50plus LIFE Chester County November 2017

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Chester County Edition | November 2017 • Vol. 14 No. 11

The Diabetes Disconnect page 4

donation options for nonprofit giving page 8

wartime vets, spouses may qualify for benefit page 14

Tinseltown Talks

Nick Thomas

Turning 90, L.Q. Jones Reflects on Hollywood Journey

“I was born in For over 50 years, Beaumont, although L.Q. Jones was a familiar supporting they may try to disclaim me, but it’s character actor in too late now!” said some 100 films Jones from his home and hundreds more television shows. in LA. “We moved around quite a bit, to Lanky, tough, and athletic, he Houston to Dallas to Oklahoma City, back could tackle any to Beaumont, and role, although he finally Port Neches. was often cast as the I had a horse by the “heavy” in Westerns and dramas, time I was 8 or 9 Photo credit: Warner Bros L.Q. Jones over the years. Buchanan Rides Alone (Columbia, 1958), Major projecting the “bad LQ Jones, right, clowning around and grew up around Dundee (1965, Bresler Productions), The Patriot (1998, Interlight) guy” image with tough rodeo people— in his first film, Battle Cry. my uncle was into merely a sinister roping—so Westerns were easy and fun.” smirk or a menacing twinkle in the eye. In college, at the University of Texas at Austin, his roommate for over a Over summer (Aug. 19) Jones turned 90, and two days later he hosted a year was Fess Parker. While the future Daniel Boone actor moved west to showing of The Wild Bunch at Grauman’s (now the TCL) Chinese Theatre. Born and raised in Texas as Justus McQueen, relatives took care of the Hollywood, Jones headed south and took up ranching in Nicaragua. When Parker sent his buddy a copy of Leon Uris’s war novel Battle Cry, young boy after his mother was killed in a car accident. about to be filmed, Jones thought one character could be his ticket to fame and was encouraged by Parker to come out to Hollywood. “Within two days of arriving, I had the part of L.Q. Jones in Battle Cry and probably would never have been in the business had it not been for Fess.” Despite lacking Hollywood experience, Jones had worked some comedy acts during college to help pay the bills, so he played the comic-relief character in Affordable, FREE Home Evaluation, Financing Available the 1955 war drama like a veteran. After adopting his screen character’s name, the lad from Texas quickly settled into Hollywood and soon became a favorite supporting actor in Sam Peckinpah’s films, such as The Wild Bunch. “Sam was a genius and I loved him, but he was a basket case. He drove everybody nuts.” Making Life Accessible for That was evident during the production of Major Dundee with Charlton Residents in Chester County and Heston. Surrounding Area “Heston was using a real saber for one scene. Sam made him so mad, Chuck • Locally Owned and Operated came within an eyelash of cutting Sam in two—and it scared Chuck because • Superior Customer Service and Evaluations he damn near did it. Sam found a way to get under your skin to get what he • Many Products Installed in One Day wanted out of you.” • Pa. Approved Waiver Provider Jones calls The Wild Bunch a “hell of a movie,” but he believes Peckinpah’s • Ramps & Stair Lifts (Rent or Buy) “Ride the High Country was the best Sam ever made, just gorgeous to watch, • Vertical & Inclined • Platform Lifts although I cry like a baby at the ending.” He says it’s “one of the best Saturday• Wheelchair Lifts • Patient Lifts afternoon Westerns you could ever sit and watch over a bowl of popcorn.” • Home Modifications And while he had a few lead roles in films, Jones was content as a supporting • Bathroom Modifications actor. • Door Widening • Railings • Grab Bars “I suppose I could have worked my way up the acting food chain, but PA HIC #PA094673 NJ HIC #13VH07784300 character work was very rewarding and great fun. I loved playing the heavies because I could do what I wanted and got to work with the best in the OUR RAMPS ARE THE MOST SLIP RESISTANT AVAILABLE, business, so I consider myself very lucky.”



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November 2017

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Nick Thomas teaches at Auburn University at Montgomery, Ala., and has written features, columns, and interviews for over 650 newspapers and magazines.


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November 2017


Cover Story

The Diabetes Disconnect Corporate Office

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Vice President and Managing Editor Christianne Rupp Editor, 50plus Publications Megan Joyce

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50plus LIFE is published by On-Line Publishers, Inc. and is distributed monthly among senior centers, retirement communities, banks, grocers, libraries and other outlets serving the senior community. On-Line Publishers, Inc. will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which may be fraudulent or misleading in nature. Views expressed in opinion stories, contributions, articles and letters are not necessarily the views of the publisher. The appearance of advertisements for products or services does not constitute an endorsement of the particular product or service. The publisher will not be responsible for mistakes in advertisements unless notified within five days of publication. On-Line Publishers, Inc. reserves the right to revise or reject any and all advertising. No part of this publication may be reproduced or reprinted without permission of On-Line Publishers, Inc. We will not knowingly publish any advertisement or information not in compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act, Pennsylvania State laws or other local laws.


November 2017

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By Sandra Gordon If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, keeping track of your blood sugar can feel like a full-time job. You might be more tired than usual too. Given all that’s going on, it’s easy to lose track of the fact that diabetes can be a catalyst for other major conditions, including heart disease, kidney failure, bone-weakening osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage), and vision problems. Being aware of the connection, though, is important because you can be an advocate for your own health and take charge of the situation. To reduce your risk of complications, these steps can help you derail the diabetes domino effect. Go on a fact-finding mission. Your HbA1C level is the best gauge of diabetes control because it’s an average of your blood sugar over the past two to three months. Generally, you’re shooting for a number below 7 percent. Anything above 7 signals your blood sugar isn’t as well controlled as it could be. “If your HbA1c is high, be your own detective and solve the mystery,” says Margaret Eckert-Norton, PhD, RN, a certified diabetes educator. In addition to daily fasting blood-sugar testing, “I ask my patients to do more random checking of their blood sugar instead of sticking with a set routine,” she says. Eckert-Norton suggests monitoring your blood sugar frequently during the day, such as an hour or two after breakfast and lunch and before bed, for a week or so. Then, show your data to your doctor to see if your medication needs adjusting. Blood sugar that’s not well managed can quickly damage the tiny capillary blood vessels in your eyes, kidneys, and in extremities, such as your feet, which can lead to diabetic retinopathy, joint damage, and limb amputation. These blood vessels are thinner than a hair. “There’s strong evidence that managing Type 2 diabetes reduces the risk of these complications considerably,” says endocrinologist Kevin Pantalone, DO. Chronic high blood sugar can also affect your risk of heart attack and stroke. Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of patients with Type 2 diabetes. That’s why you’ll also want to aggressively control your blood pressure and cholesterol by following your

diabetes eating plan and taking high blood pressure and/or cholesterol-lowering medication, such as a statin drug, if necessary. Don’t wait to lose weight. “When most patients are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, they’ve already lost 50 percent of their body’s ability to make insulin,” Pantalone says. Still, shedding pounds (if you need to) as close to diagnosis as possible, when you still have 50 percent capacity, can make blood sugar easier to control over the long run and can help prevent diabetes complications, including heart disease, stroke, and osteoarthritis. There’s a strong link between diabetes and osteoarthritis. Researchers suspect that high blood sugar may damage cartilage in joints. But losing weight is a fix for both conditions. Shedding as little as 15 pounds can cut knee pain in half and reduce blood sugar, enabling some people to taper off insulin and other medications. Overall, “overweight is the master condition that drives the development of other major conditions,” Pantalone says. But losing weight tends to make everything better. Quit it! Smoking increases the risk of death from heart attack in people with diabetes by 52 percent, according to a study in BMJ Open. Kicking the habit is not only good for your heart and blood sugar control, it’s also important for bone health. People with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of fractures. Researchers suspect it may be due to the interplay between insulin and osteocalcin, a hormone found in bone. Switch medication. Some medications to manage blood sugar can cause weight gain, but several newer ones are available that don’t have this side effect. If you start to put on pounds after you’ve been diagnosed, ask your doctor about changing your medication. Be sure to fill your prescriptions quickly and use injectable insulin exactly as it is prescribed. Don’t try to stretch insulin by skipping injections or taking smaller doses. If the cost of insulin is a problem, ask your doctor about different, less expensive types of insulin available. www.50plusLifePA.com

