Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally
Issue 76 February 2021
www.onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
The first snow of the year finally landed towards the end of January and it felt like a little bit of magic and a touch of normality. Kids (and adults) seemed to flock outside to build snowmen, start snowball fights and generally just have fun! Amazing how a few sprinklings of snow can lift your spirits. Our youngest claimed that the worst thing about home schooling is that there are no snow days! Speaking of home schooling, combining that task with dry Jan made it especially testing last month. Hats off to anyone who managed to stick it out to the end. Maybe this is why we've seen so many people take up running and enjoying long walks, it's just a great excuse to get out of the house for a bit of quiet time away from the rest of the family. For all the local runners, this years Baldock Beast which was scheduled to take place on 28 February, would have been impossible to manage, so the event is being rescheduled for 31st October and will have a Halloween theme, with a prize for the best costume that completes the course . 2021 may have begun with another lockdown but there's been plenty of little feel good stories and moments of joy throughout January. One of our favourites is about Tesco's Daniel, if you haven't heard about this already be sure to read about it on page 31, it's a great story. Rob from The Orange Tree is now offering a beer delivery service in his vintage Morris van whilst continuing
to run his fresh local produce shop and snack bar which are proving very popular. As we all continue to support local we've heard about an eggciting new venture launching in Weston (excuse the pun) – a fresh egg vending machine. Find out more about it on page 11. But the best news so far in 2021 is hearing that your parents, grandparents, neighbours and friends are starting to receive the long awaited vaccine. Counting down the days until we can get together once again, although slightly concerned that Lockdown 3.0 may have taken its toll on this years beach bod so if we do get to enjoy a summer on the beach we might need a bit of notice! Stay safe
Paul & Jacqui info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk or 07973 788418
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Thanks Local Community Well, it was certainly a very different Christmas from what we would have hoped for, one that we will not forget, and mainly all for the wrong reasons. However, Baldock Rotary club did manage to get Father Christmas and the sleigh around Baldock, Ashwell, Sto old and Weston before restric ons curtailed ac vi es and although we were unable to make the usual house to house collec ons, we nevertheless would like to send a huge thank you to all those people who made dona ons through the Just Giving page. We know how much this event is enjoyed by children and adults alike and the Club was extremely pleased with the recep on and comments received. Thanks also go to everyone who supported Baldock Rotary Club during this period with their me and effort. As well as Rotary members and their wives and partners, a number of community groups and members of the public gave their me to assist. We thank you all for your valued contribu on. The money donated will enable the
club to make valuable dona ons to our supported local charitable causes as well as contribu ng to na onal and interna onal ini a ves, such as the Rotary Interna onal worldwide programme for the eradica on of polio, which is close to having achieved its goal. Baldock Rotary President Paul Redwood commented “that the Club recognises that people have made their Christmas dona ons to Rotary at a me when their funds are under pressure and we are extremely grateful for the generosity shown”. The Rotary club also appreciates the kind words that have been made about the Christmas lights around Baldock town centre. This ac vity takes a significant amount of me, effort and investment by the Rotary club. Thanks go to those members of the community who have supported the club in this ac vity. It is good to receive posi ve comments and apprecia on for this work. If you or your community ac vity has a project that would benefit from
support from Baldock Rotary, please let us know by sending an e-mail to our Community Services Chairman, John Wright at jfw123@b nternet.com Baldock Rotary is also looking to a ract new members, so if you are the type of person who is able to “give something back” to the Community, we would love to hear from you. If you are interested in any aspect of what Rotary has to offer please contact us on our website, address below, or contact our Membership Secretary, Paul Redwood, tel. no. 07999 350990, e-mail paul49redwood@mail.com Thank you again, and Best Wishes to everyone for a happier, healthier and more peaceful 2021 from Baldock Rotary.
Baldock Events Forum Three of the four towns in North Herts employ full me Town Centre Managers through funding that comes from being within a Business Improvement District (BID); Baldock is the only town that does not enjoy such funding, neither does it have a Town Centre Manager. The structure of business in the town mi gates against businesses paying into a pot to raise their profile and gain revenue from community events. Instead this gap is par ally filled by the crea on of a community interest company, run en rely by volunteers and dedicated to the development of a programme of community events in Baldock. Baldock Events Forum CIC (BEF) ran its first event in 2016 and since that me, we have been involved in community events in the town, running our own programme and helping other event providers in a spirit of co-opera on and community. The BEF is headed by four Directors and supported by a commi ed team of local townsfolk, all of whom give their me and talents free While the BEF runs its own events which include the Baldock Beast, Cycle Challenge, Big
Lunch and Christmas Fayre & Lights; we also run the Baldock Charter Market, held every Wednesday in the High Street. Other major events we have helped include Balstock, Firework Night, Baldock Fes val & Beer Fes val and the Baldock Rat Run. This a tude of mutual co-opera on has meant that Baldock punches well above its weight with regard to community events and there is always something going on it the town. Last year, hit by Lockdown a er Lockdown, community events became impossible to safely organise. The last BEF event held was the Baldock Beast Half Marathon on 23 February 2020. All other events were cancelled, however we have managed to keep the Charter Market open, albeit in a reduced form. We do con nue to remain posi ve; the 2020/1 Baldock Beast was scheduled to take place on 28 February, but we have decided that this date would be impossible to manage, so we have deferred the event (again). The Baldock Beast 2021 is now scheduled to take place on Sunday 31 October 2021 and will have a Halloween theme.
