On Site Health Solutions Service Booklet

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health surveillance Health Surveillance is an integral part of the work place. It is set up to protect both Employers and Employees. It is about systematically watching for early signs of work-related illness. Many companies confuse Health Surveillance with Health Promotion or Health Checks.


Health Surveillance is about putting in place systematic, regular and appropriate procedures to detect early signs of work-related ill health among employees exposed to certain health risks and acting on the results.

OSHS Ltd provide a broad spectrum of Health Surveillance programmes including...

Page 1 Health Surveillance.

s PTS Medicals.

Page 2 Case Management Referrals. and Sickness Absence Management.

s Vision, VDU and Colour Vision Screening.

Page 3 PTS Medicals.

s Audiometric Testing including Ear Examinations.

Page 4 HAVS.

s Ergonomic Assessments for VDU Operators. s Spirometry and Lung Capacity tests. s Key Risk Assessments including Questionnaire and Short Clinic Review.

Page 5 D.A.T.A. Drug and Alcohol Training and Advice.

s Initial HAVS Assessments.

Page 6 Drug & Alcohol Testing.

s Night Worker Assessments.

Page 7 Drug & Alcohol Testing. Page 8 Lone Workers and Working at Heights. Page 9 Pre-Placement Questionnaire.

s Fork Lift Driver Medicals. s Confined Space and Lone Worker Assessments. s Fitness to Travel and Work Overseas. s Working at Heights.

Page 10 Fitness to Travel Medical. Page 11 Fitness to Drive and Forklift Driver Medical. Page 12 OSHS Online Portal. Page 13 Cram Osteopaths. Page 14 Flu Vaccination Programmes and Additional Services. Page 15 OSHS contact information.

codes of practice OSHS Ltd has strict Codes of Practice and ensure that we... Keep Health Records and Reports for all Health Surveillance carried out. Train all our individuals to the highest standards in all aspects of Health Surveillance. Work with the Company to act on the advice, recommendations and results of the Health Surveillance carried out.


case management referrals and sickness absence management Both long and short term sickness absence have a huge impact on the UK business sector through loss of productivity and high turnover of staff.

pts medicals Personal Track Safety is a system of safer working practices employed within the United Kingdom, designed to ensure the safety of railway workers who have to work on the line-side.

CIPD Absence Survey suggests that the cost to UK industry is approximately 4% of total working hours and average a minimum of ÂŁ600 per employee.

A PTS Certificate is required before anyone is allowed to work within the boundary of Network Rail tracks in the UK (on or near the line).

It is well documented that one of the best ways to manage and reduce short-term sickness absence is through an effective and regulated Return to Work Programme.

Any potential employee must undergo a medical and drug and alcohol test before attending a “Personal Track Safety� course.

identifying the reasons goes a long way to alleviating the problems.

The medical assessment undertaken for PTS certification must be undertaken by an accredited medical provider. In the case of PTS this is authorised by the Link-Up procedure (under the authority of Network Rail).

OSHS Ltd can offer support and advice on longer-term sickness absence through our Management Referral Scheme to either our Occupational Health Advisors or Physicians.

the pts certificate lists competencies held by the person named on the card, which may include...

how does the referral scheme work?

Medical Certificate (expiry dependent on age)

Initially, the HR Department will have flagged up the individuals who meet the criteria for both long and short term sickness absence intervention. A brief summary will be given by the company to OSHS Ltd detailing the reason for absence as known to them. We will provide standard forms to be completed.

PTS (AC or DC) (Expiry 2 years)

questionnaire. A questionnaire will be completed by the individual and consents to contact GP and specialists if deemed appropriate.

PICOP, COSS, IWA or others PTS ensures that rail workers are aware of their surroundings so that they do not enter situations where aforementioned accidents are likely to occur, are able to move around the line-side safely and are able to react appropriately to circumstances (e.g. the approach of a train)

As these are valid for 3 months, it is advisable to have these completed in the presence of the Medical Team. A copy of the Access to Medical Reports Act is given to the individual.

at the consultation. A full discussion and clinic examination takes place and a standard consultation and examination lasts a minimum of 40 minutes.





HAVS is an integral part of the Health Surveillance programme. This is particularly important in the workplace where vibratory tools are used, such as drills, sanders, grinders and external tools such as large plant machinery.

(for managers & supervisors)

Hand Arm Vibration requires close monitoring. At OSHS Ltd, the very first step we take is a Hand Arm Vibration Risk Assessment Questionnaire. The Risk Assessment complies with the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 and has been adapted from the guidelines from the Health and Safety Executive.

havs surveillance explained... The HAVS surveillance programme largely depends on the severity of symptoms and stage that individuals have reached. At OSHS Ltd, we work to the Stockholm Guidelines, in which there are five tiers involved in the HAVS assessment.

