The 38 Baldock Festival Programme of Events

Friday 28th April - Sunday 22nd May

Once again, it is a joy to bring what we consider to be one of our town's most fantas c features, the Baldock Fes val.
2023 welcomes the 38th Baldock Fes val and we've got another great line-up of events from so many groups, businesses, and organisa ons around the town! We have so many events again this year that we are con nuing to spread them over three weeks!
We see the return of some of the town's favourite Fes val events, such as the Gin, Wine, and Whisky tas ngs, the Bingo Night, and the Fes val Fun Quiz!
The Street Fair returns on Saturday 13 May and will, as usual,
have tons of entertainment, food, drink, and much more going on. The Ecofest will once again be on the High Street, now on Saturday 20th.
Tickets go on sale Saturday 15 April at Baldock Community Centre before they then become available ONLINE at 1pm. Finally, I must thank every one of the brilliant hard-working commi ee members and volunteers who give up their me for free to organise, run, and dy up the Baldock Fes val.
Enjoy our wonderful fes val
Alistair Willoughby, ChairTickets and entry forms will be available from Saturday 15th April at Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock Tel 01462 894109
The Community Centre’s opening hours are:
Sundays: Wednesdays: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Keep
Baldock Scarecrow Compe on Baldock and Surrounding areas. The second year of Baldock's Fes val Scarecrow compe on should ensure some fun sights, with great prizes for the top three child and top three adult entries. Your scarecrow needs to be in view from the road, either on the front of your property or the rear if that is be er from the road or through a window. To enter you must collect an applica on form from the community centre or print off from our website and then return your form and a photograph of your scarecrow by Friday 12th May (or before) to the community centre. Judging will take place during the Street Fair on Saturday 13th May. The winners will be chosen by public vote from a display of your photos on the fes val Commi ee Stand.
Tickets £3.50 from Baldock Community Centre or the Baldock Fes val Website. Could you pass your driving test again! Around Baldock and Letchworth.
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
If you are 30 years old or over and have a car and insurance, then why not take a mock driving test again? You will drive from Baldock in your own car collec ng a qualified driving instructor who will discuss any faults on a warm-up drive to Letchworth. Then you will drive from the test centre in Letchworth and take a 1/2 hour mock test in your own vehicle. However, any faults will cost you !! Any minor faults will cost you 25p per fault, serious faults £1 per fault and dangerous faults will be £2 per fault! All proceeds will go to the garden house hospice. Why not challenge your friends and family to have a go and help raise money for our local hospice?
Tickets £5 per mock test + any faults you occur!! To book please call Sean Smith on 07530532172.
'The Bondor' Baldock Museum
New Museum Display at Baldock Museum. 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
From Saturday, May 13th (Street Fair Day)
New Museum Display: 'The Bondor' is the story of the Kayser Bondor factory in Baldock 1928-1983 which became the centre of the largest hosiery manufacturing business in the Commonwealth and Europe. It is now the site for Tesco.
FREE Entry
28th April - 1st May
Rock, Beer & Sausages - The Ul mate Beer Fes val!
Orange Tree Public House. 4:00:00 PM11:30:00 PM
32 Real Ales, 6 Real Ciders, a Chapman's Sausage Extravaganza and Live Music all a ernoon and evening on Saturday and Sunday, along with chilled acous c sessions on Monday a ernoon. Saturday: Basket of Puppies - The Allright Jimmy'sAndrea Wilde & The Whisky Chasers - No Sleep Til Bed me - You OK Hun? Sunday: Lester Clayton - Rock, Stock & Basil - Raise The Devil - Real McCoys - Indi & The Vegas - ZeroesMonday: Sam Walker - Mel Quinn - Andrea Wilde - Magenta SlippersThere will be a bonus Chilli CookOff to boot - see separate event details. FREE Entry
Friday 28th April
Live Music: Mark Smith Open Night
The Hen and Chickens. FROM 7:30 PM Turn up, sign up and join in or just sit and listen. To book a slot please contact Mark direct on - 07791 776796. Their music will cover a fine selec on of classic rock covers, mainly 70s with a couple of 50s, 60s and a few surprise songs thrown in. Loud and lively! FREE Entry
Saturday 29th April
FIRE Sta on Open Day
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Baldock's very own Knives Out style murder mystery brought to you by Baldock Town Twinning and wri en by Baldock resident, Vivienne Reed. Gather your friends to book a table and join us for an evening of entertainment and dinner. Will you be able to guess whodunit? The cket price includes dinner and dessert, a reasonably priced bar (no BYO, please), as well as the Murder Mystery entertainment and a raffle. This event proves popular and sells out quickly so don't wait to get your cket!
