January 2016

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Issue 18 January

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Welcome To the first issue of 'On Our Doorstep' for 2016, we hope you all had a great Christmas and managed to spend some quality time with your family and friends. Another year over and another Christmas weight gain to contend with! I think I'll avoid the disappointment of setting myself the New Years resolution to get in shape and face the fact that 'round' will have to do for now. On the subject of health, Tesco Extra in Baldock launched a new initiative last month giving all children a free piece of fruit to keep them satisfied while the weekly shop is underway. What a great idea to keep them quiet and make life a little easier! 2015 was another eventful and memorable one for us! Our eldest continued to grow his business, Middle child turned eighteen, left school and got herself a "proper" job with a real wage which she enjoys spending. And in the meantime we managed to drag the youngest away from her iPad and she has taken to baking, she bakes a mean Victoria sponge cake! In December The Cricketers at Weston opened the doors on their newly built ‘Pavilion’ and I must say what an fantastic addition, with a large eating area, cosy lounge and lovely wood burner. It’s a great place to eat, if you haven’t tried it yet, give it a go, you won’t be disappointed. The weather has been particularly mild so far this winter which has split the nation - some glad that the cold has stayed away, and others sitting with their fingers crossed that it's not just going to be a late winter with a heap of snow landing on our doorstep (no pun intended).

NEXT issue?

Get in tou Hopefully ‘On Our Doorstep’ will info@onou ch rdoorstepba ldock.co.uk continue to grow and develop more in 2016. If there is anything you would like us to feature or if you have any great ideas for future issues please get in touch we would love to hear from you. We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our readers, advertisers and our superb delivery team a very Happy New Year and thank you all for the support that you have given us throughout 2015. If you would like to get involved or help deliver future issues in 2016, please do contact us and don't forget to follow us on Facebook or Twitter for frequent updates, news and stories. Best wishes

Paul & Jacqui

info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Advertising

Jacqui Calver 07973 788418 Email: info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk







News from Sandon JMI School – January I always feel that in my role I have 3 New Years, the calendar one which we celebrate now, the financial one which happens in April and the school year which starts in September. This always gives me and the children at school the chance to make a resolu on to change for the be er, three mes a year. The decora ons are down and Christmas is past but we can s ll remember our last few weeks with our whole school produc on and the wonderful instrumental assembly that the children put on to showcase their musical skills to each other. This always prompts new pupils to want to start learning an instrument and this is where tenacity and determina on come in when taking on the challenge of learning to play an instrument. At Sandon we never say, 'no', even to our youngest pupils, when it comes to star ng to learn to play any instrument. I always feel that to say, 'wait un l you are a li le older', must be so disappoin ng to any young child. So we let them start and see where it goes! Last year at our Summer Concert a six year old girl opened the concert on the drums with a rendi on of Queen's 'We Will Rock You'. Thanks to the generosity of our parents we have be able to purchase two robots 'Dot and Dash' which the children have adored using. We have started up our control club at lunch me and it is proving hugely popular.

As the New Year gets underway we are looking forward to our whole school visit to Biogen, working with the NSPCC and star ng up rugby a er school club which we are funding for our children. We are also having a visi ng theatre group coming to perform 'The Wind in the Willows'. Our new diaries are looking Margaret Gilbert - Head Teacher pre y full already.

Are things a little slow? Its easy to advertise in On Our Doorstep

Call Jacqui 07973 788 418 or


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Wonderful Time of the Year Flexible use of government funded sessions. Including all day sessions for all 3 & 4 year olds and eligible 2 year olds.

The children at Merry Go Round have a very busy month in December. They nursery children performed their Na vity play for their parents and sang beau fully. It is always wonderful to watch them all dress up in their costumes and sing in front of an audience, which takes a great deal of courage. They have also visited the shops and the market square to sing their Christmas songs for them. Our month is finally rounded off with our Christmas party where children are invited back with their families to take part in fun ac vi es and meet Father Christmas in his gro o. In January our theme is Winter, inevitable 'Frozen' is always popular with the children ge ng the chance to dress up as Elsa, Anna and Olaf and sing and dance to the music. They also get the chance to dig for ice treasures, explore the ways that we can keep themselves warm in winter. We excited to welcome new children that will be joining preschool this month. If you are interested in your child coming to Merry Go Round our next Meet & Greet session will be on Friday 4th March. This is a great opportunity to meet members of staff in an informal way and have a look around.


High ratio of staff to children Safe, stimulating and fun environment Early drop-off, lunch club and late pick-up sessions available Two redeveloped, all weather outdoor play areas The Mobile, Hartsfield School, Clothall Road, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 6BJ 01462 896322 info@merrygoroundunder5s.co.uk


Parent & Toddler group on Fridays 1:30pm – 3pm will have lots of cra and messy play ac vi es for you and your child / ren to enjoy. Open to all children under 5, we always have lots of ideas to keep them busy. £2 per child including a drink & snack for the children and refreshments for adults.

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Picture sent over by Amy Felce taken by the entrance to Clothall JANUARY






New Year's Resolutions

We are always hearing about the rise in human obesity and many of us choose the New Year to start a new diet and try and lose some of the Christmas excess, but how o en do we hear about the growing problem of pet obesity? It has been reported that 2/3 of pet owners believe there are more important issues facing their pets than obesity! Below are some facts that will show you just how much damage obesity can do Ÿ A staggering 40-45% of cats and dogs in the UK are overweight or obese. Obesity is caused by feeding more calories than the animal uses each day. Ÿ Excess calories are stored in the body as fat. Ÿ Obesity can affect the body in many ways, most obviously is the excessive pressure put on the joints which can lead to lameness, joint problems and arthri s. Arthri c pets are less inclined/able to exercise which can exacerbate the problem. Ÿ Less obvious are some of the other side effects of obesity such as heart disease, lungs disease, liver disease, kidney disease, pancreas problems (diabetes, pancrea s), skin problems, and shortening life expectancy. Ÿ High blood pressure is common in obese animals. An increase in the blood pressure puts the heart under increased stress, making it pump harder to push blood around the body. The increased pressure can damage the heart and other organs too such as the kidneys. High cholesterol will also damage the heart and may lead to heart failure and the death of the pet. Ÿ The liver's main job is to detoxify blood, an excess of fat in liver cells can lead to liver disease/liver failure.

