2022 BFO Committee Elections - Youth Candidates

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2022 Youth Cow-Calf and Feedlot Committee Candidates for Election

Taking Care of Business





2021 Members

The (3) Cow-Calf Directors from the 2022 BFO Board of Directors receive automatic appointment to the committee

Jason Leblond Don Hargrave Don Badour

Term Status for 2022 Expiration 2024 Returning 2023 Returning 2022 Don Badour, Director-Elect

Cow-Calf Committee Elections Sector Cow-Calf



2021 Members

JasonJoe Hurst as "Cow-Calf" to from 1identified x member appointed Dickenson fulfill a 2-year term the Feedlot Committee by its members to fulfill a 1- Kirby Hakkesteegt Nickolas Martin year term Lyndon Wagenaar

Returning To be appointed 2022 by Feedlot Open for election Committee

AGM voting delegates

Sandra Vos

AGM voting delegates 1identified x member as elected by the "Backgrounder" to fulfillAlliance a Ontario Beef Youth 2-year18-35 term to fulfill a 2-year aged


Status for 2022

2023 Returning 2023 Returning Returning 2023 Returning Returning

Backgrounder 11 xx member memberappointed elected from by Joe Dickenson Steve Thede Feedlot the Feedlot Committee by AGM voting delegates its membersas to fulfill a 1identified year term "Backgrounder" to fulfill a termelected by Backgrounder 2-year 1 x member Steve Thede *Youth


Blair WilliamsonExpiration 6 x members elected by AGM delegates The (3)voting Cow-Calf Directors JasonSandra LeblondVos 2024 Jason Hurst identified as "Cow-Calf" from the 2022 BFO Board of toDon Hargrave 2023 Directors receive automatic Don Badour 2022 fulfill a 2-year term appointment to the Kirby Hakkesteegt committee Nickolas Martin Lyndon Wagenaar2023 Blair Williamson 6 x members elected by

term as a non-voting 1 x member elected by the member. Ontario Beef Youth Alliance

aged 18-35 to fulfill a 2-year term as a non-voting member. Cow-Calf Committee Candidates

2023 2023 2022 2022 2022

2022 Open for election 2022 Returning Open for election Returning

Open for election Open for election


2023 Returning To be appointed



New position in 2022

New position in 2022

Don Badour, Director-Elect 2022 Open for election

by Feedlot Committee



To be elected by members of the OBYA.

To be elected by members of the OBYA.

Cow-Calf Committee Candidates

Sector Sector


Candidates for the 2022 Cow-Calf Committee Youth Position Candidates for the 2022 Cow-Calf Committee 1. Michaela Chalmers 2. Dallas Coultes 1. Brent Cadeau Michael Hargrave 2. 3. Jason Desrochers 4. Erica Miles 3. Kirby Hakkesteegt 4. 5. Kevin Krakar Paquette Clairina 5. Nickolas Martin

Feedlot Committee Elections Sector Feedlot


2021 Members

Term Status for 2022 Expiration 2024 Returning 2023 Returning 2022 Joe Dickenson, Director-Elect

The (3) Feedlot Directors from the 2022 BFO Board of Directors receive automatic appointment to the committee

Jack Chaffe David Millsap Joe Dickenson

6 x members elected by AGM voting delegates identified as "Feedlot" to fulfill a 2-year term

Darrell Russett Bob Bennett Scot Legge

2023 2023 2023

Returning Returning Returning

Scott Cochrane Steve Eby Jairus Maus

2022 2022 2022

Open for election Open for election Open for election

1 x member appointed from Cow-Calf Committee by its members to fulfill a 1-year term Backgrounder 1 x member elected by AGM voting delegates identified as "Backgrounder" to fulfill a 2-year term

Jason Hurst


To be appointed by Cow-Calf Committee

Matt Shortreed


Bill Herron (Acclaimed)


New position in 2022


Open for election


1 x member elected by the Ontario Beef Youth Alliance aged 18-35 to fulfill a 2-year term as a non-voting Feedlot Committee Candidates member



Candidates for the 2022 Feedlot Committee Youth Position

1. Ron Foster 2. Jacob Palmateer

Cow-Calf Committee Role – To undertake any duties and review policy issues of importance/relevance to cow-calf producers in Ontario. This committee provides a forum for discussion on issues related to cow-calf production in addition to serving an advisement role on policy matters for the BFO Board of Directors.



