Issue 43 April 2018
Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
April 2018
Welcome To the April issue Hope you all enjoyed the March welcome note written by our special helper, Summer. We hope everyone survived the ‘Beast from the East’ unscathed, there were some beautiful photos of the town covered in snow, a true winter wonderland (in spring!!). March also saw the end of the rugby Six Nations, congratulations to all the Irish for a great grand slam victory. I must admit it wasn’t quite the outcome that I had hoped for. We've had a busy month here, celebrating Paul's 50th and middle child's 21st birthday. Between us we've consumed enough cake to last a lifetime! Thankfully we have few months before the next birthday. It looks like March was a busy month for many of you too, our monthly Gallery page had close to 50 submissions this month. It's great to see what's been going on locally and to share some of the highlights so keep sending your photo in, new or old we love seeing them all. If anyone has come across any colourfully painted 'rocks' around the town they're part of a FaceBook group called 'Baldock Rocks' started by Gemma Chapman. It's all about painting, hiding, finding and sharing these little works of art all around the town, we’ve even had one pop up on the gallery page this month. The clocks changed at the weekend and we're all looking forward to longer days and hopefully less drizzle - We're ready for barbecue season!
Tara Geere and the rest of the beer festival team are working hard ahead of the 11th Baldock Beer Fest which falls on Star Wars day, May the 4th(be with you). As always the beer festival kicks off the 'Baldock Festival' fortnight, which runs up until the 28th May. If you were thinking that one beer festival in town isn't enough then you’re in luck because the team are also organising an 'OktoberFest' with a live Oompah band, traditional Bavarian food and of course beer! It’s a ticket only event, which will be available at the beer festival and from the Baldock Community Centre. Hopefully this will become another annual event, get your lederhosen and dirndl ready and we will see you all there. We hope you all have a great Easter weekend and get some R&R time with your families.
Paul & Jacqui
Jacqui Calver 07973 788418
News from Hartseld JMI
We have had a busy term at school at a me of year where our children make the most academic progress alongside lots of spor ng and extra-curricular ac vi es. This term our netball teams went from strength to strength. All three of our teams took part in compe ons at St Francis with all three proving victorious- Great team spirit and perseverance were shown, despite the mixed weather, with their coach, Mrs Berry, beaming with pride. We are lucky to have suppor ve parents/carers who came along and provided essen al vocal encouragement and le the events hoarse! Our brave Year 5 pupils ba led the snow and blizzards to take part in their cycling proficiency during what was the worst week of snow for many years! Li le did we realise when we booked the trainers to come to school, just how cold it could have been! Despite this though, the children were li le heros. They showed great resilience and determina on which made us all smile with pride. Great fun was had by all on the field during break and lunch mes with Mrs Smith at the centre of the snowball fights! The children couldn't believe their luck! We are now all looking forward to Spring being upon us, with the longer days – and with any luck some warmer days too! The Hartsfield Team
Louis Russell
1st April
Lots of Love Paul
80 Birthday
18th April
June Dennis Lots of love from Jacqui, Andy Amy, Ashley and Owen
Happy 8th Birthday to our amazing daughter
ISABELL Lots of love Mum, Dad, Lacey, Kye & Bump xx
30th April.
Happy Birthday
Dave Thomas
24th March 2018
News from Weston Way It has been a very busy half term here at Weston Way Nursery School. In February: We dedicated a Memorial Bench to Mrs Elaine LaRoche who worked at the Nursery for over 27 years. She was very much looking forward to her well-earned re rement. Tragically, days before this was due to start she passed away suddenly. Staff, Governors and members of Elaine's family got together in her memory to dedicate a bespoke Welsh Oak bench in her name. The generous dona ons made from members in the local community were used to fund the bench. We were also able to donate £2,000 to a local Breast Cancer charity. Staff a ended a Safeguarding Training Session to ensure all staff receive up to date informa on about Child Protec on Procedures. Rachel Chalkley came into the nursery to deliver some exci ng story telling sessions for the children based on 'people who help us'. The sessions were lively and interac ve. The children par cipated in the Big Bird Watch and went into the garden with their clip boards to make a record of the birds they saw and heard outside.
In March: Families were encouraged to donate Chocolate Easter Eggs to the Food Bank this month, we received over 65. Many thanks to all those who donated. All the children par cipated in a Yogi-Me session with a qualified Yoga instructor. Yoga is very much a part of the children's rou ne here at Weston Way, they experience carefully planned sessions on a weekly basis and have the op on of a ending an a er school club as well. The winter weather has confused us all on our 'signs of spring' walks, one minute we were admiring the crocus', snow drops, daffodils and budding trees and the next we were confronted with a blanket of snow and icicles hanging from the bird bath! Needless to say we are all looking forward to a res ul Easter break! Jane Mille - Headteacher
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What's Been Happening in Baldock Library!! As part of the Fireside Fes val we were delighted to welcome storyteller extraordinaire Nell Phoenix. Nell had children and adults alike enthralled with the feisty fair ale “Yikes, Kate Crackernuts”. Her engaging style beau fully balanced the magical with the comedic.
We are interviewing for new volunteers for both the Early Years ac vi es and IT Champion, so watch this space. I have given a talk at the local Rotary Club, “Libraries for the 21st Century” this was well received, giving me the opportunity to promote some of our stock and services especially our online ones with the new BorrowBox. If you wish to find out more please get in touch. Coming up: Throughout the Easter holidays, there will be a Treasure Hunt for the children within the library. Prizes being donated by Tesco's Baldock, many thanks once again to them. 2 events for the children as part of Li est18 happen during the holidays. Firstly on Tuesday 10th April 2pm we have Zoolab visi ng us. An ac on-packed adventure mee ng tree frogs,
snakes and tarantulas!! Tickets £2 per person, children under 8 accompanied by an adult. Then on Saturday 12th May 10.30am we have a stories and cra s event with Lou Treleaven, author of “The Snugglewump” Tickets £2 per child , again under 8s to be accompanied. Tickets available; from Baldock Library, phone 01707 281533 or from www.her est We haven't forgo en about the adultson Wednesday 9th May 7.15pm historian Roger Moorhouse talking about “The Third Reich in 100 Objects”. A novel and fascina ng approach to Nazi German history. Tickets available as before,.£7 concessions £5 Deb Turner - Baldock Library Manager
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Trophy Wining Reds On Tuesday March 20th Baldock Town FC beat league rivals, London Lions, 0-2 at the Hemel Hempstead ground and became the proud winners of the Herts Senior Centenary Trophy. There were chances for both teams in the first half, Russell Bull and Josh Coley could have easily scored but were denied by the keeper. It took a while for the Reds to get control but eventually in the 30th minute, a header from Alex Coppin saw the Reds on the score sheet. The Lions had a couple of chances of their own but were unable to get past the Reds keeper, Adam Harpur. A er the half- me break the Reds seemed to be on the back foot for a bit un l a couple of subs tu ons were made and some fresh legs went on. Then with just minutes to go, a defence mistake from the Lions saw Harry Holland slot the ball into the back of the net for Baldocks second of the night. A great night and a great win, lots more nail-bi ng to be done and fingers crossed for the Reds.
