2 minute read
september events
2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27 & 30
Car Seat Safety Check
701.234.5570 www.north.sanfordhealth.org
Are your car seats installed correctly? Don't take the chance! Make an appointment be at the Safety Shoppe [601 39th St N, Fargo] between 3:00pm–6:00pm. This is a free event, but registration is required. Also note that it takes a minimum of 30 minutes per car seat per car.
2, 9, 16 & 23
Plain Food Farmers Market www.plainsart.org
At the Museum’s main entrance on 7th, the Market will carry produce, flowers, dairy products, honey, baked goods, arts and crafts from local vendors, all offered in a setting with a friendly, fun street vibe. From 4:00pm–7:00pm.
Make-A-Wish Gala
701.280.WISH (9474) www.northdakota.wish.org
The Make-A-Wish Foundation® of North Dakota has been granting wishes for 25 years! The 12th Annual One Enchanted Evening Gala will be held at the Holiday Inn of Fargo & will include a social and silent auction, followed by dinner, program and live auction. Both auctions will feature unique experiences, travel packages, celebrity items, and one-of-a-kind gifts.
Greater Moorhead Days
218.299.5340 www.cityofmoorhead.com/parks

Greater Moorhead Days Parade, Car Show, Miss Moorhead Pageant, Bocce Challenge & much more!
Penny & Pals
701.241.8160 www.fargoparks.com
Children ages 4–10 be at the RDJ Rec Center from 10:00am–Noon for a one day or multi-day series of classes lead by Penny Andrist and her musical pals. Children learn songs, dances and work with props-then show off what is learned at a special performance at the end of each session for families and friends.
10th Annual Hope of Walk
701.293.6462 www.myfirstlink.org
Part of Suicide Awareness & Prevention Week, FirstLink is hosting the Hope Walk. Registration starts at 3:00pm with a social/ fundraiser following the walk at Pepper’s American Café.
701.241.8160 www.fargoparks.com
Kiddos age 6–8, head to the RDJ Rec Center 6:30pm–8:00pm & learn the basics of drawing and painting by using all types of media.
13, 20 & 27
Active Parenting of Teens www.ag.ndsu.edu/ casscountyextension
This class, held at the West Fargo High School Library, will give you the guidance and support you need to turn the challenges of raising a teenager into opportunities for growth. Classes are September 13, 20 & 27 from 6:30pm–8:00pm. $20 fee.

Hoppin' Hoedown Tickets
On Sale
701.241.8160 www.fargoparks.com
Tickets on sale for the Hoppin Hoedown! Moms, step-moms, grandmas & aunts can bring their favorite cowboy to the hoedown party at Roosevelt Elementary, 6:30pm–8:30pm, October 16th. $5 for moms, $3 for sons [age 4-12].
Chocolate Fantasy & Chili Too!
701.232.3449 www.ywcacassclay.org
Chocolate, chili and a silent auction. Support the YWCA at the Holiday Inn from 11:00am–7:00pm. Contact Lauryn for more info on volunteer opportunities or desert donations.
16 & 17
West Fest
701.282.4444 www.westfargochamber.com
West Fargo's biggest festival filled with a parade and tons of activities. For more information on schedule of events visit online.
Fall Rummage Sale
701.433.5360 www.wfparks.org
The annual sale at the Veterans Memorial Arena combines 100-130 people selling crafts, antiques, collectibles, closeout & garage sale items. Doors are open 7:00am–2:00pm. Adult admission is $1 and Kids 17 & under FREE.
Walk & Roll-A-Thon
218.331.2047 www.creativecare.org
Rain or Shine, head to Oak Grove Park in Fargo and participate in this fabulous fundraiser for disabilities awareness brought to you by CCRI. There will be a picnic, music & games for the kids. The fun starts at 10:30am.
18, 19, 25 & 26 Fall Festival
701.241.8160 www.fargoparks.com
Join us at Rheault Farm for games and Rides. Saturday 10:00am–5:00pm and Sunday Noon–5:00pm. FREE.
19 Streets Alive www.fmstreetsalive.org
For the first time ever, a 5 mile stretch of key FM streets, including Broadway and Center Avenue, will be closed to motorized vehicles! Walkers, bikers, runners, rollerbladers—any human-powered transportation—will fill the streets. Experience dance and fitness activities, music, juggling and art entertainment in parks and other areas along the route.
Take Back the Night
701.293.7273 www.raccfm.com
Take a stand against domestic violence. It all starts at 5:30pm with a community picnic at the Oak Grove Park Main Shelter followed by a program at 7:00pm.
701.364.0264 www.dakotaranch.org
Dinner and Quilt auction at Hope Lutheran Church South Campus. Proceeds benefit kids programs for the Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch. Quilt preview at 3:00pm, Dinner at 5:00pm & Live Auction at 6:30pm.