2 minute read

mod mommarcievesey age33,fargond

the one person i most identify with… my two teaching partners, Chris and Vicki. The three of us are all from different age generations, but you would never know it as we all have the same faith, philosophies of life [to always have FUN and a lot of LAUGHTER], child rearing and teaching beliefs.

the kid snack i am most likely to eat… Goldfish.

the best book i have ever read… books? Who has time for books? I SAY it’s a hobby but I don’t know the last adult book I read for enjoyment since my kids have been born. Now picture books…that’s another story! My new favorite is “Press Here” by Herve Tullet.

the funniest thing said to me by a kindergarten student was… oh my gosh…where do I begin?

There have been so many, but I’d have to say it was when we were talking about the vocabulary word potent. The assignment was to draw something potent and a student said, “Mrs. Vesey, have you ever smelled one of my mom’s farts?” Me—“No, I haven’t and that might be kind of hard to draw.”

Student—“Well, I wasn’t going to draw it, I was just wondering if you ever smelled it because it stinks.” a pet peeve of mine… when people park too close to me in a parking lot! I drive a suburban- usually mini vans and suburbans means car seats/kids are on board. I always strategically park near cart corrals and away from vehicles so I can open my doors to get in and out, with an infant car seat. the movie i could watch over and over… one thing i vowed i’d never do when i had kids that i find myself doing… using bribery! I don’t do it often, but it’s in my mommy bag of tricks for when I’m desperate. my mom was right about… what goes around, comes around [good, bad or otherwise]. my saving grace as a woman/mom… is having a cleaning lady [I LIVE FOR EVERY OTHER TUESDAY]! The time it saves me and most of all my sanity is wonderful. I couldn't keep up the house, work full time and chase after three little ones...she is such a time saver and money well spent! my ultimate vacation destination…. beggars can’t be choosers. I would go anywhere just to go on a vacation! i’m a sucker for… my husband would describe me as… beautiful, fun to be around, a good mommy, always laughing and annoying when I start cleaning at 10pm. the ideal date night would be… dinner at my favorite restaurant, Sarellos [the full meal deal- appetizer, entrée, dessert and wine]. i feel beautiful when… three things i’m super crazy about… anything with polka dots [especially kids clothes], Target [I think my entire paycheck is spent there each month], and lip gloss [I always have chapstick or lip gloss close by]. the most fulfilling part of being a teacher… being such an intricate part of a child’s daily life for nine [short- or long] months. I spend six and half hours a day with 20 little people- more than the time they have with their parents at home. I am in charge of teaching them academically and socially- I instill the foundation of lifelong learning. What an honor! the crayon color that best describes me…

Sweet Home Alabama and Pretty Woman.

Filet O’Fish sandwiches and a Diet Coke from McDonalds.

I finish getting ready in the morning and Patrick will always say how nice I look. He’s always so good about giving me compliments.

Electric Lime. I love the lime green color and nothing in my life is dull or boring. My house is full of energy and excitement and so is my classroom!

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