Issue 50 December 2018
Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
Welcome To our 50th issue of OnOurDoorstep! Where has the time gone, seems like just last week that we were printing and delivering our first issue. Speaking of time flying how is 2018 coming to an end already? We've had a busy few weeks leading up to the festive season and I'm sure it won't be slowing down anytime soon. On the 1st of the month the annual Baldock Christmas Fair will be taking in the High Street. Santa's grotto, mulled wine and gingerbread decorating is sure to get you in the festive spirit. Across the town you will find a huge variety of craft and gifts stalls too, so you can pick up a few presents while you're there. And at 6pm you can see the town's Christmas lights switch on for 2018 . The Rotary Club of Baldock have already started doing their rounds with Santa's sleigh already and will continue to make their way around Baldock, Ashwell and Weston until 19th December (dates and road names are in November's issue and on our Facebook page). Amongst all this excitement don't forget to send your letters to Santa. Make sure they're popped in the post by Friday 8th December (mail to Santa/Father Christmas, Santa's Grotto, Reindeerland, XM4 5HQ). Don't forget to include your name and home address so that he can reply to your letter. Baldock's Community Centre is hosting a Christmas dinner again this year for the elderly and anyone who
would like some company on Christmas Day. £15 per person is payable at the community centre in advance where you'll also be able to select your meal choice ahead of Santa's visit. Many of you will have noticed that the Baldock Arts and Heritage Centre is undergoing a makeover at the moment. This is all thanks to a £50,000 grant awarded by North Herts District Council to convert the old fire station into a new heritage area. The team at the food bank are looking for donations for Christmas food parcels. For more information or ideas of what to give call 07825300437 or email As alway at this time of the year, we would like to thank all of this years advertisers and our incredible delivery team for their help and support during 2018. We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Paul & Jacqui Jacqui Calver 07973 788418
Martin Impey Visits St Johns This month the children at St John's Catholic Primary have been commemora ng the Armis ce centenary and as a very special treat, they were visited by local illustrator Mar n Impey. Mar n came to speak to children in Years 1-5 about the book Peace Lily, which he created with Hilary Robinson, an author with whom he has worked on a number of WW1 stories for children. Mar n read the book to the children, explaining how a number of the illustra ons were personal illustra ons about his family. They then looked at some of the artefacts Mar n had brought with him, including a helmet which had been used by a soldier in the war. A er an opportunity to ask Mar n ques ons, each class were drawn a picture which they are going to keep in their classrooms. Mar n then spent a li le more me with Year 5, talking about Peace Lily in more detail and the children watched a video all about the book A Song for Will: The Lost Gardens of Heligan which Mar n has also illustrated. He talked in detail about the pictures and his work on the book which was also wri en by Ms Robinson.
At the close of the day Mar n spent li le more me with children from across the school signing and dedica ng books to those children who had bought copies. The children had the most wonderful me and, most importantly, learnt some important lessons about the history of WW1. Thank you Mar n for giving your me so generously.
Bouncy Castle Hire
Disclaimer All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited.
Brown Bin Extension
M. 07884 430741 E. W.
Council agrees three month extension for garden waste customers At a mee ng of NHDC's Full Council last night (22 November), Councillors agreed to offer a three month extension to residents who have subscribed to the chargeable garden waste service, in light of the issues which many residents have faced with bin collec ons in recent months. Council agreed that the current 12 month payment period for residents signed up to the garden waste service, be extended by a further period of 3 months, meaning exis ng subscribers will get three months of brown bin collec ons without further charge. Residents will now need to re-subscribe by August 2019 rather than May 2019. As the issues have not just affected brown bin collec ons, Councillors also approved the provision of a free roll of compostable liners for kitchen food waste caddies for all households. Cllr Michael Weeks, NHDC's Execu ve Member for Waste and Recycling said: “We are extremely sorry for the disrup on to service that residents have faced in recent months. In light of the inconvenience caused, we are pleased to offer a three month extension to the chargeable garden waste service, as well as a free roll of caddy liners for all households. Hopefully this will go some way to demonstra ng that we are taking the issue very seriously.”
Happy Birthday
Graham Tapp
5th December
AY 23/12
Lots of Love
Larraine x WWW.
We don't tell you that something needs replacing if it doesn't and there's no hard selling!
Look who's 50 Happy Birthday Paula “Is your conservatory roof looking tired? Glass units blown? We can replace them! Polycarbonate faded? We can replace that too and maybe even replace with glass"
We hope you have a lovely day. Lots of love John, Luke, Jess, Katie, Emma, Andy, Isabell, Lacey, Kye, Harry, Lianne and kids xxxxxxx 8
'A' Rated Double/Triple Glazing 25 Years Experience Certass registered All works covered with insurance backed guarantee
Full up to date DBS certificate
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“Guttering letting you down in this heavy rain? Free survey - fixed replaced or upgraded"
Weston School Bake Off News from Weston Primary & Nursery School We have been raising money for Children in Need. Our Nursery & Recep on Class held their very own Bake Off. Every day a group of children designed and decorated a biscuit, made a gingerbread man and made and decorated a cup cake. The results looked delicious and very temp ng. The rest of the school came dressed in Spots for Pudsey and had a cake sale. The children looked fantas c and we raised £275 in total. Three cheers to Pudsey.
As a school, we are taking part in an ini a ve called Reverse Advent Calendar, collec ng food on a daily basis for the foodbank in Stevenage. Our school community has been very generous, as always. We are very apprecia ve of all dona ons as we know it is a me of financial strain for many families. Thank you to everyone that came to our Nursery & Recep on Open Day on 30th November. Applica ons close on January 15th 2019. Apply online at www.her We are on our countdown to Christmas. The children are prac sing for their Christmas plays, wri ng prayers for the Christmas Service, making decora ons for our Christmas trees , in addi on to their learning. A very busy few weeks ahead. Season's Gree ngs to you all.
In June, Walliams Class wrote to Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, congratula ng them on their wedding and sent copies of newspaper ar cles they had wri en for their own versions of a newspaper. We have just received a le er of thanks from Buckingham Palace and a photo of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The children are all very excited.
