Wedding Sample

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Imani and Kemi acquire sisterhood

Press frenzy as couple arrive in Cyprus

Sola & Janett’s cyprus beach wedding

Losner’s appointed as wedding dress designers

Honeymoon scoop: What happened in Cyprus

Editorial / Design team

Sola Akinfie Managing Editor

John Hammond Features Writer

Tom Charles Deputy Editor

Julie Sanders

Christina Nicholson Contributor

Art Director

Emma Chandler

Mary Higgins


Sub Editor

Gbenga Coker Image editor

Dana Wades Contributor

Katy Johannson

Ben Sauman

News Editor


Jide Momoh

Natasha Spencer

Features Writer


Summary of index

Couple’s Wedding in the News Words From Friends and Family The Big Day - Exclusive Designing the Dress Why We Chose Each Other Fun and Gags The Hen Night Capers Janett’s Vacancy Honeymoon Shenanigans The Couple’s Big Thank You The Road to Sotira Photo Gallery Secrets to a Lasting Marriage

Rose Plummer

Fred Plummer

Olu Akinfie

Janett is the youngest of my five children. From a young age she knew what she wanted and has been very outgoing. She met Sola and fell in love. She planned her wedding which was beautiful and intimate. It all seemed a bit quick, from becoming partners to becoming husband and wife, but I am glad that I sensed they would be a good fit even before they got together as a couple.

My daughter is outgoing and boisterous. She will do anything for anyone and has a very kind heart. They should, however, manage their relationship with selfless patience, they should learn to understand each other and survive moments of disagreement with compromise and understanding. If they do these things they would have a long and happy marriage. Till death do them part, they will stick with each other through thick and thin.

It’s great to see my brother settled with such a wonderful person. I welcome Janett to our small family and wish herself and my brother a fruitful marriage for years to come. Representing our late father and mother in Nigeria, I am indeed happy to see our family extended not just in size but in diverse and rich cultures.

Matron Of Honour

Chief Bridesmaid




Best Man


Debbie Smith

Tracy Clarke

Emmanuel Omwuvie

Tejay Raheem

Janett I have known you for over 20 years and think of you as sister rather than friend. You are a thoughtful and kind person with a big heart full of love for others Thank you Sola for making Janett the happiest I have seen her in a long time. This is a great start with you having been friends for so long - as the vicar mentioned in his sermon. Your union is also special for your family .

To the brand new Mr and Mrs Akinfie, I am so proud and privileged to have been a guest to my best mates wedding. It has been the most fantastic, enjoyable, fun, emotional and intimate wedding ceremony in the beautiful island of Cyprus. What wise advice do I have for you both? None other than continue to love and evolve as you are. The love really shone through today, that’s evident and humbling to witness.

Sola is a good friend and potentially a great husband who deserves the happiness that marital bliss has to offer. As for Janett, I couldn’t be happier at the choice of partner. I am quite confident that they compliment each other. She is certainly wife material. They are quite lucky that their daughters have become quite close and found sisterhood quite easily. I wish them the best.

I have known the groom for quite some time now. I find that his union with Janett has made him a happier person. The creation of a new family with someone he adores has been very good for him. I am so pleased at his choice. Two individuals with parental backgrounds in Africa and the Caribbean coming together with no racial boundaries is a thing of beauty.



Imani Plummer - Williams

Kemi Akinfie

Lots of love to mummy and parent number 3. Glad to know that my mother finally got married to someone she loves and cares about. I’ve never seen her so happy. It’s nice to have two extra people join our family. As I said to mum “ When you find a good man, snatch him up. When you find a bad man, dash him away. “And you know what? It looks like you found a good man.”

Milo the Cat

Dear Daddy and parent number 3 I'm happy that you have settled down with Janett. She is a kind hearted person and I hope you both have a long, happy life together. It’s great that I also gained a sister in this marriage and I'm pleased that I now have a wonderful woman like Janett as my step mother and wish her and my dad the best, as we are one big family now.

I wasn’t too sure about this man fellow but he won my heart with grub. He’d always made sure I had the premium cat food to eat, none of that cheap Sainsburys tat. I knew this one was a keeper. Till this day, he still enjoys feeding me double portions, my bowl runneth over. For my own sake, I hope it’s a long marriage as he seems to keep my owners happy even though I am no longer flavour of the month. At least I am putting on weight, meow!

The Bride’s People

Yvonne Plummer (Sister)

The Groom’s People

The wedding was a truly beautiful experience, the beach setting, was perfect, the roof top reception was magical, so well organised, and intimate., just the right amount of people were present which made it more poignant. You and Sola make such a perfect couple, you are both confident, creative intelligent people, you compliment each other in every aspect.

Maureen Plummer (Sister)

Hi Janet & Sola. The wedding was very nice, just the right amount of people. It was intimate and felt special both of you compliment each other. I am pleased that my little sister has found a man that can fulfil her dreams. I pray that they continue to maintain such a loving relationship. Wedding was great I really enjoyed it.

Valerie Harrigan (Sister)

Janelle and Lianna (Nieces)

The wedding day was fantastic, plus the food .The bride, groom, bridesmaids and all the guests were perfect. I am so glad I was able to be part of such a lovely wedding It was sensational. I am sure both couples would bring joy and happiness to their marriage over the years. Best of luck to you both.