Tickets £25 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website Cocktail Masterclass @ Chez Burton Chez Burton brings an opportunity to learn how to make 3 of their fantas c cocktails with the top mixologist Richard! During your a ernoon session you will be provided with everything you need to recreate some of Chez Burton's infamous cocktails, you will also be entertained with some fun and games along the way, and small plates and nibbles. All of this is included in the cket price! Sessions must be pre-booked with Chez Burton. Make sure to book yours early as spaces are very limited!
Sunday 30th April
The Hen and Chickens. FROM 4:00 PM
Classic rock covers band, fast-paced, high energy real raw rock n roll. All are experienced musicians who formed in November 2021 coming from other bands who are s ll ac ve to form a real rock fuel frenzy when live!
FREE Entry
Football Quiz at The Vic
The Victoria. 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
So, how much do you think you know about Football? Come and find out! Max team 6, £2.50 per team member. Raising money for Garden House Hospice
To play £2.50 per team member (Max 6 per team)
Baldock Museum
Wednesdays Saturdays
Last chance to see 'Royal Jubilee' at the Baldock Museum. 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Wednesdays and Saturdays up to and including May 10th at Baldock
Museum. Last chance to see 'Royal Jubilee' showing how Baldock celebrated the Queen's Corona on in 1953 with some earlier celebra ons back to Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee for comparison. FREE Event
Come down to Baldock & Letchworth Fire Sta on Open Day and have a look around a working Fire Sta on, watch the demonstra ons and see how Fire Fighters get ready for emergencies. This is a great family day out and a wonderful opportunity to support out local Fire Sta on FREE Event
The Mozart Murders:
A Murder Mystery presented by Baldock Town Twinning Associa on St. Mary's Church Hall. FROM 7:30 PM
Monday 1st may
Around Baldock. 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Baldocks 14th Irish Day or Fleadh Cheoil takes in the town centre which will be transformed into a small Irish market town with sessions all a ernoon, in the Cock and White Lion with music from the finest tradi onal musicians in the region with some travelling as far as the isles of Wight and Man and even from
Scotlandand the Emerald Isle! There will be a singers stage outside Luna cafe for those who like a few songs along with the music. The Maria Grant school of dancing will perform at all venues from 3:30 in what has become a much-loved event for local people over the years. See you there forCheoil Agus Craic! Further details BRIAN BURKE
FREE Entry
Netball is fun!
Avenue Park. 10:00 AM - 2:00: PM
Come along and try out a game of Netball. The session will introduce you to the sport of netball, whether you haven't played for a long me or you have never played before. All ages and abili es welcome, so bring your trainers and sense of fun to Avenue Park
FREE Event
Cricket Match
Avenue Park. 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM
A nail-bi ng match will be played between Baldock Cricket Club and a Baldock Select 11 (with a range of special guests!), with coaching available at the nets if you want to give ba ng or bowling a try. Just turn up from 12:30pm and play from 1pm! For more details please phone Sean Smith on
07530532172 FREE Event
Bowls Club Open Day
Avenue Park. 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Come along and try your hand at bowls. There will be people from the club on hand to give you coaching. You are asked to wear flat shoes to protect the greens. Tea and biscuits will be available in the pavilion a erwards and the bar will be open. For more informa on phone the Club on 01462 892059.
FREE Event
Chilli Cook Off
Orange Tree Public House. 3 PM - 5PM Cooks! Enter your Chilli for judging! Must be delivered to The Orange Tree by 9 pm on Sunday 30th April. The entry fee is £10 - all going to the prize fund. Full details, terms and condi ons are available from The Orange Tree.
Maximum 16 entrants. Judges! Buy a £10 cket to judge the Cook-Off - you'll be given a score sheet and be expected to test everyone! Ticket money goes to the Baldock Fes val. Maximum 30 ckets!
