50plus Life Lancaster County – August 2023

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ColleC ting: the Final Frontier page 4 717-459-3803 HIRING DRIVERSApplyonlineorcall todayupto$25/hr STACAREERS.COM Complimentary | Lancaster County Edition August 2023 stay healthy when you Fly page 22 heat exhaustion, heatstroke summertime threats page 10

September 23, 2023

Overlook Park, Lancaster

Registration at 9:00 a.m. • Walk at 10:00 a.m.

October 7, 2023

City Island, Harrisburg

Registration at 9:00 a.m. • Walk at 10:00 a.m.

October 28, 2023

John C. Rudy Park, York

Registration at 9:00 a.m. • Walk at 10:00 a.m.

Easy online registration at www.alz.org/gpawalk.

• Volunteer opportunities available.

Teams and individuals welcome.

Registration brochures, team packets, and sponsorship packets available. For more information, please contact:

Harrisburg/York Walks

Brianne Grieb, Walk Manager (717) 678-6463; bcgrieb@alz.org

Lancaster Walk Fran Gibbons, Walk Director (717) 568-2595; fgibbons@alz.org

Alzheimer’s Association

2595 Interstate Drive, Suite 100 • Harrisburg, PA 17110

2 August 2023 50 plus Life www.50plusLifePA.com

Exploding Ducks, Enormous Knives

When World War II began, Julia McWilliams tried to join the American military but was rejected because of her height. (She stood 6 feet, 2 inches.)

The patriotic lady thus became a typist/ researcher in the Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner of the CIA. Her position took her to China, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and India.

While in Asia, she met fellow American Paul Child, a government worker and gourmand who was unaware that McWilliams had zero cooking skills or any experience whatsoever in a kitchen. She later recalled trying to impress Paul by fixing a meal, only to have her oven catch fire when a duck she was baking exploded.

In spite of this potential deal-breaker to romance, the two married in 1946 and moved to Paris.

Undaunted by her ineptitude, Child set a goal of becoming a master cook. She enrolled in the famed Le Cordon Bleu cooking school, the only female student there. After finishing the rigorous course, she and two friends ran a cooking school out of various Paris apartment kitchens.

Turbocharged in her passion, Child spent nine years researching her 726-page Mastering the Art of French Cooking book. It became a bestseller, and Americans took to the idea of preparing exotic meals from scratch rather than heating insipid TV dinners.

When the Childs returned to America, they settled in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Julia Child’s television career began in 1961 when she appeared on a book review show on Boston’s WGBH-TV, a part of National Educational Television (now PBS). The show’s host was somewhat taken aback when Child whipped up an omelet while discussing her tome.

It didn’t take long before dozens of people wrote to WGBH and demanded more of this refreshingly exuberant lady.

She became a culinary queen after The French Chef program debuted in January 1963, and Child spent up to 19 hours preparing for each half-hour lesson. Her award-winning program ran nationally for a decade.

Viewers were charmed by her cheery enthusiasm; her bellowing, warbly voice; and her ability to laugh at herself when she goofed up. (The programs were broadcast live.)

“Doing television, you want amusing things,” she explained. “Something fun and unusual. I think also on television you want to do things loud; people love the ‘whamming’ noises.”

Viewers loved the way she ended each episode with a hearty “Bon appétit!”

Child had her detractors, though. Some viewers were put off by her not washing her hands during demonstrations. Others complained that Child was careless when she waved her oversize knives about.

One person grumbled, “You are quite a revolting chef, the way you snap bones and play with raw meats!”

Child remarked later, “I can’t stand those over-sanitary people.”

Her home number was listed in the Cambridge phone book, and fans often called to ask advice or simply chat.

Julia Child, who called herself a “home cook” rather than a chef, declared, “We should enjoy food and have fun. It is one of the simplest and nicest pleasures in life.”

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Although Randal C. Hill’s heart lives in the past, the rest of him resides in Bandon, Ore. He can be reached at wryterhill@msn.com. Randal C. Hill
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1978 publicity portrait of Julia Child in her kitchen.
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Collecting: the final frontier

Tom Drake calls it his “Trek Rec Room.” In this sacred basement space, his extensive collection of Star Trek items resides, and it’s one of his favorite places to relax and unwind.

“Star Trek and my collection are indeed a great escape from life’s issues,” Drake said. “I can clear my mind and just take a breath.”

Born and raised in Massachusetts, Drake and his wife raised two girls on Cape Cod but are now happily residing in Elizabethtown. His collection dates all the way back to his childhood days in New England.

“I watched the original series, and in my youth, the action and adventure aspect caught me,” he said. “Later it was an appreciation for the storytelling and ‘lessons’ of leadership, morality, and loyalty.”


Although he does enjoy the sci-fi genre as a whole, Star Trek was and continues to be where his own loyalties lie. Drake recalls that the first items he collected were action figures by a company called MEGO.

“I still have them,” he said. “In my youth, though, I didn’t think of it as collecting, just buying or asking at holidays for Star Trek items.”

potential display space is wasted — floor to ceiling — including the entry stairway.

Drake currently counts 513 action figures, 91 Christmas ornaments, 498 books, 72 autographs or celebrity photo ops, and more than 700 other Star Trek items made from at least a dozen different materials, including cloth, pewter, brass, wood, and even one collectible fashioned from a gourd.

Although he does not have any actual props from the Star Trek series or movies, which can be quite pricey, Drake said, “I do have a full-size replica of a Klingon Bat’leth (basically a double-edged sword) and a replica from the Franklin Mint of a three-dimensional chess set.”

And then there are the store promos, like the hanging inflatable Starship Enterprise and 4-footlong cardboard ship, both advertising home video sales, as well as a store display for the second-ever Hallmark ornament.

Visitors to the Trek Rec Room will also find replica dishware, “bootleg” collector figures from Spain, bobbleheads, jewelry, dog toys, a two-sided custom quilt, and a phone shaped like the Enterprise

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Since those days, his collection has grown from action figures to now include books, figurines, dioramas, board games, and playing cards — pretty much anything Star Trek related.

In his approximately 500square-foot basement, no

Recently, Drake’s wife commissioned a mural as a birthday gift for him, which he was able to help design. It now proudly hangs at the entrance of the Trek Rec room and is a favorite part of his collection.

“My wife isn’t a Trek fan, but she is a great supporter of my habit,” he said.

Other favorites include pieces that he wanted as

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Cover Story
Klingons are a big part of Star Trek over the years and likewise have a whole section in Drake’s Trek mancave. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was the third series in the franchise but Drake’s second favorite — and it shows with its own display here.

a child but wasn’t able to obtain until he became an adult and items he picked up for much less than valued.

Without a doubt, Drake said his favorite character has always been Capt. James T. Kirk, to whom an entire area of his collection is devoted. But why Capt. Kirk?

“He had the unwavering respect of his crew, and his devotion to them was respect returned,” Drake said. “He displayed leadership skills, determination, and commitment to doing what was right. His sense of adventure was also a drawing force.”