Overfeeding can lead to pancrea c problems too. The pancreas is needed to regulate blood glucose (sugar) levels. A high fat diet makes it difficult for the pancreas to produce enough insulin to control sugar levels which can lead to diabetes. The pancreas can become inflamed which is called pancrea s and is extremely painful for the pa ent and in some cases can lead to death. Why not make a resolu on to check if your pet is suffering from obesity. (63% of owners believe their pet is the correct weight according to PFMA) Call Baldock Veterinary Centre on 01462 895579 or Royston Veterinary Centre on 01763 242221 to book a consulta on, your pet will thank you for it!


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It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that the iconic Horse Chestnut Tree in the nursery grounds is to be taken down in the new year. The tree had been diagnosed with 'Bleeding Canker' a few years ago but we were hoping it would survive for at least another 4-5 years. However, the canker has accelerated with the poten al of branches becoming unstable and then suffering from Summer Drop. The tree is approximately 70 years old, having been planted as a feature in the grounds. It has spread its canopy over genera ons of nursery pupils and their parents/carers, shading all from the sun, giving shelter from the rain and snow, supplying conkers for the children in the Autumn, being home to a mul tude of small animals – and just being there as an enduring and majes c feature of the school landscape. We will be taking lots of photographs to keep a record for archive purposes. This Christmas Tree has been made from part of the Horse Chestnut Tree and decorated with natural materials from the Nursery Garden it was part of the Christmas Tree Fes val at St Mary's Church


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The Christmas term has proved to be another especially fun me for the Beavers. We kicked it off with some matches of crab football. The game definitely turned a er the Red team had the first touch and took early possession, domina ng the game. Luckily the Blues called in their super-sub in the second half and stuck one in the back of the net a er a shot on goal. But I'm no sports expert. A er the remembrance service on Sunday, which the Beavers a ended with maturity and remarkable pa ence, was our guest speaker. One of our parents, who is in the Metropolitan Police, kindly gave an insigh ul presenta on about the job of a police officer in London. Although the Beavers seemed especially interested in the handcuffs, he revealed that his job wasn't just playing cops and robbers - policemen have to deal with everything from riots to house fires. I'm sure the police force has secured many future jobs as a result of the evening! The next week we made some tree decora ons for the 1st Baldock Beaver Christmas tree, ready for Saint Mary's church tree fair. They created some robins made of pinecones, pipe cleaners and feathers. There was also gli er. A lot of gli er. So much gli er that for weeks to come the hall looked like the house of a fairy. The Beavers walked away with some amazing crea ons, however! To excite everyone for Christmas, we went to see an “Imagica” show. This was a pantomime-like produc on about a princess who tried to find her jewellery with the help of some friends and a genie. It was very well produced and acted, with some really catchy songs that a great deal of Beaver parents probably listened to for the rest of the evening! Finally, Tuesday and Wednesday Beavers paired up to host a Christmas party. Carols were sung and jelly was eaten, but the highlight of the celebra on was definitely the paper snowball fight. Yes, the two colonies engaged in a fierce ba le to see who had the superior figh ng force. Amidst the war zone many leaders were taken as casual es, taking balls of paper to the face from the best marksman that the colonies had to offer. Needless to say the party was a huge success. Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year, on behalf of the 1st Baldock Beaver colony!

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2nd January




Have a great daDayd & Eleanor Mum,






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Every year seems to be the same. We get older, wiser and a li le bit fa er. We eat too much, drink too much and don't get enough exercise. But how do you break the cycle that's been on repeat for many, many years? It all starts with teeny ny li le changes, changes that are easy to implement and won't be impossible to s ck to. Things like: swapping your pint of beer to a gin and slim line tonic, switching from white bread, rice and pasta to wholemeal, or walking to the local shops instead of taking the car. These changes may not seem like a lot but once you've got used to them and they become a rou ne you can then set yourself other li le goals that you can achieve. Most resolu ons fail before the end of January because we try to change too much in one go. We don't know anyone who would be able to give up drinking, give up smoking, start a new diet AND a new fitness regime all at the same me. Which is why it's easier to break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks. If you start small you'll soon get used to achieving your goals and the natural buzz will push you into se ng slightly harder challenges so that you get a slightly bigger reward. At Fitness Hub our ethos has always been about making fitness fun but for many of our members who join us that's the hardest part. When you don't go to the gym it's easy to assume that everyone who does go is fit and slim and will be be er than you but that's simply not the case. We all have different strengths and weaknesses, we just have to learn what they are and then challenge ourselves to overcome them. If we didn't love what we do then we wouldn't be doing it, which is why you just need to throw yourself into it and try something new. You never know, you might just enjoy it!




It’s not just for kids - Music Streaming


Music Streaming has really taken off over the last couple of years and is fast replacing downloading for many people. Streaming revenues have overtaken CD revenues in the States, and it's likely the UK won't be far behind, the popularity of streaming is surely only heading in one direc on. Music streaming services are like sports teams: everyone has the squad they root for above all others. Whether you're a Deezer geezer, an iTunes devotee, a Spo fy specialist or a Tidal lover, we all have our own favourite. There are a huge number of services available delivering all-you-caneat tracks that are accessible to all. We've compared the biggest players to find out our favourites...

Deezer has 16 million monthly ac ve users. It boasts a whopping 35 million tracks in its library, but there is also Deezer Elite that offers high-quality FLAC streaming. This streaming service has over 20,000 news and entertainment shows too, along with live football. Like Apple Music, Deezer will also recommend tracks to suit your tastes. There is a feature called Flow that knows your library and selects the songs you want to hear. As you would expect, you can create playlists, as well as import your favourite MP3s, as you can with compe ng services. Pros: 35 million song catalogue, available, free with ads, Premium+ gives you high-quality sound over standard. Cost: free unlimited ad-supported service and costs £9.99 a month. It is a free upgrade for Sonos users with a Premium+ account.

Spo fy - remains the big guy in the music streaming world. It launched in 2008 and has more than 20 million users. Spo fy comes in paid-for and Free ad-supported versions - both of which are available in app form. It has some really good curated playlists, but the radio leaves a lot to be desired. Pros: 25 million song catalogue, universally available, free with ads, great social integra on with Facebook, curated content, can upload any songs Spo fy is missing, available on PS4 with PlaySta on Music, offline listening Cons: Ar sts aren't paid much, radio recommenda ons are sub-par Bitrate: 96Kbps for low bandwidth connec ons, 160Kbps for desktop and "high quality" mobile streaming, and 320Kbps for the the high bitrate se ng (desktop, iOS and Android) Cost: Free with ads /£9.99) a month for Spo fy Premium. Students get 50 per cent off Premium with Unidays or NUS Extra

Apple Music Apple Music is a single app that combines your music, a streaming service and a worldwide live radio sta on, called Beats1. Everything lives in one place, so you can stream anything you choose or a snappy mix of recommended content, curated playlists from former music journalists. Best of all? It pulls from Apple's collec on of 25 million songs. It's edgy, preten ous even, but overall the product does what it claims and offers an impossible-to-pass-up three-month free trial. Pros: 25 million song catalogue, recommended content, expertly curated playlists, Beats1 Radio, insanely long three-month free trial, Connect social network is a fun way to stay connected with bands Cons: Clunky interface, "My Music" sec on is a misnomer Cost: Free for three months / single user £9.99 , Family £14.99 a month once your trial runs out.





