July issue 2018

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Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally

Issue 46 July 2018

5/6/7/8 JULY

www.onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages

July 2018


Welcome To the July issue of On Our Doorstep. It looks like the sun has finally arrived and hopefully will continue through July and the summer holidays. June flew by for us, me and middle child flew to Italy to watch the Moto Gp. What an amazing experience, all I can say is the Italians know how to enjoy bike racing. Then we were busy celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary as well as Jacqui and our youngest's birthdays. We hosted our annual family and friends BBQ featuring a 20ft tall bouncy slide and a glitter fuelled festival theme (hopefully the noise didn't upset too many neighbours). This year has flown by as our youngest finishes her first year at Knights Templar School, we cannot believe she will be moving on to year 8 this September! Some of The Knights Templar Schools year 7 students will be off to Brittany soon on their French trip, while the rest will be swimming, walking the Greenway walk challenge and more during Enrichment week, just before the Summer break. All the GCSEs and A-Levels will be coming to an end in July, I'm sure all those involved are looking forward to the long Summer before heading off to college, university or the big bad world of work. We had a great response to Nickys article in our June issue. She candidly shared how rugby changed her family's life and after huge demand she is back this month to share her memories of growing up in Baldock. A big congratulations to Chapmans Butchers, they raised £580.04 from their year round poppy pot which is a new record for pots collected in the Baldock area.

Belle and Bee Beauty have been busy refurbishing their upstairs area. It looks amazing, an ideal space to rent if you are looking for a one off room booking or a more regular spot in town. The Fox at Willian will be hosting their 5th Annual beer festival on the 6th, 7th and 8th July. The Cricketers at Weston are hosting a family fun day on the 14th, with a BBQ, inflatables, an obstacle course and a fire truck. And then on 24th July, their popular outdoor cinema day is returning. with a showing of the family favourite Moana from Disney. Tickets can be bought from the Cricketers or on the day. It looks to be another day of great weather, food and family fun. Until next month, look after yourselves

Paul & Jacqui info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk

Jacqui Calver 07973 788418




St. Mary's Infant School News We said our big farewell to Mrs Stuart, our Office Manager, a er 36 years of working at the school. The children loved taking part in a fancy tea party and lots of them entered 'The Fancy Hat' compe on. She will be greatly missed.

We are busy making prepara ons for our upcoming Sport's Day on 5th July and for our PTA Summer Fair on Friday 6th July 4.30-7pm held at St Mary's Junior School. There will be stalls, bouncy castle, live music, BBQ, a great Raffle and lots more! Each year group are ge ng ready for their school trips including Wimpole Farm, Shepreth and Willows Farm. I am sure they will have lots of fun and I look forward to seeing the photos. The school was inspected by OFSTED last month and we are very pleased to announce we have retained our GOOD grading. The staff and Governors look forward to con nuing to move the school ever forward. Claire Gunn - Head Teacher








Weston Way Cup Cake Day The Nursery recently hosted a Cup-Cake Day, raising money for the Alzheimer's Society. We chose this charity because it is a cause very close to our hearts here at the nursery. So many of us have family members, friends and acquaintances who are dealing with demen a. Parents and staff took up the challenge to bake cupcakes for us to sell. Everyone was very crea ve and we had a wide range of different cakes to include: My Li le Pony, Unicorns, Paw Patrol, carrot cakes, chocolate cakes and many more. Lots of bu er icing and decora ons were used to make hundreds of cakes! We sold the cakes over a two-day period and everyone was extremely generous buying cakes and making addi onal dona ons. We made over £265; that equates to a lot of cakes! It is coming to the end of the academic year and all the children are preparing to leave the nursery and move on to their next schools. This year we have children moving on to 10 different local schools. They are busy visi ng their new schools and the teachers from these schools come to the nursery to visit the children and talk to their key workers. We pride ourselves in making the transi on from nursery to school and smooth as possible for all the children and their

families. Nursery staff are also making plans to visit the preschool se ngs of the new children who are star ng with us in September. We have close connec ons with The Knights Templar School in Baldock. We are currently providing placements and work experience for 16, year 10, Child Care students. It is essen al that these students are able to see in prac ce what they are learning in theory at school. The nursery children bring all the theory to life! Jane Millet - Headteacher



Baldock MOT Centre 01462 895933




Happy 8th Birthday

Georgina Williams

Love Mummy, Daddy & Clara xx 4th July

Happy Birthday

Clive Jones Love from Lorraine, Fran, Alex & Rory th

13 July



William Tapp

Lots of Love from Doodle HAPPY 57 th BIRTHDAY RAYMOND CHAPMAN th

16 July Love from Janet, Lee, Gemma, angel Jake & the GrandchildrenXXX Wishing the best boyfriend a girl could ever wish for a massive Happy Birthday! Have an amazing day Paul. Love you lots Rachel xxx




Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 with InnityEdge Screen The XPS 13- 2-in-1 is a conver ble laptop which with the help of Windows 10, converts into a 13” tablet by simply folding away the keyboard and transforming it into a lovely device to please ar sts or note-takers alike. The 2-in-1 comes in a nicely branded black so -touch box. Inside you find the laptop with its lid and base polished aluminium with embossed Dell logo in the centre. Opening the lid to expose the keyboard and screen isn't quite as graceful as some other laptops due to the lack of weight, but this is a small issue as once revealed and provides a very pleasant view for owners. The keyboard is nicely recessed, typing is very tac le and feels high quality with a good sized touch pad below. Surrounding the keyboard and touchpad is what looks a feels like carbon fibre, this this looks really nice and gives good grip when 'manipula ng' the device, but is also a bit of a fingerprint magnet. There is also a fingerprint reader for use with Microso Hello. Now down to the display itself, which I have to admit is absolutely stunning! Dell have gone for a gloss glass screen which makes colours rich and vibrant, blacks are… well black as they should be with no

obvious backlight ruining your viewing experience. My unit was a 1920 x 1080 FHD screen, but there is also a 3200 x 1800 model giving even greater clarity. The screen is also mul -touch (10 touch points) capable and for ar sts the Dell Ac ve Pen can also be used which is sold separately.