To Auntie and Uncle, I am so happy you have found each other and have extended our family. A little bit of excitement is just what our family needs, and I know you will both provide it in abundance. My support is always here and I cant wait to get this show on the road. Well done to both of you. Thanks for giving me the pleasure of attending your special day. I am so happy for you both. This was meant to be. May you enjoy a long and happy marriage together. You both look good together and seem to feed each other with lot’s of happiness and laughter.

Jonathan Jhon

Sola decided to settle down with someone he was sure he could have a marriage that would see him into his old age. I know the kind of person that would make him happy and I’m glad to see that in Janett. She has all Sola’s specifications and extra, so he’s a lucky man. His bride is beautiful and carries with her great integrity and a massive personality. I pray that Sola goes on to prove over the years that he can maintain such new found happiness.

David Waite

What can I say, I’ve been working with Sola for 5 years now and I am so glad he has met this wonderful woman. The grumpy and impatient guy I used to know is long gone, it’s all positive stuff since the engagement. I knew Sola was a great guy and a good friend but now that the missing part of the puzzle is fixed, I am seeing much more of the side we all like at work. Janett, we at Business Digest owe you a lot ha ha!

Isabel Alabi

Gideon Godwin

I have known Sola for over 20 years and when he told me he was getting married I knew that I had to be there. The wedding location was the sea front view of Ayia Napa and the setting was magical. The views were stunning as Sola and Janet exchanged their vows on the sunny beach. I was happy to be a part of it. I wish him and Janet a blessed and happy union.

I was a bit sceptical when Sola told me about his engagement with Janett, Sola has always been one to go for what he wants without hesitation and I felt the whirlwind romance was just that. Then I met his bride at their engagement barbecue. I have to say, he was right. Within the first 5 minutes of meeting Janett I realised he had hit the jackpot, she is kind, elegant and humble and very likeable as a person.

Tincuta Moscaliuc

Sandra Vacciana

Be Mansini

I've known Sola for almost three years and working with him I've found that he is a person who is very dedicated to the things he is passionate about and cares for, and I am sure he will apply the same dedication and commitment to his marriage. Janett is a lovely woman, very easy to get on with and I have no doubt she will be well taken care of and live a happy life with Sola.

I love Janett because of her tenacious personality, her self assuredness, her wit, intelligence, talent beauty, integrity and sense of justice. I am delighted that she has found a life long companion who will honour and cherish her. Who will be there for her through thick and thin. Who loves her for who she is and will embrace her and her daughter.

Janett and Sola are a joy to be around. The way they laugh and love. The way their habits and idiosyncrasies balance each other. The way their differences highlight their sameness. Ying and Yang. The union of two of families into one. Imani & Kemi to have found their twin, their sister is a wonder. I feel inspired and wish you many many years of joy.

Karen Small

Patricia and Olliverre

Karen Lennon

Janett and I have known each other since the children attended nursery. We have been through thick and thin, flown high and drowned our sorrows with retail therapy. I remember our shopping trips and getting home at 4am in the morning. Charlton Asda loved us! Dancing and singing down the aisles, trying new chocolates and other goodies. I am so happy that Janett has found someone to mirror her quirkiness, yes you Sola, (loving the traffic light!). Love, Prayers & Blessings.

It was such a blessing to witness your wedding. What a beautiful day and perfect ceremony. I would love to send you wise words and love BUT whenever I think of you my mind in filled with a love song. Teddy’s on a loop with 50:50 love….so good, Luther says the stars are shining brighter, Al Green and Donny Hathaway stand in agreement. I can only speak from the heart. I am so thrilled that you have found each other. Your love is obvious and your happiness together is inspiring.

I like your choice in Sola, he does bring out a lot of laughter in us. I believe that laughter is the best cure for gloomy times. Laughter and happiness in abundance is a wonderful thing for a couple. You seem to bring out the best in each other and I am confident you would both have a great marriage. You have my blessing.

Yvette and Dan Storr

Leah Chamberg

Charlotte and Sean

Congratulations on your special day. Thank you both for inviting us to spend this very special, precious day with you. Wishing you wealth, laughter and happiness. Never go to bed on an argument, always wake up with a smile. Love each other, forgive each other and most of all choose your battles. Love you both Yvette & Dan.

For two pretty lazy women, we’ve had a lot of (mis)adventures around the world, my cousin Janett and I. From wandering lost in Chinatown in Dublin, to being abducted by a gang of masked marauders in Morocco, to chasing crooks through the hotel gift shop in Tunisia, it’s been a crazy ride. I’m so happy she’s found her partner in life and I wish them so much happiness on all their adventures together.

I have only met Sola once so far - but I could see at once the love between him and Janett- their glow and shining eyes when they looked at each other. You two were acting like teenagers or love birds- sneaking off to snog in a doorway! I’m so happy you found each other and I wish you both, along with Kemi and Imani a long, happy, fulfilling and affectionate life together. Much love.