Tickets from Baldock Community Centre and Baldock Fes val Website
Teddy Bears' Picnic
Weston Way Nursery. 3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
This Teddy Bears' Picnic, run by Weston Way Nursery, is for children aged seven and under who must be accompanied by an adult. There will also be a Teddy Bear raffle. Bring your own picnic and teddy too. If wet, the event may be postponed un l 9th May or cancelled; phone Weston Way Nursery to check: 01462 89272
Tickets Children £1.50, Adults, babies and teddies FREE, pay on entry
Tuesday Night Bingo from 7:30 PM
The Hen and Chickens Bingo is back at The Hen and Chickens every Tuesday evening. Come early to ensure ge ng a table. Cash prizes up to £100!! £10 for the first full round of 4 ckets + £2.50 each if you wish to have more. For more details keep an eye on our Facebook Page:
To play £10 for the first full round of 4 ckets payable on the night
The World's Biggest Pub Quiz Orange Tree Public House. 8:00 PM10:30 PM
Bringing The Uk Pub Industry Together To Raise Money For Good Causes. The World's Biggest Pub Quiz IS BACK! Join us at The Orange Tree, and pubs, clubs and bars across the UK during May & June 2023 to help raise money for Shelter 8pm Start, £5 per head, please book your tables by calling 01462 892341. 50:50 cash split between Shelter and the prize fund. To play £5 per person payable on the night
Tradi onal Fish and Chips
Mal ngs Fish and Chips. FROM 6:45 PM
Come and join us for a sit-down 2-course meal in the newly refurbished Mal ngs restaurants on the High Street. You can eat tradi onal fish and chips (veggie alterna ves available on request) with a so drink and pudding while listening to a few sea shan es and a very fishy playlist. Tickets £20 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website
Quiz Night at the White Lion
The White Lion. 7:00:00 PM - 10:00:00PM
On the first Wednesday of every month we have a quiz night, come with a team of up to 6 and pit your wits against the brains of Baldock - with a £40 bar tab to the winners! To play £2 per person payable on the night.
The Old White Horse. 7:00:00 PM10:00:00 PM
Baldock's premier general knowledge quiz, topical ques ons and amiable banter from your host Ash. A range of spot prizes on the night including a first prize of a £50 bar voucher. To play £2 per person payable on the night (Max 6 per team)
Try Bell Ringing at St. Marys Church
St. Marys Church. 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Meet by Peter's Door at the foot of the tower to the le of the main door. If you have ever fancied having a go at bellringing or wondered how it was done, this evening will give you the chance to find out. Access is fairly challenging—there are 44 worn steps in the spiral staircase, so appropriate footwear should be worn. No previous bell-ring experience is necessary. Tickets FREE in advance only from Baldock Community Centre
Eight. Fish Supper Club
Eight. 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM
A 4-course menu showcasing the best of Bri sh seafood supplied by local fishmonger Fish at Home. The menu will u lise the best of smoked fish, shellfish & day boat-caught fish all sustainable and ethically sourced. The 4-course menu with a glass of fizz on arrival is £55. You can add wine pairings for each course for an addi onal £30.We can cater for veggies, vegans, gluten & dairy-free dietaries.
Tickets £55 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website Music Bingo with Magenta Slipperz
St. Mary's School. 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Join us for a fun evening of bingo, music and laughter with Magenta Slipperz, new for Baldock Fes val 2023. Doors Open 7.30pm, Eyes Down 8pm...
Tickets £15 from h p:// only Fes val Whisky Tas ng with Dr Nicholas Morgan
Orange Tree Public House. 8 PM - 10 PM Word-renowned Scotch (and indeed world) Whisky aficionado, historian and journalist Dr Nicholas Morgan is back at The Orange Tree for an evening of rare and fine whiskies. You are strongly advised to have eaten beforehand, and not to drive a er this event. Strictly over 18s only.
Tickets £25 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website
-Life and Worksof the Famous Composer, Richard Strauss at the Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre. 2:30 PM - 3:30:00 PM
Join us for a talk on Richard Strauss, composer of the 2001: A Space Odyssey theme. A phenomenal composer in his me, spanning both world wars and naviga ng the Nazi regime, his music con nues to delight audiences. Talk includes songs by soprano, Laura Valen ne.
Tickets on the door: £6.00 includes tea and home-made cake.
Hartsfield Fun Trail
Hartsfield School. 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
The Hartsfield Corona on Fun Trail - A fun outdoor event with ac vi es based on the Corona on. Prizes for every child. Refreshments and pre-loved Hartsfield school uniform on sale.
Tickets £1 per child from Hartsfield School
Fes val Fun Quiz
Baldock Community Centre.
