Volume 18, No. 7w
San Diego
Smooth Jazz Festival Returns
Brian Culbertson will perform on Saturday, July 8. page 5
Heroines in Arms: Women of the American Military
Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls
Songa Designs International
Old Town San Diego Celebrates 4th of July
A Publication by Presidio Communications• ©MMXVII
July 2017 Web Edition
Serving the Heart of San Diego
Presidio Sentinel is a commentary-driven newspaper that provides coverage on local,regional and national issues that impact the lives of its readers and the community it serves. The serious issues are politics, government, redevelopment, the environment, conservation and safety. The quality of life issues include health, community activities, fundraisers, social events, religious issues and activities, theatre, arts, science and educational programs and services. We have over 35,000 monthly readers! Highly-educated, community-and arts-oriented. Both young and mature members of society. Most enjoy entertainment and travel, fine dining, local coffee houses, book and garden clubs, and participate in church, school and neighborhood activities. Our Mission: Making a difference, providing the facts, the truth, and a variety of opinions so that its readers are provided up-to-date researched information. The Presidio Sentinel strives to create dialogue, bringing topics to the forefront that need and deserve attention. Its writers, who share a variety of experiences and business backgrounds, write on topics that impact readers on a daily basis. Contact:
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Dental Care for Tir Na Nog Horses
Conservationists Take Giraffe Surveillance to New Heights
Conserving Water Without Sacrificing Beauty
Stagecoach Days Celebrates San Diego’s Old West
Dinner & a Movie at Concept Two Seven Eight
San Diegans Rally to Support Lung Cancer Research
Patrons of the Prado’s Masterpiece Gala
Perla Batalla Announces a Summer & Fall Tour
Featured Stories Trump is
Still Trump
By George Mitrovich The greatest thing ever said about age was said by the great Negro Leagues pitcher, Leroy “Satchel” Paige, who memorably said: “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” Having just gone through lung surgery at Sharp Hospital (unrelated to smoking, which I’ve never done and have always hated), I’ve been asked if that experience changed my perspective about life? No, it did not. I still think Donald Trump is an unmitigated disaster for America, if not the world–both now and in the future. But at age 81 I will escape the more serious consequences of Trump’s presidency, but my children and grandchildren will not–and neither will yours. I think I wrote previously in this space that I was done with President Trump, but clearly I’m not. You cannot have spent 51-years in and around government, of having worked for three moral giants of the U.S. Senate, and just walk away. The issues are too great, the stakes too large, the moral witness of America too demanding to ignore. So, I’ve returned to the subject of the braggart, blowhard, and bully, living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue–or is it Trump Tower in NYC, Mar-a-Lago in Florida, or Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey? All the while the cost of Secret Service protection for President Trump and his family may reach $400 million for his first term, says Vanity Fair. In contrast, Secret Service protection for President Obama was $97 million for eight years (source, Judicial Watch). Having worked for Bobby Kennedy I understand the need to protect presidents, vice presidents, and candidates for president, but the staggering cost of protecting President Trump and his family, is beyond anything ever imagined. But the cost of protecting President Trump, is not the issue here. It is everything else about him that’s at issue. So, let me get to that: Having run three public forums a total of 88 collective years; public forums that have presented close to 2,000 programs in the public interest; programs that have featured a wide range of opinions, from conservative to liberal, I have a marked tolerance for other people’s views, but if you think President Trump is okay, that he’s doing a good job, that his personal and denigrating attacks on other is acceptable behavior for the president of the
Featured Events George Mitrovich is a San Diego civic leader. He may be reached at, gmitro35@gmail.com.
Mine Eyes Have Seen George Mitrovich
United States–an office occupied by, among others, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, TR, FDR, Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan–if you think talking about grabbing a “woman’s pussy” is just locker room talk, if stiffing small business owners and causing their demise, is not a problem (since you are not the business owner), that five bankruptcies is an okay business practice– If any of this is thought by you, behavior appropriate to a president, then here’s the deal: If you say, in particular, you are a person of the Christian faith, as it appears many President Trump supporters claim, and accept any of the above as acceptable behavior for a confessing Christian, then you have failed New Testament 101–and by your endorsement of President Trump have defamed the Christian faith. I write that as a Christian, one who understands that God’s grace is available to all, President Trump included, but who also understands that anyone claiming that faith is thereby obligated to demonstrate a change in values, a change in behavior, that they have become a new person in Christ, that they have rejected the old and embraced the new, and will strive daily to exemplify their Lord’s life and teachings. If you see any of that in Trump, I am willing to hear your point of view. But let me segue, slightly, to what George Will had to say recently in the Washington Post; the George Will who withdrew his lifelong membership in the Republican Party because of President Trump: “No longer do we hold these truths to be self-evident, we hold all truths to be self-evident, even the ones that aren’t true. All things are knowable and every opinion on any subject is as good as any other. In the movie ‘Animal House’, when the epically unruly fraternity is hauled before the student court, the fraternity member who is going to defend it, when asked by a fellow member if he knows what he is doing, replies, ‘Take it easy, I’m prelaw.’ When someone says, ‘I thought you were pre-med’, he replies, ‘What’s the difference?’ What indeed.” And, finally, this from Michael Gerson, also in the Washington Post: “But we do not have a normal president, as President Trump’s Paris agreement unsigning statement made clear. President Trump is applying the worst kind of populism to foreign affairs. The problem he seeks to solve is a
Continued on page 9 PresidioSentinel.com •
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A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
God Bless America
Local News
By Patty Ducey-Brooks From as early as I can remember, the month of July has had important significance in my life. It is a constant reminder that I am an American and have rights and liberties that I should never take for granted. I hope that all Americans feel the same. It is also a time to remember that we have these rights and liberties because of the work of a few. A Declaration of Independence was prepared by a Committee of Five. Thomas Jefferson was its principal author. Congress debated and revised the wording of the Declaration, finally approving it on July 4, 1776. A day earlier, John Adams, one of the Committee of Five, had written to his wife Abigail expressing his excitement for what had been accomplished. He said, “This will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore.” On July 4, 2017, we continue to honor those individuals who sacrificed so much for our independence. While we begin the month of July with celebrations, we are reminded that independence comes with responsibility and commitment. In order to maintain the freedoms we so genuinely enjoy as citizens of the United States, we may also be required to take on leadership roles. We must “walk the talk,” and remember that we are not acting on our own behalf, but for the good of all, because that’s what being an American means. As you read through this issue of the Presidio Sentinel, I want to remind you that as Americans we have the privilege of writing and sharing our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, interests and values, including religion and politics. And whether we agree or disagree, we have that liberty, privilege and right to have a voice. That’s something I will never take for granted. As a publisher, I take that liberty very seriously. And I am reminded that fellow Americans have made significant contributions and sacrifices, including their lives, so that we have these rights and liberties, and can continue to be called Americans and celebrate the 4th of July.
The Committee of Five wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence.
As someone recently shared with me, “America’s fighting men and women sacrifice much to ensure that our great nation stays free. We owe a debt of gratitude to the soldiers that have paid the ultimate price for this cause, as well as for those who are blessed enough to return from the battlefield unscathed.” This statement represents a message of past battles and current battles that are being fought to protect our rights and liberties. We should always be grateful that we are Americans and can proudly express our love for our country and all the benefits and privileges we have because of the contributions of those who came before us. We should also never forget the Committee of Five and their devotion to this cause. God Bless America! Happy 4th of July.•
The San Diego Smooth Jazz Festival
Returns to San Diego
After a 12-year hiatus, the San Diego Smooth Jazz Festival presented by Payne Pest Management and Rainbow Promotions returns to San Diego Friday, July 7 through Sunday, July 9 at the picturesque Embarcadero Marina Park North. The San Diego Smooth Jazz Festival celebrates the long-lived musical style and features a great line-up of hot summer night smooth jazz. This three-day event is open to the public on Saturday, July 8 and Sunday, July 9 and unites music lovers from around the world and combines the soothing sounds of smooth jazz, a variety of delicious cuisine, and an amazing atmosphere that creates an unparalleled experience. The festival features some of the top artists of the year and includes VIP seating in an incredible outdoor setting with a great selection of food, art and much more. San Diegans are excited for the return of this show that the VIP and reserved tickets have already been sold out; however, general admission tickets are still available. As a special treat this year, the festival will feature “An Intimate Evening Under the Stars with Eric Darius / Unplugged with Monty Seward” on Friday, July 7. This private event is available only to a limited number of ticket holders and includes dinner and two drinks per ticket. The Friday event can be added to anyone who has purchased a Saturday or Sunday ticket and is not available as a single ticket purchase. Attendees with general admission tickets can come with their blankets and chairs, sit back, relax and listen to some of the World’s best jazz musicians. The Smooth Jazz Festival will also have vendors from all over the region that display their food and wares including beer, wine, and alcoholic beverages. Saturday’s schedule is from 11:30 a.m. to 7:20 p.m. Performers include Brian Culbertson; Michael Franks; EPK with Euge Groove, Eric Darius will perform on Sunday, July 9. Peter White, Keiko Matsui; Nick Colionne; and The L.A. Collective. Sunday’s schedule is from 2 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Performers include Boney James; West Coast Jam with Richard Elliot; Rick Braun and Norman Brown; Gerald Albright and Jonathan Butler; Eric Darius; and Curtis Brooks. Friday’s program is from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. This private event is available only as an add-on for $89.00 per ticket with the purchase of a Saturday or Sunday ticket. General admission is $ 65 per person, per day. A small handling/processing fee applies. Embarcadero Marina Park North is located at 400 Kettner Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101 (located adjacent to Seaport Village). Parking will be available at the San Diego Convention Center, located at 111 West Harbor Drive, San Diego CA 92101. Parking Fee: $15.00. The parking hours are from 6:00 am. to midnight. There are no in-or-out privileges and no overnight parking. For more information and to buy tickets please visit our website www.sandiegosmoothjazzfestival.com or call Rainbow Promotions LLC 562.424.0013.•
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6 A
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A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Sense of Self
Patty Ducey-Brooks
By Ilene Hubbs
I am a writer. It took me years to feel comfortable about saying that. I was always something else. I was a student, a wife and a mother at various times of my life. Professionally I was a press aide to a congressman, a cultural arts director, a nonprofit executive and lastly a CEO. All my life I have written and yet never felt I deserved the right to call myself a writer. When I think back on my life now, I realize I have always been a writer. As a child, my parents owned a grocery store and we lived behind it. We had a large roll of brown wrapping paper near the meat counter to wrap meat. I would constantly rip off enough paper to write on. I wrote poems; I wrote stories; I wrote all the time about everything. It was my favorite pastime. My mother saved many of those early writings because she believed, as only a mother can, that she was raising a brilliant budding writer and someday I would write the great American novel. One of her favorites was a Mother’s Day card I made writing on that brown wrapping paper.
Stagecoach Days to
I took the song “Mother” that spelled out the word with each letter standing for something about a mom. I took liberties to write that song my way with each letter signifying a personal slant on the song describing my mother with drawings to accompany each letter. It became a cherished memento and an opportunity for my mother to remind me for over 50 years of the writer I was yet to be. In 4th grade, I entered a citywide essay contest for students on why we value freedom. I wrote my 9-year old heart out and won first place. The contest was sponsored by Esterbrook Pen and Pencil Company, headquartered in my hometown of Camden, N.J. My mother and I got to go to City Hall with the runners up and receive our awards from the mayor himself. The reward? An Esterbrook pen and pencil set in its own velvet lined case, of course. That was the one and only competition I ever entered…until now. Here it is, over 60 years later and I have entered a competition for the second time in my life. It is a memoir showcase and now I am finally feeling I can call myself a writer, I have the courage to compete.
It all started with this column. Once retired I began writing for the paper in 2008 and after this many published columns I began to feel like maybe I can call myself a writer, but still I felt unsure of giving myself that title. Then I began writing an original musical with three colleagues. It took us over two years and finally in May we had it to a point where we could put it on workshop style for an audience. We held two performances, and to our surprise and delight, it was a rousing success. Our audiences loved it. I felt confident enough to proclaim I am a writer. Looking back on my life now, I recognize I have written many original works, but because they were not things to be published, I did not give them all that much credit. Every special family occasion I wrote a poem or story to commemorate. At one of my jobs I wrote plays that were take-offs on famous shows, to be performed by members of the community center I worked for. So now, here I am with the momentum to enter a competition for writers. There will be 10 winners whose works will be read by actors, in the fall at North Coast Repertory theater. But to me, win or not, I am already a winner. I entered the contest.•
Creative/Art Director
Phyllis E. Zawacki Graphic Designer
Contributing Writers Blake Beckcom Rick Brooks Melody Brown Ian Campbell Richard Cone Cath DeStefano Violet Green Barry Hager Ilene Hubbs David Kamatoy Philip C. Lee Alice Lowe Aubree Lynn George Mitrovich Fausto Palafox David Rottenberg Anne Sack
Laura Walcher
The Presidio Sentinel is a monthly publication that is distributed by the first of each month to households in Mission Hills, Bankers Hill and Point Loma, with additional drop off points in Mission Hills, Bankers Hill, Point Loma, Old Town, Little Italy, Downtown, Hillcrest, Kensington, University Heights, Mission Valley and Linda Vista. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any unsolicited materials. All manuscripts, photographs and artwork become the possession of The Presidio Sentinel. All rights are reserved. Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part without express written consent of the publisher is prohibited.