Drake has met William Shatner, the actor who made Capt. Kirk come alive, several times and thoroughly enjoyed the experience each time.

“He always makes even a quick connection with fans,” he said. “I have a few autographs of his and did get a photo op in person with him. William Shatner himself is quite dynamic … he is now the oldest person to have gone into space at the age of 90.

“I have met dozens of actors and actresses from the various Trek series, having autographs and/or photo ops with them,” Drake said. “I was lucky enough to get two different photos with actors in full costume and makeup.”

And although sometimes meeting a TV or movie celebrity in real life can be a disappointment if they’re not all you expected them to be, Drake said he’s “been lucky and hasn’t been disappointed — on the contrary! Those I’ve met know the fans have helped them achieve their lifestyles and truly appreciate them.”

Drake does have a favorite Star Trek feature film.

“Hands down, The Wrath of Khan,” he said. “It was a sequel to an original series episode and captures the characters’ spirit so well.”

He also has a few favorite episodes from the original series, including “The Doomsday Machine,” “Mirror, Mirror,” and “A Taste of Armageddon.”

Although the original series will always be his favorite, “Each of the first four series, plus the animated series, holds something — they are products of their time,” he said.

Traveling to Star Trek conventions, near and far, is something Drake, sometimes joined by his family, has enjoyed over the years and has led to a small amount of notoriety among “Trekkies” such as himself.

“When people get to know my obsession, I am asked questions,” he said. “A club I’m in currently asked me to do a presentation to promote Trek and the club at cons. I also

won a prize for trivia at an MLB/Star Trek night.”

Risking an eye roll or two from his children, Drake enjoys quoting Star Trek and believes there is likely a quote that is appropriate for any occasion.

“‘Are you out of your Vulcan mind?’; ‘Risk is our business’; ‘I don’t believe in the no-win scenario’ … I actually have many more, but without knowing the episodes, a non-fan may scratch their head,” he said.

Speaking of his daughters, Drake said both of them watched the shows with him that were current while they were growing up and have traveled to conventions and met celebrities with him.

He thinks it was a good bonding experience, and also, as they watched him buy Star Trek toys when they were youngsters, he felt that “it was good they saw an adult who also took time to ‘play,’” he said. “When they started to date, I used to say, ‘Find out which Star Trek captain they like.’”

It’s that sense of playfulness and the ability to find a way to escape from the daily worries and stresses we all face that Drake hopes to encourage in others by sharing his collection.

“My father-in-law had a toy train museum years ago,” he said. “He started collecting because his doctor said he was too stressed out and should get a hobby … I think seeing what he had done gave me a mental OK to collect and reminded me that toys aren’t just for kids.

“I encourage folks to embrace something that gives them that break from reality and a bit of satisfaction of accomplishment.”

Drake belongs to a local chapter of the national “Starfleet” organization, named the USS Susquehannock because “clubs across the country are named as a ship in the ‘fleet,’” he said.

“I run Twitter and Instagram for our group. We not only share various levels of interest in Star Trek, but also raise money for two designated charities.”

Drake has also considered starting a local club for those interested in collecting, not only Star Trek but other sci-fi items, comic books, etc. He is also open to writing articles for collector magazines and sitting on a panel or presenting at a convention.

For now, though, he’s happy to expand his circle of friends interested in Star Trek closer to home.

“I look forward to opportunities to share my knowledge of Trek specifically and collecting in general,” he said. “I’m proud of my collection and of being a Trekkie.”

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A large cardboard Enterprise (video store promotional item) looks over t-shirts and Wrath of Khan movie collectables. original and customized MEGo Star Trek figures and bridge playset are some of Drake’s earliest pieces. Capt. Kirk is represented well with action figures, mugs, plush, ornaments, a statue, and, yes — even as a garden gnome. flanked by autographed pictures and action figures are two franklin Mint chess sets, including the tri-dimensional chess set popular on the series.

Continuing Care retirement Communities/Life PL an Communities


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This is not an all-inclusive list of agencies and providers. The CCRCs listed are sponsoring this message. These advertisers are eager to provide additional information about their services.

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*Varies by location.

Homeland’s proud tradition of exceptional care includes a vibrant personal care and five-star skilled nursing home, along with community outreach services throughout south-central Pennsylvania.

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Part of your community since 1924, StoneRidge has been creating senior living environments and communities that are designed to enhance the bonds and benefits of community as we continue to follow Christ’s loving example through our mission and our core values.

Honoring the uniqueness of each person, residents of United Church of Christ Homes receive individual care and attention based on specific needs, preferences, and interests. We offer a place to be yourself and celebrate your life!

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Create Columbia Announces postcard Art Exhibit

Artists both local and from around the world are invited to submit original art in the form of a postcard to Create Columbia’s third Postcard Art Invitational.

The exhibit will be held Aug. 26 to Sept. 2 at the National Watch and Clock Museum, 514 Poplar St., Columbia. All displayed entries will available to be bid upon via a silent auction throughout the exhibition period. The closing reception and winning bids will be announced from 2-4 p.m. on Sept. 2.

Artists may submit one or more postcard-sized artworks using any medium that can be mailed through the U.S. Postal Service. Artwork should be able to be mailed on its own and not placed in an envelope or box.

This year’s theme is “It’s About Time.” Paintings, collages, illustrations,

photographs, or mixed media in the form and general size of a postcard will be accepted and displayed.

Artists need not include a return address on their postcard art but are encouraged to add a website address for visitors to view more of the artist’s work.

Income derived from winning bids will go toward continuing operating costs of Create Columbia, a 501(c)3 organization. No postcard art will be returned and may be included in future fundraising efforts by Create Columbia.

Entry deadline for submissions is Aug. 24. Postcard art should be mailed to CC Postcard Art 2023, P.O. Box 328, Columbia, PA 17512.

For more information, contact Janette Toth at (717) 413-3287 or janettetoth@ me.com or visit facebook.com/ createcolumbia and createcolumbia.org.

