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NorthOkaloosaPhysicianGroup.com North Okaloosa Medical Center is owned in part by physicians.
July/August 2018
Contributor's Page
Publisher's Page
Chipped, Broken Yet Beautiful Everyone has a story.
The Opioid Epidemic
Coolest On The Coast
Dehydration & Summer
Our fantastic editors who you've come to know and love!
26 14
Are Your Kids Summer Sliding? Keep them on track in a fun way.
38 Making a Difference
Emerald Coast Poker Run Paddle at the Porch
Event Calendar
All you need for fun every day of the week!
An adjustment to avoid the addiction. From Bungees, Activities and Concerts... Our annual list is here! They go hand in hand so best be prepared.
On the Cover: Beach lover and photographer @Jesseme93 gives us a taste of some local adventure On the Coast.
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CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Tim Douglass Denise Gates
Laura Lucy
Paul Hunter Paul Hunter, B.S., C.S.C.S, lives On the Coast with his wife and three teenagers infusing science with his playful style yielding astonishing results at Grayton Beach Fitness, voted Best Place to Work Out on 30-A.
Crystal Tingle Crystal, along with her husband of 19 years and 3 boys, has been living in the Destin area since 2005. She is Founder of TheFitandHealthyLife. com which is a resource website created to teach and empower women to become the best version of themselves at any age through healthy food and fitness. Her passion to help women grew from her own transformation from frumpy mom to fit mom when she finally learned to stop comparing herself to others and focus on being the best that she could be… competing only with herself and all of this happened after 40!
Laura Lucy owns Beachside Certifications, a CPR and first aid training company based in Destin. She also works virtually for Harbor House of Central Florida as a grant writer and marketing coordinator. When she's not working, you can find Laura and her husband Patrick trying to wrangle their crazy fiveyear-old redhead, Vivi.
Denise is a freelance writer and editor, the stay-at-home mother of two teenage boys, and a military wife whose husband’s career takes her all over the country but whose heart remains in Destin, FL. As any writer knows, a second set of eyes is essential before submitting an article for publication. Denise is often asked to be that second set of eyes for us – to read over articles and make sure the Is are dotted and the Ts are crossed. Denise reviews articles and restructures them as necessary to make sure the writer’s message shines through. Writers put their passion down on paper, but we run it by Denise first.
Manda Koolis
Emma Savoie Emma Savoie grew up exploring the Emerald Coast and loves sharing its wonders with others through art, photography, and writing. She has recently started working on commissioned pieces and features some of her artwork on Instagram @exploring.with. art. On a normal, summer day, you can either find her in a local coffee shop with a cafe au lait, computer, and sketchbook, or out wandering the waves at the beach with family and friends.
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Dr. Douglass has been practicing as a licensed chiropractor since 1991. It was his positive experience with chiropractic care as a patient after an auto accident in his teenage years that put him on the career path of helping others the way he had been helped. He received his Bachelor’s of Science degree from Springfield College with concentrations in Nutrition and Chemistry and went on to graduate with Honors in Research from Palmer College of Chiropractic. He has received postgraduate training through Harvard Medical School Continuing Education and is a member of the American Association of Spine Physicians.
Skylar Babin Throughout her life, Skylar Capri has always been captivated by the wonder of God's creation along the Emerald Coast. As the current Miss Okaloosa as well as the Distinguished Young Woman of Okaloosa for 2018, Skylar has a love for inspiring others and takes that role seriously. You can follow her dream pursuits on her Instagram @skylarcapri123 and YouTube (Skylar Capri) as she works diligently on her music and writing career.
Manda has been enjoying coastal living for three years now with her sweet husband and mini daschunds. She's a jane-of-alltrades; professional boudoir photographer, body positivity activist and natural living advocate. She enjoys spending her time off playing video games with her husband and allowing her creative side to run wild.
ON THE COAST is published six times a year and is available free of charge at more than 200 strategically placed locations. ON THE COAST encourages your comments, suggestions and submissions, and we reserve the right to edit for tone, grammar, style or length. The Magazine will not be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork or photography. Editorials articulated in this publication do not necessarily reflect that of ON THE COAST MAGAZINE. ON THE COAST is a division of KIDZ ON THE COAST ® Publishing, INC. All materials are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the publisher. Kidz on the coast Publishing Inc., does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial content, nor does Kidz on the Coast Publishing Inc., or its staff assume responsibility should such advertising or editorial content appear in any publication.
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(850) 642-5439 E-mail OTC@OntheCoastMag.com SALES (850) 642-5439 FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ONTHECOASTMAGAZINE www.OnTheCoastMag.com
Joyful summer! Kids are fully immersed in fun, fun, fun and families are busy vacationing and enjoying this time together. The weather is perfect (with the occasional Florida shower), and you can feel the excitement even in your own home! Summer is a great time to get out and enjoy our beaches and all this area has to offer. Our locals benefit from all the activities this time of year, too. And there's plenty! From concerts to movies under the stars to theatrical performances to fireworks that light up the night sky, our coast offers all, something to remember and to look forward to year after year after year. Inside our pages you'll find our Coolest on the Coast editoriala little tidbit into our area of some of the places, happenings, and even people that make our area special. Beyond the Coolest on the Coast section, our calendar lists amazing, one-of-a-kind events that will tickle the fancy of kids, from the very young to those big kids we call adults. With something for
everyone every day and night of the week in the summer, our area explodes with excitement! More often than not, it's also free! Let our easy to read calendar help you explore our truly amazing area of the country. We also feature our magazine online at www.OntheCoastMag. com so you can share it with friends who might be coming to spend their vacation here. Give them a heads up on all the calendar of events and happenings around the Emerald Coast. You'll want to take a moment to like our Facebook page as well. There you'll find lots of extra goodies that might not have been available at the time of print. Check out our *WIN WEDNESDAY* posts for your chance to win incredible prizes every week! A word of caution before I sign off: The sun we all love and adore can be very harsh on your skin and can quickly turn your happy summertime into an inside-and-bored time, so protect it! I remember the day my son brought home a friend from the beach who was so sunburnt he could not move! On this day, he received the nickname “El Tomato”. With that said, have the best time for these next two Summer months, and at least wear sunscreen so you can avoid being called “El Tomato” for the rest of your life. Now, sit back and enjoy this issue on your time here On the Coast and make this summer memorable.
2004 Gold ADDY Award
2008 Silver ADDY Award
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by Crystal Tingle
ecently I went on a girls’ tennis weekend to a resort near Jacksonville, Fl. And yes it was fabulously fun as you probably could deduct from just 3 little words…GIRLSTENNIS- WEEKEND!! Enough said, right? But it was also located on a beach. Sadly I must admit that I have never been to any of the Atlantic beaches because why would I? We have the most fabulous white sand and emerald green water on our Gulf Coast that beats any other place in our country! But what I didn’t realize about this particular beach is how many shells blanketed the waters edge! Despite the beauty, our shell searching doesn’t come that easily. This beach had thousands and thousands of small shells to the point that it was virtually impossible to walk along without stepping on one. I thought it magnificent simply because I hadn’t seen that before. So as I strolled and started picking up a few to take home, I noticed something else. Most of them were broken. Some with just a little chip here and there but others were really marred with sharp edges. Maybe they washed up that way, beaten down by the waves that carried them in or maybe they didn’t arrive that way at all but were stepped on as people passed by. But each of them had a uniqueness that I found so interestingly attractive. Each had it’s own shape, size, and color. No two seemed to be alike even among the ones that looked to be of similar type. The colors that draped each shell varied much like the different colors in our personalities we don. Some were more vibrant and rich in color and some were shiny with a regal pearl patina while still others were very subtle and soft and grey, blending in among the thousands of others. But regardless of the statement they
made, they were broken yet beautiful. Much like these shells, this is life... this is us! We live in an imperfect world and are imperfect people. I cannot think of one single person in my life that has it all together and figured out. Not one! We are all like these thousands of shells…a chip missing here or there…some more marred and jagged than others…some subtle and subdued because maybe they have lost their voice…others more vibrant in color because they have found theirs and have something to say about it all! Some are broken from disappointments or maybe lost dreams. Some chipped and cracked from the waves of life…maybe from sickness or loss. Still others might be more jagged from being stepped on by abuse or abandonment… or addiction or loneliness or just simply hardships that life can bring…little or big. But regardless, broken.
“We are all broken. That’s how the light gets in.” Ernest Hemingway
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I love when God meets me in these moments in His creation and allows me to see these comparisons between nature and man… because it reminds me to “consider” these things in everyday life when I encounter or interact with others. It reminds me that everyone has a story. I have my own. It reminds me that their story is just as important as mine. It reminds me to value who they are and why they are. It reminds me to look beyond the hue they don and see the chips and cracks of life here and there. It reminds me that we blanket the water’s edge of life together… side by side. It reminds me that each one, and not one more than the other, is beautiful! It reminds me of the magnificence and splendor in this beauty and that there is truly beauty in the broken!
