Issue 52 February 2019
Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
Welcome . To the February issue How many of you have managed to stick to your New Years resolutions and keep up Dry January, congratulations if you managed the whole 31 days. And can you believe that it's half term already? The first part of the year really does seem to fly by! Our new year started with a surprise weekend in Paris, via the Eurostar, I must say what a great way to travel to France. This trip was a Christmas present treat courtesy of middle child and the youngest. We quickly realised this was a ploy to get us both out of the way while they had girls weekend of trampolining in old slate mines and riding rollercoasters through Snowdonia National Park. With no Fireside Festival and Pancake day taking place in March this year you may be thinking that Valentine's Day is the biggest thing happening this month however you'd be wrong. The Baldock Beast is back and it has been organised by Richard Harbon again, who also coordinates the Standalone 10k so you're all in safe hands. The half marathon with a reputation bigger than the hills you'll tackle in it. Best of luck to everyone who's signed up for this year's race. We look forward to seeing many of you there, running and supporting. On the subject of running, our Jacqui is taking part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon. A few may know that she is partial to the occasional run around the town with Dave the Dog (very helpful to have someone
pulling you along apparently) but she has never run anything close to this distance - especially alone! She will be crossing the finish line for Parkinson's UK, a charity working towards finding a cure for the disease. Jacqui's mum was diagnosed with the very cruel illness 18 years ago so it's something very close to all our hearts. If you would like to donate and support Jacqui with her challenge you can do so at
Paul & Jacqui Jacqui Calver 07973 788418
Disclaimer All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited.
Library’s 30 Year Anniversary During the Christmas holidays children were encouraged to visit the library to take part in a Prize Draw Treasure Hunt. They had to look all around the library for pictures of 10 Christmas Trees, one of which was gold!!! Over 50 children took part and the prize was donated by Tesco's, once again a big thank you to them. Big News; In February is the 30 year's anniversary of the library in the building it is now in and we have a number of events lined up top celebrate this; Firstly we have ex Baldock resident, author and illustrator James Mayhew coming to give 2 talks. One aimed at children and one for adults both on Wednesday 20th Feb.
Tickets available online or at the library- limited numbers. On the following Monday (actual opening anniversary date) we have a tea, 2-4pm, all welcome. Tesco's again suppor ng us with the refreshments and the Rotary Club providing cake “ The following –Wednesday 27th February- we have local author Liz Ellis, coming for a Q+A session Where does a novel come from?” 2-3pm Tickets available from the library only Please come and join us for one or more of the events. All of our usual Early Years ac vi es will be on as usual. Deb Turner Library Manager
Next copy Deadline 10th February
The Barley Club Baldock’s 1st pop up dining experience, serving a freshly prepared tas ng menu using seasonal produce & features finest flavours from around the world. Located in Hitchin Street in mate 34seater restaurant will serve a freshly prepared tas ng menu using seasonal produce sourced locally and features the finest flavours from around the world.
The restaurant will be open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings for an end of week treat with family or friends and why not pop in on a Sunday for a roast packed with all the tradi onal Bri sh flavours, cooked The Barley Club way. Fro bookings call 07592 820761 or email
News from Hartsfield – Doing our bit for the planet! Our KS2 Nature Ci zens Club at school have been expressing concern about the excessive use of all things plas c– and in par cular straws. As a school we get through 365 plas c straws each week which adds up to some 14,600 straws per year! So, the students in the Nature Ci zens Club wrote a le er the company who provides our cartons and straws each day, to ask if they had an acceptable alterna ve. The pupils were delighted to get a response from them. They have agreed to provide 2 litre
cartons of milk and a supply of re-usable beakers instead. This is a big step forward for us as a school and we are delighted to be 'doing our bit' for the planet. The children in the club are also looking at issues more globally, and will be having a Skype call with some Reindeer Herders in the Arc c Circle to look at the effects of global warming on their environment!
Local Plan Extension "Don't forget the Local Plan consulta on on the Inspector's modifica ons. The period for the consulta on has been extended to 4th March. The schedule of Main Modifica ons, is available to view: Ÿ on the NHDC website: Ÿ at the Council Offices during normal opening hours; and Ÿ in Baldock Library . Ÿ Local residents' websites and contain some veiws on the changes and how to submit your comments.
This new group got off to a good start in January. Formed with the principle aim of collec ng informa on and spreading the word on reducing, reusing, recycling plas c and other materials. We are currently organising the recycling of all brands of crisp packets to be collected at Baldock Community Centre and hopefully other collec on points so keep collec ng! (TerraCycle project with Walkers). Hopefully more such projects will follow. Every li le thing we do adds up. Take a look for yourselves at all the materials (waste streams) will deal with like disposable lenses which some people s ll put down the drain. If you are interested in the group email me at chris for informa on. Next mee ng early February.
