On the Boards Performance Program: Ten Tiny Dances (Oct 2019)

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OCT 24 - 26





We begin by acknowledging this land is the ancestral home of the Duwamish and many other Indigenous peoples recorded and unrecorded, who have been the custodians of this land since time immemorial. As guests and — in many of our cases — as settlers on this land, we extend our deepest gratitude and respect to their ancestors and elders past, present, and future. On the Boards is beginning to engage in conversations to deepen our practices in a way that reflects and honors Coast Salish protocol. Part of our understanding of the protocol is making material gifts to the Indigenous peoples of this land as a way of recognizing their genealogical responsibility to the well-being of the territory and all beings who make a home here. We encourage you to donate online at realrentduwamish.org.

Filming and photography are not permitted during performances.


Ten Tiny Dances® What kind of dance can you make on a 4' x 4' stage? Ten Tiny Dances® is a demonstration of how confined space becomes a conduit for creativity and innovation. Ten choreographers, artists, and dancemakers take on the challenge of creating live works on one very small stage, a square table set on a black box stage, with the audience surrounding it on all four sides like a boxing ring. Artists have the ability to create live works that go well beyond the physical confines of a small stage. From one performance to the next there is a certain amount of tension; what will the next artists do? how will the performer rise to the challenge and shift our perception of space and movement? In the end, what audiences will remember is not the feeling of how small the stage is, but how our perceptions of limited space and time have expanded beyond those boundaries. Choreographers, artists, and dancemakers include: Arson Nicki, Scott/ Powell Performance, Mike O'Neal (Majinn), Etienne Cakpo, KT Niehoff, ilvs strauss, Vis-à-Vis Society, Cheryl Delostrinos of Au Collective, Fox Whitney and Jessica Jobaris & General Magic. Ten Tiny Dances® was created in Portland, Oregon, in 2002 and continues to be produced by founder Mike Barber and others with permission. See www.tentinydances.org for more information. Thank you to Laurel Canan for the stage design and construction.


An Interview with Co-curator and Co-producer of Ten Tiny Dances®, Sara Jinks In Houston, I had the opportunity to curate an iteration of TTD in collaboration with Counter Current Festival. I was struck by the amount of imagination that each artist used to transform the stage into another world while creating an intimacy with the audience. Each year the platform shifted locations or one of the elements twisted, from including video projection, to doing it outside or taking over a historic queer dance club. These variations allowed the program to grow and stretch artists’ vision of how to use this platform to make something new. This year we partnered with Sara Jinks, who recently joined our staff as the Production Coordinator, as Producer and Curator of Ten Tiny Dances®. She has put together a stellar group of artists who range in dance and movement languages, from contemporary, to drag, to street dance, to traditional African dance, and beyond. I’m looking forward to being in the audience and experiencing each performance. This is the first time that On the Boards is hosting Ten Tiny Dances® and we look forward to continuing the tradition with different curatorial voices each year. RC: TTD is a platform for both short form choreography, as well as for site-specific dance on a 4' x 4' stage. How do those two boundaries/ restrictions/limitations inform the work that gets made? SJ: The parameters of the structure require innovation. I love the way the limitations force choreographers to make different choices than they would normally. The form pushes artists to edit in ways they may never do so on their own, whether it be edits to time, facing, size, or space. It can be uncomfortable to come up against so many obstacles, but that’s what makes the end product so compelling. I think the restrictions also make for a great audience experience. Each dance takes watchers on a mini-journey. No piece goes on for very long and the audience gets to see how differently each artist dealt with the same set of challenges.


RC: How has the making of these tiny dances shifted or stayed the same over the years or since the last time you curated/produced the program? SJ: While the Ten Tiny Dances® structure or “rules of engagement” (ten dances, 3-8-minute time limit, a 4’ x 4’ stage, audience in the round) remain very rigid, each TTD I and others have produced is unique. I’d say that through repetition and commitment to the form I’ve gotten better at organizing each one and knowing what and how to communicate with the artists. But the tone and content of each is utterly original based on the artists involved. I never quite know until our first showing what the performance will feel like. I also think I take the space and the co-producer into account when curating Ten Tiny Dances®. The Methow Arts audience in 2011 was quite different from an On the Boards audience in 2019 and the programming reflects that. RC: What was your experience like performing in Ten Tiny Dances®? SJ: It was really fun but hard. Anyone who has performed on a raised surface has felt the instinct to avoid the last two or three feet at the edge of the stage for self-preservation reasons. In Ten Tiny, with only 4’ x 4’ to work with, the entire stage is edge. It takes bravery and a lot of practice to figure out how to move with confidence and conviction on that tiny stage and trust you won’t fall off the side. Also, with the audience on all sides and a lot closer to you than is traditional, there is a heightened intimacy with the audience. Add lights and nerves and it’s a precarious performance experience! But seasoned pros (like the ones in this Ten Tiny) enjoy a good performance challenge. There is nothing like the feeling of over-coming those obstacles, embracing the vulnerability, connecting with the audience, and really going for it.