FROM 7:00 PM
The ever-popular Fes val Fun Quiz is back with its usual light-hearted quiz for all abili es. This always over-subscribed quiz is entry by form only, limited to 25 teams there are no entries accepted on the night. Licensed bar with table service. Prizes for the winning and losing teams. 7:30 prompt start at the community centre.
Tickets £20 for a team of 4 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website
Cinco De Mayo @ Chez Burton Chez Burton. 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Mexican themed culinary delights and lots of tequila! (other beverages are available....) Join the Chez Burton family to celebrate this tradi onal Mexican fes val in style!!Check out for more informa on
Breaking Bands at The Orange Tree Orange Tree Public House. 7:30 PM11:30 PM
An evening of local bands playing from 7.30pm. Check our Facebook Page for details! Free Entry h ps:// Tree.Baldock FREE Entry
Book Fair in aid of The Garden House Hospice
Baldock Community Centre. 9:00 AM2:00 PM
Every year, thousands of pre-loved books are donated to this wonderful event. Our annual Book Fair regularly raises over £800 for our local Letchworth Garden House Hospice, so why not come and pick up some bargains and if you like, donate your own spare books at the Baldock Community Centre.
FREE Entry
Join Us to Celebrate the Corona on @ The Hen and Chickens
Come and join us to celebrate the corona on and raise a drink to The King.
FREE Entry
Corona on Party @ Chez Burton
Celebrate the Corona on of King Charles III in true CB style with cocktails and cookout! Check out for more informa on.
Bun ngford Brewery Tour 7th May Bun ngford Brewery, Therfield. A chance for 2 people to visit the brewery and sample at minimum 6 different beers. Shown round by Charlie and taken through the whole process from beginning to end.
Two Allocated Slots Available: 12:30 PM –2.30 PM and 2.30 PM – 5:00 PM
Tickets £30 per 2 people over 18yrs from h ps://shop.bun ec ons/brewery-experiences
Live Music: Black Squirrels
The Hen and Chickens. From 4:00 PM
The Black Squirrels are a Classic Rock Band from Her ordshire.Set ranges from AC / DC to ZZ Top via Bad Company, Free, Rolling Stones and Stereophonics.
FREE Entry
Fes val Gin Tas ng
Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre. From 7:00 PM
Perfect for any gin-lover, you will be introduced to six unusual, fine gins for tas ng this year! Your hosts, will guide you through the history of Gin, the subtle aromas of the botanicals and the nuances they contribute to the overall taste and flavour of each Gin. Come with friends bring, your own snacks if you want and have a great night. Strictly over-18s only.
You are strongly advised not to drive, operate machinery or start singing Karaoke a er this event. The event will start promptly at 7:30pm
Tickets £30 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website
Gregynog Ensemble
Methodist Church, from 3:30 PM
The Gregynog Ensemble, including Baldock based clarine st, Alison Eales, will be performing a programme of English, American and Ukrainian music for string quartet and clarinet. The programme will include the clarinet quintet by Bernard Hermann, composer of music for some of Alfred Hitchcock's biggest films . Alongside Herbert Howells' Rhapsodic Fantasy, Finzi's Romance and Chanson by Ukrainian composer, Gliere.
Tickets £11 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website
The Knights Templar and their North Her ordshire Connec ons
Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, from 7:30 PM
Tickets £6.50 from the Arts & Heritage Centre, Weds and Sats 11am-3pm or on line through the Arts & Heritage Website: or on the door if not sold out.
Brass Band Concert
United Reform Church, from 7:30 PM
The Sto old Salva on Army Band will play a medley of tunes and hymns to delight and entertain you. Refreshments will be served in the interval. Tickets will also be sold on the door.
