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“Opt-out OPIRG” founders and OPIRG rep. defend positions Colleen McDonell A student organization on campus, the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), is currently facing resistance against its use of student fees. Receiving $6.31 from each fulltime University of Guelph student each semester, OPIRG generates one of the larger revenues compared to other student-run clubs and groups. However, some students are coming forward saying that they disagree with how the organization operates. Established on campus in 1976, the OPIRG Guelph chapter is an orColleen McDonell ganization that, according to their website, strives to encourage and OPIRG is a student-run organization that helps students address environmental and social justice issues. facilitate U of G students to “work with the Guelph community to use OPIRG-Guelph” by students Mat- Pipeline, currently employs an they can do easily.” their skills and resources to work thew Rae and Kyle Reaburn to individual who has pled guilty to In itself, the Facebook page towards environmental and social bring this issue to the forefront. participating in the 2010 Toronto has sparked debate as many visjustice.” The organization hosts “This student organization G-20 protests, and has a histo- itors have questioned the site’s speaking and film events, skill- [OPIRG] uses your money to ry of financial mismanagement. sources as well as controverbuilding workshops, and project fund radical left-wing events “If you want to fund the programs sial statements such as claiming and workshops that very few that they do, then by all means, go that the Idle No More movement sponsorship. Some students on campus, in- students support, or have any ahead,” said Reaburn. “If you want is now “largely discredited.” cluding those of the Student knowledge about,” read the page. to fund Idle No More and Keystone, However, both Rae and ReaAccountability group, feel that stu- The group lists eight reasons there are [other] groups, and you burn stress that the main point dents are not aware of how OPIRG why students should opt-out of can donate. We don’t feel that stu- of the campaign is simply to operates and that they should be the fees going towards OPIRG, dents should automatically pay a raise awareness about the optmade aware of their ability to opt stating that the organization fee and then go and take it back, out opportunity available every out of those student fees. A Face- supports the “hateful anti-Is- because that is a one-sided ideol- semester. OPIRG Carleton adbook group was formed as part of rael week,” used student fees in ogy. We want students to choose vertises this option, and in the e opi rg pag e 3 the campaign dubbed “Opt-Out 2012 to protest the Keystone XL what they want to support, which
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170.3 ◆ january 24t h, 2013
Guelph goes to the dogs
Global to Local: U of G students and faculty on international and national news
An opportunity to let loose and de-stress playing with man’s best friend
The bearded collie greeted all of his guests with great enthusiasm and temperament, proving why he is one of the best dogs in the business. “A lot of people find animals very calming. So in a high-pressure acKelsey Coughlin ademic environment it provides an excellent outlet for students to Calming, relaxing, and playful take a break and de-stress,” exare all words used to describe the plained Shaw, Jude’s owner and Therapy Dog Drop-in event held at handler. the University of Guelph on Jan. 17. Similar events of this nature The Guelph chapter of the Thera- have taken place at other unipeutic Paws of Canada (TPOC) held versities across Canada. The most the event to help students handle recognized is the Puppy Room, the stress brought on by exams, held at Dalhousie University in heavy coursework, and general Halifax, Nova Scotia. This prohomesickness. gram was also run by a chapter of Students gathered in circles and the TPOC and received national played with the therapy dogs, and recognition for its originality and in five-minute increments, for- popularity. got all about their troubles and Three hundred students gathworries, and focused on the big ered in the CSA office in the bundles of unconditional love University Center to take part in sitting in front of them. As vol- the event. Among these students unteers brought their dogs in, they was Emily Johnston, who was one watched the magic unfold. of the first students to play with The event was organized by the dogs. Academic and University Affairs “As soon as I started to cuddle Commissioner Deaglan McManus, or pet a dog, I forgot about all of who reached out to the TPOC to the stress and just enjoyed the inmake the day a possibility. Team nocence of it all,” said Johnston. Leader of the TPOC Guelph Chapter Any students that missed the was first year Ontario Veterinary opportunity to bond with the College student Kaela Shaw, who therapy dogs can rest assured not only organized the group of that this event will be coming dogs and volunteers, but also back to Guelph in the near future. brought along her own dog Jude The TPOC plans to hold another to take part. session during midterm and final Jude was the first dog to join the exam season – times when stress Guelph TPOC team and was also is highest for students. the first dog on scene at the event. Not a single student left the dog
Mayor Rob Ford was recently discussing the plans for a casino development on his radio show where he stated, “How can people say no to this?” referring to the proposals that would begin the construction of a major casino in downtown Toronto. Many residents have spoken out about the issue, saying that it’s a “lousy” way to bring in revenues and create jobs, which the mayor sees as one of the biggest benefits of the plans. Toronto residents have until Friday to fill out a form on a city-run website to either show their support or disapproval for the project, though many, according to a Toronto Star article on the topic, have resigned themselves into believing it will happen no matter what they do.
Abi Lemak
A group of dogs “volunteered” their time to help stressed out students. therapy event without a smile on their face and all left with a new appreciation for the dogs that
devote their lives to bringing joy to seniors, youth, and students all over Canada.
Scanlon said the organization “Without getting into politics, it’s past, McMaster has used an on- is an open, inclusive environ- really about, ‘who is OPIRG?’” line opt-out system, which ment. It offers a program that said Reaburn. “It’s safe to say they they claim is more accessible. trains activists in democratic haven’t done a very good job of “We’re just trying to create a forum and decision-making processes, advertising themselves around for discussion,” explained Rae. On while maintaining “safe spaces.” campus as compared to other Jan. 23, one day before the opt- “Our main goal is to create a clubs… and I didn’t know [in the out deadline, 60 people reported healthier, more inclusive Guelph,” online as “attending” the event. explained Scanlon. “We will work OPIRG representatives say that with any individual and/or group this campaign is highly misin- that approaches us in exposing and formed about its work and causes challenging existing oppression.” it supports. The OPIRG representative added “Our mandate states that we that it has always been clear Rafaela é, stand in solidarity with people that students have the choice to around the world who are re- opt-out of contributing to the sisting social and economical organization. oppression,” said Sarah Scanlon, “For the over 30 years that OPIRG Guelph’s coordinator of OPIRG has existed, the opt-out organizational and policy de- has always been an option. It’s velopment. “We do this through never been our responsibility to spreading education regarding educate people [about that]; it’s a wide array of human rights the university’s funding, and they issues.” get to choose. We really support Scanlon noted that the or- the opt-out – we think it’s demoganization is “100 per cent” cratic and an important process,” accountable, and the office lo- said Scanlon, adding that there cated at 1 Trent Lane behind are many other fees that students Creelman Hall has binders con- cannot opt-out of, such as the taining the minutes of all board athletic facilities fees. and staff meetings, as well as Yet, the Opt-Out OPRIG-Guelph accessible financial records. members retain their manDefending OPIRG against accusa- date that the opt-option needs tions of being radically one-sided, to be more openly advertised.
past] that we fund them and can opt-out. That’s the difference. I just want to raise awareness of the clubs we can opt-out of, have a discussion about whether this is appropriately funded, and take a look at what they support.”
. . . op irg con t i n ue d
The Ontarion: Have you heard about this news topic? Brooke Campbell-Paterson, student: No, I haven’t at all. Carly Bobak, student: I heard a little bit about it over the Christmas holidays. The Ontarion: Does it interest you? BCP: I’m not really into gambling, so it doesn’t really interest me, and it’s outside of my comfort zone, like I wouldn’t [venture to] Toronto at all, especially for a casino. CB: I’m sort of neutral on the issue. I’ve read a bit about it, I understand both sides of the argument at this point so I’m curious to see what ends up [happening] with it, but I’m not very strongly opinionated on it either way. The Ontarion: Are news stories like this one relevant to people living in Guelph? BCP: I think it’ll be somewhat significant to Guelph, if the casino is built and jobs are created, then [it might] up the economy a little bit, but it will also have environmental impacts as well, with building a new entire building. CB: It could have a bit of an impact on Guelph, especially because there’s the Mohawk casino close by, it could take away a lot of the tourism there, and that could negatively impact the economy in Guelph as well.
Thanks to the participants for this week’s interview. If you have something to say about international or national news, and would like to be contacted for future issues, contact News Editor Alicja Grzadkowska at onnews@
4 w w e on ta r ion . c om Helping out some furry friends Animal photojournalist visits the U of G Lindsay Pinter On Jan. 16, the University of Guelph hosted a presentation led by JoAnne McArthur, creator of the We Animals project and an active photojournalist who uses her camera “as a tool for social justice and change.” We Animals is a project where animals of all shapes, sizes, and circumstances are photographed and documented to help the viewers gain a new and often overlooked perspective on situations involving poor living conditions and treatment. These situations not only include the hidden world of animal exploitation and abuse, but also success stories of the animals that have been rehabilitated. The presentation, which was dedicated to a chimpanzee named Ron, opened viewers’ eyes to
situations which McArthur has experienced first-hand, and has held close to her heart (one couldn’t help but notice the “I heart Cambodia” sticker on her laptop). The presentation was an emotional one as photos of harsh living conditions and health abnormalities appeared on the screen, but McArthur made sure to balance the harsher photos and stories with happy ones. The audience laughed as she told the touching story of Ron, a chimpanzee who after receiving one blanket, fell in love with it, and surrounded himself in quite literally a bundle of “comfort blankets.” Or the story of a gorilla with a foot fetish that McArthur encountered, and after having being asked to take off her shoe for him, was told “after all he’s been through, the least you could do for him is show him your foot.” McArthur stressed that one person can make a difference to animals such as Ron. Even the slightest change in awareness can
Healthcare for all? Drastic cuts leave significantly more refugees without access to healthcare Christine Smith Since June 30, 2012, there have been significant cuts to the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP). The IFHP provides limited, temporary, taxpayer-funded coverage of health care for refugees, refugee claimants, and others without permanent status. The new entitlements are complicated, and have resulted in cuts not only to the services covered, but to the eligibility of claimants. Subsequently, free clinics in various large metropolises such as Toronto are experiencing an overwhelming influx of patients who are no longer covered for treatment under the IFHP. Most controversial in this struggle is Jason Kenney, Canada’s current minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism. Kenney has been bombarded with criticisms, while concurrently receiving waves of praise for his IFHP downsizing. Mainstream media has portrayed Kenney as an economic saviour, relieving the Canadian economy of a money pit. What the media has failed to acknowledge, according to some, is the necessity and positive implications of immigration, especially with declining birth rates in Canada. Anna Aukema, a dedicated World University Service of
Canada (WUSC) volunteer at the University of Guelph, points out that the Canadian population is founded on immigrants and that the drastic changes to the IFHP affect the future of our country’s sustainability and viability. To help raise awareness about this pressing issue, WUSC has launched Immigration Network, a new initiative to spread awareness on issues facing all immigrants and newcomers, including a recent Myth Busting Campaign on refugee healthcare. WUSC is also working to challenge the presuppositions and negative ideas that people have of immigrants, migrants and refugees, and creating a safe space to discuss ideas through a positive healthy dialogue and encouraging individuals to think independently. The maintenance of health requires access to services for physical and mental health, inclusive of economic, social, environmental and political rights for all people. Shawna Smith, another WUSC volunteer, pointed out the moral responsibility for everyone who has a right to health, which has been acknowledged as a human right, believing that it is a difficult moral decision to deny an individual of this basic right; yet Canada almost effortlessly cut funding to a highly vulnerable segment of the Canadian population. The group on the Guelph campus alongside groups on campuses across Ontario are hoping to draw attention to what they see as a poor decision on the part of the government.
help. “When you see a picture taken in Marineland with the Beluga whale through the tank, no one thinks of that through the animal’s perspective. How does he feel that he has to live his life in a small tank?” asked McArthur, as she showed a seemingly acceptable picture of a Beluga whale looking longingly out the tank’s window. Guelph has many sanctuaries open to visitors, such as the Guelph Donkey Sanctuary and the Guelph Bird Sanctuary. Students can visit these to meet with the animals and hear their stories, donate or volunteer. They can also join clubs on campus that promote animal safety such as the Guelph Students Ethical Treatment of Animals (GSETA). Buying products with the cruelty-free logo (an outline of a bunny jumping), reporting if one sees any suspicious activity that could include animal cruelty, and raising awareness through art, pictures, or stories are other ways to help
Nick Ugliuzza
Jo-Anne McArthur works to ensure that the voices of animals are heard. McArthur’s cause. The message in a quote given during the presentation by Bruce
Freidrich in particular struck a chord: “Animals are someone, not something.”
170.3 ◆ january 24t h, 2013
Tracking Canadian wildlife and plants DNA barcoding library receives $650,000 grant Jordan Sloggett The Canada Foundation for Innovation continued its ongoing support of the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario and the Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding with a recent $650,000 grant. Professor Paul Hebert, director of the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, shared his thoughts on the grant. “The past decade has been a very good one for science in Canada. We’ve raised, in our country, about $80 million to support this project. Thirty million dollars you see in the buildings on campus, but the majority of the money has gone to employ nearly 100 people to support the institute. It’s been a great decade.” Hebert also explained how the institute plans to spend the grant money. “It will be used largely for two purposes. First, to present Canada as a role model to the world as to what you can do if you build a DNA-based identification center for all the life in your country. Second, towards deploying a team of bio-staff to go to these collections and harvest tissue bits, legs – assorted and sundry body parts of organisms for identification,” said Hebert.
Giancarlo Basilone
With the help of a grant, genomics research at the U of G is taking off. When asked if the University of Guelph would become a hub of genomics research, Hebert replied, “I don’t see it becoming, I think it already is,” Hebert continued. “I’d say it’s really providing a foundation for biodiversity science. Canada is recognized as leading this technology, no question about it.” While completing his PhD at Cambridge in the early 70s, Hebert never imagined then the role computers would have in biology research. “At Cambridge, which is a reasonably intensive, advanced place,
there were only manual calculators at that time. I remember getting my hand caught in one; it weighed 50 pounds and it was painful. So, I certainly don’t think we thought at the time that computers would be used as extensively as they are now,” said Hebert. The DNA barcoding initiative at Guelph began in 2003, and has been gathering momentum as one the University of Guelph’s proudest research projects. Hebert discussed how rapid advances in biotechnology have
changed what is possible. “I couldn’t have imagined that it would be so easy to access DNA from organisms. Our business relies upon two things: digital media in the form of Internet and computers and more importantly, the magic of polymerase chain reaction that Kary Mullis won the Nobel Prize for in 1993.” “Who could have ever thought that you’d be able to Xerox-copy a little slice of DNA out of a massive genome? The lesson for the younger generation: things you cannot
imagine [existing today] will be what you’ll be doing 40 years ago, which is one of the truly splendid things about science,” said Hebert. Hebert also reflected on the fact that many scientists are not able to change and adapt to new technologies as they emerge. “You need to be immensely flexible and it’s funny how some people fossilize with the technique. Even in academia, people will have the technique that they learned when they were a PhD student, and now they’re the world’s expert in it and they’re going to keep it,” said Hebert. The researcher continued, stressing that, “One needs to be quite unwedded to any idea or any technique. You should embrace change. Plan on everything you know today being deeply or slightly incorrect – those are the only two options.” Hebert has a strongly positive view on the future of bioinformatics in Canada. Through the hard work and dedication of researchers at the biodiversity institute, he’s convinced that Canada has a leading role in the future of this exciting branch of biology. “I like the vision of people around the world coming to Canada – digitally – to identify every organism they encounter. Fifty or 100 years from now it would be neat if Canada was a provider of that kind of biodiversity information to the planet,” said Hebert.