What marriage should be and why I chose my Sola

I had thought about marriage without living together, marriage where I could have a house husband and every other variation of marriage that a feminist could think of. I figured years ago that marriage was a wonderful thing. Only I worked out that men got a really good deal from it. They got someone to love and nurture them, cook, clean and keep the household running smoothly. I decided there and then that what I actually needed was a wife! Along my journey I probably missed a few husbands as I was still looking for a wife. I chose my husband because he is super smart, he has been intelligent, witty, interesting and insightful. I genuinely think he has something to teach me and that we will grow together. I can rely on him, I have faith in him and above all I have bucket loads of trust, respect and admiration. I needed someone who could give to me what my father has given to my mother consistently. Someone to be a solid rock to lean on and someone who will love me unconditionally, passionately and with Agape love. I prayed that I would have a husband that adored me and that would be happy to grow old with me. I found someone with a big heart, lots of love to give and a person who will not only support me but understand the complexities of me, my personality and my life. They had to love my child as their own, have faith and love God and be a family man that can lead a family. I had no desire to be a traditional wife but find myself meeting him in the middle of the wife continuum. This seems to work for me. I no longer want a wife but am happy to have the husband I have got, that is perfectly and uniquely formed. This jigsaw seems to be the missing piece of the puzzle that I sought to complete for decades.

I needed someone who could give to me what my father has given to my mother consistently.

It’s a bit ironic to be a person who never believed in the institution of marriage. Up to 15 years ago, I felt modern society and changing needs had put paid to the idea of marriage as far as I was concerned. We are all witnesses to the spiralling rate of separation these days. We live in a society where it is the norm to co-habit as partners, living together without the urge to get married.

What marriage should be and why I chose Janett

Come 2014, being much more in tune with family responsibilities as a father and the increasing wish to enjoy the company of a life companion, I wholeheartedly signed up to the idea of blissful matrimony as and when I found the right person. I do however believe that it should only be entered into with full confidence. These days, there are multitudes of couples who enter wedlock with their fingers crossed not able to bet on their still being happily married the next 20 years. For me, I have delayed the process for as long as possible till I met the one that gave me the confidence of believing in the word ’till death do us part’ I certainly don’t do separation or disastrous matrimony. So, marriage to me has got to mean complete partnership. A captain and his first officer sailing through the oceans of time, in calm or stormy weather working as a team with mutual respect for each other. Marriage to me means the embrace of a new family, extended support and a caring household. It also means enjoying the warmth and support of a true friend in a wife, someone to work with for a better way of life, someone who I can be with and have equal feelings for.

Why I chose Janett The truth is, I didn’t choose Janett this year or the last. I chose her in my heart over 15 years ago. It took me exactly 8 minutes after meeting her for the first time to feel this was the type of person I would marry in an instant, if I ever did. We became friends with no intimate agendas though I thought she was what every woman should be - the best thing since sliced bread. I found myself over the years to be using Janett as a profile template when discussing or debating the attributes of a perfect wife. To eventually have her as a wife is my own personal lottery. I chose to bet on Janett for her unique personality. I can’t wait to go enjoy our jointed family. It also helps that her daughter Imani is such a delight and has developed a great bond with my own. Through the years I’ve never met a woman that was so very beautiful with such an understated demeanour suggesting she is unaware of this. In my view and that of her friends her beauty seems more radiant as it reflects her kind and understated personality. She is a stunning woman. We like her concorde nose, Prada lips, and super hero legs, I can go on.

I wholeheartedly signed up to the idea of blissful matrimony as and when I found the right person.

In the news

Honeymoon shenanigans They visited a number of seaside restaurants avoiding Mc Donalds and the only KFC branch.

As they say, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. That being true, what happened at the couples Ayia Napa honeymoon has become hot news grabbing all the headlines as Charles Hope reports: Recent reports reveal that the couple did indeed stay on in Cyprus calling it their honeymoon. Sources reported detailed information about why they chose to keep it an all Cyprus affair and deny rumours that they had planned to honeymoon in Mexico. After guests and the rest of the family left Cyprus, the couple were free to have a few days rest after the elaborate wedding, free from the public and press. They were spotted at various locations such as Nissi Beach and Paralimi doing some window shopping. Sola defended his use of a laptop to carry on with work suggesting he was only using it to send personal emails and had no intention of ruining the honeymoon. His new bride was quick to come to his defence. “I can assure you, my husband was not in the position to entertain any form of distraction while we enjoyed our honeymoon in private, ’I made sure of that” she added.

Changes to trip schedule

The Bride and groom’s spokesperson confirmed reports that the couple altered some prearranged honeymoon activities such as the much anticipated boat ride to Farmagusta ghost town and Parastos Islands as well as the Municipal Museum located in the Ayia Napa region. He was quick to explain that the change of plans became necessary to avoid the growing media frenzy with reports of the arrival of scores of journalists and photographers arriving in large numbers at Larnaca Airport in Cyprus, a day before the wedding. A select few where given direct access to the couple with a firm agreement that they would be left in peace to enjoy their wedding ceremony, as well as the honeymoon. Said spokesperson Maria Kendell, “While the couple appreciates the influx of well wishers and public interest in the wedding, they would at least expect to enjoy their honey moon in private and would be happy to share photos at their own discretion and choosing.” he offered.

Couple spotted on scooters

Reports about the damage to the hired car confirms that the accident was minor and there had been no police reports of drink driving or otherwise. The damage to the car as reported

was as a result of the roads being on the wrong side. The groom has laughed off suggestions that there was a bit of distraction due to prewedding hanky panky. The whole affair was later on sorted out with the hire company in a matter of minutes. The decision to ride about the Ayia Napa town centre on mobile scooters was not a precautionary measure to avoid any further motor vehicle mishaps. The bride was spotted whizzing about town at full throttle enjoying the motorised scooter taking in the sights and fiddling about with her phone. They visited a number of seaside restaurants avoiding McDonalds and the only KFC branch. The couple insisted that they would prefer to enjoy the full Cypriot experience by choosing to dine at particular establishments that offered the traditional Cypriot dining experience. Press liaison Fionna Wright explained at the honeymoon press conference, “The couple felt it should be customary to the people of Cyprus that they indulge in their traditional food and drink as they were there to enjoy the whole Cypriot culture and way of life while they were there. The couple on returning to London, further expressed their gratitude to the people of Cyprus for their great hospitality and support for the wedding and enjoyable honeymoon.

