March/April 2014 Issue

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March/April 2014 5th Anniversary Issue

John John Toohey Toohey Aztec Aztec Theatre Theatre Culinaria Culinaria 2014 2014 Fiesta速 Fiesta速 San San Antonio Antonio Steven Steven & & Sylvia Sylvia McHugh McHugh Tejano Tejano Conjunto Conjunto Festival Festival Alien Alien Worlds and Androids Plus Plus 14 14 Additional Additional Articles Articles

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2 On The Town | March/April 2014

March/April 2014 | On The Town 3




The Return of Wicked Highlights an Overload of Amazing Performances in March and April


John Toohey: Celebrating Five Years at Arts San Antonio Aztec on the River: Bringing Back The Glory Days with Music and More


Features Cont. Over 100 Events, 18 Days, One Fiesta®!


A Night in Old San Antonio®



33rd Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival: May 14-15



San Antonio Book Festival


Steven and Sylvia McHugh: Offering the Cure for Your Hunger


3,2,1…Lift Off! 94 Scobee Education Center at San Antonio College to Open Soon

Hats Off to Culinaria Wine & Culinary Arts Festival


Historic “Wedding Oak” Tree Serves as the Root for the Name of an Up-and-coming Hill Country Winery


Grey Moss Inn: Historical, Flavorful, Rustic and Romantic


Warhol, Indiana, Alien Worlds and Androids, Sully, Onderdonk, Kuhn, CAM and Night of Artists Highlight March and April Exhibitions


Western Art at its Finest Comes to San Antonio


Random Thoughts: Cataloging a Collection 92 Of Noteworthy Topics

Where Science Fiction Meets Science Fact, Alien Worlds and Androids Launches at the Witte Museum


Artistic Destination: Rosemary Beach – New 96 Urbanism by Design

4 On The Town | March/April 2014


Events Calendar


Pinch Pennies & Dine Well: Buying Discounted Dining Dollars


Book Talk: Kristen Depken, Children’s 84 Book Editor, First Book San Antonio Founder

Out & About With Greg Harrison


Lair Creative, LLC would not knowingly publish misleading or erroneous information in editorial content or in any adv appear under any circumstances. Additionally, content in this electronic magazine does not necessarily reflect the view mances and exhibits, it is recommended that all times and dates of such events be confirmed by the reader prior to at




Cover Credits Contributors Front Cover Photo: © Mac Miller |

Mikel Allen, creative director / graphic designer

Christian Lair, operations manager / webmaster

Jonathan Alonzo

Kay Lair

Events Calendar Cover Photo: Kolja Blacher Courtesy San Antonio Symphony

Betsy Beckmann

Yadhira Lozano

Olivier J. Bourgoin (aka, Olivier the Wine Guy)

Barb Machado

Culinary Arts Cover Photo: Photo by Greg Harrison

Julie Catalano

Visual Arts Cover Photo: Thomas Sully (American, born England, 1783–1872) Frances Anne Kemble as Beatrice, 1833 Oil on canvas, 30” × 25” Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia Bequest of Henry C. Carey (The Carey Collection), 1879.8.24 Courtesy of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia

Chris Dunn

Performing Arts Cover Photo Jennifer DiNoia 2013 © Joan Marcus

Festivals & Celebrations Cover Photo: Courtesy Fiesta® San Antonio – © Jonathan Alonzo Photography Literary Arts Cover Photo: © Lightzoom | Eclectics Cover Photo: Photo by Greg Harrison

Thomas Duhon

Ashley Festa Vivienne Gautraux

Ginger McAneer-Robinson Marlo Mason-Marie Susan A. Merkner, copy editor Sara Selango Connie Swann

Greg Harrison, staff photographer

Juan Tejeda

Laura Hernandez Aplin

Vanessa Torres

Shannon Houghtaling

Jasmina Wellinghoff is published by Lair Creative, LLC 14122 Red Maple San Antonio, Texas 78247 210-771-8486 210-490-7950 (fax)

vertisement in On The Town, nor does it assume responsibility if this type of editorial or advertising should ws or opinions of the management of Lair Creative, LLC. Since On The Town features information on perforttendance. The publisher assumes no responsibility for changes in times, dates, venues, exhibitions or performances.

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Performing Arts 8-22

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et the discussion begin with one of my alltime favorite Broadway musicals. Wicked returns to the Majestic for a twenty-four per formance run Mar. 12-30. It’s Oz before Dorothy and it’s absolutely wonder ful. Don’t take my word for it, go and experience the grand staging, incredible costumes and magical music for yourself. Following Wicked at the Majestic in late April is Evita from the legendary creative partnership of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Catch this one Apr. 29 – May 4. Also, make plans for the 2014-15 Broadway at The Majestic Series which consists of six shows in the subscription package plus three specials. Included are The Lion King (extended run), Chicago, Dirty Dancing, Annie, Once and Disney’s Newsies, plus Blue Man Group, Mamma Mia and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast as optional opportunities. Add in Wicked, Evita and Sister Act from the current season and that’s twelve shows to mark down on your calendar of things to see and do. You can make it a baker’s dozen by penciling in Raisin’ Cane: A Harlem Renaissance Odyssey starring Jasmine Guy of television fame ( Whitley Gilbert on A Different

10 On The Town | March/April 2014

World) along with Avery Sharpe Trio. This is a Carver Community Cultural Center presentation on Mar. 21 at the Jo Long Theatre. Community theater offers many great moments as well in the months of March and April. Into The Woods graces the Woodlawn Theatre stage through mid-March, as does Stand and Deliver at The Rose Theater Company and Stripped at The Overtime. Cameo Theatre brings us The Wedding Singer beginning Mar. 15 followed by Jesus Christ Super Star starting in mid-April. Catch Me If You Can plays the Woodlawn Apr. 11 – May 11 and Doo Wop City: A Jukebox Musical promises to be tons of fun at Harlequin Dinner Theatre from Mar. 20 to the first weekend in May. Notable out-oftowners include Boerne Community Theatre’s Slueth, The Rainmaker at VK Garage Theatre in Kerrville, Smoke on the Mountain at Circle Arts in New Braunfels, Fredericksburg Theatre Company ’s Lost in Yonkers and Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean by The Wimberly Players. Check the events calendar in this magazine for dates and times.

Turning to the music category, San Antonio Symphony performs two classical concerts at the Majestic in the March-April time period. A program titled Beethoven and Mozart, featuring Kolja Blacher as both violinist and conductor, comes first Mar. 7-8. Swan Lake, with conductor Bramwell Tovey, is next Apr. 11-12. Also in the classical genre, Glories of the Baroque is scheduled at San Fernando Cathedral Mar. 23 and features flutist Martha Long with Akiko Fujimoto conducting. Symphony Pops offerings in the same two months are The Texas Tenors at Laurie Auditorium Mar. 21-22 and Fiesta Pops at the Majestic Apr. 18-19 with Mariachi Campanas de America, Guadalupe Dance Company and Little Joe y La Familia. Shifting back to classical programming, San Antonio Chamber Music Society presents Escher String Quartet and Brentano String Quartet on Mar. 2 and Apr. 6 respectively at Temple Beth-El, and Tuesday Musical Club offers its last concert of the 2013-14 Artists Series at Laurel Heights United Methodist on Apr. 1 featuring cellist Sophie

Shao. Another classical opportunity happens on the very first day of March when San Antonio International Piano Competition presents The Long Duo at St. Mark’s Episcopal as a part of their International Piano Series, and Camerata San Antonio offers (SQ) Mixtape in Boerne, Kerrville and San Antonio Mar. 28-30. Musical Bridges Around The World adds three concerts to the list for March, starting with Indian Fusion at Laurie Auditorium Mar. 1 followed by From Russia With Love featuring Ukrainian soprano Uliana Alexyuk at San Fernando Cathedral Mar. 2. Both concerts are included in the MBAW’s Music Without Borders World Music Festival. At the end of March, the organization presents Songs of Arabia from their Judy and Jefferson Crabb Musical Evenings at San Fernando Cathedral series. For the classical music aficionado, even more concerts are available in and around San Antonio throughout March and April. For specifics, peruse On The Town Ezine’s events calendar. As a fun finish to this article, let’s take a look at

March/April 2014 | On The Town 11

some b ig n am e enter ta i n ers co mi n g to t he me tropo l i t an are a, a n d I wa nt to sta r t wit h Th e A zte c. We l co me ba ck A z tec Th eatre, now a m usi c ve n u e o f n o te. G eo rge Th orogood a nd th e D e s t roye rs a ppea r th ere M a r. 4, t hen it ’s B ud d y G u y M a r. 6 a n d B ret M i ch a e ls M ar. 9 . Q uee n s r yc h e t a kes over M a r. 28 followed by Lo s Lo b o s an d R o ber t Cray Apr. 13 and Buc k c he r r y Ap r. 18. Ch eck th e A z tec web site for a c ts co m in g i n at l ater dates.

Ar ts SA has 9-time Grammy Award-winner Ar turo Sandoval coming to the Lila Cockrell Mar. 20, Motionhouse Dance Theatre at the Jo Long Apr. 9, Bill Maher at Laurie Auditorium Apr. 12 and a Grand Concer t Apr. 17 at the Lila Cockrell by Vadym Kholodenko of the Ukraine, winner of the Nancy Lee and Perr y R. Bass Gold Medal and the Van Cliburn Winner ’s Cup, Fei-Fei Dong of China and Nikita Mndoyants of Russia.

In addition to the previously mentioned Raisin’ R ig ht d own t h e s t reet a n d a ro u n d th e cor ner, Cane, the Car ver features SFJazz Collective in the M a j e s t i c i s s u per- l o a ded w i th great t alent. April and Jason Moran in May. Boerne Per forming Th ei r li n e u p i n cl u des L i ver po o l Legen ds, Julio Ar ts brings Time for Three Trio to Champions HS Igl esi a s, S in b ad, Jo e B o n a ma ssa , Up I n Smoke Auditorium in Boerne Mar. 25 while the Brauntex Tour w i t h C h e e ch & Ch o n g pl u s Wa r, Hu ey Lewis in New Braunfels has Close to You: The Music of the Carpenters and accordionist Alex Meixner in & The N e ws, R o b Th o ma s a n d Cel ti c Wo man. early March as well as violinist Charles Yang Apr. No t to b e fo rg o t ten a re presenters Ar t s S an 12. In Kerr ville, the Kathleen C. Cailloux Theater Anton i o, Th e Ca r ver Co mmu n i t y Cult ural features Michael Mar tin Murphey Mar. 30. Cente r, B o e r n e Per fo r mi n g Ar ts, B rauntex Per fo r mi n g Ar t s Theatre i n N ew B ra u n fels and Once again there is an overload of amazing performances to enjoy in and around the Alamo City. Th e K at h l e e n C . Ca i l l o u x Th eater i n K er r ville. Get some tickets and go!

12 On The Town | March/April 2014

Photo Credits: Pages 8-9

Brentano String Quartet Photo by Peter Schaaf

Wicked-Hayley Podschun Photo by Joan Marcus Pages 12-13 (L-R) Pages 10-11 (L-R) Evita Photo by Richard Termine Raisin’ Cane-Jasmine Guy Courtesy Carver Community Cultural Center Wicked - Hayley Podschun and Jenifer DiNoia Photo by Joan Marcus

Time for Three Trio Photo by Vanessa Briceno-Scherzer Julio Iglesias Courtesy Majestic Theatre Lo-An Lin Courtesy Fredericksburg Music Club Escher String Quartet Photo by Laura Rose

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14 On The Town | March/April 2014

JOHN TOOHEY: Celebrating Five Years at Arts San Antonio By Ashley Festa Photography Greg Harrison


ith an economic bubble, a new marketing strategy and new venues to pursue, the past five years have been a wild ride for John Toohey, president and executive director of ARTS San Antonio. Toohey officially took on the position in January 2009 after frequently traveling from Fort Worth to San Antonio in the fall of 2008 for meetings with the board of directors, staff and the community. Since then, he has weathered new challenges, but he’s also embraced the change of pace. Though Toohey has been working in the performing arts field for many years – the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, the Dallas Opera, the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the Texas Ballet Theater – the diversity of programming with ARTS San Antonio enticed him. “It was very narrow,” Toohey said of working with the Fort Worth Symphony. “It was never routine, but there were very specific expectations for outcomes. It’s one of most traditional and stylized forms of ensemble work that exists today. You never hear people say, ‘Here’s a new way to play Beethoven.’ You aspire to be the very best, but Beethoven is Beethoven.” At ARTS SA, however, variety is the name of the game. Over the course of a year, performances include everything from classical ballet to folkloric dance and from world music to Creole jazz.

more to the San Antonio scene. “We don’t want to duplicate what is already occurring and already being presented in the community,” he said. “We want to create experiences of new performances by trusted performers.” Doing that, however, hasn’t always been easy. When he first arrived in San Antonio, “the economy went into free fall,” he said. Tickets became harder to sell, contributions dried up and city grants fell drastically. The organization’s first course of action was to cut programming, but Toohey soon realized that plan would doom ARTS SA’s future. Instead, he and the board of directors decided the key to surviving and ultimate success lay in providing stellar performances that the community would support. “On one of our darkest days, we got a call asking if we would present Yo-Yo Ma,” Toohey said. He recalls his initial concern about the expense of hosting such a prestigious show, but soon laid out a strategy to make it happen. He reserved the Majestic Theatre, planned an after-party to raise money and partnered with the San Antonio Chamber Music Society. “People still talk about it, saying, ‘You were the ones who brought Yo-Yo Ma to San Antonio,’” Toohey said. And the icing on the cake? ARTS SA made a profit on the performance.