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WHAT IS by Dr. Timothy Douglass
ur nation is facing a real epidemic with more than a hundred deaths a day from the overuse of pain medication.
Opioids prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain include medications such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, and fentanyl. From 2000 to 2014, the rate of overdose deaths involving opioids tripled. Further data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows opioids were involved in 42,249 deaths in 2016, that anyone can be at risk, and dependence does not discriminate based on sex, age, race, or region of the country. Why has our country become so addicted to opioids? “When you trace the roots, I think it started maybe 20 years ago, or perhaps less, when there was an actual concern that people’s pain wasn’t being sufficiently managed or even ignored,” says James Whedon, DC, MS, director of health services research at the Southern California University of Health Sciences. “Pharmaceutical companies started to jump on board with this idea and began engaging in some pretty aggressive marketing tactics. Now we have a situation where many hundreds of thousands of opioid prescriptions are dispensed every day in the United States.” Getting to the root cause of why someone is prescribed a painkiller in the first place may lead to a possible solution to the opioid epidemic facing our nation. After the common cold, low back injury is the number one reason for missed work. Eighty percent of our adult population hurt their back or will complain of back pain in their lifetime. If they visit a medical clinic first, they are more likely than not to be prescribed an anti-inflammatory, a pain killer, or muscle relaxer as a primary course of treatment. Each of these medications have known reactions within the body, ranging from upset stomach to more serious gastrointestinal disturbances and even death. With back and neck pain among the top pain generators in our nation, chiropractic physicians across the country offer an alternative to medication and surgery and are making a real difference in how we as a culture treat pain. They look at health a little differently than traditional medicine by focusing
more on the preventative aspects of health and well-being, concentrating on the science, art and philosophy which maintains that the human body innately seeks internal balance. This balanced health model primarily looks at problems of the nervous system (our brain and nerves to the body) that can be injured by trauma. A difficult birth, falling as a child when learning to walk, riding a bike, participating in contact sports, and the all-too-common fender bender can cause misalignments to our frame that interfere with optimum nerve expression and communication throughout our body leading to pain, poor strength, and illness. The nerves of the brain and body coordinate with the endocrine (hormone) system and all other systems of our bodies from our first heartbeat to the digestion of food, metabolism, regulation of our immune systems and muscles that control our movement. Chiropractors utilize specific corrective adjustments to the spine and other articulations like the shoulders, hips, feet and even the jaw. Care focuses on macro trauma as described above or micro trauma (such as overwork, lack of quality of sleep, and stress) to the body that cause nerve interference. Many studies over the years have shown the benefits of chiropractic spinal adjustments as a proven, cost-effective approach to musculoskeletal pain. Scientific literature has also supported spinal adjustments for a variety of human ailments as a result of the fine work of many osteopathic physicians. Both chiropractic and osteopathic physicians look to the musculoskeletal system as an important source of neck and back pain and a host of other ailments such as headaches, arthritis, digestive disorders, allergies, sinusitis and other maladies that afflict the human condition. In a landmark study conducted in our home state of Florida by Steve Wolk, Ph.D. and repeated in other states with similar results found that 10,652 workers who suffered a low back injury on the job when initially treated by a chiropractor versus a medical doctor were less likely to become temporarily disabled or, if disabled, remained disabled for a shorter period of time. Patients treated by medical doctors were hospitalized at a much higher rate than patients treated by chiropractors. Patients seen by a chiropractic physician had lower costs as well. Conservative chiropractic care is covered by most continued on page 46
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Meet the doc dr. timothy douglass
WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK. we successfully treat the following conditions
Back Pain Headaches and Migraines Neck Pain Whiplash Auto Injuries Sports Injuries Sciatica Scoliosis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Jaw/TMJ Pain Earaches Sinus and allergy And more
Double up vel a r t r e on Summ
With your Platinum Rewards Mastercard® *Double points offer is limited to qualifying purchases made using your EFCU Platinum Rewards Mastercard® between June 1, 2018 and August 31, 2018 in the following merchant categories: Airlines, Hotels, Car Rentals. We do not determine if merchants identify themselves as being in these categories, but reserve the right to determine which purchases qualify. Up to 10,000 points will be awarded per account. Your account must be open and in good standing at the time bonus points are credited, in mid-September 2018.
Where Members Matter Most Tell them you saw it in ON THE COAST Magazine • 13
ur small, quiet region of the U.S. seems to have been found out. It has actually turned into one of the most dream-worthy places to vacation in America and, if you’re lucky enough, to live in. The Emerald Coast is a delight to our first-time visitors and as so many return again and again, it’s obviously worth coming back to. The locals are passionate about this area and have started many a business to continue to draw the crowds. The warm weather, the sugar white sands and the crystal clear emerald waters as a magnificent backdrop
are hard to beat. This has become a hub of excitement, offering up one of our country’s largest outdoor beach festivals, the firsts of many (you have to read all our Coolest to find them), and just plain ol’ good times and fun. We hope our list inspires you to have a summer filled to the brim with discovery, amusement, good times and adventure. There are indefinite opportunities for an endless summer here On the Coast as we welcome you to our annual Coolest on the Coast selections! Enjoy. continued on page 16
Coolest Adrenaline Workout for Fitness Junkies Destin Pilates & Aerial Center 36150 Emerald Coast Parkway, Ste 108 Destin, FL 32541 (850) 460-2828
Always innovative and ahead of the curve, Susan Authement Dunnam of Destin Pilates and Aerial has been a pioneer on the Emerald Coast, bringing fresh and exciting ways to keep in shape and have fun while doing it. Susan's entrepreneurial spirit and willingness to search and develop has never stopped since moving to Destin in the spring of 2009. She has the longest-running successful Pilates studio in Destin and was also the first to bring many health and wellness concepts such as Ballet Barre, Aerial Hammock /Silks, The Rossiter Stretch System and now Bungee Jump Fitness to the area. "I have always been very active, being raised in a tennis family,” explains Susan. “My father Vince was a successful, courageous and determined business man who taught me that nothing was impossible if you set your mind to it and work hard to achieve it. I live by the adage that we don't stop playing because we get old, but we get old because we stop playing! I turn 55 this year and it in no way means I am slowing down because I am just getting started.” Susan discovered the incredible conditioning system known as Pilates in 1995 by accident while living in Aspen, CO and she has never looked back. “I am stronger and more flexible in my body now than I was in my 20s and that has allowed me to get creative in my workouts.” Her studio offers a wide variety of classes, all designed for a variety of reasons. Last year she created The Restorative Pilates Stretch with essential oils to help people relax, slow down and go within themselves, all while listening to praise music. This year she decided to create something completely different at the other end of the spectrum, The Bungee Jump Class. This class is high octane and fast paced with 1970s and 1980s music cranked. Check out the website at https://destinpilates.com/ for class details and schedules. “All the classes have a common goal in mind: they all help you lose track of time and feel like a kid again,” says Susan. “I am a firm believer in the fact that Movement Heals and at Destin Pilates and Aerial, we make sure of it!” Cool Factors: Gravity-defying workout, adrenaline rush experience, rapid fat burning, strength, endurance, flexibility and balance training
Coolest Place to Eat Clean Formula Fresh 4307 Legendary Drive 850-837-1801 www.formulafreshjuice.com
Formula Fresh is easily our favorite healthy obsession! Walk into this superfood bar and you will always be greeted by smiling faces, the aroma of essential oils, and fresh vibes. It has quickly become a top pick for meetings, hangouts, work, and even food on the go! Formula Fresh is on a mission to provide “healthy, delicious, and convenient nutrition” to locals and visitors alike and specifically caters to those seeking healthier food options. One unique aspect about Formula Fresh is their dedication to...well, keeping things fresh! In fact, every juice, smoothie, toast, protein bite, and acai bowl is made with whole ingredients daily right in their kitchen. Everything is wildly delicious and will leave you feeling fit and energized! Formula Fresh leaves its visitors with a taste of bliss. Cool Factors: Fresh juices made daily, inviting environment, options for juice cleanses and dietary supplements continued on page 18 16 • Tell them you saw it in ON THE COAST Magazine
11220 Hutcihson Boulevard Pa n a m a C i t y B e a c h , F L , 3 24 0 7
B i r t h d ay Pa r t i e s TDo od ddlge re BT iamle l @ J u s t j u m p p c b O P e n J u m p f a c e b o o k . c o m / J u s tJ u m p P C B
Fa m i ly N i g h tS o c - A i r
F i e l d T r i p s Basketball Hoop
j u s t j u m p. c o m
Group Events
Foam Pit
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Coolest Way to Try Local Beers
30A Brew Tours by Gulf Coast Go THE (850) 499-7217 www.gulfcoastgofl.com
continued from page 16 Beer lovers rejoice! 30A Brew Tours powered by Gulf Coast Go is a fun and unique way to experience local beers. Hop on our trolley at the public parking lot on 283 South in Grayton Beach (1505 County Rd 283 S - Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459). The Tour will depart every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:00 pm for adults 21+. Guests will enjoy a guided tour of the Grayton Beer Company brewery as well as a beer flight. Then climb aboard as we head to Shades Bar and Grill in Inlet Beach, where they will receive a flight of local beers and half off appetizers. Next, the trolley will make its way to the Grayton Beer Brewpub to enjoy one last flight of beer. The tour will consist of all "local" beers, brewed from the panhandle, including Grayton Beer Company, Idyll Hounds Brewing Company, and Oyster City Brewing Company. Grab some friends and get ready to make new ones along the way on the 30A Brew Tour! Tickets are available online for $65 at gulfcoastgofl. com/30abrewtours Gulf Coast Go will also be offering a daily trolley service running from Inlet Beach to San Destin, starting Summer 2018. Guests will be able to purchase an all-day pass so they can Hop on and off at their leisure. Locals will be able to buy a Local Pass at a discounted rate to travel with ease whether for work or play. Gulf Coast Go also has the capability to book local activities for riders, such as dolphin tours, paddle boarding, fishing charters, parasailing, watercraft rentals, water parks and more. Visit their website for trolley stops & pricing, or to book a tour. Cool Factors: Great way to experience local brewing companies, make new friends, don't have to worry about parking.
