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this and that mom are you? what kind of

The Exaggerator This is the mom who will never admit to anything that may be slightly askew in the household. She paints a beautiful rosy picture, when we all know it’s never that perfect. “My sweet baby Sara is doing great! She’s such an easy baby. She has been sleeping through the night, every night, since she was two months old. She cries only when she’s hungry or needs to be changed, and she loves to go out for long periods of time! ” Be aware that this does differ from a proud mom who brags about her babies. Bragging is really a wonderful perk of motherhood.

The Comparer Posing as an interested mom, this is the type who constantly asks you questions about your baby, not because she is really that interested, but to compare her child to yours. “ So, when was it that Susie started sitting up on her own? When did she roll over? What kind of formula is she on? Is she sleeping through the night? ” This mom rarely gives up any information on her kids, and places all the attention on you and your family. News flash: She’s digging, not interested.

The Scatterbrain This mom lost her mind when she had a baby. She is late to everything, her house is a disaster, and she always looks like a total mess. She can’t seem to manage anything. Whenever you talk to her, she sounds like she’s on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Get a grip, sister you CAN do this thing called motherhood.

The Inquisitor Somewhat similar to The Comparer, however, this mom asks you 1000 parenting questions because she is too lazy to buy a book or do some research online. She asks you everything, so that she can cherry-pick from your knowledge of discounts, deals, and parenting tips and then go about her day—while offering you no new information in return. For instance, have you ever been in a seemingly endless questioning session from a particular mom when she actually asks you where she should buy diapers from. Um, the store! It’s not rocket science!

The Chimer-Inner This is that mom at the grocery store, the mall, or anywhere out in public, who decides to just give random, unsolicited advice about your child. She “chimes in” so to speak, when she was never asked her opinion, much less even looked at or acknowledged by you. She usually starts the conversation with the seemingly harmless question, “Is this your first?” She actually thinks that because she had a baby first, you somehow really long to hear her foolproof way to get your child to stop fussing at the cash register. You know you just want to say “Zip it, lady. You don’t like advice from strangers, and neither do I.” source: www.Kaboose.com

The Depressor This one is the WORST to be around. Everything is negative. The baby is fussy all the time, her husband won’t help around the house, they have no money, and she hates how she looks. She uses you as her therapist. By the time she finishes her venting marathon and actually asks “So, how are you?,” you are so worn out you just say “Great,” end the conversation, and head for the nearest bottle of wine to lift your spirits after that downer of a chat. Even though The Depressor can be a downer she might be the only one of these gals you don’t mind keeping around because she makes you feel a whole lot better about your own life!

story by | sheri kleinsasser stockmoe

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