13 on the
13 Oli Geere
love Mum, Dad and Isobel
happy birthday
Matt Geere Lots of Love Tara, Isobel th and Oli 30 December 25th December Means only one thing!
Happy Birthday
Rachael Lots of love from all the lemons, limes & pips
Happy Birthday
24 On Christmas Day
Happy Birthday
Mick Dungey on the 7th December Loads of Love Trudy, Aaron, Jordan & Charlie xxxx
Neighbourhood Planning Catch-up!! The Baldock Bygrave and Clothall Planning Group (BBPlan) has been busy this year. Who are we? We are a group of local residents, who have come together to write a Neighbourhood Plan. The plan gives the local community a voice, to inform developers and the planning authority about how local residents want to see Baldock in the future. The plan will sit alongside the North Her ordshire Local Plan when it is finalised and must be taken into considera on by any developers who apply for planning permission. It is important that we have your support as we cannot create the neighbourhood plan without the backing of people living and working in the planning area. What have we been doing? The Neighbourhood Survey, which was circulated through On Our Doorstep in January, provided some useful insights about what is important to the local community as the town expands. Local school children from Knights Templar did their own research and reported back at a public mee ng in March. The feedback from public events and the survey has formed the basis for the neighbourhood plan. In May at the Baldock Street Fair the group obtained views on par cular design ideas for new developments. This was orchestrated by AECOM, who are consultants helping us to set out some design principles which will apply to new developments. There was a hands-on workshop in October to pick up on the sugges ons that had been made and these will now be incorporated into the design sec on of the neighbourhood plan.
What happens next? The steering commi ee has worked hard over the summer wri ng a dra of the neighbourhood plan itself. This is being finalised at the moment, and we will then be asking for feedback from as many residents and businesses as possible. It's really important that we know what people think, and that the plan gets the best deal for Baldock from whatever development does occur in the future. Please look out for us in the coming months and give us your feedback and support. Provided that we have enough support, we will submit the plan to the council for an independent examina on, followed by the formal process of adop on. For more info please see our website
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We sell direct from the farm our own Free Range Bronze Turkeys and Barn Reared Chickens fresh for Christmas. Having arrived on the farm as day old chicks in July they are allowed to reach full maturity
Baldock Town FC
The Orange Tree
Norton Roa d
Hitchin Stree
FREE RE-TEST 74 Icknield Way, Baldock, SG7 5AN
01462 895933
More Facility Improvements Letchworth rugby club have recently upgraded their pitch surrounds with help from a £4000 grant awarded by 'London Luton Airport Ltd. Near Neighbours - via BLCF'. Over the past four years the club have upgraded clubhouse, changing rooms and car park and now it is the turn of the pitches to receive a en on. Chairman Chris Lunnon said “The old pitchside surrounds had been put up in the 90s and were no longer fit for purpose as they were made of wood and quite dangerous, especially for our junior and mini sec on. Thanks to the help of a grant from Luton Airport we have been able to invest in new Duralock white fencing which is both safe and environmentally friendly. The planes flying into Luton will certainly no ce it!”. The fencing was erected by volunteers from the club in me for the start of the new season. “The players of all sec ons from our Braveherts learning disabili es side and seniors and juniors are delighted with the new surrounds which really makes our playing area feel far more professional and when our sponsors adver sing boards are put up the effect will be complete. The club would like to thank Luton Airport for their most generous grant and also Richard Sell for pu ng the applica on together”, Mr Lunnon added. If anyone would like to adver se their business on one of the pitch side boards, please contact Less Wilsher 07827 373937.
Fun in the Garden The busy term con nues at Magic Moments and we have now harvested and eaten our crop of potatoes! What fun that was, sor ng through the soil and using so much mathema cal language. How do you like your potatoes? The learning opportuni es are endless. We now have a resident scarecrow that the children have named 'Potato' and a li le scarecrow called 'Sister' – both created by the children. This week we are having fun dressing up for Children in Need and with Christmas fast approaching the children are enjoying prac sing our favourite songs for the performance in December. I wonder if they will tell Santa about it when they see him in his gro o at Willows Farm this year. If you would like more informa on about Magic Moments Pre-school for children aged 2-4, please tel 07709618434 or visit
Baldock MOT Centre
01462 895933
Proven Methods
Qualied Teachers
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Xylitol – Sweetener found in sugar-free items and chewing gum. Ÿ An -freeze – Ethylene glycol poisoning. This can be fatal if ingested. Ÿ Nuts – Can cause signs from vomi ng to tremors. Ÿ Peach/Nectarine stones and Corn cobs – Can cause a gut obstruc on and require surgical removal. Ÿ Tinsel – Shiny, cats love to play with this. If eaten it can become tangled in their gut. (Also string, ribbon, etc) Ÿ Turkey – Bones can cause gut obstruc ons and tears, fa y meat can cause upset tummies. We would like to wish all our fur and feathered friends a safe and happy Christmas from everybody at Baldock Veterinary Centre and Royston Veterinary Centre Ÿ
Keep your pets safe this Christmas There are many things that can cause harm to your pets, but Christmas can be a par cularly hazardous me as there is more opportunity for our furry friends to eat things they shouldn't. We offer 24 hour emergency care and advice. Just call 01462 895579. Below is a list of some of the more commonly seen items that can be harmful, or even toxic, to your pets. *Remember, if your pets eats anything they shouldn't, even if they seem well, please call your Vets for advice* Ÿ Chocolate – Theobromine poisoning. Chocolate can be fatal for dogs, even in small quan es. Ÿ Grapes and Raisins – These are commonly found in Christmas cake, Christmas pudding and mince pies at this me of year and can be toxic. Ÿ Onions and Garlic – Can be toxic and may cause anaemia. Ÿ Mistletoe, Holly, Cyclamen and Lilies – Can all be toxic if eaten, especially lilies for cats. Ÿ Ibuprofen – Can cause severe vomi ng and diarrhoea, even death. Never give anything that hasn't been prescribed by a Vet, or medica on that has been prescribed for another animal without consul ng a Vet first.
