On Our Doorstep August 2019

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Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally

Issue 58 August 2019

www.onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages

Welcome We hope everyone is enjoying the summer so far, despite the turbulent weather. It wouldn't be a British summer without a few downpours and cold days! Results day is looming for everyone who has sat their GCSEs and A Levels this summer. If you don't get the results you were hoping for remember that it's not the end of the road. Check out your university options available through clearing or consider taking a year out to gain some work experience. Our middle child decided to take a year to get some work experience and managed to fast track her career and start earning without 3 years at uni so you never know where it could take you! It's been a tough month in our house and we can't thank Garden House Hospice enough for their outstanding level of care and support. It truly is a wonderful place that is helping so many people. Although the Hospice receives some funding they still need to raise over ÂŁ2 million in charitable income to run these services each year and greatly rely on the support of the community- local businesses, groups and individuals to help fund our work. They have two events coming up and we hope to see as many people there as possible. The ďŹ rst is a 7.5mile walk celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Starlight walks on 3rd August. The following weekend you can take part in a brilliant bike ride. Starting at the George and Dragon in Gravely you will be navigated along a 30

mile course through the surrounding villages. Balstock returns this September! Yes, the legendary Baldock music festival will be taking over the town from 13th to 15th September. Get it in your calendars! The August bank holiday falls on Monday 26th August this year and thanks to the return of the annual Ashwell show your plans are already sorted! With all the usual fun and frills there's something for the whole family, from camel racing and vintage cars to food stalls and Punch and Judy shows. Enjoy your August

Paul & Jacqui

info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Jacqui Calver 07973 788418

Disclaimer All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited.




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No tle required! St Mary's Junior School, Baldock, completed a historic year by becoming The Wix Champions for the first me in their 68 year existence. The boy's football team beat Whea ields from St Albans 4-0 in the final to li the pres gious trophy to become the best primary school football team in the whole of Her ordshire. It has been a really successful season for the boys, winning both district football tournaments and also winning the B team tournament. The St Marys girl's football team have also had a memorable season. Back in the winter, they became County Champions for the first me ever a er also winning both of their district tournaments, going

onto represent Her ordshire in the South Regional compe on. Remaining unbeaten, unfortunately the girls went out of the compe on on goal difference. PE Teacher Mr Hagland said, “It's been an incredible year for St Marys. We have been knocking on the door to become County Champions for a few years now, so for both our boys and our girls to become Champions of Her ordshire in St Mary's Junior School, Baldock, completed a historic year by becoming The Wix Champions for the first me in their 68 year existence. The boy's football team beat Whea ields from St Albans 4-0 in the final to li the pres gious trophy to become the best primary school football team in the whole of Her ordshire. It has been a really successful season for the boys, winning both district football tournaments and also winning the B team tournament.

The St Marys girl's football team have also had a memorable season. Back in the winter, they became County Champions for the first me ever a er also winning both of their district tournaments, going onto represent Her ordshire in the South Regional compe on. Remaining unbeaten, unfortunately the girls went out of the compe on on goal difference. PE Teacher Mr Hagland said, “It's been an incredible year for St Marys. We have been knocking on the door to become County Champions for a few years now, so for both our boys and our girls to become Champions of Her ordshire in the same year is a phenomenal achievement. They are all superstars and I am sure they will remember this achievement for the rest of their lives. It's the perfect way for them to finish their me at St Marys before moving onto the next chapter of their lives in secondary school.” St Mary's will look to defend their trophies next season with two new look teams. We wish them the very best of luck. Sco Hagland - PE Teacher




By the Communi f the Communi 12 years a er being challenged from the main Baldock fes val commi ee of 'you lot couldn't organise a provable in a brewery' the Baldock Beer Fes val commi ee have done it again with the support and amazing community spirit from our li le town. We caught up with Tara Geere the chair of the charitable Trust to discuss how the May event went before the commi ee get busy with this year's Oktoberfest on the 25 and 26 of October.

As a registered charity our aim has always been to run a great community event and raise money to benefit Baldock and surrounding areas. We run our two events with the support of local businesses such as Tesco's in Baldock and help of volunteers who nominate local causes and we then donate the volunteering hours amount from the profits. From the May event we will be giving away £5000 to a variety of nominated causes bringing our overall total to about £80, 000 donated over the last 12 years. This year the volunteers have nominated 18 local causes or groups including 1st Baldock Scouts - £500, 2nd Baldock scouts £340, Alzheimer's charity £170, Clothall church roof fund £100, Feed up Warm up homelessness group £620, The Garden House Hospice £290,

Hartsfield school £120, Heathlands Animal sanctuary £240, Herts Young homeless £240, the local Homestart group £330, The Knights Templar school £610, Lister McMillan £320, the local branch of MIND £430, St John's school £120, St Mary's school £130, Baldock Methodist Church fund £120, Ashwell school £210 and the local return to netball scheme £110. Alongside the £400 raised from the reusable glasses that went to the KTS reusable bo le scheme. Not bad for some fun had by volunteering at the beer fes val you can see from the photos that the volunteers really enjoyed themselves and lots are coming to volunteer at the 2nd Oktoberfest three sessions over the two days in October. Last year's Oktoberfest complete with Oompah bands and tradi onal 5% Bavarian Fest beer

our volunteer's Debbie McKenzie, supported by local businesses with great prizes raised an addi onal £2000 for Keech children's hospice we are hoping to repeat this with another raffle this year. Anyone interested in dona ng a prize can contact us via our Facebook pages (Baldock Oktoberfest / Baldock Beer Fes val) Instagram (Baldock.Oktoberfest) or website www.Baldockoktoberfest.org -we hope to see you all in October!! Proust!! Tara Geere – Chair of The Baldock Beer Fes val. Editor's note Mrs C had a great me at the May event – photographic evidence is available !!

shipped from Germany with all the props to help set the mood went down so well we have decided we will repeat the event this year and hopefully raise more money for local causes. Last year's amazing raffle organised by one of AUGUST




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Weston Primary & Nursery School What a busy term we have had. Our Year 5s have achieved Level 2 Bikeability and are now safe to cycle on the road, our Year 4s have all extended their swimming abili es, our Years 4, 5 and 6 are prac sing hard for their big end of term produc on 'Cinderella Rockerfella', our Early Years and Yrs 1, 2 and 3 have visited Shepreth Wildlife Park and Paradise Wildlife Park, and we have won Inter Village Athle cs for the 2nd year in a row. Our whole school choir were the opening act at our biennial event, Westonbury, last weekend – our very own fes val. It was a fantas c day and evening organised by our hard working parents' associa on, Friends of Weston School. The school is very

lucky to be supported by such a commi ed and hardworking group of parents.