sara jinks ten tiny dances® curator and co-producer Production Coordinator for On the Boards, Sara Jinks is the Curator and Co-producer of Ten Tiny Dances®. She presented Ten Tiny Dances® at Velocity in 2015 and with Methow Arts Alliance and Crispin Spaeth in 2011. Jinks is also the Production Manager for acclaimed choreographer Heather Kravas. She is on her fifth year of co-producing the Buttcracker at the Erickson Theater --- a wild and popular hair metal-themed holiday dance show. As a dance artist, Jinks performed extensively with Crispin Spaeth Dance Group, d9 Dance Collective, and was a member of Pat Graney Company from 2000-2018.


performance schedule


Michael O'Neal (Majinn) SOURCERESS Choreographer and Performer: Michael O’Neal (Majinn) Music: Jordan Rakei, Photay MICHAEL O'NEAL JR (MAJINN) Majinn is a queer mixed race African American dance artist and educator who utilizes his training in multiple dance styles to find and express his whole self. Majinn aims to help people become more confident in their bodies, express themselves and be confident speaking their voice as well as to give back to the communities that these street/club style dance forms were created from. IG- @majinn_mike youtube.com/MajinnMike



(and the state of the world in general) Maker: KT Niehoff Performers: KT Niehoff (Thursday/Friday) and Alia Swersky (Saturday) Music: Bob Barraza Adapted from a 2001 performance titled Dysfunction BOB BARRAZA Bob Barraza is the drummer for the Seattle based band Shivering Denizens and part of the Portland based Samba group Bloco Alegria. He collaborated with KT from 1995-2001 on four projects: 4/4 culture, Residue, Dysfunction and Attracted to Accidents. KT NIEHOFF KT Niehoff creates multi-dimensional performances that integrate choreography, music, design, film and technology to create her signature form. She co-founded Velocity Dance Center, and currently owns 10 degrees LLC, art+event space. Notable honors include: MAP Fund, Dance Teacher Magazine Cover, MANCC Fellow, NEA, National Dance Project, and Artist Trust Fellow. KT is currently writing a musical about math and magic, premiering spring 2021. She has battled Bi-Polar Disorder for 35 years, effectively medicated for the last 10. ALIA SWERSKY Alia Swersky is best known as an improviser, solo performer, ritual creator, mentor and teacher. Alia has been on faculty at Cornish College since 2005 and is currently PT Faculty at the UW Dance Department. Alia has been battling depression her whole life; every day is a moment to moment commitment to stay here, to stay alive, and to find refuge in the beauty of art, nature, and the humans she deeply loves.


FOX WHITNEY WE R GOLDIN Choreographer: Fox Whitney Performers: Will Courtney and Fox Whitney Sound: Fox Whitney and Kim Petras FOX WHITNEY Fox Whitney is a dancer and interdisciplinary performance maker. Fox’s transgender and queer point of view is at the heart of their performance project, Gender Tender, for which they create experiences that investigate the nature of trans and queer relationships and histories as well as the surreal nature of transformation. Gender Tender engages a team of artists trained in Fox’s unique methods modeled on sports teams, cults, sitcoms and riots. Fox was awarded the 2018 Artist in Residence position at Velocity Dance Center. Their work has been presented by Velocity and commissioned and produced by On the Boards, the Twist Film Festival, The Seattle International Dance Festival, Yellow Fish Epic Durational Festival and Gay City Arts.


