Issue 29 January
Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
Welcome And Happy New Year! 2016 has finally come to a close and as always it's been a busy year and seems to have gone by far too quickly! Our youngest is now in year 6 soon to be moving up to secondary school(scary how fast that's come around), she's still baking her crowd pleasing sponge cakes and hosting dinner parties for her two best friends. Middle child has continue to move forward with her career and treated herself to a new car and holiday whilst our eldest has had a busy year with his business and has been jetting off for lots of short breaks abroad. As for us it's been another jam packed year of hard work and we definitely feel ready for a holiday in the new year! Just looking back on the last month it's been busy enough. There was lots of excitement as the Coca Cola truck arrived in Baldock at the beginning of the month (although not so exciting if you were trying to get home from work and had to sit in the hour long queues to get into Baldock!) The town had a good turn out for the weekend of the Christmas fair, which would have been helped by the rather mild weather we've been having not so many ice cold starts this year. There were some lovely pictures were taken from the church tower and shared across Facebook during the weekend, definitely worth a look. Also a massive thank you to everyone who supported the Poppy Appeal last year. In total £11,783 was raised and donated which is being distributed among the local charities in our area.
Some of you will be setting yourself resolutions to keep or goals to achieve in the new year, if you need inspiration take a read of the interview with Sandra from Slimming World as she gives us an insight into achieving some of those targets. Good luck to you all, fingers crossed you can keep them up and stay motivated all whilst maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle throughout the year to come. We'd hate to end on a slightly less cheerful topic but there has been another spate of burglaries recently throughout Baldock and surrounding areas. Houses, vans and garages are all being targeted so please take care and be extra vigilant in your area. We hope you all had a great Christmas and we wish you all the best for the new year!
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News from Sandon JMI School The decora ons are down as we start the new term and a new year. I always say to the children it gives us two opportuni es to make a resolu on or to change the way we do things; the new school year in September and the calendar year in January. This will be the last me I am returning to school as I plan to re re this Easter. I have been teaching in Her ordshire since 1978. For the last 9 years I have had the privilege of being the head teacher here at Sandon and these have been some of the happiest years of my career. It really hasn't felt like coming to work. I always feel very fortunate to be part of the children's educa on and to watch them growing and learning.
It is now me for someone else to steer the ship towards the Outstanding goal that we are con nually focussed on. We have a busy term ahead with a visit from the theatre company to perform The Selfish Giant, Football, Netball and Tag Rugby tournaments, our infants are visi ng Her ord Theatre to see the Hungry Caterpillar and the music Fes val at Knights Templar School. Our topic this term is 'Homes'. Happy New Year Margaret Gilbert - Head Teacher T: 01462 643 796 M: 07966 183 413 E: JANUARY
30 Hours Free at Weston Way Nursery School Weston Way Nursery School was selected, along with 3 other Local Authority Schools in Her ordshire, to take part in the '30 hour free child care en tlement'. This is a new government ini a ve to enable more parents to work because of the subsidised child care. Weston Way Nursery act as a child care hub to ensure all families eligible can find an appropriate place for their children to a end for the 30 hours. In Her ordshire there are 415 places for children in the trial and all these places have currently been taken up. Parents can choose for their children to a end one provision for 30 hours a week or share the hours so the child will go to a nursery for 15 hours and use the addi onal 15 hours with a child minder. Presently there are 36 children a ending Weston Way who are using their 30 hour en tlement. The children have se led well into their nursery rou ne and the school are working closely with the parents to ensure all their needs are being met. In September 2017 the '30 hour free child care en tlement' will be available to over 9,000 children in Her ordshire. The current eligibility criteria are: Ÿ Both parents working for at least 16 hours a week and receiving the minimum wage or sole parent is working in lone parent family.
Parents earning less than £1000.000 year. From February there will be a government eligibility checker on-line for parents to check their eligibility. Ÿ Parents comments: Ÿ It has been a great help financially and allowed increased working hours where previously it wasn't viable. Ÿ It has all been very clear and well organised. Our son really enjoys being in the same place all day and I feel it is a fabulous opportunity to prepare for being at school all day. Ÿ It has meant that child care no longer costs the earth. If you are interested in hearing more about the 30 hour trial please feel free to contact me at the Nursery. Jane Mille - Head Teacher Ÿ Ÿ
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‘Waste Aware' Beavers Following a pleasant Autumn break, the beavers returned to the scout hut, as eager as ever, ready to follow the ac on-packed programme into the winter months. The first mee ng of the half term in-compassed a visit from Lizzie Shepherd, a representa ve from Her ordshire recycling's 'Waste Aware'. During the evening the beavers learnt about their 3 R's and which bins to put their banana skins and crisp packets into. It is fair to say that everyone experienced an educa onal, enriching and very enjoyable evening, so many thanks to Lizzie for providing the informa on. It certainly wasn't a 'waste' of me. On a more serious note, the Remembrance Sunday was the next event the beavers a ended. Armed with their polished shoes and shiny new poppies, they marched smartly down to the war memorial to stand with other local groups and the Royal Bri sh Legion in paying tribute to those who gave the ul mate sacrifice. Extended congratula ons to the three flagbearers during the service, who were able to follow the lead of the standard bearer (most of the me!!!)
