Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally
Issue 70 August 2020
www.onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
to the August Issue Like many small businesses we have been muddling through this challenging period constantly having to adapt and change to keep up with the situation as it constantly evolves. We'd like to thank all our advertisers who have continued to support us as without them we would not have been able to continue to print each month. We've had confirmation that all Hertfordshire schools are planning to reopen in September. Congratulations to all of the other family-turned-teachers for getting through 4 months of homeschooling the kids. It's safe to say we all have a new found appreciation for the work our teachers do and those 6 hours a day of peace and quiet. With the end of school comes the summer holidays. It will be a very different year for many who would usually jet off abroad for some fun in the sun. Staycations are certainly proving more popular than ever this year. As long as the great British weather holds out it should be a fantastic summer, after all who doesn't love a good bag of chips by the coast? As restrictions start to relax and we begin to cautiously venture out and catch up with friends after months apart it's seems as though our pre-lockdown clothes may have shrunk? Our jeans are a touch tighter than they were 4 months ago, that's for sure! In a bid to get back into some sort of shape (preferably one that doesn't resemble a potato) I've started the dreaded Couch to 5k challenge. After some persuasion middle child has joined me, usually the only time you'll catch her running is when she hears the ice cream van so this is a big
step for both of us! So please if you see what looks like an old fat bloke puffing and panting while chasing a young blonde girl please don’t phone the police, it’s only me getting my daily exercise. I am personally very excited to introduce a new motoring section to the magazine with a review on the new Toyota Rav4 from motoring journalist Tim BarnsClay. Tim’s reviews and articles are normally found in big name publications such as GQ, so this is quite a coup for us. As usual, we are always on the look out for local photos for the gallery page and who knows your snap could end up on the front cover!
Paul & Jacqui info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk
Jacqui Calver 07973 788418
Disclaimer All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited.
Normally at this me of the year we are telling you how much money we have raised and how we have distributed funds into the community. We would be planning for the Oktoberfest and telling you about how to buy ckets. However, like lots of other events we have decided that we won't be able to safely hold the Oktoberfest so will have a 'fallow year' in 2020. We are s ll wai ng to see what the Autumn holds and whether we can supply a bar for the Christmas Fayre and light switch on planned for the 5 December 2020 (subject to government guidelines at the me). However, we do have a busy summer planned. We have used storage at Brandles school for the last 12 years (it takes an awful lot of kit to run a decent fes val!). From September the children at Brandles will be learning all about
bike maintenance and possibly even undertaking maintenance for the community (watch this space!), so need their storage back. Which means we need to move our stuff into new storage over the summer months. You may have read in the Comet that the local councillors have granted us a £1000 grant towards the costs of buying some shipping containers for storage which will be approximately £5000. You are all aware that the Beer fes val is set up as a charity and all excess profits are awarded out to groups in our community. So as there was no fes val this year and we have not been able to raise any funds. We will therefore have to break into our con ngency fund, which we use for our set up each year. People who come know that we have improved year on year to ensure great facili es but that means that before we have opened the door at the beer fes val each year we have normally spent over £12,000 just on the logis cs. So, we are asking if this year you can support us. We will be se ng up a
dona ons page (please see our Facebook page - Baldock Beer fes val or our website Baldockbeerfes val.org for more details) and would encourage anyone who has a ended or supported us to donate the cost of a drink to help cover the costs of the containers. Any excess money raised will be given back to the community as normal. We will be working with our friends at North Her ordshire CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) to have enough storage so we can support each other to run some great events in the future. If there are any businesses that want to support us, please get in touch via baldockbeer@gmail.com We hope that everyone stays safe and we look forward to seeing you all soon when it is safe to run events again. The Baldock Beer Fes val commi ee x
and has not looked back. Baldock Businesswoman 2018, “Monkey Music is unique in that it's a full- me career whilst offering up for Major Award the opportunity for the franchise owner Despite only ever wan ng to play an instrument, classical violinist Katherine Mayes decided two years ago, that in order to support her lifestyle, she would use that passion to teach children music, all while being able to run her own business. Katherine, who has been shortlisted in the Lifestyle category at the bfa HSBC Bri sh Franchise Awards, taking place at the Vox, Birmingham, on November 30, took on the Monkey Music Baldock, Hitchin and Welwyn area at the end of
to work flexible hours. It suits a working parent, like myself, as I can generally choose when to put the hours in around my family life. With my previous career as a concert violinist I barely saw my children grow up! I am thrilled to be in the finals of the bfa franchisee of the year wards 2020 – as a performer at heart, it feels fabulous to be recognised for my performance.” – Katherine Mayes, Franchisee. Pip Wilkins QFP, CEO of the bfa, said: “All Katherine ever wanted to do in her life was play music, and a er an incredible career as a violinist, found that ideal balance for her when she began teaching music to children, and having me to spend with her boys in the evenings.” Andrew Bra esani, Head of Franchising at HSBC, added: “Taking on a franchise two years ago, it is great to see that Katherine has found another calling through music and that head office were so suppor ve in her journey. Franchising has enabled her to get the best of both worlds.”
