onspOt Magazine 8th issue (October-December 2013)

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ISSN: 1821 1821-8059 8059




Refugee to music icon THE

Moipei Quartet

Issue No. 8 Sep-Nov 2013

CONTENTS ditor s Note Note 3 EEditor s eaders Mails Mails 4 R Readers otice Board Board 5 N Notice 6 C ool Page Page Cool 10 O MG 10 OMG izmos Gallery Gallery 12 G Gizmos usic Review Review 14 M Music ovie Review Review 15 M Movie 6 Cool Cool Page Page

age Turner Turner 16 P Page 18 G litz & G lamour 18 Glitz Glamour areer Profile Profile 30 C Career 34 Cover Cover FFeature eature arental Eye Eye 42 P Parental ealth 44 HHealth Events Eye Eye 46 Mr. Mrr. Events 50 115 5 Minutes Minutes

44 Health Health

uccess 56 SSuccess spOt Connect Connect 58 on onspOt ating W orld 62 D Dating World 65 Kampus Kampus B Buzz uzz

6 Kampus Buzz Buzz 655 Kampus Movers & SShakers 72 Y oung Movers hakers Young oment On On Top Top 74 M Moment

age Turner Turner 16 PPage

ports 81 SSports

Glitz Glitz & glamour glamour

34 Cover Feature Moment oment on on Top Top 30 M


onspOt onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

Mr. r. EEye ye EEvents vents 46 M

a a nnew ew ggroove! roove! D Dear ear Reader, Reader, holding in in your your hands hands the the ffirst ir st iissue ssue of of onspOt onspOt Magazine! Y ou re holding Maga zine! Yes, Yes, Teenspot Teenspot is is now now You re is in in line line w imed aatt called called o onspOt nspOt M Magazine. aga zine. T The he nname ame ch change ange is with ith our our strategic str ategic d direction irec tion aaimed of the the youths. youths. Over Over time, time, we've our target target eclipsing eclipsing a llarger arger section sec tion of we've realized realized that that our teens, university univer sity scholars, scholar s, young young professional and adults adults too too so so our our aaudience udience spans spans from from teens, professional and new new nname ame onspOt onspOt is is meant meant to be be more more inclusive. inclusive. Further Fur ther to the the name name change, change, we ve we ve also assumed assumed the the use use of of our our new new identity identity and and logo logo with with the the same same slogan slogan We We Do Do It It For For also romise to continually sual ccontent ontent aand nd sstyle tyle uupheld pheld bearing the Youth . Wee p promise t he Y outh . W continually eensure nsure tthe he uusual bearing sstrict tric t rrelevance elevance to to today s day s yyoung oung ggeneration. ener ation. W e ve covered covered a w ider vvariety a r ie t y o pics in in this this summer summer issue. issue. I had had an an interview inter view with with Dr. We ve wider off to topics Dr. Gwamaka old what I do Gwamaka Robert Rober t Kifukwe, Kifuk we, a 28-year 28-year o ld man, man, with with a PhD. PhD. His His respect respec t for for what do and a nd anaging his his brand, br and, made made the myy respect managing the interview inter view one one of of my my favourite favourite m respec t ffor or hhim im for for m since b ecoming tthe he eeditor ditor o his ggreat aga zine. He He is is no no doubt doubt a man man interviews becoming off tthis magazine. ter views since r eat m shrouded rouded with with selfless self less attitude. at titude. Wee connect with Ms. Wachuka, Managing W connec t you you w i th M s. LLiz iz W achuka, tthe he M anaging Director Direc tor and and Co-founder Co-founder nner SSpace pace Africa ind what what odds off IInner odds she she has has had had to beat beat in Affrica Company Company Ltd. Lttd. FFind in her her life life here sshe he iiss to day. to gett w where today. o ge h ese d ays everything ever y thing iiss about about young young people people so These days Madati in in T so we ve we ve Mr. Mr. Othman Othman Madati Career C areer Profile; Prof ile; Boniface Boniface and and Mbwana Mbwana as as Young Young Movers Mover s & Shakers Shaker s and and Bakka Bakka and a nd Joachim oachim in in our our Moment Moment On On Top Top Column. Column. FFor or aallll ffashion ashion lovers check out out the the hottest hot test trends trends and lover s out out there, there, be be sure sure to check a nd buys. We ve ggreat r ea t b u ys . W e ve aalso lso iincluded ncluded ssome ome fashion fashion don ts don ts for for guys. guys. Ms. Ms. Dyauli Dyauli provides p rovides ggourmet our met lovers lover s with with a feast feast they ll they ll never never forget. forget. Need Need some some help h e lp with check out ccoming oming uup pw ith ffun un iideas deas this this summer? summer? Then Then ch eck o ut ssome ome of of the the activities ac t i v i t i e s we ve to get get you you and and your your fr friends friends o out ut and and active. ac tive. w e ve suggested suggested to Overall, believe wee hhave O ver all, we we b elieve w ave ggiven iven yyou ou eenough nough stories stories to inspire, inspire, challenge, challenge, and entertain enter tain you you and and have have nno o doubt doubt that educate that you you will will apreciate apreciate the the new new educate and irec tion we we have have taken. taken. This This edition edition of of onspOt direction d onspOt Magazine Maga zine will will definitely def initely be be a ource iinn p roviding yyou ou w ith rrelevant elevant information infor mation and rreliable eliable ssource and entertainment, enter tainment, thus t hu s providing with capturing capturing the the essence essence of of youth youth life. life. Till the the next nex t issue, issue, enjoy enjoy your your summer! summer ! Till @MichaelmasJr @MichaelmasJr

SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013 | Issue Issue No. No. 8 - onsp onspOt Ot


CONTRIBUTORS Brains B rains B Behind ehind What What does does music music mean mean to to you? you? Wee ask W ask four four ccontributors ontributors from from this this issue issue to to tell tell us us what what music music means means to to them them and and how music how m usic iimpacts mpacts their their lives. lives. Monica Mo nica MsMoDy MsMoDy

T Travis ravis Kisamo Kisamo

Campus In In C ampus Culinary Culinary Talk Talk

Music Review Music R eview

F FOUNDER OUNDER & MANAGING MANAGING PUBLISHER PUBLISHER Amin Amin Swai Sw a i am aminswai@onspotmagazine.com insw ai@onspot mag a zine .com MARKETING MARKETING & PUBLIC P U B LI C RELATIONS DIRECTOR REL ATIONS DIRECTOR N Nsia sia Swai Sw a i nsiaswai@onspotmagazine.com nsiasw ai@onspot mag a zine .com MANA MANAGING GING EDITOR E D IT O R M Michaelmas ichaelmas Anne Anne Marie M ar ie michaelmas@onspotmagazine.com michaelmas@onspot mag a zine .com FEATURES F E ATURES EDITOR EDITOR Peter Peter Muthamia Mut hamia muthamia@onspotmagazine.com mut hamia@onspot mag a zine .com

Music M usic is is the the sound sound of of my my ssoul. oul. What What I feel, feel, what what I kknow, now, and and what what I ve I ve eexperienced, xperienced, iitt is is pput ut into into o one ne melody. melody.

music iiss I definitely definitely believe believe music on the the positive positive tthe he reason reason I m I m on Music ppath ath to to enlightenment. enlightenment . Music n iimpact mpact on on my my hhas as ssuch uch aan houghts and tthoughts and actions. actions.

Zulekha Z ulekha IIbrahim brahim

Benny Nkini B enny N kini

Travel Travel

Gallery Gizmoz Gizmoz G allery

FASHION EDITOR FASHION E D IT O R & STYLIST ST Y LI ST Rio Paul R io P au l riopaul@onspotmagazine.com riopaul@onspot mag a zine .com

C RE ATIVE & CREATIVE A RT D IRECTION ART DIRECTION o nspO t T e am onspOt Team P HOTOGR APHER PHOTOGRAPHER G Gavin avin G Gosbert osbe r t G ENER AL MANAGER MANAGER GENERAL A t hanas Suba Suba Athanas inf info@onspotmagazine.com o@onspot mag a zine .com C IRCUL ATION & CIRCULATION S UBSC RIPTION MANAGER MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION Obrian H arr y Obrian Harry obrian@onspot mag a zine .com obrian@onspotmagazine.com COUNTRY UP COUNTRY DISTRIBUTORS DISTRIBUTORS A 3N Publishers Publishers A3N OUR OUR PA PARTNERS R TN E R S

CONTRIBUTORS CONTRIBUTORS Benny B enny Nkini N k ini Greyson Onesmo Greyson O ne smo Jessam Jessam Jeremiah Jeremiah Laurent L au re n t B Bahinda a hind a Lello Mmassy Le llo M massy M Monica onic a Dyauli Dy auli Nassor N assor Yusuph Yusuph Mdemu Md e m u Shamsa S hamsa Akukweti A k u k we t i Travis Tr avis Kisamo Kisamo Zulek ha IIbrahim br ahim Zulekha

Disclaimer: Disclaimer : T The he aauthors u t hor s aand nd publisher pu blis he r declare d ecla r e that t hat they t hey have have compiled com piled this t his d document/publication ocu m e nt /pu blic at ion to to the t he best b es t of of their t he ir knowledge. k now ledge . However H oweve r no no w warranty a r r a nt y of of representation r e pr ese nt at ion is is made mad e to to the t he accuracy accu r ac y of of this t his information. i nfo r m a t i o n . T The he p publisher u blis he r aassumes s su m es nno o rresponsibility es ponsibili t y ffor or tthe he mistakes mis t a kes that t hat may may arise a r ise from f r o m tthis his document docu m e nt or or tthe he content conte nt therein t he r e in the t he publication. public ation . A Allll rrights ig ht s rreserved, ese r ved , reproduction r e pr od u c t ion in in whole w hole or or part pa r t without w i t hou t written w r i t te n permission off tthe p e r mis sion o he Editor Edi torr is is strictly st r ic t l y prohibited. pr ohibi ted .

alive. M usic makes makes me me feel feel alive. Music T he bbarriers arriers I put put up up around around The m myself yself come come down down - be be it it lilistening, stening, dancing, dancing, playing, playing, w whatever. hatever. IItt sstrips trips aaway way tthe he pprotection rotection aand nd lets lets me me see see tthe he hhuman uman in in me. me.


M Music usic is is another another language language to to m me. e. IItt d describes escribes and and creates creates ffeelings eelings tthat hat I am am not not able able to to put put iinto nto words. words. IItt re reminds minds mee that m that II m m hhuman uman and and makes makes m mee feel feel sso o aalive! live!

onsp onspOt Ot - IIssue ssue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

P Published ublished bby: y: A A3N 3N P Publisher, ublisher, M Msasani sasani Road. Road. P.O.Box P.O. B ox 7895, 78 95 , Dar Dar es es Salaam-Tanzania. S ala am -Tanz ania . E-mail: E - mail: tteenspot11@live.com eenspot11@live .com Call: C a ll: + +255 255 688 6 8 8 591 591 182 182 | +255 +255 785 78 5 888 8 8 8 881 8 81

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From the best of our critics and admirers

ATTENTION READERS! Let us hear from you. We always want you to let us know what you think about onspOt Magazine, which story has touched you or rubbed you the wrong way so contact us with your opinions, ideas, suggestions and advice.

I saw the premiere issue of onspOt Magazine and absolutely had to have it. It s unanimous, Gwamaka Kifukwe is hot. I really loved getting to know more about him and I really like his perspective on life. I read the magazine from cover to cover and I m still re-reading it. Keep it up the good work guys!!

I enjoyed the June Issue of onspOt Magazine. I m particularly proud of Liz Wachuka, since she s proud of herself and shows us young women that we do not have to be like anyone! Let all young women consider her quote, Your life is your own, only you have the power to live it as you please .

Halima, Tanga

Dorah, UDSM

As a young motivational speaker with big ambitions, I was inspired by Liz Wachuka s article. It challenges me to take personal accountability in all my endeavors and not to blame anyone or anything else. Big up to everyone who contributes to making onspOt Magazine a success!

Edward, Arusha

The Summer Issue was so great; you featured Dr. Gwamaka! I think he s become my role model and I can t stop talking about him. onspOt Magazine, you need to get the Magazine of the Year Award! Keep it up and look for more inspirational and phenomenal youths!!

Ann Lilian, Bagamoyo

Have Have something something on on your your heart? h e a r t? SShare hare it it with with us! u s! info@onspotmagazine.com in fo@onspotmaga zine.com

Your magazine gives readers access to great mentors we never thought we d hear from. Thank you so so much for featuring Gwamaka and Liz and I m really glad to have invested in onspOt Magazine!

Andrew, UDSM

+255 + 255 6688 8 8 5591 91 182 182 +255 433 + 255 7784 8 4 655 655 43 3 +255 + 255 7785 85 888 8 8 8 881 8 81 LLike ike us us at at FFacebook.com/ a c e b o o k .co m / onspOtmagazine on spOtmaga zine FFollow ollow uuss o nT on Twitter wit ter @ onspOtmag @onspOtmag

Issue No. No. 8 - onsp SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013 | Issue onspOt Ot



APOLOGY AP OLOGY IInn our was erroneously, our SSummer ummer Issue, Issue , it it was erroneously, but Othman s but inadvertently inadver tently typed t yped that t h at O thman s mother mother passed passed away away when when he he and and his his We would o ew ould llike ike tto siblings were were young. young. W siblings Mama Othman t ill rrectify ectif y tthat h at M ama O t hma n iiss sstill alive and apologize Mr. oM r. a live a nd ttherefore h e re f o re a pologize tto Othman Madati and his O t hman M a d at i a nd h is ffamily a mily for for any caused due o a ny inconveniences inconveniences c aused d ue tto this error. t h is e rror.

w www.mnada.co.tz w w.mnada.co.tz iiss aann EEast ast African A fr ic a n online marketplace brings online m arketplace tthat hat br ings bbuyers uyers and and ssellers ellers together together to to trade trade almost almost anything any thing tthrough hrough online online auctions auctions aand nd fixed f ixed pprice rice ssales. ales. IIt s t s the the largest largest ssite ite of of its operating Africa. its kind kind o perating in EEast ast A fr ic a .

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There new platform ew p latform that t ha t Th ere is a n promotes individuals ividuals and and business business p romotes ind tthrough hrough interviews. inter views. Y Yes, es, IInformation nformation Meets Creativity. Check out M eets Cr eativit y. C he c k o ut www.oneqn.net would w w w.oneqn.net and ike and iiff yyou ou w ould llike to to be be interviewed inter viewed then to then send send an an e-mail e -mail to ask ask me@oneqn.net me@oneqn.net


onspOt onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | Sep Sep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

Cele Celebbrati r atinngg iinnov nnovation ation youn young Afric A fricaan n eentre ntrepr pren eneeurs ur s Presennted Prese ted bbyy A Afric fricaan n LLead eadeershi r ship Acadeemy Acad my & T The he Mast M astercar ercard Found Foun datio ation Uganda s Best Aiyorworth Aiyor wor th has has been been named n amed U ganda s Best Grand Prize Winner r i ze W inner of of the the Anzisha A nzish a tthe he G r and P Prize, P rize , Africa s Africa s foremost foremost yyouth ou t h eentrepreneurship ntrepreneurship award. award. Her Her ffellow ellow ccountryman ountr yman Titus Titus Mawano M awano was was the t he ffirst-runner irst-runner up up while while Domitila Domitila Silayo of Silayo of Tanzania Taanz ania was named the the second second runner-up r u n n e r- u p was named of t h re e competition. The The three of this this prestigious prestigious competition. shared USD with he nnine ine SD iinn prize p r i ze w ith tthe shared $75,000 $75,0 0 0 U other to money they they will will use use to other finalists f inalists money take rojects tto o nnew ew hheights. e ig ht s . A t ake their their pprojects $10,000 USD Award made nerg y Aw w a rd m SD EEnergy A $ 10,0 0 0 U ade ppossible os sib le tthanks hank s to to the the Donor Donor Circle Circle for for Africa, A fr ic a , went w ent to to Rwanda s Rwanda s Joie Joie Laurent L aurent Sangwa. S a ng w a .

u o hank Y






So here s a list of ten famous songs that we (onspOt Magazine team) liked and think that got a good amount of play in Tanzania in 20013, along with some context that explains why each shows something deeper about society. Enjoy!!

