs Spa and The Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School. The women’s expo is always a great way for women of all ages to spend their day.

Visit for free advance guest registration ($5 at the door) or for more information about participating as a sponsor or exhibitor.

For guest registration, or more information, go to:

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~ February 2015 | buSInESSWoman

Sponsor and Exhibitor Opportunities Available

Know Yo ur Right s in DIvOrC E




imes have changed. More and more women are in the workforce. Many of these women are managers, supervisors, and executives. Other women are taking the leap and starting their own businesses. Divorce does happen, and it is important for all women to know their rights. They have worked hard for their money and their businesses, and they should have an understanding of what do to keep what is important to them—and what to expect in a divorce proceeding—so they can plan for their future. Knowing their rights provides peace of mind. Pennsylvania is a no-fault state. It is still possible to receive a divorce based on fault grounds, but the reasons for pursuing such have been greatly diminished. Fault grounds include adultery, indignities, bigamy, malicious desertion, barbarous treatment endangering the life and health of the spouse, and being imprisoned for two years. Pursuing a fault divorce is expensive in money, emotions, and time, and it doesn’t aid in the financial aspects of the divorce. No-fault

divorces can be quicker and less expensive. There are two ways to acquire a nofault divorce in Pennsylvania. The first is by mutual consent. Ninety days after the divorce is filed and served upon the other party, both parties can file an affidavit of consent to the divorce, acknowledging that the marriage is irretrievably broken. The second way, generally utilized if only one party is pursuing the divorce, is to file the complaint in divorce and, after two years of separation, to file an affidavit alleging

that the parties have lived separate and apart for a period of two years and the marriage is irretrievably broken. The complaint need not be filed at the start of the separation. The other party can challenge these assertions. And, it should be noted that you can live separate and apart in the same household. Marital property can be divided by agreement of the parties or a court can do it. The Pennsylvania Divorce Code is “title blind.” Essentially, all property acquired during the marriage until the


It is important to know your rights and what you can expect so you can plan accordingly for the best result for you and your family.

date of separation is “marital property.” The date of separation becomes important as it determines the marital estate — not its value, but what is included. It doesn’t matter how the property is titled. There are exceptions. For instance, gifts or bequests from a third party are non-marital. An award or settlement received for a claim accruing before the marriage or after separation is non-marital. Property can be excluded by valid agreement before, during, or after the marriage. It is important that non-marital property remain in the individual’s name because once it is placed into joint names, a gift of an interest is made. Marital property also includes increases in value to non-marital property during the marriage until the date of separation or date of hearing if the value decreases. Property need not be sold but can be distributed in kind. For instance, depending on values, you can keep the business you worked hard to establish while your spouse keeps his 401(k). Marital debt is basically that debt acquired during the marriage up until


February 2015




the date of separation. It is important to remember that third parties are not bound by divorce law. If both names are on a credit card, the credit card company can come after both parties for payment despite the fact that the divorce code says it is the debt of one party. Pennsylvania is an equitable distribution state. There are 11 factors the court considers in equitably dividing marital property. Marital misconduct is not one of them. These factors include length of marriage; any prior marriages; age, health, income, education, and needs; contribution of one party to the increased earning power of the other party; the opportunity for future acquisition of assets or income; sources of income; the contribution or dissipation by a party with regard to assets, including contribution as a homemaker; the value of property set apart to each party; the standard of living during the marriage; the economic circumstances of each party

at the time of the division of the property, including any tax ramifications and expense of sale or transfer of an asset; and, whether a party will be serving as a custodian of a minor child. There is no magic formula regarding the weight each factor receives, and each case is different. Support, alimony pendente lite, and alimony can either be received or paid by the woman. Generally, the spouse with the higher income may have to pay support or alimony pendente lite. Spousal support is for the care, maintenance, and financial assistance of the spouse. It can be payable until the divorce is final. However, it is based on the marital relationship, and if the dependent spouse did anything that could rise to the level of grounds for a divorce, the spouse may not be entitled to support. But, if a divorce is filed, the spouse could request alimony pendente lite, a form of temporary support granted

