Volume 19, No. 7w
Big Bay Boom’s
18th Annual 4th of July Celebration. page 4
Local Residents Speak Up for Presidio Park
Current Library Re-Use Opportunities’ Survey
Celebrate an 1800’s Fourth of July
484.5 Million Increase In County Budget $
A Publication by Presidio Communications• ©MMXVIII
July 2018 Web Edition
Serving the Heart of San Diego
Presidio Sentinel is a commentary-driven newspaper that provides coverage on local,regional and national issues that impact the lives of its readers and the community it serves. The serious issues are politics, government, redevelopment, the environment, conservation and safety. The quality of life issues include health, community activities, fundraisers, social events, religious issues and activities, theatre, arts, science and educational programs and services. We have over 35,000 monthly readers! Highly-educated, community-and arts-oriented. Both young and mature members of society. Most enjoy entertainment and travel, fine dining, local coffee houses, book and garden clubs, and participate in church, school and neighborhood activities. Our Mission: Making a difference, providing the facts, the truth, and a variety of opinions so that its readers are provided up-to-date researched information. The Presidio Sentinel strives to create dialogue, bringing topics to the forefront that need and deserve attention. Its writers, who share a variety of experiences and business backgrounds, write on topics that impact readers on a daily basis. Contact:
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Gas Tax Repeal Qualifies for November Ballot
Heart & Sole Run for Emilio Ends Soon
Visually Impaired Horse Has New Home
Faulconer’s Airbnb Proposal Gets Strong Opposition
San Diego Center for Children Fundraiser
USO Fundraiser Brings in Millions
Featured Stories Mission Hills
Award Winning Eve Selis Performs
“Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax” Opens Soon
Featured Events
Residents Speak Up on Behalf of Presidio Park
By Patty Ducey-Brooks
This past month, a large group of Mission Hills’ residents who live in the Presidio Hills area went before the Mission Hills Town Council trustees to voice their serious concerns regarding the physical condition of the park and the increasing number of homeless encampments that are becoming a common problem. They also shared the fact that walking through the park is no longer safe due to the “aggressive and odd” behavior of many transients who have decided to make Presidio Park their home. Two of the Presidio Hills’ residents, Rebekah Walker and Lauren Williams, are spearheading the effort on behalf of the neighborhood and everyone with similar concerns. As they shared with the trustees, the poor physical condition of the park is not just an aesthetic issue but also one of fire safety to Mission Hills. There are currently several encampments existing in the park at any given time. A fire took place in the Park several weeks ago that prompted attention by the San Diego Fire Department. Also present at the meeting were representatives of Mission Hills Heritage. Following a lengthy discussion, some of the trustees and others who were present offered suggestions on city and county officials who might be able to assist with addressing these issues. During the meeting, I offered my thoughts on involving the Old Town Chamber of Commerce as a part of this effort. Working together as collaborative partners would allow us to have a louder voice on these very The grounds of Presidio Park are riddled with trash and other unsavory items. important concerns that impact residents and businesses in both communities, Mission Hills and Old Town. I also offered that the 250th commemoration of the State of California would take place in 2019 and lots of eyes and interest from throughout the State of California will be on Mission Hills and Old Town. That’s because Presidio Park is where Father Junipera Serra established the first mission for the State of California. Following the meeting, I immediately contacted Supervisor Ron Roberts. He shared with me that the homeless situation is a priority for the County of San Diego and that funds were being “earmarked” for dealing with a major cause, which is primarily mental health related. (In this issue, on page 14, there is reference to funding that was recently approved by the County Board of Supervisors to address the homeless problem.) This past month, as a trustee for the Old Town Chamber of Commerce, I spoke before the board and asked for support. All agreed that we needed to act accordingly and put time and resources to this effort. At the meeting were representatives of Councilman Chris Ward, Senator Tony Atkins and Assemblyman Todd Gloria’s offices. Each of them responded by saying that they would look into the problem and make themselves available to discuss this further. Jason Weisz, field representative for Senator Toni Atkins office, said that there is funding coming from the State of California that is designated for Presidio Park. I offered to call him to learn more about the funding and the timing. Over the last week, I have been fielding and reviewing emails from the Mission Hills’ residents who are advocating to correct the physical state of Presidio Park, which is quickly becoming a serious fire concern due to dead vegetation and unkempt grounds, lack of water and the homeless encampments. I have seen and heard from these same residents about the alarming number of needles lying on the grounds, near park benches and in areas where visitors and guests of Presidio Park go to picnic, hike and spend time with family and friends. With Fourth of July just days away, I know that crowds of locals, residents and visitors of San Diego will be swarming to Presidio Park to celebrate the holiday. It worries me that they will see and experience what those of us who live near the Park are growing accustomed to observing on a daily basis. We do not want Presidio Park to become known as the forgotten Park of San Diego. As a reminder, this is where San Diego and the State of California started. Let’s treat it like the gem it was meant to be and give it the attention it deserves and to protect and preserve it as a significant historical, landmark park for the City of San Diego and the State of California.•
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Local News
Port of San Diego
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Big Bay Boom’s 18th Annual 4th of July Celebration
Southern California’s largest fireworks show will illuminate the skies over San Diego Bay for the 18th annual Port of San Diego Big Bay Boom on Wednesday, July 4, 2018. Starting at 9 p.m., some of the most technically advanced fireworks, in an array of shapes and colors, will launch simultaneously from four barges placed strategically around San Diego Bay, providing an electrifying display of patriotism in celebration of Independence Day. Fireworks artists will choreograph the approximately 20-minute show to music broadcast live on MAX FM 105.7 radio and The Mighty 1090 AM. The Port of San Diego Big Bay Boom, which drew approximately 500,000 San Diegans and visitors in 2017, has been ranked as one of the top Fourth of July events in the country. The spectacular event is best experienced from a number of locations around and on San Diego Bay. Some of the most popular public areas are Shelter Island, Harbor Island, Embarcadero Marina Parks North and South, Cesar Chavez Park and Coronado Ferry Landing. The Port encourages spectators to get to the waterfront very early as parking will be extremely limited and traffic will be heavy. Options include free event shuttle service to Harbor Island and Shelter Island, along with the Port of San Diego Waterfront Shuttle that connects multiple locations on the San Diego bay front, as well as parking facilities and public transportation. All boaters who enlist to watch the fireworks from their vessels are encouraged to review the ABCs of California Boating, which includes information on a recently-enacted law that requires children younger than 13 years of age to wear a lifejacket on a vessel of any length. For detailed information on the Port of San Diego Big Bay Boom, visit bigbayboom.com.•
Don Schmidt
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Fireworks artists will choreograph the approximately 20-minute show to music broadcast live on MAX FM 105.7 radio and The Mighty 1090 AM.
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A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Who Speaks
for The Majority?
George Mitrovich is a San Diego civic leader. He may be reached at gmitro35@gmail.com.
By George Mitrovich On Sunday, June 24, Jeremy W. Peters of The New York Times, wrote 1,891 words on how 90 percent of Republican voters embrace Donald Trump; not just embrace him but are furious because media abuses their president, misrepresents their president, is unfair to their president, and lies about their president—never mind that “their president” has told more than 4,000 untruths since assuming the Oval Office. The glaring error in Mr. Peters article was his shocking failure to mention that Republicans are only 24 percent of registered voters (according to the poll I favor), so why give that minority such major play in the world’s greatest newspaper? Not only 1,891 words of coverage, but The Times ran color photos of three Trumpians, Gina Anders, Daniel Arnold, and Jeff Butts. Think of the irony. The Times giving that kind of expansive coverage to three people and others who hate The New York Times, who despise its Jewish publisher and his family, its editors and reporters, who loathe those Ivy League elites—which all Trumpians equate with “fake news.” If The Times’ editors believe by lavishing such coverage on Trump’s supporters will mute their criticism, The Times’ editors err. This element of our population cannot be won over by facts or logic, their minds are made up—and cannot be unmade. None of this should surprise us, this “element” of our citizenry, has always been with us. They were there while the American Revolution was taking place, loyalist to George III; they were there during the Civil War, align with the South in defense of slavery; they were there supporting William Jennings Bryan when he argued against evolution; they were there with Charles Lindbergh and American First, supporting Hitler and the Nazis; they were there backing President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Supreme Court in the imprisonment of Americans of Japanese ancestry during WWII; they were there supporting Senator Joe McCarthy and his destructive campaign to expose alleged “communists” in the State Department; they were there supporting Presidents Johnson and Nixon, who told them it was “unAmerican” to oppose the Vietnam War; and they are here now for Donald Trump. Whether the Trumpian element is more enraged is difficult to quantify, because before these other moments and movements in our history, there was no social media, no 24/7 news, no Rush Limbaugh, no Fox News, all of which has dramatically changed the politics of our time—and brought shame on America. When Mr. Peters wrote his article, not only did he ignore actual party registration and its verities, but his article is absent any reference whether these Trumpians are “Evangelicals.” Because if they are and he failed to ask the question, then he committed a second glaring error. Why? Because those media describe as “Evangelicals” are in fact, Fundamentalist. Which means, they believe in a literal Bible—the theological term is “Verbal Inspiration”—that every word of every verse of every chapter of
It’s Official!
Local News
Mine Eyes Have Seen George Mitrovich
every book, Old and new Testaments, is literally true. Which means, further, that they are overwhelmingly “Calvinists.” Which means, they believe everything that’s happened has been ordained by God before the foundation of the world (see “Institutes of the Christian Religion” by John Calvin). Which means, they believe Donald Trump is president because God ordained him to be president. If you’re reading this and thinking, “That can’t be true.” Trust me, it is. If you haven’t had that conversation with a Fundamentalist, do. Ask them, as I have asked, “Do you believe Donald Trump is president because God put him there?” They will tell you they do. (In a sidewalk conversation I had with a lady in our neighborhood, she told me Trump is president by God’s design.” When I asked her if she had been a citizen of Germany during the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich, would she have believed, subsequently, that God made Hitler chancellor? She didn’t answer.) Further, I write from the perspective of one who’s been involved with Youth For Christ, Campus Crusade for Christ, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Navigators, and was president of the San Diego County Ecumenical Council, when it comprised 125 Christian Churches, including the Catholic Diocese. My ire over this imbalance of reporting, this failure to even acknowledge the 65-70 percent of us who believe Trump is an unmitigated disaster for our country and our world, is constantly renewed due to mainstream media’s difficulties in getting the story right, as Mr. Peters failed to do; not alone in failing to write that Republicans are a distinct minority, trailing both independents and Democrats in voter registration, but screwing up the Evangelical/Fundamentalist dichotomy, because they are abysmally ignorant of it. (And when I have suggested to journalists they read my op-ed for the Huffington Post on “How Fundamentalists Became Evangelicals”, my guess is, they never have.) Going forward, it’s fair to ask The Times, does the newspaper have any plans of featuring a comparable article of those who oppose Trump with that of his supporters? And if they do, will it feature three color photographs of those who believe Trump is wrong for America and wrong for the world.? Was that even discussed in editorial meetings? Or, is The Times going to continue this fraud by media of focusing on Trump and his Kool-Aid drinking followers, while ignoring We The People? Oh, I had this afterthought, do any of those interviewed ever read The Times? I think those of us who are regular readers of The Times—54-years in my case—should ask the newspaper, do you ever interview people who read and support The Times? I think we need to tell The Times we expect balanced coverage. I have. Will you?•
Gas Tax Repeal Qualifies for November Ballot
County-by-County Random Sample Certifies More than 730,000 Valid Signatures Were Collected The Gas Tax Repeal Campaign is pleased to announce that the countyby-county signature certification process on its initiative petition has been successful and California voters now will be able to vote to repeal the car and gas tax hikes enacted by Sacramento politicians. Nearly 1 million signatures were submitted in late April on the Gas Tax Repeal Initiative petition, and more than 585,000 valid signatures were required to force the issue on the November ballot. Using the random sample method, each California county Registrar of Voters office inspected and validated the signatures—resulting in the certification of signatures across all counties. “We are thrilled by the successful qualification of the Gas Tax Repeal Initiative and this is a huge win for the tens-of-thousands dedicated and organized grassroots volunteers who helped collect signatures,” said Carl DeMaio, Chairman of Reform California and a leader of the Gas Tax Repeal campaign. DeMaio predicts that voters will vote overwhelmingly for the repeal measure in November. “The Gas and Car tax hikes will cost the typical family of four $700 more per year in higher taxes, but the roads will not get fixed because the politicians will continue to divert the funds as they always have in the past,” DeMaio explained. The next step of the process will be the assignment of a ballot proposition number and the issuance of Title and Summary for the measure that will appear in the official state voter guide this Fall. “Sacramento politicians have been using dirty tricks to thwart the Gas Tax Repeal Initiative campaign and we are prepared to mount a legal challenge on any false and misleading Title and Summary that is issued,” DeMaio warned.