The last me Baldock Town won this par cular trophy they managed to win the league and were promoted into the Spartan South Midland League Division One. Could history repeat itself and maybe the Reds get promoted to the Premier League? Who knows but it will be all to play for now with the last few games of the season remaining (less than 10 to go) and all eyes on the prize ahead. Baldock Town, Winslow Utd and London Lions are now the three second place chasers all figh ng hard to secure promo on at the end of the season. Our next home game on 7th April against Winslow Utd will be the first league mee ng for the two teams this season and with all to play for, this fixture should draw a good crowd as it is set be quite a thriller. All hoping the weather stays kind and we'd love to see you all at the last few games of the season! Pinky - Secretary
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a p p s Our pick of this month’s must have downloads
Socail Spinner - IOS & Android Social marke ng can be tough, you can’t just spam photos and polls every day and it's very easy to run out of ideas! Social Spinner can help you compose random, non-repe ve posts ReSize X2 - IOS We all crop & down-size our photos, but there are rare occasions when we need a picture on our phone to be bigger. This app can increases the resolu on of your picture up to two mes by using an advanced algorithm BusyKids - IOS & Android Want to teach your kids about work ethic and money management? Star ng with chores and earned pocket money is a great idea. The parent sets the jobs in the app & once completed, the parent approves the payment. Photos Companion (Microso ) - IOS and Android This app’s only goal is to make photo transfers from your phone to your PC fast and easy. You just scan a QR code that appears on your PC's screen, choose which photos to beam, and off they go via your Wi-Fi network. Vero - True Social - IOS and Android Vero makes sharing online more like real life, choosing who sees which posts. Whether it's a photo, a song or movie recommenda on, or a cool restaurant with Vero you can naturally choose who sees what.
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'Enjoy Spring with Your Pets' What are the biggest hazards for Dogs and Cats during spring me? Spring has sprung, and many of us simply cannot wait to get our hands (and paws) deep into the earth to begin plan ng and adding colour to our yards. However, some spring bulbs and flowers can be poisonous to dogs and cats alike. As pet owners, being aware of poisonous plants and substances can help you avoid poten al dangers and emergency trips to the vet. Tulip - Tulips are a spring me favourites in many homes, but their bulbs contain allergenic lactones. When the plant or the bulb is chewed on or ingested even in small amounts, it can result in irrita on of the mouth and oesophagus. Signs of tulip inges on include profuse drooling, vomi ng or diarrhoea. While there is no specific an dote for inges ng allergenic lactones, a vet can rinse your pet's mouth, and give an vomi ng medica on or iv fluids. More severe symptoms can develop from inges ng large quan es of tulip bulbs, including an increased heart rate or changes in respira on. A vet should treat these signs as soon as possible. Daffodil - These staples of spring contain lycorine, an alkaloid with eme c proper es that triggers vomi ng. Inges on of the daffodil's bulb, plant or flower can cause severe reac ons, including vomi ng, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and possible cardiac arrhythmias or even respiratory depression. Akin to tulips, daffodil bulbs also contain ssue irritants. If inges on is suspected, please seek veterinary help. Lily - There are two types of lilies, benign and dangerous. It is important to know the difference between the two types
when plan ng this summer. Peace, Peruvian and Calla lilies contain low levels of irritants and are not a true cause for concern, but will cause drooling if ingested. The dangerous and poten ally fatal lilies include Tiger, Day, Asia c, Easter and Japanese Show lilies. These lilies are highly toxic to cats. Even small amounts of two or three petals can result in severe kidney failure. Even if you think your cat has consumed part of a lily, seek immediate medical a en on. Bring the plant with you to the vet so they can effec vely treat the specific poison. Your veterinarian will most likely induce vomi ng or give binders like ac ve charcoal. Even a er vomi ng and fluid therapy, kidney func on monitoring and suppor ve care can improve your cat's condi on. If in doubt, you can ask your vet for a list of plants and flowers to avoid. Common fer lizers and pes cides - Once we know that our bulbs and flowers are safe for our pets, we must also consider what we use to keep those flowers healthy and growing all season. Many of the fer lizers weed killers and insect repellents we use can be just as harmful to our pets. It's important to remember that even a small amount of some toxins can cause severe damage to our pets' systems or can result in death, try switching to non-toxic, organic products for the house and garden that are safe for pets. The symptoms from inges ng or absorbing toxins vary and, in severe cases, can result in death. Signs of fer lizer or pes cide toxicity can include vomi ng, diarrhoea, excessive drooling, tremors, pinpoint pupils or even seizures. Pest control products o en contain warfarin or related compounds that cause internal bleeding and jaundice. If unsure please contact your vet straight away.
‘Enjoy Spring Time with your Pets'
Voting with your Blue Coins By vo ng with your blue coins for Garden House Hospice Care at Tesco this month you will enhance pa ent care at your local hospice From now un l the end of April, you can help provide vital funds for your local hospice as you shop at your local Tesco.
