March 2018 issuu

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Issue 42 March 2018

Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages


Welcome To the March issue Hi everyone, I'm Summer aka the youngest child (and secretly the favourite)! This month has lots of exciting things happening - it's so busy that I have had to take over the welcome note! Starting with my dad's big 50th birthday which he has a very exciting holiday planned for. My mum surprised him with a trip to New York for them both, leaving us kids at home - I think it will be a wild house for us! We celebrated with a great meal at the Chilli Lounge a big thanks to Abbas and his team. Also thanks to Kerry Hammonds (Little Cake Kitchen) for a fab cake that looked and tasted amazing. Not long now until middle child's (my lovely big sister) 21st birthday too. On Sunday the 25th of February it was lovely to see so many local people at the Baldock Beast, we had runners from all different parts of the country. The race started at 10:00am and they ran 13.2miles. Big thanks to Richard Harbon for organising this years event. Our very own Graham Tapp will being Participating in a gardeners question time with the tv and radio presenter Pippa Greenwood on the 15th of March at 7pm at the Methodist Church in Letchworth it sounds pretty cool so don't miss it. Tickets available now, if you would like to find out more information contact 01462-621961. This month we have Mothers day, make sure you buy your mothers something nice, like flowers or jewellery. I want to treat my mum to her first Nando's because she

hasn't been before (I hope she doesn't read read this). Remember that Mothers day is on the 11th of March. And don't forget Easter is on its way, one of my favourite months of the year. If you haven't already seen, Tesco already has a huge range of different Easter eggs like dairy milk, Oreo, mini eggs and loads more, there is too many to list, I've got my eye on the Oreo one - hint hint! This months review from the Gadget Man is very interesting all about BT’s new InLink, a free wifi enabled replacement for the old phone box, go check it out on page 27 because you wouldn't want to miss out. Outside Baldocks Community Centre there has been a defibrillator fitted. At first I didn't know what that was but i googled it and it definitely can save lives, but hopefully it will never be needed.


Jacqui Calver 07973 788418




remainder of the money will News from Baldock Events Forum beTheused to fund community By the me you read this, the Baldock Beast will have been run, with around 500 runners giving up their warm, comfortable Sunday morning to push their bodies round the half marathon route that is the Baldock Beast. We hope that all the compe tors enjoyed their run and that plenty of support was given by families and local people. The Fireside Fes val will climax on Saturday 3 March with Maddy & Marina Bye, presen ng a cacophony of sketch, clowning, intensely serious ac ng and a whole lot of synchronised dance. Hop aboard for a raucous journey into the absurdity of an all too familiar world. On Sunday 3 June, we are, once again organising Baldock's Big Lunch in the High Street. Music and entertainment will be provided and Abbas, of the Chilli Lounge, will cook his curry in the High Street. Meal selec ons will include BBQ, Curry, Fish & Chips and tradi onal Roast Beef. Keep an eye out for more informa on as the day draws near and keep the date in your diary. We are also pleased to announce the launch of the Baldock Community Forum 200 Club! Members of the Club will pay £10 per month by standing order for a number and each month a draw will take place. 40% of the money will be paid out in prizes; this means that if there are 200 numbers in the draw, £800 will be given in prize money in the following ra os: 1st prize – 50%, 2nd prize – 30%, 3rd prize – 20%.

events in Baldock. Applica on forms are available from the Community Centre, Sports Therapy 4 You, and online along with a copy of the Club Rules. We hope you will support this Club, which aims to provide a regular monthly income to the Forum, and will benefit community events in our town Finally, the Forum is looking for people to help us in our community efforts. We have a vacancy for an Events Coordinator for the Big Lunch, as well as director vacancies for Events, Fund Raising and Marke ng. If you want to know more, please contact Jim McNally ( who will be pleased to meet with you and talk about what each role involves.

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Charity Partnership with Baldocks Chilli Lounge POhWER is a charity and membership organisa on, which provides informa on, advice, support and advocacy to people who experience disability, vulnerability, distress and social exclusion. POhWER was set up in 1996 and was developed by service users who, red of others making assump ons about their capabili es and views, wanted equal access to informa on and a voice of their own. The majority of the Board are people who count as disabled under the Equality Act and membership is largely drawn from people who have used POhWER's services. The Chilli Lounge restaurant, is the first restaurant in Baldock to work with a charity partner and since 2010 has supported worthy organisa ons such as The Garden House Hospice and Essex & Her ordshire Air Ambulance. The owner, Abbas states that Chilli Lounge's support for POhWER will include a contribu on to the charity from every takeaway meal, as well as various fund-raising events throughout the year. POhWER (Her ordshire) is commi ed to suppor ng people living with a disability, mental health and/or other life changing issues. Their expert advocacy and advice teams are dedicated to helping the vulnerable people in the community to have a stronger voice, so they can uphold their rights and


access the care and services they need. Martha Haruna, Her ordshire Community Manager for POhWER said “POhWER is absolutely delighted to be chosen by Chilli Lounge as their charity partner. We would like to thank Abbas, his team and their generous patrons whose custom will support a Her ordshire based charity helping the most vulnerable to be heard. At the heart of everything we do is the belief that empowering people will make a posi ve difference to their own lives” The launch of this charity partnership will be on Monday March 19 at the Chilli Lounge Restaurant, commencing at 7pm. If you want to be a part of this charity evening, contact Abbas at the Chilli Lounge (

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Holly Calver

The Best Middle Child

Lots of Love Mum, Dad & Summer

18th March

11 th


CHARLES TRAVERS Love from Mum, Dad & Dan th

Happy 10 Birthday

Bonnie Baker Lots of Love Mum, Dad and Archie xXx 14th March HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRADLEY

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Lots of Love lums Jade and the P17th March HAPPY BIRTHDAY




27th MARCH 8



Knights Templar Student Council Fundraising Please Donate Generously! KTS is lucky enough to have been granted funding for a new art and technology block. However, the funding only covers the building and does not cover the cost of new equipment or furniture. Funds are urgently needed to ensure the very best quality facili es for the students of Knights Templar. Student Council are raising money this half term by collec ng in old/broken/unused mobile phones. Be honest, we all have a drawer clu ered with mobile phones that are never going to be used again! On average each UK household has two old mobile phones that just clu ering up your living environment. The scheme is very straigh orward, phones (in ANY condi on) can be handed to members of student council, who will be visi ng forms on a daily basis this half term. Old handsets are then sent to a recycling company who will send a cheque for any handsets they receive. We are therefore asking if parents could kindly search the cupboards and drawers for those unwanted mobile phones and donate them to a good cause. Any mobile phone, tablet, even electrical gadgets can be recycled for cash, regardless of condi on. Dr Kerr - Student Voice Co-ordinator M. 07884 430741 E. W.



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Latest News on the Housing Plans for Baldock NHDC Local plan The Inspec on of NHDC's Local Plan s ll con nues. The Hearing for Baldock which was held on 6th February was only able to cover comments for BA1 and so the Inspector has called for an extra Hearing for Baldock, to cover the other sites. At the me of wri ng, the date was indicated as being some me during the week of 19th March. Details can be found on the NHDC website. The Inspector has also requested addi onal responses about Air pollu on from anyone who included it in their issues during the representa ons to the Local Plan. These are due to be sent into the Inspector by 1st March HCC's Planning applica on to NHDC NHDC has published HCC's Applica ons for development to the South East (BA2/3) and to the North of Baldock (BA1). Comments have been requested by 16th March. See below for details of how and why it so important that you send in your comments. What should we be doing? It is s ll really important that local people make their views known. Please respond to NHDC's request for comments about the Planning Applica ons that have been made by HCC ACT NOW TO AFFECT THEM – DEADLINE 16th March NHDC Planning Applica ons – case ref no 17/04417/OP This is HCC's planning applica on to build a strategic development to SE of Baldock for up to 495 dwellings plus employment uses. NHDC Planning Applica ons – case ref no 17/04420/OP This is HCC's planning applica on for a mixed use development comprising up to 2,800 dwellings, a new local centre, etc. outline planning applica on with all ma ers reserved other than access. Land East Of North Road And North Of The Railway Line Bygrave Road Baldock Her ordshire Applica on documents for both of these applica ons are at Baldock Community Centre and online at Representa ons and comments about the proposals can be made online at h p:// ons or in wri ng to Planning Control NHDC at PO Box 480, M33 0DE quo ng above case ref no. Or by sending an email to Why should we send comments? Because without hearing your comments NHDC won't know what you think and the applica ons will go ahead more easily. These planning applica ons are in a separate process to the Local Plan. Although superficially they may look like just like the Local Plan, in as much as they cover the area referred to as BA1 by the Local Plan, they are not the same thing. The planning applica ons have details that are not part of the Local Plan and in the event that the Local Plan does not get passed there is a chance that these planning applica ons will s ll be pursued. So your responses to them are really important. What has happened to the consulta ons we have already taken part in? It is a busy me for Baldock's development planning and it is ge ng very confusing with so many requests for local people

to take part in surveys. For a full explana on see SRB's ar cle “Why so many surveys about housing?” on their website, But here is a summary of what has happened so far. NHDC - Local Plan - 2014 and 2016 – Now in hands of Inspector – expect result late 2018 HCC as Landowner (with consultants, WYG) - Masterplan summer 2017 – Now back with HCC to inform their planning applica ons Neighbourhood Plan– survey through website and OOD – ll Feb 14 2018 - by local people, for local people and focusses on details of possible developments that are not addressed in the Local Plan – results to be announced on and in local media and to be used in neighbourhood plan.

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n O s ’ t a h W Baldock Police Surgeries Every Wednesday 10-11am at the Community Centre

Live Music - Aimi P Saturday 3rd March 8.30pm - 10.30pm. Khoi Khoi Bar & Vino, Baldock. Aimi P will be covering various solo artists

Photography in the Victorian Era History Afternoon Friday 9 March 2.30pm. . Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, Baldock SG7 6AR. A talk by Peter Freeman. Entry on the door: £4 or £3 for members of the Baldock Museum and Local History Society, includes tea and cake.

Live Music - Grace George Friday 9th March 8pm -11pm The Old White Horse Baldock. Grace George performing acoustic covers & originals solo artists.

Forty Plus Cycling Club Thursday 15th March ‘Ride Out’ to Shillington followed by lunch, for more info contact Geoff on 01582-618196

The Letchworth & Baldock District Gang Show Friday 16th March 7.30pm - Saturday 17th March 2pm & 7.30pm. St Francis School, Letchworth, tickets £7. With A Cast Of Cubs, Brownies, Scouts, Guides There Will Also Be A Tuck Shop Run By The Scouts At The Interval

Garden House Hospice - Muddy Mayhem Saturday 17th March - Knebworth House Adults £25 Youth £17 must be accompanied by an adult. Ideal way to have fun and raise money for more information call 01462 679540


Live Music - Twango & Crash Saturday 24th March 9pm - 11pm, White Hart, Baldock Twango & Crash will be playing acoustic duo

Herts MS Therapy Centre - Easter Extravaganza Saturday 24th March 7pm - 10pm £10 for adults £5 for children, which include a fish & chip supper & a free bingo card, family fun evening. Easter bingo, quiz & a raffle for more information call 01462 684214

Children's Crafts Session Saturday 24 March, 10am-12noon. Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall. Come and make Easter cards, fluffy bunnies and flowers. Adm: £1 per child.