Understanding performing arts as a business “So what’s the connective tissue here?” Toohey said. “I contributed to Toohey’s, and ultimately the think it’s easy: These are the world’s best performers. organization’s, success. Unlike businesses that have The thread of continuity is artistic excellence.” an established budget for marketing, ARTS San Antonio starts at zero. Toohey and his staff have to And although ARTS SA dedicates itself to offering figure out how to pay for a performance, building top-notch performances to its patrons, the shows it from the ground up. And a dazzling performance also must offer something different, something night is no small expense. Not only must the March/April 2014 | On The Town 15

organization pay the performers, but transportation and housing fees, hired ushers, stagehands and police officers, advertising, and the TicketMaster agreement also figure into the final cost. “We have to be hard-nosed business people and patrons of the arts and entrepreneurs,” he said. “You can’t take a great ballet company or great jazz musician and look at it like a commodity.” The challenges ARTS San Antonio faced over the past five years have changed Toohey’s understanding of what it takes to successfully run a nonprofit organization. He also knows that the balance of business and artistic talent overshadows the entire outcome. “We aren’t artists,” he said. “We make it possible for artists to do their thing. It takes great artists to make this possible, but neither would they exist without an audience.” This coming September, the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts will offer a new venue for those artists and audiences. Toohey expects an exciting season, both for the Tobin and ARTS SA. With the Tobin’s opening, the San Antonio Symphony will have a permanent home, leaving more opportunities for ARTS SA to host performances at the Majestic Theatre. Toohey also reserves the Lila Cockrell Theater for many performances each season. It was in that theater that Toohey enjoyed one of his favorite performances to date: Cuban jazz artist Chucho Valdés, along with the Afro-Cuban Messengers. Nicknamed the “Dean of Latin Jazz” and revered as one of Cuba’s greatest jazz pianists, Valdés has earned four Grammy Awards. “He’s a virtuoso by any standard, but there’s an improvisational style that he has,” Toohey said. “Cuban jazz is more percussive than American jazz. That was a performance that really affected me.” What may affect him the most, however, is simply seeing a performance come together after so much hard work. At a recent esteemed performance, he looked at the crowd of thousands in attendance and mused about the year of planning and marketing that made it happen.

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“The incredible risks were sobering,” he said. “But we moved forward.”

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n his classic Peanuts comic strip, Charles M. Schulz has No stranger to new ventures, Panchevre was lovable Linus lamenting, “There is no heavier burden nonetheless unprepared for what lay just behind the than a great potential.” Aztec’s front doors. “My jaw dropped when I saw the lobby. I had no clue about the space there.” Marveling True for people and for buildings, too. The historic Aztec at the stunning Meso-American architecture, the Theatre in downtown San Antonio started life at the top, bright colors, the meticulous replicas of 12 towering, when it opened in 1926 as one of the grandest movie statue-topped columns, the spectacular (and original) palaces of its day. Over its 80-odd year history—some two-story, two-ton, 278-bulb chandelier, he says, “The years odder than others—it enjoyed decades of red wheels started turning.” carpet movie premieres and star-studded events. Until the economic turmoil of the late 1980s took its toll, Panchevre knew from years of dealing with booking that is. Narrowly escaping destruction in 1988, the San agents and bands that many of them needed a larger Antonio Conservation Society rescued the theater and concert venue than the 500-600 people Sam’s Burger succeeding in getting it listed on the National Register Joint could hold, but they didn’t exactly need the of Historic Places in 1992. From glittering heights to Alamodome either. As a mid-size venue for 1,500an almost irreversible descent into oblivion, the once 2,000 people, the Aztec fills the bill, thanks to inventive glorious theater seemed destined for a sad, downward configurations using movable platforms and custom spiral that many wondered if it could ever recover from. seating arrangements. “The theater itself, with both levels, can have about 1,400 standing on the lower San Antonio entrepreneur/restaurateur Samuel floors and 550 seated in the upper mezzanine,” says Panchevre had no such doubts, even though he never Panchevre, aiming to make the live concerts “very laid eyes on the Aztec until 2012, when the theater’s lease different experiences for the band and the fans” that was up for grabs, even after a $26 million renovation allows them more interaction, including room to dance. in 2006. A Branson-style show closed after three years and the grand theater was once again desolate with Next, “I wanted to create something different from no prospects in sight. Panchevre was interested only any other venue in San Antonio. A more festive, party in the liquidation sale, thinking he could use some of environment where you walk into a beautiful lobby, the equipment for his own Sam’s Burger Joint, a popular enjoy some cocktails and appetizers, get into the mood restaurant/concert venue he founded in 1998 near what before the show starts, see the show, and on the way is now the Pearl District. out there’s a party going on in the lounge. You can stay

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here another hour or two and finish the night in style.” Caterers currently are used for light fare, but the plan is to eventually have an in-house kitchen—not the least bit daunting for the son of a French chef.

needs to be a living theater, with all kinds of activities going on here. Day, night, weekends, weekdays. That’s what’s going to make it successful this time around.” From his mouth to the (Aztec’s) gods’ ears.

With partner Keith Howerton in PHH Ventures Entertainment LLC, Panchevre said the majority of their nearly $2 million investment (in 1926 the entire theater was built for about the same cost) went primarily to technology—specifically a state-of-the-art sound system imported from Germany. “We spent $1.2 million to $1.4 million just on sound and lights.” Upcoming acts include George Thorogood and the Destroyers (March 4), Buddy Guy with special guest Ana Popovic (March 6), Bret Michaels (March 9), and Queensrÿche Starring Geoff Tate 25th Anniversary of Operation Mindchrime (March 28).

For more information and a calendar of upcoming shows, visit or call 210-812-4355. For information on Saturdays at the Aztec and Funky First Fridays, check out

As for the ever-elusive local audience, Panchevre shrugs it off. “They come downtown for shows, river parades, holiday festivities, and with out-of-town guests, so we know locals come downtown.” The Aztec’s main draw is to provide the ultimate in versatility—in addition to music events, the space(s) can handle banquets, receptions, corporate presentations, luncheons, even a yoga convention complete with yoga mats on the platforms in the theater itself. “We are getting almost a call a day for private events.”

Interior of Aztec Theatre as seen from the balcony

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Photo Credits: Pages 18-19

Pages 20-21 (L-R) Iconic Aztec Neon Sign on St. Mary’s between Crockett and Commerce Aztec Theatre Lobby with two-story, two-ton, 278 bulb chandelier

Panchevre is determined that the beloved landmark will Ticket Booth reach—and exceed—its long-dormant potential. “This just inside Aztec front doors March/April 2014 | On The Town 21

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Events Calendar

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March-April 2014 Events Calendar Music Notes Jazz 91.7 Presents Skyline Swing 3/1, Sat @ 7pm Jim Cullum Jazz Band Skyline Room Trinity University Musical Bridges Around The World Indian Fusion 3/1, Sat @ 7:30pm Laurie Auditorium Trinity University San Antonio International Piano Competition’s Piano Series The Long Duo 3/1, Sat @ 7:30pm St. Mark’s Episcopal San Antonio Chamber Choir March Madrigal Madness 3/1, Sat @ 7:30pm The Spire at Sunset Station Liverpool Legends 3/1, Sat @ 7:30pm Majestic Theatre

Close to You: Music of The Carpenters 3/1, Sat @ 7:30pm Brauntex Theatre New Braunfels Voci di Sorelle World Harmonies in Concert 3/1, Sat @ 7:30pm Parker Chapel Trinity University Cactus Country 3/1, Sat @ 8:15pm Leon Springs Dancehall Brandon Rhyder 3/1, Sat @ 9pm Gruene Hall Whiskey Myers 3/1, Sat @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store Spring Jazz at the Falls Slim Man 3/1, Sat @ 7:30pm Joe Posada 3/6, Thu @ 7:30pm PM Soul 3/13, Thu @ 7:30pm

24 On The Town | March/April 2014

Althea Rene 3/20, Thu @ 7:30pm Ken Slavin 3/27, Thu @ 7:30pm Rick Braun 3/29, Sat @ 7:30pm All performances at The Falls – The Shops at La Cantera on Main Street between Z Tejas and Yard House San Antonio Chamber Music Society Escher String Quartet 3/2, Sun @ 3:15pm Temple Beth-El Rockbox Theatre Pure Platinum 3/1-15, Fri @ 8pm Sat @ 4:30 & 8pm Fredericksburg

Musical Bridges Around The World From Russia, With Love St. Petersburg String Quartet 3/2, Sun @ 3pm San Fernando Cathedral San Antonio Swing Dance Society Swing Night at Sam’s 3/3-4/28 Every Monday @ 7pm (doors open) Sam’s Burger Joint Heart of Texas Concert Band Talent Showcase 3/4, Tue @ 7pm McAllister Auditorium San Antonio College

San Antonio Choral Society Pops: Beatlemania 3/2, Sun @ 4pm St. George Maronite

South Texas Jazz Presents: Mardi Gras 3/4, Tue @ 7:30pm Charline McCombs Empire Theatre

Music at St. Mark’s Marilyn Keiser, organ 3/2, Sun @ 5pm St. Mark’s Episcopal

George Thorogood and the Destroyers 3/4, Tue @ 7pm Aztec Theatre

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Fat Tuesday with Alex Meixner 3/4, Tue @ 8pm Brauntex Theatre New Braunfels Buddy Guy with Special Guest Ana Popovic 3/6, Thu @ 7pm Aztec Theatre Cody Johnson 3/7, Fri @ 7pm (doors open) Cowboys Dancehall San Antonio Symphony Beethoven and Mozart 3/7-8, Fri-Sat @ 8pm Kolja Blacher, conductor and violin Majestic Theatre Jack Ingram 3/7, Fri @ 8pm Gruene Hall Stephanie Urbina Jones 3/7, Fri @ 8pm Luckenbach Dancehall Bruce Robinson’s Honky Tonk Band 3/7, Fri @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store Tyler Farr 3/8, Sat @ 7pm (doors open) Cowboys Dancehall

Pat Green & Cory Morrow 3/8, Sat @ 8pm John T. Floore Country Store Billy Mata & Texas Tradition 3/8, Sat @ 8:15pm Leon Springs Dancehall The Dirty River Boys 3/8, Sat @ 9pm Gruene Hall Micky and the Motorcars 3/8, Sat @ 9pm Luckenbach Dancehall Chapel of the Incarnate Word Music Series The Copperleaf Quintet Miserere: Music for Lent 3/9, Sun @ 3pm

Thomas Michael Riley 3/14, Fri @ 8pm Luckenbach Dancehall Jody Nix Band 3/14, Fri @ 8:15pm Leon Springs Dancehall Kyle Park 3/14, Fri @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store Miley Cyrus: Bangerz Tour 3/15, Sat @ 7:30pm AT&T Center Gary P. Nunn 3/15, Sat @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store

Gospel Fest Featuring Kim Jordon 3/9, Sun @ 4pm Jo Long Theatre at The Carver

Mike and the Moonpies 3/15, Sat @ 9pm Luckenbach Dancehall

Bret Michaels 3/9, Sun @ 7pm Aztec Theatre

The First Fine Arts Series Seth Nelson, organ 3/16, Sun @ 3pm First Baptist Church San Antonio

Two Tons of Steel 3/11, Tue @ 8:30pm Gruene Hall Roger Creager 3/14-15, Fri @ 8pm Sat @ 9pm Gruene Hall

26 On The Town | March/April 2014

Fredericksburg Music Club Christine Albert, harpsichord 3/16, Sun @ 3pm Fredericksburg United Methodist

Fred Sings – A Tribute to SA Women in Jazz: Katchie Cartwright, Carol Cisneros, Judi Deleon, Leonor Ramirez and Nina Rodriguez 3/16, Sun @ 4pm Bihl Haus Arts Arts San Antonio Presents Arturo Sandoval 3/20, Thu @ 7:30pm Lila Cockrell Theater Gin Blossoms 3/20, Thu @ 7:30pm Brauntex Theatre New Braunfels An Evening of Classical Piano with Angelo Arciglione 3/21, Fri @ 7:30pm Kathleen C. Cailloux Theater Kerrville 3/22, Sat @ 7:30pm Brauntex Performing Arts Theatre New Braunfels Hal Ketchum 3/21, Fri @ 8pm Gruene Hall Larry Joe Taylor 3/21, Fri @ 8pm Luckenbach Dancehall

San Antonio Symphony Pops The Texas Tenors 3/21-22, Fri-Sat @ 8pm Akiko Fujimoto, conductor Laurie Auditorium Trinity University Rocky King Band 3/21, Fri @ 8:15pm Leon Springs Dancehall Randy Rogers Band 3/21, Fri @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store Rockbox Theatre Boot & Roots 3/21-4/26, Fri @ 8pm Sat @ 4:30 & 8pm Fredericksburg Charlie Robison 3/22, Sat @ 9pm Gruene Hall Chris Knight 3/22, Sat @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store The Arts at Coker Angelo Arciglione, piano 3/23, Sun @ 3pm Coker United Methodist Music at St. Mark’s The Copperleaf Quintet Miserere: Music for Lent 3/23, Sun @ 5pm St. Mark’s Episcopal

San Antonio Symphony Glories of the Baroque 3/23, Sun @ 7pm Akiko Fujimoto, conductor Martha Long, flute San Fernando Cathedral Chapel of the Incarnate Word Music Series The Copperleaf Quintet Ave Maria 3/25, Tue @ 7pm Boerne Performing Arts Time for Three 3/25, Tue @ 7:30pm Champions HS Auditorium Boerne Camerata San Antonio (SQ) Mixtape 3/28, Fri @ 7pm Boerne First United Methodist 3/29, Sat @ 3pm Kerrville First Presbyterian 3/30, Sun @ 3pm Christ Episcopal San Antonio Queensryche starring Geoff Tate 3/28, Fri @ 7pm Aztec Theatre Leon Russell 3/28, Fri @ 8pm Gruene Hall Almost Patsy Cline Band 3/28, Fri @ 8pm Luckenbach Dancehall March/April 2014 | On The Town 27

Corey Smith 3/28, Fri @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store Tab Benoit 3/29, Sat @ 9pm Gruene Hall Almost Patsy Cline Band 3/29, Sat @ 8:15pm Leon Springs Dancehall Johnny Bush & The Bandoleros 3/29, Sat @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store Bruce Robinson and Kelly Willis 3/29, Sat @ 9pm Luckenbach Dancehall Luckenbach to Cheatham Street “Ain’t Nobody Feelin’ No Pain” Featuring Ray Benson, Cody Canada, Max Stalling, Bruce Robinson and more 3/30, Sun @ 12pm Luckenbach Dancehall Voci di Sorelle Harmonia: Music of Eastern Europe 3/30, Sun @ 3pm Hunt United Methodist