Facts about this massive hike:
• On Nov 1, 2017, Californians became subject to an additional tax of 12.5 cents more per gallon (20 cents more for diesel) • Estimates suggest it will cost $700 or more per family, per year • The tax also hits business owners who rely on transporting goods, raising the cost of everything from apples to Zinfindel • Auto registration fees will increase as much as $175 a year—striking the wallets of hard-working families across the state • The tax revenue goes into the state’s General Fund, meaning there’s zero guarantee the money will be used to actually fund the transportation “fixes” they claim will happen • Nearly 1 million signatures were collected to qualify the measure on the November ballot; just over 550,000 were required
More information is available at GasTaxRepeal.org.•
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Local News
San Diego
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Center for Children Raised $410,000 at Anniversary Celebration
The San Diego Center for Children’s 131st Anniversary Celebration, Rise Up! In the Name of Children, took place on Saturday, June 9, 2018 at Humphreys by the Bay on Shelter Island and raised $410,000. Funds raised from the event will support the Center’s programs, providing services to children and families struggling with mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. The Center, founded in 1887, is San Diego’s oldest children’s nonprofit organization, offering comprehensive accredited therapeutic, educational, foster care and transition age services. The event featured a special performance by Grammy nominated artist Andra Day, who sang her hit song, “Rise Up!” with the Left to right are Co-Chair Clinton Walters, Center’s youth choir. and Kathryn and Don Vaughn at the 2018 fundraising gala. The special night under the stars was co-chaired by Joyce Glazer, Vince Heald and Clinton Walters, and included silent and live auctions, cocktails and dinner. Event committee members included: Vicki Barón, Sue Kalish, James King, Angie Lasagna, Sally Oxley, Stacy Roth, Doreen Schonbrun, Martha Schreiner-Lorch, Gwynn Thomas, and Dori Wittman. SDG&E was honored as the recipient of the Center’s 2018 PATH Award–a distinguished and annual acknowledgement of Partners in Achieving Transformation and Hope. The PATH Award recognizes supporters and partners to the organization who have made an outstanding impact, celebrating extraordinary contribution and transformative outcomes. Moisés Barón, Ph.D., president and CEO of the San Diego Center for Children, noted that, “We are grateful to SDG&E and to the generous corporate and individual support from so many in our community that allow us to build on our rich 131-year history to find new and innovative ways to bring care to even more families in need.”•
Patty Ducey-Brooks Publisher
Ilene Hubbs Associate Editor
Michal A. Tuzinkiewicz Creative/Art Director
Phyllis E. Zawacki Graphic Designer
Contributing Writers Blake Beckcom Rick Brooks Melody Brown Ian Campbell Richard Cone Cath DeStefano Violet Green Barry Hager Ilene Hubbs David Kamatoy Philip C. Lee
U nited Way of San Diego County
Alice Lowe
Women’s Leadership Council 10 Anniversary Celebration th
This past month,140 local philanthropists and business leaders gathered at The Cuvier Club in La Jolla to celebrate 10 years of this network of powerful women across all sectors and from top companies who pull together their funds to change the lives of women, children and families countywide. The program included an interview with Zohal Najemeddine, who is about to enter fourth grade and attended the United Way Readers in the Heights summer camp last year. She spoke about her dreams for the future and how United Way helped her. Since its inception in 2008, the Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) has grown its membership, currently representing more than 200 women across multiple industries, segments, and communities. United Way of San Diego County’s Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) raises awareness and much-needed funds to help solve community problems. The WLC has a simple goal: Mobilize the power of women to improve lives in our community. Members take action on issues that hit closest to home—in the areas of education and family stability—by giving, volunteering and advocating on behalf of women and children. To join the WLC, members make a $1,000 annual gift directly to United Way. To learn more, Guests of the Leadership Council event are pictured, left to right, visit uwsd.org/Womens-Leadership-Council. top row are Lisa Kalal, Sarah Thompson and Sarah Nagle; Sponsors of the event included, Solar Turbines left to right, bottom row are Angel Mason Broadus, and California Bank & Trust.• Kristine Mason Broadus and Christina Hastings.
Meals on Wheels
Fundraiser Results in Large Proceeds
Meals on Wheels “Over the Rainbow” Gala, held on June 9, raised $235,000 to support San Diego seniors. In addition, Top of the Market and Chef Jeremy Loomis, Executive Chef, won the 9th Annual Chef Appetizer Challenge.•
Aubree Lynn George Mitrovich Fausto Palafox David Rottenberg Anne Sack Barbara Strona Charlotte Tenney Laura Walcher
The Presidio Sentinel is a monthly publication that is distributed by the first of each month to households in Mission Hills, Bankers Hill and Point Loma, with additional drop off points in Mission Hills, Bankers Hill, Point Loma, Old Town, Little Italy, Downtown, Hillcrest, Kensington, University Heights, Mission Valley and Linda Vista. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any unsolicited materials. All manuscripts, photographs and artwork become the possession of The Presidio Sentinel. All rights are reserved. Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part without express written consent of the publisher is prohibited. Subscription rate is $25 per year. Send checks, all letters, editorial, press releases and calendar of events to the following.
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email: info@presidiosentinel.com site: presidiosentinel.com A Publication of Presidio Communications
Debbie Case, president and CEO of Meals on Wheels San Diego County is shown with cast from the gala.
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A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Visually Impaired
Animal News
Horse Has New Home with Old Mate
Two new equines have arrived at Horses of Tir Na Nog. One is an eighteen year-old gelding that has been diagnosed with moon blindness. Moon blindness is an eye disease that is also known as equine recurrent uveitis. The causes of this disease are not completely understood. As an appaloosa, this gelding had a greater chance of being diagnosed with this disease than other breeds. The disease has lead to a significant loss of vision in both his eyes. The name “moon blindness” is thought to refer to the fact that the disease waxes and wanes like the moon and leaves the eyes with a cloudy appearance that resembles the moon. “This blind appaloosa is fortunate,” explained Amy Pat Rigney, administrator of Horses of Tir Na Nog. “In spite of losing his family, we were able to offer him a forever home with his best buddy, a twenty-five year old pony. It is obvious that they are very bonded and that the pony provides the appaloosa with much-needed companionship and reassurance.” These two equines entered the care of County of San Diego Department of Animal Services when the owners were taken into custody and their family members were unable to help with the care of the two horses, two pigs, one dog, two hens and a rooster. All of the animals were taken into Animal Services custody for their own protection so that adequate care could be provided. Horses of Tir Na Nog is the longest-operating equine sanctuary in San Diego County and is currently caring for over fifty equines. Horses of Tir Na Nog is a communitysupported equine sanctuary that offers a safe-haven to horses with few options remaining, thereby ensuring them a better quality of life. Join Horses of Tir Na Nog to raise funds to care for these and the other 61 equines that call the ranch home. For information and to donate, visit www.horsesoftirnanog.org.•
This appaloosa is now under the care of Horses of Tir Na Nog and was diagnosed with moon blindness.
help us find a home Betsy and Mocha are a bonded pair of female Chihuahua mixes who are looking for their forever home. They are both very shy at first, but with patience and loving encouragement (and hot dogs as treats prove very helpful, too) their charm and charisma really shines through. They would do best in an adultonly home or with children 12 years and up, and one where they can enjoy a calm and stable environment that will help them feel safe and secure. Their adoption fee includes their spay, current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, 30 days of complimentary medical insurance from Trupanion Insurance, a certificate for a free veterinary exam, and a license if residing in Oceanside, Vista, Escondido, San Marcos or Poway. They are currently reside at the Oceanside Campus of the San Diego Humane Society, located at 2905 San Luis Rey Road. For information, call 760.757.4357 or visit www.sdhumane.org.
Not to be combined with any other offer. Not good for boarding, bathing, grooming, pet food and prescription and non-prescription drugs. Expires 07.31.2018
Patches is an eight-year old, domestic short hair who is snuggling, purr-machine. He can be a little shy at first but once he gets to know you, you’ll see why he’s so special. This handsome boy can’t wait to begin a happy lifetime in a forever home. Patches’ adoption fee includes his neuter, current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, a certificate for a free veterinary exam, waived enrollment fee for medical insurance from TruPanion, and a license if residing in Escondido, San Marcos, Poway, Oceanside, and Vista. Patches currently resides at the Escondido Campus of the San Diego Humane Society, located at 3450 E. Valley Parkway. For information, call 760.888.2275 or visit www.sdhumane.org.
SPCA PresidioSentinel.com •
Do You Know What
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Workout Moves Are Best for Your Body?
By Blake Beckcom
It is hard to go wrong when you are trying to decide which workout moves to do, but there are some that are a bit better than others. You’ve already taken the right first step by deciding to work out, so you are doing well, but some similar exercises have bigger differences than you may think. Knowing how to find the most efficient exercises can help you achieve your desired results much faster than you may be expecting. So here is a test: Do you think you know which exercise moves are superior to others? Let’s give it a shot. Which is better for your metabolism, a mountain climber or a squat jack? If you said “squat jack,” you are right. This move will help increase your metabolism better than mountain climbers. Squat jacks make you open up your hips, which let the exercise target your legs, butt, and abdomen more than a mountain climber. Which is better for six-pack abs, v-ups or sit-ups? The answer is v-ups because this move is better at targeting all of the muscles in your core, which will result in more sculpting of your abs and oblique’s. Are superman’s or renegade rows better at toning your back? While these are both great moves, when it comes to toning your back, the superman pulls ahead. This is because this move keeps your back engaged for the duration of the entire move, working all of the muscles at the same time. It also helps work your butt and shoulders, so it gives you an extra benefit. If you want to sculpt your legs and abs at the same time, should you do squat jumps or offset dumbbell lunges? Both of these workout moves engage every part of your leg, including your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. However, the offset dumbbell lunge is slightly more effective than squat jumps. The offset dumbbell lunge requires your body to make a bit more tension in your muscles than the squat jumps do, which will benefit your lower body more in the long term. Should you do foot-elevated pushups or decline pushups? Both of these types of pushups are a great arm workout, but the decline pushup is just a bit better if you want to gain muscle definition and increase your overall strength. This is because you have to engage more upper-body muscles when all of your weight is put onto the lowest point during a decline pushup. When there is more weight on your chest, shoulders, and triceps, you will increase your strength at a faster rate.
In order to sculpt your arms and butt, should you do reverse lunge and curl sliders or dumbbell reverse lunge sliders? While it is hard to go wrong with either of these moves, you’ll see slightly better results from the reverse lunge and curl sliders. This is because the curl is able to target your biceps without the help of other muscles, which gives them a tougher workout. Blake & Gwen Beckcom Is a lying leg raise or a stability ball knee tuck more effective for sculpting your lower abs? The stability ball knee tuck is actually a bit more effective than the lying leg raise because it activates the lower abs more and puts less stress on your back muscles. What about underhand bent-over rows or dumbbell hammer curl to presses for your biceps? The dumbbell hammer curl to presses wins this one. The hammer curl part of this move is a single joint exercise, but the curl part is only driven by your biceps with no help from other large muscles. The press also works your biceps because they help stabilize your arm while your shoulders and triceps are doing the work. Are plank knee taps or a sweep plank more effective? Sweep planks are better at sculpting your oblique’s because your abs are maximally engaged for the duration of the entire exercise without having a break. Additionally, you have to control the weight of your leg from being shifted while it is underneath you. If you want to tone your butt, should you do a glute bridge with bench or marching Glute Bridge? The glute bridge on a bench is more effective because the elevation and instability of the bench require your glutes, abs, and quads to work harder to lift up your body.• Fitness Together Mission Hills offers personal training with qualified professionals by regular appointment in private suites. Exercise and nutritional programs are custom designed to fit your needs and abilities. Call( 619.794.0014 for more information or to schedule a free fitness diagnostic and private training session. See what others are saying about us on Yelp.