Happy 6thBirthday
Lots of Love Mummy 26th February
Happy Birthday Baldocks Barberette
30 on
5th February HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY 22nd February
Navraj Shergill love from Mum, Dad
Happy Birthday Carol Whitman 16th February
From Janet Kate Marsh 24th Feb
love from the beer festival crew 8
February is with us again. Mother Nature is thinking about digging out her spring wardrobe, and if Jack Frost doesn't get to them first, we will start to see the odd Daff or Snow Drop popping up to say hello. It's the month we start to see the light. I find people smile a li le more as the days really do begin to draw out and the niest bit of warmth creeps back in. Now I've wri en that, it's going to be the coldest Feb on record, three feet of snow everywhere. Sorry guys. It's a good month is February, not only does it see the back of unpopular and oh so long January; it's the month of lurve. The shops become full of red hearts and expensive roses in prepara on for the day we can all fall hopelessly in love again. On this day we are allowed to be a li le stalky and send our secret crush bad poetry and fluffy teddy bears. It is a er all, the one day we can legi mately and secretly profess our undying love for the gorgeous shelf stacker/librarian/barperson that doesn't know we exist. On February the 14th I will return from work and as I turn the key in the lock of my front door, I will hold my breath and hope that the weight of all the cards on the door mat will prevent me from ge ng in. I do it every year, and every year the same thing happens; The door flies open, and I am greeted by several manila coloured envelopes (the worst colour envelope ever) all demanding a payment of some sort and not one professing undying love and promises of eternal bill sharing. The last me I received a gi on this day was about four years ago. I got a pair of
socks. A single pair of socks! Now, I can here you all gasp and ask what on earth was the guy thinking, how did he even think he was going to win the fair maiden's heart with such an offering. Well the truth is, it did. Absolutely and completely. This wasn't because I am easily pleased, on the contrary, I am blooming hard work if I'm honest. He won my heart because at that point I knew without doubt that this guy knew me. He'd taken the me to understand me, to know what made me smile, and how to make me happy. For me, socks are just so amazing. Not only do they keep your tootsies warm and cosy, and when you suffer with cold feet you can't beat a good fluffy sock. But because they never fail to cheer me up. I'm not a great clothes horse, mainly because I can't afford to be. But I do suffer from the age-old woman's problem of wan ng to spend money on pre y things to cheer myself up. I have been known to wander into Tesco at one in the morning when I'm feeling really down and can't sleep to purchase a cute pair of socks. I think most men (sorry guys, but I am a girl, so I come at this from a girly point of view) tend to take the easy op on and go for the obvious roses and chocolates. But how would it be if you actually thought about what your lady likes, what pleases her and what makes her smile. I don't mean the polite thank you smile, I mean the full-on version that fills her face, makes her eyes brighten, and her heart race. When she
smiles like that, you can surely sense the promise of good things to come. I am a terrible present giver, nearly always get it wrong, but when I see a smile like that on someone I love, I know I've made that person happy, really happy. Surely that is the essence of true love. I may be wrong, I've been out of the game so long now, but I think romance is a dying art form. Both men and women don't seem to put in much effort anymore. I guess that modern life doesn't lend itself well to real roman c exer on. How many of us take the me to be with someone, just be? Sit on a bench and people watch. Drive into the country and sit on your car bonnet star gazing. Pop to the beach and eat fish and chips. Hold hands. Put the damn phone in your pocket and talk. For me, romance isn't about the big gestures. Don't get me wrong, diamonds are lovely, but you can't cuddle a diamond. You can't look into a diamonds eyes and know, unequivocally that you are loved and cherished. Saying that, I've never been brought a diamond, so I wouldn't know. I'm willing to be proved wrong. Hint hint. It's the small things that ma er where love is concerned. A look, a touch, a memory. Laughter. Just a word of cau on, if you end up on Southend pier a er a five-hour drive, with soggy fish and chips because its raining cats and dogs, and you didn't get the flowers and chocolates because you took my advice and went for the more roman c op on. Don't blame me, I'm single, what do I know of love and romance.
Happy Birthday
Tara Geere Lots of Love Matt, Olie & Isobel xx 3rd Feb Happy Birthday
Daniel Travers #StudentLife 2nd February Happy Birthday 14/2
Aunty Debbie ‘Dibbles’ McKenzie like a ne wine, she just gets BETTER WITH AGE
Happy 6th Birthday
Lots of love Mum, Dad, Isabell, Kye and Harry xxx
Happy 6th Birthday
Lots of love Mum, Dad, Isabell, Lacey and Harry 10
Reasons Why You Should Join The WI In 2019 No ma er if you're from Baldock area or somewhere else in the UK, joining a WI could be a great thing for you to do in 2019, and here are some reasons why: Ÿ You will be part of something really special. The WI is the largest voluntary women's organisa on in the UK, which is something we are very proud of, so we would love to see more women joining, or even more WIs being set up! Ÿ Your voice will be heard. By joining a WI, you will be able to make a real impact on local, na onal and interna onal issues. Ÿ You will have the opportunity to learn, develop and pass on your skills. At the WI, we are all about sharing our knowledge, so if you have some kitchen Ÿ You will be given a membership secrets, cra ps, garden hints or discount on a wide variety of courses anything you feel would benefit a group, at Denman ( you would be able to share! the WI's own residen al college in Ÿ You will be able to a end at least 11 Oxfordshire. There are courses on monthly mee ngs, with the added almost anything you can think of so opportunity to take part in other look on the website. You can get to addi onal events, trips, clubs and know like-minded women in your ac vi es that we run. area. The WI is a great way to meet Ÿ You will have access to WI Life, the WI new people and make friends that membership magazine. They release 8 are interested in similar things to issues a year that are packed full of WI you. news and event informa on. If you're interested in finding out more
about the WI organisa on you can look at the na onal WI website or you can contact Baldock and Clothall WI on or look at our facebook page Baldockclothallwi It would be a great to do or even look into, so why not take the leap?
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Events News from Sandon JMI Upcoming Young Voices 2019 - 22 junior children will be joining As a school we are commi ed to working in partnership with families to ensure the very best educa onal experience for all of our pupils. With this in mind each week there will be a short film clip or ar cle a ached to the newsle er which will give you some extra ps on how parents can help their children. This clip illustrates the importance of having high expecta ons for all children, reinforcing the fact that we need to try our best all the me. Aus n's bu erfly MRWZjms Grounds Day - We were delighted at our recent grounds day to have so much help from members of the school community. We had the biggest turnout ever, 42 volunteers! Thank you so much to all those who came to school on a misty Saturday morning to create a mud kitchen, dismantle a pergola, weave the willow dome back into shape and put up bird boxes. Adults and children gave us some of their precious me to make are grounds the best they can be and helping us to save some school funds too. It is so important for the children to see what is needed to maintain the school and so generous of people to give up their me. The willow dome was very overgrown, now all of the whips have be woven back into the structure which will make it stronger and fuller. Pallets and waste wood were recycled to create this mud kitchen in the Forest School.