Courtlands Riding Stables & Pony Club Centre Always fancied horse riding but don’t know where to start? Why not come down and have a chat and see what we have to offer Our friendly staff and clients are always around Saturdays and Sundays 9am -12pm
A safe and relaxing environment for the whole family
Pony club rallies and activities Indoor & outdoor riding facilities
Full livery and schooling
01438 355121
Courtlands Riding Stables, Old Chanrty Lane, Todds Green, Stevenage, Herts, Sg1 2JE
‘Please keep your Pets safe this Christmas’ Remember if your pet eats anything they shouldn't even if they seem well
please call the Surgery at Royston or Baldock for advice.
KTS Movember Tradition Mr Breadmore and I have been busy cul va ng two magnificent Mo’s to maintain the fine tradi on at KTS as part of Movember. Since the beginning of the month both of us have been carefully growing a fine moustache to raise awareness about men’s health issues. This year we are focusing on men’s mental health and using Movember to raise awareness in school about the terrible number of young men who take their own lives in the UK. The biggest killer in men under 35 in the UK is suicide and Movember aims to tackle this shocking waste by encouraging men to talk about their problems and to seek help before things become too serious. Movember also funds counselling sessions to help men come to terms with mental health issues. In simple terms our message is this… It is ok not to be ok. Mr Ma hews will be delivering an assembly to year 8 on this topic on Tuesday morning and members of year 8 will be going round school during form me to collect dona ons. Year 8 also selected the design of Mr Ma hews Mo. If you would like to donate to this important cause please follow the link below. On behalf of Mr Breadmore and I may I take this opportunity to thank you in advance for those of you who feel able to donate and support us. h ps://
1st Baldock Beavers This term the beavers got off to a great start by making the most of the s ll warm weather to visit Wymondley Wood for some much-needed outdoor fun! The plan was to search for local wildlife, complete a bug hunt and make some leaf rubbings. What actually happened was the beavers made lots of noise, scared away most the local wildlife, found a few bugs, climbed lots of fallen logs with our young leaders, jumped across the stream using the stepping stones and played with some prized s cks. Oh, and we did actually make some wonderful leaf rubbings, what a great night of much fun, noise and fresh air. As the nights have drawn in we have had to concentrate on some interes ng indoor ac vi es, some of our highlights have been an exci ng visit to our local fire sta on. The firemen and women at our local sta on always make us feel really welcome and give the beavers a truly memorable night. We can't thank you enough for always accommoda ng us and making it one of our favourite visits in our 2 year programme at beavers.
We have also completed 2 local li er picks as part of our World Challenge badge. Tuesday beavers escaped into our own Weston Woods and surprisingly did not find an awful lot of li er. Wednesday beavers stuck closer to home and conducted an hour of li er picking in and around our own Scout Hut. We managed to collect 6 bin liners full of general rubbish, mostly food wrappers, bo les, paper and one old tyre that was proudly wheeled all the way back to the Scout Hut. It was quite an eye opener to all our young people how much rubbish is dropped on the streets rather than taken home or put in bins. We have also turned out in force this year for our annual parade for Baldock's service of Remembrance. What began as a rather chilly grey morning became a beau ful sunny day where our local Scout and Guide groups showed how proud they can make us all by showing respect and though ulness during the parade and service for the Centenary of the Armis ce. It always amazes me every year how our youngest scou ng members, who are only 6 & 7 stand so quietly for what I'm sure to them must seem like the longest me. Well done all of you! We are now building up to our usual Christmas ac vi es and we look forward to entering the Church Christmas Tree Fes val again this year. Please come down and see what we have come up with this year! A big thank you to all our leaders and our many young leaders who give up their me to put something back for the young people of Baldock. We couldn't do all that we do without you. Jacqui Wakefield GSL 1st Baldock Scouts
The Fox - Willian - Letchworth Garden City - Hertfordshire, SG6 2AE
A drink on us when you arrive A hot buffet to keep you going Live music from everyone’s favourite The Fifth Wheel Glass of Prosecco & snacks at midnight Bring the kids along too & make it a family affair!
Pop in & get your ticket over the bar or call 01462 790273 email to reserve it
Damask Green Road, SG4 7DA 18
n O s ’ t a h W Positive Moving Class Every Wednesday Afternoon 2pm -3.30pm, Holy Trinity Church London Road. Improving mobility in older People The cost Is £4 followed by tea & biscuits for more info contact 01462- 678804
Letchworth Parkrun A free 5km run every Saturday at 9am, Grange Recreation Ground, SG6 4PN. Very welcoming for new runners - see for details
FABULOUS GLAMPERVAN Just pick up and go – The motorhome is fully equipped ready for you to start your holiday. Available for short breaks and longer holidays all year round.
