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Ready to Hit the Road

As the days get longer and temperatures begin to warm up, the producer relations team is eagerly planning for summer producer tours! These events provide a great opportunity to tour farms and engage in informative sessions alongside friends and fellow producers.

We are excited to announce that we have three events planned for this summer that will feature farm tours, speaker sessions, and social time. Please save the date for these events, and stay tuned for event details and registration.

Feedlot Management School

Wednesday, June 21st – Thursday, June 22nd

Wellington and Waterloo County

This event will focus on feedlot best management practices that impact cattle performance and carcass quality. Featuring engaging sessions at the University of Guelph meat lab, feedlot ultrasounding demonstration, and tours of two progressive feedlots.

Ontario Beef Youth Alliance (OBYA) Tour

Friday, July 7th – Saturday, July 8th, Oxford County

This event will feature farm tours that showcase cow-calf, feedlot, and birth-to-beef operations with direct marketing, along with a tour of Norwich Packers. This event is a great opportunity to network with other young producers. Open to all OBYA subscribers.

Cow-Calf Management School

Friday, September 8th – Saturday, September 9th, Durham County

Join us for farm tours of commercial and purebred cow-calf producers across Durham County. This event will provide an opportunity to learn from other cow-calf producers, along with a tour of a feedlot and cattle handling demonstration.

Please stay tuned for more event details and registration information. We look forward to hitting the road with you!

Ontario Beef Quality Assurance Rebate Incentive Program

As a reminder, the Ontario Beef Quality Assurance Rebate Incentive Program (see page 13 for more details) is now providing a rebate of 100 per cent for first-time VBP+ audits, and a 75 per cent rebate for farms being re-audited. We have been busy offering VBP+ training webinars and helping prepare producers for the on-farm audit. If you are interested in learning more about the VBP+ program, please reach out to me or Dan Ferguson. For feedlot producers, if you are interested in learning more about the Ontario Corn Fed Beef Quality Assurance program, please reach out to John Baker by email at john@ontariocornfedbeef.com. OB

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