Upstream Policy Support for Transformational Change

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United Nations El Salvador Delivering as One Upstream Policy Support for Transformational Change



Index Upstream Policy Support for Transformational Change. Fostering Social Inclusion, Equity and Economic Development. Promotion of Democratic Governance, Rule of Law and

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Citizen Security. Gender Equity and Women Empowerment.





Upstream Policy Support for Transformational Change

Upstream Policy Support for Transformational Change Upstream policy work in middle income countries refers to the need to ensure that national policies consider a.

Inclusion, that is that vulnerable and marginalized populations are fully able to exercise their rights.


Prioritization, which implies that budgets and policies are directed to the strategic development goals, poverty eradication, and eliminate social exclusion.


Pertinence, which relates to the implementation of the most effective interventions based on robust evidence and international experience.

All of this requires support in generating knowledge, developing national capacities, promoting inter-institutional dialogue and cooperation, advocating with opinion leaders and civil society, and fostering the capacity of right holders to demand actions to fulfill their rights.




Fostering Social Inclusion, Equity and Economic Development

Fostering Social Inclusion, Equity and Economic Development Support the Presidency for the elaboration of the Law on Social Protection and Development that recognizes the National System of Social Protection, Social Inclusion and Development, which institutionalizes the main national social protection and assistance programmes [UNDP, ECLAC and UNICEF].

Facilitating the development of a multidimensional poverty index and new poverty measurement and Information management system, focused on households and children [UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA]

selected globally and presented by the RC and the WB Country Director at the UN Chief Executives Board´s meeting in 2013 [PAHO/WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP and World Bank]

Supported to the formulation and implementation of the Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) policy and its plan of action, and the strengthening of the regulatory and institutional framework to offer adequate SRH services, particularly for adolescents and youth including during emergencies [UNFPA and PAHO/WHO]

Support the strengthening of a human rights-based and a life cycle approach within the Universal Social Protection System by providing technical expert assistance on the system´s design and analysis of its gaps. In this context, advocate and contribute to the development of a proposal for the inclusion of an integrative model for social protection and early childhood integral development [UNICEF]. Launched the National Human Development Report in 2013 for El Salvador as a means to promote social, economic and cultural policies [UNDP and UNICEF].

Implementation of the MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF), focused on MDGs 4 and 5. This strategy has been

Supported the design of the National Policy for Youth 2011-2024 [UNFPA, ILO, UNICEF and PAHO/WHO]


Fostering Social Inclusion, Equity and Economic Development Principal Recipient for 10 consecutive years, of Global Fund to fight AIDS/TB and Malaria. El Salvador has been recognized globally as a GF best practice. More than 100 million dollars executed [UNDP, with PAHO/WHO, UNAIDS and UNFPA]

Support to civil society organization and government in the elaboration of the new HIV Law. (UNAIDS, PAHO/WHO, UNFPA, UNDP, WFP and UNICEF)

Supported the elaboration of the National Strategic Plans for HIV and for Tuberculosis [UNAIDS, PAHO/WHO, UNFPA, UNDP, WFP and UNICEF]

Supported for the elaboration and implementation of a food and nutritional security policy, operational plan and information system as well as Bill presented in the National Assembly, elaboration of the food and nutritional security law. [FAO, WFP, UNICEF and PAHO/WHO]

Support to the Ministry of Education in the strengthening of the national curricula related to food and nutrition security, and the Food and Health School Program that include: school garden, food purchasing from the small producer to enrich the school food program, school food law [FAO and PMA]

Support the Government to implement the Right to Food guidelines, specifically providing training to deputies and others that facilitate the approval of the 69 article reform of the Republic Constitution, pending the ratification of this reform; and the elaboration of the 4th report about the situation of Right to Food in El Salvador [FAO]


Supported the elaboration and implementation of the Law on Promotion, Protection and Support of Breastfeeding [PAHO/WHO and UNICEF]

Support the Government response to face the emergency related to the production of coffee that has been affected by some fungus (especially Roya fungus). This has affected the income and food security of small producer and workers related to this sector that has so far affected more than 150,000 people [FAO and PMA]

Fostering Social Inclusion, Equity and Economic Development Support the elaboration and implementation of the Presidential Plan titled Family Agriculture Plan [FAO and WFP] Support to the Ministry of Education (MINED) in the mainstreaming in national curricula of Comprehensive Sexual Education, focused on gender and human rights, children and youth education [UNFPA] Supporting the advancement of the MINED Full Time Inclusive School model, with a focus on the Inter-sectorial Technical Table for the Comprehensive Development of Early Childhood where regulations and policies that allow every boy and girl to have access to quality early childhood development services have been developed [UNICEF and UN Women]

Capacity development and acceleration of public investments through the Ministry of Public Works and the Autonomous Commission for Airports, Ports and Railroads (CEPA) - [UNDP, ICAO, UNOPS, UN HABITAT and ECLAC]. Support has been provided for the development of a baseline to monitor social public spending on children and adolescents in order to map opportunities for its fiscal sustainability and enlargement as part of a national strategy of development [UNICEF].