Social Security & Longevity By Rick Brooks
Every year, the Trustees for Social Security release a report which discusses the funding of the Social Security program. While it’s possible that Congress may enact changes to the Social Security program at some point in the future, we can’t predict how (or even if) that might take shape. With the caveat that there is a potential change in the structure of the program in the future, it still got me thinking about Social Security benefits and when is the optimal time for retirees to claim theirs. Longevity People are generally living longer today, but Social Security hasn’t been fundamentally changed since 1956. A 65 year-old retiree in 1956 had an average life expectancy of about 12 years (77). Today, a 65 year-old man retiring at age 65 has a life expectancy of almost 20 years. A 65 year-old woman can expect to live to 86. Roughly one out of four people retiring today will live past 90, and for highly educated, affluent people, the chances are even better. For couples, the average survivor will live 11 years past the death of his or her spouse. Social Security Although the Full Retirement Age (FRA) for Social Security has been adjusted slightly from 65 to 66 today (and 67 for many younger workers), a worker who retires before FRA will have their benefits reduced by about 6.7 percent for every year that you start early. If you are like most Americans and begin collecting at age 62, this works out to about a 25 percent reduction in benefits for life. Thus, if you would be entitled to $2,000 per month at full retirement age, starting early could reduce that to as little as $1,500. That’s a $ 500 per month reduction for the rest of your life. If you live 30 more years, that amounts to $180,000 in lost income. Conversely, if you can wait until age 70, your benefits would be increased by about 37 percent, or $740 per month. For Life. What’s the difference between taking benefits at age 62 versus waiting until age 70? $1,323 per month, for life, or almost double what you would get starting at age 62. Furthermore, if you are still working before Full Retirement Age and claim Social Security benefits, those benefits will be reduced by up to $1 for every $ 2 you earn over $15,480. Maximizing Social Security For single workers, it is almost always better to wait until 70 to claim your benefits. The reason for this is that if you can live off other savings, the annual
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increase in Social Security payments amounts to a permanent increase in your annual income, with an annual inflation adjustment. Delaying Social Security basically amounts to longevity insurance, since it will pay benefits as long as you live. For couples, who tend to live (jointly) longer than single people, the benefits can be even greater. Most often, the high income earner should delay taking benefits until age 70 while the lower income earner claims benefits at Full Retirement Age (66 or 67). Using this strategy, when the higher earner passes away, the survivor will receive the greater of the higher earner’s benefit or his or her own. This permanently raises the survivor’s income by a very meaningful amount for the (average 11) remaining years of his or her life. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for Social Security benefits. And maximizing Social Security benefits assumes you have other resources to fund retirement spending between retirement and age 70. The research, however, is quite clear on one very important point: for almost every retiree, even those in poor health with relatively low life expectancy, taking benefits early is a very poor strategy with very real longterm costs. For couples, the impact can be especially significant. You should consult a Certified Financial Planner® professional to review your specific situation, needs and resources.• This column is prepared by Rick Brooks, CFA®, CFP®. Brooks is director for Investment Management with Blankinship & Foster, LLC, a wealth advisory firm specializing in comprehensive financial planning and investment management. Brooks can be reached at 858.755.5166, or by email at brooks@bfadvisors.com. Brooks and his family live in Mission Hills.
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Save Our
By Barb Strona
I have attended three lectures on bees since I began writing this column. Years ago, a speaker gave an anecdotal talk to Mission Hills Garden Club about how she and her sister took over their father’s hives after his death. A few years later, at the San Diego Horticultural Society a speaker from UCSD brought a glass hive and a video presentation showing bees’ activities. Identified by tiny numbers painted on their backs, they wore miniature harnesses with tracking devices. The third bee lecture was at the Point Loma Garden Club. Hilary Kearney, who sells her bees’ honey, gives classes in bee-keeping, and does bee removal for a living, spoke. We learned how essential bees are to our well-being (pun intended). According to Kearney, “One out of every three bites of food eaten worldwide depends on pollinators, especially bees, for a successful harvest.” Bee-pollinated foods may be eaten directly or they feed animals that produce food and meat. Maize is one of the few crops not dependent on bees for propagation. Honey bees live in hives. Natural hives have hanging combs. Rarely do bees build a hive under a branch; the hive must be accessible to their food sources. Bees prefer cavities with a temperature between 97 and 98 degrees Fahrenheit. To maintain this, in summer they cool the hive by placing water around the hive and fanning the air with their wings until the temperature is correct. In winter they cluster, using their own body heat to generate warmth. A hive is made up of between 100 to 100,000 worker bees, all female. The queen, bigger and longer than the others, is in the middle of her workers. She has two jobs, to mate
and to lay eggs, each in the bottom of a wax cell in an area of the hive. Three days later it hatches into a larva, which first eats royal jelly fed by nurse bees. Then it eats pollen and honey for six days after which it becomes an inactive pupa. While sealed in its capped cell, it grows into a female worker bee. Throughout her life’s stages this worker bee will do every job except to lay eggs and mate. The worker bees are the smallest; the drones are fatter than the queen and larger worker bee. One job female In spring between five and 30 per cent of the worker bees become drones. workers have is feeding and nourishing the babies (and the nectar which, when stored in the from aphids, white flies, beetles queen). Another is building and wax cells, evaporates into honey. and mealybugs, do NOT buy them. repairing the hive. Cleaning the These gatherers communicate food Make sure the plants you buy are hive is also a job. Gatherers collect sources with a dance. The direction not pre-treated with neonics, which food. They put pollen into baskets a bee “waggles” in a figure eight tells will kill the bees. Neonicotinoids on their back legs. As more pollen her sisters where the food source is. are banned in Europe, but not here. Products that eradicate pests and is gathered, some falls onto the pistil The longer she waggles, the further unwanted flora will compromise of another flower resulting in cross- away the flowers. Worker bees control most of bees’ immune systems and damage pollination. The gatherer takes the pollen back to the hive. Since stored what happens in the hive by what bees neurologically, causing their pollen can become rancid, and they feed the others. What the memories to fail thus destroying honey cannot support bacterial life, queen eats determines whether her the ability to find their way. They pollen is mixed with a bit of honey eggs are fertile. Worker bees’ food cause a drop in the drone’s sperm distribution gives them control over count to 40 per cent of what is to prevent spoilage. Pollen provides the bees with which egg can become a queen, needed to reproduce. Poisoned protein. Bees suck up nectar through how many drones there will be, and soil weakens plants. How can we help our bees thrive? the proboscis for carbohydrates. when it is time to swarm. In spring 1. Never use pesticides, fungiThis is mixed with enzymes in between five and 30 per cent of the cides, herbicides or anything one of their two stomachs: one is worker bees become drones. Their that contaminates the plants, for storing nectar; the other is for only job is to mate with the queen, thus killing the bees that feed food. They carry their weight in and they usually die after mating. on them. Currently, bees are dying from 2. Do plant flowers and leave the many causes. Before people began weeds; bees (and butterflies) providing farmers with bees to love them. pollinate their crops, bees had 3. Avoid growing lawns as they seasonal “breaks.” With the bees provide nothing for bees. now being shipped to different parts of the country, they have no down Buy local and raw honey from your time. Normally bees migrate for local beekeepers making sure they food, but forced migration is stressful. practice sustainable beekeeping. Commercial bees are constantly in Provide a source of fresh water for unfamiliar territory, their hives piled the bees. with hives from other parts of the Be gentle with bees. They prefer country where they are subjected to not to sting you. If you are stung, diseases carried by bees from other wait a few minutes. The bee will areas. There are 170 different kinds probably extricate her stinger herself of mites living on a bee, but only without ripping out her abdomen three are harmful. Over 30 different and dying. kinds of insects other than bees live We need to save our bees if we in a beehive. want to feed the fauna of our planet. Pesticides and chemical weed The next meeting of the Mission controls such as Roundup are also Hills Garden Club is 6 to 8 p.m., killing our bees. Roundup is the worst Thursday, September 26 at the offender It removes habitat such as Mission Hills Nursery. You can milkweed, a staple for the Monarch renew your membership at the butterfly. Bees love dandelions, meeting. $35 is for an individual sour grass, and flowers. If you see membership; $50 for a couple.• plants that claim to be protected
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Local News
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Tell Us How You Really Feel
Current Library Re-Use Opportunities’ Survey
By Mission Hills Business Improvement District A new 15,000-square-foot new Mission Hills Hillcrest Branch Library will replace the current 3,850-square-foot Mission Hills Branch Library located at 925 West Washington Street and built in 1961. The San Diego Architectural firm Mosher Drew designed the project schematic, which was further developed by the C.W. Driver Design/Build team professionals, Manuel Oncina Architects and Ferguson Pape Baldwin Architects. The City purchased the new library site at West Washington and Front and construction began in Spring 2017. The new $ 21+Million library is scheduled to open in early-2019. The current library is located at 925 West Washington on the western edge of the busy Mission Hills business district. An icon of this historic and bustling neighborhood, the 3,850-square-foot building is located on three parcels of land which total approximately 7,600-square-feet. It also serves a growing population from communities surrounding Mission Hills. Despite its small size, the library offers many educational programs for patrons of all ages. Several book clubs meet regularly at the current library and musical performances are scheduled throughout the year. The building will be vacated when the new library opens in early-2019. The Mission Hills Business Improvement District is interested in learning what Mission Hills’ residents and business owners would like to see happen with the 3,850-square-foot space when the current library vacates. Your feedback is important to us. Won’t you please complete this brief survey to tell us how you really feel. To take part in this survey, please go online to: http://bit.ly/ mh-library-reuse. This survey will be open for responses July 1 through July 21, 2018 and will only take a couple minutes to complete. For questions, please visit: MissionHillsBID.com/Contact.•
Survey Questions: 1. What would you like to see happen with the Mission Hills Library building at 925 West Washington? A. Tear it down B. Save it C. Other:________________________________________
2. What would you like to see put into the empty lot, if the Mission Hills Library building at 925 West Washington was demolished? A. Housing B. A Business: Retail or Restaurant C. Affordable mixed-use housing with businesses on the ground level D. A parking structure E. Use the empty lot for parking F. I have no opinion G. Other________________________________________
3. What would you NOT want to see in the space? And,why not? A. _____________________________________________
4. Knowing the Mission Hills Library building at 925 West Washington has deferred maintenance, which may include a bad roof, asbestos, dilapidated restrooms and is not ADA/Handicap compliant, how would you like to see necessary the improvements made?
A. City makes the improvements necessary to use the building B. City leases the building to someone who makes the improvements C. City sells it with a requirement to rehab the building D. Other________________________________________
5. The City wants to keep the building but has no money to do the necessary fixes. How can it get the money?
A. I’m rich. I’ll pay for it. B. Have a community Fundraising Event C. Sell it D. Lease it E. Other________________________________________
6. Some have talked about keeping the Mission Hills Library building at 925 West Washington and re-using it. Which of the following reuses are appealing to you? A. Art Gallery B. Brew Pub C. Community Center D. Co-op space for artists and crafts persons to lease and sell their art E. Co-op We-Work space F. Rehab to mixed-use saving the Mid Century architectural style G. Other________________________________________
7. If the Mission Hills Library building at 925 West Washington remained who should operate it?
A. The City of San Diego B. Private Business Owners C. A Non-Profit Entity D. Other________________________________________
Thank You! • PresidioSentinel.com
The current Mission Hills Library building’s future is up for discussion.
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Eclipse Chocolate’s
Annual Cupcake Extravaganza Returns
Eclipse Chocolate’s highly anticipated Annual Cupcake Extravaganza, now in its eleventh year, will return to the South Park confectionary-restaurant takes place from late June through Sunday, July 8. During this ten-day event, San Diegans can experience 24 limited-time flavors created by Eclipse’s founder and Food Network’s “Guy’s Grocery Games” winner Will Gustwiller while delighting in a pop-up baby goat petting zoo and prizes including free gourmet cupcakes for a year. Daily during Eclipse Chocolate’s Cupcake Extravaganza, fans can nab a box of nine cupcakes in flavors of their choice for just $25 (regularly $ 35), including vegan and gluten free options. Each box purchased is an entry to win “A Year of Cupcakes,” 365 cupcakes valued at $1,400 and redeemable as 41 boxes of nine during the 2018-2019 season. The winner is drawn on the final day of the event, Sunday, July 8 at 2 p.m. Eclipse Chocolate expects to break last year’s record of 6,000 cupcakes by baking and selling 10,000 cupcakes before the end of this year’s extended event. Confirmed flavors include Toasted S’mores, Strawberry Lemonade, Marshmallow Banana, Whoopie Pie, Pina Colada and Mango Salsa. Eclipse Chocolate will celebrate the final day of its Annual Cupcake Extravaganza by transforming its outdoor patio into a baby goat petting zoo designed for all ages to enjoy–a quirky, yearly tradition that has become a neighborhood favorite event since Eclipse Chocolate opened at 2145 Fern Street in San Diego’s South Park. No reservations or ticket purchases are necessary to participate in Eclipse Chocolate’s Annual Cupcake Extravaganza. Learn more at www.eclipsechocolate.com.•
Award Winning
Local News
Eclipse Chocolate expects to bake and sell 10,000 cupcakes before the end of the event.