July 8: Games and Amusements
July 15: Women of the West
July 22: Taste of the Past
July 29: Soldiers and Citizen
Barbara Strona Charlotte Tenney
This Year’s Stagecoach Days Schedule is as Follows:
Michal A. Tuzinkiewicz
Celebrate San Diego’s Old West
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park is celebrating travel and transportation from the era of real horsepower during “Stagecoach Days.” This event kicks off on July 8th and runs for eight Saturdays during July and August. From noon to 4 p.m. on these special Saturdays, there will be plenty of old-fashioned fun from the mid-1800s. The park is on San Diego Avenue and Twiggs Street in San Diego, Each Saturday, visitors can enjoy different themes that celebrate early San Diego and the West on the move. Through living history activities, demonstrations, stories, and songs, visitors will gain an appreciation for early modes of transportation and daily life. This year is the 160th anniversary of the Overland Mail, which will add to the normal summer celebrations. New family-friendly activities have been added, so guests will get a true taste of what San Diego was like in the 1800s.
Ilene Hubbs Associate Editor
Subscription rate is $25 per year. Send checks, all letters, editorial, press releases and calendar of events to the following.
Presidio Sentinel 325 W. Washington Steet, Suite 2-181, San Diego, California 92103 For more information or space reservation, call
August 5: Trades That Shaped Westward Expansion
August 12: Days of the Vaquero August 19: TwainFest
619.296.8731 fax: 619.295.1138
August 26: West on the Move Old Town San Diego State Historic Park, with the support of the Boosters of Old Town, the County of San Diego, Wells Fargo Bank, and Fiesta de Reyes, is proud to offer these free activities for visitors of all ages. For more information, visit www.parks.ca.gov/ oldtownsandiego or call 619.220.5422.•
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email: info@presidiosentinel.com site: presidiosentinel.com A Publication of Presidio Communications
Guests of the 2016 Masterpiece Gala came dressed for the occasion.
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Dental Care for
Animal News
Tir Na Nog Horses
This past June, the annual Dental Day at Horses of Tir Na Nog took place. Forty-four of our sanctuary equines had their dental needs addressed, their weights checked, and receive dewormers and vaccinations. Adult horses have between 36 to 44 teeth, depending on if a horse has retained its canine and wolf teeth. Horses’ teeth continue to erupt through their adult years. In order for horses to effectively grind their food, a smooth surface must be available. Dental care is an important part of basic equine health. Without regular dental care horses can experience a variety of problems, including difficulty chewing their food, weight loss, and the development of painful mouth sores. Between dental care, vaccinations, and dewormers, costs total close to $ 11,000. But this is basic care that all horses need and is an investment in the overall health of horses. For the second year in a row, the Victorian Roses Ladies Riding Society members volunteered to assist with this day-long project. The Victorian Roses Ladies Riding Society is a re-enactment group that participates in various events and parades. In addition, they raise money for charities, including local equine welfare organizations such as ours. Horses of Tir Na Nog is a community-supported equine sanctuary that offers a safe-haven to horses with few options remaining, thereby ensuring them a better quality of life. For more information, visit www.horsesoftirnanog.org.• Not to be combined with any other offer. Not good for boarding, bathing, grooming, pet food and prescription and non-prescription drugs. Expires 7.31.2017
Horses rely on dental care to maintain their health and wellbeing.
help us find a home
Happy is a one-year old, American Staffordshire terrier mix. Despite his stoic photograph, we can assure you that Happy’s name suits him perfectly. Easygoing and friendly, this sweet guy boasts good manners and interacts well with humans of all ages (especially those who offer him belly rubs). Happy would do best in a home without small animals (including cats and small dogs) and will need to have an intro with any resident dogs prior to adoption, just to make sure it’s a good fit. Happy’s adoption fee includes his neuter, current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, a certificate for a free veterinary exam, waived enrollment fee for medical insurance from TruPanion, and a license if residing in Escondido, San Marcos, Poway, Oceanside, and Vista. Happy is located at the Escondido Campus of the San Diego Humane Society, located at 3450 E. Valley Parkway in Escondido. For more information, call 760.888.2275 or visit www.sdhumane.org.
Minerva is a three-year old, American bulldog mix who is a love bug that adores her human friends. She also likes her large doggie friends, and treasures her playtime with them. Do you need an adventure buddy who loves to explore new places? Minerva’s your gal. Want a snuggle-buddy who knows how to unwind and relax? Minerva’s the one. Looking for a smartypants who is eager to learn fun tricks? Well, wouldn’t you know, Minerva’s got that covered, too. This staff and volunteer favorite can’t wait to meet you. Minerva is currently housed at our Sherman Street Campus (typically not open to the public). So give us a call at 619.299.7012 to arrange an intro or stop by our San Diego Campus. Minerva is spayed and has current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, waived enrollment fee for medical insurance from Trupanion, a certificate for a free veterinary exam, and a license if residing in Oceanside, Vista, Escondido, San Marcos or Poway. For additional information, visit www.sdhumane.org.
PresidioSentinel.com •
8 How to
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Gain Optimal Hip Health
By Blake Beckcom
The hips are a primary part of the body, being the hinge point between the upper and lower body. Due to its central position in the body, it is important to do exercises that build and maintain hip strength. Weak hip muscles can have a large negative affect on mobility, which may lead to pain in the knees, back, and hips. Set off a cascade of negative changes in your mobility. If your hip muscles are weak, you may experience poor hip motion. The large muscles in this area, such as the gluteus maximus, as well as the hip flexors, should be included in a regular workout regimen. Loosening Tight Hips Sitting for long periods of time may result in tight hips and thighs, due to the lack of muscle extension. There are several stretches that can be done to lengthen and strengthen the hip muscles. While a strong lunge is great and stretches out the entire legs, add a twist by lowering your non-dominant knee while placing your hands on the ground. Meanwhile, lower your dominant knee and rest on the outside of your flexed foot. In addition to lunges, you can build hip flexibility by a few lesser-known stretches. For example, the yoga pose called “Happy Baby” helps to open up your hip flexors as you lie on your back, bringing your feet to your chest and pressing the knees to the floor. Stay relaxed in this position while taking deep breaths. A wide squat is a good way to stretch both hips at the same time. This deep squat, held with your palms together, should also done while taking several deep breaths. This stretch can be the starting point for a wide-legged split by putting your hands on the floor in front of you before eventually resting all of your upper body weight onto your shoulders on the ground. Butterfly stretches also stretch both hips at the same time and are best done with a straight spine and relaxed shoulders. One particularly intense stretch for the glutes is called the double pigeon. To do this, sit on the floor with your left knee bent up and out to the side so it is parallel with the pelvis, along with the shin and foot. From here, bend the right knee and stack the right leg on your shins and ankles. This should make a triangle with the legs. Relax and breath deeply in this position for 20 seconds. Increase Mobility It is also important to improve mobility in the hips by doing hip exercises that your hips through their entire range of motion. Doing mobility exercises for a few minutes each day will result in stronger and more flexible hips.
Heroines in Arms:
This is especially important for the elderly. Decreased hip mobility can result in falls, which can be a detriment to a senior’s health. To maintain independence, it is important for seniors to do regular hip exercises to help strengthen them and improve flexibility. Even seniors who are already suffering from hip osteoarthritis can benefit from increased hip mobility. Reduce Pain Studies show that various pains can be reduced by strengthening your hips, which also leads to better body mechanics. The IT band, running down the outside of the leg, helps to stabilize your knee joint while you are moving. A common injury is IT band syndrome, which happens when this ligament becomes inflamed, which can be caused by tight hip muscles. Exercising the hips can not only Blake & Gwen Beckcom reduce knee pain, but also relieve IT band syndrome. Body pain can originate from a different source, such as in the case of knee pain due to hip weakness. The mechanics of the hips and back and legs are all united, so each area has an affect on the others.• Fitness Together Mission Hills offers personal training with qualified professionals by regular appointment in private suites. Exercise and nutritional programs are custom designed to fit your needs and abilities. Call 619.794.0014 for more information or to schedule a free fitness diagnostic and private training session. See what others are saying about us on Yelp.
Women of the American Military
The Women’s Museum of California honors women who fought for & protected our freedoms
The Women’s Museum of California will be celebrating the heroism of women in the United States military through the different uniforms women wore from World War I to today. This military themed version of the Women’s Museum’s Historical Clothing Show will take place outside Baracks 16 in Liberty Station at 6:30 p.m., Friday, July 7. The uniforms that will be worn for the show are on loan from the Veteran’s Museum in Balboa Park as well as from several local women veterans. The show coincides with the opening of the Museum’s latest exhibit, Heroine in Arms: Women of the American Military. This exhibit will explore women’s service within the Marine Corps, Army, Navy, and Air Force, highlighting the advancing roles women played as the 20th century progressed, from World War I Army nurses to today’s women combat officers. The exhibit will be in the Women’s Museum gallery from July 7– August 27, 2017. The exhibit opens at 5 p.m. and the historical clothing show starts at 6:30 p.m. The opening night event is free to the public. For information, visit www. womensmuseumca.org. The Women’s Museum of California (WMC) is one of three brick and mortar museums in the country which focuses on women’s history. It is the only museum in California. Founded in 1983, the mission is to educate and inspire future generations about the experiences and contributions that women have made throughout history. Uniforms and memorabilia from the past are included in the exhibit. The WMC features a variety of changing exhibits and displays on women’s history, sponsors workshop and lecture series, develops and implements educational and cultural events, including art shows, live performances and presentations; maintains Photographs of women who were a library, archive and collections.• in the military will be on display.
• PresidioSentinel.com
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Business News
That Could Wipe Out Your Retirement Plan
Costly 401(k) Mistakes By Rick Brooks
We were recently asked to help someone who had a very unusual problem with her 401(k). While the combination of problems was unusual, the situation illustrated several common mistakes people make. In this case the combination of mistakes compounded into a nightmare. Hopefully, after reading this article, you’ll be able to avoid that result. Here’s a short synopsis of the situation: several years ago, her husband borrowed money from his solo 401(k) plan to purchase a building from which he ran his business. No payments were ever made on the loan. When they divorced, she accepted the building and the 401(k) as part of her share of the family assets in settling the divorce. She asked us what to do with the mortgage on the building (held by the 401(k) plan. Don’t lend to or invest in yourself through your retirement plan. There are about three or four mistakes just in this one sentence. As the trustee and beneficiary of the retirement plan, a business owner is a fiduciary to the plan, which makes him or her a “disqualified person.” Any ancestor or lineal descendant of that trustee is, too. Other relations like aunts and cousins can also be disqualified if they are influenced by the trustee. In essence, a “disqualified person” is prohibited from doing business with the retirement plan because that allows them to use the retirement plan assets without being taxed on them. Several examples of prohibited transactions include:
• Buying collectibles like art, rugs, jewelry or most coins
• Buying life insurance
• Buying alcohol or other tangible personal property
• Lending money to a disqualified person
• The sale, lease or exchange of property between the plan and a qualified person
• Pretty much any act in which plan assets or income benefit a disqualified person, except a normal distribution to a plan beneficiary.
In the case above, a disqualified person (the business owner and plan trustee) lent himself money to buy a building. That he didn’t make payments on the “loan” compounded the problem.
If you make a mistake, fix it fast. In the year that a prohibited transaction happens, the IRS will impose a 15 percent excise tax on the amount of the transaction. If it is not corrected in the year it happens, that becomes a 100 percent excise tax. Basically, what happens is that your 401(k) plan or IRA stops being a retirement plan and is treated as having been fully distributed as taxable income as of the first day of the year the transaction happens. Making a mistake is expensive, but not correcting it is devastating. Look at both the asset values and liabilities in a divorce settlement. In the case above, the wife accepted as part of her divorce a building with a defaulted mortgage and a 401k, which wasn’t actually a 401k anymore. The husband got the family home and she was inheriting some very big business problems. What’s the bottom line in this story? In all likelihood, the IRS will decide that the husband’s entire 401k should have been distributed and taxed in the year the original transaction happened. They probably owe several years’ worth of unpaid taxes and penalties on that alone, but that’s a question for tax and ERISA attorneys. And they might need to go back to the negotiating table for that divorce, since their assets probably aren’t what they thought they were. Mission Hills resident Linda Podhorski is a qualified plan consultant with National Retirement Services, an Ascensus Company. “With a Qualified Plan like a 401(k) or IRA, the investments have to be viewed differently than a personal account because there are very complex rules involved. Transaction costs and appraisals for property and collectibles are already very high, and unwinding these transactions inside a Plan gets very expensive,” she said. Investing in real assets in a qualified plan can be tricky and expensive. The rules are complex, and the penalties for non-compliance can be severe. Real assets, private placements and partnership interests require annual valuations that can be expensive. Discussing transactions like this beforehand with your professional advisors can help you avoid very costly mistakes.• This column is prepared by Rick Brooks, CFA®, CFP®. Rick is director/chief investment officer with Blankinship & Foster, LLC, a wealth advisory firm specializing in comprehensive financial planning and investment management. Brooks can be reached at 858.755.5166, or by email at brooks@bfadvisors.com. Brooks and his family live in Mission Hills.
