[Meta-] / architecture + design portfolio

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Onur Koyun


architecture + design





: with, across, after or beyond



After a 35-year old study, Donald Ingber -M.D., Ph.D., Founding Director of the Wyss Institute at Harvard- discovered that nature uses an architectural rule called tensional integrity (tensegrity) to preserve the shapes of living cells and regulate how they stress to outside physical forces. Ingber’s study, “architecture of life”, describes a balance between the forces of tension and compression which creates a structural stabilization.1 For a designer or an architect, these forces are comprised of observation, research, philosophy and functionality as well as the socio-political and economical conditions. This work consists of five thresholds that are examining the balance between these forces in pursuit of a naturally stable architecture.


The word “meta-“ [Greek: *μετα-] is a pre-addition to a subject, concept or ideology implying a sense of beyond, after or post. Today, the new kinds of technology form a different understanding of space where the definitions of interactivity, connectivity and reality have influenced the understanding of architecture and design through dynamism, flexibility, immateriality and indeterminacy. Metaaims to explore new design criteria under this perspective.






Materialistic World

morphogenesis 02/







Science Fiction

Unembodied Diaries









De/Re-forming Mexico City



Sirkeci Hub



Onur Koyun


contact onurkoyun94@gmail.com


Hello! I was born in the small town of Eregli in Turkey. While living in multi-layered Istanbul for my architectural education, I found opportunities to improve my communication and adaptation skills and form an interdisciplinary approach towards architecture. I believe that, due to the massive developments in technology and globalization today, the former static understanding of architecture and space have evolved. I am seeking to explore new perspectives of design in the world of dynamism, flexibility, immateriality and indeterminacy.

+1 (310) 689 8811 3229 S. Sherbourne Dr. Los Angeles/CA

activities ITU Men’s Basketball Team



.can speak English very well and tries to speak German .likes travelling .likes reading .is very into physics, psychology and philosophy .wants to design in Mars .would love to save the world

team captain 2nd in Turkish Championship 1st in Istanbul League 5th in Turkish Championship 2nd in Istanbul League

Erdemirspor Basketball team captain

TED Orchestra electro guitar saxaphone

MUN (Model United Nations) delegate


education Aug‘19-Jun‘20 University of California, Los Angeles

M. Arch II - Technology Studio masters in architecture Sep’15-Jan’16 Auburn University exchange program Sep’12-Aug’18 Istanbul Technical University bachelors of architecture

experience Sep’18-Nov’18 Tabanlioglu Architects intern architect [Ataturk Cultural Center] [KFAS] Apr’18-Jun’18 Erginoglu & Calislar Architecture Office intern architect [UNEC Campus] [MIKA] Jun’16-Aug’16 Akdeniz Construction construction intern [Maslak 1453]

2019-20 University of California, Los Angeles tuition scholarship 2020 Blankspace - OuterSpace Competition [Unembodied Diaries] 2018 KooZArch Architecture & Design Magazine [IDTM]/ interview + publication 2018 TheArchiologist Magazine [IDTM]/ publication 2015 Auburn University Concrete Competiton finalist


Sep’08-Aug’12 TED Eregli College Foundation high school

awards & publications

digital skills [VR & AR production]

unreal engine unity


[3D Modelling]

maya rhino grasshopper houdini autocad



after effects premiere photoshop illustrator indesign




01/ Materialistic World

A place, state, or condition that is ideally perfect in respect of politics, laws, customs, and conditions. Utopia

A futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control. Dystopia


“Inside every utopia is a dystopia striving to get out. World-changing plans to bring all human life and activity under beneficent control devolve inevitably into regimentation and compulsion. Edenic life-affirming communes descend into chaos and waste.�


morphogenesis architecturaltechnocriticality, storytelling is the developmental process by which machinelearning, cityasmachine, surveillance tissues and organs acquire the shape that is interactiverepresentation, virtualreality, augmentedreality critical to their function.

an organic journey from ewaste to battery 2020 | Academic Project | Deep Urbanism

Currently, the world dumps its electronic waste into sites in developing countries in Africa and Southeast Asia, creating toxic working conditions for the inhabitants tasked with recycling these parts. Southeast Asia is projected to be largely underwater due to massive sea-level rise, which will lead to mass migration and economic collapse. “Morphogenesis” proposes the formation of a brandnew urban development located in the vicinity of Phnom Penh, designed to process e-waste into Lithium Battery. Based on the linear and organic formations of the reaction-diffusion pattern, this new city will be able to accommodate an ever-expanding urban layout that can optimally recycle and store e-waste while producing Lithium Battery, through a combination of urban design and human-robot collaboration.


instructors Guvenc Ozel, Benjamin Ennemoser with Won Choi, Zhi Zhou location Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Based on this premise, the journey through the process in an industrial city leads to an urbanist techno criticality of the creation of a utopian character, who can manipulate and mold an ideal version of ‘how it should be’. Who can forget the omniscience of Le Corbusier’s hand casually splayed out over La Ville Radieuse? The goal of the narrative - Surveillance - is to reference and visualize a contemporary mode of “deep state” where the data of individuals are constantly collected, archived, manipulated, and weaponized for increased efficiency and production. The story lasts in a depiction of a ‘control center’ where the whole process is under surveillance by a symbolistic hand.