The 17th ASHWELL FLEA MARKET Saturday 24th March from 9.30 – 1.00pm at St. Mary's Church, Ashwell. Come and browse and pick up some bargains at this famous event! Tea and coffee available. Proceeds to the Church Restoration Appeal.

'BALDOCK BAROQUE' Sunday 25th March, Palm Sunday, 6.00 p.m. at St. Mary's Church, Baldock. A sequence of choral and instrumental music, presented by St.Mary's Choir, guest singers and the 'Baldock Baroque' ensemble. If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email us at by 16th March 2018. MARCH



a p p s Our pick of this month’s must have downloads Magicplan- IOS & Android This award winning app lets you create professional floor plans simply by taking pictures. Use magicplan to generate complete job es mates, view your space in 3D, plan DIY projects, or furnish your home. SkiTracks - IOS & Android If you’re a skier this great app serves as your ski companion by recording a swatch of metrics about your runs from speed to distance to al tude. It’s a must have for winter sports enthusiasts. Credit Karma - IOS & Android Sadly personal finance isn’t taught in school, which leaves many unprepared for real life. Credit Karma is a free service that allows you to check their credit score at any me and even help them prevent iden ty the . ScreenTime - IOS and Android A free to use parental control app that helps parents manage and control the amount of me their kids spend on smartphones and tablets. You can limit their daily use, block specific apps, approve new apps, etc. Mug Life - 3D Face Animator - IOS and Android It’s Alive!! Bring your photo’s to life. Instantly create stunning photo-real clones of friends, family, and celebri es. You don't have to be technical or ar s c. All you need is a photo.




Magnicent Seven


Well it's good news from the Execu ve Towers! Baldock Town FC got through to the final of the Herts Senior Centenary Trophy, only problem is that the FA have decided that the match should be played on Tuesday 20th March at Hemel Hempstead!! Of course we would love some support so if anyone just happens to be in the area that evening …..!!! We have had some fantas c wins over the last couple of weeks, with a massive 7-0 win against Ampthill at home. Enfield Borough were also made to suffer with a 4-0 win!!! Our leading goal scorers at the moment are Joshua Coley on 15, Alfie Barker is on 13 Harrison Holland on 12, so this seasons ‘Top Goal Scorer’ is s ll to play for! It won't be long now before we’ll start collec ng the votes and nomina ons for the end of season presenta on. Adam Harper has stepped in recently to replace the injured Jack Farmer, who has been out for a couple of weeks with broken ribs. He has been a great stand in, with great a tude on and off the pitch, he fits perfectly into our football family! Just over the halfway mark of the season and we are s ll in the top 3 of the table with a couple of games in hand, so a very good chance of ge ng promo on. All our home games are played at Arlesey which has a terrific bar and lovely facili es. We are always looking for help, whether its a couple of hours here and there or just something to help behind the scenes - anyone and everyone are welcome. We have Beth Wa our resident photographer back from illness and Will Tomlin comes from KTS when he can to take some photo's. He's hoping to do some video footage soon as well which would be good. We have to hope that the weather stays kind to us, and no games are called off! Please check our website if you are thinking of coming along or find our Twi er @baldocktownfc that's always working! If anyone fancies having a go at sor ng out our website - please shout! The U10's who are now playing in a U11's league are con nuing to do us proud, as are all our Youth Teams. The U7's were on mascot du es a couple of weeks ago - as I always say, the kids are always welcome, free hot dogs for turning up in a BTFC kit, and if its a birthday or special occasion we can always give them a li le bit of a fun day out - they get to walk out with the team and run on the pitch, we even let them kick a ball at the goal! Feel free to ring me if you have anyone who would like to come up for the home game, they are all welcome. March match fixtures (which could change!) Saturday 3rd March KO 3.00pm HOME to Harefield Utd (League) Wednesday 7th March KO 19.45pm AWAY to London Lions (League) Saturday 10th March KO 3.00pm AWAY to St Neots Town Reserves (League) Saturday 17th March KO 3.00pm HOME to Risborough Ranger (League) Tuesday 20th March KO 19.45pm AWAY to London Lions (Final of the HSCT) Saturday 24th March KO 3.00pm AWAY to Hillingdon Borough (League) Saturday 31st March KO 3.00pm AWAY to FC Broxbourne (League) Pinky - Secretary and Execu ve Gopher MARCH





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MARCH MOVIES MARCH 1st - RED SPARROW Ballerina Dominika Egorova faces an uncertain future after she suffers an injury that ends her career. She is recruited to 'Sparrow School' a Russian intelligence service where she is forced to use her mind & body as a weapon. Egorova emerges as the most dangerous Sparrow after completing the sadistic training process. As she comes to terms with her new abilities, she meets a CIA agent who tries to convince her that he is the only person she can trust.

MARCH 2nd - GAME NIGHT Max and Annie's weekly game night gets kicked up a notch when Max's brother Brooks arranges a murder mystery party, complete with fake thugs and federal agents. So when Brooks gets kidnapped, it's all supposed to be part of the game. As the competitors set out to solve the case, they start to learn that they are in way over their heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn over the course of one chaotic night.

MARCH 16th - TOMB RAIDER Lara Croft is the fiercely independent daughter of an eccentric adventurer who vanished years earlier. Hoping to solve the mystery of her father's disappearance, Croft embarks on a perilous journey to his last-known destination -a fabled tomb on a mythical island that might be somewhere off the coast of Japan. The stakes couldn't be higher as Lara must rely on her sharp mind, blind faith and stubborn spirit to venture into the unknown.