CHERYL DELOSTRINOS FRUIT Choreographer and Performer: Cheryl Delostrinos Co-Direction: Megan Erickson Music: MNDSN, Beyonce CHERYL DELOSTRINOS OF AU COLLECTIVE Cheryl Delostrinos is a Filipino American born and raised in Seattle. She  is one of the co-founders and the former Artistic and Executive Director of Au Collective. Delostrinos has presented many works for festivals and events in Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, and New York, including The CHIN Project at the 92nd St  Y, NW New Works Festival, SAM Remix, Risk/Reward, Sassquatch, the Beacon Hill block party, and Filipinx in the Diaspora. She is a cultural worker and movement educator with SAAS, Yesler Community Center, and Coyote Central. Delostrinos has devoted her life to creating and fostering art spaces that are accessible to marginalized communities.  She believes that art in not a privilege, it is a right. Cheryl is passionate about creating a  platformfor the young people to access the tools they need in order to empower themselves and become the future leaders of this world.


ARSON NICKI & MISS TEXAS 1988 NO TAKEBACKS Choreographers and Performers: Arson Nicki and Miss Texas 1988 Sound: Arson Nicki Special thanks to Stasia Coup, Lazy Susan, Bitch Hazel, and Lilith ARSON NICKI Arson Nicki is a drag artist currently based in Seattle, WA. Their performance work has been showcased at the Seattle Art Museum, On the Boards, Annex Theatre, the Bumbershoot Music & Arts Festival, Studio Current, and various nightlife venues up and down the West Coast. Arson's work references pop culture and contemporary fashion to question gender norms, presents drag in unexpected settings, and advocates for platforms for their communities. MISS TEXAS 1988 Miss Texas 1988 (she/her) is the frazzled creation of performance artist Nico Pecans (they/them). She's had the honor of being Critter Person 2018, winner of R Place's "So You Think You Can Drag" competition, and defeatee of the Miss Bacon Strip Unpageant. Drag-queen, clown, and considerate ball of chaos, Texas embodies a radical disruption of all that is standard via the glorious way we all rebel and succeed though defiant failure.




VIS-À-vis society

four years ago the future: we built you this time machine and change is messy but somehow from the cells we were and imaginal possibility we are becoming something new Choreographer: Vis-à-Vis Society Performers: Dr. Ink (Sierra Nelson) and Dr. Owning (Rachel Kessler) Sound: Sonia Monet Saxon / Soundcloud DJ sonia monet As we explored the 4x4 stage and the number 4, we realized a lot had gone down in our lives in the past 4 years. (Maybe you too?) We collaboratively wrote and danced our way into the number 4. We tried to build an invisibility cloak. We built a time machine cocoon. We learned that within the chrysalis, out of the dissolved cells of caterpillar soup, previously dormant “imaginal cells” start to develop the first idea of radical future form. THE VIS-à-VIS SOCIETY The Vis-à-Vis Society is a group of poet-scientist founded by Drs. Ink and Owning (a.k.a. Sierra Nelson and Rachel Kessler). Working across media including interactive performances, large-scale installations, theater, film, visual art, music, dance, and text, the Vis-à-Vis Society has appeared at Live at the NW Film Forum, V2, Henry Art Gallery, Hedreen Gallery, Seattle Art Museum, Bellevue Arts Museum’s Bellwether Festival, Lo-Fi Festival at Smoke Farm, NEPO 5K, and Brooklyn’s Galapagos Art Space.


SCOTT/POWELL PERFORMANCE solo for allison b Choreographer: Molly Scott Performer: Allison Burke Composer: Jarrad Powell Thanks to Sara Jinks (All Around Rock Star!), Alex Harding (Lighting Design) and On the Boards for their support. A special thanks to Allison Burke for inspiring and realizing this work. SCOTT/POWELL PERFORMANCE Scott/Powell Performance (S/PP) is home for the collaborative work of choreographer Molly Scott and composer Jarrad Powell. For 25+ years they have explored the intersection between movement, sound, and visual territories. S/PP has been presented through On the Boards, Velocity Dance Center, Myrna Loy Theater/Helena Presents, PICA’s T:BA Festival, Dance Theater Workshop/NYC, The Southern Theater/ Minneapolis, PNB’s Celebrate Seattle Festival, Reed College/Portland, and Composer/Choreographer. Projects of S/PP have received funding from the National Performance Network/Creation Fund, National Endowment for the Arts, Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, Artist Trust, 4Culture, Mayor’s Office of Arts & Culture/Seattle. www.scottpowell.org ALLISON BURKE Allison Burke is a performer/choreographer based in Seattle, WA. Allison currently performs with Cherdonna Shinatra’s company DONNA and is lead singer of Seattle punk band, No Baby. As a choreographer, Allison has presented her work and film at venues/festivals across Seattle including Velocity Dance Center’s Bridge Project, Earshot Jazz Festival, TUF Fest, Next Dance Cinema, Racer Sessions, Open Studio, the Seattle Art Museum, and more. Allison teaches dance at Velocity Dance Center and is Operations Manager at Base: Experimental Arts + Space.


