Pre fall 2016 is a brand new beginning for Anerkjendt. We’re shifting gear and presenting an amazing collection with our old trademarks but also introducing new shapes and cuts. With this new collection we’re taking you all the way from destroyed blues to clean blackish.
9416-221 9416-605 9416-901
9416-210 9416-601 9416-723
9416-011 9416-202 9416-507
9416-604 9416-718
9416-330 9416-603 9416-713
9416-024 9416-605 9416-701
9416-024 9416-219 9416-605 9416-719
is a journey into a world filled with trademarks from an artistic lifestyle and where the little things matter, every paint stain counts and where elderliness is privilege. Remaining Anerkjendt DNA by taking denim related to a new level with a variety of dusty blues to a sharp dark blue, playing around with surface treatments and washes.
9416-501 9416-722
9416-207 9416-220 9416-501
9416-501 9416-722
Will welcome our new label with a theme that maintains our curiosity for interesting qualities as the Anerkjendt you know but combining it with new and edgy shapes in a universe merged with rock and a more minimalistic look.
9416-222 9416-605 9416-730
9416-330 9416-611 9416-724
9416-021 9416-330 9416-605 9416-902
9416-604 9416-704 9416-710
9416-024 9416-705 9416-612
9416-222 9416-312 9416-612
9416-036 9416-501
9416-722 9416-501
9416-036 9416-501
9416-006 9416-024 9416-612 9416-705
9416-040 9416-211 9416-603
9416-031 9416-501
9416-706 9416-501