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Coolest Place to Get Your Viking On Ratchet Hatchet 222 Miracle Strip Pkwy Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 (850) 533-4014 www.theratchethatchet.com
While growing up in rural Indiana, handling weapons was a daily occurrence for young David Woodrow. It was normal for his dad to hand him a shotgun and tell him to go play. Fast forward to recently, after having just gotten out of the military, Woodrow’s frustration with small-time gigs, plans that were getting shaky and job options that just weren’t fulfilling, ultimately, led to the creation of Downtown Fort Walton Beach’s newest hangout, Ratchet Hatchet. As a self-proclaimed internet junkie, David said that he’d heard of the concept in passing before really taking it seriously. While perusing one day, he saw competitive ax throwing as a legitimate concept and knew it was right up his alley. He looked up schematics and proceeded to make up a range in his own backyard. It started simple enough. He took board game concepts and repurposed them to create games that involved the ax throwing. Before he knew it, he realized that people were in his backyard every weekend, which he doesn’t attribute to his personality. The success of something that he was doing just to have some fun now looked like something with more potential. He reached out to an acquaintance that he knew had more business smarts than he did. Enter Steven Garcia. Admittedly, Garcia didn’t get it at first, but David was determined to get his attention. Woodrow invited a group over for a round of play and instructed Garcia to watch the next patron’s face after his throw. When the ax hit the target dead-on, the young man completely lit up. Woodrow looked at Garcia and sold it by saying, “We wouldn’t be selling ax throwing. We’d be selling THAT.” In that moment, the spark was ignited and both parties began doing their research on to turn this concept into a real life thing. With the help of the Small Business Development Center, the belief of his friends and family, and a loan, they opened The Ratchet Hatchet and were immediately swamped by customers. Now, you may be thinking that this sounds like a guy’s thing, but guess what? Their biggest repeat business is from women! David recounted an evening where a group of women (who happened to be 50s something divorcees) showed up and paid for FOUR hours straight without ever having experienced ax throwing. When he tried to make sure they were good to go, they admonished him, saying, “Listen, cutie. We’re here to drink and mess things up. We’re all set.” The rest of the ladies arrived – toting a wagon full of alcohol and photos of their ex-husbands! He said they were really bad at the throwing, but anytime one of them stuck a throw, someone would yell out “WARRIOR PRINCESS!” Certainly, a very memorable experience for him, but I bet it was even more so for those women who got some of that pent up rage out of their systems! While you’re welcome to walk in and play at one of their 8 private ranges, you may want to call ahead or book online to make sure there’s plenty of room for you and your group. If you’re interested in a unique form of competition, there is a 40 bracket league competition beginning in August. It’s only $100 to buy in and the grand prize is a thousand dollars! Go check it out and make sure you tell them On the Coast Magazine sent you! Cool Factors: Unique way to release energy, relaxed environment that allows for outside food and drink, veteran owned, great fun continued on page 20
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Coolest Way to Learn
Emerald Coast Science Center 31 Memorial Drive Fort Walton Beach (850) 664-1261 www.ecscience.org continued from page 19
Ever wondered how much fun it would be to have your entire family play on a room-sized iPad? Join us at the Emerald Coast Science Center to experience just that with our brand new SMALLab exhibit! SMALLab is an embodied learning environment where every person is up, moving, and collaborating. Movement is tracked by motion capture cameras, allowing you to walk around on a 15-foot by 15-foot playing field to complete activities. Your family can work together to solve puzzles, create stories and character plots, study the world, and paint digital masterpieces with this innovative programming. With SMALLab, our classroom becomes the fraction, letter, molecule, paintbrush, or playing piece in hundreds of educational activities—all so much fun kids don’t even realize they’re learning! This super fun, super interactive method allows children to collaborate and learn as they move. With lessons over science, language, arts, and more, SMALLab lessons give families a unique, innovative way to learn together. SMALLab programming can be tooled to fit a wide variety of age ranges, from age 2 to 102—so everyone in the family will enjoy going beyond the screen and immersing themselves in science with SMALLab. The Science Center is only the third museum in the entire country with SMALLab, so we’re very excited to feature several SMALLab events each day Monday through Friday this summer. For a list of scheduled times or to sign up for an event, visit our website at ecscience.org. Be sure to bring your socks— we throw shoes and most of the rules to the side when SMALLab is involved. Playing in socks allows us to keep our SMALLab mat in good shape, and kids always have fun kicking off their shoes and playing in SMALLab. Words simply can’t describe this cutting-edge exhibit, so experience the magic of SMALLab firsthand! Our museum is also home to over 45 touchable, workable exhibits and over 30 animals. Be sure to stop by and say hello at one of our Creature Features this summer, where your kids can have an unforgettable, amazing time meeting some of our animals up close in a safe learning environment. We also give guests a chance to be amazed by chemistry feats during our Chem Demos, so there is something for everyone this summer at the Science Center. Bring the whole family and discover the difference a hands-on encounter with science can make. Cool Factors: 3rd museum in the country to have a SMALLab, so much fun the kids don’t know they are learning, great for all ages
Coolest Java Cafe 2 Birds Coffee + Cafe 1040 US-98 850-279-3375 www.2birdscafe.com
Delectable, creative, unique, refreshing. These are a few words that describe 2 Birds Coffee + Cafe. From their signature blackberry lavender scone to their fried PP&J to their fancy toasts, 2 Birds has everything you are looking for in a clean and chic cafe. Coffee aficionados are sure to find a happy home for breakfast or lunch at either one of the locally owned and operated locations in Destin and Miramar Beach. With impeccable service and a welcoming atmosphere, 2 Birds is the place to go whether you are looking for a place to relax with friends and family over brunch or are in need of a pit-stop for a beautifully brewed cup of joe! Cool Factors: Hub for coffee connoisseurs, 50s aesthetic with a modern chic flair, exquisitely unique twists on dishes continued on page 22
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Coolest Rehab on the Coast C.A.R.E. Center at the Gulfarium 1010 Miracle Strip Parkway Fort Walton Beach (850) 243-9046 www.gulfarium.com
continued from page 20 With a mission to act as a beacon for coastal conservation through marine animal rescue and rehabilitation, encouraging awareness with public education and opportunities for active participation, it's no wonder we have chosen the C.A.R.E. Center at Gulfarium to be one of our Coolest on the Coast picks this year! The staff who work tirelessly here, are true heroes to our coast. Time and time again over the years we have witnessed the C.A.R.E. Centers amazing efforts to rehabilitate and release various species of sea turtles brought to them or rescued from debilitating situations. From the large Leatherbacks coming in at over 600 pounds to the smaller Green Turtles, we are so fortunate to have a facility like the Gulfarium here On the Coast! The hundreds of people who gather for a turtle release back to the Gulf are always eager to learn and understand the balance we humans play with nature. It's just so exciting and such a great opportunity for the public to learn about the C.A.R.E. Center. So what do you do if you find a stranded animal? Well, you call 1-888-404-3922 and observe the turtle at a distance until help arrives. If you try and help and push it back into the water, it might restrand and die so it's best to sit tight with your new found friend and observe. Here's a few more tips while visiting our coast and what you can do to help the sea turtles out. First, if you've been enjoying our beach, when leaving, make sure you fill in ALL the holes you've dug up and flatten those sandcastles and sculptures. This gives a clear path for the female sea turtles who are nesting and those cute little hatchlings. Also keep the exterior lights off of your homes and avoid using flashlights, fireworks and bonfires from May through October. Turtles use the moonlight to help navigate and those manmade light can be confusing to them. So be a good neighbor to our sea life and do your part to help them survive. Cool Factors: Saving wildlife, educating the public on our sea-life
by Laura Lucy
Coolest Place to Roll Around & Bounce Fort SK8 Family Fun Center 202 Racetrack Rd NW Fort Walton Beach (850) 863-1223
“Eat, Play, Skate, and BOUNCE!” All in one place! That’s the motto of our next coolest on the coast - Fort SK8 Family Fun Center in Fort Walton Beach, Florida! Featuring everything from a Jump Zone to an 11,000 sq ft roller skating floor, Fort SK8 really has something for every age. Blaze a trail roller skating with the family, hang out with friends, get some exercise and skate to some rockin’ music. After skating, head over to the Jump Zone with little ones and older kids alike to bounce off all your energy in over 2000 sq ft of bounce magic, featuring a HUGE inflatable obstacle course, bounce houses, and a special toddler zone. When you need a break from skating and bouncing, score some tickets and prizes in the arcade. If you're exhausted by now, sit back and relax in their brand new massage chairs while enjoying some snacks at the Rollin’ Cafe, a full-service cafe specializing in your favorite skating treats. Fort SK8 also hosts some of craziest parties On the Coast. You can celebrate with a 3D glow party which includes up to 12 guests, unlimited skating, food, and FREE passes for future visits! Shake it up with the electric neon party and wear some crazy colors. Or you can even request a character party and chose your favorite character from the ever-growing list of characters to make the day extra special. And the best part, no clean up! From show up to clean up, they’ve got you covered, so get ready for the most fun and stress-free party you’ve ever had! Check out their website, www.fortsk8.com, to stay posted on specials and fun events such as Teen Night, Heros vs Villains, Nerf Wars, Late Skates, $1 Wednesday, Family Fun Friday, and other discounts and passes. You can even sign your kids up for free skating passes! Cool Factors: Something for every age, exciting special nights of fun, 42 years of business so they know what they’re doing! continued on page 24 22 • Tell them you saw it in ON THE COAST Magazine
$5 OFF
$30 RETAIL PURCHASE AT ANY KITTY HAWK KITES Must present coupon at time of purchase. One coupon per person. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Some exceptions apply. Excludes recreation activities.