Did Janett default on her diet plan?

Thanks to an overly scrumptious wedding cake we can reveal that Janet did indeed decide on postponing her strict diet schedule and tuck into the premium wedding cake, the work of Angels Of Birmingham who are known for creating great tasting cakes in trendy designs. On their honeymoon, she was also spotted at a number of restaurants in Ayia Napa and Paralimi and she wasn’t ordering salad and greens either. Janett defended her recent cravings stating that it doesn’t help much that her new husband is himself on a weight-gain programme and insists on bringing as much of the wedding cake back to England. She did however confirm she would be returning to her boot camp exercise programme soon as she and new husband finished off half the entire wedding cake. She also defended her position by explaining. “My husband doesn’t want me stick thin anyway, as far as he’s concerned there’s more of me to love.” It’s a West African thing, she laughed.

The big day

Wedding coverage exclusive


he wedding day for both families was indeed a special one. It starts with Janett’s rush to get herself ready and not keep the groom waiting too long. Cyprus very own special stylists Gaynor and Jenny Christodoulou were commissioned to carry out the make up and facial preparation of the bride and bridesmaids at the exclusive 5 star Victoria Villa less than a mile away from the venue. Sources report that the location wasn’t leaked till a few hours to the start of the ceremony which was set to take place at 4pm. The beach wedding location at Agia Thekla in the district of Sotira near Ayia Napa was chosen so as to reduce the expected media intrusion and keep the wedding a small and intimate affair for friends and family. A few agencies were allowed access to the venue as agreed. Running late a few minutes after 4pm, Janett’s Chauffeur-driven vintage vehicle was spotted evading the paparazzi and press at the A24 intersection using a quick detour, the bride’s parents joined the procession which raced to the venue with no time to spare. Meanwhile, the groom who arrived at the venue driven in a beach buggy by the best man, found he had to hot foot it to the beach front after spotting the brides car which nearly got to the ceremony before he did. Wedding correspondent Charles Maddox reports that the groom made it on time, his apparent nervous and excited state of mind was calmed by British vicar Father Michaels who was secured for the wedding ceremony by

Suzanne Miller from Aphrodite wedding services in association with the Cypriot municipality. Having held leadership positions in the Ayia Napa side of the island he had become synonymous with Christian ceremony and quite a popular choice for foreign weddings in Cyprus. Set amongst the less crowded Thekla beach, the ceremony went ahead with lot’s of tears and laughter as the couple read their vows and exchanged rings. Sources suggest that the brides ring was indeed the Aqua marine Vontique design from Hatton Garden’s Miraj Diamonds. The grooms ring was a special purchase from Earnest Jones a minimalist design in white gold.

No animals were harmed in this photoshoot.

The ceremony concluded with a lengthy photo opportunity and a few words from both family representatives. Janett’s sister and niece, Yvonne Plummer and Janelle Yusuf acted as official witnesses as the Cypriot municipality requires while Mr Olumide Akinfie shared a few words representing the grooms parents, the father who is late and mother who could not be at the ceremony.

Reception at Nissaki restaurant and beach resorts

Associated press reports the hungry procession moved on to the reception venue a few yards away from the beach front to take their places at Nissaki restaurants roof top pavilion. The couple made a joyful entrance dancing to Afro beats and 80s anthems courtesy of

Family size updated.

Father Michaels with a few words of warm humour.

The ceremony concluded with a lengthy photo opportunity and a few words from both family representatives. appointed DJ and friend Ms Isabel Alabi. Best man Emmanuel Omuvwie explained, “ The evening couldn’t have gone better, the food and company was spot on and we really got guests going with kind words and lot’s of dancing, I’m glad I could be a part of it despite the difficulty in finding the time to travel and help organise the big day at the last minute.” Guests enjoyed a Cypriot cuisine starting off with the restaurant’s signature cocktails to welcome them. At this time, the gold bottles of Botega Champagne had been polished off as the bride and groom wobbled off to their seats at the high table. There was enough time for speeches and memoirs with friends and family signing the guest book.

Party carries on at secret location

The reception lasted well into midnight with the couple and their group departing at a not so secret location down the road and back to Villa Victoria where some guests got merry with Cava and Irish cream, they braved the now cool waters of the private pool to have a splash about. After a while bride and groom where nowhere to be seen, leaving guests to carry on with the celebratory fun.

...the gold bottles of Botega Champagne had been polished off as the bride and groom wobbled off to their seats at the high table.

Groom gets a bit carried away.