thousands of other at the O2 Arena in London to join in with Young Voices 2019. The children and Mr Jinkerson have been learning lots of songs in order to join in with this exci ng project. The parents of these children will also be travelling to London to see the show. Well done to everyone involved. Science Week - Mrs Hart has organised lots of exci ng ac vi es for our annual Science Week. These include a visit from Zoo Lab who are bringing a variety of creatures to school for the infant children to inves gate. There will be a visit for the junior children to the Airbus Discovery Space in Stevenage. Here the children will see the Mars Rover and take part in workshops and watch a Science show. Emma McGill - Headteacher
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Do you have Bad Posture? Is your posture bad ? Do you need a postural assessment? What is posture? Posture is based on the posi on of the spine and all the joints in the musculoskeletal system. How do I know its not right? Are you suffering from Ÿ Back/neck pain Ÿ Discomfort during sleep Ÿ Clicking/grinding of joints Ÿ S ffness Ÿ Tenderness and ghtness within your muscles Ÿ Limited mobility and range of mo on within your joints Here are common day to day postures people get into that can cause imbalances within the body: Ÿ Slouching in your chair Ÿ Leaning on one leg for long periods of me Ÿ Text neck/ hunch back Ÿ Computer work/rounded shoulders What can an assessment do for me? Postural evalua on or analysis consists of evalua ng a pa ent's posture through a series of appropriate tests and measurements. A client's posture provides much informa on regarding the natural state of their ssues. Through postural analysis it is possible to determine which areas of their body are under more strain than others, and which muscle groups are causing this strain. This can be a dynamic (while squa ng walking or running) or sta c (While si ng or standing s ll) assessment. What can I gain from an assessment and treatment? We can create a small exercise plan for you which could be as small as a home plan or some exercises to complete in the gym or within the clients spor ng environment if they are regularly ac ve.
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Rotary Club Seeks New Gardens for 'Open Gardens' Event in May As part of the Baldock Fes val in May, the Rotary Club of Baldock will once again be sponsoring and organising the very popular Open Gardens event. As is tradi onal, it will be held on the last a ernoon of the Fes val on Sunday, 19th May and we ask gardens to be open between 1.00pm and 5.00pm. Our Open Gardens are a mix of gardens some of which are open for the first me and others that have opened previously. This always gives people a choice of which gardens to visit. In order to provide an even wider choice of new gardens to visit we would like to give people the opportunity to volunteer to open their gardens. Your garden doesn't have to be; Ÿ a show garden – there are no prizes at stake Ÿ a large garden – small can be just as interes ng Ÿ pris ne – weeds have a habit of appearing overnight!
However, it does have to be a safe environment. Baldock residents are always interested in the Open Gardens event and ideas and comments (always posi ve) are shared on the day. However, with greater publicity the event is beginning to a ract visitors from further afield. All gardens are marshalled throughout the a ernoon by Members or Friends of Rotary who take responsibility for checking ckets and suppor ng the garden owner. In previous years people have responded to this request and found it an enjoyable experience. If you are interested in opening your garden and would like to volunteer or would like more informa on about the event please contact Janet Hammond, telephone number 01462-894603 or email janet.hammond4@b Rotarian - Paul Lucke
Congratulations Baldock model Daphne Selfe was awarded a Bri sh Empire Medal in the 2019 New Year’s Honours list which was published on Saturday 29 December
At 90-year-old Daphne is the world’s oldest professional model and has been given the BEM award for her services to women and fashion a er being given ‘super model’ status by the fashion industry. Daphne has worked with brands such as Dolce and Gabbana and featured in Vogue magazine. She also featured in this year’s Primark Christmas campaign.
n O s ’ t a h W Positive Moving Class
Every Wednesday Afternoon 2pm -3.30pm, Holy Trinity Church, London Road. Improving mobility in older People The cost Is £4 followed by tea & biscuits for more info contact 01462- 678804
Letchworth Parkrun A free 5km run every Saturday at 9am, Grange Recreation Ground, SG6 4PN. Very welcoming for new runners - see for details
Baldock Country Market Every Friday morning until Christmas - The Victoria pub Sun Street Baldock 9.30am - 12pm
5k Fun Run Every Saturday at 9am - Two lap course on Norton Common Letchworth for more information contact North Herts Road Runners
Community Choir Every Wednesdays - at Baldock Community Centre 7pm -9pm for more info contact Ruth on 07916798655
Northern Soul Night Saturday 2nd February -Orange Tree Baldock 8pm onwards join Bill Mac and his friends for an evening of soul free admission
Knights Templar 60th Birthday Reunion Saturday 2nd February 7pm at Templars, High Street, Baldock
Weston Hills Conservation Day Sunday 10th February - Friends of Baldock Green Space 10am -3pm everyone welcome hot drinks provided for all the volunteers
Half Term Football Fun 13th Feb - 21st Feb - The Arena Baldock in conjunction with Hitchin town football club there will be games,skill sessions,mini tournaments,penalty shoot outs and much more for more info please go to
FABULOUS GLAMPERVAN Just pick up and go – The motorhome is fully equipped ready for you to start your holiday. Available for short breaks and longer holidays all year round.