Play Time at Peanuts “Play is o en talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play really is the work of childhood” (Fred Rogers) At Peanuts Preschool both the children and the adults love to learn through play. As we all take measured steps towards our new normal, we feel privileged to work in an environment where we are encouraged to play and to have fun! It is so important right now for our children to have fun with their friends. Children need to be curious, and there is nothing be er than helping them find simple joy in discovering something for the first me. We recently observed various pools of frogspawn around Weston develop into tadpoles and then into ny frogs. The children were ini ally amazed at the mass of frogspawn, and then loved seeing how small the li le frogs are when they first start out!
As we look towards September, and the return to school for many more children, we will con nue to focus on outdoor play and learning. We are privileged to live in such beau ful countryside, and we look forward to exploring the changing colours of the leaves, collec ng fallen conkers, making messy mud pies, crunching through the leaves, and to simply jumping in muddy puddles! Followed by lots of hand washing, of course. The way our children have adapted to their new rules at Peanuts has amazed us all. They have been courageous and accep ng of the required changes; they have made us laugh every day; they are always willing to try new things; and they always no ce the li le things. I think we can learn a lot from young children, and the sta at Peanuts embrace this opportunity every single day. If you are looking for a small and friendly Preschool for your child then please do come and visit us. Claire Mason, 07542 137066, peanutspreschool@hotmail.com Follow us on Instragram #thepeanutspreschool
UK Native Trees Are you looking for na ve trees or hedging suitable for a garden or a landscaping project or planning a plan ng scheme this Autumn? We specialise in growing UK na ve trees and na ve hedging plants from UK sourced seeds at our nursery on The Ashwell Road, Bygrave SG7 5EB. We are a li le dierent from a tradi onal garden centre and or nursery as we deliberately only grow and sell UK seed sourced na ve tree and hedging species including those that may be under threat and those that play a vital role in suppor ng indigenous wildlife. All our trees are grown in special air pruning root pouches to ensure that they develop a strong and healthy root structure, they help to protect against disease and the trees to develop and grow to their full poten al. It also means that the stock can be moved and planted
all year round provided they can be watered adequately of course!! Why buy na ve trees and hedging and in par cular those sourced and grown here? The UK's na ve species have adapted to our climate over the millennia and have supported our local wildlife and the ecosystems within which they exist. If you are interested in suppor ng indigenous wildlife then plan ng na ve species is a way of doing so. Buying and plan ng na ve trees that are both seed sourced and grown in the UK in a regulated environment reduces the risks of impor ng unwanted diseases and there spread. What species do we have available now? A full list of garden landscaping trees and hedging (single species & mixed instant hedging) including prices is on our website: www.hertsna ve trees.co.uk
07703 516914 Ashwell Road, Bygrave, Herts SG7 5EB
hertsnativetrees@gmail.com AUGUST
GRASS SEED SEASON Spring and summer are lovely seasons for taking long walks on the green with our dogs...but be careful about grass seeds! Over the last 3 – 4 weeks we are ge ng pets coming in everyday with grass seeds in various places. In fact, grass seeds are in the terminal part of shrubs of grasses and at some point, they become dry and hard and can detach from the rest of the plant or fall on the ground. their shape makes them very insidious and able to enter the skin and progress in the deep ssues or in a body cavity they can get everywhere! Common loca ons are between the toes, where they can make a fistula under the skin and cause infec ons, or they can get inside the nose, making your dog sneeze very o en. They can also go in the conjunc val sac and cause a painful eye infec on, or in the ears and
make your dog shake the head and make his ear very sore, in very serious occasions dogs can inhale a grass seed, and if not retrieved in me it can cause serious infec ons in the lungs or in the abdomen. So avoid if possible walking your dog in places with a lot of grass seeds and always check your pet a er a walk, paying special a en on to the paws, ears and eyes. Think about keeping short hairs in those areas if it makes the job easier. And if you no ce your pet shaking their head, sneezing a lot, limping with a fistula or a puncture between the toes/pads, or suddenly having a bad cough, then seek veterinary advice. Just give the prac ce a call, either the Royston (01763 242221) or Baldock (01462 895579) where they will make you an appointment as soon as possible.