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Coolest Beach Music Festival Hangout Fest Gulf Shores, AL May 17-19, 2019 www.hangoutmusicfest.com continued from page 22 Unicorns, fairy dust, donut floaties, wings, neon lights, flying dinosaurs, sand between your toes… You must be at the Hangout Fest! This three-day festival is right on the beach and it is an unforgettable and unique experience to share with friends, family, and even strangers (sorry, Mom). With past lineups including Portugal. The Man, The Struts, The Chainsmokers, Group Love, Twenty One Pilots, BlackBear, The Killers, Florence and the Machine, and Kendrick Lamar, this yearly May festival is the complete package for a beach vacation getaway. If you weren’t able to come to the par-tay this year, here are some of the cool festivities you missed out on: The Hangout Ferris wheel, roller disco, pop-up shops, puppy-kissing booth, crazy sculptures and art, Malibu beach house, The Psychedelic Bus, Hammock Beach chillin’, bonfires, delicious eats, Inkbox tattoo parlor, beach volleyball, and yoga. Yeah, we know… it’s cool, and you better come with us next year! Though tickets always sell out, never fear! Tickets for Hangout Fest 2019 are available starting early February, so get ready to bust out those glitter tubes, chubbies, and fanny packs and mark off May 17-19 with a neon pink highlighter! Cool Factors: Roller disco for some rad photo ops, chill vibes and way too many puppy kisses, never-ending music from your favorite bands, glitter and sand (is there anything cooler?)
Coolest Place to See Art
Underwater Museum of Art (First in the Nation) Gulf of Mexico off Grayton Beach (850) 622-5970 www.waltonreefs.org www.culturalartsalliance.com The Gulf waters off Grayton Beach in South Walton just became home to the first underwater museum of art in the country. The UMA (as the Underwater Museum of Art is called) rests on the seafloor about 55 feet below the surface and currently consists of seven unique sculptures created by local and nationallyrecognized artists who applied and were chosen by the Cultural Arts Alliance (CAA) of Walton County. The sculptures, which act as both a habitat for fish and a destination for scuba divers, were attached to heavy concrete pedestals and were permitted and shipped into position thanks to the South Walton Artificial Reef association, which has also created many near-shore snorkeling reefs and diving and fishing reefs farther offshore. However, no other reefs in the country have quite the artistic appeal of this underwater sculpture garden, which is about 0.7 miles off the coast of Grayton Beach. That’s good news not just for scuba-diving art lovers, though – in addition to providing a unique dive spot, the sculptures are designed and selected for their suitability as marine habitat, so even in the absence of scuba divers, the UMA is certain to have many visitors, including schools of baitfish, grouper, sea turtles and dolphins. This is just the beginning for UMA, since the CAA says they plan to continue to select artists and add to the underwater collection every year! Cool Factors: First in the nation, creating a habitat for fish and a destination for divers. 24 • Tell them you saw it in ON THE COAST Magazine
continued on page 28
by Paul Hunter
The good news is that dehydration is preventable even in the worst climates and weather. How? Here are a five tips to stay ahead of the curve and set yourself up for a fun day(s) outside:
ummer is here, the kids may be heading to camp, will be soon or they may stay local for a stay-cation as we DO live at one of the “Most Beautiful Beaches in the World. Either way, they and you will most likely be outside in the heat and want o be able to enjoy yourselves. Spending time outside this time of year can be daunting when it come to being prepared for the sun and the heat so let’s take a look at how the proper amount of hydration can prepare you for more fun outdoors. Water is essential to life. It constitutes the medium in which chemical reactions occur and is crucial to normal function of the cardiovascular system. Water constitutes about 70 percent of body weight in the normal adult. It decreases from 75 percent at birth to 50 percent in old age and is the largest component of the body. Adipose tissue (fat) contains less water than lean tissue (muscle); thus women have slightly less body water than men. The effects of dehydration occur with as little water loss as 1 percent of body weight and become life threatening at 10 percent The good, the bad and the ugly and not necessarily in that order: Dehydration is a loss of fluids and electrolytes (important blood salts like potassium and sodium). Vital organs like the kidneys, brain, and heart can’t function without a certain amount of fluids and electrolytes, which can be lost through sweat, urine, vomit and diarrhea.
1. Drink water, lots of water. How much? One way to to keep track of the color of your urine. It is not necessary for it to be clear but a lighter color is preferred. The darker your urine color, the more likely you are headed towards dehydration and as stated above, it only takes as little as a 1% body weight loss. 2. Eat foods with high water content. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with hydrating goodness in addition to vitamins and minerals to replace electrolytes lost through sweating. In addition, they will fuel you while not making you feel sluggish. 3. Stay away from alcohol. Yes, it’s a liquid but it will increase your urination thus increasing the likelihood of dehydration. 4. When possible, cool yourself off in the water or stay in the shade. Keeping your core body temperature down will assist in making your outside-in-the-heat time more enjoyable and for longer. 5. Have a water buddy. Remember the buddy system? With two or more, you can look out for each other. When someone drinks water, its good to remind the others to drink upon as well. Mild signs of dehydration include: • thirst; • dry lips; and • slightly dry mouth membranes. Moderate signs of dehydration include: • very dry mouth membranes; • sunken eyes; and • skin doesn’t bounce back quickly when lightly • pinched and released. Severe signs of dehydration include: • all signs of moderate dehydration; • rapid, weak pulse (more than 100 at rest); • cold hands and feet; • rapid breathing; • blue lips; and • confusion, lethargy, difficult to arouse.
Make it a Great Day!
