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Market Information
By Jamie Gamble, BFO Market Information Coordinator markets@ontariobeef.com • www.ontariobeef.com
In 2019, the fed steer railgrade price traded narrowly throughout the year, with the spring high occurring in April at $257.83 dressed on average on a monthly basis, while the fall low was reported at $234.38 in October. This is a 9.1% decline from the spring high to the fall low which is in line with 2018, that saw a 9.4% decline, while 2017 was larger with a seasonal decline of 28.5%. From October 2019 onward, the market struggled and was unable to see a seasonal increase into late fall as processing capacity declined by about 1,600 head per week with the suspension and then closure of RydingRegency Meat Packers Ltd. Ontario processers increased production to try to pick up some of the slack, however it kept a lid on the prices in Ontario with very little change from October to December on a monthly basis. Overall, the Ontario railgrade annual steer price in 2019 was at $245.59 compared to $245.48 for 2018 and $6-$7 cwt below the 2016 and 2017 annual average price on a dressed basis. As of early January we are seeing improvement in the dressed prices, but cattle feeders are still struggling.
The Canadian boxed beef prices this year are up from last year and the strongest annual average price for both AAA and AA since 2015. The boxed beef started the year off strong and for most of 2019 prices were above 2017 and 2018 and the five-year average, with the exception of the summer months where 2019 was well below very strong pricing in 2017. A good demand for beef the last quarter of 2019 was supportive to boxed beef prices and packer margins, providing incentive to increase production when capacity declined.
As of November 30, 2019, processing volumes in Ontario at federal and provincially licenced plants were down from 2018 for steers, steady on heifers and lower on cows. At time of writing, the December values were not available. 2019 was on track to be steady to slightly stronger than 2018 volumes. As of November 30, 2019, volumes processed are down around 20,000 from 2018 for cows, steers and heifers, with volumes down just 1,000 from 2017 and higher than all years from 2009 to 2016 inclusive. As the graphs indicate, despite the loss of one processor at the end of September, October 2019 volumes were better than 2017 but the November volumes in 2019 were the lowest in the last three years and the five-year average.
Exports of cattle through Ontario ports to the U.S. as of November 30, 2019 have been lower than the last two years for both fed steers and cows but up slightly for heifers. Cow export numbers as of November 30, 2019 are down 2,262 head from 2018, but 2,273 more than the same time in 2017. Fed steer export volumes are down 179 from 2018 and 3,719 less than in 2017. Fed heifers totalled 27,951 head as of November 30, 2019, up 6,190 from 2018 and 9,629 more than the same time in 2017. A great number of the fed cattle exported to the U.S. for processing were reported to be dairy and dairy cross. It is only very recently that one U.S. packer was purchasing Ontario fed cattle.
Cull cow volumes sold through auction markets in Ontario continued to increase again in 2019 with the annual total at 124,599 head, up 6.3% from 2018, up 20.7% from 2017 and the largest annual volume since 2014. Cull cow prices started out the year well below 2018, 2017 and the five-year average, but by May prices were stronger than 2018. The cull cow market followed the trend of the five-year average and 2017 fairly closely but at lower prices.
Stocker and feeder cattle volumes sold through Ontario auction markets in 2019 totaled 258,755 head, which is the highest annual level seen since 2014. Annual average prices for steers saw each weight category down by $2-$6 cwt from 2018, but steady to $5 below the annual average price in 2016 and 2017. Heifers declined more than the steers this year with annual average prices below 2018 in all categories by anywhere from $4-$12 cwt. Compared to 2016 and 2017, prices dropped by $8-$24 cwt with the lighter weight categories experiencing the largest price declines. OB
Continued on page 44.
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Every cattle seller (including sales by private treaty) is required under Regulation 54 of the Beef Cattle Marketing Act (BCMA) to pay a $4.50 per head Ontario license fee and a $1.00 per head national levy, for a total of a $5.50 per head check-off. Breeding stock, cull dairy cows, and beef calves are included. Exemptions exist only for cattle sold for the production of milk and veal. Fees are payable by the 15th of the month following deduction. Please note: Licenced Livestock Dealers who sell cattle within seven business days of having purchased them may apply for a rebate with proper documentation.
Firm or Individual Producer Reporting HST Registration No: Period Covered by this Report: a) Number of Head Sold: Finished: Stocker: Breeding Stock Females: Culls: Breeding Stock Bulls: Calves: b) Total BFO Check-off ($5.50xa) c) HST on BFO Check-off (bx13%) d) Total Amount Owing (b+c)
Mail to: Beef Farmers of Ontario 130 Malcolm Road Guelph, Ontario N1K 1B1 Forward cheque payable to the Beef Farmers of Ontario with this report. Please retain one copy for your files.