Baldock Country Market Every Friday morning until Christmas - The Victoria pub Sun Street Baldock 9.30am - 12pm
Community Choir Every Wednesdays - at Baldock Community Centre 7pm -9pm for more info contact Ruth on 07916798655
Baldock Christmas Fair & Christmas Light Switch On Saturday 1st December, 11am-7pm - High Street. Crafts & gift stalls, live music, food stalls, funfair rides & more
Live Music - Daisy Keeble Sunday 2nd December 2pm at Stylus Lounge, The High Street, Baldock
Carol Singing Tuesday 11th December 7pm - 9pm at Tesco's Baldock a fund raising event for the Garden House Hospice please contact Pauline Poole on 07739794869 for more info email:
Tel: 01462 491035 / 07985315632
Herts Variety Show Thursday and Friday December 13th and 14th Baldock Community centre, Simpsons Drive, Baldock Shows start at 7.30pm. Tickets are £6 for adults & £4 for concessions with all money made going to local charities. Tickets are available from Dorrie Randall 01462 628219 or from Baldock Community Centre
Aladdin Pantomime Fun Spads Thursday 27th -30th December St Francis College Letchworth, to book your tickets call the box office on 08450522478
St Mary's Church Baldock Tuesday 25th December 8am Traditional Communion 9.30am Family traditional communion
New Years Eve Party Monday 31st December - from 7pm at The Cricketers Weston. Please see artwork opposite for full details
New Years Eve Masquerade Party Monday 31st December - from 6:30pm at The Fox Willian. Please see artwork opposite for full details
Christmas Day Lunch Tuesday 25th December - Baldock Community Centre £15 per ticket visit the Baldock Community Centre and choose your menu If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email us at by 12th December DECEMBER
Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp
St Johns
Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre
December2018 Further to November’s piece, the unseasonably warm weather has continued, we have been working outside in up to 16 degrees centigrade in tee shirts. Our poly-tunnels have been as hot as they would have been in late spring. These temperatures are not suitable for garden plants at this time of year. Average temperatures for mid-November should be 3 to 10 degrees. The colder weather we should be having would typically have stopped most plants from growing, as I will explain later and they would have entered their winter phase, at the moment we still have roses and bedding plants in flower some looking very good. Locally we have not had the autumn mists and fogs that we usually get, so the microclimate at ground level has been drier and warmer than usual, and so we haven't seen the typical range of mushrooms and toadstools. Weeds are loving this weather and are taking advantage of it, swamping any ground not regularly worked. Grass along with the weeds also loves this warm weather, our grass I call it grass because it's not beautiful enough to be called a lawn, will need mowing again very soon, if it carries on as warm as this we can expect to mow at least one more time after that. We have had customers still asking for lawn feed, feeding the grass at this time of the year is ok, if you don't give it any nitrogen, and the temperature stays warm enough for it to be taken up, if after application it turns cold and wet it will just leach away so wasting your money. I don't have anything warning wise on vegetables; it seems that even with the extraordinarily hot summer this year most people have had a reasonable return on time and investment. Vegetables and Ornamentals at the local flower shows have been superb; some reports say even better than usual, this is of course contradictory to the moaning about the weather and conditions which should have been classed as a side entry to the shows in its own right. Late summer and autumn crops have been excellent for those who have a good water supply and put in the time needed to keep the soil moist. I have seen some of the allotment holders opposite our garden centre watering at eleven o’clock at night. We were watering until nine o'clock, quite late enough for us. At the LDGA monthly meeting at our tea room, Ron exhibited some of his National Championship Chrysanthemums, My word they were magnificent a very talented man indeed, I can't wait for the youngsters to take over so I can retire and have a go. Thank you, Ron, for taking the trouble to bring them along. This month I thought I would talk a bit about the conditions we might be dealing with shortly, so instead of talking about what and where to plant I'm going to discuss what we will be facing once planted. I will start with the growing season DEFRA (Department of Farming and Rural Affairs) states that the United Kingdom, and that's a loose description as the figures only cover a large triangle of central England. It indicates that the growing season is the length of time when a plant can grow, beginning at the start of a period of five successive days where the daily average temperature is higher than five degrees centigrade and ends on the day before a period of days when the daily average temperature is less than 5 degrees centigrade. DEFRA take the most reliable recorded temperatures for the previously mentioned triangle as being from the years 1961 to 1990 with an average growing period as being 252 days, by 2012 the average had risen to 282 (30 days) in effect a whole month extra growing, on further investigation it appears that 2014 was the most extended season, 336 days an incredible 84 days longer than the 1961 to 1990 average. I have some good news. The 2017 figures show an average, reducing back to only an additional 29 days, so you won't have to be digging and raking all year. To tie in with that, the figures also show that air frost days. That's the frosts that make the trees look white and Christmasy rather than just making the grass white have dropped by 16.6 per cent; I have no idea how many days that equates to as DEFRA does not say how many days were frost days in the 1961 to 1990 sample. When I was a kid way back before then, it always seemed to be Frosty and snowy, so compared with nowadays a16.6 per cent seems a low reduction. Now to throw a spanner in the works. Scientists are detecting the first signs of El Nino in the Pacific Ocean; our weather severity will depend on the temperature rise of the water surface and all sorts of east and west coastal air pressure. I don't pretend to understand, but what I hear is that if the surface water temperature gets near to a 3degree centigrade rise we get the bad weather, I am to understand that if it happens, it will be a late winter as the real cold stuff won't arrive until February. This El Nino effect will undoubtedly mess up DEFRA's averages and blow any chances of early spuds, so much for an early thermal growing season. On a serious note, there have been many reports of break-ins on many of the local allotments an increasing trend I am afraid to say. I feel for you all, having had equipment and tools stolen many times in my long horticultural career. I once discovered a lorry parked in one of my cherry orchards with two thugs chainsawing the fully cropped branches off of my fifty-year-old trees and throwing them into the back of their truck with the intention of picking them later. Imagine the trouble I had describing to our local Policeman what was going on and could he come and apprehend them, he didn't manage to catch them, but his colleagues found and arrested the two of them thirty-five miles away in Dover. Two weeks later I arrived to find a twelve foot by twelve foot shed complete with the tiled roof gone. The same two policemen discovered it when revisiting the phantom cherry pickers in Dover. I was able to describe the shed as it had my picking and market totals written on the inside back wall of which I was able to supply my pocketbook with the duplicate figures. They had even taken my bird scarer complete with the gas bottle which was by then connected to their caravan. I could prove ownership of that as well as I had the key to the padlock that was firmly attached to the top of it. I wish you all had the same luck as that. That's It for this month, Have a good Christmas and New year. Cheers Graham. DECEMBER