Tickets £8.50 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website
Tuesday Night Bingo
The Hen and Chickens, from 7:30 PM Bingo is back at The Hen and Chickens every Tuesday evening. Come early to ensure ge ng a table. Cash prizes up to £100!! £10 for the first full round of 4 ckets + £2.50 each if you wish to have more. For more details keep an eye on our Facebook Page:
To play £10 for the first full round of 4 ckets payable on the night Fes val Music Quiz
Orange Tree Public House. 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM
Tuesday 9th May- cont
The Annual Baldock Fes val Music Quiz at The Orange Tree. Please call 01462 892341 to book your tables! £5 per head, 8pm start. Profits to Baldock Fes val. To play £5 per person payable on the night
Wednesday 10th May
Tradi onal Fish and Chips
Mal ngs Fish and Chips, from 6:45:00 PM Come and join us for a sit-down 2-course meal in the newly refurbished Mal ngs restaurants on the High Street. You can eat tradi onal fish and chips (veggie alterna ves available on request) with a so drink and pudding while listening to a few sea shan es and a very fishy playlist. Tickets £20 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website
Eight. Portuguese wine dinner
Eight. 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM
A 4-course Portuguese dinner showcasing the best of locally sourced produce in authen c Portuguese dishes. 4-course menu with a drink on arrival is £50 per person. We will also have James, a local wine expert who will be sugges ng wine pairings and talking us through each wine. The accompanying wine flight will be an addi onal £30. There will be the opportunity to buy the Portuguese wines on offer to take home. We can cater for veggies, vegans, gluten & dairy-free dietaries.
Tickets £50 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website
Quiz @ The Old White Horse
The Old White Horse. 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Baldock's premier general knowledge quiz, topical ques ons and amiable banter from your host Ash. A range of spot prizes on the night including a first prize of a £50 bar voucher.
To play £2 per person payable on the night (Max 6 per team)
Baldock Folk Club with Brooks Williams + Chris Wright
Orange Tree Public House. FROM 7:30 PM
Arrival 7pm for a 7.30pm start
Cambridge UK-based, Statesboro, Georgia US-born guitarist singer and songwriter
Brooks Williams is admired by both listeners and fellow musicians, and has been a leading light on the acous c music scene for three decades. Suppor ng
Brooks this evening is one of our favourite guitar players, Chris Wright. He also has a fine singing voice and is fast becoming a great all-round entertainer. …. A great night of roots music!
Tickets £10 on door or book in advance from Tony 07990530778
Thursday 11th May
Cafe Luna Quiz Night
Cafe Luna presents a general knowledge quiz on Thursday 11th May. Further details to be confirmed - keep an eye on baldockfes for more info. Around the World in 10 Wines
Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre. 7:30 PM10:00 PM. Join Jamie "Phileas Fogg" Ellis and Rob "Passepartout" Scahill for a tas ng of ten wines from around the world! There will be a small amount of cheese and biscuits to reset the palate between tas ngs, but feel free to bring your own too. The bar will be open. You are strongly advised to have eaten beforehand, and not to drive a er this event. Strictly over 18s only.
Tickets £20 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website
Friday 12th May
Breaking Bands
The Orange Tree
Orange Tree Public House. 7:30 PM - 11:30 PM
An evening of local bands playing from 7.30pm. Check our Facebook Page for details! Free
Entryh ps:// ge.Tree.Baldock
FREE Entry
12th-14th May
Beer Fes val @ The Cock, Baldock
The Cock Public House.
Beer Fes val @ The Cock from Friday 12th to Sunday 14th May. Live Music in the pub and beer garden with a selec on of 16 cask ales from local and na onal breweries, real ciders from local and na onal producers, cra beer and street food. An event for all the family.
FREE Entry
Saturday 13th May
Baldock Street Fair
Around Baldock. 10 AM - 4:00:00 PM Baldock Street Fair is one of the must a end days in the Baldock calendar with stalls and free shows up and down the High Street.
Ÿ Cra and Charity stalls will line the High Street
Ÿ Medieval Combat Society is back to educate us in Medieval warfare and lifestyle. They will entertain you with Medieval ba les and dancing. Come and try on armour and weapons and
Ÿ make lots of noise suppor ng your favourite knight.
Ÿ Tricky Micky is back again with five 30 minute performances including Punch and Judy. Shows start at 10.30am.
Ÿ Fairground rides - James Harris will bring his fairground rides to delight the children.
Morris Day of Dance
Around Baldock. 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
This Day of Dance will take place outside The White Lion and at other venues around the town. These tradi onal Morris sides and other groups from all over the east of England will bring music, dance, fun and colour to add to the fantas c atmosphere of the Street Fair.
FREE Event
St. Marys Church Baldock – Tower Trips St. Marys Church. 11 AM - 4 PM
Tower trips will take place, weather permi ng, throughout the day from 11am – 4pm. Come and see Baldock from a different perspec ve! Refreshments are available. No entry for children under 8. Sensible footwear is required.