Our Confusion
Continued from page 3
global conspiracy against American workers. A conspiracy utilizing climate science as a type of subversion or sabotage. A conspiracy including our closest allies, friends and trading partners, who ‘went wild, they were so happy’ at the prospect of greater American poverty and suffering. “This is far, far away from the post-World War II American foreign policy tradition—which located American success in an expanding order of economic, political and social freedom. President Trump is critiquing not ‘globalism’ but the Atlantic Alliance that prevailed in the Cold War and a
Pacific strategy that has deterred aggression and increased mutual prosperity through trade for more than half a century. “’No people can live to itself alone,’ said that pernicious globalist Dwight Eisenhower in his second inaugural address. ‘The economic need of all nations—in mutual dependence—makes isolation an impossibility; not even America’s prosperity could long survive if other nations did not also prosper. No nation can longer be a fortress, lone and strong and safe. And any people, seeking such shelter for themselves, can now build only their own prison.’” I’m a Democrat and progressive, so you may ignore my views of President Trump, but if you ignore Will and Gerson, two greatly respected conservative intellectuals, you have merely exposed your own ignorance. Happy 4th!•
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10 Local News A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017 Happy 4th of July Mission Hills! ©
By Krista Lombardi, President, Mission Hills BID
We thank Patty Ducey-Brooks for the generosity of space and the ongoing opportunity to share our business voice through the Presidio Sentinel. This month marks the Mission Hills Business Improvement District (BID) monthly column’s third year in this newspaper. Congratulations to John Bertsch and his staff at Meshuggah Shack for the recent honor of having been selected State Senator Toni Atkins’ 2017 Mission Hills small business honoree. The BID boasts more than 500 small businesses within its boundaries and knows each of you has a choice on where to locate your business. Thank you for choosing Mission Hills! As you may know, the BID exists as a partnership with the City of San Diego governed by an elected board of directors working through five active committees. The committees include 1.) Promotions Committee, 2.) Economic Development Committee, 3.) Design Committee, 4.) Parking Advisory Committee, and 5.) Executive Committee. The committees meet the second Wednesday of each month beginning at 3 p.m. at the Mission Hills United Methodist Church in the Church Parlor, located at 4044 Lark Street. Lively discussions occur at the committee level as ideas are introduced and vetted. The third Wednesday of each month the discussions continue and action is taken in the form of voting. Business owners’ and residents’ ideas and opinions are important as the BID puts ideas into action. Over the last two years the Mission Hills Parking Advisory Committee and
the Mission Hills BID Design Committee have been considering the conditions along Reynard Way. As the concern for Reynard Way parking, traffic calming, and alternative transportation modality safety rose to the forefront of discussions at the committee level, action was taken to request a formal study take place. The Uptown Community Parking District approved the study budget and the request for proposal received the required five responses in May 2017. The study contract was awarded to KTUA, a planning and landscape architecture firm whose president is Michael Singleton. KTUA’s work is underway and the Reynard Way Community Kickoff Meeting has been set for Saturday, September 23 beginning at 10 a.m. at The Frame Maker, located at 3102 Reynard Way. At this meeting, KTUA will offer concepts for consideration and feedback. Your participation is encouraged. Please RSVP to MissionHillsBID@gmail.com to let us know you plan to attend. At the BID’s June board meeting, the City of San Diego’s Economic Development Department responded to the BID’s invitation with a presentation on its Storefront Improvement Program (SIP) offerings to small businesses. Also attending at the BID’s invitation were new Mission Hills business owners Valentine Viannay of L’Atelier and Brian Richter of The Bean Counter, who shared their very positive SIP experiences. We have included before-and-after photos of the husband and wife team effort at their businesses, located at 2655 Reynard Way. The City’s SIP budget beginning July 1, 2018 is $300,000 and is open to small businesses with 25 or fewer employees that are located in the City of San Diego and have a current
Meshuggah Shack owner John Bertsch expressing his appreciation to Senator Toni Atkins.
business tax certificate. The SIP revitalizes building facades visible to customers, neighboring merchants and residents. The City of San Diego provides design assistance and financial incentives to small business owners who wish to make creative change to their storefronts. Eligible improvements include the repair, replacement or new applications of awnings, windows, doors, lighting, paint, landscaping, tile or other
decorative material and signs. All applications are subject to review for eligibility. To find out more please visit www.sandiego.gov/ economicdevelopment/business/starting/ improvement. See you at this month’s parades, picnic and concerts!•
Stars & Stripes Forever
What is a flag? What is the love of country for which it stands? Every country in the world flies flags on ceremonial occasions, such as the arrival of dignitaries on official trips. But something sets Americans apart. We don’t just put out the flag for important visitors, or on solemn occasions, and then put it away. Ordinary Americans, by the millions, revere our flag and display it every day. We fly it from tall poles in front of our businesses, from short poles in our front yards, from balcony railings in our condominium complexes. We pin the flag on our jacket lapels and paste it to the windows of our cars and trucks. As soon as our toddlers can hold a little stick in their tiny fists, we give them Old Glory to wave at the Fourth of July parade, and at life’s end, we drape the caskets of our fallen patriots with the Stars and Stripes. This proud display of, and devotion to, the symbol of our nation is uniquely American. It is how we reaffirm the fact that we are indeed “one nation” and that whatever our other differences, there are core values Americans hold in common: a belief in the dignity of the individual, a love of liberty, and a commitment to government of, for, and by the people. By displaying the flag, we express our gratitude to the generations past who fought and died for this country, and we remind ourselves of our obligation to preserve for generations to come the freedoms that have been won for us.
Happy Independence Day, San Diego! We are orchestrating the Games & Prizes for Children at Pioneer Park following the 4th of July Parade. Kids & Parents—We Hope to See You There!!
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Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage From Mansard Roof to Art Deco Roofline Valentine Viannay and Brian Richter have embraced the City’s Storefront Improvement Program.
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A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Conserving Water without By Barb Strona
Sacrificing Beauty
Scott Kleinrock, educator, horticulturist, and landscape designer, spoke to the San Diego Horticultural Society in April. He is currently a conservator manager at the Chino Basin Water Conservation District in San Bernardino where he works on creating a culture of sustainable water use through demonstrations and education. He has also worked as a landscape planning coordinator at the Huntington Library and the Botanical Gardens where he led the planting design of the Brody, California Garden, a six and a half acre of Mediterranean climate landscape. He dispelled some myths about San Diego’s climate and gave us ideas to create a beautiful garden without using excessive amounts of water by using plants naturally adapted to our regional conditions. San Diego is not a desert, according to Kleinrock. It is a semiarid Mediterranean climate. Low water use is not a compromise. He says, “The drought opened an opportunity for a new landscape ethic, ‘What does it do?’” He says both native and adapted gardens provide human comfort, beauty, scent, food and a place to live for native insects, birds, and reptiles. Soils become healthier and absorb rain water, and gardens give us “a sense of place,” Kleinrock says. A garden provides a connection between us and our world. Gardens provide life-long learning while inspiring us and helping us to restore ourselves and our focus. Kleinrock suggests that we “envision our gardens.” He says a garden is not just collections of plants, but “a living
ecosystem.” He calls a garden a “process” since it is never finished; it is changing constantly. According to Kleinrock, if you think of your garden this way, it is “liberating, more fun, and much more interesting.” He went on to say that “it becomes based in a larger world of natural science, giving us a way to ‘root’ our designs and actions in the garden.” Inspired by adapted plant communities, Kleinrock wants something that will look good, survive without humans’ slavery, and that will withstand both drought and wet years. Scientists tell us that from tree rings’ evidence, during The Brody California Gardens provide attractive and intimate seating areas for guests. the Middle Ages our American West went through two how often, and how they grow and one half acre Mediterranean major drought periods, each last- and at what rate. Some plants can garden he worked on. He showed ing close to 200 years. He showed overtake a garden in a few years. us plans of the gardens and then us a chart showing that, with a few Others grow very slowly. Some showed it under construction. He exceptions, it has been wetter than require extra space or even a trellis. followed this with a history of his normal since about 1500 with the Drip irrigation makes controlling parents’ Van Nuys home so we 20th century being especially wet. each niche’s water allotment easier. could see the premise is the same. Two important considerations This is why it is so important to put Working from a plan, he marked the when planning a garden are plant plants with similar needs together. ground showing where paths would density and what is on the ground. Kleinrock quoted Aristotle who be. He also set the plants where they This means that soil type and climate said “Nature abhors a vacuum.” He would be living. determine which species will thrive says this means, “If you don’t want Kleinrock summarized what he and where. With this knowledge, to spend a bunch of time weeding, feels is important when creating you can more quickly create a plant your entire garden.” He a beautiful but low water use successful garden. recommends choosing a few plants garden. He suggests figuring out Many drought tolerant plants for each “niche” or area where and focusing on your goals. What need little water and no fertilizer or those plants will thrive. Consider is this space to do? How should it compost. Kleinrock says, “The art your design: will you have a layered feel? Using those goals to create or is assembling the right plants in the look, a composed look, grouped adapt your plant community and to right patterns.” plants, or plants put in at random. “design and instigate an ecosystem This means considering the plants’ Of course you may choose all or while considering cycles of water requirement for sun or shade, for some of these ideas. and nutrients. Remember to manage what kind of drainage and soil type, A water feature will encourage your garden as a system, not a bunch for how much water they need and pollinators and interesting creatures of plants. to stay in your yard. We do not meet in July or August. To illustrate his ideas on a large Next month, however, I will scale, Scott showed photographs of write about creative ways to use The Brody California Garden at the succulents based on a talk given by Huntington Library. This is the six Laura Eubanks.•
Market update from HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE 4th of JULY!
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Mediterranean climate landscaping is seen on the property of Brody California Gardens
PresidioSentinel.com •
Youth News
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls San Diego
Camper Showcase on Saturday, July 29
On Saturday, July 29, 2017, at the House of Blues San Diego, Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls San Diego, a nonprofit organization that brings the community together to empower girls through music, will host its second annual camper showcase, following a week-long empowerment summer camp for girls ages 8 to 17. The purpose of the program is to empower girls through music education with workshops and activities lead by female mentors and musicians, focusing on collaboration, leadership and self-esteem. “We’re so excited to rock our second year! This week-long camp and the finale showcase are a unique opportunity for young ladies to receive one-on-one female mentorship,” said Melissa Grove, founder and president of Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls San Diego. “It’s a chance to unplug from technology, bond with female musicians and ultimately learn who you are and share your voice with the world.” In a single week, young campers form bands, write an original song (no cover songs), learn an instrument (they can pick from vocals, guitar, bass guitar, keyboards or drums) and perform live in front of an audience at the House of Blues San Diego at the final camper showcase. Each camp day kicks off with an assembly of hilarious yet educational skits, subtly and positively addressing any issues that may arise at camp. Then the different age groups break out into sessions for instrument rehearsals. At lunch, a female musician performs, discusses her work as a female in the music industry and takes questions from campers. Afternoons consists of workshops, which include necessary band-building talents like designing and screen-printing band t-shirts and songwriting, as well as other skills like self-defense, image and identity, media literacy, community impact and more. “It’s not just a music camp–it’s an empowerment camp with a focus on creative youth development,” said Grove. “The music is merely a tool for helping girls channel their inner confidence to succeed. The week-long transformation is so much more than a music lesson–it shapes the future female leaders of our world.”
U.S. EPA Awards $91,000 to Groundwork San Diego –
Experienced musicians are mentors for the Camp students.
Melissa M., a parent whose daughter attended 2016 camp, said the camp is about “teaching girls to explore their unique beauty, strengths and talents, while empowering them to march to their own beats.” The camp is Monday, July 24 through Friday, July 28 at the San Diego Performing Arts Center (SDPAC), 4579 Mission Gorge Place, San Diego, CA, 92120 every day from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuition for the camp is $375 per camper. Financial aid and scholarships are available. The final showcase will take place on Saturday, July 29 at the House of Blues San Diego at 1055 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101 at 12 p.m. Tickets to the camper showcase are $10. The event is open to the public and all ages. Sponsors include the House of Blues San Diego, Guitar Center, Kirklin Cables and Reverend Bass. For more information, please visit www.rockcampforgirlssd.org.•
Chollas Creek
Students and Community to Learn Water Conservation The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a $91,000 environmental education grant to Groundwork San Diego–Chollas Creek to develop and implement a water use and conservation curriculum. The project will improve environmental literacy and stewardship in the Encanto community in southeastern San Diego, and is expected to reach at least 560 students, 24 educators and 50 community members. The project, “EarthLab Academy: Protecting Water Resources and Enhancing Environmental Literacy,” will use a combination of student learning experiences, professional development, and workshops to equip students, teachers, and community members with tools to make informed environmental decisions. The project will be housed at Groundwork’s Earthlab, a four-acre open space parcel near five participating schools. The lab uses the cultural and natural environment as a context for curriculum to emphasize scientific inquiry and environmental stewardship. “Through projects like these, Groundwork is helping provide the next generation of leaders with the tools to tackle environmental issues.” said Alexis Strauss, EPA’s Acting Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest. “Conserving water and other resources is critical to the San Diego region, and EPA is pleased to support an effort benefiting the broader community.” “Groundwork San Diego–Chollas Creek is pleased to partner with the EPA to advance our shared goal of bringing environmental justice to low-income communities,” said Leslie Reynolds, Executive Director of Groundwork San Diego–Chollas Creek. “The project will be delivered
at the EarthLab Climate Action Center, and will work with students and families to address environmental issues in communities that suffer from the highest water and air pollution and public health challenges in the region.” Groundwork San Diego–Chollas Creek’s partners on this project include the San Diego Unified School District, the University of California San Diego, San Diego Air & Space Museum, Elementary Institute of Science, Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, Living Coast Discovery Center, Math for America San Diego, San Diego Natural History Museum, PEAK Energy Center, Suzie’s Farm, San Diego Whale Watch, and the Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve.•
Summer Reading Program Sign up to earn prizes by reading.
Summer Reading Program All events are Thursday at 10:30am. Sign up to earn prizes by reading.
Summer Reading Program
June 15: Living Discovery at Center All events areCoast Thursday 10:30am. (wildlife of San Diego County)
June 15: 22: Sign
Coast Discovery Center Michael Rayner upLiving to earn prizes by reading. (wildlife Sanvaudeville) Diego County) (juggling and All events are of Thursday at 10:30am.
June June 22: 29:
Michael Rayner Hullabaloo (music) (juggling and vaudeville)
July 27:
Living Coast Discovery Center Mad Science (fun science) (wildlife of San Diego County) Craig Newton (music with many Mad Science (fun science) Michael Rayner instruments) Craig Newton (music with many (juggling and vaudeville) Little Catbird (music and puppets) instruments) Hullabaloo (music) Little (music puppets) Wild Catbird Wonders (wildand animals) Mad Wonders Science (fun science) Wild (wild animals) Amazing Dana (magic) Craig Newton Amazing Dana (music (magic)with many Noteworthy Puppets (puppet show) instruments) Noteworthy Puppets (puppet show) League of Extraordinary Scientists Little Catbird (music andScientists puppets) League of Extraordinary & Engineers (hands-on science) & Engineers (hands-on science) Wild Wonders (wild animals)
August 3:
Amazing Dana (magic)
June July 6:15:
June 29:
July 13: June 22:
July 6:
July 13:
July 20: June 29:
July 20: 27:
July 27: 6: July August 3: July 13:3: August
August 10:
August 10:
August 17: July 20:17: August
Hullabaloo (music)
August 10: Noteworthy Puppets (puppet show) August 17: League of Extraordinary Scientists & Engineers (hands-on science)
Middle school students ready the outdoor EarthLab Climate Action Center for the summer EPA-sponsored learning academy. Photo credit: Groundwork San Diego—Chollas Creek.
