2 minute read
Mental Mayhem No More
from Fat To Fitness
healthcare provider and fitness expert, you’re only minimizing the chances of causing yourself unnecessary and irreparable harm and exponentially maximizing the chances for succeeding in achieving all your fitness and life goals.
If you have the opportunity to seek counsel from an expert to aid in your fitness journey, leap up and take advantage of it. Believe you me, you will only benefit from it
You know how we talked about the foods we eat having an impact on the lives that we lead? Well there’s another correlation of the phrase ‘you are what you eat’ – this time around though, it has to do with your mental state.
Now you might be wondering what the mental state, or mental health have to do with one’s physical health – more specifically, what does it have to do with weight-loss?
In case you didn’t know, only everything. The human mind and the nutrients it receives dictate pretty much everything about your body’s functionality. When you pile your body with empty calories, synthetic sugars and high levels of caffeine, you are actually stressing your mind by depriving it of the essential simple sugars and energy providing nutrients that are necessary for optimal functioning.
That’s one side of the spectrum – the second side usually has people skipping meals and excessively cutting back calories in order to lose weight. They eat lesser and lesser every day in the hopes that the lack of food will lead to effective weight loss. Unfortunately, that too, is completely counterproductive.
What happens when you quit eating properly is that you essentially end up depleting your body’s nutrition reserves as it tries to compensate for the lack of outside energy by utilizing the stored ones. As it does so, it slows down your metabolism to the point where the body is only capable of carrying out just the most basic of functions and nothing more. As we explained earlier, your body requires a certain amount of caloric energy to carry out the basic life support functions. When it receives next to no energy externally, the body is forced to utilize its energy storage. However, there is only so much energy the body than afford to expend on a daily basis.
This eventually leads to the fitness enthusiast – in this case you – to feel high levels of fatigue which cause what we like to call a ‘brain fog’. Your mind is muddled and unfocused, you’re irritable and extremely tired – what’s more is that you don’t see any changes in your weight.
This muddled mindset creates further hurdles in your weight-loss journey rendering you unable to realize your fitness goals despite consistent and continuous efforts. In this last section of our weight loss guide, we’re going to talk about that deep connection or rather doomed union that is mental stresses and weight-loss efforts as well as the importance of adequate rest for a better, fitter you.