Baldock Town Youth U7's

On Saturday, Baldock Town Youth U7's were mascots at the game for Baldock Town against Woodford Town. The boys began their day going onto the pitch and having a kick around with some of the players. They came off the pitch just before kick-off and were then able to select a player to walk out with for the start of the match. All the boys were very excited and were all in good voice a erwards, as they cheered on the senior team with their parents in the stand.





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The game was very close at the beginning making the boys cheer even more. When Baldock won a free kick about 30 yards away from goal it was taken quickly and caught Woodford off guard. This gave Baldock a 1 – 0 lead at half me. The boys were then able to go on to the pitch again to have a kick around with some of the players. The second half saw the wind pick up, but this did not faze Baldock or their new young fans as they con nued to push forward for the second goal. They came close a few mes and eventually scored a well deserved goal mid-way through the second half a er piling on the pressure. Baldock did score a third me, but it was off side so therefore disallowed. Baldock found themselves under pressure for the last fi een to twenty minutes when the Baldock keeper made an excellent save from a shot he must have seen very late. Woodford Town did score with about ten minutes to go but were unable to find a second. The game finished with Baldock Town winning 2 – 1. The boys all thoroughly enjoyed themselves and had a fantas c me both on the pitch and cheering from the stand. They all said that they had enjoyed themselves with one saying that he “especially liked the goals”. We hope to con nue suppor ng the senior team at future games and events as well as providing further opportuni es and experiences for the children at Baldcok Youth Football Club.

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Great Scott! IsNow that Hoverboard kidsacan get back to BASIC with Fuze Back in the 1980's the UK was a mel ng pot of computer development, back then you couldn't visit a friends' house without seeing a them huddled behind a television slowly tapping out computer programs from magazines on their newly purchased home computers. While the USA basked in the glory of the Apple II and IBM PC, in the UK we had our feet firmly placed on the ground and our wallets closed ght. In the States people were paying $2,500 for their computers, far too much for us in the UK, being much more cau ous with our hard earned money! Instead we made our own computers, the amazingly popular Sinclair ZX Spectrum, BBC Model B, Acorn Electron and Dragon 32. All of these were home grown products which took the country by storm for a few short years, much cheaper than the US counterparts at £140 and much more fun, well un l the IBM PC was licensed to the likes of Dell, HP and AST and the prices started to tumble to more affordable prices. The BBC Model B was adopted by schools and immediately the na onal curriculum included 'Computer Studies O'Level'. It was now possible to study computer programming, the UK was becoming a hotbed for coding and technology. Following school, students could con nue their studies through college and university, it was exci ng mes for the UK computer industry. A few short years later, the home computer market vanished, replaced by cheaper PC clones and with that, the curriculum began to change again. Now established in homes, everyone was running Windows, instead of learning the basics of coding and programming. Pupils were taught how to use Word Processors and making newsle ers using pre-forma ed 'Wizards' and animated paperclips.

packaged with a Programmers Reference Guide and Quick Start Projects book. The case is both durable and safe for young people to use and Fuze have improved upon the Raspberry Pi IO connecters by integra ng their own FUZE I/O board which greatly simplifies the Raspberry Pi by separa ng, and clearly labelling the most common func ons plus addi onal ones not available with the Pi. It's clearly a great way to get our kids involved in programming computers again and the package seems great too. The Fuze starts at £69 and is available from a most computer stockists. For more informa on, visit www.fuze.co.uk. Ma can be heard every Monday morning on BBC Radio Suffolk or online at www.thegadgetman.org.uk. Ma Porter - Gadget Man


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'Coding' is now back in the curriculum, it is now a necessity for schools to teach coding again and this is where Fuze comes in. By packaging the Raspberry Pi computer in a aluminium case (strangely similar of the BBC Micro from the 80's) with integrated keyboard and circuit prototyping board, the Fuze is being launched into schools as the ideal pla orm for coding. The circuit board that sits on top of the Fuze allows for design and tes ng of electronics that can be directly controlled from code wri en in 'Fuze Basic' programming language. Also included are a variety of transistors, LED's and resistors


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Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp

Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre

January 2016 Its two weeks away from Christmas, it should be cold, very cold but I could be sitting outside writing this in a light shirt and a thin summer evening pullover, it is warmer than it has ever been for this time of year, what is going on? Is it global warming and permanent, or just a localised blip in our fickle British climate? Seems that even the most hardened disbelievers of global warming are going to have to think closely about this. I have been looking around the Garden Centre and have found some alarming signs in many of our plants, they are breaking dormancy early or not going into dormancy at all. Apple trees are showing fattening of fruit buds and lengthening of vegetative buds, loosening bud scales as if they think its March. Our ash trees are not doing well and the buds are very soft, they should be hard as bullets, wisterias are acting as if they are about to burst into growth, one to the left of our main entrance has actually started full spring growth, you may also have seen television reports showing daffodils already in flower. In my childhood in the 1950’s and 60’s - yes in the last century, we used to see extreme cold, haw frosts and prolonged deep snow many times our village, Milstead, Kent, used to get cut off for weeks. The snow used to start very early, I can remember many times on remembrance day standing shivering for hours in the snow and cold. What I hear you asking has that got to do with my garden plants? The answer is quite long and complicated but I will simplify it as I don’t have that much room in this article. Many seeds need a period of cold 1 to 3 degrees C, for up to three months not freezing this is called stratification to break dormancy or in other words germinate, as we are not getting long periods of cold below freezing they cannot rely on temperature to break dormancy they will of course still have day length, light levels and time to rely on! 13 to 15 degrees centigrade as it is at the moment is no good, many plants will stay in dormancy until they have continued temperatures between 0 and 10 degrees centigrade, and will generally need between 200 and 850 hours of temperatures below or around zero centigrade to flower, set seed and indeed give us the fruit we all love. You can see then that winter temperatures are vital for our crops and flowers, further to this temperature problem, plants that need cold periods also prepare themselves for what could also be very damaging cold weather, what they do is reduce the amount of water held in their cells and spaces around the cells, again you can see that if we have late winter cold then the plants will not have reduced the water content and will freeze and rupture just like an unlagged water pipe, this will be why some hardy plants will die when normally they can survive really hard winters. If we have a continued warm period with a sharp change to very cold weather below freezing, we could end up with a lot of damage in our gardens. Now I've given you the bad stuff, this warming if that’s what it is will bring us gardeners some benefits, ten years or may be fifteen ago we had a huge popularity in what was laughingly called hardy palms, not all of them were hardy in this country back then, but I'm thinking they could well be very soon, we will be able to grow all sorts of exotic plants and grow the appropriate varieties for the extended growing season. Personally would prefer the weather to revert to how it was forty years ago, to be how it was when my Grandfather and Father taught me about the seasons how to grow and farm within those definite limits, I also realise that a certain plump gentleman dressed in red would find landing his sleigh easier in a foot or two of snow. Hope you have a good Christmas and a Happy New year, cheers, Graham.