See where you are. In addition to keeping your regular doctor’s appointments to monitor your blood sugar, see an ophthalmologist regularly. Diabetes can cause blood vessels in the eye to leak, which causes blurry vision and leads to vision loss. But in the early stages, you might not notice it. A yearly dilated eye exam can detect and treat the problem before it progresses. Exercise your options. “Physical activity acts like insulin. If you’re more physically active, the amount of injectable insulin you may need might go down,” says diabetes researcher William Herman, MD, MPH. Try to exercise 30 minutes per

day at least five days per week with moderately intense activities, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling. “Exercising five times per week really helped me,” says Ron Saul, 69, a former NFL offensive lineman for the Washington Redskins who was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes at age 50. “I do the elliptical machine 45 minutes each day and lift weights, and feel great.” Besides helping to manage blood sugar, being active can provide a feeling of well-being that can make you want to keep up the good work. Sandra Gordon is an award-winning writer who delivers expert advice and the latest developments in health, nutrition, parenting, and consumer issues.

With Diabetes Looming, Area Grandmother Decides to ‘Make a Choice’ Q: What were your health status The Health Promotion Council and lifestyle like before you took recently announced the launch of steps to change them? Makeachoice.org, a new online Linda D’Ambrosia: I was carrying resource to help in the fight against a lot of extra weight, so I developed diabetes and obesity. high blood pressure. Part of a I couldn’t walk very collaboration with the Pennsylvania far without losing my breath, my joints Department hurt, and I was tired of Health, all of the time. Makeachoice.org is a I knew if I didn’t statewide initiative connecting make a change that a diabetes diagnosis Pennsylvanians was right around the to personal corner. success stories, diabetes education programs, and Q: How was Type 2 diabetes a free online affecting both you resource (www. Linda D’Ambrosia and your family? makeachoice.org) to LD: I have family help encourage and members with both Type 1 and inspire Pennsylvanians to prioritize their health and make a choice to live Type 2 diabetes. I saw firsthand how a healthier lifestyle. debilitating and cruel the disease can be. Seeing someone whose sugar is too Linda D’Ambrosia, of Harrisburg, low and not being able to wake them was recently named a healthy up is a frightening experience. champion for the Make A Choice Also, seeing them struggle with initiative. Read on to learn how high day-to-day issues that come with blood pressure and a frightening diabetes, like thinking clearly or fainting spell finally prompted keeping medications organized and D’Ambrosia to begin improving her health, energy, and longevity. please see DIABETES page 6 www.50plusLifePA.com

About Our Company For more than 20 years, On-Line Publishers, Inc. has celebrated serving the mind, heart, and spirit of the 50plus community of Central Pennsylvania. Our corporate office is located outside Columbia, Pa.


50plus LIFE is a monthly newspaper touching on issues and events relevant to the 50+ community. The Resource Directory for the Caregiver, Aging, and Disabled is published annually in distinct county editions with information from local businesses and organizations that meet the needs of these groups. 50plus Living, an annual publication, is a guide to residences and healthcare options for mature adults in the Susquehanna and Delaware valleys. BusinessWoman is a monthly magazine with a focus on business. It features profiles of local executive women who are an inspiration to other professionals. Lifestyle and wellness articles are also included to round out the publication and address the many facets of a woman’s life. All publications are available in print and digital formats.


OLP Events, our events division, produces six 50plus EXPOs annually in Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster (two), and York counties. Entrance to the event, health screenings, and seminars held throughout the day are free to visitors. The women’s expo is a oneday event featuring exhibitors and interactive fun that encompass many aspects of a woman’s life. In 2018, women’s expos will be held in Hershey in the spring and in Lebanon, Lancaster, and Carlisle in the fall. OLP Events presents the Veterans’ Expo & Job Fair, a free, two-part event that takes place in York and in Wyomissing in the spring, in the Capital Area in late summer, and in Lancaster in the fall. The Veterans’ Expo connects active and retired military members and their families with benefits, resources, and employers.

For more information, call (717) 285-1350 or visit www.onlinepub.com.

Account Representative On-Line Publishers, Inc., a 22-year-old publisher and event-production company, is seeking an account representative to sell our award-winning 50plus LIFE, Resource Directories, events, and websites.

If you are hardworking, positive, outgoing, and enjoy selling products you believe in, please email your resumé and compensation history/requirements to danderson@onlinepub.com or mail to D. Anderson c/o On-Line Publishers, 3912 Abel Drive, Columbia, PA 17512.


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November 2017


DIABETES from page 5 on track, was eye-opening to me. Q: What finally led you to decide to work on your health? LD: One day while I was at work, I experienced a fainting spell that turned out to be a common symptom of high blood pressure. My physician put me on medication for high blood pressure, and I didn’t like how it made me feel. After about six months, I decided to make a change and finally take care of myself. That day, I made a choice to put myself first and take care of my body—and when you take care of your body, you are also taking care of your mind. I was tired of being tired and taking medication. I didn’t like myself and hated shopping for clothing. Q: What immediate steps did you take to improve your health? LD: I began educating myself about how I could change my eating habits. I started planning menus that included healthier choices. I joined

an organization to help me with my weight loss and learned healthier eating habits. It’s interesting because I was very strict about what I served my family; they had to eat vegetables and fruits at every meal. (Once again, I always put myself last.) On Sunday nights, I loaded my lunchbox up with foods that I knew were safe to snack on without feeling guilty. I shopped and prepared meals and snacks in advance so there was no excuse to choose other options. Once I had the support of the weight-loss organization and my family, the weight started coming off. I was then able to go off the medication and started adding exercise into my life. I began with slow, short walks and then became a member of a gym so the weather couldn’t be an excuse to not exercise. Soon, I was able to add more mileage to my walks, I walked faster, and I felt so much better. The fatigue disappeared too.


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Q: How has your fitness routine evolved over time? LD: With working full time, I realized that if I went home before my walks or going to the gym, I would not do anything. I would vacuum, clean, watch TV, and tell myself that I would do it tomorrow. That did not work. I now have an extra pair of sneakers and socks under my desk and walk at lunchtime. I also walk after work before I go home, so there is no excuse. It’s done and I feel great when I know that I put in time for me! I looked more closely at my health insurance and discovered that I could attend more than one gym. I have (jogged) a few half marathons. I walk the dogs, and I take my granddaughter for walks and enjoy spending time running after her! I also have a gym bag packed with an extra pair of sneakers and workout gear so wherever I am, I have a choice. Q: What achievements or changes are you most proud of? LD: I’m really happy that I am a role model for my daughters and granddaughter. If they don’t make a choice to take care of themselves, they could one day develop diabetes and other health issues. They all eat very healthy, exercise, and run races with me, which is a great way to spend time with my family. Keeping my weight down and staying as healthy as I can is the best feeling. I want to see my grandchildren grow up and keep doing the things that I couldn’t do 15 years ago. I also found that I can eat things that I want to and I don’t deprive myself of anything. Finding a balance is key to keeping the weight off, staying off high blood pressure meds, and preventing diabetes.