Janett’s vacancy Husband and home manager The company

Janett subsidiaries UK Ltd originally started operations in Birmingham over 45 years ago and is now located in South East London. This is a small tight knit organization which is still connected to it’s parent and sister companies in the midlands. The company intends to expand it’s size in London in it’s current plan for growth


11:32 AM (1 hour ago)

to Janett

The vacant position

The company seeks a honest and genuine family manager and husband. This is a full time permanent role suitable for candidates who wish to grow and develop within the company. This is a job for life. There will be a probationary period of 6 months after which the candidate will be offered a permanent contract through marriage

The role

In our bid to ensure matrimonial stability within the next 5 years, the chosen candidate would need to prove applicable experience with strong references from exes and family as required. The person will be jointly accountable for all family decisions reporting with progressive reports to the wife. The candidate would need to be a useful and sociable husband and man about the house. Personal skills would need to suggest fortitude, resourcefulness and a keen eye for romance and a happy home.

The person

• • • • • • •

Experience or skills in dinner dates will be a plus Must be able to deal with wifes shopping addiction An appreciation for poetry is a bonus but not necessarily a criteria Must like cats A sense of humour will be highly considered. Must be God fearing and have Christian beliefs and values Age range : 45 - 99 (Must have own teeth though)

Your responsibilities

Decent cook (as we live in the 21st century). Provide plenty of hugs and cuddles on a daily basis. Share responsibilities and management for one child . Assist the companies drive towards less hoarding. Take part in living room TV sessions for a minimum 15 hours a week Visit Birmingham head office at least once every two months Oversee KPI’s in monthly family value targets

Company policy

This is an equal opportunities employer Repeat candidates will not be entertained Compliance to companies policy on kindness and consideration monitored on a daily basis Ongoing staff training in family management and inclusion is an ongoing exercise reviewed quarterly

Salary and benefits

• • • • •

Priceless Contributory pension Negotiated bonus on output targets Family leisure days out Exotic holidays

Applications Quote reference 4U2BLOVED /77

Apply now

Please send current cupid CV and cover letter explaining why you should be ideal for the role. Email :

Dear recruiters, I hereby wish to formally apply to the advertised vacancy for a husband and home maker. As my attached cupid CV suggests, I meet all the person specifications listed in the vacancy posting and more. I am romantically astute with strong and positive personal skills and an amiable and enthusiastic disposition to this sort of work. I am keen to contribute significant values to the companies progression and will apply transferable skills where required. Should I be offered a position in your firm I will be looking to continue my career way past my pension age. To my credit, I am a good listener and able to follow wife driven instructions to the letter whilst being man enough to work on my initiative. In terms of my skills and experience, I have a proven track record in relationship management and promise to love my job and execute all my responsibilities willingly. I also have extensive experience in positive parenting gained over a 14 year period. Willing to relocate if necessary. References from exes available on request Many thanks Sola Akinfie

Losner’s shines with Janett’s exotic dress History in the making

Losner’s is one of the countries highly rated bridal dress shop, tucked away in Stamford Hill North London. Brides come from all over the country to find their dream dress. They come from all over the world too, as far as Dubai, the Caribbean and even Russia. Losner’s remains the popular choice for those wishing to get their hands on unique and trend leading designs that stand out. They’ve done it all, from the biggest dress boasting 10 kilograms of fabric, a dress that trails a good 15 feet long reaching the back of the church, designs for the typical elaborate gypsy wedding and a collection of unique vintage styles that takes bridal wear to a whole new level. Established by Rose Swermer, the bridal outfitters service has been going for longer than 63 years. Over their many years in the business, they have partnered and commissioned numerous designers of high reputation not only to help create high quality wedding dresses but to also push the envelope, catering for unusual and brave designs from the wide range of clientele that walk through the doors. Services Manager, Ann Croucher explains, “We strive to send design dresses for brides as though they have stepped out of a magazine.”


The design house is also known to celebrities and TV personalities. The wife of an undercover millionaire from the popular BBC programme and the model Marie Boreham are some of the brides on the happy customer list. They have also dressed brides for the TV series, 4 Weddings. The firm however insists, that the high level of service and care is equally offered to all customers, every bride is a VIP as far as Losner’s is concerned. Services Manager Ann Croucher recalls daughters of mothers that they dressed as brides. “One woman came in recently with her daughter. She bought her dress from Losner’s in 1973 and her daughter got married in August 2014.”

Choosing that dress

Janett’s dress stole the show at her wedding as she dazzled in her white wedding outfit, one of Losner’s exclusive lines. The bride is said to be quite ecstatic that she was able to squeeze into the iconic wedding dress giving thanks to friend and Chief bridesmaid Debbie Smith, for putting up with the endless journeys for refitting and alteration. Janett and Debbie Smith arrived at the shop eight weeks before the wedding at 5:25pm, five minutes before the shop closed, not much notice given but it all went well. This could have easily been a record for the fastest a bride has ever chosen a dress at Losner’s or anywhere else for that matter. It’s a Mouri Lee design called Maddie in Tulle. Very much a fitted piece with ivory ruche fabric swathing across the dress. It had a sweetheart neckline that had to be built up to fit Janett like a glove. Debbie’s keen eye locked on to the dress in the exclusives section and immediately selected the dress for her as she knew the figure hugging design would suit a curvaceous woman really well. They both loved the dress and didn’t have to think twice about looking for another.

Attention to detail

Ann Croucher explains the challenge to getting it right. “The dress fitted well but we needed to fit all of Janett into it. The adjustment meant taking the dress out at the side and adding two inches of extra fabric at the top of the dress in order to accommodate her ample curves and to make her feel comfortable enough. It’s a sassy and stylish dress and seemed to suit her personality.” Losner’s seamstresses were on hand to make adjustments speedily and to the bride’s requirements. The results of such craftsmanship has been in the detail and finishing. While the exact price of the dress is not common knowledge, sources confirm that it did indeed come under £1500 much to everyone‘s surprise. A great bargain when compared to similar designs boasting of such high standard fabric.