Jazz Sunday with Rebecca Lisewski Sunday 17th February 2pm-4pm, Stylus Lounge, The High Street Baldock
5k Muddy Mayhem - Garden House Hospice Saturday 23rd February - Knebworth House Park Tickets for this event are now on sale for more info contact or call 01462 679540
Baldock Beast Half Marathon Sunday 24th February 2019 registration now open contact
Dinner Jazz and Dance Friday 1st March - 7pm, The Fox, Willian. 3 course dinner followed by lots of dancing to the 5 piece Jazz band. If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email us at by 10th February email:
Tel: 01462 491035 / 07985315632 FEBRUARY
Baldock Events Forum A er the success of the Christmas Fair and lights, when the whole of Baldock pulled together to enjoy a great day to start Christmas proper, the BEF has no me to rest on our laurels – because February sees the return of the Baldock Beast! 2018 saw a record number of runners turn out for Baldocks ever popular half marathon, 500 in total, of all abili es took on the beau ful but demanding course around the villages east of Baldock.rightly called the Beast. Feedback from the race was amazing, with many runners and clubs making it their chosen race of the year. This year on 24 February, the race will start and finish in Old Wallington Road, visi ng the villages of Wallington, Roe Green and Sandon, before returning to Baldock. If you would like to take on the Beast, go to to enter. The event could not take place without the superb support of local businesses, such as Knights Templar Gym, Trisports, Kindlelight Windows, Amber Health and Templar Mortgages. Also making it a huge community event are the local scouts, who provide refreshments before and a er the event and all the marshals, who come out to ensure the runners get around safely. Future Events - The Big Lunch has a provisional date of 2nd June, but that is subject to confirma on. It's always a brilliant day, dining 'al fresco' with the community of Baldock and
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entertainment provided. Tickets will be limited, so keep your eye out for the confirmed date and get it in the diary. The Baldock Cycle Challenge will be on 14 July and provides an excellent means to see the beau ful countryside around Baldock, without ge ng too breathless. Something New! - We are hoping to organise a Summer Ball at the Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre (formerly the Old Town Hall) in the Summer. Sally Ma hews has been appointed as the Event Coordinator and we hope to provide more detail in next month's issue. If you have any ideas for this event, please let us know on our Facebook page Finally, we have been offered the BT Telephone Box by the Community Centre, once it's decommissioned. We are looking to take this on, but we would like to ask the residents of Baldock for some ideas as to how we can use this for the community. Please let us know, either on our Facebook page, or website, we will take all construc ve views into considera on. The Baldock Events Forum is a Community Interest Company run by volunteer directors for the benefit of the community of Baldock. We are currently looking for a Marke ng Director, who will work with our Fundraising Director, Claire Murphy, to raise the profile of the Forum and create a strong, stable financial base upon which we can con nues to serve the community for many years. If you would like to know more, just send me a short email ( interest and I will get back to you. Jim McNally - Chair
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Keeping your pets in shape
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We all love our pets and we like to give them li le treats, but this does not help with their weight. (As just like us they can put it on easily) and being overweight can have las ng consequences and in some case's can be fatal. There are studies that show overweight dogs do not live as long and are more prone to illnesses, it changes their quality of life and they can get condi ons such as arthri s, heart problems, breathing diďŹƒcul es and diabetes, so you have to be aware of all this and be cruel to be kind as they say as we all want our pets to live for ever. If you start when they are young, and not give lots of treats and s ck to their food rou ne it will help with their joints as they are growing up, always give your pet the minimum amount for their body weight as directed on the packet. Try not to keep changing their foods or give them human food or this might turn them in to fussy eaters which can be a problem long term. If your pet is pu ng on weight you can always call in to the vets and ask for a calorie controlled food which they will be happy to advise you on. Exercise is always good for animals, whether it be going for walks, or buying toys such as balls, laser pointers or s cks to keep them interested and ac ve, and also just simply stroking your pet and giving them your a en on, as this lasts longer than food and strengthens your rela onship with them.
‘Help your pets stay in shape for 2019'
Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp
St Johns
Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre
February 2019 At the time of writing the weather has stayed mild, unseasonably mild, five, six, seven degrees centigrade throughout the day and one degrees at night. Warm weather is causing garden plants to break dormancy, some have not entered dormancy at all, we have Lavender that is still flowering and even have one Agapanthus that's sending up new flower heads. It's not unusual to see spring bulbs in sheltered areas to be poking their heads through. It is rare for herbaceous perennials to be moving this early, many hobby gardeners will probably not have noticed, expert gardeners and professional growers will undoubtedly be taking notice, is it time to worry? Perhaps, be very aware of the problems that could arise from tender growth or loose scales on fruit buds causing them to be damaged by frosts or cold wind. I have a white grape that I have been growing for thirty years, it was planted for me by a local horticultural expert "Fred Saunders" who struck (rooted) a cutting he obtained from an undisclosed source for me, he always claimed I didn't need to know where it came from and I never asked. I have had to prune it this week as it is well into bud burst. I would typically do this in the second week of February so three weeks early, it is undercover so it could be argued that being inside has amplified the increased external temperatures, but it has been inside all its life, and it is still budding early. I have just been away for a week in North Norfolk a cold county in the winter, but I observed coppiced Hazel stools showing green bud and Horse chestnut trees displaying very sticky buds, the first indication of post-winter movement. You may ask why am I becoming so concerned? The answer is that many crops are traditionally and for reasons derived from research planted on specific dates give or take a day or two, this will provide the grower with specific harvesting dates. For the hobby and average grower this will not be such a problem but for the professionals, commercial growers and show specialists it will cause great difficulties. Harvest dates are then also affected, business and professional growers will have contract dates to meet so if the growing season is early or shortened these dates will not be achieved without risk to quality or quantity. Show work will be challenging as these show specialists keep diaries with planting and show preparation dates with every other piece of information you can possibly imagine logged and recorded, they work precisely from the day of planting to the day of the show. Our local area has a few of the best show growers in the country who regularly enter national flower shows. They have to be at the very highest level of skill to even get an entry and have to work their way up to that by showing at a whole list of local to county level shows. We have a local grower who is in the top three in his class in the country, these weather changes could cause him big problems. What can we do in our gardens this month? Those of us who are lucky enough to have greenhouses can start sowing seed towards the end of the month with some of the less tender lettuce varieties, the hardier varieties can go straight out. All of the brassicas can be started, and if you have some heat available then all of your favourite summer salads can be started, be aware that light levels at this time of the year will play a big part in how well they grow. Leeks need sowing as soon as you can, do enough varieties to spread the eating season, timings will be found on most seed packets. Broad beans and early peas can also go straight out, even sweet peas, but you will get better results planting in the greenhouse or on a windowsill. The most important thing is to keep an eye out for mice, they could devour all of your peas overnight, it's happened to me no end of times. February is the time to finish pruning fruit trees and bushes, you can leave it through to March if you have other things to be doing that are much more urgent. Commercially we sometimes had to do a winter wash (spray) to control overwintering pests, so we needed to be able to get the tractors and sprayers down the rows of trees, an impossible job with tree prunings spread between the trees, in this situation, it would be best to delay pruning some orchards.