The Shefford Maze provided the loca on of the next mee ng. A er braving the rush-hour of the monstrous A507 traffic the beavers descended upon the plethora of green hedges which twisted and turned into each other like a snake's lair. Upon finding the middle, the beavers were cap vated by the prize which awaited them. A glows ck!!!! In the wake of this euphoria the beavers returned to the outside world to munch on the trademark biscuit and drink orange squash. We would like to thank the Shefford Maze for providing the entertainment for the evening. Finally, the beavers returned to the hut to make their Christmas tree decora ons. This consisted of cinnamon dough combined with PVA glue to make cookies in the shape of beavers. Following the gluepocalypse the tree was put in the church as part of St. Mary's Christmas Tree Fes val. The tree looked magnificent in amongst the other Christmas trees in the Church Hall during the fes val. Our final mee ng this year was the Christmas party, with the usual fes ve fun, frolics and frivolity. Ho Ho Ho…! John Goward, D of E helper
Kat’s Dog Walking Baldock / Letchworth 01462 504229 07867 114113
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Mincemeat Monday
December is always a fun filled me at Merry Go Round. At the end of November Father Christmas and his Elves came one evening and decorated our rooms ready for Christmas. The children's faces when they arrived the following morning is always so magical. Father Christmas also le 2 Elves “Gli er” and “Sparkle” who have been visi ng all the nursery children's homes and repor ng back each day, some mes the Elves have not always behaved themselves when they have been visi ng! The children helped to make their own mincemeat in our “Mincemeat Monday”. The children very proudly took their jars of mincemeat home to make their own mince pies for Christmas Eve. The Nursery children performed their own wonderful version of the Na vity for their families. The children performed all their lines and songs beau fully. The staff where all incredibly proud of the children and how brave they where. They also treated some of the Baldock shops and shoppers to some of their amazing singing with their annual trip to the town square. Our year is rounded off with a party for all the children and a very special visitor. This is always a great morning where the children can enjoy games and ac vi es with their families. We would like to thank all the staff for all the extra work they put in at this me of the year to make this a really special me of the year. We would like to wish all our families a very Happy New Year.
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News from Hartseld School A er an ac on packed autumn term, a new year has begun. The fes ve period saw performances from across the school: a na vity in Recep on class, a Christmas play from years 1/2 and Christmas celebra ons from year 3/4 and 5/6. Our choirs took part in several carol concerts locally and our term ended with a tearful sing-along as we said goodbye to Mrs Streets a er 21 years at Our year 6 ambassadors Hartsfield. December proved a successful month for fund-raising with our online auc on reaching its target and our Christmas Fair and Wrap-a-present day proving successful. Thank you to all who supported us. We will now be able to equip our hall with ligh ng etc. Building work on developing our outdoor Early Years area was on-going through December and we were thankful for the mild and mainly dry weather. This new area has woodland sea ng, a digging area, new surfacing and woodland paths in addi on to hard surfaces for water and other curriculum based play. The area should be in use from January and will see the numerous welly boots, currently wai ng pa ently near the door, finally being used. The deadline for September 2017 entry for our recep on class is approaching and our year 6 ambassadors have been working hard showing around prospec ve parents. There are s ll opportuni es to view the school so please check on our website for available dates.
The spring term is a short one with only five weeks to half term, then six weeks un l the Easter break and so the me will fly by. No performances, sparkly decora ons or gli er in sight! Philippa Smith - Headteacher
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5 minutes with... ... Sandra Lloyd - Slimming World Consulant *How did you first get involved with Slimming World? “Like all Slimming World consultants firstly it was as a member. Its funny that we are doing this interview at Christmas because it was one of those dreadful Chirstmas day shots that really planted the seed of needing to do something about my own weight. You've had a wonderful day with the family, lots to eat, drink and games and laughs, then you look at the pictures and just want to press the delete bu on. I first started gaining weight a er the birth of my son who is now 17, I suffered post-natal depression and the pounds just piled on, taking my slim size 10 figure to a burs ng at the seams 18 in just a year or so. The ba le started there. 10 or more years of yo-yo die ng! I thought I would never be slim again, but those Christmas pictures back in 2009 really knocked me, I felt disgusted and my self-esteem was on the floor, something had to change. I didn't join Slimming World un l May 2011 the following year, but had been trying to lose weight myself, and wasn't really ge ng anywhere. I was so desperate that I tried pills, po ons, weird ea ng regimes that are unsustainable, and also did lots of exercise which did help a li le but I needed to change my ea ng habits. I will be honest I did also join Weight Watchers at that me but I just couldn't s ck to it with all the constant coun ng of everything you eat and I felt hungry and miserable. A friend suggested we go along to Slimming World together, so that was how I walked through the doors.” *So how did that lead to becoming a consultant? “The night I joined Slimming World I was apprehensive as I had failed so many mes in the past I had lost confidence in my own self to succeed. However, the plan seemed easy to follow and
there were loads of foods you could eat that didn't even need to be counted, weighed or measured. I found it easy to s ck to and in 2 weeks had lost ½ a stone and I was off! My journey wasn't the quickest, I will admit, I was the proprietor of a local pub and restaurant and ea ng and drinking was all around me, making sure I had the 'right' foods to eat was challenging some mes and I had to really watch my alcohol intake, a er-all having a 'glass or two' with the customers was part of the job! Early in 2012 I made the decision come out of the pub trade, this also coincided with a ending a Slimming World New Consultant Opportunity Event, a er all I was going to need something to do! I had been blown away by the support of the group I a ended, I realised that this is what had been missing all those years, losing weight on your own is so hard to do. I used to start a new diet on a Monday and some mes didn't even get to tea- me let alone Tuesday before rever ng to old habits and giving up. So, I had come to realise how important the group support was, the Food Op mising ea ng plan is so easy and just a way of life, it never felt like a diet and s ll doesn't, no foods are banned, so you never miss out on a single thing that you really love to eat or drink. I was nolonger burs ng out of my size 18 skirt but happy and confident in a size 12 and I wanted to help others feel the same. In fact I was shou ng it from the roof tops so applying to be a Consultant seemed just like it was meant to be”. *Tell me a li le about the Baldock Slimming World groups? “There had been a Slimming World group in Baldock for many years but the venue wasn't great and it didn't have a permanent
