Home Caregivers May Suffer from Compassion Fatigue By BARRY SPARKS
As the population continues to age and the cost of senior living facilities and in-home care rises, more family members are becoming caregivers. Most American adults say a family member is caring for their aging parent, who needs help handling their affairs or caring for themselves. These family members are called informal caregivers, and they are not paid for their services. According to the Bureau of National Labor Statistics, there are 40.4 million unpaid caregivers of adults ages 65 and older in the United States. Most home caregivers love the person they are caring for. They often believe their love is limitless. Although they typically lack previous experience, they assume the role of caregiver in order to help. Many, however, will experience compassion fatigue, a term unfamiliar to them. “Compassion fatigue is a secondary traumatic stress disorder, which occurs when the caregiver accepts the trauma of the other person and takes it on as their own,” says Lois Polcha, Duncannon, Pennsylvania, a licensed social worker and PennCares trainer for compassion fatigue. 12
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“That creates high levels of emotional stress, indifference, and overall disinterest in other people’s problems. It’s very similar to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).” Polcha says compassion fatigue is different from burnout. She says burnout is about being worn out and emerges over time. Burnout is typically linked to specific conditions and stressors in the work and/or home environment. It can be resolved by making changes in one’s situation. People suffering from compassion fatigue, however, can’t separate themselves from the problem. “Unfortunately, most home caregivers don’t realize when they are suffering from compassion fatigue,” says Polcha. “In addition to unawareness, there is also denial.” According to the Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project, “Denial is one of the most detrimental symptoms because it prevents those who are experiencing compassion fatigue from accurately assessing how fatigued and stressed they actually are, which prevents them from seeking help.” Polcha recommends home caregivers take an assessment test online called ProQOL. It provides a snapshot of where the home caregiver is in regards to compassion fatigue. www.BusinessWomanPA.com