Powering the device is the 7th genera on Intel Core i7 running at 1.60Ghz along with 8Gb of memory and a 240Gb Solid State Drive (SSD), as expected the machine runs very quickly indeed with almost instantaneous boot up and excellent performance. Running Adobe Photoshop was a breeze and I can imagine with the Dell Ac ve Pen would provide an excellent environment for ar sts. As the machine runs on Windows 10 Home Edi on, the majority of owners will be familiar with finding their way around the system and with a device designed to work directly with this

so ware, the journey is rela vely painless. If you are looking to plug in your peripherals, you will find that the XPS 13 2-in-1 has now joined the USB Type C charging club and thus has no tradi onal USB ports other than using an adapter. Thus, you have 2 USB-C ports for connec vity or charging the device, a Micro SD port for transferring data, a display port connector, a Thunderbolt™ 3.0 connector and headset jack port. The frustra on of losing the standard ports we have all grown used to can be easily remedied by a er-market adapters. Dell have yet again produced a very high quality machine which sits right up there with other manufacturers hardware. It would be very useful for business people who need to work from remote loca ons or whilst commu ng and I'm pre y sure that a few lucky students would also benefit from using it. Star ng at around £1150, the Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 is by no way an entry level device, but if you are look for a very nicely designed notebook or tablet, then buying a 2-in-1 may well be your solu on. Ma Porter - The Gadget Man


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Keep Your Rabbits Safe from Flystrike Flystrike is a most distressing condi on that can affect any animal, and unless it is caught quickly, it can be a very painful killer. Rabbits are very suscep ble, especially if they have a problem that makes it hard for them to keep their rear-ends clean and owners need to be vigilant. Unfortunately, the fly's are a racted to the smells of blood, faeces and urine, and they will lay their eggs on an animal that is injured or dirty. When the maggots begin to feast on the flesh of an animal, the results can be catastrophic, and it can all happen surprisingly quickly. Rabbits are par cularly suscep ble to flystrike especially if they are unable to keep themselves clean of urine and faeces. Urinary infec on or bladder stones can cause urine dribbling, which soaks the fur with urine and unfortunately a racts fly's. Obesity can make it impossible for a rabbit to clean urine or faeces from its fur, other condi ons such as arthri s can make it very difficult for a rabbit to squat properly when it toilets and the fur can then become soiled. Also painful dental problems can also make a rabbit reluctant or unable to clean itself properly and can also result in a soiled bo om. The onus is en rely on owners to keep a regular check on their rabbits. But even healthy, ac ve rabbits get dirty bo oms from me to me. So regular checks must be done and even more in the summer months, try ge ng in to the habit of checking them at least twice per day. It takes only a few hours from fly's laying eggs to maggots hatching and ea ng into a rabbit's flesh and once they are established, huge damage can be done, from which many rabbits don't recover.

Generally maggots will need to be removed surgically. So take your rabbit to your local Vets so they can start removing the maggots and trea ng your rabbit as soon as possible. Rou nes to help prevent flystrike · Check your rabbit 's bo om daily · Remove any faeces · Wash and dry bo om if required · Change dirty bedding · If your rabbit has medical problems take it to your Vet For any further advice then please contact Royston Veterinary Centre on 01763 242221 or Baldock Veterinary Centre on 01462 895579

‘Help Rabbits to Enjoy the Summer’





23rd July



'This time next year Rodney’ Happy Birthday

Mandy Pitts rd



Lots of Love Hollie Happy Birthday

Sam Porter

Best wishes from Arlene

13 July th

Happy Birthday

Lindsey Tyrrell 30 on 15th July

Lots of love Heather, mum, dad and family’s” xx





Happy Birthday from all your friends and family 12



The Olive Branch Network


Shires Funeral Directors' chosen charity this month is The Olive Branch Network. As you can see from our window displays at our branches in Baldock and Letchworth, we are asking for items that can go into a welcome pack, to be given to new mums who need a li le more support. This is to ensure every new mum is able to celebrate their new arrival rather than worry about obtaining essen al items.

The charity is run en rely by volunteers and families can be nominated by Health and Social Workers. The items we are looking for the Baby are; Moses Baskets & Stands; Baby Baths; Baby Clothes 0-6 months; Muslins; Baby Towels; Baby Blankets; Sleeping Bags; Baby Sheets; Bibs; Shampoo & Wash Items; Wipes; Co on Wool; Disposable Nappies size 1 or 2 and Cuddly Toys. The items for the Mum are; Toiletry Bag; Shampoo; Shower Gel; Breast Pads; Maternity Pads & Pamper Treats. Dona ons can be dropped o to our branches Monday to Friday, between 9am – 5pm.




a p p s Our pick of this month’s must have downloads Pinso - IOS A graphic design app that lets you make awesome stylized logos and banners by combining a photo with one of its many different text styles. Quite handy for designers and social media managers. Apollo - IOS A Portrait Mode photo-enhancing app that allows you to put ar ficial light sources in your images in post-processing. You can go really wild with different colours and mul ple lights, too. Pear Paren ng App - IOS & Android Paren ng can be tough and some mes perplexing. This app is a social media community for parents to ask for or give ps, and is aimed to hopefully make your life alot easier. Kindly - IOS and Android It's a good idea to check the ingredients of the food you are buying. This app will help — take a photo of the ingredient list on the package and you will get a stack of cards, explaining what each of these is. What UNI - IOS and Android Whatuni is a UK-wide guide to undergraduate degrees, spanning over 200 universi es and higher educa on colleges, 219 open days and over 62,000 undergraduate courses.