September 2020
Copy deadline for the September issue is 16thAugust
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Getting Mixed Ble ings it! Through Well, I've just about binged on every box set available to me now. Just to give you a li le insight into my viewing habits; this month I've revisited Poldark and lusted over Aidan Turners bare chest. The series finale is not yet available on Ne lix so I've s ll that joy to come. The upstairs downstairs shenanigans of Downton Abbey have ensnared me once again, I put in a few late nights/early mornings with that one. Call the Midwife had me crying with both laughter and sadness, I can only say thank heavens that the toilet roll crisis is well past. I'm s ll working my way through The Walking Dead, but it is proving to be quite unexci ng as this is my third visit. I am trying to devise a cunning way to re watch Game of Thrones without having to pay for it or squin ng at a hideously bad download. I haven't neglected my reading either, it's been an absolute delight to indulge my twenty-year love affair with Charlie Parker. For those of you not in the know, Charlie is a private detec ve with a big twist. Along with his two gay gangster sidekicks (whom I love equally), the baddies he dispatches are demons from Hell which he seems to draw to him. If you want to have a look,
the author is John Connolly, start with The Killing Kind. But I will warn you, it is not for the faint hearted, its proper gri y, near the knuckle stuff. It has taken me two months to get through his fourteen books and I've finished just in me for his new release, which is due to arrive on my birthday, so I know what I'm doing that day. I've spent me watching and reading some u er tripe as well because basically we are now running out of decent telly. Nothing new has come out (that I've no ced) and neither will it for some me I guess as they've not been making anything. Aunty Beeb is par cularly dire and how they can jus fy charging some pensioners for their dismal services is beyond me. Yes, they do the odd decent bit of telly but its mostly repeats and news. The only sport they do now is the stuff Sky doesn't want. Not that I watch sport except interna onal Rugby, and even that seems to be under threat. I've also spent the month preparing for my second Micro Teach in order to get my teaching qualifica on. Those of you who take no ce of my inane waffle will know that I have already done one and should have already passed. Simply put, a Micro teach is a lesson, devised,
produced and delivered by me to my class mates, and for many it's the first me you get to stand in front of a class full of your peers and try to persuade them that you know what you're talking about. Its very nerve racking and scary. Because of the lock down, we have had to do most of this class by webinar, and this included the Micro Tech, I passed this and was well on my way to becoming a teacher. But then, when it was all done and submi ed, the awarding body decided that they were not going to accept a webinar version of this unit. So, I had to do it all again. It sounds like I've been really busy, yet I don't think I have. I've neglected the house and my physical wellbeing which then had a knock-on effect on my mental health. Immersing oneself in the fantasy world of books and films isn't good for you. Much like teenagers and computer games, there must be a balance. Whilst I'm far from being swallowed up by the sofa as I read one more awful book or watch a disappoin ng film whilst tucking into another tub of Ben & Jerry's, I am beginning to think that I might have to employ the services of some heavy duty plant to get me moving freely again. I'm pinning my hopes on my impending return to work to regain some normality but that's s ll some four weeks away. I never thought I'd feel excited by the thought of going to work, but I guess this year has been full of surprises hasn't it.
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5 minutes with... ... Leonie Moran from *Tell us a bit about Any Kitchen Ltd Services: We provide a unique design, supply and installa on service for kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms as well as home office space. We offer a personal service from our High Street loca on in the heart of Stevenage Old Town. *When did the business start? Any Kitchen Ltd was formed in 2014. My husband, and now business partner had spent his en re career in the furniture industry, originally working with the Bri sh Standards Agency on the strength and safety of furniture. He then moved on and spent 20 years in the industry supply chain working with manufacturers, contractors, designers and architects. A er I was made redundant from my audi ng posi on, we decided to build a family business using the decades of contacts we now had. Star ng from our dining table, we have grown or business organically and now work with residen al and contractual customers alike. *What is your business structure? My husband, Pat, carries out the site surveys and discusses the project with our customers in the first instance, ge ng a real understanding or our customers individual requirements. Our niece, Grace, is proficient in Computer Aided Design and works from the studio planning the kitchens to help our customers visualize their dream kitchen! Pat's brother, John, joined the team 2 years ago and manages the procurement for the business. I oversee proceedings for the business and ensure we work as a team!
*Where are your products sourced? All kitchen and furniture manufacturers we use are UK based. We will use certain suppliers spending on the type of furniture required. We are premier partners for AEG/Electrolux appliances and can offer our customers enhanced customer incen ves, such as improved warran es and cashback rewards. We use renowned, superior, fi ngs in our furniture for and all of the materials used in the manufacturer of the furniture are of the highest quality. *Who are you customers? We design and supply to retail customers with any budget. We will compete against our compe tors and are confident that we are able to provide a be er quality kitchen at a be er price. We offer bespoke sizes which eliminates the need of surplus fillers and maximizes the use of space. In 2018 we broadened our business model and have since been working with housing developers, and more recently, in the health sector. *How do I get a quote? Simply get in touch by email or phonecall! We will arrange an ini al site visit at your convenience to discuss your project. We'll then design your new kitchen, bedroom etc. Once you're happy with the design, we'll be able to provide a quota on! Our design service is a free of charge, no obliga on service. Please get in touch with us: info@anykitchensltd.co.uk or call 01438 230010.