Mid-Texas Symphony 3/30, Sun @ 4pm David Mairs, conductor Daniel Anastasio, piano Jackson Auditorium Seguin Michael Martin Murphy 3/30, Sun @ 7pm Kathleen C. Cailloux Theater Kerrville Musical Bridges Around The World Musical Evenings at San Fernando Cathedral Songs of Arabia Kinan Azmeh, clarinet Michael Schneider, piano 3/30, Sun @ 6:30pm Jerry Jeff Walker Texas Bash 2014 3/30, Sun @ 7pm Gruene Hall Tuesday Musical Club Artist Series Sophie Shao, cello 4/1, Tue @ 2pm Laurel Heights Methodist Julio Iglesias 4/3, Thu @ 8pm Majestic Theatre Radney Foster 4/4, Fri @ 7:30pm Charline McCombs Empire Theatre Cactus Country 4/4, Fri @ 8:15pm Leon Springs Dancehall

28 On The Town | March/April 2014

Bob Schneider 4/4, Fri @ 9pm Luckenbac h Dancehall Jamey Johnson 4/4, Fri @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store Jerry Jeff Walker 4/4-5, Fri-Sat @ 9pm Gruene Hall Jazz 91.7 Presents Skyline Swing 4/5, Sat @ 7pm Jim Cullum Jazz Band Skyline Room Trinity University SF Jazz Collective 4/5, Sat @ 8pm Jo Long Theatre at The Carver Joe Bonamassa 4/5, Sat @ 8pm Majestic Theatre Hot Texas Swing Band 4/5, Sat @ 8:15pm Leon Springs Dancehall Stoney Larue 4/5, Sat @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store Malford Milligan Band plus Tameca Jones 4/5, Sat @ 9pm Luckenbach Dancehall

San Antonio Chamber Music Society Brentano String Quartet 4/6, Sun @ 3:15pm Temple Beth-El Olmos Ensemble Three Modern(ish) Quintets 4/7, Mon @ 7:30pm First Unitarian Universalist The Fabulous Thunderbirds 4/11, Fri @ 8pm Gruene Hall John Wolfe 4/11, Fri @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store San Antonio Symphony Swan Lake 4/11-12, Fri-Sat @ 8pm Bramwell Tovey, conductor San Antonio Symphony Mastersingers John Silantien, director Majestic Theatre Thomas Michael Riley Music Fest 4/11-13, Fri-Sat @ 7pm Sun @ 1pm Luckenbach Dancehall Charles Yang, violin 4/12, Sat @ 7:30pm Brauntex Performing Arts Theatre New Braunfels

March/April 2014 | On The Town 29

Amber Digby & Midnight Flyer 4/12, Sat @ 8pm Kendalia Halle

Celtic Woman 4/15, Tue @ 7pm Majestic Theatre

San Antonio Symphony Family Series Peter and the Wolf 4/13, Sun @ 2:30pm Laurie Auditorium Trinity University

2013 Van Cliburn Piano Competition Medalist Grand Concert 4/17, Thu @ 7:30pm Lila Cockrell Theatre

Concert for Utopia To Benefit Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch with Asleep at the Wheel, Billy Joe Shaver and more 4/13, Sun @ 3:30pm Kathleen C. Cailloux Theater Kerrville

The First Fine Arts Series The Seven Last Words of Christ Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra 4/17, Fri @ 7:309m First Baptist Church San Antonio

Los Lobos & Robert Cray 4/13, Sun @ 7pm Aztec Theatre Huey Lewis and the News 4/13, Sun @ 7:30pm Majestic Theatre The Mavericks 4/13, Sun @ 8pm John T. Floore Country Store Pepe Aguilar 4/13, Sun @ 8pm Freeman Coliseum Rob Thomas 4/14, Mon @ 7:30pm Majestic Theatre

Music from St. Mark’s Haydn: Seven Last Words of Christ SA String Quartet 4/18, Fri @ 1pm St. Mark’s Episcopal

San Antonio Symphony Pops Fiesta Pops 4/18-19, Fri-Sat @ 8pm Akiko Fujimoto, conductor Mariachi Campanas de America Guadalupe Dance Company Little Joe y La Familia Majestic Theatre JB and the Moonshine Band 4/18, Fri @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store Aaron Watson 4/19, Sat @ 8pm Gruene Hall Mike and the Moonpies 4/19, Sat @ 9pm Luckenbach Dancehall Robert Earl Keen 4/19, Sat @ 9pm John T. Floore Country Store

Buckcherry 4/18, Fri @ 7pm Aztec Theatre

Ray Wylie Hubbard 4/25, Fri @ 8pm Gruene Hall

Old 97’s 4/18, Fri @ 8pm Gruene Hall

Almost Patsy Cline Band 4/25, Fri @ 8pm Luckenbach Dancehall

Dale Watson 4/18, Fri @ 8pm Luckenbach Dancehall

Conrad and the Country Legends 4/26, Sat @ 8:15pm Leon Springs Dancehall

30 On The Town | March/April 2014

Stoney Larue 4/26, Sat @ 9pm Gruene Hall Fredericksburg Music Club LoAn Lin, piano 4/27, Sun @ 3pm Fredericksburg United Methodist Mid-Texas Symphony Paris to Prague David Mairs, conductr 4/27, Sun @ 4pm Brauntex Performing Arts Theatre Music from St. Mark’s Fiesta Concert: Britten Rejoice in the Lamb and Vivaldi - Gloria 4/27, Sun @ 5pm St. Mark’s Episcopal Drive-By Truckers with Special Guest JD McPherson 4/30, Wed @ 7pm Aztec Theatre

Live Theatre Dial “M” For Murder 3/1, Sat @ 8pm (dinner @ 6:15pm) Harlequin Dinner Theatre Dead Man’s Cell Phone 3/1, Sat @ 8pm Coates Theatre @ University Of the Incarnate Word

March/April 2014 | On The Town 31

The History of Texas…. in one darn easy lesson 3/1-2, Sat-Sun @ 6pm (dinner), 7pm (show) The Company Theatre @ Big Apple Room Little Italy Restaurant Charley’s Aunt 3/1-2, Sat @ 7:30pm Sun @ 2:30pm The Wimberly Players When You Coming Back, Red Ryder? 3/1-2, Sat @ 8pm Sun @ 2:30pm Sheldon Vexler Theatre Company 3/1-2, Sat @ 8pm Sun @ 3pm Russell Hill Rogers Theater The Playhouse San Antonio Little Shop of Horrors 3/1-9, Fri-Sat @ 7:30pm Sun @ 2pm Fredericksburg Theatre Company Irena’s Vow 3/1-9, Thu-Sat @ 8pm (dinner @ 6:30pm) Sun @ 2:30pm (lunch @ 1pm) S.T.A.G.E in Bulverde

Slueth 3/1-15, Thu @ 7:30pm Fri-Sat @ 8pm Sun @ 2:30pm Boerne Community Theatre Into The Woods 3/1-16, Fri-Sat @ 7:30pm Sun @ 3pm Woodlawn Theatre Stripped 3/1-2, Sat @ 8pm Sun @ 2:30pm 3/6-8, Thu-Sat @ 8pm 3/14-16, Fri-Sat @ 8pm Sun @ 7pm 3/20-22, Thu-Sat @ 8pm Greg Barrios Theatre @ The Overtime Theatre Suds: The Rocking 60s Musical Soap Opera 3/2, Sun @ 4pm Cameo Theatre Quit Trippin, It’s The 80s: The Musical 3/7-8, Fri-Sat @ 7pm Jo Long Theatre at The Carver Stand and Deliver 3/7-22, Fri-Sat @ 7:30pm The Rose Theatre Company

32 On The Town | March/April 2014

Broadway in San Antonio Wicked (touring) 3/12, Wed @ 7:30pm 3/13, Thu @ 2pm & 7:30pm 3/14-30, Tue-Thu @ 7:30pm Fri @ 8pm, Sat @ 2pm & 8pm Sun @ 1pm & 6:30pm Majestic Theatre Little Republican 3/14-29, Fri-Sat @ 9pm The Rose Theatre Company The Wedding Singer 3/15-4/13, Fri-Sat @ 8pm Sun @ 4pm Cameo Theatre Has Your Faith Been Tested? 3/20-22, Thu-Sat @ 7:30pm Guadalupe Chapel St. Mary’s University Doo Wop City: A Jukebox Musical 3/20-5/3, Thu-Sat @ 8pm (dinner @ 6:15pm) Harlequin Dinner Theatre Raisin’ Cane: A Harlem Renaissance Odyssey starring Jasmine Guy & Avery Sharpe Trio 3/21, Fri @ 8pm Jo Long Theatre Carver Community Cultural Center

Clybourne Park 3/21-4/6, Fri-Sat @ 8pm Sun @ 3pm Cellar Theater The Playhouse San Antonio The Clean House 3/28-4/12, Thu-Sat @ 7:30pm Sun (3/30 only) @ 2pm Elizabeth Huth Coates Theatre Ingram The Rainmaker 3/28-4/13, Fri-Sat @ 7:30pm Sun @ 2:30pm Playhouse 2000 @ VK Garage Theatre - Kerrville Crumbs from the Table of Joy 3/28-4/13, Fri-Sat @ 8pm Sun @ 4pm Little Carver Theatre Smoke on the Mountain 4/4-27, Fri-Sat @ 8pm Sun @ 2pm (No show on Sun, 4/20) Circle Arts Theatre New Braunfels Lost In Yonkers 4/11-27, Fri-Sat @ 7:30pm Sun @ 2pm Fredericksburg Theatre Company Steve W. Shepherd Theater

Catch Me if You Can 4/11-5/11, Fri-Sat @ 7:30 Sun @ 3pm Woodlawn Theatre Jesus Christ Superstar 4/26-5/18, Fri-Sat @ 8pm Sun @ 4pm Cameo Theatre Broadway in San Antonio Evita (touring) 4/29-5/4, Tue-Thu @ 7:30pm Fri @ 8pm Sat @ 2pm & 8pm Sun @ 2pm & 7:30pm Majestic Theatre

Opera UTSA Lyric Theatre The Mikado 3/2, Sun @ 3pm Buena Vista Theatre UTSA Downtown Campus

Dance Synergy 2014 3/1-2, Sat @ 7:30pm Sun @ 2pm Jo Long Theatre at The Carver

Arts San Antonio Motionhouse Dance Theatre 4/9, Wed @ 7:30pm Jo Long Theatre at The Carver San Antonio Metropolitan Ballet Dance Kaleidoscope 4/26, Sat @ 2:30pm Jo Long Theatre at The Carver

Children’s Llama, Llama 3/5-4/9, Tue-Fri @ 9:45am & 11:30am Fri @ 7pm, Sat @ 2pm The Magik Theatre Children’s Fine Arts Series The Snail and the Whale by Tall Stories Theatre Company 4/3, Thu @ 9:45am, 11:45am & 6:30pm Charline McCombs Empire Theatre

Comedy Iliza Shlesinger 3/1, Sat @ 8pm & 10:15pm Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club

March/April 2014 | On The Town 33

Sean Kent 3/1-2, Sat @ 8:30pm & 10:30pm Sun @ 8:30pm Rivercenter Comedy Club JJ Rameriz 3/5-9, Wed-Thu & Sun @ 8:30pm Fri-Sat @ 8:30pm & 10:30pm Rivercenter Comedy Club The Amazing Johnathan 3/7-9, Fri-Sat @ 8pm & 10:15pm Sun @ 8pm Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club Robert Hawkins 3/12-16, Wed-Thu & Sun @ 8pm Fri-Sat @ 8pm & 10:15pm Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club Steve White 3/12, Wed @ 8:30pm Rivercenter Comedy Club Steve O 3/13-16, Thu & Sun @ 8:30pm Fri-Sat @ 8:30pm & 10:30pm Rivercenter Comedy Club World Series of Comedy Regional Finals 3/19-22, Wed-Thu @ 8:30pm Fri-Sat @ 8:30pm & 10:30pm Rivercenter Comedy Club

Johnny Sanchez 3/19-23, Wed-Thu & Sun @ 8pm Fri-Sat @ 8pm & 10:15pm Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club Billy D. Washington 3/26-30, Wed-Thu & Sun @ 8:30pm Fri-Sat @ 8:30pm & 10:30pm Rivercenter Comedy Club Slade Ham 3/26, Wed @ 8pm Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club Tom Segura 3/27-30, Thu & Sun @ 8:30pm Fri-Sat @ 8:30pm & 10:30pm Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club Carole Montgomery 4/2-6, Wed-Thu & Sun @ 8:30pm Fri-Sat @ 8:30pm & 10:30pm Rivercenter Comedy Club Charlie Murphy 4/3-6, Thu & Sun @ 8pm Fri-Sat @ 8pm & 10:15pm Laugh Out Lolud Comedy Club Bud Light Presents Sinbad 4/4, Fri @ 8pm Majestic Theatre

34 On The Town | March/April 2014

Bud Light Presents Cheech & Chong and War 4/6, Sun @ 7pm Majestic Theatre Brian Scott McFadden 4/9-13, Wed-Thu & Sun @ 8pm Fri-Sat @ 8pm & 10:15pm Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club Sheng Wang 4/9-13, Wed-Thu & Sun @ 8:30pm Fri-Sat @ 8:30pm & 10:30pm Rivercenter Comedy Club Arts San Antonio Bill Maher 4/12, Sat @ 8pm Laurie Auditorium Trinity Universtiy Sara Contreras 4/16-19, Wed-Thu @ 8pm Fri-Sat @ 8pm & 10:15pm Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club Jay Phillips 4/23-27, Wed-Thu & Sun @ 8pm Fri-Sat @ 8pm & 10:15pm Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club

Comedia-A-Go-Go “A Night in Pinche San Antonio” 4/23-27, Wed-Thu & Sun @ 8:30pm Fri-Sat @ 8:30pm & 10:30pm Rivercenter Comedy Club Paul Bond 4/30-5/4, Wed-Thu & Sun @ 8:30pm Fri-Sat @ 8:30pm & 10:30pm Rivercenter Comedy Club

Exhibitions ARTPACE Spring 2014 International Artist-In-Residence Program Rosa Barba Liz Glynn Jessica Mallios Rita Gonzalez, curator In residence now thru 3/24 Exhibition 3/20-5/18 Hudson Showroom Mungo Thompson Now thru 4/27 BIHL HAUS ARTS On & Off Fredericksburg Road Exhibit 3/1-22, Fri & Sat only / 1-4pm

