York County Edition
May 2013
Vol. 14 No. 5
The Abstract Eye Never Ages Octogenarian Painter Inspired by Nature, American Southwest By Lori Van Ingen Eighty-nine-year-old Etta M. Schreiner’s most rewarding experience is to just sit and paint. “If there’s a dish of pears or grapes, instead of eating them, I’d paint them,” Schreiner said. Over the years, Schreiner has produced more than 200 paintings. In September, Schreiner’s lesser-known Back of the Canvas series will grace the walls of Mulberry Art Studios’ Louise Gallery. Last summer, a retrospective of Schreiner’s work was exhibited. Schreiner has always painted. When she was 2 years old, she would “crawl up to where Mom was working at the kitchen sink. To keep me out of her hair while she was cooking, she gave me a piece of paper and a pencil. That’s what started the whole thing. I sat on the floor since I couldn’t walk yet, and I’d be painting away.” While she enjoyed painting, Schreiner didn’t go into art as a career. Instead, she earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and finance from Lebanon Valley College and master’s degree from Penn State. “I taught farm kids in a one- or two-room school. It was a great experience to teach,” she said. After marrying her husband, Jack, in 1950, Schreiner didn’t go back to please see ABSTRACT page 22 When not on display in a gallery, much of Etta Schreiner’s abstract artwork is on display in her apartment. Clockwise, from bottom left, Three Sisters, Cosmic Event, Fanned Out, and, in Schreiner’s hands, Third Quartet.
Special Focus: Better Hearing & Speech Month page 11
Exercises That Can Help Relieve Arthritis Pain page 20
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For more information, updates, or an application:
911 Photo Graphics
717.285.1350 • www.SeniorIdolPA.com
May 2013
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Diane Dayton of Dayton Communications
Social Security News
Social Security Honors All Who Serve By John Johnston Every day of the year, Americans across the nation remember friends and family members who have served and sacrificed for their country. May is National Military Appreciation Month. As we observe Memorial Day and Military Appreciation Month, we would like to let members of our military know how much we value what they do for our nation. At Social Security, we offer a wide range of services for our service members. Families of fallen military heroes may be eligible for Social Security survivors benefits. Learn more about Social Security survivors benefits at www.social security.gov/pgm/survivors.htm.
For service members who return home with injuries, Social Security is here to help. Visit our Wounded Warriors website (www.social security.gov/ wounded warriors). We use an expedited process for military service members who become disabled while on active military service, regardless of where the disability occurs. It is important to note that benefits available through Social Security are
Resource Directory Eye Care Services Leader Heights Eye Center 309 Leader Heights Road,York (717) 747-5430
Animal Hospitals Community Animal Hospital Donald A. Sloat, D.V.M. 400 S. Pine St.,York (717) 845-5669
Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Associates of York 2690 Southfield Drive,York (717) 484-2143
Coins & Currency Steinmetz Coins & Currency 2861 E. Prospect Road,York (717) 757-6980 Energy Assistance Low-Income Energy Assistance (717) 787-8750 Entertainment Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre 510 Centerville Road, Lancaster (717) 898-1900
Health & Medical Services Alzheimer’s Association (717) 651-5020 Alzheimer’s Information Clearinghouse (800) 367-5115 American Diabetes Association (800) 342-2383 CONTACT Helpline (717) 652-4400 The National Kidney Foundation (800) 697-7007 or (717) 757-0604 Social Security Information (800) 772-1213
benefits. Receipt of military payments should never stop someone from applying for disability benefits from Social Security. If you’ve served in the Armed Forces and you’re planning your retirement, you’ll want to read our publication, Military Service and Social Security, at www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/10017.pdf. You also may want to visit the Military Service page of our Retirement Planner (www.socialsecurity.gov/retire2/ veterans.htm). At Social Security, we honor all those who served in the military and we remember those who died for their country. John Johnston is a Social Security public affairs specialist.
This Resource Directory recognizes advertisers who have made an extended commitment to your health and well-being.
Adult Day Centers SeniorLIFE 1500 Memory Lane Ext.,York (814) 535-6000
Automobile Sales/Service Gordon’s Body Shop, Inc. 10 Mill St., Stewartstown (717) 993-2263
different than those from the Department of Veterans Affairs and require a separate application. Even activeduty military who continue to receive pay while in a hospital or on medical leave should consider applying for disability benefits if they are unable to work due to a disabling condition. Active-duty status and receipt of military pay does not necessarily prevent payment of Social Security disability
Healthcare Information PA HealthCare Cost Containment (717) 232-6787
Pharmacies CVS/pharmacy www.cvs.com
Home Care Services Visiting Angels Living Assistance Services (717) 630-0067 – Hanover (717) 751-2488 – York
Salon Services Trimmer’s Hair & Nail Care 112 Brittany Court, Red Lion (717) 246-4844
Housing/Apartments Elm Spring Residence 118 Pleasant Acres Road,York (717) 840-7676
Services York County Area Agency on Aging (800) 632-9073
Housing Assistance Housing Authority of York (717) 845-2601 Property Tax/Rent Rebate (888) 728-2937 York Area Housing Group 118 N. George St.,York (717) 846-5139
SeniorLIFE 1500 Memory Lane Ext.,York (717) 757-5433 Veterans Services Lebanon VA Medical Center 1700 S. Lincoln Ave., Lebanon (717) 228-6000 or (800) 409-8771
Insurance – Long-Term Care Apprise Insurance Counseling (717) 771-9610 or (800) 632-9073
Not an all-inclusive list of advertisers in your area.
50plus SeniorNews t
May 2013
My 22 Cents’ Worth Corporate Office:
Senior-Citizen Laureates
3912 Abel Drive, Columbia, PA 17512 Phone 717.285.1350 • Fax 717.285.1360 Chester County: 610.675.6240 Cumberland County/Dauphin County: 717.770.0140 Berks County/Lancaster County/ Lebanon County/York County: 717.285.1350 E-mail address: info@onlinepub.com Website address: www.onlinepub.com
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Karla Back Angie McComsey Jacoby Valerie Kissinger Doug Kline Patrick McConnell Debbie Mease Ranee Shaub Miller Sue Rugh SALES & EVENT COORDINATOR Eileen Culp
50plus Senior News is published by On-Line Publishers, Inc. and is distributed monthly among senior centers, retirement communities, banks, grocers, libraries and other outlets serving the senior community. On-Line Publishers, Inc. will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which may be fraudulent or misleading in nature. Views expressed in opinion stories, contributions, articles and letters are not necessarily the views of the publisher. The appearance of advertisements for products or services does not constitute an endorsement of the particular product or service. The publisher will not be responsible for mistakes in advertisements unless notified within five days of publication. On-Line Publishers, Inc. reserves the right to revise or reject any and all advertising. No part of this publication may be reproduced or reprinted without permission of On-Line Publishers, Inc. We will not knowingly publish any advertisement or information not in compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act, Pennsylvania State laws or other local laws.