Re-thinking recycling in Argentina IDS Speakers Series continued with a presentation on informal recycling in Buenos Aires Andrew Donovan On Jan. 18, the University of Guelph’s International Development Studies Speaker Series continued with a presentation from Dr. Kate Parizeau titled, “Garbage and the City: Informal Recycling in Buenos Aires, Argentina.” The presentation outlined the informal, perhaps entrepreneurial, ways in which people in developing communities around Buenos Aires are using roadside garbage to earn a rather unconventional living in a growing global recycling industry. Parizeau defined informal recycling as, “The reparation of recyclable and reusable materials from the waste stream in situations that are not officially sanctioned.” In a Canadian context, this could be someone that goes
house-to-house collecting used district, which for most cartoneros, beer bottles to turn a profit at local consists of boarding a train sysrecycling facilities. In the con- tem with incredibly specific timing, text of Latin America, this could with their carts in hand and under be someone that travels at night, the foreknowledge that if they miss with large wagons that resemble the final 10 p.m. train, it results in rickshaws, to collect any materi- a night sleeping on the streets with als that have a potential value to their belongings and in some cases, be recycled. their children. Parizeau explained that in The Public-Private Infrastructure Argentina, this underground Advisory Facility, a multi-donor economy began with the esca- trust fund that provides technical lations of the Argentinean debt assistance to governments in develcrisis that climaxed in 2001 and oping countries and an arm of the brought widespread rioting from World Bank Group has done some the middle-class over President extensive research on the field of Fernando de la Rúa’s inability to informal recycling, and stated, fix the three-year recession. With “Studies suggest that when orgaunemployment at roughly 25 per nized and supported, waste picking cent in 2003, many jobless Argen- can spur grassroots investment by tines found work as cartoneros, poor people, create jobs, reduce which loosely translates to card- poverty, save municipalities money, improve industrial competitiveness, board collectors. The cartoneros life is not usually conserve natural resources, and one of luxury. The populations that protect the environment.” In Buenos Aires, where roughly earn a living in this field are facing 25 per cent of the population lives opposition from a government that frowns upon the image these roving below the poverty line, these inrecyclers have on a city that prides novative, unconventional ways of itself on a pristine European-styled obtaining capital for basic needs presentation. Then, there’s trans- such as food, shelter and clothing portation into the central business ought to be supported, argued Dr.
Wendy Shepherd
Dr. Kate Parizeau discussed the lives of cartoneros in Buenos Aires. Parizeau. The reaction from the community that must live amongst the train of carts and cartoneros is mixed, but generally, the people don’t have many qualms with their neighbours trying to earn a living. Some business owners even sort the garbage for the cartoneros as an appreciative gesture for helping to keep the streets clean from garbage. The government of the Province of Buenos Aires made some progressive efforts in the mid-2000s to regulate the industry by creating a cartoneros registry and handing out
gloves to the workers so they don’t have to rummage through trash with their bare hands. However, current mayor, Mauricio Macri, business owner turned politician, has added many obstacles recently in the progression of Buenos Aires’s invisible workers. The presentation by Dr. Parizeau was a testament to the vast dichotomies of citizens a world over, and forced the audience to think of a generally mundane task here in North America, the chore of recycling, with far more intrigue and intellect.
news 6 w w e on ta r ion . c om Faces of Recovery event addresses eating disorders Panel to discuss personal stories Sabrina Groomes The National Eating Disorder Information Center has decided upon the theme, “Talking Saves Lives,” for this year’s Eating Disorder Awareness Week, which falls between Feb. 3 and 9 this year. In staying within this theme, the Wellington-GuelphDufferin Eating Disorders Coalition will be holding their annual event, Faces of Recovery, which will consist of a panel of individuals living with eating disorders and their loved ones, who have helped them through their strenuous challenges. By openly discussing this issue, the coalition hopes to save lives by educating the community and creating a sense of hope around this misfortune. The Wellington-Guelph-Dufferin Eating Disorders Coalition was established in 2000 and has been dedicated to raising awareness and providing connections and services to the surrounding area about eating disorders and body image
issues for the past 13 years. The coalition is connected to the University of Guelph along with a number of other agencies throughout the various areas, and is determined to raise awareness, educate, and help people who suffer from or are affected by an eating disorder or issues of body image, as well as helping their loved ones understand the disorders. Andrea Lamarre, a member of the coalition and a current graduate student at the University of Guelph, spoke to The Ontarion about Faces of Recovery, and discussed why this is such an important event to attend. Lamarre explained that the panel will share their individual stories, and that it is “so essential for the public to hear because no two experiences of disordered eating and recovery are exactly alike.” The coalition hopes that through this event audience members “will leave with a sense of hope about the possibility of eating disorder recovery,” since it is often rare to hear of complete recoveries. Lamarre specified that at the event, “six panelists in recovery from various eating disorders, including anorexia,
bulimia, and an eating disorder not otherwise specified (ED-NOS)” will be at the event to share their stories. In a media-based society where cosmetic and aesthetic beauty is constantly portrayed, the pressing matter of body image issues is not far behind. Even if one has not directly experienced an eating disorder, the coalition hopes that they will come to educate themselves on the problem. “Students and other community members will likely be able to relate to some aspects of the panelists’ experiences regardless of whether eating disorders have touched their lives. Further, disordered eating is relatively common among University students, but are not always talked about,” said Lamarre. The coalition hopes that by openly discussing this issue and educating the students and other members of the area, it can help to “de-mystify” eating disorders, banish “some of the stigma that can accompany such disorders,” and save lives by openly talking about this problem during Eating Disorder Awareness Week. This educative event will be held on Feb. 6 at the Best Western Royal
The event will feature a panel of people who have experienced eating disorders firsthand. Brock Hotel and Conference Center on Gordon Street. Everyone is welcome and admission is free as the coalition is focused on raising the level of awareness. The coalition hopes that those who
are looking for help or to understand this condition can find the courage to attend this event, and listen to individuals who are bravely choosing to share their stories of living with and fighting to overcome this disorder.
170.3 ◆ january 24t h, 2013
The musical world, 17 years from now Improvisation’s insights for 2030 Michael Bohdanowicz On Jan. 23, a discussion was held in Kitchener where four professors based out of four different Ontario universities and in different research areas addressed the question, “What will 2030 look like from your point of view, and from the lens of your research?” This question was asked by Research Matters, a campaign created by the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) to publicly show research being conducted by Ontario researchers, and the impact this research could have on the world. This event was the first in a series of discussions on what life will be like in 2030. COU asked each of its member universities to nominate a project to be promoted through Research Matters. The University of Guelph chose the Improvisation Community and Social Practice research project (ICASP). English professor Ajay Heble, a
lead researcher with ICASP, was one of the four professors answering Research Matter’s question. Heble described this project as being about “musical improvisation as a vehicle for social change.” Heble further explained that ICASP “uses music as a point of departure to talk about broader social, cultural and political issues. Music becomes a way of thinking about and modeling what might happen in the broader public arena.” Thirty-five researchers from 20 institutions around the world are involved in ICASP and over 200 graduate students have benefited from the fact that most funding for ICASP has been directed towards them. At the time of interview, Heble was planning on discussing what it means to be part of a sustainable community and how improvisation, particularly musical improvisation, plays a role in forming them. In this context, sustainability refers to social sustainability, which can be achieved through inclusive participatory processes that could involve
Sylvia Nayoung Han
Ajay Heble and other Ontario university profs came up with their vision for 2030 improvisation among members of a community, according to Heble. “There’s improvisation in daily life,” said Heble, also commenting that, “What happens when musicians improvise is not all that different from what happens when people get together in a setting and start talking to one another.” Heble claimed that it is a myth that improvisation comes out of nowhere. He pointed out that improvisers are not making things up
in the moment but rather “reacting in the moment” as they bring their history to the activity featuring improvisation. Heble acknowledged that improvisation might not always lead to sustainable communities. Nonetheless, Heble noted that improvised musical practices have been linked to struggles for social change, a linkage that can provide lessons that we can use to better the future.
Heble was still working on a response to Research Matter’s question surrounding 2030 and stated that, “The ability to cultivate resources for hope is, to me, very profound and very vital and that’s what I suspect I will be talking about . . . Imagine what might happen if the lessons that I’m suggesting can be learned from a improvised musical encounter get applied more broadly.”
Newsology: Euthanasia in India Sensational headlines point to important issue Alicja Grzadkowska While in North America and Europe, the topic of euthanizing family members has been discussed significantly in classrooms and the medical practice, little time has been devoted to shedding light on euthanasia practices in other parts of the world. In a recent article published by The Los Angeles Times, reporter Mark Magnier examined euthanasia in districts in the southern state of Tamil Nadu , and the growing resistance to them by activist groups focused on elderly care. The article itself appeared under the headline, “In southern India, relatives sometimes quietly kill their elders,” a statement which is sure to draw attention from Western readers, and thus becomes problematic. The social practices of rural villages in the developing world and the emphasizing on them in American media reinforces the
relationship between the two distinct cultures, wherein the latter judges the supposedly less advanced society for their seemingly “backwards” ways. Though the article presents both the cultural development of the practice and the understandable opposition to it from concerned elders and activists, the sensational headline is somewhat unnecessary as it oversimplifies a complex issue for the purpose of being attention-grabbing. The complexity of the issue is, however, well represented throughout the article itself by Magnier as the writer explains the various viewpoints on euthanasia in India – such as the poor economical standings of some of the communities which make it difficult to support sick elders. At the same time, the article describes the practice as abusive, as sometimes, “victims are forcefed cow’s milk and their noses pinched shut” which leads to breathing problems. As well, while one community member calls death through euthanasia part of “the cycle of life,” indicating that the practice
is simply a cultural belief, concerns over it develop when people perform the act earlier than is required to gain “control of the estate,” especially when the elder is male. The stress experienced by elderly people is another cause for concern. One interviewee who recently suffered two heart attacks said, “If my family tried thalaikoothal [involuntary euthanasia] on me, I’d ask why. If they didn’t answer, I might resign myself to it.” An activist says that elders are clearly stressed about the practice, and fear it. This is all in stark contrast to euthanasia in the West, where patients often ask to be euthanized because of severe pain and other physical complications. As the topic of human rights in India continues to be prevalent in the media, with the current court cases against those accused for the rape and murder of a young medical student, discussions around euthanasia certainly become relevant, as long as Western media doesn’t undercut cultural beliefs by dramatizing them in grabby headlines.
8 w w e on ta r ion . c om Unleashing a dragon at eBar Polaris shortlisters Yamantaka // Sonic Titan bring theatrical concert act to Guelph Tom Beedham Yamantaka // Sonic Titan (YT//ST) fans who turned out to eBar on Jan. 17 might have been confused when the headliner began its set with just three members occupying the stage, but any confusion was soon resolved after a dragon parted the sea of concertgoers, slowly worming its way up to the stage. You read that correctly: YT//ST unleashed a dragon on its audience. Held aloft by YT//ST director and vocalist Ruby Kato Attwood and Ange Loft (vocals, percussion), the black-and-white paper dragon made an appearance in the vein of Chinese Dragon Dance ceremonies dating back to the Han Dynasty, and it was just one of the many cultural signifiers concert-goers were presented that night. This is standard fare for the YT// ST camp, and mention of the routine only brushes the surface of what the group has in store. Originally formed in Montreal by Ruby Kato Attwood and Alaska B – both of mixed Asian-European descent – YT//ST identifies itself to its audiences as an “Asian, Indigenous and Diasporic Art Collective,” and as such, cultural aesthetics gleaned from the Eastern and Western cultures (Nôh, J-Pop, C-pop, manga, Chinese Opera, First Nations Mythology, Iroquois core, prog, black metal, punk and noise rock, to name a few discernable influences) are staples in their diverse output – musically, visually, theatrically, and philosophically. The group also invented the term “Noh-Wave” (as a pun on Nôh theatre and the stripped
down, experimental No Wave and at times potentially cartoonscene of mid-’70s New York City) ish, but B maintains the collective as a genre category that avoids the refrains from participating in exexhausting practice of placing art otification of its source cultures within predetermined boundar- because of its authentic approach ies to invoke when describing its to the subject matter; B is of Chistyle to outsiders. nese-Irish heritage, Attwood “People wanna gatekeep and is of Japanese-Scottish descent, we’re just kind of more interest- and Loft is from the Kahnawake ed in kind of… You know, you point Mohawk Territory along the St. in a billion directions at once and Lawrence River in Quebec, for they’re too busy looking, and by starters. “To exotify means that you have the time they look back you’ve already stolen everything,” Alaska to distance yourself from what B – who performs vocals, drums, you’re doing. We’re not distancand keys, in addition to carry- ing ourselves at all.” ing out other duties for YT//ST “I don’t think what we do is any – told The Ontarion in a back of- more offensive, culturally, than fice of the eBar while opening punk rock is offensive in a class acts primed the audience for the sense. How wearing the signifigroup’s Guelph performance. (For ers of a lower class is considered the full interview with Alaska B somehow revolutionary no matter and Ruby Kato Attwood, visit the- who you are, while to knowingly ontarion online.) don cartoon kind of costumes of To wit, the process of your ethnic identity is somehow presenting appropriated (“mal- offensive,” B philosophized. “It appropriated,” B emphasizes) kind of puts us in a position of like, cultural aesthetics in a hybrid pas- you better dress traditional like tiche is a controversial avenue for it’s 1850, or you better dress like any artistic undertaking to pursue. a white boy. Otherwise you get no But it’s one B and the rest of the space in between or you’re somehow gonna be racist.” group will argue for. “I think that’s literally a bullshit Something B finds more concatch-22,” said B. “You police ex- cerning is the tendency for bands pression and then you selectively that cannot claim the cultures they grant – based on your political appropriate as having provided opinion – what is appropriate, their ethnic identities to avoid authentic, or real. And I think acknowledging the positions of that’s a trap that you fall into au- privilege they approach access tomatically, based on your ethnic those sources from. background, cultural appearance, “I find it funny that we have et cetera. And that’s something to have this conversation while bands like Indian Jewellery, Inyou can’t escape from.” dian Handcrafts […] there’s so “What I find funny is how whenever we played without saying who many bands that just kind of get we were, people [said] it anyways. away with whatever,” said B. “And And so, it was like, ah, we’ll just they just say it, they do it, they apsay what it is and that means that propriate, and ’cause they never we can have the conversation on ’fess up to it, people can dodge the our terms.” conversation.” The group provides representaThe performer argues that tions of cultures that are selective YT//ST necessarily engages its
arts & Culture
tom beedham
Yamantaka // Sonic Titan director Ruby Kato Attwood takes a meditative stance at eBar on Jan. 17. audiences in a critical reading of the music scene the collective operates within. “By critiquing us, you’re inadvertently critiquing the entire indie scene.” Whatever your stance on the political motivations of the collective, for a group that began as a large scale theatrical performance art project – perhaps lubricated by a 2012 shortlisting for the Polaris Music Prize that brought them
international attention – YT//ST has come to offer a concert experience of undeniable allure. While the group’s sound is often fragile, sweet, and atmospheric, also present is a brooding energy that builds up to an incendiary fever pitch. At the group’s Guelph performance, this was realized when, late in the set, the audience erupted into a bouncy mosh pit that even saw audience members crowd surfing e y t//st pag e 13
170.3 ◆ january 24t h, 2013
arts & Culture
Adverteyes cassette release party
Van Gogh show wellreceived by fans
that “[Dutch Toko] are local heroes, they’re great. I see them playing and feel empowered.” One thing is certain: Dutch Lauren Phillips Toko excels at capturing the attention of the crowd and getting If you happened to be walking the party started with a bang. downtown by Van Gogh’s Ear They most definitely set the tone on Jan. 18, you might have heard for the rest of the night, and the the amplified sounds of guitars bands to follow. clashing and drums smashing at Adverteyes, self-described as a rocking showcase of local bands electro-alternative rock, followed, put on by GAIN Music. performing hit after hit to a dediFeaturing great local talent, cated and up-beat audience on a Dutch Toko opened, filling the bar crowded Van Gogh’s first floor. with their hard-hitting, rowdy “They’re great,” said one fan and experimental sound. Advert- from Waterloo. “I come to all eyes followed – showcasing songs their shows, no matter where from their new EP cassette Spec- they play.” trums, being released that night, The Guelph-based band is and their upcoming album Cul- composed of front-man Coltures. Bowjia got the dance party lin Harrington, who performed started at around 1 a.m., playing in socks and no shoes; Nichoa funky collection of electron- las Vlasveld who switched back ic hits. and forth between keyboard and The crowd bounced around to drums; Brian Schirk on guitar; the sound of animated lead gui- and Tyler Cooksey on bass. Detarist and vocalist Brian Schirk spite the changes in the band’s of Dutch Toko. Schirk’s unruly line up over the years, their movements and electric stage chemistry is undeniably cohesive presence mirror those of musi- and they give off a professioncal greats like Jim Morrison. One al-yet-relaxed vibe, playing listener was overheard saying, flawlessly to an accepting and “They are a little too experimen- appreciative audience. tal for my liking, but I like their Adverteyes make it known energy.” Another fan proclaimed through their stimulating music
mira beth
Bowjia’s funky electronic tunes got the dance party started following Adverteyes’ cassette release at Van Gogh’s Ear on Jan. 18. that they are not just another rock band, but a thought-provoking and original group that takes a speculative approach to reality. The name “Adverteyes,” Harrington said, “plays on the ideas behind manipulation and getting people’s attention.”