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KTS Mini Adventure Year 12 Trip to The MINI Factory On Tuesday 5th June our Year 12 Product Design class, accompanied by Orlando and Mr Bull, ventured off to par cipate in a tour of the MINI Factory in Oxford. This was in order to see exactly how the Con nuous/Just In Time produc on processes that we are required to know for our A-level course are used in a real life context. During the first half of the tour, we were allowed an ‘up close and personal’ insight into the automated side of the manufacturing process, namely in this case the hundreds of spot welding arms used to allow a ghtly monitored manufacturing me frame to work efficiently and effec vely. We were incredibly close to the ac on requiring to wear goggles and highvisibility jackets in order to be led safely around the factory, avoiding ge ng both sparks from the welding in our eyes and staying out of the way of the various vehicles driving around the factory. Watching the parts star ng as separate components to then seeing the finished car chassis truly gave an insight on how modern day manufacture is heavily reliant on automated accuracy. The second half of the tour allowed us to see a more manual labour based side of the manufacturing process. This sec on was where the interior, doors and finishing touches were applied in order to create the final product you see on the roads today. Despite having machines do so much in the first sec on of manufacture, this sec on gave a rare opportunity to see automa on being complemented by tradi onal hand manufacture. The men and women working in this area have cars moving past at a con nuous speed and they are required to complete their assigned job on each vehicle in a short period of me. This showed how me reliant their factory was and that how every worker has a specific job to complete to the highest of standards in order for the manufacture of each car to be successful. also gave an insight into Mini’s worldwide status, as many of the dashboards fi ed into the cars were le hand drive. One of the finished cars we saw drive over their ‘finish line’ at the end was going to be shipped to Japan at 2:00AM the next day. We were also told that a finished Mini is driven over their ‘finish line’ every 67 seconds, truly showing the efficiency of the Mini produc on process. This experience has definitely helped fuel us with confidence for the end of year exam in two weeks me. A special men on to Will Bellano for ge ng round the whole tour on crutches due to having recent knee surgery. Daisy Muge - Year 12 Product Design




JULY MOVIES JULY 6th - IDEAL HOME Paul and Erasmus are a bickering couple with an extravagant life. But when Bill, the grandson Erasmus never knew he had, shows up at their dinner party with nowhere else to go, the couple reluctantly decide to take him in. Despite the difficulties of incorporating a child into their lives, Bill grows on them. But when Bill's father is released from prison and comes to take back his son, the men realize that you don't fight with your family, you fight for them.

JULY 13th - INCREDIBLES 2 Everyone's favorite family of superheroes is back in "Incredibles 2"--but this time Helen is in the spotlight, leaving Bob at home with Violet and Dash to navigate the day-to-day heroics of "normal" life. It's a tough transistion for everyone, made tougher by the fact that the family is still unaware of baby Jack-Jack's emerging superpowers. When a new villain hatches a brilliant and dangerous plot, the family and Frozone must find a way to work together again. - Rotten Tomatoes

JULY 15th - HOTEL ARTEMIS As rioting rocks Los Angeles in the year 2028, disgruntled thieves make their way to Hotel Artemis -- a 13-story, members-only hospital for criminals. It's operated by the Nurse, a no-nonsense, high-tech healer who already has her hands full with a French assassin, an arms dealer and an injured cop. As the violence of the night continues, the Nurse must decide whether to break her own rules and confront what she's worked so hard to avoid.

JULY 20th - MADAME Anne and Bob, a wealthy American couple, move into a manor house in romantic Paris. While preparing a particularly luxurious dinner for sophisticated international friends, our hostess discovers there are thirteen guests. Panic-stricken, Anne insists her loyal maid Maria disguise herself as a mysterious Spanish noble woman to even out the numbers. But a little too much wine, and some playful chat, lead Maria to accidentally endear herself to a dandy British art broker.

JULY 26th - MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 6 Mission: Impossible - Fallout is the 6th movie in Tom Cruise's hit spy action franchise. After a mission goes horribly wrong and Solomon Lane escapes, CIA agent Ethan Hunt (Cruise) and his IMF team (Alec Baldwin, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames) must race against the clock to save everyone, even with a government that seems set against them. The movie promises more death-defying stunts, intense violence, and thrilling action sequences,

JULY 29th - HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3 Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation, join our favourite monster family as they embark on a vacation on a luxury cruise ship so Drac can take a summer vacation. It’s smooth sailing for Drac’s Pack as the monsters indulge in all of the shipboard fun the cruise has to offer. But the dream vacation turns into a nightmare when Mavis realizes Drac has fallen for the mysterious captain of the ship, Ericka, who hides a dangerous secret that could destroy all of monsterkind.