MARCH 16th - PETER RABBIT Peter Rabbit, the mischievous and adventurous hero who has captivated generations of readers, now takes on the starring role of his own irreverent, contemporary comedy with attitude. In the film, Peter's feud with Mr. McGregor escalates to greater heights than ever before as they rival for the affections of the warm-hearted animal lover who lives next door (Rose Byrne). James Corden voices the character of Peter with playful spirit and wild charm.

MARCH 23rd - A WRINKLE IN TIME Meg Murry and her little brother, Charles Wallace, have been without their scientist father, Mr. Murry, for five years, ever since he discovered a new planet and used the concept known as a tesseract to travel there. Joined by Meg's classmate Calvin O'Keefe and guided by the three mysterious astral travelers known as Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which, the children brave a dangerous journey to a planet that possesses all of the evil in the universe.

MARCH 30th - PLAYER ONE READY Spielberg's Ready Player One - It’s 2045 and Earth has been brought to its knees by catastrophic climate change and a worldwide energy crisis. The only thing making life bearable is the OASIS, a globally networked virtual reality world. When the creator of OASIS dies, he releases a video in which he challenges all OASIS users to find his Easter Egg, which will give the finder his fortune. Wade Watts finds the first clue and starts a race for the Egg.


Call Jacqui 07973 788418

Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls




We have some wonderful resources the Night Owls Visit Weston Way children can use in the nursery to enhance their Last month we had a visit from 'Night Owls'. The children were mesmerised by the 3 stunning owls that put on a show for us all. Tango was a White Faced Scops Owl, Oscar an Arhoris Eagle Owl and Whisper a Barn Owl. Their handlers gave a very interes ng presenta on that was pitched at a perfect level for our 3 and 4 year olds. The presenta on was free of charge and all the children had the opportunity to have their photograph taken with one of the owls si ng on their shoulder. Parents could then order a photograph if they chose to do so. Out theme at the Nursery has been Night and Day and we had a Pyjama Day last week where the children and staff came to school in their pyjamas. Great fun was had by everyone. The children par cularly enjoyed going into the blackout tent with their torches and having bed me stories. This week we have all been par cipa ng in the Big Schools' Birdwatch. The children have enjoyed taking their clip boards outside into the woodland garden to count and record the birds they can see. We also made an array of bird feeders to a ract the birds into our garden and feed them in the very cold weather.




observa on and recording skills. Our collec on of so RSPB birds, that when squeezed gently, make the appropriate bird sound for each variety of bird proves to be very popular. We have had some very impressive pain ngs of some of the birds the children have observed. Jane Mille - Head Teacher

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The Early Years classes at St John's Catholic Primary School have been studying two fun topics since January. The class have built a Wormery, which is a large container with soil or compost and worms living in it. This has given the children the opportunity to learn more about worms and how they behave in their natural environment. The children have also been learning about Superheroes. Not just the characters such as Batman and Wonder Woman, but also the everyday superheroes that are all around us, like policemen, lunch me supervisors and parents. St John's Catholic Primary School prides itself on celebra ng the God-given talents of each of our children, and it is important that even at this early age the children recognise that each one of us is a superhero, even though we don't all wear capes, or our pants on the outside of our trousers! In a couple of weeks we will be celebra ng Grandparent's Day, and each of the children will plant a flower with their grandparents, which they will grow over the next few months. Then at the Superhero open morning the children will tell their parents all they have learnt about eco warriors. Next year we are very excited to be offering 30 hours a week in Early Years 1, as well as the full school day in Early Years 2. If you would be interested in your child joining the St John's family in September, please do contact the office on 01462 892478 or at




Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp

Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre

March 2018. I’m sitting in my tea room window looking out over the allotments, not one person to be seen working their plot, it is cold outside with a heavy drizzle the sort that makes you very wet without you realising. Spring is trying to spring but the weather wont let it, only four feet away from my seat the other side of the window I can count three daffodils in partial flower, there are several dozen waiting to open but need a few more degrees of warmth, the weather forecast is what you would expect considering I’m writing this on the 20th February, we have a huge high pressure area coming in from the east, that’s always a bad sign and is going to give us a week or so of cold Bitter weather, hard frosts and maybe some snow. The odd few days of relatively warm weather we did have caused some of the buds on my fruit trees to plump up and show some scale movement but the cold has tightened them up again, the conference pears looked as if they were in for a shock but did eventually go dormant again, this loosening of bud scales was always a big problem to us fruit farmers if we had got a bit late clearing the pruning's from our orchards as we couldn't then get to spray a late winter wash, usually a tar oil mix because it would burn the emerging leaf buds laying just under the scales. The breaking of dormancy is always fascinating the loosening of the leaf scales followed by bud swelling a few days later early mouse ear then full mouse ear, the unfurling of the tender young leaves in a cork screw fashion push through the loosened tips of the buds giving the appearance of mouse ears. The next stage of bud development is leaf break when the small leaves force open the scale cover and expose themselves to the world about them, this is the stage when any cold winds will damage them causing brown lines and dark markings even cell death causing little holes to appear in the leaves, this can often be mistaken for insect or caterpillar damage. The leaves expand over the next week to ten days opening and growing to about a third of there eventual size opening to expose the small flower buds that will become the fruit, this stage is called green cluster where you will see a small number of tiny ball shaped buds on small stems all in the overall size of your thumb nail, over the next few days they will grow in size and eventually break open this is in the case of apples is called pink bud, then growing even bigger to then become almost flowers being called the white bud stage. The fruit flowers can tolerate a mild frost up until they become partially open from then on any level of frost is a problem, the next stage is full flower this is when we need the nice warm weather to encourage the pollenating insects and honey bees, I would have anything up-to 400 hives on the farm at this time of year most of them rented from professional and amateur bee keepers, this time of year though has its risks as all of the nasties are out looking to do their stuff as well and ruin your fruit crop. Full flower will last any thing from a few hours to several days, the longer the flowers stay open the less likely you are to have got a good pollination, the next stage has a couple of names and it depends on where you live and the actual stage, if the flower is pollenated successfully and quickly, the petals will fall off this is called Shatter or shattering it is also called petal drop, different growers different names its all the same thing, so if the petals fall of quickly and while in good condition you will have a good set if they hang around and seem to be stuck on going brown while attached you are likely to have a poor crop, what you want to see is petals blowing around like confetti, not the romantic view of trees smothered in flowers for weeks.