As I men oned last month our applica on for funding to build an outside classroom was successful. I am happy to report that the building is now underway and should be finished by the end of the term. We are all looking forward to using it in September. I wish you all a relaxing summer and look forward to sharing more of our news in the Autumn Term.





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Hartsfield News . You may have read in the local paper about our Nature ci zens club adop ng a reindeer called Brave Hart. This came about by bringing real-life learning into the classroom. Adop ng Brave Hart is a powerful connec on with a wild creature in its natural environment. We will learn how he grows and what the challenges are in the Arc c Circle for his herd. It is also an opportunity to tackle diďŹƒcult ques ons in an ageappropriate and sensible manner, such as what will happen to Brave Hart when released into the wild? We are already discussing possible consequences because we are dealing with a real-life issue. The children's responses show that their ability to understand issues away from their immediate environment enhances cri cal thinking and develops empathy towards the wider natural world - and all

Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Planning Group

because we have adopted Brave Hart! Other news: We now no longer use plas c straws in school and have also started to compost our own food waste. We were given some composters from families a short me ago and they have been put to good use already with children se ng up a rota to understand and learn how to compost our waste. We are working towards the school having a zero waste dustbin in each and every classroom. We s ll have some way to go, but every li le step helps.




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Baldock Rotary Welcomes New President Baldock Rotary Club has welcomed it's new President for the 2019-2020 year. Thirty six Rotary members, wives and partners a ended a hand-over dinner at Letchworth Golf Club. A er an excellent meal the formal proceedings began with the reading of the objects of Rotary, followed by toasts to Past Presidents and Guests and the award of a Paul Harris fellowship award, which is Rotary's award for service within the club and community, which surprisingly went to myself!!!! I feel very honoured to have received this award. President Keith Bri er in his handover speech reviewed ac vi es undertaken over the last twelve months which included the club's 65th Charter Dinner, the long standing tradi on of suppor ng the town's Christmas lights and the exchange visit to To lund, which was featured in an ar cle in the July edi on of On Our Doorstep. He went on to say that on the fundraising front the Christmas sleigh street collec on, Open Gardens and the Jazz Concert had all gone extremely well and had contributed significantly to the funds available from which charitable dona ons are made. Dona ons this year have been made to

New President Prue with ex President Keith Bri ers.

the Lister Hospital fibroscanner, Lend With Care, in conjunc on with the Knights Templar Interact group, Shelter Box and Student Expedi ons. President Keith then handed the Presiden al regalia over to new President Prue Dixon, who outlined her hopes and vision for the club in the coming year by saying that we will con nue to do the things we do well and we will introduce new ventures and ac vi es to improve the appeal of the club. If you are the type of person who would like to “give something back” to the Community, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Keith Bri er tel 01462 896189, e-mail keith@bri ers.me.uk. Rotarian - Paul Lucke

242 riders of all ages and all abili es were at the start line in Baldock High Street. Some riders were up for cycling their best me and some were there for the company and cake stops! Either way it was a sa sfying ride through the rolling (at mes steep) hills of Her ordshire taking in some stunning scenery and pre y pubs and villages along the way. You can't beat the feeling of star ng a ride with fellow bike enthusiasts and then watching the bikes stream through the roads ahead of you. Cycling in large groups gives you a real sense of freedom and keeps the cars at bay! I cycled with 3 others and we all agreed it was a great route, well organised with a bonus of cake and a fine selec on of cafes and pubs at the end on the High street A good day had by all! Claire Murphy, Fund-Raising Director




Happy Birthday

Janet Calver Best wishes Carol X 2nd August

Margaret Lots of love your

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Henry Howell

Love Mummy & Daddy x x

Happy Birthday

BARRY BIG 50 8th August

Love from Katy, Daniel, Sophie & Josh

Happy Birthday

You Irene Travers

31st August 14

Lots of Love Bryan



Weston Way Nursery Up-date

It has been a very busy me here at Weston Way Nursery School. These are just some of the ac vi es we have been involved in: We have been growing our own vegetables throughout the year and we recently harvested our crop and entered some of our produce into the Baldock Hor cultural Show. We won first prize in the following categories: culinary herbs, broad beans, potatoes, leeks, spring onions and funny shaped vegetable. We also won a shield for the best performing school. We were very pleased with the results and also enjoyed ea ng our vegetables over many snack mes. Our Sports and Family Fun Day was a great success and the sun shone throughout the day. We had races for the children their younger brothers and sisters and their mums and dads. A er the races the children all received a medal and then shared a picnic with their families. There were lots of ac vi es to enjoy as well: hook-a-duck, face pain ng, bo le tombola,

raffle, small animal pe ng zoo, nail pain ng, ta oos, an animal safari hunt and a Shetland pony made a visit as well. Recently some of the children and staff visited Osbourne Court Care Home. It was wonderful to see the residents and the children enjoying each-others company. One of the residents told us she was 88 years old. A li le boy from the nursery replied, “That's nearly 100!” They shared jigsaw puzzles, story books, s ckers and we all sang some songs. We hope to make these visits on a more frequent basis as it was so rewarding for all those involved. We have been working in partnership with Annie at Nigh ngale Park Wildlife Garden in Baldock. Annie has been coming to the nursery every week to plant with the children. During this me she has

shared her knowledge with the children and now they are li le experts. Last week some of the children walked over to the park to plant their flowers in the borders. The garden is open to everyone in the community to walk through and enjoy. It is now me for these children to leave the nursery school and move onto their new schools. We are looking forward to welcoming our new children in September, they have a wonderful year full of great learning experiences to look forward to!