March/April 2014 | On The Town 35

La Chamba / Dirty Work: Drawings and Paintings by Albert Alvarez 3/29, Opening reception @ 5:30pm Exhibit 3/29-5/3 BLUE STAR CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM Mira Hnatyshyn-Hudson: Euroscapes 3/6-3/30 Rosane Volchan O’Conor: Organismo 3/6-5/11 Claire Watson: Now What 3/6-5/11

Adam (Public Artwork) By Arturo Herrera 25’ h x 98’ w, Frost Bank Garage Commerce at Main Now thru 12/2016 MUSEO GAUDALUPE AT GUADALUPE CULTURAL ARTS CENTER Alternate Currents Now thru 3/1 Sundown Anthology Ray Santisteban Now thru 4/26 2014 CAM Perennial Exhibition 3/21-5/31 Curated by Leslie Moody Castro

McNAY ART MUSEUM Robert Indiana’s Beyond Love Now thru 5/25 Robert Indiana’s The Mother of Us All Now thru 5/25 Robert Indiana’s Hartley Elegies Now thru 5/25 The Full Monty: Male Nudes from the Collection Now thru 5/25

SAN ANTONIO MUSEUM OF ART Eldzier Cortor: Master Printmaker Now thru 3/2 Fray Antonio Margil de Jesus: Patron Saint of Texas Now thru 3/23 Diego Rivera in San Antonio: A Small Special Exhibition (On Display at Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Latin American Art at SAMA)

Constructing the Stage: Artists from the Theatre Collection Now thru 6/1

Andy Warhol: The Athletes Now thru 4/27



Thomas Sully: Painted Performances Now thru 5/11


Why We Came: The Immigration Experience Now thru 3/23

Sand Sculpture Exhibit 3/7-23

2014 Night of Artists 3/28 – Preview & Dinner 3/29 – Art Sale 3/30-4/27 – Public Exhibit

The Struggle for Civil Rights in Texas Now thru 3/30


Is This My Shangri-La Now thru 4/20

Eight / Eighteen Now thru 3/29

Hats Off to Fiesta! 3/28-7/6

Paul Rodriguez: Post Penis 3/6-5/11 Red Dot 2014 5/21

36 On The Town | March/April 2014

Birdhouses Exhibit: A collaboration with AIA San Antonio 3/29-6/29 Art in the Garden 2014 (In conjunction with Blue Star Contemporary Art Center) Now thru 1/31/15

Bob Kuhn: Drawing on Instinct 3/15-6/8 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL OF ART Sarah Fox Secrets Manifest Now thru 4/25 Texas Draws III Now thru 4/27

WITTE MUSEUM Maximilian and Carlota: Last Empire of Mexico Now thru 3/30 Alien Worlds and Androids Now thru 5/27 The World Through Magic Lanterns Now thru 6/1 Julian Onderdonk in New York: The Lost Years, The Lost Paintings 3/8-9/9 Fairytale Fiesta 4/17-8/24 HEB Body Adventure Grand Opening 5/24 Cowboys, Cattle, Chili Queens, Oil & Outlaws Now Open South Texas Heritage Center

36th Annual CineFestival 3/1, Sat @ 7pm Guadalupe Theatre 30th Annual UTSA Diploma Dash 5K 3/1, Sat @ 8am University of Texas at San Antonio Primer Sabado y Domingo! Viva La Pinata 3/1-2, 12-6pm Market Square HEB Alamo Run Fest 3/1-2, race times and locations vary 2014 Oscar Viewing Party At the Aztec Theatre 3/2, Sun @ 5pm Aztec Theatre South Texas Alamo Irish Festival 3/8, 11am-11pm University of Incarnate Word


Fiesta Primavera “Spring Break” 3/8-10, Sat-Mon 11am-11pm Market Square

Professional Boxing Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. vs. Bryan Vera 3/1, Sat @ 5:30pm Alamodome

Rockbox Theatre Adam Trent – Magician 3/12-13, Wed-Thu @ 7:30pm Fredericksburg

November/December March/April 2013 2014 | On The Town 37

Tejano Music Awards Fan Fair 3/13-16, Thu-Sat 11am-12pm Market Square Jim LaVilla-Havelin & Amanda Flores Poetry Reading 3/19, Wed @ 7pm Bihl Haus Arts Maverick Music Festival 3/21-22, Fri / 5:30pm12:30am Sat / 11am-12:20am La Villita Historic Arts Village Culinaria’s 5K Wine & Beer Run 3/22, Sat @ 8am The Shops at La Cantera 6th Annual San Antonio Austin VisionWalk 3/22, Sat @ 8:30am City of Olmos Park Gun Club Alamo 13.1 Half Marathon 3/23, Sun @ 7:15am Downtown Jillian Michaels: Maximize Your Life Tour 4/2, Wed @ 8pm Majestic Theatre Best of the West 4/5, Sat / 4-11pm Oor Lady of the Lake Unversity

San Antonio Book Festival 4/5, Sat / 10am-5pm Central Library and Southwest School of Art San Antonio Book Festival Presents Literary Death Match 4/5, Sat @ 6:30pm Charline McCombs Empire Theatre Primer Sabado y Domingo! Cascarones 2014 4/5-6, Sat-Sun / 12-6pm Market Square William Root and Pam Uschuk Poetry Reading in conjunction with Gemini Ink and Wings Press 4/6, Sun @ 5:30pm Bihl Haus Arts Disney On Ice: Let’s Celebrate 4/9-13, Wed-Fri @ 7:30pm Sat @ 11:30am, 3:30pm & 7:30pm Sun @ 3pm Alamodome Fiesta San Antonio 4/10-27 Events throughout the city for schedule

38 On The Town | March/April 2014

Fiesta De Los Reyes 4/17-27, daily 12pm-12am Market Square Dialog / Dialogo with Albert Alvarez and David S. Rubin 4/19, Sat @ 2pm Bihl Haus Arts Texas Cavaliers River Parade 4/21, Mon @ 7:30pm San Antonio River Walk A Night in Old San Antonio 4/22-25, Tue-Fri 5:30-10:30pm The Historic Village of La Villita Coronation of the Queen of the Order of the Alamo 4/23, Wed @ 8pm Majestic Theatre Battle of Flowers Parade 4/25, Fri @ 11:30am Parade Route - Downtown Fiesta Flambeau Night Parade 4/26, Sat @ 7:15pm Parade Route – Downtown

Photo Credits: Page 24 (L-R) Kinan Azmeh Courtesy Long Duo Courtesy Voci Di Sorelle Courtesy bennisimomusic. org Brandon Rhyder Courtesy

Page 26 (L-R) Althea Rene Courtesy Spring Jazz at the Falls Ken Slavin Courtesy Spring Jazz at the Falls Escher String Quartet Photo by Laura Rose Buddy Guy Courtesy Page 27 (L-R) Pat Green Courtesy Bret Michaels Photo by Mitchell Parsons

Page 28 (L-R) Kyle Park Courtesy

Olmos Ensemble Courtesy

Page 37 (L-R)

Page 33 (L-R)

Michael Marin Murphey Courtesy Kathleen C. Cailloux Theater

Bramwell Tovey Courtesy

Chris Knight Courtesy

Christine Albert Courtesy fredericksburgmusicclub. com

Charles Yang Photo credit Tawain

Page 38 (L-R)

Akiko Fujimoto Photo by Eric Green

Page 34 (L-R)

Page 30 (L-R)

Amber Digby Courtesy

Time for Three Trio Photo by Vanessa Briceno-Scherzer

Huey Lewis and The News Courtesy Majestic Theatre

Camerata San Antonio Photo by Greg Harrison

Rob Thomas Courtesy Majestic Theatre

David Mairs Courtesy Mid-Texas Symphony

Celtic Woman Courtesy

Sophie Shao Courtesy

Page 36 (L-R)

Page 32 (L-R)

Robert Earl Keen Photo by Darren Carroll

Radney Foster Courtesy

Lo-An Lin Courtesy Fredericksburg Music Club

Brentano String Quartet Photo by Christian Steiner

Roger Creager Courtesy

Iliza Shlesinger Courtesy Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club

Jon Wolfe Courtesy

Max Stalling Courtesy

Steve O Courtesy Rivercenter Comedy Club

Gary P. Nunn Courtesy

Two Tons of Steel Courtesy Dale Watson Courtesy Jenny DiNoia as Elphaba in Wicked Photo by Juho Sim David Nathan Perlow and Jennifer DiNoia in Wicked Š Photo by Joan Marcus Page 39 (L-R) Michael Cerveris and Elana Roger in Evita Photo by Richard Termine Sinbad Courtesy Majestic Theatre

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40 On The Town | March/April 2014

Culinary Arts 42-58

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42 On The Town | March/April 2014



Sylvia McHugh:

Offering the Cure for Your Hunger By Chris Dunn Photography Greg Harrison


estaurant menus usually reflect the sum of a chef’s experience, and Cured at the Pearl Brewery ” is no exception. Chef/owner Steven McHugh even spells it out for you: Just read the cloth badge on the front of his green 1950s gas station attendant-style work shirt:

District Restaurant, which served up jazz alongside the po’ boys and gumbo. Sylvia also had worked in restaurants since an early age. “In New Orleans, everyone has worked in this industry,” she said.

As newlyweds, the McHughs enjoyed going to finedining restaurants on their days off, but they couldn’t afford the dinner prices. “We were so poor,” Sylvia said, CURED “we would go for lunch.” At one of those lunches, a San Antonio, By Way of New Orleans, remarkable salad at John Besh’s flagship restaurant, By Way of Walworth August, changed their lives forever. It prompted McHugh has never forgotten—and will proudly tell Steven to apply for a job with the famous restaurateur. you—that the unique menu items at Cured, which “Besh is always striving for greatness,” he said, “and I range from house-made charcuterie to Coffee- appreciate that.” Braised Veal Breast, Smoked Pork Gumbo, Masa Flash Fried Oysters, and Cabrito Sliders, are the result of a McHugh was hired and worked at several of Besh’s eateries, culinary journey that began in the small Midwest farm including Besh Steak in Harrah’s Casino, La Provence in Lacombe, La., and as executive chef at August. community of Walworth, Wis. When Hurricane Katrina struck, “It felt like abandonment,” Sylvia said, “but we weren’t going to leave until (New Orleans) recovered.” The McHughs took in people who had lost their homes, and Steven worked 20-hour days side by side with Besh restoring One of seven brothers, McHugh started his restaurant the storm-damaged restaurant and preparing career at the age of 14 when he got a job as a hundreds of meals for FEMA workers. dishwasher at a nearby tavern. It wasn’t long before he was promoted to short-order cook—no doubt the When Besh opened Lüke in San Antonio in 2010, which inspiration for Cured’s bodacious griddle burger with combined elements of Texas Hill Country German and New Orleans-influenced French cuisine, he chose onion jam, Blue Ribbon American cheese, and fries. Steven to run it. When it came time to leave home, McHugh forewent a college scholarship in jazz saxophone to attend the That same year McHugh found out he had cancer, Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, N.Y. For his non-Hodgkins lymphoma. He and Sylvia faced that school externship, he went to New Orleans, drawn to challenge with the same determination as they its music as well as its world-class cuisine, and returned had Hurricane Katrina. McHugh beat the cancer, and in the process, was motivated to pursue his there for work after graduating with honors in 1997. and Sylvia’s longtime dream of owning their own He met his future wife, Sylvia, a New Orleans native, restaurant. “It helped him reassess how he wanted while they were both working at Brennan’s Storyville to live his life,” Sylvia said. It was there he acquired his deep love and respect for all things grown, for those who grow them, and for those who painstakingly turn them into wonderful things to eat and drink.

March/April 2014 | On The Town 43

The opportunity came in the form of one of the most beautiful historic buildings at the Pearl Brewery—the 109-year-old former president’s headquarters and administration building. The McHughs and the Pearl team worked together to create a space that is inviting, inclusive, open and timeless—a blend of casual gastropub and gracious vintage brasserie. Every aspect of the renovation reflects the McHughs’ deep commitment to the environment and sustainability. Many design elements include salvaged and repurposed materials. The beautiful longleaf pine floorboards came from a North Carolina tobacco barn; the tabletops were made from reclaimed Douglas fir affixed to cast-iron bases salvaged from an old supper club; and an administrative desk from Pearl brewery was transformed into the sink console in the men’s room. Sylvia selected many of the decorative touches, such as the organic Capiz shell (window pane oyster) lamps in the private dining area. The McHughs’ philosophy carries through to the menu. “The menu reflects how we grew up,” Sylvia said, pointing to the fact that everything is homemade, locally sourced whenever possible, and nothing goes to waste. The pickles, relishes, vinegars, and even the bitters for the bar are made in-house, as is the charcuterie, which is cured in an imposing temperature- and humidity-controlled case at the entrance of the restaurant. “The Charc Tank” holds sausages, pates, terrines, duck breasts and hams waiting for their moment of readiness to arrive. “Time and salt,” McHugh said, “it teaches you patience.” The prosciutto hanging front and center, gently swaying in the cool breeze, was put in to cure last October. “If you’ll stop by the restaurant in a couple of years,” he said with a smile, “we’ll taste it together.” Meanwhile, a dollar from the sale of each charcuterie board is given to rotating charities, such as the Lymphoma Society, Wounded Warriors or Breast Cancer Society. “We want to be a center of community,” Sylvia said. Considering the McHughs’ level of commitment and where Cured is located—in an historic building situated at the epicenter of the burgeoning Pearl Brewery complex—she couldn’t be more right. 44 On The Town | March/April 2014

March/April 2014 November-December 2012 | On The Town 45

Š | 46Dyscoh On The Town | March/April 2014

Hats Off to Culinaria Wine & Culinary Arts Festival 2014! By Ginger McAneer-Robinson


t’s that time of year again where the temperatures are rising and kicking those extra six weeks of winter to the curb. Odds are, you’ve spent all winter indoors trying to stay warm and are dying for an excuse to have some fun outside. If that’s the case, you’re in luck because Culinaria is returning this year with a bang and all of the crowd favorites. May 14-18, prepare yourself, as Culinaria will host its ever-fabulous Festival Week, and your taste buds are sure to be in heaven. Featuring everybody’s favorite opportunities to taste the finest that San Antonio and its surrounding areas have to offer, it’s no wonder that Culinaria is back by popular demand. Starting off the week with the elegant Winemaker Dinner Series, guests can enjoy the splendor of carefully crafted wine and food pairings at some of San Antonio’s finest restaurants. Following the dinners, guests gear up for a casual night of family fun and food trucks at the popular Food Truck Event. Featuring wine, beer, food trucks and a ton of family-friendly entertainment, the Food Truck Event at Alon Towne Center is the place to be on a Thursday night. Friday morning signals the start of the weekend with the Becker Luncheon at Becker Vineyards. Later in the evening, head over to the Shops at

La Cantera in festive attire to celebrate the Best of Mexico. Culinaria brings in chefs from Mexico to spice up the fiesta that’s in store. After a fun night of Latin-inspired revelry, head to one of Culinaria’s “ Taste Test Education” events and learn something new about wine from worldclass sommeliers. With this new frame of mind in tasting wine, you’ll be perfectly prepared for the Grand Tasting – and if you’re lucky, the VIP Bubble Room. Staged at the Grotto at the Convention Center, the Grand Tasting will be stocked full with San Antonio’s best in the culinary scene and various wines to match. Wrapping up the weekend in style, Burgers, BBQ and Beer will take over at Pearl to present an exciting experience. If you find yourself feeling guilty for having too much fun, don’t: It’s all for charity. Culinaria is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to bettering the San Antonio community and has benefitted its residents with culinary scholarships and donations to food-related aid organizations for more than a decade. With every ticket purchased or contribution made at this year’s festival, Culinaria will fund its newest project which is entirely for the community to enjoy and learn – the Culinaria Gardens. Culinaria celebrates the culinary talents of San Antonio with events throughout the year. Festival Week is one of the “Big Three,” which includes the 5K Wine and Beer Run on March 22 and Restaurant Week, Aug. 16-23. For information and tickets, visit www.culinaria or call (210) 822-9555.