01/ Materialistic World


Surveillance In the world of surveillance capitalism, designed to collect and monetize data, digital representations of ourselves and our environments are harvested by CCTV cameras, drones, internet bots, social media platforms and their allies for social, economic and political manipulation and control. Since the modes of operation for these platforms and how they monetize our actions are opaque, how do we create useful and engaging methods to understand the impact of our digital behaviors? /13

01/ Materialistic World

the capital of Cambodia



The project, based on the published and accepted masterplan of Phnom Penh for 2035, proposes a zoomed-in “City as/from Machine” masterplan with regional contextuality. “Morphogenesis” aims to create an urban development designed on the organic and mathematical rules of the reaction-diffusion pattern.


Like zebra or pufferfish skin forms based on its nature, an urban development can form itself based on its integral features and aspects. “Morphogenesis” is the proposal of an urban plan designed naturally, based on the features of the transformation process of e-waste to lithium battery, culminating in the organic circulation of the inhabitant’s transportation. /15

01/ Materialistic World

Tensorflow Pix2Pix Conditional Adversarial Networks


are a general-purpose solution to image-to-image translation problems. These networks not only learn the mapping from input to output image but also learn a loss function to train this mapping. This approach is effective at synthesizing photos from label maps, reconstructing objects from edge maps, and colorizing images, among other tasks.

The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis is an article by Alan Turing, describing how patterns in nature, such as stripes and spirals, can arise naturally from a homogeneous, uniform state. The theory, which can be called a reaction–diffusion theory of morphogenesis, has become a basic model in theoretical biology.

Lithium-Ion Battery Industry

Areas in the production process have been modeled based on the spread of reaction-diffusion pattern and the generated final map.


Residential Area and Storages

Reaction–diffusion systems are mathematical models which correspond to several physical phenomena. The most common is the change in space and time of the concentration of one or more chemical substances: local chemical reactions in which the substances are transformed into each other, and diffusion which causes the substances to spread out over a surface in space.

Recycling Factory


Phnom Penh The final map has been generated by a deep learning algorithm that was processed by the maps of Hong Kong and Singapore in order to create an industrial development. click to watch the detailed video /17


01/ Materialistic World

Recycling Factory The design is based on the order of e-waste recycling which starts from the arriving recycles and ends by storing the recycled materials in storage. After an automated importing process, recycles are being cut and disassembled by factory workers before they transport to their storage. The transportation process is made by a combination of automated packaging vehicles that emerged from an organic form inside the industry.


scan to explore designs in 360 VR videos

Residential Are

The whole area is designed from a combinat to represent the natural growth of the cit time. These typologies are techno buildings while the storages are distributed around. locking modules where storing and transfe infrastructure provided.


tion of different building typologies in order ty and reaction-diffusion pattern based on s, dwelling units and traditional residencies The Storage Buildings are a form of intererring materials is automated through the


eas and Storage

Lithium-Ion Battery Industry The process of Lithium-Ion Battery production is automated, which is one of the major parameters on the design. The requirement of a continuous process lead to an interlocking composition, where the circular form of the reaction-diffusion pattern allowed the design to turn into one giant industry.


01/ Materialistic World

Surveillance null-subject* over production In the world of surveillance capitalism, designed to collect and monetize data, digital representations of ourselves and our environments are harvested by CCTV cameras, drones, internet bots, social media platforms and their allies for social, economic and political manipulation and control. Since the modes of operation for these platforms and how they monetize our actions are opaque, how do we create useful and engaging methods to understand the impact of our digital behaviors? Data is inherently invisible, ubiquitous, complex and intangible. It has no scale, no materiality and no perceivable properties through our senses. Its impact can only be measured through its subjectivity and influence in the social sphere.

Data is us.


Our locations, cameras, personal information, fingerprints and even faces are open sources for today’s big brothers, allowing an invisible manipulation in our acts and decisions. The meanings of “password”, “security”, “privacy”, “authentication” are evolving due to the ever-growing networking and interaction, creating a feeling of a utopian comfort in our public and personal acts, behaviours, and decisions.


The short movie, “Surveillance�, is aiming to demonstrate this industrial life which is felt like a utopia, but actually is a dystopia.




01/ Materialistic World





02/ Science Fiction

There are multiple forms of reality, most of which are used in an abstract sense and can be divided into three distinct categories, real constructs, virtual constructs and possible constructs. Business Horizons

“Mind Uploading” is the hypothetical futuristic process of scanning the mental state (including long-term memory and “self”) of a particular brain substrate and copying it to a computer.


“There are as many applications for virtual reality as you can think of, it’s restricted by your imagination.”



unembodied diaries architecturaltechnocriticality, storytelling consumerism, virtualreality, minduploading consciousness, communication, technologicalsingularity

a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling.

consciousness as a product 2020 | Competition Project | Blank Space Outer Space PORTFOLIO 2020

“Outer space has always captured the imaginations of the general public. New advances in technology (including comet landings, the Orion Spacecraft, and large scale social experiments leading to a Mars exploration) mean that outer space is no longer a place only astronauts will get to experience - but something you and I can experience within our lifetime.” “For a long time, the fantastical visions of space expl ration have been rooted in the scifi proposals of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Ring worlds, death stars, and space colonies conjure vibrant, psychedelic visions of the future from yesteryear. Since then, advances in space technology have multiplied exponentially. Are these retro visions still the best representation of our future in the stars.”