Q: How did you become involved with the Make A Choice initiative and what do you like about it? LD: I volunteered for a weightloss program and met others who were struggling to lose weight. I was contacted by one of the group members who remembered who I was and remembered my journey. I am excited to be a part of the Make A Choice initiative as it is intended to inspire and help all Pennsylvanians to get on track to live a healthier lifestyle. By doing so, they can prevent the onset of diabetes and other serious health conditions. Q: What advice do you offer someone who is facing a diabetes diagnosis and feeling overwhelmed? LD: You can make a change to be fit and live the life that you want and deserve no matter what your age. There are support groups as well as specific diabetes-prevention and diabetes self-management programs that will give you the support and guidance you need to get started. A list of these programs can be found at www.makeachoice.org. Put yourself first, and the feeling of being overwhelmed will lessen as you see and feel the changes in your body. You will have more energy, have more choices in your life, and become a stronger person inside and out. Get your family and neighbors on board too. Now, my neighbors and I walk together at least twice a week. I get to spend time with them and we motivate each other. It’s a great feeling. To learn more about diabetes prevention and management programs in the Capital Region, visit www.makeachoice. org. To see more about Linda D’Ambrosia’s journey to health and wellness, go to www.makeachoice.org/ healthy-champions.

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Save Money on Medicare with Free Assistance The Chester County Department of Aging and APPRISE health insurance counselors will provide free, confidential assistance to Medicare beneficiaries during the annual open enrollment period, which ends Dec. 7. You can join, switch, or disenroll from a Part D prescription drug plan or a Medicare Advantage plan, or you may switch to Original Medicare with or without a Medicare Part D plan. For information, visit www.chesco.org/477/Apprise---Health-InsuranceCounseling, email apprisechesco@outlook.com, or call the helpline number, (610) 344-5004. Call these locations to schedule an individual appointment: • Coatesville Area Senior Center – (610) 383-6900 • Church of the Good Samaritan, Paoli – (610) 344-6035 • Downingtown Area Senior Center – (610) 269-3939 • Government Services Center, West Chester – (610) 344-6035 • Kennett Area Senior Center – (610) 444-4819

• Oxford Area Senior Center – (610) 932-5244 • Phoenixville Area Senior Services Center – (610) 935-1515 • Surrey Services for Seniors, Devon – (610) 647-6404 • West Chester Area Senior Center – (610) 431-4242 • West Whiteland Township Building, Exton – (610) 344-6035 Call (610) 344-5234 to schedule an individual appointment at: • Exton Library • Henrietta Hankin Library, Chester Springs • Phoenixville Library • State Rep. Corbin’s Exton office • Tredyffrin Library • West Bradford Township Building • West Chester Public Library

At Your Fingertips Helpful numbers, hotlines, and local businesses and organizations eager to serve you—all just a phone call away. Disasters American Red Cross Greater Brandywine (610) 692-1200 Chester County Emergency Services (610) 344-5000 Salvation Army Coatesville (610) 384-2954 Salvation Army West Chester (610) 696-8746 Emergency Numbers Central Pennsylvania Poison Center (800) 521-6110

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (800) 232-4636

Housing Assistance Community Impact Legal Services (610) 876-0804

Coatesville VA Medical Center (610) 383-7711

Housing Authority of Chester County (610) 436-9200

Domestic Violence (800) 799-7233

Housing Authority of Phoenixville (610) 933-8801

The Hickman 400 N. Walnut St., West Chester (484) 352-2307

National Osteoporosis Foundation (800) 223-9994

Legal Services Lawyer Referral Service (610) 429-1500

Senior Centers Coatesville (610) 383-6900

Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (610) 436-4510

Downingtown (610) 269-3939

medical equipment & supplies Amramp 835 Sussex Blvd., Broomall (800) 649-5215; (610) 585-2308

Great Valley (610) 889-2121

PACE (800) 225-7223 Senior Healthlink (610) 431-1852

Office of Aging (610) 344-6350/(800) 692-1100

Social Security Administration (800) 772-1213

Financial Services Internal Revenue Service (800) 829-3676

Southeastern Pennsylvania Medical Institute (610) 446-0662

Funeral & Cremation Services Cremation Society of Pennsylvania Serving Chester County (800) 720-8221 Health & Medical Services Alzheimer’s Association (800) 272-3900 American Cancer Society (800) 227-2345 American Heart Association (610) 940-9540 Arthritis Foundation (215) 665-9200 www.50plusLifePA.com

Hearing Services Pennsylvania Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (800) 233-3008 V/TTY home equity loans Glendale Mortgage (610) 853-6500; (888) 456-0988 home improvement Amramp 835 Sussex Blvd., Broomall (800) 649-5215; (610) 585-2308

Nutrition Meals on Wheels Chester County Inc. (610) 430-8500 Pennsylvania Hunger Action Center (800) 366-3997 Office of Aging Chester County Department of Aging Services (610) 344-6350 personal services Butler-Ette Services (484) 770-8059

retirement living Friends Home in Kennett 147 W. State St., Kennett Square (610) 444-2577

Kennett Square (610) 444-4819 Oxford (610) 932-5244 Phoenixville (610) 935-1515 Wayne (610) 688-6246 West Chester (610) 431-4242 transportation ROVER Community Transportation/ Krapf Transportation (484) 696-3854

Pharmacies CVS/pharmacy www.cvs.com

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November 2017


Giving From the Heart Donation Options for Nonprofit Giving dollars are going directly to work for a cause they believe in. They can see tangible results of their giving during their lifetimes. Outright gifts also provide most donors with the full measure of tax deduction and tax avoidance for which they qualify.

Interested in making a donation to a nonprofit? The following are the four primary methods donors use to support causes they value while adding meaning and purpose to their own legacies. 1. The Outright Gift. If you write a check, give some clothing, or transfer some stock to a nonprofit, you are making an outright gift. This is by far the most popular way for donors to give to nonprofit organizations. Nonprofits love the outright gift because it provides resources they can put to use immediately, a critical need for most. In addition, this method typically has low overhead costs and few administrative complications, financial liabilities, or requirements for specialized staff training. Donors tend to choose the outright gift because it is easy to understand and appropriate for gifts of any size to nonprofits of any size. The outright gift also brings donors the satisfaction of knowing that their

2. The Bequest (and beneficiary designations). Donors can create a bequest by putting a paragraph of instructions in their will. They can accomplish much the same result by adding the name of their nonprofit to their IRA or life insurance policy beneficiary form. At the end of the donors’ lives, the designated nonprofits receive these gifts as specified. For many donors, the most important advantage of a bequest is that it allows them to retain their assets until the end of their lives—ensuring their funds’ availability should they need these assets to meet unexpected crises. Donors also like the bequest because it can be kept confidential. This

Do you or does someone you know have an interesting hobby or collection? A special passion or inspirational experience? A history of dedicated volunteer work? If so, tell us, and we’ll consider your suggestion for a future profile story! Just fill out the questionnaire below and return it to:  LIFE, 3912 Abel Drive, Columbia, PA 17512, or email your responses to Megan Joyce, editor, at mjoyce@onlinepub.com. Your name: ___________________________ Your phone number/email address: _____________________________________________________ Name of person nominated (if not you):__________________________________ Their town of residence: _______________________________ Please receive their permission to nominate them. Nominee’s age range: 50–59





