2 minute read
Adopting older children and siblings
When people think of adopting, they often imagine a baby becoming part of their family. And sometimes that will happen – if the circumstances are right for the child and the adopters. But at an early stage of your adoption journey, you will get asked if you would be willing to adopt an “older” child or a sibling group.
Children aged 4+ find it harder to find families willing to adopt them. They may have spent a long time in unstable environments or in different foster placements - and we are looking for families that could open their heart and home to them. These children have so much to offer; and while it might seem that adopting a pre-schooler would mean missing out on some of those baby moments, there still would be so many firsts ahead - all those firsts with you as a family.

Sibling groups can also wait longer to nd an adoptive family. Finding the right home for a child is so rewarding, but it can be difficult; finding the right home for two or more is even harder. Adopting siblings can truly be amazing: a new family unit is built in one go – of course, with work and patience and love. You aren’t just adding to your family, you are keeping a family together.
If you think you could adopt an older child or a sibling group, please get in touch. Adoption Counts will give you all the help and support you need.