March/April 2014 | On The Town 47

Historic “Wedding Oak” tree serves as the root for the name of an up-and-coming Hill Country winery. By: Olivier J. Bourgoin (aka. Olivier the Wine Guy)


ver ything really is bigger in Texas,” Wine Enthusiast magazine stated in a recent issue, listing the Texas Hill Countr y as one of the top 10 wine travel destinations in the world for 2014.

winer y ’s website, its Texas roots run deep. Mike and Lynn McHenr y make up the owner/par tner duo that runs the day-to-day operation.

“ We have a small group of friends/investors but my wife and I are in charge of the business One of the wineries that must be included in aspec t of things and, of course, we have a the mix is a relative newcomer to the Texas wine wonder ful master winemaker named Penny scene, Wedding Oak Winer y. As indicated on the Adams, who has a ver y long résumé,” M ike

48 On The Town | March/April 2014

mission settlers ensued. This event remains the only instance of a Spanish mission having been completely destroyed by Native Americans. How does Wedding Oak Winer y tie into the histor y of the area? First, its name was borrowed from an actual oak tree which is estimated to be more than 400 years old. A stylized picture of it adorns the wine label. The actual Wedding Oak is located about 2 1/2 miles nor thwest of the Wedding Oak Winer y is located in San Saba, winer y bearing its name. The oak has been the a picturesque town of about 3,000 people site of many weddings and other celebrations named after the San Saba River, which is a par t and ceremonies over the centuries. of the Nor thern Colorado River Basin. Its rich and color ful histor y dates back to its earliest McHenr y said he sees his winer y as an integral Native American settlers which included some par t of the renaissance that is taking place in well-known tribes such as the Comanches, the nor thern par t of the Hill Countr y, as well as Apaches and Cherokees, as well as other in downtown San Saba. As par t of this process, indigenous groups such as the Caddoes, Wacos he and his business par tners are remodeling a and Kickapoos. Then came the Spaniards, who commercial building, originally built in 1926, established Mission Santa Cruz de San Saba in located next door to another landmark structure, 1757 in what is now Menard County. Inevitably, the 1910 Campbell-Hagan building. Included in a culture clash occurred, and a massacre of the the project is a 7,800-square -foot production McHenr y said. “Penny is a pioneer of the Texas wine industr y, and she is both passionate and ex tremely k nowledgeable about all things having to do with wine -mak ing. She was the first woman in the state of Texas to become a master winemaker.” Adams likes to use French oak barrels in the produc tion of her wines and that can only be a good thing in my book .

March/April 2014 | On The Town 49

facility that will be able to produce up to 10,000 cases of wine annually once it becomes fully operational. “But we want to take our time and grow into it,” McHenr y said. After he retired in 2000 after 33 years in corporate America, McHenr y and his wife decided to move onto a piece of land they owned near San Saba and where they had planted a few vines as a hobby. The hobby soon enabled Mike to become a vineyard consultant to other small growers in the area. At the same time, Lynn took a par ttime job in the tasting room of nearby Alamosa Winer y, to which Mike was selling the majority of his grapes. Shor tly thereafter, after talking to some friends, the seed was planted about making his own wine and star ting his own winer y. “Our first har vest we only made about 1,250 cases of wine, and now we’re already up to about 4,100 cases,” McHenr y said. “ We want to make a positive impac t on the community both locally and at large, and we are 100 percent committed to Texas fruit for as long as we don’t outgrow our supply. R ight now, we are producing 11 different wines but we are not tr ying to be what we are not. We also are tr ying to do a lot more with some specific varietals that are k nown to do well in hot climates, such as Viognier, Marsanne and Roussanne.” 50 On The Town | March/April 2014

He added: “Quality is in the mouth of the b e h o l d e r.” I n t h e c a s e o f We d d i n g O a k Winer y-produced wines, the beholders might find their palates quite satisfied with the tasting experience. Wedding Oak Winer y and its tasting room are located at 326 E. Wallace St., San Saba. Visit www.weddingoakwiner

• • • • • • • • • • • • Photo Credits: Pages 48-49 (L-R) Lynn and Mike McHenry of Wedding Oak Winer y Entry to Wedding Oak Winery Page 50 (L-R) Wedding Oak Tasting Room in San Saba on Wallace Street Award-Winning Wedding Oak Wines

March/April 2014 | On The Town 51

52 On The Town | March/April 2014

Grey Moss Inn:

Historical, flavorful, rustic and romantic

By Olivier J. Bourgoin (aka. Olivier the Wine Guy) Photography Greg Harrison

ocated on Scenic Loop Road in the city of Grey Forest and voted “the most romantic restaurant in the San Antonio area” several years in a row, Grey Moss Inn Restaurant originally was built in the mid1920s when it served as a Realtor’s office. Many legends and ghost stories abound about the land on which it stands, including one that places it as an old stagecoach stop visited by Pancho Villa and Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Popular lore has it that to a large extent the police chose to either ignore the clandestine activity or perhaps even enjoyed a drink themselves once in a while. In any case, Howell saw an opportunity to provide food to the patrons who flocked to the illegal stills around Grey Forest. Paraphrasing Howell’s thought process, Massey said, “If people were going to be drinking anyway, they might as well be enjoying great food while they came out to the country to get their supply of beverages; although In a recent telephone interview, area historian Cynthia there is no evidence that the restaurant itself ever broke Leal Massey said: “I love the Grey Moss Inn and its the law by serving alcohol.” ambience. It’s one of my favorite restaurants and one of my all-time favorite places to take out-of-town visitors. Speaking of enjoying good food with the appropriate It is also the oldest restaurant in the entire region; the (and now legal) beverage, the Grey Moss Inn has one one that has been opened continuously the longest in of the best -- arguably perhaps the best -- and most Bexar County.” extensive wine lists in the greater San Antonio area, with more than 600 wines listed, including a large selection of By industry standards, it has indeed been open a long wines available by the glass. time. Its doors first opened for business in 1929 under the ownership of Mary Howell, who was part Cherokee. In Baeten said his infatuation with wine became something March 1976, she sold it to the Martin family, just 11 days of a passion over the years. before she died on April 3. Mr. Martin was involved with another notable San Antonio company, Datapoint Corp. “Back in the 1960s, a classmate of mine personally knew In 1986, the Grey Moss Inn was sold to its current owner, several well-known winemakers in California. He invited Dr. Lou Baeten, a practicing orthodontist. Eighty-five me to some tastings with him, and over time I got to years in business with only three owners and still going meet some very prestigious winemakers in all different strong -- they must be doing something right! parts of the world, including Rafanelli (well known for its Dry Creek Valley Zinfandel) and Filiberto Massone of “During prohibition, there were a number of clandestine Marchesi Incisa (in the Piedmont region of Italy),” he said. stills in the woods all around Helotes Creek,” Massey said. “I think we have more ‘by the glass’ selections than any “At the time, this area was considered way out in the other restaurant in San Antonio,” Baeten said. “We offer country, and many well-off families from the city owned two different cabernets, two chardonnays, two pinot weekend get-away cabins around here.” noirs, malbec, pinot grigio, sauvignon blanc, rosé, riesling,


March/April 2014 | On The Town 53

white zinfandel and more, plus our wine prices are fair and reasonable.”

also love our New York strips, tenderloin filets and rib-eyes.”

Other accolades awarded to the Grey Moss Inn over the Depending on weather conditions, diners can chose years have included Wine Spectator magazine’s award of from an indoor eating experience by the fireplace of one excellence, consistent Zagat ratings, and being featured of the several picturesque and charming solid stone- at the prestigious James Beard Foundation in New York. walled dining rooms, or they can opt to dine in an outside courtyard, near what once was a draw-bucket water well “Although I enjoy the recognition, my focus is not on which was capped off years ago and is now used as a winning awards for our wine cellar but rather on providing unique outdoor mesquite charcoal grill. a great variety of wines from all over the world that match well with our cuisine, including a few obscure and “Although we are known for our steaks, and we have interesting selections that people will enjoy,” Baeten said. received many awards including ‘top 25 best steakhouses in Texas’ from Texas Monthly magazine, we offer many Grey Moss Inn Restaurant, 19010 Scenic Loop Road, (210) other specialties such as quail, marinated pork chops, lamb 695-8301, chops from Australia, and our fried oysters, all prepared with homemade sauces to match each dish,” Baeten said. “Many of our recipes include organic herbs grown here in our garden. We also cut our own ribs, and we dry-age our Photo Credits: meat ourselves on premises for two weeks.” Page 52


Dr. Lou Baeten Chef Lionel “Butch” Blanche has been with the restaurant Owner of Grey Moss Inn for nearly 10 years. “He is always working on new dishes and specials, including some nightly specials,” Baeten said. Page 54 “I eat a lot of crispy, skin-on grilled fish myself but people Dr. Lou Baeten and Chef Lionel Blanche

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Pinch Pennies & Dine Well

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f you pay full price for every meal you eat at restaurants, you shouldn’t. At least, that’s what I think. With so many ways to buy discounted dining dollars these days, it would be a shame to be the only person on the block not taking advantage of available offers. If I said I would sell you two dollars for one dollar (or even less), you would no doubt be first in line. Buying discounted dining dollars is no different, and the process is easy. Here are four simple steps that will allow you to pinch pennies and dine well.

the San Antonio area. The Book of Free is exactly that, a printed publication filled with free dining opportunities, after you pay the cost of the book itself. The cost you pay is easily recouped by what you save. More information about each of these is online.

Google “discount restaurant gift cards” and several companies will appear. Click them all and compare the savings percentages offered. Cards to national chain restaurants are usually available on sites like these at 10 RESEARCH percent to 20 percent off face value. If you take the time Dining discount opportunities are everywhere. Below to explore Ebay for restaurant coupons and gift cards, is a list of 10 you absolutely need to research for your you might be surprised at the bargains available for bid pocketbook’s sake. or on a “buy it now” basis. • • • • • • • • • •

Groupon Living Social Book of Free Entertainment Book Enjoy The City Book Public Television Membership Card Discount gift card vendors online Discounted gift cards at Sam’s and Costco Ebay for restaurant gift cards and coupons

BUY Online services such as Groupon and Living Social allow you to purchase dining certificates to a myriad of local restaurants at 50 percent off, round figures. For example, a certificate that yields $50 in food and non-alcoholic drinks at a specific restaurant will usually cost only $25 (a $40 for $20, a $30 for $15, etc.). There might be a stipulation or two attached for certificate use, like only valid at dinner or only valid Sunday-Thursday, but who cares? It’s half-price dining no matter how you look at it.

The other big surprise is the availability of discounted restaurant gift cards at Costco and Sam’s, both online and in their stores. Save 20 percent on cards for Fleming’s, Ruth’s Chris, California Pizza Kitchen, The County Line, Logan’s Roadhouse, Sushi Zushi and more. Cool, eh? About budgeting for your buying discounted dining dollars effort … don’t get carried away. Arrive at a figure you can afford to spend on a weekly basis and stick to it. ORGANIZE As you accrue Groupons, coupons, gift certificates and cards, cataloging becomes imperative. I suggest putting everything in a three-ring binder using photo pages. Clip the coupons you know you are going to use out of the Entertainment Book, Enjoy the City Book and Book of Free and put them in the binder for easy viewing. Also, print out all Groupons, Living Social and certificates and put them in the binder as well.