consultant. Following the consultant interview process, I was offered a license to run a group and to re-launch the Baldock group, making it my own. We are self-employed franchisees; however, I must add that the training and on-going training and support is superb, and we all work as part of a fabulous team and although self-employed you are never on your own.” *So when did you open, and what has happened since? “I moved the group to its current loca on at the United Reformed Church a er comple ng my training and I opened the doors on 17th October 2012. The group flew, we had so many members that to give excellent service I needed to open an earlier session too, the weight losses were great, I was loving every minute of it and so were the members. Watching members regain confidence as the pounds drop off, see medica on be lessened or not needed at all for diabetes sufferers is just so wonderful. I have also had members that joined to lose weight for opera ons that were then never needed at all. Then we have our brides, bridesmaids and mothers of the brides, just seeing people blossom in this way is fantas c. As an overweight person I used to dread, holidays and events or even just going shopping as I always bought what covered me up best rather than the ou it I truly wanted to wear. I can honestly say this is the most rewarding job I have ever had in my whole life. One year in & I opened our Wednesday morning group to create even greater flexibility for people to a end and in November 2014 started my Management Training for my new role as Team Developer, a full- me role managing and suppor ng all the consultants in the North Herts Team, and I absolutely love it. Slimming World groups run on Monday's at 7.30pm with Sarah and Wednesday's 9.30am, 5.30pm and 7.30pm with Sandra – United Reformed Church on Whitehorse St, just pop along or call 07716 761610 for more info.
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Looking for a New Home I would like to begin by thanking everyone for their support following our campaign to get Baldock Town and Baldock Town Youth Football Club a home ground. We have had a posi ve response by email and we hope that this will enable us to strengthen our argument and achieve our goal. Due to our focus on ge ng word out about our home ground we have not been repor ng how well Baldock have been playing. The senior team are s ll playing very well and if they con nue to do so they should win the league. As we know in football, things can change very quickly and the youth team would like to wish the senior team luck for the second half of the season.
Our U7 youth team played in their first compe ve tournament on 11th December hosted by the MK Dons. We were not an academy team and other teams said they had not even heard of us. People's opinions changed by the end of the tournament when our boys beat the academy teams and became runners up, winning their very first trophy as a team. We have also had success with our U12s who have won their league with a record of eight games played; winning seven and only losing one. Well done boys and may the second half of the season be as good as the first. When we look at all our other results we start to see that the teams are achieving posi ve results most weekends. This is credit to all the hard work our coaches have been pu ng in on the training field and to the boys for con nuing to work hard and to have that never say die a tude. What be er way to begin our campaign to have our own ground. I would like to wish all the children, coaches, managers and parents a happy Christmas and a very good new year. Andrew Dolby - Baldock Town Youth
Flexible use of government funded sessions. Including all day sessions for all 3 & 4 year olds and eligible 2 year olds. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
High ratio of staff to children Safe, stimulating and fun environment Early drop-off, lunch club and late pick-up sessions available Two redeveloped, all weather outdoor play areas The Mobile, Hartsfield School, Clothall Road, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 6BJ 01462 896322 JANUARY
Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp
Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre
.January 2017. It's very difficult and a bit strange writing for a magazine that will be published in January. Only the experts, the very keen and foolish attempt to do anything in the garden in the depths of winter, most people just feed the birds -- so I am going to talk about something else. This year I have taken on a very special young lad called Luke, he reminds me of myself when I was his age, although I would admit that he appears to find learning easier than I remember it to have been, he picks up everything without being told or shown. His future is so exciting, I cannot imagine the changes in our industry, he will see, when I started at the age of seventeen back in 1971 farms were 100 to 1200 acres in size and with a high labour rates, I'm talking about fruit or mixed farms in Kent, pure arable farms in other areas of the country would have been larger. When my Dad started out just after the second world war, farms would have been 30 to 100 acres with little or no machinery, tractors would have had probably no more horsepower than my ride on mower at 20 HP. The first tractor I was allowed to drive was a massive 37 horsepower and I thought I was the business driving that, I was allowed to drive legally on the farm at the age of thirteen and actually on the road at fifteen, not something my School Headmaster took a kindly view on as I found out when I requested his permission to drive it to school. When the air cooled I was surprised to see the school buildings still standing and it didn't help much when I told him that I had actually passed my driving test on it, I've only seen him go that red twice, the second was when he got caught smoking and drinking on the ferry and in a very delicate state on the way back on a School trip to France. When I started work it was on a mixed farm estate of over 1000 acres and I got to drive some of the biggest tractors in the country, but even so they only produced 100 horsepower and could pull only a 4 furrow plough, when Luke is lucky enough to get his hands on a tractor, it will be on an estate of many thousands of acres, the tractors could be producing in excess of six hundred and fifty horsepower and will pull up to twenty furrows on one plough and will turn over more ground in an hour than I could do in a whole day, the same thing goes for all of the equipment he will get to use, Dads first Massey Harris combine harvester was towed buy a tractor and only cut a swathe six feet wide the grain went directly into bags weighing two hundredweight each handled manually onto a following trailer, I remember sitting around the evening dinner table and my Dad going into a complete meltdown, holding the quote for his new combine harvester witch was to cost a massive eighteen thousand pounds, any thing Luke will drive is going to cut 40 feet at a go and cost upwards of Half a million pounds, all these machines will be able to operate with minimal driver input and even driverless. Our son Will has just started his second round of Uni and on his way to another bag of qualifications, this time Horticultural at Writtle College. I personally spent years learning at Hadlow college in Kent, Writtle was the competition, Rugby, Football, Cricket etc., so we will see how it goes, many arguments on the horizon I think.