We are keeping our eyes on the Big Lunch, which is currently planned for Sunday 6 June and will be hoping that some semblance of normality will have returned by then. If you think you would like to be part of our team, please contact Jim McNally jim.mcnally@sky.com .
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Giving today ... ...for Baldock’s tomorrow
Weston Way Nursery Our Fundraising Group are presently pu ng together some exci ng fundraising events. We are looking to purchase a sun shade for our bespoke circular sandpit in the garden. During the summer the sandpit is very exposed and the children would benefit from a li le shade. We have already raised some funds from the Tesco Bags for Life Scheme, an Autumn Treasure Hunt and generous dona on in the Will of a long standing Governor who sadly passed away last year. We are s ll looking to increase the funds available. Please follow our endeavours on our Weston Way Nursery School Facebook page.
Baldock Futures Fund 2021 The Trustees of this hardship fund are now working in partnership with residents of Ashwell, Baldock, Bygrave, Clothall Village, Hinxworth and Radwell to relieve their financial hardship created by the effects of Covid-19. We feel privileged to respond to requests for help, especially during these bleak winter months. The Trustees are also liaising with other charitable organisa ons to ensure that we can fully meet the needs of our community. This hardship fund is there for people who for no fault of their own need to turn to us for the essen als in life for themselves and their families. Life goes on even during a pandemic and families need nutri ous food, essen al cleaning products, fuel to keep warm and to provide hot water and clothes or shoes . We will posi vely respond with grants or loans for people needing to set up home, have essen al household repairs done or re- establish themselves in the world of work.
Where Will You Wake Up Tomorrow
Campervan Weekly Hire Rates Spring
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If you or someone you know needs help please complete a on line applica on form on our website or telephone for help to complete an applica on form. www.baldockfuturesfund.co.uk or telephone 07815308124. The Trustees are looking at a fundraising programme to ensure that we can always respond to need. We are fortunate in having some generous donors who believe in our aims and objec ves to support our town and surrounding villages. If you wish to donate please visit the website or telephone me for informa on as to how you can help. Vivienne Reed - Baldock Futures Fund.
“From Shakes to Chef!” Jo Mundy from Pryor Road in Baldock talks to On-Our-Doorstep about her new love of cooking, ea ng and living a healthy life a er discovering the “Slimming World Difference” at our local Baldock group. Sandra: Hi Jo, what was 'trigger' to want to make a change and lose weight in the first place? Jo: My weight loss journey started as I was about to hit 40, single and 3 boys under the age of 6 in tow. I just hadn't lost the weight a er my 3rd baby. A party was being organised for my birthday and I was full of dread. Something had to be done. Sandra: How were you feeling about your body image and fitness before you started die ng? Jo: I didn't like what looked back at me in the mirror, I wore the same comfy clothes, I felt red all the me, my day was spent being a mum, nothing le for me. I did no exercise and just grabbed quick instant food fixes. Sandra: You ini ally lost weight following the Cambridge diet, why did you decide to move over to Slimming World. Jo: I had a successful weight loss and maintenance period doing Cambridge, however over me, I slowly developed an unhealthy rela onship with food. It wasn't obvious to me, but others were concerned. I remained in denial, and con nued with my shakes. Sadly, I had started to binge eat at weekends on anything I could, returning to the shakes during the week. I struggled going out in social situa ons as I chose shakes over a meal. I wasn't managing my diet, life or me very well at all and I gained weight. I was stuck in a rut and didn't know what to do to move forward. A couple of Mum's at the school were doing Slimming World, some colleagues at work were doing Slimming World, and
they were all having fantas c weight loss journeys but ea ng so much. One said you'll never be hungry on Slimming World, another said it's so easy to follow and can work for the whole family. So, with the encouragement and support from my friends and my husband I took the plunge and joined up. Sharing my concerns about my diet and rela onship with food with Sandra was my first step to accep ng I needed something new, and I needed to be part of something bigger, I needed people!
Sandra: What do you love about Slimming World? Jo: Well, moving to Slimming World was the best decision ever. I've always blagged my way in the kitchen, never taken an interest in cooking, or following any meal plan. I read all my pack info, studied Food Op mising, and started making lists, changed my shopping, got organised and then something awesome happened, not only was I star ng to lose weight but I was cooking, yes real food, real recipes, quick, convenient, colourful filling meals and loving it.