May 2013
Walt Sonneville eniors deserve special recognition if they have served as remarkable examples of achievement in their elderly years. A title, awarded by a prestigious authority such as state governors or the president, would be fitting. A proposed title is Senior-Citizen Laureate. An example of recognition for outstanding service is the British Empire Medal for Meritorious Service, commonly called the B.E.M. Although it ranks as the fifth of six levels of UK medals, the B.E.M. nonetheless enjoys a proud status. The Jan. 29, 1951, issue of Life Magazine had a feature article on Fanny Thorne, then an 88-year-old greatgrandmother. She was awarded the B.E.M. in 1951 by King George VI to honor her for continuing to toil on her farm, six days a week, from the time her husband died in World War I until 1951. The award was for “her devoted service to agriculture.” In 1943, at the age of 80, Thorne demonstrated extraordinary stamina when, according to the magazine, she “shucked an 8-acre field of barley by herself in 11 hours and 30 minutes.” Her routine tasks included threshing wheat, sorting potatoes, and cutting kale to feed the cattle. She lived alone in her four-room cottage. This exceptional woman won her medal by going far beyond what might be expected of the human body. Medals should be awarded as well for those who render outstanding, if not Herculean, contributions. Why not an American medal specifically to recognize seniors who accomplish remarkable achievements in their advanced years? Our country has several types of medals to recognize other exceptional civilians. They include the U.S. Presidential
50plus SeniorNews t
Medal of Freedom, the Congressional Gold Medal, the Presidential Citizens Medal, the National Medal of Arts, and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. Young people have two types of medals awarded, both by the U.S. Department of Justice: the Young American Medal for Bravery and the Young American Medal for Service. Seniors are deserving of recognition for their services as well. To promote intergenerational harmony, seniors able to do so may wish to volunteer for occasional
assignments with nonprofit organizations, including local and county governments, social and faith-based groups, and service organizations. This would ease the fiscal burdens faced by nonprofits and burnish the esteem to which seniors are held. The U.S. Census Bureau’s “Current Populations Survey” found that in 2010 approximately 26.3 percent of Americans over the age of 16 volunteered. The rate for men and women combined, ages 55–64, was 27.2 percent, dropping to 23.6 percent for those 65 and older. Recognizing Senior-Citizen Laureates could encourage raised levels of participation. A report by the Urban Institute, “Volunteer Transitions among Older Americans,” using 2002 data, found “the time that adults age 55 and older devoted to formal volunteer activities has been valued at $44 billion, and this estimate is likely to increase as the large Baby Boom generation grows older.”
What benefit is there to seniors who volunteer? A study published in the journal Social Science and Medicine (November 2010) finds that elderly persons who volunteer live longer and healthier. The data are based on a study of 916 noninstitutionalized American seniors, ages 65 or older, who are “cognitively functional.” Volunteering provided them a sense of purpose, the study concluded. May is the appropriate month to announce the names of perhaps a dozen national honorees selected annually as “Senior Laureates.” May is designated as “Older Americans Month,” a program originated by the Kennedy administration. It is celebrated across the country through ceremonies and events and is managed by the Administration on Aging of the Department of Health and Human Services. According to the AOA, the theme for Older Americans Month in 2013 is “Unleash the Power of Age.” The theme was selected to recognize seniors as “productive, active, and influential members of society, sharing essential talents, wisdom, and life experience with their families, friends, and neighbors.” Honoring inspirational seniors who are civically engaged could raise the level of volunteerism among older Americans, enhance their sense of purpose, support deserving nonprofits, and raise the stature of seniors among their own and younger generations. Laureates, lead the way! Walt Sonneville, a retired marketresearch analyst, is the author of My 22 Cents’ Worth: The Higher-Valued Opinion of a Senior Citizen, A Musing Moment: Meditative Essays on Life and Learning, and Opinion Essays for Seasoned Citizens and Their Elders. Contact him at waltsonneville@earthlink.net.
The Way I See It
The Best Playground Mike Clark p until I was 11 years old, I lived right across the street from the dusty entryway to a playground—the most imposing playground that God, railroads, and rivers could ever devise. It wasn’t necessarily safe. But isn’t that the essence of adventure? A rocky field stretched from the backyard walkway of a small row house to an obsolete railroad reservoir. This field was our baseball diamond. It was roughly configured, and it was in use daily, as weather permitted. The designated pitcher was most always Shorty Lehman, a small, middle-aged man who worked for the local telephone company. Shorty not only pitched, but he also coached and encouraged each child who stepped up to the plate. He never berated or ridiculed, but his good-natured razzing was constant. Shorty was the positive influence that helped to turn children into good men and good women. The railroad reservoir sat atop a low hill, and a circular concrete wall topped with a pointed iron fence kept us out of harm’s way. The stagnant water within the small basin was covered with algae and was polluted with old tires, discarded wood, tree limbs, baseballs, and other unidentifiable debris. Fish, caught in the Susquehanna River, mysteriously found their way into the filthy stew, along with some snapping turtles and snakes. We actually tried catching those creatures with a fishing rod and dough balls made from wet bread. We caught a lot of foul carp in that mess. At the base of the reservoir, a large cellar door led to a dark and dank earthen floor where an intake pipe and valve that fed the reservoir stood dormant. It had been locked off for many years as there was no longer a need to pump water; steam engines hadn’t run this line in ages. But we found enough toads down there to amuse ourselves for hours. The back hill of the reservoir descended farther into the railroad beds, making a decent grade for sledding and rolling to the bottom in large cardboard
drums that had been discarded by a metal smelting plant a block away. I don’t know that these drums were as much discarded as they were pilfered. Also, the back hill was like the dark side of the moon; we were hidden from the watchful eyes of parents. But the best part of this playground lay beyond The Rezzie, as we called the reservoir. The tracks of The Reading Railroad, once the Columbia & Reading, often presented boxcars and flatbeds at rest. These marvelous carriages hauled the most interesting freight. Our favorite cargo was the military equipment that sat proudly above the tracks on the flatbed cars. My brother and I have a black-and-white photo of us standing on top of a tank while sporting boat shirts and clam diggers, the fashion rage in the late 1950s. Not too far over the tracks, just before the actual banks of the mighty and treacherous Susquehanna River, lay a shallow, timeworn channel of the Pennsylvania Canal system, a part of local history that began in 1832. We never gave history a thought, though, as we played on the banks and in the muddy water of that ancient waterway. My last adventure there was the day we “found” a canoe and paddled our way toward a small inlet. We all went into the drink when the canoe became unstable from all the movement within, which I thought was dubious. My doubt was in order as I just found out this week, after over 50 years, that my brother intentionally overturned the boat. He now owes me a brand-new pair of sneakers. These adventures, and more, went on day after day in the best playground ever. Each of us has a story of our adventurous childhood. Think about it whenever you see a bunch of kids milling about a large screen, playing video games. You’ll feel kind of sorry for them, I’ll bet. Mike Clark writes a regular column for The Globe Leader newspaper in New Wilmington, Pa. He lives outside Columbia, Pa., and can be contacted at mikemac429@aol.com.
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— or — Available on Amazon.com in paperback or Kindle Use a gallon of gas and take a beautiful 9-mile trip through Amish and Mennonite farm country on Route 23 between Blue Ball and Morgantown. This stretch of road, which follows an old Native American trade route, was declared “The Conestoga Ridge Road Heritage Byway” in the fall of 2012. Stop off in Morgantown at the Masthof Bookstore (first road after Old Village Inn) and pick up a copy of Choices and Decisions and a local history book.
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May 2013
Triathlon, Wellness Fair to Be Featured at Senior Games The York County Senior Games will offer a special challenge for 2013—a triathlon comprised of three events: softball throw, freestyle swimming, and 100-meter run. Another feature will be the information and wellness fair, also held June 17 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Central York High School cafeteria. Organized by the York County Area Agency on Aging and the Senior Games Planning Committee, with a membership of community and business volunteers, the 12th annual games will be held June 17 to 22. As was the case last year, the majority of the 2013 events will be held at Central York High School, with the exception of seven events: billiards, bowling, mini golf, 9-hole golf, horseshoes, trap shooting, and target shooting. These events will be held at other community locations. The opening ceremony will be held Monday, June 17, at 8:30 a.m. at the high school soccer stadium. The closing celebration will occur at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, June 22, in the cafeteria. The Senior Games registration area
will be open at Central York High School beginning at 9 a.m. June 17 and will remain open every day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. through June 22. Participants can pick up their participant bag, including their Senior Games t-shirt, and register for additional events at this area. Monday, June 17 All events at Central York High School (except billiards). Bocce – Begins at 10 a.m.; specific times for age groups will be listed in registration booklet. Croquet – Anytime between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Wii Archery – Anytime between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Washers – Anytime between 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Ladder Golf – Anytime between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Billiards – 5 p.m. at Cobblestone’s Restaurant and Sports Emporium Tuesday, June 18 Bowling, Singles – 10 a.m. at Hanover Bowling Centre
Register Now!