Call Jacqui 07973 788418

Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls




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How are Property Prices in Baldock Performing? It's all good news for the value of your home, as house price growth in Baldock exceeds county and na onal growth figures………. Baldock con nues to be a popular des na on for buyers currently living in the town or those moving from further afield, drawn to Baldock because of it's character, ameni es, well regarded schooling, transport links and diversity of housing. There is something to appeal to everyone. Since the comple on of the Baldock by-pass, we have seen the High Street and the town centre flourish, a safer more visitor friendly environment with a range of restaurants, bou que shops and even an arts gallery and the town is set to grow further. The town is on the way to securing an alloca on of £22 million from the Housing Infrastructure Fund. If this funding is secured, it will play a cri cal role in providing the infrastructure required in facilita ng the proposed development within the Local Plan. Investment of funding at this level, surely has to be good news for any town that receives it.

So, how are property values performing in Baldock? Well, as I say at the top of this ar cle, it's all good news. Over the last twelve months property values, na onwide, have increased by 4.4%, with an average value of £225,047, in the South East, the figures are an increase of 4.0% with an average value of £322,489. Homes in Baldock have far out stripped these trends. Baldock has seen the average house price rise by 5.57%, to an average price of £389,198. That's a suggested average increase of £20,538! These figures are supported by the level of ac vity we are seeing in the local market place. Many of the buyers that we a ract are coming out of London, dismissing the property hot spots of St Albans, Harpenden and Hitchin as just being too expensive and out of their budget. Buyers sight Baldock as an ideal town to se le their family in, a racted to both older character proper es and the more modern homes as well. Current ac vity suggests that Baldock property values will con nue to hold their own in the market place but of

course, no one has a crystal ball but with the poten al investment heading the town's way, the poten al development of new homes, Baldock will remain prominent within the Her ordshire market place.

Simon Walton, Charter Whyman, Baldock and Villages Tel: 01462 337540 Email: sw@charterwhyman.co.uk Sources: Land registry, Zoopla




Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp

St Johns

Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre

July 2018 During the last few weeks, I have had several customers asking why sometimes the same genus of plants are more money than others when they are in the same size pots and appear to be the same height, width and age, growers and retailers take it for granted and don't very often give it much thought. It was while I was involved in discussion with one of my regular customers that I began to realise that it needed explaining, so I'm going to try and simplify it for you. The gentleman I am referring to was asking to buy a Hybrid T rose, we had several different colours in the same size pots but from multiple growers and with a few different prices. In Europe and across the world we have a scheme that protects the grower or plant breeder for his work and input into producing a new colour, shape, size etc. The person or company concerned will have spent a lot of time and money developing the plant and will want to recover the money spent and also some return on their time. A writer, engineer or scientist would have intellectual rights or a patent, a plant breeder would need the same protection, that is what is called Plant breeders rights, now there is a fee associated with that right, and that is charged per plant and recovered by a charge attached to the plant label. The rarer or newer the plant, the higher the fee charged, generally but not always, any rights will lapse at one hundred years from the date of application. The different prices that my customer was asking about had naturally come from the different breeder's rights paid for the older through to the newer roses. The nursery growers will have paid the breeders for the cuttings including the labels covering the rights fee. The grower will have spent his time potting and then growing them on. We will have to pay him for the plant, his time plus the rights fee. That will have a multiplier attached so that they can return a profit plus the VAT added. We then have to look after that plant and also put a price on it so that we can turn a profit, of course, we also have to charge VAT on our sales price that then multiplies the rights fee on that plant again, and that is how the differential prices exist. From a management point of view, it is crucial that each time a plant or product is picked up moved or processed the cost of time or material has to be calculated and included in the production cost. Some plants, although they look the same, will need different treatments, processes, handling or pruning this may not always be apparent to the general public and so will confuse the perceived value of the product or plant. The Community Plant Variety Office grants plant Breeders Rights. To be granted rights or protection, the variety must be distinct, stable and uniform, it must also not have been commercialised within the E, U, for more than a year prior to filing the application or outside the E, U, for more than four years, six years for trees and vine species. So plant breeders rights are in effect a pay to grow system policed by government inspectors, any person found to be contravening the order can look forward to appearing in court and a sizable fine, now we get visited quite often by these inspectors and usually un-announced, they will also be looking at plant health. Plant Health will be ensured by the grower being able to issue a plant passport to the batch of a particular plant. The nurserymen or growers will have many meticulous inspections which will follow the shipments of plants through to the end retail outlets. Inspectors can authorise the destruction of anything they find to be in contravention of the rules in place at the time of inspection at the growers or retailers cost, so you can see that if you buy your plants from a professional nursery or garden centre, you will be guaranteed quality pest and disease free plants, bulbs, tubers and seeds. Other outlets or stalls selling plants may not have had to follow such stringent inspection if any at all. So all plants grown from imported cuttings or seeds will have both a plant passport and a breeders rights label hence the slightly higher cost, but they will do what you expect them to do with no problems with pests and diseases.