Gerry Dee: You’re what’s funny! Star of CBC’s Mr. D brings stand-up routine to Guelph Elias Tsafaridis “You know I can hear laughter but, it seems everyone in the front area is dead,” were the words of Mark Forward, the MC and opening act for the Comedy Tour starring Gerry Dee, which took place on Jan. 18 at the River Run Center in downtown Guelph. Forward, a close friend and colleague in the supporting cast on the television sitcom Mr. D, took the stage promptly at 7:30 p.m. to warm the audience up, which he did both figuratively and literally. Forward’s performance consisted heavily of physical comedy. Forward’s jokes were often accompanied by sporadic body movements that were not addressed leaving the audience puzzled but amused and at odd times would hold long, visibly uncomfortable lunges filling in silence between punch line deliveries. Forward would pick on audience members who wouldn’t laugh or seemed unimpressed by the act, which would ultimately result in the connection needed for the crowd to embrace it.
Unimpressed by the front half of a connection with the crowd in the building’s reception of the act, which to base his own personal Forward decided to walk midway anecdotes. By constructing the through the audience and stand connection with the audience beon the center audio control both fore telling the joke, when Dee and perform his act for the back would deliver the punch line, it half of the River Run Centre. He was often received with more of continued through the audience an understanding and heartier making subtle jabs at couples or laughter by the audience being looks on peoples faces and even able to identify with the humour. petting them on the head. Dee’s act revolved around his per“I hope these people didn’t die sonal life, and he would regale the on the way here,” Forward said, audience with long-winded tales pointing at a row of empty chairs, about his professional life as a a joke in the same vein of humour teacher and the horrors (and joys, that the rest of the performance but mostly horrors) of parenting. seemed to follow. When he received a loud round Forward’s act consisted of of applause from the audience personal anecdotes often inter- when asking the ration of young spersed with absurdities leaving adult couples he proceeded to the crowd in heavy, long-winded leave the audience with some guffawing. wisdom. Forward’s act was a necessary “The second marriage is never warm up for what the audience as good as the first, and the first had coming when the main act one sucks so why bother again? Gerry Dee took the stage short- You’re better off alone,” Dee said. ly after 8 p.m., to a room of feral Though his closing remarks cheering from the now fully- were rather daunting, it still left packed River Run Centre. Dee’s all audience members smiling performance, however, was much from the wildly ironic ridiculousdifferent from Forward’s, because ness that was Dee’s performance. a lot of Dee’s material was based By establishing a connection around audience participation. through interaction with the auPicking on audience members by dience, Dee was able to get his calling out questions often an- humour through to the audience, swered by rounds of applauses and which in the end was apparent on cheers, Dee was able to establish everybody’s faces.
He even points out the problematic political nature of consumerism and the contradictory nature of being in a band that has to sell music as a product. The band played songs from their upcoming album Cultures, including “Spectrums,” which Harrington announced is “about life,” and “Down in Front,” another new tune which resonates as an emotionally and politically driven track. “Politics, the world, a lot of our stuff is motivated by humans being short-sighted and politically apathetic and manipulated,” said Harrington on what influences their music the most.
Despite the darker undertones of some of their newer stuff, Adverteyes’s stage presence was comfortable, uplifting, and welcoming. They had fun and made you feel at home, even if you were hearing them for the first time. They joked with the crowd about drinking responsibly but drinking a lot, and with each other about Brian wearing Collin’s long johns. The band kept a dark and somber Van Gogh’s cheery and light-hearted on a Friday night, while delivering powerful political messages through their music. for web-exclusive
arts & Culture 10 w w e on ta r ion . c om Poets compete to represent Guelph on national stage eBar hosts Guelph Poetry Slam finals Adrien Potvin An eclectic group of young and old turned out for the Guelph Poetry Slam finals on Jan. 19 at downtown’s eBar. The show was presented by the non-profit Guelph Spoken Word organization as a fundraiser for the upcoming Guelph Poetry Slam season. The five poets out of 10 who placed after the competition’s final round will become the team to represent Guelph at the national Canadian Festival of Spoken Word (CFSW). The competition’s highest scorer, David James Hudson, was crowned as 2013’s Grand Slam Champion and will represent Guelph at the CanLeigh Lichtenberg adian Individual Poetry Slam in Vancouver. After opening with a David James Hudson, left, will represent Guelph at the Canadian Individual Poetry Slam in Vancouver cool preamble of jazzy, metropol- after amassing the highest score at the Guelph Poetry Slam finals on Jan. 19. itan tunes, host Livingston Lacroix opened the show with wit and Three rounds were judged by five fascinating and powerful use of conThe art of the poetry slam is a charm. Lacroix introduced two randomly selected judges, and 10 fessional and prosaic structure with unique fusion of bodily and vocal poets not competing, Fannon and poets altogether performed: Rafay, a metonymic sensibility that draws performance. As opposed to simply Tommy Buick, to open with their Mphatic G (Michael Gardner), Lisa B, personal problems into a broader reading textual poetry, one gets a work and set the tone for the rest of Hudson, Sean Warren, Jaded, Meme, idea of queer identity and feminist unique glimpse into the poet’s true the show. With bombastic rhythms Truth Is…, Ted-O and Eitan Gallant. issues. Slater was a finalist at the 2012 intent through the sphere of public and energetic stage presence, it indi- The five who placed, in order, were Vancouver Poetry Slam Indie Champ, performance. “The way the poet speaks is a very cated to the amped audience that it Rafay, Lisa B, Meme, Truth Is…, and Erotica Slam Champ and Queer Slam would be a good night. Hudson, and will represent Guelph Champ, as well as a five-year board big portion of the poem. That’s someThe first round of poets opened in Montréal at the upcoming Can- member for the Vancouver Poetry thing I think of every time I post text with Windsor’s Rafay, whose adian Festival of Spoken Word. House, and its current president. Her online, it’s that they’re gonna catch powerful post-9/11 metaphors struck Among the show’s many high- work has been published in Carle- a certain perspective of it, but they’re a chord with the audience and illus- lights, Vancouver spoken word ton University’s sex magazine The gonna catch something exceeding trated a common theme in much of artist Lisa Slater performed in be- Moose and Pussy, as well as the bi- that when they hear it straight from the work performed throughout the tween the first and second rounds. annual queer literature magazine me. That’s why I like to post YouTube night – injustice and identity crises. Slater’s performance style employs a Poetry is Dead. videos of my poems rather than just
notes, you know?” said Rafay. Ted-O added, “You read some stuff and think ‘That’s good! That’s alright!’ but then you see someone perform it and it’ll just blow your mind.” Along with the poet’s words in sprawling and complex metaphors, the art of rhythm is also very important to the overall presentation of the work. The slam champion David James Hudson said, “It certainly helps me embody the poem a lot more if I’m able to put it in a rhythm that makes me feel it. I hope people aren’t making the distinction between words and rhythm. I think you heard tonight that the words really matter.” Lisa B added to this by saying, “Rhythm invites the body in,” and went on to speak of the use of humour in poetry, and hers in particular. “I actually find a lot of things really funny! And I like including that in my poetry partially because I like writing about funny things, and I like using humour as an invitation for someone to relax in their body as they listen and laugh, like that’s the relief, right? It makes people more open than saying something that’s not funny at all. It creates some intimacy and repose, and connection,” said Lisa B. The subject matter presented by the poets ranged from homelessness, environmental issues, global warfare, heartbreak and sexual identity, but shared one common theme: poetry as a social practice that can inspire and illustrate very real issues in a thoughtful and abstract way.
Cold weather, warm jazz Friday afternoon jazz series continues at Bullring Mira Beth While dancing in the Bullring is not something one expects to witness on the daily, the upbeat jazz numbers of Threefold Standard had a number of students grooving down the order line during their Friday afternoon performance. The trio covered many popular jazz standards including “Tenor Madness” by Sonny Rollins and “C Jam Blues” by Duke Ellington. The moderate to fast-paced tempo kept steady throughout their set and despite much improvisation in their solos, the group stayed tight. It is not an easy task to play for a room of people that are too busy texting and taking notes to pay much attention to performers, but the trio provided the perfect backing music for a Friday afternoon, easing the educational burden and encouraging
students in attendance to embrace their carefree weekend ahead. Ann Westbere on alto sax appeared a complete natural on the stage, maintaining a relaxed demeanor and carrying the melodies for her companions effortlessly. Guy Johnson on upright bass provided the cool, silky bass tones that jazz is known for with the same level of professionalism as Westbere. It was Matt Azevedo on drums however, who stole the show. Azevedo did not simply play the drums, he hit life into them. Carrying the rhythm of each song and creating jazzy harmony amongst his band mates, Azevedo was not only wonderful to listen to, but also fun to watch. Animated almost to the point of comedic, Azevedo’s positivity simply lit up the stage. The band as a whole were a delight to listen to. Their set list was upbeat and warm, yet also deliciously danceable to the few that dared to indulge. Despite forming as recently as the summer of 2012, the trio has played a number of high profile
mira beth
Ann Westbere of Threefold Standard grooves on the saxophone to the accompaniment of bandmates Guy Johnson on bass and Matt Azevedo on drums. events, including the installation reception for University of Guelph Chancellor David Mirvish and the
Guelph memorial for the passing of Chancellor Emeritus Lincoln Alexander.
The performance was part of a weekly event. Every Friday, the Bullring hosts live jazz.
170.3 ◆ january 24t h, 2013
arts & Culture
Zine examines social politics of campus space An interdisciplinary approach to student life
art to landscape architecture. The zine publication is the culmination of observational research, workshops and a studio course that have taken place since the Fall of 2011. Stacey Aspinall The zine launched Jan. 22 at the Red Brick Cafe. In the hectic pace of student life, it’s Urban life was one of the many easy to take campus space for grant- themes examined. U of G’s situaed, but in reality the configuration tion within the city of Guelph was of space plays an integral role in how noted, in comparison with univerpeople interact with each other and sities such as Concordia University, the environment. INFRACAMPUS which are located downtown and Zine is an interdisciplinary project thus immerse students in urban that aims to examine these social dynamics in a way that students at and spatial dynamics that form the Guelph may not experience, due backdrop of our daily experiences. to the somewhat distanced nature INFRACAMPUS Zine is a project of campus. initiated by SYN-, an artistic duo “It was interesting to see [Guelph] consisting of Jean-Maxime Dufresne compared to Concordia because and Jean-Francois Prost, artists [...] Concordia is trying to create a from Montreal who explore and campus within a city so it’s kind of experiment with different uses for very different in a sense, because public spaces. The duo drew upon [...], they are trying to isolate the their background in architecture in campus and create a feeling of enorder to explore the “social reali- tity,” said Prost. ties and spatial politics” of the U of According to Prost, Guelph is G campus, while “proposing it as a closer to the tradition of the North potential site for experimentation,” American campus, which typically in partnership with Musagetes, a aims to create a space that is discontemporary arts and culture tanced from the chaos of the city, organization. creating a sort of refuge for students The zine was created during four from some urban realities. This goal production sessions that took place is often part of the fabrication of on Jan. 10, 14, 15, and 16. Students campus space. and community members were Other topics included insight into encouraged to participate, and the non-material history of campus, the meetings involved participants which might fall outside of the typifrom a variety of disciplines, with cal discourse of campus life. This backgrounds ranging from studio involved more interpersonal and
social narratives, as well as the history of buildings that students might not be aware of, such as knowledge about buildings that have shifted uses over the years. Examining these narratives brought up questions of temporal continuity and how students relate to the history of campus. The research did not culminate in a specific conclusion, but rather is part of an ongoing discussion of campus space. “I think it’s more about exploring these different ideas. [...] I guess we’re not trying to draw conclusions as much as stirring up questions about campus. So that would be the leading path to all this work, like the research work that’s been done through the workshops, and the studio, and then now the zine, is really to initiate or trigger a set of questions about campus life, about campus realities, about maybe lesser known aspects about campus,” Dufresne said. The nature of the project as an open-ended and interdisciplinary undertaking was emphasized; it exists at the intersection between art and architecture, while also looking at campus space through the lens of student life, sociology and urbanity. “As Jean-Maxime said, we don’t necessarily propose solutions. I think it’s one distinctive point, which we often make, is that architecture offers solutions, and in visual arts, artists never offer solutions. And I think compared to those two extremes, a
Stacey Whent
Artistic duo SYN- from Montreal and contemporary arts organization Musagetes held a series of workshops to produce a zine examining how space is conceptualized and used on campus. kind of duality or dialectic, we would be more in between, [...] in the sense that I think we bring up observations which might have a signal for certain forms of intervention,” Prost said. The zine launch, the last phase of the project, brings the research produced during the workshops and studio to the broader community, although zine publication was not in the initial plan. “We were in fact even thinking of
possibly an intervention on campus, but for us the zine in fact now has become a form of intervention,” Prost said. The collaborative DIY approach to organizing the information in zine form ultimately echoes the larger goals of the project: to reconfigure the way space is considered, in a creative way that challenges our perceptions – revealing these everyday spaces as anything but mundane.