Losner’s top tips when looking for a gown?

“Try to choose one that suits your body shape. We will gently steer a bride towards something that will flatter her and compliment her shape, size and height. Also choose your dress a year in advance this time”, she adds.

Losner’s of North London, the official creators of Janett’s Mouri Lee dress have been around for more than half a century. We find out why Rose Swermer’s bridal shop is such a must have for brides with imagination.

TheA candid road to Sotira interview with Rebecca West The couple set the record straight on how they stumbled into a romantic partnership with all roads leading to the marriage set in the Sotira District of Ayia Napa Cyprus.

RW: Press sources report that you’ve been against the idea of marriage for quite sometime and have even gone as far as publish articles debating it’s relevance in modern Britain. How do you then start a relationship and leap into marriage all under 4 months? Sola Akinfie: Yes it’s true I never subscribed to the idea of marriage, but I guess, with most people like me, over time, one gets to discover the less obvious attributes of being married to the right woman. Janett offers me engaging companionship and unconditional love and affection. RW: You say you have known each other for over 15 years, why has it taken so long to tie the knot?

Sola Akinfie : That’s a strange one when I recall my initial feelings. As stated earlier, I always felt a woman like Janett seemed to be the only one that could change my mind about marriage. It’s taken this long as a result of a number of reasons, one being, the tricky transition from friend to intimate partner. Plus, I was probably not seen as a serious candidate over the years, let’s say my application had been on file for quite a while.

RW : Tell us more about how you first met Sola Akinfie: Well, going back several years when I had my own teeth and my hair was without grey, I attended an ethnic trade exhibition in West London. It was a busy affair meeting and networking with buyers and sellers. Just when I was about to call it a day, I clocked Janett sitting pretty behind her exhibition table. Till this day, I struggle to recall what she was exhibiting or selling, all I can remember was failing miserably to avert my gaze elsewhere. Others would say Janett is a good looking woman, but for me, she is a stunning woman. The selling point for me was her understated fresh look that could get a man wobbling on his knees. At that point I didn’t care how I did it, but I simply had to get her contact details. Wasn’t even sure how we could relate. Business, friendship, work, whatever, all I knew is that I wanted to be doing something with her. I was pleasantly surprised about her friendly and approachable response despite my terrible introduction. All my seasoned wit and charm failed me, I was mesmerised. RW: OK, we get the picture, so we understand you became friends as well as business acquaintances. At what point did you make your intentions known

Sola Akinfie: Too be honest, since the day I set eyes on Janett, I had always liked the idea of being her partner. Just never connected in that way , even though she recently confessed she knew I liked her a great deal. Sounds much like whirl wind romance since the question dropped the first time we got intimate, under a year ago. RW : I see, we read press reports that the real catalyst for finally getting together happened as a result of clumsy situation that could have gone the other way. What happened in Southend Essex? Sola Akinfie: We laugh about it now, but the whole affair was somewhat embarrassing and frustrating to be honest. As explained earlier, myself and Janett over the course of many years, would have gaps where we wouldn’t be in contact for a long time. This year was different. She found me again and we continued our friendship. It did stir up my old feelings for her and I found myself putting much more of an effort to spend time with her. RW: Give us the juicy stuff, what happened in Southend? Sola Akinfie : Well, as I said, we continued our friendship and found that we were spending more time together. It’s strange as we must have gone on 2 or 3 dates that didn’t actually seem like dates. I’d be there harbouring fantasies about us as a possible couple while dear Janett would be chomping away on steak and chips without the faintest idea my affection for her was doing cart wheels. I began to see the cute quirky side of her personality, I was well and truly hooked. I’d watch how she interacted with total strangers and noticed how everyone she met warmed to her sweetness. I was completely infected at this stage with the Janett Viral strain for which there is no antidote! The Southend trip, I suspect, was a last minute invitation as someone else was supposed to be a guest and couldn’t make it. It was just a day coach trip to Southend beach, sponsored by Janett’s employers, nothing special.

in the opposite direction from the rest of the group. It was when we were off to the fairground that I got a most Earth crashing dose of disappointment RW: Tell us more! Sola Akinfie: Well, as it goes, we met up with some of her colleagues and in their infinite wisdom, Janett decided to introduce me to her work mate on the day out - thinking that I’d be a good catch for her single friend. My world seemed to shatter and the whole trip turned sour for me. For once my talkative self was silenced. RW: But we got reports that the trip served as the catalyst for bringing you together. Sola Akinfie: That’s true but not in the way I would have wanted. Later that evening when we got back to London I found myself quite irritated with the whole business and felt that there could never have been an ounce of a chance for intimacy if she felt I should be seeing her friend. I voiced my frustration and was forced to state that I was annoyed, how could she not see that I adored her, and her alone. My conversation with her that evening was an explosive revelation as she later on confessed. She knew then that I was completely in love with her and could bare it no longer. The penny had dropped after 15 years of loving her from a distance. I got her thinking it turns out. RW: What happened next ? Sola Akinfie: Well, that was when I started to get more invitations for breakfast, hanging out in trendy Shoreditch and just about any excuse to have me round. By then I had given up any hope of starting a romance. Ironically, her mum also joined us for the Southend trip and got the chance to meet me for the first time and get to know me better, even if it was as her daughter’s good friend. I got a bit of a shock when I was down at Janett’s for breakfast and her mother innocently asked Janett what she thought about me being a potential husband for her.. I will never forget my nervous reaction, I blurted out jokingly that Janett would be too much work for me. None had the faintest idea how the suggestion rocked me.