• PresidioSentinel.com
Mission Hills Hills Branch Branch Library Library 925 925 W Mission W Washington Washington St St 92103 92103 619-692-4910 619-692-4910
Mission Hills Branch Library 925 W Washington St 92103 619-692-4910
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Songa Designs International
Collaborates with Mrembo Africa
Artisan groups from Kenya & Rwanda work together to empower women
Songa Designs International, a socially conscious accessories and lifestyle brand, recently announced its collaboration with Mrembo Africa to promote its 2017 summer collection of sarongs that empower underprivileged women around the world. Hand-dyed by skilled Kenyan artisans over the course of two hours, each detailed sarong showcases the beauty of artisan groups from different backgrounds combining their talents. Each sarong comes with a beautifully woven sisal leaf sarong buckle woven by Songa artisans. The limited edition artisan sarongs will be available for purchase through August 31, 2017. Both Songa Designs and Mrembo Africa are rooted in uplifting women, empowering African artisans with socio-economical support and entrepreneur skills to reach economic independence and improve their living standards— through a diverse range of hand-made accessories. “It’s important to me that we set an example among the various artisan groups in Africa,” said Sarah Sternberg, founder of Songa Designs. “I am constantly inspired by the talent throughout the country and see the success of artisans, whether in Kenya or Rwanda, as a success for us all.” Songa Designs works with more than 175 women and encourages the artisans to negotiate their wages and confidently express their creativity. For example, Jacqueline, one of the artisans, is the designer behind the fall 2016 handbag collection’s top seller, the Jacqueline Handbag. A newer organization, Mrembo works with 16 women and one man with a disability who supervises and trains the artisans on tailoring, design and stitching. “We at Mrembo Africa are thrilled and proud to partner in our shared mission with our Rwandan sisters in Songa Designs,” explains Alice Eshuchi, Mrembo Africa founder. “ This is an exciting opportunity to see diverse traditional skills manifested in the crafts of the women of Africa being channeled into new markets.” After working with companies like Songa Designs and Mrembo, many artisans are able to use their new income to purchase things for the home like running water or electricity to support their families. For more information on Songa Design’s current line of accessories and home décor baskets, visit www.songadesigns.com.•
Conservationists Take
Both Songa Designs and Mrembo Africa support artisans who create hand-made accessories.
Giraffe Surveillance to New Heights
In a remote area of northern Kenya, a team of conservationists and veterinarians are collaborating on a unique project that will allow them to gather in-depth information on the habits of Kenya’s threatened reticulated giraffe population. The science team, made up of personnel from multiple conservation organizations, has attached solar-powered GPS satellite tracking devices to 11 reticulated giraffes in the region. The units will provide the science team with real-time data on giraffe movements, the size of their home ranges, where they travel during seasons and the travel corridors they use over the next two years—making this the first time such a large group of giraffes will be tracked for multiple years in East Africa. “It’s so exciting,” said Julian Fennessy, Ph.D., co-founder/co-director of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation. “We want to figure out where these giraffes are moving, so we can better provide conservation management support, whether that be anti-poaching support on the ground, working with communities, all the way to helping a sick giraffe and bringing in the Kenya Wildlife Service to help.” Attaching these small devices to 11 wild giraffes was not an easy task, requiring years of planning and detailed preparation. The team first had to find, corral and sedate each giraffe—making sure every step was performed with the utmost care and attention to detail.
ONE THING TO LOOK FOR IN A LISTING AGENT… Often the people hurt by the market have simply been naïve about their agent. There are a lot of considerations, but if you are looking for a listing agent to bring you the best financial results, then top of mind should be a Neighborhood Specialist. The community matters to a buyer, and only an insider can deliver that. Okay, 2 things: the other trait you want is focus on your needs, your peace of mind. This is a time when it is important to be selfish. That is your job now.
This is the first time such a large group of giraffes will be tracked for multiple years in East Africa. Photo courtesy of the San Diego Zoo Global.
Through these efforts, researchers have discovered that the world’s population of giraffes continues to decline at an alarming rate, with just under 100,000 individuals left in their native habitats. That is a decrease of nearly 40 percent over the last 20 years.. Scientists believe the startling downward trend is due to poaching, habitat loss, habitat fragmentation and disease—leading to situations where certain giraffe subpopulations have decreased so rapidly, they are now extinct in seven African nations. San Diego Zoo Global has partnered with the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, Northern Rangelands Trust, Kenya Wildlife Service and The Nature Conservancy, as well as other conservation organizations, to help reverse this trend in East Africa through the creation of communitybased conservation projects with Kenyan pastoralists. Conservationists are hoping this new tracking project, funded through a World Giraffe Day initiative by the Giraffe Conservation Foundation last year, will not only provide movement and habitat data, but also information that could assist community conservancies develop better strategies for managing their lands and livestock, while also expanding the frontiers of giraffe science.•
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14 Old Town
Local News
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
San Diego Celebrates 4th of July
An 1800’s Fourth of July to Remember
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park is hosting an old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration. Visitors can join park staff and volunteers to celebrate Independence Day as early San Diego residents did in the 1800s. Free games, activities, music, and dance are all part of the celebration. The park is located on San Diego Avenue and Twiggs Street in San Diego. The event kicks off at 11 a.m. with a brass band followed by patriotic speeches and flag raising ceremony. One of the highlights of the day is the annual Fourth of July parade around the plaza. Following the parade the Old Town Historic Dance Society presents a dance where visitors are encouraged to kick up their heels and join in. Nineteenth century contests, such as cow chip throwing, cherry pit spitting, and the ever-messy egg toss will be presented throughout the day. The afternoon concludes with an all-American pie-eating contest. Guests of all ages are encouraged to join in all the festivities. Visitors will gain an appreciation of early San Diego life through living history activities, demonstrations, crafts, music, dance, and song. This celebration has become a memorable tradition for many families in San Diego year after year. Old Town San Diego State Historic Park, with the support of the Boosters of Old Town, the County of San Diego, Wells Fargo Bank, and Fiesta de Reyes is proud to offer these free activities for adults and children of all ages. Free parking is available at the CalTrans headquarters, just two blocks from the park at 2994 Sunset Street. For more information, visit www.parks.ca.gov/ oldtownsandiego or call 619.220.5422.•
• PresidioSentinel.com
Historical and traditional activities will take place in Old Town San Diego on 4th of July.
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Patrons of the Prado’s 2017
Local News
Masterpiece Gala Celebrate 20 Years
Patrons of the Prado will celebrate 20 years of giving on Saturday, July 8 with its Masterpiece Gala–Noche de Suenos–Night of Dreams. The event will take place at the Spreckels Organ Pavilion and is an exciting evening of culture, arts, dining and dancing. The evening begins with sunset cocktails at 6 p.m. Dining begins at 7:30 p.m., catered by Chef Jeffrey Strauss of Pamplemousse Grille and a performance by soloist tenor Joey Molina. At 9:30 p.m., the evening will continue with music and dancing under the moonlight provided by The Mighty Untouchables. Attire for the gala is formal or a touch of “Flamenco Flair.” Complimentary Valet Parking is available (Organ Pavilion lot: Take Park Boulevard to Guests of the 2016 Masterpiece Gala came dressed for the occasion. President’s Way). Kristi Pieper will serve as gala chair. Pam Wagner and Maria Stanley are serving as co-chairs for the evening. Honorary chairs include Arlene and Richard Esgate, Anne Evans and John Thornton. To honor their 20th anniversary the gala recognizes its 20/20 Circle sponsors: Papa Doug and Geniya Manchester, Pamela Wagner and Hans Tegebo and Lynne and Dr. Stephen Wheeler for their Leadership Gifts. In its 20 years, Patrons of the Prado has raised more than $3.4 million and $326,000 for its “Bucks4Buses” program. Major funds raised in 2017 will benefit five of the organization’s ten beneficiaries along the Prado in Balboa Park: The Old Globe, San Diego Museum of Art, Timken Museum of Art, Fleet Science Center and San Diego Junior Theatre. Tickets for Masterpiece Gala are available online at www.PatronsofthePrado.org. For more information, contact pradopatrons@gmail.com or call 858.256.6140.•
PresidioSentinel.com •
Theatre News
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Cygnet Theatre Cygnet Theatre will launch its 15th season with the musical comedy “Animal Crackers,” the hallmark of the Marx Brothers lunacy, based on the 1928 Broadway hit with book by Broadway masters George S. Kaufman and Morrie Ryskind. The success of the play was followed by the film version (1930), which launched the brothers into film stardom, never again appearing on Broadway. The Marx Brothers are commonly thought to be among the greatest and most influential comedians of the 20th century. Directed by Sean Murray, the production runs July 5 through August 13. Chaos ensues when a celebrated painting goes missing from a fancy house party honoring the return of African explorer Captain Spaulding. Guests set out to find the thief in a series of madcap antics and exploits. The show is filled with chaos, sharp humor, snappy one-liners, and frequent quick changes, at times taking place right on stage. Rooted in Vaudeville, the Marx Brothers were notorious for improvisation and spinning a script, sometimes to the surprise of their fellow cast mates. “The great thing about the Marx Brothers is that they built their comedy around anarchy,” says Murray. “They always upended and blew holes into, quite literally, the prim and proper environment in which they were put. That’s the fun!” Pictured are members of the cast and production team of “Animal Crackers.” Nine talented comedic actors will play multiple roles at breakneck speed. The cast features Josh Odsess-Rubin as Groucho, Gittings, lighting design by Kyle Montgomery, and sound design by Samantha Wynn as Harpo, Spencer Rowe as Chico, and Bryan Banville Dylan Nielsen. Wigs and makeup will be created by Peter Herman. as Zeppo. Mrs. Rittenhouse will be played by Melinda Gilb Rounding Maria Mangiavellano will stage manage rehearsals with Craig Campbell out the cast are Russell Garrett, Chaz Feuerstine, Amy Perkins, and taking the helm for performances. Lauren King Thompson. Tickets are on sale now and may be purchased at the box office The production team features music direction by Terry O’Donnell located at 4040 Twiggs Street, by calling 619.337.1525 or by who will lead the band as they sit on stage. Choreography is by Russell visiting www.cygnettheatre.com.• Garrett, set design by Sean Fanning, costume design by Jennifer Brawn
Landmark Theatres “Maudie,” based on a true story, is an unlikely romance in which the reclusive Everett Lewis (Ethan Hawke) hires a fragile yet determined woman named Maudie (Sally Hawkins) to be his housekeeper. Maudie, brighteyed but hunched with crippled hands, yearns to be independent, to live away from her protective family and she also yearns, passionately, to create art. Unexpectedly, Everett finds himself falling in love. Maudie charts Everett’s efforts to protect
Aches and pains? Chronic illness? Stress?
himself from being hurt. The movie covers Maudie’s deep and abiding love for this difficult man and her surprising rise to fame as a folk painter. “Maudie” opens at Landmark’s Hillcrest Cinemas, located at 3965 5th Avenue, on Friday, July 7. The film’s running time is 115 minutes and it is Rated PG. For information and times, call 619.819.0236, or visit www.landmarkTheatres.com. Film times and dates are subject to change.•
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A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Local News
Old Globe Theatre The Old Globe today announced the full cast for “Guys and Dolls,” a musical fable of Broadway. Based on a story and characters of Damon Runyon, with music and lyrics by Frank Loesser and book by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows, “Guys and Dolls” will be directed and choreographed by Josh Rhodes, returning to the Globe after the great successes of Ken Ludwig’s “Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery,” which he directed. This classic musical, the first production of the Globe’s 2017 Summer Season, will run from July 2 through August 13, with opening night on Friday, July 7, presented in association with Asolo Repertory Theatre. Tickets to “Guys and Dolls” can be purchased online at www.TheOldGlobe.org, by phone at 619.234.5623, or by visiting the box office at 1363 Old Globe Way in Balboa Park. Nathan Detroit needs some serious dough to keep his “oldest established permanent floating crap game” going. He’s also got his hands full with his marriage-minded girlfriend Adelaide. But when Nathan makes a bet with high-roller Sky Masterson, his problems appear to be solved. Based on Damon Runyon’s famous tales of smalltime hoods and showgirls, “Guys and Dolls” is filled with some of the most wonderful show Left to right are cast members and the director of Terence Archie appears as Sky Masterson, Veronica J. tunes, including “Luck Be a Lady,” “I’ve Never Kuehn appears as Miss Adelaide, director and choreographer Josh Rhodes, Audrey Cardwell appears as Been in Love Before,” and the irrepressible anthem Sarah Brown, and J. Bernard Calloway appears as Nathan Detroit. Photo by Jim Cox. “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat.” The cast features Terence Archie as Sky Masterson, J. Bernard Calloway Bonaventura, Jonathan Brugioni, Richard Bulda, Juan Caballer, Lance as Nathan Detroit, Audrey Cardwell as Sarah Brown, and Veronica J. Carter, Cody Davis, Richard Gatta, William Geary, Evan Kasprzak, Julie Kavanagh, Celeste Lanuza, Tara Shoemaker, and Ala Tiatia. Kuehn as Miss Adelaide, as well as Matt Bauman as Benny Southstreet, The creative team of Guys and Dolls features Lee Savage (Scenic Design), Todd Buonopane as Nicely-Nicely Johnson, Steve Greenstein as Big Brian C. Hemesath (Costume Design), Paul Miller (Lighting Design), Kevin Jule, and award-winning San Diego veterans Ed Hollingsworth as Lt. Brannigan, Ralph Johnson as Arvide Abernathy, and Linda Libby as Kennedy (Sound Design), Sinai Tabak (Music Director and Additional Arrangements), Lee Wilkins (Associate Director and Choreographer), Tara General Matilda B. Cartwright. Rubin Casting/Kaitlin Shaw, CSA (Casting), and Peter Van Dyke (Production The ensemble members, who portray crapshooters, Hot Box Girls, and various denizens of the underworld, include Chelsey Arce, Giovanni Stage Manager).•
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18 What Now?