YAHAYA by Lady Jaydee

to drum himself into action when designing our magazines! In any case, Lady Jaydee got it going this year!

MAJANGA by Snura


This is that song the song that will always mean Tanzania 2013 to us. What a jam! We love the fact that every Tanzanian had to bow down to this song. Yes, the song raced across age grades; from kindergartens to men and women well advanced in years. It is a massive hit and caps off the best songs that made 2013 so remarkable. The best way to listen to Yahaya is to have your volumes at full blast! If it doesn t charge you up into action, then we don t know what will! Our Art Director used to use it


onspOt - Issue No. 8 | Sep - Nov 2013

This is one of our favorite and top motivational songs of all time. We must also admit that Ben Pol did something completely fresh and classic. This song is about doing our very best for dreams. Don t be afraid to reach out and give your everything. It s only when you put your heart and soul into your goals that you live your life to the fullest so Jikubali!

This hit single made budding actress Snura so proud. With an incredible energy and very exciting spirit, Majanga shot to top of charts in Tanzania days after it was released. It is one of the most cheerful songs with signature beat never to be forgotten. Its position as number 3 cannot be contested. PERSONALLY by P Square You could hardly go a day without hearing this song in Dar! The Nigerians, in fact, are dominating the East African airwaves we call it pan-African pop. This song received positive reviews from many people who were addicted to its catchy beats and lyrical rhyme schemes. It


was also tough for us to decide between this joint and Kukere by Iyanya.

NAKUPENDA PIA by Wyre Ft. Alaine

Wyre is one of the most consistent artists in Kenya with one of the longest running careers in the 254 music scene. He has done a whole of collaborations with international artists including Cecile and Morgan Heritage. Nakupenda Pia is a simple dancehall track; Wyre and Alaine balance each other out beautifully with each making their presence felt without outdoing the other. We just wish more people would do jams like this! STILL THE ONE by Sauti Sol Every time we listen to a brand new Sauti Sol track, we can t help but

appreciate the vocal and instrumental wealth the group possess: how each and every member release sounds so distinctively unique and yet so very well recognizable as one of their own. Still the One is a love ballad dedicated to the group s die-hard fans that are embodied as the love interest in the track. POMBE YANGU by Madee This is one of the few songs that truly made anyone want to go crazy this year; clubs and parties shuddered under the madness. Madee metamorphosed from a rap singer into an energetic party-box that unleashed the insane side of everyone. The song is beautifully composed to move at breakneck speed; fueling the madness. Madee s success in this song is what we will remember him for and that s why it s at number 07.

the young lady that Diamond takes home for his parents approval. SO CRAZY by Maua Sama Ft. Mwana FA

So we have to admit, So Crazy is one of the most beautiful songs that we have ever heard this year. Maua is an absolutely brilliant singer and as seen in her song, she s an extremely versatile singer who could virtually sing anything. This new act was discovered by Mwana FA and is currently a student at Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCOBS) taking Bachelor Degree in Marketing & Entrepreneurship. MUZIKI GANI by Ney wa Mitego Ft. Diamond OK, so to be totally honest, this is

KESHO by Diamond

Over the past few years award winning musician Diamond has quickly risen to fame and he has not slowed down since then. Kesho is one of the singles that you can listen to endlessly. We also love the video which features none other than Kenyan singer and actress, Avril as

not our favorite song musically. But we still think of it as a phenomenon because (a) you couldn t switch to the radio for 20 minutes without hearing the song, (b) it gives any American pop song a run for its money and (c) it captures the sometime exhausting Tanzanian party spirit pretty well.

Sep - Nov 2013 | Issue No. 8 - onspOt




LLife s ife s NOT NOT a straight line...

1.. 1 Aw woman oman with with P PhD hD in in Maths Maths won won tthe he scratch scr atch off of f llottery ot ter y four four times times bbyy figuring figuring out out the the aalgorithm lgorithm used used to to pproduce roduce the the ti tickets. ckets.

2. There T here is is a man man with with Down D own Syndrome Syndrome who who own o wn a restaurant rest aur ant which which offers o f fers Breakfast, Break fast , Lunch Lunch aand nd Hugs. Hugs. You You can can always always uuse se your your weakness/strength weakness/streng th ttoo make make money . money .

3. B Brazil r a zil PPrisons r i so n s o offer f fer ttheir he ir pprisoners risoners tto o re reduce duce ttheir he ir ssentence entence ffor or 4 ddays ays uupp tto o 4488 d days ays //years years ffor or eevery ver y bbook ook tthey h ey re read ad aand nd w write rite a re report p or t o on. n. Should S ho u l d w wee ppropose ropose tthis his ttoo oour ur pprisoners risoner s in in E East ast Africa? Afrrica?

4. Before Before aalarms larms cclocks lock s w were ere invented, invented, tthere here w was as a pprofession ro f e s s i o n called called a kknocker-up, nocker-up, w which hic h involved involved go going ing ffrom rom cclients lients tto o client client aand nd ttapping a p ping o onn ttheir he ir windows windows ((or or bbagging a g ging o onn ttheir he ir doors) doors) w with ith llong ong ssticks tick s uuntil ntil tthey h ey were were aawake. wake. IItt llasted asted iinto nto tthe he 1920s. 1920 s. Yeah! Yeah! D Development evelopment ooff technology technolog y lleads eadss ttoo uunemployment nemployment to to ssome ome ppeople . eople .

5. In 11039, In 039, T The he N New ew Y York or k T Times ime s ppredicted redicted tthat h at T TV Vw would ould ffail ail bbecause ecause ppeople e ople w wouldn t ouldn t hhave ave ttime ime tto o sshare hare aatt a sscreen. creen. Always Alwayys ggreat reat iideas deas hhave ave ttoo ssound o und iimpossible mpossible or or iinsane . nsane .

6.. 6 Am man an w who ho hhad ad hhalf al f o off hhis is bbody od y aamputated mput ated aafter f ter bbeing eing rrun un o over ver bbyy ttruck r uck o opened pened hhis is o own wn bbargain ar g ain ssupermarket, upermarket , ccalled alled tthe he hhalf al f m man an hhalf alf pprice rice sstore. tore. This This iiss w what ha t w wee call call sseeing eeing llife ife iinn ppositive o s i t i ve w way . ay .


onspOt onspOt - IIssue s su e N No. o. 8 | SSep ep - N Nov ov 22013 013


7.. D 7 Dark ar k chocolate chocolate contains co n t a i n s a chemical chemical that that our our bodies bodies convert conver t iinto nto a phenyl phenyl ethylamine ethylamine tthe he same same chemical chemical secreted secreted

9.. 9 There iiss Carpet There Carpet alarm al ar m clock clock aand nd iitt fforces orces yyou ou to to get get uupp aand nd sstand t a nd o onn it it tto o tturn urn iitt o off. f f. Innovation Innovation iiss lilife . fe .

10.. 10

when w he n w wee ffall all iin n llove. ove. That s That s w why hy ladies ladies lloves oves cchocolates . hocolates .

A Astronauts stronauts aboard aboard tthe he in international ternational sspace pace sstation t ation ssee ee 1155 ssunrises unrises aand nd ssunsets u n se t s a dday ay aaveraging ver aging o one ne eevery ver y 445minutes. 5 minu t e s . Imagine Imagine iiff yyou ou w were ere oone ne ooff tthem! hem!

8. Aw woman oman ddonated onated a kkidney idney tto o her her bboss oss aand nd go gott ffired ired rright ight aafter f ter that. t h at .

SSep ep - N Nov ov 22013 013 | Issue I s su e N No. o. 8 - onsp onspOt Ot




Pioneer CDJ-2000 Multi Player Turntables

They are of ultimate technologically advanced multi-format players and can handle any media you throw at it with great performance, reliability and confidence taking your musical craft to the next level. They can Playback MP3, AAC, WAV and AIFF audio files on CD, DVD-ROM, SD card and USB Memory Devices. You can also assign various buttons to trigger other devices, such as DJ effecters and software with MIDI mapping capability and much more.

Musical Fidelity EB50 Earphones

A British hi-fi manufacturer and have been developed, designed and refined completely in house over a year. Musical Fidelity claim these create ‘Your own personal concert hail’ and given the company’s pedigree for producing high-end hi-fi equipment will reproduce any kind of music as accurately as it gets. Specific sound characteristics include a very flat frequency response and impressive dynamic range with deep, fast and clear bass.

Divoom Bluetune Solo The Piano and Violin Learning Pen Brought to us from Uxsight with a uniqueness in the sense, that it can read musical sheets and can even playback the notes read by it. All a user has to do is to tap the on the desired section of a musical sheet and the pen does the rest. Powered by a set of AAA batteries and requires specially designed music books to read from, which are quite rare. This unique pen can be used to learn not only piano and violin, but other instruments as well, such as the guitar etc.


onspOt - Issue No. 8 | Sep - Nov 2013

With its enhanced audio, The Bluetune-solo's X-bass sound system features a deep bass in a compact package, and includes a built-in microphone for hands-free calls, built-in rechargeable battery lasting up to 8 hours. Also offering audio out so you can wireless control your Entertainment Centre, TV, or other speakers wireless via Bluetooth. WoW!.. we know Small and convenient size gives you ultimate portability without the wires! battery life

" #

MOVIE M OVI E REVIEW RE VI EW The The Go Gods ds Must Must Be Crazy Crazy

An An old old movie movie released during released d uring the off V VHS HS the eera ra o and minutes and 1180 80 m inutes maximum video deo maximum vi play. play. IItt iiss a ppopular opular aand nd hilarious hi larious SSouth outh African African movie movie which was which w as written written and and directed It amie Uys Uys and and set set in in Botswana. Botswana. It directed bbyy JJamie tells tells the the story story of of Xi, Xi, a Sho Sho of of the the Kalahari Kalahari Desert whose band has has no no knowledge knowledge of of the the Desert w hose band world ntil a bbottle ottle of of Coca Coca world bbeyond eyond uuntil Cola and the the Cola fell fell from from sky sky and whole w hole story story cchanged. hanged.


Khumalo, Whoopi Goldberg, Miriam K humalo, W hoopi G oldberg, M iriam Makeba, Kani M akeba, JJohn ohn K ani and and Tertius Tertius " # % " # % location location in in Soweto Soweto and and Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South was directed South Africa Africa aand nd w as d irected bbyy Darell Roodt. Darell R oodt. The The movie movie is is about about students students that that are are iinvolved nvolved in in the the Soweto Soweto Riots Riots which which are are staged staged to to opposition eemphasize mphasize tthe he o to the the pposition to off A Afrikaans iimplementation mplementation o frikaans aass tthe he tteaching eaching llanguage anguage iinn sschools. chools. The The ' ' Khumalo) K humalo) ffeels eels sshame hame aatt hher er * ' < = > * ' < = > off hher aacceptance cceptance o er role role as as domestic d omestic sservant ervant iinn a white white household during ho usehold d uring tthe he aapartheid partheid Africa iin n SSouth outh A frica aand nd iinspires nspires hher er n pprotest, rotest , ppeers eers tto o rrise ise uup p iin her eespecially specially during during after after her Mary iinspirational nspirational tteacher, eacher, Mary = < 'Q [ = < ' Q [ Goldberg) G oldberg) is is imprisoned. imprisoned.

Africa A frica iiss a ccontinent ontinent tthat hat hhas as ccome ome tthrough hrough a way, llong ong w ay, hhaving aving bbeen een llargely argely sshaped haped aand nd \ ] =^ % _ _ _ \ ] =^ % _ _ _ Africa cchallenges hallenges aand nd ppolitical olitical iinstability. nstability. A frica has has a media African llot ot tto o ppresent resent iinn tthe he m edia tthrough hrough A frican movie wee hhave m ovie aand nd w ave sseen een ssome ome iinteresting nteresting aand nd movies cclassic lassic m ovies tthat hat kkeep eep rreverberating everberating onspOt Magazine tthrough hrough tthe he aages. ges. o nspOt M agazine bbrings rings tto o yyou ou tthe he ttop op 3 Classic C lassic African African Movies. Mo vies.


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{ ` = =% ]

{ written ritten by by the the novelist novelist Tsitsi Tsitsi w Dangarembga. D angarembga. It’s It’s directed directed by by Goodwin Goodwin Mawuru awuru and and the the screen screen play play was w as M % =^ } ~ = " * =^ } ~ = " * % ` = =% ^" ` = =% ^" # # woman Zimbabwe w oman iin n a rrural ural ttown own iin nZ imbabwe when widowed er hhusband w hen she she iiss w idowed aafter fter hher usband illed in in an an accident. accident . The The soundtrack soundtrack iiss kkilled % =^ € } % =^ € } Mtukudzi. M tukudzi.

Sep Sep - N Nov ov 2013 2013 | Issue Issue No. No. 8 - onsp onspOt Ot



By:: By


Music Music is is a huge huge part par t of of everyone's ever yone's llife, ife, eespecially s pe c i a l l y during du ring tthose hose sup super-emotional er- emotional m moments oments tthat hat be begg ffor or a ssoundtrack. And nd du during ring yyour oundtrack . A our yyouth outh yyears, ears, tthere here aare re ssoo m many any ooff tthose hose m moments. oments. H Here ere iiss an example example of of a few few songs s o ng s ccategorized ategorized bbyy ssome ome ooff tthe he eemotions motions tthat hat w wee go go through through on on a ddaily aily ba basis. si s .

+ ‚ ƒ„- ƒ„- + ‚ for Ev ery Youth Youth for Every Moment Moment The T he

Feeling a llittle it t l e b it Feeling bit of llove ove iin n tthe he a i r? of air? Well, Well, music music has has got got what what it it takes t akes to to magnify magnif y your your mood mood making making you you feel feel the the love love to to the the core core of of your your heart. he ar t . H Here ere aare re ssome ome o off tthe he ssongs ongs that that can can just just do do that! t h at ! ˆ ƒ*‰ 'Š‚ ‹ ÂŒ'Š' ˆ ƒ * ‰ ' Š ‚ ‹ ÂŒ ' Š ' ˆ Â?ƒ +Š ‹ #'„+  ' ˆ Â?ƒ +Š ‹ #'„+  ' Mdee Mdee ˆ ++* %ƒ… ‹ 'Š) ˆ ++* %ƒ… ‹ 'Š) Anthony Anthony ˆ ŒŠŠƒŠ ‹ Â… Â‚Œ„ ˆ ŒŠŠƒŠ ‹ Â… Â‚Œ„ Timberlake Timberlake ˆ 'Š‚ „ ‚Ž+ Š…„ ‹ '‰ & ‚ +‰ƒ„)Â? ˆ 'Š ‚ „ ‚Ž+ Š…„ ‹ '‰ & ‚ +‰ƒ„)Â? ˆ ˆ ‚Œ)Â? $Œ‚)ÂŽÂ… ‹!ÂŽ+ Â…  Â‰)'‚ ƒÂ?Â? Â‚ ‡'„‚ ‚Œ)Â? $Œ‚)ÂŽÂ… ‹!ÂŽ+ Â…  Â‰)'‚ ƒÂ?Â? Â‚ ‡'„‚ ˆ ˆ ‚ŒÂ?Â? ‚Ž+ „+ ‹ ‚ŒÂ?Â? ‚Ž+ „+ ‹ ''…‚Œ …‚Œ ƒÂ? ƒÂ? ˆˆ !Š+' Â…Š+ ‹ Š…„ƒ 'Š !Š+' Â…Š+ ‹ Š…„ƒ 'Š ÂˆÂˆ "„(+Â?ÂŒ+‡'(Â?+ ‹ Š'ÂŒ- '‡Œ* "„(+Â?ÂŒ+‡'(Â?+ ‹ Š 'ÂŒ- '‡Œ* ˆˆ %+ Âƒ ‹ '„Â?‰ $ %+ Âƒ ‹ '„Â? ‰ $