As July begins, we can see the potential crops and beautiful flowers starting to appear, as I have mentioned before you may have to thin fruit crops, I won't go over that again if you are unsure please call in and ask me, I'm always available. Strawberries, Raspberries, cherries and lots of other soft fruits will be ripening and soon ready to eat, and we won't be the only ones wanting to savor our rewards for a year's hard work. Just about every Blackbird, Thrush and Pidgeon will be looking to eat them so make sure you have them netted over, and every little hole blocked off, I had some white currents last year covered but with a hole smaller than my fist, I didn't have many to pick. Strawberries have always been a problem with slugs, and snail damage mildews and molds, so I tried a different approach, what I did was planted each strawberry plant into a ten-litre plastic flower pot. I then placed it on top of another one put upside down on the ground. Fruits can hang over the side of the top flower pot hanging away from the sides due to the taper. Keeping the slugs and snails from being able to reach the fruits. Getting plenty of air around the fruits reducing rots and fungus, unfortunately, last July was sweltering hot and very sunny causing premature ripening and lots of soft fruit due to the heat coming off of the black plastic pots, a bit of shade cover will cure that this year. I hope that explains a few things, enjoy the results of your hard work. Cheers Graham. JULY




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The Way We Were I remember Baldock as a child remembers Christmas. It felt like a magical me, I guess we all remember where we grew up with a rosy nt in our eye. Although I'm not na ve to Baldock, my family are, and my mum moved us back there some me in the early 70's. I remember my first day at St. Marys infants, and mee ng one of my lifelong friends in the Wendy house. We were lucky enough to grow up in a me when we le home a er breakfast and weren't expected (nor wanted) un l tea me. We walked unaided across London Road (Straight across, no islands or crossings) up to Western Hills where we could spend all day racing up and down the mountainous hills on our bikes and build camps out of the trees. There was the Chalk Hill, where once someone found an unexploded bomb le over from WW11. We called Gibbet Hill Green Hill and would roll down the hill to the sound of screeching laughter. My first serious kiss was in the woods between the two hills (heady mes). We'd walk back through the Hostel, even though our mums had warned us about some of the men that lived there. Most of the buildings at the back were empty and broken windows invited us in to explore. We'd hunt slow worms and lizards bringing them back home if we could find something to put them in. We lived around the corner to my nan and my uncle's family, most families were able to stay close as there seemed to be plenty of council houses to accommodate extended families living in the same small town. And we played on the asbestos roofs of the garages. The summer of '76 was the longest summer ever, it seemed to go on all year. Plagued by blackflies if I remember correctly.

I recall when the council did the big remodernisa on of all the council houses and most of the good folk of Baldock had to move so that the council could put in central hea ng and make the bathrooms and kitchens into decent rooms that you didn't mind being in. Then we all had to move back again once they were done. Running hot water, a warm room. Wow! I remember the Annex, which was the first year of junior school, it backed on to Knights Templar and the dinning hall was across the road in an old church behind the working men's club, I s ll remember the smell of the Annex, old musty and dusty, bookish, like a school should be. And Miss Paige (because they were all miss) with her dodgy eye. Oh and swimming in the Bondor pool, there used to be a set of steps that led to a dark doorless cavern under the pool and the boys used to dare each other to go down there as we queued to pay our 20p for entry, nobody ever did, Chickens.

Silver jubilee, Nightingale Way

The Anchor estate was just being built, there was no Tesco roundabout, the road swept round into what we called the mad mile leading up to the A1 roundabout. As teenagers we would trundle to the youth club on Pond Lane, excited if there was a disco on and gibber about who would be the DJ, and if Dave or John would be there because we all quite fancied them and which one of us could 'get off' with them tonight. Then they moved it to the community centre and

the magic was some how lost. Perhaps we had just out grown it all. A crowd of us used to hang around the bus stop or on Alnuts steps and look menacing in our leather jackets and jeans. When the boys started work some of them brought motorbikes, and we used to ooo and ahhh at them like they were Harley D's when in fact they were 50cc mopeds. We were too young then to patronise the hundreds of pubs that Baldock had to offer us, but we slowly begun to try our luck, I was kicked out of the Engine at least 3 mes during my 17th year, happy days. Sadly, we all had to grow up, get married and have kids of our own and the magic of my young life faded into the dusty past. I walk the Hills now with my dogs and I s ll see the trails where we had our young adventures, even though they're not there now. But gone are the sounds of screaming kids as they race between the not so mountainous hills. There are no family picnics to be had on Green Hill, just sheep, and where has all that Ivy come from? There is no chalk to be seen on Chalk hill, it used to be white, now it's green. The Hostel is long gone, as is the pool, the Annex and the Working Men's Club, the youth club and Alnuts. The bus stop remains, and I am happy for that. If my nan was alive today, she would tell of a different Baldock, and if my grandchildren where ever lucky enough to live there, their story would be different again. But as different as they are, if you look close enough, that rosy hue would s ll be there, in the glint of their eyes Things change, some mes for the be er, some mes for the worst. But the memories (imagined or real) stay and bring a smile on a dull day. Nicky Hughes

Contact Phil Allen on 01462 834411 or 07909 716631 or email allentrees@btinternet.com




Hungry Caterpillars & Snails





Baldock MOT Centre 01462 895933


Merry Go Round have had some new arrivals this half term – a family of ny caterpillars! This has led on to the children learning about the life cycle of a bu erfly and has enabled the children to experience first-hand the process of the changes involved. In pre-school the children have had the opportunity to listen to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and even tried some of the fruits and foods from the story at snack me – including cherry pie and ice cream! The children also expressed an interest in snails which led us to have a slimy day where we got to make real slime. Our nursery children have started to visit Hartsfield where they get the opportunity to experience the Early Years outdoor play area. We are also looking forward to our Nursery Sports Day in July which is always a fun event for children, staff and parents. Our term ends on Wednesday 18th July at 12pm followed by our annual Summer Picnic where we welcome our children and families to come together and celebrate a fun filled year. If you are looking for a Pre-school place for your child for September 2018 or would just like to view our se ng for a future place, please call 01462 896322 or email info@merrygoroundunder5s.co.u k to arrange a visit.