Eve Selis Performs at the Maritime Museum
The Maritime Museum of San Diego, home to one of the world’s largest collections of historic vessels from sail to steam to submarine, presents Eve Selis from 7 to 9 p.m., Saturday, July 12, 2018. The internationally acclaimed folk, rock and country female vocalist will entertain guests at this one-of-a-kind waterfront concert held aboard the historic 1898 steam ferryboat Berkeley, located at 1492 North Harbor Drive in downtown San Diego. Selis has won dozens of San Diego Music Awards and shared the stage with A-list performers including Chris Isaak, Joan Osborne, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Dwight Yoakam, Hootie and the Blowfish, Heart, Doobie Brothers, America, Jewel, Kenny Loggins, Kim Carnes and UB40. Tickets are $ 30 for adults and $ 20 for children 12 and under. Event and ticket information are available at www.sdmaritime.org.•
Martini’s Above Fourth Presents
Eve Selis is an internationally acclaimed folk, rock and country female vocalist.
John Lloyd Young
At 8 p.m., Thursday July 26, John Lloyd Young will perform at Martini’s Above Fourth, located at 3940 Fourth Avenue, Suite 200 in the Hillcrest area of San Diego. Considered a classic artist, John Lloyd Young delivers a song with an immediacy and originality that makes even long-established hits feel like they’re unfolding in front of you for the very first time. Young’s latest concert Introducing: John Lloyd Young is a celebration of classic hits from the ‘50s and ‘60s presented in the authentic acoustic style of original rock ‘n’ roll, Doo-Wop and R&B standards. Along with tracks from Young’s critically acclaimed debut album “My Turn” the show features; “Sherry”, “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You”, “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me”, “In the Still of the Night” along with treasures by Roy Orbison, The Temptations, Carole King, Dusty Springfield, Al Green and Little Anthony. Tony and Grammy Award winner John Lloyd Young originated the role of Frankie Valli in Broadway’s Tony Award winning Best Musical and international hit, “Jersey Boys.” As Valli, Young garnered unprecedented accolades from New York and national media, including one of the most the most exciting New York Times reviews ever written for an actor making a Broadway debut. Young played to sold-out crowds of 17,000-plus as Marius in “Les Miserables” at the Hollywood Bowl, was the first-ever guest star invited to appear on Fox-TV’s “Golden Globe” and Emmy-winning hit, “Glee”; and guest starred opposite Michael Chiklis on CBS’ drama, “Vegas.” To make reservations to this special performance, call 619.400.4500.•
John Lloyd Young delivers a song with an immediacy and originality.
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Local News
Jump Back in Time and
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Celebrate An 1800’s Fourth of July
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park is hosting an old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration for locals and guests of San Diego. Visitors can join park staff and volunteers to celebrate Independence Day as early San Diego residents did in the 1800s. Free games, activities, music, and dance are all part of the celebration. The event kicks off at 11 a.m. with live music, followed by patriotic speeches and flag raising ceremony. One of the highlights of the day is the annual Fourth of July parade around the plaza. Following the parade, the Old Town Historic Dance Society presents a dance where visitors are encouraged to kick up their heels and join in. Nineteenth century contests, such as cow chip throwing, cherry pit spitting, and the ever-messy egg toss will be presented in the afternoon at Seeley Yard. The afternoon concludes with an all-American pie-eating contest. Guests of all ages are encouraged to join in all the festivities. Old Town San Diego State Historic Park, with the support of the Boosters of Old Town, the County of San Diego, Wells Fargo, and Fiesta de Reyes is proud to offer these free activities for adults, and children of all ages. For more information, visit www.parks.ca.gov/ oldtownsandiego or call 619.220.5422.•
On 4th of July, guests of Old Town San Diego will enjoy an historically—enacted parade.
• PresidioSentinel.com
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
USO San Diego’s Fundraiser
Local News
Gala Raised More Than $1 Million
USO San Diego’s 77th Annual Stars and Stripes Gala: For Love of Country took place on Saturday, May 5, 2018, and to date has raised more than $ 1,050,000 in donations for our local military. The event honored Jack McGrory, a cherished philanthropist, civic leader, businessman, and military veteran. Presenting Sponsors, Neil and June Ash, generously and continuously supported the organization. Co-Chairs included Hélène and George Gould, Arlene and Richard Esgate, Reena and Sam Horowitz, Jeanne Jones, Don Breitenberg, and Stephanie Brown. Mark Larson of the Mark Larson Show on AM 1170 and analyst on KUSI, served as emcee. Jack McGrory, event honoree, stated, “I am deeply appreciative to have been named honoree at USO San Diego’s 77th Annual Stars and Stripes Gala: For Love of Country. As a proud veteran of our armed forces, I believe it is our duty and responsibility to honor and serve those men and women who sacrifice so much on our behalf.” The gala celebrated the strong, enduring relationship between San Diego and our Armed Forces, and featured the stories of San Diego service members as they shared their experiences and inspired us with their bravery. Gala entertainment for the evening included Pictured from left to right are Reena Horowitz, Stephanie Brown, Arlene and Richard Esgate, Jeanne Two-Time Tony Award winner Brian Stokes Jones, Jack and Una McGrory, and Hélène and George Gould. Mitchell. A powerful baritone, “Stokes,” has been one of the central leading men of the Broadway theatre. For the second year, National Anthem singer, painter, and TV personality, Joe Everson, lent his remarkable talents to the gala by creating original artwork, while singing the National Anthem, which was included in the auction.•
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Theatre News
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Old Globe Theatre The Old Globe, together with Children’s Theatre Company (CTC), and in partnership with The Old Vic, is presenting “Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax” in its U.S. premiere. The production, based on the book “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss, is adapted for the stage by David Greig (artistic director of Royal Lyceum Theatre Company). Globe performances will run from Monday, July 2 through Sunday, August 12, part of the Globe’s 2018 Summer Season, on the Donald and Darlene Shiley Stage in the Old Globe Theatre, part of the Conrad Prebys Theatre Center. Opening night is Friday, July 6 at 7 p.m. Direct from London’s West End comes the critically acclaimed and Olivier Award-nominated musical event of the summer. Silky soft Truffula trees provide the perfect ingredient for a nifty new garment. But when demand skyrockets, who will speak for all the trees in the Truffula forest? Enter The Lorax. Dr. Seuss’s “The Lorax” has been enchanting adults and children alike for generations, and this summer his irresistible, big-hearted, mustachioed hero will be brought to inventive life in what critics call a “mad, uproarious delight.” The cast includes Ansa Akyea (Once-ler Dad, Mayor, Inspector), Christopher Becknell (musician, storyteller), Stephanie Bertumen (Once-ler family, McGee, inspector), Brian Bose (Once-ler family, bear), Ryan Colbert (small Ed, storyteller), Lynnea Doublette (McGann, storyteller), Johannah “Joh” Easley (child, Once-ler family), Steven Epp (The Onceler), H. Adam Harris (The Lorax: voice and puppeteer), Rajané Katurah (granny Once-ler, Von Goo), Meghan Kreidler (The Lorax: puppeteer), Ryan Lear (musician, storyteller), Ryan Dean Maltz (storyteller), Emily Michaels King (swan, Onceler family), Rick Miller (The Lorax: puppeteer), Autumn Ness (mommy Once-ler, Samelore Bews). Tickets for the general public are on sale now and may be purchased online at www.TheOldGlobe.org, by phone at 619.23.GLOBE, or by visiting the Box Office at 1363 Old Globe Way in Balboa Park.•
Landmark Theatres Sixteen–year-old Sebastian (Asa Butterfield) has spent most of his life with his Nana (Ellen Burstyn), in their geodesic dome home tourist attraction where she raises him on the futurist teachings of her former mentor Buckminster Fuller in hopes that one day Sebastian will carry Fuller’s torch and make the world a better place. But when a stroke sidelines Nana, Sebastian begins sneaking around with Jared (Alex Wolff), a chain-smoking, punk-obsessed teenager with a heart transplant, who lives in the suburbs with his over-protective, church-going single father Alan (Nick Offerman) and snarky older sister Meredith (Maude Apatow). The two boys could not be more different: Sebastian is sheltered,
naïve and straight arrow, Jared is tough-talking and rebellious— but they decide to form a band together. With his Nana’s dreams, his first real friendship, and a church talent show at stake, Sebastian must decide if he wants to become the next Buckminster Fuller, the next Sid Vicious, or something else entirely. “The House of Tomorrow” is written and directed by Peter Livolsi and based on the novel by Peter Bognanni. It opens Friday, July 6 at Landmark’s Ken Cinema, located at 4061 Adams Avenue in Kensington. It is 90 minutes long and is not rated. For information and times, call 619.819.0236, or visit www.landmarkTheatres.com. Film times and dates are subject to change.•
Asa Butterfield and John Ellen Burstyn star in “The House of Tomorrow.”
• PresidioSentinel.com
The cast of “Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax” show their enthusiasm. Photo is courtesy of Dan Norman.
Aches & Pains? Chronic Illness? Stress?
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A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Local News
Shower in Honor of Monroe
By Stylishly Aubree Lynn
Producing events comes easy for my mom and me. The creation and execution are never short of exceptional. When we decided to plan the shower of my soon to be daughter, Monroe, I thought we would play off of my son’s theme of deer and woodland type animals. I had thought to incorporate some sort of tropical birds for her theme and find a bird that would be her animal. However, while looking up birds, nothing was sticking. I just couldn’t figure out why none of this was coming together as smoothly as usual. Then it clicked. She is a girl; she is my daughter. Hello! I suddenly thought fashion, style and magazines. It hit me like a ton of editorial prints. This was a no brainier and would be the theme for my daughter’s shower. My mom and I got excited and started right away. We created the invitation imitating a magazine cover with Monroe being the title and my silhouette gracing the front cover. It was uniquely me, and perfect as a shower invite. Days proceeded while ideas were being tossed around. Suddenly my mom says to me, “I’m kicking you to the curb in a good way. Do you trust me to plan your shower?” Knowing my mom and all that we have created together, I stated, “Absolutely, and thank you for taking charge.” I had spoken to our dessert extraordinaire artist and family friend, Theresa Brunston. She had created our wedding and baby boy’s shower cakes and was excited and happy to gift us with these fashion-themed cupcakes. Territa Torres Designs’ maternity line collection was my first choice for a dress for the occasion. That’s because we are currently collaborating on her maternity summer wear. The last time I wore maternity wear by Territa Torres Designs was for the spring show, just a few months back. We received numerous compliments for her designs. The dress I wore at the spring show was tailor made to fit me and my baby bump, with complementary colors and Torres’ signature pleats. Time was fast advancing on the shower date. As expected, I was excited to see what I was going to wear on that special day, celebrating with the people I love the birth of my little baby girl, Monroe Lynn. The day arrived and the theme of the shower was immediately seen as guests stepped from their vehicles and on to the curb. It was throughout Aubree Lynn is wearing a Territa Torres Designs the house and onto the patio. Throughout the property there were specially from the maternity line collection. placed magazine pages, vintage shoes, purses, hats, scarfs, a DIY headband boutique, the dress form that included the baby bump that Territa had used to fit me, fashionable pictures, and special touches from my mom and even grandmother. The day’s activities included brunch and a “who wore it best” shoe and hat contest. As departing gifts, guests were given handmade purses made out of magazines that would open to feature some of my favorite baby cravings. The entire shower was “off the chart” with creativity. I have never experienced anything like it and was honored that it was thrown on behalf of my daughter, Monroe, and me. Heartfelt thanks go out to my mother, Tina Lynn, who provided a unique celebration honoring the birth of Monroe. Special thanks to Melissa, who assisted and gifted her home for the occasion. Theresa did an impressive job with the cupcakes, and Territa designed an amazing and perfectly mastered maternity dress. Monroe Lynn, though you weren’t present in person, you are loved. And, we are ready for your arrival. Thank you to all the guests who came to celebrate. You all have a special place in my heart.• To see this whole event, including the invitation, visit https://youtu.be/Z-IISBaIYPU at StylishlyAubreeLynn-DIY Invitation Invite to Party Favor-Celebrating Monroe.