ilvs strauss i don't wanna lose this feeling Choreographer, performer, sound: ilvs strauss Thank you Steven Hill, Rob Kitsos, Mauricio Pauly, Jody Kuehner, On the Boards ilvs strauss To be clear, the pause she sustains while maintaining eye contact with a person after explaining what the ‘MFA’ in ‘MFA’ stands for is nothing more than an outwardly manifested front to her internal attempt to figure out whether or not any further information of said person can be derived from the ‘definition of MFA’ shaped negative space that inhabits the full breadth of their knowledge other than ‘Does not have an MFA themselves.' She is currently attending school in Vancouver, BC.


jessica jobaris & general magic excerpts from "orphans, thieves & other unlived lives" Choreographer: Jessica Jobaris in collaboration with General Magic performers Performers: Carie Esquenazi, Hannah Rae, Hendri Walujo, Jessica Jobaris, Melissa Sanderson, and Maia Veague. Music: Talk Talk, Explosions in the Sky & David Lingo, Vivaldi, Bradley Laina "Orphans, Thieves, & Other Unlived Lives" premieres Nov 7-16th at Base: Experimental Arts & Space. Visit jessicajobaris.com/tickets. JESSICA JOBARIS & GENERAL MAGIC Jessica Jobaris has been choreographing, teaching, performing, touring and exploring movement and awareness for 25+ years across the world. She holds a BFA from Cornish College of the Arts and is Artistic Director of Jessica Jobaris & General Magic, a dance-theater, multi-media performance company, intersecting catastrophe, comedy, and sacred ritual. Her latest General Magic work, "Orphans, Thieves and other Unlived Lives" will premiere at Base Experimental Arts & Space November 7-16th, 2019. www.jessicajobaris.com 


etienne cakpo zehli dance Choreographer and performer: Etienne Cakpo Music: Alekpéhanou Zéhli is a traditional royal court dance from the Abomey Region of Benin, West Africa. it has been performed since the late 1800s, and is marked by graceful undulation of the back and deeply-bend knees. This piece is arranged by Etienne based on typical movements danced to the Zéhli polyrhythms found in Benin music. ETIENNE CAKPO Etienne Cakpo is an award-winning dancer, choreographer and musician from Benin, West Africa.  Specialized in instruction and performance of traditional African dance from Benin as well as contemporary African dance styles, Etienne has been building his repertoire for nearly thirty years. He is director of Gansango Music & Dance, a dance company registered in Washington State since 2000. Gansango works with libraries, schools and independent arts agencies to make African dance and music performances available to a wide range of audiences, including young children. As Artistic Director of Gansango, Etienne has been the innovative mind and lead choreographic talent behind numerous public dance performances, representing a remarkable diversity of styles, and embodying collaborations with a broad range of collaborators from Uzbekistan to Burkina Faso, from Japan to Zimbabwe. For Etienne, the act of creating dance is innovation by definition, with his culture and cross-cultural collaborations serving as key inspirational forces.


THANK YOU, ON THE BOARDS DONORS! INSTITUTIONAL & COMMUNITY PARTNERS 100,000+ | The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 50,000+ | New England Foundation for the Arts (National Dance Project and National Theater Project)

10,000+ | 4Culture, Kreielsheimer Remainder Foundation, The Morgan Fund, Totokaelo, Garneau-Nicon Family Foundation, The Norcliffe Foundation, Prairie Underground, Seattle Office of Arts & Culture 5,000+ | Aesop, Tyler Engle Architects PS, WESTAF

25,000+ | ArtsFund, The National Endowment for the Arts, National Performance Network

2,500+ | ArtsWA (Washington State Arts Commission), Nordstrom, Olson Kundig Architects, PayPal, The Ostara Group

INDIVIDUAL DONORS Thank you to all our donors! This list includes donors through October 22nd, 2019. Please contact Erica Bower Reich at erica@ontheboards.org if your name should be included but isn’t, or is spelled incorrectly. Thank you!