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
By Laura Walcher
I’ve finally figured out why, when I’m a proven, award-winning winning writer, I’m stlll not rich and famous: I have utterly failed to master the “art” of the tweet. You have to hand it to tweeters: like Mr, Trump, you get to issue a completely untrue, rash notion (“… the United States is the highest taxed nation in the world!”) and are rarely required–or inspired–to correct (“…among 35 world economies, we rank in the middle or near the bottom, per the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).” Well, at least he gets stuff out of his system. So, consider truthiness. Unless we’re writing fiction, semi-brilliant writers like me always tell the truth–or, at least the truth as we see it. Oh! I feel a
Ten Years and
truthful tweet coming: “Why does Melania always wear dresses a few sizes too small?” Well, that’s a mean–albeit true–tweet, but, hey, I’m just a beginner. Non-tweet writing would have me thoughtfully considering likely answers, seeking expert opinions: denial: so she’s gained a few pounds; wifely-ness: the dress is Donald’s favorite; thriftiness: her fave designer clothes are sooo expensive. Voila! Had this issue been deeply researched, as would be my practice, I might even have earned yet another award. To show how acceptable–not necessarily respectable–twitterati has become, consider Jeff Bezos, whose Amazon has by now delivered to him $ 84 billion (at last count), surely enabling him to communicate with the world in any way he chose. Yet, he chose to twitter when inviting philanthropic ideas from the public. He sought ideas for projects,
he tweeted, to “help people at the intersection of urgent need and lasting impact…” Here’s a guy who can buy a double-truck New York Times ad every day for a year (to say nothing of a monthly in the Presidio Sentinel), and he seeks to tweet–even though, I can’t imagine making money-offering decisions on the basis of a tweet–even a truthful one (hear that, Donald?). For all our fear of, disappointment in Trump, maybe his penchant for tweeting is the most unnerving. While too often reckless and erratic, it’s his impetuous, petty game. He urgently needs– or ought to have–a smidgen of thoughtfulness and craft before hitting “go!” And, tweeting still takes time. Time that would be better spent filling the few hundred vacant White House jobs. Now, that really takes time and attention. And, that’s the truth!•
Oh So Fabulous
By Stylishly Aubree Lynn Writer, Stylist, Producer Ten years of Fashion Week San Diego (FWSD), and the recent event was done with class. This year it was held on the iconic island of Coronado. Being that it was my birthday weekend, I didn’t like the idea of having one of my evenings booked with an event. Yet, much to my surprise, many of my girlfriends came out to celebrate under the ocean sky with the same passion for fashion in mind. Like I said, it was a girls’ night out that had the perfect touch of an exceptional extravaganza. It was an evening of wins all around. The ambiance of this night exceeded my expectations and it was by far the best Spring Showcase FWSD has ever presented. So happy birthday to me, ha! Set up like a trunk show on the Windsor Lawn, all the designers and their collections were on display. The FWSD sign was illuminated and CEO and Founder Allison Andrews started the show with a distinguished greeting and announced the FAB Authority Award winners: Stylish Bisou and Oseas Villatoro. The evening included entertainment by Acrobats and Undies. The dynamic duo of Jeff Krapf and Jodi Kodesh livened up the stage by presenting each designer and their aspirations behind this year’s collections. I don’t want to give anything away this year, including the designers that I am rooting for to be potential winners. However, I will say there is some stiff competition among this year’s designers. I’m eagerly anticipating the collections in full display this fall. With that being said, I advise everyone who loves and supports talented entrepreneurs to come out to this year’s Past, Present and Future of FWSD Fall Show in October. This year, local and worldwide designers will be presenting their work. I can guarantee that there will be some models dying to walk right off stage with these exceptional garments! An ocean breeze, cocktails flowing, crashing waves, the salty air, a runway on the Windsor Lawn On the left is Jewelry Designer Artemisa Rivas with the Hotel Del as the backdrop, the Spring Showcase 2017 was a spectacular event. Without standing next to Stylishly Aubree Lynn wearing an doubt, this year’s fall show will be one not to miss! Oseas Villatoro original and jewelry by Artemisa Rivas. Get your tickets here at Fashionweeksd.com.• Photo is courtesy of H Photography.
San Diegans Rally to Support
Innovative Lung Cancer Research
Free to Breathe 5k Run/Walk & 1-Mile Walk
Hundreds of local residents are joining forces to fight lung cancer, united in the belief that surviving lung cancer should be the expectation, not the exception. The San Diego Free to Breathe 5K Run/Walk and 1-Milke Walk will take place Sunday, August 6 at the Embarcadero Marina Park North (400 Kettner Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101). All proceeds from the event support Free to Breathe, a lung cancer research and advocacy organization dedicated to increasing lung cancer survival. “By fundraising and joining us on event day, you are bringing hope to those affected by the disease and their families,” said volunteer event co-chair Barry Davis of San Diego. “Lung cancer claims more lives each year than breast, colon and prostate cancer combined, yet these three cancers receive more research funding.” The Free to Breathe events community has raised over $16 million to support groundbreaking research and educational programs since 2005. Funds raised support life saving lung cancer research, promote access to clinical trials while building and empowering the lung cancer community. This year’s event will feature a 5K run/walk and 1-mile walk. The day will also include a Survivors Area, kids’ activities including face painting and coloring, music from a local DJ, plenty of refreshments and fun for the whole family. Special recognition will be given to top finishers and fundraisers. Gather your squad, and join us for an inspiring day focused on doubling lung cancer survival. To register and begin fundraising, visit www.freetobreathe.org/sandiego.•
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Participants from the 2016 Free to Breathe event show their support.
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Fresh Perspective on Abundance By Violet Green
When I was a kid I had dreams of “getting rich” or “making it big” when I was an adult. I thought that all problems could be solved with money. The experience of money in my family was that there were too many mouths to feed and there were never enough dollars. The holidays brought stockings full of “needs,” like toothbrushes, nightgowns, and jeans, not toys, games, and skis. But, when I think back to that time from my now adult perspective, I see that we were rich in so many ways–supportive community, happy family, loving parents, and heat (in New England winters, this is a must). I can’t ever remember the electricity being turned off, or not having essentials like food and toilet paper that other people sometimes had to go without. As I made my way through college and into my adult years, I learned from different teachers that I didn’t really want to be rich; I wanted to be abundant! It’s not just a semantic difference to me, but a noticing of the availability of fun experiences with friends, love, food, and even extra winter rains that turn into more fruit on my trees. Do I have all of my needs met and still get to have “wants” fulfilled too? You bet I do! I look at my life with such gratitude these days, and even am delighted by unexpected surprises (like the double yolk in my breakfast the other day). When I know there is enough for all to share, I can feel the flow in my life of what’s needed, what’s available, and what will continue to come into my life. I recently got to experience another surprising bit of abundance. For the last two years, I’d been hearing about a local herbalist’s six-month botanical apprenticeship program. I wasn’t sure if I could “swing it,” so kept ignoring emails that I received about it. Then, coincidentally (if you believe in that sort of thing), one of my friends told me she was joining and so was another,
A monarch butterfly is taking shape.
mutual friend of ours. I wondered about my resistance and willingness to let money get in the way of this opportunity. So, I decided to call and see if there were any spots left. Well, that was last autumn and I’ve just recently finished my apprenticeship. Once again, I am overflowing with abundance that I could not have anticipated–not just the botanical knowledge, but new friends, broader perspectives on plants, and a newfound appreciation for hiking in our hot, dry, local desert and the tiny plants that thrive there. I am filled with gratitude for the abundant flow that I experience daily. Even on days where my new commute has worn me down, I stroll through my garden looking for little gifts. Just yesterday I found a monarch butterfly chrysalis. I can see the outline of the wings through the outer layer. I hope to see the beautiful new butterfly to add to my abundant flow in the next day or two.•
Your Neighborhood Church Human TuneUp Column by Cath We invite you to check out our new website:
www.uchristianchurch.org and, follow us on Facebook:
facebook.com/uchristianchurch 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 10:20 a.m. Children’s Worship & Wonder
This Is Your Life by Cath DeStefano
Oh dear, you mean that I am in charge of THIS too? Yes. In other times, it was different; a woman could tag along on her husband’s life and let his life be her life. As unfulfilling as that might sound to a modern mind, it worked then. She got her power from being associated with him. In other times, men stuck with the same job for 40 years and retired with a gold watch.
3900 Cleveland Avenue • San Diego, CA 92103 • Phone: (619) 295-4146 An Open and Affirming Congregation, Everyone is Welcome
Somewhere along the way, the cracks in those models showed up and through the openings came this question: “What interests me ?” What interested you five years ago may not be where it’s at now. The updated world is this: each of us needs to identify what is personally interesting. Let go of whatever no longer holds your interest. One of my favorite questions I ask periodically is, “Do I like my life?” Part of liking my life is being involved in interesting-to-me things, such as: • Sewing dresses for little girls in Haiti.
JAN. 2016 Display Ad for Presidio Sentinal
• Attending a panel of San Diego and Syrian journalists. • Spending the afternoon in the pool with 14-year-old Allison.
Please send Invoice to University Christian Church • Teaching human relations skills to people from around the world. 3900 Cleveland Avenue • Influencing the course of things. San Diego, CA 92103 Pnone: 619-295-44146 Not interesting to you? Well of course, there’s the trick. WHAT interests you? Cath DeStefano, Author, Fun Workshop Leader Book Excerpt: “Vital Signs! for Life” by Cath www.humantuneup.com/books.htm • HumanTuneUp@Live.com
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Music News
Jonathan Butler Performs at
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
The San Diego Smooth Jazz Festival
Grammy® Award-Nominated Rendezvous Music Recording artist and guitar Virtuoso, Jonathan Butler, is bringing his voice and musicianship to The San Diego Smooth Jazz Festival in San Diego, CA on Sunday, July 9 where he’ll perform his biggest hits and songs from his latest album Free. Butler’s warm vocals wrap around these refreshingly timeless songs to reach a wide spectrum of listeners with a blend of jazz, gospel and contemporary worship. Butler’s Free contains 11 rousing tracks, including the fan-favorite “I Am That I Am,” the title-track “Free,” “You Are The One,” and more. Longtime collaborator and friend Luther “Mano” Hanes produced the album. He also co-wrote “Where Would I Be” and “Never Find A Better Love.” Butler has sold more than 1.8 million albums worldwide and continues touring the globe maintaining a comprehensive concert schedule and hosting special events such as his annual South African safari tour. Born and raised in Cape Town during Apartheid, Jonathan Butler started singing and playing acoustic guitar as a child. Racial segregation and poverty during Apartheid has been the subject of many of his records. His first single was the first by a black artist played by white radio stations in racially segregated South Africa and earned a Sarie Award, South Africa’s equivalent to the Grammy Awards. Butler is known for achieving chart-topping success, Grammy® nominations and other accolades for his recordings. His self-titled debut album put him on the map internationally and Jonathan Butler performs at the Sunday, July 9, 2017. garnered two Grammy ® nominations, which include the R&B-pop vocal statement “Lies” and the poignant instrumental, “Going Home.” Butler, a multi-talented musician, produces, arranges, and plays guitar, bass and keyboards. The South African native has sold more than 1.8 million albums worldwide and tours the globe maintaining a comprehensive concert schedule. He has released several best-selling Gospel albums, most notably, Gospel Goes Classical and Brand New Day, and his latest, Free.•
Perla Batalla Announces Her
Summer & Fall Tour Schedule
Grammy nominated singer-songwriter Perla Batalla consistently earns critical acclaim for her unique voice and culture-merging compositions. Formerly a Leonard Cohen back-up singer, the Los Angeles born vocalist launched her solo career with Cohen’s encouragement. Since then she’s recorded seven albums, been featured in films and television, and taken her unique sound on tour in some of the most prestigious venues around the world. The L.A. times writes, “Batalla is comfortable in both English and Spanish, proud of her mestiza heritage, musically adventurous and always accompanied by impeccable performers… above all, she is a born storyteller with a rambunctious sense of humor.” Perla Batalla will perform at the Carlsbad Schulman Auditorium on Saturday, September 16. Batalla was born in Los Angeles, California, to a family immersed in music; her father, a Mexican singer and radio personality, and an Argentine mother who ran a bustling record store called Discoteca Batalla. At the family record shop, literally at her mother’s knee, Batalla was exposed to an education of non-stop music that cut across genre and language. While her far-ranging influences are reflected in the eclectic choices of songs she writes, arranges and performs today, it is that voice that brings each song to a new light. Perla Batalla’s mission of honoring her roots and exposing young audiences to the beauty of music and the Spanish language is ongoing in her outreach endeavors throughout some of the poorest communities in the United States. She is the recipient of the United Nation’s Earth Charter Award for “extraordinary devotion to social and economic justice” and the Premio Fronterizo Award for “healing work in the world.”•
North American Leg of
Illuminate World Tour Kicks Off
Shawn Mendes debuted the first live US performance of “There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back” on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The track has received critical praise, with Nylon highlighting it as one of the week’s best releases, declaring “Shawn Mendes takes it to the dance floor with this bona fide bop.” Time proclaimed “Mendes finds a sweet spot here, perhaps taking a page out of Ed Sheeran’s surefire rock-pop playbook as he toes the line between acoustic strummers and party-ready crowd-pleasers,” and V Magazine announced the track as “one of his most upbeat yet, with a snappy drumline, acoustic tropical-esque breakdowns, and a chorus bound to get stuck in your head.” Mendes is currently in the midst of his first-ever headlining arena world tour tour in support of his #1 sophomore album Illuminate (Island Records). Mendes recently wrapped up the European leg of his llluminate World Tour, with the UK’s Evening Standard awarding Mendes’ O2 show a glowing 4-star review, declaring “the guitar-toting singer-songwriter from Canada had the audience at his beck and call.” His North American tour includes a performance on Wednesday, July 14 at Valley View Casino Center in San Diego.•
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Perla Batalla will perform at the Carlsbad Schulman Auditorium on Saturday, September 16.