Will is also going into the horticultural industry at a very interesting time, plant breeding and development will produce some fantastic plants in the very near future both in the food production side and the ornamental area, I have been lucky enough to have been invited to visit some of the nurseries on the front edge of development and they have some cracking plants being released in the next few years, I am enormously pleased to be able to witness this first hand, its looking as if we will have to expand our plant area to hold all this new plant stock. Technology within the horticultural industry has also changed beyond imagination, production and development nurseries are now fully fledged laboratories and are incredibly clean and sterile. The heating and lighting systems are very complex and high tech, grow lighting used to be lots of halide lamps huge holders and bulbs giving lots of heat at great capital expense and running costs, now we are moving towards lightweight L,E,D lamps using very specific frequencies ( colours) these are much cheaper to install, run and are much more productive, heating is also going through a technical change using deep well heat and air pumps extracting heat from the ambient air, water and ground source, infra red heating is also used a lot but is not so economical so is used in zone heating as an additional source at times of need. New glass and poly cover designs are now being used to slow crops or speed up cropping, frost protection as well as heat protection are provided by these technical products, most people are surprised at the change from the ambient temperature that can be achieved just by a high tech plastic sheet and how late or early a crop can be produced. Irrigation is very important and is completely computer controlled, ours is not as complex as some but will control all sorts of things, times, amounts, importantly when and not to water, we are about to install a new automatic feeding and soil acidity (PH) system. Growing media is changing, mostly due to coming under environmental pressure and so will have to contain less and less peat, we use the countries leading company for environmental protection of sites of scientific interest, they guarantee that all sites are returned to an environmentally and ecologically sound condition, containing and homing a more diverse range of plants, mammals, birds and insects than before they started. Both Will and Luke are going to have a life in management tied up with red tape, I've had to cope with vastly increasing legislation over the years, most ridiculous but required by European bureaucrats, this takes the edge off the fun of the job but it is still the best in the world and I wouldn't do anything else, the future is looking good for anyone going into Agriculture or Horticulture, if you get good qualifications you stand a very good chance of good money as well. Happy New Year Graham JANUARY
JANUARY MOVIES JANUARY 1st - ASSASSINS CREED Through a revolutionary technology that unlocks his genetic memories, Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) experiences the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th Century Spain. Callum discovers he is descended from a mysterious secret society, the Assassins, and amasses incredible knowledge and skills to take on the oppressive and powerful Templar organization in the present day.
JANUARY 17th - xXx : RETURN of XANDER Extreme athlete turned government operative Xander Cage comes out of self-imposed exile (thought to be long dead) and is set on a collision course with deadly alpha warrior Xiang. He and his team race to recover a sinister and seemingly unstoppable weapon known as Pandora's Box. Recruiting an all-new group of thrill-seeking cohorts, Xander finds himself enmeshed in a deadly conspiracy that points to collusion at the highest levels.
JANUARY 27th - HACKSAW RIDGE This is the extraordinary true story of Desmond Doss who, in Okinawa during the bloodiest battle of WWII, saved 75 men without firing or carrying a gun. As an army medic, he single-handedly evacuated the wounded from behind enemy lines, braved fire, was wounded by a grenade and hit by snipers. Doss was the first conscientious objector to ever earn the Congressional Medal of Honour.
JANUARY 27th - SING Set in a world like ours but entirely inhabited by animals, Buster Moon a dapper koala who presides over a oncegrand theatre that has fallen on hard times. Buster is an eternal-some might even say delusional-optimist who loves his theatre above all and will do anything to preserve it. Now faced with the crumbling of his life's ambition, he has one final chance to restore his fading jewel to its former glory by producing the world's greatest singing competition. Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls
JANUARY 27th - T2 : TRAINSPOTTING First there was an opportunity......then there was a betrayal. Twenty years have gone by. Much has changed but just as much remains the same. Mark Renton returns to the only place he can ever call home. They are waiting for him: Spud, Sick Boy, and Begbie. Other old friends are waiting too: sorrow, loss, joy, hatred, friendship, love, fear, regret, diamorphine, self-destruction and mortal danger, they are all lined up to welcome him, ready to join the dance.