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Coolest Place to Escape From
Escapology THE
9375 US Highway 98 W Miramar Beach (850) 842-4885 continued from page 24
Have you ever wanted to be part of a mystery? To be able to boast that you’ve survived a deadly plague? Or maybe you just love solving clues like Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, or an FBI agent tracking down a security threat. Well you can be all these things at Escapology in Miramar Beach. Step into the escape room and travel around the world to Cuba, Budapest, or Shanghai, solve a clue hunt during WWII, or fight outlaws in the wild, wild west. This coolest activity on the coast is open rain or shine and is a great activity for family or friends, allowing up to six people to play at once. Escapology escape rooms set you up as a detective solving the clues present in a room. Head over to their website, www.escapology.com, to find the perfect scenario. You can check out a description of the escape room and even view difficulty ratings to ensure that you pick the right room for your crew, each room created with attention to every small detail to make the scenario as life-like as possible. Book online to pick which game and time you want to attend, and then head over for your reservation for an hour of fast-paced, critical thinking fun! You can use code ESCAPE2018 for a discount when booking. You have 60 minutes. The clues are there. You just have to find them. Succeed, and your legacy will live on in the Hall of Fame. Fail, and you will not survive. Do you have what it takes to escape? Cool Factors: Boasting privilege that you survived, live out your detective dreams, rainy afternoon fun, photo evidence
Coolest Place to Race The Track 1125 Highway 98 East Destin (850) 654-4668 www.funatthetrack.com
Are you ready for fun and adventure this summer that the whole family can enjoy? The Track's signature ride -- The Wild Woody -- allows drivers to race up three and a half stories and then circle back down with an exciting drop at the bottom for a high-altitude driving experience. The Wild Woody features both single and double karts, and the great news is that even young children can join their parents on this ride. With a minimum height requirement for passengers of three feet tall, most three and four year olds are tall enough to ride The Wild Woody. Passengers that are between three feet tall and four feet, 9 inches tall ride for free. If you have older children that are ready to take the wheel, then anyone that is four feet, 10 inches tall can drive a single kart. In order to drive a double kart, drivers must be at least 16 years old with a driver's license and four feet, 10 inches tall. The Wild Woody is one of five go-kart tracks at The Track in Destin. For more information on all of the rides and height requirement, visit www.funatthetrack.com. Be sure to follow The Track on social media for access to special sales throughout the year. One running currently is code: GOKARTS12
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Cool Factors: Great for ALL ages. Young kiddos between 3’ to 4’ 9” can ride FREE with a licensed driver 16 and up, 3 1/2 stories tall and fast. continued on page 30
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Coolest Place to Jump
Just Jump 11220 Hutchinson Boulevard Panama City Beach 844-344-5867 www.justjump.com continued from page 28 30,000 square feet of dedicated family fun (for all ages) awaits you at Just Jump Trampoline Park in Panama City Beach! Whether you’re a parent looking for a safe, fun and clean place for your kids to burn some energy or you just want a new and exciting way to get active, Jump Jump is an ideal location for you to do so. You’ll find a tumble track, two Soc-Air courts, dodgeball. basketball, a double trapeze, a Gladiator Pit, a Ninja Course and their oh-so- popular Air Bag within the walls of this epic play zone. There’s even a Kiddie Area for jumpers who are 6 and under with a huge play structure, separate trampolines, a foam pit, a climbing wall, and basketball goal! For only $15/per hour (per jumper), you can have full reign of the whole place. They offer group discounts! On Monday nights, they offer family time from 5-9pm – for just $30, a family of four can spend an hour playing and running all of that energy out. They do require grip socks, but sell them on premise if you need them! This state-of-the-art facility is complete with a large open jump area, the latest technology and unique designs to captivate the attention of any visitor – even those who don’t wish to engage in the fun themselves. If you’re supervising, you can treat yourself to a bout in their massage chairs or you can watch the fun from above on the mezzanine. Not only is Just Jump a great option for the family, but it’s even better for parties. You can have the best birthday ever by letting them handle all of the details for you. They also have fantastic rates for school field trips, church groups, and group events of any size. Cool Factors: 30,000 sq ft of fun, Subconscious Exercise, Endless Activities Photo Credits: Chandler Mixon & Nicholas S.
Coolest Way to Catch a Wave JetSurf Destin 10 Harbor Boulevard Destin (850) 900-7873 www.jetsurfdestin.com
Yyyyeeewww!! Tyler and Tyler, the co-owners of Jetsurf Destin, are here to bring the waves to you with motorized surfboards! Originally invented in Czech Republic by a professional surfer, the JetSurf board can reach speeds up to 37 miles per hour. Yes...you heard that right! In other words, right here in Destin Florida, YOU can carve, grind, and fly on this board at record speeds. Jetsurf is one of a kind, and, after seeing this sport on a YouTube video, the Tylers decided to quit their jobs and move down to the beach to be the first and one of the only to bring the board to America and offer it for rental. Though Jetsurf can be a seriously competitive sport, anyone over the age of 14 can enjoy the easyto-ride board. From lessons to couples surf to stunt surfing, the Tylers have created an inviting environment for everyone to enjoy. JetSurf Destin offers a full experience for those who want to learn and ride or simply chill out on their boat and giant inflatable paddle board. In other words, we can guarantee a phenomenal time whether you are ultra competitive or just along for the ride. Tyler and Tyler are enthusiastic and committed to making JetSurf Destin a highlight of your year. Born from a need to push the limits of conventional water sports, this company is new and thriving, and with the opportunity to try a brand new and rare sport right here on the Emerald Coast, how can we pass it up? Cool Factors: Bragging rights for riding the best and fastest motorized surfboard in the world, Tyler and Tyler, surf with no wave continued on page 32 30 • Tell them you saw it in ON THE COAST Magazine
Florida offers free prekindergarten for all 4-year-olds regardless of family income. Children must live in Florida and be 4 years old on or before September 1 of the current year to be eligible. If their birthday falls from February 2 through September 1, you may wait to enroll your child the following year when they are 5. Apply online by visiting: www.familyservices.floridaearlylearning.com Research shows children that participate in high-quality prekindergarten programs are better prepared for school, and develop lifelong social and emotional skills.
The Early Learning Coalition of the Emerald Coast's mission is to support the success of every child and their family through quality early education and care.
Child Care Questions? We provide free resource and referral services to local families regarding childcare. Parent Line: (850) 833-9333
Early Learning Coalition of the Emerald Coast 1130 N Eglin Parkway, Shalimar, FL 32579 (850) 833-3627 www.elc-ec.org
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Coolest Way to Stretch Massage Envy Destin (850) 650-8500 Fort Walton Beach (850) 301-2000 Panama City Beach (850) 563-0070 continued from page 30 We all know and love Massage Envy, but now we love them for a whole new reason. While massage, in and of itself, is incredibly powerful, Massage Envy has added Streto Therapy, a new method that adds a deeper level of treatment to the experience. Streto Therapy combines fifteen years of experience working with the human body with the most current medical research to provide relief in a different but tried-and-true manner. By increasing mobility, flexibility and blood circulation, this new method of treatment allows for the body’s natural healing abilities to be even more effective. It aims to release the build-up of tension by stretching your body in a streamlined fashion, starting at the neck and working downwards. From bad postures to holding in emotions and increased technology usage, our muscles bundle and tighten, creating pain that sometimes can’t be fixed by a standard massage. While stretching is good for you to do on your own, assisted stretching is even better and can intensify the results. The therapy was developed by a chiropractor, a massage therapist and an ergonomist in an effort to create a treatment format that would help people get back to living their lives to the fullest. This combination of physical therapy and massage is ideal if you’re experiencing pain or stiffness and helps to prevent future occurrences and avoid injury. If you think about the years of damage we’ve done to our bodies just by existing, it doesn’t take any convincing to be sure that this is a therapy style that everyone should try. It’s the perfect complement to other treatments you may be using to bring your body to whole health and wellness. Like many therapies, this process works alongside other therapies to maintain and solidify those results, so you don’t have to be afraid to add Streto to your routine. You have the option of receiving the Total Body Stretch as a stand-alone service or you can add it on to one of the many massage options that Massage Envy offers. With locations in both Fort Walton Beach and Destin, it’s also convenient! Cool Factors: Stretching for health, pain relief, long-lasting results
Coolest Baseball Team
PARA Power 10U All Stars www.parayouthsports.org/baseball The coolest ten year olds playing baseball these days come from Pace, Florida and recently won the Gulf Coast Regional USSSA All Star World Series. This team is comprised of the top ten year olds at Pace Athletic and Recreation Assocation (PARA) from the spring season and then practice together for several weeks leading up to the All Star World Series. They played four days of non-stop baseball and went into the last day of championship games undefeated. With two out-of-the-park home runs hit during the championship game, these boys brought home the win for the 3rd year in a row! The coaches and players are like none you've seen and have a brotherly bond. Looking forward to seeing what next year holds! Cool Factors: Teamwork, determination, winning spirit!