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is important for those who wish to remain anonymous and not become candidates for ongoing fundraising efforts. Many donors like the idea that they can easily change their bequests should their area of primary interest change. For the small percentage of donors whose estates may be subject to estate taxes, the bequest by will is an effective way to reduce such taxes. This option works for any amount of money. Because IRA funds that remain in a donor’s estate will likely be subject to a high income-tax rate, these funds also make tax-effective end-of-life gifts. Bequests tend to be quite large. This is logical since, with a bequest, donors are freed from the sense of constraint they might feel in making a large gift during their lifetime. Another advantage for both donors and nonprofits is that bequests typically entail no significant costs that might diminish the actual amount received by the nonprofit: If a donor bequests $25,000, the nonprofit will get $25,000. Although bequests are not tax deductible during the donor’s lifetime, for many donors, the advantages often override this tax-deduction disadvantage. 3. Life Income Gifts. The two most common options for life income gifts are the charitable gift annuity and the charitable remainder trust. Life income gifts are simple in concept. The donor gives money or another asset to the nonprofit today, and the nonprofit owns and manages this money until the donor’s death, while paying out an annual fixed payment (typically) to the donor or a designated beneficiary. With CGAs and CRTs, the nonprofit gets the funds that remain after the donor’s death. As logic would suggest, the more financial benefit the donor gets, the less benefit the nonprofit gets. Life income gifts are typically deferred gifts. With some exceptions, the nonprofit gets to spend the money only after the donor’s death. With very few exceptions, the donor cannot change the arrangement once it has been made. The CGA is relatively straightforward; it is more complicated than a bequest, but simpler than a gift trust. The arrangement is bound by a simple contract. The payout is guaranteed by the assets of the nonprofit. The donor gets a tax deduction at the time the gift is made, based on the true gift amount of the asset—but not on the portion that is slated to be returned to the donor as part of the lifetime payout. Many donors like the CGA. They are pleased that their cash flow will increase and that they will have guaranteed income for life. They will typically enjoy an immediate (although partial) tax deduction, and their nonprofit will get whatever money is left over when they die. Gift trusts (CRTs and their many variations) and other split-interest instruments are not simple. Because these trusts represent a world of technical complexity, with many variations and exceptions, a detailed exploration of them is best left to those who might feel these options are appropriate for their situations. The adviser community can provide a wealth of information on these arrangements and on the full range of split-interest gift techniques. A gift trust may be the right method when a potential donor has a strong charitable intent, is without heirs who need an inheritance, and has significant assets tied up in an illiquid property that does not generate enough (or any) income. A gift trust might provide the donors with a significant increase in income while providing the charity of their choice with a greatly enhanced gift, given that capital gains and estate tax “savings” would go to the nonprofit in the form of a larger gift, rather than to the IRS as a tax payment. Gift trusts are often proposed at minimum levels of $100,000 or even lower. The minimums at many commercial-trust companies, however, are in the $250,000–$400,000 range.

People also set up foundations to provide a learning and relationshipbuilding experience for family members. Some donors like that the family foundation lets them retain a high degree of administrative control, but others may not enjoy that level of involvement. The family foundation carries with it the responsibility to adhere to a large body of government regulations. With a family foundation, the donated assets remain intact and generally grow over time. Annual distributions are made over time, generally at a minimum level of 5 percent of trust assets per year. Source: Robert Livingston, Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable

Questions for Donors to Ask Themselves • W hat are my values and objectives? What causes do I feel strongly about? What do I want to accomplish with my giving? What giving methods can best help me achieve my charitable goals? • W hen do I want to give money— now or at the end of my life? • W hen do I want my nonprofit to be able to spend the money that I give—now or at the end of my life? • How engaged in the process do I want to be? Am I comfortable with more paperwork, more tax forms, and more consultations with my lawyer, accountant, and financial advisor? Or would I prefer to just give money to a cause that I believe in (now or at my death) as simply and economically as I can? • Do I seek to gain financial advantage by giving money away? Do I look to my nonprofit for advantageous financial products? • W hat true net advantage is there to me (or to my nonprofit) in giving away money through one of the more complex methods as compared with the outright gift and the bequest?

4. The Family Foundation. A family foundation is a separate financial entity established to hold, manage, and distribute gifted assets. It is the most complex means of giving, somewhat akin to managing a small business. It lets the donor establish a legacy that will remain in perpetuity. www.50plusLifePA.com

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November 2017


Dear Pharmacist

Nootropes Help You Think with Clarity Suzy Cohen

mane mushroom that promotes the growth of nerve cells in the brain. When you grow new nerve cells, it’s helpful, right? Nootropes are the way of the world, and even kids know about them because on the street, they are termed “smart pills.” Some college kids like nootropic supplements to help them get through finals and exams.

In recognition of Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, this month’s column will focus on natural remedies that support brain health and memory. Keep in mind that if there is anything you want to try, first ask your physician if it’s right for you. I am not a doctor, and besides, individual response varies. Now, for some intelligent, brainloving options, all available at health food stores nationwide (and possibly in your garden!): Lion’s Mane This is a medicinal mushroom, not an animal-derived furry ingredient. It is classified as a nootrope. Have you ever heard of that word before? Nootropics (“noah-trope-icks”) are defined as substances that

Photo by J.M. Garg

Bacopa Monnieri

Photo by Shashidhara Halady

Centella Asiatica

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month can improve cognitive function. Nootropic substances, whether they are medications or supplements, simply contain supportive nutrients that will help you maintain optimal

brain function. Lion’s mane is known botanically as Hericium erinaceus, and it possesses well-known regenerative effects. There’s an active ingredient in lion’s

Bacopa Monnieri There is a gorgeous white flower that is a nootropic herb. It helps you maintain optimal brain function due to its strong, protective effect on one particular memory compound called acetylcholine. Bacopa blocks acetylcholinesterase (which breaks down acetylcholine), and acetylcholine is a highly desired neurotransmitter!

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Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) Gotu kola, commonly called pennywort, contains compounds that support neurotrophin secretion. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, is the most well studied of the neurotrophins. It helps maintain brain integrity and signals nerve cells

to survive and differentiate. Gotu kola seems to help with mental fatigue. If your practitioner approves of these gentle remedies, you could certainly try them independently, or you can find multitasking formulas that contain these as well as other key

nutrients and amino acids. Just be careful because some nootropic supplements are dangerous and, in fact, some are not supposed to be on the market anymore. Buy from trusted brands and companies. It’s completely within your rights to ask for a company’s “certificate of

analysis” for purity and heavy-metal testing. If they don’t provide that document to you, run. This information is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat your disease. For more information about the author, visit SuzyCohen.com

Such is Life

For All of Us Worriers Saralee Perel

My eyes are bleeding. I was at my yearly, routine eye exam when my doctor said, “There’s bleeding around your retina in your left eye.” I panicked and cried, “What causes that?” She didn’t know and referred me to a retina specialist. I had to have a complete physical, a ton of bloodwork, a heart ultrasound, an EKG, and an ultrasound of my

carotid arteries. The first thing that was ruled out was hypertension. In constant worry, I thought, “What if it’s my heart? What if I need eye surgery?” Then I reached the bottom line: “What if I’m going to die?”