Sandra: How would you say a ending a group has played a part in your success? Jo: My weekly group sessions couldn't come quick enough, I wanted more, I wanted the ps, the hints, the swaps, the encouragement. I was thriving on it. Group sessions also taught me how to cope with special events coming up and social nights out. No longer a dread but to be embraced and enjoyed to the max. Sandra: Do you have any new interests that are directly related to losing weight? Jo: In the Summer I started cycling, following my husband on his runs. Just a li le distance to start with and over me we covered some good mileage. Once the cold weather hit we started trekking together. I found myself asking to walk off dinners in the evenings and a er a Sunday roast! I have found a new love for the great outdoors and got myself ki ed out to enjoy all weathers. The weight was coming off and I was feeling fantas c, fi er and alive, I simply wanted more. Over me I have challenged myself with distance, adventure and Mud! Prepping myself for some Peak District ac on later this year.Jo how do you feel now you've lost weight? Jo: Hi ng my target was just the best, I did it, I made the changes, I took control and I feel awesome. I love cooking, my family loves my cooking, I'm fi er, healthier and I love me again. This has not been a diet or a fad, it's a brilliant lifestyle change for me and my family. Sandra: Thank you Jo, and can I just say you look terrific and the Team will all be round for dinner!
Slimming World Members Story 76 Issue2021 ry Februa
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Happy 8th Birthday
Lots of Love Mummy, Nanna and Grandad XX Happy 11 Birthday th
Muskaan Lots of Love Mummy, Eshaal & Leo
7 February
Happy 12 Birthday th
Navraj Shergill
Lots of Mum & Dad
22nd February
Emma Co ins
Lots of love Natalie,Chris, Florence, Daisy & Beatrice.xx Claire Hazeldon
Happy 40 B thday th
Lots of Love Tam 10
5 minutes with... ... Ben & Ella from The Egg Shed *Tell us about yourselves? We are a young couple, both from farming backgrounds and want to start our own side business alongside farming, Ben was born and brought up on the family farm here at Old Farm Weston. He studied geography at Reading University and then went on to study agriculture, before taking over running the farm from his father in 2018. We run a Limousin X beef suckler herd which you will see in the field, by the egg shed in the spring! Ella was born and brought up on her family farm where she now works, they run an arable farm aswell as produce the free range eggs that will be in The Egg Shed and . She started her career with an Art founda on course then trained and worked as an Early Years Teacher before returning to farming last year. She's picked up her paint brush recently and in any spare me you will find her in the art studio follow her art on instagram @ellawesterhuisart *When did you start it? We first had the idea during lockdown 1 when we thought how we could help the local community buy the best farm fresh eggs without needing to go into a busy supermarket. We also held 'The Patch' in October. This was a pick your own pumpkin patch where we tried to showcase farming and enable the community to learn about how pumpkins are grown. We were delighted with the response - despite the appalling weather! This encouraged us to find something else that we could do that engaged with local people and involved both of our family farms.
*What is the Egg Shed? The Egg Shed is a farm vending machine selling the best quality free range eggs at an affordable price. *How does the vending machine work? The vending machine is a simple locker system with clear doors, so you can the select which eggs you would like to buy. It is a contactless and cash machine so accessible for all. *What makes your eggs special? All our eggs are from Ella's family farm where the chickens have 30 acres outside to roam and scratch around in. We mill the chicken food on farm from the crops we harvest, which contributes to the colour and wonderful flavour of our eggs. The eggs are fresh from the hens and straight into the vending machine! *Do you sell anything else apart from eggs? We are selling just eggs at the moment but will consider selling other things in the future. We will only be selling ungraded eggs, which is a mixture of sizes. The birds produce different sized eggs throughout their laying cycle, with more smaller eggs at the beginning and end of their laying cycle. At the moment 65% of the eggs are large. Did you know that the yolk inside a medium egg is the same size as a large? It just has more white and a bigger shell! *Where can I find the egg shed? You can find us at Old Farm, Hatch Lane, Weston, Hitchin, SG4 7AS We are open 7 days a week from 7.30am to 10pm. Give us a follow on social media for updates @theeggshedweston
Happy 21st Birthday
Lots of Love Mum, Dad & Zoe HAPPY GIN DAY
Best wishes The Calvers
T a Ge e
Arlene Parry 11th February
Lots of love from all your Baldock Friends HAPPY BIRTHDAY
LENNY Love from Mum, Juno, and Cleo x 16th February
C ol W hitman
Best wishes on yo special day
16th February FEBRUARY
Raising The Bar & A Few Eyebrows New BMW 4 Series Coupé By Tim Barnes-Clay - Follow on Instagram @tbarnsclay
With the latest weight-saving chassis tech, mild hybrid technology and the availability of a specialised M Sport Pro Package, the all-new BMW 4 Series Coupé will, doubtless, raise the standard in the premium midsize automo ve segment. The model is longer and wider than its predecessor, yet just 6mm has been added to its height. It has bigger track widths, slender pillars, short overhangs, lengthy doors with frameless windows, and a fluid roofline. However, the defining feature of the car is the king-size kidney grille. I like the look - but some people won't. No surprise there, though. BMW is always designing cars that divide opinion. Anyway, enough about the 4's looks what's the brand new Bimmer like to drive? The flagship BMW M440i xDrive Coupé is a rapid machine, with the bonus of allwheel drive. The car bursts along the straights and a acks corners fearlessly but fran cally - if you want it to.