“Unembodied Diaries” is a fictional futuristic approach, focusing on the potential of virtual reality, robotics and neuroscience. The project is aiming to depict the circumstances of a potential space travel for a future society, “Capella”. Inhabitants of Capella Space Fleet are fictioned as living in similar rooms, called Ideagloos. The Ideagloo is a concept of human mind integration with virtual reality; where the environments are designed by the individuals’ minds through their imagination of a reality. In order to create an extended virtual reality, each room of an Ideagloo is consisted from robotics, that are working based on the imagination of the user .




02/ Science Fiction


Not very long ago. It was obvious from the daily life of the younger generation in the earliest years of the 21st century… The modern age was about to end. New discoveries, explorations and research were being announced while consumerism was the source of energy for every nation in its race to figure out the epicenter of this new, upcoming era. Knowledge, information, data had become an open source in the face of a global network of interactivity and connectivity yet; they were being located under the shadows of tall, never-ending, ever-growing skyscrapers. PORTFOLIO 2020

In biology of the ecosystems, if the resources are limited in a closed ecosystem (our world) and the population of the species is increasing, the ecosystem can only support a limited number of individuals. We know that nature has a unique power of modifying the ecosystem with natural selection. But if the speed of consumption is increasing rapidly without any time for evolving naturally, how are we going to decide who are the few to be the consumers? That’s how we were born. We were the ones who didn’t believe in socio-economical hierarchy. We were the ones who didn’t believe in manipulated, artificial, controlled information. We followed the science and the rules of the nature and the universe. We were scientists, engineers, writers, thinkers, workers, artists… We didn’t have any lands, countries, borders or races; we were all one. We were a whole with individual unique minds and perspectives. We created Capella; and we became the ones who chose to leave our home ecosystem.

Morin-02, Capella Space Fleet I was watching Mars today. It was so close. One day only. One more day left for Capella to orbit in Martian atmosphere. As a neurologist, I’ve come to know the theory of emotion creation and its effects in human psychology, yet, I can still not define this ignition inside me. A feeling of leaving family, home, friends, memories, but at the same time a feeling of a new start, new memories, without prejudice and manipulation. I met this man on the deck. He is a handyman who repairs the machines in the Ideagloos. He was telling me all about the diversity of people he met while working and his observations on the machines that he most commonly fixes. He usually works on the joint of batteries and virtual reality devices… He might have a point. Maybe the human mind cannot stop consuming (energy) and producing (new realities).




02/ Science Fiction


We were living individually in square-planned robotic rooms. The rooms were designed based on a kind of virtual reality borne by the human mind. The production of this virtual reality was connected to our mind. The environment we were in was filled with robots arranging the shapes and materials around us based on our own imagination. All the activities, hobbies, or places we could experience were just one imagination away from becoming our reality. Under the illusion of reality, we could create a diversity of rooms as vast as the infinite world of ideas, we could ski, parasail, skydive, we could be in any place, any nature if only we imagined. We named these rooms “Ideagloos”.


“The object of the idea constituting the human mind is the body”, Spinoza once said. As we kept on questioning the human mind, we got more and more lost in the complexity of its structure. The discussion over whether the mind creates reality, or reality creates the mind was always a question between the ancient philosophers and was still one for us.

4th Sector Ideagloo 71/D, Capella Mars Colony Today I started my day by waking up in beach house in a tropical isolated island. I ate some food and my friends here in Capella told me that we are going to ski today. It was very good until we decided to skydive afterwards. I really got scared and turned off my system. I think I’m very afraid of heights…




02/ Science Fiction


Suddenly we were sharing the others families and friends like ours. The memories we lived could be visualized in our brains, emotions and senses. The interaction between individuals was so fast that the concept of a self was gone. The language we were using became inadequate... Telepathy was now our communication tool.


We were going crazy. The number of people who got out of their Ideagloos and released themselves into space was increasing day by day. As we started to transmit our consciousness to virtual reality, we were able to share other people’s consciousness as well. We were experiencing others minds as if we were consuming other memories to expand our own perception and creativity.

M0034521245, Mars Orbit I feel like I am losing my senses. Somehow, I still remember the last human in me; a never-ending state of existence. Not physically. “The suffer never ends”; I talk to myself. Spiritually but never physically… I remember the last day of humanity. It came with the acceptance of losing.




02/ Science Fiction


One and zero… Being and absence… We were lost in this illusion we created. We knew that the only thing necessary for the continuation of this illusion that we called life, was energy. Days, months, years... It was of no importance to us anymore. The sun, always had to be with us. The time was not just hours, weeks, years or centuries at that point. All we needed was energy. Birth and death… Life became a choice for all of us. Lifelessness too. We could maintain our vitality as long as we could find energy, and the sun was always there for us.

0010100111010110, Solar System I want to close my eyes. My eyes are not there anymore. I want to listen to the music of the universe. I want to hear one’s voice. I want to share. I find myself listening to the music of the universe; the great sound of infinity. The only thing, I cannot stop it ̵̂̋̄̍̂̆̊̀h̴̑̎​̦̥̎̀̀ō̵̭̩͂ͅ ̴̨̹̯̰̭̃̓ͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴̨̩̲̹͗̓̋̑̇̀͂ȩ̬̭̤̑̍ͅr̶̬̀̋̃́ ̸̛̭̬̉č̵̱́m̴̨̓̄n̴̲ And there, insanity strikes back again ̵̮̂̋̄̍̂̆​̮ḩ̴̦̥̦̑̎̀̀ō̵̭͂ẅ̗̯̬̗́̋​̗̩ͅ ̴̨̛̹̯̰̥̭̩̃̈́̄͗ͅͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴͗̓̋̅̑̇̀̆͂n̴




02/ Science Fiction


The light that we cannot absorb and consume became a waste for us. And in order to collect the maximum amount of the light, we needed to be placed together. We were getting more and more embracing, becoming more and more engaged.