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Puzzle Page

On Earth

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Solutions for all puzzles can be found on page 22.
Across 1. Zest 5. Highway exits 10. Sting operation 14. Irish offshoot 15. Poet T.S. ___ 16. Auction off 17. Not garishly 19. Madame Bovary 20. Dined 21. Jamaican export 22. Snob 24. Also-rans 26. Present mo. 1. Corolla part 2. See 44 Across 3. Twisty turns 4. Tennis call 5. Just say no 6. Astringent 7. Bag thickness 8. Fishing need 9. Hairdressers 10. Fearsome fly 11. Those who pay 12. Charity 13. Surveyor’s map Down WORD SEARCH SUDOKU your ad could be here on this popular page! Please call (717) 285-1350 for more information.
Burns and Allen, e.g. 30. Drawing 33. Party handout 36. Rash 38. Historic period 39. J.F.K. postings 40. Battery units 41. Guitar part 42. Medic 43. As such 44. Urania and 2 Down, e.g. 45. Small piano 47. Orbital point 49. Old stories 18. Trial’s partner 23. Jet black 25. Heroic poem 28. Red-bearded god 29. Chip dip 31. Canadian Indian 32. Derbies 33. Revenuers 34. At the summit 35. Waffle 37. Stair part 40. Old hands 41. Electrical device 50. “The magic word” 54. Sullivan’s partner 57. Struggle 58. Sequel to Angela’s Ashes 59. Russian river 60. Negotiates between two parties 63. Bar mitzvah, e.g. 64. Family girl 65. Etna output 66. Applies 67. Shoe parts 68. Deuce topper 43. Pop, in Picardy 44. Distance runner 46. Court figures 48. Injures, usu. verbally 51. Fragrant oil 52. Strainer 53. Bacon piece 54. Wise guy 55. Spring bloom 56. Small musical combo 57. Woodworker’s tool 61. ___ Paese cheese 62. Cockpit abbr.

Heat Exhaustion, Heatstroke pose Serious Summertime threats

In all weather conditions, the body works to maintain a normal temperature of 98.6 degrees. When temperatures are extreme, like on a scorching summer day, it can be even more difficult for our bodies to maintain this ideal temperature.

One way the human body can typically regulate its temperature is through sweating. According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, we have nearly 4 million sweat glands. The brain’s hypothalamus controls our body temperature by regulating sweat output and blood flow to the skin.

When it is hot, our body sweats to keep cool. Perspiration comes to the surface of our skin, and as it evaporates, we begin to feel cooler.

When it is humid, it is more difficult for the sweat on the surface of our skin to evaporate because the air is already saturated with moisture. That explains why people often say it is not the heat but the humidity that makes it unbearable to be outside on a hot day, though both play a role in the body’s overheating.

Continued sweating eventually leads to dehydration. However, more severe health risks are heat exhaustion and heatstroke, which can escalate rapidly, leading to delirium, organ damage, and even death.

According to the National Safety Council, in 2019, 884 people died and 2,061 were injured in the U.S. from exposure to excessive heat.

Heat-Safety tips from the CDC

• Stay in air-conditioned buildings as much as possible.

• Don’t rely on a fan as your primary cooling source when it’s sweltering outside.

• Drink more water than usual, and don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink.

• Don’t use the stove or oven for cooking — it will make you and your house hotter.

• Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing.

• Take cool showers or baths to cool down.

• Don’t engage in very strenuous activities, and get plenty of rest.

• Check on a friend, neighbor, or family member, especially the elderly, and have someone check on you.

Anyone can suffer from heatrelated illness, but some people are at greater risk than others, including children, older adults, those working or exercising outside, and those with preexisting medical conditions, such as diabetes.

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body loses excess water and salt, usually due to sweating. The American Red Cross advises that the warning signs can vary among individuals. Still, common symptoms of heat exhaustion include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, heavy sweating, muscle cramps, rapid heart rate, and headache.

To treat heat exhaustion, move to a cool location, drink lots of water, and use cool compresses. Heat exhaustion can evolve into heatstroke, so treat this condition quickly.

Life-threatening heatstroke occurs when body temperature reaches at least 103 degrees, at which point our bodies lose the ability to regulate temperature.

According to the CDC, signs of heatstroke include an absence of sweating, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing, vomiting, flushed skin, throbbing headache, mental confusion, seizures, and extremely high body temperature.

Call 911 immediately if someone experiences these symptoms. As with heat exhaustion, a person experiencing heatstroke needs to be moved to a cooler place and given a bath of cool compresses until help arrives.

Knowing the symptoms and the proper response to these illnesses can save a life. Become familiar with the signs and symptoms of heat-related conditions, especially if caring for children, the elderly, or pets.

If you notice symptoms of heatrelated illness, act quickly to help cool the victim down. If you or someone else is showing signs of a heat-related illness, stop the activity immediately, find a cool place to rest, hydrate, and seek medical attention if necessary. Remember, heatstroke is a medical emergency that can be fatal if not treated promptly.

Nancy J. Schaaf, a retired RN, worked as a school nurse, a nurse supervisor at a men’s prison, and a health educator. She earned her BSN at Edinboro University. She is a freelance writer whose health articles appear in magazines throughout the U.S. and Canada. She can be reached at nancyjschaaf@gmail.com.

10 August 2023 50 plus Life www.50plusLifePA.com
Nurse Nancy
Visit Our Website At: 50plusLifePA.com Central Pennsylvania’s Award-Winning 50+ Publication

The Beauty in Nature

Upland Sandpipers

One afternoon, late in July, several years ago, I was driving on a country road in southern Lebanon County. Suddenly, a group of a dozen dove-sized birds flew swiftly and low across the road, close in front of me.

They were brown and had long, swept-back wings; they landed in tall grass, where they promptly disappeared. I couldn’t identify them at the time, but after checking a couple of field guides to eastern birds, I knew they were upland sandpipers, a kind of inland, grass-field shorebird.

Apparently those upland sandpipers raised young in that tall-grass field. But when I saw them, they were ready to migrate south to the vast, grassy pampas of Argentina to escape the northern winter and find invertebrate food.

Most kinds of sandpipers rear offspring on the Arctic tundra and spend the rest of the year on beaches and mudflats looking for invertebrates. But upland sandpipers hatch young on the ground of large acreages of tall-grass fields and meadows, which are rare in southeastern Pennsylvania.

Uplanders arrive on grasslands and prairies in the northeastern and northcentral United States and southcentral Canada in the middle of April, ready to mate and lay four eggs per clutch.

Upon arriving on an extensive, tall-grass habitat, each male uplander flies high in the sky, floats on uplifting breezes, and sings several unique, eerie whistles that run up the scale, then down, “wooooeeeeee-weeeeooooooo,” like long, spine-chilling wolf whistles, each one followed by several sharp notes.

Then he quickly swoops to the ground and lands on a fencepost or a roadside wire, where he briefly lifts his wings, then folds them away. That distinctive whistling and posturing is performed to get the attention of female upland sandpipers and put them in the mood for mating and laying eggs.

Because upland sandpipers adapted to a habitat different from that of their many relatives, they have nesting territories free of competition for space and food from those cousins.

And that tall-grass habitat made uplanders what they are, including being

brown and dark-streaked, which camouflages them among tall grass.

Their beaks are shorter and less sturdy than those of most sandpipers because they don’t poke them into sand or mud to get food. Adults and young pick invertebrates off grass stems.

Their dark, attractive eyes are large, which helps them spot food. And they have long legs for walking through tall grass.

The handsome upland sandpipers have lost nesting grounds because of agricultural practices that remove large acreages of tall grass. But the species is hanging on, especially in the American Midwest.

I see a few migrants in our area’s harvested hayfields each August. But even if these attractive sandpipers are not seen by some people, it’s still good to know they exist.