The BMW produces 374PS, so stands ll to 62mph arrives in a mere 4.5 seconds and its all-out speed is 155mph. Put it like this; overtaking is never a problem in a motor with this much thump. But does it make you drive like an u er “bleep”? Erm, yes, to be frank. The slightly slower but sassy 420d M Sport is perhaps a be er bet if you're worried about losing your licence - and your pride. With a zero to 62mph me of 7.1 seconds and a max speed of 149mph, the 190PS motor has sufficient pulling power to keep you absorbed. But it's conformist enough to mean you're less likely to end up with a driving ban. The 4 Series Coupé's handling is outstanding, and the steering accuracy is remarkable. Only the niest of inputs generates a detec ble difference to your direc on. Yep, that's how sensi ve it is. Mostly, it's an athle c motoring experience, but the “M” suspension doesn't do a great job of masking scarred road surfaces at all. However, it makes tackling snaky roads exhilara ng,
with the suspension prac cally eradica ng body roll. This gives you the confidence to navigate corners accurately without scrubbing off too much momentum. Add intelligent four-wheel drive to the recipe, and you have a BMW that doesn't have any plans to abandon the asphalt any me soon. It sharpens the vehicle's driving proper es, sending power to the wheels as needed. Where all-wheel drive is not required, all the clout is pointed to the rear wheels guaranteeing the first-class motoring experience for which BMW is wellknown. Inside, the cockpit is equipped with top levels of quality and controls that are in all the zones you'd like them to be. It's a typically admirable effort from BMW. However, the new 4 Series Coupé's rear headroom isn't the best. I sat in the stern and had to duck down to get in. Happily, the two-door, four-seater car's knee room is more munificent. The back
of your bonce will s ll graze the headliner, though. But there won't be any worries for smaller passengers, and tots will have lots of space. Well, two of them in their respec ve ISOFIX anchored child-seats will. Up front, there's a lot of room for driver and passenger. As for the new BMW's boot, this has been increased to 440-litres - and it's handily deep for loading lengthy items. What's more, the
40:20:40 split backrest can be folded toenhance cargocarrying room.
Fast Facts 2019 BMW M440i xDrive Coupe - as tested: Ÿ Max speed: 155mph Ÿ 0-62 mph: 4.5 secs Ÿ Combined mpg: 41.5 Ÿ Engine Layout: 2998cc 6 cylinder turbo petrol Ÿ Max. power (PS): 374 Ÿ CO2: 163 g/km Ÿ Price: £53,875
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Fancy Walking 25 Times Round the Earth? Your feet are complex: 26 bones, 33 joints and 57 ligaments in each foot. They may take you 100,000 miles, in your life me. Worth looking a er then?.... Are you tying your shoes correctly? Tying your laces with your foot flat on the floor does not create a good fit. Flex your foot up towards your shin bone. This will mean your feet will move around less in your shoes, preven ng blisters, dry and hard skin. Verruca's are just bad luck? Not really! The virus that causes a verruca gets implanted through breaks in the skin. If your soles are dry and
cracked, the risk of ge ng verruca's is more likely. To avoid this, keep your feet well moisturised and wear flip flops at the pool. Is it an in-growing toe nail? Many pa ents believe they have an in-growing toenail. The term usually refers to nails that have pierced the skin causing a wound. Involuted nails are caused when the edge of your nail is curling inwards but has not penetrated the skin. Not all heel pain is related to the plantar fascia. While the majority of heel pain affec ng the heel are plantar fascii s
related, this is only the case if the pain is on sole of your foot, where the plantar fascia is located, and even then, some mes it isn't plantar fascii s. Heel pain on the sides and back of the heel is likely some other condi on. The Importance of your ankles 85% of ankle injuries are sprains. Sprains can lead to ankle s ffness with reduced co-ordina on of your ankle and lower limbs – walking becomes compromised and other joints further up your body compensate for these changes leading to imbalances elsewhere. For good balance, your brain relies on signals from your inner ear, vision and receptors in your muscles. Taking one of these away has a drama c effect of your balance. Try standing on one foot with your eyes open, then with your eyes closed, you will no ce the difference. Good mobility in your feet is important as they are your body's connec on to the ground. Ian Radford, Podiatrist Louise Chatland, Osteopath Amber Health 01462 490141
Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp Its that time of the year when all gardeners get going, well depending on the weather, as I write this, I am looking out on the first snow I've seen this winter, that's not to say it is the first, just the first I've been up early enough to see. The weather has not been the best for us gardeners, for sure we will not have a hosepipe ban this coming summer. I Installed a rainwater harvesting system a while ago, and it's not stopped raining since, so I assume It must be my fault. Back to gardening and planning, Sourcing seeds is the priority. It's looking as if the COVID-19 lockdown will persist well into the summer. I have stocked up with a great deal more vegetable and flower seeds for you this season a choice for everyone from the early beginner to the expert, simple to grow cress up to house plants for the connoisseur. Before you start with seeds, there are a few suggested rules we need to discuss, I realise that many people are reading this have been growing forever and have their way of doing it. I'm not intended to change that, but to help the new gardeners and everyone I had the pleasure to help last year. It was such a privilege to have discussions with so many starters. The first rule I would suggest is that until you are practised and have some experience, don't try to cheat the planting times; you will find these on the seed packets or the Royal Horticultural Society website. Starting seeds too early will give you problems for the rest of the season, stretched plants growing higher and quicker than they should be for the time of year. Starting seed later than the optimum time, you may be able to catch up, but if you get wildly behind you are just plain wasting your time and money. The second rule is to use the correct growing medium/compost for the selected seeds. The biggest mistake newbies make is that they want to show the world how to do it, and to achieve this they use the strongest compost they can purchase or feed the seeds with a very strong fertiliser, this is wrong, and I will again explain why a bit later on. The third rule, learn how and when to water them, in the horticultural world this is a big sin. I started in this profession fiftyodd years ago; I once asked my head gardener if I could do the watering? The typical young lad I thought it would be a