At my next appointment, the bleeding had gotten worse in my left eye and had spread to my right eye as well. Times between visits took months. I spent a chunk of my life lost in darkness. I’ve spent so many chunks of my life uselessly ruminating that

sometimes I think I’ve lived most of my life that way. I make up scenarios, even when nothing is wrong. I vividly envision my husband, Bob, in a car crash. I “see” him in the emergency room. I wonder who I’d call first. My friend is a “think positively” person. When I told her about my eye, she said, “Everything will be fine.” I said, “You don’t know that.” please see WORRIERS page 12

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November 2017


Social Security News

‘Wounded Warriors’ Site Supports Veterans By John Johnston

Social Security’s expedited process is available to Supporting veterans and active-duty members of military service members who become disabled while the military is a key part of Social Security’s mission. Our disability program has helped countless wounded on active military service on or after Oct. 1, 2001, regardless of where the disability occurs. warriors and their loved ones. Even active-duty military who continue to receive Every Veterans Day, the nation collectively honors pay while in a hospital or on medical leave should the brave people who risk their lives to protect our country. consider applying for disability benefits if they’re unable to work due to a disabling condition. Active-duty status For those who return home with injuries, Social Security is a resource they can turn to for disability and receipt of military pay doesn’t necessarily prevent payment of Social Security disability benefits. benefits. Social Security’s Wounded Warriors website is Although a person can’t receive Social Security www.socialsecurity.gov/woundedwarriors. disability benefits while engaging in substantial work The Wounded Warriors website has answers to many Veterans Day is Nov. 11 for pay or profit, receipt of military payments should commonly asked questions and provides other useful information about disability benefits, including how never stop someone from applying for disability benefits from Social Security. veterans can receive expedited processing of disability claims. You can learn more by visiting our veterans page at www.socialsecurity. gov/people/veterans. Benefits available through Social Security are different from those available from the Department of Veterans Affairs; they require a separate application. John Johnston is a Social Security public affairs specialist.

WORRIERS from page 11 You see, that’s never a given. But blindness isn’t a given either. So, what is the answer when I don’t know what will happen? Hope. My bottom-line cure to preoccupied thoughts is not thinking positively or negatively in the first place. I developed a new motto: “Just for today, no negative thoughts.” I must say that to myself 100 times a day. The negative thoughts still almost constantly come, but each time they do, I catch myself and say the motto. I say it not just about the big things, like fires, accidents, or bleeding eyes, but for all those streaming, pestering thoughts like, “My pants are a little tight.” And so, instead of picturing myself blind, I think, “I’m grateful for, right now, having such a loving husband who’s my best friend. I’m grateful for, right now, my beloved pets, a computer that is working, my home, the honor of communicating with my readers each month.” I may not have these things tomorrow, but I do now. And “now” is the only thing I truly know.

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November 2017

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As I write this column, I still don’t know why my eyes are bleeding. Yet, I’m choosing not to spend every day filled with “what if” thoughts. The time will go by between now and my next appointment, no matter how I think. If I get dreadful news, I’ll be devastated. But at least I won’t have lost yet another big chunk of my life. With my new motto, each day has been sparkling. Nationally syndicated, award-winning columnist Saralee Perel can be reached at sperel@saraleeperel.com or via her website: www.saraleeperel.com.

Model Railroad Club Announces 2017-18 Open House Dates The Schuylkill Valley Model Railroad Club in Phoenixville will hold its annual Model Railroad Open House weekends beginning Nov. 25. The club will mark its 50th anniversary in 2018. The display includes freight and passenger trains pulled by steam or diesel engines over 700 feet of track. Four different railroads are depicted on the 1,000-squarefoot HO-scale model, along with hundreds of buildings, vehicles, people, and trees. Admission is free; donations are accepted. Open houses will be held

from 1-5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays on the following dates: • Nov. 25-26 • Dec. 2-3 • Jan. 6-7 • Jan. 13-14 • Jan. 20-21 The Schuylkill Valley Model Railroad Club is located at 400 S. Main St., Phoenixville. Dates will be rescheduled in the event of inclement weather. For more information, visit www. svmrrc.com or call (610) 935-1126. www.50plusLifePA.com

Reverse Mortgage – Know the Facts from the Myths A reverse mortgage is a financial tool that can provide security in your retirement years by tapping into your largest financial asset: the ownership of your own home. You’ve worked hard over your lifetime and tried your best to save for retirement. However, with many Americans living longer, many folks are concerned that they may outlive their retirement savings. And the idea of having to scrimp and save throughout one’s retirement is not very appealing! Most everyone has heard a bad story about reverse mortgages of the past. But most seniors are not familiar with the new guidelines that will lay to rest those concerns. Here are just some facts to consider: The bank does not own your home! You and only you remain on the title. Your heirs will have access to the remaining equity after paying off the balance of the reverse mortgage, or they may just walk away. Because a reverse mortgage is government insured, no one is saddled with any debt after you pass away. A reverse mortgage can be repaid at

any time with no prepayment penalty. To obtain a reverse mortgage, only one spouse needs to be over the age of 62, and the younger spouse can Rob Miller, President remain in the home without a mortgage payment as long as he or she desires, even if the older spouse has passed away. Of course, the property taxes and homeowner’s insurance must be paid and the home maintained. The amount of money that will be available to you is determined by the appraised value of your home, the amount of equity you have, and the age of the homeowners. Because of the new guidelines, you really owe it to yourself to learn the facts from the myths when it comes to a reverse mortgage. To learn more, contact Rob Miller, NMLS No. 142151, President of Glendale Mortgage, NMLS No. 127720, to discuss the possibilities. (610) 853-6500/toll-free: (888) 456-0988

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November 2017


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November 2017

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Wartime Vets, Surviving Spouses May Qualify for A&A Benefit For many aging or disabled veterans who need help with activities of daily living, finding the funds to pay for the care they need is a common concern. Many veterans aren’t aware of the Aid & Attendance pension they have earned for themselves and their surviving spouses through their service to their country. The Aid and Attendance pension provides benefits that reduce the cost of care for wartime veterans and surviving spouses who require assisted living/ personal care. Veterans and surviving spouses who are eligible for a VA pension and require the aid and attendance of another person, or are housebound, may be eligible for additional monetary payment. “Aid & Attendance is most often used [to pay] for a personal care home and/or home care,” Daniel Tooth, director of the Lancaster County Department of Veterans Affairs, said. Tooth added that a common misconception about the benefit is “that all veterans can receive this benefit. Only wartime veterans and their surviving spouses are eligible.” When a veteran turns 65, the VA automatically classifies them as disabled, and if they meet income and asset criteria, they are eligible for a basic pension. Because Aid and Attendance and Housebound allowances increase the pension amount, people who are not eligible for a basic pension due to excessive income may be eligible for pension at these increased rates.

A&A and Housebound benefits are non-service-connected benefits (disability need not be a result of service). A veteran or surviving spouse may not receive Aid and Attendance benefits and Housebound benefits at the same time, nor may they receive non-service and service-connected compensation at the same time. If a veteran is currently receiving disability compensation from the VA, they cannot receive both the disability compensation and the A&A pension, but they can file for the increased pension based on non-service-connected health issues. If the application is approved, the VA will pay whichever benefit has the highest dollar amount. If the veteran is receiving compensation for a serviceconnected injury, that compensation would not be counted as income. Aid & Attendance (A&A) The Aid & Attendance increased monthly pension amount may be added to your monthly pension amount if you meet one of the following conditions: • You require the aid of another person in order to perform personal functions required in everyday living, such as bathing, feeding, dressing, toileting, adjusting prosthetic devices, or protecting yourself from the hazards of your daily environment (e.g., using a stove or other household appliances). www.50plusLifePA.com

• You are bedridden, in that your disability or disabilities require that you remain in bed apart from any prescribed course of convalescence or treatment. • You are a patient in an assisted living or personal care facility due to mental or physical incapacity. • Your eyesight is limited to a corrected 5/200 visual acuity or less in both eyes or concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less. Housebound This increased monthly pension amount may be added to your monthly pension amount when you are substantially confined to your immediate premises because of permanent disability. How to Apply In eastern Pennsylvania, you may apply for Aid and Attendance or Housebound benefits by writing to the Philadelphia VA Regional Office, P.O. Box 8079, Philadelphia, PA 19101. Call the office tollfree at (800) 827-1000 for more information. When considering a move to a personal care home or nursing facility, the community’s administration will often assist in making sure you have the necessary information collected and that it is complete prior to submission. What You Need You must have military discharge or DD 214. You should include copies of the Aid & Attendance Form 10 or VA 21, signed by a doctor, M.D., or D.O., validating the need for Aid and Attendance or Houseboundtype care. The VA does not accept physician assistant, nurse, or social worker signatures. Eligibility requirements include (canceled checks or statements are required for documentation of expenses): 1. Ninety continuous days of service in the U.S. military with at least one day during a wartime period as established by the U.S. Congress, e.g., World War II, Korea, Vietnam. www.50plusLifePA.com

2. A medical diagnosis or condition that required the assistance of another person to meet the daily necessities of life, such as hygiene, eating, bathing, etc. Example: Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia, stroke, blindness, etc.

