5 minute read
Attention to Nutrition
from Fat To Fitness
When you’re trying to shed the unwanted weight, it’s important to know where you went wrong in order to hold yourself accountable for your mistakes so that you may avoid them in the future. When you actively take notes, you are, in effect, keeping a close track of your health journey in a way that allows you to literally pin-point the miss-steps so that you may be more careful in the future.
The importance of tracking your progress is only realized when you compare the detailed you noted before and after to see how far you’ve come. However, when we mention tracking, we don’t just mean that you take note of those dreaded numbers on the scale every morning and then proceed to have a mini melt-down because there’s no change or you seem to have gained a pound or two.
See the purpose emphasizing on taking notes and keeping track is to encourage you to keep a record of every little thing that directly or indirectly affects or measures your weight loss journey. From what you ate, to how much you ate and what you didn’t eat, all the way to the amount of exercise you did and for how long. You should track the changes on the scale as well as the changes that are apparent on your body.
While it’s a good idea to note certain things on a daily basis such as your food and water intake and exercise durations, it’s unadvisable to step up on that scale or measure yourself every day, day after day after day. Doing this only promotes the formation of an unhealthy obsession within you that eventually leads to people having breakdowns by blowing even the minutest of changes completely out of proportion.
Set a specific routine and strictly stick to that when it comes to keeping track of yourself and your progress.
If you are one of those people that is likely to forget what you consumed throughout the day, take a minute to jot down the details of your meal before you actually eat it. I would, however, advise that you list down everything as the day comes to an end. In fact, consider incorporating it into your nightly routine.
For body measurements and scale checks, decide on one day and time of the week where you’ll take the opportunity to not just weight yourself but also measure your body for any change. Depending on what your schedule is like, it’s advisable to choose either a Monday or a Friday to begin your measurements so that you have the entirety of the week to make any adjustments necessary.
One you develop a habit of regularly updating your notes, you’ll notice that as you proceed forth, the choices you make and don’t make do actually have an effect on your weight loss journey. As everything will be directly reflected the numbers and other details you note down, you’ll automatically begin to hold yourself accountable for any and all missteps. What’s more, as you lose weight, you’re weekly weigh-in will act as a direct confidence booster as it shows you that your efforts are paying off.
Shift Your Attention to Nutrition As newer, more ‘cooler’ forms of exercise take center stage in mass media platforms, the concept that weight loss is only accomplished through heavy physical movement is deeply cemented into the minds of all those fighting this particular battle.
That belief is one of the main reasons why so many obese people in the world and this country are unable to succeed in their quest to become healthier.
See when you’re so heavy-set, any sort of fast movement is difficult, and exhausting. Why? Because A, you are literally carrying so much weight that it’s impossible for your feet, and knees to support it, and B, the more weight you have piled up, the greater the effect you have on your body system. So for example, while a ten minute uphill climb might have a physically fit individual only barely winded, it can and will have a physically in-active individual panting, puffing and struggling to draw a proper breathe.
Because of this struggle, most obese people give up on the thought of weight-loss even before they’ve made any effort at all. Or if they do manage to show determination and begin working out, they soon lose momentum and quit in the middle because it gets so physically challenging for them to continue. This throws them into vicious cycle of struggle that loops itself around over and over and over again with seemingly no forward progress at all.
We’re here to debunk the myth that exercise is the sole factor responsible for causing significant weightloss in an individual.
The fact is, theoretically put, an equal balance of exercise and diet is what causes a person to lose weight. What fitness experts emphasize on is the importance of rigorously exercising without factoring in or altering the foods we consume or their quantities. However, in order to effectively drop one single pound of fat, one has to cut back on the certain amount of food consumed AND use exercise to burn it the rest.
This conjunction is what allows us to effectively lose the weight and become the healthier version of our self. That said, we’d like to tell you here and now that this achieving this optimal balance is next to impossible from a practical point of view.
Why, you ask?
That’s because this theoretical standard of losing weight does not factor in or take into consideration the limitation of the resources needed to expend the weight collected over time. These resources, which include physical energy, mental capacity and determination and willpower, time, and money, are all finite such that they come with constraints and are liable to run out.
Everybody is quick to advise that you eat healthier, pick more vegetables, get out more, drink less alcohol, become more active but no one really thinks about the constraints of the sort of lifestyle each individual has.
Maybe there’s a person who has financial issues that consistently plague them so much so that they cannot possibility imagine spending a substantial amount at a gym membership. Or maybe they work two desk jobs to have the time to spend at a gym anyway. So how does that person successfully lose weight?
By keeping in mind, tracking and being careful of their nutritional needs.