bit of a skive, his reply was a massive shock to me, no one but me does the watering as it's the most critical job in the garden. So, it proved to be; I soon realised that watering is not just swishing a water pipe with a rose on the end, making the foliage wet or pouring it on the ground until it floods, plants need different amounts of water at different times of the day and or year. Seeds need perfectly precise amounts of water depending on their size and the stage of germination at the time, again I will explain later. The fourth rule, Seeds need varying levels of light, some will not germinate without lots of light and the correct number of hours of that light, most require very little if none at all. Now the old saying comes in "If all else fails read the instructions" so read the packet first. The fifth rule, don't be scared to try, a packet of seed it will at most cost a few pounds, and you should get a couple of goes from a pack. That's it for the rules. I will now explain some of the reasons behind them. Firstly, what is a seed? A seed is a tiny dormant plant fully capable in the right conditions of growing into a full-sized example similar to the parent plants. The seed consists of a protective coat called the testa; this surrounds the seed and provides a tough container. Found inside the embryonic plant is a plumule, the plant's stem that will grow up towards the light and the radicle a root that will grow downwards into the growing media. Also containing one or two seed leaves called cotyledons, these are in simple terms, solar energy collectors. And storage tissue called endosperm that holds the energy needed for the plant to start growing. In this state the seed is ready to go (germinate) but is dormant, in suspended animation waiting patiently to spring into action, I say that because it is already alive, it has everything it needs to do that, just needing a stimulus. The stimulus for seeds is water, warmth and oxygen. When water is available the seed will take up water, imbibe the water through the tiny openings in the testa called micropyle. Called imbibition, it makes the seed expand and swell, it also activates various enzymes enabling the plant to grow. A seed needs water to grow, and it only
needs a maximum of three times its weight in water. More than that it becomes flooded, the seed also needs oxygen which it gets from the soil, found in the spaces between the soil particles. If the soil or compost is overwatered or compressed, these gaps are reduced, so the oxygen availability is reduced. A seed also needs warmth or in some circumstances heat, some Australian seeds need fire or smoke to germinate. Some seeds need light to germinate and should not be sown under soil or compost, but lightly covered with vermiculite or very fine sand. For most of the seeds a beginner will be sowing, I suggest that a light sprinkling of the compost you are using will suffice. Warmth, in general terms, you will get enough heat on a windowsill from the ambient air in the room. What to use to grow seeds? As I have indicated, seeds contain their own energy supply so do not need heavy fertiliser doses. Any application of feed of any sort will be detrimental to their survivability. Unless you are a specialist, do not use anything but a seed compost, I have customers who on being challenged on why they would need a John Innes number 3 compost at this time of year? Confess to not knowing why and didn't understand that it was poison to their seedlings; I explain to them that, if asked to eat Christmas dinner three times a day for six months they might not be feeling so well. They then realise what the poor little seedlings are experiencing. They will need feeding once the first true leaves have formed. Do not use soil from the garden as it will be full of pests and diseases, hold too much water and most likely smell. Finally, there is a time and a place to grow just about every plant, if you try to cheat without the expensive facilities the specialists have, you may end up with a good looking plant. Still, it will not give quality or quantity and will die off earlier than your friend's plants next doors. Hope that helps,
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Edier X3 – Great Value Compact Bluetooth 5.0 Earbuds with APTx
2021 has arrived and with it comes a bit of a feeling of Groundhog Day, deep into the third lockdown, many of us long for me to spend alone as we remain couped up with each other riding out the Covid-19 storm Although our lives have changed, we s ll have music to fall back on when we need some down me or just want to switch off from the stresses of the 'new normal'. I'm no different from most other people and I find listening to music or audiobooks a great way to relax. So, those marvellous people at Edifier sent me a set of earbuds to review in the shape of the Edifier X3. A set of buds with an incredibly short name but packed with an incredible array of func onality at an incredible price too! The X3s come in a small unassuming package which includes a Micro USB charging cable and charging case. The bugs pop into their magne sed holders in the black plas c charging case which provides them a full charge in about 2 hours. Once charged they will play for 6 hours before needing to recharge, the charge case provides 3 full recharges or 18 hours of playback me. The case itself takes about the same me to reach full charge. When plugged in, the case has a small led indica ng it is powered, but that's about all.