Entry £5 adult / £1 child (8-16) on the day. No ckets in advance
'The Bondor'– New Museum Display Baldock Museum. 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
From Saturday, May 13th (Street Fair Day)
New Museum Display: 'The Bondor' is the story of the Kayser Bondor factory in Baldock 1928-1983 which became the centre of the largest hosiery manufacturing business in the Commonwealth and Europe. It is now the site of Tesco. FREE Entry
Solar Viewing
Market Place. 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
We have all looked up at the night sky and marvelled at the stars and the moon swirling above us. Some of us may have used binoculars or a telescope to look in more detail. But how many of us have looked at the sun? Not very many...........why? Well, it's very bright, hurts your eyes, and if you put a lens in the way will burn and start fires! It's dangerous!
Saturday 13th May
Letchworth and District Astronomical Society (LDAS) in conjunc on with The Baldock Fes val have organised a solar viewing day to change this. Come along between 12:00 and 16:00 when there will be specialist equipment and members of LDAS available to let you look at the sun safely and join the small group of people who have observed the sun!
Euchre Cards
The Hen and Chickens. FROM 3:00 PM
The Euchre (yu'ker) comes to Baldock. Three keen Euchre players are hoping to enthuse others in Baldock about this great card game o en played in the seaside towns of Devon and Cornwall. Two sets of pairs compete to win trickssimilar to Bridge/ Whist however there is a twist!! Don't worry all will be explained. You don't need to be a couple, tables of four will be created on the night.
Tickets £5 from Baldock Fes val Website or Community Centre. includes a a glass of wine or a pint, or a so drink of your choice
Cocktail Masterclass @ Chez Burton
Chez Burton brings an opportunity to learn how to make 3 of their fantas c cocktails with the top mixologist Richard! During your a ernoon session you will be provided with everything you need to recreate some of Chez Burton's infamous cocktails, you will also be entertained with some fun and games along the way, and small plates and nibbles. All of this is included in the cket price! Sessions must be pre-booked with Chez Burton. Make sure to book yours early as spaces are very limited!
Jazz Spectacular The Knights Templar School
The Knights Templar school. 6:30 PM10:30 PM
Join us for a toe-tapping evening of Jazz played by our two big bands, student ensembles and singers. We will perform many jazz standards and cover a wider range of styles. Doors open at 6.30 pm for a 7 pm o'clock start. There will be a bar available on the night. No ckets available on the door.
Tickets £10 for Adults, £7 for Concessions and £5 for children available from Knights Templar School or the school recep on.
Live Music: Jam Session
The Hen and Chickens. 7:30:00 PM7:30:00 PM
s/Singers/Dreamers.Acous c Jam, all encouraged to join in, in-house PA with Ma on the knobs. Come and join the funfortnightly on Saturday evenings from 7.30pm FREE Entry
Sunday 14th May
Friends Of Baldock Green Spaces
Conserva on Event
Ivel Springs. 10:00AM - 1:30 PM
Join Friends of Baldock Green Spaces to help your local green space be a great place for wildlife and walks. Path clearance, li er picking and more! Tools and hot drinks will be provided.All are welcome but children must be accompanied by an adult please.
FREE Event
Ashwell at Home 2023
11:00:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Ashwell at Home is an annual fundraising event, when this beau ful and historic village welcomes visitors for a whole day of entertainment. The theme for 2023 is 'A Day in the Country' and there will be lots to see and do including free workshops for adults and children, plant sales, live music and entertainment around the village, talks, displays and guided walks, refreshments, lunches and more. Please visit the website:
Entry is by programme: £10 adults (under 18s free with accompanying paying adult) - available on the day at the event, or £9 in advance from the website:
Open Gardens
Around Baldock. 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Baldock Rotary Club have organised another chance to look around some of Baldock's hidden gardens. Details of the gardens open and a map will be provided when you buy your cket. A minibus will operate to and from the Community Centre to the gardens on a requested basis. All proceeds from this event will go to the charitable causes that Rotary is suppor ng throughout the year. Take refreshments at the Community Centre Youth Wing (between 2.00pm and 4.00pm).