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5 minutes with... ...Donna Kennett from *Can you tell me a li le bit about Shires? Shires is part of the family owned CPJ Field & Co Ltd and has seven funeral homes locally, including our office in Whitehorse Street which is where I am based. CPJ Field have over 325 years' experience within the funeral industry and have helped at the funerals of monarchs and na onal heroes such as Queen Victoria and the Duke of Wellington. We are proud of our heritage and providing the highest standards of professional and caring service when people need us most. We are easily iden fiable in our dis nc ve fleet of Silver Mercedes-Benz vehicles. *You hold two posi ons at Shires; Funeral Arranger and Community Champion, can you tell us more about that role? The role of a Community Champion is to engage with the local community, but it's also about bringing the old-fashioned values back into a community, to ensure everyone is supported, whether that be at a nursery, care home or church. We know more than most about the effect a bereavement can have on a person's wellbeing, which is why we have set up several local community ini a ves, such as our Never Alone café or Knit & Na er groups. *How long have you been a Community Champion and how did you become one? I've been involved within the community since I started with the company in 2012 and I was fortunate enough to receive support from CPJ Field to take this further. The posi on was created in 2015 as a pilot scheme for Shires and due to the success we now have Community Champions covering all of CPJ Field's 39 branches.

*What has been the most memorable charitable cause or event you have helped? It's really hard to focus on one, but these three stand out for me; 5k Colour Clash for Garden House Hospice, where myself and several colleagues got covered in paint and raised money in the process; Raising awareness of The Olive Branch Network and being inundated with baby items for families that literally have nothing and finally the appeal for pre-loved school summer dresses for a children's charity in Nepal, receiving over 60 dresses and the charity sent us a photo of the girls wearing them! *How does it feel knowing that you are making a posi ve impact on the local community? I feel very privileged to work for a company that ac vely mo vates their colleagues to always go the extra mile, to always think of what you could do for someone else, to always make a posi ve difference in another person's life and to be inspired to think of the unique ways on how this can be achieved. How can people keep up to date with the work you are doing? If you would like to know what is happening within Shires across Herts and Beds, then please follow Shires Funeral D i r e c t o r s - C PJ F i e l d C o m m u n i t y Champion Facebook page, we always reply to any messages sent through the page and our contact details are also listed




AUGUST MOVIES AUGUST 1st - HOBS & SHAW Ever since lawman Hobbs, and lawless outcast Shaw, a former British military elite operative, first faced off in 2015’s Furious 7, the duo have swapped smack talk and body blows as they’ve tried to take each other down. But when cyber-genetically enhanced anarchist Brixton gains control of an insidious bio-threat that could alter humanity forever. These two sworn enemies will have to partner up to bring down the only guy who might be badder than themselves.

AUGUST 9th - The Art of Racing in the Rain Based on the best-selling novel by Garth Stein, The Art of Racing in The Rain is a heartfelt tale narrated by a witty and philosophical dog named Enzo . Through his bond with his owner, Denny Swift , an aspiring Formula One race car driver, Enzo has gained tremendous insight into the human condition and understands that the techniques needed on the racetrack can also be used to successfully navigate the journey of life.

AUGUST 16th - GOOD BOYS Invited to his first kissing party, 12-year-old Max asks his best friends Lucas and Thor for some much-needed help on how to pucker up. When they hit a dead end, Max decides to use his father's drone to spy on the teenage girls next door. When the boys lose the drone, they skip school and embark on an epic journey while carrying accidentally stolen drugs, being hunted by teenage girls, and trying to make their way home in time for the long-awaited party.

AUGUST 16th - ONCE UPON A TIME..... Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood visits 1969 Los Angeles, where everything is changing, as TV star Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his longtime stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) make their way around an industry they hardly recognize anymore. The ninth film from the writer-director features a large ensemble cast and multiple storylines in a tribute to the final moments of Hollywood’s golden age.

AUGUST 21st - ANGEL HAS FALLEN After the events in the previous film, Secret Service agent Mike Banning finds himself framed for an assassination attempt on the President. Pursued by his own agency and the FBI, Banning races to clear his name and uncover the real terrorist threat which has set its sights on Air Force One. Desperate to uncover the truth, he soon turns to unlikely allies to help clear his name and save the country from imminent danger.

AUGUST 30th - THE INFORMER Recruited by the FBI, ex-con and former special operations soldier Pete Koslow uses his covert skills to try and take down the General, the most powerful crime boss in New York. When a sting results in the death of an undercover cop, Pete suddenly finds himself caught in the crossfire between the mob and the FBI. Forced to return to prison, Koslow must now come up with a plan to escape from the of the law and the General to save himself and his family.