Branch, Kimberlee Brillhart^, Monique Courcy, Florangela Davila, Nicole Stellner & Peter Eberhardy*^, Gina GlascockBroze*, Beth Glosten, Pamela & Robert Gregory*, Corey Gutch, Civilization, Wassef & Racha Haroun, In Honor of John Hoedemaker, Stephen Hoedemaker & Thomas Swenson*, Dave Holt, Chiyo Ishikawa & Mark Calderon, Andrea Jones, Tom & Jeannie Kundig^, Tina LaPadula & Boyd Post, Caroline Dodge and Ross Lambert, Mireya Lewin, Nikola Litven*, Michael Lockman & Woody Davidson, James & Christina Lockwood, Mari London, Robert R. McGinley*^, Doug Mora*, Mary Ann Peters, Timothy Pfeiffer, Cecilia Paul and Harry Reinert*^, Andrew Adamyk & Caroline Renard, Mort & Sara Richter*, Spafford Robbins*, Jennifer Roberts, Jerry Fulks & Stephanie Saland, In memory of Jeffrey Gerson, Carlo & Eulalie Scandiuzzi, Duane Schuler & Sylvia Wolf*, Sara Dickerman & Andrew Shuman*^, Case van Rij, Moya Vazquez*, Gail Gibson & Claudia Vernia*, Greg Kucera & Larry Yocom

$20,000+ John & Shari Behnke*^, Merrill Wright* $10,000+ Ruth & Tony Lockwood*, Rich & Leanne Reel*^, Bill True, Davora Lindner & Ro Yoon* $5,000+ Anonymous^, Tyler Engle*^, John Hoedemaker*, Tom & Cyndy Israel^, Lance F. Neely*, John C. Robinson & Maya Sonenberg*^, Jimmy Rogers*, Timothy Tomlinson & Vu Pham^, Norie Sato & Ralph Berry^, David & Dana Taft^, Annette Toutonghi*^, Chi Chi Wyman^ $2,500+ Maryika Byskiniewicz, DowBuilt, Josef Vascovitz & Lisa Goodman*^, Alfred Lee & Alison Heald*, Rodney Hines*, Dionysus Giving*^, DowBuilt, Marge Levy & Larry Lancaster*^, Diana Knauf & Bjorn Levidow*, Barbara Lewis*, Mama Restaurant Group, Mark Malamud & Susan Hautala*, Kate Murphy, Muutus Studio – Kristen Becker, Erica Tiedemann & Bill Way*, Virginia & Bagley Wright $1,000+ Anonymous, Chap & Eve Alvord^, Grace Nordhoff & Jonathan Beard, Lara Behnert, Greg Bishop^, John

$500+ Howard Goodfriend & Helen Anderson, Judy Tobin & Mike Baker, Karena & Ian Birk*, Betsey Brock & Eric Fredericksen*^, Susan Den*, Linda Derschang, Jennifer Salk & David Ehrich*^, Mark Foltz*, Ariel Glassman*, Ben Goosman, Aaron & Karen Grady-Brown*, Seth Grizzle, Jay Hamilton^, Adrianne Hersrud, Douglas Holtzman, Pierre Lenhardt & Mariane Ibrahim-Lenhardt,

1,000+ | 501 Commons, Baby & Company, Facebook, Grace Jones Richardson Testamentary Trust in honor of Lance Neely, Jean T. Fukuda Memorial Fund for the Performing Arts, Herbivore, Lane Powell, Mutuus Studio, The Pink Door, The Seattle Foundation, Tomlinson Linen Service, Wyman Youth Trust 400+ | Charles Smith Wines

