1 minute read

big kids [6–9 years]

• bruise be gone What a beautiful color show a bruise can provide. If you want to help that bruise heal a little faster, consider busting out the cayenne pepper again. Take one part cayenne pepper and five parts melted Vaseline, mix and cool and then apply once a day.

It’s in every house, can fix most anything and is MacGyver’s best friend. What is it? Duct Tape, baby! And now you have another use!

creepy, crusty

Let’s face it, no one wants a wart. And as your tweener puts more and more attention on the reflection in the mirror, it’s safe to say a wart isn’t on the list of “musthaves.” Warts are a type of infection caused by one of the 100 viruses found in the human papillomavirus [HPV] family. They can occur anywhere on the body, but are commonly seen on the hands and feet. Warts can be spread from one person to the next by touching the wart or using shared items such as a towel. The good news is many people have a natural resistance to HPV. The bad news? Others are more susceptible and get warts easily.

So, what do you do with a wart? For warts on your face or other [below the belt] areas, go to the doctor. For those found on your hands, fingers, knees or feet, treating at home can be successful. There are a number of over-the-counter wart treatments you can try or you can turn to the junk drawer and give duct tape a shot:

1. place a small piece of duct tape over the wart and leave it on for 6 days [if tape gets icky or comes off, just reapply]

2. remove the tape and soak the wart in water for a few minutes

3. then, use an emery board or pumice stone to remove dead skin

4. apply a new piece of duct tape and repeat the process until the wart is gone

The duct tape method can take up to 2 months, but it’s a great because it is painless. Why does it work? The experts aren’t exactly sure, but one theory is that the duct tape, and what it’s made of, irritates the wart and stimulates the immune system to fight off the virus causing the wart. Worth a try!

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