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New Scholarship Announced by the Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency

It is no surprise that Canada’s beef sector continues to focus on the engagement of young entrants into the beef industry, whether that be grassroots producers, future leaders of our national and provincial organizations, or industry partners along the value chain.
The Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency (the Agency) continues to diversify its youth strategy with the addition of a new annual scholarship, aimed at students who intend to make an impact in Canada’s beef industry.
The scholarship is open not only to beef producers and those directly involved with their families, but it is open to students who can see unique ways to make an impact through marketing, research, public engagement, and other areas where check-off dollars are invested to generate value for the beef industry in Canada.
While preference may be given to applicants who are beef producers or have a background in agriculture, it is not a requirement for the scholarship.
Applicants are asked to submit a one-to-two-minute video, showcasing their desire to improve and grow Canada’s beef sector in a unique way. The investment of the beef check-off in Canada delivers value to the beef industry, and the scholarship seeks to support those who want to make an impact in the same way.
The deadline for scholarship applications is June 30 and the selected applicant will be announced at the Agency’s AGM in August, held in collaboration with the Canadian Beef Industry Conference in Calgary at Stampede Park.
For more information on the scholarship or to apply, visit cdnbeefcheckoff.ca/scholarship. OB