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Is it your New Year's Resolution to make a Will or revise your existing Will? If so, please take advantage of our Special New Year reduced rate Wills offer. Reduced rate wills will be available every week day from 8.00am until 6.00pm (Tuesdays until 8.00 pm) by appointment only. Also on the Saturday mornings of 14th and 28th JANUARY 2017, again by appointment only. Reduced rates are:Double Wills - £250.00 plus VAT Single Will - £130.00 plus VAT HOME VISITS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE WITHIN A 5 MILE RADIUS OF BALDOCK. For more information please contact: Fish Hill Chambers, 2-3 Fish Hill, Royston, Herts, SG8 9JY Tel: 01763 241121 Email :
My brother Graham's Fight for Life My brother Graham was diagnosed last year with terminal stage 4 lung cancer and given between 9 months and 3 years to live. He has been through so much in the me since then – always accep ng and stoic – never 'why me?'... I marvel all the me at his bravery. He has been on conven onal chemotherapy first of all and it has nearly killed him 3 mes. He was so wasted and ill. Then it was realized that his work insurance, which he paid into for 40 years, would enable him to receive, privately, the 'wonder drug' Nivolumab. This works to boost the pa ent's immune system to fight the tumor, making him stronger and stalling the tumor growth. You can see in the two photos, just a year apart, the difference in him. Graham has now been told that this treatment was only for a year and has now stopped. We cannot predict what will happen next. My family and I are desperately trying to raise money to fund extra treatments – to extend his life. He is hoping to marry his wonderful, caring partner Sue who has been by his side throughout. He has also become a Grandad, something he has waited years for. All through this past year of diagnosis, awful procedures and treatments he has not complained of his lot. Sue, my sister, his eldest son and I have accompanied him to all of these. We are now known at the hospital as his 'entourage'. We try to laugh and make
things amusing when we can but we cannot lose him. There are talks ongoing to have Nivolumab made available on the NHS for everyone to have a be er quality of life and even a cure in some cases. Graham's colleagues have been amazing and have held two fundraising events which have boosted the total massively. At The Knights Templar School we will also be holding a fundraiser and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has taken me to organize events and also to those who have donated to Graham’s fund. We are overwhelmed by the kindness of people and Graham is truly humbled. Graham is the most amazingly brave and inspira onal man; I feel so blessed to be able to say he is my big brother. If you feel you could help us to raise money for Graham’s treatment we would be forever grateful.
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Encouraging Local Children To Lead Active Lifestyles Letchworth Rugby Club is working with local schools to encourage more children to enjoy an ac ve lifestyle. The club's aim is to provide more children with the opportunity to experience and enjoy playing rugby, and to help bridge the gap between school sport and club sport. The club is running a very successful program of a er school tag rugby clubs in local Primary Schools, and is also delivering coaching to boys and girls at Knights Templar School. In addi on the club has worked with the RFU to implement their 'All Schools' program in Fearnhill and Highfield to establish a rugby culture.
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FREE RE-TEST 74 Icknield Way, Baldock, SG7 5AN
01462 895933
Club Community Officer Richard Sell said “As part of our schools program we are also offering scholarships to children who would otherwise be prevented from taking part because of the cost of kit and membership. We believe that playing rugby makes a really posi ve contribu on to the lifestyle of young people, not only through the physical ac vity of playing sport on a regular basis, but also the social interac on, comradery and friendships that it brings too”. Her ordshire Timber & Building Supplies are keen to support the school program. Project Manager Alex Grover said “This is an excellent ini a ve from the rugby club and one that par cularly appeals to us and reflects our values as a company working in the local community, we are happy to support the club in its efforts “. The Club wishes to thank Her ordshire Timber & Building Supplies and all its other sponsors for suppor ng this and other ini a ves, including the recent re-furbishment of clubhouse facili es. *Pictured are Richard and Alex at a recent schools fes val hosted at Letchworth Rugby Club.
Baldock MOT Centre 01462 895933
A.DOBING & CO Specialist in damp proofing, rising damp and timber preservation
01462 491 221 24
12 in 24 Weightloss Plan Introducing the Valentus 12in24 plan. You can lose 12 pounds or 12 inches, or any combina on of both.* Combine 3 of our most popular products daily, 6 days on and take the 7th day off. How Does It Work? Here is a step by step guide to make losing weight simple. 1. Drink one SlimRoast before breakfast Between 7am – 9am, or whenever you wake up if you work shi work, drink 1 Valentus Prevail SlimROAST, 15-30 minutes before your breakfast. Avoid adding tradi onal dairy or sugar. If desired, subs tute with almond or coconut milk and sweeten with stevia or guava extract. If you experience sensi vity to the naturally-occurring caffeine, simply start by using 1/3 to 1/2 a packet and gradually increase in the following days and week. 2. Drink one TRIM before dinner Drink 1 Valentus prevail TRIM, 30-60 minutes before supper. If you experience sensi vity to the natural ingredients, simply start by using 1/3 to 1/2 a packet and gradually increase in the following days and weeks. 3. Drink one IMMUNE before bed me Drink 1 Valentus Prevail IMMUNE 15-30 minutes before you go to sleep. If you experience sensi vity to the natural ingredients, simply start by using 1/3 to 1/2 a packet and gradually increase in the following days and weeks. 4. Repeat 6 days on and take the 7th day off! That's it! Just 24 days! Record your star ng weight and your star ng measurements and record these once per week. We recommend taking a few photographs of your star ng body to serve as mo va on. Take photos straight on and from the side. These photos are for your personal record but can be used to show others how great these products work. Also, don't forget to drink plenty of water – 8 to 12 glasses per day. This is a cri cal part of any weight-loss journey.*
Exciting New Weight Loss Product Coming Soon!!