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3. Household income that is below the established limits. Authorized out-of-pocket household medical expenses can be deducted from income. These expenses can include: • Medicare and health insurance premiums • Prescription drugs • Co-payments for doctors and prescriptions • Skilled nursing care or home care • A ssisted living (personal care in Pennsylvania) and nursing care expenses when required by medical conditions • Funeral expenses • Incontinence supplies Household income and medical expenses include both veteran and spouse. The household asset limit is $80,000, not including the home and/or auto. The objective is to use medical expenses to reduce income. Income can be verified through SS 1099, tax returns, bank statements, etc. Although there is not currently a look-back period and penalty on asset transfers to reduce wealth, as is the case with Medicaid applications, Tooth warned changes are on the horizon for 2018. “There is a two-year look-back on asset transfers coming next year,” Tooth said. Even if you don’t qualify for the Aid & Attendance benefit, you may still qualify for the Basic Pension based on age and income or Pension with Housebound Benefits if you are housebound. For more information, check out the Aid and Attendance page on the Department of Veterans Affairs’ website (www.benefits. va.gov/pension/aid_attendance_ housebound.asp), VeteranAid.org, or call the Philadelphia VA Regional Office toll-free at (800) 827-1000.

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November 2017


Nursing & Rehabilitation Centers Bethany Village – The Oaks

325 Wesley Drive • Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 766-0279 • www.bethanyvillage.org Number of Beds: 69 Rehabilitation Unit: Yes Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes Scheduled Entertainment: Yes

Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Accreditations/Affiliations: CARF/CCAC; Eagle, LeadingAge PA Comments: Maplewood Assisted Living also available.

Homeland Center

1901 North Fifth Street • Harrisburg, PA 17102-1598 (717) 221-7902 • www.homelandcenter.org Number of Beds: 95 Rehabilitation Unit: No Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes Scheduled Entertainment: Yes

Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Accreditations/Affiliations: AAHSA, LeadingAge PA (PANPHA), NHPCO, PHN, HPNA Comments: A beautiful, full-service continuing care retirement community with a 150-year history of exemplary care.

The Middletown Home

999 West Harrisburg Pike • Middletown, PA 17057 (717) 944-3351 • www.middletownhome.org Number of Beds: 102 Rehabilitation Unit: No Alzheimer’s Unit: No Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Respiratory, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes

Scheduled Entertainment: Yes Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Comments: Our campus offers skilled nursing and rehabilitation services, personal care, and independent living residences.

StoneRidge Towne Centre

7 West Park Avenue • Myerstown, PA 17067 (717) 866-6541 • www.stoneridgeretirement.com Number of Beds: 135 Rehabilitation Unit: Yes Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Physical, Occupational Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes Scheduled Entertainment: Yes

Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Comments: A devoted team providing care and compassion in the heart of Myerstown. Personal care available.

Claremont Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 1000 Claremont Road • Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 243-2031 • www.ccpa.net/cnrc Number of Beds: 282 Rehabilitation Unit: Yes Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes Scheduled Entertainment: Yes

Private Rooms Available: No Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Comments: Featuring Transitions at Claremont, a dedicated, 39-bed, shortterm rehab unit. Claremont provides quality skilled nursing and secured dementia care.

Mennonite Home Communities

1520 Harrisburg Pike • Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 393-1301 • www.mennonitehome.org Number of Beds: 188 Rehabilitation Unit: Yes Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes Scheduled Entertainment: Yes

Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Accreditations/Affiliations: Equal Housing, LeadingAge PA Comments: Person-centered care with reputation for compassion and excellence. Established in 1903. Respite care available w/minimum stay.

Pleasant Acres Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 118 Pleasant Acres Road • York, PA 17402 (717) 840-7100 • www.yorkcountypa.gov Number of Beds: 375 Rehabilitation Unit: No Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Physical, Occupational Respiratory Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes

Scheduled Entertainment: Yes Private Rooms Available: No Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Comments: Elm Spring Residence Independent Living on campus.

Thornwald Home

442 Walnut Bottom Road • Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 249-4118 • www.ucc-homes.org Number of Beds: 117 Rehabilitation Unit: No Alzheimer’s Unit: No Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes Scheduled Entertainment: Yes

UCC Homes

Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Comments: A place to be yourself and celebrate your life.

This is not an all-inclusive list of agencies and providers. These advertisers are eager to provide additional information about their services.


November 2017

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Nursing & Rehabilitation Centers Transitions Healthcare – Gettysburg

595 Biglerville Road • Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6249 • www.transitionshealthcarellc.com Number of Beds: 135 Rehabilitation Unit: Yes Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Respiratory, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes

Scheduled Entertainment: Yes Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Accreditations/Affiliations: PHCA, PACA Comments: Fully staffed Transitions Healthcare employees in skilled nursing and sub-acute rehab. Tours are encouraged!

If you would like to be featured on this important page, please contact your account representative or call (610) 675-6240.

This is not an all-inclusive list of agencies and providers. These advertisers are eager to provide additional information about their services.

The Bookworm Sez

The American Spirit Terri Schlichenmeyer

One nation, under God, indivisible. Those words deeply mean something to you. Maybe you’ve fought for them. Maybe you say them daily. You see the news and they leap to mind, whether you’re optimistic for the future or pessimistic about current events. And in the book The American Spirit by David McCullough, you’ll see how the former better describes our nation. For the past 50 years or so, author and historian McCullough has given many speeches. He’s been honored to talk to graduating classes, business organizations, and politicians throughout that time, and he says he often returns home knowing that “the American spirit [is] still at work.” Yes, we’ve always been divided— and united. We were united by people like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Manasseh Cutler, men about whom much has been written. And yet, says McCullough, there were other “giants” in history that we never hear much about: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., Speaker Joe Martin, www.50plusLifePA.com

Margaret Chase We are a Smith, Frank country that Church … the list is values education. endless. We mostly “want “How can we to belong to know who we something larger are and where we than ourselves.” We are headed,” asks are a nation made McCullough, “if of people born we don’t know here and around where we have come the world. We are from?” stewards of and Knowing why our teachers for historic cities grew, and why sites. they were important, And “When explains us in better bad news is riding detail; take the “Pitt high …” says from Pittsburgh The American Spirit: Who We Are McCullough, “… and the loss would and some keep and What We Stand For By David McCullough be devastating,” crying that the c. 2017, Simon & Schuster McCullough says, as country is going to 176 pages an example. the dogs, remember We also should it’s always been study the “energy” of the documents going to the dogs in the eyes of some, created by the Founding Fathers— and that 90 percent, or more, of the and about those fathers, we must people are good people … remember that they were “living men” “We all know that. Let’s all pitch and fallible humans. They wrote with in. And never lose heart.” their reputations in mind, “staking The news makes you want to their lives on what they believed …” scream? Come over here and join the

club—but bring your copy of The American Spirit. There’s a lot we can learn together. We can do that, says author David McCullough, by reading history to get a bigger picture of the arms-wideopen optimism shared by America’s brightest citizens. Here, in this anthology of speeches, McCullough displays unparalleled storytelling skills with tales of those preachers, politicians, visionaries, men, and women whose work meant everything to a growing nation. It’s hard not to get caught up in McCullough’s eagerness to know those tales, and it’s hard not to be stirred by them. This book is small, but its message is huge. So, if you’re a student of current events, give it the introspection and time it demands. Do that, and The American Spirit could pledge for you a new outlook. The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 14,000 books.