4 Sun Street, Baldock. Sg7 6QA 2c St Francis Way, Shefford. Sg17 5DZ
James Spencer
9th august
Love from Louisa, Oscar & Georgia xxx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lots of Love Mum, Dad and Phoebe xx TH
Happy Birthday
Maggie Read
Loads of love Mum and Dad xxx
th 20h August
Diane Rodg s 18th August 14
Lots of Love John, Katy, Sophie & Jonas
GOODBYE AND HELLO Goodbye to Baldock Coronavirus Support Group Hello to Baldock and District Futures Trust Fund The Baldock Coronavirus Support Group was formed on the 10th March 2020 to help the town at a me of crisis, confusion and fear. Established organisa ons such as St Mary's Church, the Rotary Club, Neighbourhood Watch, the WI as well as District and County Councillors and individuals came together and soon iden fied the needs of the community. These organisa ons gave us the prac cal support to enable us to respond to this na onal emergency. The people of the town in turn came forward to become front line volunteers and over 500 requests for prescrip ons and shopping to individuals and families were completed. A volunteer communica ons team was formed who designed and wrote these newsle ers and wanted to help the community share their stories whether it was about lock down, VE day or how businesses
were gradually coming out of the crisis. By the town coming together we helped to alleviate food poverty by delivering food and household goods parcels to over 40 families, supported those who were vic ms of domes c violence, offered support to those in crisis through the Listening Service and put smiles on the faces of those elderly living in isola on by young children sending le ers and drawings to them under the Connec ng Communi es project. The Baldock Coronavirus Support Group was set up to respond to an emergency and now it is me for the group to close, the intended date is the 31st August 2020. If there is a second Covid19 spike there are other organisa ons in place who can help those in need and we will let people know where to find them.. Out of the Baldock Coronavirus Support Group has come an important legacy. The Baldock and District Futures Trust Fund is being
created as a charity to alleviate hardship in the town and surrounding villages. Funds will be used as a grant or loan to help people overcome adversity. We will be publishing how to apply for help over the next few weeks. If you wish to donate yourself please do so in the following ways by going to JustGiving.com and search for Baldock Futures Fund. We will be fund raising for this charity in the future so please look out for our banners and other publicity. The people of Baldock supported BCSG is so many ways by either volunteering, dona ng money or wri ng words of encouragement on Facebook or on our website. A big thank you to you all and let's hope that we can move forward together to con nue to play our part in making our town a wonderful place to live, and suppor ng those who are in need. Vivienne Reed - Chair of BCSG
01462 440684
Janet Calver Birthday lunches aren’t meant to be eaten. They should be sipped. It’s my Birthday, so get ready for some day time drinking!
Happy birthday from Carol
2 August
Lisa Jacks 1st August
Lots of love from Mum and Mike
Daisy May ys
Dais y
y Dais
Dais y
Dais y
y Dais
xx Love Sissy xx
Happy 40th Birthday
Darren Spice
love all the family Happy Birthday
Carl Aylott
31st August
Love you lots, Sam xxx
‘Now open Tuesday to Saturdays 10am - 1pm Bookings now being taken for sewers and bridal alterations. One at a time in the front of the shop for repairs and alterations please.’
Please phone 07938509672 for more details and to book
Searching - 1st August After David Kim 16-yearold daughter goes missing, a local investigation is opened. But 37 hours later and without a single lead, he decides to search the one place no one has looked yet, where all secrets are kept today: his daughter's laptop. David must trace his daughter's digital footprints before she disappears forever.
The Peanut Butter Falcon - 3rd August A boy with Down's Syndrome who escapes from his suffocating life in a nursing home and runs away in search of his wrestling hero. He runs into the troubled fisherman and the pair begin to strike up an unlikely friendship as they continue their odyssey across Florida together.
Malibu Rescue - 4th August It's summer again, and everyone's favorite Junior Rescuers, The Flounders, are back at Tower 2. With the International Junior Rescue Championships headed to Southern California, the eyes of the entire planet are on Malibu Beach. But when Team USA falls victim to a bout of food poisoning, it's up to Tyler, Dylan, Eric, Lizzie and Gina to represent their country in the world's most extreme lifeguard challenge.
Project Power - 14th August On the streets of New Orleans, word begins to spread about a mysterious new pill that unlocks superpowers unique to each user. The catch: You don't know what will happen until you take it. While some develop bulletproof skin, invisibility, and super strength, others exhibit a deadlier reaction. A dealer and a local cop team to take down the gang responsible.
Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls
Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp
So its Official, we have just experienced the sunniest spring since records began. Some say records started officially in 1910 when Stevenson screens were first used for every record; others would say 1656, but that was only for temperature, either way, its a serious weather event. All this sun has been great for plant production. It has saved everybody loads of money in frost protection, paraffin for heating, fleece and bubble wrap for covering plants and insulating greenhouses. The benefits of days and days of sunshine are apparent, but at the wrong time of the year, it can cause no end of problems. The benefits for us have been our plant production has been very much more relaxed than other years, combined with the lockdown we have been able to spend much more time in our production tunnel, all of the family doing what growers do. Alexander, our six-year-old Grandson, grew an eight-foot sunflower, beating mine by a good three feet, you have to let them win at that age, don't you? At the start of lockdown, we had a great piece of luck. We had a delivery of our production compost, and the slow release feeds we use for our perennials and bedding plants, arriving just days before the whole world stopped and went into lockdown. Without those two products, we would have been struggling, actually completely stuck as delivery and any thought of getting an order of compost vanished into fresh air. All these months later, compost still requires a six week lead time on any orders and many compost products are still unavailable. The compost was the lucky part, as you know there is always good and a bad part, the bad part for us growers, is that the early sunny warm part of the season is what the red spider mites love along with greenfly, black fly, they were everywhere. I had run out of anything to spray with, and as we try not to use pesticides unless we have no choice. It was also a bit early to acquire predators, as they need warmer weather than the mites, the weather was
warm enough, but no one could have imagined it would be so early, the predators were nowhere near ready. I had to revert to an organic spray; this took about two weeks to arrive. Unfortunately by the time I got to spraying, I had lost my greenhouse strawberry crop to the mites and broad beans to black fly. Luckily the strawberries are ever bearers and day neutrals. They will give me a pick of fruit later in the year through September and October; the runners are still good, so I will be able to plant them up mid-August for next years crop or sale through next year. Recently we have just had a period of much-needed rain, so I got on with lots of building work, ignoring any gardening, you may have noticed the new roof on the garden centre amongst other projects. Not being able to spend much time in my veg garden and being short-staffed, I was surprised when I did get time to find it covered with Fat hen. I have never seen anything like it; I don't mean a few plants but thousands and anything up to a metre high it goes to show that you must keep on top of it, look away and the weeds and pests swamp you. Hopefully, we will get a regular-season next year so that I can give enough time to the veg patch. Customers are bringing in vegetables for me to look at, mostly brassicas that are riddled with holes. They look like they have been shot at with a shotgun. Flea beetle is the culprit a semi attractive shiny brown, blue or black small beetle with long back legs that it uses to jump when disturbed, so that's the good bit sounds ok! Its called Flea Beetle, but don't worry, it doesn't bite humans and won't infest your house. It's actually a nasty little thing in the garden, it causes no end of damage to the leafy part of your brassicas, turnips and unfortunately potatoes amongst others. The damage is so bad in many cases to the seedling and early stage of growth that the crop is decimated some times destroyed, farmers will have acres wiped out. Potatoes will
show the typical shot holes in the leaves, it's the adult that causes this, but this is only evidence that the real crime is being committed below ground. Weeks before this is seen the newly hatched grubs are nibling hundreds of little pinprick holesin the tubers these then expand as the spuds grow at best-leaving holes the size of the tip of a biro pen. At worst they will become scabby, a sizable number of them will make the potato undesirable if not entirely unusable. Over the last few years, you may have heard on the news about the Neo nics pesticides that have allegedly been causing problems with our native and honey bees. I have used the word allegedly for legal reasons.This pesticide was used to protect the oilseed rape crops that were seen around the top end of Hertfordshire and many other parts of the country. With this crop, the eggs hatch, and the grubs will burrow into the main stem causing fatal damage, the ban of the chemical is the reason why we no longer see the beautiful yellow fields around here any more. We as gardeners have some hope there is a predatory fungus available, mixed into water and sprinkled around the crop to be protected, the fungus quickly multiplies attaching to the grub. Finding its way inside the now condemned pest, it will start dissolving it, turning it into a liquid to become food for the evermultiplying fungus. North Hertfordshire and South Cambridgeshire was a hot spot for flea beetle due to the acres of oilseed rape grown. The problem's probably reducing now but, there's still enough of them around to cause us a problem for a long time yet. I hope I've not scared you too much. Enjoy your gardening. Cheers Graham.
Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre
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Simple Steps To Help Manage Anxiety Whether you are worried about infec on, feeling suffocated by face masks, stressed about social distancing or struggling with reduced income, COVID19 has made anxiety permanent feature of day-to-day life. Whilst, there's not much we can do to change the current situa on, there are plenty of ways to help ease anxiety and its impact, the simplest being the most effec ve. 1. Sleep - are you ge ng enough of it? At night the brain undergoes a deep clean followed by a period of rewiring. This is when we process everything that's happened in the day, learning from it and becoming be er equipped to face the same challenges tomorrow. Research shows that sleep depriva on can increase anxiety, as well as many other health complica ons and so, ge ng a good night's rest is one of the best things you can do to protect your mental wellbeing.
If you struggle to sleep, it's important to wind down properly before bed. Switching to lamp light a couple of hours before helps trigger melatonin release, the hormone responsible for making us feel sleepy, whilst switching off devices reduces blue light exposure, which can keep our brains alert. Watch something lighthearted or listen to an audio book to help you relax and end the day feeling calm. 2. Breathe! Many of us may feel anxious when in fact we are simply not breathing well. When we're under stress, our breathing automa cally gets faster and shallower, as we try to rapidly increase the oxygen entering our lungs. Spending your day hunched over on your phone, at a desk or trea ng pa ents, reduces the space available for our lungs to expand, forcing our breathing to mimic what happens when we are stressed.