I began to see the cute quirky side of her personality, I was well and truly hooked. At this point my affections for Janett had scaled the charts, it was a pleasant journey only dampened by Janett darting from seat to seat making sure everyone was enjoying the ride. I simply wanted her to myself. RW: So did things develop rapidly when you arrived at Southend? Sola Akinfie: On the contrary. She thought we were enjoying a friendly outing with good company and good old cheesy English food at a vintage diner. I was pleased that she somehow decided we should set off

All my seasoned wit and charm failed me, I was mesmerised.

I later on found out that Janett had been having serious thoughts about us as a couple which is why she quickly accepted my casual request for her to join me at an ex clients weekend spa in East Sussex. That’s where we got romantic and my application was finally reviewed with fresh eyes. We came back to London as lovers with strong long term prospects. I can’t recall getting down on my knees to ask her hand in marriage but let’s just say we both asked each other before we hit the M25 on to Surrey and into south east London.

Janett finds her dream ring While Sola recovers from a mild seizure at the prices.

A bit cheesy but what the heck, they’re in love.

A few words from big brother.

Steady on luv, the legs aren’t brand new!

Cousins and best of friends, awww.

Bridesmaids and groomsmen - a great job done.

The retirement of a great wingman.

That’s what friends are for.

We’re lost in music!

Cross section of guests.

A tasty big fat Greek wedding.

25 Secrets To A Loving, Lasting Marriage

By Julie D. Andrews

An expert's view on keeping your marriage strong and healthy Julie D. Andrews shares quotes from couples who enjoy a great married life Julie D. Andrews shares These real-life couples have been in the marriage trenches and they're still laughing, smiling, having a ball. Read their secrets to making love last for the long haul.

conversation and keeps you from hashing over household problems." Paula has been married to Dan for 26 years (Athens, AL).

The power of real friendship cannot be over emphasised, you really have to like each other to make your marriage last. As they say, “The wedding is the icing and decoration while the slices of cake is the marriage.� Keep it fresh and tasty. Liking each other is different from loving each other. There are several marriages that do not succeed despite the presence of genuine love.

"Each person should seek to do good for the other person, instead of fighting over 'what about me.' Then the experience is one where each person is giving and serving the other. Manage a win-win solution." Dave has been married to Rose for 32 years (Roseville, CA).

Some words from happy couples: "I once read in an old book on marriage: 'Always treat your husband as an honoured guest in your home.' In other words, be on your best behaviour. This has rubbed off on me and he reciprocates. It works! My own saying about marriage is: 'A good marriage is made up of a thousand small kindnesses.'" Trudy has been married to Paul for 35 years (Dartford Kent). "We purposely sit next to each other on the couch each night. My father told me to be sure to do this when I got married. It makes it impossible not to physically touch each other!" Stephanie from Brighton England has been married for 18 years. "Keep a date night. Since we married we've maintained one night a month to go out as a couple. When our children were infants (under 6 months) we'd take them along, we didn't just sit in the house. It doesn't have to be just you two. Go with other adults or couples. This allows you to have adult

"In the toughest times couples need to remember why they got together in the first place. Put your relationship first. Be open and flexible to change. Adapt, these tips sound ordinary but we've seen so many relationships break up because one or both partners refused to do these 'common sense' things." Maria has been married to Mark for 24 years (London, England). "Be passionate, supportive and accepting of what the other person is doing in their personal life. We knew it was important to still be individuals. We each had things we wanted to get done personally. We wanted our work goals not just supported but understood and facilitated.� Julie has been married to Mark for 15 years (West Linn, Oregon). "Mind your manners. Too often we show more respect to strangers than to those we love. Parents often expect manners from their kids but don't use them with each other. 'Please hand me that plate' is kinder, gentler than 'Hand me that.' Would you, could you, please, sorry, these are magic words. They're not just for dating." Sade has been married to Ade for 27 years (Lagos , Nigeria).

What happens in Kendal

stays in Kendal The Hen weekend expose


the top of the hill was well worth the effort which offered breathtaking views of the lake district. After much panting The excited group descended on the tranquil and peaceful and wheezing it was great to sit and take it all in. atmosphere of Kendal Lake district. The highly recommended Briscoe Lodge played host to Janett’s hen group who made The pole dancing class the trip from all parts of the UK. We learned that she typically missed her flight from London to Manchester on One of the highlights of the trip courtesy of Pole Stars account of being unable to lift her overweight suitcase up dancing class. Some took to it with such ease it seemed the steps at her local train station. She rebooked her flight they’d been pole dancing regularly, no surprise there. The and was on her way thanks to Tracey Clarke coming to the shrinking violets attempted to cling to the walls – Lorraine rescue. On a positive note, Briscoe Lodge owner, Graham and Jacqui identified as the main culprits. Walker spared no expense to make the group’s stay a luxurious and fun filled experience, Janett in true diva style Yvette Storr was quite the pro, turning up with sexy trendy demanded a tour of the facilities and immediately made for shorts. Clearly Debbie Smith had not read the general email and was dutifully chastised by Janett who made it the hot tub located in the garden. her business to ensure Debbie would never ever appear in public, resembling a washed up middle aged housewife from Day 2: mission to Orestead Clacton in ASDA priced modest shorts. She was ordered to roll em up immediately. The girls were woken up to glasses of Bucks Fizz and went to breakfast at a lovely barn cafe. Janett as expected, managed The bride-to-be proceeded to do beautiful moves and mirror to acquire loads of storage boxes, not having the faintest idea the opposite of whatever she was instructed to do, she moved how to get them back to London. As expected, the Orestead like an instant pro though – twirling, whirling and wearing experience was something to see, the gruelling climb to the wearing the shortest pole dancing outfit that it is legally

possible to wear in a public place.