The first law of thermodynamics was explaining that the total energy of an isolated system was constant; energy could be transformed from one form to another, but it could neither be created nor destroyed. But what if the energy that we needed to consume had no limits?

The energy we absorbed was so immense that we were hotter than our sun. Our mass became so enormous that no photon could escape from us. There was no light outside. Even if there was, we would be able to absorb it. Was this becoming familiar? We have reached Singularity. In fact, we were the singularity.

^&-+#*, Singularity ̵̂̋̄̍̆̊̀h̴̦̥̑̎̀̀ō̵̭͂ͅ ̩ ̴̨̹̯̰̭̃̓ͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴̨̩̲̹͗̓̋̑̇̀͂ȩ̬̭̤̑̍ͅr̶̬̀̋̃́ ̸̛̭̬̉č̵̱́m ̴̨̓̄n̵̮̂̋̄̍̆ḩ̴̦̥̑̎̀̀ō̵̭͂w ̗̯̬̩̈́̋ͅ ̴̨̛̹̯̰̥̭̩̃̈́̄͗ͅͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴͗̓̋̅̑̇̀̆͂n̴ ̵̂̋̄̍̆̊̀h̴̦̥̑̎̀̀ ō̵̭͂ ̩ͅ ̴̨̹̯̰̭̃̓ͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴̨̩̲̹͗̓̋̑̇̀͂ȩ̬̭̤̑̍ͅr̶̬̀̋̃́ ̸̛̭̬̉ č̵̱́m ̴̨̓̄n ̵̮̂̋̄̍̆ o ̵̭̄͂w ̗̯̬̩̈́̋ͅ ̴̨̛̹̯̰̥̭̩̃̈́̄͗ͅͅe̴̯̹̓̈́ v̴͗̓̋̅̑̇̀̆͂n̴ ̵̂̋̄̍̆̊̀ h̴̦̥̑̎̀̀ō̵̭̩͂ͅ ̴̨̹̯̰̭̃̓ͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴̨̩̲̹͗̓̋̑̇̀͂ȩ̬̭̤̑̍ͅr̶̬̀̋̃́ ̸̛̭̬̉č̵̱́m̴̨̓̄n̵̮̂̋̄̍̆ḩ̴̦̥̑̎̀̀ō̵̭͂ẅ̗̯̬̩́̋ͅ ̴̨̛̹̯̰̥̭̩̃̈́̄͗ͅͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴͗̓̋̅̑̇̀̆͂n̴ ̵̂̋̄̍̆̊̀h̴̦̥̑̎̀̀ō̵̭̩͂ͅ ̴̨̹̯̰̭̃̓ͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴̨̩̲̹͗̓̋̑̇̀͂ȩ̬̭̤̑̍ͅr̶̬̀̋̃́ ̸̛̭̬̉č̵̱́m ̴̨̓̄n ̵̮̂̋̄̍̆h ̴̧̦̥̑̎̀̀ō̵̭͂ w ̗̯̬̩̈́̋ͅ ̴̨̛̹̯̰̥̭̩̃̈́̄͗ͅͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴͗̓̋̅̑̇̀̆͂n̴ ̵̂̋̄̍̆̊̀ h̴̦̥̑̎̀̀ō̵̭̩͂ͅ ̴̨̹̯̰̭̃̓ͅe̴̯̹̓̈́ v ̴̨̩̲̹͗̓̋̑̇̀͂ȩ̬̭̤̑̍ͅr̶̬̀̋̃́ ̸̛̭̬̉č̵̱́ m̴̨̓̄n̵̮̂̋̄̍̆ḩ̴̦̥̑̎̀̀ō̵̭͂ẅ̗̯̬̩́̋ͅ ̴̨̛̹̯̰̥̭̩̃̈́̄͗ͅͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴͗̓̋̅̑̇̀̆͂n̴ ̵̂̋̄̍̆̊̀h̴̦̥̑̎̀̀ ō̵̭͂ͅ ̩ ̴̨̹̯̰̭̃̓ͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v ̴̨̩̲̹͗̓̋̑̇̀͂ȩ̬̭̤̑̍ͅr̶̬̀̋̃́ ̸̛̭̬̉č̵̱́m̴̨̓̄n̵̮̂̋̄̍̆ḩ̴̦̥̑̎̀̀ō̵̭͂ ẅ̗̯̬̩́̋ͅ ̴̨̛̹̯̰̥̭̩̃̈́̄͗ͅͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴͗̓̋̅̑̇̀̆͂ n̴ ̵̂̋̄̍̆̊̀h̴̦̥̑̎̀̀ō̵̭͂ ̩ͅ ̴̨̹̯̰̭̃̓ͅe̴̯̹̓̈́v̴̨̩̲̹͗̓̋̑̇̀͂ȩ̬̭̤̑̍ͅr


Sprout | An Installation from Kitbashing, Summer’19


03/ Education

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them” Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics

Experiential learning also known is the process of learning through experience, and is more specifically defined as “learning through reflection on doing”. According to David Kolb, knowledge is continuously gained through both personal and environmental experiences.