Mini Golf – Anytime between 2 and 7 p.m. at Heritage Hills Mini Golf Wednesday, June 19 9-Hole Golf – 8 a.m. at Little Creek Golf Course Horseshoes, Singles – 8 a.m. at John Rudy Park Horseshoes, Doubles – noon at John Rudy Park Target Shooting – 1 p.m. at Izaak Walton League of America Trap Shooting – 6 p.m. at Izaak Walton League of America (5 p.m. optional practice round) Thursday, June 20 (All events at Central York High School.) Single Tennis – 8:30 a.m. Shuffleboard – 9 a.m.; specific times for age groups will be listed in registration booklet. Wii Bowling – Anytime between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Event also offered on June 22— choose one day. UNO – 9:30 a.m. Hearts – 1 p.m. Badminton – 3:30 p.m. Friday, June 21 (All events at Central York High School.)
June 17–22 For York County Residents Age 50+
Both competitive and non-competitive events!
Compete in favorites such as mini golf, horseshoes, swimming, or bowling, to name a few. Join us for the Opening Ceremony the morning of June 17!
For more information, call
May 2013
50plus SeniorNews t
Football, Softball, and Frisbee Throws – Anytime between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.; from 9 to 10 a.m. one line will be dedicated to triathlon participants only. Darts – Anytime between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Event also offered on June 22—choose one day.
Pinochle – 9:30 a.m. Swimming – 11 a.m.; specific times for age groups will be listed in registration booklet. Poker – 1 p.m. Basketball Hoops: Foul Shooting and Hot Shot – Anytime between 3 and 5 p.m. Event also offered on June 22—choose one day. Volleyball – 6 p.m. Saturday, June 22 (All events at Central York High School.) Basketball Hoops: Foul Shooting and Hot Shot – Anytime between 8 and 11 a.m. Event also offered June 21—choose one day. Running Events – 8 a.m., 5K; 9 a.m., 50-meter; 9:45 a.m., 100-meter; 10:45 a.m., 4x100 relay; 11:15 a.m., 400meter; 11:45 a.m., Sprint Medley; 12:15 p.m., 1,600-meter Table Tennis – 9 a.m. Soccer Kick – Anytime between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Wii Bowling – Anytime between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Event also offered on June 20— choose one day. Darts – Anytime between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Event also offered on June 21—choose one day. 500 – 9:30 a.m. Men’s 3-on-3 Basketball – 12:30 p.m. For more information, call (717) 7719001.
Senior Games Need Volunteers The York County Senior Games Planning Committee is seeking volunteers to assist with the 2013 York County Senior Games being held June 17–22. If you have extra time or your business or community group would be willing to spare a few hours, there are many different volunteer opportunities to choose from. Help is needed in the following areas: • Coordinate the transporting of Senior Games equipment from storage the week prior to the games
• Registration, keeping score, and providing support for the event coordinators during the events • Picking up and delivering supplies and equipment during the games • Helping at events, restocking supplies, and much more Volunteering for the Senior Games can be just as much fun as participating in the events. To learn more about the many volunteer opportunities, call (717) 771-9001.
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50plus SeniorNews t
May 2013
Fragments of History
The World’s Shortest War (and Other Fascinating Military Facts) Victor Parachin n Aug. 27, 1896, a war was fought between Great Britain and the East African nation of Zanzibar. The war broke out after Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini, who was sympathetic and friendly toward the colonial British administration, died. Two days later his nephew, Khalid bin Bargash, seized power. Because the British favored another candidate, they gave Bargash an ultimatum to abdicate immediately. He refused and assembled an army of 2,800 men. Bargash also seized the former sultan’s armed yacht, the H.H.S. Glasgow, to use as a navy attack ship. British troops promptly surrounded the palace while the Royal Navy assembled five warships in the harbor directly in front of the palace. Despite Bargash’s last-minute efforts to negotiate a peace via the U.S. representative on the island, the Royal Navy ships opened fire on the palace at 9 a.m. on Aug. 27. The Glasgow was promptly sunk; the palace began falling down around Bargash as casualties mounted. Bargash retreated to the German consulate, where he was granted asylum. The war had a duration of 38 minutes and holds the record of being the shortest war in history. Adding insult to injury, the British demanded payment from the Zanzibar government for the shells fired on the country! Here are a few other fascinating military facts.
World’s longest war. It started in 1651 and didn’t end officially until 1986, a war declaration lasting 335 years. This was a conflict between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly, located off the southwest coast of the United Kingdom. The origins of the war go back to the Second English Civil War fought between Cromwell’s Parliamentarians and Royalists, supporters of Britain’s monarchs. Cromwell’s military pushed the Royalists into retreat to the Isles of Scilly. The Netherlands, allied with British monarchy, backed the Royalists, believing they would be victorious. Even though the Royalists were defeated, a treaty of peace was never signed between the Netherlands and Great Britain. Finally, in 1985, Roy Duncan, historian and chair of the Isles of Scilly Council, wrote the Dutch embassy in London noting there was still an official declaration of war. He invited the Dutch
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ambassador to visit the islands and sign a peace treaty. This was done on April 17, 1986. The War of Jenkins’ Ear. Whenever there is a military conflict, it has to be identified with a name. And, there are some oddities here. There was The War of Jenkins’ Ear. The war took its name from Robert Jenkins, captain of the ship Rebecca, who claimed Spanish coast guards cut off his ear in 1731. With full confidence that his mistreatment would not be tolerated by Great Britain, Jenkins sailed home with his ear in a jar. He exhibited his ear in the House of Commons and so aroused public opinion that the government of the British Prime Minister Robert Walpole declared war on Oct. 23, 1739. The Spanish explained that Jenkins was smuggling in their territorial properties and was thus punished. Nevertheless, the War of Jenkins’ Ear lasted until 1742.
“Neutral” nations of World War II. The official stance of Switzerland during World War II is well known: The country was neutral during this conflict. In that position, Switzerland was joined by Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Turkey, and Argentina. However, a closer examination revealed that none of these countries was completely neutral. Swiss banks converted Nazi gold to Swiss francs, allowing Germany to use that exchange to buy desperately needed minerals from Spain, Portugal, Sweden, and Turkey. Furthermore, Sweden allowed 250,000 Nazi troops to cross its country in order to reach neighboring Finland, where the Germans battled Soviet forces. Argentina permitted several high-ranking Nazi war criminals to find shelter and relative safety inside their country when the war ended. How guerrilla warfare came to be named. Guerrilla warfare goes back as far as recorded history but received its name during the Peninsular War of 1809-14 when Napoleon fought for control of the Iberian Peninsula, controlled by Spain and Portugal. In Spanish, guerilla means “small war.” The resistance to Napoleon’s troops employed tactics that are typical of what we know as guerrilla warfare: fighting in small bands, sudden raids, ambushes, sabotage, and kidnappings.
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May 2013
50plus SeniorNews t
#E lde rL
aw At tor ne #A ys tto rn ey sT ota l Ye ar Fo un de d Ye ar Sta rte di nE *N lde a t rL La ion aw wA a tto l Ac rn ade ey m *P sM yo e n em f E M e ns be lde m b ylv r? r e r ? ani aB ar *P As e n so of ns cia Eld ylv tio er an n L a ia w A As s tto oci *L rn ati oc ey on al sM Ba rA em sso be cia r? tio nM em be r?