Photo Credits: Jeffrey Joyner & Cortney Owens
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Coolest Place to Sip Tea Crazy Mad Hatter’s Salon de Tea 1114 John Sims Parkway Niceville (850) 499-4432
At Crazy Mad Hatter’s Salon de Tea, you’re greeted by the smell of home-baked goodies and a genuine, friendly welcome from Mark and Tonya, the sweet couple from Luxembourg who opened this unique, todie-for tea spot just this year in Niceville, FL. Already a favorite among the locals, this adorable shop is filled with colorful and fun seating arrangements, an eccentric array of cheeky pillows and lamps and even bookshelves filled with reading material for the solo visitor. Wonderland’s influence peppers the environment: you’ll find a stand covered with mind-bending puzzle toys next to a wingback chair, mismatched china tea sets, and French-inspired artwork covering the pink and purple walls. Mark & Tonya came to America just a few years ago to visit family and fell in love with the area. Raised in South Africa, in a mainly British community, Mark was raised on hot tea and was surprised to find that it is not very common in our country. He says that in Luxembourg, there is a tea shop on every corner. He went on to explain that in the summer, the best thing you can do for yourself to beat the heat is to drink hot tea. It is normal for sports teams to drink a hot tea during the halftime portion of their matches, and Moroccans are known for keeping hot peppermint tea on them at all times so they can maintain their body temperature in the hot desert. According to science, the hot tea raises your body temperature, which causes you to sweat more and release the heat from your body. Considering how warm it gets here on the coast, this is definitely welcome information! Crazy Mad Hatter‘s Salon de Tea is the perfect environment for almost any get-together, whether it’s a birthday party, a ladies’ day out, a parent/child date, or a casual gathering. They’ll even set up after-hours events - just ask! Between the tarts and other sweets (even some gluten free!) – all from traditional family recipes – and their variety of quiches and savory items, every tummy will leave satisfied. And what would a tea room be without tea! Over 25 loose organic teas await your taste buds at this tea shop. From progressive Earl Grey with lavender and jasmine to herbal mint blends with licorice root, peppermint, fennel and basil, each blend is uniquely different and yields a distinct flavor profile. With such a vast array of options to choose from, whatever ends up in your cup is sure to delight you. Make sure Crazy Mad Hatter’s Salon de Tea is on your list of places to visit this summer! Cool Factors: Fun and lively environment, sweet and savory treats, an array of teas and the owners Mark & Tonya are always so cool
Coolest Place to Fly
General “Chappie” James Summer Flight Academy 1608 Martin Luther King Blvd Pensacola www.gdcjflightacademy.org Have you ever wanted to pilot a plane over the Gulf of Mexico, Alabama and Florida borders? Then grab your aviator glasses and sign up for the weeklong summer camp at the General “Chappie” James Summer Flight Academy. General Chappie was the first African American Four Star General of the Air Force and was from Pensacola. He was a graduate of Tuskegee Institute. “The power of excellence is overwhelming. It is always in demand and nobody cares about its color." This no-cost summer program is held in the brand new Chappie James Museum of Pensacola. It includes training in Aviation Basics and Aerodynamics as well as STEM lessons for Academic Excellence. Classes are taught by flight instructors and active/retired military and civilian pilots. Summer students also take field trips to Pensacola Aviation, USCG ATC, Airbus, and NAS Pensacola. Lunch is provided daily. Their mission is to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Math while building student confidence in the classroom by using aviation as the key learning discipline. The program aims to provide a future workforce for the aerospace industry and to inspire good citizenship using the legacy of General Daniel Chappie James Jr. The week-long summer program started in 1996 and is open to kids ages 13-18. It culminates with each student piloting an aircraft at Ferguson Airport. There is a grand ceremony and presentation where friends and family are invited to view the student flights. They will be offering Fall programs this year so look into this early. Cool Factors: Piloting a plane at a young age, the volunteers, the history, it’s free!
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Coolest Way to Bring Back the 40's Junior Bombers Roller Derby Northwest Florida Fairgrounds 1958 Lewis Turner Blvd Fort Walton Beach (813) 362-8644 f wbjbombers@gmail.com continued from page 33 We’re all looking for something that will build confidence, strength, life skills and accountability for our young ladies. We want a place where they feel safe and encouraged to be active. We also want them to live a better, more empowered life than we did. If you nodded along and agreed with the above, read more to learn a little about what makes the Fort Walton Beach Junior Bombers Roller Derby team an ideal environment for your daughter(s). 40s something, Nicci Starks Lee has been skating for over six years as part of the local roller derby team for adults. When talking about what drew her to roller derby, Nicci explained that roller derby is about more than just skating and playing a game. It’s about providing and being provided with a community and support system. She said that roller derby calmed her down and gave her a much needed outlet while also helping to change her perspective on things that just didn’t need her energy. After having enough interest, she decided to start the Fort Walton Beach Junior Bombers Roller Derby team for ages 8-17. She began the team to provide young women with an avenue wherein they could belong, get healthy, and keep busy. The benefit isn’t just for the kids, though. The team takes responsibility for representing itself well. Not only will they help build a code of ethics in the kids, but they’re also there for the parents. Now in their second year, the Junior Bombers are still ramping up their numbers so that they can compete in bouts. A little nervous about this “rough” sport? Nicci made it clear that safety is always first and then went on to explain that the girls are taught how to fall, how to block, how to hit and even how to skate. That’s all before they’re even allowed to work with the team. When they do get to work with the team, the environment for trust and dependability is cultivated at every step. The best part about derby? It stays with you, Nicci says. Derby isn’t just for middle school or high school or college. You can play it the majority of your life and as you move, there’s usually a new team waiting for you. Cool Factors: Unique form of exercise and activity for young adults, lifelong skills taught, family environment, team building 34 • Tell them you saw it in ON THE COAST Magazine
by Laura Lucy
e are smack-dab in the middle of a long, hot summer. The kids are whining about being bored, and parents are counting down until we can send our precious little angels back to school. As tempting as it is to plop the kids in front of the television until the first day of school, we need to keep their minds and bodies active to avoid the dreaded summer brain drain. Brain drain, also known as the summer slide, happens when children forget much of what they learned during the school year over the summer break. According to the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) at Johns Hopkins University, most students lose two months of math skills over the summer. Low-income children can fall behind up to three months on reading skills. This means teachers spend the first month of school reteaching lessons, and students risk falling further and further behind each summer. Some children also gain weight over the summer without the discipline of daily school and physical education. This information is alarming, but don’t let it ruin your summer. Combating brain drain is easier than you think. You don’t have to get a tutor or enroll your children in summer school. There are plenty of fun ways to keep their brains active until the teachers tag back in. Lean on the Library There is so much more to do at the library than check out books – though we do plenty of that too. We have fantastic libraries across the Emerald Coast with fun and educational activities happening almost every day throughout the summer.
On a recent trip to Destin Library, my six-year-old daughter, Vivi, checked out books she can read on her own and chapter books for us to read together, played a coding game for kids, signed up to attend a Pete the Cat extravaganza, and stumbled upon a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) workshop for kids. She loved it and was even more excited when they told her she can come back next week and build a robot. I highly encourage you to check out the library closest to you. Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming With the Gulf, bays, bayous, lakes, pools and waterparks, we are literally surrounded by water. Learning to swim is not just fun for local kids, it’s necessary. The good news is swimming is healthy for the mind as well as the body. A study of children in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand by the Griffith Institute showed that children who started swim lessons earlier had better visual motor skills in addition to gains in language, math and writing. We kicked the summer off with a fast track class at Emerald Coast Scuba in early June. This was Vivi’s fourth summer with Coach Mary and her crew. She already swims like a fish (or mermaid if you ask her), but this summer she improved her freestyle form, learned to do the butterfly and is spending the rest of this summer practicing her dives in Mammi and Papa’s pool. Mini Golf = Maxi Learning You can find a way to make any fun outing an educational experience. Take miniature golf as an example. Younger children continued page continued onon page 1846
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Childcare Network #39 412 Government Street Valparaiso, FL 32580 C01OK0019 Childcare Network #40 644-A Anchors Street Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 C01OK0021
Now accepting applications for FREE VPK!
Childcare Network #41 800 Falcon Place Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 C01OK0022 Childcare Network #105 502 Benning Drive Destin, FL 32541 C01OK0020 Childcare Network #132 1040 Farmer Street Crestview, FL 32539 C01OK0088 Childcare Network #142 108 Jet Drive Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 C01OK0091 Childcare Network #151 1883 Granada Street Navarre, FL 32566 C01SR0049 Childcare Network #183 405 Brookmeade Drive Crestview, FL 32539 C01OK0115
www.childcarenetwork.com (866) 521-KIDS
Childcare Network #268 4798 Live Oak Church Road Crestview, FL 32539 C01OK0056
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The 26th Annual Emerald Coast Boat Week & Poker Run
The Emerald Coast Poker one, also know as The Big One, is taking place August 8th thru 12th with the actual races on the 11th and 12th. All proceeds from these races go to children's charities of the Emerald Coast Foundation to give local kids a brighter future! So far this organization has raised over 2.5 million over the last 25 plus years. That says a whole lot about this fundraiser! Every last penny goes to the kids too as it's the volunteers that make this great event possible. Powerboats, fishing boats, pleasure boats, and all in between, will fill the waterways for one of the largest and most popular charity poker runs in the USA! Boat Week events start with a bang Wednesday night, and continues onto “The Big One” Poker Run party Saturday night. With BBQ parties, swimsuit contests, sponsor parties and the race itself, this is a week you will want to be part of. For more information on the week please visit their website at www.emeraldcoastpokerrun.com. or call 850-243-3800. Registration is happening NOW!
Photo Credits: Navarre Press
The 8th Annual Paddle At The Porch
Grab those paddle boards and head to the Back Porch Seafood & Oyster Bar, one of Destin most loved restaurants, for this years Paddle at the Porch! Paddle at the Porch is in its 7th year and showcases the beautiful emerald green water and white sandy shores of our Emerald Coast. This race is for the whole family. With races for all it features a Kids' Fun Race, 1-Mile Beginner, 3-Mile Recreational, and 6-Mile Elite. Races start at 9am for the 3 & 6 mile race, 10:30am for the 1 mile race and 11am for the kids fun race (ages 12 and under). Races will be followed by awards. Registration is happening now at www.paddleguru.com and you can pick up your race packets at the Destin Chamber on August 18th or on the day of the race at 7am at The Back Porch. The race fees are as follows: 1-Mile Beginner - $35 until Aug. 17 / $45 on Aug. 18 3-Mile Recreational - $40 until Aug. 17 / $50 on Aug. 18 6-Mile Elite - $55 until Aug. 17 / $65 on Aug. 18 Kids' Fun Race - $12 (This price does not include a race shirt.) Hope to see you at this years Paddle at the Porch!
