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Amy Longtin earned the title of Mrs. North Dakota in September. Photo courtesy of Britta the Photographer

Amy Longtin Fargo, N.D. MOD MOM

A voice for women, lifting them up

By Meilssa Davidson

What if we lived in a world where women lifted each other up? Where comments of doubt and judgement were replaced with those of praise and gratitude. Where girls grew up knowing they’re just as worthy as men to be successful at any career, and they can do it all while being a mother and giving back to their community.

This is the world Amy Longtin envisions, one she emulates in her personal and professional life every day.

Longtin is senior systems administrator lead at Tharaldson Hospitality Management, a role she recognizes is not typically filled with female talent.

“I have always been the only girl in most departments in the technology field,” she said. “To see that fewer girls pursuing a technological degree is mind boggling. Technology is not going away.”

Longtin has made it her mission to become an advocate for young girls and to help them not be intimidated by the stigma of the maledominated field. Since 2016 she’s been fostering this message with her mentees at UCodeGirl, a nonprofit that encourages girls to pursue technology careers.

“It helps with their self esteem and confidence to know there are many women in our community who are successful business leaders that also manage a family at home,” she said.

Longtin has two girls of her own, 7-year-old Brooke and 5-year-old Alayna. Her hope for them and all young girls is to never feel less than they are and to always strive for any goal, no matter how big or small; she knows actions speak louder than words: in September, Longtin earned the title of Mrs. North Dakota America in September.

“I’ve gotten many comments from people asking ‘Why did you decide to do this? Aren't you too old? I didn’t even know a Mrs. was a thing’ “ she said. “I say to them, ‘Why not? Why not get involved in an organization where like-minded, successful married women are giving back to their communities and raising awareness for what they believe in?’ ”

Longtin also uses the role to show women they can be anything they put their mind to. She has a passion for lifting others up, which also extends to her community. You can often see her volunteering with many local organizations, including the YWCA, American Red Cross, The Arthritis Foundation, United Way and American Cancer Society. She’s also an ambassador for Giving Hearts Day, one of the biggest giving days of the year in North Dakota.

“The pure joy you feel after doing something for your community is far more rewarding than anything I have ever felt before,” Longtin said.

Not everyone is going to like you and that is okay! Do what feels right to you and ignore the haters.

Amy Longtin

Her devotion to helping others has even led to more entrepreneurial endeavors. When COVID-19 shut down schools and businesses, Longtin learned that many children did not have technology in their homes or internet access, tools necessary to continue their education. So, she created a new nonprofit, Tech4Kids, that would provide software and the technological tools needed to support a successful remote academic learning environment for children.

Here is a peek at the beliefs that have pushed Amy Longtin to give back: to her daughters, her friends, her mentees, her community and women around her.

What I’ve learned from my experiences is...

not everyone is going to like you and that is okay! Do what feels right to you and ignore the haters.

My advice for young girls is...

to always hold your head high and never listen to the haters. You are destined to be great in your own way, whether you know it yet or not. Go after your dreams and never ever settle for anything less than extraordinary.

My advice for fellow moms is...

to please stop judging each other and start lifting each other up! We all have our own issues, whether it looks picture perfect or not, it is life and it is real. Today, it’s still a man’s world so we need to stick together and be each other's cheerleaders to make a difference in the right direction. Be supportive to one another and ask for help when you need it. We all have a story to tell, make yours a little easier by creating sunshine.

What inspires me is...

my children. They inspire me to make each day count. Every day is a blessing that is robbed of many so make every second count.

People may be surprised to know that...

I am an only child and that I raise a huge garden and can a lot of my own produce.

I recharge by...

Taking a weekend to disconnect from technology and live in the moment.

I am reading...

“Victoria’s Voice”, a heart-wrenching true story of a girl who dealt with bullying and ultimately lost her life due to an opioid addiction. I also read a lot of self-growth books; “The Secret”, “This is How We Rise”, and “Girl, Wash Your Face”, are some of my favorites.

Words I live by...

When you start something, always make a solid effort to finish it, whether it be a good or bad finish, at least you can say you finished.

Amy Longtin and husband Mark have two daughters: 5-year-old Alayna and 7-year-old Brooke. Photo courtesy of Britta the Photographer

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