“In order to gain genuine knowledge from an experience, the learner must be willing to be actively involved in the experience; be able to reflect on the experience; possess and use analytical skills to conceptualize the experience; possess decision making and problem solving skills in order to use the new ideas gained from the experience.”



[IDTM] naturalhistorymuseum, virtualreality extendedreality, museum, robocoaster storyofus, comics, storytelling

istanbul natural history museum

extending the reality: experience meets museology 2018 | Graduation Project

jury Huseyin Kahvecioglu, Alisan Cirakoglu, location Istanbul, Turkey

Experience is defined as “practical contact with the observation of facts or events” and is an integral parameter of learning. Today at every educational level, students have laboratory, theory, application, and practice classes aiming to inject analytical thinking to the new generations. Museums are opportunities for us to expand our visions, providing a place to observe artwork, learn about culture, history, and science. With the developments in virtual reality technology, we are able to transmit feelings, emotions, and sensations more efficiently. By balancing the virtual and the real, we can add “experience” in today’s museology. By extending matter into virtuality, we can live an artwork or travel to a historical century not only by sight but with all of our senses. It’s like living inside the story of “Guernica”; or hearing the screams of Edward Munch; or touching Mona Lisa’s face in Da Vinci’s house.


Mine Ozkar, Esra Kahveci, Ayse Nil Turkeri

Today, we are using VR technology while playing games, while doing research before traveling to a different country, while presenting a design, as well as in a plethora of other instances. The virtualization of every activity is probably the next step forward in today’s technological world. We can experience many adventures in our devices; hence, why don’t we design rooms based on virtual reality? Inside a virtual reality, we can touch a dolphin while actually touching something made out of a similar material to dolphin skin. We can get kidnapped by a flying dinosaur virtually while we are really carried by a robot. The rooms in IDTM are designed to reach all of the senses like happiness, anxiety, fear, etc. that you will probably never feel or experience. What if you are in a jungle and being chased by a giant gorilla? Feeling his breath, sensing his moves, hearing his haunting screams…



03/ Education

Istanbul Natural History Museum


In terms of today’s evolving museum typology, Istanbul Natural History Museum aims for the visitors to feel sensations that they have never felt before while providing for a cultural and scientific tour. Technology and virtual reality are used here to show parts of nature that cannot be depicted in books like swimming with a shark, racing with a cheetah by bike, or being caught inside a whale.


In this context, the circulation progresses as a chronology of three historical periods: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. The journey ends in the rooms of “Global Warming” and “The Year of 2818” that were designed and fictionalized with virtual reality, aimed to create awareness about sustainability and recycling among visitors.


03/ Education

Kagithane | Istanbul



The project is located at the intersection of Imrahor Avenue and Yanki Street. The proposal aims to create a natural history museum with a strong relation to Hasbahce (park)


Design To create a natural garden surrounded by Hasbahce and other natural elements, the mass placement is cut and three different volumes emerge. The focus of the Istanbul Natural History Museum is the plane-

um is the planetarium which is located inside the biggest mass. The heights of the other masses have been decreased step by step in order to create an artificial flow. The centers of the following volumes have

been extracted to create large spaces and courtyards, that benefit from natural light. While these areas are covered with glass, to provide

controlled solar shading, the roof is designed from separate panels. An open courtyard with stairs is placed next to the Kagithane River to create a relationship with Hasbahce.


Northeast Elevation


03/ Education


Entrance The Istanbul Natural History Museum welcomes its guests with a large courtyard.



The proposal keeps the museum within a path of trees. While moving from gallery to gallery, the visitors pass through an open, experiencial, natural exhibition.


Education Two classes, a large workshop, a library, as well as a large auditorium for conferances and lectures are incorporated in the program.


Relation The museum is located directly on the Kagithane River and grand Hasbahce. The slightly elevated ground next to the Kagithane River creates a new perspective of Hasbahce.




03/ Education






03/ Education





03/ Education


Second and First Floor



Ground and Base Floor




03/ Education





04/ Research

Coastal City | Fall ‘19


is the combination of artificial lands created with the aspects of Ha Long Bay, Andryuskino, Venice, Chicago, Seoul respectively based on the predictions of urban development after anthropogenic climate change in South Florida region.





04/ Research

Computer vision tasks include methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing and understanding digital images, and extraction of high-dimensional data from the real world in order to produce numerical or symbolic information, e.g. in the forms of decisions. Tim Morris. Computer Vision and Image Processing

â€œâ€Ś. In the City as a Machine, flow is particularly important, as it physically connects pieces of the city that has been segregated and separated by industrialization.â€? David Grahame Shane. Recombinant Urbanism. p.43.


How do the machines see our cities?


cities as/from machine

cityasmachine, machinelearning artificialintelligence, hybridcities, globalwarming sealevelrise, latentspace, imgsequence, dataset, deeplearning

artificial hybrid cities

urbanisms through algorithms 04.a transpose 04.b de/re -forming

As a radical diversion from the parametric mainstays of contemporary digital architectural production, Generative Adversarial Network algorithms (GANs) allow machines to collaborate with human designers creatively, rather than merely automating design schemes planned by the human designer. In this regard, deep learning algorithms represent the emergence of “machine creativity,� or a machine mind where algorithms have significant autonomy from their human creators. This emergent reality allows for an unprecedented human-machine collaboration to create novel design agendas. The concept and narrative of City as Machine have been thought through years, as humanity kept on involving machines in society. Like a complex machine that has different sections, levels and mechanisms run for a specific purpose, cities have diverse regions and parts where the flow of people between industries creates organic growth.