Support has been provided to the government to generate information on the situation of working children and adolescents. A national information system on child labor has been implemented and nationwide studies and baselines have been completed in fifteen priority municipalities to contribute to the design of a local strategy to combat child labor [UNICEF and ILO] Support to the Ministry of Economy, in association with the Chamber of Commerce and the National Commission for Small and Medium Enterprise to foster economic development and jobs creation by linking small entrepreneurs to large 'tractor' enterprises [UNDP]

Support to the Ministry of Public Works and the Salvadoran Foundation for Economic and Social Development (FUSADES) to design a National Public Policy for Logistic, transport, port and mobilization. (UNOPS, UNDP and ECLAC)




Promotion of Democratic Governance, Rule of Law and Citizen Security

Promotion of Democratic Governance, Rule of Law and Citizen Security

Support design and implementation of national strategies to prevent violence in schools, particularly, sexual violence. Strengthened mechanisms implemented by civil society to promote and protect rights derived from SRH, belonging to teenagers, youth and women [UNFPA and UNICEF].

Supported the elaboration the draft of the Law to the Eradicate Trafficking in Persons [IOM and UNFPA]. Supported the elaboration and implementation of the Law on the Integral Protection of Children and Adolescents [UNICEF]. Facilitated high-level political dialogue and the elaboration of legislation and agreements on fiscal reform and citizen security, food security and nutrition, legal protection of vulnerable groups, aimed to directly link public resources to development policies [UN, UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, ILO, UN Women, WHO, UNHCR, OHCHR and ECLAC]:  

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Justice, Public Security and Coexstence Policies. National Policy for Integral Protection of Children and Adolescents. National Strategy for Social Prevention of Violence in Support of Municipalities. National Youth Law. Legal reforms to restrict access to firearm ownership and bear-

ing and to strengthen the National Weapons Registry, as well as implementation of the National System of Information and Gender Violence Statistics systems. Macro program for Integral Attention for Adolescents Subject to Juvenile Criminal Responsibility, with accompanying service sub-programs (Provisional Release Measures, Internment Measures, and Administrative Protection Measures). Family interaction program for children that remain with their mothers in correctional facilities. Socioeconomic insertion programmes for at-risk youth.


Promotion of Democratic Governance, Rule of Law and Citizen Security United Nations agencies also support the Judicial Branch through institutional strengthening as well as improving victims’ access to justice:

Increasing understanding of the effectiveness of the judicial system while identifying bottlenecks in the investigation of murders of men and women [UNDP, UN Women and UNFPA]. Support Inter Institutional coordination for the integral management of sexual violence cases free of re-victimization. Resulting in the production of sexual crimes investigation and operational protocol´s manual (Gesell Chambers); training of judges,

Raising awareness and training operators on Juvenile Justice to foster social insertion programs for adolescents involved in the juvenile justice system, including support for on other Latin American experiences in the area [UNICEF].

Supported dialogue on and elaboration of a Bill on Public Administration Reform and System´ strengthening [UNDP and ILO]. Support to the elaboration and implementation of the protocols for the Investigation of Feminicide Crimes and for addressing sexual violence in educational communities in El Salvador [OHCHR, UNDP, UNFPA UNICEF, and UN Women]. In terms of the response to genderbased violence, for the first time, the country assigned specific resources to promote gender-based violence prevention actions, aimed at prevention, service provision and punishment of perpetrators of violence against women [UNWOMEN and UNDP].


prosecutors and students of the National Public Security Academy in Feminicides crime analysis [UNICEF, UNDP, UNWOMEN and UNFPA].

Supported the design and formulation of the new statistics bill that would create the Salvadoran Statistics Institute, currently under discussion; the strengthening of the national statistics system, as well as the design and implementation of the new integrated vital statistics system in the 262 municipalities [UNFPA].

Promotion of Democratic Governance, Rule of Law and Citizen Security Supported the launch of National Data, Statistics and Information System to record Violence Against Women, led by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security in coordination with the General Directorate of Statistics and Census (DIGESTYC) [UNDP and UNFPA].

Supported the design and implementation of mechanisms of proximity vote and voting from abroad to a more and better citizen participation and the development of the electoral system [UNDP].




Gender Equity and Women Empowerment

Gender Equity and Women Empowerment.

Supported the elaboration and implementation of the Law on Equality, Equity and Elimination of Discrimination against Women [UNWOMEN and UNDP].

Supported the formulation, implementation, follow up and evaluation of the National Women Policy (PNM) [UN Women].

Supported the Political Parties Act, which includes a 30% minimum quota of women for electoral positions [UN Women and UNDP].

Supported the Secretariat for Social Inclusion in various areas of work, including Ciudad Mujer [UN Women, UNFPA, WFP, UNICEF, WHO, IOM, FAO, ILO and UNDP].

Supported the establishment of the Commission on Women and Gender Equality and the Women's Parliamentary Group [UNDP and UN Women].

Supported the government of El Salvador in the implementation of the Special Comprehensive Law for a Life Free of Violence for Women [UNFPA and UNDP]



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