Chester County Edition
May 2015
Vol. 12 No. 5
King and Queen of the Local ‘Monarchy’ Husband-and-Wife Team Work to Preserve Butterfly Population By Lori Van Ingen “Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” – Julia Child Philip and Lindy Malin have done exactly that. When they were married 33 years ago, the Malins knew they were exact opposites and had nothing in common. At that time, Philip was a proofreader for scientific publications and Lindy was director of therapies in a nursing home. If they asked each other how their day was, they knew neither would understand what the other was saying. So they decided to find something they could do together each year of their marriage. They would go to the library and find books about a particular subject, learn about it, and try it out. They called it their “Anniversary Project.” “It’s a good way for couples to stay together,” Lindy, 60, said. The first year, because Lindy was a church musician, they picked music. It please see MONARCHY page 26
Photo courtesy of Barry Zecher
Together, Philip and Lindy Malin founded Malins Monarchy, where they raise and release up to 2,000 monarch butterflies each year.
May is Better Hearing & Speech Month page 6
Special Section: 50plus EXPO page 11