2019-20 | Academic Project | Deep Urbanism

The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), already in development for decades, is currently undergoing a reinvigorated boom due to its rapid adoption by developers, entrepreneurs and most recently by artists and architects. To push the limits of artificial intelligence, research is aiming to experiment on a new perspective for architectural and urban design. The concept, city as machine, has being extended with machine vision (from machine). City as/from Machine, is a research exploring the way machines see our environments, as well as the way they read socioeconomic, demographic, architectural and urbanistic forms in relation to human activity. In this new model of urbanism, viewed through the optical and algorithmic lens of technology, physical elements of urbanity become the canvases and boundaries for data to be forged from.




04/ Research



transpose cityasfrommachine, deeplearning recycling, e-waste, lithiumbattery automation, roboticfarming, cityasindustry

: to change the relative position, order, or sequence of; cause to change places; interchange

learning from metacity: synthetic urbanity for the post-anthropocene instructors Guvenc Ozel, Benjamin Ennemoser location Phnom Penh, Cambodia

According to NASA, in 30 years, the impact of rising sea levels will be much more severe than previously thought, “threatening to all but erasing some of the world’s great coastal cities” in low-lying areas from Egypt’s Nile Delta to southern and eastern China to Southeast Asia. Researchers and government officials have long known that Southeast Asia is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to climate change. Cities like Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, and Ho Chi Minh, the economic capital of Vietnam, are expected to be underwater along with many coastal regions. The capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, is predicted to avoid the sea level rise due to its distance from the sea. That would create a radical increase in Phnom Penh’s population due to migration from surrounding cities dealing with sea-level rise. As a result, this population explosion may affect the socio-economical structure and create conditions of cheap labor.

For many years Mekong has been a trans-boundary river which, today, runs between six countries starting from China to


2020 | Academic Project | Deep Urbanism

Vietnam, and ending in open sea. Mekong is a connector of many cities, including Phnom Penh, for the transportation of goods from agricultural activities to exterior global trades. With the rise of the sea levels, the coastline is predicted to move closer to Phnom Penh, which may lead Phnom Penh ports to develop, due to the increase in trade and transportation.

The amount of e-waste generated every year by the world is equivalent to the weight of 5000 Eiffel Towers and is expected to increase logarithmically in the near future. Currently, the world dumps its waste into sites in Africa and Southeast Asia, creating unhealthy conditions for the recycling workers. E-waste recycling, comprised of batteries, circuit boards, and bundles of wires, is becoming an individual industry since the involved materials such as Lithium, Nickel, and Gold are valuable and reusable. Lithium Battery, which can be directly produced from the recycling procedure, is predicted to create a robust industry in the world’s future energy production.


04/ Research


01.1/ City as Machine

01/ Natural Process Simple mechanical and natural process

02/ Artificial Nature Greenhouses, gardens, and farmlands, where the goods become production for a basic industry


In 30 years, the division of human and machine labor inside industries is predicted to be strongly affected by the developments in automation. The project considers research for the technical potential for automation across different sectors. The proposal is aiming to create human circulation and flow throughout the city,

03/ Automated Farmlands is technology that makes farms more efficient and automates the crop or livestock production cycle. An increasing number of companies are working on robotics innovation to develop drones, autonomous tractors, robotic harvesters, automatic watering, and seeding robots

and is focusing on the recycling industry and Lithium Battery manufacturing, in order to process as a machine, while using Phnom Penh’s agricultural and natural benefits as an energy source. Drawings demonstrate several processes and the requirements in human and machine workload and workflow in specific industries.

04/ R

T c c p a i w c p a m



The whole process starts with the arrival of the recycles. Based on their size and materials, waste is first categorized and disassembled by workers, a difficult process for automation. In order to keep the city flowing as a working device, the proposal divides the process into two branches after the categorization: (i) recycles which can be involved in the sectors for daily life; (ii) recycles that are used for Lithium Battery production. The process continues with shredding, cutting, pulverization and automated recycling; ending with the storage of the materials

05/ Lithium Battery production The renewable battery technology, Lithium Battery, has six common chemistries, all with their unique advantages and disadvantages based on their use. The production process of Lithium Batteries has five steps: agitation, coating, slitter, winding and stacking and aging. The whole production is likely to be fully automated, only requiring human decision-making

01.2/ Process Diagrams

A simple mechanical and natural process has been visualized in drawing “01� where the beginning is displayed with an unfilled circle and the end is shown with a filled one. The hatched area shows the parts which require outside forces as an energy source. demonstrates human physical labor, while is showing human decision-making requirement. displays the machine physical labor, while is displaying the data achieved from computers and used for workers in decision-making situations.



04/ Research

01.3/ Zonal Division for Industrial Development


The 4350 km long Mekong River, a source of natural fertility along its banks, becomes a design factor for the direction of urban development. The map shows the division of lands based on the advantages of the geographical positions, to create a big, combined, and complex industry.