Elder Law Attorneys
Specific areas of elder law in which the firm specializes:
Blakey, Yost, Bupp & Rausch, LLP 17 East Market Street, York, PA 17401 717-845-3674 fax 717-854-7839 dmills@blakeyyost.com www.blakeyyost.com
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The Levin Law Firm 150 N. Radnor Chester Rd, Ste F-200, Radnor, PA 19087 610-977-2443 philip@levinlawyer.com www.levinlawyer.com
Scott Alan Mitchell of McNees, Wallace & Nurick, LLC 570 Lausch Lane, Suite 200, Lancaster, PA 17601 717-581-3713 fax 717-260-1633 smitchell@mwn.com • www.mwn.com
MPL Law Firm, LLP 137 East Philadelphia Street, York, PA 17401 717-845-1524 fax 717-854-6999 jmiller@mpl-law.com, nstankoski@mpl-law.com www.mpl-law.com
Saidis, Sullivan & Rogers 26 West High Street, Carlisle, PA 17013 • 717-243-6222 635 North 12th Street, Lemoyne, PA 17043 • 717-612-5800 attorney@ssr-attorneys.com www.ssr-attorneys.com
Scheib Law Offices 4813 Jonestown Road, Ste 102, Harrisburg, PA 17109 717-525-9291 fax 717-525-9467 scheiblawoffices@outlook.com www.scheiblaw.com
SkarlatosZonarich LLC 17 South Second Street, 6th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101 717-233-1000 fax 717-233-6740 ebp@skarlatoszonarich.com www.skarlatoszonarich.com
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50plus SeniorNews t
May 2013
Creativity Matters
The Evolving Wheelchair: Innovation, Adaptability, Design Judith Zausner
rue or false? 1. All wheelchairs look alike.
2. All wheelchairs have a gray or dark-colored surface. 3. All wheelchairs cost only a small fraction of the cost of a car. 4. No wheelchair can climb stairs. 5. Wheelchairs can never be used on sand, mud, or other exceptional terrain. The answer to all of the above is false. Wheelchairs have come a long way since their first debut in 1595 as an “invalid’s chair” for Phillip II of Spain. Recently industrial designers worldwide have taken the challenge to create the exceptional merger of form, function, and uniqueness. Some prototypes are so unusual that they may never get to market or, if they did, they
may not be able to sell enough model. British artist Sue Austin, a wheelchairs to sustain their business. wheelchair user since 1996, pursued this Yet wild designs are important because development with a team of engineers. they break Adaptable for down the scuba diving, it stereotypes, uses dive and then thrusters, control innovative surfaces, and “Money cannot buy health, elements start flotation devices to appear in as well as fins but I’d settle for a diamondother models. attached to studded wheelchair.” Also, the Austin’s feet to – Dorothy Parker reverse is true. propel under Seeing the water. Engaged capability of a in performance wheelchair in art, the a special way wheelchair is part can trigger thoughts of advancing that of her Freewheeling project, which feature with more functionality in a new addresses the intersection of art and model. disability. One of the most remarkable All-terrain wheelchairs are attracting wheelchair innovations is a submersible interest. From moving gracefully on a sandy beach to climbing up and down stairs, these wheelchairs have been designed with unique sets of wheels. HEROes Series of Sport Wheelchairs, inspired by Mark Zupan, a quadriplegic and captain of the United States wheelchair rugby team, built a wheelchair not just for the beach, but predictably also for beach rugby. And a team of designers, Julia Kaisinger, Mathias Mayrhofer, and Benesch Xiulian, worked together to develop the CARRIER Wheelchair, which can provide complete independence for the user traveling over any terrain. Its functions include traction to climb the stairs as well as a standing position so the user can be at eye level with other people and have the potential to reach things that previously could not be
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reached from a seated position. Another very special practical design element would eliminate the need to physically transfer to a toilet seat. And there’s the social and psychological aspect of being in a wheelchair that the average mobile person does not think about. Yet for Alexandre Pain, his design goal was “Designing for Social Stigma”; he wanted to create change with a dramatic and elegant design that does not resemble a wheelchair. To fully understand the dynamics of a wheelchair with respect to both its function and challenges of the user, Pain, though himself mobile, spent time in the wheelchair. He found that the most difficult aspect was the stigma associated with it, and so his goal was to reinvent the wheelchair and morph it into an entity that did not resemble its former life. The result is the electric Tandem scooter, which is quite beautiful and, like a scooter, comes with additional seating for another person in the back. There will always be people with disabilities and there will always be wheelchairs, but now designers have taken the challenge to blend form and function. Leaving the classic stereotype behind has given designers the freedom to bring more versatility to the wheelchair and an enhanced quality of life to the user. For the disabled, it will provide more mobility and independence and therefore enhance their social interactions, their options for leisure time, and their selfesteem. Judith Zausner can be reached at judith@caringcrafts.com.
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May 2013
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May is Better Hearing & Speech Month Trust Your Hearing to the Care of a Physician York Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Associates has been a mainstay of the York County medical community since 1966. The office has grown to include four full-time physicians and four fulltime audiologists. The physicians treat a broad range of medical problems, including sinus and nasal problems, dizziness and vertigo, snoring and sleep apnea, thyroid disorders, head and neck cancer, reflux, seasonal allergies, ear disorders, and, of course, hearing loss. The physician and audiologist team at York ENT Associates can properly evaluate your specific hearing loss and determine a treatment that is best for you. No two people are exactly alike; each patient has different degrees of hearing loss as well as different communication needs. York ENT recognizes the danger
of a one-size-fits-all approach to hearing healthcare. That’s why we offer consumer-specific hearing aids based upon the wants and needs of the patient. Also, deciding when you are personally ready for hearing aids is a decision reserved for the patient and their family members. The staff of York ENT does not believe in pressuring anyone into a decision that you are not ready to make. York ENT offers the full range of the latest digital hearing aid technology at significantly lower prices than you will find at a hearing aid dealership; plus, you will receive the care of a physician at your visit. If you are noticing a hearing loss and are ready to explore your options, please contact our office to schedule a visit. Your first visit to our office will include a hearing test and a discussion of the results of the test with a
physician. If the physician determines that you are a candidate for hearing aids, you will then have a consultation with the university-trained audiologist to discuss what type of aid will best fit your needs. After the patient makes the decision to purchase hearing aids, they are encouraged to come back to the office for follow-up services. All aids come with a 30-day trial period, a one-year loss and damage warranty, and a two-year warranty for repairs. We are always available, by appointment, for reprogramming and cleanings. There is always a doctor and audiologist in the office should there be problems with your ear health or changes in your hearing. Call York ENT Associates today at (717) 843-9089 and let the staff know
Our Physicians Brian K. Flowers, M.D., F.A.C.S. Garth M. Good, M.D. Andrew R. Shorb, M.D. B. Emmerich Yoder, M.D.
you are interested in discussing your hearing loss and the possibility of a hearing aid. We are located in the Brockie Medical Center at 924 Colonial Ave., Building E, in York. For more information, visit our website at www.yorkent.net.
924 Colonial Avenue, Building E York, PA 17403
(717) 843-9089
Our Audiologists Alisa Kauffman, Au.D. Krista Blasetti, Au.D. Kristin Myers, Au.D. Lindsey Wolff, B.S., Audiology Resident
50plus SeniorNews t
May 2013
Art and Antiques by Dr. Lori
The Truth Is in the Workmanship Dr. Lori ne of the questions that I often hear at my public appraisal events is, “How can you tell?” I draw upon my decades of appraising and museum experience to glean important information about your antique pieces: works of art, antiques, or collectibles. My stage shows are totally unscripted, and I do not know what antiques are going to be presented to me at my events beforehand. So I appraise on the fly, and I spare no feelings—you either have a gem or you have a piece of junk! When someone today asks me how I can tell the age of something or if an object is repaired or restored, I tell them to look beyond the beauty. Look at the workmanship. Look at the construction. Look at the foundation of the piece. That is where the lies hide. We can shine something up or decorate a piece to
painted to look make it look like the grain great, but the of rosewood. truth is in When the appraising the construction. piece for the For TV episode, I instance, the broke the news late 19thcentury to Cindy that letterbox that she purchased my friend a locking Cindy letterbox that Photo courtesy www.DrLoriV.com Shook, the was only partly 19th-century letterbox with replacement inlaid Gallery 63 from the 1800s. marquetry work on the top. office manager She asked me, from “How can you Discovery’s Auction Kings, picked during tell?” I told her to look at the our season four premiere episode is a contrasting, different types of wooden good example because it had many pieces used in the marquetry work on the issues. top of the box—satinwood, walnut, First, the interior of the box was not rosewood, etc. The decorative motif of authentic rosewood but rather wood the marquetry inlay piece featured a
recorder, trumpet, and flowers, and this piece was probably cut out of an early1900s music box—hence the musical instruments—and replaced on top of the letterbox. If you look at the positioning of the decorative marquetry forms, the flowers on the left and right sides are nearly cut off, indicating that perhaps the damage to the original music box was so significant that the restorer had to cut the wooden replacement piece so close to the decorative flowers that there was no space left on either side of the floral motif. Typically, there would be an area of blank space between the flowers at both left and right sides and the framing of the marquetry piece. But, that is not the case on this box, which is a telltale sign that the box has been reworked and a replacement piece inserted into the top.