during the pendency of a divorce to maintain the spouse and permit the spouse to maintain or defend the action. You can be living with another person and receive alimony pendente lite. The formula set forth in the rules is the same for both support and alimony pendente lite. There are certain deviations from the formula result for both that can be allowed. Length of marriage is one. Spouses are not to overly benefit from short-term marriages. Alimony is payable after the divorce is final if it is deemed necessary. There are 17 factors for the court to consider, which are similar to those set forth for equitably distributing property. But, as opposed to equitable distribution, marital misconduct during the marriage until the time of separation and abuse after final separation are factors to be considered. These are not slam dunks, though. They include only one

of 17 factors and may not receive much weight in the court’s determination. The above is only a brief overview of the law pertaining to divorce in Pennsylvania. There are nuances and caveats to the above and each case and its facts are different, requiring differing applications of the criteria. It is important to know your rights and what you can expect so you can plan accordingly for the best result for you and your family. You should certainly consider speaking with an attorney knowledgeable and experienced in the field of family law. • Paula B. Katchmer received her Juris Doctorate from Temple University School of Law. She is licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania and the United States District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Katchmer has more than 30 years’ experience practicing family law (divorce, support, custody, protection from abuse, and children and youth matters). Her office is in Lancaster, Pa.

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February 2015



The basics of cHILD AnD LIFESTYLE



hen two parties marry, they create two absolute obligations. One is for the financial support of each other. The second is the financial support of any children they may have. When a couple lives in an intact relationship, the court does not involve itself in the financial decisions of the family. However, when a couple separates, the courts have a methodology to determine interim support. This article will not address alimony, which is support paid after the divorce is entered. It will solely address child support and the two types of support for a spouse pending finalization of a divorce. Support is something that a party must file for in order for a court to require payments to begin. An order for support is retroactive to the date of filing only. You will not be able to go back and seek support for the period of time before filing.


Child Support Generally, children are entitled to financial support from their parents until they turn 18 and have graduated from high school, whichever occurs later. Pennsylvania applies support guidelines based on an income shares model. The net incomes of both parents are calculated. Net income includes income from any source, reduced by mandatory expenses such as taxes, union dues, and mandatory retirement contributions. If a party is not working, he or she may be assessed an “earning capacity� based on educational background, work history, and the circumstances of unemployment. Once net income is established for both parties, the family income is determined by adding those two numbers. The support guidelines outline what portion of that family income should be designated for the benefit of the children. This amount increases with the

~ February 2015 | buSInESSWoman

number of children. Once that support number is determined, it is allocated between the parties based on their share of the family income. For example, if Mother earns 75 percent of the family income, she would be responsible for 75 percent of the support figure, and Father would be responsible for 25 percent. It is the noncustodial parent who actually pays the custodial parent. If the parties share custody, child support is paid to the shared custodian who earns less money. This is the base child-support amount. This base support amount may be altered due to additional costs and expenses. First, the cost of health insurance is allocated among parents and may either reduce or increase support. The allocation is based on the number of parties covered vs. the number of people in the support order. Second, over and above the base support amount, there is a contribution for childcare and private-

school tuition. This contribution is made on the same percentage allocation determined in the income shares model above (if Mother made 75 percent of the family income, Mother would be responsible for 75 percent of daycare costs). Third is unreimbursed medical expenses. The party receiving support is responsible for the first $250 of unreimbursed medical expenses per child. Thereafter, any remaining unreimbursed medical expenses are divided between the parents in the same proportion as their incomes (in our case, 75 percent/25 percent). These expenses are allocated on an annual basis. Finally, there may be an additional contribution toward the mortgage if the recipient spouse is residing in the home. The mortgage adjustment is a result of a formula and is discretionary with the court. The payment of child support is not taxable to the recipient and not deductible to the payor. The recipient

of the support is not responsible for identifying how the support is actually used. Child support may always be modified based on changes in circumstances. The support guidelines are changed periodically to account for cost-of-living adjustments and changes in the rules of civil procedure.


order for a court to require payments to begin.