Finding a few moments to stand or sit up straight and take a some slow, deep breathes into your belly, helps let our brain know you are safe and not under threat. 3. Eat your greens! Nutrients can play an important role in our mental and physical health. Magnesium for example is essen al for muscle relaxa on and processing the brain chemicals that make us feel alert. UK dietary surveys show many people aren't consuming their daily magnesium requirements. Low magnesium intake can lead to increased muscle tension and feeling unable to relax. Try adding some dark leafy green vegetables, nuts, whole grains, or dark chocolate to your meals to help keep magnesium levels topped up.
FABULOUS GLAMPERVAN Just pick up and go – The motorhome is fully equipped ready for you to start your holiday. Available for short breaks and longer holidays all year round.
www.fabulousglampervan.co.uk email: enquiries@fabulousglampervan.co.uk
Tel: 01462 491035 / 07985315632 AUGUST
One Man's Meat is Another Man's Poison
The 2020 Toyota Rav4
By Tim Barnes-Clay - Motoring Journalist The latest Toyota RAV4 is a bit of a head-turner. And that surprised me during my week with it, because I've found that despite their popularity, SUVs aren't usually the cars to grab a en on. My son was the first to admire the RAV4's chunky appearance, followed by a guy at my COVID-19-enforced exercise class - and then the fitness instructor. Usually, these guys are fans of sporty BMWs. I think the twin tailpipes and the pleasing symmetrical shape of the Toyota aroused their interest, but I'm s ll unsure. To me, its looks are okay – but they're not all that. It just goes to show that the phrase "one man's meat is another man's poison" was coined for a reason. There's no ques on about the car's family transporta on abili es, though. The fi h genera on of Toyota's global best-selling SUV crossover has bags of room for five people - and the boot capacity is 580-litres. That's enough for a week or two's worth of shopping - and a buggy - or a bunch of golf clubs, depending on your lifestyle. What's more, if you're on, say, a p run, you can fold the rear seats to extend cargo space. Performance-wise, the SUV is rela vely quick off the mark. Plant your right foot hard on the accelerator pedal, and the 22
0-62mph benchmark can be done in 8.1 seconds. Doing this kind of goes against the point of buying the upmarket “Dynamic” 2.5 Petrol Hybrid AWD model, on test here. Used efficiently, the selfcharging hybrid will return late 40s mpg quite easily, but stamping on the gas just uses up any electric power you've generated in a jiffy. Half the fun of driving the RAV4 is keeping the needle in the “Charge” por on of the power band. You're s ll doing great when you rise to the “Eco” sec on, but you know you're in fueldraining mode if you hit the “Power” area of the dial. As well as a premium feel to the fixtures and fi ngs, the “Dynamic” grade is ki ed out with front and rear parking sensors, dual-zone air condi oning, blue ambient ligh ng, intelligent adap ve cruise control and a powered tailgate. A panoramic roof, as fi ed to my loan model, is available as an op on. It costs £860, but it makes the cabin feel even more airy and spacious. The SUV handles more like a car than a high-rider, thanks to a be er suspension arrangement and a lower centre of gravity. The steering is sharper than before, and the automa c con nuously variable transmission (CVT) is far smoother than the “whirring” CVT
systems we've had to endure in the past. Steering wheel paddles are also there if you're into engine braking. Thanks to all-wheel drive, this RAV4 can handle its fair share off-road. It's not a mudplugger, but the Toyota will pull itself across gravel, dirt tracks and fields with ease. You won't be wincing too much as you do this, either, because the car's high ground clearance helps prevent any undercarriage grazing incidents. With performance, efficiency, off-road ability, space, and arguable good looks, the newest RAV4 is sure
to con nue selling like hotcakes. But it's only a ma er of me before the hybrid element disappears and we see pure electric propulsion become the norm with Toyota and other mainstream brands.
Fast Facts Toyota RAV4 Dynamic 2.5 Petrol Hybrid AWD - as tested: Ÿ Max speed: 112mph Ÿ 0-62 mph: 8.1 secs Ÿ Combined mpg: 47.8-48.7 Ÿ Engine: 2487cc petrol/electric hybrid Ÿ Max. power (PS): 222 Ÿ CO2: 101 g/km Ÿ Price: £37,490
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Sennheiser evolves with AI and Multipoint Bluetooth This month's review remains audio focused with headphones from the legendary Sennheiser, under a new brand 'EPOS'. The ADAPT 660 are aimed at working people and perfectly suit homeworking where many of us struggle to concentrate working from home with children, other family members and pet noise, distrac ng and interrup ng our work flow. Out of the box, the ADAPT 660 feel really high-end, solidly built which fold up into a leather pouch. Their rela vely large over-ear design is exceedingly comfortable all-round. Unfolding them effec vely switches them on, immediately the noise reduc on technology kicks in and does a great job of filtering out unwanted distrac ons , but can also allow conversa ons to take place. I was si ng next to a air-con unit and found the drone nicely removed. This is achieved by an array of 4 adap ve ANC microphones which ac vely monitors your environment. Audio prompts inform you of the connec on status via Bluetooth and the mul -point features allow for simultaneous connec ons to more than one device at a me. This means you can connect to your computer via Bluetooth or using the included BTD 800 USB dongle. I was able to connect easily to my MacBook Pro and remain connected to my Sony Xperia 1 mobile phone. I could edit video on the MacBook, but also receive no fica ons and calls from my phone at the same me, it worked very
Audio comms are achieved by the inclusion a of AI driven microphone system, which uses 3 microphones and machine learning developed algorithms that gives op mal voice pickup giving clarity and nicely filters out background and unwanted noise in conjunc on with the addi onal 4 ANC microphones previously men oned! The headphones are controlled using capaci ve touch on the surface of the earpiece, there are a selec on of ac ons, such as stopping and star ng audio playback, adjus ng volume controlled, but also connec ng to Alexa using a 'tap and hold' gesture. I love the inclusion of interac on with digital assistants and as they evolve, the experience gets be er and be er. On the side of the headphones is a dedicated Microso Teams bu on as the headphones have been given UC (Universal Communica ons) Cer fica on which allows them to effec vely act as a virtual telephone handset. Being wireless, the headphones provide 30 hours of audio playback and are charged using the included USB Type C lead.