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May 2013
50plus SeniorNews t
Cindy has been the box itself shows in the auction clean lines, which business a long are both indicators time and has of a man’s experience functional object restoring objects from circa too. She knows 1875–95. her stuff. Her aim When it comes was to purchase an to evaluating object that would antiques, look at attract auction the object closely Dr. Lori and Cindy Shook on the set of buyers. She and let it reveal its Discovery’s TV show, Auction Kings. succeeded, as this history to you. piece still did well Remember, antiques at the Atlanta auction despite the don’t lie—people do. replacement. Ph.D. antiques appraiser, author, awardThe other issue I see with this box is winning TV personality, and TV talk show the highly feminine motif on a very host, Dr. Lori presents antiques appraisal masculine writing lap desk or letterbox. events nationwide. Dr. Lori is the expert There is no delicate keyhole hardware and appraiser on Discovery channel’s hit TV no floral element anywhere else on this show Auction Kings. Visit www.DrLoriV.com, letterbox. The hardware is straightforward www.Facebook.com/DoctorLori, or call and functional, and the framing around (888) 431-1010.
Bingo Raises Funds for Alzheimer’s Association
Senior Commons at Powder Mill and local community members recently raised $975 for the Alzheimer’s Association during a Coach bingo event. Families, friends, and members of the community came together for an afternoon of bingo, with prizes of Coach purses. Soup, sandwiches, and bakery items were also sold. TM
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Around Town, please email mjoyce@onlinepub.com www.50plusSeniorNewsPA.com
50plus SeniorNews t
May 2013
Salute to a Veteran
He Neglected to Salute General Patton Robert D. Wilcox ale Blevins, like many young men in World War II, was drafted as soon as he graduated from high school. And, in 1941 at age 18, he was sent to Camp McCain in Mississippi for basic training. If someone had told him in those days that he’d one day be working on a daily basis with the legendary General Patton, he’d surely have come back with, “Are you kidding me?” But that’s exactly what happened. Out of basic, he was assigned as a Jeep driver with the 301st Signal Battalion, and after more training, the battalion was shipped with 5,000 other GIs from New York to Southampton, England. There, his battalion was attached to Patton’s Third Army, and that’s where Blevins first got to see the general up close. Attached to Third Army headquarters, Blevins had been assigned
as one of 14 couriers “Another thing I who stuck tightly to remember is one time Patton, to deliver the when some of our guys orders that he was were on KP and were constantly sending to peeling potatoes. his generals. Patton’s dog, Willie, How was the general came around and tried to work with? to scrounge some of “He was tough. the potatoes. Having Strictly business. But he no idea it was the was colorful. I general’s dog, they remember one time he pelted him with was on a pier that was potatoes. I’ve often thick with officers. He wondered what they motioned me through felt like when then them and gave me a learned that was the Dale E. Blevins, left, with a buddy thick packet to go to general’s dog.” in basic training in 1941. one of his generals. All this happened Handing it to me, he in England. And then looked me straight in the eye and said, came the invasion. Blevins’s battalion ‘This is top secret. If you get stopped, eat missed D-Day but hit the beach on day it!’ three. What was that like?
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“Well,” Blevins says, “my Jeep’s engine had been waterproofed. And there was a tall pipe to bring air to the engine in the event that we sank below water. That was lucky, because when my LST started unloading us and I drove the Jeep off the ramp, I immediately sank in water over my head. Because of the waterproofing, though, I was able to drive the Jeep right onto the beach. “When I looked around, I never saw such a mess. I couldn’t believe the destruction. There were destroyed vehicles and the bodies of men strewn everywhere. You could barely get to the road that our troops had opened to get you off the beach.” The battalion set up camp a short way off the beach, and for the rest of the campaign through Europe, Blevins stuck close to Patton. Sometimes he would deliver a message and then find that
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May 2013
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Patton’s headquarters had moved forward in his absence, and he had to find it. Once, it took him two days to do that. He remembers well the time when, at dusk, he passed the general’s car without saluting. The general jumped from the car, braced him, and barked, “Soldier, didn’t you see the stars on that car? Don’t you know how to salute?” Blevins says he explained that it was too dark for him to recognize the general’s car, but the general said, “I want to see those corporal stripes off your arm by tomorrow morning.” Blevins says that, next morning, the general called him in and handed him staff sergeant stripes, saying curtly, “Here … put these on.” And Blevins says, “I got out of there as fast as I could move, before he had a chance to change his mind.” He quickly adds, “Patton was fearless … the best. If they had left him alone, the war would have been over six months earlier.” Did he ever get shot at? “Only once,” he says. “We were in Nancy, France. I was sitting, with my helmet in my lap. The bullet creased the left side of my helmet but didn’t hit me. The sniper was in a church tower, and other guys took care of him in a hurry.”
Another remembrance he has is the time when, just south of Munich, a German man directed him to a cave, and when he looked in, there was gold everywhere. When the Army emptied that cave the next day, they took out three truckfuls of gold. Rubbing his chin, he grins a bit and says reflectively, “You know, I often wonder what happened to all that gold.” When the war was over, he went back by ship to New York and the next day was discharged at Camp Kilmer. He played baseball for Major League farm teams for a while. After Watertown, in the Border League, he played for the Lancaster Red Roses, in the Interstate League. What position did he play for the Roses? “Second base,” he says dryly, “before I was beaten out by Nellie Fox.” He then worked in construction for many years, living in his hometown, where he lives today. Asked for anything else he thought about his war years, he says softly, “I’m just glad I lived through it.” Colonel Wilcox flew a B-17 bomber in Europe in World War II.
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Book Review
14th Annual
11th Annual
The Spruce Gum Box
Sept. 18, 2013
By Elizabeth Egerton Wilder
York Expo Center
9 a.m. – 2 p.m. 14th Annual
ddie loved to run along the river’s edge so the wind could blow through her long hair, released from the strict bun her father demanded. When Jed returned from the lumber harvest in the spring, she would fly into his arms, releasing her pentup passion from its winter prison. Little did they know their forbidden love would set in motion a series of events that would forever change their lives and make Jed a fugitive. With a bounty on his head and his infant son hidden beneath his coat, Jed sought out the only man he felt he could trust—a Native American Sagamore, the leader of a nearby Micmac settlement. The unlikely partnership defied all odds, overcoming bigotry, betrayal, and the unforgiving 1820s Maine wilderness, to stake a claim on the primitive New England landscape.
As the strife escalated between Great Britain and the United States over the border between Maine and New Brunswick, Canada, and the rights to its lucrative lumber industry, determination to survive and create a life for his young son drove Jed into uncharted territory and perilous adventure. About the Author With a background in art and education while raising her family, award-winning author Elizabeth Wilder achieved her lifetime dream of writing a novel when The Spruce Gum Box was released on her 72nd birthday. Its sequel, Granite Hearts, was published at age 74 and, to complete the Maine historical fiction trilogy, Beneath Mackerel Skies is due in fall 2013. She lives an active life at Simpson Meadows in Downingtown with her husband of 53 years and likes to talk about age as attitude over number.
