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The Movement Plan
from Fat To Fitness
hormones which lead to the accumulation of fats in the body. All in all, a high-calcium diet is good for losing overall weight, body fat percentage as well as improving the body composition and preventing weight regain.
Magnesium is another highly abundant mineral found in the human body. Individually, magnesium is associated with helping the body digest, absorb and utilize proteins, carbohydrates and fats more efficiently. Moreover, it contributes, significantly we might add, to the production and activation of a number of important enzymes. Magnesium is found in every single organ within the body and is, naturally, ranked as the fourth most commonly found mineral in humans.
Magnesium has a very strong connection with weight-loss and obesity management. It is the nutrient that directly controls the digestion and utilization of the major food complexes. It also helps facilitate the chemical reaction which allows the consumption of simple sugars such as glucose by cells. Magnesium is also directly associated with the production of something called adenosine triphosphatethe natural source of energy for the human body.
According to research it has been found that a consistent diet that’s high in magnesium has a considerable effect on the overall metabolism. It helps you produce more energy so that you have more to burn those calories.
Magnesium and Calcium, when combined, work synergistically in a way that boosts the functionality of both. Magnesium facilitates in balancing the calcium intake by aiding the body cells in absorbing it better. What’s more, it also helps enhance the effects calcium has on the reduction of fats from the body. There are various mineral combinations available as over-the-counter dietary supplements. The ones that contain an amalgamation of calcium, magnesium plus vitamin D (which helps magnesium help the body absorb calcium better) are a sensible choice when looking to reduce weight.
Have You Got Your Movement Plan? A lot of people in this world are affected by obesity – it’s an everyday struggle for most. The doctors, physicians, physical health specialists and fitness trainers have some very common conversations with a majority of their patients/clients on a daily basis – conversations that are actually quite difficult.
These conversations usually revolve around the confrontation of the obesity epidemic and how it affects a particular individual. Unbeknownst to most of these people, obesity is the number one leading factor for such exorbitant mortality and morbidity rates in the developed world. And yet there are people who choose to justify their weight gain by claiming to have a ‘slow metabolism’, unknown weight-gain despite barely eating anything, or ‘just being different to other people’.
There are reasons for unexplainable weight gain and they mostly just revolve around pre-existing, yet undiagnosed systemic health conditions that prevent an individual from losing weight – for example PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome in women.
People who have a seemingly clean bill of health cannot possibly justify their consistent weight gain by using any versions of the above mentioned excuses. The fact is, if there is proper knowledge, management, balanced eating and exercising habits, any individual on the planet can lose weight – they should only be willing to do so.