Other plants requiring training or pruning would be Guara, lavender, Wisteria. Roses also need to have their final pruning and shaping, February is the time that you should be mulching your roses. I've had to do this time after time wheelbarrowing my Dads pig muck and placing it carefully four inches deep around the stem of the rose making sure to keep the mulch four inches at least away from the graft. The reason for mulching roses is that it will feed and insulate, insulation is not so critical over winter but very important in the summer. Roses do not like hot dry roots, keeping them cooler will prolong the flowering season and will importantly help with wilts, and downy mildew, poorly fed roses are more likely to be susceptible to any disease. February and July are the times to put in your diary. One of the things I am always going on about at this time of the year is to keep off your soil if it's wet, compacted soil is tough to get back into condition and will need a lot of work and time. More important is your lawn, don't get in a hurry to mow it or feed it be patient and try and keep it a bit longer than you would, it will look more luscious and will feel softer underfoot, the big bonus is that it won't have so much moss growing in it, so less work all around. Hope that helps a bit, cheers, Graham. Cheers Graham. FEBRUARY
FEBRUARY MOVIES Feb 1st - HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON What began as an unlikely friendship between an adolescent Viking and a fearsome Night Fury dragon has become an epic adventure. Now chief and ruler of Berk alongside Astrid, Hiccup has created a gloriously chaotic dragon utopia. When the sudden appearance of female Light Fury coincides with the darkest threat their village has ever faced, they must travel to a hidden world to try and protect everything they’ve grown to treasure.
Feb 1st - ESCAPE ROOM Six adventurous strangers are all sent mysterious black boxes containing an invitation to travel to a mysterious building to experience the escape room -- a game where players compete to solve a series of puzzles to win $10,000. What starts out as seemingly innocent fun soon turns into a living nightmare as the four men and two women discover each room is an elaborate trap that's part of a sadistic game of life or death.
Feb 11th - INSTANT FAMILY Married couple Pete and Ellie Wagner, feeling a void in the marriage, decide to visit a foster care center. They were hoping to take in one small child, but when their ‘perfect match’ is found, she is a rebellious 15-year-old girl called Lizzie, who has two younger siblings, Juan and Lita. They soon find themselves speeding from zero to three kids overnight. Now, they must try to learn the ropes of instant parenthood in the hope of becoming a family, let the fun begin.
Feb 15th - The KID who would become KING Old school magic meets the modern world in the epic adventure THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING. Alex thinks he’s just another nobody, until he stumbles upon the mythical Sword in the Stone, Excalibur. Now, he must unite his friends and enemies into a band of knights and, together with the legendary wizard Merlin , take on the wicked enchantress Morgana . With the future at stake, Alex must become the great leader he never dreamed he could be.
Feb 15th - A PRIVATE WAR Celebrated war correspondent Marie Colvin is a woman who is as comfortable downing martinis with high society's elite as she is brazenly staring down warlords and fleeing from gunfire. Driven by an enduring desire to bear witness and give voice to the voiceless, Her mission to show the true cost of war leads her, along with renowned war photographer Paul Conroy to embark on the most dangerous assignment of their lives in the besieged Syrian city of Homs
Feb 22nd - COLD PURSUIT Quiet family man Nels, is hard-working snowplow driver from a resort town in the Rocky Mountains. The town has just awarded him "Citizen of the Year." But Nels has to leave his quiet mountain life when his son is murdered by a powerful drug lord. As a man who has nothing to lose he is stoked by a drive for vengeance. This unlikely hero uses his hunting skills and transforms from an ordinary man into a skilled killer as he sets out to dismantle the cartel.
Call Jacqui 07973 788418
Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls
ELM327 Mini OBD2 Bluetooth Diagnostic Tool.. Monitor your car in real-time Having become closely associated with the motor-trade over the past 4 months, I was very interested to see how a gadget that is available for under a fiver could read and display real- me informa on about my car and more! Have you ever wondered what that strange socket under or near your steering wheel is? For the non-mechanics amongst us, I can tell you it is actually an OBD2 port or 'On Board Diagnos cs Version 2' port. This was a standard port installed on all cars manufactured since 1996. It allows for mechanics or technicians to diagnose issues with your car and read 'fault codes' stored in the ECU (Engine Control Unit). I'm sure many of us have seen the 'engine management light' appear on the dashboard of our cars, well that light indicates a fault has occurred, these faults are stored historically and can be read back using specialist equipment. If you have an engine management light on your car, seek advice immediately. The ELM327 Mini is one of those devices. Instead of a bulky minicomputer that costs many hundreds of Pounds, the device instead off-loads all the hard work and thus keeps itself nicely pocket-sized. It does this by employing Bluetooth technology and the heavy-li ing abili es of our modern smartphones.