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50plus SeniorNews t
May 2013
First-Aid Myths that Just Won’t Die Gloria May, M.S., R.N., CHES was about 10 feet behind another woman as we both headed into the nail salon at the mall early one morning. I wasn’t paying attention to the salon entry itself and apparently neither was she, as neither of us noticed that their sliding glass doors were closed. She hit full face on, bounced back (didn’t fall), immediately cried out, and put her hand up to the upper right side of her face. The glass hadn’t broken, so her skin wasn’t cut, but it was obvious from the sickening thud that she was going to have, at the least, a killer black eye. The salon owners slid open the doors, let us in, and the woman sat down. I suggested we get some ice, wrap it in a wet cloth, and let her put it on her face. Any blunt trauma can cause the blood vessels beneath the skin to rupture and leak, causing a bruise or, in
medical-speak, a contusion. The immediate application of ice (although not directly onto the skin) restricts the blood ooze and, by doing so, can stave off some of the bruising. But the woman didn’t want to use ice and she didn’t want to use even a cold, wet towel without ice. What she did want to do was to retrieve a cream from her purse and smear it on the side of her face. She’d be OK with just that, so everyone can stop fussing, please? Cream as an appropriate preventive for a bruise? That was a new one for me, but I do now and again run up against a number of old, familiar first-aid myths that just don’t seem to ever die out. Here are some first-aid myths you’ve probably heard:
cold running water.)
1. You should put butter on minor burns to reduce the pain. (Never. Use
6. The best way to reduce a fever is to swab down with alcohol. (Swabbing
with towels soaked in tepid water is better.)
2. The best way to deal with a poisoning emergency is to induce vomiting. (Don’t do this. Call 911 or Poison Control.) 3. Putting hydrogen peroxide on minor cuts and scrapes is the most effective way to prevent infection. (Soap and water is a better choice.) 4. To stop a nosebleed, tilt your head back and pinch your nose. (Forget the tilt back; you might swallow blood, which can cause you to vomit.) 5. Tourniquets are the best first-line treatment for any bleeding injuries. (Not unless the bleeding is life threatening.)
7. If you witness a seizure, you should restrain the person and put something solid between his teeth so he cannot bite his tongue. (No. Get the furniture out of the way, let the seizure run its course, and call 911.) There are great websites devoted to first-aid myths and mistakes, and a oneevening first-aid class at your local Red Cross or community center is always a good idea. If this subject interests you, pursue it. You may find yourself to be a hero someday. Gloria May is a registered nurse with a master’s degree in adult health education and a Certified Health Education Specialist designation.
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May 2013
50plus SeniorNews t
“Roll with the Punches” Rolling with the punches is a technique used in boxing. The objective is to avoid receiving a direct hit with solid contact. The technique is to move away from the punch in an attempt to avoid the blow or at least create a glancing blow—a glancing blow being preferable to a direct hit.
Nursing & Rehabilitation Centers Bethany Village – The Oaks
Claremont Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
325 Wesley Drive • Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 766-0279 • www.bethanyvillage.org
1000 Claremont Road • Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 243-2031 • www.ccpa.net/cnrc
Number of Beds: 69 Rehabilitation Unit: Yes Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes Scheduled Entertainment: Yes
Number of Beds: 290 Rehabilitation Unit: No Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes
Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Accreditations/Affiliations: CARF/CCAC; Eagle, LeadingAge PA Comments: Maplewood Assisted Living also available.
Scheduled Entertainment: Yes Private Rooms Available: No Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Comments: Claremont provides quality skilled nursing and rehabilitation services for short- and long-term stays.
Homeland Center
Mennonite Home Communities
1901 North Fifth Street • Harrisburg, PA 17102-1598 (717) 221-7902 • www.homelandcenter.org
1520 Harrisburg Pike • Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 390-1301 • www.mennonitehome.org
Number of Beds: 92 Rehabilitation Unit: No Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes Scheduled Entertainment: Yes
Number of Beds: 188 Rehabilitation Unit: Yes Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: No 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes Scheduled Entertainment: Yes
Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Accreditations/Affiliations: AAHSA, LeadingAge PA (PANPHA), NHPCO, PHN, HPNA
Comments: A beautiful, full-service continuing care retirement community with a 145-year history of exemplary care.
Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Accreditations/Affiliations: Equal Housing, LeadingAge PA Comments: Person-centered care with reputation for compassion and excellence. Established in 1903.
Pleasant Acres Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Spring Creek Rehabilitation & Health Care Center
118 Pleasant Acres Road • York, PA 17402 (717) 840-7100 • www.yorkcountypa.gov
1205 South 28th Street • Harrisburg, PA 17111 (717) 565-7000 • www.springcreekcares.com
Number of Beds: 375 Rehabilitation Unit: No Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Physical, Occupational Respiratory Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: No 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes
Number of Beds: 404 Rehabilitation Unit: Yes Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes
Scheduled Entertainment: Yes Private Rooms Available: No Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Comments: Elm Spring Residence Independent Living on campus.
Scheduled Entertainment: Yes Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Comments: A charming campus offering sub-acute rehab, long-term skilled nursing care, respiratory care, and Alzheimer’s memory care.
StoneRidge Retirement Living
Transitions Healthcare – Gettysburg
440 East Lincoln Avenue • Myerstown, PA 17067 (717) 866-3200 • www.stoneridgeretirement.com
595 Biglerville Road • Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6249
Number of Beds: 194 Rehabilitation Unit: Yes Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes Scheduled Entertainment: Yes
Number of Beds: 135 Rehabilitation Unit: Yes Alzheimer’s Unit: Yes Skilled Licensed Nursing: Yes Therapy: Speech, Occupational, Respiratory, Physical Long-Term Care: Yes Respite Care: Yes 24-Hour Medical Care: Yes Recreational Activities: Yes
Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Comments: Continuing care retirement community with two Myerstown sites convenient to Lebanon, Berks, and Lancaster counties.
Scheduled Entertainment: Yes Private Rooms Available: Yes Semi-Private Rooms Available: Yes Pet Visitation Allowed: Yes Beauty/Barber Shop: Yes Medicare: Yes Medicaid: Yes Accreditations/Affiliations: PHCA, PACA Comments: Fully staffed Transitions Healthcare employees in skilled nursing and sub-acute rehab. Tours are encouraged!
This is not an all-inclusive list of agencies and providers. These advertisers are eager to provide additional information about their services.
50plus SeniorNews t
May 2013
The Beauty in Nature
Purple and Yellow Lawn Flowers Clyde McMillan-Gamber
Common blue violets are a woodland species adapted to lawns. They have purple blooms that are threequarters of an inch across. Their blossoms and heart-shaped leaves are edible to white-tailed deer, cottontail rabbits, woodchucks, and other critters, as well as people. Ground ivy is a mint with a pungency that people smell when cutting grass.
Lancaster County
omen’s Expo
Register today and get in free!
This species creeps over the ground and through short grass. It has half-inch purple flowers; rounded, scalloped leaves; and prefers shaded, damp habitats. Its leaves were once used to ferment and flavor beer. Dandelions have inchwide, yellow blooms. Only dandelions with short flower stems produce seeds on regularly mowed lawns because longstemmed blossoms get cut by mowing. Photo courtesy Olaf Leillinger
eauty is where you find it.” Two species of plants with purple flowers and three kinds of vegetation that have yellow blossoms live abundantly on many short-grass lawns in the Mid-Atlantic States. And the lovely, cheery blooms on these prostrate plants beautify lawns in April and early May. This vegetation includes common blue violets, ground ivy, dandelions, Indian strawberries, and yellow wood sorrels. Violets are native to America, but the rest are aliens from Eurasia. These lawn plants grow close to the ground, and most of their leaves and flowers are missed by mower blades, allowing them to complete their life cycles. Mowing actually helps this vegetation grow because it removes grass that would shade it.