This base support amount may also be adjusted for the costs of health insurance and the mortgage deviation. The recipient spouse is liable for the first $250 of unreimbursed medical expenses and, thereafter, the costs are allocated by pro rata of income earned as in child support. If there are children, child support is always calculated first. Thereafter, the payor spouse’s net income is reduced by the recipient spouse’s net income and child support. The remaining funds are multiplied by 30

percent and this is the base support amount. Spousal support/APL is taxable to the recipient and deductible to the payor as long as it is documented by a signed writing or an order of court. Parties can agree to the payment of support directly between themselves. However, many couples elect to go through the Domestic Relations Office and obtain a court order for support. This support is collected by wage attachment and is taken directly from the payor’s paycheck. It is paid through

• Debra Denison Cantor is a member at McNees Wallace and Nurick, LLC, and practices solely in the area of family and collaborative law. Information on family law may be found at


February 2015




Spousal Support/Alimony Pendente Lite Spousal support or alimony pendente lite (APL) is support paid for the benefit of a spouse until the divorce is finalized. Generally, both forms of support are calculated the same way, but there are different legal reasons to seek one over the other. Income and net income are calculated in the same manner as in child support. If there are no children, the net incomes of the spouses are deducted from each other and then multiplied by 40 percent to determine the appropriate amount of support to be paid to the recipient.

support is something that a party must file for in

a statewide collections agency called PaSCDU and disbursed by automatic deposit into a bank account or by issuance of a debit card called an EPPI card. If a party fails to make payment on their support order, the Domestic Relations Office will seek enforcement of the order. The court may issue criminal citations; deny or suspend professional, recreational, and driver’s licenses; and issue liens against real property. This article provides only a basic overview of support in Pennsylvania. It does not deal with special issues that often arise. It is recommended that anyone seeking support consult with an attorney for advice and counsel before proceeding.

The Health Perks of Caffeine



f you’re like many adults, caffeine is part of your daily routine. According to a recent Dunkin’ Donuts study, 46 percent of all U.S. workers feel more productive with coffee. But caffeine’s benefits don’t stop there. The latest research offers new insight about the health perks of this potent pick-me-up.


Caffeine is the ultimate power tool. “Caffeine boosts brainpower and memory, makes you feel more vigorous, and improves mood,” says Harris R. Lieberman, Ph.D., a research psychologist with the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine in Natick, Mass.

Caffeine blocks the action of adenosine, an organic compound that promotes sleep, to stimulate brain cells to fire up. Blood levels of caffeine peak about 30 to 45 minutes after you’ve consumed it. But don’t gulp down two cups first thing to turbocharge your day. A study Lieberman led involving U.S. Navy Seals found that an average of 300 mg of caffeine (equivalent to three cups of coffee or four cups of tea) consumed throughout the day is optimal for most people for peak mental and physical performance. Coffee cuts endometrial cancer risk. Downing daily cups of coffee can reduce the risk of endometrial cancer, the most common cancer of the female reproductive organs. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health found that women who drank three to four daily cups of java reduced their risk of endometrial cancer by 29 percent compared to women who drank little or no coffee. Drink think: Coffee contains chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant that may prevent DNA damage. Its caffeine and other bioactive compounds may alter the levels of estrogen, insulin, Cpeptide, and other hormones to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Be careful how you take your coffee, though. Adding sugar and cream could contribute to weight gain and insulin resistance. Keeping your weight in check and exercising regularly are the most powerful ways to prevent endometrial cancer. Coffee helps derail diabetes. The pooled results of 18 studies involving more than 450,000 people found that each daily cup of coffee consumed is associated with a 7 percent lower risk of diabetes.


~ February 2015 | buSInESSWoman

Follow-up studies show that coffee may reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity. But again, don’t OD on the stuff. Some studies link coffee consumption—more than three cups of coffee per day—with an increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

Coffee won’t weaken your bones. Although a teeny bit of calcium does leach from your bones when you drink full-strength java, it’s not enough to be harmful, even if you drink a lot of coffee. Still, if you want

The Buzz on Energy Drinks To tackle your to-do list, it may be tempting gulp down an energy drink or two. The trendy pick-me-up packs a concentrated dose of caffeine—as much as 207 milligrams, which is double the caffeine content of an 8-ounce cup of coffee. Energy products could be an emergency solution if, for example, you have to drive at night for a long distance and you’re tired. But over the long run, energy drinks aren’t so healthy for your heart. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that the potent products can increase blood pressure, irregular heart rate, and heart palpitations. If you have high blood pressure, downing these products could spike it into a dangerous range. Elevated blood pressure may lead to heart disease, heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. Energy products could also trigger atrial fibrillation, a common heart-rhythm problem that’s associated with stroke. At the very least, the caffeine load in an energy drink could cause irritability and anxiety. All told, skip energy drinks and enjoy less potent forms of caffeine.