With the advent of all the on-line real estate information, some people lose focus on a Realtor’s value. Yes, being full-time immersed in the business brings more timely knowledge to the client…a big part of the job is staying current from laws to taxes to forms to who’s to inventory changes, etc. Yes, having access to the most knowledgeable and trust-worthy expert resources can be critical. And developing relationships with peers who offer you early looks, priority in negotiations, is the best benefit of earning trust. But the biggest benefit of the right Realtor is holding the client in priority position. Being informed and updated on what the client needs/ wants, seeing things the client may not be aware of, providing service and information the client may not be able to manage, verifying data and information, holding the responsibility for the client’s best results, is the IT of excellence.
930 W. Washington Street, San Diego 92103 619-823-6892 SteveCarlson0213@gmail.com DRE# 01455190 CARLSONANDOLLIS.COM – PresidioSentinel.com •
16 Local News A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018 Richard’s Heart & Sole Run for Emilio Ends in San Diego on August 19 ©
Join the Emilio Nares Foundation (ENF) on Sunday, August 19 from 10 a.m. to noon as co-founder Richard Nares finishes his 1,700 mile run from Seattle to San Diego. Richard’s Heart & Sole Run for Emilio began on Monday, June 4 in Seattle, where Richard set off to run more than 1,700 miles down the West Coast to raise funds for ENF’s programs that help families navigate through their children’s journey with cancer. His goal is to raise $250,000 for the foundation. Richard, who turned 65 in June, is running approximately 30 miles per day and stopping at nine children’s hospitals in six cities to donate Emilio’s Loving Tabs shirts, innovative shirts designed with an open-close shoulder panel to allow medical professionals to easily administer chemotherapy into a child’s permanent chest catheter port, without requiring children to lift or remove their clothes. The foundation has a goal to provide these shirts to every children’s hospital across the country. Richard’s run includes stops in Portland, San Francisco, Palo Alto, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and Orange County, before ending in San Diego on Friday, August 17. Richard will be taking his victory lap at Liberty Station Park on Sunday at 2455 Cushing Road from 10 a.m. to noon, where the public is invited to run or walk his final mile with him. Participation is free and welcome to all ages. Guests may receive a Richard’s Run t-shirt, sunglasses and refreshments with a donation of $100 per person or family of four. To register for Richard’s Victory lap or make a donation, please visit www.enfhope.org/victorylap. To follow along on Richard’s Heart & Sole Run for Emilio, please visit www.enfhope.org/heartandsolerun.•
Mayor Faulconer’s
Volunteers have contributed their time to provide visual guidance to drivers while Richard Nares runs on busy roadways.
Airbnb Proposal Receives Strong Opposition
Save San Diego Editorial
According to representatives of Save San Diego, without fanfare, Mayor Faulconer rolled out his proposal to change San Diego’s Municipal Code—residential zoning ordinances—to legalize the use of residential dwellings as Airbnb mini-hotels—short term vacation rentals. There are over 10,000 homes in San Diego that have been turned into Airbnb mini-hotels for tourists. Mayor Faulconer wants to take even more San Diego houses and use them for tourist lodging. He’s doing this despite the fact that San Diego’s residents and economy have struggled—for over a decade—under crushing housing costs because of a severe housing shortage. Unbelievably, Faulconer proposes allowing everyone who has a “primary” residence in San Diego to rent that residence to tourists for six months Human TuneUp Column by Cath out of the year—and allow everyone who has a “primary” residence in San Diego, to own and operate another San Diego home as a short term vacation rental for tourists. Think about this. Who benefits from this “compromise”? by Cath DeStefano Who can afford to buy two homes in San Diego? We honor the sea and those who work to keep it livable and those Over half the residents of San Diego are renters. who work to coax out its mysteries and let us in on its secrets. What happens when homes are turned into hotels? Who loses? Citizens, We honor the great force of the sea and all those who live in it workers who pay rents that are already too high will be at the greatest and by it. disadvantage. Citizens, workers who struggle to feed their families, make Our ears hear the sea’s soothing rhythms. Our eyes look and ends meet and make a mortgage payment every month. stretch across its unending surface. Diamonds of light dance upon it. San Diego has a finite number of residential dwellings. Right now, San The sea is alive beyond our eyes first glance. Diego’s housing shortfall is 35,000 to 40,000 residential dwellings— Fish are gathered in their schools. and growing. Mayor Faulconer proposes allowing everyone who has a Penguins and dolphins scoot around in play. “primary” residence in San Diego to own a “secondary” residence to be Whales glide gracefully along. used as accommodations for tourists—transients. Weedy sea dragons have us catch our breath is amazement. In the midst of a protracted housing crisis Mayor Faulconer suggests Creatures with colors so brilliant in their beauty. we use precious residential housing stock—in quiet, safe, clean, friendly We awe. neighborhoods—as tourist accommodations. He’s proposing that we The world of the sea, We honor you this day. As we play beside allow those who are fortunate enough to be able to afford two homes in you. As we celebrate our freedoms at your shores. San Diego to convert one of those homes to an Airbnb mini-hotel—short term vacation rental—so they can make more money. So they don’t have to rent those homes to San Diego residents—hard working citizens of America’s Finest City. Faulconer proposes no limits on turning homes in Mission Beach into Airbnb mini-hotels. He is throwing away not only the historic community of Mission Beach, but its residents too! He is saying Mission Beach is a lost cause. If Mission Beach is a lost cause—It’s because Faulconer failed and refused to enforce the law. Ask yourself—is your neighborhood next? Will he sell out Hillcrest? Mission Hills? Barrio Logan? North Park? Mira Mesa? La Jolla? Golden Hill? Pacific Beach? Little Italy? Downtown? Which neighborhood is next? Well this is it. Faulconer intends on selling our neighborhoods to the highest bidder. He intends on selling out San Diegans—again! Help us stop him! Post on Nextdoor.com, call, message, email or snail mail Mayor Faulconer and City Council members. Tell them you don’t want San Diego Cath DeStefano, homes turned into hotels; you don’t want your neighborhood turned into Author, Keynote Speaker, Artist a commercial hotel zone. Tell him to protect the residents, workers and www.humantuneup.com community of San Diego. Tell him to do his job to serve his constituents, HumanTuneUp@Live.com fellow San Diegans.•
Summer by the Sea
• PresidioSentinel.com
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
What Now?
Local News
I Would if I Could
By Laura Walcher I would if I could, but can’t. If there’s one thing President Trump has succeeded in, it’s inspiring and challenging the nation’s pen men (okay, and pen women) to accurately—if not—kindly, describe his (lack of) thinking, awry decisions, ham—fisted opinions and accusations. I’ve tried hard to exceed the creative wordsmithing of our columnists, pundits and commentators, but… I would if I could. Instead, I’ve decided on an award. It’s called the Trump-Tirade Brevity Award (TTBA). In earlier columns and blogs, I’ve presented dictionary-sized lists from our national writers, but by now, they’ve run out of lists. Yet, must continue in non-stop search for shorter, stronger descriptions of what our ever-alarming president presents to us by way of governing. Jonathan Blitzer has earned first prize, with his four-word description of President Trump: “incompetence with malevolence.” Second prize goes to Charles M. Blow, whose phraseology has earned the TTBA for succinct brevity along with alarming alliteration: “His (Trump’s)
veniality and vulgarity seeks only to exploit white racial anxiety and hostility, in the most vulgar of terms.” Exquisite! The New York Times gets third, even as the challenge grows to get all issues—from Stormy—now highly receding, to border immigration, appropriately covered. Hmm. This one could actually have tied for first TTBA prize: “When did caging kids become the ‘art of the deal’?” I don’t have any TTBA award for the President, unless we want to recognize his twitter offerings, such as labeling the non-FOX media, “… the enemy of the American people.” Short and sweet, yet, but highly un-original. We’ve heard that before; it’s downright historic: Hitler, Mao and Lenin, for starters, who weaponized the phrase to attack whoever questioned their authority. Senator John McCain, thankfully still participating at this writing, noted that, “… attacking the legitimacy of the free press is how dictators get started.” I grudgingly give Trump his own TTBA for “Pocahontas”—what The New York Times called his one-word “mocking, sarcastic, racially incendiary jibe” at Senator Elizabeth Warren. Unfortunately, memorable. I’d stop here for brevity’s sake myself, and would if I could. But I can’t.•
484.5 Million Increase In County Budget Delivers Record Spending On Tuesday, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors approved a balanced $6.27 billion budget that is an increase of $484.5 million, or 8.4 percent, over the current year for a total of $6.27 billion. The 2018-19 budget plan includes record new spending on helping the homeless and those with substance abuse and mental health issues. It emphasizes breaking barriers for people leaving the criminal justice system, addresses the affordable housing crisis, the quality of life in neighborhoods and protects natural resources. While maintaining prudent reserves, the budget retains or improves current levels of service to the County’s residents in many important categories, including public safety, repairs to 180 miles of roads, capital improvements including new libraries, new or improved fire stations, and the continued rollout of technologies that make it easier for residents to get informed about county services. More than $175 million and 120 new jobs will be dedicated to meeting the needs of our most vulnerable residents, including those at risk or experiencing homelessness. A record high of more than $650 million will go toward behavioral health services. The plan sets aside funds to begin updating 15 community plans in the unincorporated area to expand housing options for residents of all income levels. The County will also cut costs and permit processing times to boost housing stock for middle-income households. Another 500 acres of open space will help preserve the region’s natural beauty.•
Supervisor Ron Roberts introduced the approved budget that will increase spending on several fronts.
E n joy Ju l y 4 T H with U s !
PresidioSentinel.com •
Thru August 12 n This summer, the San Diego Zoo Safari Park is inviting guests to take a trip around the world-without the need for a passport or luggage. Visitors will have the opportunity to walk among kangaroos, wallabies, magpie geese, and colorful Australian plants. The annual Summer Safari presented by Groupon is back, and with it comes a multitude of fabulous food and entertainment from all over the globe-including Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, South America and North America. From the Summer Safari Stage at the Safari Base Camp, a diverse array of entertainers will astound and delight guests with electrifying performances throughout the afternoon and evening. Guests can purchase a “tasting card” and sample cuisine from around the world-including Brazilian beef skewers and linguisa, Hawaiian sliders, Cantonese ginger scallion shrimp and lobster fried rice, chicken sope, Australian lamingtons and more. For information, visit www.sdzsafaripark.org.
Thru September 3 n The San Diego Museum of Art, located at 1450 El Prado in Balboa Park, is showcasing more than 90 works of art from its world-renowned Edwin Binney 3rd Collection, one of the finest and most comprehensive collections of South Asian painting outside of India. In Epic Tales from Ancient India: Paintings from this exhibition offers the unique opportunity to experience South Asian paints in their original narrative context by explaining the classic of literature that the works illustrate. The art is from the 16th through the 19th century, and provides the tools for reading and understating Indian Painting. The exhibition also features an interactive space with handson workshops, live musical and dance performances, daily storytelling and more. For information, visit www.SDMArt.org. n Time for summer concerts and the 31st Annual International Summer Organ Festival at the Spreckels world organ Pavilion in Balboa Park. The Festival hosts a line up of 11 free, public concerts by renowned organists each Monday evening, on the historic Spreckels Organ – the world’s largest outdoor pipe organ, designed to demonstrate the fresh sound of the historic 1914 Spreckels Organ. All Festival concerts start at 7:30 p.m., and are open to all ages. Friendly music-loving pets on leash are welcome. Light snacks, beverages, and unique gifts are available on the pavilion grounds, and proceeds from donations benefit the nonprofit Spreckels Organ Society, which works to preserve, program and promote the Spreckels Organ as a world treasure for all people. For a complete schedule, visit www.SpreckelsOrgan.org. n This summer during San Diego Zoo’s Nighttime Zoo Celebration. special activities and entertainment rock the Zoo Nightly. As twilight descents over the city of San Diego, the party will just be getting started at the San Diego Zoo–all summer long. The annual summertime celebration includes toe-tapping music, fascinating animal encounters, stilt walkers, exceptional acrobatic feats and African-themed music, dance and more. Special activities get started at 4 p.m. daily and will stay open until 9 p.m. For information, visit www.sandiegozoo.org.