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With the increase of autoimmune disease in last decades, work related lower back injuries turning into ongoing issue and cancer sta s cs being on the rise the problem of chronic disease is certainly a challenge for modern medicine. Western Medicine specialise in short term o en life saving interven ons and is extremely good in its field. Yet the shortcomings of specialisa on is vividly seen when dealing with chronic, long las ng health problems. Here Western Medicine has rather poor outcomes. Drugs always create side effects and used for prolonged me require more drugs to be prescribed to counteract the previous ones. The new prescrip ons create the same pa ern of dependency and vicious cycle is never ending that way. This is where acupuncture can compliment our conven onal medicine shortcomings. The paradigm of Chinese Medicine is long and happy life. Therefore, throughout millennia of its applica on it developed the methods that allow diagnosis of a problem at its very early stage. Then it uses acupuncture, herbs, cupping,

moxibus on and Tuina (Chinese massage) to restore the balance of the body and prevent the disease to take more serious turn. The same applies to trea ng chronic illnesses. When energy flow within the body is unobstructed it has access to reservoir of its natural healing mechanisms. Restoring the balanced flow of Qi (transl. 'life force') allows the body to reboot its inbuilt self-mending quali es. Hence the main principle in acupuncture is first to remove obstruc on of pathogenic nature and then strengthen the abundance of the flow of Qi and Blood for self mending to take place. To further uphold the effects of


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acupuncture of course the changes in lifestyle of the pa ent have to be implemented. Acupuncture can clear out the pathogen and boost the natural flow of Qi. If the cause of pathogen comes from the lifestyle, the pa ent needs to take responsibility for following lifestyle advice, otherwise they keep on crea ng the causes for disease to reoccur. This can include common sense things like, diet, exercise, work and rest balance, sleep pa ern. When pa ents apply the therapeu c methods of Chinese Medicine the result of o en very sa sfying. Dealing with chronic disease a pa ent needs to understand the importance of being 'pa ent'. If health problem lasts for months or years a series of treatments on regular basis is essen al. Li le by li le though is the best way to create the long-las ng progress and health improvement. Our life can be not just longer but also happier in this way. You can now try your first acupuncture session at half price at Hollinton Health. See for yourself what acupuncture can do to help you get free from symptoms of chronic or acute condi on alike. Pawel – Chinese medicine prac oner

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Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp

August 2019 As promised, and following on from last month, a bit more on vegetables. In the big kitchen gardens I worked in, the gardens were supplying produce for big manor houses with large families. Who would regularly entertain and want to impress their friends, the emphasis would be on exceptional quality usually show standards supplied little and often unless they had a party, then it could be vast amounts so scheduling of harvest was crucial, it was therefore vitally important to get the sowing dates and the varieties into a diary before you start. Gardening, especially vegetable growing, is a very inexact science and will always make a fool of you, the secret that makes a good garden-er a great gardener is knowing how to work your way out of a problem and being able to supply something all the time. The head gardeners would keep extensive information on sowing dates for most of their working life, in a large book It was always called by a nickname but was treated with great reverence, nobody was allowed near it certainly not the competition or us young lads. What was inside it was kept from us boys. Daily information was transferred into a day book that would be held about them for instant reference. Often in the greenhouses or outhouses, the assistant gardeners would write notes on the walls hidden away from the head gardener often their way of making themselves look good in front of the garden boys like me pretending they were on it and new it all. Some times we would find these notes and get a head start on them so impressing the head gardener, not all comments were polite about some of the jobs they were told to do. Overall we were all supposed to know row lengths, row widths plant spacing, plant feeding and watering regimes were the domain of the assistant gardener, the crop type, varieties the sowing times and consequently the harvesting times etc. would be the sole responsibility of the Head Gardener. The garden boys were given their instructions every morning, usually about six thirty from the assistant gardeners who would start about five fortyfive, perhaps six o'clock. The head gardener would begin at any time from the crack of sparrows and would have been around many hours before I ever got a start. The

Boss, as he was always called, would then give his instructions to the assistant gardeners before we arrived. The Boss would be called by his sir name by the household, and in their presence, we would have to call him Mr, everyone else from us boys up would also be called by their sir name. The growing and cropping plan carefully calculated by the Boss would start in January sometimes as early as November, with sowing in the heated greenhouses or cold frames depending on the time of year and the weather at the time. Planting out was strictly on his instruction via the assistant gardener, all by hand everything had to be measured all string lines had to be set out to the quarter inch as it was back in the day, modern terms would be five millimetres. This sounds unnecessarily accurate, but if you have a hundred rows to put in and one end the row was regularly two millimetres too wide, you would in old money be eight inches out at the end. That would bring the displeasure of the Boss and a replant in our own time, no pay. The other side of horticulture I discovered as I got a bit older was market gardening, this is much bigger not so much hand digging or planting but to my great joy it was all done by machine. Most of the tractors were TVO fueled grey Fergusons or early Ford Dextas, The old crop would be mowed off or rotarvated in before being ploughed in, the ploughed ground would be cultivated down to a fine tilth, then lightly firmed down with a ring roller. Bed widths were dictated by how wide the tractor's wheels would go out to. Usually, we worked on yard spacings three feet or for the younger readers ninety-one and a half centre metres. This bed size is minute compared with what growers use today, but it was the recognised bed size of the day. The young plants were brought in from specialist growers grown by the millions under huge commercial greenhouses a process we had nothing to do with apart from unloading them from the lorries that delivered them, most plants were grown in

St Johns

Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre

two-inch by two-inch by two- inch cubed peat blocks. The planting machines pulled behind the tractor were only wide enough to seat two people per bed and were quite cosy as two of us had to sit next to each other in a three-foot space. The planters were designed by way of a thick steel bar that attached to the lower tractor linkage arms of the tractor a vertical bar attached to the top linkage bar of the tractor. This enabled the planter to be lifted up and lowered down with the two operators sitting on it, an exciting feeling at the end of each bed as the tractor driver lifted you up and swung it around. In front of the operators on the planter, there is a powered chain with vee-shaped cups that the operator would place the plant in the peat blocks on, this would be lowered down into a slot made in the soil by the machine the blocks would then be covered lightly with earth leaving the plant above ground. On a good day, we could plant twenty thousand plants each. Harvesting as you can imagine was equally enormous compared to what I was used to in the garden size enterprises, again all the harvesting was done by hand but transported in wooden crates on a rear loader. Our harvested crops would be taken back to a packing shed to be sorted and packed ready for market, we would load the crates or trays by hand on to a lorry ready to travel up to the London Markets, that will be another story all of its own next month. I hope this has given a bit of an insight into how we produced vegetables Your patch may not be big enough for a tractor, but you can still enjoy what you do and raise some good stuff.