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Sue Plummer, Chief Execu ve Officer, Garden House Hospice Care commented: “By asking for your charitable tokens when paying for your weekly shop and then placing them in the Garden House Hospice box on your way out, you can support the provision of Music Therapy and/or Children's Bereavement services at Garden House Hospice Care in North Herts.” Blue Coins at Royston Tesco Extra or Royston Tesco Express will go towards the Hospice's Music therapy service. This popular service provides emo onal support to our pa ents through 1-2-1 and group sessions, and through our in-house music therapy choir. Music therapy improves wellbeing and mo va on and reduces feelings of loneliness. Money raised from your votes at Baldock Tesco Extra, Letchworth Tesco Express and Sto old Tesco Express will go towards the Hospice's new Children's Bereavement service. This service provides one-to-one counselling and support to children and young people across North Herts and Stevenage who have lost a parent, sibling or other close rela ve, or who have a family member facing a life limi ng illness. Un l 30 April, you can help us raise vital funds for these much-needed services by vo ng in store for the service to win up to £4,000 through a Tesco Bags of Help grant. Simply ask for a blue coin to cast your vote when you pay for your shopping. For further informa on, please contact: Lorna Hamblin, Marke ng and Communica ons Manager , 01462 679540
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First Baldock Beavers
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The turquoise ninjas have been busy having fun this spring. Ever mindful of keeping the tooth fairy happy, the beavers spent one evening learning how to clean their teeth, PROPERLY with the aid of giant-sized set of teeth and toothbrush! However, the real fun was to be had in seeing their blue mouths, tongues, teeth and gums when the plaque tablets were used! I wouldn’t like to meet one of them on a dark night looking like that. As part of the faith badge, we were very lucky to be able to visit Stevenage Mosque where we had a very interes ng and informa ve tour. The beavers' behaviour was excellent and a real credit to them, to scou ng and to their families. The tradi on of pancake-day was con nued, and the beavers once again enjoyed cooking, flipping and decora ng their own pancakes; and, of course, ea ng them. Pancake (aka flour tor lla) races were also the order of the day. Crea vity and imagina on have always been amongst the beavers' best talents. Thus it is no surprise that the cards and presents they made for Mothering Sunday were elegant, neat, colourful, though ul and hopefully well received by all their mums. Finally, we had an inven ons session where the beavers had to invent their own machine, which they had to draw and design on paper and present to the leaders. It may be a while before they can consider entering Dragon's Den….. John Goward, D of E helper
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Merry Go Round Revamp Merr y Go Round were delighted when recently selected by The Prince's Trust - Team Programme to be their focus charity. Together we discussed the possibility of revamping our front garden. The Prince's Trust Team Programme is aimed at young people aged 11 - 30 who are out of work, educa on and training. Team 5 visited us and created plans for the work they would be carrying out, detailed what equipment they would need to complete the project. They approached Tesco who kindly allowed them to pack bags with shoppers generously dona ng to fund all equipment needed. Team 5 worked relessly in some of the worst weather in February. They reduced some over -grown hedges, died up owerbeds. They cleaned and painted our play boat, shed and stairs. They also gave our front fence a much needed coat of paint and spruced up some dividing fencing in some amazing colours. They cleared over 100 bags of rubbish and have made the most wonderful outside space in which the children can explore and learn in. As the 'Beast From The East' hit the project was completed. On a cold snowy day all of Team 5 turned up to hand the completed garden back to us. Three of the team spoke about the work they had carried out and what they had gained from taking part in the programme. We can not thank all of Team 5 enough for all their hardwork. We are delighted with the transforma on of the front garden. We would also like to thank Rachel, Dan and the team of volunteers from The Prince's Trust. An amazing transforma on.
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The Independent Baldock Beer Festival Community Spirit at its Best For the last 10 years the independent Baldock Beer fes val has kick started the Baldock fes val, with the now wellestablished three-day event. This always takes place over the first Bank holiday weekend in May at Brindles school, Weston Way. This year's beer fes val starts on Friday May 4th (we sense a theme coming on), with approx. 100 real ales, 40 ciders, a range of con nental beers, lagers, wine, prosecco and new this year gin, from local gin producers Pinkster. As well as all the so drinks, ice creams and a range of different food choices to keep everyone happy. Supported by over 30 different music acts and children's ac vi es on the Saturday and Sunday to keep everyone entertained. However, what you might not know is that the event, run by volunteers has charitable status (accounts are available on the chari es commission website). In order to apply to become a charity the trustees had to come up with an objec ve. Therefore, in case you are wondering why come and have a good drink (we'll let you add your own choice here!) it is to support the Independent Baldock Beer fes val charitable trust raise money to 'provide grants and dona ons for such charitable purposes for the public benefit in Baldock and surrounding area'. Drinking and enjoying yourself whilst suppor ng your local community – what could be be er than that! Whilst the trust has to keep back a reserve each year, to ensure it can run the event each year. All surplus profit is donated, to date that is now over £55,000 pounds to our great community. Not bad for a group of friends who were ini ally challenged to run an event during the fes val fortnight. We think we have proved we can run a 'drink up' even if it is not in a brewery! The Beer fes val website baldockbeerfes and their facebook page (Baldock Beer Fes val) have all details of their previous dona ons. But here are a few to let you know how your support has benefited the community. Dona ons have gone to:- The Arts and Heritage centre to get the Town Hall up and running again, to support the replacement of the community minibus, to the Rotary club towards the Christmas lights, magic moments nursery, purchase of the Rotary Santa sleigh, Addenbrookes Charitable trust to their emergency care unit, cancer research, sponsoring the Baldock beast, purchase of marquees for the Christmas fair run by the Baldock events forum, suppor ng the Elaine La Roche memorial garden at Weston way, Dona ons to 1st and 2nd Baldock scouts including purchase of a BBQ (available to other groups via 2nd Baldock scouts), Lister McMillan, Heathlands animal sanctuary, Garden House hospice, Letchworth Bravehearts (mixed ability) rugby team, Letchworth Rugby club, Baldock Town Youth football club, Letchworth Hockey club, sponsoring the community fireworks, library money to all local schools (including Ashwell, Sandon, Weston, St. Mary's, St. John's,
Hartsfield, Brandles and The knights Templar School KTS), dona on to help kit out the new block at KTS, suppor ng requests from our hardship fund and a dona on to support the Baldock and Letchworth food bank. We are really proud of what a group of likeminded community spirited friends can achieve, supported by an amazing community. For many years we have been asked whether we could do another event and following support from the community we are really pleased to announce that alongside the May Bank holiday beer fes val, we will be running a Baldock Oktoberfest in 2018 at Brandles School. It will be cket only event with three sessions, one on Friday 26th October (18:30-23:00), and two on Saturday 27th October (12:00 – 16:30 and 18:30 -23:00). The Oompah band is booked so it just needs you to get your Lederhosen and dirndl ou its ready. As stated it will be a cket only event, ckets will be available from the community centre in Baldock from Saturday 21th April, and at the Beer fes val in May, check out our website for more details. We really need you to come and drink beer to help raise more money to support our great community. See you all soon may the 4th be with you. Tara Geere - Chair of the Baldock Beer Fes val
Baldock Events Forum A er the Baldock Beast came the 'Beast from the East', which had everyone feeling arc c in Spring me. Now we are looking forward to the fortnight of fun, entertainment, informa ve talks and ac vi es that is the Baldock Fes val. The Fes val begins on Friday 4th May, with the 11th independent Baldock Beer Fes val, culmina ng with the Street Fair on Saturday 19th May. As it is the day of The Royal Wedding, there will be a refreshing reward for anyone dressing up in wedding a re! As the days get longer and the sun gets stronger, we start thinking of the Baldock Big Lunch, which will take place on Sunday 3rd June. We have appointed David Whiffen as our Event Coordinator for this event and he is busy organising everyone and arranging for food suppliers, music and entertainment for the great day. David is looking for any local businesses who may be interested in providing some sponsorship for this fantas c community event; if you are, please get in touch with David ( Finally, something about the Baldock Community Forum 200 Club. This is how we will be able to manage the provision of regular community events and help other event suppliers throughout the year. Take one number for only £10 per month to help your community. Each month a draw will take place, where 40% of the money taken will be given back in prize money. If all 200 numbers are taken, the winner will receive £400, 2nd place gets £240, while 3rd place would receive £160. Obviously the fewer the numbers in the draw, the smaller will be the available prize money. Applica on forms are available from Sports Therapy 4U in Whitehorse Street and on our website ( and we hope to have the first draw at the end of April.