Tickets £7.00 (accompanied children under 16 free) from Baldock Community Centre, Fes val Website or on the day Bubbly River Concert in Aid of RevIvel St. Marys Church. 4:00 PM - 4:00 PM
The programme includes Mozart's Flute Quartet in A, Rosse Quintet with flute and horn, and the great Schumann Piano Quartet (includes some of the most achingly beau ful movements in the l
classical music canon). In aid of Emma Hanan (Flute, category winner of BBC Young Musician 2010), Emma Wragg (Violin, professor of violin at the University of Sheffield), Catherine Wilmers (Cello, London Philharmonic Orchestra), Jill Morton (Pianist), Jonathan Harris (Horn)
Advanced Tickets £13.50 for Adults, £5 for Under 18s from Baldock Community Centre, St. Mary's Church or online at www. Tickets on the door will be £15, include canapés and there will be a pay-bar.
Live Music: Fi h Wheel
The Hen and Chickens. 4:00 PM - 4:00 PM "Is there a Doctor in the house??Yes there is and with a double bass too.Fi h Wheel are back to get the joint jiving!"Their music will cover a fine selec on of classic rock covers, mainly 70s with a couple of 50s, 60s and a few surprise songs thrown in. Loud and lively! FREE Entry
Monday 15th May
Restoring the Upper Ivel Chalk Stream
Orange Tree Pub. 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Come and learn about our river Ivel which rises from springs in Baldock, one of only 225 chalk streams in the world. It is a sad story but also an upbeat one. We will present a short video film following its heydey, when the flow supported mills and trout fisheries, through to the current plight of the river. A panel from RevIvel will bring you up to date with progress since the film was completed in December 2022 and also be pleased to answer any ques ons you may have. This is a free event so just turn up on the night.
Tuesday 16th May
Tuesday Night Bingo
The Hen and Chickens. FROM 7:30 PM Bingo is back at The Hen and Chickens every Tuesday evening. Come early to ensure ge ng a table. Cash prizes up to £100!! £10 for the first full round of 4 ckets + £2.50 each if you wish to have more. For more details keep an eye on our Facebook Page: To play £10 for the first full round of 4 ckets payable on the night
Disney Quiz
Orange Tree Public House. 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM
A quiz of all kinds of things Disney! Why not dress up as your favourite character! 8pm start, £5 per head split 50:50 with the Baldock fes val and the prize fund!Book your tables in advance by calling 01462 892341
Wednesday 17th May
Garden City Brewery Tour
Garden City Brewery, Letchworth
Visit this local brewpub with a microbrewery talk and Q&A with brewer Ben Mair plus, the chance to try some of their many cask ales. 3x 1/2 pints of cask ale included in the cket price. Full bar can be enjoyed a erwards at leisure! With three sessions: 18:30, 19:30, 20:30.
Tickets £12 direct from Brewery at
Tradi onal Fish and Chips
Mal ngs Fish and Chips. FROM 6:45 PM
Come and join us for a sit-down 2-course meal in the newly refurbished Mal ngs restaurants on the High Street. You can eat tradi onal fish and chips (veggie alterna ves available on request) with a so drink and pudding while listening to a few sea shan es and a very fishy playlist.
Tickets £20 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website
Promotes PAT CRILLY’s new CD with special guests, Orange Tree Public House, from 7:00 PM
Arrival 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
Renowned Her ord-based singersongwriter Pat CRILLY will be launching his
new CD ‘Amber and Gold’ at the Orange Tree during the fes val. Pat is a consummate entertainer and will be joined by several guests on the night including Brian Burke, should be another belter of an evening for the greatest li le folk club around. Admission FREE but please bring cash for raffle and Hat dona on , FREE Event
Quiz @ The Old White Horse
The Old White Horse. 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Baldock's premier general knowledge quiz, topical ques ons and amiable banter from your host Ash. A range of spot prizes on the night including a first prize of a £50 bar voucher.
To play £2 per person payable on the night (Max 6 per team)
Eight. Meet the Maker Cocktail Masterclass
Eight. FROM 7:00 PM James from our local gin dis ller Copper in the Clouds will be pu ng on a masterclass to show everyone how to make delicious cocktails at home with minimal fuss. He'll talk through and show how to make 3 signature cocktails using his own gin, vodka & rum. Everyone will get to enjoy
a taste of all 3 cocktails with specially selected bar snacks to accompany each cocktail. You'll then get to enjoy a main course of your choice alongside one of the 3 cocktails that James had made. Tickets for The Meet the Maker Cocktail Masterclass are £70 per person. We can cater for veggies, vegans, gluten & dairyfree dietaries.