That cup of joe won’t make you go. Women with urinary incontinence (UI)—the strong, sudden urge to go when you may not be anywhere near a bathroom—have long been told to avoid coffee and other caffeinated foods and beverages. It was thought that caffeine, a diuretic, may irritate the bladder and make things worse. But a recent study shows that caffeine isn’t the culprit once thought. Researchers analyzed food questionnaire data from the Nurses’ Health Study and Nurses’ Health Study II from 21,564 women with moderate UI—who leaked urine one to three times per month—over two years. They found that caffeine didn’t cause more problems. Whether women routinely drank just one cup of coffee daily or downed four or more cups, those who kept up their caffeine habit didn’t experience more bouts of UI over time. In women whose symptoms had gotten worse, there was no link to caffeine, the researchers found. If you’ve got UI, there’s no need to give up caffeine to manage the condition.

to make up the difference, pour in one to two tablespoons of skim milk or have a skim latte (half steamed skim milk, half coffee) instead. How much is too much? “On average, most adults will notice no side effects from caffeine at 300 milligrams or fewer a day,” says Herbert Muncie Jr., M.D., professor of family medicine at LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans. That’s the caffeine equivalent of roughly 28 ounces (or three and a half cups) of regular coffee. But know your limit and stick to it. “Find out what’s right for you. There are genetic differences that seem to predict how quickly people metabolize caffeine. Some people need less caffeine than others,” Lieberman says. If your blood pressure is elevated or you’re sensitive to the effects of caffeine (the jitters, restlessness, anxiety, heart palpitations, heartburn, insomnia), consider avoiding caffeine altogether. Likewise, if you’re pregnant or trying to conceive, “reduce your intake to one caffeinated beverage a day or less,” says Lisa Mazzullo, M.D., an ob/gyn in Chicago and coauthor of Before Your Pregnancy. Consuming too much caffeine may increase your risk of low birth weight or miscarriage. Timing is important too. Caffeine generally takes eight to 12 hours to get out of your system. If sleeping well is a problem, avoid any caffeine after noon. Besides obvious sources, such as caffeinated coffee (103 mg caffeine in 6 ounces), tea (36 mg in 6 ounces), and cola beverages (49 mg in 12 ounces), try to steer clear of hidden caffeine in foods like coffee-flavored yogurt (44.5 mg in 8 ounces) and chocolate (6 mg in 1 ounce).


February 2015



Walk Your Way to a Healthy Heart




f you want to drop a few pounds, you probably already know that getting regular cardiovascular exercise is an integral part of any successful weightloss regime. Just as important, though, is the effect that regular workouts have on your heart. But it’s not as simple as lacing up your shoes and heading outside. For maximum benefits, you need to exercise intensely enough to challenge your heart—but not so intensely that you overdo it. The idea is to condition your cardiovascular system, including your heart, says Arthur Labovitz, M.D., director of the division of cardiology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine in Missouri. Getting your heart in shape produces both direct and indirect benefits. Indirect benefits include everything from weight loss to decreased bad cholesterol and decreased total cholesterol to increased HDL, or good, cholesterol. But it’s the direct benefits that pay off in your day-to-day life.


~ February 2015 | buSInESSWoman


getting your heart in shape produces both direct and indirect benefits.