Shawn Mendes will perform in San Diego on July 14.
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Food Scene
Dinner & a Movie Concept Two Seven Eight By David Rottenberg Have you ever dreamed of opening and owning a restaurant? So many people, especially men with outgoing personalities and even the slightest culinary background, often fantasize about the thrill of commanding a kitchen and with greeting old friends and customers as they enjoy the food and ambiance of one’s establishment. But it is a lot of work to run a restaurant, demanding an amazing amount of time and commitment. Even so, restaurants pop open weekly into the dining landscape. Jessica Fisher opened several restaurants for others, companies and individuals. Living in New York City, she put together large “fine dining” operations such as “Catch” and even small local neighborhood venues. Despite her young age, she had a lot of experience in the business. Fisher returned to San Diego and inspired her mother, who worked in real estate, and a friend, a retired in-house counsel corporate attorney, with the dream of restaurant ownership. A few months ago, they opened Concept Two Seven Eight on The small dining room has a light, cozy, intimate feeling. upper Fifth Avenue. The symbolism of the name Titles are usually announced the day before. Occasionally, guests will bring refers to Fisher’s old address in Brooklyn. There are so many steps to opening a restaurant–finding the right location, films to screen; “yappy” hour–diners can bond with their pets, eating with planning the right menu, picking price points that are appealing to customers them on the patio, with special treats for the animals. It is a great way to get to yet allowing for profitability, developing systems to generate good food know fellow pet lovers; local distilleries–San Diego has a great reputation as quickly and, perhaps most important, creating an image and features that home to many award-winning microbreweries. Not as many are aware that distinguish the business from its competitors. Every restaurant wants its name our city is also home to a number of award-winning micro-distilleries. The restaurant’s elaborate bar stocks many of their products. to pop into the minds of customers when they think of going out. For example, a Henebery Spirits “old fashion” is a 90 proof rye infused Concept Two Seven Eight was opened in a quaint building that feels like a converted home. The front door opens to a small dining room and bar, with with botanicals and aged into a sweet delight that goes down smoothly, a high-beamed ceiling. It has a small patio in the front. The venue has a tight, with a marvelous afterglow. And it tastes like a fabulous Old Fashion cocktail. The formula for the liquor is based on a Civil War drink but cozy, intimate feel. After solving location and menu issues, Fisher and her partners came up the label has been changed from “two warlike eagles” to two “peaceful with three concepts through which to build a clientele: dinner and a movie– peacocks.” Heneberry is distilled in Vista. Products of Malahat Spirits are on Wednesday evenings, a projector and screen are set up on the patio. also available. The bottle label shows a picture of the Malahat, a graceful Diners can enjoy the mellow San Diego evening, good food, and a movie. four-masted vessel, which was a successful rum runner during prohibition, never caught. It just outran pursuers. Marketing strategies can only bring customers in. It is the food that keeps them coming back. The menu is short, simple and interesting, leaning heavily on local produce. Available snacks include fried cauliflower florets and squash blossom. Diners may share charred brussels sprouts and roasted spring vegetables. Among the salads, heirloom tomato salad comes in a large bowl, almost big enough for family style, with fresh mozzarella, pistachio and peach in a savory peach balsamic dressing. Among the “mains”, several burgers are listed. The “8 oz” burger is full size, loaded with meaty flavor and drizzled with a “secret sauce” that pops the taste. The portabella burger brings wonderful faux-meat texture to a vegan dish, drizzled with an avocado and chimichurri sauce. Pasta dishes and a chicken dish are also offered. The restaurant also features a weekend brunch and almost nightly happy hour. Price points are low to moderate. The food is interesting and excellent. Food and features will bring diners in and keep them coming back. Reservations are recommended. Concept Two Seven Eight is located at 3687 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92103. Call 619.278.0080 for reservations The main dish burgers are full sized with delicious condiments and side dishes. and information.•
Share Your July 4TH With Us!
The bar contains a wide selection of drink options.
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A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
July 2017
Thru July 9th
July 3rd
n Red Cross Blood donation opportunities, every day
n Reuben H Fleet Science Center, located at 1875 El Prado
this summer, there are thousands of patients relying on lifesaving blood donations. That’s why the American Red Cross is urging new and current donors to roll up a sleeve to help sustain a sufficient blood supply. To learn more, visit www.redcrossblood.org or call 1.800.733.2767 to make an appointment.
in Balboa Park, offers the first Monday of every month for seniors 65 and better to enjoy the Science Center exhibits, a show in the Heikoff Giant Dome Theater and a lecture on the quietest day of the month for only $8. The doors open at 9:30 a.m. to get senior Monday started early. The lecture this month at 10:30 a.m. is on Turning Tides: The Causes, Effects and Consequences of Climate Change on Our Oceans. The topic of climate change is one of the most hotly debated and complicated issues that our modern age faces. Noon theater show is The Living Sea. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy the galleries and special senior discounts in Craveology and the North Star Science Store.
Thru July 16th n SDSU Downtown Gallery, located at 725 W. Broadway in downtown San Diego, is presented All Natural, which looks at artists who are working with natural materials or naturally occurring elements to create their finished pieces. Exploring the fringes of media and intersection with notions of sustainability, the exhibition shares ways that each individual works beyond boundaries to produce provocative and experimental results. Artists in the exhibition include Stephanie Bedwell, Jennifer Anne Bennett, Scott b. Davis, John Oliver Lewis, Jessica McCambly, and Meghann Riepenhoff. Admission is free.
Thru August 13th n San Diego Zoo Safari Park, located at 15500 San Pasqual Valley Road in Escondido, will present Summer Safari Set to Delight Guests by your San Diego County Toyota Dealers. This will offer an extravaganza of drumming, acrobatics, dancing and more. Guests at the Safari Park will be immersed in world themed festivities and up-close encounters with fascinating animals. Visitors can explore the world with exciting entertainment from locales around the globe, including Africa, Thailand, India, and Pacific Islands and Mexico. Performances take place on the Summer Safari Stage at Safari Base Camp, with multiple shows scheduled from 12:30 to 7 p.m. each day. For information, visit www.sdzsafaripark.org.
Thru August 16th n SDSU, located at 5500 Campanile Drive, offers summer intensive language courses. Students can build their language skills and cultural competencies quickly and effectively through the SDSU Language Acquisition Resource Center (LARC). This immersive program allows students to earn three to 20 units of foreign language credit in a period of 2 ½ to 11 weeks of registering now in one of today’s most critical languages–Arabic, Chinese, Persian, Portuguese, or Russian. Session two runs July 12 thru August 16. For information, visit www.neverstoplearing.net/larc.
Thru August 18th n theNAT, San Diego National History Museum, located at 1788 El Prado in Balboa Park, is offering summer camps which are filling up fast. There’s still time to join us for a summer of hands-on science and fun. In our summer camps, kids will discover nature’s wonders, past and present, and from the ocean to the desert. We have halfday camps for Pre-K and kindergarten stat at $145. Fullday camps for grades 1.8 start at $265. Members receive discounts on all camps. Register online, at www.sdnat. org.or at the museum, or call 877.946.7797.
Thru September 4th n San Diego Natural History Museum, located at 1788 El Prado in Balboa Park, has a new special exhibition. Ultimate Dinosaurs, will stomp into the museum. This highly interactive exhibition features 16 life-sized dinosaur skeletons from unusual locations in the Southern Hemisphere—many of which are completely unknown by most North Americans. n The San Diego Zoo hosts its huge summertime celebration from 4 p.m. to close. Guests are invited to join in on all the fun with numerous evening festivities-including Africanthemed entertainment, toe-tapping, music, surprising encounters, stilt walkers, exceptional acrobatic feats and much more. Nighttime Zoo activities and attractions are free with Zoo admission or membership. Parking is free.
Thru March 11th, 2018 n The San Diego Museum of Art, located at 1450 El Prado in Balboa Park, presents Brenda Biondo and Play. Colorado– based photographer is best known for her images focusing on constructed abstractions, conservation and landbased issues. The first series, Playground, is a collection of contemporary photographs of children’s playgrounds from the 1920s to the 1970s. The second series, Paper Skies, includes carefully crafted, abstract images of the sky printed onto aluminum panels. These images are created by printing photographs of blue sky, gray clouds and warm sunsets, and cutting, folding, and re-photographing them against the sky. The results are beautifully complex shapes and angles that appear almost digitally created. For information, visit www.sdmart.org.
July 1st n Reuben H Fleet Science Center, located at 1875 El Prado in Balboa Park, presents a tinkering studio from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. Stop by on Saturdays to play, innovate and solve problems with other curious minds in the Tinkerers’ Club, led by in-house inventors. Take your invention home and share your creation and stories with friends. Supplies are limited. Advance registration is recommended. Today we will Think BIG: Google Cardboard, which is a platform designed to harness binocular vision to create an immersive 3D experience with your smartphone. Customize and decorate your very own Google Cardboard headset. The club is for ages 7+. For information, call 619.238.1233 ext. 806. n Dolce at the Highlands, located at 5980 Village Center Loop Road in San Diego, hosts Whitney Shay and Robin Henkel from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. n Dizzy’s is at a new location, Arias Hall, located behind the Musician’s Association building at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego. Saxophonist Ian Buss performs with his quintet: Ed Kornhauser on piano, NYCBased guitarist Alicyn Yaffee, Rob Thorsen on bass, and Matt Smith on drums. Performance is at 8 p.m. Cost is $15 ($10 students).
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July 4
n Reuben H Fleet Science Center, located at 1875 El Prado in Balboa Park, presents the first Tuesday of each month as residents’ free Tuesdays. Free gallery admission applies to San Diego City and County residents and active-duty military. ID is required. n Mission Hills Town Council presents its Annual 4th of July Celebration in Mission Hills with a neighborhood parade that ends up in Pioneer Park, located at 1521 Washington Place. A Parade starts at 10:30 a.m. followed by games and prizes, a pie eating contest and two concerts: noon with Hullabaloo and 1 p.m. with MohaviSoul. n Old Town San Diego State Historic Park Celebrates the Fourth of July. The event kicks off at 11 a.m. Join park staff and volunteers to celebrate Independence Day as early San Diego residents did in the 1800s. Free games, activities, music, and dance are all part of the celebration. Nineteenth century starts with a brass band followed by patriotic speeches and a flag raising ceremony. Contests to occur throughout the day include cow chip throwing, cherry pit spitting, and the ever-messy egg toss. The afternoon concludes with an all-American pie-eating contest. The park is located on San Diego Avenue and Twiggs Street in San Diego. For information, visit www. parks.ca.gov/oldtownsandiego or call 619.220.5422. n July 6 Zel’s Del Mar, located at 1247 Camino Del Mar in Del Mar, hosts Robin Henkel solo blues from 7 to 10 p.m. For information, call 858.755.0076.
July 7th n Dizzy’s is at a new location, Arias Hall, located behind the Musician’s Association building at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego. Expressive jazz flugelhornist/ composer Dmitri Matheny and his quartet performs at 8 p.m. Cost is $20 ($15 students).
July 7th thru August 27th n Join the Women’s Museum of California as they honor the women who fought for and protected our freedoms. The museum celebrates the heroism of women in the United States military through the different uniforms women wore from World War 1 to today. The Women’s Historical Clothing Show will take place outside Baracks 16 in Liberty Station. The uniforms that will be worn for the show are on loan from the Veteran’s Museum in Balboa Park, as well as from several local women veterans.
July 8th n Birdrock Coffee Roasters, located at 5627 La Jolla Boulevard in La Jolla, hosts Robin Henkel solo blues 10 a.m. to noon. For information, call 858.551.1707. n Reuben H. Fleet Science Center is holding a Saturday Science Club for girls in grades 5 through 8 from noon to 2 p.m. This month the topic is Video Game Design. Check out the Fleet’s latest Exhibition “Game Masters” and use OzoBots to learn the basics of programming to complete a scavenger hunt. To participate, parents must pre-register by calling 619.238.1233 x806. n Old Town San Diego State Historic Park is celebrating travel and transportation from the era of real horsepower during Stagecoach Days. This event kicks runs for eight Saturdays during July and August. It takes place from noon to 4 p.m. There will be plenty of old fashioned fun from the mid-1800s. This year is the 160th anniversary of the Overland Mail, which will add to the normal summer celebrations. Each week there will be a different theme, including “Games and Amusements.” The program takes place on San Diego Avenue and Twiggs Street in San Diego. For information , visit www.parks.ca.gov/ oldtownsandiego or call 619.220.5422. n Nate’s Garden Grill, located at 3120 Euclid Avenue in San Diego, hosts Robin Henkel solo blues from 6 to 8 p.m. For information, call 619.546.7700. n A special event will take place at the Spreckels Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park. The Patrons of the Prado will celebrate 20 years of giving, as raise funds to benefit Ten Balboa Park Arts and Culture Organizations with its Masterpiece Gala–Noche de Suenos–Night of Dreams. The evening begins with sunset cocktails at 6 p.m. Dining begins at 7:30 p.m. catered by Chef Jeffrey Strauss of Pamplemousse Grille and a performance by soloist tenor Joey Molina. At 9:30 p.m. the evening will continue with music and dancing under the moonlight provided by The Mighty Untouchables. Attire for the gala is formal or a touch of Flamenco flair. Tickets are available online at www.PatronsofthePrado.org. or call 858.256.6140. Individual tickets are $500.