Cheers Graham

n O s ’ t a h W Letchworth Parkrun A free 5km run every Saturday at 9am, Grange Recreation Ground, SG6 4PN. Very welcoming for new runners - see www.parkrun.org.uk/letchworth for details

Baldock Country Market Every Friday morning until Christmas - The Victoria pub Sun Street Baldock 9.30am - 12pm

Monkey Music Classes Every Friday classes running from 9.30 at the Baldock Community Centre contact Katherine on 01462 -626735

The Royal British Legion Baldock Branch Third Monday of every month - The Orange Tree Norton Road -7:30pm

Baldock Rotary Club Meets every Wednesday 12.00 for 12.30 (except if 5th Wednesday in month) at Baldock Bowls Club West Ave, Baldock. Contact Paul Redwood 01462 835795

Summer Holiday Netball Camps Thursday 1st August 10am plus other dates - 3pm led by expert netball coaches for more info contact offoce@uplaysports.co.uk

Baldock Floral Society Thursday 1st August, 7.15pm United Reform Church, Baldock. An evening of flower arrangement demonstrations with Gill McGregor, with the theme 'Summer Serendipity'. Everyone welcome and no advance booking required. £6 on the door.

Garden House Hospice Starlight Walk Saturday 3rd August - From 7.45pm at Nutfield Health Centre. An interactive 7.5 mile route, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Starlight Walk £15 entry. Pooches are free

Garden House Hospice Charity Event Saturday 10th August - The George & Dragon in Graveley - 10am registration and a 11:15 am start. Join Kerry on her 15th annual 30 mile bike ride around the local villages all money raised will be donated to the Garden House Hospice for more details contact Kerry on 07866420184

Baldock Allotments Open Day Saturday 17th August 12noon – 3pm at Tapps Garden Centre, Wallington Road, Baldock. Help BALGA celebrate National Allotments Week and discover more about growing your own fruit and veg in Baldock. You can bring your tools to have them marked by the Police.

Ashwell Show Sunday 26th August - Full details on page

Open Air Cinema - showing Matilda Tuesday 27th August at 12pm at The Cricketers Weston - Adults £11 children over 3 years old £6, there will a BBQ and pizza available from midday If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email us at info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk by 15th July 2019 22




This year's Ashwell Show, held on August Bank Holiday Monday (26th August), will host exhilara ng camel racing for the first me in its 99 year history. This a rac on promises to be a thrilling spectacle, with the camels and their jockeys dressed in fantas cally colourful Arabian-style ou its. And what's more – there's the chance to actually meet the camels in-between races and learn more about these fascina ng creatures. Other hooved events include the horse show, which con nues to go from strength-to-strength, and will have more

events in the main ring this year for all to enjoy. The horse schedule is now available on the Ashwell Show website for those who want to enter.

Ashwell's other firm favourite – the dog show – is sure to be great fun too, so bring down your pooch to enter the compe on and join in the fun. Those who have been to the Ashwell Show before will be pleased to see the event's tradi onal displays, including: the birds of prey demonstra on; hounds display; vintage cars; tractors; cra tent; cra demonstra ons; and shopping stands. For families there's hours of fun with free face pain ng, free children's cra tent, children's entertainer, climbing wall, archaeological dig, and pony rides. When it comes to food, this year's show is set to have more choice than ever before, including yummy cakes served up by the Ashwell WI, fresh food choices with global cuisine, plus a prosecco bar and beer tent.

Prices and Informa on Entry prices: adults £9, concessions and under 18s £5, under 5s free. Free parking. Advance ckets available at a 20% discount from www.ashwellshow.co.uk - gates open at 8:30am - 5pm. The Ashwell Show is run by volunteers, and over the last ten years, the Show has raised more than £100,000 for local clubs, socie es and organisa ons. Please come and support the show!

Copy deadline for the September issue is 15th August

Hello September AUGUST



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. You may have read in the local paper about our Nature ci zens club adop ng a reindeer called Brave Hart. This came about by bringing real-life learning into the classroom. Adop ng Brave Hart is a powerful connec on with a wild creature in its natural environment. We will learn how he grows and what the challenges are in the Arc c Circle for his herd. It is also an opportunity to tackle diďŹƒcult ques ons in an ageappropriate and sensible manner, such as what will happen to Brave Hart when released into the wild? We are already discussing possible consequences because we are dealing with a real-life issue. The children's responses show that their ability to understand issues away from their immediate environment enhances cri cal thinking and develops empathy towards the wider natural world - and all

because we have adopted Brave Hart! Other news: We now no longer use plas c straws in school and have also started to compost our own food waste. We were given some composters from families a short me ago and they have been put to good use already with children se ng up a rota to understand and learn how to compost our waste. We are working towards the school having a zero waste dustbin in each and every classroom. We s ll have some way to go, but every li le step helps.





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Vaccina ons aim to protect your dog or cat or rabbit from lethal or contagious disease (some of them can also be transmi ed to humans, e.g. Rabies). The vaccines contain agents that look like microorganisms but do not cause the disease or, in certain cases, might produce a limited and mild replica on of the microorganism. The vaccine s mulates the produc on of specific an bodies and makes your pet more able to respond and overcome a disease when he gets exposed to the microorganism, because his immune system "knows" already the microorganism. Preven on is be er than cure.

There are many types of Vaccines. Some of them contain killed infec ous agents, while others have "weakened" infec ous agents that can replicate in the body of your pet. Every pet must be thoroughly examined by a Vet before receiving the vaccina on to make sure he/she is fit for the vaccina on. There is a very long list of diseases for which there is a vaccine available, but your pet will not need all of them! Speak with your Vet about your pet's lifestyle and environment and you will be advised regarding what vaccines your pet needs and how o en they need to receive them.