Thru September 28 n Food Truck Fridays and
Friday Night Alive! begin on this evening on family-friendly entertainment. Summer arrives early with the return of the Balboa Park Conservancy’s popular Food Truck Friday’s program from 4 to 8:30 p.m. The family-friendly entertainment will provide the perfect side dish to more than a dozen of San Diego’s favorite food trucks, along with games and booths set up with hands-on activities and crafts for kids and other family activities. As a special bonus The San Diego Museum of Art will continue to offer $5 admission prices to all visitors after 5 p.m. on Friday nights. For information, visit www.balboapark.org.
July 2 n Reuben H Fleet Science Center, located at 1875 El Prado in Balboa Park, is offering the first Monday of every month to seniors 65 plus to enjoy the Science Center exhibits, a show in the Heikoff Giant Dome Theater and a lecture on the quietest day of the month for only $8. The doors open at 9:30 a.m. to get Senior Monday started early. Sharp Minds lectures begin at 10:30. The lecture topic for this month: Healthy Aging and Neurodegeneration. A New Perspective: Throughout life, the brain is capable of changing and adapting. This ability is called plasticity and it’s key to develop the circuits necessary for a healthy brain. Neurodegenerative disorders (like Alzheimer’s disease or stroke) decrease plasticity, but the normal process of aging takes a toll too. Join us to discover recent research that looks into why this happens in health and disease from the perspective of a specialized cell type in the train, called astrocytes. The Lecturer for this month is Dr. Elena Blanco-Suarez. Visitors are encouraged to stay to enjoy the galleries and special senior discounts in Craveology and the North Star Science Store. n Pt. Loma Village Wine and Book Club will be meeting at the Wine Pub, located at 2907 Shelter Island Drive, Suite 108 in San Diego from 6 to 8 p.m. This month’s book is “Essex Serpent” by Sarah Perry. La Playa Books is located at 1026 Rosecrans Street in San Diego. For information, call 619.226.2601 or visit www.laplayabooks.com. n The 31st Annual International Summer Organ Festival at the Spreckels world organ Pavilion in Balboa Park. The Festival hosts a line up of 11 Free, public concerts by renowned organists each Monday evening, on the historic Spreckels Organ – the world’s largest outdoor pipe organ, designed to demonstrate the fresh sound of the historic 1914 Spreckels Organ. All Festival concerts start at 7:30 p.m., and are open to all ages. Tonight will feature Award winning American theatre organist Walt n Strony performs an evening of patriotic music celebrating Independence Day.
July 3 n TheNAT
San Diego National History Museum, located at 1788 El Prado in Balboa Park, offers residents Free Days on the first Tuesday of each month. Balboa Park organizations offer free admission (special exhibitions and films are not included) to San Diego City and County residents (with ID), active military, and their dependents on selected days for one day each month. On Residents Free Day, please enter at the south side of the building near the fountain. All guests will exit at the north side of the building near the big fig tree. For more information, visit www.sdnhm.org.
July 4 n Old Town San Diego State Historic Park Celebrates the Fourth of July with an event that starts the day at 11 a.m. with live music, followed by patriotic speeches and flag raising ceremony. One of the highlights of the day is the annual Fourth of July parade
• PresidioSentinel.com
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
July 2018 around the plaza. Following the parade, the Old Town Historic Dance Society presents a dance where visitors are encouraged to kick up their heels and join in. You can join park staff and volunteers to celebrate Independence Day as early San Diego residents did in the 1800’s. Free games, activities, music, and dance are all part of the celebration. The park is located on San Diego Avenue and Twiggs Street in Old Town San Diego. For more information, visit www.parks.ca.gov/oldtownsandiego or call the visitor center at 619.220.5422. n Maritime Museum of San Diego invites you to celebrate the Fourth of July. The observation deck of the museum’s historic 1898 steam ferry Berkeley provides a spectacular view of the fireworks show over San Diego Bay. A delicious buffet dinner will provide two seatings, the first one from 5 to 6:30 p.m. and the second from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Prices for dinner purchased in advance online are $35 for adults and $18 children 12 and under. Kids 5 and under are free. A special discounted admission of $10 will begin at 8 p.m. for guests only wanting to watch the fireworks. Fireworks begin at 9 p.m. For information, visit www.sdmaritime.org or call 619.234.9153 ext. 106. n Southern California’s largest fireworks show will illuminate the skies over San Diego Bay for the Port of San Diego Big Bay Boom’s 18th Annual 4th of July Celebration. Starting at 9 p.m., some of the most technically advanced fireworks, in an array of shapes and colors, will launch simultaneously from four barges placed strategically around San Diego Bay, providing an electrifying display of patriotism in celebration of Independence Day. Firework artists will choreograph the approximately 20-minute show to music broadcast live on MAX FM 105.7 radio and The Mighty 1090 AM. For detailed information on the Port of San Diego Big Bay Boom, visit www.bigbayboom.com
July 5 n Zel’s
Del Mar, located at 1247 Camino Del Mar in Del Mar, hosts Robin Henkel solo blues from 7 to 10 p.m. For information, call 858.755.0076.
July 6 n Arts District Liberty Station, located at 2640 Historic Decatur Road in San Diego presents free performances, open art studios, galleries and museums on the first Friday of every month from 5 to 9 p.m. Summer is ART-rageous. Celebrate Summer and the Arts at Friday Night Liberty and enjoy a free concert by Point Loma Nazarene University students at Dick Laub NTC Command Center. n Dizzy’s performances now take place at the showroom of San Diego Jet Ski Rentals, located at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego, presents trumpeter John Reynolds and his quartet who will perform at 8 p.m. Cost is $15 ($10 students).
July 6 & 7 n Bazaar del Mundo’s Second Annual “Mercado del Sol” presents local artists who bring summer fashions, accessories and jewelry to Old Town. More than a dozen artists and vendors will gather at Bazaar del Mundo, located at 4133Taylor Street, to share their summer inspired collections of handcrafted jewelry, clothing fashion accessories, gifts and more at the free weekend event. New this year will be representatives from Johnny Was, a globally recognized brand known for its bohemian designs that cross cultures and defy trends. Visitors can participate in a raffle for a limited edition Johnny Was item, or place a custom order and receive a free scarf as a gift with purchase. Delicious summer treats will also be available throughout the Bazaar del Mundo Shops, plus a for-purchase salad bar-perfect for the warm outdoor setting. Festivities take place at the Bazaar del Mundo Shops at the north entrance to Old Town, on the corner of Juan and Taylor Streets.
July 6 thru late October n This is the 11th year that County Parks and Recreation and sponsor cities have coordinated this event. The annual event is bigger and better than ever with 151 screening at dozens of parks across the county. All screenings are free and open to the public. Movies are rated G through PG-13. New movies for 2018 include “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” “Ferdinand,” “Black Panther” and more. Tonight we will have “E.T. The Extraterrestrial” at Lemon Grove Park. “Back to the Future” at Horton Plaza Park on July 7. Movies start 15 minutes after sunset and many locations offer arts and crafts, games and other activities such as live entertainment and food trucks for an hour or so beforehand. Moviegoers are encouraged to bring along blankets, chairs and snacks. For a complete schedule please visit www.SummerMoviesinthePark.
July 7 n Old Town
San Diego State Historic Park Celebrates travel and transportation from the era of real horsepower during Stagecoach Days. This event kicks off today and runs for six Saturdays during July and August, from noon to 4 p.m. on these special Saturdays. There will be plenty of old-fashioned fun from the mid-1800s. Each week there will be a different theme, this week is: “Games and Amusements.” Try your hand at 19th century games and amusements. The West in San Diego Park is located on San Diego Avenue and Twiggs Street in San Diego. For information about the Stagecoach Days celebration, visit www.parks.ca.gov/oldtownsandiego or call the park’s visitor center at 619.220.5422. n Dizzy’s performances now take place at the showroom of San Diego Jet Ski Rentals, located at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego. Hard swinging bop from saxophonist David Borgo, with Gunnar Biggs on bass, Andrew Munsey on drums, and Tobin Chodros on piano will perform at 8 p.m. Cost is $20 ($15 students).
July 8 n McAlister Institute will hold its 6th annual 5K Walk for Sobriety with check-in and registration beginning at 8 a.m. at NTC Park at Liberty Station at 2455 Cushing Road, San Diego. The Walk is an opportunity to bring help and hope to thousands of individuals and families braving the unforgiving cycle of addition. Tommy Sablan, senior producer for KGB’s Bob and Coe in the Morning Show, will serve as emcee for the 6th year. Also, in response in community requests, this year’s event will include the addition of a timed run. Walkers, runners, and online supporters will help us send this powerful message on the day of the walk by wearing the number of days they—or their loved ones—have been clean and sober and what it means to them. All proceeds from the Walk for Sobriety benefit McAlister Institute, one of San Diego’s leading resources for individuals and families impacted by addiction. To join the celebration, visit www.walkforsobriety.com. n La Playa Books, located at 1026 Rosecrans Street in San Diego, presents James Clay, author of “Dusty Barnett’ and ‘Songbird of the West” from 2 to 4 p.m. Clay will speak to us about
writing and the history of the western genre. For information, call 619.226.2601 or visit www.laplayabooks.com.
July 10 n theNAT,
San Diego National History Museum, located at 1788 El Prado in Balboa Park, presents the Nat Talk: The New Nature Movement with Richard Louv at 7 p.m. Journalist and author of nine books, including “Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.” He’ll argue that the more high-tech our lives become, the more nature we need. The talk begins at 7 p.m. Museum doors will open at 5:30 pm. After the talk, join Richard in the Museum store for a signing of his book. Tickets are available online at www.sdnhm.org, at the Museum, or by calling 877.946.7797.
July 11 n Tio Leo’s, located at 5302 Napa Street in San Diego, hosts a Blues Camp Fundraiser from 7 to 11 p.m. Performing for the evening are the Bayou Brothers, Michele Lundeen, Anthony Cullins, Robin Henkel, Sue Palmer, Laura Chavez, Sharifah, Jerry “Hot Rod” DeMink, “Fuzzy” Rankin, Karl Dring, Mercedes Moore, Josh Stevens, Benji Davis and The Little Kings. For information, call (619) 5452-1462.
July 11 & 18 n Lawrence Family
JCC, located at 4126 Executive Drive in La Jolla, presents Religious views for Secular Jews at 7 p.m. Explore Jewish beliefs and traditions as we ask questions and seek connections between Judaism and our personal values. Instructor: Rabbi Ron Shulman will lead the discussion. For information and to purchase tickets, call 858.362.1348 or visit www.sdcjc.org/boxoffice.
July 12 n theNAT,
San Diego National History Museum, located at 1788 El Prado in Balboa Park, presents Nature & Me Storytime at 10:15 a.m. Open to all ages with a parent or guardian (recommended for ages 1-5). Free with Museum admission. This month’s theme is Backyard Buddies. Visit www.sdnat.org for ticket information. n Maritime Museum, located on the North Embarcadero in downtown San Diego at 1492 North Harbor Drive, hosts an unforgettable Rum Runner Night aboard the steam Ferryboat Berkeley from 5 to 8 p.m. Guests will enjoy specialty craft rum cocktails, pick up tips from Havana 1920 celebrity mixologist and GBOD Hospitality Group’s beverage director Ryan Andres. Listen and dance to live music, and imbibe in delicious authentic Cuban cuisine. Tickets are $30 per person for visitors 21 and up and include one specialty rum drunk, appetizers, entertainment, plus general admission to all historic vessels and exhibits at the Maritime Museum. To purchase tickets, visit www.sdmaritime.org. n La Playa Books, located at 1026 Rosecrans Street in San Diego, presents Michael Hardcastle-Taylor and “The Windsors I Knew” from 5 to 7 p.m. Jean Hardcastle-Taylor typed her memoir in 1965. Her original 200-page typescript was stored away in northern California until it was “born” at the Hotel Del Coronado in Coronado, California in 2009 by the purest of luck. For information, call 619.226.2601 or visit www.laplayabooks.com.