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Clyde McMillan-Gamber is a retired Lancaster County Parks naturalist. Clyde McMillan-Gamber
ALDEMAN ECHANICAL NC. H M I P L U M B I N G - H E A T I N G - C O O L I N G W A T E R C O N D I T I O N I N G Sales and 24-Hour Service 1148 Old Line Road, Manheim info@haldemanmechanical.com www.haldemanmechanical.com Ser vice Since 1939 Protecting Your Home For Three Generations PA7777 717- 665 - 6910 A nature blog by Clyde McMillan-Gamber,
Lancaster County
longtime 50 plus LIFE columnist NaturesWondersByClyde.BlogSpot.com Eachstoryislikeawalkwithyourownnaturalist. byClyde Nature’s Wonders
Upland sandpiper

Willing to Wander the Small Va. City with Big American History

Entering the town of Winchester, Virginia, is like taking a time-travel trip. My recent visit echoed that of Shawnee and other Native tribes that lived for thousands of years in what today is Frederick County and, more recently, by European explorers who came as early as 1606.

As I approached the miniscule city (population about 28,000), there was little hint of the treasure trove of history that lay ahead.

I passed through a phalanx of familiar chain stores and fast-food restaurants. Then, as suddenly as this mass of modernity had appeared, it disappeared. I found myself in another world — a history-rich setting that envelops visitors in

the past without fuss or fanfare.

Arriving at Winchester is entering a time capsule. This is no artificially created commercial attraction. Rather, it’s a real place where important chapters of American history were written and remain.

What makes this immersion in earlier times so impressive is how it serves as a

backdrop for the memories that were born there. One example: There are so many references to, and touches of, the presence of George Washington that by the time you leave town, you have new insight into the man behind the fame. Washington’s life is closely intwined with the story of Winchester. He

12 August 2023 50 plus Life www.50plusLifePA.com
Victor fort Loudoun was George Washington’s headquarters from 1756 to 1758.
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Washington used a small log cabin as his military headquarters for a little over a year while fort Loudon was being built.

arrived at the tender age of 16 in 1748, four years after the town was founded, to help survey land.

During the next 10 years he went on to become commander of Virginia’s militia regiment, planned and oversaw construction of more than 80 forts to provide protection for settlers from attack, and was chosen to serve as a delegate in the House of Burgesses, representing Winchester and Frederick County.

Remnants of Fort Loudoun, which was Washington’s headquarters from 1756 to 1758, are among numerous traces of his time in the area. So is the tiny log-and-stone George Washington’s Office Museum, whose displays include his written orders to soldiers concerning “tippling” and “Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior,” which he wrote at age 14.

Other notable men and women, historic structures, and mesmerizing museums add to the appeal of Winchester and its surroundings.

A number of significant sites sit in the Winchester Historic District. It encompasses 1,116 buildings dating from the 18th to mid-20th centuries. They range from log buildings and early stone houses to Federalstyle townhomes and elegant Victorian residences.

The heart of the district is marked by the stately Greek Revival Frederick County Courthouse. It was completed in 1840, just in time to serve as a hospital and prison for both the Union and Confederate armies. Graffiti on some walls dates back to the military occupation of the building, which today houses a Civil War museum.

Reminders of that conflict are scattered about the area like shotgun shells. That’s not surprising, because the town and county’s location as a transportation hub made it a highly contested prize. Six major battles raged there, and control of Winchester changed hands more than 70 times.

Visitors may relive those skirmishes at three Civil War museums, battlefields, remains of forts, and other sites. The home used by Stonewall Jackson as his headquarters during the winter of 1861-1862 contains a large collection of his personal objects and memorabilia.

After admiring Jackson’s imposing office desk, and a smaller traveling version, I turned my attention to an unfamiliar Confederate flag. I learned that it’s the battle banner from which the more recognizable Confederate pennant evolved.

Even more intriguing to me was Jackson’s sword, which earned the nickname “Rusted Blade.” It turns out that Stonewall was not the most fastidious of self-groomers, and his lack of care extended to the ceremonial rapier. It rusted so badly that eventually he could not withdraw it from the scabbard.

After delving deeply into the Revolutionary and Civil War history of the Winchester area, I turned my attention to the variety of other attractions the destination offers. Food and beverages rank high on that list.

For many people, Frederick County, Virginia, means apples. The Shenandoah Valley was the largest apple-growing region in the country in the early 1800s. While that claim is no longer valid, the fruit continues to hold an important place in the region’s rich agricultural heritage.

Family-owned farms and farmers markets offer a cornucopia of locally grown fruit, vegetables, and meats. Pick-your-own orchards and micro-farms sell goods ranging from fresh produce and homemade baked wares to local crafts, goat-milk soap, and wine. Outstanding wine, along with other libations, adds to the taste-bud treats available in the area. My sampling at the familyowned, award-winning Briede (pronounced BREE-day) Family Winery included its locally crafted wine-flavored ice cream.

A very different experience awaited at Misty Mountain Meadworks, which concocts the world’s oldest alcoholic beverage using Virginia honey. Where there are apples there is cider, and the English-style hard liquid is created from locally grown fruit.

Speaking of locally grown, that applies to Patsy Cline, the Winchester native who became a leading country and pop music singer whose professional career (1954-1963) was cut short when she died in a plane crash. Her modest house museum depicts the hardscrabble life she led before she became a local hero.

Heroes of various kinds have been part of the story of Winchester, Virginia (visitwinchesterva.com). Accounts of their lives are among a number of reasons to visit there — and, as I quickly learned, there are many more.

After gallivanting around the world, Victor Block still retains the travel bug. He believes that travel is the best possible education. A member of the Society of American Travel Writers, Victor loves to explore new destinations and cultures, and his stories about them have won a number of writing awards.

www.50plusLifePA.com 50 plus Life August 2023 13
this smaller version of Stonewall Jackson’s office desk, on display in the home used as his headquarters during the winter of 18611862, was used when he traveled. the pedestrian mall in downtown Winchester comprises historic buildings as well as shops, museums, and restaurants. George Washington arrived in Winchester at age 16 to help survey the land. items belonging to country music star and Winchester native patsy Cline can be seen at her former home.


Two Sessions $25 Each

Morning Session

8:00 - 11:30 AM

Designed for care partners such as community members and family, focusing on people living in the Early to Mid Stages of dementia.

Afternoon Session

12:30 - 4:00 PM

Designed for Health Care and Senior Care workers. Teepa will provide more advanced assessment methods and tools for working with people in the Mid to Late Stages of Dementia.

August 17, 2023

Lancaster Alliance Church 210 Pitney Rd, Lancaster, PA

Thank You to Our Sponsors

One-Floor Living

Open House Dates

Villages at Greenfield

(formerly Eastwood Village) offers:

Land Lease Community

High-quality manufactured homes on foundations

Covered Front Porches

Energy Star Certified

Landscape package included

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Natural Gas Community

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Model homes available to tour.