Winter Workout's Cold weather causes ghtness throughout the body, as the muscles loose heat and contract. Joints get ghter, muscles can lose range of mo on and nerves can be pinched more easily. Thanks to the effects of colder temperatures, muscles are forced to work much harder to complete the same tasks they completed easier in milder weather. This causes more damage to the muscle ssue and can result in increased soreness. To counteract the damage, make sure you are warming up a li le longer than usual! Its normal to feel muscle soreness for a few days a er exercise, especially if you have done a different type of ac vity or at more of an intense level than your body is used to. If you feel sorer in winter a er the same level of exercise than you do the rest of the year, it could be that your body needs longer to warm up. Try beginning your workout with light cardio exercises like brisk walking. This will raise your core temperature and ensure that oxygen and blood are flowing through your body. A basic rule of thumb is that you should warm up for 10 minutes when the temperature is between 2-8 degrees Celsius. For each 1degree temperature drop below 2 degrees, extend your warm up by 5 minutes. At Sports Therapy 4U, we recommend a combina on of exercises and stretches for an effec ve warm-up. Some body weight exercises - like push-ups, dips, squats, lunges and bicycle crunches – are ideal for ge ng your blood flowing a er your warm up walk. A er those exercises, stretch the ght muscle groups in your body; for most people, these groups include the hamstrings, quadriceps, chest and shoulders. Why don't you make an appointment today for us to establish your ghter areas and poten al risk of injury? Follow with a cool-down that takes about the same amount of me. However, in addi on to stretching the body's ghtest muscle groups, also focus on areas like the back, arms and calves. This will prevent muscle soreness and enhance your overall performance during the winter. Instead of giving up in winter exercise, modify the way you work out to feel your best throughout the winter months. We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and an injury free new Year! Sam and the team -x-
01767 317429
Getting Spotty at St Marys The school is ge ng ready for a busy term. We all got spo y on Friday 16th November in aid of Children in Need and we even got a visit from the bear himself Pudsey! Our PTA is very busy at the moment organising a Christmas Jumper sale ready for Christmas Jumper Day, a Christmas Family Disco, Secret Santa AND Swee e Fridays…. so much to look forward to. The school raised £92.40 for the Royal Bri sh Legion through the selling of poppies and a further £47.50 through their poppy wreath colouring compe on. We were very grateful for the generosity of our families. We will be heading down to St Mary's Church for our Advent Service, and for the Year 1 and 2 children to perform the Na vity. On behalf of all the staff, pupils and Governors I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Claire Gunn - Headteacher
Next copy Deadline
10th Decemb
DECEMBER MOVIES Dec 7th - THE OLD MAN AND THE GUN Based on the true story of Forrest Tucker (Robert Redford), from his audacious escape from San Quentin at the age of 70 to an unprecedented string of heists that confounded authorities and enchanted the public. Wrapped up in the pursuit are detective John Hunt (Casey Affleck), who becomes captivated with Forrest's commitment to his craft, and a woman (Sissy Spacek), who loves him in spite of his chosen profession.
Dec 7th - SORRY TO BOTHER YOU In an alternate reality of present-day Oakland, Calif., telemarketer Cassius Green finds himself in a macabre universe after he discovers a magical key that leads to material glory. As Green's career begins to take off, his friends and co-workers organize a protest against corporate oppression. Cassius soon falls under the spell of Steve Lift, a cocaine-snorting CEO who offers him a salary beyond his wildest dreams.
Dec 7th - WHITE BOY RICK Rick Wershe a single father trying to raise two teenagers during the height of the crack epidemic in 1980s Detroit. Wershe sells guns illegally to make ends meet but soon attracts attention from the FBI. Federal agents convince his son, Rick Jr., to become an undercover drug informant in exchange for keeping his father out of prison. When young Rick gets in too deep, he finds himself seduced by the lure of easy money and becomes a drug dealer himself.
Dec 14th - AQUAMAN DC Comics’ lord of the seas gets his own solo feature film in 2018’s Aquaman. Arthur Curry learns that he is the heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, and must step forward to lead his people and be a hero to the world. Along the way he is forced to reconcile his loyalties to the surface world with his role in the undersea kingdom of Atlantis, which has become increasingly hostile to the humans polluting the oceans.
Dec 24th - PAPILLON Based on the international best-selling autobiographic books "Papillon" and "Banco", The epic story of Henri "Papillon" Charrière, a safecracker from the Parisian underworld who is framed for murder and condemned to life in the notorious penal colony on Devil's Island. Determined to regain his freedom, Papillon forms an unlikely alliance with convicted counterfeiter Louis Dega, who in exchange for protection, agrees to finance Papillon's escape.
Dec 26h - BUBLEBEE On the run in the year 1987,20 years before the first Transformers movie took place, Bumblebee the Autobot seeks refuge in a junkyard in a small California beach town. Charlie, on the brink of turning 18 years old and trying to find her place in the world, soon discovers the battle-scarred and broken Bumblebee. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns that this is no ordinary yellow Volkswagen Beetle.
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Joule - Now You Can Sous-Vide Like a Professional
I've been very fortunate to have the opportunity to review a number of 'lifestyle' gadgets over the last 5 years, so when a cooking gadget arrived a few weeks ago, I was eager to see what culinary wonders I could concoct. The gadget was the 'Joule' from ChefSteps, a Sea le-based food and technology company. Joule helps you cook a variety of food using a method called 'Sous-vide', where food is placed in a sealed plas c pouch and then heated in a water bath. Sous-vide cooking normally takes a much longer period than tradi onal cooking. However, the water temperature is very accurately regulated which means that food is evenly cooked throughout and retains moisture. Food is usually seared or finished in a griddle prior to serving. Joule is a slim 11” tall mains powered fully waterproof device. It heats water using a 1100 wa element and a aches to any magne c steel pot or using the a ached clip. Joule is internet enabled and connects to its companion cooking app running on either IOS or Android using either Bluetooth or WiFi. It's also possible to connect to your Amazon Alexa device which allows control and feedback using voice controls.
Food doesn't come in contact with the device or water, so to get things moving along more quickly I filled a cooking pot with hot water from the tap. There is no need to place the pot on a hob, but if you don't ChefSteps recommend placing it on a heatproof mat. I then placed the Joule upright in the pot and it a ached itself to the base and plugged it in. A er downloading the Joule app to my Android device and pairing it with Joule via WiFi, I was good to go.