F Feeling e e l i ng h happy happy and and energetic? energetic? '„)+  Ž'�+ '„* ‘ƒ‡+ ‚ƒ ‚Ž+ (+'‚ ƒ,  ƒ‘+ ƒ, ‚Ž+ '„)+  Ž'�+ '„* ‘ƒ‡+ ‚ƒ ‚Ž+ (+'‚ ƒ,  ƒ‘+ ƒ, ‚Ž+ bbest est summer summer club club bangers bangers that that will will hhave ave you you ggrooving rooving all all night. night . ˆˆ „‚+„„' ‹ … + „ ‚ + „ „ ' ‹ …  + ˆˆ Ž+’' Œ�' …�…„“' Ž+’' Œ�' …�…„“' ƒ‚Œ ‹ % ”'„' ƒ‚Œ ‹ % ”'„' ‚ 'Š‚Œ„ ‚ ' Š ‚ Œ „  ˆˆ '„’' …*…Šƒ ‹ ƒ„ '„’' …*…Šƒ ‹ ƒ„ ‘'Š ‚ …)+„’ƒ ‘ ' Š ‚ … ) + „ ’ ƒ ˆ ƒ‚ƒ ' ŒŠ' ‹ '*‰ '‰*++ ˆ ƒ‚ƒ ' ŒŠ ' ‹ '*‰ '‰*++ ‚ Šƒ, '‰ ‚ Šƒ, '‰ ˆ Žƒ„' ‹ ',Œ�Œ’ƒ�ƒ ‚ "Ž…Š… ˆ Ž ƒ „ ' ‹ ' , Œ � Œ ’ ƒ � ƒ ‚ " Ž … Š … ' � … † + „ * ' Œ ' ‹ $ ‰ Š+ ‚ � ' Œ „ + ˆˆ '�…†+„*' Œ' ‹ $‰Š+ ‚ �'Œ„+ +Š ƒ„'��‰ ‹ •…'Š+ ˆˆ +Š ƒ„'��‰ ‹ • … ' Š+ ƒ‘(+ %'„-… ‹ '*++ ˆˆ ƒ‘(+ %'„-… ‹ '*++

Music M usic can can also also be be a great great source source of of

Going Going tthrough hrough a b break-up reak-up Š+'Â? …† 'Š+ Â… Â…'Â?Â?‰ ,ÂŒÂ?Â?+* ”Œ‚Ž ' Â?ƒ‚ ƒ, +‘ƒ‚Œƒ„'Â? Š+'Â? …† 'Š+ Â… Â…'Â?Â?‰ , ÂŒÂ?Â?+* ”Œ‚Ž ' Â?ƒ‚ ƒ, +‘ƒ‚Œƒ„'Â? †'Œ„ (…‚ ”Œ‚Ž ‚Ž+ ŠŒ-Ž‚  ÂƒÂ„- Â‰ÂƒÂ… )'„ -ƒ ‚ŽŠƒ…-ÂŽ †'Œ„ (…‚ ”Œ‚Ž ‚Ž+ ŠŒ-Ž‚  ÂƒÂ„- Â‰ÂƒÂ… )'„ -ƒ ‚ŽŠƒ…-ÂŽ  Â…)ÂŽ ' †Ž' + Œ„ Â?ÂŒ,+ ”Œ‚Ž Â?+  Â†'Œ„ +Š+  Â… ) ÂŽ ' † ÂŽ '  + ÂŒ „ Â? ÂŒ , + ” ÂŒ ‚ ÂŽ Â? +   Â† ' ÂŒ „ + Š+ are are few few ssongs ongs that that can can see see you you ‚ŽŠƒ…-ÂŽ ‚Ž+ (Š+'Â? …† †Šƒ)+  '„* ‚ ÂŽ Šƒ Â… - ÂŽ ‚ ÂŽ + ( Š + ' Â? Â… † † Šƒ ) +   ' „ * ÂŽ+Â?† ‰ƒ… ,Œ„* )Â?ƒ Â…Š+ '„* ‘ƒ‡+ ÂŽ+Â?† ‰ƒ… , Œ„* )Â?ƒ Â…Š+ '„* ‘ƒ‡+ on on.. ‘'„Œ ‰' ƒ‰ƒ ‹ +Â’' +  Â‰ ˆˆ ‘'„Œ ‰' ƒ‰ƒ ‹ +Â’' +  Â‰ ˆ Š'„* +” + ‹ Â?ÂŒ)ÂŒ' +‰ Âˆ Š '„* +” + ‹ Â?ÂŒ)ÂŒ' +‰ Âˆ –‘ $'Â?Â?Œ„- ”'‰ ‹ Š'ÂŒ- ˆ –‘ $'Â?Â?Œ„- ”'‰ ‹ Š 'ÂŒ- '‡Œ* '‡Œ* ˆ ŠŠ+†Â?')+'(Â?+ ‹ +‰ƒ„)Â? ˆ ŠŠ+†Â?')+'(Â?+ ‹ +‰ƒ„)Â? ˆ ˆ ƒ‘+(ƒ*‰ Â? + ‹ 'ŠŒƒ ‚ ÂŒ)Â?ÂŒ ƒ ‘ + ( ƒ * ‰ Â?  + ‹ ' Š ÂŒ ƒ ‚ ÂŒ ) Â? ÂŒ Minaj Minaj ˆ ƒƒ + ‚ƒ $Œ„ ‹ '„‚' ÂŒ' ˆ ƒ ƒ  + ‚ ƒ $ ÂŒ „ ‹ ' „ ‚ '  ÂŒ '


onspOt onspOt   Â…+ ƒ |   Â…+ ƒ | ++† ƒ‡

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iinspiration nspiration a and nd com comfort fort $ $Ž+„ ”+ 'Š+ �ƒƒ�Œ„- ,ƒŠ  ƒ‘+  ƒ…� …†�Œ,‚Œ„- ‚Ž+ + Ž+„ ”+ 'Š+ �ƒƒ�Œ„- ,ƒŠ  ƒ‘+  ƒ…� …†�Œ, ‚Œ„- ‚Ž+ + ssongs ongs aare re w worth or th llistening. i s t e n i n g. ˆˆ Šƒƒ�+* Šƒƒ�+* ‘Œ�+ ‹ ƒ�+ ‘ Œ � + ‹ ƒ � + ‚ ! ‚ ! , %ƒ… +�Œ+‡+ ‹ ˆˆ , %ƒ… +�Œ+‡+ ‹ '‘† …��' ' ‘ † … � � ' ˆˆ Œ�…('�Œ ‹ +„ ƒ� Œ�…('�Œ ‹ +„ ƒ� ˆˆ ++† %ƒ…Š +'* "† ‹ ++† %ƒ…Š +'* "† ‹ „*‰ Š'‘‘'Š „ * ‰ Š ' ‘ ‘ ' Š ˆˆ Œ + "† ‹ +‰ƒ„)� Œ + "† ‹ +‰ƒ„)�




with Mr.

Biography B iogr aphy FFull ull N Names ames Costantine C os tantine Magavilla, Magavilla , 3355 years ye a r s

EEducation ducation B Background ack ground Bachelor s in Bachelors in Business Business Administration Adminis tr attion ((Hon) Hon) – T umaini, IIringa r i ng a Tumaini,

Career C areer B Background ack ground Career C ar eer M Marketer ar keter att U Unilever, nilever, St Stanbic a nbic B ank , V odacom aand nd A i r te l Bank, Vodacom Airtel sspecializing pecializing in marketing mar keting management m a n a ge m e n t

Current C urrent Position Position Co-founder o ancom Limited Limited Co-founder off M Mancom !" # $ % !" # $ % Nations Association Association of of T a n z a n ia Nations Tanzania

FFuture uture pplan l an To bbetter To et ter sserve er ve this this Nation, Nattion, Venture Venture iinto n to m edia media


onspOt onsp Ot - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

C. Magavilla

You Y ou w wrote as rote a book book known known as ‘Life ‘Life aand nd Y You’. ou’. C Could ould you you pplease lease describe describe the t he experience? ex perience? The was T he eexperience xper ience w as llong ong and a nd eventful but challenges ut ttwo wo ch allenges ev e nt f ul b seemed to w eigh iinn tthe he m os t seemed weigh most o ver all: 1) 1) convincing convincing m y se lf overall: myself hat my my thoughts thoughts were were worth wor th tthat ssharing har ing with with others other s 2) 2) cconvincing onvincing ssomeone omeone to publish p u b lis h a ffirst ir s t ttime ime aauthor. uthor. I was was 26 26 w when hen I ffirst ir s t eexpressed xpressed my my iintentions ntentions to author author an an iinspirational book borne or ne solely solely nspir ational b oo k b out o ut of of my my experiences exper iences and a nd tthoughts houghts over over a period per iod of of more mor e tthan han 55years year s at at the the time. time. Visit V is i t m we b s i t e w w w.magavilla .com myy website www.magavilla.com and read read the the article ar ticle “Writing “ Wr iting and my book” book ” for for a detailed d e t a il e d my account of of how how it it all all unfolded. unfolded. account W h at d id yyou ou llearn earn ffrom rom the t he What did experience? experience? lear ned in in real real terms ter ms that that “the “ t he I learned o ppor tunit y of of a lifetime lifetime must opportunity mus t be ttaken aken within within the the lifetime lifetime of of be tthe he o ppor tunit y”. I captured captured opportunity”. tthat hat opportunity. oppor tunit y. I aalso lso llearned ea r ned tthat hat every ever y eexperience, xper ience, ifif well we l l ccommunicated, ommunicated, is is aann eexperience wor th sharing. shar ing. We We xper ience worth ccannot annot shy shy away away from from this t h is ccommunication, ommunication, the the most mos t cr critical itical quality qualit y that that makes makes us us hhuman. uman. Inspiration Inspir ation is is ev e r y w he r e; w us t hhave ave to everywhere; wee jjust aallow llow o ur selves to be be inspired inspired ourselves eenough nough to see see the the iimportance mpor tance o nspir ing others. other s . It It was was truly t r uly off iinspiring o ne o he m os t p rofound one off tthe most profound

moments m oments in in my my life. life. What onn African W hat iiss yyour our ttake ake o A fr ic a n writers? w riters? Wee have W have a llot ot of of great great classical cl a s s i c a l writers who what w r i te r s w ho iinformed nfor med w ha t Africa Af fr ica is is today today through through the t he ‘‘power power of of the the pen’. pen’. Writing Wr iting as as aann art-form ar t-for m has has evolved evolved making mak ing it it easy easy ffor or uuss to misunderstand m is u n d e r s t a n d iits ts rroll oll in in today’s today’s Africa Affr ica but bu t nnow ow more more so so than than ever ever before, before, tthe he ‘‘power power of of the the pen’ pen’ needs ne eds bee ccalled to b alled on. on. I see see a llooming ooming ggap ap in in hhow ow we we engage engage the t he youth off o our youth o ur era er a aass aauthors. u t ho r s . What W hat does does yyour our collection collection of of books reveal reveal about about you? you? books II’m ’m a ccomplicated omplicated person. per son. I’m I ’m driven d r iven by by passion, passion, structure, s t r u c tu r e , aand nd what what I like like to ccall all the the visual v is u a l process p rocess (conceptualizing), (conceptualizing), but bu t I’m when I ’m pretty pret t y functional f u n c t i o na l w hen it it ccomes omes to my my book book preferences, preferences , preferring non-f ic tion books. pr efer r ing non-fiction bo o k s . W hat bbook ook has has had had a great What great as a iimpact mpact on on your your career career as M arketing expert? exper t? Marketing Tzu’s Art off W War’ T he A rt o ar’ is is SSun un T zu’s ‘‘The myy all m all ttime ime ffavorite avor ite business/strategy business/s tr ateg y read. read. It It ccaptures aptures my my passion passion for for sstrategy, tr ateg y, philosophy philosophy and and psychology; p sycholog y ; which which are are at at the t he off why ccore or e o why I wanted wanted to be be an an ‘influencer’ off p people, ‘inf luencer’ o eople, which which is is what what marketing mar keting has has allowed allowed me me to do do for for more more than than 10 10 years ye a r s nnow. ow.


GLITZ G L I TZ & GLAMOUR GL A MOU R 1 1)) H Hats ats Off Of f tto o You You

By: By:


2 2)) Sunnies! Sunnies! Block eyes while w hile B lock the the sun sun from from your your eyes looking chic . You You look ing totally tot ally boho boho chic. can can decide decide to to put put on on fedora, fe d or a , cloche, beanie, wide cloche , be anie , w ide brim br i m o orr simple simple cap. cap. The The cchoice hoice is is all all yours!! yours!!

IIff the the cconcert oncer t is is in in afternoon af ternoon then then be be sure s u re tto o shield shield your your eeyes yes ffrom rom U V rrays ays w it h UV with shades shades that that offer of fer 100% 10 0% UV U V protection. protection.

With W it h K Kilimanjaro ilima nja ro Music M u sic T Tour our a and nd Serengeti S erengeti Fiesta, Fiest a , (the (t he biggest b ig g e s t concerts off tthe c once r t s o he sseason eason iin n T a nza nia), a l re a d y u nder way a Tanzania), already underway ass w we e w write, r it e , a and nd m many any more more tto o come we com e shortly, shor tly, w e tthought hought this t h is would be perfect give w ould b eap er fect ttime ime tto og ive advice wear ssome ome a dvice on on what what tto ow ea r ffor or o utdoor m usic con cer ts. outdoor music concerts.

T ry o no ne o ore o hese iitems, te ms , Try on one orr m more off tthese a nd w ep romise y ou ll look loo k and we promise you ll cool-as-hell while c ool-as-hell w hile you re you re rocking rocking out!! out ! !

4) Cuff Love 4) C uf f L ove

3 3)) Seventies Seventies S Style t y le C Channel hannel your your iinner-70s nner-70 s w ild cchild hild aand nd wear we a r wild hheadbands e adbands llike ike tthese hese across across your your forehead. forehe ad.

Accessorize yyour our aarm rm w ith tthese h e se Accessorize with ccool-as-hell ool- as- hell cuffs! cuf fs!


onspOt onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013


6)) A D 6 Denim enim Do Do

5)) Awesome 5 Awesome E Earrings a r r i ng s

Worn-in-looking W orn -in - look ing jjean e an shorts shor t s are are a must must for for every e ve r y ssister ister as as they they go go with with everything, ever y thing, so so don t don t forget for ge t tto o put put on on next next time! t ime!

Enough Enough said said ladies. l ad i e

8) 8) Gold Gold M Metal et a l 7) 7 ) Bracelet Bracelet Y Yourself ourself b r ace l e t s L ayer ccolorful olor ful bracelets Layer your like tthis his uupp your like to add ad d a fore arm to forearm ppop op o olor to to off ccolor yyour our getup. getup.

Layer off tthese L ayer aany ny o hese gguild uild ccollars ollars with wit h several sever al necklaces neck laces for for a funky funk y eeffect. f fe c t .

9)) The 9 Th e P Perfect e r fec t M Match at c h e ast , pplease le ase be be sure sure to to put put on on neutral-toned neutr al-toned sandals s a nd a l s LLast ast but but nnot ot lleast, hese which which go go with with everything, ever y thing, so so you you won t won t have have to to llike ike tthese worr y tthe he about about putting put ting on on different dif ferent pair pair of of shoes. shoe s . worry

SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013 | Issue Issue No. No. 8 - onsp onspOt Ot


Nuru N uru Magram Magram aka aka Nuru Nuru the the Light Light is is our our ultimate u l t i m at e m usic cconcert oncer t muse muse when when it it comes comes to to being b e ing music hhead-to-toe ead-to -toe cool-girl cool-girl like. like. IIff the the cconcert oncer t is is in in afternoon af ternoon then then be be sure s u re to UV with to shield shield your your eeyes yes ffrom rom U V rrays ays w it h shades shades that that offer of fer 100% 10 0% UV U V protection. protection.


onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | SSep onspOt ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013















Tell T e ll u uss a b bit about yourself? it a bout y o u r se l f ?