n O s ’ t a h W Baldock Police Surgeries Every Wednesday 10-11am at the Community Centre
Easter Crafts Card Making Tuesday 3rd April, 2pm-3pm - Sewing Bee, Mansfield Road. £5 per child
Starlight Stars Easter Workshop April 4th-6th, Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR: Performing arts workshops; ages 4-16. Contact 01763 287691 to book.
First Saturday of the Month 5km Saturday 7th April, 8:15 for a 9am start - outside Letchworth Outdoor swimming pool. More details at
Live Music - Americano Sunday 8th April, 4pm-6pm - Hen and Chickens
Icknield Quilters Monday 9th April, 7.30 pm for 7.45 pm start -: Baldock Community Centre.Our speaker is Julia Gahagan who is giving a talk on miniature quilts. We welcome visitors to join us. Cost £4.00. For more information check out our website:
History in the Afternoon: Daphne Selfe Friday 13th April, 2.30pm, Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, High Street: Daphne Selfe talks on her career as a model during the 50s and 90s, the latter being when she was in her 70s. £4 entry and includes light refreshments.
Record Store Day Saturday 21st April, 8:00 -22:00 at the Stylus Lounge. This is the one day of the year when over 200 independent record shops all across the UK come together to celebrate their unique culture.
Ashwell Bazaar, Saturday 21st April: 10am till noon, United Reformed Church. Coffee & Cake + Raffle prizes to be won!
Gary Ryan (classical guitar) Saturday 21st April 7.30pm - Weston Parish Church SG4 7DJ. Gary is well known to all guitar enthusiasts both as player and composer and will play Bach and Dowland as well as some of his own compositions and Celtic arrangements by David Russell.
'On the Lighter Side’ Saturday 21st April 7.30pm – St. Mary's Church Hall. Baldock Allotment and Leisure Gardeners' Association and Jubilate present an evening of songs from the Musicals, traditional songs and comic sketches. Tickets cost £12 (incl buffet) from Baldock Community Centre & the allotment shop in Football Close. For more info email or call 01462 895665
Baldock Floral Society Flower Arranging Demonstration on the first Thursday of each month at 7.30pm. On 5th April - Vikki Traherne Spring into Summer - Baldock Community Centre Visitors £6 Annual Membership Apr ‘18 - Mar '19 - £38 If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email us at by 16th April 2018. APRIL
Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp
Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre
March 2018. Last Month I wrote about the cold weather that was forecast to arrive, that was on the 20th February, here we are on the 18th March and the snow is still falling, the temperature is not quite the minus seven to eight we did have but a balmy minus three to four and due to get to 3 degrees above in three days time. Rain fall has been very high this winter and the water level in our borehole is as high as its been for a very long time, we have mud every where, the weather has been causing us big problems starting with storm Doris, last year she destroyed one of our big poly tunnels and as soon as we decided to replace it with a new one it has rained or snowed or been so windy we could hardly stand up. Some thing this cold weather has done this year that I have not seen for years is, it has laid our Daffodils and Tulips flat to the ground, as it got colder and colder they got lower and lower until the flowers and leaves were laying on the ground, they will stand up again but I fear we may have missed their full beauty this spring, this flattening used to be quite common but in recent years we've not had the severe cold and wind chill. The prolonged cold weather has been fantastic for the Snowdrops and crocus as they have been hanging around for several weeks rather than just a few if it is very warm, even better the Iris reticulata, that only last a few days if the weather is against them, they have all been showing magnificently large and bright flower heads even in the snow. I have had quite a few customers reporting blind Daffodils this year and asking what to do about it? A blind Daffodil is one that will push up foliage but no flowers, this can be caused by a few things. Firstly in and around Baldock they need to be planted a full bulbs height deeper than you would normally do, so that would be at least three times the bulbs height, to keep them cooler and stop them drying out. Narcissus bulb fly could be a problem dig some up, if you find little larvae eating then then you will have to destroy them as there is no cure at the moment, Narcissus eelworm is another pest that needs the same treatment so if you find little worm like things eating your bulbs then the best thing is to bin them, do not try and compost them. When your Daffs have finished flowering give them a feed of a balanced fertiliser, do not cut or tie them into a large onion knot just snip the seed head off and leave them to ripen in the late spring early summer sunshine, water if they are likely dry out, wait until they start to show a yellowing of the leaves then you can mow them off if in the lawn or cut down a bit if in your borders, you should then get years of lovely strong flowers. Tulips will also benefit from the same treatment. After all this bad cold weather the good news is that as sure as eggs are eggs spring is on the way and will give relief to all of you who have seedlings sitting on window ledges or in expensive to heat green houses, if your seedlings are getting leggy or yellowing you will have to pot them on, do not use anything stronger than multi purpose yet, anything stronger will only make the problem worse, depending on variety you will be able to plant your seedlings / young plants a bit deeper, this is recommended for tomatoes do not over feed and keep them on the dry side, turn them daily to keep them upright if you can, small canes will also help. Pest and diseases will attack any weak plants so you may have to destroy those that are infected, again do not compost, them plenty of air movement will also help so a small low speed fan will do the job if it is too cold for the window or vents to be open, this will be a lot better and cheaper than spraying chemicals , save the use of them for an emergency if nothing else will work, this takes extra time and work and costs money but what can we do ?