Explain why you want to be a youth committee member on BFO’s Cow-Calf or Feedlot Committee, and briefly describe your vision for Ontario’s beef industry: As a life-long, third generation cow-calf producer I have a vested interest in this portion of the Ontario beef industry. I feel that through being involved with BFO’s Cow-Calf Committee I would have the opportunity to be a part of meaningful conversations focused on making changes that would benefit producers as a whole. This is a passion of mine. I feel I would bring a young, knowledgeable and enthusiastic perspective to the conversation. My vision for Ontario’s beef industry is one in which all hard-working members of each sector be compensated sufficiently for the product that they produce. Our industry is extremely segmented, and without each segment, the supply chain fails. As a united front we need to tackle big issues. I feel that this can be achieved if we all work together and take appropriate steps. I love our product and it is evident through examining our export markets that others love it as well. I want our product to become more consistent through breeding and genetics on the seed-stock side. I want stable supply and harvesting capacity that can keep up with growing demand. I want consumers to feel good about choosing our product and I want producers to be able to make honest and sufficient livings producing it. I want generations and generations of beef farmers. I want beef farming to be a viable and commendable career choice for young people whose whole hearts lie with raising beef cattle. I want to leave this industry better than I found it. Provide details of your involvement in the beef sector and knowledge of current beef industry issues: I am involved in the beef sector through all aspects of my life. At home we calve 60 purebred Black Angus cows annually. We sell bulls and females to both commercial and purebred cow-calf producers through various marketing channels. We also finish a small number of cattle for custom beef orders each year. Off-farm I work for Jones Feed Mills as a ruminant nutritionist with an emphasis on beef cattle nutrition. Day-to-day I formulate rations for cow-calf, backgrounding and finishing operations as well as provide nutrition support to our sales team and customers. My hobbies include showing cattle as well as leading our local 4-H beef club with my husband and mother. I also enjoy being involved with our local Simcoe County Beef Farmers association. Current beef industry issues are widespread. Some we have faced for decades, and others seem to emerge every year. Our industry has faced years of unstable markets and is currently further challenged with high feed prices and lack of packing capacity. Other issues we face currently are lack of transport rest facilities through the northern part of our province, lack of deadstock pickup capacity in various areas in the province as well as a lack of information sharing between sectors of our industry just to name a few. This coupled with constant scrutiny by consumers makes our jobs as beef producers quite challenging, but we are a resilient bunch. I believe any issues we face can be addressed through the help of organizations such as BFO lobbying on our behalf as producers. I also believe the majority of producers would like to assist in resolving issues we face through forward-thinking, proactive practices and programs.



Explain why you want to be a youth committee member on BFO’s Cow-Calf or Feedlot Committee, and briefly describe your vision for Ontario’s beef industry: I would like to become a member to better understand the issues that we come across in the beef industry. I could also bring some new ideas and knowledge to the cow-calf committee. I would also look forward to meeting new people that have the same interest as I do in the beef industry. Provide details of your involvement in the beef sector and knowledge of current beef industry issues: I grew up on a beef feedlot and cow-calf operation. The feedlot sits empty right now but I’m running 90 cow-calf pairs. I work off-farm on a different feedlot in Walton, Ontario. I look at the cow-calf operation and want to make it sustainable and able to raise the best calf I can that will go on and perform for a feedlot. Keeping my cost/cow as low as possible using cover crops and feeding a TMR in the winter. I would also like to get more involved in the VBP+ program, also try to get more cow-calf producers on it and sales in Ontario for VBP+ calves.



Explain why you want to be a youth committee member on BFO’s Cow-Calf or Feedlot Committee, and briefly describe your vision for Ontario’s beef industry: As a younger member of the industry, I believe it is important to become involved and help the larger community work toward a sustainable industry for younger producers to want to continue to be a part of. Sustainability to me involves the key pillars of social, economic and the environment. I want to be part of an industry that builds trust with consumers and provides them with a safe and affordable product. Tied into that is my special interest in the health, welfare and sustainable rearing of cattle in Ontario. Producers need to navigate a number of aspects and challenges within their operations and I feel that through my current role in the animal health industry I am positioned to provide insight and feedback that will be beneficial to producers and veterinarians involved with the Ontario beef industry. I believe that the cattle industry is in a position to be a part of the climate change solution and how we as an industry position ourselves will be key to the success of both our piece in that solution and how we are perceived by the public for our efforts. Finally, economics drive any business and our industry is no different. Young producers face a number of challenges and I strongly believe it is very important for there to be young producers involved in the discussion around policy development and implementation to help overcome these challenges. The industry needs to continue to invest in and develop young leaders, and provide them with leadership opportunities such as this committee position. These are the reasons I would like to be considered for this opportunity. Provide details of your involvement in the beef sector and knowledge of current beef industry issues: • • • • • • • • •

Grew up on a cow-calf operation in Grey County Graduate of the 4-H Ontario Program, completing many beef projects Member of the Canadian Junior Angus Served five years as Ontario Director for Canadian Junior Angus Board, served one term as President, one term as Treasurer, and one as Secretary Represented Canadian Angus Association at World Angus Forum 2013 as a member of the winning team for the Youth Competition Graduate of the BFO BUILD Program I have been employed in various facets of the agricultural industry since graduation from the University of Guelph For the past three years I have been employed in the animal health industry directly in a bovine role as Territory Manager for Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Canada Inc. Currently working in the industry I am regularly up to date with developments within the industry