EPOS ADAPT 660 Headphones
This were truly fabulous headphones and I could quite happily have con nued to use them as a permanent solu on to my current home working, sadly they had to be returned. You can purchase the EPOS Adapt 600 for around £249, which might be a bargain in exchange for keeping your sanity! See you next month!
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the aforemen oned road. Early morning is probably the best me to hear them; but they can be very vocal at night too. Their late arrival can also be their downfall; if they don't breed and raise their young quickly, nests can be destroyed when crops are harvested. For many birds, the breeding season is almost over, for some it already is. My garden has been home to a young Robin; I'd like to think it's the same one that visits daily. Birds are very clever and con nue to visit gardens where they know there is food. Robins normally have two broods a year, the first in mid-April, in good years, they can have a third brood and go on into August, but they usually stop breeding before the end of July. The red breast on young birds can take six months to develop. Blue Tits and Great Tits begin to lay eggs mid-April, one a day, incuba on starts when the last one is laid. Raising up to 14 youngsters can be hard work, so it is no surprise they only manage one brood a year. Young of both species visit my garden daily.
Baldock Birdlife The birdlife around Baldock has pre y much stabilised over the last few weeks; but two species I have seen are Raven and Quail. Years ago Ravens were restricted to the coast in the south west, and mountains in the north of the country, but in recent years their popula on has expanded. I had two flying high above the town a few days ago. Quail is our only migratory game bird and winter in Africa. They arrive late spring and inhabit densely populated cereal crop fields, such as those on the Baldock to Wallington road; this makes them very difficult to see. Fortunately they have a very dis nc ve call that has been said to mimic the words “wet me lips”! There has been at least two birds calling over the last few weeks along
Blackbirds can have 2-3 broods a year, some mes four. They start early, in March, laying between 3-5 eggs. The number of broods largely depends on the weather and abundance of food. Blackbirds foraging for food are a common site in my garden; with young birds featuring regularly. Add to the mix young Goldfinch, Greenfinch and Dunnock, it looks to have been a good breeding season for birds in the immediate locale. -Terry Brown
Through Coloured Renders
Slimming Wld Recipe Supplied by
Sandra Lloyd
Oaty Pancakes with Bananas Brighten up your breakie and make any day Pancake Day with these sensational cakes, packed with porridge oats and topped with fresh bananas Ingredients
Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
2 large eggs 230ml unsweetened almond milk 1 level tsp sweetener 1 tsp vanilla extract 50g plain porridge oats 1 level tsp baking powder 50g self-raising flour Low-calorie cooking spray 4 bananas, sliced Fat-free natural Greek yogurt, to serve Ground cinnamon, to dust
Method 1. Separate the eggs into 2 mixing bowls and, using a fork, whisk the almond milk, sweetener and vanilla extract into the yolks. Stir in the oats and baking powder and leave to soak for 20 minutes. 2. Sift the flour over the oat mixture and fold it in. Whisk the egg whites into soft peaks and gently fold into the oats using a large metal spoon. 3. Spray a large non-stick frying pan with low-calorie cooking spray and place over a medium heat. When hot, add 3 large spoonfuls of the batter to the pan, spaced well apart, and cook for 2 minutes or until bubbles start to appear in the top of the pancakes and the undersides are nicely golden brown. Flip the pancakes over and cook for another 2 minutes. 4. You can serve these pancakes in batches as you cook them, or put them on a plate, cover with a clean tea towel and keep warm in a low oven while you cook the rest. 5. Stack the pancakes on serving plates and pile on the sliced bananas. Add a dollop of yogurt and dust with cinnamon to serve. 6. For a sweet finish, drizzle with maple syrup just before you serve (1 level tsp adds ½ Syn).