You will see little fruitlets forming very soon after petal drop, do not get too excited yet as some of these will drop, this is the stage when us commercial growers go out in the orchards and pull our hair out, some of the little fruitlets will appear to go yellow, they will drop off, this will continue for a few weeks, my Dad never did go out and look about fruitlet watching, he always said that by then it was too late to do anything about it. Some of you will have experienced more of your apples dropping off in July? This is called the June drop, no idea why when it is in July but that’s what it is called, this is the tree balancing its hormone levels and is the trees natural way of preventing over cropping and consequently changing into biannual bearing, in other words cropping every other year, this is another subject altogether and something perhaps I will cover another time. If you have a pear tree your fruitlets will for a few weeks after pollination stand up towards the sky, you can only start counting them once they have turned over and start to hang towards the ground. So that’s it one part of a gardeners or growers spring time excitement. Enjoy yours, Cheers Graham. MARCH



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Tel: 01462 894050

Spring Cleaning Your Life Spring is almost upon us, Easter is just around the corner, daffodils are blooming and there is warmth in the sun...and it's me to spring clean. This is a good me of going through you en re life and ge ng rid of the unnecessary that we carry around. I'm not just talking about cleaning out the wardrobes either. Spring provides the ideal opportunity to take a look at what makes up your life from home to tech to rela onships – and reset. A perfect me to de-clu er all the 'blah' in your world making you feel light, refreshed, accomplished! Here are some ps to get you started. Home: Start with wardrobes and drawers – get

get rid of clothing, shoes, linen, towels that you don't need any more – If you haven't used in the last 12 months or you are not loving anymore then say GOOD BYE! Clean out the Kitchen and bathroom, go through the cabinets and check the expiry dates, stuff you do not use anymore. If you have a desk in your home get minimal – recycle used notebooks, pens etc, shred old receipts and anything outdated and irrelevant. Rela onships: Learn how to say no to things that stress you or have no me for. Friends and family will understand that you can't say yes to everything. Un-commit to any friendships that make you feel bad about yourself and stop gossiping with them too. Recommit to the friendships that leave you happy and fulfilled. Yourself: Let go of any regrets holding you back. Focus on the present. Say ‘BYE’ to nega ve body image and instead look into the mirror and say ‘HI’ to the great image looking back Finally spring clean your rou ne, ditch the prac se that you're not loving, stop going to the workout that you hate and find one more pleasurable, quit watching TV for hours on end and start a new hobby. Feeling lighter already? Hypnosis can help you to develop achievable goals and build a sense of self belief. These two keys can overcome blocks and build internal mo va on and energy. Kim Holloway




Sandon JMI School News We have had our visit from one of our parents who is an astrophysicist. She taught us a great deal and helped us feel even more enthusias c about our topic, Space. The children had the opportunity to inves gate the topic further and enjoyed asking ques ons and comple ng a range of ac vi es. The children have started their Forest School sessions and have been having a wonderful me. We have been incredibly lucky to have the full support of the school community. We would not have been able to start this project without the generous oers of help and dona ons from our parents and the local community. Thank you to Mr Musk and Mr Allcorn for organising the 'giving tree' which listed the resources we needed and allowed families to chose what they wanted to donate. The children have helped to set up our base camp. Thanks to Ma Stevens, Hyde Hall Farm and Cumberlow Green for the materials and labour that made this possible. We will be hos ng our quarterly village market on Saturday 17th March between 9.30 and 12.30. Emma McGill - Headteacher

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Is Stretching Important?

In a nut shell, yes! Stretching keeps muscles flexible, strong and healthy! We need that flexibility to maintain range of mo on (ROM ) in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become ght. Then, when you call on the muscles for ac vity (anything from ge ng up from a chair, walking, running etc), they become weak and unable to extend all the way. Why is stretching important/ what are the benefits? Ÿ Increased ROM - By increasing our range of movement we are increasing the distance our limbs can move before damage occurs. Having an increased ROM results in increased comfort, a greater ability to move freely and a reduced risk of muscle strain injuries. Ÿ Lowers chances of injury - Regular stretching improves the flexibility of your muscles, meaning that there is reduced ghtness resul ng in a reduced risk of muscle strains. Ÿ Increased power - By increasing our muscles length we are therefore increasing the distance over which they are able to contract. This results in a poten al increase to our muscles power and therefore increase athle c ability. This also leads to improvement in the ability to control our muscles. Ÿ Reduced post exercise muscle soreness - Everyone has had that feeling of waking up the day a er exercising and feeling sore all over! This is caused by ny micro tears in the muscles, blood pooling and waste products such as lac c acid. When stretching is used as part of an effec ve cool down, it can help to alleviate this soreness by stretching the individual muscle fibres, increasing blood circula on and removing the waste products. Stretching post exercise results in feeling less muscle soreness the following day. Ÿ Reduced fa gue - Increased flexibility as a result of regular stretching can prevent the effects of fa gue by taking pressure of the working muscles. For every working muscle in the body there is an opposing muscle. If the opposing muscles have increased flexibility, the working muscles do not have to exert as much force against them. This means that each movement of the working muscles actually takes less effort! Ÿ Other benefits of stretching include development of body awareness, improve posture, improve coordina on, promote circula on, increase energy and improve relaxa on and stress relief Assisted stretching Sports Therapists o en perform assisted stretching with clients. One form commonly use is PNF (Propriocep ve Neuromuscular Facilita on). This form of stretching uses both