5 minutes with... ... Nathan Burton from Providence Court care home *Tell us a bit about the organisa on? Providence Court care home is managed by not for profit care provider Quantum Care. The organisa on is the largest care provider in Her ordshire and has recently been rated in the top 4 residen al care providers in England by Which? consumer group and Laing & Buisson (healthcare research specialists). *Tell about the service Providence Court provides? We offer high-level care for older people in Baldock and surrounding Towns and Villages. Services include residen al care, specialist demen a care and respite stays for those that live at home yet would like to give loved ones a rest. Providence Court consists of 61 fully furnished bedrooms, all with en-suite facili es. The home is spacious with a wide range of communal areas including lounges, dining rooms and cosy corners. There is a newly refurbished Best Friends Café area and beau fully landscaped gardens. *How do you ensure that your residents get the most out of life? I’ll give you a quick overview of some new developments Best lived experience - First we ascertain the level of capacity and ability for each individual resident which then enables us to offer a person centred 'lived experience'. The residents living areas including the lounge and dining area can then be adapted to cater for their individual needs. Providence Court Demen a Strategy 2018- 2019 – We have created a demen a strategy to further enhance the experience for people living with demen a.

Key Friends - We are in the process of changing the tradi onal term of 'key workers' to 'key friends' as it is felt that this is more appropriate and helps promote and maintain rela onships within the home. Key friends will be selected by looking at the individual's life experiences, personality and current rela onships. Staff are also assessed using the same criteria and are matched accordingly, the more similari es the be er. Well-being Plans - My ethos is that emo onal well-being is on par with physical well-being and to support this, Providence Court completes Well-being Enhancement Plans for all individuals living with Demen a. It provides informa on on what triggers emo onal episodes and most importantly what support we can give to support individuals. Namaste - Namaste (meaning 'Honouring the spirit within') involves crea ng a comfortable and calming environment in which residents can experience engagement in the five senses. Tac le items are used as well as s mula ng other senses with coloured lights, fragrances, themed music and sounds. *Is Providence Court open to the public? Of course we are open to visitors and friends of our residents every day just like any home. Our next big event is our Annual Summer Garden Party being held on Saturday 21st July 2018 from 11am un l 4pm. Everyone is welcome, entry is FREE and we have lots planned including live entertainment , face pain ng, stalls, tombola, BBQ and more... I urge anyone living in and around Baldock to pop in and see what fun we get up to.




n O s ’ t a h W Baldock Police Surgeries Every Wednesday 10-11am at the Community Centre

Letchworth Parkrun A free 5km run every Saturday at 9am, Grange Recreation Ground, SG6 4PN. Very welcoming for new runners - see www.parkrun.org.uk/letchworth for details

Baldock Floral Society - Flower Arranging Demonstration Thursday 5th July at 7.30pm.- Rekha Naido - 'Festivals of India' - Community Centre - Summer Time Sales Table of Flower Arranging Sundries and Plants - Raffle of Arrangements Visitors £6.

Positive Moving Class Every Wednesday Afternoon 2pm -3.30pm. Mobility classes for older people, followed by tea & biscuits cost Is £4 For more Info Contact 01462- 678804

Summer Beer Festival 6th, 7th & 8th July from 1pm at the Fox, Willian. Live music, craft beers, a kids corner & so much more.

Garden House Hospice 'Open Garden' Sunday 8th July from 1pm to 5pm Gillison Close, Letchworth, Sg6 1QU. Enjoy a variety of activities in our gardens for an afternoon of musical delights, creative crafts, cake and plant stalls, children's activities, Pimms and much, much more.

Baldock Young at Heart Club Wednesday 11th July - 2-4pm - Baldock Community Centre,. A Taste of America! American themed music, nibbles & games. £2 members and £3 non-members. For more information call Susan on 07506422946.

Baldock Cycle Challenge Sunday 15th July 2018, High Street, Baldock. It is not a race!! You can choose to ride Loop A, which has a morning start, or Loop B, which starts at noon. Or choose to ride both! www.baldockeventsforum.org.uk

‘Colour Clash Glow’ Garden House Hospice Care Saturday 21st July - 2pm at Barclay School, Stevenage. On the day there will be colour paint stations where you will be covered in the brightest neon powder paint, UV blacked out tunnels to make you and all your neon stained clothes glow, a foam station and a water station.... because getting you covered in paint just wasn't enough! To register please call 01462 679540 or please visit www.ghhospicecare.org.uk

Fuchsia Display by Beds and Herts Fuchsia Society Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd July - 11.00 am - 4.00 pm, Caldecote Church, SG7 5LD

Baldock Museum and Local History Society Thursday 26th July at 8pm in Baldock Community Centre. A talk about First World War prisoner of war camps in Hertfordshire including the one at Baldock. – a talk by Dr. Colin Chapman. Visitors £2; members of Baldock Museum and Local History Society free If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email us at info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk by 16th July 2018. 26





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There's going to be a lot of mischief going on at your library this summer! Mischief Makers, Summer Reading Challenge 2018 launches in all Her ordshire Libraries on Saturday 14th July. We're challenging children of all ages to read six library books of their choice over the holidays and tell our friendly staff all about them. As young readers tackle this year's FREE challenge, they'll explore Beanotown for a mysterious treasure, helped by the most infamous mischief makers of them all – Dennis and Gnasher! There are exci ng rewards to collect featuring all the clues needed to find the treasure, and everyone who finishes their six books will be awarded a medal and a cer ficate. Children who finish by Saturday 8th September could also win a cket to an exclusive author event! With over 20,000 Her ordshire children taking part last year, would you want to miss out? For details, visit www.her ordshire.g ov.uk/libraries or telephone 0300 1234049.