The north of Mekong is covered with farmlands for the region’s agriculture, while the south, opens to the ocean providing a bridge to the outside world. To maintain the connections of Phnom Penh, the south of the city was designed for industrial development, while the north was formed as a source of resources and energy for the inhabitants and the industries.


01.4/ Circulation and Flow

energy source


output input

The city is designed based on a simple machine workflow, that requires an input (recycles), an outside force (agriculture for inhabitants), and an output (Lithium Battery). The Circulation of the city was determined by the positions of needed industries in this process. The drawing displays the City as Machine process and the human flow and the circulation between industries.

Circles with dashed lines demonstrate several industries from recycling, lithium battery production, and agricultural production.



04/ Research

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)


Convolutional Neural Network(CNN or ConvNet) is a class of deep neural networks which is mostly used for image recognition, image classification, object detection, etc. Image classification is the task of taking an input image and outputting a class or a probability of classes that best describes the image. In CNN, we take an image as an input, assign importance to its various aspects/features in the image and are able to differentiate one from another. Pytorch



02.1/ City from Machine

01 Effects of Sea Level Rise To predict the effects of water level on riversides, the map of the whole region, including Phnom Penh, was reproduced by Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), by creating a dataset from the entire region and the images of some of the world’s greenest (fertile) riversides, such as “Li River Valley, China”, “Yulong River Valley, China” and “Sacred Valley, Peru”.

Agriculture 02 Farm datasets were created from a large collection of organized farmlands from all over the world. The dataset is consists of lands in the US, Australia, Russia and Southeast Asia.

03 Industry PORTFOLIO 2020

To initiate industrial development, a dataset was created from cities with dense and industrial urban planning. Cities like Madrid, Melbourne, Mumbai, and Shanghai are the cities in the dataset.

04 Population Growth With the predicted population explosion due to migration from the surrounding cities, the east part of Phnom Penh, which has already started to develop, was predicted to be more populated. The dataset was created from the surrounding cities such as Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh, and current Phnom Penh.

The City 05 The West side of the map is where the population of Phnom Penh is located. The project is proposing an economic growth in Phnom Penh. As a result, we created a dataset consisting of Singapore and Hong Kong.

00 By using deep learning algorithms, such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), it is possible to combine two images while keeping one’s various aspects or features. CNN allows urban studies to visualize cities from other urban perspectives, cultures, economies, and social structures. The process begins by creating

two datasets of maps to make CNN learn and memorize aspects and features of two identities (training), followed by a testing process where the algorithm applies one map to another.




04/ Research




04/ Research


de/re -forming cityasfrommachine, deeplearning recycling, e-waste, lithiumbattery automation, roboticfarming, cityasindustry

: distort the shape or form of; : to change and improve by alteration, substitution, abolition, etc.

architecture of dataism: exploiting computational systems for architectural production 2019 | Academic Project | Deep Urbanism


instructors Guvenc Ozel, Benjamin Ennemoser with Irem Uygur location Mexico City, Mexico

In the cities that we live in, machines are constantly documenting and surveilling human activity and urban form. By deploying these constant optical and algorithmic modes of surveillance, how do the machines see our cities? And if they could imagine a city based on what they have seen, what would it look like? Based on these concepts of surveillance and machine intelligence, by using GAN algorithms, the goal of this research is to generate synthetic panoramas of Mexico City, a capital with unique socioeconomic, demographic, architectural and urbanistic traits.


We used drone footages and videos created from Google Earth as our training data for the DCGAN to learn from, and created large datasets from three different parts of Mexico City. These datasets were then fed into the DCGAN.

DCGAN (Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network), is a type of artificial neural network that can generate fake images based on what it learns from a particular image-based data set. Among “computer-designed” images, we picked the best-genereted image sample, where both the plan and elevation morphologies are visible, to extract as many architectural and urbanistic characteristics as possible. In order to infiltrate the emergent massing with additional design elements, we used an additional algorithm called “Style Transfer”. These influences will add an additional layer of complexity for facade generation, ornamentation and other modalities and scales of architectural expression.




04/ Research

Massing The massing is designed from the most descriptive images of DCGAN results. Image shows a combination of three typologies : “old town”, “suburban”, and “downtown”.


Deep Learning | StyleGAN


Style GAN is a low-level GAN, that allow us to operate almost like a DJ, where we visually “sample” contemporary aesthetic influences to infiltrate additional aesthetic agendas into the block model and explore their architectural potential. We used artworks from several artists to

exploit another perspective for design. Works of ‘Johannes Mercier’ were used in old town; the experimental and organic approach of ‘Bart&Hess’ was used in suburban; artworks of ‘Casey Reas’ -who was using DCGAN algorithm- were used in the downtown area for the final part of machine-design.

Old Town


Final Models

exploded axonometry The drawing demonstrates architectural details from old town building. Levels and floors are designed intuitively over the Style-GAN result, which sits on an interior structural core.


Final proposals were desined based on the Style-GAN results. The language of the different areas were interpreted and desined with architectural details and /71



04/ Research


Old Town



Mexico City

Mexico City

Mexico City

The design of the Old Town is based on different stages of machine learning processes. After creating a dataset from the historical parts of Mexico City, a very raw mass design was made from the generated image. In order to add additional cultural and historical language, another training was made by including a dataset of building facades in Mexico City. The rendering demonstrates the final design of Old Town with historical aspects from a vision of human-machine collaboration.