the stretch and contrac on of the muscle group being targeted to improve flexibility. PNF stretching has been proven to improve ac ve and passive range of mo on. It has been shown to help athletes improve performance and make gains in range of mo on. Not only does it increase flexibility, but it can also improve muscular strength. PNF stretching is believed to prevent knots and realign muscle fibres and connec ve ssue a er microscopic damage that typically follows a high-intensity workout. But will stretching benefit me? Of course! Whether you are struggling with mobility, a tradesman, sportsman/woman, stay at home mum/dad etc, everyone will benefit from stretching. Make an appointment today and receive a tailored stretching programme to suit your needs and help you get the most out of your body. Alex Hunt BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy 4U




Love Your Library For all who do not know me, I am Deb Turner, the Library Manager. I have now been in place for 2 years, where have they gone!!!!

ably assisted by volunteers. Last year we exceeded our target figure, well done to all you who collected cer ficates. We con nue to thrive as part of the community, facilita ng the Soup kitchen within the library as part of the Christmas celebra ons, having a library tree in St Mary's during the Christmas Tree event, aiding local Reading Groups and having display space / boards to hire. The newest thing we have is our own Facebook page, do take a look. Come in and visit us, I think you will be surprised at the amount of different stock and services we can help you with. Deb Turner - Baldock Library Manager

LOOKING TO ADVERTISE Over that me we have/ and are con nuing to promote the library as a major part of Baldock's community. We have held a number of author events over the last few years, always ensuring one is during the Baldock Fes val. A talk last year for the Holocaust, Family Learning events for children and parent/s, ie S ckman, Puppet Making. Treasure Hunt in the library during Easter & Christmas holidays ( prizes donated by Tesco's). Started a Saturday Stories session, 1st Saturday of the month, as well as the key services of Baby Rhyme Time (Wednesday 10.30-11am) and Toddler Tales ( Thursday 2.152.45pm). These run throughout the year.




Call Jacqui 07973 788418

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InLink from BT

Free Ultrafast WiFi Enabled Replacement for the Phone Box I found it interes ng to use the inLink, it's a completely different experience to the tradi onal a tradi onal red phone box (which beckoned from across the road). It certainly doesn't afford the privacy and shelter of it's older cousin, but that was never the inten on, it is designed more as an access hub with incredibly fast internet speeds and of course the more than useful fast charge USB ports will surely provide relief to anxious smartphone users. The free services are paid for by adver sing alone on the integrated digital displays and thus users and taxpayers are not subsidising the project. It's a great product and the internet speeds are stunning. It le we wondering if the technology contained in the inLink could be used to repurpose the historic red phone box across the road and keep it going for a few more years. Ma Porter - The Gadget Man -







Baldock Town FC





The Orange Tree

Norton Roa d

I am lucky enough to be based at Adastral Park in Suffolk. The park is a science campus situated on the grounds of RAF Martlesham Heath near Ipswich. Originally opened as the Post Office Research Sta on, it was renamed BT Labs and then Adastral Park when other organisa ons moved onto the site. So one day a few months back I no ced a digital 'street unit' had been installed quite close to the food hall, whilst just across the road, a restored and working GPO Telephone Box was also being installed. It turned out the street unit was in fact an inLink. The inLink is a 21st century answer to the now aged Telephone Box. Gone is the red cast iron box, replaced by a sleek metal small footprint unit with large LCD informa on panels on either site. At the centre of the unit is a ATM style console with 10 inch LCD touch display. Below the display is a braille accessible 999 emergency bu on and to the side a full numeric keypad with headphone socket and twin USB rapid charging ports si ng below this. Other sensors can be a ached to the unit to allow for monitoring of traffic and environmental data collec on. The unit provides a wealth of informa on for the public with access to FREE telephone calls (although you will have to provide the headphones for privacy), Google Maps and Direc ons, Local Weather and access to the BT Phonebook. BT have recognised that the majority of people already have connec vity, so by offering extremely convenient ultrafast broadband connec ons and more accessible maps and direc ons, they con nue to be able to offer a service more applicable to todays connected society and thus allowing a user to quickly download a movie onto their mobile phone before boarding a train or uploading a video to YouTube that they have just captured. Connec ng to the InLink wireless hotspot was extremely easy and instruc ons are also provided on screen. Once connected, I was able to experience ultrafast internet connec vity. BT are quo ng up to a Gigabit in speed, I was able to achieve 241 Mbps download and a STAGGERING 486 Mbps upload. To put this into perspec ve, if I wanted to upload a 4Gb video file from my phone using the inLink at those speeds, it would take (in theory) about a minute and a half!



