Dauphin County Edition
August 2015
Vol. 17 No. 8
Raising Furry Friends and Helpful Aids By Rebecca Hanlon An ad in the newspaper jumped out at Susan Tyson one day 12 years ago as the large print declared: “Puppy raisers wanted.” Having grown up around animals all her life, Tyson thought the task seemed interesting, if not a little fun. “Who can resist a puppy?” she asked. Becoming a puppy raiser meant more than cuddling with adorable balls of fur. Instead, the Susquehanna Service Dogs, part of Keystone Human Services, was looking for volunteers to train, foster, and invest in the animals that would later serve people all over the East Coast. These service dogs give people with disabilities increased ability to live full and independent lives in their community. More than a decade after reading the ad, Tyson has raised 10 dogs and is working on No. 11. It’s a calling that has kept the now 62-year-old woman active, engaged, and connected. As a puppy raiser, Tyson receives a carefully bred puppy at just 8 weeks old. She raises it for about 18 months, participating in numerous training classes and making sure the puppy follows some strict rules at home. That means no begging for table scraps. The end result, she said, is not a pet, but an aid to people who need the full-time assistance of a service dog. Tyson doesn’t stop at raising the puppies. She also helps birth new litters please see FURRY FRIENDS page 12 Volunteer “puppy raiser” Susan Tyson has raised more than 10 service dogs in the last 12 years.
The Uniquely Gorgeous Gorge page 10
Special Section: Memories of V-J Day page 15