50plus LIFE u

November 2017


Savvy Senior

Jim Miller

Elder Mediation Can Help Families Resolve Caregiving Conflicts

Family Elder Mediation disagreements over an ill or While elderly parent’s mediators have caregiving been used for years to help needs, living arrangements, divorcing couples financial sort out legal decisions, and and financial medical care disagreements are some of the and avoid court many issues that battles, elder care Dear Bickering, mediation is a an elder care It’s not unusual when adult mediator can children disagree with each other relatively new and help with. specialized service regarding the care of an elder parent. But don’t If your siblings are willing, a good designed to help confuse this families resolve possible solution is to hire an “elder disputes that are with family or care mediator” who can help you November is National group therapy. related to aging work through your disagreements Family Caregivers Month parents or other Mediation is peacefully. Here’s what you should only about know. elderly relatives. decision-making, not feelings and emotions. The job of an elder mediator Stories of ordinary men and women is to step in as a neutral third called to perform extraordinary military service. party to help ease family tensions, listen to everyone’s concerns, From 1999–2016, writer and World War II hash out disagreements and veteran Col. Robert D. Wilcox preserved the misunderstandings, and help your firsthand wartime experiences of more than family make decisions that are 200 veterans through Salute to a Veteran, his acceptable to everyone. monthly column featured in 50plus LIFE. Good mediators can also assist your family in identifying experts Now, for the first time, 50 of those stories— such as estate planners, geriatric selected by Wilcox himself—are available to care managers, or healthcare or own in this soft-cover book. financial professionals who can supply Dear Savvy Senior, Are there any services that you know of that help families resolve caregiving conflicts? My mother—who just turned 82—recently had a stroke, and to make matters worse, my two siblings and I have been perpetually arguing about how to handle her caregiving needs and finances. – Bickering Siblings

Simply complete and mail this form with your payment to the address below to order Salute to Our Veterans. On-Line Publishers • 3912 Abel Drive, Columbia, PA 17512 Name_ _______________________________________________________ Address_ ______________________________________________________ City_______________________________ State_ ____ Zip_ ______________ Phone_ _____________________ Email______________________________ Number of copies_ ______ (Please include $20.80 for each copy) Credit card #______________________________________ Exp. date________ Signature of cardholder_________________________________CVV #________

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November 2017

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important information for family decision making. Your family also needs to know that the mediation process is completely confidential and voluntary, and it can take anywhere from a few hours to several meetings depending on the complexity of your issues. And if some family members live far away, a conference or video call can be used to bring everyone together. If you’re interested in hiring a private elder care mediator, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to more than $500 per hour depending on where you live and whom you choose. Or, you may be able to get help through a nonprofit community mediation service that charges little to nothing. Finding a Mediator To locate an elder mediator, start by contacting your area agency on aging—call (800) 677-1116 to get your local number—which may be able to refer you to local resources, or search online at Mediate.com. Another good option is the National Association for Community Mediation website (www.nafcm.org), which can help you search for free or low-cost, community-based mediation programs in your area. Unfortunately, there is currently no formal licensing or national credentialing required for elder mediators, so make sure the person you choose has extensive experience with elder issues that are similar to what your family is dealing with. Also, be sure you ask for references and check them. Most elder mediators are attorneys, social workers, counselors, or other professionals who are trained in mediation and conflict resolution. Jim Miller is a regular contributor to the NBC Today show and author of The Savvy Senior Book. www.savvysenior.org


Puzzle Page


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1. Stinging insect 5. Role play 10. Equal 14. Toward shelter 15. Morning prayers 16. ____ Godiva 17. Bellow 18. Zodiac sign 19. Exhort 20. Aerie 21. Common contraction 22. Kinsman 24. Grotesque 26. Scare word 27. Explosive

30. Gr. letter 33. Looney Tunes coyote 37. Food, e.g. 39. Veneration 41. Actress Jillian 42. Succeed 43. Curtain 46. Genetic material 47. Raiment 48. Adder 49. Young bird 51. Footfalls 54. Yes 56. In what place 57. Water (Fr.)

59. Ancestry 61. Defects 63. Newspaper workers (abbr.) 64. Chafes 68. Lager 69. Inn 71. Foresaw 72. And others (Lat.) 73. Delete 74. Thought 75. Sunburns 76. Catches one’s breath 77. Curious

25. Precious metal 27. Salamanders 28. Moron 29. Shade 31. Euphoric 32. Be obliged 34. Scoop 35. Central 36. Maternal 38. Geological period 40. Before (poet.) 44. King of Judah 45. Gape 50. Pickle

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November 2017



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Chester County

Calendar of Events

Support Groups Free and open to the public

Senior Center Activities

Nov. 1, 6 p.m. Memory Loss and Dementia Support Group Sunrise Assisted Living of Paoli 324 W. Lancaster Ave., Malvern (610) 251-9994

Nov. 13 and 27, 10:30 a.m. to noon Caregiver Support Group Adult Care of Chester County 201 Sharp Lane, Exton (610) 363-8044

Nov. 7, 1:30 p.m. Grief Support Group Phoenixville Senior Center 153 Church St., Phoenixville (610) 327-7216

Nov. 14 and 28, 5-6:30 p.m. Bereavement Support Group Main Line Unitarian Church 816 S. Valley Forge Road, Devon (610) 585-6604 phoenixbereavement@yahoo.com Nondenominational; all are welcome.

Coatesville Area Senior Center – (610) 383-6900 250 Harmony St., Coatesville www.coatesvilleseniorcenter.org Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 10:30-11:15 a.m. – Going Fit Exercise Program Nov. 2 and 16, 11 a.m. to noon – Veterans Coffee Club Nov. 8 and 22, 1-2 p.m. – Bingo

Nov. 7 and 21, 6:30-8 p.m. Bereavement Support Group Brandywine Hospital Conference Room 2N 201 Reeceville Road, Coatesville (610) 998-1700, ext. 226 Nov. 8, 1:30 p.m. Family Caregiver Support Group Sarah Care 425 Technology Drive, Suite 200, Malvern (610) 251-0801 Nov. 8, 7 p.m. Hearing Loss Support Group Christ Community Church 1190 Phoenixville Pike, West Chester (610) 444-445 www.hearinglosschesco.com

Nov. 14 and 28, 6:30-8 p.m. Bereavement Support Group Jennersville Hospital, Conference Room B 1015 W. Baltimore Pike, West Grove (610) 998-1700, ext. 226 Nov. 21, 6 p.m. Family Caregiver Support Group Sunrise of Westtown 501 Skiles Blvd., West Chester (610) 399-4464 Nov. 29, 6 p.m. Living with Cancer Support Group Paoli Hospital Cancer Center 255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli (484) 565-1253

Community Programs Free and open to the public Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m. Compassionate Friends Valley Forge Chapter Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 132 E. Valley Forge Road, King of Prussia (484) 919-0820 www.tcfvalleyforge.org Nov. 4 and 18, 5-10 p.m. Bingo Night Marine Corps League Detachment 430 Chestnut St., Downingtown (610) 429-8174 Nov. 7, 11:30 a.m. West Chester University Retirees Luncheon For restaurant location, please email darsie@verizon.net


Nov. 21, noon AARP Valley Forge Chapter Meeting St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church 203 N. Valley Forge Road, Devon (610) 647-1823 Nov. 25-26, 1-5 p.m. Annual Model Railroad Open House Schuylkill Valley Model Railroad Club 400 S. Main St., Phoenixville (610) 935-1126 www.svmrrc.com

If you have an event you would like to include, please email information to mjoyce@onlinepub.com for consideration.