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r e b m e M d n o m a i D I am a And I’m Shining

Meet Sue Cass from South Road in Baldock. She joined Slimming World in July 2 years ago and this year, she has maintained her 3 stone 8lb weight loss for a year and so this July receives her Diamond Target Award. Sue tells us a li le bit about how losing weight has given her a new lease of life. “I really do like the nice things in life and food is definitely one of them,but I knew I really needed to lose some weight though. Both for health reasons and just to feel be er in myself. Losing just 10% of your body weight can add 9 years on your life. I actually went on to shed 20% and I feel amazing. I had put off ge ng started because I just didn't think I would be successful. I love to eat out, cook and bake, and I love my holidays…I really didn't see how I could succeed without cu ng out the things I love in life. I was so wrong, I have never felt deprived of the things I like to eat. At group you learn that you can enjoy all your favourite meals and s ll lose weight every week. There will be some changes to the cooking process, for example I never cook with oil anymore and I stay away from full fat dairy. I always have a close eye on what is on my plate too, making sure I've got a really




good balance between, vegetables, protein (which keeps you really full) and carbs too. Yes pasta, rice and potatoes are always on the menu and at Slimming World we call them 'free foods', which means they never need to be weighed measured or counted in anyway. I love baking and I love my sweet treats, and with some great recipe ideas from other members in group plus our fabulous cook books I s ll enjoy all of these too. Oooh, and did I men on Slimming World Chips! They are amazing and 'free' too. Ea ng out is easy, you soon get to know what are safer choices to protect your weight loss, and most restaurants will happily accommodate li le changes like pu ng dressings on the side and leaving bu er off any veg, swap chips to a jacket potato for a pub lunch and you're onto a winner. I love my holidays too and I am proud to say I've never been out of target range even a er a two week break and I promise you I have s ll enjoyed myself to the max! I would recommend the ea ng plan to anyone, and with the help of the friendly group everyone can be successful. I've got a new lease of life and I'm loving it!” Sue a ends Baldock's Wednesday morning group and certainly deserves the tle 'Diamond Member of the Year'. Pop along and find out how we can help you.

Slimming World Recipe Sandra Lloyd Supplied by

Basque Fish Stew Get the slow cooker working for you whilst you are doing the gardening and enjoy a healthy, hearty but still light meal. The firm texture of the cod helps it keep its texture in the slow cooker, while it absorbs the spicy flavours of this dish perfectly. Cooking time just over 2 hours.

Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

800g cod fillets, skinned and cut into large bite-sized pieces salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 red onions, peeled, halved and thinly sliced 4 garlic cloves, peeled and finely sliced 4 ripe tomatoes, skinned, de-seeded and chopped 200ml boiling hot fish stock 2 bay leaves 1 red pepper, de-seeded and diced 1 tbsp paprika 2 tsp fennel seeds 2 carrots, peeled and cut into bite-sized pieces chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley, capers and fennel seeds, to garnish

Method 1. Place the fish in a single layer in a shallow bowl, season well and set aside. 2. Place the remaining ingredients in the bottom of the slow cooker pot and mix well. 3. Place the fish on top, cover and cook on HIGH for 22½ hours or until the fish flakes easily and is cooked through. 4. Serve garnished with chopped parsley, capers and fennel seeds.

Bouncy Castle Hire



Baldock MOT Centre 01462 895933 JULY



1st UK workshop 9th September ÂŁ40 per person

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INSOMNIA Around a third of us recognise having had difficulty sleeping at one me on or another however, roughly 10% of the popula on will have experienced a genuine bout of insomnia. The condi on can last anywhere from few days to a few months and in some cases years. It's rela vely easy to knock the carefully calibrated sleep/wake system out of whack and bad bed me habits or physical tension are further compounded by the fact that the more we try to cram into our lives the less me we set aside for quality sleep. In order to properly treat and cure your insomnia, you need to become a sleep detec ve. Emo onal issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression cause half of all

insomnia cases. But your day me habits, sleep rou ne, and physical health may also play a role. Try to iden fy all possible causes of your insomnia. Once you figure out the root cause, you can tailor treatment accordingly. Ÿ Are you under a lot of stress? Ÿ Are you depressed? Do you feel emo onally flat or hopeless? Ÿ Do you struggle with chronic feelings of anxiety or worry? Ÿ Have you recently gone through a trauma c experience? Ÿ Are you taking any medica ons that might be affec ng your sleep? Ÿ Do you have any health problems that may be interfering with sleep? Ÿ Is your sleep environment quiet and comfortable? Ÿ Do you try to go to bed and get up around the same me every day? Anxiety, stress, and depression are some of the most common causes of chronic insomnia. Having difficulty sleeping can also make anxiety, stress, and depression symptoms worse. Other common emo onal and psychological causes include anger, worry, grief, and trauma. Trea ng these underlying problems is essen al to resolving your insomnia. This is true with many anxiety disorders.