July 13 thru 29 n David & Dorothea Garfield Theatre, located at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center at 4126 Executive Drive in La Jolla, presents Disney’s “Frozen Jr.,” the musical adaptation of this beloved film. See Olaf, Elsa and Anna live at the JCC. When their kingdom becomes trapped in perpetual winter, fearless Anna joins forces with mountaineer Kristoff and his reindeer sidekick to find Anna’s sister, Snow Queen Elsa and break her icy spell. With music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, the production is directed by Joey Landwehr. For information, call 858.362.1348 or visit www.sdcjc.org.
July 14 n Birdrock Coffee Roasters, located at 5627 La Jolla Boulevard in La Jolla, hosts Robin Henkel solo blues from 10 a.m. to noon. For information, call 858.551.1707. n Old Town San Diego State Historic Park Celebrates travel and transportation from the era of real horsepower during Stagecoach Days. This event kicks off today and runs for six Saturdays during July and August, from noon to 4 p.m. on these special Saturdays. There will be plenty of old-fashioned fun from the mid-1800s. Each week there will be a different theme, this week is: “Soldiers and Citizens.” Try your hand at 19th century games and amusements. The West in San Diego Park is located on San Diego Avenue and Twiggs Street in San Diego. For information about the Stagecoach Days celebration, visit www.parks.ca.gov/oldtownsandiego or call the park’s visitor center at 619.220.5422. n Dizzy’s performances now take place at the showroom of San Diego Jet Ski Rentals, located at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego. Lori Bell and Trio de Janeiro performs with Ron Satterfield guitar/vocals and Tommy Aros on percussion, plus a special guest will be performing at 8 p.m. Cost is $20 ($10 students.)
July 14 thru 15 n Maritime Museum,
located on the North Embarcadero in downtown San Diego at 1492 North Harbor Drive, hosts another legendary Family Overnight Aboard Star of India departing at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday and returning at 9 a.m. on Sunday. Guests will embark on an imaginary voyage to relive the lives and times of the emigrant passengers in The Great Age of Sail. Tickets are $75 per participant age 5 and up and include meals and accommodations. Space is limited. Adults must accompany youth under 18. n To purchase tickets, visit www.sdmaritime.org or call 619.234.9153 ext 122.
July 15 n La Playa
Books, located at 1026 Rosecrans Street in San Diego, in celebration of Pride Weekend, presents first-time LGBTQ author, Sam Ledel from 2 to 4 p.m. “Rocks and Stars” is a coming-out novel about a young high school athlete and her personal growth from high school yearnings to college flirtation. For information, call 619.226.2601 or visit www.laplayabooks.com.
July 15 thru August 2 n San Diego Aviators prepares
for the 43rd Season of World Team tennis at 6 p.m. Presented by GEICO, the tournament takes place at Omni La Costa Resort & Spa, located at 2100 Costa Del Mar Road in Carlsbad. This season, the Aviators are amplifying the fan experience with planned theme nights, nightly give-aways, new food vendors, happy hours, live music and an interactive Kids Zone located
next the Stadium Court. For a complete schedule, visit www.sandiegoaviators.com schedule. For ticket information, visit www.sandiegoaviators.com/pages/ticket-options.
July 18 n 83 Degrees,
located at 660 Carlsbad Village Drive in Carlsbad, hosts Robin Henkel solo blues from 7 to 9:30 p.m. For information, call 760.729.7904.
July 19 n Challah Circle: Learn to Braid a Round Challah 4 Ways. A Monthly Get-together to Knead Some Friendship at 7 p.m. Choose to make a traditional or uniquely shaped challah at our monthly Challah Circle. This month we’ll show you four different ways to create a round Challah. You’ll knead the dough, let it rise and learn how to shape it. While the dough is rising, Rabbi Lenore Bohm will lead us in a lively conversation. You’ll leave with a ready-to-bake challah, which will bring sweet and aromatic smells to your kitchen on Friday, in time for Shabbat. Following your registration, you’ll receive a list of basic supplies to bring to prepare your challah. All ingredients will be provided. Call 858.457.3030 for more information.
July 20 n Dizzy’s performances now take place at the showroom of San Diego Jet Ski Rentals, located at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego. Vocalist Sacha Boutros will perform at 8 p.m. Cost is $20.
July 21 n Reuben H Fleet Science Center, located at 1875 El Prado in Balboa Park, has a Junior Science Club which meets from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for students in grades first through fourth. Sessions are filled with new challenges, hand-on activities and interaction with local scientists. Throughout the year, we will explore an array of fields including biology, chemistry, engineering, environmental science, physics, robotics and much more! This month we have Makey Makey. Have you ever played a piano with bananas or used Play-Doh to control your Mario Game? To participate, parents must pre-register and pay with a credit card while registering their children by calling 619.238.1233x 806 or visit www.rhfleet.org/events/ junior-science-club. n Proud Mary’s Southern Bar & Grill, located at 5550 Kearny Mesa Road in San Diego, hosts tonight Robin Henkel Band with horns from 7 to 10 p.m. For information, call 858.278.0800. n Dizzy’s performances now take place at the showroom of San Diego Jet Ski Rentals, located at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego. Tenor saxophonist Ian Buss presents an evening of original compositions with his Quintet featuring Danny Green on piano, Matt DiBiase on vibraphone, Mackenzie Leighton on bass, and Julien Cantelm on drums will perform at 8 p.m. Cost is $20 ($15 students).
July 22 n ConnectMed
International Hosts San Diego County’s First free Therapeutic and Recreational Day Camp for Children with Craniofacial Differences at Camp Cahito in Balboa Park from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Camp Cosmos aims to foster joy and self-confidence, and build relationships among kids, families and local car providers in the Southern California craniofacial communities. The day camp will be facilitated by child and family therapists, nurses and other specialists who will lead self-esteem building and camaraderiefocused activities. For information or to make a donation, visit www.ConnectMed.org n Carnitas Embarcadero, located at 1004 N. Harbor Drive in San Diego, hosts Whitney Shay and Robin Henkel from noon to 3 p.m. For information, call 619.696.7675. n Lestat’s, located at 3343 Adams Avenue in San Diego, hosts Robin Henkel Band with Horns from 4:30 to 6 p.m. For information, call 619.282.0437.
July 22 thru September 23 n Liberty Station welcomes the
return of the Concerts, a widely popular, free concert series inaugurated last year. Three concerts, presented outdoors on the grassy North Promenade on Sunday evenings, takes place at 5 p.m. and feature a collection of popular San Diego musicians and acts. Audiences are invited to bring a blanket, a picnic and a love of live music. Produced in partnership with Damian DeRobbio of Beer, Food and Music, the venue is set up to allow lots of room to dance and get up close to the acts. Tonight the opening act is Rebecca Jade and the Cold Fact. Headliner Earl Thomas will ignite audiences and bring rock and roll, R & B and blues to the Arts District.
July 26 n Cannonball, located at 3105 Ocean Front Walk in San Diego, hosts Whitney Shay and Robin Henkel from 5 to 8 p.m. For information, call 858.228.9304.
July 27 n Dizzy’s
performances now take place at the showroom of San Diego Jet Ski Rentals, located at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego. Young saxophonist Julian Roel and friends will perform at 8 p.m. Cost is $15 ($10 students).
July 28 n Old Town
San Diego State Historic Park Celebrates travel and transportation from the era of real horsepower during Stagecoach Days. This event kicks off today and runs for six Saturdays during July and August, from noon to 4 p.m. on these special Saturdays. There will be plenty of old-fashioned fun from the mid-1800s. Each week there will be a different theme, this week is: “Women of the West.” Try your hand at 19th century games and amusements. The West in San Diego Park is located on San Diego Avenue and Twiggs Street in San Diego. For information about the Stagecoach Days celebration, visit www.parks.ca.gov/oldtownsandiego or call the park’s visitor center at 619.220.5422. n Dizzy’s performances now take place at the showroom of San Diego Jet Ski Rentals, located at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego. Trombonist Matt Hall presents “Three Bones & a Quill” and will perform at 8 p.m. Cost is $20 ($15 students).
July 29 n Dizzy’s
performances now take place at the showroom of San Diego Jet Ski Rentals, located at 1717 Morena Boulevard in San Diego. Prodigiously creative pianist Chase Morrin in a special presentation, is joined by South Korean singer/ songwriter Wonmi Jung, Israeli saxophonist Lihi Haruvi, NYC drummer Lesley Mok, and LA bassist Max Kraus. They will perform at 7 p.m. Cost is $15 ($10 students).
includes personals, items for sale, garage sales & roomates
25 Word Maximum
$ 00
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Commissioned sales position for print, video and website ads.
Signing Storytime
Find out what’s going on in your baby’s mind, strengthen your bond with your baby, and lessen frustration brought on by miscommunication. Interactive presentation led by Jennifer Duncan also includes sing-alongs and bubble time ending with Q&A period. Recommended for children from birth to four-years old.
10 years experience, References,Call Sabrina 619.316.5292
July 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 (Every Tuesday) from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Wanted to Rent
Mission Hills Book Group
BUSINESS DISPLAY AD 2.25"w x 2.0"h $
House Pet Sitting
Call 619.296.8731
to place a classified ad
Video production services from conception to final product. Call 619.296.8731
Looking for a studio space to paint, draw or sculpt?
• FITNESS • The Feldenkrais Method Make any activity more pleasant and effective. You can learn to move with more comfort, strength and skill. Group classes and individual lessons.
2,000 sq. /ft. artists’-op studio–one of SD best kept secrets.
Rich Manuccia 619.295.6988
After-School Craft Time
Wanted to rent/share Mission Hills or vicinity studio–guest house–Apt.–granny flat–room. Retired nurse: take care of you, plants, dogs, housesit and other.
Call Sandra at 619.297.6480
Market Street Group
Members include students, amateur, professional artists. Located in Little Italy, wooden floors, sky-lights, access to studio 24/7, working materials can be stored at studio, easels provided. Market Street Studio Group Studio founded 26 years ago.
All Classified Ads must be Pre-Paid
Mission Hills Branch Library July 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 (Every Monday) from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m.
includes real estate,help wanted & services
25-35 Word Maximum
July 2018 Events
Join an exciting team and rapidly growing company. Sales experience preferred.
Call 619.481.9817
Monthly fee: $145 More information please contact: Kirby Kendrick kirby4004@aol.comphone: 505.660.4448
Even You & 35, 000 Potential Customers Would be Reading Your Ad Right Now!
Kids are invited to make a cool craft after school. July 5 from 10 to 11 a.m.
The Mission Hills Book Group will discuss “The Sound and the Fury” by William Faulkner. New members are always welcome to participate. Please read the book beforehand. Books are available at the Circulation Desk while supplies last.
Summer Reading Program: Rusty Blade’s High Seas Pirate Adventure July 5 at 10:30 a.m.
Kids and families will enjoy pirate songs and high seas drama.
Preschool Storytime
July 6, 13, 20 and 27 (Every Friday) from 10:30 to 11 a.m.
Children are invited to a fun storytime that encourages early literacy skills and the love of reading.
Children’s Craft Time
July 7, 14, 21 and 28 (Every Saturday) from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Kids can develop their artistic skills while enjoying a fun craft time.
Read to a Therapy Dog
July 7 and 21 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Kids can improve their reading skills by reading aloud to a therapy dog.
Call 619.296.8731
LEGO Playtime
July 11, 18 and 25 (Every Wednesday) from 5 to 6 p.m.
Kids can have fun and get creative while building with LEGO.
Summer Reading Program: Music by Craig Newton July 12 at 10:30 a.m.
Craig Newton will entertain kids with music while demonstrating many different instruments.
Free Folk Music Concert: Many-Strings
A Center for Spiritual Living Rev. Kevin Bucy, Senior Minister 858 Front Street
July 14 at 3 p.m.
With Jamie Burns on hammered dulcimer and Chris Burns on guitar, this concert will take you on a beautiful musical journey exploring the roots of American music.
(at University and Front Streets)
San Diego, CA 92103
Extra parking across the street at Florence School
Summer Reading Program: Mad Science
July 9 at 10:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m. Meditative with full message 10:30 a.m. Music-filled gathering
Kids will learn and have fun with wacky science demonstrations.
(with Youth Ministry available)
July 21 from 9:30 a.m. to noon
Book Sale
Kadampa Meditation Center 3125 Rosecrans Street, Bldg. B 619.230.5852
Meditation Classes most Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. & Saturday at 4 p.m. Kids & Families Sundays at 9 a.m. Prayers for World Peace Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Simply Meditate MWF 12 to 12:45;TT 12:15 to 12:45 p.m
More classes and events listed on our website: www.meditateinsandiego.com
The Friends of the Mission Hills Branch Library will hold a book sale. Stock up on books while supporting your library.