Dementia friendly Lancaster to Host teepa Snow

Teepa Snow, one of the world’s leading advocates and educators for anyone living with dementia or other forms of brain change, will present two seminars on Thursday, Aug. 17, at Lancaster Alliance Church, 210 Pitney Road, Lancaster. The event, open to the community, is hosted by Lancaster Dementia Friendly Community.

MORNING SESSION – 8-11:30 a.m.

This session is designed for care partners such as first responders, businesses, organizations, churches, and families. In this session, participants will learn the following:

• How to discern signs of dementia in everyday settings

• How to best approach and engage the person with dementia

• How to provide appropriate stimulation and safe, comfortable spaces

AFTERNOON SESSION – 12:30-4 p.m.

This seminar is designed specifically for healthcare and senior care workers. In this session, participants will learn the following:

• How to better assess and address dementia types, compared to depression and delirium

• How to provide better care and environments in clinical and residential settings

• How to recognize and respond to pain and other conditions

Registration is open at www.dementiafriendlylancaster.org.

About Dementia Friendly Lancaster County: A nonprofit organization with a steering committee and volunteers including community members as well as organization, business, and faith leaders. To learn more, visit www. dementiafriendlylancaster.org.


Directions to Open House — 453 Eastwood Lane: Route 30E – Green eld Road Exit, Right onto Ben Franklin Blvd, Right onto Eastwood Lane, follow signs to model homes.


e North American Lutheran Church was formed in 2010. Please visit or contact us to learn more.

Reformation Lutheran Church

2100 Manor Ridge Drive, Lancaster 9:00 am - Worship / 10:15 am - Fellowship

Pastor Mark Chavez - (717) 947-4284

www.reformation-nalc.org / NALC member since 2011


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Savvy Senior Are over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Right for You?

Dear Savvy Senior,

Can you recommend some good over-the-counter hearing aids for seniors on a budget? I’m not sure what to get or where to buy them.

– Hard of Hearing

Dear Hard of Hearing,

The new FDA-approved over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids that hit the market last October have become a very attractive option for millions of older Americans with hearing impairment.

These new hearing aids can be purchased at pharmacies, consumer electronics stores, or online without a hearing exam, prescription, or appointment with an audiologist.

And the savings are significant. The average cost of an OTC hearing aid is about $1,600 per pair, which is about $3,000 less than the average price of a prescription hearing aid.

But sorting through all the different options and styles can be confusing. Here are some tips, along with a reliable resource that can help you choose the right aid for you.

Check Your Hearing

Your first step to getting a hearing aid is to get your hearing tested. Be aware that OTC hearing aids are designed only for people with mild to moderate hearing loss (signs include trouble hearing speech in noisy places, in groups, and during phone calls).

The best place to get your hearing tested is through a hearing care provider, like an audiologist. These in-person tests are usually covered by private medical insurance, and as of this year, Medicare will pay for general hearing evaluations without a doctor’s referral.

You can also assess your hearing at home with a good app-based hearing test, like Mimi (mimi.health) or SonicCloud (soniccloud.com).

If you find through your test that you have severe hearing loss (signs include being unable to hear spoken words even in a quiet room or trouble hearing loud music or power tools), then OTC aids aren’t the right solution for you.

You’ll probably need a prescription hearing aid, which you must get through an audiologist or hearing instrument specialist.

Choosing an OTC Aid

If you decide that an OTC hearing aid may work for you, here are a couple pointers to help you choose.

First, you need to know that OTC hearing aids come in two types: selffitting and preset.

Self-fitting aids typically use a smartphone app to set up and adjust the device to suit your specific hearing needs, which makes them better suited for seniors who are technologically inclined.

Preset hearing aids are much simpler devices that come with a number of set programs for different levels of hearing loss, and the controls are directly on the hearing aid.

Also, because OTC hearing aids have a learning curve, it’s very important to know the level of customer support you’ll have access to. So, before you buy, find out how long the company provides support after your purchase and what sorts of experts will be providing the support.

You also need to find out about the company’s return policy. It can take weeks to get accustomed to wearing hearing aids and figure out whether they’re really working for you or not. So, make sure to choose a brand that offers a minimum 30-day free trial period or money-back return policy.

Best OTC Hearing Aids

To help you cut through all the different options, the National Council on Aging (NCOA), which is a national nonprofit organization that advocates for older Americans, recently assembled a review team who collectively spent more than 5,000 hours researching, testing, and interviewing customers about OTC hearing aids.

They came up with a list of nine winners based on such criteria as affordability, style, and fit. To learn more, see ncoa.org/adviser/hearing-aids/ best-otc-hearing-aids.

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Life August 2023 15
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit savvysenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of The Savvy Senior book.
www.steinmetzcoins.com lanC aster 350 Centerville Rd. 299-1211 or 800-334-3903 Did you know? is available online for anytime/anywhere reading! www.50plusLifePA.com
Jim Miller

The History of Ordinary Things feathers in fashion

We aren’t the first to wear feather accessories!

The Neanderthals wore the darker feathers of birds of prey. Later, highranking Egyptians wore ostrich feathers in their hair as a symbol of allegiance to the goddess of truth.

In the 12th century, feathers were attached to Italian papier-mâché masks to conceal one’s identity during the preLenten festivities.

By the 1500s, fur trimmings and feathers were common in the aristocrat’s wardrobe. They were symbols of high social standing. In the 16th century, the Crusaders wore feathers on their heads to show status, wealth, and ethnicity.

When Portugal colonized Brazil in the 1600s, they adopted the Carnival celebrations with dance, music, and feather costumes. Ostrich, swan, and

peacock feathers were favored.

Indigenous Americans have historically worn feather headdresses, also known as war bonnets, to mark accomplishments. The feathers are of spiritual significance and are worn by tribal leaders on ceremonial occasions.

Feathers as fashion accessories peaked during the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. The demand for feather adornments gave rise to milliners, who created extravagant hats.

Flappers of the Jazz Age (1920s) wore dramatic feather boas across their shoulders. By the 1930s, movie stars were using feathered accessories to enhance movement and drama on stage.

Behind the scenes, the demand for feathers created a sordid industry, with hunters pillaging bird species to near extinction, such as egrets and herons.

16 August 2023 50 plus Life www.50plusLifePA.com
Doris Montag photo credit: Betty Wills (Atsme), licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0. Woman posing in a colorful costume during the 2020 Carnivale celebrations on the Dutch island of Bonaire.

The pillage led to the passing of the Lacey Act in 1900, a conservation law prohibiting wildlife trade. Additionally, the newly formed National Audubon Society lobbied Congress to pass the Migratory Bird Act of 1913. This act prohibited spring hunting of migratory birds. The American ornamental feather market largely collapsed under these restrictions.