ERICA MILES Leeds County


Explain why you want to be a youth committee member on BFO’s Cow-Calf or Feedlot Committee, and briefly describe your vision for Ontario’s beef industry: I would like to be a committee member because I want to be more involved in the future of beef farming. There is a lot I can learn from the committee, but I would also like to bring my perspective to the table as a young farmer trying to make it in this industry on my own. The challenges I face are not likely exclusive to me and I would like to help make things more accessable for future generations who want to get into beef farming. I also have a postsecondary education in Marketing which I feel could be an asset. Provide details of your involvement in the beef sector and knowledge of current beef industry issues: I am a 6th generation farmer working on a cow-calf operation for as long as I can remember. In recent years, I have been branching out away from the family farm and carving my own space in this industry with my own farm and my own cattle. I am taking the experience I previously had, and attempting to learn new ways to do things to produce better/different results. I have taken the BFO BUILD Leadership program in 2017, and I sit on my local county board. Currently, the biggest issue is the cut off of exports to certain countries. We are also continuing to face challenges such as; the lack of access to abattoirs, less and less land opportunities, less opportunities to get into the industry, etc.



Explain why you want to be a youth committee member on BFO’s Cow-Calf or Feedlot Committee, and briefly describe your vision for Ontario’s beef industry: I want to be a youth committee member because I would like to help provide solutions and results for the big issues in Ontario’s beef industry. My vision for Ontario’s beef industry, is to be leading in Canada and also the world stage for beef and to be able to supply Ontarians with high quality beef. Provide details of your involvement in the beef sector and knowledge of current beef industry issues: I was born and raised on a small cow-calf operation in Northern Ontario. I have owned cattle since 2014 and I participated in 4H for beef last year. I also am very involved in the dairy industry, as I work for Holstein Canada and worked on dairy farms for many years. The current main issues for the beef industry right now are public education, sustainability and climate change. There is a huge gap between producers and consumers especially when it comes to the beef industry, and we need to come up with some large scale solutions to educate the public on our industry. Sustainability and climate change are also big issues right now because we need to ensure that we emit the least amount of methane by our cows.


RON FOSTER Ottawa County

YOUTH CANDIDATE FOR: Feedlot Committee

Explain why you want to be a youth committee member on BFO’s Cow-Calf or Feedlot Committee, and briefly describe your vision for Ontario’s beef industry: At this stage of my life, I would love to learn more of the industry my family works in, which is why I feel the BFO youth position would help me expand my knowledge on the current issues that flag the industry. So then going forward, my voice can be used to shape the industry for the better. Provide details of your involvement in the beef sector and knowledge of current beef industry issues: On the farm we have a few feedlot barns that I’m involved with finishing the cattle for slaughter. Also I try to participate in the Ontario corn fed beef annual convention that takes place in London. Sadly due to the times that we live in, we weren’t able to in the recent years.


JACOB PALMATEER Hastings County YOUTH CANDIDATE FOR: Feedlot Committee

Explain why you want to be a youth committee member on BFO’s Cow-Calf or Feedlot Committee, and briefly describe your vision for Ontario’s beef industry: I would like the opportunity to be a youth committee member on BFO’s Feedlot Committee because I believe that it is an important step to helping better the cattle industry in Ontario. I bring a unique perspective, not only as a feedlot operator but because I have spent the last three years on our local (Tweed) municipal council. I believe that my experience in municipal politics helps to understand the stakeholders we are dealing with, and will help move along an agenda that helps beef grow and flourish in Ontario. I believe that Ontario’s beef industry has an opportunity to grow as the premium beef in the marketplace. I hope to see Ontario beef as the premier beef at steakhouses across the province as well as in grocery stores. Provide details of your involvement in the beef sector and knowledge of current beef industry issues: For the past two years I have been working full-time alongside my father on our feedlot in Tweed. We have capacity to feed approximately 1,200 head in the feedlot. We also have a cow herd with around 160 commercial cows. I have been a director in our local Beef Farmers of Hastings County club, and have been a representative for three years as a voting delegate at the AGM. I also assist with the specialty stocker sales at Hoards Station Sale Barn when I am available. My current knowledge on beef industry issues spans across an array of topics. The issues include livestock timeon-truck policies, animal rights activists, and public perception on environmental impacts. They also extend into provincial and federal kill capacity, and proving to other nations that we are a safe market for beef as our negligible risk status is changing. Even more recently, issues involving COVID-19 (such as reduced staffing at federal plants, and transportation costs from the west) are drastically increasing with vaccine mandates at the border limiting the operators who can use the United States as a part of their trips.

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