Free Clarinet Concert: Philip Lipton July 21 at 3 p.m.
Clarinetist Philip Lipton will perform music related to Benny Goodman as well as his own compositions.
Mystery Book Group July 25 at 6:30 p.m.
The Mystery Book Group will discuss “Into the Water” by Paula Hawkins. New members are always welcome to attend and participate! Please read the book beforehand. Books are available at the Circulation Desk while supplies last.
Summer Reading Program: Wild Animals July 26 at 10:30 a.m.
Pacific Animal Productions will bring real wild animals to the library.
Mission Hills Branch Library 925 West Washington Street San Diego, CA 92103 • 619.692.4910 www.facebook.com/mhlibrary
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A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
Civic Calendar Hillcrest
1st Tuesday
Uptown Planners Joyce Beers Hall in Uptown Mall. 6:30 p.m.
Put Your Name In Front of
35,000 Potential Customers!
1st Thursday
Uptown Partnership 3101 Fifth Ave. Call 619.298.2541. 4:30 p.m.
Thursdays 7–8:30 pm
San Diego Uptown Rotary Club The Uptown Rotary Club has moved to their new home at Jimmy Carter’s Mexican Cafe, 3172 Spruce at the corner of 5th. Breakfast meetings are held every Thursday 7 to 8:30 a.m. Guests are welcome to attend a meeting to learn how to become part of this dynamic organization and see why their motto is “Service Above Self.” For information, visit www.sdurotary.org or call 619.894.0140.
Kensington-Talmadge 2nd Wednesday
Kensington-Talmadge Planning Committee Kensington Community Church. 6:30 p.m. For information, call 619.284.0551
Linda Vista
2nd Monday
LVCPC Agenda– Linda Vista Community Planning Committee Agenda Linda Vista Library meeting room. Contact Jeff Perwin at 619.806.9559 for details 6 pm.
3rd Tuesday
Tech Committee–Technology Committee Bayside Community Center. Contact Xiogh Thao for detail at 858.278.0771 or email xthao@baysidecc.org or Info@lindavistaSD.org or visit our website www.lindavistaSD.org.
3rd Wednesday
LV Historical– Linda Vista Historical Committee Bayside Community Center. This committee is collecting historical photos, documents and memories of Linda Vista’s past. For more information, contact Eleanor Frances Sennet at 858.277.3817. 4 p.m. LVCollab– Linda Vista Collaborative Bayside Community Center at 3pm. Contact Monica Fernandez at 858.278.0771 or mfernandez@baysidecc.org. For details visit www.facebook.com/LVCollaborative
3rd Wednesday (Odd Months)
TCCAC– Tecolote Canyon Citizen’s Advisory Committee Tecolote Nature Center. Contact Eloise Battle for details. 7 p.m.
3rd Thursday
Linda Vista Town Council Baha’i Faith Center Alcala Knoll Drive Contact Thomas Kaye 858.277.6793 at 6:30 p.m.
4th Monday
LVCPC– Linda Vista Community Planning Committee Linda Vista Library Meeting Room. Contact Ed Cramer at 619.222.2047 for details. 7:00 p.m.
4th Wednesday
LVPC– Linda Vista Planning Committee Monthly Meeting Linda Vista Library Meeting Room at 6 pm. Contact Jeff Perwin 619.806.9559 for details, minutes and agenda at www.LindaVistaSD.com. Linda Vista View Linda Vista Town Council Community Newsletter Contact Thomas Kaye at 858.278.6973
Various Wednesdays
LVNewsletter– Linda Vista View Civic Association Community Newsletter. Bayside Community Center. Contact Sarah Granby at 858.405.7135 or email sgranby@lvca-sd.org. 2:00 p.m.
Mission Hills July, 2018
Mission Hills Garden Club There will not be a monthly meeting this month. The next meeting is in September and will take place at Mission Hills Nursery, 1525 Fort Stockton from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Members are free; guests pay $10, which becomes part of the membership fee if they join that evening. For more information, visit www.missionhillsgardenclub.org.
Ocean Beach
Ocean Beach Planning Board Ocean Beach Recreation Center, 4726 Santa Monica Ave. Call 619.523.1700. 7–9:30 p.m.
4th Wednesday
Ocean Beach Town Council Ocean Beach Recreation Center, 4726 Santa Monica Avenue. Call Jere Battan at 619.515.4400 for information. 7 p.m.
Point Loma
July, 2018
There will not be a monthly meeting this month. The next meeting is in September and will take place at Portuguese Hall, 2818 Avenida de Portugal, San Diego, CA 92106. More information is available at www.plgc.org.
• PresidioSentinel.com
F or More Information,
Call 619.296.8731
Mission Hills
North Mission Hills
Point Loma
pr Pr ov ic eme en t
Mission Hills
Real Estate
A Publication of Presidio Communications • July 2018
1829 Altamira Place
Located on one of the most desirable streets in Mission Hills, this exquisite 4 bedroom Craftsman home has not been offered for 39 years. Large remodeled eat-in kitchen and family room, downstairs en-suite bedroom, spacious master suite with a huge closet.
4388 Arcadia Drive
Mission Hills contemporary three bedroom home with a legal 800 square foot studio apartment. Big views both to the east and west, from the coast to the mountains. Very secluded location.
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
d ol $
2540 Presidio Drive
Beautifully restored and impeccably maintained classic Mission Hills Art Deco home with Mills Act taxes of $6,147. Four Bedrooms plus maid’s room, 6 gorgeous redone baths. Sunny living room with onyx fireplace. Gleaming hardwood floors throughout. Elevator. 800 square foot family room with bar, bathroom, fireplace, wine storage, and media center. Lovely cobblestone interior courtyard with charming fireplace and fountain sheltered by 5 mature palm trees. Four car garage. Lush landscaping, views, and a 12,300 square flat lot. MLS #180010515
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
4474 Hortensia Street
This rare and delightful English Cottage Estate is an opportunity of a lifetime. Every aspect of this home is charming, unique and filled with cherished items such as hand-blown leaded glass windows, an Inglenook fireplace, abundant original wood details, pool and an expansive and exceptionally PRIVATE wooded canyon view. This 4,359 square foot home has 4 bedrooms & 5 baths, including a spacious guest apartment. The lot is 30,000 square feet and located on an A+ street. Built in 1917 by the Quayle Bros & Cressey Architects, this San Diego Historical Landmark (#446) has the Mills Act taxes of $5,600.
d ol
d ol $
3650 3rd Avenue
A+ location on Third Avenue, 16 units within walking distance to all of Hillcrest’s amenities. Central courtyard, secure entry, off-street parking, and a high standard of maintenance make these units a perfect long-term investment. Fantastic unit mix with owned laundry. Complete package, including physical inspection, appraisal, termite, financials available at www.3650Third.com MLS #180002505.
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
Point Loma
S S ol
University Heights
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
Hillcrest ol
Simply stunning. An art work. Down-to-the-studs remodel in 2010, designed by architect Mark Tarasuck. Panoramic water and city views. Custom wrought iron and glass entry door, heated marble floors, Venetian plaster walls, central entertainment system, marble kitchen with onyx barrel ceiling, Venini Italian light fixtures, marble zero-edge pool and spa with projection TV for watching movies outdoors, and more. Every design decision was made and executed with the utmost integrity. MLS #170053066.
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
ol $
4040 Miller Street
4301 Hilldale
Historically designed classic Kensington home features many Missionstyle period details (Mills Act application has been submitted). Coved ceilings, hardwood floors, picture windows, and old world beauty. The property is very private, surrounded by walls and tall hedges. The main floor features the living room with fireplace, formal dining room, breakfast room, charming kitchen , den, bath, and sun room. 3 bedrooms and one bath upstairs; charming balcony overlooking front courtyard. The spacious back yard has a fireplace, kitchen and a sparkling pool.
Mission Hills
Call Rocky Rockhill, Agent CalBRE #01197738 at 619.972.3033
North Mission Hills
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
8125 Cinnabar Drive
North Mission Hills
Panoramic views from the top of Eastridge in La Mesa. See the Coronado Islands from the living room. Resort living in your own back yard with a crystal clear pool, overhang to shelter the outdoor entertaining area, & your own putting green. Lovely single level 3 bedroom, 2 bath home beautifully situated up the hill from La Mesa Village, close to the Secret Stairs, minutes from freeway access, in a lightly trafficked neighborhood. New roof, heating/air conditioning.
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
4360 Conrad
Spectacular property with 105 feet of frontage on The Bay. Charming mid-Century single level water-front home. Quiet La Playa cul-de-sac location. Private and prestigious street. 4 Bedrooms, 4 Baths, 3365 square feet. Bright and sunny interior. The floor plan is flexible—you could easily create a guest suite with an outside entrance. Sitting on approximately 1/3 of a waterfront acre, there is plenty of room for a pool on the bay. The bayfront yard is dramatic and spacious. Rare opportunity! MLS #180012952
Set apart, high on a hill, this spacious home offers some of the best southerly views one can find in Mount Helix. Very private, gated property is about 200 yards away from the traffic on Conrad, nestled above & behind Glenn Murdock Elementary School. The home has 3470 square feet on multi-levels with plentiful decks, bedrooms & bathrooms. An orchard is below the property with grapevines, avocado trees, and other fruit trees.The floor plan is thoroughly modern with ample open spaces. First time on market. MLS #180006249
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
La Mesa
845 San Antonio Place
2505 Presidio Drive
This extensively remodeled, exceedingly private 5 bedroom, 5 bath Frank Hope masterwork features sweeping views from Mt. Soledad to the Coronado Islands. Tranquil and secluded courtyard that could have been designed by Cliff May. The courtyard functions as a huge outdoor great room with covered dining, waterfall, and mini-gardens. Every bedroom has unique views, bathrooms, and private outside sitting space. Two master suites on the main level. Custom wood and copper front gate. New stucco. Zoned air conditioning, owned-solar, and a huge storage room. MLS #180000588.
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
Mount Helix
1770 Evergreen Street
24 units nestled on the hillside above San Diego Bay. Fabulous opportunity, rents are under market. Many units with views. Multi-level floors and walkways create visual interest. The building is designed around a large central courtyard that is lushly landscaped. The project was built in two stages, the westerly portion was built in 1959 and the easterly about a decade later. Covered parking for all units, two laundries, storage room with lockers and bike storage, and more. Complete package, including physical inspection, appraisal, termite, financials available at www.1770Evergreen.com MLS #180002504.
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
Put Your Listing In Front of 35,000 Potential Customers
4650 Florida Street
19 Units. Steps to Trolley Barn Park and the amenities of North Park Boulevard and Adams Avenue. Excellent mix, 13 2’s and 6 1’s. Pad parking front and back. The units are in excellent condition but are mostly original. Big upside on rents. Pleasant courtyard. The owner has a high standard of maintenance. Complete package, including physical inspection, appraisal, termite, financials are available at www.4650Florida.com MLS #180002506.
Call Jim Scott, Broker CalBRE #830226 at 619.920.9511
For more information, call 619.296.8731
Show Your Listing Here!
Real Estate
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of this law. Our readers hereby informedthat all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD Toll-Free at 1.800.669.9777. The Toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1.800.927.9275
PresidioSentinel.com •
North Mission Hills 4421 Plumosa Way • $1,695,000
his Mission Hills canyon home is located on a private and secluded street. The four bedroom three bath home has 3,351 square feet, sweeping views, and an open floor plan. This bright and sunny home will not disappoint! MLS#180026033
Call Krista Lombardi , DRE #01504924, Agent, Scott & Quinn Real Estate at 619.519.3251 • k r i s t a l o m b a r d i @ g m a i l . c o m
North Mission Hills 1212 West Arbor • $1,545,000
herished Craftsman home with 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms. Formal living and dining rooms with gorgeous Gum Wood details. Hardwood oak floor planks throughout. Entire second level is master bedroom & bath retreat. Easy stroll to lots of shopping and restaurants. MLS#180027362
Call Celeste Williams , DRE #00897028, Agent, Scott & Quinn Real Estate at 619.405.7575 • c e l e s t e @ s q r e . c o m
Scott & Quinn Real Estate is located in Mission Hills at 1111 Fort Stockton Drive. Founded in 1982, Scott & Quinn is the oldest full service real estate firm in Mission Hills and is locally owned and operated. Jim has been a homeowner in Mission Hills since 1976.
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