The stock market crash of 1929 ended the extravagance of the Roaring ’20s, giving way to a somber era of austerity in the 1930s. Feathers were relegated to entertainment and eroticism, typically cabaret fans and headdresses, burlesque outfits, and costumes associated with “old Hollywood glamour.”

Feather boas are usually made of ostrich or turkey feathers. Ostrich feathers are long and thin, forming fluffy boas. Turkey feathers are shorter and wider and used to form heavy boas. Boa feathers have been sterilized, bleached, or dyed and are glued and stitched into ply. The more ply, the thicker and fluffier the boa.

Today nearly 98% of feathers used in fashion are salvaged from poultry meat production. Feathers can also be gathered from live birds when they are molting (shedding old feathers).

On the seedy side of the industry, the illegal live plucking of conscious birds has been documented in some countries. This animal torture results in multiple batches of feathers before the bird is finally slaughtered for the final feather harvest. Increasingly today, boas are made using fibers versus feathers.

The feather boa is still a favorite for the Red Hat Club, costume parties, showgirls, and drag divas. Have you noticed that women get “giddy” in a boa? There is something almost magical about them because “You can’t be sad in a boa.” Try it.

Doris Montag is a homespun historian and an exhibit curator who researches and displays historical collections of ordinary things, such as can openers, crochet, toy sewing machines, hand corn planters, powder compacts, egg cartons, and more. Contact or follow her on Facebook, HistoryofOrdinaryThings.

www.50plusLifePA.com 50 plus Life August 2023 17
“portrait of a Lady with a Red feather” by italian painter tranquillo Cremona, mid-1800s. photo credit: State Library of Queensland Nancy Spry of Winton, Queensland, Australia, photographed in 1920 with a long feather plume rising from her headscarf and holding a fan made of feathers. Native Americans from southeastern idaho wearing feathered headdresses. taken by Danish photographer Benedicte Wrensted circa 1897.

Booming Voice: in a pickle

At my weekly live-ball tennis doubles session, featuring continuous ball-hitting sans serving, the younger, athletic player said he had no interest in pickleball. This made sense to me, since live-ball sessions at our Pompano, Florida, tennis center are a.k.a., cardio-tennis.

Pickleball is down-sized tennis, tailored for seniors of my age, 71, and for avid ping-pongers who want to bust out of their basement-table milieu. I, like the younger athletic live-ball player, am a tennis guy.

That said, in the interest of exploring the hottest sports craze since disc golf, I took a couple of pickleball lessons at the center during last year’s snowbird season. The young, enthusiastic instructor spent a lot of time on the rules and the positioning (more choreographed than tennis). Even in intro tennis lessons, racquet control is emphasized.

During the first lesson, the pickleball pro said I had good hand-eye coordination, which gave me the unearned confidence to pick up real experience at Pompano’s pickleball courts.

South Florida is a pickleball haven, so Pompano has a 12-court complex in its park. The courts are just too busy in the morning, appearing from a distance as a human beehive. I thus waited until the afternoon, when the heat would lessen the crowd, so perhaps I could get into a game.

After getting antsy on a bench, a pickleballer finally asked if I wanted to play

singles. I agreed, and this gentleman showed me two consequences of single play: It is decent exercise and very humbling. I lost three games 11-0, 11-1, and 11-4.

The hard truth after this match was that pickleball requires more skill than I thought. As a tennis player, I can occasionally hit strategic put-away shots, but with pickleball I realized I had nothing resembling a killer shot. But lack of even pickleball mediocrity was not among the main reasons I decided to continue to concentrate on tennis.

I had a tennis fever during the racquet boom period of the late 1970s. My roommate and I, living in Boston, parlayed the aptly named Econo-tennis into a weekly, indoor doubles match with friends, all for $2 or $3 per person.

In the hotter weather, we migrated to the highly prized lighted outdoor courts. Taking the courts on a summer’s night felt like a table secured at a trendy restaurant. As the tennis fad faded in interest, so did the interest of our group of tennis hackers. For me, it was then onto golf.

From around age 30 to my late 50s, I played mildly enthusiastic golf. I never played it during prime weekend time and never more than nine holes per week, from May to August, always with friends. My favorite hole was the 10th because we finished strong with beer and burgers.

As time went on, my interest faded, mostly because it seemed that golf

please see piCKLE on facing page

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We are looking for central Pennsylvanians over age 50 who have a unique hobby, passion, or history of volunteer work, or who are a part of an interesting local club.

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or send via mail to 50plus Life, p.o. Box 8049, Lancaster, pA 17604.

18 August 2023 50 plus Life www.50plusLifePA.com
please email story submissions to Megan Joyce, editor, at mjoyce@onlinepub.com

Keep plants thriving Despite Summer Heat

Last year’s record-high temperatures across much of the country took a toll on gardens and landscapes.

Once again, above-normal summer temperatures are in the forecast for many regions of the country. Adjusting how you manage your gardens and landscape can help plants thrive as temperatures rise.

Water plants thoroughly to promote deep, drought-tolerant roots that help boost the plants’ pest resistance. Wait until the top few inches of soil are crumbly and moist before watering most plants.

Newly planted perennials, trees, and shrubs need more attention and water than drought-tolerant plants or established ones with more robust root systems that are better able to absorb more moisture. During extended dry periods, even drought-tolerant and established plants may need supplemental water.

Water early in the day to reduce water lost to evaporation. Avoid lateevening watering that leaves foliage wet at night, increasing the risk of disease. Apply water directly to the soil above the plant roots using soaker hoses or drip irrigation whenever possible. Water is applied where needed and the slow, steady flow of water is better able to infiltrate the soil and moisten the roots with less runoff.

Check soil moisture daily in container gardens and several times a week for raised beds. Both dry out more quickly than in-ground gardens and need to be watered more often.

Save time and water by incorporating wool pellets, such as those by Wild Valley Farms, into the growing mixes. This sustainable product is made from wool waste. University research found it reduced watering by up to 25% and increased air space in the soil, promoting healthy plant growth.

Further conserve water by spreading a 2- to 3-inch layer of shredded leaves, evergreen needles, or shredded bark mulch over the soil in garden beds and around trees and shrubs.

piCKLE from facing page

wanted to punish me. Occasionally, I would hit decent shots, but golf mostly induced muscle-memory amnesia.

Thus, picking tennis as my snowbird sport and staying with it has been easy. My futility in golf led me to all but abandon my clubs. I brought them down to Florida, but just as snowbird accessories, like sunglasses and two Hawaiian shirts.

After eliminating golf, next up was deep-sea fishing. After all, angling is a sport down in Florida. There is a strong partnership between “the old man and the sea.” At any rate, I have had difficulty reeling in Gorton’s fish and chips in the frozen food aisle.

That left as choices pickleball and tennis.

Mulching conserves moisture, keeps roots cooler and moist, and suppresses weeds. As the organic mulch decomposes, it adds nutrients and organic matter to the soil. Just pull the mulch away from tree trunks, shrub stems, and the crowns of other plants to avoid rot.