Book Review: Christopher Hitchens – Mortality Famous author and journalist muses on life and death in collection of last essays Jordan Sloggett While on tour promoting his latest book, a memoir entitled Hitch-22, Christopher Hitchens was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Eighteen months later in December of 2011, Hitchens died. He was 62 years old. “‘Remember you too are mortal’ – hit me at the top of my form and just as things were beginning to plateau.
My two assets my pen and my voice “To the dumb question ‘Why me?’ who was unapologetic in his views. words of a prominent author, espe– and it had to be the esophagus,” the cosmos barely bothers to return He could tear down an opponent cially so soon after his death, would Hitchens wrote. the reply: why not?” – effortlessly drawing from an ex- normally be a challenge, but here Perhaps best known for his 2007 tensive and well organized mental Hitchens made the task easy. The An author of 12 books and five essay collections that included such book, a thorough criticism of re- library of quotes, facts and well rea- writing style was immediately actopics as politics, literature and re- ligion entitled God is Not Great: soned opinions. cessible and anyone at all familiar ligion, Hitchens was a prominent How Religion Poisons Everything, with Hitchens’s voice will find it lecturer and debater and was always Hitchens was a proud anti-theist impossible not to hear him in his the image of an English intellectual till the very end, and he returns to written word. Hitchens’s writing and gentleman, even when shred- the topic of faith often throughout comes across as both effortless yet profoundly insightful. ding an opponent’s argument on this volume. Hitchens assures the reader that the podium. Hitchens was clearly “In one way, I suppose, I have been a man who loved to speak, and did his sickness has not tempted him ‘in denial’ for some time, knowingly it very well. to turn to faith, and instead has burning the candle at both ends and While much of Mortality con- strengthened his conviction that refinding that it often gives a lovely cerns his sickness and thoughts ligion is a negative force in the world. light. But for precisely that reason, I can’t see myself smiting my brow about death, Hitchens retains every He writes, “the religion which treats with shock or hear myself whining bit of his humour, wit and insight: its flock as a credulous plaything ofabout how it’s all so unfair: I have fers one of the cruellest spectacles been taunting the Reaper into takthat can be imagined: a human being in fear and doubt who is openly exing a free scythe in my direction and ploited to believe in the impossible.” have now succumbed to something Mortality first appeared as a series so predictable and banal it bores of essays in Vanity Fair, compiled even me,” writes Hitchens. courtesy here with a foreword by editor GrayDespite a seemingly morbid subdon Carter and a heart-wrenching ject matter, Mortality would make afterword by his widow, Carol Blue. With the composure of a classical an excellent introduction into the At just over 100 pages, Mortality is English gentleman, Hitchens had a work of Christopher Hitchens. While a short, yet powerful read. distinct speaking style. Regardless dark, it never became depressing, Monday to Wednesday 10am to 3pm Many fans of ‘the Hitch’ will of whether they agree with Hitch- and I never felt morose. Hitchens’s Thursday to Saturday 10am to 9 pm Sunday closed stress the importance of seeing him ens’s views, few would ever doubt ability to face his death with a stoic debate. A brief YouTube search will his intellect and talent. Attempting sense of honour, humility and above yield hundreds of videos of a man to critically judge the last written all else, honesty, was extraordinary.
12 w w e on ta r ion . c om From A to Zavitz Looking behind the lens Sarah Cordeaux Obsoletism, a show by Nick Good, called attention to one of the oldest tools in drawing, one that led to the invention of photography and the camera. Upon entering Zavitz Gallery you are surrounded by several works, with the central camera obscurae demanding your attention. The first two frames contained still lives of various fruits; it is then that the viewer is fortunate enough to witness the famous Mona Lisa. Upon seeing the Da Vinci painting, one immediately wants to revisit and inspect the previous two works, noting their soft glow and blurred edges. These peculiar works raised quite a few questions about their method of creation. Fortunately the audience is given immediate satisfaction, as one can walk around the sixteen-foot wall to see a rough set-up with wood, glue and spotlights. The fake fruit and Mona Lisa are installed upside down to ensure proper viewing in their frames.
As Good explained, “It’s like night and day, a crisp and clean white front wall, and the back is grungy and stuck together with hot glue, but it was on purpose, to expose a side to photography you don’t normally see.” Upon further discussion about the theatricality of the work, Good was interested in “exposing the apparatus for what it is and the illusion of photography,” defining it as “magical, glowing, yet unusual” with the images chosen. English painter David Hockney claimed that the old masters made use of optical devices to help in tracing out their artworks, a theory that is heavily disputed between artists and historians alike. Hockney, while adamant in the use of these devices, believes that the use of the camera obscura does not devalue the skill of the great masters, and when reflecting upon Good’s work, one can appreciate the ties he made to those narratives of painting and photography. Good created another twist with his stereoscope works, in which he installed iPods that substitute for stereo cards. Stereoscopes function when photographs of the same object taken at slightly different angles are viewed
Nadine Maher
Nick Good’s exhibit Obsoletism at the Zavitz gallery offered a behind-the-scenes look at the history and methods of photography. together, creating a three-dimensional image. When looking into one, you see a lit black and white eye staring back at you, a playful choice of image to merge with this old form of entertainment.
Album Review: Elaquent – Parallel EP Guelphite turned Torontonian hip-hop beatmaker crafts urban beauty
work on the actual composition of everything so that my music feels more like songs than just beats. In this aspect of craftsmanship, the album definitely succeeds. “Rainy Days” lays into the cool of Robyn Nicholson the groove with bongos and far-off ride cymbal touches, and provides It is a rare thing for instrumental the low-ground for the rest of the music to allow the listener passive tracks to build from. enjoyment without preconceived assumptions about it being boring or lacking sonic interest. Guelph native Elaquent’s latest EP Parallel manages to achieve just this. The five tracks included slip in and out of the listener’s consciousness seamlessly without ever failing to show every little bit of delicate craftsmanship which went into their making, and stand as a testament to the up and coming courtesy beatmaker’s attention to detail and effortless groove factor. The five-song EP has a flow to And build they do: “Wish Your it that is simultaneously laid back Were Here” picks the tempo up in and yet full of life. Opener (and the subtlest sense, and exudes a title track) “Parallel” pops along lushness created by slick synthewith a jingling sheen and an un- sized vocals and breathy accents. deniable groove. Its sparkle, which A sense of play is kept, however, persists throughout the album, by the sparing use of video game could be thanks in part to Ela- noises, gesturing to Elaquent’s afquent’s ambitious efforts toward finity for old school consoles and hand-made beats and melodies. arcades. The sound is choppy and “In terms of the music, I want- disjointed but not in a way which ed to challenge myself more,” the is at all disconcerting for the lisartist said in the press release for tener. The track provides both the Parallel, with “very little sampling, middle point and the highlight of [I] spent a lot of time trying to the entire EP.
arts & Culture
The tempo continues its (very) slow ascent into track four, “In This Style 10-6.” The track has a more retro feel in comparison to the modernism of the rest of the EP. Opening with a crackling vinyl sound over a warm organ synth line, the song rolls more smoothly than its predecessor “Wish,” and yet retains the rhythmic jaunt that the listener has become used to. Vocals embody a kind of throwback to ’80s hip-hop, and considering the rest of the tracks are devoid of vocal hooks any more than a word or two, the effect had the potential to be jarring. Instead, Elaquent balances the vocals just so they blend into the sonic landscape being created, and thus the fluidity of the track is maintained. To be frank, album closer “Like Water” is the weak point of the EP, and completely breaks from the laidback groove of the rest of the album. Its repetitive vocals and shrill grinding synth progression can in no way be compared to the other tracks. Thus, this reviewer suggests simply stopping after “In This Style” and giving Elaquent the much-deserved benefit of the doubt. This EP is equally well-suited for studying on a Monday and pre-drinking on a Saturday night, and Elaquent’s delicate and masterful management of beats and melodies is most definitely worth the listen.
Nick Good’s show also included 3D Daytona Fla, work that received an honorable mention at the SOFAM Juried Art Show. This transient gallery installation by
Nick Good brought an old and simple technology into a contemporary context, beginning with confusion, and resulting in delight when privy to the mysteries of photography.
170.3 ◆ january 24t h, 2013
arts & Culture
Rocking The Folk out at Jimmy Jazz Guelph twins come home for Jan. 19 show Nick Revington When The Folk played at Jimmy Jazz on Jan. 19, their hometown draw was obvious. The fivepiece band, currently based in Toronto, was originally formed by Guelph twins Emma and Sara Bortolon-Vettor. They have maintained their connections to the Royal City, and their local popularity shows – latecomers were turned away at the door, the venue having reached capacity. Hitting the stage, the band delivered a performance that felt incredibly genuine. The flailing stage presence was not some forced, pre-rehearsed head-banging. It was a group of musicians in their element. The Folk is a bit of a misnomer. Their sound, a grungy sort of pop-rock, came across like being hit by a freight train – a heavy load with a lot of
momentum. It’s a well-oiled Sara Bortolon-Vettor, adding machine, too. Despite the iffy that the two still room together. sound at Jimmy Jazz, the band “We were in the same womb with offered a tight performance, each other. We have some sort of telepathic… fucking something. I don’t know what it is. […] Emma and I will get the same song in each other’s head and start singing it at the same time, with each other. Explain that! What is that?” One night, they both dreamt of the same guitar riff. While Sara noted it is a lovehate relationship at times, the fact that they are sisters always triumphs. Emma added that playing music together every day provides a moderating influence, too. “It’s actually pretty great. It’s almost therapeutic,” said Emma. “Mainly because when you are a twin, you know someone so well that you can easily get under someone’s skin. What’s realperhaps in part a reflection of ly nice about music is that it’s how close the band members a perfect way to talk to each are to each other. other without any sort of con“[Emma and I] have lived flict. And if there is, you just together our entire lives,” said play louder music.” But it’s not just the twins who share a close relationship; the entire band lives in the same apartment building. “You learn the patterns really quickly, of how they fight and how to be quiet at the opportune time,” as well as when to take a side, said guitarist-vocalist Mark Ferrari of the band dynamic. The Folk have come a long way since they played Guelph’s Hillside Festival in 2010. “Initially we wanted it to be a little bit more electric instruments – electronic. Drum machine, synthesizers,” said Sara. “[…W]e didn’t have a
“The flailing stage presence was not some forced, prerehearsed head-banging. It was a group of musicians in their element.” / s t con tin ued throughout the eBar. Loft indulged the enthusiastic audience by joining them in the pit when the group dove into an encore performance of “A Star Over Pureland,” returning only at the end of the track to deliver a booming chant. If you feel YT//ST’s already impressive dossier doesn’t leave much room to grow, the group is also currently absorbed in the process of putting together a side-scrolling video game (a play on YT//ST’s initials, it’ll be called Your Task // Shoot Things) scored with an original soundtrack from the collective. “It’s like a full-on little rock opera with a narrative that you play through,” said B. The group is hoping to reach out to the public for input at a series of work-in-progress presentations and eventually involve a studio, but B is determined the game will
Leigh Lichtenberg
Sara Bortolon-Vettor fronts the big sound of The Folk in the small space of Jimmy Jazz on Jan. 19. drummer when we played Hillside the first time, which was cool, but actually that performance made us go, ‘We want a fucking drummer. We want to be a rock band.’” Adding drummer Patrick Rody to a lineup that already included Ferrari and bassist Liam Magahay, The Folk filled
out their sound and completed the transition to rock and roll. The band subsequently recorded a pair of EPs, You Say, I Say and Say It Again. They are currently working on a full-length album, We All Say, in a studio just outside of Guelph, which is expected to come out in the spring.
be YT//ST’s own. “There are bands that’ve had video games based on their franchise, where they order them like
probably the first band to ever make our own video game from start to finish.” B imagines the process could take until early next year, but YT// ST fans won’t have to wait until then for new material. “We’re also recording our second record,” said Attwood. “We start recording in the next couple months,” said B. “We hope to have a record out by the end of the year.” Beyond that, the group just has touring on its minds. “We have some performances coming up, but we can’t announce them yet,” Attwood added. And with summer festival season not too far in the distance (and their lineup announcements approaching even sooner), that could mean augmented exposure for the industrious art collective. For a web exclusive Q&A with Alaska B and Ruby Kato Attwood, visit
“By critiquing us, you’re inadvertently critiquing the entire indie scene.” –Alaska B an advergame – like the Skrillex Quest. The difference is, is that as far as I know, none of them actually took the time to sit around and fart out code. So we’ll be
Swan Lake graces Classical ballet comes to Guelph
Russia in 1877. Siegfried, heir to the colonial Governor, has no interest in marrying until he meets Odette, a young woman who has Nick Revington been turned into a swan by the nefarious wolf-man and sorcerer Swan Lake is often considered the Von Rothbart. Jealously guarded by greatest ballet of all time. While Von Rothbart, Odette is unable to I lack the expertise in the area tell Siegfried what must be done of classical dance required to ei- to free her. Von Rothbart, meanther confirm or deny that weighty while, conspires to trick Siegfried claim, having witnessed Ballet into betraying his love for Odette JÜrgen Canada’s rendition of the so that her bonds may never be Tchaikovsky classic at the River broken. Run Centre on Jan. 19 I can cerMost notable about this performance was that it managed tainly say it is plausible. The tragic love story, based on to tell the story effectively withclassic folk tales, is actually set out words. Instead, it relied on in a romanticized colonial New the flowing, seemingly weightFrance, despite premiering in less movements of the dancers to
Photos by Wendy Shepherd
n Lake
s River Run stage convey the plot and emotions. The dancers playing swans captured the form and grace of the birds perfectly, allowing the imagination to fill in the blanks. The storytelling was also complemented by colourful and imaginative costumes – these are not your little sister’s pink tutus. Rather, the dancers were adorned in outfits evocative of the colonial noblesse and the eponymous swans, culminating with the ominous and majestic cape of Von Rothbart. The final touch to the performance was the skillful employment of lighting. Projections of rippling, swirling blue light brought the lake scenes to life. A dark atmosphere
was suggestive of an enchanted, even haunted, forest home for Von Rothbart, while a bright and clear light captured the festive mood of the colonial fortress ballroom. The result is an entertaining performance that can capture the attention and imagination of non-enthusiasts of ballet, while staying faithful to its classical origins. Through the grandiose production of Swan Lake in honour of the 25th anniversary of the touring dance company, Ballet Jörgen Canada has realized its goal of making the art form accessible to a wide audience. for web-exclusive
16 w w w.t h e on ta r ion . c om Another successful Frosty Mug A victory in the winter homecoming highlights a busy week for men’s hockey Chris Müller The Gryphons took the ice at the Sleeman Centre on Jan. 18 looking to defeat the visiting Waterloo Warriors in the annual Frosty Mug winter homecoming. During the pre-game warm-up, fans noticed the lack of a familiar face between the pipes for the Gryphons – most notably the departure of stellar rookie goaltender Brandon Maxwell. Prior to the game, Maxwell signed a contract with a team in the KHL (Kontinental Hockey League), the most prestigious professional hockey league in Europe. The contract comes just days after the vaunted young goaltender’s services were enlisted by the Toronto Maple Leafs. The Leafs called Maxwell into service after the Marlies (Toronto’s minor league affiliate) were caught in bad weather on the east coast, forcing the team to find another goaltender for practice. There’s no love lost between Loverock and his Gryphon teammates, as Coach Shawn Camp stated in a press release by the athletic department. “It is the goal of all of our players to have the opportunity to play pro hockey after school and Brandon has a great offer to play in Russia and we wish him the best of luck and appreciate his contribution while he has been here,” said Camp in the statement. Whatever concern was to be had about Maxwell’s replacement, third-year Andrew Loverock shut down his critics, stopping 32 of 34 shots in the highest profile hockey game of the regular season. With over 2,000 rambunctious fans on hand, the game was quick and physical from the start. The Warriors opened the scoring with a goal from Joe Underwood at 9:00 in the first period. The star of last year’s Frost Mug, Gryphon Justin Gvora got some help from teammates Matt Lyall and Andrew Bathgate in netting the equalizer for the Gryphons seconds after Waterloo took the lead. Working effectively in Waterloo’s end, Guelph set up a magnificent passing play that culminated in Jordan Mock scoring from the slot at 14:14. The final goal of the first period was set up by some nifty passing off the sticks of Jon-Thomas MacDonald and Ed Gale. Guelph brought the intensity right out of the gate in the second period, scoring their third goal of the night a mere 1:13 into the second period. Nicklas Huard and Nathan Martine set up James Merrett who made no mistake and buried it
behind the Waterloo netminder. Waterloo’s Kirt Hill would score the Warriors’s second and final goal at 7:09 in the second, and Loverock was lights out in preserving the Gryphon victory throughout the third. The physical third period contained two Waterloo slashing penalties, and four total penalties for the Gryphons, including two rare unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. All nine penalties throughout the game resulted in no goals on the man-advantage, a testament to the physical and defensive play of both teams in the game. A quick turnaround saw the Gryphons play host to the Western Mustangs on Jan. 19 in the Gryphon Centre. Guelph jumped out to a 1-0 lead in the second period off a wraparound goal by Gvora. Loverock’s scoreless streak of 66 minutes and 15 seconds had come to an end, and Western was eager to keep the pressure up. Western goals at 5:47 and 11:09 gave Western the 3-1 victory on the day, and gave Western their first win since the dismantling of their 15game winning streak against Laurier on Jan. 17. Western improved to 18-4-0 on the season, while the Gryphon record sits at 13-7-2.