Gardening can start properly once this cold spell is gone, lawns will need cutting and feeding, but only if dry if you have moss and weeds they can be treated in one go with a feed weed and moss killer, the veg garden can be worked down ready to start planting, black plastic or ground cover can be used to warm the soil before planting, flower borders will need a quick hoeing to remove annual weeds starting to germinate, alternatively you could fork it over, roses will need to be cut down to four buds, lavender will need to be cut right down to about six inches so that you get nice new growth, perennials, grasses etc will need tidying up and old overwintered leaves, flowers and branches etc will need to be removed, borders will need a balanced feed, gaps will need to be filled with new shrubs or perennials. Don’t forget to leave room for the summer bedding plants that will be ready towards the end of the month and finally start thinking about hanging baskets, that’s enough for this month, enjoy your gardening Cheers Graham. APRIL
The Baldock Rotary Club
Hopes Happy Hounds 07949002515
As you may have seen there is now a 24hr/365 days a year Defibrillator on the wall of the Community Centre. This has been supplied by The Rotary Club of Baldock for the use by the community at large. The Rotary Club will maintain and service it with no cost to the Community Centre. We hope it is never used, but if it is, it saves a life.
This fully automa c defibrillator has been funded from the money raised when we have collec ons. This was the final project in my Presiden al year, and I am pleased it is now connected to the local ambulance service and other organisa ons who will direct those needing it to the site . I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people of Baldock for their generosity when we collect enabling us to be able do projects like this one. If anyone would like to come along and join us please give me a call on 07940048064 Mike Williams Immediate Past President
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Fairtrade at St Johns
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World Book Day is always a special day at St John's Catholic Primary School, and this year it fell in Fairtrade Fortnight when the school as a whole looks at where their food is sourced and how we can support farmers in other countries by buying responsibly. As the children were learning all about Fairtrade, we decided to challenge the children this year to think outside the box and dress as a Fairtrade superhero. They did not disappoint; we saw fairies, farmers and even a few bananas! The children really enjoyed the opportunity to show their crea vity and in the a ernoon were visited by Nell, a storyteller from the Fireside Fes val. Nell told a crea on myth from the Arc c Circle and the children joined in with enthusiasm. They had to add voices and ac ons and the repe ve nature of the story meant they enjoyed predic ng the next character. As part of the Fairtrade Fortnight celebra ons some of the Year 6 class joined a coffee morning for the parish's “Young at Heart” group for the older members of the parish. They talked to the parishioners about what they have learnt about Fairtrade products, encouraging them to buy more Fairtrade goods. Most importantly, before they headed back to school, everyone tucked into some of the delicious cakes – all baked with Fairtrade produce of course! It was a lovely event and a different way for the children at St John's Catholic Primary to contribute to the Catholic parish here in Baldock.
MJ Ryall Building Supplies Ltd
SPRING IS HERE! Time to start thoose projects 01462 730169
100 Norton Road, Stotfold SG5 4PG APRIL
APRIL MOVIES APRIL 6th - DEATH WISH Dr. Paul Kersey is a surgeon who often sees the consequences of the city's violence in the emergency room. When home intruders brutally attack his wife and young daughter, Kersey becomes obsessed with delivering vigilante justice to the perpetrators. As the anonymous slayings grab the media's attention, the public begins to wonder if the deadly avenger is a guardian angel -- or the Grim Reaper itself.
APRIL 6th - THOROUGHBREDS Lily and Amanda, two upper-class teenage girls in suburban Connecticut rekindle their unlikely friendship after years of growing apart. Though they initially seem completely at odds, the pair bond over Lily's contempt for her oppressive stepfather, Mark, and as their friendship grows, they begin to bring out one another's most destructive tendencies. Their ambitions lead them to hire a local hustler, Tim, and take matters into their own hands to set their lives straight.
APRIL 6th - I KILL GIANTS The line between fantasy and reality blurs in I Kill Giants. Barbara Thorson, a troubled teenage girl in bunny ears who escapes the difficult realities in her life by retreating into a magical world where she battles monstrous giants. Is she the only one in town who can see the dangerous giants lurking in their midst? With help from a new friend and a school counsellor, Barbara soon learns to face her fears and battle the giants that pose a threat to her.
APRIL 11th - RAMPAGE Primatologist Davis Okoye shares an unshakable bond with George, an extraordinarily intelligent, silverback gorilla that's been in his care since birth. When a rogue genetic experiment goes wrong, it causes George, a wolf and a reptile to grow to a monstrous size. As the mutated beasts embark on a path of destruction, Okoye teams up with a discredited genetic engineer and the military to secure an antidote and prevent a global catastrophe.
APRIL 13th - THE TITAN Hotshot Air Force pilot, Rick Janssen (Sam Worthington), is chosen by the military for a ground-breaking genetic evolution experiment that will create a super human being capable of surviving the harsh environments of Saturn's moon, TITAN. The experiment is successful, turning Rick into a super-human, but it also creates deadly side-effects which threatens the life of Rick, his wife and family, and possibly humanity itself.
APRIL 20th - EVERYDAY Shy sixteen-year-old Rhiannon falls in love with A, a mysterious spirit who inhabits a different body every day. Feeling an unmatched connection, Rhiannon and A try to find each other on a daily basis, always unsure of what or who the next day will bring. Soon, the realities of loving someone who is a different person every 24 hours starts to take its toll, leaving Rhiannon and A to face the hardest decision either has ever had to make.