Tickets £70 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website Baldock Community Orchestra United Reform Church. 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Spring Fes val Concert. The Baldock Community Orchestra presents a selec on of popular and classical music with a touch of Spring. The BCO is a local orchestra made up of musicians from around the North Herts. area. We meet every Thursday for rehearsal in the Letchworth Free Church. If you're interested in joining us, please visit our website h ps:// or Facebook. h ps://
Tickets £7.50 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website
Friday 19th May
An Evening With Flanders And Swann – as interpreted by Peter Chapman and Mike O'Neill
St. Marys Church. FROM 7:30:00 PM
An Evening With Flanders And Swann - as interpreted by Peter Chapman and Mike O'Neill. Come and enjoy all your old favourites including "The Gnu", "Transport of Delight", "The Slow Train" and of course "The Hippopotamus". Join us for an evening of unashamed nostalgia and fun with plenty of chances to join in. Rosy glow guaranteed!
Tickets £10 per person in advance, from either www. or the Community Centre (children free). £12 on the night. Pay bar and complimentary canapes.
Breaking Bands at The Orange Tree Orange Tree Public House. 7:30 PM11:30 PM
An evening of local bands playing from 7.30pm. Check our Facebook Page for details! Free Entryh ps:// ge.Tree.Baldock
FREE Entry
Herts Variety
Baldock Community Centre, from 7:30 PM
This year there will be Rock and roll, country, love songs, great classics and a tribute to the NHS. Also, all our usual soloists, Sue, Carol, Beth and Terry Gray will be there to entertain you. If you fancy
a sing-along and a laugh, come along and support us. Wonderful music from Geoff and Chris Page, support from Bill, Kimberley and Steve on sound and lights and Andy and his ‘ladies’ on front-ofhouse. All proceeds will go to charity. Tickets £8 for adults and £5 for concessions, via Steve West on 07967 169790 only
Ecofest 2023 Market Place. 10 AM - 4 PM
Join Baldock Beats Waste for this free event on the High Street. Learn about climate change, our environmental impact, going green, and ps & tricks for living more sustainably. Lots of educa onal stalls as well as those selling fantas c sustainable and green products.
FREE Event
Champagne Tas ng Evening @Chez Burton
Tas ng champagne involves more than just popping a cork....A hosted champagne tas ng class with a specially designed menu of oysters and seafood BBQ from 1pm on Saturday 20th May. This is a cket only event and this includes the champagne, food and class. Full details available at
Euchre Drive – For experienced players
The Hen and Chickens. 2:30PM - 6PM
The Hen and Chickens will be hos ng this year's Baldock Euchre Drive, this is open to anyone who already knows how to play. There will be no limit on numbers, and no advance ckets, but you must know how to play! Newly trained players from last week may prefer to watch…
Turn up on the day, before 3pm to register, as a pair of players, drive will last approximately 2 hours with prizes for winners and runner's up.
Entry £5 per pair payable on the day.
Herts Variety
Baldock Community Centre, from 7:30 PM This year there will be Rock and roll, country, love songs, great classics and a tribute to the NHS. Also, all our usual soloists, Sue, Carol, Beth and Terry Gray will be there to entertain you. If you fancy a sing-along and a laugh, come along and support us. Wonderful music from Geoff and Chris Page, support from Bill, Kimberley and Steve on sound and lights and Andy and his ladies on front-of-house. All proceeds will go to charity.
Tickets £8 for adults and £5 for concessions, via Steve West on 07967 169790
Sunday 21st May
Live Music: Beans & Biscuits
The Hen and Chickens.
A fun Western Swing ou it from rural Her ordshire. These guys play both kinds of music in their own inimitable fun style.
Fronted by Mar n (Fatman)
Spencer (Teenbeats; The Runs; The Brains Brothers; Sheriffs of Hong Kong; The Big Ears Band) you will be entertained and amused by their personal take on the great Bri sh and American songbooks.
FREE Entry
Pizza and Cocktail Master Class
The Old White Horse. 5:00 PM7:30 PM
Come and join Jamie and Ash for a pizza and cocktail master class at the #1 pizza place in Her ordshire!!! 21st May at 5pm these 2 will be hos ng an evening of fun for adults, so get the babysi ers in!! Ash will be showing you a choice of 3 cocktails that you will be able to make yourself and learn the history behind the origins of cocktail making. Jamie will show you how to spin dough into a beau ful base and cook the pies to perfec on! Trust us this will be a night worth coming too!!!
Tickets £25 from Baldock Community Centre or Baldock Fes val Website