20% OFF Vaccinations in September




"I wish I'd De This Years Ago!" Julie Waldock from Ashwell talks to OnOur-Doorstep about her whirlwind 3 stones 3 1/2 lb weight loss achieved this year at Slimming World in Baldock a er joining in February and reaching her personally chosen target weight in just 20 weeks! J ulie says, "Stepping through the door with an cipa on, knowing I was the only one who could change me, tackle my weight, joint and self esteem issues, I was greeted with smiles and reassurance from Sandra and the lovely Baldock group members. I weighed in at 13 stone 3 1/2 lbs. Staying to the group and being guided through how Slimming World works, I le feeling confident I could do this. Every week I looked forward to seeing the group members, staying to the mee ng and coming away burs ng with shared ideas, knowing we were all there for the same purpose and I wasn't on my own. The weight started to come off and my confidence grew. Within weeks I was ge ng comments about my size difference and I felt amazing.

I loved trying new recipes, sharing ideas on how to tackle tricky mes in our lives and posi ve ways to help stay on track. The plan was really easy to follow and was a way of life not a diet. I wish I'd done this years ago. On week 20 I got to my target weight of 10 stone, losing an amazing 3 stones 3 1/2 lbs in just 5 months!

My joints feel fantas c, my energy levels are really good, and I dropped at d you will love it!" least 2 dress sizes, which has cost my husband a fortune, but he loves the new fi er, happier and more confident me! The recipe books are great and so simple to follow. I love cooking the chili's, lasagne and curries, in fact you can s ll enjoy all your family favourite meals and try some new ones. There is also a regular magazine packed with ideas, stories from members, and new food products. If you are si ng at home reading this, wishing you could change, please be brave and go along and see for yourself, there really isn't a moment to lose anSandra Lloyd who is the consultant in Baldock says, "If Julie's story has spurred you into ac on then please do just pop along or you can call me for more details and a chat on 07716 761610"



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Slimming Wld Recipe Supplied by

Sandra Lloyd

Halloumi & Pesto Stuffed Peppers These stuffed peppers are bursting with sunshine flavours and keep the calories low.

Ingredients 350g cherry tomatoes, halved 4 red peppers, halved lengthways, deseeded and stalks removed Ÿ Salt and freshly ground black pepper Ÿ Low-calorie cooking spray Ÿ 100g reduced-fat halloumi, cubed Ÿ Red chicory and little gem lettuce leaves, to serve For the Pesto Ÿ 2 medium slices of wholemeal bread from a small 400g loaf Ÿ 3 garlic cloves, crushed Ÿ 2 large handfuls of fresh basil leaves Ÿ Juice of 1 small lemon Ÿ Ÿ

Method 1. Preheat your oven to 200°C/180°C Fan/gas 6. Divide the cherry tomatoes between the pepper halves and season. 2. To make the pesto, put the bread in a food processor and whizz into breadcrumbs, then add the garlic, basil, lemon juice and 90ml water. Whizz into a paste. Spoon the pesto into the peppers. 3. Transfer the peppers to a shallow ovenproof dish and spray with low-calorie cooking spray. Roast for 20 minutes, or until tender. 4. Preheat your grill to hot. Divide the halloumi between the peppers, add a twist of black pepper and grill for 5-10 minutes until browned. Serve with the lettuce leaves.




Ultimate Mood Lighting with Cololight

There's nothing like pu ng your feet up a er a busy day at work, si ng in your lounge with the lights turned down low with some nice relaxing music playing. Over the past few years, mood ligh ng has become very popular and with the advent of colour changed LED, we can now have a beau ful range of colours pulsing gently and filling our rooms with serene pastel colours. I was therefore eager to try out the Cololight from Lifesmart. Cololight is a modular light solu on which enables you to fit hexagonal shapes together to create a Alexa aware smart phone driven ligh ng solu on so suite everyone's taste. The kit I received had 3 lights, a stand and power supply. The device is WiFi driven and se ng up was as easy as downloading the app my Android or iOS device. A er clicking the lights together and moun ng it in the stand, I powered it up and the lights began pulsing together in unison each light has an array of 19 LED's built in which allows for animated effects and 16 million colour changes.

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A er connec ng it to my wifi, I then to build in your own custom began experimen ng with different colour anima ons. choices and effects. 'Sunrise' was The unit can also be sound aware, so par cularly pleasant as I could see it being playing your favourite music will change sat on my bedside table and being the ligh ng dynamically. triggered by Alexa to gently wake me up in The build quality and packaging was the morning with a Sunrise colour scheme very high standard and it felt safe to use gently transi oning from red to bluewith power supplied via low voltage USB white. using just 0.3w. There are a number of other effects, The unit I tested can be purchased as which give both relaxing and s mula ng low as £39.99 with addi onal panels effects. Due to the shape of each of the cos ng £11.99 all available from lights, they can be posi on to form several Amazon using this link different shapes and best of all can be Ma Porter - The Gadget expanded by buying addi onal lights to WWW.THEGADGETMAN.ORG.UK add to the 3 supplied. I could imagine an en re area of wall covered in this lights Crash Care Centre Hitchin Ltd providing some exci ng colour effects. Digging deeper into the app, there is scope to create your own effects using the simple Ÿ All Types of Bodywork interface and Undertaken Cololight tell me they are planning to Ÿ PAS125 Accredited expand the features

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We all know that we should drive within speed limits, waste less energy and give more to charity, but that doesn't mean we do it. Persuasion was once considered an art, but now it's a science and taken very seriously. If you were trying to persuade someone to do the right thing how would you do it? Ask them politely, offer them a bribe of some kind or go for outright emo onal blackmail? You might get results, but a more effec ve alterna ve would be to use what we already know about human behaviour. Most of the me, we like to follow the crowd, we insist that we make our own

minds up and are not influenced by others, but the group norms that we follow have roughly the same aims, so co opera on becomes a lot easier. Robert Cialdini a US psychologist ran an interes ng psychology experiment in a hotel bathroom. When people read the li le cardboard signs in their rooms asking them to help save the environment by keeping their towels for more than a day, a lot of people complied, but not everyone. Robert Cialdini changed the sign to say 'that most people who stayed in the hotel room had re-used their towels'. The results were striking. With this new sign people were significantly more likely to keep their towels. People complied because they now knew that other people had done the same thing and they didn't want to behave worse than them. It's a clever technique because you s ll feel you are free to make your own choice, but you are being subtly pushed in a par cular direc on. It appears to be the done thing to keep your towels so you keep yours as well.