If pots have frozen then it’s too late to wrap them in bubble wrap. Move them to a sheltered spot instead and hope for the best. Ÿ Keep paths free of fallen leaves and moss but go easy on the rock salt if you’re using it to clear ice from paths. It can burn leaves and damage roots if too much of it is used. Ÿ January is a good time to prune pear and apple trees in particular. If the branches of any of your trees have been damaged by winds cut them right back. Damaged branches can be tied and in some cases they will repair themselves but it’s more likely to end in a nasty fungal infection and further damage to the tree so avoid this if you can. . Ÿ Recycle your Christmas tree. Almost every local authority has a free Christmas tree recycling service in your local area. Some charities now offer the same service for a small fee. The trees are mulched and the mulch is reused. There are no excuses not to use these services. Whatever you do, don’t dump your tree or send it to landfill, it’s a terrible waste, you’d be better off with an artificial one. Ÿ






Feed the Birds: Small birds need huge amounts of energy at this time of year, just to survive the bitterly cold nights. Finding water sources can be difficult when it’s freezing out so fill your bird baths and remove any ice in the mornings. Heel-in Bare Roots: Newly-arrived bare root trees and shrubs can be ‘heeled-in’ in a pot of compost now until you’re ready to plant them later. The ground will be easier to dig in a few weeks. Mulch Tender Plants: Put plenty of mulch around tender shrubs to keep their roots from freezing and make sure potted contains are well wrapped in bubble wrap of fleece or move them to a sheltered spot or into a shed. Clear Your Greenhouse: There’s never a good time for this but January is a good month to tackle your greenhouse and get it organised and cleaned out before the Spring. Fork Beds and Borders: Start forking over beds and borders now and you’ll have a much smaller job on your hands come March. This can be a thankless job in cold weather and a little and often approach works well.




FIGHTING CANCER FATIGUE Free Drop-In Event People going through cancer treatment and the extreme exhaus on that accompanies it are invited to a Herts-based charity's Open Day on Saturday 6th February. Between 11am and 1pm anyone is welcome to find out more about Figh ng Cancer Fa gue, a project run by Letchworth charity Herts MS Therapy Centre. The Herts MS Therapy Centre in Letchworth helps anyone with long term or life limi ng condi ons – not just Mul ple Sclerosis. It is also the only place in the county that offers Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Many people with cancer have found Oxygen Therapy helps them to recover faster a er chemotherapy and radiotherapy or a er surgery. Some people with ME, CFS, Fibromyalgia and MS also find it beneficial. On 6th February, you can see Oxygen Therapy in ac on. You can also try it for yourself! Free taster sessions will run at 11.30am and 12.30pm. Simply turn up on the day and add your name to the list, (places are limited). 6th February is also your chance to find out about APS therapy, (Ac on Poten al Simula on Therapy). This drug-free treatment has helped many people by reducing – some mes allevia ng – pain. Pop in on 6th February to find out more and ask any ques ons. Yes to Life, one of the UK's leading cancer chari es promo ng an integra ve approach to cancer care, will also be at the Open Day, explaining how they can support people with cancer through informa on and some mes with financial assistance.




“We want to welcome as many people as possible between 11am and 1pm on Saturday 6th February,” explains Mark Boscher, the Chief Execu ve of Herts MS Therapy Centre. “If you, or someone you know, has cancer, maybe we can help them to gain more energy.” He adds: “Our Open Day is the ideal way to look around and talk with our friendly experts.“ The event runs from 11am to 1pm on Saturday 6th February. For more details, call Claire on 01462 684214 or EMAIL enquiries123@hmstc.net.

Deb’s Dirty Cookers We clean cookers, extractor fans, microwaves. Spring cleaning & cooker repairs also undertaken Friendly Reliable Service Treat your cooker today

Please contact Debbie 01438 215172 07983 577803

n O s ’ t a h W Wedding Fayre 3rd January - 11am-3pm Redcoats Farm House, Red Coat Green, Hitchin

1st Aiders - Baby and Child First Aid Course 9th January: Steeple Morden Village Hall, Hay Street, Steeple Morden,

Hub Club January 11th - 12 week weight management programme @ Fitness Hub, Arden Press Way, Letchworth

Hill Street Blues 16th January - 9-11pm at White Lion , Baldock

An evening with Anna Razumovskaya 27th January - 7-9pm @ Gallery 1066, Hitchin St. Baldock Champagne reception

Tea Dance 29th January, 2.30-4.30pm @ Baldock Comunity Centre £3.50. for more info janice@come-dance.co.uk

Fighting Cancer Fatigue: Free Event 6th February 11am-1pm @ Therapy Centre, 30 Campus Five, Letchworth.

Muddy Mutts & Super Heroes 28th February, 10am @ Norton Common ,Letchworth. Sponsored dog walk around Norton Common £5 per dog

Baldock Beast Half Marathon 28th February - 10am. Race packs can be collected on Sat 27th February at: Templars Hotel and Restaurant, 20 High St, Baldock, 9.30am – 3.30pm for more info www.baldocktown.co.uk/

Regular events: Quiz Night, 8-10.30pm, Orange Tree Pub Tuesdays Wednesdays Baldock Royal Chartered Market, High Street Baby Rhyme Time 10.30-11.00am, Library Senior Club, 2-4pm Community Centre Baldock and Letchworth 8.30-11pm Folk Club, Orange Tree Pub Toddler Tales, 2.30-3pm - Baldock Library Thursdays Baldock Country Market - 10am, The Cock Fridays The Baldock Car Boot Sale,7am Buntingford Saturdays Road 1st Tuesday White Lion Quiz Night, Baldock High Street every month 2nd Saturday Baldock Farmers & Craft Market, Baldock every month High Street. For more information contact fraser.valentine@baldocktown.co.uk 3rd Monday every month

Baldock Branch Royal British Legion monthly meeting 7.30pm Orange Tree Pub, Norton Road. Non-members welcome.