Briefly Brief ly a about bout L Lucci ucci budding music mu sic The The Tanzanian Tanzanian budding singer and and most m os t writer,, rapper, rapper, singer writer, ssought ought after af ter pproducer roducer of of K ilimanjaro aand nd C h a nne l O Kilimanjaro Channel M u sic A ward nnominated ominated songs, so n g s , Music Award music iiss Luciano Gadie Gadie Ts sere s music Luciano Tsere s infectious tthat hat iitt ccuts uts aacross cross infectious East African African fans fans like like a hot hot East o nd l y k ni fe d oes to to butter. but ter. FFondly knife does this young young known known as as Lucci Lucci this m an is is a household household name name in in man tthe he w hole o ast A frica ffor or his hi s whole off EEast Africa vvery er y uunique nique style st yle of of music mu sic Bongo Bongo Crank Crank that that sets sets him him aaside side from from many many producers producers aand nd artists ar tists in in the the region. region. In In his hi s own words, words, hhee d raws us us closer c l o se r own draws tto o him. him. Read Read on on


onspOt onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

Myy full M full name name is is Luciano Luciano Gadie G ad i e Tsere; T sere; I was was born born on on 30th 30 th of of SSeptember eptember 1985 1985 in in Lusaka, Lus ak a , Zambia. Z ambia . I aattained t t ained my my ssecondary e co n d a r y eeducation ducation at at Aga A ga Khan Khan Mzizima. Mzizim a . I degree in in ggraduated r aduated with with associate associate degree Civil C ivil Engineering Engineering from from one one of of the t he ccolleges olleges in in Atlanta, Atlant a , USA and later l at e r U SA and did myy d degree Business d id m egree iin nB u sine s s Administration A dministr ation (Marketing (M arketing & Management) M anagement) at at Tumaini Tumaini University Dar alaam. It It was was U niversit y iin nD ar eess SSalaam. while USA, discovered iscovered w hile iin nU SA , where w h e re I d my music or m my ppassion assion aand nd ccalling alling ffor u sic and when I got got back back in in Tanzania Tanz ania and when sometime myy m mother ot he r sometime iin n 22006 0 06 m supported suppor ted aand nd bbought ought for for me fo me a kkeyboard. eyboard. The The rest rest is is history. histor y.

CAREER C AR EER R PR PROFILE OFI LE And, how did you connect with A nd , h ow d id y ou c on nec t w it h Cpwaa? C pwaa? Well, was We ell, Cpwaa ooking ffor or a producer producer and and it it Cpwaa w as llooking happened had a mutual mutual friend friend who w ho happened that that we we had introduced Af ter sampling sampling my my bbeat, eat , tthe he introduced me. me. After next me like like Lucci, Lucci, let s next day day he he called called me let s do do some some business business and and we we rrecorded ecorded the the first f ir s t hen, my my relationship re l a t i o n s h i p ppart ar t of of Pwaa . P waa . Since Since tthen, with been strong. w ith hhim im hhas as rreally eally been strong. I have have pproduced roduced aabout bout 95% 95% of of his his music music hits! h i t s! Can you describe, C an y ou d escribe, briefly, briefly, how how tthe he off y you on ttwo wo o ou work work ttogether oge t h e r o na musical m usical project? project? with musical Wee always always start st ar t out ou t w it h a m usical iidea. de a . Great G reat eeffort f for t goes goes into into creating creating a solid solid melodic m e l od ic ccore ore that that means means we we have have no no rules rules or or limitation. When wee hhave ave ssome ome kkiller iller bbeats e at s l i m i t at i o n . W he n w and wee hhook oint s , w ook uupp and a nd and musical musical starting st ar ting ppoints, get lyrics and and melody. melody. We We get ccracking racking on on the the lyrics make of melody melody in in the the track, t r ac k , make sure sure there s there s a lot lot of so Together with so it it can can inspire inspire us. us. Together with our our team, te am , we we ssimplify implif y tthe he ssong ong and and nnever ever quit quit before before we we feel fe eel we ve we ve ggot ot a kkiller iller ssong! o n g! What did you on your What obstacles o bst a c le s d id y ou fface ace o ny our way How did you way up? u p? H ow d id y ou overcome overcome them? them? Not Not sso o much much that that I can can remember, remember, but but at at some some point point people people were were reluctant reluct ant to to the the type t y pe of of the the music music that that I was was doing doing and and also also some so m e media m edia hhouses ouses never never played played my my ssongs. ong s . I managed managed to to overcome overcome all all these these obstacles obst acles by by doing doing uundeniably ndeniably good good music music that that caught caught the t he whole whole society. societ y. want work IIss tthere here an an artist artist you you w ant tto ow ork with you have not yet had ot y et h ad tthe he w ith tthat h at y ou h ave n opportunity work ork with? wit h ? o pportunity tto ow Yes, with I ve been been dreaming dreaming about about working working w it h Y es, I ve Diamond. Diamond. He He is is the the biggest big gest artist ar tist at at the t he moment moment and and his his platform an cchange hange tthe he platform ccan whole direction off tthe music Tanzania. w hole d i re c t i o n o he m usic iin nT a nz a ni a . Other Other aartists r tists I tthink hink I ccould ould create create magic magic with wit h are are Timberland Timberland who who iiss aalso lso a producer producer and a nd Wizkid Wizkid from from Nigeria. Nigeria . Please tell about Transformax bo ut T ransforma x Please te ll us a Records? Records? Transformax with ecording sstudio t u d io w ith sstands t a nd s Transforma x iiss a rrecording for Our fo or maximum ma ximum transformation . transformation . O ur sstudio tudio iiss

located at at Kida Kida Plaza Plaza in in located Mbezi. We We aim aim to Mbezi. change the t he change whole whole industr y in in industry East Africa. A fr ic a . East We produce produce We radio jingles, ji ng le s , radio radio spots spots and a nd radio au d i o audio adver tisement , all advertisement, k i nd o u sic kind off m music production ffrom ro production Bongo flava f lava to to Crank, Bongo Hip Hop, Hop, RnB, RnB , Gospel, Hip Taarab you you name nam it. Taarab W also produce produ Wee also audio fo or audio for document ar y. documentary. Transforma x Transformax Records has has also also Records its own own label l abe l its ar tists (Jokate ( Jokate artists and LLucci). ucci). and

Transformax Records (J Label Artists (Jokate & Lucci))

W h at c an w e What can we e xpect ffrom ro m expect Transforma x Records Records in in 1 to to Transformax years tto o come? com e? 2 years rojects llined ined uup p We have have many many nnew ew eexciting xciting pprojects We and world world at at our people people in in East East Africa Africa and for our for to work work with with the the best be st large. We re Wee re blessed blessed to large. people in in the the industry, industr y, and and we ll we ll d e f ini t e l y d o people definitely do our best best to to be be present present on on the the charts. char ts. All All we we our can do do is is just just continue continue having having fun fun and and create c re a t e can t he m usic tthat hat we we llove. ove. A the end end of of the the day day the music Att the it s the the public public that that will will decide. d e c id e . it s oung people pe o ple advice ffor or y Do you you have have advice Do young u sic w ho want want tto ob ecome m who become music p roducers llike ike y ou? producers you? what comes co m e s and what Go for for what what you´re you´re feeling feeling and Go in your your own own original or ig i n a l natural to to you. you. Believe Believe in natural ideas, accept accept criticism criticism and and find f ind people people to to ideas, collaborate with with who who share share your your vision. v i s io n . collaborate FFinding inding tthe he rright ig h t m anagement is is also also the the key. key. management Of course course you you also also have have to to learn learn your your craft cr af t Of tends to to and gget et eexperience. x p e r i e n ce . T o gget et results results tends and To ut never never give give up up t ake longer longer than than yyou ou tthink, hink , bbut take your dream. d re a m . your

Sep Sep - N Nov ov 2013 2013 | Issue Issue No. No. 8 - onsp onspOt Ot












Avoid A void re regrets, grets, d don t on t play pla ay R ussian rroulette oulette Russian

...And you can see my heart beating You can see it through my chest I, I'm terrified but I'm not leaving (No No) I know that I must pass this test So just pull the trigger (trigger, trigger...)

The cchances The hances that that the t he bbullet ullet llodged odged iin no ne o one off tthe he ssix ix cchambers hambers blows blows o ne bbrains rains tto o the the roof roof one aare re aarguably rguably very ver y high. hig h .


onspOt onsp Ot - IIssue ssue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

T This his O Onspot nspot bbeing eing a music music iissue, s sue , I have have been been wondering wondering how how to to relate relate this this column column to to music music but but it it have nothing not hing is is a tad t ad too too difficult. dif f icult . I have m usical, bbut ut then, then, music music hhas as musical, if feerent ffaces d aces to to it. it . For For one, one , this t his different ccolumn olumn has has always always maintained maint ained an an ir of of seriousness seriousness that that it it deserves deser ves aair to arent s perspective perspective of of life lifee to a pparent s the youth. youth. I have have been bee n irect the direct d mu lling on on Rihanna s Rihanna s ssong ong R ussian mulling Russian rroulette oulet te aand nd ttried ried tto o relate relate it it to to ttoday s oday s youth youth and and the the danger danger that t h at aabound bound on on their their way way to to aadulthood. dulthood. Youth Youth are are more more prone p ro n e o playing playing Russian Russian roulette, roulet te , often of t e n tto w ith vvery er y sserious erious results. results. In In the t he with ggame, ame , when when the the youth youth pull pull the t he ttrigger, rig ger, tthey h ey o f ten shoot shoot often tthemselves hemselves irreparably. irrepar ably. Please P l e a se

re ad o n tto o uunderstand. nd e r s t a nd . read on ive o ur M any are are times times when when we we llive Many our llives ives w ith rregrets egrets ffor or having having with of eengaged ngaged iinn one one two t wo acts acts of re m a i n rrebellion. ebellion. These These regrets regrets remain eembedded mbedded in in our our mind mind forever forever t h at o wing tto o tthe he cconsequences onsequences that owing d evelop later later in in life. life. Later L ater in in life, li fe , develop one lives lives to to regret regret the the first f irst puff puf f of of one cigaret te stub stub we we inhaled, inhaled, the t he a cigarette f irst dose dose of of cocaine cocaine or or ecstasy ecst asy we we first he first f irst sip sip of of hard hard liquor snif fed, tthe liq u or sniffed, w wallowed o he uunprotected n p ro t e c t e d wee sswallowed orr tthe ssexual exual liaisons liaisons we we had had with wit h ssomeone omeone we we hardly hardly knew. knew. All these these have have long long run run have have All consequences that that are are vvery er y consequences d ire they aare re tthings hing s w ish we we dire they wee w wish


nnever ever ttried ried aatt aall. ll . T That s hat s where where the the iidiom d io m playing playing the t he R Russian ussian roulette roulet te comes comes in. in. Why Why is is it it called called so? so? It It is is because because Russian Russian roulette roulet te is is The moment moment yyou ou ttry r y iit, t, a game game of of cchances. hances. The orever and and it it will will require re q u i re you you are are hooked hooked fforever d ivine iintervention nter vention to to get get you you out out of of it. it . divine

remembering remembering that that he he or or should should have have used u se d protected The list of of protected tthemselves. hemselves. T he list consequences u nw a n t e d consequences is is endless endless unwanted pregnancies, and death. death. pregnancies, substance subst ance aabuse buse and

R ussian rroulette oulet te is is a potentially potentially lethal lethal game game of of Russian cchance hance in in which which a player player places places a single single round ro u n d laces the t he iin n a revolver, revolver, sspins pins tthe he ccylinder, ylinder, pplaces head, aand nd ppulls ulls the t he muz zle against against their their head, muzzle he cchances hances tthat ttrigger. rig ger.. T hat tthe he bbullet ullet llodged odged iinn The one o he ssix ix cchambers hambers bblows o lows o ne bbrains r ains tto one off tthe one the rroof oof aare re aarguably rguably vvery er y hhigh. ig h . the

Lately, awash with wit h L ately, the the media media has has lately lately been been awash stories drug b ou t d rug cconsumption onsumption becoming b e co m i n g a stories aabout menace menace to to Tanzanian Tanz anian youths. youths. This This is is not not a matter mat ter to to be be taken t aken lightly. lightly. Research Research is is showing off uusers showing tthat hat iincreasing ncreasing nnumbers umber s o sers aare re taking t aking it in dangerous dangerous cocktails cockt ails of of drugs dr ug s it in more easily e a sil y bbecause ecause supplies supplies are are becoming becoming more while n c re a s i n g l y aavailable v ail ab le w hile uusers sers hhad ad bbecome ecome iincreasingly ccomplacent omplacent about about the the dangers. d a nge r s .

It with It iiss ssynonymous ynonymous w ith rrecklessly ecklessly ggambling a m b ling with one s off ffire. ut ting iitt iin n tthe he lline ine o i re . wit h o ne s llife ifee bbyy pputting Someone Someone doing doing drugs, drugs, engaging engaging in unprotected orr aany other unprotected ssex ex o ny o ther aactivity ctivit y tthat hat iiss potentially Russian potentially dangerous dangerous iiss pplaying laying R u s si a n roulette. roulet te. LLet et uuss fface ace the the facts; facts; at at a certain ce r t a i n point point in in our our youth, youth, and and in in order order to to be be seen seen as as worthy wor thy of of the the company company of of fellow fellow youth, youth, you you may may find f ind youth youth engaging engaging in in casual casual sex, sex , only onl y

LLet et uuss ggo o back back to to the the roulette roulet te analogy, analog y, the t he eelement lement of of risk-taking risk-t aking and and the the spinning spinning of of the t he deliberate rrevolver's evolver's cylinder cylinder bbeing eing a d eliber ate rrisk-taking. isk-t aking. FFor or iinstance, nst ance , in in a revolver revolver that t h at holds holds six six rrounds, ounds, tthe he cchance hance iiss one one in in six; six; for for a rrevolver evolver tthat hat holds holds five, f ive , the the cchance hance - or or risk risk over - is is one one in in five f ive well we l l o ver ttwenty went y ppercent e rce n t That pprobability. robabilit y. T hat is is too too high high a risk. risk . You You can c an word ttake ake my my w ord tto o tthe he bbank. ank .

SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013 | Issue Issue No. No. 8 - onsp onspOt Ot




L Let et tthe he m music usic rrhythms hythms adjust adjust your your health health

R ecent studies studies have have shown shown that t ha t Recent mu sic hhas as bbeneficial enef icial eeffect f fec t on on your yo u r music bbody s ody s iimmunity mmunit y aand nd ooverall ver a l l he health. al t h. T This his ggives ives will will you you a bbetter et ter cchance hance to to fight f ight off of f disease disease and a nd pprotect rotec t iitself t self aagainst gainst the the attacks a t tack s ooff ma many ny illness. i l l ne s s .

Unplugging from m the the daily daily rigors r i go r s of life, heartbreaks, reaks, financial financial crunches and nd disappointments tments and a nd recharging ng with with music music may may be just what what you you need. ne e d . Recent studies tudies have have shown that at music music has has beneficiall effect ef fect on on your your body s immunity mmunit y and a nd overall hhealth. This e al t h . T his ggives ives will you u a bbetter et ter cchance h a n ce to fight ht off of f disease disease and a nd protect tect itself itself against a g ai n s t the the aattacks t t acks of of many many illness. illness. This may T hi s m ay ssound o u nd uunbelievable nbelievable bbut ut tthe he ssoothing oot hi ng iimpacts mpacts tto o your your health health may may ssurprise urprise you. you. Throughout Throughout tthe he aages, ges, people people have have listened listened and a nd played played music music in in an an effort ef for t to to live live happier happier and and healthier healthier lives. lives. Good G o od music m usic can can also also put put you you in in a better be t ter sstate t ate of of mind mind and and help help your your overall overall emotional emotional aand nd pphysical hysical wellbeing. Whether, yyou ou are a re wellbeing. Whether, angry, downcast angr y, feeling fe e ling d owncast or or happy, happy, music day music has has a way way of of making making the the day better bet ter and and life life worth wor th living. living. Take Take a moment moment and and tthink hink aabout b ou t a life life without without music, music , a world world without without music music iiss a ssad ad and and ggloomy loomy


onsp onspOt Ot - IIssue ssue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

indeed. indeed. Listen Listen to to music music and and be be happier. Music happier. M usic hhas as bbeen een pproven roven tto o our llift if t o ur spirits spirits during during difficult dif f icult or or lonely lonely times. times. Invest Invest in in some some music mu sic that that makes makes you you happy. happy. Build Build up up a llarge arge cache cache off that that particular par ticular music on a rainy rainy music that that you you can can play play on day B e s id e s day to to lift lif t up up your your spirit. spirit . Besides obvious a nd obvious health health benefits, benef its, and throughout mu sic throughout generations, generations, music has d i f f e re n t has connected connected people people of of different creeds creeds and and nations nations in in a way way that t h at nothing is a nothing else else can. can. Music Music is powerful come power ful bbond ond that that can can come simply simply through through a shared s h a re d enjoyment. enjoyment .