Sara Jinks, Marylyn Ward & Jay Johnston, Gus & Connie Kravas, Bryan Lineberry, Dr. Quinton I. Morris, In memory of Stella Jacobs, Jeremy Price, Timothy Rhodes, Matt & Maren Robertson*, Spafford's Sister, Sarah Rudinoff*, Cathy & Max Sarkowsky, Britt Karhoff + David Levitt, George & Kim Suyama, Ruth True, Chad & Tina Urso McDaniel*, Kate Wallich $250+ Jenny Abrams, Katherine Bourbonais, Todd Campbell, Tova Cubert, Jeffrey Currier, Sarah Foster, Heath Foster & Kevin Trombold, Jeffrey Fracé^, Pam Fredericksen, Yonnas Getahun, Toni & Peter Haley, Victoria Hardy, Robert Hutchison Architecture, Sean Kennedy, Marriam Leve, Jena Malone, Catharina & Nitin Manchanda, Gene Gentry McMahon & Bill McMahon, @ WorldFamous, Erika Nesholm, Katy Hannigan & Roy Powell, Alan & Juliet Pruzan, Braiden Rex-Johnson & Spencer Johnson, Holly Arsenault & Matthew Richter*, Paula Riggert, Sharman Haley & Michael Samoya, Kathy Savory, Thomas Van Doren, Andrea Wagner $100+ Alethea Alexander, Jacqueline & Wayne Barnett*^, Tessa and Chris Bennion Maria Bianco, Wally & Julie Bivins, Karen Guzak^, Huong Vu & Bill Bozarth, Carol Brinster, CJ Brockway, Elizabeth A Brown^, David Bryant, Carolyn Butler, Sheryl Cababa, Robin Calderon, Lorrie Cardoso, Jennifer Chunn,


Rachel Cook & Eric Zimmerman, Claire Cowie, Joe Blow, Ryan Diaz, Nancy Edelstein, Dorit Ely, Matthew Echert*^, Brian Faker, Anne Focke, Kai Fujita, Vallejo Gantner, Emily Geballe, Jenny Gerber, Mark Fleming & Drindy Gier, Kaveh Goudarzian, Lindsay Hastings, Alyssa Hiler, Vivian Hua, Alex Hyman, Wendy Jackson, Joey Jagod, Jane Keating, Mike Katell & Sarah Leyrer, Jake Keating, Timothy & Jayne Keating, King James, Brandon Kinports, Hilary Leonard, Nikolai Lesnikov, Tessa Levine-Sauerhoff, Valerie Loebs, Wade Madsen & Eric Pitsenbarger, Ella Mahler, Sandy & Tim Marsden, Jessica Massart, William Massey, Kaitlin McCarthy, P. E. & Anna McKee, Jack McLarnan & Rachel Willner, Sarah Meigs, Shamim Momin, Peg Murphy & Steve McCarthy, Robert Pearlman, Zoltan Pekic, Clyde Petersen, Peggy Piacenza, Jessica Powers, Maximilian Press, Christopher & Rebecca Prosser, Dan & Debbie Raas, Kathryn Rathke, David J. Roberts, Rocky Salskov, Carl Sander, Sarah Cave, Larry Schlessinger, Hanita Schwartz, Patricia Scott, Shelley McIntyre & Bradley Serbus, Heather Kravas, Robert Stumberger^, Sarah Harlett & Dan Tierney, Janet Upjohn, Scott & Tess Van Wagner, Lisa Williams, Frances Wolfe, Nina Yarbrough, Jayme Yen $50+ Anonymous, JosĂŠ Amador, Susan Benson, Colleen Borst & Lindsey Twombly, Kimberly Brauer, Fancy, Dani Tirrell & Marlon Brown, Elvia Pilar Carreon, Tamara Codor, Aaron Craddick, Martha's sister Diane^, Katie Davis & Jacob Sayles, Christine Deavel & J.W. Marshall, Eleana Del Rio & David Jeno, John Deshazo, Dwayne Epp & Mark Tilbe, Michael L. Furst, Molly Gillette, Pamm Hanson, Emma Hreljanovic, Amanda Joan Hubbard, Path with Art, Maureen Kamali,