There are hundreds of recipes, ps and guides available via the app, all integra ng with the Joule. I searched for 'Steak' and selected 'Basic Steak' from the results. I was then asked how I wanted my steak cooked using the Visual-Doneness feature which showed
how it would look when cooked, I was then asked to enter the thickness of my steak, the app then told me that my ½ in steaks would need to cook for 30 minutes at 54°C. Joule then begins hea ng the water to the desired temperature and once achieved, you are ready to start cooking. The food can either be placed in a freezer bag or vacuum sealed bag. Water must not enter the bag, so make sure the open end is secured above the water line. I clicked 'Start' and the cooking began. A er 30 minutes, the food was ready, I switched off Joule and removed the steak from the water pot. The last thing to do was a quick sear on a griddle and our meal was ready. We both thought the steaks were cooked to perfec on. Home-made burgers were also tasty and juicy. Cooking sous-vide gave excellent results. It was fun and my wife was pleased to see me so eager to help cook a meal! The ChefSteps Joule is not cheap at £189, but if you are interested in a new and alterna ve way of cooking food, you will find the device both easy to use and produces delicious Ma Porter - The Gadget Man
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5 minutes with... ... Katherine Mayes from *Tell us about Monkey Music? Monkey Music is an interac ve, award-winning musical curriculum designed for pre-school children. We offer a unique and progressive learning experience for your child, which is supported by over 500 original songs and musical ac vi es. Within our age-specific classes, babies and children are mesmerized by gorgeous puppets, hand-cra ed props, fascina ng sounds and absorbing ac vi es, amazing overhead giant mobiles, specialist percussion instruments, magical bubbles and much more! Big monkeys love to join in the fun too! *When and why did you start the business? I have been a professional violinist with the BBC Symphony and Royal Philharmonic Orchestras for nearly 20 years. As a professional violinist I feel so passionate about the amazing effects music has on the development of babies and young children. We have so much fun at Monkey Music and it's truly inspira onal to watch each child develop and grow together! I bought the North Her ordshire and South Bedfordshire franchise last year a er extensive training. We are currently coming towards the end of a fantas c first term. New venues will open this January in Baldock at the Community Centre every Friday morning, and also in Hitchin, at The Secret Garden on Tuesday mornings. We invite you to book one of the limited spaces for the Baldock open day on the 14th December via: Here, you and your li le one will get a feel for our wonderful classes!
*Why do over 20,000 families view Monkey Music as the highlight of their week? As the first of their kind over 25 years ago, Monkey Music classes were an instant hit with young families who recognised the educa onal value and magical class format. Parents and carers love watching their children develop in so many ways within the engaging classes. As a teacher it is very rewarding to watch babies and children gasp in amazement as they hear new sounds and see eye-catching props. I personally also love to serenade the li le ones with my violin! *What age are the classes suitable for? Children may join our age-specific classes any me between 3 months and 4 years. When they reach 4 years old, they will have developed a sound musical knowledge and be ready to learn an instrument. We have a wonderful, innova ve and unique 4-stage program, wri en by professional musicians and child development experts within the Early Years Founda on Stages framework. *How long are the classes? Our 30 minute classes have been honed and developed over 25 years and are designed to fully cap vate babies and young children for the dura on. The very interac ve nature of every class means that our li le monkeys need to rest again a er 30 minutes of magical music making! Most children feel the need for a long sleep a er class! *How do you book a FREE taster class or book for term? Please book directly via: h ps://
On the 1st January 2018
Sandra Lloyd Slimming World Consultant for Baldock talks to Marie Purday, about her amazing journey. Achieving a 6 stone weight loss this year to reach her life-changing personally set target in just 9 months, and that folks was dress size 20 to a 'slinky' size 12! Sandra: So Marie can you recall what the 'trigger' was to want to make a change and lose weight? Marie: I'd had enough of being overweight, I had been wan ng to lose weight for years but when I saw pictures of me over Christmas 2017 I knew finally something had to change, so on the 3rd of January I walked through the doors! Sandra: How were you feeling about your body image and fitness before you joined Slimming World? Marie: I HATED the way I looked! I never went clothes shopping as it depressed me having to buy such big sizes, and my fitness was non-existent. I couldn't even keep up with my kids, which upset me. Just walking them to school was hard work. Sandra: Why did you choose Slimming World? There are many diets and other organisa ons out there …. Why us? Marie: I know it works! There are so many slimming world success stories, I'd seen them online and locally in this magazine, so I knew if I gave it my all I'd get the results I wanted and I did! Sandra: What do about you love Food Op mising? Was it easy to follow? Marie: I love the variety of food op mising, nothing is off limits! I can s ll have the treats I want just have less of them and alongside a balanced healthy diet. I cook much more from scratch now and the meals I make are delicious. People can never believe I can lose weight and eat the food I do! Sandra: What has been the biggest challenge that you have overcome since joining if any? Marie: Learning to look in the mirror and accept the way I look. I have spent most of my adult life avoiding my own reflec on and now I can finally look and like what I see! 28
Sandra: How would you say a ending a group has played a part in your success? Marie: I love a ending group each week. I take so much mo va on from other members and get inspired by their ideas and recipes. They are always there for you whether it's been a good week or bad they never judge and are so suppor ve, and we have such a laugh too. Being over-weight is actually no joke, but it doesn't have to be too serious either! I look forward to it, cuppa and a na er and a laugh and look at me now! When I think it's only an hour, I have to look back and think “best hour a week that I've spent on myself this year!” Sandra: What can you do now that you couldn't or wouldn't do before losing weight? Marie: LIVE! Looking back now I wish I had joined slimming world sooner. It has changed so much more than the way that I look, my whole life has had an overhaul. I am now so much more confident and outgoing. I finally enjoy mee ng new people and I've found a love for fitness that I never knew I had before too. I've actually done a couple of 5k park runs and I have to say I just keep surprising myself! I started walking more and one day just thought actually I think I could run a bit and it all started there. Sandra: Did being over-weight ever affect your health and if so how? Marie: Luckily being overweight never affected my physical health but losing weight has definitely helped my mental health. I was in a very low place and feeling very down, it turns out losing weight was the answer to that problem too. Life has never been so good! Sandra: So how do you feel in yourself now you've lost weight? Marie: Amazing! I finally enjoy living! And will con nue a ending group each week to keep me mo vated to stay on track as I never plan on going back, EVER. Sandra: Last ques on … can you share your favourite meal please? Marie: Spaghe Carbonara, and it's a family favourite. Sandra: Thank you Marie, I am so proud of what you have achieved, and who doesn't love a Carbonara, I will send the recipe to Paul as the ‘On Our Doorstep Slimming World Recipe Feature’ for this month!