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FREE RE-TEST 74 Icknield Way, Baldock, SG7 5AN

01462 895933 MARCH



Caring for Your Rabbits Correct diets, mainly hay and/or grass help prevent dental/gut disease. Check rabbits eat daily, passing plenty of dry droppings. If ea ng/drinking habits change/quan ty of droppings reduce/stop, ask your vet immediately. Checking for signs of illness/injury daily. In warm weather check fur/skin around bo om/tail areas twice daily. Urine staining/droppings stuck a ract flies, causing flystrike (o en fatal). Stressed rabbits are more likely to become ill. Their front teeth/nails need to be checked at least weekly these grow quickly. Only vets should correct overgrown/ misaligned teeth. Rabbits are vulnerable to infec ous diseases/illnesses, especially dental disease. Veterinary check-ups at least annually. - Treatment for external/internal parasites (e.g. fleas/worms), as advised by vets. - Vaccina ng against myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD), as advised by your vet. Consider pet insurance to cover veterinary treatment. - Many vets provide health care packages. These can help to manage costs and ensure pets receive regular veterinary check-ups and preventa ve treatments. Keeping away from wild rabbits/areas where they frequent – they can carry diseases. To be treated with only the medicines recommended for your rabbit by a vet. Other animals’ medicines are dangerous to rabbits. Groom regularly to help keep a well-maintained coats To be iden fiable, ideally microchipped (seek veterinary advice), so they can get quickly treated if injured/returned if lost.

'Help your pets stay in shape for 2018'




Contact Phil Allen on 01462 834411 or 07909 716631 or email

Slimming Sandra World Recipe Lloyd Supplied by

Special Egg Fried Rice Create your own version of this takeaway favourite. Serves 4 ready in 20 minutes

Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Low-calorie cooking spray 350g cooked and cooled long-grain or jasmine/Thai fragrant rice 200g frozen peas Salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 eggs, lightly beaten 3 tbsp light soy sauce/tamari 400g fresh beansprouts, rinsed 6 spring onions, very thinly sliced

Method 1. Spray a wok or large frying pan with low-calorie cooking spray and place over a high heat. When it is almost at smoking point, add the cooked rice and stirfry for about 3 minutes. 2. Add the peas, stir-fry for 5 minutes and season well. Add the beaten eggs and stir-fry for another minute. 3. Stir in the soy sauce, beansprouts and most of the spring onion and cook for 2 minutes or until the eggs have set. Scatter over the remaining spring onions to serve




March and April 2018




Hand in Hands Raises Record Donation for Magpas Air Ambulance Hand in Hands is a support service for adults with Learning Disabili es, Au sm Spectrum Disorder and/or behaviour that may challenge established services, to enable them to live as independently as possible in their own homes.

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E: W:

Every year we host a disco party for the individuals we support, their families and friends and our staff and we choose a charity to donate all monies raised to. Streetwave Disco ensure everyone enjoys a good me and we are lucky to have support of local businesses for dona ons of raffle prizes. Our chosen charity this year was Magpas Air Ambulance. In October 2012 one of Hand in Hands Senior staff, Chris Inns, suffered poten ally fatal injuries when he was involved in a serious motorbike and car collision where he suffered skull, neck and pelvic fractures along with severe leg, arm and hand injuries. Magpas Air Ambulance were called to Chris and gave him the hospital level care he needed at the roadside. Chris has made a fantas c recovery and says "thanks to their specialist early interven on, Magpas Air Ambulance not only saved my life, they gave me the chance to live in the way I want." It costs £2,593 every me Magpas are ac vated to a pa ent in a life threatening medical emergency and as Magpas is not state funded it relies on both expert doctors and paramedics who volunteer their own me, as well as generous public dona ons to con nue saving lives. Hand in Hands are extremely grateful at the level of support received and can confirm this target was well exceeded thanks to the a endance at the disco as well as generous dona ons from individuals, Hand in Hands (of course), and two local organisa ons, SCD Solu ons and Support UK, who along with Hand in Hands are based in Devonshire Business Centre, Letchworth. Hand in Hands visited the Magpas Air Ambulance base on Wednesday 21 February to present them with a cheque for £5,200. For further informa on on Magpas or to offer support please contact Michelle at Hand in Hands or visit the Magpas website



Baldock MOT Centre 01462 895933 MARCH



World-Class Hockey Player Visits KTS Jenny Storey a New Zealand Black S ck (interna onal hockey player) came into the KTS PE department on Monday. During the day Jenny taught a year 10 and year 8 Hockey lesson, teaching them some fun compe ve games, which the students really enjoyed. A er school Jenny led our year 8-11 Hockey training where she showed o her amazing skills and tricks.

Deb’s Dirty Cookers We clean cookers, extractor fans, microwaves. Spring cleaning & cooker repairs also undertaken The pupils who a ended the club were thrilled with their experience of having one on one technical advice from a professional player. Jenny was inundated with pupils asking for her autographs and pictures at the end of the session. We thank her and Mrs Draper for giving KTS pupils this brilliant and unique experience.




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News from Weston Primary and Nursery School Weston Primary and Nursery School has been awarded an Ofsted grade of ‘Good’ following an inspec on on Tuesday 9th January. The inspec on report, which Ofsted published this week, also states that ‘Pupils behave very well’ and ‘are confident and self-assured’. The Inspector was impressed both by the quality of educa on at the school and also by the way in which pupils are treated as individuals and feel secure in this small, village school.


01767 317429 The report states that ‘Children get off to a good start’ in the School’s Early Years Unit. Parents from the Great Ashby and Weston areas have un l 29th March if they wish to apply for a place at the School’s Nursery, which is part of this Early Years Unit. The Head Teacher, Mr Geoff Holmes, is delighted that the quality of the school, from Nursery through to Year 6, has been officially recognised. He says, “Some of the parents I have shown around the school have told me that they thought the School’s Nursery had closed. This is not the case! There are Nursery places available for September and we have a lovely learning environment, including a beau ful outside space.” The school was praised in the report for the high quality of wri ng produced by its pupils and for the impressive numbers of children successfully passing the Year 1 Phonics Test. On the day of his visit, the Inspector observed learning in every classroom and spoke with pupils about their lessons. The children showed a love of learning and explained how they enjoy reading a wide range of books. Applica ons for Nursery close on 29th March. For more informa on, parents can visit or call 01462 – 790317.