I suggest that the second part of cataloging is to create and maintain an Excel spreadsheet highlighting the info is another situation all together. I have of your choice, but most certainly the stipulations for use actually purchased a $25 gift certificate from this service and expiration date of all purchases. The object of this for as little as $2. But please bear in mind, there is always drill is to know where every item is, what it is worth, when a condition for usage, like it’s worth $25 off when you it can be used and when it expires. spend $37.50. Considerations like these vary, but again, who cares? It’s a deep discount regardless. USE This is the easy part. Go out and enjoy the discounted Entertainment Book and Enjoy the City Book offer two- dining experiences you’ve created. Have dessert because for-one restaurant coupons, while local public television you’ve earned it! station KLRN provides a plastic membership card that entitles you to a ton of twofers at quality restaurants in Pinch pennies and dine well. It’s the thing to do. March/April 2014 | On The Town 57

58 On The Town | March/April 2014

Visual Arts 60-70

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60 On The Town | March/April 2014

Warhol, Indiana, Alien Worlds and Androids, Sully, Onderdonk, Kuhn, CAM and Night of Artists highlight March and April exhibitions By Betsy Beckmann


re you ready for your close-up? The San Antonio Museum of Art ( takes portraiture to new levels. Thomas Sully: Painted Performance (through May 11) reveals nearly 80 works by one of the most important American painters of the 19th century. Sully’s famously vibrant portraits of the period’s movers and shakers — from the former president on your $20 bill to a surprisingly fetching young Queen Victoria — and his dramatic, rarely seen “fancy pictures” are set in the context of his lifelong connection to and love of theater. Andy Warhol: The Athletes (through April 27) is a series of 10 portraits of famous athletes in the artist’s signature screen-printing format. Representations of Muhammad Ali, O.J. Simpson, Dorothy Hamill, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Chris Evert, Jack Nicklaus, Willie Shoemaker, Rod Gilbert, Tom Seaver and Pelé — a departure from Warhol’s usual society portraits — mark a period when athletes first entered the realm of celebrity. Bob Kuhn: Drawing on Instinct (March 15 to June 8) explores one of America’s most popular wildlife illustrators, who combined the precision of natural history artists like John James Audubon with the sensibility of color-field theorists like Mark Rothko and Joseph Albers. His deeply felt portraits of wild animals in landscape capture both the drama and character of his subjects’ lives. The McNay Art Museum ( features three exhibitions of the iconic work of Pop Art master Robert Indiana, including the major survey Robert Indiana: Beyond Love (through May 25). Organized by the Whitney Museum of American Art, the exhibition includes more than 90 paintings, sculpture and works on paper from public and private collections around the world. The Full Monty: Male Nudes from the Collection focuses on prints and drawings of male nudes by Paul Cadmus, Charles Demuth, George Bellows, Thomas Hart Benton, David Hockney and Beth Van Hoesen (through May 25).

of his body of work was painted in, and depicts, New York City. Many of these paintings were signed with pseudonyms, and most have never before been displayed publicly (March 8 through Sept. 9). The interactive exhibition Alien Worlds and Androids (through May 27) takes the “fiction” out of “science fiction”by highlighting current scientific findings in nine areas: Are We Alone?, Looking for Life in Space, Alien Life on Earth, Artificial Intelligence and Robots, Robot Space Explorers, Explore the Solar System, The Robotization of Planet Earth, I-Cyborg, and The Human Microbiome. Explore timely issues of social justice at the Institute of Texan Cultures ( with The Struggle for Civil Rights in Texas (through March 20) and Is This My Shangri-la?: Life in a Burmese Refugee Camp (through April 20). For a lighter social history of San Antonio’s favorite celebration, the institute also presents HatsVickie Off to Owen Fiesta! (March 28 through July 26). A thoughtfully curated permanent collection is the draw at the recently opened Briscoe Western Art Museum on the River Walk ( The museum tells the story of the American West in full perspective, through art and artifacts of cowboy, American Indian, Mexican and Spanish Colonial cultures. Recently unveiled is a new tile mural, Water Through Time. And don’t miss the 13th Annual Night of Artists Art Sale and Exhibition in the Jack Guenther Pavilion (art sale, March 29; exhibition March 30 to April 27). “CAM” — Contemporary Art Month — replaces “March” in the mental calendar of most local art lovers: It’s the month when San Antonio’s artists, curators and performers present a kaleidoscope of contemporary work at open studios, galleries, museums, performing arts spaces, schools, restaurants and stores. While a few notables are listed below, a handy calendar at will keep you posted on the full array of offerings, both on and off the beaten path.

Venture from the local to the far reaches of the universe at the Witte Museum ( Julian Onderdonk in New York: The Lost Years, The Lost Paintings reveals a little- The Southwest School of Art ( features known side of the beloved Texas landscape artist: one-third exhibitions by figurative painter Sarah Fox, who explores March/April 2014 | On The Town 61

the consciousness of women in Secrets Manifest (through April 25) and the biennial Texas Draws III (through April 27). Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum ( presents four one-person shows. Navigate Rosane Volchan O’Connor’s large site-specific installation Organismo, is an intricate, rhythmic ambiance of biomorphic constructions that allude to music and biology, polyphonic composition and cytology (March 6 to May 11). Claire Watson considers the nexus of history and the personal in Now What, recombining intimate artifacts like gloves and pipes with leather, rope, wire, wood, sawdust and hair (March 6 to May 11). Post Penis, a video installation by Los Angeles-based artist Paul Rodriguez, uses vivid color, still life, abstraction, sublime landscapes and sound for an experience more ethereal than the title might suggest (March 6 to May 11). Local artist Mira Hnatyshyn-Hudson’s Euroscapes are painted canvases with sculptural appendages drawn from original photographs that address contemporary and historical women’s issues with an eerily shifted and amplified realism (March 6–30). The show everyone’s talking about at ArtPace (www. is Mungo Thomson’s Crickets for Solo and Ensemble, a performance/installation inspired by the universal audio shorthand for “silence”: the chirp of the cricket. The artist combines a symphony of cricket chirps from around the world performed by a 17-piece orchestra with contemporary takes on the Japanese art of cricket cages, each sculpture housing an iPod that plays a cricket solo played upon a different instrument (through April 27). Still, don’t miss the exhibition of ArtPace’s Spring International Artist-in-Residence Program, featuring the work of Rosa Barba (Berlin, Germany), Liz Glynn (Los Angeles), Jessica Mallios (Austin) and Rita Gonzalez, associate curator of contemporary art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (March 20 through May 18). The Linda Pace Foundation (www.lindapacefoundation. org) presents Eight, Eighteen, two video installations and other recent video and photographic work by Theresa Hubbard and Alexander Birchler (by appointment only, through March 29). Finally, for a local touch of expressive social commentary, Bihl Haus Arts ( exhibits the pen-and-ink drawings of San Antonio artist Albert Alvarez (March 29–April 26).“I can only draw things that have to do with how we suffer,” says the artist, whose style is inspired by the linear precision of Albrecht Dürer but whose taste for the phantasmagoric grotesque recalls both George Grosz and Heironymous Bosch (with a touch of R. Crumb and Monty Python). 62 On The Town | March/April 2014

Photo Credits: Page 60 Robert Indiana, The Electric LOVE,1966/2000. Polychrome aluminum with electric lights. Private collection. ©2014 Morgan Art Foundation, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York McNay Art Museum Page 62 (Above) Rosane Volchan O’Conor Installation mixed media- wire mesh, neon, wood, ceramics, gravel, drawings directly on the walls and monoprints Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum (Below) Andy Warhol American, 1928-1987 Muhammad Ali, 1978 Synthetic polymer and silkscreen ink on canvas, h. 40 in. (101.6 cm), w. 40 in. (101.6 cm) Collection of Richard Weisman © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York San Antonio Museum of Art Page 63 (Above) Thomas Sully American, born England, 1783 – 1872 The Torn Hat, 1820 Oil on panel, 19 1⁄8 × 14 5 ⁄8 in. (48.6 × 37.2 cm) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Gift of Miss Belle Greene and Henry Copley Greene in memory of their mother, Mary Abby Greene (Mrs. J. S. Copley Greene), 16.104. © 2013, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston San Antonio Museum of Art (Below) Albert Alvarez Illusions of the Stomach pen & ink on paper. 11 in. x 15 in. Bihl Haus Arts March/April 2014 | On The Town 63



he allure of the American West has inspired many with its grand vistas, rugged lifestyle and vibrant cultures. Since the day the Taos Society of Artists first gathered in New Mexico, artists have continued to paint and sculpt the many facets of the West. Their works fill the empty walls of our homes, museums, universities and civic buildings. Here in San Antonio, we continue this great tradition at the Briscoe Western Art Museum, which is hosting the 13th Annual Night of Artists Art Sale and Exhibition. Named in honor of the late Texas Gov. Dolph Briscoe Jr., and his wife, Janey Slaughter Briscoe, the museum is showcasing 67 of the country’s top Western artists. Art collectors look forward to the March 29 art sale for the quality of the works and the chance to meet artists in person. The fun atmosphere of the auction is coupled with a cocktail reception, food and live entertainment.

executive director. “We are pleased and excited to invite Western art collectors and San Antonio’s many visitors to view this impressive compilation of works created by many of the top Western artists today.” Nationally respected contemporary painters and sculptors include John Coleman, T.D. Kelsey, Sandy Scott, Logan Maxwell Hagege, Doug Hyde, Billy Schenck, Kent Ullberg and Kim Wiggins. The range of subjects will reflect the vastness of the great American West, from dreamy landscape vistas to rugged frontier cowboys, historic missions, and detailed Native American representations.

New this year, the public is invited to attend the Artists’ Preview and Dinner and Briscoe Legacy Award presentation on March 28. The Briscoe Legacy Award is given to an artist whose body of work has left a lasting impact upon the Western art world. Previous winners include Bill Owen, Martin Grelle, Howard Terpning, “The Briscoe Museum’s Night of Artists Art Sale and Clark Hulings, G. Harvey, Kent Ullberg and Ken Carlson. Exhibition represents one of the region’s leading This year’s recipient is sculptor Sandy Scott, whose contemporary Western art shows,” said Dr. Steven M. Karr, commissioned bronzes also will be on permanent display 64 On The Town | March/April 2014

in the Briscoe Museum’s McNutt Courtyard and Sculpture Garden. Other awards include Committee’s Choice, Patrons’ Choice and Artists’ Choice. The more than 200 works of art remain on display from March 30 through April 27 in the Jack Guenther Pavilion adjacent to the historic museum building. The Briscoe campus also will feature seven new sculptures in the courtyard by other Night of Artists participants, including Doug Hyde, Steve Kestrel and Herb Mignery. In addition, a newly unveiled 385-tile mural, Water Through Time, tells the history of water in San Antonio and also will be available for viewing in the lush outdoor space adjacent to the River Walk. The Briscoe campus includes the restored, historic 1930s Art Deco/neoclassical former San Antonio Public Library building which now serves as the museum space with nine galleries on three levels; the new, three-story Jack Guenther Pavilion; and the outdoor McNutt Courtyard and Sculpture Garden used for rentals and programs. The museum opened to the public on Oct. 26, 2013.

Tickets to the Night of Artists Art Sale and Reception and the Artists’ Preview and Dinner are available by calling the museum at 210-299-4499 or visiting BriscoeMuseum. org. The public exhibition is free with paid museum admission.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Photo Credits: Page 64 Tim Solliday Homebound Oil on Canvas, 25 in. x 30 in. Page 65 Kim Wiggins Children of Montezuma Oil on Canvas, 36 in. x 48 in.

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66 On The Town | March/April 2014

Where Science Fiction Meets Science Fact, Alien Worlds and Androids Launches at the Witte Museum By Connie Swann Photography © 2013 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


he latest exhibition at the Witte Museum invites visitors to discover, explore and learn about space and advances in technology that have led us to speculate on the possibility of life beyond planet Earth. With cutting-edge science developed by NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratories, Alien Worlds and Androids delves into nine themed environments that challenge the visitor to question, “Are We Alone?”

exhibit offer the opportunity for visitors to dig deeper into scientific research.

Taking a cue from popular home improvement shows, visitors will be able to manipulate variables in an Extreme Planet Makeover, testing the likelihood that life could exist in certain environments – no matter how extreme the conditions. We now know, because of recent advances in research, that creatures who thrive under harsh conditions on Earth offer insight Each area features in-depth video interviews with on the possibility that life could survive elsewhere in scientists and engineers as they discuss recent the universe. discoveries, theories and hopes for the future of space exploration. Informative labels throughout the What inspires scientists, writers and filmmakers? March/April 2014 | On The Town 67

Robby the Robot, C3PO from Star Wars, Iron Man and T-800 from The Terminator make cameo appearances throughout the exhibit as guests learn about the differences between robots and androids. The function of robots today range from everyday GPS devices to military Drones. Numerous examples of robotic systems are on display including a mechanical arm that visitors can maneuver. Aliens living in our own bodies? Yes! Known as microbiomes, these “aliens” find our bodies to be the perfect ecosystem - sometimes living in harmony and sometimes causing havoc.

opportunities to examine the themes of space exploration, robots and aliens. If your child loves space and all things alien then Spring Break Adventure Camp at the Witte is an intergalactic adventure unlike any other. Children in 1st- 2nd and 3rd – 5th grades will create and launch their own rockets, explore simple machines and circuits used to create robots and, eventually, build a robot to compete in a Build a Bot challenge. The Witte is also hosting stellar backto-back events in partnership with The University of Texas McDonald Observatory on March 21 including “In Galaxies Far, Far Away” with UT astronomer, George F. (Fritz) Benedict, Ph.D. who helped design and pioneer the use of Hubble Space Telescope, and “Amazing Skies” on March 22, in partnership with the Urban Science Initiative, where guests explore space science with hands-on activities.

Over 30 meteorites are on display, on loan to the Witte Museum from local collector, Philip C. Mani, including examples from the Russian meteorite event caught on dashcams in February 2013 and meteorites found in Texas. Visitors will actually get a chance to touch Alien Worlds and Androids is open through May 2014 three meteorites, a piece of the moon and Mars. and is presented by Time Warner Cable’s Connect a Million Minds initiative and produced by GES. For In conjunction with the exhibition, the museum is more information on the exhibition and events, please hosting public programs and events offering unique visit or call 210.357.1910. 68 On The Town | March/April 2014

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Festivals & Celebrations 72-82

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OVER 100 EVENTS, 18 By Shannon Houghtaling Photography courtesy Fiesta® San Antonio Commission/©Photos by Jonathan Alonzo Photography

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education, religious ministries, the arts, athletic opportunities for youth, health services and military defense.

With almost 3.5 million people attending Fiesta®, it is one of the biggest festivals in the United States, a top three in Texas and the largest in San Antonio. It is held each April to honor the memory of the heroes of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto, celebrating the diverse heritage, culture and spirit that make up the city of San Antonio.

All of this began more than a centur y ago. By 1890, San Antonio was a thriving trade center with a population of 38,000. In 1891, a group of citizens decided to honor the heroes of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto with a Battle of Flowers. The first parade had horse -drawn carriages, bicycles decorated with fresh flowers and floats carr ying children dressed as flowers. The Belknap Rifles represented the militar y. The par ticipants pelted each other with blossoms. Today, the Battle of Flowers® parade is the largest Fiesta® parade, second in size nationally only to the Tournament of Roses Parade. It also is the only parade in the countr y to be planned and directed completely by women.

iva! It is that time of year again to stock up on cascarónes, collect medals and celebrate — all for a good cause. The 123rd annual Fiesta® San Antonio is April 10-27 and boasts more than 100 events. Plus, the citywide celebration features seven new events this year.