“Whatever concern was to be had about Maxwell’s replacement, third-year Andrew Loverock shut down his critics, stopping 32 of 34 shots in the highest profile hockey game of the regular season.” The Gryphons will now look to improve their standing within the OUA in their final six games of the season. Three of those games come against under .500 teams, giving the Gryphons an excellent opportunity to improve their record as they approach the playoffs. The storyline that should dominate the remainder of the season
sports & Health
tasha falconer
Gryphon captain Edward Gale (17) fights for a loose puck against a Waterloo forward during the Frosty Mug at the Sleeman Centre on Jan. 18. should be how the team responds to the loss of their starting goaltender to the KHL. Loverock’s recent efforts have showcased him as a more than suitable replacement for Maxwell and the game outside the crease hasn’t seen any significant changes since the rookie’s departure. Suffice to say it’s a show of confidence in the new defender of the pipes. Loverock is no stranger to OUA action, and that should comfort Gryphon fans questioning the stability of the goaltending as the team approaches what’s setting up to be an exciting playoff run. In Loverock’s rookie season, the goaltender posted a .904 save percentage while accumulating an 8-7-1 overall record. Loverock has also played this season, playing several games in October before Maxwell took over starting responsibilities. Loverock will be aided by the two other goaltenders on the Gryphon roster, those being Kyle Ruhl and Cody St. Jacques. Ruhl has yet to see any playing time for the Gryphons, and St. Jacques’s lone outing is one he surely wants to forget. While the depth behind Loverock is untested in the OUA, the play of the other five Gryphons on the ice may help to alleviate some of the pressure on these young goaltenders. Regardless of who’s in net, the Gryphons host the York Lions on Jan. 24 in the Gryphon Centre. The Lions enter the game sitting at 13-9 in the OUA West, a mere two points behind the fourth-place Gryphons. The Lions are led by forward Jesse Messier, who leads the team in points with 28 and ranks second in penalty minutes with 51. The Gryphons will look to bring the same physical style that has handcuffed opponents so far this season, and they won’t have to worry extensively about taking too
many penalties. York’s 12.6 per cent power play efficiency is third worst in the OUA, and could open up some odd-man rush opportunities for the
fast and physical Gryphons. for web-exclusive
170.3 ◆ january 24t h, 2013
sports & Health
Gryphons looking for spark The women’s basketball team is in pursuit of their first win in 2013 Chris Müller Of all the New Year’s resolutions the members of the Gryphon women’s basketball team have made, the results of the second half of their season could not have been one of them. The Gryphons concluded their play in 2012 by emphatically beating the Laurentian Voyageurs in the W.F. Mitchell Centre on Dec. 1 of 2012 by a score of 78-57. Since then, the Gryphons have lost six straight and have struggled to find the rhythm that made them an effective team earlier in the season. However, two of those six losses have all been within a five-point margin of victory, adding to the frustration of the squad as they move into the last eight games of the season. This is perhaps an example of the cruelty of sport, where
tasha falconer
Erin Tilley (7) of the women’s basketball team looks to find the basket on Jan. 19. Guelph lost to Windsor 68-53. despite strong performances from Guelph’s leaders on the court, the end result hasn’t been ideal.
Guelph relies on their two top20 OUA point scorers in Erica McFadden and Kayla Goodhoofd. McFadden ranks 14th in the OUA in scoring with 12.3 points per game, while Goodhoofd sits at 18th, averaging 12.1.
Fifth-year centre Jasmine Douglas has consistently provided strong defensive performances, tallying 39 offensive and 64 defensive rebounds through 13 games. Individual efforts aside, the
team has struggled to pair strong defensive outings with strong offensive showings – often limiting the team’s effectiveness in the later parts of the game. Guelph possesses a negative 80-point differential between points scored and points scored against. That differential through 13 games averages out to a frustrating 6.1point average margin of defeat, a frustration that could come to an end on Jan. 23 in Waterloo. Waterloo has posted a -297 point differential through 13 games, rating worst in the OUA. Waterloo is the only team in the OUA that has yet to win a game, and Guelph will look to get the 2013 portion of their season turned around against the struggling Warriors from Waterloo. Six of Guelph’s next eight games are against teams with a winning percentage of less than 50 per cent, and the opportunity exists for Guelph to salvage the remainder of a difficult second half to their season. The next home game for the women’s team is on Feb. 1 when the Lakehead Thunderwolves come to town for a weekend doubleheader.
Nordic Ski team wins nine medals at Ontario Cup Race No. 2 Women’s six medals and men’s three highlight early-season success for Guelph Andrea Connell The Guelph Gryphons Nordic Ski team competed and medaled in the Ontario Cup Race #2 on Jan. 19 and 20, held at the Walden Ski club in Lively, Ont., west of Sudbury. Coach Ian Ritchie said this weekend’s event was the first major race weekend for many of his team and both the men and women did very well, winning nine medals between them. Six for the women’s and three for the men’s team. “A number of our first year athletes did particularly well. Duncan McTaggart was the second man overall in Saturday’s classic race and third in Sunday’s skate race while Ashley Huet was the second junior woman in Saturday’s race and first junior woman in Sunday’s race,” Ritchie said in an e-mail. In the classic, the women raced five-kilometers while the men’s race was 10 kilometers long. Sunday saw a mass start for the racers
with the distances increasing to 10 and 15 kilometres respectively. Ritchie said that while the course at Walden is forgiving, the weather was a challenge on the weekend. With more than 20 cm of snow falling before the Saturday morning race start, the trail did not have time “to set” after it was groomed for the course. This made the course on the mushy and soft side, which is hard to ski well on. It didn’t end there as the next day saw temperatures fall to -18ºC, making the snow hard and abrasive. This can affect skiers by making their times a little slower than usual. The team performed very well in spite of the conditions. The Nordic ski season is short. The university season ends at the OUA’s in the third week of February this year but the twenty-strong team will continue to compete in other races past that. In total, between December and March, many of the athletes will have started in 12-20 races with distances ranging from five to 50 kilometres long. Ritchie said that developing the University’s Nordic Ski program is a major focus which can be a challenge– competing against universities such as Lakehead and Carlton that are near cities with
large cross-country ski communities, making it easier for them to recruit skiers. Nonetheless Ritchie is pleased with how the season is looking so far. “Both men’s and women’s teams are looking very respectable. Our women’s team is looking especially good. We’ve kept most of our talented racers from last season and added a couple of very strong rookies.” Medal Results Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013 Junior Women Classic 5.5 km 1. Catherine Mallinger 2. Ashley Huet Senior Women Classic 5.5 km 3. Melissa Jones Junior Men Classic 10 km 2. Duncan McTaggart Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 Junior Women Mass start free 10 km 1. Ashley Huet 3. Laryssa Kemp Senior Women Mass start free 10 km 2. Melissa Jones Sunday Junior Men Mass start free 15 km 3. Duncan McTaggart Sunday Senior Men Mass start free 15 km 3. Scott Weersink
18 w w w.t h e on ta r ion . c om Gryphons fall to Lancers Men’s basketball drop close game to Windsor
it 10-6, and the Gryphons stayed ahead for most of the first quarter. Due to poor free throw shooting by the Gryphons and a much Mark Gottheil more effective effort by the Lancers, Windsor pushed back and threatOn Jan. 20 in the W.F Mitchell Ath- ened to retake the lead. letics Center, the Guelph Gryphons By the end of the half, the Gryhad their two-game winning streak phons led 38-37, thanks to fifth snapped at the hands of the Wind- year point guard Kareem Malcolm, sor Lancers by a score of 83-77. who made a series of tough baskets The Gryphons competed fierce- to keep Guelph alive. ly with the Western Conference Malcolm scored eight points at leading Lancers, demonstrated by the end of the half, but managed a hard working defense and great just 11 by the end of the game. Windsor started the second half team-play which ensured that the ball would be touched by every strong, with big plays from fourth Gryphon player on the court. year guards Josh Collins and Enrico That style of play is stressed Diloreto. Collins’s slick passes and greatly by head coach Chris Diloreto’s effective shooting boostO’Rourke, who believes that mak- ed Windsor into the lead. ing his team into a collective force By the end of the third quarter is far more important than build- the score was 62-59 in favour of ing around one star player. Windsor. The game was a battle, with both Both teams were all over each teams constantly clashing against other in the fourth quarter, playeach other, making it clear that no ing very stringent defense, as it took liberties would be taken or given almost 3 minutes for the first basket to be made. on both sides. The Lancers seemed sharp on Windsor started to pull away, their first few plays, as they won until a three-pointer by third year the ball of the tip-off and were able guard Michel Clark shifted the moto make a couple of quick baskets. mentum back onto Guelph’s side. However Guelph established a solid The Lancers tried to steal back lead by going on a 7-0 run to make with a long three by Josh Collins,
Women’s hockey A 10-game winning streak dating back to Nov. 11 has the Gryphons readying themselves for the playoffs
sports & Health
but in Guelph’s next drive Michel Clark was fouled at the threepoint line and pulled Guelph closer again by sinking all three of his free throws. Michel Clark finished the game with a team-high 17 points, going 5-9 from the field, four of the shots coming from the three point line. The Gryphons then started another 7-0 run, capped off by a crisp hook shot inside the paint by first year forward Adam Kemp, putting the Gryphons just two away from the Lancers, with the score at 76-74. Unfortunately, that was the closest the Gryphons would get, as Enrico Diloreto, who finished with a game high 20 points, scored the next five points with a clutch three ball and an impressive drive to the net, putting the game out of reach for the Gryphons and sealing the victory for the Lancers. The Guelph players still made an attempt to comeback, but the damage had been done, and the game ended 83-77 in Windsor’s favour. The Gryphons are back in action on Jan. 23 at Waterloo, and travel to Western on Jan. 26. for web-exclusive
tasha falconer
Stefan Cornelissen (44) of the Gryphons earns some tough space in the paint en route to Guelph’s 83-77 loss against the Windsor Lancers on Jan. 19.
Power-outage preparedness
upcoming home games against How university Queen’s (Jan. 26) and Laurier (Feb. students can better 3). Laurier, Guelph, and Queen’s combine to produce the 1-2-3 equip themselves punch atop the OUA standings, a for potential power mere four points separating third- outages in winter place Queen’s from first-place Laurier. “We don’t want to read too much Chris Müller Chris Müller into [the winning streak], but we feel that we have a lot of momen- In case you haven’t left your The women’s hockey team has tum going into this weekend and house in the last few days, there’s been automatic as of late, win- next weekend as well,” explained been a streak of particularly cold ning each of their last 10 games Flanagan. weather, even by Canadian stanThe Queen’s game will also play dards. The icy wind that lambasts in the OUA regular season. With only four games remaining before host to an alumni event being your face each morning when you the start of the playoffs, the push held by the Gryphon women’s leave the house may not be the is on for the Gryphons to ready team. Members of past Gryphon biggest concern facing university themselves for the team’s post- teams will have an opportunity to students during these particuseason aspirations. chat with the players, skate with larly cold months. Coach Rachel Flanagan is not one their kids, and partake in a game Consider for a moment what to rest on the laurels of the team’s of shinny with the varsity squad. might happen if the power went recent success, believing the time The event is sure to be an enjoy- out? is now to ready the team physically able one, particularly for Flanagan, Depending on how your home for the rigors of the playoffs. Much who captained the Gryphon squad is heated, a combination of sleet like the rest of the student body, for two years of her five-year career and freezing rain could disrupt members of the team are taking as a student-athlete at the Univer- electrical service and therefore full advantage of the early-semester sity of Guelph. your furnace’s ability to warm academic workload. The Jan. 26 matchup with the dwelling. “It’s nice starting second semes- Queen’s at the Gryphon Centre is A pamphlet published by Toter because [the players] aren’t into gearing up to be an excellent show- ronto Fire Services helps to mid-terms yet and assignments down between two of the OUA’s identify some useful tips for aren’t due yet, so we can spend a finest. Queen’s, Guelph, and Lau- making sure you’re prepared little more time in the month of rier each possess two of the top-ten should the power go out – be it January pushing [the players] phys- goal scorers in the OUA, so there’s for a few hours, or a few days. ically,” said Flanagan. certainly no shortage of offensive If your house is heated by That increased training could production amongst the division’s a fireplace (and I doubt most pay dividends in the team’s two top three. student housing is), be sure to
maintain an accessible supply of fuel for the fire. A flashlight with multiple sets of batteries is a must-have for any power outage, but candles and camping lanterns can be particularly useful in providing both light and a small supply of heat. For this reason, it’s also a good idea to keep a candle and matches in your car during the winter months; should you get trapped in a blizzard in your car, a blanket and a candle can prevent you from freezing. A battery-powered radio is a must-have in these types of situations. Emergency broadcasts and weather updates are always available on AM radio, so an old-school battery powered unit is your best bet for staying informed during a power outage. Maintaining an adequate supply of non-perishable food items will also be beneficial to your survival. Canned fruits and vegetables, emergency drinking water, and other items like granola bars and peanut butter are always good to have on hand. Dressing in many loose and warm layers will help to keep you warm, and maintaining an adequate supply of additional blankets and bedding will also prove useful in staying warm at night.