I declare that this information represents a true and accurate statement of check-off deductions required to be made under Regulation 54 of the BCMA and the Canadian Beef Cattle Research Market Development and Promotion Agency.
Print Name:
BEEF EXPORTS - CANADA United States Mexico Jan. 1 - Nov. 30 Jan. 1 - Nov. 30 294,608 tonnes 15,347 tonnes Japan China Jan. 1 - Nov. 30 Jan. 1 - Nov. 30 45,724 tonnes 11,475 tonnes
BEEF PRODUCTION - CANADA Jan. 1 - Dec. 28, 2019 Last Year Same Time % Change Fed 1,052,697 tonnes 984,014 tonnes +7% Non-fed 174,237 tonnes 174,481 tonnes +0%
Jan. 1 - Dec. 28, 2019 Last Year Same Time % Change
US 107,937 tonnes 120,395 tonnes -10%
Non-NAFTA 35,476 tonnes 50,216 tonnes -29%
EU-28 (beef/veal total) 6,178 tonnes 2,214 tonnes +179%
Total 157,659 tonnes 182,344 tonnes -14%
LIVE CATTLE - CANADA IMPORTS EXPORTS EXPORTS Jan. 1 - Nov. 30 Jan. 1 - Dec. 28, 2019 % Change Purebred 4,564 Slaughter steers & heifers 481,037 +26% Non-Purebred 202,385 Feeder steers & heifers 185,072 -5% Cows & bulls 47,424 +6%
LIVE CATTLE EXPORTS - ONTARIO Week ending Dec. 28, ‘19 Week ending Dec. 21, ‘19 Year to Date Total to US. 2,335 4,460 135,522 Steers, Heifers, Cows 2,225 4,134 119,078 Bulls 110 326 16,444
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Please contact the Breeders listed for your Limousin Bulls and Females. 3 RIDGE FARMS Jon Bell 217294 Conc. 3 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5 519-378-4006 roundbale14@hotmail.com ALBERTVIEW LIMOUSIN FARMS Jim and Karen Roffey and Family Walter Stothers 5735 Doane Rd., Mount Albert, Ont. L0G 1M0 Contact Jim Roffey: 905-473-2713 BEE ZEE ACRES Mary Anne & Bill Zwambag RR #4, Glencoe, ON N0L 1M0 519-287-3219 CLARK CATTLE CO. David Clark 2280 McCullough Rd. Port Hope, ON L1A 3V7 905-786-2304 clarkcattle1@hotmail.ca DARLING FARMS 4172 County Rd 25 Castleton, ON K0K 1M0 905-375-4019 dmdarling13@gmail.com GIBSON FARMS Dave and Emily Gibson 2148 Concession 4, RR1, Ripley Ontario N0G2R0 Dave-519-357-6174 Emily 519-440-9907 HAYSTACK ACRES John & Michelle McLean 3114 Walker Road, RR#2 Harrow, ON N0R 1G0 519-738-0453 haystacklimousin@yahoo.ca HILLSIDE FARMS Ray and Stacie Stanton 4250 King Road, King City, ON, L7B 1K4 416-505-0707 rays@londonproperty.ca KOYLE FARMS LIMOUSIN Dwight & Catherine Koyle 33429 6th Line, RR#3 Iona Station, ON N0L 1P0 519-764-2697 • cdkoyle@gtn.net AFTER HOURS LIMOUSINS Rob & Erin Weppler 117078 Grey Rd. 3 , Tara, ON 519-375-6108 Rob@gbtel.ca LAKESIDE FARM Wayne and Nancy Lawrence 263657 Southgate Rd. 26 RR#4 Durham, ON N0G 1R0 519-369-2806 POSTHAVEN LIMOUSIN John and Ena Post #7396 Sideroad #20, RR #2, Alma, Ontario N0B 1A0 519-846-9320 ejpost@posthavenlimousin.com RAIL LINE FARMS Paul and Brad MacIntyre 221 Bruce County Rd. 1 RR #3, Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0 519-528-2423 pcmacintyre@hurontel.on.ca NEW LIFE LIMOUSIN 261269 Conc. 18 Hanover, ON N4N 3B8 519-270-5415 New.life.limousin@gmail.com SMART LIMOUSIN Garry and Sheila Smart 137606 Grey Road 12 RR#2, Meaford, ON N4L 1W6 519-538-4877 www.smartlimousin.com WINDY GABLES LIMOUSIN Bryce & Nathan Allen RR #4, Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0 705-924-2583