Slimming World Recipe Sandra Lloyd Supplied by
Carbonara Sauce! A super tasty, and healthy version of the perfect partner to pasta! Serves: 4 Cook time: 30 minutes
- Syns per serving: 1.5 - Ready in: Less than 30 mins
Ingredients Ÿ
1 onion, peeled and chopped 4 baby leeks, trimmed and sliced 2 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped 4 slices lean ham, all visible fat removed, chopped 2 level tbsp grated Parmesan cheese 4 tbsp Quark 7 tbsp skimmed milk 1 egg 2 tbsp fresh chopped chives
Method 1. Spray a pan with low calorie cooking spray and place over a medium heat. Add the garlic and ham and fry for 2-3 minutes. 2. Rinse the leeks in cold water and mix with the onion, cover and steam or microwave for 2 minutes on full until soft. 3. Mix the Parmesan cheese, egg, quark and milk together and add to the pan with the onions and leeks, stir until thickened. 4. Stir through spaghetti.
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Welcome to Oktoberfest As people are aware we put on the first Beer fes val nearly 12 years ago a er a challenge from the main Baldock fes val commi ee of 'you lot couldn't organise a provable in a brewery'. We proved them wrong and have gone from strength to strength, with the support and amazing community spirit from our li le town. As a registered charity our aim is to raise money to benefit Baldock and surrounding areas. We run all our events with the help of volunteers who can nominate local causes. This raises cash for local scouts, guides, churches, schools, individuals, community centres and spor ng clubs. To date we have raised about £70,000 pounds for our community. For a number of years, we have toyed with the idea of running an Oktoberfest and this year we had our first three Oktoberfest sessions over the first weekend of the October halfterm. The charity event complete with Oompah bands and tradi onal 5% Bavarian Fest beer shipped from Germany and lots of props to help set the mood went down so well we have decided we will repeat the event next year. Alongside the amount raised for the local causes we had an awesome raffle organised by one of our volunteer's Debbie McKenzie, we do need to say a massive thank you to all the local businesses who supported with prizes. The raffle coupled with the generosity of everyone who donated their Stein glass deposit and our local Tesco's for dona ng the bread for the food, means we have raised £2000 for Keech children's hospice. You can see from the many pictures here and on our Facebook (Baldock Oktoberfest / Baldock Beer Fes val) and Instagram (Baldock.Oktoberfest) pages that everyone who a ended had a brilliant me. We are having a couple of weeks off and then will start planning for next year's May Beer fes val 3rd-5th. See you all there. Tara Geere – Chair of The Baldock Beer Fes val.
Photo by Peter Gill
Photo MM Photography
Photo by Peter Gill
New Year Resolutions This is the me of year when we start to reflect on our lives over the past year and wish to make changes for 2019. Tiny changes make huge results so why is it so tricky to change a habit? We all know deep down there's no easy route – it's hard. And it isn't fast: New research suggests that on average it takes about 66 days to turn even a small change into a rou ne habit. But it is possible. And even ny changes can have a ripple effect that eventually creates big results. It is reported that 71% of us currently want to make a change in our lives, we would like to eat more healthily and exercise more, to control our finances be er, to give up smoking or to drink less, to waste less me and get down to that crea ve project.
The key to change is the nature of habit forming which is defined as something we do repeatedly, persistently and o en find difficult not to do. Hypnosis has been used with great success for years to help people C h an ge h ab its, lo se weight, q u it smoking...along with all sorts of other things, hypnosis is an exercise in ge ng your mind to work with your instead of your subconscious mind sabotaging your efforts to help you change. To help you s ck to your New Year Resolu ons try the following: Carry a diary with you to chart whatever behaviour it is you want to change. Look out for the cue, rou ne and note them down. Keeping a record of how you are doing you can see at a glance how much progress you have made and you'll be a lot more inclined to carry on – making habit changes in future easier. Ask for support, but only if you believe it will work for you. Whatever you're hoping to change, do it daily, however imperfectly you do it. Think of how you could replace a bad habit with a good one. Think about changes to your environment that will steer you towards your goal e.g. have fruit or nuts to hand as a healthy op on if you are working towards a healthily lifestyle. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Kim Holloway at
RNLI Xmas Cards, Souvenirs & Gifts will be on sale at Quenby's Garage, High street Open 9-12 Mon-Fri until Christmas. All prot goes to RNLI. DECEMBER
District Cross Country District Cross Country- Thursday 8th November 2018 - Who said cross country can’t be fun? KTS had over 50 students run at the district cross country event at Fairlands valley in Stevenage last week- a record number of runners! The year 12 BTEC Sport and A level PE students did an excellent job of running the finish line – thank you to Charlo e Spinks, Emma Shoobert, David La er, Ted Boyhan, Josh Carter, Freddie Schipani and Chloe Connolly. There were some excellent individual and team performances, there were over 60 runners in age groups year 7-10 and 30 runners in the senior category. Year 8 team – 2nd place (Daisy D’Onofrio, Megan Brewer, Ella Haskins, Olivia Lewis, Poppie Martin and Lowena Stump)
Year 9 team – 1st place (Ella Holm, Olivia Wisdon, Livie Hall, Isobel Geere, Maisie Carley and Berri Clarke)
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KTS Movember Tradition Armistice Day 100 Years On The weather in the early hours gave cause for deep concern, as our ‘Wet Weather Programme’ is basically, ‘get wet’, so no good for anyone. But by 08.00 hrs the skies began to clear ll we actually had sunshine. NHDC arrived in the form of a chap with his leaf blower to clear the site, and PC Sean Deal arrived with his smiling team to ensure the road closures were in place. For once the late night revellers had not abandoned their cars within the Memorial Gardens, although there were s ll quite a few cars whose owners had failed to observe the road closure no ces in the car park. Scouts arrived to help move the chairs from the Community Centre, as did the members of the Troopers Motor Cycle Club who volunteered to help with stewarding and shi ing. Our usual P.A. guy was unwell, but Rob Scahill from the Orange tree stepped up and provide a formidable system so everyone could hear the service. Tim Litchfield led his team of musicians from Knights Templar School to provide music prior to the service as well as with the hymn and Na onal Anthem. Richard from the Hardware Store was with us as usual to provide the Last Post and all was set, apart from some thoughtless drivers who decided to vacate the car park whilst the children were forming up. Legion Standard Bearer Al Hayhurst marched on the Standard followed by the uniformed youth organisa ons who filed in around the flower beds. Father Andrew Holford of St. Mary’s