This only works if you feel you have something in common with the rest of the group, otherwise you won't want to copy them. We imagine that the people who stayed in the room before us were probably a bit like us, so this seems like the standard way to behave for the sort of person you believe yourself to be. This psychological technique could be used in all sorts of situa ons, at work instead of signs in the office kitchen reminding us that there's no slave to the washing up, how about a simple no ce saying that 'most people who use the kitchen wash up a er themselves' Kim Holloway - Hypnotherapist www.total-therapy.co.uk AUGUST



Weston Cricket Club celebrated Englands World Cup win in style! On Sunday 14th July Weston Cricket Club held their World Cup Family Day! It was of course the same day as the final of the ICC Cricket World Cup where (in case you hadn't heard!) England narrowly defeated New Zealand in a (Champagne) Super Over in what will undoubtedly go down as one of the greatest spor ng climaxes of all me! But the England cricketers weren't the only Champions that day. Weston's finest youth talent were also on show playing 'pairs cricket' matches and celebra ng the end of their season by receiving medals and awards. Special thanks go to our awards sponsor Harriet Kelsall and massive congratula ons to our major awards' winners: Josh Pelle (Batsman of the Year), Harry Dransfield (Bowler of the Year), Charlie Miles (Spirit of Cricket Award) and Harry Lunnon (Development




jumping on (and, yes, falling off) chairs!! The perfect end to a successful Weston Player of the Year). As the BBQ sizzled and the CC World Cup Family Day which we hope, beverages flowed, there was fun for all with the help of Eoin Morgan and his ages as families enjoyed games of England heroes, will have inspired a new rounders and in the a ernoon adults genera on of Weston cricketers! played a T20 cricket match whilst Fancy ge ng involved at Weston Cricket desperately trying to keep tabs on how Club, either playing regularly or socially, the Final was panning out. suppor ng (the bar is always open!), playing in our Ladies' So ball socials or joining our growing youth set-up? Then please contact Club Chairman, Kevin Beard (beard.kevin@gmail.com) Please 'Like' our Facebook page 'Weston Cricket Club'. Jason Pelle - Weston CC Social Sec By late a ernoon full a en on was BEGINNERS focussed on the Final as everyone crowded into the pavilion to watch England edge closer to the target New Zealand had set. No-one dared predict the result as the game swung this way and that. Then, as the English and the FOR CHILDREN Kiwis couldn't be split, the game had to 10+ YEARS TEACHING EXPERIENCE be se led by a Super Over. As Jofra Please contact Catherine Woodhouse. 07773 198159 Archer bowled the final delivery you catherineannewoodhouse@gmail.com could cut the tension at Weston CC with a knife. Then suddenly pandemonium!! England win!! Cheering, singing, hugging,

the state of my back garden. I have a li le Alcove at the back of my house it's about 7x7 and that's Do you remember a li le while ago I told you that don't do gardening? Well, it turns out that I do! Charlie Dimmock I am not, but I've impressed myself. Only one near death flower so far and I'm trying to bring it back. It all started about a month ago, when my next-door neighbours decided to rip out their Privet hedge to make more room. I was cha ng to them about it and they said they had paid someone to come and do it, it was huge so I couldn't blame them. Now, I'd been giving mine the side eye for as long as I've lived here, it was (note I used the pass tense there) an ungainly thing, all thin and straggly, not like the nice neat box cut items you see folks cu ng and loving on a Sunday morning. Quite frankly it was hideous. I got a quote and when I picked myself off the floor, I decided to rip it out myself. I asked Facebook friends the best way and the next Saturday two of the most wonderful people came over to get me started. This as you all know too well, led on to other things. Over the next few weekends I transformed the scrappy piece of scrub in front of my Living room window into what I hope will be a haven for Bu erflys, Bugs and Bees with gravel and pots of wildflowers. Then I looked at the sad patch of ground in front of my other window and off I went again. More wildflowers… I know, I know, its lazy gardening, but it s ll counts. About Three weeks ago I was looking at the weeds growing though the paving out back and ge ng annoyed with them and this led me to vow to do something about

where all the garden crap goes, you know; Lawnmower, broken garden chairs, an old door. I decided to give this a good sort out. So, on the ho est day of the year I could be found shi ing garden stuff, li ing paving slabs and swea ng like mad. I poodled off to B&M for supplies. Braless (perhaps I am Charlie Dimmock), filthy, sweaty, wearing big sturdy boots and ripped shorts. I was a proper state, but I was on a mission, determined to achieve. I brought my self a couple of bags of gravel (3 for £10) amongst other stuff and hoisted them into my car. At this point I felt I should have started to sing a sea shanty or something, a working song to keep me going and li my spirits. As it happens ACDC was on the radio so that was sufficient. I popped into a garden centre on the way back with some strange no on that I needed a Hydrangea. £35 later I wandered out with said plant and some special soil, because I had to have the fussiest plant in the shop. This plant is the aforemen oned casualty. Its dying, thirty-five blooming quid and its si ng there slowly expiring and reminding me that I should never act on a whim, I should avoid whims. Whims never did nobody no good, never. More shi ing of paving slabs followed my arrival home, more swea ng and just a bit of swearing. Job done. Do I stop? Hell no! My brain trips in (must have been ge ng heat stroke now) “Nicky, it would be really nice if you put the garden furniture there” it said. “Ooo! Yes.” I said, “but where would I put the stuff that was there”