Tier 1 and 2: Risk Assessment and Annual Screening.

On Site Health Solutions Ltd offer several training courses in Drug and Alcohol Training and Advice to both Managers and Supervisors and we also offer a Drug and Alcohol Awareness Course for your entire workforce. This programme includes signs and symptoms to look out for in relation to Drug and Alcohol abuse or misuse. The full testing procedure is explained and in addition to this, Management and Supervisors would be inducted in the correct procedure for dealing with an incident that required a For Cause Call Out.

what exactly do you learn...?

This basic level of surveillance involves the completion of a one page questionnaire and review of same, along with an annual assessment.


Commonly Abused Drugs.


What the Law says.

Tier 3 and 4: Clinical Assessment.


The various Drug groups.


Signs and Symptoms.


Types of Test.


Policies and Procedures.

Tier 3 involves a detailed questionnaire and examination of the hands by a specially trained nurse. The nurse will assist with the completion of the questionnaire by explaining the relevance and meaning of particular questions. The questionnaire and medical results are then reviewed by a doctor. If at Stage 4 significant findings have been realised with the recommendations to Stage 5, then and only then would we recommend full standardised tests. These are not initial legal requirements. Initially, it is recommended by the HSE that the above is carried out by either an Occupational Health Professional, or a Doctor.


drug and alcohol training and advice

The training programmes consist of slide show presentations, made to help raise awareness of the dangers of Alcohol and Drugs in the workplace and this is normally followed by a Question and Answer session for those attending to ask any questions or voice any concerns they may have.

As part of the training, we provide reading materials and booklet versions of the presentation for future reference and make sure that all procedures and protocols are explained and understood.


drug and alcohol testing

drug and alcohol testing

We are all too well aware of the increasing problems with drugs and alcohol in the workplace and according to the HSE, construction workers are SIX times more likely to be killed at work than other workers. Statistically, testing for Drug and Alcohol misuse can lead to a reduction in injury rates.

what it is and what you can do...

A Drug and Alcohol test can be carried out anywhere that has toilet facilities. All tests are supervised by highly trained individuals. By visiting your premises or site, there is little disruption to your working day, ensuring that any potential problem can be identified quickly and with minimum of fuss.

Drug misuse, is the use of illegal drugs and the misuse, whether deliberate or unintentional, of prescribed drugs and substances.

what are the different types of tests?

Successfully tackling drug and alcohol misuse can benefit your business by saving on the cost of recruiting and training new employees to replace those whose employment might be terminated because of untreated misuse; reducing the risk of accidents and much more.

Dip and Read instant result test... OSHS Ltd conduct tens of thousands of instant Dip and Read tests per year. These tests, which are 99.97% accurate, produce a result within 5 minutes from the test being conducted. They are used generally at pre-employment stages and are also frequently utilised during a Post Incident or For Cause test to produce an instant preliminary result.

Chain of Custody... Any sample that is tested under Chain of Custody will undergo two separate screens. The first screening is by immunoassy, which rapidly identifies negative samples. Results that are screened negative are reported by email, normally within 72 hours. Confirmation testing is to Gold Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Samples that screen Positive at immunoassy will require to undergo further testing to identify, with precision, the drugs present within the sample. All of our confirmatory Chain of Custody undergo GC-MS testing (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry). This method of testing is considered the Gold Standard in UK drug testing and provides results that are fully defensible in a court of law, industrial tribunal or similar.


What is Drug misuse?

Drug misuse can be serious problem for both misuser, the business where they work and very often, their co-workers.

Everyone is at risk. There are no stereotypes. Having a Drug and alcohol testing procedure in place gives Employers peace of mind. It meets Health and Safety requirements, is considered favourably by insurers and most importantly, does not break the bank.

What can you do as an Employer? All organisations, large and small, can benefit from a Drug and Alcohol policy. It is good practice to have a policy, even if you don’t think you have a problem. Having a good Drug and Alcohol Policy in place enables you to deal with any future problems that may arise. “For Cause� testing and the implementation of Random Testing are far more straightforward when you have adequate policies in place


lone workers and working at heights

It is imperative for employers to provide adequate training, PPE and Health Surveillance for Lone Workers and Individuals working at heights. The most important aspect in both cases, is to check that there are no medical conditions that would make the candidate unsuitable for lone work or working at heights.

OSHS offers a standard assessment to determine fitness for these categories... In both cases a Risk Assessment Questionnaire (incorporated within the Clinical Assessment Questionnaire) is completed by the individual. A scoring system is used to identify any potential risks and problems

A standard fitness medical is carried out, which includes... s

Height, Weight and Blood Pressure.




Vision, Hearing and Lung Capacity Tests.


Clinical Exam.