commenced the service along with the Reverend Chris Jenkins from Christchurch with the Last post played bang on cue, the last note echoing across a silent Baldock as 11 O’clock struck from the church tower. Following the two minute silence and the calling of the Exhorta on by Councillor Michael Muir, RBL Baldock President, the names of the fallen were read out by KTS students. Wreaths were then laid led by Janie WentworthStanley, Deputy Lord-Lieutenant, on behalf of the Queen. The base of the War Memorial was soon covered in wreathes laid by the military, former servicemen & women, local services and organisa ons, all wishing to remember in a tangible form. This was followed by our hymn, prayers and the Na onal Anthem, which was sung with gusto on this centenary year. Big thanks to Father Andrew Holford and the Rev’d Chris Jenkins for leading the service (and meteorological interven on), Tim Litchfield and his KTS students, Richard our soloist, Rob Scahill for the P.A. system, P.C. Sean Deal and Herts Constabulary for their impeccable du es, Troopers M.C. for their great support, RBL Baldock for their ac vi es, Jenny Thomas and others for their photography, Tracey Chapman for providing the Youth Wing post-service and the chairs, the Gwen & Jean the ‘tea-ladies’ for the valued refreshments, and Tesco for providing the ‘makings’. The event would not have possible without the par cipants, wreath-layers and the public. The guessimate is that 650 - 750 people took part, the furthest travelled par cipants were John Brake from California, and Darryl Allen from Boston, Mass. If you are interested in finding out more about RBL Baldock, or suppor ng the Poppy Appeal, contact us via this FB page. Photo courtesy of John Brake.
Do you need to Make or Update your Will? Make it Your New Year’s Resolution!! We offer a FREE initial appointment to discuss your circumstances, offering advice on Wills including ring-fencing your home from care and guidance on Inheritance Tax Nil Rate Bands.
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Harriet Kelsall’s 20th Birthday On Saturday 17th November, Harriet Kelsall Bespoke Jewellery welcomed lots of guests through the doors of its Her ordshire Jewellery Centre for its annual Christmas Event. This year however, it was extra special as the company was also celebra ng its 20th birthday. Her ordshire was where it all began in 1998 so it seemed fi ng that the party took place in the company's Her ordshire Jewellery Centre which incorporates a design studio, coffee shop, workshop and showroom. The family day offered a fantas c opportunity to watch designers at work and live goldsmith demonstra ons up close, while fun jewellery making workshops le many children inspired. Li le ones then braced the chill of the outdoors to “Pan for Gold” in exchange for chocolate coins. Designer Alice then presented a talk about the company's ethical journey. Meanwhile partygoers made the most of a 10% discount on dress jewellery before trying their hand at the Christmas cracker prize draw which gave the opportunity to win anything from a polishing cloth to a piece of jewellery. The money raised from the children's ac vi es and the Christmas cracker prize drawer will be donated to Cancer Research UK to help fund their pioneering research into breast cancer. Harriet is delighted to be celebra ng 20 years in business, “It fees amazing to have reached our 20th birthday as a company. I am proud that we are stronger than ever; we opened our new branch in London (Primrose Hill) a few months ago and have just taken on three new workshop team members to keep up with the work!”
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December Gallery
Please send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or email
Our gift (of life) to the people of Weston Village - Roni Murphy Hearn
@redlifthire Christmas lights installation,
Osca loves a Christmas hat - Mia Lloyd
Knights Templar School Ian Helmore
Baldock Street Fair Mark Kitchener
Light trails at North Road Bridge - Will Tomlin
Radwell Meadows - Neil Cherry
Beautiful Willian Pond. - Sarojini Ellis
Chef Abbas Ahmed from Baldocks Chilli Lounge collecting his award - ‘Britain’s Best Chef’ at the Asian Curry Awards in November
Oktoberfests’ Oomhpa Band -Peter Gill
Whole school photo day at Knights Templar
Baldock Brownies paying their respects at the War Memorial
Baldock Beavers on Parade Rememberance Sunday Early morning over Weston Hills - Roger Ellias
Early autumn morning in Weston woods - Roger Ellias
Letchworth Rugby Club lads with Clr Muir laid a wreath at the Hertfordshire Regiment memorial
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Useful numbers
Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice Samaritans
03444 111444 0300 300 8136 116 123
Councils North Hertfordshire District
01462 474000
Doctors Baldock Surgery
01462 892458
Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery
01763 313869
*10% r t fo discouns and d e h S all uildings Garden Bred in orde ber Decem *For delivery in Dec/Jan
Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut
0800 111 999 0800 7838838
Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH
01438 314333 01707 328111 111
Library Baldock Library
0300 123 4049
Police Police
01707 354000
Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Brandles
01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189
Travel Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line
08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608
Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre
01462 895579
Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round
01462 892172 01462 896322
Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round
07980 400690 01462 896322
Plumbers Maben PE James
07949 120911 07816 586777
Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows
01438 906300 01462 261401
Florist Blooms of Baldock
07747 195325
Barbers Micks of Baldock
01462 895002
Locksmith Matthew Knight
07733 147645
Airport Taxi Greenacre Transfers
07555 707848
Mobile Hairdresser Hair by Jacqui
07973 788418
Contact Phil Allen on 01462 834411 or 07909 716631 or email