R.H GARDEN DESIGN The Garden Specialists Some of our many services offered include: T: 01462 612033 M: 07738 246568
Regular maintenance Garden Make-overs Jungles tamed Patios Fencing Turng Planting Articial grass Decking Driveways Pressure washing of patios and drives
What’s On Peter Pan - Panto 25th Nov 2016 to 22nd Jan 2017, The Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage. For more info
Police Surgeries - Listen To your Concerns 4th - 11th - 18th January - 10am- 11am- Baldock Community Centre
RSPB- Wildlife Talk 6th January - 7.30pm - The Settlement Nevills Road £2.50
Bride: The Wedding Show 7th & 8th January at Knebworth Barns, Knebworth House Nearly 100 of the region's finest wedding suppliers
Hen & Chickens - Events 8th January - Ben Smith ( folk & blue) 3.30pm 15th January - The Bluerays ( rock & roll ) 6.30pm 22nd January - Robin Bibi Band ( blues 3piece) 3.30pm 29th January - Engine Room ( rock covers) 3.30pm
Cathy Smale- Exhibition Of Paintings Friday's & Saturday's in January- 10am - 2pm, Town Hall
Icknield Quilters - Speaker Moira Neale 9th January - 7.30pm Baldock Community Centre - £4.00
Baldock Museum & Local History Society Talk by Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews 26th January - 8pm - Baldock Community Centre Visitors £2 members Free
Councillors’ Community Surgery 21 January - 10.30am to 12 noon, Garden Square Shopping Centre. Do you have any concerns, suggestions or queries about District or County Council services? Come along and discuss them with NHDC and Herts County Councillors.
Regular events: Body And Soul - For Retired People, Gentle NHS exercise, Baldock Community Centre Tiny Tots drop in at Baldock Methodist Church 9.15 to 12.15 Wednesdays Baldock Rotary Club 12.15 – 14.00, Bowls Club West Avenue Senior Club, 2-4pm Community Centre Baldock and Letchworth 8.30-11pm Folk Club, Orange Tree Pub Kingfisher Dementia Club, Community Centre Thursdays Baldock Community Orchestra, KTS School Baldock Country Market - 10am, The Cock Fridays Alzheimer's Society Carers Support Group 2nd Monday 10am-12pm Tapps Garden Centre every month 1st Weds White Lion Quiz Night, Baldock High Street every month Baldock Branch Royal British Legion 3rd Monday monthly meeting 7.30pm Orange Tree Pub, every month Norton Road. Non-members welcome. Tuesdays
If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email by 15th January 2017 26
FABULOUS GLAMPERVAN Just pick up and go – The motorhome is fully equipped ready for you to start your holiday. Available for short breaks and longer holidays all year round. email:
Tel: 01462 491035 / 07985315632
Loss Prevention Tips For Your Home provided by: rhg Insurance Brokers Did You Know the average claim fo r b u rst p i p e d a m a ge i s between £6,500 and £7,500, according to the Associa on of Bri sh Insurers. Generally, pipes that are exposed to outdoor temperatures and pipes that run along exterior walls with minimal lagging tend to freeze more easily. Keep reading and use the following recommenda ons to prevent frozen pipes in your home: Ÿ Lag pipes and water tanks in unheated interior areas, such as lo spaces and garages. Ÿ Open the lo trap door on cold days to let heat circulate. Ÿ Consider wrapping vulnerable pipes in electric heat tape for extra lagging. Ÿ Ensure there are no cracks or gaps around the pipes that enter your home, and fill any you find. Ÿ Disconnect outdoor items such as hoses. Ÿ Know where your stopcock is and make sure you can turn it off when necessary. Ÿ Keep your hea ng on at regular intervals, and set it on a mer or leave it on low if you're going away. If you are going away, ask someone like a friend or neighbour to periodically check the temperature in your home. Ÿ Check that your boiler has been serviced. If your property is going to be unoccupied for longer periods, turn off the water at the stopcock and consider draining the system so there is no water le in the pipes
Safety First - If you find your pipes frozen, turn your water off at the main stopcock straight away. Check to see if any pipes have burst. If not, either wait for them to warm up or thaw them with a hairdryer on the lowest se ng, hot water bo les or a towel soaked in hot water star ng at the end nearest the tap. If you find a burst pipe, turn your water off at the main stopcock and open all the taps to drain the system. Switch off central hea ng and any other water hea ng installa ons. Please contact us on 01438 350222 to discuss your insurance needs.
Baldock MOT Centre 01462 895933
12 Week GP Referral Scheme Many people may be nervous about star ng exercise if they have a medical condi on such as Diabetes, Angina, controlled hypertension, Arthri s or back pain and don't know where to start. Some may be keen to be more ac ve and build up strength following a musculorskeletal injury but need advice and mo va on. Even though most of us are aware that exercise can help li your mood, reach or maintain a healthy weight and lower your blood pressure, it can be daun ng if you haven't used a gym before or are not usually an ac ve person. At Knights sports centre we run a 12 week GP referral scheme that enables you to have your programme specifically designed with your medical condi ons and goals in mind by qualified exercise referral fitness consultants. You will receive a detailed consulta on where you can talk through any concerns and there is one to one support and a thorough induc on to any gym equipment you may use in your programme. You are monitored regularly and given support to keep on track and reach your goals. For more informa on regarding GP referral contact the Knights team on 01462 631300 or email .