If deemed appropriate, a drug and alcohol test may be considered. This is particularly important in these isolated working environments. A Certificate of Fitness would then be issued to the company to recognise the level of fitness attained and recommendation for next assessment

pre-placement questionnaire Pre-Placement Health Screening is a procedure, which evaluates the wellness of fitness of an applicant’s declared health in relation to the hazards and risks of the job, environment and activities.

why provide pre-placement health screening... under the Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations 1999, Employers must ensure that their employees are provided with the appropriate Health Surveillance in relation to any risks that have been identified. By assessing the pre-placement questionnaire, you are making the first step towards this Health Surveillance programme. By using the questionnaire screening method, you can easily identify possible health hazards and concerns before you take the next step. This means as an Employer you have a clear picture of your candidate’s health and well-being prior to commencement of employment.

OSHS Ltd will provide... A specially designed Occupational Health Questionnaire to ensure the questions are appropriate for the needs of the Client or Company and also a professional evaluation of completed occupational health questionnaires. If concerns are raised, OSHS Ltd will inform the Company and make certain recommendations, including obtaining more information from your GP, refer for a specialist opinion and identify required reasonable adjustments. OSHS Ltd are committed to providing a professional value for money health solutions service.



fitness to travel medicals It is recommended that prior to you or your delegates undertaking any overseas business travel, that everyone should undergo a Health Assessment to ensure their fitness.

OSHS Ltd provide comprehensive Pre and Post Travel Fitness Medicals

pre-travel The following is recommended...

fitness to drive and forklift driver medicals OSHS Ltd offers a comprehensive Fitness to drive Medical and Forklift Driver Medicals. These include an initial questionnaire which must be completed by all candidates. Items covered within the questionnaire are standard conditions which could prohibit driving and these include... s

Neurological disorders and Cardiovascular disorders.


Diabetes and Epilepsy


Psychiatric disorders.

In addition to assessing fitness, OSHS will provide advice on any pre-existing health conditions and travel advice and provide travel information pertaining to the individuals destination.


Drug Misuse.


Renal and Respiratory disorders.



Sleep disorders and Visual disorders


Initial discussion in the form of a health questionnaire.


Discussion on Health Questionnaire and Clinical Assessment.

A Certificate of Fitness with be issued to the Company.

If an individual has any concern regarding health following a period of overseas travel, it is recommended that they contact their own GP. However, at OSHS Ltd, we are happy to provide advice and recommendations to your company as appropriate.

travel and vaccination services On Site Health Solutions Ltd. will offer... s


A comprehensive travel brief detailing all vaccinations, malaria prophylaxis and travel items you need to be safe.


Information on outbreaks and general travel health news.


Fact sheets that provide information on medications, vaccines and a range of travel health advice.

a full clinical examination is carried out including... s

Vision and Hearing, Respiratory Assessment.


Blood Pressure and Pulse, Urinalysis.


Clinical Examination, Range of Movements and Balance.

If indicated by the company, a Chain of Custody Drug and Alcohol test may be performed. Ensuring a Drivers’ fitness to drive is essential in both business and recreational use. Ordinary UK Driving Licenses issued by the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) are inscribed with: “You are required by law to inform drivers medical branch, DVLA Swansea, at once if you have any disability (either physical or medical condition) which is or may become likely to affect your fitness as a driver, unless you do not expect it to last more than three months.


visit our online portal

www.oshsltd.co.uk/oshs-resources/ Where you will be able to download the following documents...



Immunisation Questionnaire.


Control and Confirmation Sheets.


Drug and Alcohol Consent Forms.


Audio Skin and Lung Questionnaire.


Sickness Absence Referrals.


Travel Clinic Information.


Sales Enquiry Form.


Service Booklet.


Flu Poster.


flu vaccination programme We have already secured the best deal for Flu Vaccinations. With Employer/Employee vaccination programmes running from September through December, we can provide protection for your entire workforce. Programmes and orders are put in place as early as July in order to secure your vaccines at the best price. Offering your staff the Flu Vaccine shows a commitment and a level of care to your staff, both in a working environment and at home. Prevention is 90% of the cure - and is proved through lower winter absenteeism. Get Protected!

Consulting Rooms 4 Wellington Square Ayr, Scotland KA7 1EN Our hours of operation are...

Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm We operate a 24 Hour On Call Service

additional services OSHS Ltd. also has the following additional services...



Employee Assistance Programme and Employee Counselling.


Drug and Alcohol Training and Advice (DATA Course)


Alternative Therapies / Medicines


Corporate Medical Adviser


Construction Better Health


Physiotherapy and Sports Injury


Fitness and Well-being Adviser


Dentistry and Optician


Healthy Heart Promotion and Health Awareness Days


Health and Safety Policies and Procedures


Phlebotomy Services


Exposure Tests

Tel: 01292 262770 www.oshsltd.co.uk email: info@oshsltd.co.uk find us on...


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