Before using the device, you will need to download one of dozens of OBD2 tools to your smartphone (I'm told there are both Windows and MacOS versions
available too). Once installed, you will need to plug the ELM327 into your cars OBD2 port, make sure the igni on is switched off first. Once securely fi ed, turn on your igni on and allow the car to ck over. Once powered, the device is ready to 'pair' with your smartphone over Bluetooth, this was reasonably quick and straight-forward and instruc ons come with the device to help you achieve this. Now you are paired to the device, you
will need to run the App you have just installed. It should immediately recognise the connec on over Bluetooth and begin displaying informa on about the health of your car, from water and oil temperature to turbo pressure and ba ery voltage. It's really interes ng. Now it gets even more interes ng when you read historical fault codes as you can then refer to a quick internet search to find out what the code means. You are then able to clear those fault codes and in some cases reset the engine management light. Now obviously, if your car has a permanent fault, the light is going to come back on, so don't look at this gadget as a cure for your cars 'ills', instead I found it a brilliant insight into the workings of my car. The ELM327 Mini I ordered was £1.67 plus £3 shipping, I've seen them for various prices, make sure you check the product reviews before ordering though! Amazon or eBay have dozens for sale. Next month, I have another OBD2 based gadget, but this one helps track your car in real me, a fantas c piece of tech if you are running vehicles for your business! Ma Porter - The Gadget Man
R.H GARDEN DESIGN The Garden Specialists Some of our many services offered include: T: 01462 612033 M: 07738 246568
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Everyone at Key Conveyancing is committed to making the experience of moving house as simple and straightforward as possible. Ÿ A fast, personal and professional
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Call our dedicated team on 01462 892221 for a free quotation 3b Whitehorse Street, Baldock. SG7 6PX
The Changing Housing Market…
PAUL WOOD FLOORING Floor Sanding Service Sanding Traditional Wood Floors Domestic & Commercial Wooden Flooring Wood stripping Call, Email or Text Anytime on 07710477089
How has Baldock been affected? Simon Walton, Valua ons Manager, at Charter Whyman, draws on his recent experiences of the local market place to help make sense of what's happening in your town. “Coming out of the Summer months last year” explains Simon, “ we could see that things were star ng to change, a number of agents were progressively reducing asking prices on property and proper es were remaining on the market for longer periods with other estate agents.” “Taking a step back from our business, we looked at how we were performing on behalf of our clients. The posi ves we found? Well when comparing like for like periods, year on year, we saw the same ac vity levels with just as many ac ve buyers viewing and indeed purchasing BUT the big difference?” con nues Simon, “More choice for our buyers, not quite a buyer's market but the buyer's had more proper es to look at.” Current House Price Index Report shows that up to November 2018, North Her ordshire enjoyed growth of
2.7% in house prices, to an average house price of £357,160. Zoopla property reports further support this, showing average house price growth in Baldock of 2.21%. “So”, con nues Simon, “these figures are probably more posi ve than we an cipated but then of course, our own experience of the market is that buyers are buying and proper es are being sold. 2018 was our most successful year to date and we helped more clients move than ever before. Whatever the nega vity we may hear being voiced about the housing market, in par cular the impact of Brexit, our experience is that a good agent will always guide their clients through a changing market: Quality, targeted marke ng, best advice, maximising opportuni es and maximising your sales price.” For a chat about your property plans, Simon is available for a chat or why not call in for a coffee and meet the team.
Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis I'm o en asked what is hypnotherapy? As the concept of hypnosis may seem quite daun ng for people who watch stage and TV shows who may think the hypnotherapist is going to make them do silly things for instance run around squawking like a chicken or ea ng an onion thinking it is an orange... this is the entertainment side of hypnosis. In a hypnotherapy session it is completely different, the environment is calm, relaxed and professional, the therapist will use hypnosis to help overcome symptoms of anxiety, fears, help to lose weight, stop smoking, relaxed childbirth and many more concerns, anxie es, phobias an individual may have.
What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is a natural state which we all experience almost on a daily basis. That me you were in a mee ng and your mind wandered off for a me, looking out of a train or bus window and becoming lost in your own thoughts and all the other mes we are aware of our surroundings but our mind is somewhere deep in thought – daydreaming. In this state of relaxa on (trance) we are in control and are aware but open to posi ve sugges ons. In this state of deep relaxa on the hypnotherapy session allows beneficial correc ons to be given directly to your unconscious mind. Your unconscious is both a reservoir of issues and resources. Throughout your life you have learned, some mes uninten onally, to think and behave in certain ways. Most of these thoughts and behaviours are useful however some lead to feelings of inadequacy or pain. As these thoughts and behaviours are learned they can be unlearned and new posi ve programmes can be installed. While no one can be hypno sed against their will those who are willing to be guided into a hypno c state o en find the resources to change their thoughts and behaviours to posi ve ones. What is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is simply the therapeu c treatment of medical and psychological issues using hypnosis as the medium. The use of hypnotherapy is recognised by the medical profession and indeed many doctors and den sts have trained in the use of hypnosis as o en it can succeed where other conven onal methods have failed. Some 85% of people will respond to hypnotherapy and when undertaken by a trained hypnotherapist can deliver results in a wide range of issues. As hypnosis is a natural experience it is safe and has no harmful side effects, indeed it is a truly relaxing experience. K i m H o l l o way - w w w.t o ta l
MY HEALTH AND FITNESS ARE NOW RIGHT ON PAR! Colin Swallow, keen Golfer and 2009 I couldn't believe it when I weighed in the following week and had lost 6lbs, and Captain of Royston Golf Club, talks to us about how losing 3 stone at the age of 72 I had eaten meals I really enjoyed, full of has given him his swing back. meat, potatoes and veg. Dear On-Our-Doorstep, Over the next few weeks I bought a couple of the cookbooks and the I joined Slimming World in April 2017. I magazine which gave me loads of recipe needed a knee replacement opera on ideas to try. Myself and my wife Vera and was advised that losing weight would love hearty food like soups and stews be beneficial to it being a long-term and so we started trying new recipes, success. filling up and both losing weight at the I was a li le nervous about taking the same me. My wife Vera has lost a stone step of joining a weight loss group so my by proxy and is a huge fan of how daughter joined with me for support. To healthily we eat now and says she too be honest she didn't need to lose much feels fantas c. weight but it was comfor ng to have her Staying to group really helped too as with me. I shouldn't have worried. Si ng in the new members area on my first night Sandra made us feel really welcome, I couldn't believe how much food I was going to be able to enjoy, so many foods like pasta and potatoes I just presumed would be off the menu. I le that mee ng very determined. I went home read through the booklets in my Member Pack and planned my meals for the week, followed the plan as explained, filled up on loads of the free foods which don't need any weighing or measuring and didn't feel hungry at all. It felt really easy!