Above Photo Credit: McPhoto On the Coast Magazine is a proud media sponsor of local charitable events. For sponsorship information, e-mail OTC@OntheCoastMag.com
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Fa mily Features
Cherry Lavender Spritzer
ummer and cherries seem to go hand-in-hand, and using fresh fruits can help boost seasonal food and drink recipes.
Whether you use them as a snack, as a special ingredient in recipes or to inspire new dishes, Northwest-grown sweet cherries are one delightful way to celebrate the summer season. Many grocery store shelves are full of these sweet, seasonal treats. Ripened on the tree and generally harvested, packed and ready for sale within just one day, it can be difficult to find a fresher summer fruit. Cherry recipes can be enjoyed outside the summer months, too - simply rinse, pack and freeze an extra bag or two of cherries to harness the sweet flavor and health benefits in your appetizers, desserts and sweet or savory sauces throughout the year. Impress your guests this summer with this ice-cold Cherry Lavender Spritzer. Or try Roasted Cherry Sauce for an accompaniment to your favorite barbecued meat, as an ice cream topper or paired with a cheese plate; it's one way to have everyone asking for more. Find more recipes and cherry tips at nwcherries.com.
Servings: 6
4 cups pitted and halved Northwest sweet cherries 2 cups water 3 tablespoons lavender 2 tablespoons sugar 6 Northwest sweet cherries with stems 6 sprigs lavender blossoms In small saucepan, combine cherries, water, lavender and sugar. Heat mixture until it begins to boil. Remove from heat and allow mixture to cool completely. Strain and reserve liquid. For each drink, combine 4 ounces cherry-lavender mixture and 4 ounces crushed ice in tall 12-ounce cocktail glass; top each with club soda. Garnish each drink with one cherry with stem and one sprig lavender blossoms. Variation: To make alcoholic version, shake or stir strained cherrylavender mixture and ice with 9 ounces vodka. Strain into 8-ounce martini glasses, top each with club soda and garnish each with one cherry with stem and one sprig lavender blossoms.
Roasted Cherry Sauce Makes: 1 cup
2 cups pitted Northwest sweet cherries 2/3 cup sugar 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon black pepper Heat oven to 400 F. On foil-lined baking sheet, combine cherries, sugar, cornstarch, salt and black pepper; toss to mix. Place in oven and roast until cherries start to release juices and become soft, about 10 minutes. Cool before serving.
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JULY & AUGUST WEEKLY HAPPENINGS SUNDAYS FWB Buddhist Market 741 Mayflower Ave. 9-2:30pm FREE 850-863-2906 Gulf Place Town Loop Ctr. Summer Concert Series 6-8pm FREE 850-267-8458 Rosemary Bch Barrett Park Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697 30A Watersound The Hub Concert Movie Night 6-8pm FREE 850-213-0782 MONDAYS Aly’s Beach Fonville Press Adventures in Alys Story Telling 10am FREE 850-231-0733 Crestview library Family Game Night All Ages 5:30-7pm FREE 850-682-4432 Rosemary Beach East Lawn Spring It On! Concert Series 7-9pm FREE 866-348-8952
TUESDAYS Crestview library Open Mic Poetry Night All Ages 6-7:30pm FREE 850-682-4432 Destin Harbor Walk Village Fat Tuesday Parade 6:30-8:30pm FREE 850-424-0600 Rosemary Beach N. Bay Sq. Pittman Magic Show 7-8pm FREE 850-231-7388 Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Booming Tuesday Fireworks 7pm FREE 850-267-8117 Santa Rosa Beach 30A Songwriter Radio Open Mic LIVE 7pm FREE 850-213-2882 Seaside Amphitheater Huck & Lilly Kids Show 6:30pm FREE 850-231-6107 Seaside Central Square Stories by the Sea 4pm FREE 850231-0733
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Hydroflight Mondays 6:30-8:30 FREE 850-267-8117
Seaside REP MainStage Improv Bootcamp 2pm Ages 5-14 FREE 850-231-0733
Seaside Amphitheater The Prince & the Pauper 6:30pm FREE 850-231-0733
30A Watersound The Hub DJ Dance Party 7-10pm FREE 850-213-0782
Seaside Central Square Stories by the Sea 4pm FREE 850-231-0733
WEDNESDAYS Alys Beach Fonville Press Awkward Oxen Improv Workshop 10am FREE 850-231-0733
30A Watersound The Hub Movie Monday 7:30-9:30 FREE 850-213-0782
42 • Tell them you saw it in ON THE COAST Magazine
Okaloosa Island Fireworks The Boardwalk 9pm FREE Rosemary Beach N. Barrett Square Beauty & the Beast 6:30pm FREE 830-231-0733
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Magical Thursdays 7pm & 8pm FREE 850-244-1935 Seaside Rep MainStage Improv Bootcamp 2pm FREE 850-231-0733
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Concert Series 7-9pm FREE 850-267-8117
30A Watersound The Hub Live Music 7-10pm FREE 850-213-0782
Seascape Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
FRIDAYS Crestview library Teen Time Gamers Grades 7-12 2pm-4pm FREE 850-682-4432
Seaside Amphitheater Stories by the Sea 4pm FREE 850-231-0733 Seaside Amphitheater Concert Series 7pm FREE 850-231-6179 Watersound The Hub Family Movie Night 7-10pm FREE 850-213-0782 THURSDAYS Alys Beach Fonville Press Awkward Oxen Performance 10am FREE 850-231-0733 Crestview library Beginners Chess Club Ages 6+ 3:15-4:15pm FREE 850-682-4432 Fort Walton Yacht Club Livin’ Right Nights 5-7pm FREE 850-244-1935 PCB Aaron Bassant Park Summer Concert Series 7pm FREE 800-722-3224
Seaside Amphitheater The Prince and the Pauper 6:30pm FREE 850-231-5007 Seaside Central Square Stories by the Sea 4pm FREE 850-231-0733 30A Watersound The Hub Live Music 7-10pm FREE 850-213-0782 SATURDAYS Inlet Beach Hwy 98 Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697 Niceville Farmers Market Palm Plaza 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697 Sandestin Grande Blvd Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697 30A Watersound The Hub Live Music 6:30-9pm FREE 850-213-0782
July 4 Alys Beach Concert and Fireworks 6-9pm FREE Destin Harbor Walk Village Fourth of July Celebration 7pm-9pm FREE 850-424-0600 Rosemary Beach N.Barrett Sq. Beauty & The Beast 6:30-7:30pm FREE 850-231-7388 Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Red White and Baytown 6pm FREE 850-267-8117 Seagrove Downtown July Parade 8am FREE Seaside Amatheater Independence day Concert 7pm FREE 850-231-6107 Seaside Beach Fireworks Spectacular 8:30pm FREE 850-231-6107
July 5 Destin HarborWalk Village Let Freedom Ring Celebration 7-10pm FREE 850-424-0600
July 11 PCB Camp Helen State Park Movies & More $5:30pm Donation 850-233-5059
July 20 Pensacola Saengar Theatre Heather Land 6pm and 9:30pm $154-4700 850-840-9227
Destin Matte Kelly Village Concerts on the Lawn 7pm $15 850-650-2226
July 11-12 Niceville Edwin Golf Course Marvin Debolt Golf Classic Ages 8-18 8am $60-$95 850-833-1111
July 21 FWB Uptown Station Movie Night in Ctrl Park 7:30pm FREE 850-244 1935
July 6 The Landing FWB Concerts on the Landing 6-8pm FREE 850-244-8191 July 7 FWB Uptown Station Movie Night in Central Park 7:30pm FREE 850-244 1935 SRB Ed Walline Beach Beach Clean Up 8:30-11:00am FREE 850-231-0102 July 10 Seaside Rep Theatre Bryan Kennedy Show 8pm 850-231-0733
July 12 Seaside Rep Theatre Bryan Kennedy Show 8pm 850-231-0733 July 13 Emerald Coast Conv. Ctr The Mulligans 7pm $30 850-651-5604 July 14 FWB The Landing Kiwanis 5K 6am Registration 7:30 Start 5K 8:30 Kids 1/2 mile $25-$30 850-585-1257
July 24 Seaside Rep Theatre Bryan Kennedy Show 8pm 850-231-0733 July 25 PCB Camp Helen State Pk Movies & More $5:30pm Donation 850-233-5059 July 26 Seaside Rep Theatre Bryan Kennedy Show 8pm 850-231-0733 August 1 Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Concert Series 7-9pm FREE 850-267-8117
continued on page 44
Tell them you saw it in ON THE COAST Magazine • 43
continued from page 43 Seascape Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697 Seaside Fonville Press Awkward Oxen Improv 10am FREE 850-231-0733 Seaside Amphitheater Concert Series 7pm FREE 850-231-6179
Sandestin Grande Blvd Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
August 8 Okaloosa Island Fireworks The Boardwalk 9pm FREE
Gulf Place Town Loop Ctr. Summer Concert Series 6-8pm FREE 850-267-8458
August 5 FWB Buddhist Market 741 Mayflower Ave. 9-2:30pm FREE 850-863-2906
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Concert Series 7-9pm FREE 850-267-8117
Rosemary Bch Barrett Park Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
Seascape Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Sunday Cinema 8pm FREE 850-267-8117
Gulf Place Town Loop Ctr. Summer Concert Series 6-8pm FREE 850-267-8458 Rosemary Bch Barrett Park Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
August 2 Fort Walton Yacht Club Livin’ Right Nights 5-7pm FREE 850-244-1935