The rendering displays the design of a Downtown building. In order to implement an industrial language, we used steel as the material of the outside mesh, which was generated from an artwork of Casey Reas via Style-GAN.

The residential area dataset included both low-rise and high-rise buildings which emerged a modular high-rised building. The outside mesh created an organic form on a core structure, which enabling a unique modular architecture.




04/ Research


img_seq1246| Fall ‘19

generated by a machine learning algorithm that the computer was trained with, a dataset consisted of pictures of building facades in Mexico City



05/ Function

An activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing.

“To create architecture is to put in order. Put what in order? Function and objects.�


Le Corbusier



sirkeci hub historicalpeninsula, transportationhub sirkecigar, orientexpress, listedbuilding mobility, naturallight, landmark

the effective center of an activity, region, or network

connection of networks and varieties 2016 | Academic Project | Studio VII Revised in 2020

‘Sirkeci’ is a region in the Eminönü neighborhood of the Fatih district in Istanbul, Turkey. Sirkeci hosts the Sirkeci Station, the Southeastern (thus “Oriental”) long-distance passenger train terminus in Europe for the Orient Express. The neighborhood consists mostly of commercial and tourist-oriented uses. A combination of small shops, hans (larger workshops), offices intermingle with boutique hotels, traditional Turkish restaurants, Turkish and foreign-language bookstores, and tourist offices. In the Byzantine period, the area was known as Phosphorion According to legend, the Delphic Oracle first instructed the Megarions to establish a city here. During the Byzantine Empire, Constantine chose this very spot as his capital, and it was here that the keys to the city were given to Mehmed the Conquerer. Every emperor and every king cherished dreams of this place...welcome, then, to one of the most important witnesses of world history, the Historical Peninsula.

Upon stepping onto this peninsula, one can gaze directly at some of the world’s most important historical monuments, Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, the Topkapı Palace. Along with them lie centuries-old churches, mosques, and houses along the Golden Horn.


instructor Bunyamin Derman location Sirkeci, Istanbul

Famous as the terminating point for the Orient Express, Sirkeci remains one of the main travel hubs for Istanbul, connecting suburban train, tram and ferry systems. The Sirkeci Station of the Turkish State Railways is the terminating node of the European railway network leading into Istanbul, the two main lines from Thessaloniki, Greece and Bucharest, Romania. Moreover, this is the terminal of the suburban railway line leading to Halkalı along the Marmara shore. The Marmaray project under construction, an underwater railway tunnel, built under the Bosporus and connecting the European and Asian networks, will also serve this area.



05/ Function

01.1/ Region Sarayburnu is a promontory quarter separating the Golden Horn and the Sea of Marmara in Istanbul. The area is where the renowned Topkapı Palace and Gülhane Park stand. Sarayburnu is included in the historic areas of Istanbul,and was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985.

03.1/ Design


is aiming to create an interaction between the Marmara Sea and the Sirkeci Station. Based on Istanbul’s long history, the area still has underground remains of old walls and aged trees from the Byzantine period creating a unique relation between the land and sea. The locations of the historical artifacts became the design guide for the positioning of the hub. Due its proximity to the sea-level and its low-rise development, the area is illuminated naturally during the day; therefore, the design is aiming to keep this premise underground.


02.1/ Sirkeci Station PORTFOLIO 2020

built in 1890 as the eastern terminus of the infamous Orient Express, Sirkeci Terminal has become a symbol of the city.

03.2/ Sirkeci Hub Sirkeci Hub proposes the connection of all transportation modes meeting in Sirkeci in one design, while at the same time protecting the urban historical landmarks. Located in a neuralgic transportational node, the Hub practically works as an network intersection, daily guiding over one million people in Istanbul.


05/ Function

02.2/ Orient Express


Historical railway, created in 1883 to be the main transportation vehicle of the big cities of Europe from Paris to Istanbul (Constantinople). In 1977, Orient Express stopped serving Istanbul.

01.2/ Transportation in Sirkeci


The area is located on the connection of different transportation networks such as Marmaray, Kennedy Street, bicycle path, Istanbul Tram Line and various Istanbul Ferry Lines.







05/ Function


03.3/ Circulation

the ground floor is designed to collect the transiting public. Ferry stations, tram stops, Marmaray and bike routes are located on this level. The crowded Kennedy Street and bus stops are shifted to the underground level and the flow of the people is circulated around the interior courtyard.


05/ Function

03.4/ Roof is an open terrace and park that is located on the same level with the Sirkeci Station.

03.5/ Light


the proposal gets natural light on all of its levels. A large central atrium, accompanied with linear openings on the sides, allows for the natural light to penetrate the layers.

03.6/ Relation


In the past decades, Sirkeci was home of fishermen, and the harbour could easily be reached from inner streets. Currently, sirkeci harbour is used as a ferry station. The design is aiming to create a new harbour that is designed on this foot print of interactivity between the sea and city.

Bicycle Lane The bike routes, deriving from the masterplan proposal for Sirkeci and the Hub, are designed to spread in to the parks of the historical peninsula.





05/ Function

Morning Coffee


Guests are welcomed with coffee shops and markets right after entering the building.


Courtyard Sirkeci Hub reduces the high tempo of transportation with a monumental tree located on the middle of the design.




05/ Function







for more/ PORTFOLIO 2020

onurkoyun94@gmail.com +1 (310) 689 8811 https://issuu.com/onurkoyun

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