Call Jacqui 07973 788418
Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls
April is Stress Awareness Month Everyone - adults, teens, and even children - experiences stress at mes. Stress can be beneficial. It can help people develop the skills they need to deal with possible threatening situa ons throughout life. Stress is not helpful when it prevents a person from taking care of themselves or their family. You can put problems into perspec ve by finding healthy ways to cope. Ge ng the right care and support can help reduce stressful feelings and symptoms. Stress is all around us every day, it bombards us from all direc ons. Maybe you feel stressed when si ng in the midst of a traffic jam on the motorway, when you are already late for an important appointment or when you
realise you forgot to pay a bill, It could be any annoying li le stress triggers that we have to handle every day. What about the larger issues? Rela onship problems, reaching re rement age, moving house, divorce or the death of a loved one or friend. These things can cause a great deal of stress and some mes come when we least expect it, launching you into the depths of despair one more me. Here are some healthy ways you can deal with stress: Feeling emo onal and nervous or having trouble sleeping and ea ng can all be normal reac ons to stress. Here are some healthy ways you can deal with stress: 1. Take care of yourself. 2. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals 3. Talk to others. Share your problems and how you are feeling and coping with a parent, friend, counsellor, doctor 4. Avoid drugs and alcohol. These may seem to help with the stress. But in the long run, they create addi onal problems and increase the stress you are already feeling. 5. Take a break. If news events are causing your stress, take a break from listening or watching the news. 6. Exercise on a regular basis 7. Get plenty of sleep 8. Give yourself a break if you feel stressed out Using Hypnosis combined with our other techniques improves thought processing in a fast and effec ve way helping to create changes in your general a tude towards yourself and your current life situa on using a Stress Management Program. Kim Holloway
What Is Dry Needling? Dry needling (DN) is an effec ve therapy to treat muscular tension and spasm which commonly accompanies condi ons such as arthri s, nerve irrita on, muscular strain, ligament strains and herniated discs. How Does It Work? DN is the use of solid filament needles inserted through the skin and into the muscle. It is called “Dry” Needling because there is no solu on injected. The needle itself and the effects it produces within the ssue is the treatment. When an injury occurs, inflamma on will be produced. The injury site becomes hypoxic (decreased in oxygen) which s mulates the body to produce fibroblasts, a cell that produces fibrosis or scar ssue. This fibrosis and scarring builds up around the muscles and ssues limi ng the ssues ability to fully func on, all of which inevitably lead to biomechanical disturbances in gait and func on. Dry needling uses a small, solid filament needle which is inserted in a contracted painful kno ed muscle to create a local twitch reflex and as research shows, will decrease muscle contrac on, reduce chemical irrita on, improve flexibility and decrease pain. When a needle is inserted into muscle it will also produce a controlled lesion and will cut between three to fi een thousand individual muscle fibers. The body considers the needle as a foreign invader and will ac vate the immune system as a response. The cut muscle fibers also produce an inflammatory reac on that your body will respond to not just locally but all over the body to reduce inflamma on systemically. Is Dry Needling Acupuncture? No, DN is based on Western medical research and principles, whereas acupuncture is based on Tradi onal Chinese Medicine. The main similarity is that the same sterile, disposable solid filament needles are used. each therapy is a separate and dis nct in their methodology, perspec ves and prac ces. Does Dry Needling Hurt? You may or may not feel the inser on of the needle. The specific needle manipula on is intended to produce a local twitch response that can elicit a very brief (less than a second) painful response some pa ents describe as a deep ache or cramping sensa on. Again, the therapeu c response occurs with the elicita on of the local twitch response and is a desirable reac on. 26
What Can I Expect After Treatment? We are looking to get improvements even from the first visit such as increased range of mo on, ease of movement and decreased signs/symptoms. Many pa ents report being sore a er the treatment in both the area treated and the area of referred symptoms. Typically this soreness lasts between a few hours and two days and there is occasional bruising. Soreness may be alleviated by applying ice or heat to the area and performing specific stretches for the treated muscle. Book a session today to see how dry needling can help you! By Samantha Holland BSc (Hons) MIPTI STO STA
Ringing Remembers
Baldock Town FC
The Orange Tree
Norton Roa d
Hitchin Stree
Ringing the Bells on the 11th November 2018 When the bells rang out on the 11th November 1918 they announced the end of the most catastrophic war the world had yet seen. At that me bells were at the heart of the community, marking events of great significance and as a means of communica on long before modern technology connected us. At the end of the war many people heard about the Armis ce through bell ringing. 1,400 bell ringers died during the First World War. You can honour their memory 100 years a er the end of the war by becoming one of 1,400 new bell ringers and joining others across the na on in ringing on the Centenary of the Armis ce in November 2018. How to get involved? It's simple to get involved in ‘Ringing Remembers’ Step 1: Email (Weston & Baldock) or (Wallington and Sandy). Alterna vely you can email where you will be pu n touch with your nearest church tower and contact. Step 2: You will be connected to your local bell ringing teacher who will make arrangements for your lessons Step 3: Learn to ring! Training takes place once a week, Monday 7.30pm at Wallington, Tuesday 8.00pm at Sandon and Thursday 7.30pm at Weston. To start with you will be offered a special fast track course to start you on your way. It will take you about three months before you will be able to ring by yourself. Step 4: At the end of the project (11 November) all new recruits will receive a badge. By joining the project you will be part of a unique na onwide project to honour the 1,400 bell ringers lost during the First World War. Learn a new skill that is a sport and an art, social and mental exercise and good for focus and fitness. Be part of a local community and connect with an ancient Bri sh tradi on and have the opportunity to ring with others across the country on 11 November, marking the Centenary of the Armis ce. Ringing Remembers is funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communi es & Local Government in collabora on with Big Ideas and the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers.
BB Carpentry & Builders Ben Blows 7 Farriers Close Baldock Herts SG7 5BQ
FREE RE-TEST 74 Icknield Way, Baldock, SG7 5AN
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TEL: 07572532618 APRIL
s ’ r e d a e A RSlimming World Story Weddings, Christenings, Holidays . . . the summer is full of events we would love to be slimmer for. Not only to love the photos when we look back, but to feel confident and enjoy the day or days to the max at the me. Here is a story from one of my members Tracey Clayton who's mo va on for making a change was her daughters wedding….please do read on and pop along to any of our 4 sessions held in Baldock to find out more. Dear On-Our-Doorstep, I joined Slimming World in June 2016 a er six months of trying to lose weight on my own, which I knew from past experience I didn't have the will power to do. My decision to join was prompted by my eldest daughter se ng a date for her wedding, it made me realise that I just didn't want to be 'the fat mother of the bride', and the thought had put me in spin. I had been promising myself to lose weight for years, but no big birthday or wedding anniversary had persuaded me to actually do anything about it. I had seen the adverts around town and in our On Our Doorstep magazine and decided to give it a go. I was a li le nervous si ng in the new members area on my first morning, but Sandra made all of us feel really welcome, I couldn't believe how much food I was going to be able to enjoy, so many of which like pasta and potatoes I just presumed would be a big NO. I le that mee ng exceedingly determined.