You re Y o ou re nnever ever ttoo oo o old ld o orr yyoung oung tto o llearn ear n aann iinstrument, ns tr ument, eexample xample guitar, guitar, kkeyboards, eyboards, piano piano o ny orr aany o t he r m usical instrument i ns t r u m e n t other musical ma kes o ne feel feel that that his his life life makes one iiss worthwhile. wor thwhile. So, So, endeavor endeavor tto o llearn ear n one. one. By By doing doing so in in yyour our early ear ly years year s is is a ggreat reatt w ay tto o sstay tay aactive c tive and and lead l e ad way hhealthier ealthier life life in in your your late l a te yyears. ear s. Am Am learning lear ning how how to to p lay p iano aand nd aam m eexcited xcited play piano b out it. it . You Yo ou can can either either hire hir e bout a tu to r o t tend lessons. lessons. tutor orr aattend





If If I were were not not a physicist, physicist , I would would pprobably robably be be a musician. musician. I often of ten think think in in music. music. I llive ive my my daydreams daydreams in in music. music. I see see my my life life iin n tterms erms of of music. m u s ic . ... most out off m music. Albert ... I gget et m ost jjoy oy iin n llife i fe o ut o usic. - A lber t Einstein E in s t e in

S Sounding ounding y your our S Success uccess w with ith M Music usic

your success success I don t don t B Byy sounding sounding your mean blowing blowing your your own own hhorn orn mean Here I am am referring referring to to how how you you Here can use use sound sound and and music music to to can achieve success success with with less less effort ef fo or t achieve and more more fun. fun. I am am talking t alking about ab ou t and the nnew ew iinterdisciplinary nterdisciplinar y study study of of the how music/sound i m p ac t s a music /sound impacts how person s brain, br ain, bbody ody and and mind. mi nd . person s For the the past past few few decades decades the t he For


onspOt onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | Sep Sep - Nov Nov 2013 2013


ppowerful ower ful iimpact m p ac t o music and a nd off music of many many ssound ound hhas as bbeen een tthe he focus focus of f ro m eeminent minent sscholars, cholars , from om usicologists, nneuroscientists euroscientists tto musicologists, to ffrom rom traditional tr aditional healers healers to If yyou ou jjust ust medical sstudents. tudents. If medical br ain or or google music music and and brain google you get get an an music and and hhealing ealing you music idea of of the the extent extent of of the the research re se a rc h idea being done done in in this this area. a re a . being usic /sound is, is , The ppower ower o The off m music/sound however, nnot ot a m od e r n - t i me however, modern-time from discover y. Ancient Ancient wisdom wisdom from discovery. rovides pplenty le nt y o m any ccultures ultures pprovides many off mpor t ant role ro l e ev i d e n c e s o he iimportant evidences off tthe pat terns) played played ound patterns) music (or (o or ssound music Greek and a nd iin n a society. societ y. In In ancient ancient Greek R oman mythology, my tholog y, one one of of the t he Roman go d s , m ost important i m p or t a n t O lympian gods, most Olympian poetr y A pollo, rruled uled music, music , poetry Apollo, ell aass medicine me d icine ((sound), sound), arts ar ts as as w well t he aand nd hhealing. ealing. IInn bboth oth the Hindu Ju deo - Christian and and Hindu Judeo-Christian the Word Word ttradition, r adition, there there was was the of god go d o Aum, the the vibration vibr ation of orr Aum, is the the idea id e a aand nd his his creation. creation. (That ( That is or antr a- or uunderlying nderlying all all m mantracchant-based hant- based ttherapy.) her apy.) IInn the t he Ch inese ttradition, r adition, ancient ancient Chinese C onfucian cl assics referred to refeerred to Confucian classics m usic as as a powerful power ful w ay to to music way hharmonize armonize and and unify unif y a people. pe ople . were known known EEmperors mperors aand nd kings kings were t his for this tto o have have used used music music for reason. reason. is a big big In modern modern days, days, music music is In co n s u m e probably consume bu sine s s . Y ou probably business. You of it it already, already, or or maybe maybe quite a bit bit of quite even do do business business in in this this iindustry. ndustr y. even of Now the the question question is: is: how how much much of Now to on on a daily d ail y the music music you you listen listen to the your basis is is beneficial benef icial to to your basis areer and and your your w ellbeing, yyour our ccareer wellbeing, even crossed c ro s s e d ssuccess? u c c e s s? O as it it even Orr hhas usic iiss capable capable of of yyour our m ind that t h at m mind music uch pproviding roviding you you w ith ssuch with assist ance? assistance?

the help help we we d e s p e r at e l y lot of of the a lot desperately need. For For the d e c ad e s the past past few few decades need. ave bbeen een w or k i ng musicians hhave musicians working aalongside longside with with scientists, sc ie n t i s t s , researchers and and spiritual spiritual healers healers researchers of m any d tr aditions to to if ferent traditions of many different ccome ome uupp w ith music music that that has has with sspecific pecif ic ttargeted argeted functions functions tto o help he lp ppeople eople iincrease ncrease focus, focus, relieve relieve sstress, tress, enhance enhance creativity, etc . The The creativit y, etc. bbad ad news news is: is: this this type t ype of of music mu sic ttends ends to to get get buried buried by by the the loud loud ccommercial ommercial sound-scape sound -scape in in which w hic h we aallll llive. ive. we

For the For the ppast ast few feew decades decades musicians musicians working hhave ave bbeen een wo rking aalongside longside with wit h sscientists, cientists, rresearchers esearchers aand nd spiritual spiritual healers many he alers ooff ma ny ddifferent if ferent ttraditions r ad i t i on s with music ttoo ccome ome uupp w ith mu sic tthat hat has has sspecific pecif ic targeted targeted ffunctions unctions ttoo he lp help ppeople eople iincrease ncrease ffocus, ocus, rrelieve elieve sstress, tr ess , eenhance nhance creativity, creativiit y, et c. etc.

O ne o the great great benefits benef its of of using u sing One off the music therapy ther apy iis: s: iitt ttakes akes nno o eextra xtr a music ou have have to to do do is is to to turn t ur n time. All All yyou time. t h e r w i se w hat yyou re ou re it on. on . O it Otherwise what ust the the white white noise noise of of listening iiss jjust listening or your your house. house. By By your office of f ice or your adding the kind of of music music to to the right right kind adding your environment, environment , yyou ou can can bring br ing your about many many changes changes you you desire, d e s i re , about such as as harmony, harmony, energy, energ y, insight, in sig ht , such and sso o on, on, without without having having one one and more tthing hing o n yyour our tto-do o - do llist. ist . more on In order order to to benefit benef it from from the t he In uplif ting or or healing healing power power of of uplifting music , the the ffirst irst thing thing you you need need is is music, at tention. Observe Obser ve how how music mu sic attention. you: the the rhythm, rhy thm, the t he af feects you: affects tempo, tthe he melody, melody, the the voice, voice , the t he tempo, orchestr ation, etc Cer t ain types types orchestration, etc.. Certain of music music tend tend to to produce produce certain ce r t a i n of ment al- emotional and and physical physical mental-emotional bser vation yyou ou st ate. Through T h ro u g h o state. observation will vvery er y qquickly uickly ffind ind tthe he rright ight will pieces tthat hat suit suit you you and and your your pieces specif ic purpose. purpose. specific hope you you can can try tr y some some of of Well I hope Well lbums as as you you great iinspirational nspir ational aalbums great your computer computer or or drive drive work on on your work Don t forget forget to to enjoy enjoy in a car. car. Don t in your own own ssonic onic eexploration, xplor ation, and a nd your f ind many many w ays tto o gget et more more done done find ways with less less eeffort. f for t . with

The good good news news is: is: yes, yes, modern mod e r n The providing us us with wit h music is is capable capable providing music

Sep Sep - Nov Nov 2013 2013 | Issue Issue No. No. 8 - onsp onspOt Ot




Global Entrepreneurship Week Tanzania November 18 24, 2013 Creating an Enabling Environment

theme Kujenga mazingira uwezeshaji which is Swahili for Creating an Enabling Environment , this event will be held from November 18 to 24, 2013. With a group of dedicated professionals, partners and volunteers, GEW Tanzania 2013 is set to be bigger and better. On an international level, GEW is the world s largest celebration of the innovators and job creators, who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare. During one week each November, GEW inspires people everywhere through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. These activities, from large-scale competitions and events to intimate networking gatherings, connect participants to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors introducing them to new possibilities and exciting opportunities.

Guest of Honour - Mr Jealous Chirove Chief Technical Advisor Youth Entrepreneusrhip Facility - ILO


onspOt - Issue No. 8 | Sep - Nov 2013

The initiative kicked off in 2008, launched by former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Carl Schramm, the president and CEO of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Since then, it has grown to over 130 countries with nearly 24,000 partner organizations empowering nearly 20 million people. Following a successful launch in 2012, the Zanzibar Association for Youth Education and Empowerment (ZAYEE) is hosting the second Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) in Tanzania. Presented under the

Entrepreneurship and self-employment can be a source of new jobs and economic dynamism and can improve livelihoods and economic independence in developing


ccountries. ountries. Promoting Promoting yyouth outh eentrepreneurship ntrepreneurship iiss crucial crucial in in the the fight f ight aagainst gainst rrampant amp ant uunemployment nemployment and and poverty. pover t y. U nderst anding the the ggreat reat nneed eed iinn eequipping q uip ping Understanding o ur youth youth with with the the rright ight kknowledge nowledge aand nd our exposure , GEW GE W T anz ania iinn 22013 013 w ill bbee exposure, Tanzania will ider yyouth outh ppopulation opulation aass rreaching eaching out out to to a w wider nA r ush a , D ar eess tthe he event event will will hhappen appen iin Arusha, Dar uring tthe he ssame ame w eek . S alaam and and Zanzibar Z anzibar dduring Salaam week. T he d ebut GEW GE W T anz ania 22012 012 eevent vent w as a The debut Tanzania was hhuge uge success success as as it it w as aattended t tended bbyy m ore tthan h an was more 1115 15 pparticipants ar ticipants rranging anging ffrom rom sstudents tudents iinn uuniversities niversities aand nd ggraduates r aduates tto o eentrepreneurs n t re p re n e u r s w it h w omen ccomprising omprising aabout bout 440% 0% o he with women off tthe ttotal ot al aattendees. t t e nd e e s . T he 22012 012 eevent vent w as aalso l so The was ggraced r aced bbyy hhigh igh pprofile rof ile eentrepreneurs ntrepreneurs iin n tthe he ccountry ountr y ssuch uch aass M ihayo W i l m o re , M od e s t a Mihayo Wilmore, Modesta L ili an M a hig a , D in a B in a , P au l M ashauri to to Lilian Mahiga, Dina Bina, Paul Mashauri to Maria M aria Ngowi Ngowi and and Dr. Dr. E me ld a M wamanga to Emelda Mwamanga or ward tto o M oh amed K halfan, ZAYEE Z AYEE llooks ook s fforward Mohamed Khalfan, ntrepreneurs who who hosting ot her successful successful eentrepreneurs hosting other ven m ore yyouths ou t h s w ill m entor aand nd iinspire nspire eeven will mentor more indset aand nd w ith ttheir heir eentrepreneurship n t re p re n e u r s h i p m with mindset sp irit . spirit. ar t o ne o lob al SStartup t ar t u p W eekend iiss ppart Weekend off o one off G Global E n t re p re n e u r s h i p W eek 's ssignature ignature eevents vents Entrepreneurship Week's w hich aaims ims tto o bbring ring ttogether ogether aspiring a s pir ing which eentrepreneurs n t re p re n e u r s w ith the the aim aim to to inspire, i n s p i re , with cate , and and empower empower iindividuals edu ndividuals and and tteams e ams educate, to fform orm ppotential otential ssustainable ust ainable bbusiness usiness ffirms ir m s to within 5544 hhours. ours. SStartup eekend D ar eess t ar t up W within Weekend Dar S al a am w as hhosted osted from from 16th 16th to to 18th 18th of of Salaam was November 22012 012 aatt the the University Universit y of of Dar Dar es es November S al a am w hereby 1122 ideas ideas were were pitched pitched and a nd Salaam whereby under went vvarious arious coaching coaching to to produce produce bbullet ulle t underwent proof bbusiness usiness pplans. l ans . T he w inne r o ast yyear s ear s proof The winner off llast St ar t u p W eekend w on a nnumber umber o i nd Startup Weekend won off iinn kkind rom ssome ome o suppor t ffrom ur ppartners ar tners aand nd support off o our t ar t u p W eekend w ill s p o n so r s . T his yyear s ear s SStartup sponsors. This Weekend will happen cconcurrently oncurrently iin nM ount M eru happen Mount Meru ar eess SSalaam alaam aatt K IN U Universit y - A rush a , D University Arusha, Dar KINU a nd Z anzibar aatt tthe he SState t at e U niversit y o and Zanzibar University off 4t h N ovember,, 22013. Z anzibar ffrom rom 222nd 2nd 224th 013. Zanzibar November, G EW T anz ania 22012 012 ssaw aw a hhuge uge ssupport uppor t ffrom ro m GEW Tanzania our ppartners ar tners aand nd ssponsors: ponsors: IInternational n t e r n at i o n a l our rganiz ation ((ILO), niversit y o ar L a b our O ILO), U Labour Organization University off D Dar es SSalaam alaam EEntrepreneurship n t re p re n e u r s h i p C enter, C loud s es Center, Clouds Medi a G roup, IInstyle nst yle SSigns, igns, PProfessional ro f e s s i o n a l Media Group, a l ace H ot e l , P amoma LLtd, td , A p p ro a c h , K ibo PPalace Approach, Kibo Hotel, Pamoma I nd o m a T our s , D e skt op P ublishers ((DTP) DTP) aand nd Indoma Tours, Desktop Publishers

Attlantis H ot e l . Atlantis Hotel. his year year ssees ees to last last year s year s llist, ist , tthis To include include to To the Global G lob al w id e r o ppor tunities tto o eexpand xpand the wider opportunities ovement aand nd E n t re p re n e u r s h i p T anz ani a m Entrepreneurship Tanzania movement hhave ave w e l co m e d o n bboard oard ssocial ocial eenterprises n t e r p r i se s welcomed on such aass K I N U, G e ne sis C o n sul t , A frica 22.0 .0 such KINU, Genesis Consult, Africa t h at p an A frican organisation organisation that Tanz ania ((aa pan Tanzania African nd bbelieves elieves in ppromoting romoting inn ovation aand innovation to boost boost iimproving mproving financial f inancial inclusion inclusion to eentrepreneurship ntrepreneurship platform), plat form), Z anlink , aand nd sso o Zanlink, fo r th. forth.