If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email info@onourdoorstepbaldock,co.uk by 12th January 2015

Flints chimney sweeps offer a complete sweeping service using traditional and modern methods at a competitive price. No mess! Chimney/Liner Clean and Sweep Birds nest removal Cowls, bird guards and chimney pot caps fitted Installation of carbon monoxide alarms Installation of replacement fire rope and fire bricks Advice on stoves, appliance installations and chimney repairs Ÿ Removal of tar/creosote Ÿ Arranging of CCTV camera surveys and chimney pressure testing Ÿ National Industry Standard Certificate issued Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

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01462 441 686

E: info@crashcarecentre.com www.crashcarecentre.com

Knights Templar School Online Auction At the Knights Templar School this week there was an air of excitement, and not just because of Christmas! We have just completed our first ever online auc on. As many Baldock residents will be aware building recently started for a brand new Science Centre to replace our current 1960s classroom block and will be completed for September 2016. Unfortunately the funding awarded by the Department for Educa on didn't allow for the extras; resources that would really turn this into a world class learning experience for our students. Our Online Auc on formed the first part of our School Science Centre Fundraising Programme. We hoped it would raise £25,000 for our Science Department. There were some absolutely fantas c prizes including cket packages to football & rugby games which included VIP treatment, golf days out with celebri es such as Darren Gough, Steve McFadden, West Ham footballers, Shane Ritchie and mountains of amazing technology such as TVs & iPads. There was all manner of signed & framed memorabilia from the world of sport to film, and even a week's accommoda on at a holiday house in Switzerland for 12 people. In the end the auc on raised a grand total of £21,700 which was a fantas c start to our fundraising programme! Thank you to everyone who supported us out there in the local community and helped us reach this amazing total. Ben Chantrell, Head of Science said, 'A er years and years of 'make do and mend' in Science, we were really excited by the poten al of this auc on. It is so important that everyone in the school community and beyond rallies around to enable our students to access some of the very best equipment.' Please look out for more opportuni es to support the young Einsteins of Baldock in the New Year with our Sponsor-a-Cell ini a ve and our KTS Young Appren ce Investment Challenge…there's even talk of a May Ball!

England v Ireland Rugby Union

Arsenal vs Leicester City

Skiing In Switzerland for 12 People

A.DOBING & CO Specialist in damp proofing, rising damp and timber preservation



01462 491 221 peter@adobing.co.uk www.adobing.co.uk JANUARY



Letchworth Rugby Club Venue Hire The ideal location for any event, large or small, with plentiful free parking available in the Club car park. Suitable for Weddings, Birthdays, Children's Parties, Business Meetings, Club Meetings, Sports Events


Hire Charges: Evenings: £150 Daytime: £75 Club members receive a discount.

The newly re-furbished Clubhouse has a bar and a dining area that can seat up to 120 people. We can also provide catering, anything from buffets to 4 course meals. We have two large TV screens (75” & 50”) which you can utilise. viding a great available for hire, pro The pitches are also castles, 'It's a cy ildren's parties, boun outdoor space for ch days rts spo e rat rpo ts, co Knockout' type even

For more info contact Club Steward 'Jacko' Jackson: 07815 990463 or 01462 682554

Painting interior & exterior Wall coverings Plastering Renders Dry lining All aspects of finishing trades Ÿ Tape & jointing Ÿ Coving etc Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

JUSTIN COLOURS LTD. Building Finishers

The perfect finish every time Phone 07947 396 341

Office 01462 734 509

66 Astwick Road, Stotfold, SG5 4BQ 26






Can two serial cheaters get a second chance at love? After a one-night stand in college, Lainey and Jake meet by chance 12 years later and discover they each have the same problem: neither can maintain a relationship. Determined to stay friends despite their mutual attraction, they make a pact to keep it platonic, a deal that proves easier said than done.

JANUARY 15th - CREED Adonis Johnson never knew his famous father, World Heavy Weight Champion Apollo Creed, who died before he was born. Still, there's no denying that boxing is in his blood, so Adonis heads to Philadelphia, the site of Apollo Creed's legendary match with Rocky Balboa. Rocky sees the strength and determination he had known in Apollo and agrees to train the young fighter.

JANUARY 15th - ROOM This film is unparalleled celebration of the bond between parent and child. Ma has created a whole universe in 'Room' for 5 year-old Jack, where they have both lived for Jack's whole life. But when Ma decides they have to escape, she risks everything to give Jack the chance to make a thrilling discovery... The World

JANUARY 22nd - NORM OF THE NORTH A polar bear of many words, Norm’s greatest gripe is simple: there is no room for tourists in the Arctic. But when a maniacal developer threatens to build luxury condos in his own backyard, Norm does what all normal polar bears would do…he heads to New York City to stop it. With a cast of ragtag lemmings at his side, Norm takes on the big apple to save the day.

JANUARY 29th - CONCUSSION Will Smith stars in Concussion, a dramatic thriller based on the incredible true David vs. Goliath story of American immigrant Dr. Bennet Omalu, the brilliant forensic neuropathologist who made the first discovery of CTE, a football-related brain trauma, in a pro player and fought for the truth to be known.

Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls

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from a local tree company delivered to the local area 300 logs for £80 delivered loose £10 discount for double loads Contact Phil Allen on 01462 834411 or 07909 716 631 or email on allentrees@btinternet.com JANUARY