This year’s schedule is a wide array of fun for all ages including music, food, sports, pageantry, military and patriotic observances, exhibits, parades and nine official Fiesta® royalty. Why is it all for a good cause? Because Fiesta® is also the “Party With a Purpose,” with more than 100 local nonprofit organizations and military units creating events during this year’s 18-day festival. Those groups then spend the rest of the year giving back to the community. They provide 74 On The Town | March/April 2014

Within a few years, more events were taking place on or near April 21: a carnival, balls, and coronations of “royalty.” Other early events included street dancing, children’s fetes, a Trades Display Parade and an orphan’s party. The Fiesta® tradition had been born and as the years passed, Fiesta® continued to grow.

The Order of the Alamo was founded in 1909, along with the queen and her cour t; the Pilgrimage to the Alamo began in 1925 with the Daughters of the Republic of Texas; the Texas Cavaliers and King Antonio were formed in 1926; the first El Rey Feo was crowned in 1947; and 1948 marked the first Fiesta® Flambeau® Parade as well as the first NIOSA®. In 1959, the Fiesta® San Antonio Commission was formed as an independent nonprofit organization working year-round to manage the thousands of details and day-to-day tasks essential to planning and executing the huge citywide celebration. The commission also acts as the liaison between its nonprofit members, local military activities and city departments. The commission provides funds for Fiesta® events that are not financially self-supporting. The organization itself is funded entirely by the private sector and receives no direct city funding, relying heavily on membership dues, corporate partnerships, carnival income and licensed merchandise sales.

110 Events 52 Stages 35 Concerts 33 Food Events 18 Days 14 Parades 7 New Events ONE Fiesta®

• • • • • • • • • Photo Credits: Pages 72-73 Texas Cavaliers River Parade

Pages 74-75 (L-R) Fiesta® Fiesta at the Alamo A f u l l s c h e d u l e o f e v e n t s c a n b e f o u n d Battle of Flowers® Parade a t w w w. f i e s t a - s a . o r g , o r n e w t h i s y e a r, Pooch Parade download the Fiesta® app! March/April 2014 | On The Town 75




s we launch into high gear for the 66th presentation of A Night In Old San Antonio® (NIOSA®) on April 22-25, it’s amazing to think that NIOSA started with just five ladies who were way ahead of their time, wanting to make money to save our city’s historic heritage. They cooked food at their homes and sold it at those first festivals. How some things have changed, and yet, some things stay the same!

NIOSA still raises funds for historic preservation, and it is still presented by volunteers, but it has grown from a handful of volunteers to almost 10,000 each year. This four-night festival celebrates the city’s diverse cultural legacy for more than 85,000 revelers annually through the magic of 250-plus food, drink and atmosphere booths; 12 live musical acts; children’s games; decorations; souvenirs and costumed volunteers.

Sponsored by and benefiting the San Antonio What’s new in 2014? Conservation Society (one of the nation’s oldest and After 65 years of producing one of San Antonio’s most active historic preservation organizations), most popular events, we know what our visitors 76 On The Town | March/April 2014

love … and you have to give the people what they want! Therefore, we don’t change much, but we do have a few new items: a Fried Oreos booth in Main Street area, Mario Flores and the Soda Creek Band in Frontier Town area, and C Rock Band in Main Street. And here’s something cool for those bringing families: All children under 12 are free when accompanied by an adult. NIOSA will focus on the San Antonio Missions in 2014 (through artwork on our medal) to support their nomination as an UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Conservation Society instigated the nomination process in 2006 and has continued to support the process. NIOSA created its own “Mission Trail” area in 1990 to commemorate the society’s successful restoration of the historic missions; look for the beautiful facades of our missions in this area of NIOSA.

mission of preserving historic buildings, objects, places and customs relating to the history of Texas. Founded in 1924, the San Antonio Conservation Society is credited with saving most of the historic attractions which make San Antonio one of the top tourist destinations in Texas. Out of the roughly $1 million netted at NIOSA, the society spends nearly $350,000 annually supporting restoration and preservation of historic properties and parks, plus more than $400,000 supporting education and advocacy programs such as the Heritage Education tours, seminars, community tours, scholarships, the resource library and two house museums. The society also has allocated more than $1 million since 2000 to historic restoration projects in La Villita, HemisFair and historic neighborhoods.

What remains the same? There is one very important fact that always remains For more information on NIOSA, visit www.niosa. the same: NIOSA is a “Celebration for Preservation.” org or, or contact (210) 226Funds raised enable the society to continue its 5188 or March/April 2014 | On The Town 77




t’s “Squeezebox Time” again as San Antonio celebrates Conjunto Music and the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center presents the 33rd Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival en San Antonio 2014 from May 14-18 at the Guadalupe Theatre and Rosedale Park.

The Tornados will be closing out the opening night at Rosedale Park on Friday, May 16, from 11pm-12am. Other performers on the “Conjunto Crossover” bill this evening will be multiple Grammy Award-winning artists Joel Guzmán Sarah Fox y Conjuntazzo, Los Texmaniacs, Dwayne Verheyden from Montford, Netherlands, Miguel This year’s edition will feature the Conjunto Fest debut A. Pérez from the Conjunto San Antonio in Spain, and the of the Texas Tornados, the legendary Tex-Mex fusion Texas Sweethearts, an all-female family band from the band that includes iconic accordionist Flaco Jiménez, Valley of Texas who will be opening up the show at 6pm. Augie Meyers, and Shawn Sahm, son of the late-great Doug Sahm, who began the Tornados in the 1990s. Conjunto is that original American musical ensemble and

78 On The Town | March/April 2014

style of music that was created by the Texas-Mexicans during the early-to-mid 1900’s which utilizes the button accordion and bajo sexto guitar as its principal instruments. It is a unique musical synthesis that combines German/European and Mexican/American instruments and rhythms such as polkas, waltzes and huapangos, with other national and international musical influences that includes blues, rock, jazz, Colombian cumbias and Cuban boleros, among others. The Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center created the Tejano Conjunto Festival to preserve and promote Conjunto music, to honor its pioneering artists, to present the best in the genre, and to foster a better understanding and appreciation for Chicano music and culture. Over the years the festival has become a cultural institution for the City of San Antonio and a popular destination for Conjunto music lovers who travel from all over the U.S.

and the world to hear the very best in the genre. The 33rd Tejano Conjunto Festival kicks off with the music of Conjunto Music Hall of Famer Eva Ybarra y su Conjunto at a Free Seniors Dance on Wednesday, May 14, at the Guadalupe Theater from 10am-12pm. Eva Ybarra is considered the best female accordionist in the history of Conjunto Music. Senior citizens get in free to this always fun and dance-filled morning wake-up that has traditionally opened the festival’s musical program. The festival continues at Rosedale Park on Saturday and Sunday, May 17-18, where 20 of the very best Conjuntos will be performing, along with some very special guest individual presentations. Returning to the festival will be Conjunto Music Hall of Famers Gilberto García and Rubén Garza with Los Dos Gilbertos, and Bernardo Martínez y sus Compadres. The one-of-a-kind-line-up also showcases March/April 2014 | On The Town 79

the very best Conjuntos in Texas including Boni Mauricio y Los Máximos, Los Monarcas de Pete y Mario Díaz, Los Fantasmas del Valle, Los García Bros., Lázaro Pérez y su Conjunto, La Naturaleza de Santiago Garza, Conjunto Romo, and The Conjunto Kings de Flavio Longoria. Also making their Conjunto Festival debut will be Los Leones de Albert Solis, Fruty Villarreal y Los Mavericks, Conjunto Senzzible, and the Tejano Boys featuring 2012 Squeezebox Competition winner, Peter Anzaldúa. A special Austin Conjunto Showcase will take place on Saturday and will feature the music of Los Pinky’s with special guest presentations by Isidro Samilpa and Chencho Flores, as well as Susan Torres y Conjunto Clemencia and Johnny Degollado y su Conjunto. Other Tejano Conjunto Festival highlights include a poster contest, accordion and bajo sexto workshops, inductions into the Conjunto Music Hall of Fame, Tex-Mex food and beverage booths, accordion raffles, conjunto student recitals, and plenty of dancing and fun for the entire family in a friendly park environment. For the complete schedule of events with dates, times, prices and line-up of the bands performing, visit www.guadalupeculturalarts. org or call 210.271.3151.

• • • • • • • • • Photo Credits: Texas Tornados Courtsey Shawn Sahm Page 79 Max Baca and Dwayne Verheyden Courtesy Tejano Conjunto Festival Page 80 (Above) Los Dos Gilbertos Photo by John Dyer (Below) The Texas Sweethearts Courtesy Tejano Conjunto Festival 80 On The Town | March/April 2014

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Literary Arts


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Book Talk:


Children’s Book Editor, First Book San Antonio Founder Story and Photography by Jasmina Wellinghof 84 On The Town | March/April 2014


ew Jersey native Kristen Depken has been an avid reader and book lover since childhood. With an eye on a career in publishing, she majored in English with a minor in marketing, a combination that helped her land a job in the marketing department of the publishing giant Random House. She has since transitioned to the editorial side of the business and is currently an editor of children’s books for the New York-based publisher. A year ago, Depken moved to San Antonio where she continues to carry out her professional duties, working out of her home.

readers’ chapter books that feature the characters and stories from those shows. I edit those which means I work directly with a licensor on content, though sometimes we create content ourselves. So it’s different from the work of a traditional editor. I don’t work with agents and authors. Our company has long-term contracts with various licensors. JW: What are you working on now?

KD: I am working on a lot of Disney projects but I probably can’t share any specifics because we work a year or two ahead (of actual releases) so I can’t An admirer of the national nonprofit First Book discuss what Disney has in the pipeline. that provides new books for kids in low-income communities, Depken lost no time founding the JW: The sales of these books must be strong since local chapter of the organization named First Book you are enjoying a built-in publicity that the movie San Antonio. All other major Texas cities have similar companies deploy for their products. chapters called advisory boards. The boards work with First Book headquarters in Washington, D.C., to KD: That’s one advantage of publishing with a advance the organization’s goals in their respective licensor; they promote their film, and we publish the areas. We recently talked to Depken about her job books a few weeks before the movie comes out, and and her affiliation with First Book. we benefit from their marketing. JW: You chose to work with children’s books. Why JW: Why did you move to San Antonio? do you prefer children’s literature? KD: I grew up in the Northeast, lived in New York for KD: Children’s literature is so much more fun. And a number of years … I was just ready for a change, in some ways it’s more serious, not because of the for something different. I had some good friends content but because of what it’s doing. If you can get here and it just seemed like the right time to make a children to be readers then you get life-long readers. move. I was able to keep my job and work remotely It’s rare to sway an adult to become a reader if he is from here. Thank goodness for the Internet! There’s not one already. But with a child, sometimes it takes nothing that I can’t do here that I can do there. just one book, the right book in the right hands, and that child will become a reader for life. Making that JW: Let’s talk about First Book. How did you get experience happen for kids is really exciting. involved with that effort? JW: Could you describe what you do for Random House? KD: I was familiar with First Book because Random House partners very closely with them, and I really KD: I work for the Golden Books Imprint of Random admire First Book’s goal – to get new books to kids House, which is our licensed publishing division. who otherwise would not have access to them, which We publish books that tie in to various media is such a worthy cause. When I moved here I wanted programs, like, say, Disney movies or TV shows, or to get involved in the community and meet people, any kind of children’s animated property. We publish so I thought of First Book. I knew they had advisory a full range of books, from coloring books to young boards in different cities so I thought it would be March/April 2014 | On The Town 85

great to get involved with the advisory board here, a natural fit for me. But there wasn’t one. When I talked to the national office they said they had been looking for someone to start a board here, and they asked if I would do it. I said “yes” and eventually assembled a board from people who expressed an interest, and we started the process of having ourselves officially approved (by the headquarters). JW: What are the responsibilities of a city advisory board? KD: We raise money to provide grants to programs that cater to children whose families’ income is under the poverty level. While we are doing that we are also outreaching to potential recipient groups to tell them about First Book and invite them to register with us so that they can take advantage of what we have to offer. Those groups (programs) can be schools, tutoring programs, day cares, after-school programs, anything where 70 percent of the children come from low-income households. If we register 300 recipient groups within three months, we’ll get a truckload of 40,000 books to distribute among all the recipient groups. We are busy spreading the word. We are half-way there (in mid-January). Our hard-working recipient outreach chairperson, Sari Wilson, has been heading that push. JW: I understand there are several routes recipient groups can take to get the books. Could you describe them?

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KD: Yes. One route is through grants. We raise money and have, say, x amount of dollars. We open a grant cycle and every registered recipient group can apply for a grant. If approved, they get a cycle of books, not just one book per child but three to six books per child, so it may be a six-month period during which every child in the program gets a new book every month. The teachers and leaders of the programs can select the books they deem appropriate from the First Book Marketplace. The children get to keep the books; they are theirs to take home. Just ownership of a book, for a child who’s never had one before, gets kids excited.