Tanzania T anzania aatt tthe he G Global lobal Entrepreneurship Congress Entrepreneurship Congress in Rio Dee JJaneiro in R io D aneiro the ppleasure leasure tto T anz ania hhad ad the Tanzania o take t ake part par t in in tthis his pprestigious restigious ggathering athering ffor the first f ir s t or the ttime, ime , w hich ttook ook pplace lace tthis his year year in in Rio Rio de de which JJaneiro aneiro ffrom rom 1188 2211 M arch 2013. 2013. The The March GEC iiss aann iinter-disciplinary nter- disciplinar y ggathering at h e r i n g o GEC off sstartup t ar tup champions champions from from around around the t he world where investors, world where entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, researchers, thought thought leaders leaders and a nd o hhelp elp bbring r ing ppolicymakers olicymakers work work ttogether ogether tto ideas drive grow th and a nd ideas tto o life, li fe , d rive economic economic growth expand welfare. expand hhuman um an w e l f a re . To ponsor or or participate par ticipate in in this t his T o partner, par tner, ssponsor year s G EW T anz ania eevent, vent , pplease l e a se year s GEW Tanzania contact: cont act : ggsecretary@zayee.org secret ar y@ z ayee.org / Tel: Tel: +255 777 7 7741 41 11331. 331. +255 The T he GEW GE W Tanzania Tanz ania team team is is looking look ing fforward or ward tto lob al Global o another another ssuccessful u cce s s f u l G Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship

SSep ep - N Nov ov 22013 013 | IIssue s su e N No. o. 8 - onsp onspOt Ot



Hopeful Futures Foundation (HFF )

B Backstage a c k s t age


onspOt onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | Sep Sep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

Hopeful Futures Hopeful Futures Foundation Fo undation ((HFF) HFF) iiss aan n NGO N GO initiative initiative born born in tthe he UK U K aiming aiming ttowards owards increasing incr easing lliteracy iteracy rrates ates in rremote emote and a nd underdeveloped u nderdeveloped regions regions in Africa. A frica. Holding Holding tto o eeducation ducation aand nd lliteracy iteracy as as outmost tthe he o utmost essential essential vvalues alues and and premises premises for fo r development, HFF d evelopment , H FF sstrives trives create, tto o cr eate, produce produce and a nd eexecute xecute initiatives initiatives that that can c an promote p romote and and manifest m a ni fe s t tthose hose ccore ore values values through through iinfluential nf luential projects projects.

In T anz ania , Hopeful Hopeful Futures F u t u re s In Tanzania, Foundation (HFF) (H F F ) w as first f ir s t Foundation was launched iin n 22009. 0 09. A f ter eextensive xtensive launched After study and and careful careful review, review, Tanga, Tanga , study was chosen chosen as as the the first f irst location location in in was Tanzania Tanz ania to to implement implement our our initiative. Kids initiative. K ids aages ges 3 tto o 224 4 aare re a part par t of of our our project project and and get get direct d i re c t access access to to the the school school and and its it s facilities facilities that that we we have have constructed. co n s t r u c t e d . They They aattend t tend classes classes on on an an on on going going bbasis asis ssupervised uper vised and a nd directed directed bbyy the the relevant relevant aligned aligned schooling curriculum schooling cur riculum iin n accordance accordance and and association association with wit h the ministry off eeducation off t he m inis t r y o d u c at io n o Tanzania. significant Tanz ania . Our Our most most sig nif icant accomplishment over accomplishment o ver tthese hese ppast ast


ffew ew yyears e ar s o off aactivity ctivit y is is tto o hhave ave hhad ad tthis his opportunity, pprivileged r i v ile ge d o ppor tunit y, tto o ccontinuously ontinuously bbring ring ccountless ountless smiles smiles to to those those yyoung oung d eveloping developing bbright right minds minds that that are are now now set set on on this this endless e nd le s s rroad oad of of kknowledge nowledge aand nd dreams. d re a m s . W hat makes makes our our world world sso o globally globally connected co n n e c t e d What aand nd aaccessible ccessible ttoday oday is is mainly mainly kknowledge nowledge aand nd ccommunication. ommunication. Both Both essential essential elements elements bbecome ecome aavailable vailable tthrough hrough literacy liter acy and a nd eeducation. d u c at i o n . W elieve that that every ever y kid, k id , Wee bbelieve aanywhere ny where o he pplanet lanet should should have have direct d i re c t onn tthe aaccess cce s s w ithin rreach each to to those those fundamental f u nd a m e n t a l within pplatforms lat forms tthat h at w ill be be the the base base for for learning le ar ning will aand nd kknowledge. nowledge. IItt iiss o ur ggoal oal tto o rraise a i se our aawareness wareness ttowards owards tthat hat cause cause and and make make it it a global global treated t re at e d cconcern. oncern.

tto o join join the the rest rest of of the the world world ffor or the the first f irst time t ime eever ver in in Tanzania Tanz ania to to celebrate celebr ate and and bring bring to to aattention t tention the the iimportance mpor t ance of of food, food, being being that t h at ffood ood iiss ssomething omething tthat hat eeveryone ver yone aanywhere ny where ccan an rrelate elate tto o as as the the essential essential ingredient ingredient for for llife ife aand nd eexistence xistence in in ggeneral, ener al, ccomes omes tto o ssymbolize ymbolize and and represent represent how how kknowledge nowledge and a nd eeducation ducation aare re just just aass essential essential ingredients ingredients fo or for o ur survival sur vival and and growth. grow th. our H opeful futures futures always always want want to to involve involve and a nd Hopeful rrelate elate our our initiatives initiatives to to the the local local communities co m m u n i t i e s aand nd environments environments w ork iin, n, ffor or tthis his eevent vent wee w work we will will aalso lso bring bring and a nd we uuse se local local fresh f re s h pproduce roduce grown grown and a nd rraised aised on on local local farms f ar m s in Tanzania Tanz ania by by in national farmers. f ar me r s . national FFarmers armers will will bbee aable ble to present present their t he ir to products and a nd products potentially eextend xtend potentially their supply supply cchain h ain their net work . network.

Tanga, T anga, w was as cchosen hosen aass the t he ffirst ir st lo cation in in Tanzania Tanzania to to location iimplement mplement our our initiative. initiative. Kids Kids aages ges 3 tto o 224 4 aare re a p ar t o part off o ur project projec t and and get get direct d ir e c t our ac cess to to the the school school aand nd its its access ffacilities ac a ilities that that we we have have cconstructed. onstruc ted. T They hey aattend t tend cclasses lasses on on an an on on going going basis basis ssupervised uper vised and and directed direc ted by by tthe he relevant relevant aligned aligned sc hooling ccurriculum urriculum iinn schooling accordance ac cordance and and association association w ith tthe he ministry ministr y of of with eeducation ducation of of Tanzania. Tanzania.

W are launching l au n c h i n g a Wee are sseries e r ie s o vents to to off eevents ppromote romote our our cause, c au se , rraise aise awareness awareness and a nd ffunds. u nd s . W ant tto o Wee w want ccontinue ontinue aand nd ppromote romote sstructured tructured education education pprograms rogr ams aand nd ssystems ys te ms ffor or the the kids kids who who today today d ream of of hopeful hope ful dream ffutures utures and and in in time time can c an ppave ave their their path path into int o ttheir heir bbright right ffutures. u t u re s . O ur first f irst event event in in tthe he Our sseries eries is is the the World World FFood ood Day Day where where we we w ant to to bring bring as as many many want ppeople eople together together to to get ge t eexposed xposed and and better bet ter acquainted acquainted with with our our ccause, ause , our our initiative initiative and and the the nature nature of of our our ffoundation. oundation. For For this this meaningful meaning ful event event we we have have sselected elected the the theme theme of of food, food, more more precisely, precisely, ffood ood from from around around the the world world more, more , tastes t astes ffrom rom all all corners corners of of the the globe globe will will be be available. available. N othing iiss m ore natural natur al tthan han food food to to bring br ing Nothing more ppeople eople together together to to discuss, discuss, share share and a nd ccontribute. ontribute. The The ttheme heme ffor or World World Food Food Day Day is is

W want tto o iinvite nvite to to Wee want yyou ou tto o join join uuss for for a m eaning ful event event full f ull meaningful o t astes, good good cause c au se off tastes, aand nd purpose. purpose. An An eevent vent that that will will make make yyou ou d iscover,, kknow now discover, aand nd an an become become an an aactive ctive participant par ticipant in in aan no ngoing sstruggle t r ug gle ongoing ffor or life life and and the the basic b a sic ttenet e ne t o uch a off ssuch bblessing, lessing, nnutrition, u t r i t io n , o nw hich ffound ound education e d u c at i o n on which aand nd knowledge knowledge which which must must be be accessible accessible for for eeveryone ver yone tto o pprovide rovide a better bet ter future future for fo or eeveryone, ver yone , hopeful hopeful ffutures. u t u re s .

SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013 | Issue Issue No. No. 8 - onsp onspOt Ot





Dear Dear East East African Afr ican Youths, Yout hs , IItt iiss a great great honor honor and and pleasure pleasure to to be be given given this opportunity oppor tunit y to to say say a few words to to you. you. I few words this am told told the the theme theme for for this this issue issue is is music music and a nd am f ind this this very ver y exciting exciting because because music music is is so so I find njoys natur ally uunited ni t ed w ith uus. s. EEveryone ver yone eenjoys naturally with that is is evident evident in in of music music and and that some sort sor t of some event from f ro m w e dd ing s almost every ever y important impor t ant event almost weddings ceremonies and a nd and funerals funer als to to graduation gr aduation ceremonies and It is is also also my my hope hope presidential inaugurations. inaugur ations. It presidential day, my my story stor y will w ill that at at the the end end of of the the day, that you to to go go out out there there and a nd inspire and and motivate motivate you inspire rrealize ealize your your d re a m . dream.

S So, o, w who ho iiss K Kidum? idum? Interestingly though, though, very people know know Interestingly ver y few feew people the origin origin of of my my nname ame Kidum . Kidum . I was was given given the that name name at at birth bir th and and literary liter ar y Kidum Kidum refers re f e r s that


onspOt onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

tto o a 20 20 litre litre gallon gallon of of water. water. I was was bborn orn a big big baby, baby, aand nd my my ffamily amily llikened ikened m oa mee tto Kidum due due to to my my size size but but my my real real name name is is Kidum Jean Pierre Pierre Nimbona. Nimbona . I was was born born in in 1974 1974 in in Jean emote village v ill a ge o in am a , N or t he r n the rremote the off K Kinama, Northern B urundi. My My mother mother is is a Tutsi Tutsi and and my my father father is is Burundi. Hutu. I think think I was was born born a musician, musician, even even a Hutu. though I am am the the only only one one with with a musical musical bone bone though in my my eentire ntire ffamily. amily. in singing and a nd At the the age age of of 10, 10, I was was already already singing At audiences that that not not only only marveled mar veled at at at tr acting audiences attracting alent bbut ut aalso lso enjoyed enjoyed the the entertaining e nt e r t aining my ttalent my of my my vocals. vocals. I would would ssing ing iin n cchurch, hurch, aatt sound of sound home and and on on the the streets, streets, with with many many ppeople e ople home who fflocked locked tto om er fo ormances eencouraging n co u r a g i n g who myy pperformances

ONSPOT CONNECT me on. My vocals would always be accompanied by sounds of the drum jua kali drums which I made by hand using materials I collected around the homestead. These drums produced amazing sounds. By the age of 16, my reputation as a young musician was fast growing, as I sang and played the drums to my own compositions teaching, directing and guiding myself through it all. I had no teacher, no music trainer, no vocal coach, no producer, no music director it was just me teaching myself and learning from my mistakes as I grew from strength to strength. I knew my future laid in music, so I was prepared to do whatever it took to achieve my dream with or without assistance. I remember my parents had their own set of worries as far as my future was concerned. They simply could not understand why I was persistently pursuing a career in music, an industry that was not highly regarded or recognized. People who had achieved success in education were employed in big jobs in the government and in the private sector. My parents wanted me to follow the same path, as that way they were sure I would secure a good job. They were doubtful of any success in the music industry. I knew what I wanted in life and nothing stopped me from pursuing my goal.

joined The Hot Rod Band. I worked with the band for eight good years, playing the drums and singing. I later left the group to form the famous now Boda Boda Band. When I first formed my band, I also looked for passionate people to work with. I had no money to pay my Band s mate and I knew that the only thing that could hold us together and to our musical dream was passion. Today, the Boda Boda Band plays regularly at different entertainment spots around Nairobi. Furthermore, as a solo musician, I have recorded four albums. The first two are dedicated to my countrymen and to neighboring Rwandese, and primarily focus on promoting peace and harmony.

Life lessons I ve experienced a lot throughout my life and have lessons to share with both musicians and non-musicians. The first thing we all need to do is discover our talents. Not all of us are born to be musicians; in the same way not all of us are born to be athletes. For example, even though I admire David Rudisha very much, it would be very difficult for me to become an athlete of his repute. You should always remember that just because someone else is successful in one field does not mean that you too will be successful in it. Then again, you should always remember that success does not come overnight I know some people start singing today and expect to be millionaires tomorrow. That s not possible.

My life as a refugee I remember something happened that almost shattered my dream. This was the political unrest that hit my country Burundi and neighboring Rwanda in 1994. I and my family were forced to flee Burundi and soon found our way into Kenya. I arrived as a refugee in Kenya in 1995 aged 21. Adjusting to my new status as a refugee was not easy. I was uncertain of my future. The only thing that gave me hope was the fact that I knew I had this talent in me which no one could take away from me. Even, as a refugee, I still held on my dream of making it big in the music industry.

Rising to fame I stayed at the camp for only three days. My lifelong dream of becoming a musician made me go to Nairobi and within a short time; I

Lastly, I d like to remind you all that no matter who you are, or where you come from, if you dare to dream, the world is truly your centre stage. Dream BIG and go achieve them. It is all possible!

Thank you and all the best! Kidum Kidibo Vocalist-Songwriter-Master Drummer-Producer-Arranger-World Peace Ambassador E-mail: kidumkibido@gmail.com Twitter: @KidumKibido Facebook: Kidum Website: www.kidumkidibo.com

Sep - Nov 2013 | Issue No. 8 - onspOt



A basic basic ssalsa alsa step step will will have have you yo u moving 1,, 2 2,, 3 aand nd ppause a u se m oving oonn bbeats ea t s 1 at and moving at 4 and moving again again on on 5, 5, 6, 6, 7 and and ppause ause at at 8. 8. The The rrhythm hy thm of of the the dance dance ooften f ten comes from within comes from w i t hi n you you aand nd yyour our ppartner. ar tner.


onspOt onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | Sep Sep - Nov Nov 2013 2013


Rhythm, intimacy, timing, oneness, o neness, knowing knowing when when to to m ake the the right right moves moves and and the t he make cconnection o n n e c t io n o minds and and souls so u l s off minds o the dancing dancing couple couple are are the t he off the m ain elements elements in in salsa. salsa . Every Ever y main

dance with someone is indeed onversation and and the the better be t ter a cconversation the conversation conversation the the more more the t he the fun you you hhave ave together, together, says says one one fun salsa instructor instructor from from Nanasi N a n a si salsa Studio in in Masaki, Masaki, Dar Dar es es Studio Salaam. Salaam.