I went home read through the books and planned my meals for the week, followed the plan as explained, filled up on loads of the free foods which don't need any weighing or measuring and didn't feel hungry at all. It felt so easy! I couldn't believe it when I weighed in the following week and had lost 5lbs. This gave me just the boost I needed! Over the next few weeks I bought a couple of the cookbooks and the magazine which gave me loads of recipe ideas and also tweaks to family favorites like bolognese and chilli to make them Slimming World friendly. Staying to group really helped too as the other members shared things they had tried – I had never heard of Quark before I joined, but now I am a big fan. Everyone was so friendly, I can honestly say that I have made new friends too. Over the next six months I had a few ups and downs but was never made to feel bad or like I had failed when things had not gone to plan. I was therefore thrilled to reach my target in December 2016. I was able to go shopping for a wedding ou it without worrying it would be an ordeal. I chose a lovely bright ou it when originally I had thought 's ck to dark colours as they make you look slimmer'. I s ll a end the weekly sessions and last year joined the social team. I have now been at target for over a year, absolutely love Food Op mising and recommend Slimming World to everyone. Thank you Slimming World and On-Our-Doorstep, Tracey x
Slimming Sandra World Recipe Lloyd Supplied by
Beef and Bean Hot Pot Bake Beef and baked beans are always a great combination and with the addition of a sliced potato topping, this dish is comfort food at its best.
Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
750g lean stewing beef, all visible fat removed, cubed 2 large onions, peeled and roughly chopped 2 carrots, peeled and roughly chopped 1 level tbsp plain flour Salt and freshly ground black pepper 300ml boiling hot beef stock 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce 400g can baked beans 2 bay leaves 600g potatoes, peeled and thickly sliced
Method 1. 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C Fan/Gas 4. 2. Place the beef, onions, carrots and flour in a baking dish, season and toss to mix well. 3. Pour in the boiling hot stock then add the Worcestershire sauce, baked beans and bay leaves. Stir to mix well and arrange the sliced potatoes on top of the meat mixture. 4. Cover with foil then place in the oven for 2½-3 hours or until the potatoes are cooked and tender. 5. Remove the foil, then turn the oven up to brown the potatoes, or finish under the grill for 5-8 minutes until brown.
Mobile hairdresser Call Jacqui 07973 788 418 01462 640 307 Covering Baldock, Ashwell & Weston Surprise someone special with a FREE Birthday message in the August issue
The Royal Treatment Treat yourself from Top to Toe this April! Our package includes a Facial, Body Massage, Manicure and Pedicure for ONLY £ 100
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Tel: 01462 894050 APRIL
March and April 2018
Deb’s Dirty Cookers We clean cookers, extractor fans, microwaves. Spring cleaning & cooker repairs also undertaken Friendly Reliable Service Treat your cooker today
Please contact Debbie 01438 215172 07983 577803
Friends of Knight Templar School Sponsor a room in the new Arts & Technology building and have it named a er you or your company The Knights Templar School have recently obtained government funding for a new Arts & Technology building. We are now raising money to purchase the furniture and equipment to furnish it. Can you help us by sponsoring one of the rooms? The new building will have: 3 standard Art Classrooms, 1 technology rich Art Classroom, 2 Technology graphics classrooms, 1 Food Technology room and 1 Drama studio. Just select which room you would like to have named a er you, your company or your family, then place a private bid. If we have several bids for the same room – the highest bidder wins! If you are interested in suppor ng your local school by sponsoring a room, please contact friendso to request a form and return it to the Knights Templar School by Thursday 24th May.
FABULOUS GLAMPERVAN Just pick up and go – The motorhome is fully equipped ready for you to start your holiday. Available for short breaks and longer holidays all year round.
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Tel: 01462 491035 / 07985315632
Update from Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Planning Group Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Planning Group (BBPlan) Mee ng held on March 15th 2018 Knights Templar School, Baldock. Following an introduc on by the Planning Group's Chair, Andrew Holford, some KTS Year 8 students gave presenta ons on their views of the development of Baldock. The presenta ons were based on projects carried out in school and were very inspiring. They all demonstrated wide research into possible consequences of the development and its impact on all our futures. The houses should be built sustainably, incorpora ng solar panels and with ecological concerns taken into considera on. Retail and leisure needs should to be addressed and charging points for electric vehicles could be included. The Group gave a presenta on on the results of the recent Neighbourhood Survey to which there were 583 respondents. The survey raised several interes ng points such as a percep on of more need for small affordable, rentable proper es than for large houses and a variety of extra ideas were put forward around leisure ac vi es and retail. The survey also confirmed that there are s ll considerable concerns about infrastructure, par cularly roads, which need to be addressed by the NHDC's Local Plan. The results of the Neighbourhood Survey are given in detail at
Groups of a endees took part in discussions on specific concerns highlighted by the survey and which the Neighbourhood Plan might address. The main outcomes of these discussions can also be seen on the website, The next tasks of the group are to hold one or more design workshops on the types of housing which we hope to see in any development. They will then start wri ng the Neighbourhood Plan itself, based on the research and local views that have been gathered. For more informa on about the Design workshops, please visit our stall at the Fes val Street Fair on May 19th. There will be an opportunity to discuss your views on what is good and bad design. Please come along and join the ac on. The mee ng included a brief AGM. The financial report revealed that the group will be in need of more backing to con nue its ac vi es. Ideas for raising funds would be welcome and include the possibility of a small subscrip on for members of the group, now around 300 strong. A endees were invited to speak to a member of the commi ee with any ideas or contribu ons.