Travelling, for any reason, should be done exclusively during the day. It’s generally a little warmer during the day and in the absence of electrical streetlights, finding your way around at night could prove particularly difficult. Despite the initial excitement of simulating life in a nuclear winter, the threat of hypothermia very real when the power goes out during the winter. Remaining indoors, where all windows and doors are kept sealed, will help keep what little warmth you are able to generate indoors. Guelph’s public services are more than suitably equipped to handle an environmental disaster such as this, but the responsibility of being able to survive for at least a few days after the initial cessation of power should lie solely on the members of your household. An ice storm causing major power outages may seem like something from a far-fetched dystopian film set, but recent weather patterns have proved a degree of unpredictability in the southern Ontario climate. Predicting the weather may be out of our hands, but being prepared for the unpredictable is something very much within our grasp, and something we ought to consider during this blistering cold spell.
170.3 ◆ january 24t h, 2013
sports & Health
From the Bleachers Declining youth hockey enrollment? Say it ain’t so! Chris Müller An article published on Oct. 3 of last year in the Globe and Mail highlighted hockey equipment manufacturer Bauer’s interest in promoting the game of hockey in response to declining enrollment numbers from players aged 5-19. Currently, about 10 per cent of Canadians in that age group are enrolled in hockey, following a steady trend of declining numbers over the past few years. I leave it to the reader to understand the correlation between an equipment manufacturer and declining player (ahem, consumer) numbers. Bauer is interested in addressing a problem that has infiltrated the cultural institution of hockey in Canada. Many reasons exist for the declining numbers, though most point to changing demographics, increased concussion awareness, and the economic requirements of hockey as the
determining factors for decreased enrollment. The demographic and concussion-related factors may be more significant in the coming decade, but at present the most pressing issue for hockey in Canada appears to be sitting in the backpocket of parents throughout the country; it’s sitting in the empty wallets of a recession-challenged middle-class economy. Hockey is expensive, regardless of how you look at it. A brief investigation into the costs of outfitting and enrolling a young person in hockey reveals some startling observations. About $500.00 gets the young player outfitted with all the protective gear required, assuming the discount racks were well stocked on that particular day. Then there’s the issue of league fees, which aren’t exactly cheap either. A house league in Stouffville ON, charges $550.00 for the season, just to gain entrance into the house league program. These fees account for booking ice time, organizing schedules, and other league-related fees. Keeping the tally going then, we’re
at $1,050.00 before tax, and the kid hasn’t even played a game yet. Then there’s the cost of getting to and from the arena in the early hours of weekend mornings, the regular trips to Tim Hortons (not criticizing that one, just observing), and entertaining the potential player’s siblings while the future Sidney Crosby swings his stick at a piece of frozen black rubber. By the time the season’s over, it would be fair to claim about $2,000.00 constitutes a house league hockey season for a young player. It doesn’t get any cheaper after that though, as the young one will presumably grow and require larger equipment the next year, and perhaps their skills have progressed to a point where they could play on a travelling team – realistically doubling the potential cost of a season due to travel and superior equipment requirements. This is of course operating under the assumption that the family enrolling the child in hockey has $2,000.00 in disposable income, maintains their availability on Saturday and Sunday mornings throughout
the season (not to mention late- baseball, and sign up for a recnight practices during the week), reational house league at less and their determination that the than the cost of the equipment. majority of family time happens While travel fees and other unat the arena. expected expenses are sure to It would be easy to stand be- crop up, an argument could be hind these observations and made that baseball costs about claim that hockey, from a finan- half of what hockey costs. In the cial perspective, simply doesn’t tight economic climate that’s make sense to the changing de- even tougher on young families, mographics of the middle class it’s easy to see why baseball is in Canada. However, the positive growing in popularity. qualities gleaned during team The intent of this article is not sports are essential to a young to be openly anti-hockey. There person’s development. Team- is something uniquely Canadian work, fair play, leadership, and about waking up early to pile dedication to a cause are all de- into the minivan and sleepily veloped through young people’s drag everyone to the rink for a involvement in sport – not to weekend game. It’s that element mention the physical benefits of Canadiana that pervades all of exercise. the Tim Horton’s commercials Those skills are not isolated to played in the winter, something hockey, and it would seem the that’s as uniquely Canadian as Canadian public is taking notice. maple syrup. So it’s fitting that Thanks in part to the research as the demographics of Canada’s surrounding concussions and middle class change during this head-trauma in youth sports, economic situation, their internon-contact sports such as base- est in hockey might change as ball are seeing improvements in well. registration numbers. Hockey’s not going anyFor around $200.00, the where, so fans of the frozen sport youngster (and their parents) needn’t fear the loss of this hiscan purchase a glove and a pair toric pastime – just be prepared of cleats, all that’s necessary for to pay for it.
20 w w w.t h e on ta r ion . c om Brew Review: Barley Wine
Chris Müller Winter is the time for dark beer. Okay, really dark beer. Winter is the time for sitting in front of the fireplace, a good book open on your lap, and a snifter of barley wine in hand. Snifter? Barley? Wine? These seem like contradictory ideas, no? Perhaps some context is necessary. The first commercially available barley wine was produced by Bass in England around 1870. The brew has roots much deeper than that though, as Greek historians Xenophon and Polybius have mentioned the beverage in their historical texts. Essentially, barley wine is a high-alcohol ale that matches the alcohol content of most wines. The name is given due to the high alcohol content of the brew, though the process of its manufacture for the most part resembles traditional beer-brewing techniques. Beer historians hold the general belief that barley wine is our closest modern link to ancient strong ales, the character of which developed over the past few hundred years. An introductory barley wine
that is common to this style. The taste sticks onto the tongue for some time, leaving a residual taste of black coffee, toffee, and malt.
vanessa tignanelli
Not for the faint of heart, barley wine provides an interesting link between modern and ancient ales. can be found at the LCBO for under $10.00, and I encourage advocates of better beer to indulge. Shipyard Brewing Company’s Barley Wine comes in a 625 mL bottle adorned with an attractive gold-foil cap cover. The brew measures in at 8.5 per cent alcohol, relatively low in the 8-15 per
cent range barley wines generally finish at. Those who prefer quantity over quality in their beers might not enjoy a barley wine, as the most effective method for enjoying one is pouring it into a snifter (which is traditionally used for whiskies and other strong liquors), and
maintaining approximately a finger and a half of toffee-coloured head atop the brown-black liquid of the brew. Notes of chocolate, coffee and a mild floral aroma greet the nose after the pour. A taste of plumsweetness and roasted malt envelops the low-carbonation
“...barley wine is our closest modern link to ancient strong ales, the character of which developed over the past few hundred years.” Perfect for sharing while reading or conversing, this brew serves as beer’s alternative to the winter night-cap in front of the fire – a perfect cure to warm the belly on winter’s coldest nights.
Using social media to gain a following A food blogger’s tips to starting your own blog Jessica Avolio Meet Mellissa Sevigny, author of the deliciously popular food blog aptly named I Breathe I’m Hungry. Starting the blog on a whim in the summer of 2011, Sevigny had no real expectations of it going anywhere, but she knew she loved cooking and photographing her food. Wouldn’t you know that she currently boasts an impressive 450,000 visitors per month with over 5 million visitors since the blog’s inception? The success of her blog even gave her the gumption to write her own cookbook titled ‘The Gluten Free Low Carber’, and another cookbook on the way. Maybe you have considered starting your own blog, but the thought of building your empire and gaining a loyal following seems like a daunting task. Yet in the age of social media, you can use social networking to your advantage. Sevigny points out that there are many articles, infographics, and even entire books written about how to use social media to grow your blog or business. “It’s surprisingly scientific,” she says, as this information
provides specifics such as; the best time of day to post, how often to post, etc. Using these techniques can truly help bring in traffic and unique visitors to your blog. Sites such as Foodgawker and Tastespotting offer photos of food with a link to the recipe. If you
“People need to know that you exist, and social media keeps you and your content on their minds” - Mellissa Sevigny are starting your own food blog, cross-posting recipes and photos from your blog onto popular recipe sites such as these will help draw in traffic. Sevigny emphasizes how critical social media is to the life of a blog, and credits sites such as Pinterest, Facebook,
Twitter and forums such as Reddit for helping her grow readership. “People need to know that you exist, and social media keeps you and your content on their minds,” says Sevigny. If people see your photo or post, they are inclined to check out your blog, and if they like what they see, you’ve gained a loyal follower. In turn, they will share your blog with their friends, who will share with their friends, etc. Additionally, interacting with other bloggers is key as it builds new relationships and networks and can bring in even more readers you may not have reached otherwise. Sevigny also spent time during our interview going into the other important details of running a successful blog. “Nobody wants to hang out at an ugly website,” she states bluntly. “Having a nice, clean look is key.” And along with having visual appeal, making the blog functional and giving readers the ability to easily navigate the site is extremely important. With her recent relaunch of her blog on Wordpress, she provides readers with the opportunity to print recipes and view a recipe index, which enhanced the readers’ blogging experience even further. Some other helpful blogging tips from Sevigny:
mellissa sevigny
Mellissa Sevigny runs a popular gluten-free and low-carb food blog called I Breathe I’m Hungry. - Spend some time thinking about - Do not feel discouraged if noyour blog before you start and body is reading your blog, they have a firm idea of what you want will come eventually. it to be about. As the interview concluded, - Make it attractive and functional Sevigny left us with the finishwith quality content. ing words “remember to write - Up your game in terms of pho- about something important to tography. She recommends “... you, don’t be afraid to share a never using the camera flash” little about yourself, don’t take and concentrating on lighting yourself too seriously, and have and white balance. fun!”
How should you pursue your career? Wayne Greenway It is complicated and stressful to be in transition and not sure of your future. Everyone has different advice to help you find your career direction. There are those who say follow your passion. Yet others say that a great career where you love your work has to be earned. Nearly everyone agrees that the more you understand about yourself, the more successful you will be in your job search and in your career. Those in the “follow your passion” school of thought propose that with careful selfexploration you will realize “a calling” or a sense of direction. To Steve Jobs, passion was everything in finding a career. He is reported to have said “People with passion can change the world for the better.” Jobs is also quoted as saying, “I’d get a job as a busboy or something until I figured out what I was really passionate about.” Authors such as Cal Newport, a recognized author in the field and an assistant professor of computer science at Georgetown University, argues that your passion will evolve as you work in a field, where you have strengths and interests. “Work is hard. Not every day is fun. Building the skills that ultimately lead to a compelling career can take years of effort. If you’re seeking a dream job, you’ll end up disappointed, again and again,” said Newberg in a recent CNN Blog. He advises job seekers to not set out to follow their
21 This Week in History
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life passion. them to “follow their passion” “Instead, set out to develop it. just infuriate them, since they do This path might be longer and not know how to find this elumore complicated than what sive construct. most upbeat career guides might It could be that the word “paspreach, but it’s a path much sion” means so many different more likely to lead you some- things to different people that it where worth going,” continues creates confusion. The elements Newport. of PERMA – Positive Emotion, Newport points out that fol- Engagement, Relationships, lowing your passion “for many Meaning, and Accomplishment is an obnoxiously unanswerable – from the positive psychology question,” and sets us up to feel guilty or anxious about the possibility that we are not in our dream job or that we might never find our dream job. The disadvantage of this school of thought is that it can lead to short-sighted thinking. It can cause one to focus on areas where one is successful and comfortable, rather than areas that would have more meaning and impact for both the individual and the world around them. In a recent TEDx Boston talk, Clay Christensen from the Harvard Business School said that the reason people fail in their career is that they invest in the things “that provide the most immediate and tangible evidence of achieve- field, may offer a way to underment,” rather than looking at the stand the balance between these bigger picture. two schools of thought. They How does a job seeker make have an agreed upon scientific sense of all this? I find, in my meaning and offer more clarity. practice, that like many things For example, a student may have in life, the answer lies in a bal- an idea of career that would be ance between the two schools meaningful and enjoyable, but of thought. Some clients know they may not have experienced exactly where they want to go enough of it to know if they and they are passionate about would love to do it. By seeking that goal. Others do not know out PERMA rather than passion, where to start. They find that they could still enthusiastically well-meaning friends who tell pursue it to see how it unfolds.
“…the more you understand about yourself, the more successful you will be in your job search and in your career.”
My advice to job seekers is to reflect on your past in a systematic way to identify activities from all aspects of life that brought you a sense of accomplishment and any of the other components of PERMA. Then, drill down into those activities to see the range of careers it reveals for further exploration. The next critical step is to meet with people who do these kinds of jobs. You will quickly find out what the work is really like and gain contact that will help you break into the field. The opportunity to do a summer job, an internship, or a co-op placement in your chosen area will give you a whole new picture of this kind of work. It will also give you vital connections to expedite your career job search. In this era of change, the most important lifelong task is to be constantly thinking about what you might bring you PERMA in the future. In a 2012 CNN blog, Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha pointed out that “when it comes to your career you need to be in a permanent beta mindset.” “You need to stay young and agile. You need to draw up plans, but be nimble enough to stray from those plans when appropriate. You must be persistent in fulfilling your vision, but also be ready to shift course based on the changing demands of the job market or economic landscape,” said Hoffman and Casnocha. Explore your best options. Always be focused and flexible in your career planning. Along the way, you will discover wonderful periods of happiness.
p e t of t h e w e e k
nick revington
Tino is a leopard gecko who made his money running drugs and guns across the Mexico-US border. When things got too hot, Tino decided to lay low in Guelph. Currently living with Cody Prior, Tino spends his days enjoying the finer things in life, like sunbathing in his terrarium and indulging in gourmet cuisine (mostly bugs).