SSalsa alsa requires re q u i re s tteamwork eamwork tto o sstrengthen treng then yo ur your rrelationship. elationship. B ut be be But pprepared repared for for ssome ome rrough oug h ppatches atches w hile while llearning. earning. LLearning earning to to do do B ut w ait; skip skip the t he But wait; aanything ny thing can c an aarticle r ticle ifif you re you re ssingle! ing le! b e f r u s t r at ing be frustrating SSalsa alsa iiss nnot ot just just for for Sharing tthe he eexperience xperience of of movement movement and a nd Sharing aand nd iitt iiss o f ten often ccouples ouples who who want want to to m u sic w ith yyour our ssignificant ig n i f ic a n t o ther ccan an bbee vvery er y music with other e a s i e s t t o vvent e nt easiest to sspice pice up up their their love love llives ives nd ssatisfying. atisf ying. Dancing powerful bring po wer ful aand Dancing can can bring o ut out o alentines day day o nly. onn Va Valentines only. ccouples ouples closer closer together together and a nd f r ustrations on on frustrations IIt s t s a playful play ful and and ffun un ssince ince ssalsa alsa fflirtations, lir tations, iitt can can inject inject ssensuality ensuality tthose hose cclosest losest d ance, loaded l o ad e d w it h dance, with into aand nd rromance omance in to yyour our rrelationship. elationship. tto o you. you. SSome ome eemotional, motional, physical physical and a nd ppartners ar tners bblame l a me ssocial ocial bbenefits enef its for for bboth ot h SSalsa alsa requires requires tteamwork eamwork to to o n e a not he r one another ccouples ouples aand nd si ngles. singles. sstrengthen treng then yyour our rrelationship. elationship. ffor or not not doing d oing SSalsa alsa hhas as its its rroots oots ffrom rom tthe he ssteps teps right. r ig h t . m ultiple ccountries ountries aand nd multiple We ask ask couples couples to to change change partners par tners throughout throughout We ccultures: u l t u re s : C uban, LLatin, atin, A fr ic a n , Cuban, African, our classes classes because because people people are are generally generally nicer nicer our C aribbean an d yyou. ou . Caribbean and and more more patient patient with with strangers. s t r a n ge r s . and D espite tthe he ffact act that that there there aare re basic basic steps steps to to Despite Whether or or not not you re you re in in a relationship relationship and a nd Whether ffollow, ollow, salsa salsa dance dance is is a creative creative and and unique unique form for m even iiff yyou ou hhave ave ttwo wo lleft eftt ffeet, eet , tthe he ssauciness auciness of of even o self expression. expression. The The way way you you turn, turn, move move your your off self salsa can can spice spice up up your your relationship relationship and and life life in in salsa hhips ips and and body body and and interpret interpret the the rhythm rhy thm of of the t he general, so so start st ar t your your classes classes today today too too and a nd general, m usic is is entirely entirely up up to to you you and and your your music enjoy bbeauty eaut y o al s a . enjoy off ssalsa. ppersonalities. ersonalities. What kkind What i nd o off cconversations onversations are are you you hhaving aving with with your your ppartner? ar tner? IIff your your cconversations onversations aare re llimp, im p, ffrustrating rustrating or or dry dr y pperhaps erhaps yyou ou nneed eed to to ggive ive salsa salsa (the (the dance, dance, nnot ot the the food) food) a try. tr y.

T here are are eight eight beats beats to to every ever y measure measure of of salsa s al s a There m usic. A basic basic salsa salsa step step will will have have you you moving moving on on music. bbeats eats 11,, 22,, 3 aand nd ppause ause at 4 aand nd m oving again again on on moving 55,, 66,, 7 aand nd pause pause at 8. 8. The The rhythm rhy thm of of the the dance dance o f ten comes comes from from within within you you and and your your partner. par tner. often SSharing haring the the experience experience o ovement aand nd m u sic off m movement music w ith yyour our ssignificant ig ni f ic a n t o ther ccan an bbee very ver y powerful power ful with other aand nd ssatisfying. atisf ying. D ancing ccan an bbring ring ccouples ouples ccloser loser Dancing ttogether ogether aand nd ssince ince ssalsa alsa fflirtations, lir t ations, iitt ccan an iinject n je c t se nsualit y aand nd rromance omance iinto nto yyour our rrelationship. elationship. sensuality

CONTACTS CONTACTS Nanasi Studios, Studios, Nanasi Oysterbay Shopping Shopping Centre C e n t re Oysterbay T: +255 +255 222 222 601 601 097 097 T: M: +255 +255 756 756 4485 85 5588 88 M: E: classes@nanasistudios.co.tz classes@nanasistudios.co.t z E: W: www.nanasistudios.co.tz w w w.nanasistudios.co.t z W:

Sep Sep - Nov Nov 2013 2013 | Issue Issue No. No. 8 - onspOt onspOt


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Hopeful Futures Foundation (HFF )

B Backstage a c k s t age


onsp onspOt Ot - IIssue ssue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

Hopeful Futures Hopeful Futures Fo undation ((HFF) HFF) iiss aan n Foundation NGO N GO initiative initiative born born in tthe he U K aiming aiming ttowards owards UK increasing incr easing lliteracy iteracy rrates ates in rremote emote and a nd uunderdeveloped nderdeveloped regions regions in Africa. A frica. Holding Holding tto o eeducation ducation aand nd lliteracy iteracy as as tthe he o outmost utmost essential essential vvalues alues and and premises premises for for d evelopment , H FF sstrives trives development, HFF tto o cr create, eate, produce produce and a nd eexecute xecute initiatives initiatives that that can c an ppromote romote and and manifest m a ni fe s t tthose hose ccore ore values values through through iinfluential nf luential projects projects.

In T In Tanzania, anz ania , Hopeful Hopeful Futures F u t u re s FFoundation oundation (HFF) (H F F ) w was as first f ir s t llaunched aunched iin n 22009. 0 09. A After f ter eextensive xtensive sstudy tudy aand nd careful careful review, review, Tanga, Tanga , was w as chosen chosen as as the the first f irst location location in in Tanzania T anz ania to to implement implement our our iinitiative. nitiative. K Kids ids aages ges 3 tto o 224 4 aare re a ppart ar t of of our our project project and and get get direct d i re c t aaccess ccess to to the the school school and and its it s ffacilities acilities that that we we have have constructed. co n s t r u c t e d . They T hey aattend t tend classes classes on on an an on on ggoing oing bbasis asis ssupervised uper vised and a nd directed d irected bbyy the the relevant relevant aligned aligned curriculum sschooling chooling cur riculum iin n with aaccordance ccordance and and association a s so c i at i o n w it h tthe he m ministry inis t r y o off eeducation d u c at i o n o off Tanzania. significant T anz ania . Our Our most most sig nif icant aaccomplishment ccomplishment o over ver tthese hese ppast ast


“Differentiate Yourself through AIESEC in Tanzania” Have you ever heard about AIESEC in Tanzania? AIESEC in Tanzania is the biggest student run NGO which operates mainly at 7 different universities around the country. It is present in the following universities; UDSM) ! " # $ % & ' % % ( * + , & #

& # What do they do? AIESEC in Tanzania provides student with an opportunity to participate in these programmes; % ! - % / & - 0 ! , - 0 ! * , - When you are in AIESEC, you are able to 2 3 * 4 # ! more). During your weekly meeting you will be there with other members in order to improve skills that you would be able to use in the future life. A lot of exercises are based on team building and therefore it is a great opportunity for you to explore how to work with people from different ! 3 & $ # * * 3 that you can develop and people cite communication skills and public speaking as one of the main skills that has helped

them to secure a job in the future. In our opinion the most exciting area to work in is Outgoing Exchange. The experience/internship that AIESEC offers (over 5,000 around the globe) are totally secured and managed by the AIESEC local societies or local committees (LCs) as they call them so you can always have a clear mind about having a fantastic experience abroad. National Induction Seminar 2013 If you want to be part of AIESEC in Tanzania then don’t miss the 2013 National Induction Seminar which will be happening late in November. The objectives of NOS are as follows; % & 2 ! * organization. % , & & , & * , skills among the members, hence develop strong future leaders. % * 3 2 & ! and suggest better strategies to strengthen it. % & & events and projects for the year. % ! & member and strengthen our organization. + AIESEC in Tanzania on tanzania@aiesec.net, or follow them on twitter @aiesectanzania 3 * B , ! 3F ‘AIESEC in Tanzania’. You can also call them on +255 713 324 213 or visit their B $

Sep - Nov 2013 | Issue No. 8 - onspOt


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The T Th e borne bo rne off llove o ov ve Although A lthough Mama Mama Daphne Daphne tried tried so so hard tto o ssmile mile aatt John, John, Daphne s Daphne s hard ffiancé, iancé , hher er ggenuine enuine ssmile mile ccame ame o out ut aass aann uugly gly aattempt t te mpt o off a ccrying r y ing w woman. om an . H Half al f o off hher er fface ace w was as sso o bbadly adly sscarred carred ffrom ro m a bburn urn sshe he hhad ad ssustained u s t aine d m many any yyears ears aago go aand nd sshe he w was as ssomewhat o m ew h a t embarrassed embarr assed by by tthe he scar. scar. Indeed, Indeed, sshe he looked looked more more like like Freddy Freddy K Krueger rueger in in the the Nightmare Nightmare on on EElm lm SStreet treet hhorror orror movie. movie. Her H er left lef t eye eye lacked lacked eyebrows eyebrows w while hile hher er llower ower llip ip llooked ooked more more


onspOt onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

llike ike tthat hat ifif a bird bird whose whose beak beak had h ad bbeen een clipped. clipped. How How could could ssuch uch aan n uugly gly w woman oman have have brought brought forth for t h a ggirl irl so so refined? ref ined? The The guests guests kept kept wondering w ondering inwardly inwardly but but dared dared nnot ot aask sk as as it it is is customary customar y of of African A frican ccourtesy our tesy towards towards iin-laws. n-laws. Welcome home Welcome home our our gguests uests and a nd make m ake yyourself ourself ccomfortable, omfor t able , said s a id D Daphne s aphne s m mother other aass sshe he served ser ved tthe he guests guests with with drinks. drink s. Daphne D a phne w was as no no doubt doubt a beautiful beautiful and a nd a d isciplined village village ggirl irl a role ro l e disciplined


model nd ccollege ollege where where she she m odel in in her her vvillage illage aand She cringed cringed when w he n sstudied tudied economics. economics. She the guests guests looked looked at at her he r aanybody nybody among among the mother wondered what they they tthought hought of of m other and a nd w ondered what the scars. sc a r s . the

Daphne, Daphne , the the one one who who has has gathered gathered us us here here would would have have died died twenty t went y yyears ears aago, go, she she said. s a id . The was as she she went went The ggathering at h e r i n g w as vvery er y qquiet uiet as on nnarrating. arr ating.

Daphne for Daphne felt very ver y embarrassed. e m b a r r a s se d . for once once felt The was were here here and and there there is is Her The roof ro o f w as almost almost caving caving in in as as strong s t ro n g Her future future in-laws in-laws were men nothing do o aabout bout it. it . There There was was men pinned pinned me me not not to to rush rush to to save save my my nothing she she could co u l d d baby. Allll aalong was nowhere hide her her mother. mother. She S he baby. A long I w as sscreaming creaming ffor or nowhere sshe he ccould ould hide someone but all all they t h ey decided ituation go just just like like that t h at someone to to save save my my Daphne Daphne but decided to to let let the the ssituation said is mother. mother. She She seethed said was was that that it it was was too too late late and and I could could also a l so because because a mother mother is se e t h e d get get killed, killed, she she went went on. on . from from inside, inside , wishing wishing that that the the fate fate had had not not bestowed her her ssuch uch aass bestowed Allll tthis off pproof. bburden u rd e n o roof. The The A his ttime, ime , tthe he gguests ue s t s visit hhad ad stopped stopped eating eating and a nd visit by by tthe he iin-laws n-laws hhad ad ight be be wondering You You m might wondering what what w were all ere llooking ooking at at her he r all aalong long bbeen een fearing fearing as as happened to to my my face. face. Had Had I happened with mouths it w ith ttheir he ir m ou t h s it is is customary, customar y, the t he D a p h ne , ttried ried tto o ssave ave m face, Daphne, myy face, open. in-laws o pen. in-laws hhave ave aatt ccertain e r t ain point must point iin n ttime ime m ust bbee athered uuss tthe he on ho hhas as ggathered onee w who invited invited tto o ppay ay tthe he II slipped slipped out out of of the t he died twenty twenty hhere ere would would hhave ave died dowry. dowr y.. EEven ven iiff tthey h ey hhands ands of of the the men men and a nd years aago, go, she she said. said. years were wondering were w ondering qquietly u ie t l y rrushed ushed into into the the blazing b l a zing about about African African customs customs hhouse, ouse , groping groping in in the t he thick was. demand one nquisitive. thick smoke. smoke. I knew knew where where my my baby d e m a nd o ne sshouldn t houldn t bbee iinquisitive. b a by w as. IIn n thick off the t hic k o the smoke, smoke , I covered covered her her with wit h a blanket Catherine about her her late late father. father. blanket and and shot shot out out of of the the house, house , she she said s aid C atherine tthought hought about crying. She c r y i n g. She wished wished that that he he was was alive alive to to share share the t he moment. Hee had mome nt . H had died died of of leukemia leukemia a couple co u p l e Every of But of years years ago. ago. B ut hhow ow did did these these scars scars of of Ever y woman woman started st ar ted weeping weeping ssilently. ilently. The The men love love occur? occur? Mama Mama Daphne Daphne knew knew that that the t he men ffidgeted idgeted uncomfortably. uncomfor t ably. They They looked looked from mystery myster y had had to to come come out out to to at at least least lift lif t the t he from Daphne Daphne to to her her mother mother with with awe awe and a nd respect did lid off tthe mystery l id o he m urrounding he scarred respect they t h ey d id not not have have when when they t h ey he scarred yster y ssurrounding entered entered tthat hat gate. were in in the the middle m id d l e g at e . fface. ace. When When the the guests guests were off their cleared her her throat throat and a nd o their meals, meals, she she cleared The moment gott o out, with narr ated thus; thus; When The m oment go ut , I ffainted ainted but but my my w ith eemotion, motion, she she narrated W he n little was To Daphne old, lit tle ggirl ir l w as alive. alive. T o date, date , whenever whenever I D aphne was was aabout bout ttwo wo yyears e ar s o ld, a hhuge u ge down out. llook ook at at my my daughter daughter it it reminds reminds of of me me of of ffire ire tthat hat rrazed a ze d d own ttheir heir hhome ome bbroke roke o ut . hhow ow I looked looked at at her her age, age , she she said. s aid . SShe he aand nd tthe he nneighbors eighbors were were ttrying r y ing desperately d esper ately to to get get into into the the house house to to rescue rescue Allll men Daphne D aphne who who was was who who had had been been sleeping sleeping in in A men stood stood up, up, the the women women rushed rushed and a nd hugged tthe he hhouse ouse bbefore efore the the fire f ire started. st ar ted. Indeed, I nd e e d , hug ged Daphne s Daphne s mother. mother. Each E ach felt felt guilty guilt y of of prejudging most prejudging ssuch uch aass nnoble oble woman. woman. most rescuers rescuers thought thought that that the the fire f ire was was too t oo big big ffor or anyone anyone to to venture venture inside. inside. You might You m ight be be wondering wondering what what hhappened a p pe ned to to my my face. face. Had Had I tried tried to to save save my my face, f ace , Sep Sep - N Nov ov 2013 2013 | Issue Issue No. No. 8 - onspOt onspOt



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Nisher N isher Jack Jack of of all all trade tr ade and and a master mas ter of of them them all all There is ack of of all all trades tr ades and and a master mas ter of of them them all. all. For Fo r There is nothing nothing wrong wrong with with being being a jjack Nisher, playing many cards cards at at the the same same time time is is what what makes makes his his life life tick. onspO t Magazine M ag a z i n e playing many tick . onspOt Nisher, caught up up with with him him for for an an interview. inter view. Here Here is is what what he he had had to say say about about himself. h i ms e l f . caught

sstudies tudies in in America. America . I graduated gr aduated in in 2005 20 05 with wit h degree d egree in in Recording Recording Engineering Engineering & TV TV B Broadcasting. roadcasting. My My musical musical background back ground has has been bee n a o nnurturing ur turing my my interest interest in in music music video kkey ey tto v id e o d irecting, singing, singing, engagement engagement in in graphic gr aphic d esign directing, design o some some extent, extent , fashion. fashion. I can can say say that aand nd tto that I am am m ulti-t alented pperformer. er former. The The musical musical seed seed was was multi-talented ssown own earlier earlier in in life life by by m myy ffather at h e r w who ho uused sed tto o sing sing bback ack in in 11980s. 98 0 s. H Hee aactually ctually owned owned a ffamily amily sstudio t ud io ((The The G r a nd H ouse) w hich hhee llater ater hhanded anded down down Grand House) which tto o me me and and renamed renamed it it Nisher Nisher Records Records & EEntertainment nter t ainment under under Westwood West wood Corporation C o r p o r at i o n Company. Company. We We have have been been working working since since 1996 1996 but but came to to be be known known in in 2011. 2011. came Can Can you you llet et us us a bit bit iinto nto your your life? li f e? Y Yes. es. I was was born born in in 1989 1989 (July ( July 008), 8), I hhave ave a yyounger ounger bbrother rother ccalled alled Kev Kev and a nd yyounger ounger sister sister called called Monica. Monica . I went went to to Meru Meru for for my Academy in in my primary primar y sstudies tudies then then Lighthouse Lighthouse Academy Arusha Arusha ffor or my my secondary secondar y and and then then did did my my college co l l e g e


onspOt onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

A re y ou m a r r ie d , e ng ag e d o at i ng ? Are you married, engaged orr d dating? m ccurrently urrently single. single. I however however dated dated someone so m e o n e I aam for for five f ive years years with with whom whom we we had had planned planned to to tie t ie the kknot. not . SShe he lleft ef t m i t ing m eing so so busy busy with wit h the mee cciting myy bbeing my my w work. ork . SShe he aalso lso cclaimed laimed tthat hat I hhad ad bbecome ecome a bit bit ttoo oo famous. famous. C an you you cite cite a few few jjobs o bs y ou ffeel eel a re y ou Can you are you have h ave done done w well? e ll? Id e al m ainl y w ith eentertainment nter t ainment music. music. Videos V id e o s I deal mainly with

have participated include Sitaogopa by Monica; Maisha ya Ujana by Shaa Bang; Mwanzo Mwisho by Gentrilz; Sijutii by Joh Makini which gave me landmark success. Others include Today by DC; Maktaba by Bonta; Listen by Belle 9; Press Play by DJ Choka (Vanessa s first video that somewhat elevated me and gave me a chance to appear on TV). I m also proud of Ben Pol s Jikubali as it made me go all over Africa and Feza Kessy s Amani ya Moyo which aired on Big Brother Africa this year, Ghana and Botswana. The list is endless but memorable include Dole by Mabeste; Mama Yeyoo by G Nako featuring Ben Pol and many others. What is the secret behind great video production? It is having at your fingertips the techniques

employed throughout pre-production, production and post-production phases and taking into consideration the minutest details. More often, artistes generate their own ideas especially new artistes. However, experienced artistes take ideas from us. The general trend is that I work with the concepts and design the script. Who persuade you into video and music production? Among them are Director X (USA), Benny Boom (USA) and Usher Raymond who is my ultimate role model. Each time I look at his career, music and would love to work with him.