Diet busters The group ended the weekend by having the most amazing brunch at the Lakeland restaurant. Everyone ordered from the mouth-watering specials despite narrowly missing out on the much talked about fry up and vegetarian menu. It took Janett’s assertiveness and one big tip to get the breakfast served to the hungry group. All agreed the food was heavenly especially the bacon, and vegetarian sausages.

The clucking hens arrive

Weekend drill Self-appointed drill Sergeant Madame Yvette Storr ordered everyone about, informing the group what time to report to and where at 08:00 hours, when to sneeze etc and performed the bossy role to the letter. She would constantly refer to her timetable and generally keep the girls in check. Janett who still manages her shopping addiction issues pretended to pick up friend Lorraine as a cover to go on an unscheduled shopping trip to buy yet more lingerie from Shirley’s lingerie or whatever tupperware she could find on the way. Her attempt to drive there was no mean feat in a manual car - not a wise decision to keep stalling on those winding lake roads when you are driving uphill.

Still on their good behaviour…

The hen night Janett did not fail to disappoint as a daring hen, which involved standing on a table in the middle of the street and doing the robot even more embarrassing than that of soccer ace Peter Crouch. She completed a series of dares including one involving a handsome wine bar owner, and much to the grooms fears decided on “What happens at the lakes stays at the lakes”, it remains our mantra”

Painting their town red

Getting much more into it, the food and drink flowed freely. Probably too freely, It wasn’t long before reports came through about singing and dancing very badly till the wee small hours. Thankfully, the visit to the nearby night club was cancelled on account of most of the hens being of advancing age and tiredness taking its toll. The group decided to take pity on the locals and continue the merriment safely at the lodge. They did however consume copious amounts of Vodka soaked Gummy bears and watched Janett snooze whilst photos were taken of her looking very undignified: but that’s what friends are for. At the end of the hen weekend, the very organised Charlotte and Yvette arranged to present Janett with a beautiful handmade album of comments from friends family and old mates, a lot of work had gone into the book with so many people adding their own take to the story of Janett Plummer, The highly appreciated gift ensured a tearful appreciation. The group eventually left The Lake District much to the lodge owners delight.

The actual hen night!

Official Supplier of Sola and Janett’s Wedding

Official Supplier of Sola and Janett’s Wedding

Michael D Michael at Limotaxis 99605460

Official Supplier of Sola and Janett’s Wedding

Nissaki Bar - Restaurant Ayia Thekla Beach Sotira, Cyprus

Official Supplier of Sola and Janett’s Wedding

Sola and Janett’s wedding

Official Supplier of Sola and Janett’s Wedding

Weddings in Cyprus Sotira Municipality Ayia Thekla Ayia Napa Paphos and other beach locations

Official Supplier of Sola and Janett’s Wedding



2 Janett's behavioural condition 4 Janett's favourite flower 6 Janett's cat 11 Location of wedding ceremony 14 Janett's daughter's tribal name 15 Popular London location where engagement rings was bought? 16 Garden 17 Brides fathers middle name 18 Groom's words on seeing bride first time at the wedding 19 Groom's first name 22 Photographers name 24 Grooms daughter's name 25 Chief bridesmaid

1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 20 21 23

Climatic region of wedding destination Colour or style of Janett's engagement ring Wedding dress designers Name of wedding vehicle Initial choice for wedding destination Couple's official airline First name of presiding vicar Grooms primary occupation One of Janett's best attributes Name of reception venue Type of wedding Wedding dress alternative colour Janett's favourite TV series How many days did the couple spend in Cyprus?

The big thank you

So many people to thank and not enough space for an individual mention. You know who you are in regards to what you have done for our wedding as well as what you have been doing in our lives. We’d like to send a special thanks to those who made the trip to Cyprus for the wedding and those who had us in their hearts but couldn’t be there. We are so grateful for your kind thoughts and input for making it such a special experience. To those who hold us dear as family and friends, you are priceless to us both, as we acknowledge your relationship with

us has made us who we are today. To our parents, we would never forget the value of your parenting. Your nurturing and unconditional love has afforded us the right personality, understanding, ambition and fortitude. We pray that all of you in our lives stay happy and fulfilled. Special thanks to our two children Imani and Kemi for giving us the thumbs up with no bribery. We are especially thankful that you have found sisterhood with each other and we celebrate the beginning of a close knit relationship, we hope you will

When wedding albums just wont do

both stay close way past your own eventual marriages. Finally, a promise to you all, we will endeavour to keep this dream marriage alive and kicking. We promise to stay happy together till we need zimmer frames. Your prayers for our marriage will be upheld with positive long term results with the confidence that we will flourish and grow together.

Sola & Janett Akinfie

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