Are things a little slow? Its easy to advertise in On Our Doorstep
Call Jacqui 07973 788 418 or
Slimming World Recipe Supplied by Sandra Lloyd Chunky Root Vegetable Hotpot Nice and simple after all the rich food of the festive season.
Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
1 red onion, peeled and roughly chopped 4 celery sticks, roughly sliced 500ml vegetable stock 2 garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced 3 turnips, peeled and roughly chopped 2 carrots, peeled and roughly chopped 2 parsnips, peeled and roughly chopped 3 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into bite-sized pieces 60g yellow split peas 2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes 300g small button mushrooms 2 rosemary sprigs Salt and freshly ground black pepper Freshly chopped flat-leaf parsley, to garnish (optional)
6 2
5 8
9 2
1 5 2
7 7 4
6 9
1 7
Method 1. Place the onion and celery and half of the stock in a large saucepan. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the remaining stock along with the garlic, 2. turnips, carrots, parsnips and potatoes. Bring back to the boil and add the split peas, tomatoes, mushrooms and rosemary. 3. Bring the mixture back to boil once again, reduce the heat, season well and simmer gently 20-25 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. Sprinkle over the chopped parsley, if using, and serve immediately. Tip: * Suitable for freezing
5 8
2 9
01767 317429
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66 Astwick Road, Stotfold, SG5 4BQ
360y 4k
Record Your World in 360° The big buzz word at the moment is virtual reality. It's been around for many years, but the problem has always been making appear real enough to the user to make the brain believe it. The more believable or natural the video appears, the less it affects us with mo on sickness and some mes nausea. To reduce these poten al unpleasant side effects, the 'refresh rate' or speed the the images change on the screen has been improved, the resolu on of the picture has improved and finally the delay between moving your head and the screen upda ng to reflect this has also improved. Essen ally these VR devices have become super computers, charged with providing us with believable experiences. So, how do we go about producing our own 360 degree footage for displaying on these devices or even on our mobile phones? Well, I have been checking out the 360fly 4k, a device that captures high resolu on video in 360 degrees for your to play back on your computer, phone of VR headset. The 360fly 4k is a odd looking device, looking like an oversized dark grey golf ball with a spherical lens at it's top. The device has one triangular shaped bu on that is used to switch on, record, pause and switch it off again. It lights up in different colours to indicate what it is up to, when it is recording, the light is on a constant red, when not recorded it lights up in blue. There are a wide variety of colours bases on whether it's charging, synching with your computer or even star ng up. The 360fly 4k is charged by placing in a magne c base which stops it rolling around when no in use. It also doubles up as a way of synchronising with your computer when you are ready to share your videos with the world. There are also a number of other addons which allow you to connect a second microphone which improves the sound recording quality no end. I found the best way to control the camera and transfer footage was using the free iPhone or Android app, however you should be aware that the video sizes are massive, so make sure you have sufficient data allowances to upload your work to Youtube or Vimeo. The quality of the video is quite good, but not brilliant, the issue with recording 'wrap around' video onto one image sensor is that you are stretching a normal hi-res video around a 360 degree angle, so the quality is much less that you would expect. The camera didn't operate very well in low light either, so bright days with plenty of light are a must if you are looking to use the camera. The sound quality from the built is mic was ok, but I found it struggled to pickup my voice in normal circumstance. Transferring the video from the camera to your phone, edi ng and then uploading to Youtube, Facebook or other 360
compa ble services ok, but I did have problems connec ng to the camera from my phone via WiFi, it constantly refused to connect and became a bit irrita ng to use. Transferring the video to my Macbook Pro was very slow and edi ng files using the supplied 360 fly Director was very very slow, taking 3 hours to convert and upload a 15 minute video, but I would hope the so ware will improve as the product evolves. All in all I loved using the camera, I'm really keen on video technology and I'm looking forward to seeing how the technology evolves. If you are looking for a fun way to record 360 video, then the 360fly 4k is a great device. If you are looking for higher resolu on results, then you might want to shop around for a mul lens camera. For more gadget related reviews and comments, go to
Crash Care Centre Ltd
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Magic Moments Pre-School, The Scout Hut, Park Drive, Baldock, SG7 6EN Tel: 07980 400690
GARDEN CONSTRUCTION & FENCING Complete Patio Design Landscaping Decking Gazebo’s Fencing & Gates Turfing & Seeding Walls Hedging Driveways Ponds Block Paving Rockeries Gardening Lawn Mowing Tree Pruning
Contact Philip for further details on
Tel: 01438 214809 Mob: 07814 266060 20 Angle Ways, Shephall,Stevenage
Magic Moments Magic Moments Pre-school, which delivers early years care and educa on for children aged 2 to 3 years is delighted with the work recently carried out to develop the outside play area.