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The second annual women’s expo in the Lancaster County area will be held in the spring. This fun-filled and information-packed event brings together a community of women to connect, chat, relax, and rejuvenate. It features lively demonstrations, shopping, free spa treatments, and a fashion show. A wide variety of exhibitors provides information that embraces the many facets of a woman's life, including:
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Pretty, seed-eating birds, including house finches, cardinals, goldfinches, indigo buntings, and various sparrows, eat dandelion seeds in May when few other seeds are available. And dandelion leaves and flowers are edible to people, rabbits, and chucks. Indian strawberries trail across the ground and through short grass like tiny vines. They have three-quarter-inch yellow blooms and tasteless, but attractive, strawberry-like berries with seeds on their surfaces. Squirrels, birds, and other creatures eat those red berries. Yellow wood sorrels have clover-like leaflets and one-half-inch yellow blooms. Tiny, erect seedpods form where the golden blossoms were. Plants with purple or yellow flowers help make lawns attractive and interesting during April and early May. Enjoy their beauties.
Inserted into the July issue of BUSINESSWoman magazine.
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May 2013
Savvy Senior
Exercises That Can Help Ease Arthritis Pain Jim Miller Dear Savvy Senior, Can exercise help seniors with arthritis? I have osteoarthritis and have read that certain exercises can help ease the pain, but I don’t know where to start, and I certainly don’t want to make it any worse than it already is. What can you tell me? – Sedentary Sally Dear Sally, Lots of seniors who have arthritis believe that exercise will worsen their condition, but that’s not true. Study after study has shown that exercise is actually one of the best treatments for osteoarthritis. Proper and careful exercises can help reduce joint pain and stiffness, strengthen muscles around the joints, and increase flexibility. It also helps manage other chronic conditions that are common among seniors with arthritis, such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Here are some tips to help you get moving.
need to go slow to give your body time to adjust. If you push yourself too hard, you can aggravate your joint pain; however, some muscle soreness or joint achiness in the beginning is normal. To help you manage your pain, start by warming up with some simple stretches or range-ofmotion exercises for five to 10 minutes before you move on to strengthening or aerobic exercises. Another tip is to apply heat to the joints you’ll be working before you exercise, and use cold packs after exercising to reduce inflammation. If you’re experiencing a lot of pain while you exercise, you may need to modify the frequency, duration, or intensity of your exercises until the pain improves. Or you may need to try a different activity—for example, switching from walking to water aerobics. But it you’re having severe, sharp, or constant pain; large increases in swelling;
May is National Arthritis Month
Strengthening exercise: Calisthenics, weight training, and working with resistance bands are recommended (two or more days a week) to maintain and improve your muscle strength, which helps support and protect your joints. Aerobic exercises: Low-impact activities like walking, cycling, swimming, or water aerobics are all recommended three to five times per week to help improve cardiovascular health, control weight, and improve your overall function. It’s also important to keep in mind that when you first start exercising, you
or your joints feel hot or red, you need to stop and see your doctor. Exercise Resources To help you exercise at home, there are a number arthritis exercise DVDs you can purchase to guide you through a wide variety of activities. Collage Video, at www.collagevideo.com and (800) 8197111, sells several, as does the Arthritis Foundation Store at www.afstore.org or (800) 283-7800. Also see Go4Life (http://go4life.nia. nih.gov), a resource created by the National Institute on Aging that offers a free exercise DVD and book that provides illustrated examples of exercises you can do to improve your condition. You can order your free copies online or by calling (800) 222-2225. If you need some motivation or don’t like exercising alone, ask your doctor about exercise programs in your area for people with arthritis. Hospitals and clinics sometimes offer special programs, as do local health clubs and senior centers. The Arthritis Foundation also conducts exercise and aquatic programs for people with arthritis in many communities throughout the U.S. Contact your local branch (see www.arthritis.org/chaptermap.php or call (800) 283-7800 for contact information) to find out what may be available near you. Jim Miller is a regular contributor to the NBC Today show and author of The Savvy Senior Book. www.savvysenior.org.
Puzzles shown on page 19
Puzzle Solutions
Exercises for Arthritis Determining exactly which types of exercises are best for you depends on the form and severity of your arthritis and which joints are involved. It’s best to work with your doctor or a physical therapist to help you develop an exercise program that works for you. The different types of exercises that are most often recommended to seniors with arthritis include:
Range-ofmotion exercises: These are gentle stretching exercises that can relieve stiffness as well as improve your ability to move your joints through their normal range of motion. These exercises should be done daily.
May 2013
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Calendar of Events
York County
York County Department of Parks and Recreation
Senior Center Activities
Pre-registration is required for these programs. To register or find out more about these activities or any additional scheduled activities, call (717) 428-1961.
Delta Area Senior Center, Inc. – (717) 456-5753 Eastern Area Senior Center, Inc. – (717) 252-1641
May 4, 7:30 to 9 a.m. – Warbler Walk, Rocky Ridge Park May 5, 2:30 to 4 p.m. – Wildflower Walk, Nixon Park May 12, 2:30 to 4 p.m. – Mother’s Day Walk, Nixon Park
Golden Visions Senior Community Center (717) 633-5072
York County Library Programs
Heritage Senior Center, Inc. – (717) 292-7471
Arthur Hufnagel Public Library of Glen Rock, 32 Main St., Glen Rock, (717) 235-1127
Northeastern Senior Community Center (717) 266-1400
Collinsville Community Library, 2632 Delta Road, Brogue, (717) 927-9014 Tuesdays, 6 to 8 p.m. – Purls of Brogue Knitting Club Dillsburg Area Public Library, 17 S. Baltimore St., Dillsburg, (717) 432-5613 Dover Area Community Library, 3700-3 Davidsburg Road, Dover, (717) 292-6814 Glatfelter Memorial Library, 101 Glenview Road, Spring Grove, (717) 225-3220 Mondays, 6 to 8 p.m. – Knitting and Spinning Group May 30, 6:30 p.m. – Adult Book Discussion: Still Alice by Lisa Genova Guthrie Memorial Library, 2 Library Place, Hanover, (717) 632-5183
Red Land Senior Citizen Center – (717) 938-4649 South Central Senior Community Center (717) 235-6060 Tuesdays, 9 a.m. – Blanket-Knotting Project Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. – Zumba Gold for Seniors Thursdays, 10 a.m. – Senior Bowling League Stewartstown Senior Center – (717) 993-3488 May 6, 9:30 a.m. – Floral Arranging May 10, 10:30 a.m. – Mother’s Day Celebration May 24, 10:30 a.m. – Memorial Day Picnic and ’50s Music
Kaltreider-Benfer Library, 147 S. Charles St., Red Lion, (717) 244-2032 Susquehanna Senior Center – (717) 244-0340 Kreutz Creek Valley Library Center, 66 Walnut Springs Road, Hellam, (717) 252-4080 White Rose Senior Center – (717) 843-9704 www.whiteroseseniorcenter.org
Martin Library, 159 E. Market St., York, (717) 846-5300 Mason-Dixon Public Library, 250 Bailey Drive, Stewartstown, (717) 993-2404 Paul Smith Library of Southern York County, 80 Constitution Ave., Shrewsbury, (717) 235-4313
Windy Hill Senior Center – (717) 225-0733 Thursdays, 1 p.m. – Introduction to Polka Dance April 30, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. – AARP Safe Driver Refresher Course
Red Land Community Library, 48 Robin Hood Drive, Etters, (717) 938-5599 Yorktown Senior Center – (717) 854-0693 Village Library, 35-C N. Main St., Jacobus, (717) 428-1034
Programs and Support Groups May 7, 7 p.m. Surviving Spouse Socials of York County Faith United Church of Christ 509 Pacific Ave., York (717) 266-2784 May 16, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Alzheimer’s Support Group Senior Commons at Powder Mill 1775 Powder Mill Road, York (717) 741-0961
Free and open to the public May 21, 3 p.m. Caregiver Support Group Golden Visions Senior Community Center 250 Fame Ave., #125, Hanover (717) 633-5072
If you have an event you would like to include, please email information to mjoyce@onlinepub.com for consideration.