But we can raise only so much money for grants. So there are two other routes. All registered groups acquire access to the First Book Marketplace where they can buy deeply discounted books. The books are either donated by publishers or purchased at a low price by First Book due to special arrangements with publishers. So a book that normally sells for $10 can be bought for $2. It’s a great benefit for being a registered group, right there. And then there’s also what’s called the First Book Book Bank, which would be the third route. Registered groups get emails informing them about big shipments First Book receives periodically from publishers for free – sometime it’s publishers’ overstock, sometimes donations – and they can request free books from these shipments. Again, they select what’s appropriate for the kids in their programs. There’s no cost to register as a recipient group and we offer all these resources. JW: Have you identified the extent of need in San Antonio? KD: It’s estimated there are some 100,000 kids who live in households below the poverty level in San Antonio. Studies have shown that in poor neighborhoods there’s on average one book per 300 children, while in middle-class neighborhoods you find 13 books per child. Ownership of books increases a child’s desire to read, and the number of books in the household correlates with academic achievement, especially in regard to reading and comprehension. Among adults, 43 percent of lowliteracy individuals live in poverty versus only 4 percent of those with good literacy skills. JW: What’s the best way for potential recipient groups or potentials donors to reach you? KD: They can go to the First Book website and find a link for San Antonio or write to sanantonio_tx@ Ms. Depken’s comments have been edited for space and clarity. November/December March/April 2013 2014 | On The Town 87



ooking for your next new book to read? Come to the San Antonio Book Festival 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 5 at the Central Library and the Southwest School of Art. With more than 70 writers on the schedule, the festival brings a national presence to San Antonio as well as local talent that provides a unique sense of place and reflects South Texas’ rich cultural heritage. The festival, a program of the San Antonio Public Library Foundation, is free and open to all. New this year is the Literary Death Match, a competitive, hilarious mix of Def Jam Poetry and American Idol. Held at the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., the Literary Death Match features four famous and emerging authors performing their most electric writing before a lively audience and a panel of three high-profile judges. The Death Match takes no prisoners in the authors’ quests to take home the top prize. “Festival Reception

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Tickets” include table seating, a cocktail reception with appetizers and music by “Cryin’ D.T. Buffkin and the Bad Breath.” The program begins at 6:30 p.m. For other ticket options and more information, visit www. Some of the featured festival authors include Robert Hilburn, Miriam Pawel, Andrew Yang and Mario Alberto Zambrano. Author of Johnny Cash: The Life, Robert Hilburn’s storied career as a rock critic has allowed him a behind-the-scenes look into the lives of some of the most iconic figures of our time. From exclusive interviews with Johnny Cash in Folsom Prison and Bob Dylan during his “born-again” period, to cartoons with Michael Jackson and a friendship with John Lennon, Hilburn has been more than just a critic. As critic and music editor of the Los Angeles Times from 1970 to 2005, his reviews, essays and profiles have appeared in hundreds of publications around the world.

Miriam Pawel, author of The Crusades of Cesar Chavez: A Biography, was an award-winning journalist for 25 years. She is now also an author and independent historian, writing her first book about Chavez and the farm worker movement. She traces her love of deciphering the past to her years as a classics major and her fondness for solving puzzles of all sorts.

Nederlands Dans Theater, Ballett Frankfurt and Batsheva Dance Company. His work has appeared in Five Chapters and Guernica.

There is something for everyone at the festival, from children’s book authors to political pundits. Meet and talk to a Pulitzer prize-winning reporter when you get your book signed. Watch a famous chef cook from her Author Andrew Yang penned Smart People Should new cookbook. Discover a new favorite author! Build Things: How to Restore Our Culture of Achievement, Build a Path for Entrepreneurs, and Create New Jobs in For a complete list of authors and events, visit www. America. He is no stranger on how to build things. Yang is the founder and CEO of Venture for America, a fellowship program that places top college graduates in start-ups for two years in low-cost U.S. cities to generate job growth and train the next generation of Photo Credits: entrepreneurs. He was named a Champion of Change by the White House in 2011 for his work with Venture Pages 88-89 (L-R) America as well as one of Fast Company’s “100 Most Creative People in Business” for 2012. Yang is a Robert Hilburn Photo by Christopher Morris graduate of Columbia Law and Brown University.

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A graduate from the New School as a Riggio Honors Fellow and the University of Iowa’s Writers’ Workshop as an Iowa Arts Fellow, Author Mario Alberto Zambrano’s first novel is Lotería. Zambrano was a contemporary ballet dancer before dedicating his time to writing fiction. He has lived in Israel, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Japan, and has danced for Hubbard Street Dance Chicago,

Miriam Pawel Courtesy San Antonio Book Festival Andrew Yang Photo by Fiana Aboud Mario Alberto Zambrano Courtesy San Antonio Book Festival March/April 2014 | On The Town 89

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Eclectics 92-100

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Random Thoughts:

Empire Theatre by John Dyer



s a writer, when I sit down in front of a blank computer screen, I see opportunity. The idea of filling it up with worthwhile words is not a job, but rather a pleasure. Sometimes, however, there is more stuff to write about than there is space to accommodate. That’s what’s so great about having the chance to pen this Random Thoughts article, which is designed to catalog a collection of noteworthy topics – a mixed bag of things in need of exposure – all jumbled together as one snippet after another. It’s my chance to cover a bunch of stuff to keep you in the know. So with that said, here goes.

you been to the zoo lately? Not to be outdone, the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre also marks 100 years in the city at the corner of Houston and St. Mary’s streets.

Another milestone is being reached by the San Antonio Symphony. World-renown violinist Joshua Bell will be featured in the symphony’s 75th anniversary concert June 14 at the Majestic Theatre. The year 2014 also brings with it the 60th anniversary of the McNay Art Museum. In other museum-related news, Mary Heathcott has taken over the reins at Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum as its executive director. A Blue Star satellite exhibit, in The San Antonio Zoo turns 100 years old this year and conjunction with San Antonio Botanical Garden, bears is celebrating with the unveiling of Zootennial Plaza, mentioning. Art in the Garden, an exhibition featuring a gathering place for special occasions complete with sculptures by Richard Hunt, is on display at the garden upscale restaurant and custom-designed carousel. Have through January 2015. A unique sand sculpture exhibit 92 On The Town | March/April 2014

Joshua Bell courtesy takes place at the garden March 7-24, and a birdhouses exhibit, in collaboration with AIA San Antonio, runs March 29 to June 29. The exhibit consists of six one-of-a-kind “humansize” birdhouses for visitors to explore inside and out.

the restaurant’s I-10 location, starts up again soon and runs until late summer. Admission is free when you bring a non-perishable food item as a donation to the San Antonio Food Bank.

Other random thoughts include the fact that professional rounds of the Valero Texas Open at TPC San Antonio take place March 27-30, and Ballet San Antonio’s Ballet in the Park runs April 4-5 at the newly renovated Travis Park downtown. There is much jazz to be enjoyed as well, starting with Spring Jazz at the Falls, a month-long series in March at the Shops of La Cantera. See Slim Man, Joe Posada, Althea Rene, Ken Slavin, Rick Braun and more. This is followed by Sunday Jazz at the Witte, every second Sunday from April to November. Also not to be forgotten is KRTU’s Skyline Swing, a monthly swing dance event every first Saturday at the Skyline Room on the Trinity University campus featuring the legendary Jim Cullum Jazz Band. Rounding things out is the fiveshow series being presented at the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre by South Texas Jazz from March through November. The next one up is Mardi Gras on March 4. Switching to country, the County Line Music Series, at

From the restaurant world, Zoko Restaurant Bar and Grill has opened on Sonterra Boulevard in Stone Oak. Sobro Pizza Co. is opening in the Mosaic on Broadway, and Rosario’s is set to begin serving delicious Mexican food on San Pedro Avenue just a few blocks north of Loop 410. As a final random thought, have you taken a good look at movie theater websites recently? Movie theaters offer more than movies and in big way, like showing live Metropolitan Opera performances, live theater performances via satellite (the National Theatre’s War Horse and Broadway’s Romeo and Juliet, for example), ballet from the Royal Opera House and more. The times they are a-changing! There you have it – a collection of topics, a mixed bag of things, all jumbled together as one snippet after another. I hope you enjoyed finding out about all this stuff! March/April 2014 | On The Town 93

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3, 2, 1…LIFT OFF!

Scobee Eaducation Center at San Antonio College to Open Soon By Vanessa Torres


an Antonio’s future astronauts, students and local community members soon will have the opportunity to explore space and go star-gazing at San Antonio College’s planetarium, observatory and newly added Challenger Learning Center, which together have been named the Scobee Education Center. Named after the Scobee family, including Dick F. Scobee, former SAC student and flight commander for the ill-fated Challenger Space Shuttle mission, the Scobee Education Center will offer myriad opportunities to become engaged with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) activities, as well as space exploration. Students, faculty and community members already are vying for the chance to be among the first to “discover” the Scobee Education Center’s new construction and its remodeled portions which are slated to open this fall. Construction began in May 2012 to remodel the 50-plus-year-old planetarium and to construct the Challenger Learning Center. Nearly two years later, the building has transformed the SAC skyline, making Scobee the second-tallest building on campus and increasing the center’s total square footage from roughly 4,000 square feet to more than 21,000 square feet. The aging planetarium had not undergone major renovation since its construction in 1962. Along with a facelift and new dome screen, the planetarium received a companion with the addition of the Challenger Learning Center. Construction of the planetarium and the building that will house the gift shop, star party deck and Challenger Learning Center is nearly complete. The equipment needed for the Challenger mission control component, however, will not be available until late summer. Throughout the process, SAC has worked with representatives from Challenger’s national office. The SAC center will become the

flagship Challenger model and will feature the most up-to-date software and equipment. National will install the interior-scapes and software for the briefing room, mission control and space station in late August or early September. By later this fall, the entire complex will be fully operational. The planetarium, however, could resume running shows as early as April. The planetarium at SAC has a long history. The simple mission has long been to serve the community as a resource of astronomy and space science knowledge. Staying true to the planetarium’s mission, the Scobee Education Center ushers in a new era for the college and the city. The center will be a unique catalyst for offering educational and community resources through a focus on scientific literacy and lifechanging learning. SAC’s aim with the new Challenger Learning Center component is to expand the scope of its programming beyond the “classic” missions model used nationally at other centers. The wide range of STEM programs offered at SAC are designed to educate and train people of all ages and backgrounds. With a customized Challenger Learning Center, SAC aspires to become the city’s hub for STEM education. Under the direction of SAC President Dr. Robert Zeigler and an advisory board, the college began its first capital campaign in 2012. At the project’s onset, it was estimated a total of $12 million dollars was needed. $5 million was secured through the Alamo Community College District maintenance tax. To date, the capital campaign has surpassed the halfway point and is ongoing. SAC parking lots soon will see the return of yellow school buses full of eager minds ready to learn about stars, space, Mars and more. Until then, construction workers and college staff work to complete the final touches to the complex that will forever change how we explore our universe. March/April 2014 | On The Town 95

Artistic Destination:

ROSEMARY BEACH: New Urbanism beauty by design Story and Photos by Julie Catalano


unsets, seafood, sand and surf. Staples of any respectable beach getaway. But this is no ordinary beach, and no ordinary getaway. In fact, this idyllic northwest Florida coastal oasis gives new meaning to the words. Let’s just say that there’s something about Rosemary. And it didn’t happen by accident.

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The New York Times described the New Urbanism movement as the most important phenomenon to emerge in American architecture in the post-Cold War era. According to internationally renowned architects Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, the movement “offers an alternative future for the building and rebuilding of regions.” Compact, mixeduse, pedestrian friendly districts of ideal location and character “can integrate natural environments and

manmade communities into a sustainable whole.”

haven, visitors looking to get away from the hectic pace of big cities, traffic congestion, crowds, noise They should know. Duany and Plater-Zyberk are and 21st century life can spend a few days to a lifetime husband and wife partners in the planning and in Rosemary Beach enjoying that live/work/play and architectural design firm Duany Plater-Zyberk & stay vision. Co. (DPZ) and have designed more than 130 new towns and community revitalization projects— In the New Urbanism tradition, the town is including the award-winning Rosemary Beach. At connected by a network of streets, sidewalks, the eastern end of Scenic Route 30A, the 107-acre boardwalks and “secret” alley-like sand paths. The project with 2,500 feet of Gulf of Mexico frontage basic means of transportation consists of bicycles was born in 1995 as a result of a vision based on and feet. Nothing is more than a five-minute “community, neighborhood and convenience for stroll from anywhere else, and if you should get homeowners and visitors alike.” turned around it’s easy to get re-oriented. As Ken Gifford, president and COO of Rosemary Beach Now, nearly 20 years later, in addition to the couple Holdings, says: “Just follow the boardwalks. They hundred or so full-time residents of this surfside all lead to the water.” March/April 2014 | On The Town 97

And that brings us to the natural wonder that is Rosemary. Sure, the town is downright captivating in its small-town America ambience, with sparkling community pools and two wide expanses of green that can inspire an impromptu game of bocce ball or host an elegant wedding. Unique shops, family owned restaurants and the leisurely pace of life seem almost from another time. But it’s the lure of the powdery white sand beach and deep blue waters just minutes away—no crowds, noise or litter—that beckons. If you can tear yourself away from some pretty cushy digs, that is, with lovely architectural stylings to match. No cookie cutters here. Each home is not only architecturally unique, but custom designed in tandem with the owner. You might think you’re seeing 98 On The Town | March/April 2014

a home that looks just like its neighbor, but look closer. There are a range of basic types—the French Quarter live/work unit where the first floor must be used for a retail establishment; flats; charming carriage houses with a footprint of 12 x 12 feet; courtyard buildings influenced by New Orleans; townhouses and beach houses with a taste of the West Indies, and more. Earthy palettes keep everything artistically compatible: rich chocolate, dune gray, sage green, moss olive, fall straw, summer glow and terra cotta. Not a pastel in sight. And Rosemary Beach isn’t just a pretty face. It’s been eco-friendly since the beginning—with architects and developers making sure that the natural topography was not disturbed. Walkovers preserve the dunes. Low

maintenance native plantings (including the wildbut-inedible rosemary herb the town was named for) provide anchoring root systems, require no fertilizers or unnecessary watering, and even keep the noise level down—no lawns allowed, so no lawn mowers.

Sustainable, spectacular, seductive and addictive. One visit to Rosemary Beach will leave you wanting more, more, more—and that’s one excess that everyone can live with. For more information, visit

Even the merchants get into the eco-friendly act: Summer Kitchen Cafe (Rosemary’s first restaurant) uses sustainable products for many of its paper cups, bags and boxes, and has a solar roof vent. Fine dining restaurant Paradis uses locally grown products and fresh Gulf seafood, along with producing its own sparkling and still waters in signature blue, reusable glass bottles. The new luxury Pearl Hotel uses intelligent lighting and environmental controls in each guest room and bottles its Nordaq FRESH water on site.

When you go: Rosemary Beach is on Florida’s panhandle on the eastern end of Route 30A along the Gulf of Mexico. The nearest airports are Northwest Florida Beaches International (ECP) 25 minutes away in Panama City Beach, Fla., with nonstop service from Atlanta, Baltimore, Houston and Nashville; and Northwest Florida Regional Airport (VPS), one hour away in Fort Walton Beach/ Destin, Fla., with nonstop service from Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Charlotte, and Washington, D.C. March/April 2014 | On The Town 99

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OUt & About with Greg Harrison 102-110

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