Open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-4pm
01462 682414
When you take the buds out of the case, they immediately pair with each other and play a beep to confirm this, when they are paired to your mobile device, they beep again to confirm this. They use Bluetooth 5.0 and also support APTx, so if you device supports it (mine did), this is enabled too. APTx is a method compressing audio before transmission and decompressing It again when it arrives at the earbuds, this allows for higher quality audio to be played back through the earbuds.
Included in the box are 3 sets of rubber earbuds to suit the size of your ear perfectly. Once fi ed, I found they fi ed very comfortably and provided excellent quality audio with really surprising amounts of bass. The earbuds also contain microphones for use as wireless headsets with your mobile device. There are also small led indicators in ear bud, but they were so bright has to distract you or people around you.
Music can be controlled via your device, or you can make use of the inbuilt touch sensi ve controls on the earbuds, which allows you to pause and restart tracks, skip or rewind tracks or a long press will summon your chosen voice assistant. Volume cannot be controlled via these controls, that is handled by your device. These earbuds are around £30 to buy and I have to be honest in saying I really think they are great value. I wear these buds every day and o en to listen to them at night and have fallen asleep in them many mes without waking up with sore ears! Their sound is great and the noise cancella on, either using their so ware or simply the very snug fit in the ear does shut out noisiy children or co-workers. I think they are a bargain if you are looking for a set of buds that don't break the bank. You can purchase the Edifier X3 earbuds from Amazon by scanning the QR Code below. Stay Safe
email allshedsandmore@yahoo.com Saunders Close, Green Lane, Letchworth
07572 532618 www.bb-carpentry.co.uk FEBRUARY
01767 317429 acorngaragedoors@btconnect.com www.acorn-garagedoors.co.uk
Here to Help If You Need Us Due to the Coronavirus pandemic , it may not be business as usual but we are s ll here to help you care for your pets when they need to be seen. In line with the current government guidelines and our governing body, we are con nuing to maintain strict bio-hygiene measures in place to ensure the safety of both our clients and our colleagues, and play our part in trying to limit the spread of Covid19. Both the Baldock and Royston branches are s ll able to offer same day consulta ons and out of hours emergency services (to our clients), always by appointment. We are open for all essen al work in line with the current government guidelines and our governing body. For more informa on, including the current protocols we are using or to book an appointment, please contact one of our recep onists at either Baldock on 01462895579 or Royston on 01763242221.
Here at Baldock Veterinary Centre and Royston Veterinary centre, we would like to thank you for your understanding and con nued loyalty through what are difficult mes for all of us.
Digby Dips Update If you remember from our last issue, 54 year old Firefighter and Letchworth Rugby Club stalwart Keith Digby, decided he wanted to raise some much needed funds and awareness to help conquer demen a. Keith had chosen to spend a minimum of 10 minutes submerged in his garden fish pond, come rain, shine, wind, ice or snow, in just his boxer shorts every day in December! Well his target was £100 and if you remember he had reached already reached £4000 when we went to press last month, well Keith carried on and the sponsorship kept coming in and at the end of the 31 ‘dips’ he had raised a grand total of £10,497. Well done Keith
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Raising awaren of what’s ess on & where to find things locally
of what’s on & where to find things locally
Issue 74 December 2020
Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and
surrounding villages
Raising awareness of what’s73on & where Issue 2020 to find things locally November
Issue 69 JuLY 2020
www.onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
Returning To The Fold If you are suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome, I have a sugges on for you; Ask them to come and stay for a few weeks. It's a sure-fire cure for what ails you, I promise. The Daughter has returned to the nest. Long story, which I will not bore you with, but she arrived just a er the new year and spent four days moving in. My 'office' is next to the front door, so for four days I sat with coats and blankets aplenty whilst she toed and froed between car and house, music blas ng as I tried to field important mee ngs and phone calls. For those of you who love to check my grammar and spelling, I looked up toed and froed and checked it with a maths tutor so I know it is right, but I am sure there will be plenty more to vex you. Having completed the moving in exercise, it was me for her to get comfortable. A new shoe mountain has appeared in my living room and on the stairs. Pick one of the many washing baskets sca ered around the house and you will find it empty, but the floor beside it will be festooned with leggings and t shirts and unmen onables. I find I am loading the dish washer twice daily now instead of every other day as it was when it was just the youngest and me. Don't even get me started on the intricacies of the recycling, I am s ll working on the young one on that. My nightly problem of what to watch has been solved. No more spending 2hours trolling hundreds of channels for
films that I haven't yet seen. I am being treated to such delights as Rue Pauls Drag Race and AJ and the Queen. Coyote Ugly (not so bad) and America's Top Models. Kill me now! Just to add insult to injury, she is now making me work out in the kitchen nightly while she sits on the cooker, shouts instruc ons, and eats. I am actually glad she is back (don't tell her), but by the me I have trained her in the ways of the house again, she will be gone once more, and I will return to wishing she wasn't. As I write this, we have reached the third week of January, just past Blue Monday. I am looking out on another cold gray day and wishing the next week of January away. I some mes feel sorry for this month, everyone wishes it away. There is nothing nice about it unless we are lucky and get some snow. But snow is only fun on the first day, a er that its just colder and gro er. Have I told you that my 'office' window overlooks the cul-desac where I live? Some mes, I feel like I am in that film Rear Window. The Amazon lady comes everyday and its exci ng to see all the packages being delivered to my neighbours. I am always disappointed when she doesn't wander up my path. I now know who gets their shopping delivered. It is a small cul-de-sac and some mes we have as many as three vans trying to manoeuvre around each other. I also know who gets the most takeaways. I have discovered that my
postman looks just like the postman out of Men in Black, and I do giggle every me I see him. As I write, I realise that I really do need to get out more. When you read this January will be a thing of the past and Christmas will be just around the corner again. But between then and now we have the very best of Bri sh seasons to get through. The nights have already begun to recede, and it will be ge ng warmer soon. I am already on the lookout for Snowdrops, I love to find the first one as I know then that Winter is at an end and Spring is in the air. it always brings a sense of renewal and hope. That is especially true of this year, because fingers crossed, we can all see the end of this horror show in sight now. Stay warm and cosy for now. Keep yourselves safe, look a er each other and maybe move your desk away from the window.