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The Handwriting on the Wall Email, texting, and tweeting all make communication quicker and easier. But some worry that electronic communication tools are eroding our ability to write the old-fashioned way: by hand. A study conducted by Doc-mail, an online stationer, found that the average adult (out of 2,000 participants) goes about 40 days without writing anything by hand, and one in three haven’t written a note on paper for more than six months. In addition, 50 percent feel that their handwriting has significantly declined, with one in seven being “ashamed” of their writing. Spelling may be another casualty, with four in 10 of the participants reporting that they depend on autocorrect for the right words. Many writers may find themselves helpless without a keyboard in the near future.
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May 2013
Swim Your Way to Heart Health A refreshing swim can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. These are vascular health bonuses for people who are at risk for stroke, the leading cause of disability and the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. In 2010, 137,000 Americans died of stroke, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Swimming is a vascular health bonanza,” said David H. Stone, MD, a member of the Society for Vascular Surgery. “Low-impact swimming provides a total cardiovascular workout. Regular exercise strengthens the heart muscle, resulting in less effort [exerted] and a decrease in blood pressure.”
One in every three Americans over 20 years old—74 million Americans—has high blood pressure, according to 2010 statistics from the CDC. One in every six American adults has high cholesterol (more than 250 mg/d L). More American women than men have high cholesterol.
In a 2010 University of Western Australia study, 100 women swimmers, ages 50 to 70, lowered their bad cholesterol and lost more inches in the waist and hips than walkers. Likewise, swimming is easy on the joints and doesn’t result in overheating. The American Council on Exercise suggests that adults burn 2,000 calories a
week from exercise. A lack of regular physical activity results in 250,000 deaths annually, according to a 2003 report in the journal Circulation. As long as the exercise regimen continues, the health benefits remain. After 12 to 14 weeks of a three- to five-days-a-week exercise regimen of 20 to 60 minutes at an intensity of 60 to 90 percent heart rate, bad (LDL) cholesterol can decrease by up to 20 percent, according to Livestrong.com. Another bonus: Aerobic exercise can increase good (HDL) cholesterol.
Nature has been Schreiner’s greatest inspiration. “It gives me the opportunity to be really original,” she said. Although she has painted realistic still lifes, portraits, and landscapes, abstracts are Schreiner’s favorite style. Schreiner’s “pride and joy” among her abstracts doesn’t have a title. “It speaks for itself,” she said, adding that the purple colors are grapes and the whites are trees, and various designs compose the rest of it. Cosmic Event and Cosmos are two other favorite abstracts. For Cosmos, she “flicked” paint onto the canvas and then began outlining three parts to the painting as land, water, and sky. In Cosmic Event, orange colors weave through land, river, and trees. Schreiner prefers to work in watercolors instead of oils. “It spreads more, so I can do a lot more with it,” she said. “You also can blend colors better.”
Schreiner said she is now allergic to some ingredients in her paints, so she has to paint with a mask covering her face. “I developed this allergy over a period of time within the last three years,” she said. Because of this allergy, Schreiner has begun using watercolor markers that April Koppenhaver, Mulberry Art Studios’ gallery owner, gave her. “It was time to retire my regular painting and start working in a different medium.” She also is enjoying making abstract cut-out pictures from items like bubble wrap, fabrics, and calendars. “I cut things of interest to me,” she said, and “create shapes and colors that come out of my head. I intend to continue creating. It’s part of my nature.” “She’s always experimenting, pushing the envelope. Not what others want her to paint,” said Koppenhaver. “I paint something because I want to
paint it,” Schreiner said. When Koppenhaver first saw Schreiner’s artwork three years ago, she wanted to be sure it was maintained for posterity. “She’s a serious artist with an eye and a flair,” Koppenhaver said. “It was a thrill to see her art collection, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to show them.” Unlike most painters, Schreiner has utilized both the front and back sides of her canvases over the years. She would get an idea but didn’t have a new canvas cut, so she’d just turn over one of her paintings and get started, she said. Because her paintings are on both sides, figuring out how to exhibit them is a challenge, Koppenhaver said. For more information on Schreiner’s Back of the Canvas exhibit in September, call (717) 295-1949 or visit www.mulberryartstudios.com.
from page 1
teaching. Instead, she began a family. The Schreiners moved around, living in Washington, D.C.; Ohio; and Pennsylvania; and they toured a number of countries. They retired to Albuquerque, N.M., before moving to a Central Pennsylvania retirement community 10 years ago. The Southwest was a big influence on Schreiner, with Aztec colors and tones creeping into her artwork. “That’s where I started painting seriously. My son was raised and I had more time,” she said. Schreiner studied watercolors at Penn State and acrylics at Syracuse University. But Schreiner’s passion for abstracts was fueled by her studies with Robin Bolton, a nationally recognized abstract artist. Schreiner also has taught a couple of art classes for amateurs who wanted to learn to paint or paint better. Schreiner’s work was accepted on three occasions by the prestigious New York State Fair Art Shows and received a ribbon.
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May 2013
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The Green Mountain Gardener
Waste Not Your Produce Dr. Leonard Perry esearch done in the past by the University of Arizona, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture, found that on average families throw out up to a quarter of their fruits and vegetables due to spoilage. You can lessen this loss greatly by purchasing or picking produce at the right stage, not storing certain fruits and vegetables together, storing them properly (not all like it cool), and using some before others. In regards to purchasing, there are a couple main points. Most stores have the produce as you enter, so you buy it before all else, lengthening the time it is not cool and moist. Instead, pick the produce last after you’ve chosen the non-perishable goods. Then get the produce home as soon as possible. Plan other errands before this shopping, or carry a cooler (especially if warm outside) in your vehicle if not going directly home. Also, pick or purchase at the right stage and in good condition. Apples or peaches without bruises, firm oranges, dark-green spinach, bananas that are slightly green and not all the way yellow with brown spots—these are all examples of good-quality produce. While it is tempting to store produce in air-tight bags, don’t. As produce ripens, it respires, or breathes. Storing any in tight plastic bags stops this, causing them to suffocate and speeding up decay. As they ripen, some fruits and vegetables emit ethylene—a gas that is odorless and colorless but that can speed ripening of other sensitive crops. That is why spinach will turn yellow in only a couple of days if in the refrigerator crisper along with an apple. So keep such ethylene releasers—apples, cantaloupe, and honeydew—separate. Don’t refrigerate other ethylene producers at all, including avocado,
unripe bananas, peaches and nectarines, pears, plums, and tomatoes. If fully ripe, you may store these cool, but return to room temperature for best flavor. Other crops not to refrigerate include potatoes, onions, winter squash, and garlic. Cold delays ripening and spoiling of many crops, but not these. These are cold sensitive and can lose flavor and moisture when too cold, or their smells can taint other produce. Keep in a cool, dry space that stays between 50 and 60 degrees (F). They may store a month or more with proper conditions. A special note on potatoes: Keep them away from light, as in a paper bag, to prevent them from greening and becoming inedible. Finally, after you’ve bought or picked fruits and vegetables, use the ones first that spoil most quickly. But don’t bruise or break their skins, such as pulling stems off, before ready to use, as decay microorganisms will enter and begin their work. In the first one to three days, eat or use asparagus, ripe avocados, ripe bananas, broccoli, cherries, corn, green beans, mushrooms, and strawberries. Next, in days three to five from purchase, use cucumbers, eggplant, grapes, lettuce and similar greens, pineapple, and summer squash, such as zucchini. By five to seven days from purchase, plan to use many other crops, such as bell and similar peppers, blueberries, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, leeks, oranges, parsley, peaches, pears, plums, spinach, tomatoes, and watermelon. Under proper conditions, several crops will store and can be used much later after a week, including apples, beets, cabbage, carrots, celery, garlic, onions, potatoes, and winter squash. Dr. Leonard P. Perry is an extension professor at the University of Vermont.
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May 2013
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