People with insomnia o en believe that they are “Insomniacs”; i.e. gene cally predisposed to insomnia. Nothing can be further from the truth. Every living organism has a dormant period so sleep is natural, therefore insomnia is unnatural. Hypnotherapy can help you return to a more normal pa ern of sleep by using hypnosis to remove any underlying issues men oned above and helping you to get back to a normal sleep rou ne. Hypnotherapy is extremely effec ve at teaching you to relax at the appropriate mes, therefore, teaching you how to relax before sleep is a significant part of the therapy. Deep relaxa on is pre-cursor to sleep and without it sleep will elude you. Kim Holloway - Total-Therapy www.total-therapy.co.uk JULY



Do you need to make a Will or revise your existing Will? If so, please take advantage of our reduced rate wills offer. Please note that reduced rate wills will be available every week day from 8.00am until 6.00pm, and on Tuesday evenings until 8.00pm,by appointment only. Also on the Saturday mornings of 14th & 21st JULY 2018, again by appointment only Reduced rates are:Double Wills - £280.00 plus VAT Single Will - £150.00 plus VAT HOME VISITS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE WITHIN A 5 MILE RADIUS OF BALDOCK. For more information please contact:FISH HILL CHAMBERS, 2-3 FISH HILL, ROYSTON, HERTS, SG8 9JY

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Courtlands Riding Stables & Pony Club Centre Always fancied horse riding but don’t know where to start? Why not come down and have a chat and see what we have to offer Our friendly staff and clients are always around Saturdays and Sundays 9am -12pm

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Norton Road Bridge Repairs Update

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You are probably aware that there has been uncertainty and changes to the dates given for the reopening of the bridge at Norton Road. Due to the extensive corrosion found within the bridge structure, much more work than an cipated was required due to structural elements within the bridge being beyond repair. Because of the age of the bridge, replacement parts were not available and had to be designed and manufactured speciďŹ cally for this bridge. The new date for the reopening of the bridge is August 10th. We apologise for the inconvenience and delay caused during this project. Because we now have replacement parts, the forthcoming work on Baldock bridge at Baldock Lane should progress more quickly as it is of the same design.





Josas Waste Recycling Ltd Houses Garages House removals Sheds Warehousing Garden Services NO JOB TOO SMALL Always Happy to Help! T - 07739 488472 E- josaswaste@gmail.com Transfer Notes can be given and Receipts WE ARE FULLY LICENSED, LIABILITY INSURED




Are You Suffering with Pain Everyday?

What is Kinesiology tape? Here's how a Sports Massage can help you! Before I start, it's important to understand that no ma er how ac ve you are a sports massage will benefit you, whether you need a massage to reduce your stress, or whether you are suffering from a muscular pain or injury, there are many physiological and psychological benefits that can really help our bodies to func on and feel be er such as pain reduc on, relaxa on, stress release, increased range of movement and many more. The main aim of a sports massage is to work deep into the muscles, realigning the muscle fibres and connec ve ssue, and flushing away the toxins. Regular sessions will increase joint mobility, flexibility, and reduce the risk of injury during exercise. Sports massage can be used as part of general training, muscle maintenance, injury preven on, injury rehabilita on, stress release and pain reduc on. Muscle aches and pains build up in our body through overuse of the muscles and a lack of me for rest and recovery. Therefore, you may experience pain during day to day ac vi es that should be performed with ease, from ge ng dressed, to walking, to driving to work, to carrying shopping bags or backpacks. However, overuse of muscles causes muscular redness and tension leading to regular pains and aches that need to be treated! So, if you are suffering with any muscular pains or aches what are you wai ng for? Call Sports Therapy 4U today to free your pain away! Kerry Guthrie Bsc (Hons) - Sports Therapy 4U

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Regular maintenance Garden Make-overs Jungles tamed Patios Fencing Turng Planting Articial grass Decking Driveways Pressure washing of patios and drives

Disclaimer All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited. JULY



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July Gallery

Please send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or email info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk

Poppies just over the Bypass Mandie Pitts

Weston hills woods Debs Knight

Weston Hills on Father’s Day. -Erin Davis

Enjoying a walk at Ivel Springs with Maggies Oakley’s farm team baling this years hay

Baldock’s Big Lunch - David Whiffen

Fish & Chips out of the paper at the Big Lunch Rob from The Orange Tree

Cake Sale at Weston Way Nursery

Some very happy faces at Baldocks OCR at the Arena

Sunset over Radwell Matthew Bartlett

Steel band at the Big Lunch Laura Danielle Hoy Childs

A very clever long horn ready the info board - Colin Vasey

Ice cream fun at the Big Lunch Laura Danielle Hoy Childs

3rd Baldock Guides Cup Stacking evening - Teresa Howe

Greedy Clothall Common pigeon - Maragret Dellar

Trying to hide in the bushes - Neil Cherry




St John’s Chill Out Zone Staff at St John's Catholic Primary, led by Mrs England, the Special Educa onal needs co-ordinator, are developing plans for a wonderful new space at the school. The Sensory Room will be a dedicated "chill out" zone with a separate sensory explora on room. This new room will provide the ideal space for all children in our school to come to feel nurtured and secure. It will provide a haven for them if they were in crisis (behaviourally or emo onally) and allow them, if needed, a dedicated environment to calm down safely enough to bring them back to ac ve learning in the classroom. The sensory toys will be fundamental in s mula ng the learning for lots of our children. In order to fund this space, St John's Catholic Primary has been given the opportunity to take part in the Tesco Bags of Help ini a ve. By vo ng for the project using your blue tokens from 1st July, you could help the school to receive up to £4000. Tokens can be used to vote at Baldock Tesco Extra, and the Tesco Express Stores in Letchworth and Sto old. With the money the school would be able to purchase sensory specific toys, like light up fibre op cs, bubble tubes, tac le rugs, wall mo fs and so furnishings. Everyone at St John's Catholic Primary would be so grateful if you could vote for us as o en as possible when you go into your local store. Don't forget to ask for your blue token each me you pay.


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