Helene Kaplan, John Michael Keating, Adam Kennedy, Kristan Kennedy, Doug Keyes, Sofie Kline, Olivia Knapp, Lisa Liedgren, Mike McCracken & Keely Isaak Meehan, Paul Mendes, Mary Metastasio, Catherine Nueva EspaĂąa, Rob Pastorok & Global Artists Collective, Jean RowlandsTarbox, Ruri Yampolsky, Gypsy Mandelbaum, Tim SmithStewart, Rafael Soldi, Michael Thompson^, Ellen Sollod & Ken Torp, Laura Valiente, Amelia Wade, Jonella Windell, Becky & Rob Witmer, Jason Young, Ellen Ziegler $10+ Anonymous, Diana Adams, Christina Arcidy, Blaise Aguera y Arcas, Steve Ash, Wyly Astley, Jeffrey Azevedo, Erin BaileySun, Gedney Barclay, Lucy Barcott, Tom Bardwell, Thomas Beck, Will Beeler, Meghan Moe Beitiks, Ron Berry, Colby Bradley, Rachael Brister, Sandy Turner, Matt Browning, Liza Burell, Ian Butcher & Carol Chapman, Karen Bystrom, Evelyn Caldwell-Horne, Jane Carter, Evan Cartwright, Elena Chernock, Renata Chew, Brendan Malec, Elizabeth Conner, Liza Curtiss, Courtney Dailey, W. Scott Davis, Susan Davis, Zachary Davis, Alan Denke, Samie Detzer, Max Dobler, Gonzalo Domingo, Alexander Dones, Greg Drohan, Tonya Peck & Alex Dunne, Michael Eddington, Claire Eliot Yazza, Ana Deboo & Douglas Ende, Champ Ensminger, Timothy Farrell, Kelly Forsyth, Robin Fox, Terese Freedman, E. Steven Fried, Victoria Garcia, Kiesha Garrison, Viraj Ghandi, Neil Goldberg, Helene Goss, Alice Gosti, Bruce Greeley, Can Gulan, Imana Gunawan, McKenna Haley, Michael Hamm, Lyla Hanna, Alexandra Harding, Barbara Sauermann & Wier Harman, Aisha Hauser, Nina Bozicnik & Jessica Henske, Christine Hoggatt, Catherine Hillenbrand & Joseph Hudson, Pearce Hyatt, Lars

America Jan, Erin Johnson, Evan Johnson, Ronald Jones, In Memory of Jeff Gerson, Theresa Keesling, Katie Kern, Cyrus Khambatta, Alex Knight, Lou Koehler, Vladimir Kremenovic, Hannah Kris, Jody Kuehner, Erin Langner, Ji Lee, Minna Lee, Jake Lindsay, Howard Litwak, Francesca Lohmann, Lisa Looye, James Louie, Kyle Loven, Shaya Lyon, Kim MacDonald, Jordan Rahne MacIntosh-Hougham, Matthew Maker, Allison Manch, Lisa Marahrens, Christl Marcontell, Ben McCarthy, Erin McCarthy, Cara McDermott, Craig Blackmon & Tiffany McDermott, Erin McDonald, Ellen McGivern, Filiz Efe McKinney, Zita Mears, Stephanie Mehl, Guy Merrill, Molly Michal, Tracy Middlebrook, Missy & David Miller, Kyle Mitchell, Bill Monroe, Daniel Morris, Jeffrey Morrow, Kyle Nunes, Kiera O'Brien, Raegen Rasnic & Arlen Olsen, Wolf Owczarek, Hadley Pack, Seth Pacleb, Alex Pasternack, Warren Pease, David Pedersen, Danny Pinsker, Alisa Popova, Base, Beth & Allanah Raas-Bergquist, Georgia Ragsdale, Lilia Flores, Erica Bower Reich, Lynn Resnick, Elissa Favero, April Roberts, David Robinson, Kris Rockas, Louise Roman, Pol Rosenthal, Misty Shock Rule, Karla Schickele, Elizabeth Schultz, Zoe Scofield, Michael Seiwerath, Claudia Bach, Charles Smith, Porter Smith, Frank Stieber, Richard Stroup, Margaret Sutro, Barbara Swain, Jesse James Swingle, Harold Thackrey, Laurie Thornton, Casey Thurston, Matthew Tischer, AmyEllen Trefsger, Anna Trier, Seth Vail, Rita Van Doren, Rebecca Wear, Paul Watts & Misty Weaver*, Maggie Wegener, Ingrid West, Ahamefule Oluo & Lindy West, Jeanna Wheeler, Robert Wigton, Derrick Williams, Kevin & Jana Witt, Pauline Woodman, James Zulauf

You can join this list of treasured humans by: - adding a donation when you buy your tickets - calling or emailing samie@ontheboards.org / 206-217-9886 ext.1023 - dipping your credit card in the ART ROBOT DipJar (look for the sign that says Art Robot)



On the Boards is grateful for the generous support of the following organizations


About On the Boards Founded by artists in 1978, On the Boards invests in leading contemporary performing artists near and far, and connects them to a diverse range of communities interested in forward-thinking art and ideas. We believe if we are successful in our work that we can grow our field, enrich peoples’ lives, and contribute to civic and global dialogues. We value: artistic risks while being fiscally responsible; leadership in our field and the multiple communities we serve to strategically advance the role contemporary artists play in society; racial and social equity, and accountability, to ensure our organization includes multiple viewpoints; provocative art as a vehicle to connect people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives; our local creative community as we engage with international artists and peers; and professional and transparent management.