Incorporate organic matter like compost into the soil. It helps the soil accept and retain water so you will need to water less often. It also adds nutrients to the soil so over time you will need to fertilize less often.

Use a low-nitrogen, slow-release fertilizer if your garden plants need a nutrient boost. These types of fertilizers release small amounts of nutrients over an extended period. The low level of nitrogen reduces the risk of damaging heat-stressed plants.

Remove weeds from garden beds and borders as soon as they appear. These “plants out of place” steal water and nutrients from your desirable garden plants. Plus, many harbor insects and diseases that are harmful to your garden plants.

Provide stressed plants with a bit of shade from the hot afternoon sun. Container gardens can be moved to a more suitable spot during heatwaves.

Add a bit of temporary shade to garden plants that are struggling to survive in the blazing-hot sun. A strategically placed chair, lattice, or umbrella may be all that is needed. As temperatures drop, you can move plants back in place and remove the temporary shade.

Your garden will greatly benefit from these changes to your summer garden care.

Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including the recently released Midwest Gardener’s Handbook, 2nd Edition and Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses’ How to Grow Anything instant video and DVD series and the nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment radio program. melindamyers.com

I participate in the lowest ability grouping of live-ball tennis, and at 71, I am always the oldest player, or close to it. But I feel younger when I can run (OK, not race) across court to return a ball in the doubles alley. The sessions are 90 minutes, and I feel great for completing the session without too much sweat.

I don’t think I could get that feeling from pickleball. Of course, in a couple of years, who knows? The tennis doubles lane may be unreachable, and I may have another choice to make. I’m sure at that point I will choose pickleball over Ping-Pong for its septuagenarian swagger potential.

Bill Levine is a retired IT professional and active freelance writer. Bill aspires to be a humorist because it is easier to be pithy than funny. He may be reached at wlevine0607@comcast.net

www.50plusLifePA.com 50 plus Life August 2023 19 Melinda’s Garden
Melinda Myers

Understanding financial options for Long-term Care

Long-term care is a reality that everyone will eventually confront — either for themselves, a loved one, or both — and it is an expensive proposition that too few people are prepared for or understand.

Unfortunately, most people don’t think about how they will pay for care until they are confronted by a serious health situation. And the worst time to start planning is in the midst of a crisis; the options to pay for care can be complicated and take some time to access.

The three primary ways to pay for care are with Medicare, Medicaid, or private pay.

1. Medicare is an “age-based” program that will cover the first 100 days of rehabilitation care in a licensed skilled nursing facility upon direct discharge from a hospital.

2. Medicaid is a “means-based” program that covers skilled nursing care. To qualify, an applicant must meet standards of medical necessity and meet set asset and income levels below the poverty line.

Applying for Medicaid can be a challenging process that requires the applicant to submit detailed medical and financial records. Medicaid will “look back” five years at financial records to make sure assets have not been hidden

or transferred to family members.

3. Private pay primarily comes from an individual and/or a family’s savings, insurance, assets, and income. People who use private pay can choose any form and location of care they want.

Independent and assisted living, as well as most forms of home care, are primarily private pay. Nursing homes are primarily covered by Medicaid for people who can qualify. Skilled rehabilitation and hospice are primarily covered by Medicare.

Private Pay Options for Senior Living and Long-Term Care

Families need to do all they can today to prepare to fund long-term care and protect themselves from both the financial costs and the possibilities of legal liabilities.

There are actions that people can start taking to prepare themselves for future costs, and there are long-term care funding tools that people can use to address immediate need for care as well.

What are some of today’s options for private-pay funding of long-term care?

Long-term care insurance – These insurance policies will provide a fixed monthly payment to cover approved forms of qualifying long-term care.

About Us – The Lancaster County Office of Aging (LCOA) was established 45 years ago as a result of the passage of the Older Americans Act. This act directed states to develop a network of services and supports to help keep older adults healthy and independent.

The Pennsylvania Department of Aging was created to fulfill this mandate. In turn, a network of 52 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) was established throughout the commonwealth to carry out this mission at the local level.

Lancaster County Office of Aging

Maintaining the independence and quality of life for Lancaster County’s aging population through information, protection, services, and community support

Our Philosophy:

u Support the older person’s right to decide his/her own destiny. Encourage consumer self-determination and choice.

u Support the older person’s right to risk.

u Promote independence and dignity.

u Avoid unnecessary/inappropriate institutionalization.

Funding for aging-related services is a combination of state and federal monies, with the Pennsylvania Lottery providing the major source of funding.

In Lancaster County, the AAA is part of county government. We are dedicated to providing Lancaster County residents, 60 years of age and older, with a wide range of informational resources and services as well as advocacy efforts and elder abuse protection.

The LCOA offers the following services:

• Information and referral services

• Long-term living assessments

• Home and community-based support services

• Protection from abuse and neglect

• APPRISE, Medicare, and related health insurance counseling

• Senior center services

• Adult daily living services

• Caregiver support

• Employment

• Ombudsman services

• Transportation

• Legal services

• Health and wellness programming

• Volunteer opportunities

For more information, please call us Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. at 717-299-7979/1-800-801-3070, visit our website at www.lancoaging.org , or email aging@co.lancaster.pa.us.

20 August 2023 50 plus Life www.50plusLifePA.com

Long-term care insurance can be purchased as a stand-alone policy or as a life/LTC hybrid policy. The younger and healthier a person is when buying a policy, the more affordable their premium rates and the likelier they will qualify.

LTC life settlements – A life settlement can be used to fund a long-term care benefit plan, which is similar to a health savings plan. This LTC benefit plan is an irrevocable bank account that is professionally administered with payments made monthly to long-term care providers.

Medically qualified policy owners who use an LTC life settlement are able to immediately direct tax-exempt payments to cover their senior housing and long-term care costs.

Veterans Aid & Attendance benefit – Veterans of active combat duty and/ or their spouses are eligible to receive monthly benefits paid directly toward qualifying long-term care service. Like Medicaid, the applicant must meet both medical necessity and income/asset level requirements to qualify.

Reverse mortgage – Homeowners with little to no remaining mortgage balance who are age 62 or older can qualify to take a HUD-backed home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) loan against the home in the form of a lump sum, monthly income, or a line of credit.

To qualify, the home must still be the primary residence, and the loan must be paid back with interest and fees after the homeowner dies (typically through the sale of the property).

Senior living loans – These are loans that can be secured specifically to pay for long-term care services. These loans are unsecured by collateral and instead are guaranteed by family members who co-sign (one or more).

Interest rates are similar to a credit card, and the loans are typically between $50,000 and $500,000 for a term of one year or less.

Medicaid-compliant annuity – A single-premium immediate annuity can be purchased to set up a guaranteed income stream for a spouse while the annuitant qualifies to go onto Medicaid and into a nursing home.