Some say that music industry is bumpy in Tanzania. What is your take on this? Mostly, building trust with the clients may be a bit tricky. Many require so much to be explained to the workings of a studio and why patience is important to produce a good video. The other snag has always been the equipment. They are expensive and need one to be very knowledgeable on how to use them there is a huge difference in the work produced using professional compared to semi-professional equipment. No doubt the industry is growing artistes ought to deliver the best they can deliver and not settle for less. If you re called upon to alter Video Music scenario in Tanzania, what would be first to change? Create awareness about the quality and invest more in the industry. Promotion of the products within and out the boarders is very important. So much Tanzanian music is played across East African region with little or no returns to the composers, produces and people in the line. I would change all this. There is mushrooming of video producers at every corner. What future do you see out of this? Everyone wants to be a director. However, only the strong and creative directors see the light of the day. Not every video is a video. The media outlets need to only front the very best. There is the need to be choosy on this. How do you see yourself in a few years to come? My ambition is to see Nisher Entertainment scale to the highest levels of production across Africa a sort of a brand name. What do you have to say to the youth? I am grateful to God for the talent, my family for being supportive. All I can say is that Tanzanians should learn to appreciate other s arts we should focus on constructive and supportive criticisms.

Sep - Nov 2013 | Issue No. 8 - onspOt



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The The M Moipei oipei Q Quartet: uar tet:

The Moipei triplets Mary, Martha and Magdalene 20 years old and their younger sister Seraphine 18 years old form the all-girl music group, Moipei Quartet. These talented Maasai girls have beautiful voices (well trained by their father Nicholas Ole Moipei who is also their teacher). Specializing in Acapella, sometimes accompanied by various instruments, the quartet have cut a grand niche in the classical music, own compositions and various re-arrangements of existing music. The quartet is however of petite frame but their voices are larger than their sizes. Mary sings soprano, Magdalene deep alto, Martha soprano 2 and Seraphine alto. These Maasai sisters are arguably the youngest yet quite accomplished singers of our times. Here is their story;

HEAVENLY HE AVENLY KENYAN KENYAN ANGELS ANGELS The Moipei T he M oipei ttriplets r iplets Mary, Mar y, Martha M ar tha and and Magdalene Magdalene 20 20 yyears ear s old and and their their younger younger sister sis ter SSeraphine er aphine 18 18 years year s old ol d fform or m tthe he aall-girl ll - g i r l m music us ic ggroup, roup, Moipei Moipei Quartet. Q u a r te t .


onsp onspOt Ot - IIssue ssue No. No. 8 | SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

Singing Singing A Angels ngels Their ttalents ale nt s w e re d iscovered Their were discovered by ttheir heir pparents arents when when they t h ey by were two t wo and and three t h re e were rrespectively. espectively. T Their heir pparents a re n t s w would ould hhum um a tune tune and and the t he qquartet uar tet hummed hummed back. back . Coming Coming fr om a musical musical background back ground from tthemselves, hemselves, it it did did not not take t ake tthem hem a lot lot of of time time to to know know that t h at tthey hey hhad ad inherited inherited a powerful power ful ggift if t from from their their parents. parents. The The

Communion Communion in in the the year year 2001. 20 01. As A s the the quartet quar tet grew grew up, up, it it was was not not lost lost to to them them that that they t h ey needed needed to to excel excel in in school. school. In In fact, fact , their their parents parents made made it it clear cle ar

that that under under nno o ccircumstances i rc u m s t a n ce s should should they they ffail ail iin n ttheir heir cclasses l a s se s off ttheir aatt tthe he eexpense x p e n se o heir singing. singing. As A s ssuch, uch, tthey hey hhad ad tto o llearn earn from f ro m a ttender off ender aage ge tthe he vvalue alue o discipline discipline aand nd pproper roper ttime ime management. When m a n a ge m e n t . W hen aaway way ffrom ro m during sschool chool d uring their their concerts, concer ts, ttheir heir teachers teachers sent sent them them online online nnotes otes which which they they rread ead during d ur ing ttheir heir rest rest periods. periods. This This ensured e n s u re d that that the the quartet quar tet were were nnever ever others rreally eally behind behind o thers in school. school. A-levels Brookhouse A-levels ffrom ro m B rookhouse International International School School and and took took a break joi ni ng break last last year year before before joining different Universities niversities tthis dif fferent U his yyear. ear. levels levels tthis his yyear. ear.


Awards Galore These Maasai sisters are a music sensation in Kenya and the world at large. In 2002, their father, Nicholas Ole Moipei decided to enter them into the annual Kenya Music Festival, where they won in their category and since then, it has been one award after the other. 2006 was a breakthrough year for the quartet when they were crowned the first UNICEF Child Ambassadors to Kenya because of the role they play in fighting for the rights of children through their music. In 2008, they glittered even further by being awarded the Head of State Commendation (HSC) by President Mwai Kibaki for the work they re doing in promoting Kenya through their music. Not to be stopped, the girls have performed for various dignitaries, different visiting Heads of States and in various forums throughout the world. They especially remember their performance at the World Urban Forum in Canada organized by UN Habitat.

Widely Travelled The quartet has performed in various countries including; Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, South Korea, China, Venezuela and Canada. Venezuela remains their most memorable, because the African Festival was sensational. The people there were very friendly and their culture is highly flavored. We would not mind going back! They say. In South Africa last year, they emerged the best gospel group in Africa at the prestigious Crown Gospel Music Awards, their tender age notwithstanding.

Daddy s Girls Their father is their vocal coach and has been a great influence in their lives. The girls are

quick to acknowledge the selflessness of their parents. They have sacrificed a lot to see us where we are today. While dad made sure our voices were properly tuned, mum resigned from her formal job to take care of us as we grew. That is the ultimate sacrifice. Now that we are grown, Mum has gone back to employment. Our parents have continued to guide and give us the freedom of choosing what we want. The quartet started by singing gospel music but of late they have developed some classical touch in their music so as to reach a wider audience. They are very versatile and they fuse all genres to come up with fresh music which they believe makes them unique. They pay a lot of attention to their practices, doing it every day for not less than three hours. Now that they have cleared high school, they are composing their songs and through the help of their manager, they are organizing concerts.

Cancer Kitty The Moipei have performed in many charity concerts to raise awareness about issues that affect their society. They have visited various hospitals to interact and sing for children suffering from cancer as the way of encouraging them. They hope to start a foundation for helping children suffering from cancer, something born out of what they have had to deal with. They are now writing songs to enlighten the people about cancer, and most importantly to let the world know that cancer is indeed manageable and curable. Their sister Seraphine suffered a brain tumor, everything changed and they decided to change somebody s life through their participation. They also hope to continue working with UNICEF in the future as they continue sensitizing people on the issues affecting children.

Sep - Nov 2013 | Issue No. 8 - onspOt





EEast ast Africa Africa is is famous famous for for many many things things and and it s it s fair fair to to say say that that its it s nnightlife ightlife is is not not one one of of them. them. We We can can tell tell you you underestimate underestimate East E ast A frica s club club scene scene at at your own peril. peril. We ve We ve reviewed reviewed the the region region Africa s your own in and and out out of of bars bars and and here here are are our our TOP TOP 5 places places for for all all party p ar t y in animals to to head head to to for for a ggreat reat nnight ight and and drink! drink! animals

Party Party Time! Time! The The Best Best of East Africa East A frica Nightlife e! Nightlife! 74

onspOt onspOt - Issue Issue No. No. 8 | Sep Sep - Nov Nov 2013 2013

D Declared eclared Best Best Afro Afro Club Club aatt the t he Fashion Fashion TV T V Nightlife Nightlife Awards Awards 2013, 2013, R RUNWAY UNWAY LLOUNGE OU NGE & B BAR AR iiss our our ffavorite avorite and and best best nightclub nightclub in in East E ast A Africa. fr ic a . T This his cclub lub iiss D Dar s ar s o outright u t r ig ht hhottest ot test after-dark af ter- dark venue venue and a nd a w world-class orld- class spot spot to to drink, drink , lounge lo u n g e

aand nd boogie boogie side-by-side side -by-side with with a fflamboyant lamboyant crowd. crowd. Yes, Yes, the the only only club club iin n Dar Dar where where the the rich rich and and famous f a mou s ppeople eople hang hang out. out . Runway Runway Lounge L ou nge & Bar B ar iiss ssituated ituated on on the the Penthouse Penthouse level, dome, level, bbelow elow tthe he d ome, aatt Shoppers S hop pe r s Pla za in in M ikocheni. Plaza Mikocheni.


other ttwo wo are are sset et uupp for for sstrictly a ncing , w it h other dancing, with t r ic t l y d the Lounge L ou nge sspacious pacious dance dance floors f loors and and bar bar stools, stools, the et up up for for the different. iiss d if ferent . Silk Silk LLounge ounge was was sset t he reveler reveler who who wants wants to to have have a good good time time without w i t hou t Warm and sweating. sweating. W necessarily necessarily dancing dancing and arm rrugs ug s decorate the the walls walls and and floor f loor of of the decorate the Lounge Lounge and a nd huge flat f lat screens screens give give the the place place and huge and other ot he r worldly ffeel. eel. T he ssound ound system system is worldly The is always always being b e ing upgraded tto o kkeep eep w ith tthe he llatest atest sstandards. upgraded with t a n d a rd s . Coming third third is is CLUB CLUB AMNESIA AMNESIA which Coming which boasts boa st s of aann of execuexecutive tive interior interior d é co r décor wit h a with bblue lue and a nd w hi t e white cceiling. eiling. T he night night spot spot is is the the answer answer for for many The many revelers. revelers. IItt iiss a permanent permanent home home for for llover over o usic iin n iits ts m odern and a nd off m music modern pprogressive rogressive form. form. Every Ever y first f ir s t FFriday riday of of the the month month the the club c lub hhosts osts Meet Meet Kampala s Kampala s top t op lawyers . law yers .

T he Silk Silk nname ame d oes not not need need introduction introduction for for The does tthose h o se conversant conversant wit h with K ampala s Kampala s night ni ght llife. ife. SSILK I LK LOUNGE is is LOUNGE decidedly decidedly dif ferent ffrom rom different the the other other bbranches ranches of of the Silk Silk the ffranchise r a n c h i se C lub SSilk ilk aand nd Club ilkk R oyale. SSilk Royale. While tthe he While

W ant to to dance dance to to the the latest l at e s t Want ttunes unes aand nd vvibe ibe tto o ssome ome golden go l d e n ggreats? reats? Well Well CLUB CLUB D in in A r ush a Arusha iiss a rright ight choice. c h o i ce . T his iiss aann all all luxurious luxurious sophistiThis so p h i s t i ccated ated white white venue venue tthat hat bbrings r ing s V to Arusha A r ush a Vegas egas to with a sstate t ate of of the the art ar t sound sound and and lighting lighting system, sys t e m , with fully stocked stocked bar bar offering of fering some some of of the the world s world s a fully ffinest inest liquor! liq u or! T he The llounge ounge offer of fer luxury lu xur y go o d surroundings, good surroundings, vvibes, ibes, professional professional sservice er vice aand nd d e l ic iou s delicious ccocktail! ockkt ail! SSKYLUX KYLUX LOUNGE LOUNGE Nairobi. iiss tthe he ffreshest reshest cclub lub iin nN airobi. The The club club which w hic h hhas as eexquisite xquisite interior interior décor décor offers of fers comfort comfor t and a nd aambience. mbience. IItt iiss sso o spacious, spacious, with with a high high ceiling, ce i l i n g , uunlike nlike some some clubs clubs that that have have very ver y low low ceilings ceilings that t h at make m ake yyou ou ffeel eel cclosed losed iin n a ccontainer. ont ainer. Even Even the t he ttoilet oilet iiss sspacious pacious eenough nough tthat h at w ounted uup p tto o wee ccounted eeleven leven uurinals rinals ffor or m en. men.

SSep ep - Nov Nov 2013 2013 | Issue onspOt Ot Issue No. No. 8 - onsp







Take a quick breath, remember lessons

in crisis

...he recalled his trainer telling him and others that no matter how dangerous a situation may be, always give your-self a second or two to think. Do not just panic.


onspOt - Issue No. 8 | Sep - Nov 2013


A fighter pilot in the World War II found himself in a rather alarming and awkward situation. His plane had been hit by the enemy guns and half of one of wings had been blown off. The plane was doing all sorts of acrobatics in the air. At a certain stage, the plane was flying upside down and he all he could see was the blue of lake below him. He was terrified to death. Although trained in combat, this was horrifying to him. While in that situation, he recalled his trainer telling him and others that no matter how dangerous a situation may be, always give your-self a second or two to think. Do not just panic. This is applicable in the real life circumstances. Many people act on impulse any time a crisis rears its ugly head. One, it is because most people are psychologically unprepared for such an eventuality and that adrenaline in their bodies will command them either to take a flight or fight back. Following the recent Westgate terrorist attack, I thought it is important to know that a bit on how to react to crises. Some people reacting in crisis actually worsens their way thinking therefore causing more serious damage than there already is. They become so overwhelmed by the events that they leave no room for rational decisions. So much attention is often focused on the problem rather than possible solutions. People who are in the grip of a panic reaction do not think clearly. The self-preservation instinct

kicks in, and we experience an unrelenting sense of flight or fighting the situation and how we fight determines the outcome. Here is how;

Take control of your own survival Rather than paying attention to what everyone else is doing, focus on yourself and your immediate family or group of friends. Assess the situation and look for an escape route. Creating and implementing an action plan that keeps you alert and moving forward, leaving little time for fear to intrude.

Ask for help In virtually any crisis, those who band together are more likely to survive. Pick someone in the crowd who seems relatively nonthreatening and ask him or her to work with you to get through the crisis. This humanizes the people around you as well as providing a potentially valuable ally.

Organize others If you are able to do so, take on a leadership role. Remember that the vast majority of people around you are reasonable, average people reacting to the immediate threat. Most people are willing to follow reasonable suggestions, and many will be thankful to have someone else take charge. Formulating a group plan and delegating responsibilities helps to stop the panic.

The Second Phase of Analogue to Digital Switch Over In 13 Sites Signal in Morogoro, Kigoma, Sumbawanga, Songea, Makambako, Iringa, Lindi, Mtwara, Musoma, Shinyanga, Tabora, Singida and Bukoba

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