Making an impact in Baldock and the surrounding areas.


5 minutes with...

Courtlands ... Joanne Peace from Riding Stables

*Tell me about Courtlands? Courtlands is a family run riding stables located on the outskirts of Stevenage. We pride ourselves on making riding fun for everyone and have for the last 41 years. Having expanded significantly since 1977 when we had just a couple of ponies, we now cater for all ages and abili es whether it's your first ride or you're looking to get back on the horse, literally. *Do you cater for riders with disabili es? Absolutely! Wherever possible we support adults and children with various learning difficul es and work closely with the 'Stevenage Riding for the Disabled' organisa on. Feel free to give us a call to find out more. *What age can ride and is it too late to learn? Children can start riding in our classes from 3 years and upwards. It's never too late to learn, our eldest riders are in their 70's now and s ll loving every minute. *I'm an adult who's never ridden before, how do I get started? For adult beginners we offer private 1 to 1 lessons. This allows you to get to grips with the basics before moving on to group lessons. Private lessons cost £40 per half hour whilst group sessions cost £30 for 1 hour. *Do you do hacking/lessons for Adults? We do, our weekly hacks on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. Our weekly Lessons on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday.

*What about children star ng out? Children start in our ½ hour beginner lessons, that take place every Saturday and Sunday morning. Riding hat hire is included in the cost of £17 per session. Although we do recommend riding regularly this doesn't mean you have to come every week, many riders a end once a fortnight or even once a month - work out what's best for you and get booked in! *What clothing / equipment do I need to start riding? You don't need to buy yourself a whole new wardrobe or or turn up looking Olympic-ready, you simple need to be wearing long sleeves, trousers and a pair of shoes or boots with a small flat heel (wellies are fine for children). In the interest of staying safe we do not allow trainers or flat shoes and riding hats must be worn but we provide these. If you're looking to stock up or purchase any extras our on-site shop should be able to help you out. *Do Courtlands host any extra events or ac vi es? Our Pony Mornings take place throughout school holidays for children to spend the whole morning at the stables with ac vi es including a riding lesson, pony grooming session and a chance to learn all about our equestrian friends. Rein lead hacks also take place, children are safely lead out of the stables and into the countryside for a fun change of scenery. We also host birthday par es for up to 12 children. They'll work in teams to complete a series of exci ng gymkhana games and each win a rose e to take home.




The Baldock 2031 Expansion Plan Year 10 students have been learning about stakeholders within business and their differing views. Both business group have been inves ga ng the proposed development of Baldock and how it will affect the local community.



We don't tell you that something needs replacing if it doesn't and there's no hard selling!


“Is your conservatory roof looking tired? Glass units blown? We can replace them! Polycarbonate faded? We can replace that too and maybe even replace with glass"

Both groups are presen ng their findings and views on how employees, local businesses/community, government and suppliers will gain or lose with the expansion plans. Over the last 2 weeks, a number of student’s opinions have changed since finding out more about the details and where it will be located. On Thursday, Alan Hilditch, owner of Satchels estate agency, visited the school to give an overview of the impact. This raised many ques ons and the students enjoyed asking per nent ques ons. Alan commented, “It was obvious the students had a good grasp on the proposed plan and gave some though ul ideas on how it will impact on local people. It was good to get a first hand view of what students thought and I was impressed with their knowledge. There are some future leaders in the groups and they really






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nd left front row

Pond Lane School - Ernie Sherwood, seco

A wet Hitchin Street - Baldock Barber Tyler Dungey

Last months star ‘Ruby’ - Jody Randall

North Herts Road Runners, at the start of the Baldock Beast

d by Eleanor Morrison

Sunset over the town from Wal ington Roa

Our famous High Street - Nikki Murphy

Dowsett - Angel WoodsTower in Weston s Slack by aChri Church from St Marys ViewSnowdrops

Spring Morning at Weston Woods - Laurence Browne

Baldocks soon to be built on countryside - Amy Felce

And they’re off Baldock Beast 2018

Welcome to March’s Baldock Gal lery Hopefully with you r help thi s will become a regular monthly fea ture. Please send you r local snaps new or old to our facebook pag e or email info@o nou rdoors tepbaldoc

Beautiful spring sunshine up Weston Woods - Daniel Loriot

Mobile hairdresser Call Jacqui 07973 788 418 01462 640 307 Covering Baldock, Ashwell & Weston




Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice

03444 111444 0300 300 8136

Churches St Marys the Virgin Baptist church Roman Catholic Methodist Christchurch United Reformed Church

01462 892838 01462 893203 01462 893127 01462 895052 01462 232005 01462 619350

Councils North Hertfordshire District

Doctors Baldock Surgery

01462 474000 01462 892458

Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery

01763 313869

Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut

0800 111999 0800 7838838

Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH

01438 314333 01707 328111 111

Library Baldock Library

0300 123 4049

Police Police

01707 354000

Public Houses Engine The Cock The Old White Horse The Orange Tree The Victoria The White Lion

01462 896111 01462 892366 01462 893168 01462 892341 01462 893153 01462 893134

Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Brandles

01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189

Travel Taxi - A2B Taxis Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line

01462 228765 08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608

Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre


01462 895579

Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round

07980 400690 01462 896322

Plumbers A.P Hughes

07949 120911

Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows


01462 892172 01462 896322

Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round

Baldock Car Sales

01438 906300 01462 261401


Quality Used Car Sales Finance Available Part Exchange Welcome We buy cars for cash

01462 757 344

Find us behind Tescos

Disclaimer All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited. MARCH



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