the other members shared things they had tried. Everyone is so friendly, and you become genuinely interested in each other's journeys. If someone is missing you no ce and care. I didn't need my daughter's support for long, I felt quite comfortable a ending on my own. With holidays and a very busy social life, it is fair to say I have taken the A roads not the Motorway but what ma ers is that I have done it. I am now what is known as a Past Captain at the Golf Club, but very much a regular face. Thanks to Slimming World I am able to play twice a week and I walk the course, no buggies for me. I have lost 3 stone, 2 inches on my waist and 3 inches off my chest. I no longer need my blood pressure or sta n tablets and I am in the best health for years and to be honest have never felt be er. I absolutely love Food Op mising and recommend Slimming World to everyone, it really isn't just for girls and you'll be amazed how easy it can be to get a new lease of life. If I could put my success into golf terms, I think I would say this is “a hole in one!” Colin
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Slimming World Recipe Sandra Lloyd Supplied by
Baked Oats If you are a fan of "over-night oats" you will love this baked and warm version – it’s an unbeatable way to start your day
Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
40g plain porridge oats 1 level tbsp sweetener 1 small egg 100g fat-free natural yogurt Few drops of vanilla essence 100g raspberries
Method 1. Preheat your oven to 200°C/fan 180°C/gas 6. 2. Mix the porridge, sweetener, egg, yogurt, vanilla essence and raspberries in a bowl and stir well. 3. Transfer the mixture to a small oven-proof dish or individual cases (makes 3 muffins) and bake in the oven for 35 minutes, or until browned. 4. Serve with lots of Speed Free Food fruits Tip: Ring the changes with chopped apples, apricots, or blueberries.
to make an appointment or for a free consultation call m: 07973 788 418 I t: 01462 640 307 baldock I letchworth I stevenage I stotfold I villages FEBRUARY
‘WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT* your existing home insurance renewal quote in the SG postcode.’ For most people their home is the biggest investment they will ever make and the things they keep in it are their most prized possessions. As your local broker our role is to select the policy most suited to your individual needs. Ensuring peace of mind for our customers is at the heart of what we do. To make sure your most treasured possessions are properly covered contact the Emperor of insurance. QUOTE REF: DOORSTEP
5 minutes with... ... Pete James from *Tell us a bit about yourself: My name is Pete James, I'm a registered plumbing, hea ng and gas engineer. 48 years old, I have 4 fantas c children, enjoy extensive hobbies that range from gardening, fitness, musicianship, yoga, motorcycle ownership and mechanics and am experienced in mar al arts. *How did you become a plumber I first got into the plumbing/gas industry via Mrs Thatchers YTS Scheme which paid me the sum of £27 a week - to which my parents told me "it was not about the money, it was about the experience". I successfully achieved city & guilds qualifica ons. We were told by the lecturers at To enham College of Technology that we were taught by the best to be the best. This all happened in the late 1980's, now in modern mes i have learned the value of my City & Guilds training and old school background. *What made you decide to set up the business? Working for years, in many aspects of the trade, ranging from property refurbishment through to building restaurants in London's Chinatown - then focussing on large industrial sites before moving to modern domes c house building. I have always had pride in the work I produced but never gained sa sfac on or received any feedback for the quality of work that i am capable of installing. So in 2007 I decided to start working domes cally which involves mee ng people,, fixing their problems and i get to see the smile on their face when i have finished. Most of my work comes from recommenda on.
*What makes you different from other plumbers? Old school values....courtesy, integrity, experience, respect, and a good nose for quality, for example, radiator valves that cost £15 last considerably longer than radiator valves that cost £3. Generally these cheaper items are not fit for purpose but are widely used by others. I am also young enough to be fit and agile, but old enough to be very experienced, and remember things in my trade from years ago, Codes of prac ce..., Bri sh Standards... The world before plas c pipes! *How important is it to have plumbing work carried out by a qualified plumber? Very, I seem to visit a lot of places where 'Uncle Bob' has been there before me! And the cost of repairing his work is usually extensive. Qualifica ons are great a good place to start then you go out and start to 'learn' your cra . And the learning process con nues, it never stops.... *What has been your most memorial job? 2007... I was involved in a full refurb of a mansion flat in London. A full hea ng system split over ground and first floors, vast high pressure hot water system that provided instant temperature at any tap,.... No drawings. plans. ...the whole installa on was born from my experience and crea vity. Unbelievable levels of sa sfac on on comple on. *What's the best piece of advice you've ever received? Advice from Grandad Green..... None of it about plumbing or hea ng.....and all of it un-repeatable here.... Yes he was right... And yes, i should have listened!
IAN SIMPSON Carpentry and Joinery All aspects of carpentry work undertaken Kitchen, Bedrooms, Doors, Windows 25 years experience Free estimates Please call 01462 851695 or 07967162448 E-mail
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Do you need to make a Will or revise your existing Will? We offer a FREE initial appointment to discuss your circumstances, offering advice on Wills including ring-fencing your home from care and guidance regarding inheritance Tax Nill Rate Bands. HOME VISITS ARE AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE WITHIN A 5 MILE RADIUS OF BALDOCK. Saturday morning appointments available on the following date* 9th FEBRUARY 2019 FREE WILL SERVICE for the over 55's through the Cancer Research Free Will Scheme For more information please contact:-
'Custom Fit Supportive Orthotics’
Window Cleaning
Baldock Rotary Thanks Local Community A huge thank you to the people of Baldock, Ashwell, Bygrave and Weston for your considerable generosity during the Christmas period in suppor ng Baldock Rotary Club when Father Christmas with his sleigh paid their annual visit to residents. The Club would like to express its sincere thanks for everyone's substan al contribu ons. We know how much this event is enjoyed by children and adults alike and the Club was extremely pleased with the recep on and comments received. Thanks also go to everyone who supported Baldock Rotary Club during this period with their me and effort. As well as Rotary members and their wives and partners, a number of community groups, namely, Baldock 41 Club, Scouts from Baldock and Ashwell and members of the public gave their me to assist. We thank you all for your valued contribu on. The street collec ons together with collec ons made at Sainsbury's and Tesco in Baldock will enable the club to make valuable dona ons to our supported local charitable causes as well as contribu ng to na onal and interna onal ini a ves, such as the worldwide programme for the eradica on of polio, which is close to having achieved its goal. Baldock Rotary President Keith Bri er commented “that the Club recognises that people make their Christmas dona ons to Rotary at a me when their funds are under pressure and we are extremely grateful for the generosity shown”. The Rotary club also appreciates the kind words that have been made about the Christmas lights around Baldock town centre. This ac vity takes a significant amount of me, effort and investment by the Rotary club and those members of the community who have supported the ac vity. It is good to receive posi ve comments and apprecia on for this work. If you or your community ac vity has a project that would benefit from some support from Baldock Rotary, please let us know by sending an e-mail to our Community Services Chairman, John Wright at jfw123@b Baldock Rotary would like to a ract new members, so if you are the type of person who is in a posi on to “give something back” to the Community, we would love to hear from you. If you are interested in any aspect of what Rotary has to offer please contact us on our website, address below, or contact our Membership Secretary, John Street, tel. no. 01462-624040 or e-mail keith@thebri .