Baldock MOT Centre 01462 895933
Contact Phil Allen on 01462 834411 or 07909 716631 or email
Transcend ESD220c Portable SSD The Perfect Companion For Any Road Trip
It's nearly six months since we embarked on our EPIC Gadget Road Trip from Ness Point to Ardnamurchan and Back!! During our trip we called on all kinds of tech to assist us with the Gigabytes of data we were genera ng, mostly in the form of video and photos. Most notable and indeed most important was removable backup storage and in this area we were able to call upon our friends at Transcend. Not only were they able to provide us with previously reviewed dash-cam hardware, but also with the amazing ESD220C Portable SSD drive. The ESD220C is indeed portable in every way. It is both small and light, in fact small enough to fit into a wallet. This size and weight is due to the Solid State storage, which means that rather than storing your data onto a physical, spinning harddisk, you are in fact using memory chips (TLC NAND -flash) to store the informa on and thus weight and size stop being an issue. It will easily fit in your pocket and the case had a scratch resistant coa ng to keep it looking pris ne. The drive uses SuperSpeed USB 3.1 Gen 1 interface and builtin SLC caching technology to give read/write speeds of up to 410MB/s and 400MB/s respec vely. It also supports UASP (USB A ached SCSI Protocol to further boost file transfers on supported computers. The drive's lifespan is also extended by the addi on of RAID and LDPC and your data is safe with ECC encryp on. Also included is a USB3.1 Type A (for your computer) to USB Type C connector (for the drive). By Transcend using a Type C connector, it enables the drive to be connected to a mobile device (using an addi onal adapter) and allows for direct file transfers from Android OTG (On the Go) enabled phones and tablets. As you can imagine, this was a real winner in the depths of Scotland as we were able to pull photos and videos straight off our mobile devices in transit as the drive is powered from the same cable. Using the ESD220C, I was able to transfer files from Paul's Samsung Galaxy S7, my Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, a Sony Xperia XZ1, my nVideo Shield K1 tablet and the Dell Rugged Laptop we also took with us. Of course I also transferred video from the DJI Mavic Pro's MicroSD card. So, you can see that the ny li le device was indeed the seamless hub for secure storage for the en re journey. We also transferred the data from the Transcend drive at night to a second 1TB drive which enabled us to free up space for use during the day. I should finally men on that the device also has a 'one touch backup' bu on for use with Windows PC's running Transcend's included so ware.
Of the many gadgets that I review and then have to send back, this will be one of the those that I will miss the most for it's speed and sheer usefulness. The drives are available in 120Gb, 240Gb and 480Gb storage op ons with prices around £66, £95 and £165 respec vely. I tested the 240Gb model, which I think is excellent value for an portable SSD device. Ma Porter - The Gadget Man
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April Gallery
Please send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or email
St Marys by Night Ulric Von Bek
Snowy Sun Street Hilary Beech
Slushy Church Street Matthew Bartlett
My favourite, from the Baldock Beast Karen Dodsworth
Baldock Town Winning the Herts Senior Thophy
Baldock Beast Finishing Line Karen Dodsworth Great aerial drone shot over Baldock - Will Tomlin
One of the Radwell Ducks - Margaret Dellar
Chesterelds Downs - Dan Travers
A chilly looking Thrush - Saroj Ellis
Radwell Village Matthew Bartlett
Weston Way - Jane Millet
More fun in the woods
Beautiful snowy Church Street Laurence Brown
Part of the ‘Baldock Rocks’ Campaign
Little Local Robin - Saroj Ellis
Ashwell Music Festival 11th – 20th May at St Mary's Church, Ashwell The 65th Ashwell Music Fes val held at St. Mary's Church in Ashwell promises to be as entertaining as ever, with a range of musical genres to suit all ages and tastes! The fes val begins on Friday, 11th May with a FREE event suitable for children aged 3+. Widdershins Puppet Theatre will entertain us with 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff & Other Furry Tails' – a show packed with fun, laughter, some gorgeous puppets and a soundtrack that will s ck in your head long a er you have le St. Mary's Church! On Saturday 12th May, by popular request, the tribute act is back. Mission Blue have established themselves as one of the UK's top Motown tribute bands. A superb vocal group with stunning dance rou nes featuring classic soul songs of Motown, the 70s, 80s, 90s, through to the present day. This is a highly professional show guaranteed to have you dancing in the aisles. The Young Musicians' Concert follows on Thursday 17th May, showcasing the talents of young people from Ashwell, Baldock and the surrounding area. Jazz followers will be flocking to see The Darius Brubeck Quartet on Friday 18th May. Playing to sold-out houses at regional fes vals and clubs, the quartet's acous c sound is melodic, spontaneous, rhythmic and engaging. Darius, whilst known for represen ng his famous father's legacy, is an imagina ve jazz composer and performing his composi ons is an important reason for the group's popularity. Ashwell Music Fes val are pleased to welcome Ben Goldscheider back to perform on Saturday 19th May. Originally from Ashwell, Ben was the winner of the Brass Category Final of the 2016 BBC Young Musician Compe on. As the only student of Radek Baborak at the Barenboim-Said Academy in Berlin, An Evening with Ben Goldscheider : Horn and Piano Recital, promises to be a truly entertaining evening. As ever, the Fes val concludes with the Festal Evensong on Sunday, 20th May. For more informa on, and to book ckets, visit www.ashwellmusicfes or contact the booking office on 01462 743289.
Friday 11th May 6.00pm Widdershins Puppet Theatre – a FREE event Saturday 12th May 8.00pm Motown Tribute Act – Mission Blue Thursday 17th May 7.00pm Young Musicians' Concert Friday 18th May 8.00pm Darius Brubeck Quartet Saturday 19th May 8.00pm An Evening with Ben Goldscheider Horn & Piano recital Sunday 20th May 6.00pm Festal Evensong
Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice
03444 111444 0300 300 8136
Churches St Marys the Virgin Baptist church Roman Catholic Methodist Christchurch United Reformed Church
01462 892838 01462 893203 01462 893127 01462 895052 01462 232005 01462 619350
Councils North Hertfordshire District
Doctors Baldock Surgery
01462 474000 01462 892458
Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery
01763 313869
Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut
0800 111999 0800 7838838
Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH
01438 314333 01707 328111 111
Library Baldock Library
0300 123 4049
Police Police
01707 354000
Public Houses Engine The Cock The Old White Horse The Orange Tree The Victoria The White Lion
01462 896111 01462 892366 01462 893168 01462 892341 01462 893153 01462 893134
Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Brandles
01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189
Travel Taxi - A2B Taxis Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line
01462 228765 08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608
Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre
01462 895579
Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round
07980 400690 01462 896322
Plumbers A.P Hughes
07949 120911
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