“What happens when you increase your heart rate on a regular basis [with aerobic exercise] … your heart is better able to handle physical stress, so that your increase in heart rate overall will be less as you increase your conditioning,” says Labovitz. See, your heart is a muscle, and as it grows stronger, it’s able to pump more blood with each heartbeat—which means it doesn’t have to pump as often. That means that it’s easier to run up a flight of stairs, carry in groceries, or play tag with your kids without getting winded. When you exercise, measuring your heart rate—either with a monitor or simply by checking your pulse—can help you ensure that you’re exercising at the right intensity. Our workout plan below will help you condition your heart whether you’re a couch

potato or a committed exerciser. The first step is to calculate your maximum heart rate. The most accurate way to determine your max is by having it tested by a professional, but the standard formula used by the American College of Sports Medicine is 220 minus your age. After determining your max (for a 35-year-old, it would be 185), you can determine your training zones by checking the chart below. While a heart rate monitor makes it simple, you can also take your pulse by hand to check your heart rate. Press down with your first two fingers on the opposite wrist, and count beats for 10 seconds and multiply by 6; that will give you your current heart rate. Most exercisers want to work out in the following three zones: • 50-60 percent of max: the Stroll. Exercising at this rate strengthens your heart. If you’re just starting to exercise, this is a good place to begin. At this intensity, you should


Stroll (50-60%)

Hurry (60-70%)

Rush (70-80%)





































be able to carry on a conversation with ease. • 60-70 percent of your max: the Hurry. This takes a little more effort,

and is generally a low-key workout if you’re fit. Intensity-wise, imagine hurrying through a grocery store; you’re walking faster than normal, but can still talk easily.

• 70-80 percent of your max: the Rush. If you’re a regular exerciser, this is where you’ll spend most of your exercise time. Here you should be able to talk with some effort while exercising. If you can ramble on and on, you’re not working hard enough; if you can’t talk at all, ease off. Keep in mind that if you exercise at less than 50 percent of your max, you won’t do much for your heart, and exercising at 80 percent or more of your max is only for the fittest people. Remember to use proper walking form to avoid straining your neck or upper back (if you walk with your head down, for example, you’ll feel it the next day). Good walking posture means head up, chest lifted, legs centered under your hips. Step onto the ball of your foot and push off with each step, walking heel, toe, heel, toe; your arms should swing naturally as you stride.

While We Were Out ... Lancaster Plumbing Heating & Cooling

The office staff from Lancaster Plumbing Heating & Cooling wears red to annually support the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women’s “Wear Red Day” on Feb. 6.

Metro Bank

Metro Bank’s York Crossing store manager Susan Davis, left, and assistant store manager Shanda Ruck, right, present New Life for Girls assistant director Kathy Kelly, center, with donations from the bank’s Giving Tree program. The program donated more than $5,000 in charitable giving and essential items to six local nonprofits.

SEnD uS YOUR PIcTuRES! BusinessWoman would love to share what’s happening while you're out and about. Send your picture(s) and descriptions to:


February 2015




Watch Tasha claggett of Harrisburg has been

Kate Anderson has been hired by Godfrey and will provide artistic design direction while managing brand and design standards for clients. She was a Web and graphic designer at Hair Direct and an art director and studio manager at White Good & Company, both of Lancaster.

promoted to investment and reporting officer for Metro Bank. She has more than 12 years of banking experience. Claggett volunteers her time to the Rutherford Youth Club, Living Water Community Church, and the bank’s Metro Cares volunteer program.

Ashley b. nichols has joined the law firm of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC. Nichols will provide litigation support for construction claims and contract drafting to the firm’s Construction & Procurement practice group.

Patti (boccassini) Hill has joined advertising agency Martin ications as an account Formerly the publisher of Magazine, Hill brings background in marketing, and account management.

Communexecutive. Harrisburg a strong publishing,

Denise E. Elliott has joined the law firm of McNees Wallace and Nurick LLC (McNees). As a member of the Labor & Employment Group, Elliott represents public- and private-sector employers in all phases of employment litigation before state and federal courts and administrative agencies.

Dawn nixson of Mechanicsburg has joined Metro Bank as vice president and store manager of its Market Street Lemoyne store. Nixson has more than 25 years of banking experience, most recently working as a branch manager for M&T Bank.


AcHIEVEmEnTS & Alex chiaruttini, an environmental attorney with Stock and Leader, has joined Governor Tom Wolf ’s Environmental Protection team. She also serves on various DEP regulatory workgroups at the request of the agency and as a representative of affected/stakeholder industries.

Lauren Kohr, Metro Bank’s assistant vice president and AML/BSA/ OFAC director, has earned the Certified Advanced Financial Crimes Investigations Specialist (CAMS-FCI) credential from the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS).