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MAKE YOUR DREAMS HAPPEN IN 2021 Do you o en find yourself complaining about what you don't want in your life any more and yearn for something different? Do you tend to do nothing and procras nate instead of taking the next step? What is the thing you're most afraid to say about your life and what are going to do about it? When we constantly hide from the truth about a situa on whether it be about our rela onship (I don't love you anymore), our career (I don't want to do this anymore) or our weight (my weight has been fluctua ng by two stone for the last few years), this type of thinking drains our energy, enthusiasm and passion. To
change our lives, you need to face change and start afresh, start a journal answer the ques ons you are hiding from, read your answers out loud or if you are feeling really brave ask a trusted friend to listen. This is the first step to start changing recognising what you are hiding! When we want change to happen you may have to let go of a role you have been playing or a sense of iden ty you have taken on, ask yourself what role or iden ty do you need to let go of in order to make that dream happen in 2021. When you change behaviour you usually just change what you are doing, if you want to lose weight you may stop ea ng cake and start swimming, when you're on this journey try a different approach and ask yourself who you want to become, for example think 'I am somebody who takes my training so seriously that I feel like an Olympian' Then become that person. Ask yourself what ac ons this person would take, how they would move and what decisions they make, then put a plan in place to do it.
Visualise the future that you want to create, imagine it is five years from now and a journalist is coming to interview you about the life you have created, let imagina on flow, where are living now? what do you do? What does your average day look like? To help you create this visualisa on create a vision board for yourself tled 'What do I want in 2021' and add pictures or words from magazines or newspapers and s ck them all in a collage that you can display somewhere prominently to spur you on. What would you have to believe to lead your best life? Ie I would have to believe I was good enough, worthy enough, clever or talented enough, what we believe 26
about the world is our reality. Our beliefs about life and ourselves come true for us when we find evidence to support those beliefs. If for instance you have a belief that you are shy the evidence is you may blush in situa ons or feeling uncomfortable when mee ng new people, to create a new belief would be 'I am quietly confident in new situa ons, you must start building evidence to support that statement by focusing on successful events like when you passed your driving test or something at work that went well. Crea ng goals is a great way of achieving your dreams, create three specific goals that you wish to have completed by the end of 2021 and announce these goals to other people, making a public declara on helps to increase mo va on, break these goals down into mini goals each month to make sure they are realis c and doable, we are more likely to do things that we expect to succeed in and reward yourself along the way when a goal is achieved. Kim Holloway www.total-therapy.co.uk
The Riverside Golf Society The Riverside Golf Society has been running in excess of ten years and was formed off the back of the Chequers Golf Society which disbanded in approximately 2009. Originally based out of the Chequers Public House in Sto old, the Riverside Golf Society was formed with ten or so members and grew over the years to its peak of 20 members. Currently running with sixteen members we have agreed that we would like to invite new members to join us. Our season currently runs from March to November during which period we play nine regular events, one every four weeks on a Monday except for two events where we play on a Friday. No courses are played twice and this years calendar takes in Whitehills, Knebworth, Three Locks, Aspley Guise and Woburn Sands, Dunstable Downs, Bourn, Mowsbury, Millbrook and Mill Green. It
is over these courses that we play for the Annual Knock Out Title and the Order of Merit compe on. In addi on to this we have a further event, the Flagship Trophy and this year this is being contested at the Dorset Golf and Country Club where we stay overnight. The cost to become a member is £50 per annum and this en tles you to win prizes at our events and to assist in the cost of the prizes. The cost for each event is fixed at £45 and this covers the cost for the day including food and golf. The Riverside Golf Society prides itself on its friendliness and the warm welcome given to every new member. If you are interested then please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. My name is Ron Treadwell, I am the organiser and I can be contacted on 07783456625 are emailed on rontreadwell@b nternet.com
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Slimming Wld Recipe Supplied by
Sandra Lloyd
Sausage Tray Bake Snuggle up with this hearty dish of sausages, mushrooms, baby potatoes and chunky veg, all roasted in a delicious herby onion gravy.!
Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Low-calorie cooking spray 12 Low-Fat Pork Sausages 2 large onions, chopped 1 bay leaf 6 fresh thyme sprigs, leaves picked 5 fresh sage leaves, chopped 1 tbsp tomato purée 2 garlic cloves, chopped 1 chicken stock cube, crumbled 1 tbsp Bovril 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 300g baby new potatoes, halved or quartered if large 2 carrots, chopped into chunks 3 red onions, sliced 1 small butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and chopped into chunks 3 portobello mushrooms, each cut into 6 pieces 4 fresh rosemary sprigs, each cut into 3 pieces
Method 1. Spray a non-stick saucepan with low-calorie cooking spray and place over a high heat. Add the sausages and brown on all sides, then transfer to an ovenproof dish and set aside. 2. To make the sauce, add the chopped onions to the saucepan and cook for 5 minutes until brown and softened, adding a splash of water if they stick. Add the bay leaf, thyme, sage, tomato purée, garlic, stock cube, Bovril, Worcestershire sauce and 1 litre boiling water and bring to the boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, bring another large saucepan of water to the boil over a high heat. Add the potatoes and carrots, reduce to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes. Drain well and add to the sausages in the dish. 4. Discard the bay leaf and blitz the sauce until smooth, either with a stick blender or in your food processor. Return the sauce to the pan if you used a food processor, add the sliced red onions and simmer for 15 minutes or until reduced by one-third. 5. Preheat your oven to 200°C/fan 180°C/gas 6. Add the squash and mushrooms to the ovenproof dish and pour over the sauce. Top with the rosemary sprigs and roast for 30 minutes or until everything is cooked and tender. Tip: you could swap fresh herbs for dried mixed herbs. FEBRUARY
Karen Perry 'Custom Fit Supportive Orthotics’ Home Visits or Baldock Surgery
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Lockdown Clean-Up During this pandemic and the local lockdowns, many of you may have seen Brian Noble about the town. Back in 2019 Brian was asked by letchworth Arts and Leisure group to act as a group contact for a new group called Blitz an Open Space. On their first ou ng 3 of them cleared the li er from Baldock Road recrea on ground, next up was the recrea on ground at the Grange in Letchworth and then another li er picking day at Letchworth Gate. During the recent lockdown Brian has decided to concentrate on Baldock and to tackle some of the areas that are prone to li er louts. With the help of friends he has managed to fill 40 plus large black bin
He also stated how shocked they have been at the amount of used pooh bags that are discarded around the town and urged local dog walkers to use the bins provided.
COMMUNITY SPIRIT AT IT’S BEST liners. One of Brians helpers has been young 13 year old, Kian Mclaren. Brian said “I hate seeing all the li er strewn about the countryside as I wish to enjoy walking along the local highways and byways round Badock and Letchworth.
Anyone that uses Baldock Tesco will have seen Daniel Keleman, who organises the trolleys at the front of the store. He always has a smile for the customers and works so hard what ever the weather.
Recently a local resident saw him a li le upset talking to his manager, a er a customer had been rude to him. On her return home she posted on one of the local facebook groups about the experience and members of the local community began to comment saying what a lovely guy he is and how hard he works. One resident said that Daniels motorbike had recently been stolen over the Christmas period and that he was struggling the fund the purchase of a new bike. A er reading about Daniels plight, Jadene Sco decided to set up a ‘go fund me’ page, to try and raise some funds to help with the purchase of a new bike. And once again the local community pulled together raising a staggering amount of £2655. Daniel wants to say a massive thank you to everyone, he said “I will never forget everyones generosity and I’ve never been so happy in my life. Daniel has now ordered his new bike a Honda CB650R, definitely a feel good story FEBRUARY
M. 07884 430741 E. claire@goodridgeaccountants.co.uk W. www.goodridgeaccountants.co.uk
Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice Samaritans
03444 111444 0300 300 8136 116 123
Councils North Hertfordshire District
01462 474000
Doctors Baldock Surgery
01462 892458
Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery
01763 313869
Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut
0800 111 999 0800 7838838
Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH
01438 314333 01707 328111 111
Library Baldock Library
0300 123 4049
Police Police
01707 354000
Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Infants St Marys Juniors Brandles
01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892156 01462 892189
Travel Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line
08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608
Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre
01462 895579
Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round Peanuts Preschool
01462 892172 01462 896322 07736 124327
Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round
07709 618434 01462 896322
Plumbers Maben PE James
07949 120911 07816 586777
Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows
01438 906300 01462 261401
Florist Blooms of Baldock
07747 195325
Locksmith Lock and Glaze
Mobile Hair Dresser Hair By Jacqui
07973 788418
Funeral Directors Shires - CPJ Field Baldock
01462 491149
February Gallery
Please send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or email info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk
Ennis and Chloe puddle jumping fun
Looks like Ted had some fun on his walk - Nicky Heath
Chilly daily exercise - Debs Knight
Radwell wild life -Matthew Bartlett A frosty Baldock morning - Becky Martin
Puddle football anyone? - Nicky Heath
Amy Felce Early morning sunrise over Pembroke Rd Tara G
The Orange Tree’s cool new delivery van Young Charlie Watts enjoying the snow
Lockdown hair dressing at it’s best with Sam Holland
Herts Native Trees donating trees to Baldock Rotary for the new wood being planted