LOSE WEIGHT FOR LIFE, NOT JUST FOR JANUARY! This New Year hundreds of people in Baldock will embark on a bid to lose weight and get fit. Local Slimming World Consultant Sandra Lloyd is urging dieters in the area to ditch the fad diets and choose a weight-loss plan they can sustain. Sandra says "The latest health profile figures for North Her ordshire for 2015 show 60% of the local popula on to be overweight and 19% are so overweight that their health is seriously at risk. There's a lot of pressure in January to lose weight but for many people this could be a life-saving or life-changing decision and finding the right help and support to do this is key." "Lots of people start January with the best of inten ons but by the end of the month so many of them have given up, defeated by hunger, boredom or feelings of depriva on. I want people to know that losing weight doesn't have to be that way, that not all slimming a empts are doomed and not all 'diets' are the same. It's easy to be wooed by the plans that promise the fastest loss, but it's really important this new year that slimmers in North Her ordshire think sensibly about which plan they choose and look at which offer the most chance of long-term success. Diets based on depriva on can be very unhealthy and are almost impossible to keep up, meaning you're bound to throw in the towel and will probably be le feeling like a failure by February!" "Sllimming World's food op mising plan is extremely generous and very easy to follow. Its a healthy ea ng plan that works for everyone and brings amazing results you can fill up on lots of foods including all your favourites like pasta dishes, curries and a Sunday Roast without ever weighing or measuring a single bean! There are no 'banned foods' so we'll help you fit in the li le things you can't live without too. Its all about balance and finding a new groove with your food." Sandra Lloyd adds: "There's no denying that changing the habits of a life me can be challenging and there will be mes, perhaps when your weight loss slows down or a 'bad week' leads to a temporary gain and it can be temp ng to give up. That's where ge ng support week in, week out to make changes and keep them up comes in. At Slimming World members develop the skills and tools to overcome the psychological and emo onal challenges that every slimmer faces at some point, including learning to be kind to yourself and get 'back on the horse' when you do have a blip. Anyone who wants to lose weight this New Year will find a world of support at our friendly group in Baldock. At Slimming World we are determined to make a difference to everyone and the 520 stones lost by my members last year just show s that in Baldock we already are !"


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MEET OUR MEMBERS! Jeni Spur-Jones, a 42 year old nurse from Mons Avenue joined the Baldock group in the last week of June 2015. She has currently lost 3st 6.5lbs and is only 7lbs from her chosen Target weight. Jeni freely admits she didn't think she would ever lose this amount of weight or feel as fabulous, fit and healthy as she does now. Jeni says "I've been blown away with the results I've had and over such a short me too, I'm a dress size I haven't been since I was in my early 20's and I'm actually fi er now than I've ever been. I love the group and ge ng ideas from the other members really has been key to my success and the changes I've made. For example it was another member who inspired me to get more ac ve and gave me the confidence to get going by sharing their own experiences. I did absolutely no exercise at all un l a few months ago and if anyone had suggested 6 months ago that I would lose three and a half stone by the end of the year and have taken part and completed a 5k race I would have laughed! I really did consider myself the proverbial 'couch potato'. I absolutely love the food and so do my family, we s ll enjoy all the type of meals we always did but cook now in a healthy way and we've swapped our weekend take-aways for home-made versions of the same dishes. I'm so happy and would recommend our group to anyone." Slimming World in Baldock, every Wednesday at the United Reformed Church, Whitehorse St at 9.30am, 5.30pm and 7.30pm.


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Happy New Year to all our clients past & present

Slimming World Recipe Supplied by Sandra Lloyd Sweet and Sour Chicken A takeaway favourite that's kinder to your pocket and to your waist line following the expense and excesses of Christmas!

Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

6 skinless chicken breasts, thinly sliced 6 spring onions, trimmed and sliced 2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped Salt and freshly ground black pepper 3 tbsp light soy sauce Low calorie cooking spray 2 tbsp dark soy sauce 2 tbsp sweetener 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tsp paprika 1/2 tsp Chinese 5-spice powder 1000ml of passata Spring onion slivers and lime wedges, to garnish

Method 1.



Place the chicken in a shallow ceramic dish. Sprinkle over the spring onions and garlic, season well and pour over the light soy sauce. Toss to mix well, cover and marinate in the fridge for 30 minutes. Spray a large non-stick frying pan with low calorie cooking spray and place over a high heat. Add the chicken mixture and cook for 5-6 minutes and then add the dark soy sauce, sweetener, vinegar, paprika, 5-spice powder and passata. Stir to mix well and bring the mixture to the boil. Reduce the heat and cook gently for 3-4 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Check the seasoning before serving garnished with spring onion slivers (optional).

8 3

7 6

9 6 8 5 4 8 2 6 7

4 8

1 5 9 3

4 7 2 3 5

8 3

Bouncy Castle Hire




"REDS TO MEET EAGLES IN COUNTY CUP SEMI" For the second successive season Baldock Town will go head-tohead with local rivals Letchworth Garden City Eagles for a place in the Final of the Herts Senior Centenary Trophy. Eagles progressed on penal es from last season's showdown and went on to li the Trophy, so Town player/manager Luke Gregson will be hoping his side can put things right this term and set up a Final with either Harpenden Town or Bishops Stor ord Swi s. The match will be a 1.30pm kick off at The County Ground in Letchworth on Saturday 13th February, so please come along and show your support. Before then though, the Reds have a busy fixture list in January. They begin 2016 with a trips to Wodson Park (2nd Jan) and Brimsdown (9th Jan) respec vely. Their first home ac on of the New Year will be against league leaders Crawley Green on Tuesday 12th January - 7.45pm KO at Roker Park. Then on the following Saturday they entertain Southall. They will then round off January with three tricky away trips to Edgware Town (23rd Jan), Broadfields United (26th Jan) and Risborough Rangers (30th Jan). As always with this me of the year, please check out the website www.baldocktownfc.co.uk and our social media pages for updates on fixtures. Also if any companies or individuals wish to sponsor one of the above home games, please contact us at baldocktownfc@gmail.com. Btfcredarm




IAN SIMPSON Carpentry and Joinery All aspects of carpentry work undertaken Kitchen, Bedrooms, Doors, Windows 25 years experience Free estimates Please call 01462 851695 or 07967162448 E-mail ij_simpson@hotmail.com

PIONEER NURSERY A small nursery with big ideas! Come and visit the most beautiful nursery in the whole of Willian!! Hedging, Trees and Shrubs Seasonal colour, Compost, Logs and much more

New outdoor plant area!

01462 675858 www.pioneerplantnursery.co.uk Baldock Lane, Willian, Herts. SG6 2AE


- EGM on 25 Nov 2015

Is it your New Years resolution to make a Will or revise your existing Will? If so, please take advantage of our Special New Year reduced rate wills offer. Reduced rate wills will be available every week day from 8.00am until 6.00pm (Tuesdays until 8.00pm),by appointment only. Also on the Saturday morning of 23rd January 2016, again by appointment only Reduced rates are:Double Wills - £250.00 plus VAT Single Will - £130.00 plus VAT HOME VISITS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE WITHIN A 5 MILE RADIUS OF BALDOCK. For more information please contact:Fish Hill Chambers, 2-3 Fish Hill, Royston, Herts, SG8 9JY