Downingtown Senior Center – (610) 269-3939 983 E. Lancaster Ave., Downingtown www.downingtownseniors.org Weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Games and Puzzles Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m. – Photo Shoot Hour Thursdays, 10 a.m. to noon – Massage Therapy Great Valley Senior Center – (610) 889-2121 47 Church Road, Malvern Tuesdays, 10 a.m. – Coloring and Puzzles Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. – Exercise Nov. 16, 10 a.m. – Pinochle Kennett Area Senior Center – (610) 444-4819 427 S. Walnut St., Kennett Square www.kennettseniorcenter.org Nov. 7 – Free Medicare Help by Appointment Oxford Senior Center – (610) 932-5244 12 E. Locust St., Oxford www.oxfordseniors.org Wednesdays, 8:30-11:30 a.m. – Paint Class West Chester Area Senior Center – (610) 431-4242 530 E. Union St., West Chester www.wcseniors.org Thursdays, 1 p.m. – WCASC Chorus

parks and recreation Nov. 4, 2-4 p.m. – Pennsylvania Black Bears, Warwick County Park Nov. 10, 4:30-6 :30 p.m. – Nottingham Wagon Ride, Nottingham County Park Nov. 18, 1-3 p.m. – H ibernia’s West Wing, Hibernia County Park

Library Programs Downingtown Library, 330 E. Lancaster Ave., Downingtown, (610) 269-2741 Nov. 8, 6:30 p.m. – Film Forum Nov. 7 and 21, 6 p.m. – Knitters Club Nov. 16, 6:30 p.m. – Downingtown Library Writers Group Paoli Library, 18 Darby Road, Paoli, (610) 296-7996 Mystery Book Club – Call for dates/times 50plus LIFE u

November 2017


Is This Thing On?

Is This Thing On? 10 Great Apps Abby Stokes

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There are more than a million apps (programs for your smartphone and tablet) out there for fun, guidance, distraction, and information. Here are 10 apps handpicked just for you to enjoy:

Productive – Productive has a higher goal than other “to-do” apps. You don’t simply tick items off of a list; it encourages you to change routines and habits. Lists are simple to browse, and the calendar pages make tracking progress a breeze.

TED – TED is food for the brain (without the calories). The app offers access to truly brilliant, inspirational, and educational talks. Each talk is less than 20 minutes.

Pixify – Pixify transforms photos into tiny works of painted art. Simply select which artwork you’d like your photo to imitate, or use the custom tab to change brush size, style, and image resolution.

Find Friends – If you’re meeting up with someone and you want to know where they are, or if you want to check where your family member or friend is on the road without calling or texting, you can see their progress on a map. Everyone you track or who tracks you must optin, so you won’t be able to track your friends or be tracked without explicit consent. Skype – Skype allows you to video conference, text, or call for free or at a fraction of the price all over the globe. If you’re in a Wi-Fi area, you can

Triposo – Triposo elevates itself above most travel guide apps with 50,000 destinations worldwide complete with information on bars, restaurants, hotels, tours, and attractions. It works offline, which is perfect for when you’re ambling about somewhere new without a data connection. Citymapper – If you live in or visit one of the cities listed (which include London, Paris, Berlin, and New York), Citymapper is a great tool to easily find your way around. It zeros in on your location and then provides travel options, routing, and, where possible, live times for transit.

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Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock – Sleep Cycle analyzes your sleep and provides detailed statistics when you wake. It constantly checks out what phase of sleep you’re in and tries to wake you at the best possible time, in a gentle way. It helps you feel refreshed and relaxed on waking up.

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November 2017

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Mint – Track, budget, and manage your finances all in one place so you can see where you’re spending and where you can save. Keep a record of your savings, checking accounts, and credit or debit cards; input transactions; and set reminders for dates, such as bill payments, to avoid late fees. Ask your friends to recommend apps to add to your smartphone, and be sure to check out the list of 100 free recommended apps under Helpful Guides on AskAbbyStokes.com. Happy apping! Abby Stokes, author of “Is This Thing On?” A Friendly Guide to Everything Digital for Newbies, Technophobes, and the Kicking & Screaming and its companion website, AskAbbyStokes.com, is the Johnny Appleseed of Technology, singlehandedly helping more than 300,000 people cross the digital divide.


Older But Not Wiser

The Spin

New Device Stops a Cold

Sy Rosen

After listening to politicians for the past year, I realized something very important: I should stop listening to politicians. However, they are good at one thing—spinning. Making everything sound better than it really is. Well, maybe it’s time we seniors get in on the spin bandwagon. We’ve all heard the spin that wrinkles are really “wisdom lines.� I want to take this to the next level. One image of seniors is that we constantly repeat ourselves. I suggest we spin this by saying we are simply “reinforcing our ideas� (mostly to people who are not smart enough to understand what we are saying the first time). Unfortunately to many, a walker is a symbol of our declining years. We can change this impression by calling it a “self-powered mobility device.� As we get older, we are subject to shrinking, about 1-2 inches in height. However, if we spin “shrinking� to “downsizing,� we are strongly implying that it’s something we want to do. Many people across the country are happily moving into smaller homes. Well, we’re happily moving into smaller bodies. And it doesn’t hurt that “downsizing� is a current term (by “current� I mean about 30 years old). “Early-bird dinner� has become a punch line for getting older. We will now call it a “late lunch.� And it’s nobody’s business that our next meal is an early breakfast. As we get older, we go to the bathroom several times a night. We should spin these bathroom excursions and call them “evening aerobics.� Reading the obits has become an obsession as we age. We want to make www.50plusLifePA.com

sure nobody we know is in the obits and, more important, that we’re not in there. Instead of “checking the obits,� I now call it “longevity data research.� It gives a scientific flair to our obsession. As we age, many of us get a “turkey neck.� This is not a flattering description, so I suggest we call it a “flap app.� OK, this really makes no sense, but by using “app� we are giving it a youthful spin. And it helps that it rhymes—we are now joining the ranks of rappers. Large-print books are also associated with getting older. I suggest we call it “extreme lettering.� By using the word “extreme,� we’re getting in on the extreme sports culture of our country. Another stereotype of getting older is that we are forced to be alone, feeling depressed. Let’s change this image of solitary unhappiness by calling it “The Garbo.� Greta Garbo famously said, “I want to be alone.� Yet another symptom of getting older is loss of hair. We should stop using the negative word “bald� and start calling our shiny scalp “skin bling.� The word “bling� indicates we are kind of hip (if “hip� is still a hip word). Another stereotype is that we live in the past, thinking of days gone by. By spinning this and calling us “time travelers,� I’m giving us a sci-fi aura. And time traveling doesn’t have to mean that we actually go there physically—we can go there mentally. Right now I am thinking I am 16 years old. Oh man, I’m getting a pimple. I would write more, but I feel like taking a nap. I mean, a “mental power regenerator.�

Research: Copper stops colds if used early.



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November 2017


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