It is an irrevocable annuity established for a period equal to or less than the remaining life expectancy of the annuitant. The state is named as the remainder beneficiary to receive any funds after the annuitant dies.

The key to successfully navigating any long-term care situation is to understand your financial options and understand the differences among what will be covered by Medicare, Medicaid, or private pay. Planning and informing yourself as far in advance as possible is best, but there are also a number of funding options available that can help people address a sudden and immediate need for care.

Chris Orestis, CSA, is president of Retirement Genius (retirementgenius.com) and is a nationally recognized financial, health/LTC, and retirement issues expert. With over 25 years’ experience in the insurance and long-term care industries, Orestis has authored three books on aging and is credited with pioneering the Long-Term Care Life Settlement over a decade ago.

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Stay Healthy When You fly

About 1 out of every 600 flights has an inflight medical emergency, according to a 2019 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Travelers can experience a host of less serious health issues and discomfort when flying as well.

Many of these health risks and problems can be avoided, however, if travelers are aware and take precautions.

Dehydration. The humidity level of airplanes is extremely low, usually under 10%. Combine this with the water loss caused by respiration, and passengers can become dehydrated enough to affect their health and mood. So drink plenty of water before, during, and following your flight.

Tight clothing. When flying, several factors contribute to the risk of deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot that can be life-threatening). Add tight clothes to the mix, and you could be in real trouble.

I experienced this myself on an international flight. My legs swelled up just a couple of hours into the flight, which was aggravated by my skinny jeans. To reduce the restriction and prevent a blood clot, I had to slit the legs of my pants from top to bottom.

So when flying, wear loose-fitting clothes, particularly on your lower extremities. Also, avoid high heels and tight shoes, which can also restrict blood flow.

Sitting too long. Similar to the problem with tight clothing, this also increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis. It’s particularly problematic when flying because of the cramped seats that allow little room for movement.

Passengers should get up and move around after three to four hours in flight (sooner if they begin to experience swelling or discomfort), according to Fanancy Anzalone, M.D., an aerospace medicine physician.

Anzalone says even flexing your legs in your seat by “pressing down on your heels and up with your toes” can help get your circulation moving.

Ear pain. Air pressure in your middle ear during the ascent and descent can make your ears feel clogged or even painful. Usually, chewing gum, yawning, or swallowing relieves the pressure.

But serious cases of airplane ear can lead to severe pain, hearing loss, vertigo, bleeding from the ear, and more. In such cases, you’ll need to see your doctor for treatment.

Constipation. Sitting still for long periods, dehydration, and a schedule change that conflicts with your regular bowel movements can contribute to constipation when flying. So, 12 hours before your flight, eat something high in fiber. Also, adjust your routine on the day of travel so your bowels can move before you leave for the airport. You can also take a stool softener the day before your flight.

Dry skin and more. The dryer-than-thedesert air of airplane cabins contributes not only to dry skin, but also dry eyes, nostrils, and lips.

The first thing to do is start hydrating the day before your flight by drinking lots of water. Then continue hydrating right on through your flight.

Also, avoid salty foods before and during your flight, and carry lip and moisturizing lotion.

Lung conditions. People with any lung condition including, but not limited to, COPD, emphysema, severe asthma, or a lower respiratory infection, are at higher risk of serious complications when flying. That’s because oxygen in the air decreases at high altitudes.

If you have any lung condition or even heart or circulatory conditions, consult with your physician before scheduling a flight. Flying is often not recommended for people with these conditions.

Blood pressure. Generally, flying is safe for those with high blood pressure. Still, if you have high blood pressure, Penn Medicine, in “5 Things to Know before You Fly,” recommends you take precautions.

Get up and move around while in flight. Also, avoid salty snacks, alcohol, and sedatives before and during your flight. Be sure to carry your blood pressure medication with you as well. If your hypertension is more serious, consult with your doctor before flying.

Colds, flu, and viruses. When you have a cold or sinus infection, it increases the risk of middle ear pain caused by cabin pressure. So this may not be the best

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time to fly. If you do fly, follow the suggestions for airplane ear above. Also, if you fly with one of these ailments, which are highly contagious, it puts other passengers at risk. This can be especially serious for passengers with weakened immune systems, certain health conditions, and the elderly. So if you’re infected, postpone your trip if possible.

If you must fly and are particularly at risk for serious illnesses such as coronavirus, you can research the measures each airline is taking to reduce your risk for COVID-19 and choose the airline with the most stringent precautions.

When you fly, protect yourself and others by wearing a fitted mask with multiple layers for added protection or, better yet, an N95 mask.

Kimberly Blaker is a freelance writer. She also owns an online store, Sage Rare & Collectible Books, specializing in out-of-print, scarce, signed, and first editions; fine bindings; ephemera; and more at sagerarebooks.com

For active adults when apartment living is all you need!

Affordable housing for those 62 and older, located in beautiful, historic Marietta

Rents start at $846 and include all utilities (heat, electric, water, sewer, trash), off-street parking, on-site laundry, community room, and community garden.

Two-bedrooms start at $1,015.

For applications and information, please contact: Community Basics, Inc. 717-735-9590 or info@communitybasics.com

For active adults when apartment living is all you need!

Affordable housing for those 62 and older, located in beautiful, Warwick Woodlands

New Saxony Ridge Apartments. Spacious

2-Bedroom apartments, $992 per month, includes all utilities (heat, electric, water, sewer, trash), onsite laundry, community room, outdoor seating area on each floor, fitness room, activity/ game room. The minimum yearly household income to qualify is $23,808. Maximum yearly household income for 1 person is $ 31,600 and the maximum yearly combined household income for 2 people is $36,100

For applications and information, please contact: Community Basics, Inc. 717-735-9590 or info@communitybasics.com

For active adults when apartment living is all you need!

Affordable housing for those 62 and older, located in beautiful, Warwick Woodlands

New Saxony Ridge Apartments. Spacious

1-Bedroom apartments, $993 per month, includes all utilities (heat, electric, water, sewer, trash), on site laundry, community room, outdoor seating area on each floor, fitness room, activity/game room. The minimum yearly household income to qualify is $23,832. Maximum yearly income for 1 person to qualify is: $37,920, Maximum yearly combined income for 2 people: $43,320

For applications and information, please contact: Community Basics, Inc. 717-735-9590 or info@communitybasics.com

Ruby Pet of the Month

Meet Ruby (234666), a stunning 4-year-old spayed female domestic shorthair who has been patiently waiting for her forever home since April. Ruby is looking for a home where she can be the center of attention. While she may not prefer the company of other cats, she may be open to sharing her space with calm and laidback dogs who respect her personal boundaries. She thrives in a calm and peaceful environment where she can relax and enjoy the comforts of a loving home. Interested in learning more about Ruby? Visit her today! Please send your application to the Lancaster Center for Animal Life-Saving at adoptlancaster@humanepa.org, or give the shelter a call at (717) 393-6551 to learn more.

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