The pre-school, located at the Scout Hut in Park Drive, Baldock, received a grant from Herts County Council which covered part payment for the work and the commi ee and staff worked hard to raise funds to cover the balance. Access to an outdoor learning environment has huge benefits to the development, health and wellbeing of young children. There is a huge demand for pre-school places for two year olds and the grant was allocated to help Magic Moments meet that local need. The installa on of ar ficial grass and a wet pour rubber compound playground has been a welcome improvement in the eyes of both the children and staff. The opportuni es for the children to explore between the indoor and outdoor classrooms during each session can now be provided without having to contend with mud and wellies. For further informa on visit or call 07980 400690
Fight Fatigue & Pain – Free Event People who are experiencing exhaus on and chronic pain are invited to a free drop-in event on Saturday 28th January. Between 12pm and 2pm anyone is welcome to find out more about Figh ng Fa gue & Pain, a project run by Letchworth charity Herts MS Therapy Centre. Extreme fa gue and chronic pain can result from many condi ons, including Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fa gue Syndrome and ME – and many others. The Herts MS Therapy Centre in Letchworth helps anyone with a long term condi on, not just Mul ple Sclerosis. It offers Physiotherapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, APS Pain Reduc on Therapy and Func onal Rehabilita on exercise and fitness training to help people improve their quality of life. Free taster sessions are available on 28th January. Oxygen Therapy helps some people recover faster a er injury, surgery and cancer treatments. It's also great for increasing energy. Some people find it reduces pain, especially people with Fibromyalgia. On 28th January you can see Oxygen Therapy in ac on – or try it for free! Rachel B says: "Without my Oxygen Treatment in Letchworth I would s ll be in agony from Fibromyalgia and probably jobless and depressed. I can't even begin to explain what a difference it has made for me." Nicki H has MS. She adds: “Also, it's great to meet other people who have an idea of what you're going through. It's nice to have a chat with other people at the Centre.” Mark Boscher, the Chief Execu ve of Herts MS Therapy Centre added: “If you, or someone you know, lives with long term pain or fa gue – from any condi on - maybe we can help them to gain more energy and feel less pain. Please come on Saturday 28th January.” To book your free test session, call Claire on 01462 684214 or email
GB HOCKEY MANAGER HALLIDAY HAILED FOR TALK England and Great Britain hockey manager Andy Halliday visited KTS for a Sixth Form Engaging minds talk Andy Halliday is the Team Manager for England and Great Britain’s Men's Hockey. He is also the Head Coach for England I n d o o r t e a m a n d i s a l s o a c o n s u l t a n t s p e a ke r fo r In his talk, Mr Halliday was keen to pass on experiences of working with teams and individuals throughout his life. Before becoming an elite coach and manager, Halliday used to work as a Public Order Training Instructor and Firearms Officer for the Metropolitan Police. On his Linkedin page, Halliday writes that: “The recipe for success has correla on across both careers.” Throughout his talk, Halliday informed students about his reading of Steve Petes, the writer of The Chimp Paradox. This book teaches students that we as humans possess an “inner chimp,” which is an independent thinking brain that is not under our control. It works with feelings and impressions and then puts the ‘informa on’ together using emo onal thinking. “The best sportsmen and women were those who could deal with the chimp," says Halliday. “It is not about being a fantas c athlete, it is about being a fantas c person that stays focused. Life may not be fair, but we have to deal with this, move on and focus.” Mr Halliday also discussed his ban from the Rio 2016, a er it was revealed that he was part of police team who shot dead Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes at London Tube sta on. “It was fantas c to be part of London 2012, but I was very disappointed not to be there in Brazil this year,” he said. “In life, you have to deal with ambiguity, failure and vulnerability. If you do that, then you can succeed in the future.” The manager has “high hopes,” of being in Tokyo in 2020. The talk was appealing and interes ng for all students. Year 13 George Acquaah said the talk was: “Insigh ul and inspira on. No ma er who you are.” wri en by Bill Bowke
A2B Taxis A2B
8 Passenger Minibus Available For Airports Functions Etc
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8 Seater vehicle for the price of a 4 Seater vehicle 34
Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice
03444 111444 0300 300 8136
Vacuum Cleaners
Churches St Marys the Virgin Baptist church Roman Catholic Methodist Christchurch United Reformed Church
01462 892838 01462 893203 01462 893127 01462 895052 01462 232005 01462 619350
Vacuum Bags Spare parts for household appliances Spare parts for household appliances
Cookers, Washing machines, Dryers, Dishwashers, Lighting, Refridgeration & Electrics
Carpet Shapooers
Vacuum sales & repairs repairs
Dyson, Henry, Hoover & much more Vacuum Spares
Appliance Spares
Councils North Hertfordshire District
Doctors Baldock Surgery
01462 474000 01462 892458
Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery
01763 313869
Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut
0800 111999 0800 7838838
Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH
01438 314333 01707 328111 111
Library Baldock Library
0300 123 4049
Police Police
01707 354000
Public Houses Engine The Cock The Old White Horse The Orange Tree The Victoria The White Lion
01462 896111 01462 892366 01462 893168 01462 892341 01462 893153 01462 893134
Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Brandles
01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189
Travel Taxi - A2B Taxis Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line
01462 228765 08701 201088 08457 484950 0870 6082608
Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre
01462 895579
Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round
01462 892172 01462 896322
Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round
07980 400690 01462 896322
Plumbers A.P Hughes
07949 120911
Window & Door repairs JML Windows Reapairs Warrens Windows
01438 906300 01462 261401
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