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Proposals to take forward the self management of the two main allotment sites in Baldock was carried by a majority of over 80% at the recent mee ng at St Mary's Church Hall. Baldock Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Associa on (BALGA) called an EGM on 25 November 2015 to vote on proceeding with self management. The historic decision will put the management of the allotment sites at North Road and Clothall Road in the hands of the community based associa on. The proposals to make the Execu ve Officers trustees and that they should sign the legal documents (the two leases and the Managed Services Agreement) was approved by an overwhelming majority a er lengthy, some mes passionate, discussions of the implica ons and consequences. The mee ng was very well a ended by both members and non-members (some of whom joined on the night to make their views count). Herts County Councillor Michael Muir and NHDC Councillor Michael Weeks were present. The mee ng was addressed by Carol Andrews of Mile Road Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Associa on (MRALGA) and representa ve of the The Na onal Allotment Society (NSALG) who has 5 years experience of se ng up and running self management of a large site in Bedford. There is now much work to be done. The AGM in January will be brought forward by a week and mee ngs have been arranged to finalise all the details such as Tenancy Agreements and strategy before the AGM. The inten on is for the process to be completed by February 2016 so that we have me to prepare for the new year star ng on 01 April 2016 and taking on the tenancies for all plots. There are plots available now at both sites and NHDC will no longer be responsible for le ng the plots on these sites as soon as the leases and agreement are signed. BALGA recommends that anyone hoping to take on a plot next year should contact us, so that they can be shown one or more plots. Please contact the site representa ves, for North Road – Mick Camp 01462 893418, for Clothall Road – Mar n Luker 01462 892464 or contact Phil Charsley on 01462 895665, or by email at phil@charsley.org.uk, and we can discuss your requirements with you ahead of the change. There are challenges and many plans ahead of us. There are s ll serious concerns over the status of the Clothall Road site and how this fits into the local plan for housing development. Councillor Muir gave some updated informa on at the mee ng which suggests that there may be opportuni es to properly secure the future of the site for tenants and possibly extend it. The associa on certainly has plans to secure funding to improve ameni es, par cularly water provision, at Clothall Road. There is also available unused land at North Road which could be developed to provide up to 40 addi onal plots. Currently, statutory allotment land at Clare Crescent is disused, except for a lone member who is outside this proposal, so there is much opportunity to expand allotment provision. BALGA are planning to manage and develop the sites using voluntary help from within the associa on so we are looking forward to total community involvement in making this project a success not just for allotment holders but for everyone in Baldock and surrounding areas. JANUARY



Baldock Library Changes As some of you may be aware the opening hours at Baldock Library changed from Monday 9th November 2015. The improvements are in response to feedback from our customers and are designed to ensure that there are fewer half days and that Baldock Library is open in the morning as well as the a ernoon. The new opening hours are: Friday Closed Monday 10.00-17.00 Saturday 9.013.00 Tuesday 10.00-17.00 Sunday Closed Wednesday 10.00-17.00 Thursday 10.00-18.00 The changes don't stop there however; I need to introduce myself. My name is Debra Turner and I have the pleasure of being the new Library Manager for Baldock. I am a qualified librarian and have worked for Her ordshire libraries for over 20 years. Recently I have been based at Stevenage but have also worked at Her ord, Hitchin, Hoddesdon, Knebworth, Letchworth, Royston and Stevenage Old Town. I am able and willing to come and do talks, for any local clubs. Socie es, Community Groups, schools etc. who would like me to do this, so please get in touch. I would also like to welcome any groups of nursery or school children to the library, along with any local groups or organisa ons. These visits can held within or outside of library opening hours. You can contact me either in the library or at debra.turner@her ordshire.gov.uk



Baldock MOT Centre


Wool-n-Things Workshops January to March 2016 We will be running the following workshops over the next few months Sat 16th January: Beginners Crochet 2-4pm Here you will learn the basics of crochet to make a granny square, materials and refreshments will be provided. Price £25.00 Sat 30th January: Tunisian Crochet 2-4pm At this workshop you will learn the simple stitch,knit stitch and purl stitch, materials and refreshments included in the price £25.00. Sat13th February: Loom knitting 2-4pm Come along and learn the basics of knitting on a loom materials and refreshments are provided. Price £30.00 Sat 27th February: Beginners Crochet 2-4pm Here you will learn the basics of crochet to make a granny square, materials and refreshments will be provided. Price £25

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01462 612889

5 minutes with... Matt Porter from Matt Porter Web Design *Tell us about your business Ma Porter Web Design is run by myself and my wife Vanessa, we design, manage, host and op mise websites for all sizes of businesses across the UK. We are based at Adastral Park a 150 acre technology park on the outskirts of Ipswich which houses BT, Huawei, Intel, O2, Nokia and a host of small, medium and large companies. *When did you start the business? The company was started a er I moved from Her ordshire to Suffolk in late 2002, it was very scary as I was leaving my home of 33 years behind me and star ng afresh. Ini ally I was running it as a sole trader un l 2006 when we incorporated as a limited company with myself and my wife Vanessa as directors. *What would be a typical customer? Over the years we have dealt with all manner of companies and our websites are scalable from one man bands to large businesses. We have supplied florists, fast food chains, actors, IT suppliers, property companies, hotels and training companies (to name but a few), so we are extremely flexible when dealing with different types of companies. *Do you serve a specific area? Having an office in Suffolk obviously means that local businesses are likely to call on us to provide them with websites, however we currently look a er businesses in London, Stevenage, Hitchin

and across the UK through a chain of fast food restaurants, so we are well able to deliver our services anywhere. *How much should a company be expected to pay for a website? We do offer our 'tradesman' package which is designed for smaller businesses who are looking for a 4 to 5 page website, with hos ng included for 6 months for £395, however most clients requirements are more complex than this so we try to quote per job. *What is 'The Gadget Man'? Gadget Man is a slot that I present on BBC Radio Suffolk every Monday morning where I review an item of technology on air. This can be anything from a mobile phone to a hybrid super car. It's been running for 80 weeks now, so I've been able to look at a whole lot of technology. Monthly reviews can also be found in this magazine which I'm proud to contribute to. *What's the most exci ng gadget you have tested? That's difficult, because I've tested more than 80. I have to say it would have to be a draw between the Tesla Model S P85D and the BMW i8, both were absolutely amazing cars to drive, the accelera on on the Tesla was simply mind blowing at 0-60 in 2.8 seconds, the BMW i8 was like stepping into a space ship! www.ma porter.com




GARDEN CONSTRUCTION & FENCING Complete Patio Design Landscaping Decking Gazebo’s Fencing & Gates Turfing & Seeding Walls Hedging Driveways Ponds Block Paving Rockeries Gardening Lawn Mowing Tree Pruning


Contact Philip for further details on

Tel: 01438 214809 Mob: 07814 266060 20 Angle Ways, Shephall,Stevenage

Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice

03444 111444 0300 300 8136

Vacuum Cleaners

Churches St Marys the Virgin Baptist church Roman Catholic Methodist Christchurch United Reformed Church