Do you have an announcement? Please email your announcements of career advancements and professional new hires to Electronic photos should be saved as a tiff, jpeg, pdf or eps at 300 dpi. Or mail to: BUSINESSWOMAN, 3912 Abel Drive, Columbia, PA 17512. Photos sent through mail will not be returned. Please – no duplicate releases.


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~ February 2015 | buSInESSWoman



American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) Camelot Chapter 6 p.m. 3rd Monday of the month The Radisson Penn Harris Hotel & Convention Center, Camp Hill Debra Yates, President 717.763.7814 Lancaster Area Express Network 7:15 – 9 a.m. 3rd Wednesday of the month Lancaster Country Club 1466 New Holland Pike, Lancaster Jennie Weinhold 717.715.2595 Lebanon Valley Chapter 6 p.m. 4th Wednesday of the month Hebron Fire Hall 701 E. Walnut St., Lebanon Penny Donmoyer 717.383.6969 Penn Square Chapter 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. 2nd Thursday of the month Hamilton Club 106 E. Orange St., Lancaster Donna Anderson 717.392.8285 Wheatland – Conestoga Chapter 6 p.m. 1st Tuesday of the month Heritage Hotel 500 Centerville Road, Lancaster Kimberly Warner, President Women @ Work Express Network 11:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. 2nd Thursday of the month Heritage Hotel 500 Centerville Road, Lancaster Beth Lovell

Central PA Association for Female Executives (CPAFE) 1st Wednesday of each month Refer to the website for the meeting location Cathy Jennings, President 717.713.7255

Red Rose Chapter 6:15 p.m. 4th Tuesday of the month Woodcrest Villa 2001 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster Tamara Coleman

Executive Women International Harrisburg Chapter 5:30 p.m. 3rd Thursday of the month Rotating location Kathy Lacomba

White Rose Chapter of York 6 p.m. 3rd Wednesday of the month Normandie Ridge 1700 Normandie Ridge Drive, York Dorothy Keasey 717.792.1410

Harrisburg Business Women 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. 2nd Tuesday of the month, Sept. – July Best Western Premier Central Hotel & Conference Center 800 E. Park Drive, Harrisburg Lynne Baker, President 717.215.2327 Insurance Professionals of Lancaster County (IPLC) 5:45 p.m. 3rd Tuesday of the month, Sept. – May Heritage Hotel 500 Centerville Road, Lancaster Krista Reed, President group/117 International Association of Administrative Professionals Harrisburg Chapter 5:30 p.m. 3rd Monday of the month Holiday Inn Harrisburg East 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg Helen E. Wallace, CAP-OM, President Jodi Mattern, CAP, Webmaster

Mechanicsburg Business Women 11:30 a.m. 3rd Wednesday of the month Giant Super Foods Community Room 3301 Trindle Road, Camp Hill Abeer Srouji Allen Pennsylvania Public Relations Society 5:30 p.m. Last Thursday of the month Joan Nissley, President Shippensburg Women’s Area Networking (SWAN) Noon 1st Wednesday of the month Rotating location Lisa Mack, President

Women’s Business Center Organization (WBCO) 11:30 a.m. 2nd Tuesday of the month Sept. through April Mary Meisenhelter Debra Goodling-Kime Yorkview Hall Willman Business Center York College of PA 441 Country Club Road, York Women Inspiring Success Express Network 7:15 – 9 a.m. 2nd Tuesday of the month Knickers Pub at Heritage Hills 2700 Mt. Rose Ave., York Wanda Stiffler 717.891.7808 Women’s Independent Networking Group (WING) Noon 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month Heritage Hills 2700 Mount Rose Ave.,York Lisa Barshinger 717-747-6393 Women’s Network of York 11:30 a.m. 3rd Tuesday of the month Out Door Country Club 1157 Detwiler Drive, York Theresa La Cesa Jennifer Smyser, President

Hershey Chapter 5:30pm 2nd Tuesday of the Month Hershey Lodge 325 University Drive, Hershey 717.508.1710


Yellow Breeches Chapter 6 p.m. 4th Wednesday of the month Comfort Suites 10. S. Hanover St., Carlisle Jofa Kauffman



February 2015



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