July 8th thru 9th n The San Diego Smooth Jazz Festival Returns to San Diego after a 12-year hiatus at Embarcadero Marina Park North, located at 400 Kettner Boulevard in San Diego (adjacent to Seaport Village). The Jazz Festival celebrates the long-lived musical style and features a great line-up of hot summer night smooth jazz. Attendees with general admission tickets can come with their blankets and chairs, sit back, relax and listen to some of the world’s best jazz musicians. The Smooth Jazz Festival will also have vendors from all over the region that display their food and wares including beer, wind, and alcoholic beverages.
General Admission is $65.00 per person, per day, plus a small handling/processing fee applies. Parking will be available at the San Diego Convention Center for $ 15. For information and to buy tickets, visit www. sandiegosmoothjazzfestival.com or call 562.424.0013. n Tan Diego County’s largest coin show comes to the Scottish Rite Event Center, 1895 Camino del Rio South in Mission Valley. The event hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday, July 8, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, July 9. There will be over 75 tables of coin and paper money dealers offering investment-quality American and foreign coins and currency, ancient coins, precious metal bullion pieces, jewelry, reference books and investment supplies. For information, visit www.coinarama.org.
July 12th n The Gaslamp Museum, located at the Davis-Horton House at 410 Island Avenue in downtown San Diego, hosts History Talks by “Alonzo Horton and the Founding of New Town San Diego” from 7 to 9 p.m. The lecture by Richard Crawford, head librarian of special collections at the central library and author of four books on San Diego history, will be discussing an event that happened 150 years ago and changed San Diego’s history forever. The exhibit “Alonzo Horton: The Sesquicentennial of the Founding of New Town San Diego” chronicles the life of San Diego’s founding father Alonzo Horton. On view are the museum’s collections of photos, maps, and ephemera related to Horton. As the only residence of Alonzo Horton still standing in San Diego, the Davis-Horton House is the perfect setting to views the collection of Horton’s life and times. For information, call 619.233.4692.
July 12th thru August 6th n North Coast Repertory Theatre, located at 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Suite D in Solana Beach, is presenting the San Diego Premier of “At This Evening’s Performance.” This is an uproarious comedy about a Bohemian theatre troupe that finds themselves performing in an Eastern European police state,. It’s a laugh a minute, and you’ll leave the theatre reveling in the merriment. For information, visit www.northcoastrep.org or call 858.481.1055.
July 13th n Santee Blues & BBQ, located at Town Center Community Park East, 550 Park Center Drive in Santee, hosts Whitney Shay with the Robin Henkel Band and Bill Magee from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
July 14th n theNAT, San Diego National History Museum, located at 1788 El Prado in Balboa Park, presents Nature & Me Storytime at 10:15 a.m. Open to all ages with a parent or guardian (recommended for ages 1-5), the event is free with museum admission. This Months theme is T.Rex. Visit www.sdnat.org for ticket information. n The Highwayman performs at 6 p.m. for the Mission Hills Concerts in the Park at Pioneer Park, located at 1521 Washington Place. n Chuck Alek Biergarten, located at 3139 University Avenue in San Diego, hosts Robin Henkel solo blues from 7 to 9 p.m. For information, call 619.800.6797. n Venice will be the headliner at the AMSDconcerts tonight. This band is from Venice, California that consists of two sets of brothers: Michael and Mark Lennon, and their cousins, Kipp and Pat Lennon. As a band, the Lennons have recorded and performed together since the 1980s. Their sound is at once familiar and fresh, their classic rock and folk influences apparent in their pop sensibilities. They will perform at 7:30 p.m. at the Laura R. Charles Theater at Sweetwater High School, located at 2900 Highland Avenue in National City. For tickets, visit www.AMSDconcerts.com.
July 15th n Reuben H Fleet Science Center, located at 1875 El Prado in Balboa Park, presents a tinkering studio from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. Stop by on Saturdays to play, innovate and solve problems with other curious minds in the Tinkerers’ Club, led by in-house inventors. Take your invention home and share your creation and stories with friends. Supplies are limited. Advance registration is recommended. Today we will Think BIG: Google Cardboard, which is a platform designed to harness binocular vision to create an immersive 3D experience with your smartphone. Customize and decorate your very own Google Cardboard headset. The club is for ages 7+. For information, call 619.238.1233 ext. 806. n Old Town San Diego State Historic Park celebrates travel and transportation from the era of real horsepower during “Stagecoach Days. “This event runs for eight Saturdays during July and August, from noon to 4 p.m. on these special Saturdays. There will be plenty of old fashioned fun from the mid-1800s. This year is the 160th anniversary of the Overland Mail, which will add to our normal summer celebrations. We have added new family friendly activities, so guests will great a true taste of what San Diego was like in the 1800s. Each week there will be a different theme, this week is: Women of the West. The contribution of women on the settlement of the West will be shown through activities and demonstrations. One of the highlights of the day will be the annual Quilt Walk throughout the park, featuring antique quilts. The West in San Diego Park is located on San Diego Avenue and Twiggs Street in San Diego. For more information about the Stagecoach Days celebration, visit www.parks.ca.gov/ oldtownsandiego or call 619.220.5422. n Led Kaapana will be the headliner at the AMSDconcerts tonight. A master of the slack key guitar, Kaapana has been one of Hawaii’s most influential musicians for four decades. He will perform at 7:30 p.m. at the Laura R. Charles Theater at Sweetwater High School, located at 2900 Highland Avenue in National City. For tickets, please visit www.AMSDconcerts.com. n Dizzy’s is at a new location, Arias Hall, located behind the Musician’s Association building at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego. On guitarist Ron
Satterfields’s birthday, he and creative flautist Lori Bell will celebrate the release of their new CD “Blue(s)” with a special guest TBA. Performance takes place at 8 p.m. Cost is $20 ($10 students).
July 16th n Nate’s Garden Grill, located at 3120 Euclid Avenue in San Diego, hosts Robin Henkel solo blues from 1 to 3 p.m. For information, call 619.546.7700.
July 21st n Dr. Elvis and the Immortals perform with the Mission Hills Women’s Chorale at 6 p.m. for the Mission Hills Concerts in the Park at Pioneer Park, located at 1521 Washington Place. n Dizzy’s is at a new location, Arias Hall, located behind the Musician’s Association building at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego. 18 of the region’s veteran jazz musicians join forces in a cross-cultural orchestra that will rock your socks off with Latin big band sounds. The Bi-National Mambo Orchestra makes a triumphant return under the direction of trumpeter Bill Caballero. Performance is at 8 p.m. Cost is $20 ($15 students). n Jimmy Web will be the headliner at the AMSDconcerts tonight. He’s a prodigious performer. A night with Jimmy at the keys is not unlike getting to hear George Gershwin or Cole Porter live. A true living legend of songwriting, Jimmy has been crafting amazing songs, many of which have become cherished standards for some forty years. Some of his song legends include “Wichita Lineman,” “By The time I Get To Phoenix,” “ The Highwayman,” and “Up, Up and Away.” He will perform at 7:30 p.m. at the Laura R. Charles Theater at Sweetwater High School, located at 2900 Highland Avenue in National City. For tickets, visit www.AMSDconcerts.com. n The Maritime Museum of San Diego, located on the North Embarcadero in downtown San Diego at 1492 North Harbor Drive, is hosting a new pirate themed party called Pirate Con for adults ages 21 and up. The event will include costume contests and prizes, games, live music, photo booth pictures, dancing and general piratical behavior. Party will be held on the Star of India from 8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets are $40 and are available on the museum’s website at www.sdmaritime.org or by calling 619.234.9153 ext. 106.
July 22nd n Reuben H Fleet Science Center, located at 1875 El Prado in Balboa Park, presents Magnetic Sculptures from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Tinkering Studio. Stop by on Saturdays to play, innovate and solve problems with other curious minds in the Tinkerers’ Club led by in-house inventors. Take your invention home and share your creation and stories with friends. Supplies are limited. Advance registration is recommended. Come learn about the opposing forces of attraction and repulsion and harness those powers to make metals defy gravity. The program is recommended for students ages 10+. Call the Fleet at 619.238.1233 ext. 806 for rates and information. n Westfield UTC Palm Plaza, located at 4545 La Jolla Village Drive in San Diego, hosts Whitney Shay and Robin Henkel from noon to 2 p.m. For information, call 858.546.8858. n Old Town San Diego State Historic Park Celebrating travel and transportation from the era of real horsepower during “Stagecoach Days. “This event runs for eight Saturdays during July and August, from noon to 4 p.m. on these special Saturdays. There will be plenty of old fashioned fun from the mid-1800’s. This year is the 160th anniversary of the Overland Mail, which will add to our normal summer celebrations. We have added new family friendly activities, so guests will great a true taste of what San Diego was like in the 1800’s. Each week there will be a different theme, this week is: “Taste of the Past” Food is an important part of our culture. See how food was prepared, acquired, and celebrated. This Saturday will explore the foods, preparation, and dining experience of people in early Ssn Diego. The West in San Diego Park is located on San Diego Avenue and Twiggs Street in San Diego. For more information about the Stagecoach Days celebration please visit www.parks.ca.gov/oldtownsandiego or call the park’s visitor center at 619.220.5422. n Kona Kai Resort at 1551 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego 7–10 p.m. will host Whitney Shay and Robin Henkel. For more information call 619.295.9690.
July 28th n The Bayou Brothers perform at 6 p.m. for the Mission Hills Concerts in the Park at Pioneer Park, located at 1521 Washington Place. n Ki’s Restaurant at 2951 S Coast Highway 101, Encinitas, 7:30–9:30 p.m. will host Robin Henkel, Whitney Shay & Billy Watson. For more information call 760.436.5236.
July 29th n Old Town San Diego State Historic Park Celebrating travel and transportation from the era of real horsepower during “Stagecoach Days. “This event runs for eight Saturdays during July and August, from noon to 4 p.m. on these special Saturdays. There will be plenty of old fashioned fun from the mid-1800’s. This year is the 160th anniversary of the Overland Mail, which will add to our normal summer celebrations. We have added new family friendly activities, so guests will great a true taste of what San Diego was like in the 1800’s. Each week there will be a different theme, this week is: “Soldiers and Citizens” The military has been part of San Diego since its inception. Following the Mexican-American War, the soldiers of many cultures had a large impact on life in San Diego. See historic uniforms, weapons, and hear the stories of these soldiers. The West in San Diego Park is located on San Diego Avenue and Twiggs Street in San Diego. For more information about the Stagecoach Days celebration please visit www.parks.ca.gov/oldtownsandiego or call the park’s visitor center at 619.220.5422.
includes personals, items for sale, garage sales & roomates
25 Word Maximum
$ 00
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Commissioned sales position for print, video and website ads.
Mission Hills Newcomer Welcome Committee–to help with assembling, delivering Welcome Packages, collecting items from businesses to include, and arranging Newcomer Welcome Events. Call Ginny at 619.295.3904
Join an exciting team and rapidly growing company. Sales experience preferred.
Call 619.481.9817
BUSINESS DISPLAY AD 2.25"w x 2.0"h $
to place a classified ad
July 2017 Events Children’s Craft Time
Kids can develop their artistic skills while enjoying a fun craft time.
Read to a Therapy Dog • SERVICES •
Kids can improve their reading skills by reading aloud to a therapy dog.
10 years experience, References,Call Sabrina 619.316.5292
July 3, 10, 17 and 24 (Every Monday) from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m.
House Pet Sitting
Signing Storytime
Video production services from conception to final product. Call 619.296.8731
Call 619.296.8731
Mission Hills Branch Library
July 1 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
25-35 Word Maximum
July 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 (Every Saturday) at 10:30 a.m.
includes real estate,help wanted & services $
Looking for a studio space to paint, draw or sculpt?
• FITNESS • The Feldenkrais Method® Make any activity more pleasant and effective. You can learn to move with more comfort, strength and skill. Group classes and individual lessons.
Rich Manuccia 619.295.6988
2,000 sq. /ft. artists’-op studio–one of SD best kept secrets.
Market Street Group
Members include students, amateur, professional artists. Located in Little Italy, wooden floors, sky-lights, access to studio 24/7, working materials can be stored at studio, easels provided. Market Street Studio Group Studio founded 26 years ago.
• WANTED • Wanted to Rent Wanted to rent/share Mission Hills or vicinity studio–guest house–Apt.–granny flat–room. Retired nurse: take care of you, plants, dogs, housesit and other. Call Sandra at 619.297.6480
All Classified Ads must be Pre-Paid
Monthly fee: $145 More information please contact: Kirby Kendrick kirby4004@aol.comphone: 505.660.4448
100% Support
For your goals and transitions. Certified life coach, psychology background. Strong decisions to a centered and fulfilled life are available to everyone. Coaching via Phone or at the Office
619.295.0878 1807 Robinson Ave., 204 details at
Even You & 35, 000 Potential Customers Would be Reading Your Ad Right Now!
LEGO Playtime
July 5, 12, 19 and 26 (Every Wednesday) from 5 to 6 p.m.
Kids can have fun and get creative while building with LEGO.
Mission Hills Book Group July 6 from 10 to 11 a.m.
The Mission Hills Book Group will discuss “Madame Bovary” by Gustave Flaubert. New members are always welcome to attend and participate. Please read the book beforehand. Books are available at the Circulation Desk while supplies last.
Summer Reading Program: Mad Science July 6 at 10:30 a.m.
Kids can learn about science through amazing demonstrations by Mad Science.
Preschool Storytime
July 7, 14, 21 and 28 (Every Friday) from 10:30 to 11 a.m.