01462 892838 01462 893203 01462 893127 01462 895052 01462 232005 01462 619350

Carpet Shapooers

Spare parts for household appliances

Vacuum Bags Lighting

Vacuum Spares

Appliance Spares

Councils North Hertfordshire District

Doctors Baldock Surgery

01462 474000 01462 892458

Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery

01763 313869

Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut

0800 111999 0800 7838838

Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH

01438 314333 01707 328111 111

Library Baldock Library

0300 123 4049

Police Police

01707 354000

Public Houses Engine The Cock The Old White Horse The Orange Tree The Victoria The White Lion

01462 896111 01462 892366 01462 893168 01462 892341 01462 893153 01462 893134

Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Brandles

01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189

Travel Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line

08701 201088 08457 484950 0870 6082608

Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre

01462 895579

Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round

01462 892172 01462 896322

Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round

07980 400690 01462 896322

07949 120911 07968 791441 07456 559756

Lock Smith Gearing Locksmith

NEXeT? isest inutouch G




A your dvertis busi e ness

£ 20 1 /16 p



Plumbers A.P Huges A.D Taylor Nick Sayer

to Wantin r r ou a e p p a


All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited. JANUARY



Letchworth Rugby Club Promoting Active, Healthy Lifestyles At Letchworth Rugby Football Club (LRFC) we want to promote and encourage an ac ve, healthy lifestyle through playing sport on a regular basis. We are working with local schools to give more children the opportunity to play & enjoy rugby, and to help bridge the gap between school sport and community sport, encouraging those that enjoy rugby to come and find out what we have to offer at Letchworth Rugby Club. And we want to provide all children with the opportunity to play & enjoy rugby, regardless of financial circumstances. We've met with a number of local schools and are working with them on the following: Ÿ LRFC to deliver coaching for A er School Tag Rugby Clubs in primary schools. Ÿ LRFC welcome packs for children iden fied by coach/PE Dept as talented or enthusias c about · playing rugby. In addi on we are looking for funding to help us with: Ÿ LRFC scholarships to provide financial support for membership & kit. Ÿ Deliver coaching in secondary schools If you want to play, get involved or find out more please contact Richard Sell - mobile: 07919 216806 or email: richardsell@b nternet.com.

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LETTERS Hi, quick recommenda on for Crash Care who adver se in the magazine. During the windy spell recently we lost our fence in the front garden, which was bad enough but it landed on our daughters pride and joy, causing damage to the door and rear quarter panel. I dropped the car over on Monday morning and received a call on the Wednesday saying it was ready for collec on. What an amazing service, you can not see where the damage was and Lee the owner even removed another couple of small dents that weren’t part of the job requested. Our daughter was thrilled! 10/10 can not recommend highly enough. J. Finbow A er having our lounge decorated we were in desperate need of new curtains and so furnishings. I saw the Finesse advert in the November issue and thought I would pay them a visit. Wow so pleased I did, I was very with the help and advice they gave me and most importantly the price. Huge thank you too Sue and the team, looking forward to Christmas even more now so I can show of the lounge to friends and family. M. Jeffries

MUSCLE & MOTOR Jumbo van with up to 3 men Helpful, efficient and friendly service for all your moving carrying and domestic disposal needs, including house and garage clearance.

Call now on: 01767 317387 or 07968 787496 www.muscleandmotor.co.uk


Hello there I used New Look Dry Cleaners during the week and I was mighty impressed with my jacket. I thought my lovely white jacket was ruined forever when someone accidentally spilled a big glass of red wine down the back. I was unsure how they would do it - it was such a large stain but to my surprise it was completely removed and was back as good as new. I was so impressed and grateful. Thank you and I will be recommending them to everyone! M. Parsons

If you have used one of the businesses that adver se in the magazine please get in touch & let everyone know how you got on. JANUARY




New Year & New beginnings… These two outstanding paintings have just been preselected to go through to the semi-finals and there is no doubt that this outstanding portrait artist captures the heart and soul of his subjects with haunting realism whilst keeping a painterly style to his work. We are currently accepting private commissions for Krystian's work - if you have an icon or a loved one you would love to adorn your walls please contact the gallery for further information.



s we step into a new year we are presented with new beginnings and the spirit to do things we haven't done before. Around the world a new year is a big celebration and different cultures celebrate in different ways but ultimately we are all looking for the same - hope, moving on from past issues, to keep living and find happiness within. As we search for fulfilment and happiness we must open ourselves to admire the beauty that surrounds us and the art that is on offer to us on a daily basis in all guises. Art is powerful and your personal art collection should reflect your journey, reminding you of precious moments and the feelings it evoked when you saw it. Feel and enjoy the power of art. We offer our expert advice to help guide you to find the perfect piece for you and your home. Art for every room, from something special to hang above the mantel piece, above your bed to a painting for your hallway (and those cheeky little spaces in between) and don't forget toilet art which has a surprising impression on your guests! Gallery 1066 offers a range of inspirational art from acclaimed and talented artists from around the world whether it be a stunning original painting, a hand embellished limited edition or a charming sculpture – we aim to bring you an eclectic portfolio of established artists to suit every taste and pocket.

CELEBRATE NEW BEGINNINGS WITH A WORK OF ART Gallery 1066 is proud to represent emerging talent Krystian Pajor and have just entered him into the prestigious European show ‘The Columbia Threadneedle Prize 'Figurative Artist Today' at the Mall Galleries in London. His incredible portraits of Winston Churchill and Ronnie Wood have unsurprisingly captured the eye of the judges.

Winston Churchill by Krystian Pajor




Ronnie Wood by Krystian Pajor

We are excited to announce Russian figurative artist Anna Razumovskaya will be gracing the doors at Gallery 1066 on Wednesday 27th January! With her classic figurative forms Razumovskaya magically captures the lyrical romanticism of renaissance portraiture, while creating art that is completely modern and original. Take this unique opportunity to meet Anna and see her stunning collection of originals and limited editions as well as unseen pieces from her US collection. This is a RSVP event so please contact Gallery 1066 to reserve your place on the guest list. Gallery 1066 offers you the chance to meet leading international artists from our portfolio throughout 2016, more exciting dates to follow! Gallery 1066 the hidden jewel of Hertfordshire is nestled down a cobbled mews on Hitchin Street and only a 2 minute walk away from The George www.thegeorgebaldock.co.uk where you can find excellent food and accommodation. Please take a trip and visit this charming old coaching town of Baldock, be inspired! A warm welcome awaits you.




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