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Sunday Cinema 8pm FREE 850-267-8117
Alys Beach Fonville Press Awkward Oxen Performance 10am FREE 850-231-0733
30A Watersound The Hub Concert Movie Night 6-8pm FREE 850-213-0782
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Magical Thursdays 7pm & 8pm FREE 850-267-8117
August 6 Aly’s Beach Fonville Press Adventures in Alys Story Telling 10am FREE 850-231-0733
August 3 Crestview library Teen Time Gamers Grades 7-12 2pm-4pm FREE 850-682-4432
Rosemary Beach East Lawn Spring It On! Concert Series 7-9pm FREE 866-348-895
Seaside Amphitheater Concert Series 7pm FREE 850-231-6179 August 9 Alys Beach Fonville Press Awkward Oxen Performance 10am FREE 850-231-0733
Rosemary Beach, N. Bay Sq. Pittman Magic Show 7-8pm FREE 850-231-7388
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Magical Thursdays 7pm & 8pm FREE 850-267-8117
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Booming Tuesday Fireworks 7pm FREE 850-267-8117
August 10 Crestview library Teen Time Gamers Grades 7-12 2pm-4pm FREE 850-682-4432
Seaside Amphitheater Huck & Lilly Kids Show 6:30pm FREE 850-231-6107
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Hydroflight Mondays 6:30-8:30 FREE 850-267-8117
August 11 Destin HarborWalk Village Rock the Docks Concert 7-9pm FREE 850-424-0600
August 4 Destin HarborWalk Village Rock the Docks Concert 7-9pm FREE 850-424-0600
August 7 Destin Harbor Walk Village Fat Tuesday Parade 6:30-8:30pm FREE 850-424-0600
FWB The Landing Josh Sprinkle 5K 7:30am Start $10-$30 Categories Vary 850-803-3126
FWB Uptown Station Movie Night in Central Park 7:30pm FREE 850-244 193
Rosemary Beach N. Bay Sq. Pittman Magic Show 7-8pm FREE 850-231-7388
Inlet Beach Hwy 98 Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Booming Tuesday Fireworks 7pm FREE 850-267-8117
Niceville Farmers Market Palm Plaza 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
Seaside Amphitheater Huck & Lilly Kids Show 6:30pm FREE 850-231-6107
44 • Tell them you saw it in ON THE COAST Magazine
Destin Harbor Walk Village Fat Tuesday Parade 6:30-8:30pm FREE 850-424-0600
Fort Walton Yacht Club Livin’ Right Nights 5-7pm FREE 850-244-1935
Destin Community Center Big Truck Day 9-11am FREE 850-654-5184
Seaside Central Square Stories by the Sea 4pm FREE 850-231-0733
30A Watersound The Hub Concert Movie Night 6-8pm FREE 850-213-0782
Seaside Central Square Stories by the Sea 4pm FREE 850-231-0733 August 15 Seascape Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
Inlet Beach Hwy 98 Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
August 18 Destin Back Porch Paddle at the Porch 9am 3 & 6 mile start 10:30am 1 mile start 11am Kids Fun Paddle $12 - $65 850-837-6241
Niceville Farmers Market Palm Plaza 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
Destin HarborWalk Village Rock the Docks Concert 7-9pm FREE 850-424-0600
Sandestin Grande Blvd Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
Inlet Beach Hwy 98 Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
FWB Buddhist Market 741 Mayflower Ave. 9-2:30pm FREE 850-863-2906
Niceville Farmers Market Palm Plaza 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
Sandestin Grande Blvd Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
30A Watersound The Hub Concert Movie Night 6-8pm FREE 850-213-0782
Niceville Farmers Market Palm Plaza 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
August 16 Destin HarborWalk Village Let Freedom Ring 7pm FREE 850-424-0600
August 21 Seaside Central Square Stories by the Sea 4pm FREE 850231-0733
Sandestin Grande Blvd Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
Fort Walton Yacht Club Livin’ Right Nights 5-7pm FREE 850-244-1935
August 22 Seascape Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
August 19 FWB Buddhist Market 741 Mayflower Ave. 9-2:30pm FREE 850-863-2906
August 23 Fort Walton Yacht Club Livin’ Right Nights 5-7pm FREE 850-244-1935
Gulf Place Town Loop Ctr Summer Concert Series 6-8pm FREE 850-267-8458
August 25 FWB The Landing The Election Run 8am Prices vary for races 850-582-5273
Rosemary Bch Barrett Park Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697 Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Sunday Cinema 8pm FREE 850-267-8117
Inlet Beach Hwy 98 Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
August 28 Seaside Central Square Stories by the Sea 4pm FREE 850-231-0733 August 29 Seascape Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
August 26 FWB Buddhist Market 741 Mayflower Ave. 9-2:30pm FREE 850-863-2906 Gulf Place Town Loop Ctr Summer Concert Series 6-8pm FREE 850-267-8458 Rosemary Bch Barrett Park Farmers Market 9-1pm FREE 850-499-4697
August 30 Fort Walton Yacht Club Livin’ Right Nights 5-7pm FREE 850-244-1935
We love our calendar but things do change so, it's always best to confirm your event by calling the number listed below the event or by visiting their websites.
Sandestin Baytowne Wharf Sunday Cinema 8pm FREE 850-267-8117 30A Watersound The Hub Concert Movie Night 6-8pm FREE 850-213-0782
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continued from page 36
will naturally learn deductive reasoning as they play the course – if I hit my ball in this hole versus that hole, what happens? You can be a bit more explicit with older kids, talking about the angles and physics involved in the sport. This works for billiards too. Keep it light and fun so you’re not forcing the educational component. If they realize you are trying to teach them, they might tune out. Think of it like blending green vegetables into spaghetti sauce – what they don’t know could help them. Technology Isn’t Evil The kids likely want to spend every waking moment with a screen in their faces. Zoning out to endless YouTube videos isn’t the only way to utilize these devices. There are plenty of educational apps out there, both free and pay. ABCmouse is a fun learning app for pre-school and elementary school children. Even video games aren’t all bad. Playing games can teach kids how to be good winners and losers, problem-solving skills and creativity. Chances are they are better at the games than you are. Let them teach you how to play the game and explain how it works. This is a great brain-building exercise for them and a wonderful way to improve the parent-child bond. Our favorite discovery this summer is the Art for Kids Hub channel on YouTube. This channel has more than 1,200 videos with easy step-by-step instructions on how to draw everything from animals and ice cream to Hatchimals and LOL Dolls. Trust me, your kids will sit peacefully for large chunks of time while
following along with these videos. You will be shocked by how quickly they will create some pretty awesome drawings while using both sides of their brains. Chill The most important thing to remember is that schools give kids a summer break for a reason. They need time to rest, relax and recharge. Let them have that time without stress, without pushing them too hard. I hope these tips will help you find sneaky fun ways to incorporate learning into your summer fun. Vivi and I will see you at Big Kahuna’s. We’ll be the ones talking about velocity as we fly down the Tiki River Run.
continued from page 12
insurance companies and has been proven safe and effective for the largest pain generator, low back pain. With such positive outcomes with natural chiropractic care, why the push for pain medication for the first line of care? “I think it’s a matter of educating people about the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic,” says Dr. Timothy Douglass, a licensed Chiropractic Physician at Douglass Chiropractic in Destin. “Chiropractors educate their patients about nutrition, exercise, proper sleep, ergonomics, sitting mechanics, how to lift to prevent low back injury and how to prevent text neck from too much smart phone or computer use.” Dr. Douglass encourages patients to explore a natural way to look at how they care for the miracle that is their body and how to prevent illness before it becomes a medical emergency. “If you are suffering from back or neck pain, consider talking to your local chiropractic physician first. They appreciate the absolute need for quality medical care to include medication and surgery when necessary and will work with your local medical doctor to assure you get the care you deserve.” An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
SAVE A LIFE CPR/AED and Basic First Aid Certification www.beachsidecertifications.com 850.502.3284 patrick@beachsidecert.com BeachsideCertifications
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