Acclaimed author George Orwell dies The mind behind Animal Farm and 1984 had been fighting for three years with tuberculosis before passing away on this day in 1950. In fact, 1984, according to the report, was his last novel and one he wrote in between his stays at the hospital during the final years of his life. It also won him £357 from The Partisan Review as the year’s most significant contribution to literature. Orwell’s real name was actually Eric Arthur Blair, and he was born in India, in 1903, to “civil servants working on behalf of the British Empire.” The author also experienced a period of poverty, where he worked as a dishwasher and lived as a tramp in the East End of London, though these events inspired some of his works, like Down and Out in Paris and London. (The BBC—Jan. 21, 1950) High Court Rules Abortions Legal the First 3 Months In a 7-2 vote, the Supreme Court of the United States decided on a woman’s rights to obtain an abortion, if it took place within the first three months of the pregnancy, 40 years ago. The article that appeared below this headline explains that, “For the next six months of pregnancy a state may ‘regulate the abortion procedure in ways that are reasonably related to maternal health,’ such as licensing and regulating the persons and facilities involved.” It also notes that laws in Georgia and Texas will have to be reviewed extensively, as 31 antiabortion laws and 15 liberal statutes will have to be rewritten. The Roe vs. Wade decision has not been without controversy, particularly in recent years during the ongoing debates between pro-life and pro-choice advocates. (The New York Times—Jan. 22, 1973) Phone to Pacific from the Atlantic Thirty-eight years before this day in history, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson had a phone conversation between Boston and Cambridge, a two-mile distance. On Jan. 25, 1915, the pair extended this distance to 3,400 miles as Bell, in New York, called Watson in San Francisco. According to the article, “They heard each other much more distinctly than they did in their first talk thirty-eight years ago.” With the completion of the first transcontinental telephone line, several individuals, like Theodore Vail of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, made phone calls ranging as far as 4,750 miles from their location. And, while people between four locations, New York, San Francisco, Washington, and Jekyl Island, could talk to each other on one continuous loop, “hundreds in the four places [could listen] to the conversation.” (The New York Times—Jan. 25, 1915)
22 w w e on ta r ion . c om Exploding the myths of tuition fees Drew Garvie One of the principle obstacles that face campaigns fighting for a more accessible education system are the entrenched pieces of misinformation that are repeated by local administrators, the provincial government, thinktanks with ties to the provincial government like the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario and the corporate controlled media. In order to change policy we need to confront these myths. Myth 1: What’s all the fuss about tuition fees? Low-income students can access grants if they need them. This argument stems from a disregard of the true depth of the student debt crisis. The average undergraduate in Ontario now graduates over $30,000 in debt. Student debt in Canada grows by almost half a billion a year. Clearly the grants are not there. It is very common for provincial governments and universities to increase grants along with tuition fee increases in order to demonstrate that they do have a “policy solution” to increased student debt. For example, this was a tactic pursued by the Charest government in Quebec last spring. However, grants have not kept up with tuition fee hikes. In Ontario for example, even when accounting for the limited help of the 30 per cent-off Ontario Tuition Grant (which only reached one third of students), the average student will have $1.20 of student aid clawed back through cuts and tuition fee increases, for every $1 invested. There is no up-front grant offered anywhere in Canada that goes up by a 1:1 ratio with fees. This means that grants are not being increased proportionally with tuition fee increases, and that on the whole even those who have access to these grants are finding their value depreciated. In the real world, the provinces with low tuition fees have the best student financial aid programs, for example, Quebec, Newfoundland and Manitoba. The promise of more grants is largely a smokescreen for decision-makers to continue with tuition fee increases. Myth 2: Tuition fee increases are not the only factor when it comes to access. Access to education is complicated and relies on many factors. While it is true that even free post-secondary education does not guarantee access to all, tuition fees remain the principle barrier in Canada at this moment.
Many politicians and adminis- less than those only with a hightrators will point to the fact that school diploma. Ontario has had higher enrollThe Organization for Economic ment as fees have been rising. Cooperation and Development’s When you encounter this ar- (OECD) statistics are much closer gument you can mention that to the CCPA’s. In a recent report under the tuition fee freeze in the OECD said that the “premiManitoba, enrolment increased um” earned through a degree is 20 per cent. However, we must approximately $80,000 for men stress that enrolment is not over their lifetime, and $40,000 the same as access. Increas- for women, over that of a highing fees change who is getting school graduate. in, not necessarily how many The main point is that the students are enrolled. The fact “smart investment” argument remains that as tuition fees go fails to recognize that the maup, low-income students make jority of graduates do not come up a smaller percentage of the out with high-paying profespopulation of the post-second- sional jobs and this greatly skews ary education system. the average. Students who are Many students at Guelph and forced to take on large-scale their families have been told that debt receive significantly less the minimum credential to any return on their “investment.” kind of “success” is a univerPerhaps most importantly, sity degree. As a result, many post-secondary education is families are willing to take on not merely an investment that extreme levels of debt. students make in order to have However, there is still mount- access to a higher-income laing evidence that many students bour market. Post-secondary are being shut out all together education has intrinsic value from post-secondary educa- for students and communities. tion. Canadian high schools have one of the smallest academic Myth 4: Higher public funding achievement gaps. This means for post-secondary education that there is a small difference in means more tax dollars going academic achievement between into our universities. Since high and low-income students there are a disproportionate at the secondary level. But at amount of students from higher the university level there is a 2:1 income families in post-secondgap in participation between the ary schooling, this amounts to wealthiest fifth and the poorest a subsidy from working-class fifth of the population. families to the wealthy. The effect that “debt aver- Tuition fees are a flat tax, meansion” has on potential students ing that everyone pays equally. is a growing field of study. There Flat taxes are regressive as they are many studies that dem- reinforce the status quo wealth onstrate that more and more distribution. Worse still, lower students are unwilling to take income students are forced to on massive debt in order to at- take on larger debt, which means tend university. that they are in fact paying more for their education. The poorer Myth 3: But a university degree you are, the more you end up means you’ll make more money paying in interest. in the long run. Even if you have The claim that wealthy famto take on debt, university is still ilies will benefit from lower a smart “investment”. tuition does not hold up when An often-cited statistic used by we look at the bigger picture. proponents of this argument was The re-distributive role of taxwidely circulated by the Associ- ation means that lower-income ation of Universities and Colleges families still derive the greatest of Canada (AUCC) in 2010: that benefit from reducing tuition graduates of colleges or univer- fees. A progressive tax system, sities, as a result of their degree through income tax and corpoor diploma, can expect to earn rate taxes, is the way to ensure an extra one million dollars over that universities have a progrestheir lifetime. sive funding system, not through This greatly exaggerates the high tuition fees and complicatreturn that the majority of stu- ed grant systems. dents can expect to receive. This The same political proponents figure fails to take into account of neo-liberal plans to restructhe large disparities in oppor- ture our tax system towards tunities available to graduates. eliminating corporate taxes (now Economist with the Canadian some of the lowest in the world) Centre for Policy Alternatives and heightening regressive sales (CCPA), Hugh MacKenzie, found taxes (through the expansion of the real number is closer to the HST), seem to be the ones $40,000. Furthermore his study who cry about giving the rich a found that one quarter of uni- freebee by lowering tuition. versity graduates actually earn It also should be stated that
A piggy bank left in tact is a rare image to find gracing university graduates’ shelves. high tuition fees strengthen economic dependence of students on their families. Even for students with high-income parents or guardians this can mean that they are forced into maintaining abusive or dangerous relationships with their families. This is also a concern for families that suffer from homophobia.
world right here in Ontario. In the shadow of this concentrated wealth stand our hospitals, transit system, universities, and schools, all of which remain underfunded and neglected. Who created the economic crisis? It wasn’t the universities or the students – it was government policies that pay no serious regard to people’s needs, only corporate greed. Will the University of Guelph lead by example or continue to do the government’s dirty work by making students pay?
Myth 5: There is nothing the University of Guelph can do. The provincial and federal government are in debt and students need to “tighten their belts” just like everyone else. This ignores the fact that gov- Myth 6: Education is not a ernmental policy and associated “right.” It’s an individual choice, funding does not benefit every- or a personal investment in one’s one equally. Choices are made, future. people suffer, and a few get rich. Rights are determined by social Consider the following funding progress. For example, 100 years choices our federal and provin- ago the majority of Canadians cial governments have made: had no right to vote in elections - Military Budget per year: (women, First Nations, Asian$20+ billion Canadians, and more!). It is true - Cost of F-35 fighter jets: $45 that today in Canada, public polbillion icy does not view education as - Ontario Government’s 2010 a right. But growing numbers Corporate Tax Cut: $2.4 of people view post-secondary billion education as a right, including - Annual federal and us! We have already determined provincial subsidies to the that education is a right from fossil fuel industry: $2.84 kindergarten until grade 12 in billion Ontario. Over 25 other coun- What would FREE undergrad tries have eliminated tuition fees education across Canada cost for post-secondary students as per year?: $5.1 billion well. Just because the status quo in Guelph and Ontario violates There is money. Ontario is a the right to education doesn’t province with tremendous natu- mean we won’t get there! ral wealth with a surplus of the super-rich. Canadian corpoThe views rations are currently sitting on $526 billion of unused money in represented in the their balance sheets. Canada’s opinion section do not five largest banks have all raked necessarily reflect the in record profits in 2011. Also, views of The Ontarion corporations still benefit from nor its staff. one of the lowest tax rates in the
170.3 ◆ january 24t h, 2013
Inordinate Ordnance Chris Carr
your hard-applied OSAP-givings. We try to separate the Jedi from The Cannon started out as strict- the Sith, but the best way to do ly an online classified for anyone that is to warn you, the students, seeking to exchange books. You about the evils of the dark side. see them, huddled in the cold by We all know that selling old Old Jeremiah, anxiously making mid-terms, course notes and eye contact with everyone at once tests on The Cannon is not perlooking for that “special someone” mitted (Right? Guys? Where’s to take their old books away. everybody going?), but what may From there we spread into the be largely under the radar to the housing market. The Cannon be- average student is the amount of came a place for students to find people looking to just take a wad affordable housing while being a of your cash for nothing in return. listing location for the commuThese scammers usually ask for nity of Guelph at large. However a deposit to be sent to them. Usuhelpful this service has become ally they are on vacation or out to students, there is a dark side of the country, so meeting them – an evil grows here, feeding off in person is out of the question. hate and the naiveté of new stu- They sometimes require a deposdents and their trusting parents. it before seeing the apartment. This evil comes in the form of off- THIS IS NEVER OKAY! STRANGER shore scammers and deposituers DANGER! Never, when looking (yeah, I did make that word up), for an apartment will the hopescratching and pawing for a de- ful tenant have to pay anything posit on a house that you have no before the first and last month’s proof exists. rent, after signing the lease. Only We here at The Cannon work once the place has been seen and diligently to sift through the the landholder has also been seen, posts trying to discern the true can money exchange hands, genland-people, looking to help erally in the form of a cheque or students find affordable accom- protected money order. Anothmodations from the illiterate er big hint that something funny mouth-breathers that aim to own may be going on, is if the landlord
has a mustache and a black top hat, spins a cane and can’t stop talking about his affinity for railroad crossings. If you are perusing The Cannon, we encourage you to report these possibilities. Even if they are unfounded, it is always good to put “odd” practices on our radar. The more we know about the community we represent, the better we can protect you from getting ripped off. Consider this a PSA for your wallet’s well-being. Also, as always, please feel free to email me at editor@thecannon. ca with any concerns, criticisms, praise or even if you want to talk Star Wars. I’m down with the ‘Fett. We are a service funded by you, and thusly, work for and with you. Use us. Chris Carr is Editor-in-Chief of The Cannon. “Inordinate Ordnance” publishes every Thursday in The Cannon and in The Ontarion. The opinions posted on reflect those of their author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Central Student Association and the Guelph Campus Co-op, or The Ontarion.
vanessa tignanelli
Familiarization with the requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act can help students recognize potential housing scams.
24 w w e on ta r ion . c om Why you should opt out of OPIRG Shamu Mosonyi How would you feel if you were forced to pay money to a political party on campus every semester? Would you want to pay to support Stephen Harper, Dalton McGuinty, or Thomas Mulcair’s campaign? If you disagree with them, should you be forced to pay them? Of course not. It is a fantastic exercise to donate to a political party or charity if you support it. It gives you a positive feeling when you contribute to something you love and believe
in. However, when you are forced to pay for an ideology you disagree with, it leaves you feeling angry and helpless. There is an organization on campus called the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), which participates in a number of initiatives that can only be characterized as radical and at odds with the views of the vast majority of students. I don’t mind that this group exists on campus; diversity is a crucial thing to have. What does worry me is that every student pays a sum of money – for what many
amounts to a hidden tax – every semester to prop up this organization when so few students benefit or even know it exists. OPIRG promotes events which seek to undermine the democratic process, insisting that change will only be achieved through revolution and a complete change in the system. Why must all students pay for this anarchist agenda? I don’t want to be forced to pay for anti-Harper, anti-Israel, anti-Keystone XL oil pipeline, anti-globalization, anti-G20, antigovernment, and anti-corporate
protests. This is why I opt out of OPIRG every semester. Likewise, I don’t want to pay for pro-Harper, pro-Keystone XL, or pro-corporate movements. Students should have the freedom of choice. Sadly, more than $50 is deducted from the pocketbooks of students over four years to pay for OPIRG. Every year, OPIRG receives more than $220,000 and provides virtually no value whatsoever for a majority of students. This group has been criticized for its lack of democracy. As just one example, OPIRG changed its
opinion election rules to prevent people who did not share its political orientation from joining its board. The university has questioned OPIRG’s bookkeeping practices and found that they are not very strong. As there is no public disclosure of its spending on its website, it is very difficult to see precisely what the group is doing with our money. Hopefully OPIRG will put up its budget and meeting minutes, like almost all student government organizations do, so that students can see exactly what it is we are funding.
What should we do with our trauma? Paul Rashotte
in a leather jacket and sleeps with It is the place where confidence the apple’s girlfriend. degenerates into anger and selfTrauma is a word I’ve never been But even the awesome power loathing. It is the war of attrition comfortable saying. Now, I don’t of t-words and the gutlessness battlefield where victory can only know if it’s the way the “t” rolls of “tarter sauce” doesn’t fully be achieved at the cost of another into the “rauma,” or if it’s be- account for the difficulties of part of your self. Trauma is the ircause the word encapsulates all trauma. If there were one t-word resolvable memory. my most painful memories, but that could take us into the secret So what should we do with this trauma just never sounds right. world of trauma it would have trauma? Well I don’t have all the When it comes up in conversa- to be “trench.” When I picture a answers, but I sure as hell know tion, it’s as if my lips are glued and trench I think of people living in we can’t take something like that I’m pulling my mouth open slow. a WWI-style battleground, where with us on a date (at least not Many late nights, I’ve stayed up the sounds of bullets and bombs the first date). I mean contrary agonizing over this chink in my keep everyone afraid, forcing to Will Ferrell Wedding Crashlinguistic armour—tossing and soldiers to cling to overcrowd- ers logic, funerals and deaths just turning, night turns to day and ed ditches for elusory notions of aren’t that sexy. Very few people I start my morning yelling at the safety. This trench then soaks in get turned on during an obitusun. Oh Trauma why!? Why!? Why the smells of human death and de- ary and even fewer people have is it that in your gnarled hands my posits them in the mud, wherein morbid sex appeal. Granted vamheart turns to dust? the soldiers’ submersion in the pires might be an exception, but In my search for answers, I’ve filth causes their feet to rot to the my God, even Edward and Bella realized that my problems with point of requiring amputation. did some happy-go-lucky flirttrauma may stem from t-words Then from the stumps of man- ing early on. in general. Words like terrify, gled limbs and fractured minds I guess what I’m trying to say temptation, tenacity, tetrahedron a terrible insidious laughter fes- is that trauma is something peoand of course tetramethyldiami- ters until the soldiers find a way ple need to come to terms with nobenzhydrylphosphinous just to smile at their broken bodies. in order to develop happy and straight up command an un- To make matters even worse the healthy relationships. And while deniable fear and respect. Even sexual frustration begins to ex- this is a pretty obvious point to “tarter sauce” sounds like the ceed that of an engineering keger. make, I think we can all reach meanest food in my lunch box. I Trauma is the internal trench. a better understanding of how mean if the items in my lunch had It encompasses the pollut- to get there, if we ask ourselves human personalities, tarter sauce ed synapses of your brain that how we’ve overcome trauma in would be the guy who bumps lines turn happiness into depression. the past.