Children are invited to a fun storytime. The first storytime of the month is usually bilingual.
Free Concert: The Influence of Benny Goodman
Call 619.296.8731
July 8 at 2:30 p.m.
Star rC oaching .com
Find out what’s going on in your baby’s mind, strengthen your bond with your baby, and lessen frustration brought on by miscommunication. Interactive presentation led by Jennifer Duncan also includes sing-alongs and bubble time ending with a Q&A period. Recommended for ages birth to four-years old.
Clarinetist Philip Lipton will perform a concert celebrating the great swing, jazz, and classical clarinetist Benny Goodman.
Pajama Storytime
July 11, 18 and 25 (Every Tuesday) from 6:30 to 7 p.m.
Children are invited to an evening storytime. Feel free to come dressed in your pajamas. Note: The July 18th storytime is a special inclusive storytime celebrating the experiences of LGBTQ families.
Meet the Author of the Revised Edition of “Afoot and Afield: San Diego County”
A Center for Spiritual Living Rev. Kevin Bucy, Senior Minister 858 Front Street
July 12 at 6:30 p.m.
(at University and Front Streets)
Author Scott Turner will discuss his revised edition of this classic book of local hikes and outings.
Extra parking across the street at Florence School
Summer Reading Program: Craig Newton
San Diego, CA 92103
July 13 at 10:30 a.m.
Craig Newton will sing familiar children’s songs and demonstrate numerous musical instruments.
SUNDAY MORNING GATHERINGS 8:30 a.m. Meditative with full message 10:30 a.m. Music-filled gathering
Book Sale
July 15 from 9:30 a.m. to noon
The Friends of the Mission Hills Branch Library will hold a book sale. Stock up on books while supporting your library.
(with Youth Ministry available)
Kadampa Meditation Center 3125 Rosecrans Street, Bldg. B 619.230.5852
Meditation Classes most Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. & Saturday at 4 p.m. Kids & Families Sundays at 9 a.m. Prayers for World Peace Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Simply Meditate MWF 12 to 12:45;TT 12:15 to 12:45 p.m
More classes and events listed on our website: www.meditateinsandiego.com
Inclusive Storytime July 18 at 6:30 p.m.
Join us for a special storytime in conjunction with the Human Rights Campaign, celebrating the voices and experiences of the LGBTQ community.
Summer Reading Program: Little Catbird July 20 at10:30 a.m.
Kids will enjoy Little Catbird’s mix of music and puppets.
Mystery Book Group July 26 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The Mystery Book Group will discuss a mystery novel. New members are always welcome to attend and participate. Please read the book beforehand. Books are available at the Circulation Desk while supplies last.
Summer Reading Program: Wild Wonders July 27 at 10:30 a.m.
Mission Hills Branch Library 925 West Washington Street San Diego, CA 92103 • 619.692.4910 www.facebook.com/mhlibrary
PresidioSentinel.com •
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
Civic Calendar Hillcrest
1 Tuesday st
Uptown Planners Joyce Beers Hall in Uptown Mall. 6:30 p.m.
1st Thursday
Uptown Partnership 3101 Fifth Ave. Call 619.298.2541. 4:30 p.m.
Put Your Name In Front of
35,000 Potential Customers!
Thursdays 7–8:30 pm
San Diego Uptown Rotary Club The Uptown Rotary Club has moved to their new home at Jimmy Carter’s Mexican Cafe, 3172 Spruce at the corner of 5th. Breakfast meetings are held every Thursday 7 to 8:30 a.m. Guests are welcome to attend a meeting to learn how to become part of this dynamic organization and see why their motto is “Service Above Self.” For information, visit www. sdurotary.org or call 619.894.0140.
Kensington-Talmadge 2nd Wednesday
Kensington-Talmadge Planning Committee Kensington Community Church. 6:30 p.m. For information, call 619.284.0551
Linda Vista
2nd Monday
LVCPC Agenda– Linda Vista Community Planning Committee Agenda Linda Vista Library meeting room. Contact Jeff Perwin at 619.806.9559 for details 6 pm.
3rd Tuesday
Tech Committee–Technology Committee Bayside Community Center. Contact Xiogh Thao for detail at 858.278.0771 or email xthao@baysidecc. org or Info@lindavistaSD.org or visit our website www.lindavistaSD.org.
3rd Wednesday
LV Historical– Linda Vista Historical Committee Bayside Community Center. This committee is collecting historical photos, documents and memories of Linda Vista’s past. For more information, contact Eleanor Frances Sennet at 858.277.3817. 4 p.m. LVCollab– Linda Vista Collaborative Bayside Community Center at 3pm. Contact Monica Fernandez at 858.278.0771 or mfernandez@baysidecc.org. For details visit www.facebook.com/LVCollaborative
3rd Wednesday (Odd Months)
TCCAC– Tecolote Canyon Citizen’s Advisory Committee Tecolote Nature Center. Contact Eloise Battle for details. 7 p.m.
3rd Thursday
Linda Vista Town Council Baha’i Faith Center Alcala Knoll Drive Contact Thomas Kaye 858.277.6793 at 6:30 p.m.
4th Monday
LVCPC– Linda Vista Community Planning Committee Linda Vista Library Meeting Room. Contact Ed Cramer at 619.222.2047 for details. 7:00 p.m.
4th Wednesday
LVPC– Linda Vista Planning Committee Monthly Meeting Linda Vista Library Meeting Room at 6 pm. Contact Jeff Perwin 619.806.9559 for details, minutes and agenda at www.LindaVistaSD.com. Linda Vista View Linda Vista Town Council Community Newsletter Contact Thomas Kaye at 858.278.6973
Various Wednesdays
LVNewsletter– Linda Vista View Civic Association Community Newsletter. Bayside Community Center. Contact Sarah Granby at 858.405.7135 or email sgranby@lvca-sd.org. 2:00 p.m.
Mission Hills
No July Meeting
Mission Hills Garden Club Meetings will resume in September and will be at the Mission Hills Church at 4070 Jackdaw from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Members are free; guests pay $10, which becomes part of the membership fee if they join that evening. For more information, visit www. missionhillsgardenclub.org.
Ocean Beach
Ocean Beach Planning Board Ocean Beach Recreation Center, 4726 Santa Monica Ave. Call 619.523.1700. 7–9:30 p.m.
4th Wednesday
Ocean Beach Town Council Ocean Beach Recreation Center, 4726 Santa Monica Avenue. Call Jere Battan at 619.515.4400 for information. 7 p.m.
Point Loma
No July Meeting
Meetings will resume in September. The meetings take place at Portuguese Hall, 2818 Avenida de Portugal, San Diego, CA 92106. More information is available at www.plgc.org.
• PresidioSentinel.com
F or More Information,
Call 619.296.8731
Del Cerro
Mission Valley
8318 Robbie Way
6202 Del Cerro Blvd.
uc R ed
ew g N stin Li
Fallbrook ed
Lemon Grove
Real Estate
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2017
7799 Stylus
3548 Rosa Way
This is the one you have been waiting for! 4 Large Bedrooms, 3 Baths, and a fully upgraded kitchen. Enjoy this summer to its fullest with the backyard garden and deck! Your four legged friends have a built in dog run, two car garage and much more!
Model Perfect 3/2 ranch style home in centrally located Del Cerro. Custom kitchen with island stove top and wine storage. Hardwood floors, fireplace, and sparkling pool with extensive outdoor entertaining areas. Walk to Windmill Farms and area restaurants!
Don’t miss this 3/3.5 Skyloft floorplan in award-winning Civita. Abundant glass, 2 balconies, 4 stories, expensive finishes. Close to park, trolley, and shopping.
Single story ranch-style hideaway in lush and
Maureen and Antoinette
Maureen and Antoinette
Maureen and Antoinette
Maureen and Antoinette
Mission Hills & Beyond
Mission Hills
Mission Hills
Mission Hills
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
boasts a 4 car garage, canyon and mountain views, and fruit trees, all on 1.5 private acres.
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
W an
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
lovely Fallbrook. This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home
Your Property to Sell Let us put our marketing plan and negotiation skills into motion to help you receive maximum value for your property. Anywhere in the county, any size, any condition!
3931 Falcon Street
1850 Lyndon Road
4322 Altamirano Way
CRAFTSMAN COMFORT At jct. of Mission HIlls/Hillcrest, excellently maintained 3BR 1ba + studio 1ba, gumwood, A/C, lovely fenced yard.
LEGACY PROPERTY, rare large lot with resort-style pool, plus, 4BR 5ba, dream kitchen, enormous Mills Act Tax Savings
On one of the most in-demand streets, pride, convenience and comfort 4BR + library, choice/up or down MBR, deck-crowned lush canyon.
Maureen and Antoinette Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
Carlson & Ollis
Carlson & Ollis
Carlson & Ollis
CalBRE #01412706 • CalBRE #01455190
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619.786.0210 • us@carlsonandollis.com
619.786.0210 • us@carlsonandollis.com
619.786.0210 • us@carlsonandollis.com
San Carlos
North Mission Hills
South Mission Hills
ro sc
d ol
Bankers Hill
3555 Front Street
Cute 2 bedroom 1 bath located in the heart of Bankers Hill. This well laid out home opens through the front door to a small foyer containing a generous coat closet; it then flows to into the living room and separate dining room. The kitchen between the dining room and living room includes a full sized washer and dryer. Comfortably sized back yard has been divided and fenced for 2 off-street parking spaces and could easily allow for a garage to be built.
6752 Belle Glade Avenue
4 Bedroom–3 Bath two story beauty with single level function. The large outdoor patio and generous yard make this house great for entertaining, an area for children to play or pets to get some exercise. Inside the floor plan has an open feel downstairs where the kitchen (with all appliances bought within past 2 years) looks on to the large family room with a featured fireplace, and 3 bedrooms 2 baths.
Call James Hardy, Agent, CalBRE #01076819 at 619.204.9511
Call Lisa Mortensen, Agent CalBRE #583530 at 619.818.5566
Pacific Beach
2150 Sunset Blvd.
Rarely do landmarks such as this come on the market in Mission Hills. Built in 1925, this brick and halftimbered Tudor Revival home has Mills Act status in place. The architectural detailing is spectacular and not replicated anywhere else in Mission Hills. A truly unique and magnificent home.
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
365 West Pennsylvania
Sunny cottage nestled in a grove of trees just steps from Mission Hills and Hillcrest. Huge yard and a 20x12 garage, plenty of extra land to expand this home.The spacious fenced lot offers many possibilities for a landscape renovation. Very private location in one of the most secluded streets in the 92103. Needs work but has 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, wood cathedral ceilings, A/C, skylights, hardwood floors, and lots of glass doors to the outside. Perfect opportunity for an entry level home in Hillcrest.
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
Carmel Valley
ol S
1229 Missouri Avenue
Charming 1500 square foot home located on one of the best streets in Pacific Beach. Large 6,300 square foot lot with alley access. Huge family room, newer kitchen, gracious front porch, detached art studio, hardwood floors and more. 6 blocks from the beach. Not on the market since the days of LBJ.
Marcasel Place
This 40-acre parcel is all potential. The possibilities range from one mega view estate to perhaps an enclave of luxury homes. Two gated accesses to property. Call to schedule a property tour. Offered now at $7,000,000.
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
Real Estate
Call Lisa Mortensen, Agent CalBRE #583530 at 619.818.5566
Put Your Listing In Front of 35,000 Potential Customers For More Information, Call 619.296.8731
Show Your Listing Here! All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of this law. Our readers hereby informedthat all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD Toll-Free at 1.800.669.9777. The Toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1.800.927.9275
PresidioSentinel.com •
3178 Levante Street • $849,000 230 West Laurel #303 • $819,000 Sit down views from this beautifully maintained 1,700 sq.ft. 2 bedroom 2 bath condo with updated baths and kitchen and very spacious rooms. Loads of built-ins and storage throughout unit. Murphy bed in front bedroom/office. Separate deeded storage room located inside building. MLS #170032310.
Call Lisa Mortensen, Agent, CalBRE # 0583530 at 619.818.5566 • m o r t e n s e n @ s q r e . c o m
4195 Arden Way • 975,000 $
Charming Spanish home on a premier street. Unique location with tree-top views and privacy. Large outdoor fireplace and view deck compliments this urban jewel. Workshop or artist studio along with two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Sunny and spacious kitchen. Large outdoor garden space.
Call Jim Scott, Broker, CalBRE # 830226 at 619.920.9511 • j i m @ s q r e . c o m
Sunlit 4 bedroom/3 bath home. Great location near award winning schools, walking distance to shopping/dining. Gourmet chef’s kitchen with large center island, stainless appliances, open floor plan, high ceilings, breakfast room, formal dining room, with plantation shutters throughout. 1 bedroom and full bath on entry level. No yard to maintain, family room opens to private courtyard perfect for entertaining or al fresco dining.
Call Rocky Rockhill, Agent, CalBRE # 01197738 at 619.972.3033 • r o c k y @ s q r e . c o m
1833 Altamira Place • $1,395,000 Classic 1925 Spanish Revival home with Mills Act taxes of approximately $4185 per year. Desirable and quiet street, one of the best in Mission Hills. Beautiful architectural details, welcoming foyer, stunning arched stairway, detailing on plaster walls, and a spacious formal living room. Charming casita perfect for indoor/outdoor entertaining or a home office or studio. Alley access for the oversize 1-car garage.
Call Jim Scott, Broker, CalBRE # 830226 at 619.920.9511 • j i m @ s q r e . c o m
Scott & Quinn has two offices, in Mission Hills at 1111 Fort Stockton Drive, in South Park at 2973 Beech Street, and has sixteen agents. The company also features Scott & Quinn Property Management. Founded in 1982, Scott & Quinn is the oldest full service real estate firm in Mission Hills and is still locally owned and operated. Jim has been a homeowner in Mission Hills since 1976.
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