£30 per 1000 AUGUST
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Hypnotherapy Relaxed Childbirth The Hypnotherapy relaxed childbirth programme is a unique way which allows you to look forward to enjoying a pain free childbirth. Pain in labour is mainly due to the fear induced by family and friends or frightening childbirth stories depicted by the media. When fear is not present, there is less pain. Fear causes the arteries leading to the uterus to constrict and become tense, crea ng pain. When there is no fear, the muscles relax and become pliable and the cervix can naturally thin and opens as the body pulsates easily for the birthing process to deliver the baby. The language used around a pregnant mother is changed as many of the words we use to describe pregnancy and birth
have nega ve associa ons, therefore words like labour may be changed to birthing, or contrac ons to waves which is a much more posi ve and calming. Being more aware of the importance of calmness and relaxa on and gentle encouragement can actually move the birthing process along faster. Many women choose the comfort of water birthing as a complement to hypnobirthing. The water enhances a mother's relaxa on and allows the baby to be born into an environment that makes an easy transi on from life within the womb to air-breathing. There is merit to the weightlessness and buoyancy that water provides which can help with the relaxa on. Her body is be er able to benefit from so ening effect that the water has on the birthing muscles and on the folds of the perineum and there is slightly less risk of tearing or needing an episiotomy. Baths are calming and soothing and also give the feeling of pleasure, contentment and wellbeing. Research states that when women labour and birth in water, there is an increased produc on of endorphins and natural oxytocin, also all other muscles work more comfortably. Whether you have fears and worries because of a previous difficult pregnancy or birth, or a first me Mother needing a li le help and support, you will find a hypnotherapy relaxed childbirth programme will guide you through the whole process in a friendly relaxed and enjoyable way. A programme of 4 sessions will take you up to and throughout childbirth and right through to your new family life. You have the op on to either manage the birth yourself using self hypnosis and pain management techniques that you've learnt, or use hypnotherapy recordings. Many midwives fully support the use of hypnosis-supported births because Mums are more relaxed, calmer, more aware of what is going on around them. Hypnosis is completely safe and drug free, but can also can be used alongside other interven ons, including medica on. Kim Holloway – www.total-therapy.co.uk AUGUST
Compliant with Government guidance on managing the risk of Covid-19
All change at Legends lane A er the announcement that Letchworth Rugby Club had secured the services of former Her ord senior coach Baz Bazra, which was an enormous coup for the club, Baz has not wasted any me adding to his team. The 1st, Elite rugby player Tom Jubb who has called it a day on his professional playing career and is now giving something back to the game by joining the coaching team. A graduate of Oaklands Academy, Tom represented England at age group level, Saracens, Bedford & Coventry … and of course to add to that impressive list as a callow youth he began his outstanding career at Letchworth Legends. Next to be appointed, Pro Boxer and Personal Trainer Tom Ansell, who joins the team as Strength and Condi oning expert. Tom’s early spor ng career was as a promising half back, selected to represent Her ordshire and quickly making his mark with early eleva on to the Letchworth Senior squad. Baz has chosen abrasive second row John Brain as his playing Captain. As a youngster, John enjoyed his rugby at Royston before following in his father David’s footsteps and joining Letchworth, before ge ng picked up by Saracens. His claim to fame was taking Mar n Johnston to the cleaners as unfancied Saracens beat the high flying Leicester team. Now the latest hidden gem from his ranks of players to join his impressive coaching team is Kieron Davies, who has been appointed to lead as a ack coach. Unknown to most, the modest Assistant Head Teacher at Priory Academy, Dunstable, has been capped 39 mes for Germany. AUGUST
More Please send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or email info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk
August Gallery
Great aerial view of the Balodck bootsale - Simon Holtom
Picture perfect, a swan with a signet - Matthew Bartlett
Busy bee - Paul Hoenes
Sue Chapman and her son with more of Baldocks wildlife
Evening shot of Clothall Road overlooking Hartsď€ eld school.. Was so beautiful too see - Hayley Day Great 1st innings of the season for Ashwell Cricket Club
Glen Myers carrying out the massive Garden refurb at the Orange Tree
Baldock Ladies Football team in 1954 - Tracey Savage
Taken from the old Wallington road towards the bypass. - Janet Jackson
Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice Samaritans
03444 111444 0300 300 8136 116 123
Councils North Hertfordshire District
01462 474000
Doctors Baldock Surgery
01462 892458
Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery
01763 313869
Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut
0800 111 999 0800 7838838
Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH
01438 314333 01707 328111 111
Library Baldock Library
0300 123 4049
Police Police
01707 354000
Schools Knights Templar Hartsď€ eld St Johns St Marys Brandles
01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189
Travel Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line
08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608
Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre
01462 895579
Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round Peanuts Preschool
01462 892172 01462 896322 07736 124327
Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round
07709 618434 01462 896322
Plumbers Maben PE James
07949 120911 07816 586777
Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows
01438 906300 01462 261401
Florist Blooms of Baldock
07747 195325
Locksmith Lock and Glaze
Mobile Hair Dresser Hair By Jacqui
07973 788418
Funeral Directors Shires - CPJ Field Baldock
01462 491149
Come along and view our full range of products on display in our new show room. Kindlelight’s friendly staff will be on hand to assist with any queries. Everyone is welcome. Ample parking and refreshments available.