“Pop down to Wicks and get one of them shed things” “what a great idea” Ninety quid and two hours to build the thing later (that Whim thing again), I had finished, I was dying – did I men on that my son had taken the sun cream with him to rugby? No? well he did, can you imagine the state of me. Later, freshly bathed and feeling a li le more human, if sore, and sat with a well-earned cup of coffee in my newly relocated garden furniture and my brain starts to talk to me again… “You know this garden furniture is proper ta y” “yes” I said slightly wary of what's coming next “You know what would look nice?” “I'm Skint” “Wouldn't cost you much” “what?” “Chairs made from pallets, it's all the rage, every one's doing it” “Wow! That's a brilliant idea” I'm so sure I had heat stroke, convinced of it. I spent the rest of the a ernoon on Utube, looking at tutorials. As it turns out, it was a bloody brilliant idea. I reached out to FB again and thanks a couple of amazing friends who provided the pallets, I spent the next two weekends sawing, drilling and chiselling and pulling splinters out of my hands. I am seriously chuffed with my achievement. Shocked at how simple it was. But mostly I'm impressed that for the total outlay of about £30 I have myself some really fantas c garden chairs and I even made myself a table. It was worth the li le bit of blood and the broken nails. I've also cleaned out the 'Cupboard of no return' under the stairs. I think I need to start drinking again!



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1st Baldock 1st Baldock beavers, cubs and scouts have had a busy few months. We began June with our group camp where over 100 beavers, cubs, scouts, young leaders and leaders descended on Phasels Wood Ac vity Centre for a fun packed weekend of adventurous ac vi es, camp fire singing and excellent catering from our camp cooks! Since June we have not stopped. Beavers have been very busy comple ng summer hikes, a district beaver day to Herring Green Ac vity Farm and fun

rings at Gosling Sports Centre. Both cub packs have a ended Fairlands Valley Park to take part in water based ac vi es that involved dragon boat racing and ge ng very wet… they have also a ended the Fit for OCR obstacle course and completed various hikes in the surrounding area. Our scout troop have been concentra ng on their pioneering and fire ligh ng skills. More hiking followed by ice cream ea ng and then a fun night at Wyboston Lakes water assault course. This was voted the best night! We finished this term on a very beau ful and sunny evening at Wymondley Wood. A great evening for our whole group and their families to enjoy the ac vi es, have a picnic and finish the year with a whole group water fight! We look forward to seeing all of you back

in September and hope you all have lovely summers.

If you would like any informa on regarding 1st Baldock Scouts please contact Jacqui at gsl@1stbaldockscouts.co.uk

We are celebra ng 50 years since the first moon landing with The Reading Agency. Par cipa on in the challenge is free and all you need to do is sign up at your local library and collect your mission pack. You will need to read six library books of your choice – these can be any books including eBooks – and come in and tell us all about the books along the way. We will give you collectable s ckers to solve the mystery. All children who complete the challenge by the 7 September will get a cer ficate and medal and the chance to win a VIP backstage pass to our mission control prize event with children's author Steve Cole. Last year we had over 20,000 children within Her ordshire taking part – Help us break the record this year by joining us in our Space Chase Mission. For more details visit www.her ordshire.gov.uk/libraries or call 0300 123 4049 or come into your local library. Follow us on twi er @HertsLibraries for the latest updates and news. Illustra ons @Adam Stower 2019 for The Reading Agency












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01462 440684 Way, 74 Icknield 5AN SG7 Way Baldock, 9 Wallance

01462 Hitchin 895933 SG4 0SE


August Gallery

Please send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or email info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk

Ted & Brin waiting for a bite to eat Carolyn Rutherford

One of the very proud award winners from this years seasons Baldock Town FC U8's

The brilliant St Marys boys & girls football teams

Elwen and Fon checking on the sheep Friends of Baldock Green Spaces

Black Ladybird taken at Ivel Springs Darren Armes

Weston's nest youth talent Josh Pellett, Harry Dranseld, Charlie Miles and Harry Lunnon

Beautiful buttery Sarojini Ellis

Post Cycle Challenge sit down Baldock Events Forum

Crafty fox at Arlesey Pits Linda Parcell

Fire Eaters wowing the crowd at Westonbury Festival - Liz Dean

HCN members on long walk from Ashwell Hinxworth Church. Laurence Browne

Sunset over Baldock Town Freddie Hirst

Some of the school chidren in Nepal who received some of the 60 pre loved summer dresses sent over from Shires

Rupert Prior at the start of the Cycle challenge Becky Prior

A swan in a knot Margaret Dellar




Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice Samaritans

03444 111444 0300 300 8136 116 123

Councils North Hertfordshire District

01462 474000

Doctors 01462 892458

Baldock Surgery

Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery

01763 313869

Emergency Utilities 0800 111 999 0800 7838838

Gas Emergency Electric power cut

Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH

01438 314333 01707 328111 111

Library Baldock Library

0300 123 4049

Police 01707 354000


Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Brandles

01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189

Travel Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line

08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608

Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre

01462 895579

Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round

01462 892172 01462 896322

Play Groups 07709 618434 01462 896322

Magic Moments Merry Go Round

Plumbers Maben PE James

07949 120911 07816 586777

Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows

01438 906300 01462 261401

Florist 07747 195325

Blooms of Baldock

Barbers 01462 895002

Micks of Baldock

Locksmith 07737885528

Lock and Glaze

Airport Taxi 07555 707848

Greenacre Transfers

Funeral Directors Shires - CPJ Field Balodck




01462 491149


Come along and view our full range of products on display in our new show room. Kindlelight’s friendly staff will be on hand to assist with any queries. Everyone is welcome. Ample parking and refreshments available.

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