BB Carpentry & Builders Ben Blows 7 Farriers Close Baldock Herts SG7 5BQ
TEL: 07572532618 FEBRUARY
ERNIE Ernie is a male brown white Terrier Cross brown white He has been missing since 10.30am Saturday 19th January at Nortonbury (Radwell Meadows) the family and friends have been out searching for him ever since he disappeared. Now the worry he is stuck down an animal hole, has travelled further on or the worst fear, someone has taken him. Over 60 people turned out on 26th January to help cover all the local areas in a huge search party effort. The family are incredibly grateful for all the amazing help, messages and kind words that they have received and can not thank everyone enough!! However, Ernie is s ll not home and where he belongs and the family have decided to offer a SUBSTANTIAL REWARD for anyone to come forward with informa on about Ernie’s whereabouts or his welfare. They want nothing more to have Ernie back, they are not bothered about asking ques ons or pressing charges, they just want their special boy home Please keep a look out for him or if you hear any cries/barking in your area then please call one of the numbers below. 07961 564508 or 07753 374719
07845-971419 34
01462 - 896669
Weston Primary & Nursery School News As I write, the deadline for Recep on applica ons has passed and Nursery applica ons have opened. We are busy showing parents around. If you would like to view the school or know someone who may like to visit, please ring the school office, on 01462 790317. The topic this term in Early Years is animals. Last term we held our very own Bake Off and con nue with our cooking - baking animal biscuits and chocolate cake. We are having a lot of very s cky fun. We will be looking at all animals, from pets and farm animals to zoo animals. We will be looking at nocturnal animals and jungle animals. We will be looking at their needs and their habitats and how we care for animals. Mrs Hazelton will be bringing in her pet guinea pigs Misty and Coco. She will be explaining how to care for them and what they eat. The children will be able to stroke them and brush them. Early Years have set up a vet in their role play area and Mrs
WARNING!! Hazelton will be explaining when you would take your pet to the vet. We will be making salt dough animals and sor ng animals in to species. We will be concentra ng on our communica on and language skills. Our Recep on children will finish phase 3 phonics focussing on digraphs (2 consonants together to make one sound eg sh, wh, ch, th). Nursery will be looking at rhymes and phase 1 sounds as well as learning the beginning of phase 2 phonics - linked to their names. It's going to be a very busy term.
Next copy Deadline 10th February
Warning for all dog owners & Dogs carers. With the snow and ice expected soon the roads may well be gri ed, if you walk your dog on gri ed roads/paths please make sure that their paws are washed either by walking them through a few puddles away from the gri ed surfaces or by dipping their feet in fresh water once at home. Every year hundreds of pets throughout the country become seriously ill and in some cases die because of the rock salt and an freeze being used during the cold snap. Dogs and cats walk through the substances le by gri ers trying to clear roads and car drivers defros ng their windscreens and then licking them off their paws. Consuming rock salt can cause dehydra on, liver failure and pancrea s, while an freeze contains the chemical ethylene glycol, which can be lethal when ingested.
Here at Tapps in Baldock we are looking to hire young enthusiastic sta to work on a Saturday and a Sunday in our lovely busy tea room and also an assistant in our garden centre. If you think you are right for this role please contact Louise or Graham or Susan on 01462 896302
Courtlands Riding Stables & Pony Club Centre Always fancied horse riding but don’t know where to start? Why not come down and have a chat and see what we have to offer Our friendly staff and clients are always around Saturdays and Sundays 9am -12pm
A safe and relaxing environment for the whole family
Pony club rallies and activities Indoor & outdoor riding facilities
Full livery and schooling
01438 355121
Courtlands Riding Stables, Old Chanrty Lane, Todds Green, Stevenage, Herts, Sg1 2JE
February Gallery
Please send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or email
Another Baldock resident enjoying their lunch Tim Felce
Baldock Station at it’s prettiest - John Barnett
Debs Knight
Bodhi howling, on a frosty morning, at Ivel Springs -Pete Repka
Frosty afternoon at Weston Hills Lauren Brede
Misty morning at Radwell Village - Matthew Bartlett
- Laurence Browne
Taken from Woodlands Way - Barry Trussell
KTS Year 12 Geography - Italy Trip
Laurence Browne
Guard ducks on duty in Wallington
Thor stretching his legs Donna Jacquet
KTS Staff Fitness Club Relaunch
Frosty morning at Weston Hills - Clare Clake
Sarojini Ellis
Beautiful swans at Radwell Emily Herbert
Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice Samaritans
03444 111444 0300 300 8136 116 123
Councils North Hertfordshire District
01462 474000
Doctors 01462 892458
Baldock Surgery
Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery
01763 313869
Emergency Utilities 0800 111 999 0800 7838838
Gas Emergency Electric power cut
Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH
01438 314333 01707 328111 111
Library Baldock Library
0300 123 4049
Police 01707 354000
Schools Knights Templar Hartsď€ eld St Johns St Marys Brandles
01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189
Travel Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line
08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608
Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre
01462 895579
Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round
01462 892172 01462 896322
Play Groups 07980 400690 01462 896322
Magic Moments Merry Go Round
Plumbers Maben PE James
07949 120911 07816 586777
Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows
01438 906300 01462 261401
Florist 07747 195325
Blooms of Baldock
Barbers 01462 895002
Micks of Baldock
Locksmith 07733 147645
Matthew Knight
Airport Taxi 07555 707848
Greenacre Transfers
Mobile Hairdresser 07973 788418
Hair by Jacqui
Contact Phil Allen on 01462 834411 or 07909 716631 or email
Fri 8th February 2pm - 7pm Sat 9th February 10am - 4pm Sun 10th February 10am - 4pm
£655* +vat