What I’ve realized through talk- event that happened to someone ing to those around me about their else, you can give your misfortune trauma is that people generally the same significance as another feel as if their traumatic experi- person’s pain. You can override ences have happened to someone Western narcissism and transform else. For example, as a kid I once your poison memories into a founfell down a flight of stairs and was dation for human connections. forward thinking enough to proIf you turn your trauma into emtect my body with my face, which pathy you might just notice that resulted in my first black eye (I’ve you’re standing in a jaded room since learned to use my arms). with a group of people who don’t Now what’s important about this feel for anything besides themstory is that the next day I almost selves. Maybe they’ll be watching completely forgot my black eye an old Western and you’ll notice existed. Even when I’d look in the that everyone’s smiles look unmirror I’d find myself searching natural and impossibly stretched, for my blue eye through a pur- so that it seems as if their faces ple bruise and I’d think to myself, have ripped themselves open. that’s not my face. What I lacked All of them chortling with their the tools to grasp as a kid was that derisive laughter in perfect synmy ego had separated the injury chronization to John Wayne-style from who I was as a person, so executions. Maybe you’ll notice that I could continue to play with that you’re not smiling and you’re my Batman action figures with- feeling something for the people out feelings of self-consciousness you’ve never felt anything for. or worry. While separating traumatic exThe views periences from who you are as a person enables you to move on represented in the with your life, an added benefit opinion section do not of this perception is that it ennecessarily reflect the ables you to empathize with the views of The Ontarion people around you. In perceiving nor its staff. your traumatic experience as an
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Considering Quinoa
It’s a staple in the diet NASA feeds its astronauts. It’s also the simple, light brown grain that sprouts little white curls and can be found in your local grocery store. Quinoa was a foreign food for me until this past summer. My roommate, who leads an entirely gluten-free diet, introduced me to the grain. Afterwards, I was found strolling through the aisles of Zehrs, asking the employees, “Where is the quin-o-a?” Properly pronounced “keenwa h , ” t h e u n i q u e g r a i n reportedly has an unusually high protein content, and contains essential amino acids needed for good health. This “super-food,” which shares the same fan-base as kale, salmon and berries, is also praised for its fibre and all-around nutritional value. You can almost hear Dr. Oz running through the streets, yelling in excitement. The obscure Peruvian grain used to be something you could only find at Whole Foods or similar stores. Though the Incas referred to it as “the mother of all grains,” it did not catch on in Western countries until recent years. But catch on, it did. A novel alternative to other typical grain sources, such as bread or pasta, it has become so revered among health fanatics as well as vegetarians, vegans, and those with other dietary needs that the United Nations declared 2013 the Year of Quinoa. A quinoa boom has arrived, but unfortunately, not without controversy. British newspaper The Guardian wrote on Jan. 16 about the potential negative consequences of North America’s obsession with quinoa: it appears our appetite for the grain has raised prices to such an extent that people in Peru and Bolivia, for whom it was
The Ontarion Inc. University Centre Room 264 University of Guelph N1G 2W1 Phone: 519-824-4120 General: x58265 Editorial: x58250 Advertising: x58267 Accounts: x53534 Editorial Staff: Editor-in-chief Tom Beedham Arts & Culture Editor Nicholas Revington Sports & Health Editor Christopher Müller News Editor Alicja Grzadkowska Associate Editor Colleen McDonell Copy Editor Stacey Aspinall courtesy
Who knew this tiny grain could lead to such big ethical issues? In our ever-globalizing world, the story behind the things you consume can have far-reaching consequences. once a nourishing staple food, it also brings upon bigger quescan no longer afford to eat it. tions on the food Canadians Like most people, I do not think consume everyday, and the twice about purchasing a bag of trends that come and go. Did quinoa and making a tasty sum- we all of a sudden forget about mer salad. Yet, because of the coffee beans, bananas, cocoa, overseas demand, imported junk and many other foods that pose food is now cheaper than quinoa persistent, and perhaps more ethical issues? in its main production countries; concerning, We live in a consumerist society in Lima, Peru, according to The Guardian, quinoa now costs that thrives on personal choice. Even within the Centre Six cafmore than chicken. Columnists of several major eteria in the University Centre, newspapers have now entered there are several different meal the blame-game on full throt- options, more than some people tle. Some are accusing vegans in other countries can imagfor this perceived misfortune ine. We can opt for a pork chop to Peru and Bolivia, while at Mom’s Kitchen, a chickpea others are arguing that this assortment at the salad bar, or economical shift will allow a slice from Pizza Pizza. For citizens of these countries to some, residing in the comfortgain more political power and able womb of university life (see access to more diverse foods. The Ontarion’s Jan. 17 editorial), Quinoa’s mass exportation may will allow for these decisions or may not be posing a threat to to be based solely on flavor, or its host countries, but regardless, whether or not you will still
have money for a pint after class. Quinoa now represents how great an impact North American consumers have on the production and trade of products in other continents. Its current popularity also shows us how, in a sense, buyers can have a direct effect on the well-being of people far across the globe. My concern lies in how easily students, like myself, can forget these consequences of our purchases. For now, read labels, and use the research resources readily available at your fingertips. Take time to learn where your food comes from. Realize that with great privilege of choice comes great responsibility. You can fit the mold like the rest, and blindly follow trends, or you can stand out, like a single piece of grain in the sizzling pot of the world.
Production Staff: Photo & graphics editor Vanessa Tignanelli Ad designer Sarah Kavanagh Layout Director Jessica Avolio Web Assistant Jordan Sloggett Office Staff: Business manager Lorrie Taylor Office manager Monique Vischschraper Ad manager Al Ladha Board of Directors President Bronek Szulc Treasurer Lisa Kellenberger Chairperson Curtis Van Laecke Secretary Alex Lefebvre Directors Aaron Francis Heather Luz Kevin Veilleux Lisa McLean Marshal McLernon Michael Bohdanowicz Shwetha Chandrashekhar Contributors
The thing about OPIRG… At the University of Guelph, the recent “Opt-out” of OPIRG fees movement has been garnering significant attention from not only the student body but the wider Guelph community as well. It all started with a Facebook group, which informed - and some may argue, encouraged, students that they could opt out of the fee they pay to OPIRG every semester. The fee, which is $6.41 per semester, seems to be quite high considering the breakdown of many other campus organizations that receive funding. The purpose here is not to attack OPIRG as, in my opinion, the organization has been
very important in raising student awareness of various social justice issues. However, if a group is receiving such a large sum of money from students there is absolutely no excuse for not posting budget and meeting minutes online for all students to see. This information would truly decrease the lack of transparency which is arguably the main reason the “Opt out” movement has been able to gain steam. Don’t even get me started on the topic of holding a job for someone who has spent time in jail. Doing this merely feeds the fire of those wishing to opt-out. Opting-out of OPIRG, though, could
open the flood gates of students opting out of every organization they wish, which becomes a problem when we look at groups such as the Aboriginal Student Association as well as Guelph Queer Equality. I have personally witnessed a student rudely demand 31 cents back from the Aboriginal Resource Centre as they, “weren’t Aboriginal and shouldn’t have to pay for it.” This type of behaviour goes against many of the values of the University of Guelph which include leveling the playing field for all involved. Many will argue that there is a significant difference between a student opting out of a fee
of $6.41 and a fee of 31 cents per semester also noting that these other groups are diligent about posting meeting minutes and budget information online. It is, however, important that as students we consider the principle of our actions and not just the $6.41 we will receive in return. More importantly, it’s important that organizations that do not want students to opt out of their fees take initiative and make important information accessible to students. Karalena McLean Political Science
Giancarlo Basilone Mira Beth Michael Bohdanowicz Chris Carr Tim Clarke Andrea Connell Kelsey Coughlin Sarah Cordeaux Andrew Donovan Laura Douglas Tasha Falconer Drew Garvie Wayne Greenway Sabrina Groomes Mark Gottheil
Sylvia nayoung Han Abi Lemak Leigh Lichtenberg Nadine Maher Karalena McLean Sean McWatt. Shamu Mosonyi Kate Murphy Robyn Nicholson Lauren Phillips Lindsay Pinter Adrien Potvin Paul Rashotte Wendy Shepherd Christine Smith Elias Tsafaridis
The Ontarion is a non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors. Since the Ontarion undertakes the publishing of student work, the opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Ontarion Board of Directors. The Ontarion reserves the right to edit or refuse all material deemed sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise unfit for publication as determined by the Editor-in-Chief. Material of any form appearing in this newspaper is copyrighted 2011 and cannot be reprinted without the approval of the Editorin-Chief. The Ontarion retains the right of first publication on all material. In the event that an advertiser is not satisfied with an advertisement in the newspaper, they must notify the Ontarion within four working days of publication. The Ontarion will not be held responsible for advertising mistakes beyond the cost of advertisement. The Ontarion is printed by the Guelph Mercury.
26 w w w.t h e on ta r ion . c om classifieds PERSONALS More than anything I just want to be honest SERVICES NEED ESSAY HELP! All subjects, research, writing and editing specialists, toll free 1 888 345 8295 Join our advertising team and make great commissions by placing posters around campus. Details: 416-280-6113. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Volunteer tutors are needed for a free tutoring program run out of The Bookshelf. The program runs Tuesday - Thursdays from 3:304:45pm (Feb 5th- March 28th). If interested, contact
Thursday January 24 Macdonald Stewart Art Centre Winter Art Party. Unveiling two major exhibitions by Canadian artists: ‘Phil Bergerson: American Shards’ runs until to April 14. ‘Vessna Perunovich: Line Rituals & Radical Knitting’ runs until March 31. Opening reception 7pm. MSAC 358 Gordon St. 519-767-2661 www. Thursday At Noon Concert Series. Concerts start at 12:00p.m. Thursdays in Mackinnon room 107 (Goldschmidt room). Admission free – donations gratefully appreciated. Everyone welcome! Friday January 25 Fourth Friday: Celebrating the
creative, neighbourly, interesting, and welcoming vibe of downtown Guelph, Fourth Friday events take place on the fourth Friday of every month, from 7pm – 10pm. www. Synchronised Skating at Market Square -a demonstration from the Guelph Gryphons Varsity Figure Skating Team. 7 and 8pm. The team will be on hand to offer their advice and knowledge to the public between performances. www. Exploring Guelph’s connection to the American Civil War. A Free Fourth Fridays event. Featuring a talk at 7 pm by Alexandra HrienkoChilcott. Civil War re-enactors bring the era to life with displays from their own collections. Guelph Civic Museum, 52 Norfolk St. Information: 519-836-1221 or guelph. ca/museum Saturday January 26 Dancetheatre David Earle copresent a screening of ‘Heart at Night: David Earle in Guelph’, a documentary by Vaughn Barclay. At the Bookshelf Cinema, 41 Quebec St. at 4pm. Tickets: $10 reception to follow in the e-bar. All welcome. Information or reservations: /519-836-6573. Shake-n-Skate party at Market Square in downtown Guelph 6-10 pm. An all-ages event featuring electronic music by local DJs and highlighting a diversity of sounds. This is a family-friendly event. The Market Square skating rink is open daily from 10am -10pm, weather permitting. marketsquare
community listings Student Volunteer Connections eighth annual ‘Do So Much Weekend’. A leadership conference designed for students to come together for networking, inspiration and capacity building to grow a stronger community dedicated to positive change. Register for free at 10 am at Rozanski Hall. Sunday January 27 Sharpened Tongues - Spoken Word Workshop/Sharing Circle. No mics, no pressure. Bring writing and writing utensils. The Poetry Palace (339 Suffolk St. W.),1:30pm-3pm . $5 cover Monday January 28 Career Aviators Business Career Club: Students and professionals welcome. Mondays 7pm -9pm, Innovation Guelph (111 Farquhar Street). Strategic advice and support; guest presentations; motivation to stay on track; worldwide Information exchange. PWYC. Info:1 866 873 7633
Tuesday January 29 ASTRA speaker series: ‘Look Younger, Live Longer: Health and Beauty Advice in the 1950s’ with Catherine Carstairs, Associate Professor, History, U of G. 12 noon - 1:15pm in MacKinnon 132. All welcome, bring your lunch. www. Thursday January 31 Better Sleep Program evening group begins at 7:30 pm. Learn how to decrease insomnia and fall asleep more easily. Details at Guelph: Silence. An exciting portal in Guelph for adventurous and innovative sound events covering a wide range of music. 8pm [$10 or pwyc] at Macdonald Stewart Art Centre (358 Gordon St. Guelph). Saturday February 2 19th Environmental Sciences Symposium. From 10am until 5pm we will be exploring Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Perspectives on the Environment through a variety of speaking sessions,
workshops, and displays. For more information visit” Free tutoring program run out of the Bookshelf downtown for high school students. The program runs Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 3:30-4:45pm beginning on Feb 5th through to March 28th. If interested, contact Guelph Civic Museum’s Exhibit: “kNOw Skateboarding: 60 Years of Skateboarding Culture”, discover the rich underground world of skateboarding. 7-9pm. Exhibit runs until June 2, 2013. 52 Norfolk St. 519-836-1221 ext. 2773 guelph. ca/museum. The Guelph Family Health Team (FHT) offers FREE walking group at the YMCA-YWCA. Tuesday/ Thursday evenings 6-8pm. Participants receive a free pedometer the first time they attend and weekly handouts with recipes, health tips and exercises. Indoor shoes only please. Information: 519-837-0099.
170.3 ◆ january 24t h, 2013
crossword 51 Belgian city
33 Norwegian Cruise Lines
53 Not together
35 ___s River, Ohio
55 Romance language
36 Campers, for short
57 Kind of blocker
38 Yankees, e.g. (2)
59 Barbadian singer’s Russian novel? (2)
39 Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
64 Chemical endings
40 Mark for life
65 Gives off
43 Egyptian boy king
66 Ruler of Troy
44 Evening event
67 Isle of Man airport code
45 Restaurant activity
68 Intro. to sexuality (2)
46 ____’s pace (3)
69 Ottawa team, for short
48 Money back
Last Week's Solution
51 Food container Down
52 Explorer, Gil
1 Bear foot
53 Broke bread
2 Ring king
54 Jodhpurs
3 Feverish
56 Laddie’s love
58 Employment Retirement Savings Deduction
4 Synthetic silk
5 Leafs’ Tie
6 Sloth, e.g.
60 “Kid Tested, Mother Approved.”
7 Louse-to-be crossword by kate and sean
8 Understandable 9 Result
62 Vote in Quebec 63 Doofus
10 “___ Lisa”
method, for short
61 Anger
Congratulations to this week's crossword winners: Alison Berezuk and Sharon Murphy. Stop by the Ontarion office to pick up your prize!
1 Soreness
28 Ballpoint, e.g.
11 To form an island
5 Boogie
29 Sticker
12 Elevator alternative
10 Fail to see
30 Tableland
14 Unite
31 Carter and Neville
13 Beethoven’s “Moonlight ___”
15 Whopper topper
34 Between (fr.)
16 Cognizant of 17 Fresh Prince museum? (2)
37 Male feline in a “Wild World”? (2)
20 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
41 Someone ___ (not mine)
23 Kind of moss
42 View
24 Obi container
21 Continental landmass
44 Actor Penn
26 Estimates
22 Back bone
47 Ethereal
29 Graduate school orgs.
25 Concur
49 ___ de toilette
30 Sound that Beaker makes
27 Public transportation
50 Bran source
32 Sign
18 Mascara mistake 19 Source of iron 22 Jacuzzi
SUBMIT your completed crossword by no later than Monday, January 28th at 4pm for a chance to win TWO FREE BOB’S DOG’S!