STAFF Betsey Brock, Executive Director Rachel Cook, Artistic Director Samie Detzer, Director of External Relations Rich Bresnahan, Technical Director Kate Connerty, Communications Associate Sara Ann Davidson, Operations Manager and Office Witch Alexandra Harding, Assistant Technical Manager Clare Hatlo, Associate Producer Sara Jinks, Production Coordinator Ben Marx, Sound Technician Erin McCarthy, Bookkeeper Pamala Mijatov, Director of Audience Services Eze-Basil Oluo, House Manager Erica Bower Reich, Patron Relations Specialist Charles Smith, Curatorial Administrator


BOARD Davora Lindner, Board President Ruth Lockwood, Past President John Hoedemaker, Vice President John Robinson, Treasurer Michaela Hutfles, Secretary Tyler Engle, Member at Large Tom Israel, Member at Large Norie Sato, Member at Large Kristen Becker, Lara Behnert, John Behnke, Kim Brillhart, Maryika Byskiniewicz, Jeanie Chunn, Florangela Davila, Jeffrey FracĂŠ, Corey Gutch, Rodney Hines, John Hoedemaker, Tina LaPadula, Mireya Lewin, Mari London, Lance Neely, David Taft, Emily TannerMcLean, Kate Murphy, Mary Ann Peters, Spafford Robbins, Jimmy Rogers, Robert Stumberger, Annette Toutonghi, Josef Vascovitz, Bill Way




Ahamefule Oluo: Susan Dec 5-8 Merrill Theater

Taylor Mac: Holiday Sauce December 19 & 20, 8:00 pm The Moore Theater

This darkly comic musical portrait of Oluo's mother builds one story out of many, a journey from Section 8 housing in 1980s Seattle to the mangrove swamps of the Niger Delta to the Clallam Bay Correctional Facility. With stunning new compositions combined with soul-baring stand-up interludes, Oluo explores two intertwining narratives: his mother’s life as the white, Midwestern wife of a Nigerian chief and, later, a destitute single mother; and his own journey to Nigeria, as an adult, to visit his late father’s village and discover a family on the other side of the world.

Christmas as calamity – 2017 MacArthur Fellow and Pulitzer Prize finalist Taylor Mac takes on the holidays to celebrate the season in all of its dysfunction.

The follow-up to Oluo’s musical Now I’m Fine, SUSAN is a story about the failings of men and the endurance of women. It is a crystalline slice of American life; a collision of class, race, bodies, love, and men with bad intentions; a tragedy about the most comically optimistic person on earth.

Performance Lab: Uncanny Cabaret Dec 11, 8:00 pm Studio Theater Co-curated by Performance Lab Producer Charles Smith and Artist Matt Aguayo.

For this new production, Taylor Mac is joined by longtime collaborators, designer Machine Dazzle, Music Director Matt Ray, and a spectacular band to reframe the songs you love and the holidays you hate.

Jaha Koo, Cuckoo Jan 23-26, 2020 Merrill Theater In Cuckoo, South Korean artist Jaha Koo gives a touching insight into the tragedy of a lonely life in a thoroughly technologized society–all through a sequence of dialogues between Koo and three rice cookers. One day when his electric rice cooker informed him that his meal was ready, Jaha Koo experienced a deep sense of isolation. ‘Golibmuwon’ is an untranslatable Korean word expressing the feeling of helpless isolation that characterizes the lives of many young people in Korea today.

Performance Lab is a continuation of OtB's longstanding commitment to showcasing works-in-progress by artists from across the Pacific Northwest.





In 1979, On the Boards was born; the love child of a group of artists with a dream for world-class contemporary performance in Seattle. Over the past four decades, On the Boards has shaped the way our region experiences performance. We celebrate the artists that launched here; and the audiences that have embraced and supported new art and ideas at On the Boards from 1979 to 2019.

Join us for this birthday extravaganza from 6-10PM and become a part of the future of On the Boards featuring special guest, Reggie Watts! Tasty food and drinks. OtB Alumni Toasts and Tributes. As well as special guests... Reggie Watts, Dakota Camacho, Sarah Rudinoff and Dude York!

TICKETS: ontheboards.org/birthdayparty

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